And That's Why We Drink - E71 Spicy Highways and the New Brazilian Evangelical Gay Church of Murderers

Episode Date: June 10, 2018

In episode 71, Em covers the Yuma Territorial Prison, Arizona’s first prison, built by its own inmates…and still haunted by them. Meanwhile, Christine covers the gruesome double-murder perpetrated... by 18-year-old Suzane von Richthofen and her boyfriend. And that's why we drink! Go to to try a pair of Felix Gray glasses today!Havenly - Get 25% off your design package by visiting!Use promo code DRINK for $10 off your first FabFitFun box at! Visit and use promo code DRINK40 when you subscribe for 40% off your first order! Go to DAILY-HARVEST.COM and enter promo code DRINK to get three items FREE off your first box!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 birthday week is over yes and i want to thank you for an amazing second birthday that we spent together yeah oh thank you we had a great time i thought i i mean yeah i thought so too well so we had a birthday show and it went really well and so many people brought us amazing gifts and then em and I did our own gift exchange on video that we're going to put on patreon for all our ten dollar plus uh subscribers and there was one thing that I was lamenting over because it had not arrived and today I got home and no way it arrived now and it was not even what I remembered ordering because it was truly like I said three weeks ago but I'm pretty sure it was
Starting point is 00:00:50 more like six weeks ago and I opened it and I was like oh my what have I done is it not what you thought it was it's not what I thought I was but it's here for you and I'm gonna give it to you now because it just arrived at my house today this is my final gift to you this gemini season 2018 okay oh what does this say on the on the box i didn't see anything i just saw sugar bush okay it's a sugar is it a sugar bush stuffed animal because i don't i don't know what it is because i just opened and went this is a bigger box than i expected holy fuck it's an actual replica of sugarbush i must have ordered that when i was drunk i don't remember you had to have been no sober person thanks because in the video i said i ordered you a sugarbush birthday card and it hasn't arrived yeah and then this shows up at my door
Starting point is 00:01:36 and i'm like oh my oh my i made quite a choice i went a little overboard wait what does it say on the top there's there's a lid, hang on, hang on, hang on. There's a lot of things happening. Okay. Okay, sugar. Okay, first. Oh my God, I'm looking at it. I'm losing it.
Starting point is 00:01:49 No, hang on, hang on. Okay, I'm sorry. I'm going to cover it with my hands because it's a clear casing he came in. I can't breathe. Okay, read it. Okay, so first, there is a gold sticker, one of two. The gold sticker says, Sugarbush Squirrel, Happy Birthday Squirrel. So I'm guessing that's the theme because there's multiple taxidermied stuffed Sugarbush Squirrels.
Starting point is 00:02:07 Obviously. This is the theme of happy birthday, Squirrel. And then hashtag ad slash I'm also drunk. Then there's a second larger sticker with Sugarbush dressed as an investigator. Oh, thank God.
Starting point is 00:02:28 And a personal quote from Sugarbush, which reads... Hold on. Okay, go. Be sure to remove all rubber bands and small objects from plush squirrel before giving to a small child. Wow, Sugarbush knows his shit. Alright, time to crack this open. I forgot to remove all the rubber bands before giving it to the small child.
Starting point is 00:02:43 That is you. Okay. I can to remove all the rubber bands before giving it to the small child. The sugar bush. That is you. Okay. Oh! I can't fucking stand this. Oh my god! What is wrong with people? And for the second year in a row, Christine Schieffer nails the birthday game. Look at it!
Starting point is 00:02:58 It's literally Sugarbush dressed in a birthday hat with a robe, and he's holding a little bouquet of balloons. He has white converse. He has a t-shirt that says happy birthday in sequence. It's the size of an actual squirrel. It's the size of a real squirrel. This is so alarming. And there's a note that came with it with Sugarbush, real Sugarbush, in the real happy birthday outfit, by the way. Oh, there it is.
Starting point is 00:03:21 And it says Sugarbush squirrel wishes you a happy birthday. And excuse me, the paper clip is squirrel shaped that is not true here's what happened i'm pretty sure i ordered the card and then it was like would you like to add this gigantic thing to your order of a birthday card and i was like yes please i'm not kidding it there i'm most impressed by the by the paper clip i think the paper clips a nice novelty that's a nice touch also this card i think you were supposed to write something well but i just arrived here i can't it says sugar bush squirrel wishes you a happy i love that there's absolutely no way this was a sober choice so you defending yourself saying no i was drunk
Starting point is 00:04:01 it's like yeah i know you're like that was not a question that's absolutely true oh my god it's truly it's bone chilling it's nuts it's nuts so here's the thing even do not laugh at that here's the thing yeah today i went into my facebook so paypal sends me like receipts through facebook messenger which i don't know how that happens and were you like why the fuck is a sugarbush squirrel card 40 how did you take the words it goes it because i was like trying to track it so i looked through my facebook messages and it was like 39.99 from sugarbush oh it's really 40 39.99 from sugarbush squirrel ink and i was like did i pay 40 for a fucking picture of a squirrel but this is so worth it so when this arrived i was like oh hell yeah you're like well this makes sense so i'm almost glad that this arrived after our video just so it could be like like post hangover so even you got surprised oh this is so exciting for me truly this is just i wonder oh my god look at the back of this card it has a photo of this the world's most
Starting point is 00:05:01 photographed squirrel can you take a picture of this and then i'll give you a phone number to send this to because it's oh my god it's so insane it has shoes on okay elevator music i'm sorry all right anyway we're back anyway sugarbush is wearing keds not converse i'd just like to clarify that makes it better way better yeah yeah i wish he was like little like little vans man this is great this is great wow i don't even remember i'm so proud of drunk christine i'm so good when i'm drunk i know anyway it was also like several months ago so i feel like i i sometimes do this where i'm like brilliant idea and then i run away from it and i'm like it'll surprise me later and that's exactly what i do that remember you told me that um
Starting point is 00:05:50 sleep me is drunk me remember my starbucks yes exactly when i'm really tired i might as well be drunk because i walk to starbucks and buy myself presents and then when i wake up i'm so surprised i even write myself notes i'm like you. And literally wrote themselves a note that said, love you. And then left a bunch of snacks on the coffee table and woke up to a note. And I was sleeping on the couch. So I literally just rolled over from my nap. And then woke up to. And then was like, look at this.
Starting point is 00:06:18 What a nice message someone left me. And it was my handwriting and my favorite foods. And I was like, I know Sleep Me wouldn't buy anything for anyone else. See, this is what I'm saying. So it so it's not i'm sorry i need some wine um anyway happy birthday thank you that's for you thank you for all my presents i've already drank out of my custom m's diner milkshake yay m got me some bob's burger stuff some nickelodeon oh i didn't even tell you i was wearing my nickelodeon so i had a bobsburgers shirt on with this crazy pattern then m came over and gave me nickelodeon a patterned pajama pants
Starting point is 00:06:52 so they were like this crazy combination and i said haha can you imagine if i wore this out in public a couple hours later i'm falling asleep on the couch it's on my birthday we hear this horrifying like crashing that lasts for probably like 10 seconds blaze and i like instinctively run out the front door there's like a car on fire on the street bordering or like neighboring ours and there's like this guy staggering around and we're like oh my god so i'm calling 911 which by the way it took me eight tries to get through because i kept saying all operators are busy goodbye and hanging up on me well that's a fun way that's a fun thing to know before i need to call so in case anyone is wondering it took eight tries to reach fucking nine one one so i called
Starting point is 00:07:30 nine one eight fucking times finally got through and i was like yeah hi there's a fucking car on fire and they're like is anyone in it and i'm like i don't know because i'm not gonna walk up to it because it's on fire and so we're like dealing with, this drunk guy hit six cars outside of our street, totaled three of them, totaled his own Mercedes, caught the car on fire, stumbled out of it, told the police that another guy was driving his car, a stranger, and he ran away. And we were like, what? So I'm obviously like eavesdropping on the conversation with the police. The police are like, put out your cigarette right now and then like arrest him because he fucking did it um anyway i'm talking to our my neighbor and i'm like oh it's so nice to like chat with you finally and then i see you're kind of glancing down and i'm like i'm wearing the fucking bobs burgers and nickelodeon and i look so insane
Starting point is 00:08:19 and i was like it's my birthday and they were like what is wrong with her meanwhile christine texted me in the middle of the night saying oh yeah I just called 9-1-1 and then I was texting her like okay what happened I'm like are you alive and then I woke up the next morning and she hadn't texted me and then come 10 o'clock that morning I'm like okay I should probably start getting worried and so I texted your brother and I was like is Christine good because she cryptically told me that she didn't respond no i responded many times oh i didn't see that well you're i was like christine cryptically texted me i had to call 9-1-1 last night and then has never gotten back to me so is the house not on fire the message was i just called 9-1-1 happy birthday me and then i just like stopped
Starting point is 00:09:01 i'm apologizing for that now that That's fine. How are you? Why are you drinking? Besides thinking I was dead for maybe a second. I'm drinking because I'm just very stressed about this whole month. That being said, actually, we are not going to be having a Facebook live this month, right? Because either I'm busy, or Christine's busy. There's no overlapping weekend where we actually get to see each other this month. Right. But instead, next month, we have not asked Classic Kevin, but we're going to ask Classic Kevin to do two.
Starting point is 00:09:34 We're asking him right now. Hello? Are you listening? Hello? Fresh. We're asking Classic Kevin to do two stories for our Patreon page instead of the Patreon listener episode episode so that will go out to everyone also speaking of ck we had our live show in irvine this weekend it was eva's first show that she came to oh thank god she was there she she and christine pitched in and got me this awesome ice cream cake that was in the shape of a haunted house with ghosts on it
Starting point is 00:10:02 and uh a lot of people sent us amazing presents and gave us such nice presents ck gave me ck sent from the uk a captain america build-a-bear and named it captain m erica which is just so precious and then priscilla gave me an affinity gauntlet that's also a can koozie uh like you can pour your drinks in it it's amazing i have not stopped wearing it uh priscilla got me a wine glass and she said she couldn't bring it and it was she's like she was all distraught and she was like it was supposed to be part of your gift and it got messed up because i had i wanted it to say hash i sent it out to get engraved to say hashtag i love lamp
Starting point is 00:10:40 but they sent it back and it said i I love lump. Which is kind of better. I laughed so hard and she's like, oh no, should I have given it to you that way? And I was like, no, don't stress. Like, don't worry. But it was such a funny story. I was like, what a strange. But so many people came out. We, after our show, we wanted to meet everyone.
Starting point is 00:10:57 So we ended up standing outside for like two and a half hours with everyone. Oh, we got kicked out of yard house. We got kicked out of yard house because there was too many of you guys so they were like get out of here so uh just thank you to everyone that came out to irvine thank you to eva for being our emotional backbone in the green room because i was having a shit show poor eva um and the show was actually really fun um we're gonna post the audio of that sometime soon also we have some shows coming up the june 17th show is sold out in hollywood but we have some east coast shows coming up we cannot announce all of the dates yet
Starting point is 00:11:29 all we know so far is dc there are two other ones coming that you guys should get excited for and we'll post the tickets soon so keep up to date on our social media yes also this episode is sponsored by samantha s hi smith s i forgot to mention that earlier so sam samantha sammy how do you what are you mantha sammy sweetheart sammy sweetheart this is for you we love you also what song finch yeah your song yeah did you like it yeah okay so i had a song finch song made for him because i was like what a throwback to like our original sponsor and also it was uh we had it's like real neat that like a year ago on our birthday we like had just made our first song finch song and we were celebrating our birthday and we were like well what if like next year like you imagine where we'll be next year like maybe
Starting point is 00:12:22 we'll have done like a live show and we had no idea we would be doing one on our birthday yeah i forgot about and so it was very touching that on our live show on our birthday which we could have never dreamed of you're playing a song finch song for me and i did not know how to react it was awful i felt like i put you in a weird spot because i played the song at the beginning of the show when m was already so fucking nervous no it gave me a second to like chill the fuck out. But also I did not know Christine was going to play it. All I knew was just let go, let God. And she was like, something's going to happen. Just get on stage.
Starting point is 00:12:53 Just shut up. Just shut up and let it happen. But it was really sweet. Apparently Allison almost started crying. Yeah, Allison did say. And it was, God, it made me cry so many times that I had to watch it six times before the show to make sure I got it out of my system because they did many times that i had to watch it six times before the show to make sure i got it out of my system um because they did such a good job and nailed it i want
Starting point is 00:13:10 to play it for you guys here it really it's short and it's really nice and i just want you guys to hear it um it has a lot of like podcast references and like friendship references and um geo references it's mostly about geo and um and their bond. It's almost like Gio wrote a song for me. Yes, pretty much. I'm out of the picture, really. So here's the song. And Songfinch is, again, like this isn't even sponsored, but they are an amazing company. And if you guys use, I think they still use the code WhyWeDrink and it gets $20 off.
Starting point is 00:13:39 So, you know, for Father's Day or anything, it's a really great gift idea. And I want you guys to hear it because I can't stop playing it and i need everyone to hear it it's not a crime it's not a mystery my best friend, he's the one who gets me. Although there is a slight chance it's only for my dog. Yeah, I want to thank you for your ghost stories. And for all the things that we've been through. I'm for all the things that we've been through I'd like to raise a glass That's why we drink to you
Starting point is 00:14:51 We know he's brave, we know he's kind And if that's not enough, he's got a brilliant mind And I'll never forget the time we spent On tractor rides with Farmer Bob He'll be there when I say I do He'll help me leave my comfort zone I'm a girl. For all the things that we've been through Yeah, I'd like to raise a glass That's why we drink to you I want to thank you for your stories. For all the things that we've been through.
Starting point is 00:16:03 I'd like to raise a glass cause that's why we drink too that's why we drink too okay there it is best song
Starting point is 00:16:23 thank you for that song that was very very sweet oh oh man we've been talking a while sorry y'all wow that was expected let's go when is that not the case all right i've got my sugar bush that's what she said that was real good guys i'm hilarious that was a real good one oh god can you imagine if we just like had him mounted next to the two it's actually really perfect oh i'll get him a little shelf right here sorry i would love to hear a story tell me a story uh okay i was for a second i was gonna be like i don't have a story yeah you seemed like you were hesitant yeah and then i was like that's not gonna be funny but i said it anyway. So this comes from Yuma, Arizona, where it apparently does snow.
Starting point is 00:17:10 We are very aware of all of the emails. I get it. There's snow in Arizona. We get it. Sorry. We get it. Sorry. There's mountains.
Starting point is 00:17:18 I know. English isn't Christine's first language. Neither is geography. So this is the Yuma Territorial Prison. Ooh. It sounds creepy. It is geography. So this is the Yuma Territorial Prison. Ooh. It sounds creepy. It is creepy. All right.
Starting point is 00:17:30 It is the state's first prison. It was actually a prison before Arizona was even really a state. It was just territory, which is why it's a territorial prison. Got it. So it's older than Arizona. um so it's older than arizona and the location uh was chosen to be a prison because it was one of the hottest parts of the desert so no escape was even going to be worth it so you'd be like in holes like stranded in the desert yeah like shia labeouf like any movie with a desert theme yeah okay just stranded i'm just like 127 hours did you know yeah where james
Starting point is 00:18:07 franco cuts his arm off yeah but holes is more like you're stranded in the desert right not in mountains i hear you yeah so in 1876 the first seven inmates not only entered the jail but beforehand were forced to build the jail oh that's that's so mean. So they had to build their own cells. And then they were, I guess the people in charge of them were incredibly strict of how they built it. So as they were building it, they were building it knowing that there was no way to get out. Oh, that's just mean. I would think if I were helping build the prison, I would build myself a little nook and cranny to get out. But they were super strict and like watched them rigorously.
Starting point is 00:18:43 So they like anytime they thought about you know making a little like some loose bricks or something right they like couldn't do it oh my so they built it very sturdy it the jail itself only lasted 33 years um it held 3069 prison prisoners jesus sorry i got stumbled because I saw 69. I knew what I was going to say. Okay. 3069 prisoners and only 29 of them were women. Wow. But also 29 of them were women.
Starting point is 00:19:13 Yeah. So some bad bitches in the 1900s. Watch your language. So the main crime for people in this jail was grand larceny but some of them were there for murder some of them were for like polygamy okay but like what's grand larceny stealing okay but like by a large a large thievery intense thievery like a like i think it's like what's it now like five thousand dollars or more or something oh really is it five thousand or five hundred eva just google grand larceny before I shoot myself in the mouth.
Starting point is 00:19:46 Tell me something. Shoot myself in the foot. Shoot myself in the mouth. What is wrong with me? You are in a really negative place today. I'm in a dark... Shoot myself in the foot. I think foot in the mouth.
Starting point is 00:19:55 Mouth, I know. Yeah. Yeah, I saw where it came from. It was just... I think you know me better than I do. Grand Larson? It's ranging between 1,000 and 5,000. Okay.
Starting point is 00:20:03 Oh, okay. Where's that? 1,000 and 5,000. That's not too bad not too bad no oh over a certain amount and it varies so it's the minimum is between a thousand and five thousand okay oh okay so just like a lot of money just like a lot of money just like rent got it like stealing rent stealing your monthly rent got it so during those 33 years 111 prisoners died. Oh. Mainly from tuberculosis. Some of it was from scarlet fever and some of it was from whooping cough.
Starting point is 00:20:32 Whooping? You mean whooping? Whooping cough. Whooping cough. Okay. The townspeople of Yuma called this prison the country club on the Colorado River. Because it had the most modern amenities in the town so compared to like the common households in yuma arizona at the time this place actually had electricity forced ventilation two bathtubs three showers and a prison band and white people in a golf course and jet skis and a lake yep in the desert got it
Starting point is 00:21:07 so uh prisoners were also able to take educational classes where they could learn to read write play instruments and speak spanish and or german oh hey so um not only that but more amenities included having having regular medical attention and access to a good hospital. So far, it seems like the place to be. I was going to say, this is really... I'd commit grand larceny for that. I'd steal my rent for that. Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh.
Starting point is 00:21:34 It's not so bad. They had a band and everything. A band. Wow. People got together and just... Like jammed? Strummed some strings. Some like DMB covers.
Starting point is 00:21:42 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. You get it. You get it. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Hate Dave Matthews Band. I keep getting enemies through saying what i hate so i should stop well how do you feel about jimmy buffett you we already know about that jimmy buffet i'm making a lot of enemies on this podcast so uh also this prison was the first public library in the territory where they had over 2 000 books in the prison which aided in the
Starting point is 00:22:06 prisoners being able to learn to rewrite right different languages but visitors could also come tour the prison and check out books so it was like half prison half library so you're like kids let's go to the library with some don't don't look to your left yeah it's like if they want the book just give them the book just Just give them the book. Jesus, that is wild. People that were not inmates thought it was great, but people that were inmates called it the hellhole. I mean, that sounds pretty much like a jail. It's great there's a jail with criminals stuck inside it.
Starting point is 00:22:38 It's like, oh no, it's actually pretty fucking bad. They don't like it. So the cells were too small to accommodate the six people that were in each cell. Oh, no. It was supposed to be for only three, so it was doubled. Oh, no, no. There were no bathrooms, just a bucket. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:22:52 So they had a fucking band, but no bathrooms? They had either two showers and three bathtubs or three showers and two bathtubs. In the whole place? In the whole place, but that was considered modern amenities because at least it was relatively, at least you had the opportunity. They had like plumbing, quote unquote. Right. But they didn't have toilets, which by the way, I think is like the most important of all of them.
Starting point is 00:23:12 Yeah. I don't give a shit if you're going to wash my hair, but like, let me go to the bathroom. Yes. Oh no. So there were bedbugs and roaches everywhere. There were also, because it was the desert snakes and scorpions yeah fuck that and uh pretty large spiders they were probably tarantulas don't email me that tarantulas are not in arizona please list some other things too that
Starting point is 00:23:36 just polar bears and like a dragon yeah yeah yeah us us are there we're there yeah yeah yeah us us are there we're there so the punishments although it seemed like a great place to be for jail um the punishments were also considered humane for the time uh especially because no executions ever took place in this prison oh okay so i'm like jumping on any good thing you're like oh great good good i still want to be there. There's no toilets, but that's OK. Yeah. I don't die, though. No, no. Unless from like unsanitary environments, which is another way people often die.
Starting point is 00:24:14 Fair point. So the punishments were considered humane. However, these days they were not humane. Oh, no. The prison was very strict so if there was any like even a whisper of fighting gambling failing to bathe or making weapons they would be punished i like the whisper of like not bathing when there's two bathtubs how can you be punished for that you just get punished but you can't bathe it's like oh you literally can't bathe but It's like, oh, you literally can't bathe, but you're supposedly thinking about not bathing.
Starting point is 00:24:45 There's no toilets, but someone's whispering that you smell bad? That's really fucking unfair. So they were super, super strict. And the rule breakers would be locked in the very humane strap iron cage. In the very humane dark cell, which is a very humane solitary confinement. This is actually upsetting me for some reason. Do you know what a strap iron cage looks like? Eva.
Starting point is 00:25:10 Do I? Why, are you asking her? Yeah, do you know what it looks like? I think so. Is it the thing with the boop boop? No, am I wrong? You threw me with the beep boop. It's just like a very, very almost closed off iron box.
Starting point is 00:25:24 But because you can kind of see through it, it's considered a cage. I've been here. You've been there? Eva's been there? Eva, you find out now? Eva has a picture of her behind. Wow. And the full circle ends, doesn't it?
Starting point is 00:25:37 Bars. Also, are the Sanderson sisters on your shirt? Yeah. What's that? God damn it. Just a reminder that Christine's never never seen hocus pocus all right i'm so tired of everyone you're so tired of it maybe you're so tired you'll watch it i'm never gonna watch it now because everyone's so mad at me about it christine but you would love it yeah
Starting point is 00:25:53 but i'm mad because everyone keeps yelling at me about it well they deserve to okay exactly never gonna understand did you just think three random women like minus one i assume that's what it was from but i wasn't gonna bring it up because i knew everyone was gonna bitch at me about it it kind of does look like sex in the city my it looks like you're the one who came up with that not me okay what's this what is it what that's what it looks like yeah that's a strap what so that is in the middle of solitary confinement oh oh oh no, okay. I got it. So it's a literal fucking cage. It's a literal cage in a dark cellar.
Starting point is 00:26:30 Literally called the dark cellar. Cute. And the whole cellar itself was 10 by 10 feet. You were stripped down to your underwear. Sometimes, if you were lucky. Most of the times, you were stripped entirely naked. And your legs were shackled to two separate ring bolts so your legs are spread or if they were being nice you could walk around and they would
Starting point is 00:26:51 just have you attached to a ball and chain in the cage in the cell oh my god um while housed there the while housed in the dark cell the prisoners were only given one meal a day, which was bread and water. The only light that came into the area was from one vent in the ceiling. And after dark, the place was pitch black. Oh. And you would be there indefinitely. Oh, God. Prisoners also swear that in that vent with the light,
Starting point is 00:27:21 the guards would purposely put scorpions and snakes down the vent shaft no no to drop on top of them in the pitch black can you imagine sleep finally falling asleep in a fucking square okay i'm gonna die also you're not going to the bathroom except on yourself and then sleeping in the puddle of it and then and then snakes and scorpions are climbing on you because the guards think it's funny it's like the worst kind of fear factor yeah so um there are prisoner records that say that scorpions and snakes would crawl over them while they were trying to sleep in the dark cell god what a nightmare and then many of those reports also say i know that the guards are purposely putting them down the vents because i can hear them laughing outside but to be fair to be fair to the guards potentially a lot of people like went insane in there i mean for good reason however maybe
Starting point is 00:28:10 they were they went insane and then they started hearing laughing and things like that or sharing things on them or maybe they were right who knows but they don't have like an official right all they have are statements from people who are losing it so okay there's also cell 14 where a prisoner john ryan stayed in the early 1900s and his crime was quote against nature so probably sexual deviance it could have been homosexuality it could have been assaulting women or assaulting men or assaulting children well okay, okay. One of those is okay. The rest are not. A sexual deviance of the time. Sure. No one at the prison liked him.
Starting point is 00:28:51 Apparently, he just, like, nobody liked him, not even the guards. And he ended up committing suicide in his cell. No. So Cell 14 is known to be one of the more haunted areas of the jail. Oh. Some notorious inmates is one man named william jordan flake in 1884 he was the first one that was put in prison for polygamy and he served six months and he had 20 kids what i only threw that in for the 20 kids thing you gotta um also there were two girls known as
Starting point is 00:29:22 there were there were two women excuse me not girls there were two women that were notorious inmates known as the bad girls of the west oh me too right um and that's you and eva and one tell me which one you want to be okay and then the other one gets to be eva okay okay so there's a bandit queen yeah yeah yeah her name is pearl heart uh-huh and she robbed a stage coach oh yeah and she was sentenced to five years and she used her feminine wiles with both the prisoners and the guards alike and got herself pardoned after two years hell yeah i think people might want to be her because the next one that's me that's me that me. Ready to hear your fate, Eva?
Starting point is 00:30:06 Elena Estrada. She has a cool name, though. Well, she was also sentenced to seven years for manslaughter, not murder, which I find interesting because she stabbed her husband, cut open his chest, pulled out his heart and threw it at his face. And the husband was cheating, which is why she did this so she had yeah exactly very symbolic i mean i don't know i feel like i feel like they're both i mean it's your call it's really up to god at this point i think so it's not even your call. Just hold on tight.
Starting point is 00:30:45 What's the first one's name? Pearl? Pearl. I'm Pearl. Oh. That's also my birthstone, so might as well. Oh, okay. Good luck, Eva.
Starting point is 00:30:54 So overcrowding resulted in the prison's closing. Ugh, I just ate a bug. I'm sorry. That just sent chills down my spine. It died. I'm sorry I didn't get to save it it died because you swallowed it it died because it drowned in my wine then went in my mouth well you drowned in wine too so but at least i survived barely every night so knock on wood when you do survive you
Starting point is 00:31:19 buy fucking sugarbush life-size squirrels and so don't you want me to survive thank you very much i think you should keep surviving okay um okay so overcrowding was the reason why the prison closed obviously because it had been overcrowded since the beginning they had like double the people right and then for them to think that overcrowding was a problem years later must have meant it was like 10 people actually a problem right um so convicts ended up getting employed to build the next jail too. So just like how they built this jail. What the fuck?
Starting point is 00:31:49 So they just like took them out and then moved them to go. It's basically like free, like free labor. Like you tell them you're going to pay them, you don't pay them. And then you trap them in the thing they built. Um, and so they built a new facility in Florence, Arizona. Yeah. And the last inmate was transferred to that jail in 1909. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:32:07 A long time ago. Yeah, so 33 years the whole jail was open. So after 1909, from 1910 to 1914, the former prison was now a high school. So, like, students could literally say that their school was a prison. Are you serious? Yeah. So they had a homeroom inside a
Starting point is 00:32:26 fucking jail cell and uh it was the yuma high school and their sports team was called the criminals no listen this is an emo kid's dream like i'm inside why isn't this a fallout boy song uh it probably is i'm inside a jail cell at home homeroom is a jail criminals man it really is homeroom is a jail i wonder what their colors were like blood red no they were orange duh like a fucking prison jumpsuit jailbird stripes uh so hobos and drifters after the school closed after four years which means like there's a set of people who are freshmen to seniors that were like there for the full four years but that's four years yeah oh my god from 1910 to 1914 so they tried and they were like this is too much so then after they closed it after one full graduating class they were like vice keeps showing up and trying to make documentaries about our fucking high school after that hobos and
Starting point is 00:33:20 drifters moved into the building and then homeless families also joined the hobos and drifters after once the great depression happened and they couldn't afford to live in their houses anymore so everyone started taking up cells to live in there damn um now only the cells the main gate and the tower remain as eva can vouch per her trip there and in the 1950s it turned into part of the arizona state historic park wow there's only one ghost tour a year which is the last saturday of every october man let's go but we've got other things i was gonna say so many we gotta go in like 40 years though when we finally die down with all our plans yes okay okay write that down okay eva ev you write that down um all right so for the ghosts um which by
Starting point is 00:34:07 the way actually i'm not gonna tell you yet i'm just gonna say you're gonna have quite a journey with this one okay it's gonna be like a spiritual one a philosophical gonna have an awakening i got you're gonna have like this like this moment for an awakening um okay so it's reported by park rangers and staff members because now this is also is it a store or a tour how does it work you were there um you kind of walk yourself through okay like a like a self-guided tour is there like a gift shop or something you know i feel like i would have remembered a gift shop because i love me a gift shop i love me a prison gift shop. Eva loves me a gift shop.
Starting point is 00:34:46 I mean, hello, Alcatraz. I mean, I only buy things in gift shops, so I get it. Well, so I don't know if there is still a gift shop. Maybe only during the tour or something. You know, I think you can, because I actually have on my trunk a Yuma sticker. It's like a Yuma present or something like that. So it might not be like a prison gift store. It might be like a historical state park gift store.
Starting point is 00:35:07 Okay, that might be it. Oh, because it's in the park. Yeah, that makes sense. Yeah, yeah. We trust you, Eva. I don't, but Em does. So reported by the park rangers and the staff members, there's a lot of stories, especially in the dark cell. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:35:22 In the dark cell, you get a sense of being stared at. You feel incredibly uncomfortable, and something definitely doesn't want you in there. You can hear people crying from different corners. So if you stand in one corner, you'll hear it on the other side of the room, and then you'll walk over, and you'll hear it from where you were standing. There is a photo on record of a tourist in the 1930s, and she's fine. But right behind her is a clear image of a man who, one, was not there, and two, is on the inside of the opening of a cell. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:35:54 So he's leaning up in the cell with the picture. In 1930? In the 1930s. Wow. There were ghosts back then. But they had photos back then? Like a heart like like like the intense photos like you had to pay money for that you would stand there for 10 minutes right there's
Starting point is 00:36:11 no portrait mode right they had to cover the cap for the light to not fuck it up oh right there's no puppy uh filter you couldn't retake it yeah yeah it was like a one and done kind of thing got it got it got it got it so um also in the cell oh the cell where the man was leaning up in the picture yeah that cell has since been walled up because so many people reporting a man standing in there jesus um it was also where the clinically insane prisoners were housed before they got moved to other facilities um and people will often hear clapping laughing and screaming and wailing which is like its own version of a screen i'm gonna be honest that's a terrible combination all of the above
Starting point is 00:36:51 laughing and wailing laughing clapping and wailing um so people used to hear those in that area and then if they were by themselves or took a picture they would see a man standing there there was a writer from the magazine arizona highways which wow sounds like the most boring fucking love that no i'm a subscriber of the highways yep arizona highway specifically easy ways so listen i do their crossword every month it's like which interstate connects to this area like i don't even know how to make that boring of a crossword. Okay. I like to imagine that maybe it's a little spicier than I think it is.
Starting point is 00:37:31 Oh, it's so spicy. I mean, you don't even know. The highways. They're so good. You've got to check them out. Em, you've got to know. Spicy highways. Listen, you've got to know what rest stops are at which intersections.
Starting point is 00:37:40 That's fair. Actually, that's a good point. Thank you. I mean, I always just thought I'd look at a map. No, that's lame. Map doesn't give you... Eva, can you see if Arizona Highways is still a legitimate magazine? Arizona Highways gives you the star rating of each rest stop and hot dog stand. Is that true?
Starting point is 00:38:01 Yes, it is accurate. Contest winners out fire restrictions wow arizona highways does not fuck around oh on newsstands now so it is correct it is a real thing hashtag ad hashtag arizona please sponsor us uh can you imagine if like in a couple days or in a couple weeks you hear us talking about arizona highways during an ad oh i will shout a lot we'll be like yeah guys this is really fucking i will shout some let's make a fake ad if they don't i want to advertise you know christine when we're on our road trips and you know we love them we love a road trip sometimes i really just need to crack open a big old magazine
Starting point is 00:38:37 of arizona highways if you use our promo code don't drink when you're driving slash don't slash don't drink and drive oh no help me we're sorry we're sorry so um a writer from the magazine our favorite az h ways um wanted to spend two days and nights in the dark cell by the way if this is the material arizona highways is actually writing about i'm fucking down this sounds like some buzzfeed unsolved shit i'm in they wanted he wanted to and do an investigative overnight stay for 48 hours in the dark cell and wanted to be treated as an inmate oh my god okay arizona highways just got fucking dark also
Starting point is 00:39:21 like print journalism is not dead and they are adapting thank you very much they requested to be chained by the feet okay no this is aggressive with nothing but bread and water to eat and drink for 48 hours in the dark so listen i applauded them at the beginning and now this is getting a little too much for me they also had people put a heavy blanket over the only light source so that they would stay in the dark and then started dropping scorpions on top of them oh i don't think they requested that i don't think arizona highways is that dark thank god um they they have like a limit thank god so someone has to so um the staff did all this like totally and obviously she was like guarded in case something bad was going to happen within only a few hours she was already screaming for help claiming that someone was in the cell with her and nobody was
Starting point is 00:40:09 but she remembers them pacing back and forth in the room with her and hearing their feet shuffling across the floor major creeps the offices and the museums uh they have also experienced a couple things so specifically um items from the store will move around on their own so like they'll restock themselves or like re reorganize themselves oh that's nice the lights will turn on and off things will fly off the shelves coins from the register in the gift shop will fly into the air and land back in the drawer perfectly oh like little olympic coins and in cell 14 there is ice but this is the one where the guy committed suicide right sure cell 14 the sexual deviant yes uh there
Starting point is 00:40:53 apparently whenever you're in there there is always an ice cold air no matter what the temperature is only a feet a couple feet away um there is a man in the room with you you can hear him heavy breathing oh you can hear him shivering oh my god you can hear shackles behind you and when you leave someone knocks on the other side of the door i have major creeps right now also the door will open and close itself and a woman is heard singing in the visitors area right outside so they think that the woman singing might be one of the family members that was there during the great depression whoa oh because when the homeless people were living there yeah a bunch of families were staying there right also which i think is creepy um you can hear
Starting point is 00:41:35 ambient sounds of a cafeteria getting louder and louder until you look in the room and there's nothing in there which i my my dad and my stepmom have had this happen a lot of times their house is like bananas haunted really like i'm afraid to sleep there in virginia yeah like when i used to have to um when i was a kid growing up i had to like stay like certain weekends with them or like i remember every wednesday night i had to sleep at their house um hashtag custody i was gonna say me too wednesday nights and i remember every every every wednesday morning fucking dreading going to my dad's house because i knew i was gonna get stared at by some fucking demon in my room um didn't you have that at your mom's too yeah i did but it was a different one oh i could sense thing this thing this thing fucking hated Like, if it could have killed me, it would have.
Starting point is 00:42:25 Oh, good. And, um, but so that place is still crazy haunted. And apparently when my, if my dad goes to sleep early, my stepmom will hear, like, a party in the bedroom where he's sleeping. What? Like, while he, my dad, like, also does not give a shit about this stuff, which blows my mind. But he's, like like dead asleep in the
Starting point is 00:42:45 bedroom so she'll go outside to the living room and when she's watching tv she has to keep turning the volume up because she hears what sounds like a fucking bar party going on in the bedroom and when she decides to finally turn the tv off or like the volume is all the way up she'll turn it off and walk into the room to tell him like he's she's assuming that he's like playing music or watching tv watching tv she'll go in it's pitch black he's out cold that's actually all the sounds will go away absolutely terrifying like just wants her in that room like it's just trying to get her attention i would never sleep in there ever again just thinking about that place i fucking hate that house so love you dad hashtag divorce ha ha ha ha ha ha that's the curse that's the curse good time see it's like when you're a child of divorce it's like do i really
Starting point is 00:43:31 care that my parents got divorced or like am i more scared that there are ghosts in two houses right i don't give a shit it's just like now i have to be in two scary ass houses like one haunted house was enough but jesus okay so anyway and also those were the days by the way where the only game on my phone was fucking snake so when i used and like internet was one of those things where when you press the button by accident you like rapidly close down the world would start spinning and you were like it costs like 10 minutes per second to be on the internet on your phone yeah yeah yeah uh kids these days don't know how lucky 10 are. Ten minutes per second. So I would literally play Snake until the point of exhaustion, like under like five layers of blanket.
Starting point is 00:44:08 Yep. Because I just felt like I knew something was on the other side of that blanket, and I would just play Snake until I passed out. My dad's house was haunted too, and my brother had a different room than me, and I would text him all night being like, is that you? Are you awake? And he would never respond. And it turns out he had just gone to bed really early, and I just heard somebody walking back and forth across my bedroom and i'd be like oh dinner come in it was
Starting point is 00:44:28 never fucking him and then i'd whip open the door and no one was there and it happened every single week on a wednesday night because i would be there wednesdays wednesdays and saturdays every week oh what a nightmare man oh it was just my brother never heard anything and my dad would always be like it's okay mr chat feels friendly and i'm like i don't give a shit he's walking around and scaring the shit out of me my ex when i mean i was with her for several years and she was very sensitive to that stuff too and i it like it didn't like me it hated her and like it would wait until i fell asleep and really just like annoy the shit out of her oh god like she would hear like heavy boots like dragging in my room where we're sleeping
Starting point is 00:45:11 and like apparently as hard as she would try to wake me up i like would not wake up like it made me sleep deeper so she would have to deal with it alone it's so gross anyway okay so ambient sounds of a cafeteria okay sure there was a cafeteria um also like i said coins in the register how they would like land back in the register by themselves christ angel uh-huh sometimes they would also move themselves around into different categories mean um making a mess everywhere they would also throw themselves out of the register and on the floor just to piss you off. But then when you turned around to, like, go walk over and start picking them up, they were already put back neatly.
Starting point is 00:45:51 Oh, okay. That's kind of nice. It was, like, just fucking with you, I guess. And then also the bills were never touched. Oh, so just the coins. Yeah. Interesting. One of these spirits is not a prisoner but was a little girl, according to a medium who's
Starting point is 00:46:05 gone there. And she is a family member that also died there in the 1930s. Apparently, she's very attracted to people who wear red, because that was the color that her mom wore. Oh, honey. She is known to pinch, poke, and touch people with her icy cold bony fingers. Okay. All of a sudden, she's not so cute.
Starting point is 00:46:23 She was cute for a fucking second managers will have conversations with their employees that are in other rooms so they're shouting to each other and when the manager goes to talk to the employee face to face there's nobody in the room what they were just talking to someone and then all of a sudden they're gone what the fuck you'll also hear muffled conversations in empty rooms witnesses see things out of the corners of their eyes feet um feel like they're on fire when they're walking through certain parts of the jail and also people will hear band music guitar strums people applauding and the sound of dancing on a stage okay so i'm gonna get back to that. Just remember that. Remember the band thing. Got it.
Starting point is 00:47:06 So, the EVPs that have been recorded in this place, someone said, what is your name? And the EVP caught Isabella. Oh. So, they looked back through the 29 women on the roster, and there's a woman named Isabella Washington, who was in jail for a year after throwing her baby over a bridge. There's another EVP, but as soon as you walk into the dark cell, it says, hi. There's another one when you walk into the dark cell, it says, get out. When someone, another person said, what's your name?
Starting point is 00:47:36 And the EVP caught Frank Leslie. And Frank Leslie was actually a person that was incarcerated there for murdering Billy the Kid. Shut up. And he apparently ha Billy the Kid. Shut up. And he apparently haunts the place. Holy shit. You will also hear weird, excited breathing and laughter. Like, oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:47:55 I was about to say like this. And then I was like, nobody wants to hear that. And then Em did it anyway. Sorry. There's also EVPs that say, I hate her. Me too. For people like talking like about about the investigators in the room with oh okay uh the so evps will catch i hate her talking about the
Starting point is 00:48:14 investigator look at them like as if there's multiples talking to each other chatting yeah like there's multiples talking to each other i I hate her. Look at them. Quick. Hide. Throw a rock at them. No. Who's in charge here? Go get her. Nope. And then another one when being questioned said enough already. Another one has said evil bitch.
Starting point is 00:48:38 Oh, fuck. That's real bad. Someone has said an investigator said is Riley here here which was the name of one of the inmates and the evp caught this is riley there's also evps of i'll kill you back off and when an investigator an investigator named carol came into the room there's an evp saying carol just walked in the spirit box which by the way christine got me one for my birthday happy birthday and i've played with it already wait what seriously fun no we're supposed to play with it well i should have kept it here then huh yeah you should have showed it to me you've never used one before
Starting point is 00:49:16 okay i'll bring it back okay we'll make a patreon video uh there is a there are spirit box uh there are spirit box uh voices that have said i'm lonely and when walking towards the dark cell the spirit box said don't go into there oh people have also seen a shadow and then right away an evp was caught of someone laughing um there was a sound in real time that didn't like it just sounded like a bang or a like a snap or something and the investigators didn't know what it was but when they played it back it was actually an evp saying i'm coming but it was it was like powerful enough that they heard something in real life and couldn't couldn't figure out what it said wow uh also an investigator with a tongue piercing was on the tour and EVPs caught, look at her tongue, crazy freak. Because it was like back in the 1900s. They didn't have tongue piercers.
Starting point is 00:50:11 Crazy freak. They've also said, can you talk? Can you talk louder so we can hear you? And an EVP has said, make me. And then there has been a woman reportedly seen after evps have been caught on audio like there's been a phantom woman standing in the corner of the dark cell staring up at the ceiling oh okay i don't like that um so that all being said who is your favorite ghostly guy ghostly guy we it's like you mean zach baggins guy oh yeah yeah yeah so he's not ghostly but godly no the opposite my favorite
Starting point is 00:50:59 god among men is zach baggins so i am not going to play it for everyone to hear because um i don't i just don't want to find out that we can get sued for this but what i did look up it's on youtube and it is called ghost adventures hellhole prison performing prison band so even my habits delete this is what you're saying like elevator music or just cut it out whatever elevator music sure elevator music oh my god y'all google this right immediately right now google ghost adventures hellhole prison performing prison band because i have never been so entertained by anything in my entire goddamn life i thought christine would get a kick out of just how dramatic it is oh i cannot handle it so obviously i cannot vouch and say that this is fake or real however it looks incredibly staged no pun intended since it's a performing band oh my however uh i think it like regardless
Starting point is 00:52:03 of the legitimacy of it it was at least smart of them if they had done their research to do some sort of band thing. Like a band, right. Because a lot of people have reported guitar strumming, band, the sound of dancing on a stage, and applauding. Right. Which are all the four things that they covered. Right. right and so supposedly because this a stage is still there you can you can hear someone dancing or if you provoke them and ask for a show they'll tap dance for you you'll hear well in to other people's actual if you were if you like ask to hear something on evp later you'll hear
Starting point is 00:52:39 like a couple strings of a guitar or something oh but this just seems a little like if this is how if this is how intelligent they are then i mean no one would believe that ghosts don't exist you know so i don't know if i believe that that's real but it's hilarious but it's still very dramatic it's very zach baggins you guys need to go see zach baggins do that so um i thought christine would like that that was great that was a fucking cherry on top of that story i tell you what good so that's the yuma territorial prison yuma territorial prison yeah wow so ready for a story yeah so i got an email um today actually from paula from brazil oh and she sent the suggestion and i it was this morning and i kind of clicked
Starting point is 00:53:28 on it looked into it and i got like completely sucked in and i decided to i had a plan already like i had notes for something i was going to do today and instead i scrapped those and went with this instead okay so this is the story of suz, okay, Suzanne von Richthofen. So she's Brazilian, but also German. Oh, yeah. It sounds, unless you really butchered the Brazilian accent. Suzanne von Richthofen. So she was born.
Starting point is 00:53:57 You don't know what I imagine. I guarantee you, I won't. Well, I didn't either. And it was actually one of those ones. Okay. Weirdly enough, this is the second week in a row I've done a Brazilian story. Remember? I did the guy who was on the TV show. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:10 And he was, like, hiring hitmen to kill people for his show. So this is another Brazilian one. I don't know why, but they're just, like, catching my attention these days. And weirdly enough, it's really hard to find english versions of any of these articles so i had to really dig for this but it is fascinating so this is the story of susanna from richthofen she was born november 3rd 1983 which btw makes her a scorpio wow take that as you will no comment she was born to a german father and a brazilian mother and grew up in sao paulo brazil as a happy but shy child in the summer of 1999 she was 15 years old and started taking brazilian jiu-jitsu classes it was there that she met a young man named daniel cravinios
Starting point is 00:54:57 de paula e silva cool you know him and they started dating so at this point suzanne's family's net worth was about 5.5 million dollars so her dad was like a german engineer and was really successful and so her family had a lot of wealth um and it's suspected that at this point when she turned 18 her dad created two anonymous swiss bank accounts so her father opened them in her name in november 2001 and the two accounts are estimated to have contained at least 10 million euros which is a lot of fucking money it's a it's a i mean it's it's pocket change so she's dating this guy named daniel from jujitsu class right so at first suzanne's family doesn't seem to have a problem with him but pretty soon they find out that he doesn't go to school he doesn't have a job and he smokes pot every
Starting point is 00:55:48 single day cool he's a winner what a winner and keep in mind she's like 16 or 15 or 16 at this point so they're like um actually we don't really like this and what year is this she met so she met him in 1999 when she was 15 okay and that's that's when they started dating. I hear you. So at first they were like, okay, you have a boyfriend. That's fine. But it started to get serious. And he, you know, wasn't working, wasn't making any money, wasn't going to school, smoked pot constantly. And so obviously they were like, we're not really into this, understandably. And they did not really approve of their relationship. So in July of 2002, Suzanne's parents went on vacation and Daniel, her boyfriend, moved
Starting point is 00:56:30 in with Suzanne and her younger brother for a month. She loved it. She was thrilled that her boyfriend could live with her at her family's estate. Like was just there, though, because the family was out of town. Yeah. So her parents went out of town and he just kind of like. So he's like just kind of squatting there. Slipped on in.
Starting point is 00:56:44 Gotcha. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. of town yeah so her parents went out of town and he just kind of like so he's like just kind of squatting slipped on in yeah gotcha yep yep yep yep so when the parents got home uh suzanne asked if they would pay for an apartment for her and daniel to live in together because she thought it would be a great idea for them to live together since they spent a month together at her parents house and she's like this is a great idea i mean that sounds about as realistic as it can get so right true love so her dad said um she could do whatever she wanted as long as she earned the money herself she did not like that very much weird she wait so she couldn't just do what she wanted for no money at all yeah isn't it amazing but that's how i live my life yeah we do everything for no money ever right right right
Starting point is 00:57:23 i just go to my day job for like the compliments yeah it's fun to just kind of like be like look snapchat world i'm at my my job my job yeah drink okay so her parents were like no fuck that if you want to pay for it that's fine but we're not paying for it so she continued to meet up with daniel in secret um because her parents obviously did not approve and at this point point, she was about 18. So she was like an adult. And she was really pissed that her parents weren't paying for her to move out with her stoner boyfriend. Right. So she and Daniel had been together for about three years at this point. On the evening of October 31st, suzanne took her little brother to a local internet cafe to meet his friends and uh she got home made sure her parents were asleep
Starting point is 00:58:13 disarmed the alarm system and then let her boyfriend daniel who is now 21 and his brother christian who is 26 into the house the brothers went upstairs to suzanne's parents bedroom and beat both of the parents with iron bars okay um unfortunately they did not pass away right away and um they had something where i guess if you break a certain part of your face, there's like, this is really upsetting, trigger warning. Skip forward if you need to. There's like a noise that happens if you break part of your nasal passages. And so the boyfriend, Daniel,
Starting point is 00:58:58 went and got a bunch of wet towels or a bunch of water from the bathroom and tried to drown the parents. And that didn't work. So instead he tried to take wet towels and smother them and that killed the father but the mother was still alive so he took a he took the towel and strangled her to death so it took a very long time um he finally killed the parents and meanwhile meanwhile, Suzanne was sitting in the living room waiting for them. After the murder, the three of them decided to make the house look like a break-in. So they took cash from the parents' wallets, and then they went into the library and made a big mess.
Starting point is 00:59:38 And they spread a bunch of papers around and tried to make it look like somebody had burglarized the house. Next, Suzanne and Daniel headed to a motel while Christian, the older brother, stopped at a fast food restaurant to get snacks. Yeah, I mean, you're always hungry after a night like that. After you fucking murder people, right? Yeah. That makes me think, like, how many times have I been in a McDonald's and, like, just standing next to, like, someone that might have just come from doing that?
Starting point is 01:00:03 Yeah, they're like, I'm so hungry because I just fucking drowned someone with a towel even i were just talking about this like not like they say like you probably walk by like six murderers in your life right but like also like statistically even if that's true not all of them were intentional murders like something really horrible could have happened and they like killed someone by accident or they could have been doing it to protect someone or themselves you know and you don't even think about like the people you walk past you didn't murder someone but who, like, domestically abused someone. Right. Or who, like, fucking hurt their kids or who, I mean.
Starting point is 01:00:31 Well, even I were talking right before we started recording, though, like, I wonder how many people we walk by where, like, we were almost the victim. Oh, fuck. And, like, a murderer, like, you just passed his test to, like to not be the person he goes after. And the fascinating thing is hearing about when the Golden State Killer was arrested, because so many people came forward and were like, I knew that guy. Or like, I met that guy. And I was like, fuck you, and blew him off. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:56 I was this close to being the victim, but I somehow avoided it. So many people came forward like, oh like oh yeah that guy fucking creeped on me too it's just yeah horrifying yep anyway yeah so basically he stopped at a fast food restaurant i don't know where'd he go wendy's no probably not he probably went to somewhere horrible i don't want to say anything because now I'm going to offend everyone. Me either. But something that's just covered in grease and is cheap. Del Taco. Oh. I love me a Del Taco, but...
Starting point is 01:01:30 Covered in grease and cheap? Yeah. I mean, that's most things, really. We could still stay pretty ambiguous with that description. Jack in the Box. Okay. Not Tim Hortons. No.
Starting point is 01:01:40 Anything but Tim Hortons. Yeah. No. So, basically, the next morning... So, he stopped at a fast food restaurant and got them food. The next morning, Suzanne and Daniel picked up her little brother, Andreas, at the, so it was 3 a.m., so the next morning, basically. She picked up her brother at the internet cafe that she had dropped him off at. At 3 a.m., he was still palling around?
Starting point is 01:02:02 How old is this kid? Like 16. Like, they were like, oh, hang out with your friends on a saturday night i like how they still were at the internet cafe when i was 16 if someone said you you get until 3 a.m i was like at waffle house i was passed out in a field man i was at waffle house i mean i was either at waffle house or me and my friends were passed out in a field or we were vice versa listen i have no explanation for this i think probably what happened is she's like i'll pick you up soon and then fucking forgot about him or picked him up later because it seemed like she dropped him off at like 10 p.m right and was like i'll be back he's like i don't
Starting point is 01:02:39 like the internet this much yeah i literally think he was like 15 like he wasn't that old and i'm pretty sure they just dropped him off and then fucking forgot about him or some shit so they picked him up at 3 a.m and were like whoops sorry picked him up and then got home and quote unquote discovered the murder of their parents oh shit this poor fucking kid like they drove the kid to the house knowing that he was going to be forever traumatized oh yeah um they got there called the police said oh my god look what we found uh the investigators showed up obviously investigated everything um but they were doubtful that the crime was a burglary uh like it was presented especially when they noticed that the alarm had been turned off uh and the mess in the house looked forced for example the papers that they had taken from the library were spread out in like a very like even way as if they had like taken a pile of papers and kind of right whoosh them outward
Starting point is 01:03:29 so it looks like really uh forced and suzanne herself seemed extremely calm and collected so uh the day after her parents were murdered suzanne and daniel were actually found swimming together in the family pool joking around and like flirting and having fun in the pool. And hours after her parents' burial, she went out to celebrate her 19th birthday with her friends and went crazy and got drunk. So they were like, something's going on here. So investigators began to focus on Suzanne and her boyfriend and started tailing them. So Christian, who was her boyfriend's older brother, who was 26, 10 hours after the murder, bought a motorcycle in cash. He spent $3,200 in cash paying with $100 bills.
Starting point is 01:04:15 Okay. So what I'm hearing is all of these people are not actually really strategic at all. They're not smooth. No. They're not smooth. No. really strategic they're not smooth they're not smooth no so he spent over three thousand dollars in cash on a motorcycle 10 hours after right um the parents were murdered yes so on so he was arrested so it was a few days after the murder he was arrested and he confessed pretty much immediately and so then his brother daniel and suzanne herself were arrested as well and she So it was a few days after the murder, he was arrested and he confessed pretty much immediately.
Starting point is 01:04:45 And so then his brother Daniel and Suzanne herself were arrested as well. And she confessed to the murder as well. So Suzanne was released in May 2005 and awaited her trial for about a year while under house arrest. So she was at home, but she had to wait about a year for the trial to begin. Like home at mommy and daddy's estate or like home, like the place that she now had to pay for on her own? No, like home, home, home, home, home. Like what she always knew. Oh, great.
Starting point is 01:05:10 Like home. That's nice. Millionaire home. Gotcha. So as for the motive, it was suspected that Suzanne wanted to be free to be with Daniel while, of course, having access to her parents' enormous fortune. Right. And at the time of their death, to be with daniel while of course having access to her parents enormous fortune right um and at
Starting point is 01:05:26 the time of their death they find out later that the parents wealth was estimated to be about 17 million dollars yeah which because they didn't even know about like the 10 million in the swiss bank accounts and stuff so like it was about 5 million they thought but then they kind of looked into it and realized oh no they're worth they're worth like $17 million. Jeez. And all of that money would go to Suzanne because she was the oldest sibling if they were to pass away. So that was like the clear motive. On June 5th, 2006, Suzanne and the Carvinhos brothers, so that's Daniel and his brother Christian, were put on trial. All three of them were put on trial in Sao Paulo for what is the equivalent of first degree murder in Brazilian law.
Starting point is 01:06:08 At the trial, Suzanne blamed Daniel for everything, saying he manipulated her into murdering her parents, while the brother said they only did it because she wanted them to. So it was kind of a stalemate at that point. At the trial, Daniel claimed thatanne was physically violated by her father but not only did her younger brother andreas deny the claim but she herself was like no that's not true oh so he tried to throw it out there as like a like trying to like save them with a reason yeah like create like some sort of backstory and she was like no that didn't happen it's like okay save yourself buddy like if you're trying to get through this yeah so she was like no that didn't happen it's like okay save yourself buddy like if you're trying to get through this yeah so she was like no that didn't happen
Starting point is 01:06:48 um the defense also tried to argue that the richthofen parents were alcoholics but the autopsy ended up detecting zero alcohol in their bodies so that was also a lose-lose argument um the prosecutor however called suzanne the mastermind of the crime, called for 50 years of imprisonment for all three of the defendants. And he actually described Suzanne as the personification of the evil blonde, which I don't know how to feel about that. I don't know. The evil blonde. So the Brazilian public was absolutely transfixed by the story mostly because if you think about it there's like this upper class like beautiful blonde girl who was like well behaved she did ballet she spoke three languages she had money
Starting point is 01:07:40 and then she fucking was like the mastermind behind this heinous, like cruel crime. Right. So the public was like absolutely fascinated by this. On July 26, 2006, Suzanne was sentenced to 40 years in prison for the murder of her parents. Daniel, her boyfriend, got the same sentence. And his brother, Christian, was sentenced to 38 years for conspiracy even though he went and killed the parents with his brother so who knows i guess it wasn't premeditated as much with him sure i'm not sure also i feel like he had to have like some sort of
Starting point is 01:08:21 some there was a loose screw in him for it to be like oh i'm willing to put my whole life and career and future on the line my brother my brother's girlfriend's parents yeah agreed agreed it's like hmm not that there's not you must really love your brother yeah not that there is not a screw loose or like you must love violence or something like that right it is not that there's not a screw loose to the young girl or young woman who wants to murder her parents obviously but like you're so far detached like so did you you have reason to be like yeah it's not really like worth it in the cards for me he's just like no this i'm not gonna profit from this right like i mean i guess he bought a motorcycle so i guess unless they agreed yeah like but i guess he they told him like he could get cash out of it because he bought that motorcycle right like that seems like a big leap if she's doing it for love it seems like a big
Starting point is 01:09:10 leap for the brother-in-law or whatever to yeah like kill your not even in-laws kill your yeah brother's girlfriend's parents and we'll give you a motorcycle it's like um why don't you just work for a year a hundred percent a motorcycle a hundred percent and he got 38 years in prison instead of 40 so it's not like he got off easy right um so as of may 2016 um suzanne is in custody in a woman's prison outside sao paulo uh the case itself sparked a discussion among the brazilian public regarding the nature okay so this is where i got like really interested in this and I don't know if you are, but you gotta be a part of it anyway. Oh, I'm on the ride. Get ready.
Starting point is 01:09:50 So this sparked like a really interesting discussion among the Brazilian public regarding the nature of evil and debating the true worth of family values and the effects of education sort of as a counterbalance to like whether someone is evil or whether they're going to commit something evil. And people also debated whether Suzanne was the evil mastermind behind the crime or whether she was just so smitten with Daniel that he was using her as kind of a tool. I like how in other countries, like just two people have to die from violence and we're like questioning ethics and like where people are coming from and like fucking
Starting point is 01:10:31 philosophical reasons and is it worth it or what should we change yeah just because two people died yeah the public is like we need to address the big bigger societal impact right let's address this and analyze it from head to toe and try to find a way to make this better. Yeah, exactly. A lot of people originally were on Suzanne's side and they were like, you know what? She was used by this guy that she was in love with. She was young. She wanted to impress him. She was impressionable. And that was the case until Suzanne was getting ready to be on a TV interview and her lawyer, this gets bonkers, her lawyer didn't realize
Starting point is 01:11:08 the cameras were rolling. He instructed Suzanne to cry loudly during the broadcast to create public sympathy. Oh, wow. So was her lawyer Robert Durst? Yes. Probably. Yeah yeah so her lawyer was literally like okay like he didn't know
Starting point is 01:11:31 he was on camera and he was like okay so when the cameras start rolling start crying really loudly to create public sympathy and it all got on camera and people were like what the fuck he had to tell her to cry about her parents murder so that obviously was not a good look and then moreover in court suzanne was like super cool like cool as a cucumber like didn't give a fuck and the carvinas brothers uh daniel and christian cried pretty much through the whole trial like they couldn't stop themselves they were so overwhelmed and like crying the whole time and at one point apparently she started laughing during the trial and so she was just not a good look for uh right right getting herself off scot-free so people this is where my
Starting point is 01:12:15 like i studied philosophy in undergrad for a while and this is where my like philosophy brain comes in so people have analyzed suzanne through the lens of h Arendt's theory of the banality of evil, which is actually part of what my mother wrote her Ph.D. dissertation on. So I got to text her and pretend like I was really smart through my podcast. And I was like, hey, mom, let's talk about the banality of evil. And she's like, what the fuck are you doing? And I was like, it's a podcast thing. And she was like, oh, God. But I will say so. Renata, use your phd for my podcast dr renata get it together she was like i guess i
Starting point is 01:12:53 should enjoy this um so henna has this uh theory on the banality of evil which is like questioning whether doing something evil inherently makes you evil or whether like a good person can do something evil without them being right an evil person okay so i just got really into that whole uh whole theory and a lot of people and again like brazil being all philosophical about this whole thing i thought was fascinating because that's so not the american applying an issue that's actually happening to the world. To like a 19th century like philosophical or a 20th century like philosophical standpoint. Yeah, I know. So I thought that was really interesting. So in 2002, due to speaking of, you know, a good person doing something evil due to good behavior, Suzanne was allowed temporary departure from jail on mother's day
Starting point is 01:13:46 oh yippee because i guess in brazil you get to have the day off on mother's day from jail and they said they don't discriminate against people who murdered their parents on mother's or father's day you mean she gets to have mother's day off even though her mother doesn't because she killed her mother? Mm-hmm. Okay. I was reading it, like, trying to understand it, and it was like, well, there's no law saying if you kill your mother, you can't have Mother's Day off. So they had to let her have Mother's Day off even though she killed her mother. Right.
Starting point is 01:14:19 It just blew my mind. mind and i i like researched that and i found another great example of a woman named anna carolina yatoba who murdered her stepdaughter and was also allowed mother's day off even though she murdered her fucking stepdaughter because it's just the law that you can have mothers and fathers day off in brazil it's just like a law and they couldn't they can't they don't have like a specific exception they should probably start that change that up so in 2014 the media sort of okay so after after the mother's day thing people kind of like forgot about it and moved on but in 2014 the media checked back in with suzanne um and guess what she had some fun developments. What happened? So it turns out that during her 12 years in prison, she had become an evangelical.
Starting point is 01:15:15 First of all, Christ, she had stopped fighting for her inheritance in an effort to reconnect with her brother. Good, good. To be like, sorry about killing mom and dad. Oops. Oopsies. I don't need that $12 million anymore now that I'm in jail for 40 years. Call it even. Let's just like shake on it and play Scattergories again.
Starting point is 01:15:28 Yeah. But here's the thing. I miss Bananagrams with you. Oh, I do too. But here's the thing. If she had gotten like out of jail on good behavior or whatever, the Swiss bank accounts that were in her name, she would have had $10 million to her name when she was released. Just keep that in mind like if she were able to get released even after 40 years but like typically if she were to get out early on parole she would have gotten that 10
Starting point is 01:15:54 10 million plus um to her name for herself and her her brother the whole time was trying to like sue for half of it because he's out there living with no parents and no sister and no money and no money and he's younger and like he's trying to get the money and she's fighting him on it so she finally stopped fighting for the money in september it gets weirder by the way in september of 2014 she gets married to a woman um in the jail that's not weird that's fine it is yes for a woman to marry another woman it is sometimes i mean i don't actually really agree with it wait i don't understand happy pride oh my god i'm sweating so much this is so confusing for my your straight my deeply catholic brain no no so point is she got married it gets okay um it gets so fucking weird just buckle up okay okay she now she's gay yeah yeah sure okay and that's the least
Starting point is 01:16:56 weird thing of anything that happens okay good yeah yeah so she marries a woman okay sure um she decides to move from her evangelical wing because apparently that's a thing to the married cell um which is also a thing where so she can sleep with her wife at night like sleep in the same bed and there are eight other couples so there are nine couples that live in this married cell together 18 people in one cell yeah that. That's called like Jersey Shore. Yeah. It's a reality show. Holy shit. Write that down, Eva. The Real Housewives of Brazil. Oh my God.
Starting point is 01:17:30 The Real House Convicts. The Real Jailbirds. The Real Jailbirds of Brazil. Oh my God. Write that down. The Real Lesbian Jailbirds of Brazil. Oh my God. Oh my God.
Starting point is 01:17:38 T-R-L-J-B-O-B. Oh my God. I'm in it. I'm on it. I'm in it. I'm on it. I'm in it. I'm on it. Producer credit. So she's like, I'm going to move in with her and stay in this thing.
Starting point is 01:17:53 Suzanne is now happily married to her wife, Sandra, who is serving 27 years for the kidnapping of a businesswoman and for her role in the death of a small child who was kidnapped and murdered in 2006 after a ransom went unpaid so that's great great sandra had previously actually already been married in jail uh to a woman named elisa matsunaga another famous inmate what's the most evangelical thing i've ever heard divorcing a lesbian to marry another this is a tlc show if i ever fucking heard one she was married to this woman who was in prison for killing and dismembering her husband in 2012 so woof so much drama um suzanne worked in the prison garment factory with the two of them and they developed a love triangle leading suzanne and eliza to break up
Starting point is 01:18:41 so that uh so that no not suzanne eliza god damn it uh sandra and eliza to break up so that uh so that no not suzanne and elisa god damn it sandra and elisa to break up so that sandra would go be with i think if i was in a love triangle and the person i'm competing against has murdered their family i think i'm just gonna bow out to be fair they all murdered their family okay that's right that's fair they're even the other one murdered her husband the other one dismembered him the other one murdered a small child like they're all pretty fucked up right okay um what this is like orange is a new black but like brazil style yeah i don't even know how to how to phrase that uh brazil is the new evangelical gay church of murderers yep that's the most succinct way yep that's it um so they were together then it was a love triangle then sandra um was like no i want to be with suzanne and then guess what suzanne turned down
Starting point is 01:19:40 she actually turned down parole in order to stay in prison with her new wife. Well, if that's not love. She had the chance at parole. And there were articles being like, she's going to get paroled and get out early. No, she decided after like 20 years, I don't want to get out. I want to stay in prison in my weird married cell with Sandra, who murdered her. You know what? I think we all wish we had a love like that it's quite a
Starting point is 01:20:05 love indeed that's a loyalty is what it is and since then um suzanne has not been in the news much which is probably a good thing and she's still in there and her oh her brother i think won the um the money the battle over the money and he was like several years younger which was just really sad so yeah i he lost all his entire family basically so i feel like if you lose your entire family like at least give the guy 17 million dollars let him fucking like have a have a life please yeah um so that's the story of suzanne von suzanne von richthofen you know of brazil right wow was that not bananas or what oh no that was bananas it was nuts as sugarbush
Starting point is 01:20:48 might say okay i'm gonna go find um a geoscope slash juni scope slash something scope um everyone's scope everyone's scope so stay tuned i'll be right back okay we're back from the commercial and eva just found the arizona highway magazine on ebay so we don't know if it's the one with the story in it but we should probably just buy all of them but it is so good we should just get a subscription to arizona highways somebody give us that is there a highways magazine for each state is there i don't know oh my oh my god i don't know how to handle that imagine if we had 50 subscriptions to different highways magazines i would our po box mail place would kill us all right are you ready for a scorpio scope? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:46 Your heart and body. So this is for Gio and all the Scorpios. Right. Including Suzanne, this bitch who killed her parents. Right. Your heart and body are in the 21st century. But some of your emotions are stuck way back in the past. Get out your feather duster and rid your mind of those pesky cobwebs as soon as you can exclamation point these memories or preoccupations are keeping you
Starting point is 01:22:14 from feeling as relaxed and confident as you could why are you holding on to ideas philosophies or viewpoints that just aren't relevant anymore. Let them go and expose yourself to cutting-edge thinking, Scorpio. It's like Geo finally accepting Juniper. It is! Oh, by the way, you guys, they're best friends now. They chase each other all day. They play constantly. It is actually quite sweet.
Starting point is 01:22:42 It is quite sweet. All right, that's all i got for you guys uh reminder we are not doing our facebook live this month um just a heads up we're doing one in july and then two classic kevin stories if he agrees yes and uh in a couple days we have our hollywood show show it's sold out but thank you to everyone that's coming we're excited to meet you and that's it on my end
Starting point is 01:23:11 that's it on my end too we are super pumped we're doing some East Coast tours coming up in November I know it doesn't seem like it's coming up but it's going to come fast it's like 4 or 5 months away we're hopefully adding some shows there. We also have some exciting announcements coming up.
Starting point is 01:23:28 There's a lot of things changing over here. But we want to thank everyone who also gave us birthday presents. That was so nice. That was super nice. We're going to do like a fan mail video soon because we got a bunch of packages that we haven't picked up from the post office yet. So thank you, everybody.
Starting point is 01:23:54 And that's why we drink also you can find us on itunes facebook i thought you were like an only itunes should we do that whole thing should we we usually do right sure i don't know if you wanted to do it i don't know i just know we don't have we've already talked a lot i mean at this point doesn't matter this is just the. No one listens to this anyway. Oh, okay. Then really, you could find us on Pluto, Neptune, Mars. Oh my god. You can find us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, ATWWD Podcast. You can also find our Patreon at ATWWD Podcast. You can find our website, and that's
Starting point is 01:24:22 Our merch, and that's whywed we you can email us at and that's why we drink at where you can send us your personal true crime and paranormal stories we put out a new listeners episode every first of the month and that's why we drink love you guys bye

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