And That's Why We Drink - E73 Catholic Goosebumps and the Masked Blank

Episode Date: June 24, 2018

Hello, Boozers and Shakers! Welcome to episode 73, in which Em covers the St. Louis Cathedral - or is it an outhouse? Either way, it’s in New Orleans. Don’t ask us to explain it. Meanwhile, Christ...ine finally covers the Beast of Jersey - and this one really gets to Em. Lock your doors! And that’s why we drink. P.S. Don’t tell anyone that Em owns Seattle now.Please consider supporting the companies that support us! Visit to get your introductory three-pack of wines for only $15! Check out and use promo code DRINK for free shipping!Visit for $20 off your purchase!Text DRINK to 303030 for a FREE trial membership of Beach Body on Demand! Visit and use promo code drink to get $20 off AND free shipping on your new sheets!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 oh hi hey jude nope no okay what's going on um you know we're both sick we're both sick. We're both sick. I did it. It's my fault. Em did it. Boo. It was the airplane. Em is patient zero.
Starting point is 00:00:40 It was my fault going to New York and then coming back and then just not healing. Yeah. Oh, well, it was bound to happen. We spent too much time together to not get each other's illnesses also i want to give a quick shout out that um last thursday the thursday before this came out um i was on a show with uh two friends of mine steven and chris on their podcast is this adulting i know we talked about last week because christine was on the show but it was my turn to be there and it was so much fun and um it was just a good time so i wanted to give them a shout out and pass along uh an extra episode of my voice before i was like actually during me being very sick you can listen to sick and all you want um but it's a really fun show and
Starting point is 00:01:24 we had both had a lot of fun on it. So thanks, Steven and Chris, for letting us be a part of your show. It's called Is This Adulting? And you can find it anywhere that you listen to podcasts, really, I think. Yeah. I don't know if they're on Spotify, but they're definitely on iTunes, Stitcher, etc. Your sons are fighting. Juniper keeps just trying to, like, ride you like a horse.
Starting point is 00:01:47 And Gio just tries to, like, eat his whole head. Yeah, but they seem to be doing it, like, playfully now instead of actually trying to kill each other. I mean, it's playful, but it just never ends. Get him! No, Em.
Starting point is 00:01:58 I mean, don't. I mean, do whatever you want. I need to get these kiddos out. Hold on. Now Uncle Zandy gets to deal with um oh lord anyway so if you uh hear in our voices that we're a little down it's nothing except except our health yes it is um i also let's see what else um Fun stuff is happening. Well, first of all, this episode is dedicated to Ashley C. on Patreon. Thank you, Ashley C. on Patreon. And I wanted to add also.
Starting point is 00:02:30 So thank you, Ashley C., by the way. I also wanted to add that Patreon is apparently like vamping up their services and stuff to make it easier for us to give you guys stuff. So I'm really excited about that. And I'm looking into how we can like pump out more content to our donors regularly. So that I'm very excited about. this one's about um uh what happened I was texting my friend Renee before our live show uh which by the way it was really fun guys so yes you were there thank you for coming at our last Hollywood improv show for as far as we know currently oh my god we haven't announced this on the podcast we're going to Nashville again we are yeah August 3rd andust 4th at zany's fuck yeah we're gonna be there and tickets are already
Starting point is 00:03:08 like selling really fast so go really really fast we're like surprised how fast also we i don't think we've said on the show that we have extended our stay in dc into november 5th yeah correct we have one on november 4th now so the fifth is sold out and now we added no six is sold out now we added one to the fifth to the fifth so the fifth is sold out and now we added no six is sold out now we added one to the fifth to the fifth on monday so if you guys are it missed your chance for the first one uh go get your tickets there um and other shows are coming soon so we'll announce those shortly check out like stay tuned on our social media that's usually where it comes out first yep so i was texting my friend renee about um our live show beforehand i don't even know how
Starting point is 00:03:44 it came oh i was like am i wearing too much makeup in this photo like i sent a photo i was texting my friend renee about um our live show beforehand i don't even know how it came oh i was like am i wearing too much makeup in this photo like i sent a photo i was like am i wearing too much makeup i don't want to look like a clown and then i said you know like sassy as like a joke you're cute to the show and she goes no more like uh bordo golf and i was like what and she goes bordo golf wasn't that m's other clown name? And I was like, Bordo Golf? Bordo Golf. And I was like, what the fuck is that? She goes, isn't that what it's called? And I'm like,
Starting point is 00:04:12 patio furniture. And she's like, oh, same thing. I'm like, not really. So I'm going to call you Bordo Golf now. Oh, thank you. That sounds much worse. Bordo Golf. Her head was in the right place, but it was also in the completely wrong spot i loved it all right loved it because i didn't get patio furniture but i get bordo golf
Starting point is 00:04:31 really yeah all right well congratulations thank you um oh this is funny is it yeah i was uh i mean i don't know is it as funny as you using your flapping your arms joke twice on live shows now? Nothing is as funny as that. And stop spoiling my joke for other live shows. Guys, the most obvious stand-up joke has been Christine's opener twice now in four shows. Yeah, and Evan doesn't appreciate it. Your arms must be tired. They are.
Starting point is 00:05:04 I'm going to use it again and again you're welcome world all right uh so i was emailing to like um figure out my wedding cake stuff and there's this bakery in cincinnati called the bonbonnery and it was across the street from my uh high school or like basically where i went to school from age three onward and um we always went there it was like our favorite bakery it's my mom's favorite bakery and so when we were looking at wedding cakes my mom was like we need to get it from there right so we went and did our cake tasting and stuff and like that was literally the first thing we did it was like over more than a year before the wedding we like picked the cake
Starting point is 00:05:38 and um i was emailing with bon bonnery to like finalize details and she like wrote back. Her name's Ashley and she like wrote back. She's like, um, so one of the, uh, like women at the shop was taught at the bakery was talking about, uh, like how there's a Christine who's getting married in Cincinnati and she has this podcast that she listens to.
Starting point is 00:06:00 And like, it turns out it was me. And she's like, so apparently the Bon Bonnery is like a huge fan of your podcast. And I i was like this is the most trippy thing because that's so meta we would go like at lunch or during our like um free bells we would like cross the street and like hang out there and like eat the they eat their lemon squares or whatever my bakery and my town is called paul's bakery and um i don't think any of them listen to the show you never know though i was like so surprised anyway so so shout out to you guys thank you for listening that makes me so happy
Starting point is 00:06:29 it's like it's like a childhood like uh it's very full circle anyway yeah so i just wanted to shout out to them um i only know ashley's name but okay hi ashley and everybody else is great too apparently uh one of my my neighbor across the street, she texted me my neighbor back in Virginia across the street. She texted me saying, so I'm at my work training right now. And one of the people training me went to CNU, which is where I went to school. And so my neighbor said, oh, I know someone who went to CNU and then said my name. And apparently like this girl like collapsed and cried. It's like, what oh it's my favorite it's so weird it's so trippy you never know who's gonna notice you it's bizarre and it makes me happy because I've reconnected with so
Starting point is 00:07:14 many people anyway that's my spiel do you have anything why do you drink this week I drink because I'm sick yeah me too which I have fervently denied, like, in jest to my coworkers. Like, I have been like, I'm not sick, I'm not sick, but, like, everyone knows I'm sick. Yeah, we can hear it. Yeah. I feel much, today is, like, the beginning of the up and up. Yeah, I was like, on day three, you should be great. And I'm like, well, that's literally the day after the wedding that i need to be oh sorry but well in a good way i drink because christine's not going to be here which
Starting point is 00:07:49 means i have snuggle fest with geo so i'm very stoked in a good way i drink because i get to like go literally as far away from los angeles for two days as possible just to hang out with people i haven't seen in a long time and like forget that la is a thing because sometimes i get a little overwhelmed by it well this is my uh one weekend in between two weddings to like recoup and like not move and since i just turned 26 i'm figuring out all of my health insurance stuff and so the one weekend i had free i am now doing a bunch of doctor's appointments so how fun snuggle fest and doctor's appointments yeah good good and then um and then i have my mom's wedding next week so perfect linda's wedding is coming up that'll be bananas do you have a hashtag just out of curiosity um i know they're trying to do like a theme if anyone wants to try to create
Starting point is 00:08:37 one last minute oh man wait hold on this is gonna be fun you guys all right get ready tom sherman uh-huh and my mom's name is linda so go wild oh i got it what is it for sherman jesus that's good right that's a good start um no no no it was it was i mean that was a good start but i bet the ending's better okay i'm saying you put a lot of faith in the ending i don't think that i've got a lot of people who are probably really good at other people's ending yes not mine though i think the buck stops at at for sherman with me uh for sure then yep so i told you it works like in love for sherman it's a thing it's it's a match for sure. Men. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:28 Or like in love for Sherman. You could do a lot of fun things with that. Is she changing her name? Yeah. Oh, even better. I think so. I assume so. She's got her ex-husband's last name currently.
Starting point is 00:09:41 So what about, what about, um, no pressure, man. Jesus Christ. Okay. You guys figure it out. Um, no Okay, you guys figure it out. No, I want to figure it out. Okay, Christine's going to join you guys in the figuring it out. It's going to be like Tesla, like in an hour. I'm just going to scream something. All right.
Starting point is 00:09:57 That's a throwback. Wow. Yeah, it is. Okay. Well, all right. Well, happy early congratulations to Tom and my mom. We're so happy for you guys. And in advance, good luck to Allison for having to meet all of my extended family at one time.
Starting point is 00:10:11 That's the bigger one. So really, I don't know if all of us are going to make it out of there alive. There might be a few of us missing when I get back to LA. The reckoning. The reckoning. For sure, man. Jesus. I mean, I like it. I know you you do and i'm kind of liking it too
Starting point is 00:10:28 just because the proximity effect i can't stop forcing it upon your weakened brain it's because i'm sick it's not i'm not strong right now oh i'm not calling your brain weak because you're not sick that's what i meant oh okay great okay oh wow what a day what a day we've done nothing except be sick what it feels like an era i'll tell you throats to just fucking hurt also eva got the hell out of dodge she is not here today because she probably does not want to get sick girl um so hi eva i hope you're enjoying being healthy must be nice must be nice um oh and poor allison is also sick so you're not the only one oh that makes me feel better so that means during snuggle fest i also have to take care of my
Starting point is 00:11:10 girlfriend so what a rough life i have fucking patient zero so don't complain i'm not complaining anyway that's that on that i'm excited for this episode so are you yeah i am okay well i have a i have a short story um i mean it's probably actually the same length as all other i tried to keep it short though because i i knew that neither of us were feeling well so i didn't want to drag it on oh so i was trying to do it out of a kind heart okay mine's really long so oh fuck i'm not very i'm not really very nice. All right. Well, actually, then I guess it works out because we're balanced.
Starting point is 00:11:47 Great. I mean, usually it's the other way around, so why not? Yeah. I'm the one who has to talk extra, so it's. Oh, are you saying I'm a little mouthy sometimes? Like all the time. Yeah, that's probably true. I agree with you. Okay, great.
Starting point is 00:12:00 All right. What about like, Kay Linda? Like you can do a Spanish thinganish thing oh we're still on that yeah k linda like how pretty oh k linda no sure men i'm gonna get it right you i mean just shut up okay okay okay okay no it's funny you're doing a good job thanks you are thanks you are okay here's, okay. No, it's funny. You're doing a good job. Thanks. You are. Thanks. You are.
Starting point is 00:12:26 Okay, here's the story, because I know everyone's on the edge of their seats to hear my sick voice. Mmm, yum. Tell a tale. It is the story of the St. Louis Cathedral Basilica in New Orleans. Oh, I thought it was in St. Louis. So did I. And then all of a sudden
Starting point is 00:12:48 it was like in New Orleans. And I was like, well, that's not right. Cheating. Well, it's in New Orleans and it's of St. Louis. It is one of the oldest and most haunted landmark buildings
Starting point is 00:12:59 in New Orleans. I think it's also one of the oldest buildings in the country. Really? It is the seat of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of New Orleans. And it is equipped with several beautiful architectural structures, such as the two side steeples, a central bell tower, a pipe organ from 1829 that has been rebuilt due to water damage from Hurricane Katrina. Oh, wow. And it's still in there.
Starting point is 00:13:26 And a massive cathedral garden. Nice. There have been four churches on this land that have been, every time it gets knocked down, they just rebuild it because they persevere. The first church was built in 1718. Okay. Long time ago. And it was just a wooden structure and it was a temporary solution for the
Starting point is 00:13:46 town as they were getting bigger and they needed an actual place to go to church so okay so it was a wooden structure that they knew they would build upon 18 yes holy shit okay um was it called that like st louis oh i guess it was a cathedral back then st louis shack i mean yeah it was actually a cathedral and a wooden structure from 1718 st louis outhouse yeah you got it where we pray right yeah where many do so uh the second building so it was the wooden structure and then the second one was made of brick and timber in night in 1727 so not even 10 years later because it actually got uh oh yeah so in 19 in 1727 i keep saying 19 sorry not even 10 years later the second one got built um out of brick and timber and it actually stayed for a while but then by 1788 so just after its 60-year anniversary of standing.
Starting point is 00:14:47 Everyone keeps yelling at me about my fire alarm that they hear in the background. We hear it too. No, I know. But people are like, change your batteries. We keep trying to change the batteries and it won't stop beeping. So if anyone understands how to fix it, let me know. And I'm sorry about the beeping and I hear it. So sorry.
Starting point is 00:15:02 That's all. We all have to deal with that together apparently yep um so okay so the second one 1727 to 1788 when the great new orleans fire happens which has its own long story that i researched but just to keep things concise basically um it was there was a home altar where everyone was praying and a candle ignited the lace draperies and it ended up catching from wooden house to wooden house to wooden house throughout the town like the whole french quarter basically got destroyed so uh it ended up getting rebuilt for a second time and the third structure was built in 1794 and the spanish built it and made it a cathedral and it was declared a
Starting point is 00:15:48 cathedral in the year before in 1793 by the pope so like heavy duty cathedral and legit the steeples and this one are from the original building that they were able to recover and the central bell tower was commissioned in 1819 okay um the bell and the original clock came all the way from paris fun fact um i feel like fun facts should start being part of our drinking game i say that literally every time we do a live show and you still i'll change it i'll change it okay august 3rd nashville zanies look out for it fun fact fun fact so the fourth building in 1849, they needed to expand it because the town was getting bigger and they needed a bigger cathedral. Right.
Starting point is 00:16:33 So it got renovated during 1850, but the central tower collapsed due to structural problems and the whole cathedral had to be redone. Oh, no. It has now lasted over 150 years and the cathedral was actually upgraded to a basilica in 1964 by john paul ii oh all right so it's now a cathedral basilica it like got promoted in 1909 so there was still a lot of damage that's happened to it since but its structure itself has stayed and they've been able to just correct things so like
Starting point is 00:17:05 in 1909 a bomb actually detonated in the cathedral by a quote religious fanatic oh no in 1915 there was a new orleans category 4 hurricane and then in 2005 hurricane katrina tried to knock it down oh sad but so they keep rebuilding on this thing got Got it. So that's the history of the building. Here's the history of its characters. Ooh. In 1764, I just wanted to sound really like. Yeah, no, I was in it. Did you, you got it? I was on it.
Starting point is 00:17:35 In 1764, the King of France apparently was a dick. He gave the colony of New Orleans to the King of spain in a treaty agreement but he neglected to tell anyone wait hold on he didn't tell anyone that he gave new orleans to spain i like how back in the day you could just kind of be like it's like yeah it's yours it's like don't tell anyone but like it's yours thanks for mowing the lawn like here here's, here's new Orleans. What the fuck? How about like for like me, like watching your dog, what do I get? Um, I'll give you a Des Moines. Oh, I was hoping for like a, like a Vegas.
Starting point is 00:18:17 Do you have something against Des Moines? Oh no. I just thought maybe like somewhere more populated and touristy would be like the thing. Maybe like a San Diego. You really want all that responsibility. How much for san fran you know i'm saying oh man maybe after the wedding after you officiate the wedding that one deserves me a whole boston then we talk okay all right cool i'm on it anyway we'll get back but we can't tell anyone remember oh you don't tell anyone that i that i own seattle now yeah so uh the spaniards showed up to new orleans since it's now
Starting point is 00:18:46 theirs classic spaniards classic spain am i right um you're right they arrived in 1766 and took down the french flag and replaced it with a spanish one sorry i just see i'm walking around like replacing things with with their own like like a picture of me and geo like high-fiving but like a canvas people at every uh seattle's like what the fuck is going on but some cool people in seattle will be like ah m and geo i see that okay that can like if that's if this is the land that they own now then i'm glad to be part of it all right hey you're not i never i never handed you geo as part of this deal no no he's just on my national flag he's the mascot you know everyone's got like a national animal like a mask a national mascot yeah Gio's mine okay got it so you know I mean not that I'm surprised so where was I oh yeah Spain just threw their fucking flag everywhere so then uh all right so the french are literally just jaw dropped
Starting point is 00:19:47 they're like what why did you do that this is our land and they're like no no no you're wrong so again this is me as a history teacher it's like no no it's also you going to seattle yeah uh-huh no no no. Christine said I could. Uh-uh, Seattle. It's now my town. Call Christine. She'll tell you. So thinking they were being invaded, the French people formed an army and they were led by six prominent Creole men.
Starting point is 00:20:19 Okay. And the Spanish fled to Cuba and they came back in 1769 with a fleet of 24 ships, and they retook New Orleans, because they were like, all right, if we're going to fight, let me get 24 fleets real quick. Let me run back, and I'll come back to New Spain.
Starting point is 00:20:37 And so the new governor at the time, who was helping take over new orleans with the spanish his name was governor don alejandro o'reilly oh what a mix so ireland also took spain or somehow i don't know what's going on sneaky they're just like you guys fight it out they're like oh we're so hungry um spain i'm just gonna sneak in yep so they they're so hungry what i thought of the potato famine oh okay do you know what i just found out by the way speaking of the potato famine i thought you would say about the potato famine i was like um i a little late i found yeah well i thought about the potato famine as i said it so like in my head it came out right anyway
Starting point is 00:21:24 well i thought about the potato famine as i said it so like in my head it came out right anyway what did you just find out i just found out that um my family on my dad's side we came here because of the potato famine no way i did not know that wow so you okay so they were hungry and they came okay it all makes sense you're gonna go to seattle and be like they're gonna be like why are you here i was hungry they'll get it they'll know what i'm talking about. So Don Alejandro O'Reilly, he had his troops from his 24 ships chase down the six Creole leaders of the rebellion and shot them without due process. Oh, that's not good. Left their bodies in front of the church. Oh.
Starting point is 00:21:59 And forbade anyone from moving the bodies for burial. No. And the bodies rotted on the church steps. That's so fucked. So, the... I don't... Like, Pair Dagobert. Father Dagobert.
Starting point is 00:22:16 He was in charge of the church, and he visited O'Reilly and said, Please let us give them proper burials. And he ended up getting threatened that if he came back they would either kill him or i mean who they basically said threatened him and then i got a several a list of several different ways he was threatened but essentially he would die a list of several ways okay i mean he got threatened in pretty much whatever way you want to imagine that's fucked up so uh he's a badass, though, because he waited for a really rainy night. And then he gathered all six of the men's families, dragged their bodies away and buried the remains and gave them proper funerals.
Starting point is 00:22:59 And because he was covered by the mask of rain, nobody saw. And so he did not get hurt. Somebody make a movie about that. All right. Trademark. We got it. Oh, OK. We'll do it.
Starting point is 00:23:11 Don't steal it. It's called Ireland, Boston, Seattle, Spain, France. It's called Potato Famine. We were hungry. So in 1769, the ended up getting replaced uh Per Dagobert uh
Starting point is 00:23:28 he got replaced by a Spanish monk Per Antoine and but nothing like he didn't die for any of he didn't die
Starting point is 00:23:37 because he went against the rules or anything just like he never got caught because he was in the rain did it in the storm
Starting point is 00:23:43 so no one ever found out about that but he died he died of like natural causes oh okay but i just wanted to clarify that um he is also fun fact buried under the main altar of the church pear dog bear whatever yep oh so parent one um he what he replaced him but he was also spanish so a lot of people immediately hated him because he came over with the Spaniards taking over the land without anyone knowing what was going on. Before I move on, though, fun fact, the graves of the six men were never actually marked because Peridago Bear didn't want anyone to find out what he did so they never got marked and buildings have since been built on top of that old cemetery where he brought them
Starting point is 00:24:30 um which and it's like the expansion of the church has oh so they're buried nearby the church okay and uh their bones have been dug up inadvertently during construction projects. So it's confirmed that their bodies are there. Oh. And I'm just going to do, I'm going to tell the history of the person and then tell their ghost. Okay, great. So no one gets confused. Okay.
Starting point is 00:24:54 So Pear Dagobert and the six men have all shown up in the St. Louis Cathedral Basilica. As ghosts, you mean? As ghosts. Okay. So, apparently, Père Dagobert still sings when the church is empty. And when it's closed for the night,
Starting point is 00:25:14 the night staff will hear him roaming around and singing. And he will raise you up. No, I just imagine he's singing church Catholic music. He's singing Kyrie. What's that? A church song. Oh song oh i mean he could also be singing like good morning star shine or the thanksgiving song can you imagine that's you as a ghost i was gonna say i don't think that's him i think that's pass
Starting point is 00:25:39 the christ imagine the most annoying ghost and that's to be me or christine no that's both of us combined imagine if we both haunt a place together but we do the the one word one word thing but see that's exponentially more annoying yes but also wow would that be the most important piece of evidence that they've ever gotten of ghosts it will be and also if can you imagine like um the uh what am i calling the sound things to get ghosts to talk? What are they called? Spirit box? Yeah, spirit box.
Starting point is 00:26:09 And it just goes like, pass the cranberry sausage. But also, they're doing this with a spirit box 400 years from now, and the Thanksgiving song is just totally diminished from history. No, the Thanksgiving song is the national anthem of oh right the whole world but imagine if that song is totally irrelevant and they don't know about it and all of a sudden the spirit box is just shouting those lyrics and they're like what the fuck is this talking about kill the turkey thank you for loving me oh god that's actually highly creepy um what's that i don't remember i don't know it doesn't matter anyway so he's singing he sings church hymns um and as he's singing he travels down the aisles towards the doors and witnesses have seen a bright light moving from window to window when
Starting point is 00:26:58 they're standing outside so there have been night guards that have said, we hear singing at the same time that people walking by have seen lights walking around upstairs. Ooh, spooky. The singing also continues down the alley outside of the church toward the area where St. Peter's Cemetery is located, which is where those six men are buried. Okay. When it rains, apparently he is seen praying after worship. And he walks down the aisles of the cathedral with his head down and it looks like he's reading probably the bible i would guess or a hymnal oh and the entities of the six men are apparently always nearby him because since he defended them in his lifetime they now look out
Starting point is 00:27:46 for him even though like what's gonna happen he's a ghost goosebumps oh we had different opinions it is nice but it's like what are you gonna protect him from well i don't know like evil forces in a church well yeah they fucking put dead bodies in there that's true but i imagine there's no evil forces in a church because can't like lucifer not get into a church or something i don't think that's real i don't know i just watched the omen one time and he was afraid of the church so i just assumed technically a church is anywhere that you pray so i don't think that's valid can you tell how not religious i am what if i'm like this is a church actually that might work satan can't come in now oh well we are really asking for it though we do have robert the doll so i think it's like oh
Starting point is 00:28:30 this is a church and robert the doll is here we screwed up a lot in many many ways so um yeah so people have seen him and whenever you see him there are always six shadow men nearby and they never actually present themselves directly to you but you can always see shadows walking around the area okay i don't actually like that very much anymore so it's the exact phrasing i found online was shyly standing in the corners never entirely in sight okay it's like they're kind of okay as long as hanging around him they don't want to like harass you or anything no they're just like always near him if you see him they're nearby got it but they'll never mess with you directly okay so now we're on to pair antoine okay so like i said he was from spain so nobody
Starting point is 00:29:15 liked him at first but um they also really hated him because he was determined to establish a really harsh um level of catholicism in the church and he was known as quite the bigot um hated just about everyone for just about every reason and at some point in his time there he underwent some sort of spiritual cleanse he like really like took a look in the mirror i guess and he totally changed he became a real spiritual leader he had outreach programs he worked hard for everyone in a good way in a good way okay got it and quote it was widely believed that pere antoine had been a living saint he built his own shack to live in with no luxuries took care of the sick regardless of their religion he went without
Starting point is 00:30:04 sleep for weeks at a time, spending every hour of the 24 in comforting the stricken, administering last rites in burying the dead. No one, it was declared, ever saw him take food from the beginning of an epidemic to the end. What the...
Starting point is 00:30:19 So he, like, totally changed. Also, rumors he was gay-friendly, which is a good thing to know because i was like completely forever ago 180 then okay so when he died at 81 he was deeply mourned by all of new orleans and also buried in the cathedral okay some of his um uh parishioners is that the right word parishioners parishioners some of his parishioners um were also well known in the church and they have their own ghost stories because they felt incredibly attached which i will get on to in a little bit but i just wanted to make you aware of that okay
Starting point is 00:30:54 pear antoine appears when he shows up as a ghost in full body with a flowing white beard wearing a robe and sandals and walking around town. So he doesn't just stay in the church. He literally just goes all around New Orleans and people see him everywhere. What? Isn't that bananas? He sounds like a God impersonator. Yeah, uh-huh.
Starting point is 00:31:18 Walking around town. Apparently people see him everywhere. So if you ever are followed by an old man in a black robe and sandals it might not be someone trying to rob you it might just be a ghost but like let's play it safe and like probably they're trying to like also get your pepper spray ready yeah also don't don't he also apparently goes up to people in stores and restaurants and like never speaks but he'll interact with you or like put his hand on your shoulder and then just leave but everyone recognizes the same person and he's been around for decades you know what would be a really great grift is if you just like dressed up that way
Starting point is 00:31:54 wandered around new orleans someone has to pickpocket people you're like hello my son and then just like you know they're like i know that guy i was like that's the one so yeah so that's probably what someone does at some street performer so he has been seen walking down the alley near the church deep in prayer reading his books of prayers and walking through the cathedral garden um some see him hurrying through the streets of the french quarter like he's got to get somewhere now which i think is hysterical it's like where do you got to go so fast? I know. The outhouse where we pray. Oh, right.
Starting point is 00:32:27 Right, right, right. Cathedral outhouse. Yeah, I forgot. Also, when the children's choir is rehearsing, he is seen sitting in the pews watching. He will even wave to the children if they wave to him. During the holidays, he is seen in the choir loft holding a white candle during Christmas Eve mass. And he also walks in the aisle with people.
Starting point is 00:32:47 People have like witnessed him in like right behind just a group of people. This is giving me like Catholic goosebumps. The worst and the best kind. Visitors and locals have both reported seeing an apparition of him in the alley in the early mornings. He's walking by himself and sometimes people will witness him waving to people who are not there he is also reported being seen in the garden talking to someone who's not there and one woman uh at one point was running through the alley in the early morning and she tripped and fell and instead of hitting the ground two arms caught her of a black robed man with a white beard and
Starting point is 00:33:26 sandals and she was the only person in the alley she would have absolutely seen him but as she was falling just two arms just showed up out of nowhere holy shit um lifted her up and he said nothing as he helped her gain her balance and when she uh like dusted herself off and looked up to thank him he was already gone but she was in the middle of an alley so she would have seen him walking away what the fuck um the woman also said that for the rest of the day she felt overwhelming peace and anytime she tried to shake it off she felt arms or like she felt someone hug her basically a guy who works for a nearby cigar shop actually saw him walk into the store and stare at him and pray like play for his soul like oh my god like don't sell anymore can you imagine
Starting point is 00:34:12 if a ghost is praying for you tobacco is not your friend the store clerk didn't know what to do and said do you want a cigar he said take one they're free and so pear antoine uh also am i saying it right a-n-t-o-i-n-e yeah and towing no no no friend and swan yes you're good i just want to make sure because someone's gonna say i know i know i know it's not that but i just who knows you are i know so parent on's ghost listen after dr carrot i'm just always nervous um parent one's ghost um then took the cigar oh she's living it up and apparently the store store clerk blinked and he was gone with the cigar so he just like took it to heaven he just was like oh this is this was the final touch he going to sneak that to heaven and won't tell God and smoke it in the corner.
Starting point is 00:35:08 Apparently, if you take pictures down the alley by the church, some have gotten a silhouette of an older man with a long white beard walking towards them. Oh, man. So the next one I'm going to talk about, her name, people might know her. She is known as the voodoo queen, Marie Laveau. Yep. She was actually a parishioner that followed Pere Antoine. Although she's known for following voodoo, she also very heavily followed Catholicism,
Starting point is 00:35:38 which sounds like it might not make sense, but apparently there's some overlap in the religions. At least in her mind, there was. Yeah, well, because Catholicism is like super um super uh superstitious and god what's the word yeah anyway i can see how they overlap well so she followed catholicism and voodoo and she was very respected around town for giving advice for matchmaking for nursing patients although because it was voodoo a lot of people thought oh it's not matchmaking she's putting a spell on someone to love me or oh she's not nursing a patient she's healing them and curing them through magic or oh she's not giving us advice
Starting point is 00:36:14 she's like manipulating us with some sort of voodoo like it to some people it came off really bad and to other people they were like i don't care it works she's doing good i'm just gonna rock it right so she was a devout catholic and worked with parent one in his ministry when he was doing all the good stuff so when he was working with the poor and the sick she was there most of the time um did a whole bunch of good in her life but because she played with voodoo played with voodoo you know what i mean before that's how they saw it that's how it's written in my notes but because she was also a participant in voodoo um she was denied a marked tomb when she died oh that's awful so what is wrong with people i don't know you can be great but still not good enough i don't know so people still see her also full-bodied apparition she walks around the saint louis cemetery number one which is the cemetery she's buried in um it's common knowledge that that's
Starting point is 00:37:12 where she is even though her tomb was unmarked um but it's just known that that's where her body probably went um she is seen praying on her knees early every morning and late every night. Oh, wow. In the sightings that people have reported, she's always dressed in white. Her head is always wrapped and she is praying at the cathedral's high altar and she can be seen in the first row to the left of the altar. She has been seen making the sign of the cross, rising to her feet and fading away. sign of the cross rising to her feet and fading away wow one woman who has witnessed this decided to then approach her as she was fading away by the time she got to her seat she was already gone but she looked at the seat where marie laveau was sitting and uh in that pew she felt a chill as if
Starting point is 00:38:00 a ghost had been there she felt like she was still being stared at. And she found a rosary in a pew that looked like it came from another century. She said it was absolutely not modern and clearly worn. And she grabbed it. And apparently it felt like it had been taken from a freezer. Whoa. Many have also found the same rosary. Oh, my God. With the same descriptions.
Starting point is 00:38:21 Always feeling like it came out of a freezer. In all different areas of the church, including the stairs in bathrooms in storage closets under items where it like did not just accidentally get thrown and hanging from the vents holy shit wait so do they take them and like people i don't know she grabbed it and i think she just like tried to either return it or tried to hold it i'm sure just got lost all over again or i don't know so just keeps that's crazy um also the bell tower of the cathedral basilica it was designed by a man named ben latrobe and he is most noted for um also doing work on the white house in the capital oh so when the um tower was being built the city council hired a new orleans clock maker named jean de la show okay to find a clock so he found it in paris
Starting point is 00:39:14 and he brought it back to the building but before it ever the tower ever got completed he died and uh he was also buried on the property right after his death he is still seen all around the church dressed in early 1800s attire particularly he is often standing in the lawn looking at the clock and then if you look at him for too long he will turn to look at you that is spooky when ben latrobe died the designer of the bell tower yeah when he died the spirits got even more active so a lot have reported that even on still days where there is no wind the bell will ring on its own um anytime there are workers up there they are only allowed to work in partners oh no because objects will be guaranteed to leave and disappear at all times and be found in random places around the church on the other side of the property
Starting point is 00:40:11 hanging on the vents yeah uh paint buckets move around ladders get moved around when no one's looking the workers will lose their tools that's really dangerous i'd be pissed if i just wanted to get in and out can you imagine if you know you're working in a place that's haunted and you're scared of ghosts and you're like i went in and out in and out in and out and then you can't even do it so there is a ghostly figure of him that has been seen apparently he shows up at random hours but he is always there whenever the clock is chiming oh wow um he is standing in the cathedral with a pocket watch in his hand as if he is checking to make sure that the clock is still keeping time with his watch wow that's interesting as the chimes fade away the ghost of him also vanishes into thin air
Starting point is 00:40:55 and apparently there is still a strange energy that is felt around the area whenever the bells chime it feels like electricity and you're being stared at very intensely oh i don't like that people feel the presence of someone glaring at you it is so strongly felt that people are afraid to be up there for more than an hour at a time and sometimes if you decide to stay up there anyway when you feel like you're being glared at you will then see him next to you oh no it's like he's just really protective of the thing he was trying to design probably like why the hell are you here away and he can't tell you to leave. It's like he's just really protective of the thing he was trying to design. Yeah, because he's probably like, why the hell are you here? It's like, get away.
Starting point is 00:41:26 And he can't tell you to leave, so he's like... Staring at you. He's trying his best. So, there have also been sounds of someone working that are heard, and it sounds like old construction from when the tower was originally built. And many have heard the bell ringing crazy, as if it's like getting like rung nonstop. But then they'll go look at the clock and it isn't moving at all sometimes the clock itself will move wildly but make no noise
Starting point is 00:41:52 here's a fun one for you do you know who another person of the church was who new orleans oh shoot you're gonna put this oh awful. I don't want to talk about her. What's her name? Madame LaLaurie. No, I don't like her. Oh, my God. No. Why?
Starting point is 00:42:10 What a bad, bad lady. You told me Satan can't come into churches. Exactly. Okay. So you were right. I was wrong. Apparently, the devil can walk right into church. Okay.
Starting point is 00:42:20 So you can go find the episode where I talked about the little Lori mansion in great detail. It's number 19. Cause I remember how traumatic it was for most of our listeners. And this is the epilogue to that story because she, if you remember, she was driven out of her house and people say she died in Paris. Okay. Supposedly after that, she was shipped back to new orleans her remains
Starting point is 00:42:47 were and she was buried in an unmarked grave in st louis cemetery number one which is oh man so she has also been spotted in the church she's been spotted pacing back and forth in front of the confessionals and witnesses have seen her in the third row pew, kneeling and fervently praying. I know. She needs it. Gazing up at the central altar, clearly holding back tears. Some hear her scream in sorrow and begging God to help her. I'm imagining like, I don't know if this is like she's playing out something that happened. Like if she keeps reenacting a part of her life or she's begging for help.
Starting point is 00:43:25 So she stops doing what she's doing. Or maybe she's begging for help currently to like get her out of purgatory. Right. Like she's suffering. Yeah. In the afterlife. That's really interesting. So.
Starting point is 00:43:37 So they don't. Clearly they don't know. But those are the two theories. Clearly no one's helped her yet. I guess. She is also seen by the two theories. Clearly no one's helped her yet. I guess. Um, she is also seen by the organ loft, looks down at you and sometimes looks very angry and frustrated. Some think that she wants to communicate with the living,
Starting point is 00:43:54 but she does not know how to, and you can only hear her sobbing. We should bring a spirit box there. Well, we should not go anywhere where the, where Madame LeLaurie was. Bad idea. Bad idea.
Starting point is 00:44:04 Sometimes there is no apparition and only the sound of soft weeping that can be heard through the vaults and there is also whenever you hear her crying a series of disembodied faces that will stare back at you from behind the bathroom mirrors oh oh no that's out of a horror movie it's not just one it's apparently several faces you can be by yourself in the yourself looking into the mirror and there's several faces when you hear her crying. Fuck that. Also, a theory is that all those faces are the people that she hurt. Oh my god!
Starting point is 00:44:34 She's crying. Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. The cries can be heard. Obviously, there are several cold spots. There are orbs when you say her name. Someone will also force your hands together as if they're asking you to pray and then a theory is that she is asking you to pray for her which like fuck you you're the last person i'm ever gonna pray for me apparently also when you're
Starting point is 00:44:57 kneeling um to pray you can feel hands on your shoulders and your forehead and some have gone to side rooms where they hear meetings and service and then they get there and the room is entirely empty the lights are off and the door is locked creepy um shadows will follow you and if they run into you apparently you feel like you stepped into a freezer and people with old-fashioned clothing are seen sitting amongst living churchgoers how crazy would that be some Some will say, and most of these some are mediums. Some will say the church is overcrowded, especially during Christmas services. So overcrowded that they can't even move or find a seat.
Starting point is 00:45:36 And then when they report that to people, others will say it was the normal amount of people that were always there. And it was easy to find a seat and it was not overcrowded at all. What? So especially during Christmas services, like all of a sudden all these spirits come up, um, and are attending church with you and you can't see it unless you, you know,
Starting point is 00:45:57 certain people see it. Yeah. Got it. Got it. Got it. Got it. Got it. Um,
Starting point is 00:46:01 which by the way, I have a friend who's a medium and she has reported the same thing, not at this church, but at other churches. She was there for like, I guess her communion or something and nobody was really there. But she remembers like literally being like sardines, like a can of sardines bumping into people saying, I'm sorry, a bunch of times because she couldn't get through the path of people. And afterwards she was like, I couldn't even see, like,
Starting point is 00:46:26 I couldn't even see what was going on. Like there were so many people there. I was like just jammed there and I kept losing you guys. Like you kept getting separated from me. And her parents were like, what are you talking about? You kept saying, sorry, sorry to the air around you. Yeah. What?
Starting point is 00:46:42 So apparently, according to my friend who does not know I'm reporting on this. That is wild. And to the story who doesn't know about my friend. That's two different accounts where this has happened in a church. That is wild. And she's also said the same thing about how during Christmas the church really overpacks itself. Yeah, yeah. I mean, but that's.
Starting point is 00:46:57 Makes sense. Standard Catholic procedure. You only show up on Christmas and Easter. So anyway, that is the St. Louis Cathedral Basilica. Oh my God. christmas and easter so anyway that is the saint louis cathedral basilica my god i can't believe how many fucking people are intertwined with that i know oh madame laurie can well she apparently used to be like a regular churchgoer in between all of her like brain stirring all right you know yeah i know she would take a day and go to church and cleanse herself spiritually.
Starting point is 00:47:26 You gotta pray a little bit. And see how good that worked? She's now haunting the church. For God's sakes. Okay. How did you like that ad? I was gonna ask them, too. How did you like it?
Starting point is 00:47:37 Yeah? Did you like it, Em? Just nod and smile. Or shake your head. Just go on. We'll know what you mean. No, just go use our promo codes at all of the above. Look, you want all these things we are giving you great access to them so have fun so you're welcome um i'm gonna talk about the beast of jersey this week that sounds real juicy wait is that the devil in jersey is that the same same thing? Jersey devil? No. Okay. This is a beast of Jersey, not New Jersey.
Starting point is 00:48:07 Oh, okay. Jersey in Europa. Ooh. So like actual Jersey. Yes. Yes. Gotcha. Not the new one.
Starting point is 00:48:16 Not, not Joy-Z. No, no, not to be confused with Joy-Z. So I got a lot of this from, so I i used a ton of there were a lot of articles online that had like um different uh elements of this story but there was one blog that i found called true crime enthusiast that was really thorough and she went through every piece like a timeline of like every piece of what happened all the way from the beginning to the end oh cool so that was kind of like my main source so thank you to true crime enthusiast blog um so i'm just going to start here at the beginning so uh the island of jersey is an island in the british channel off the coast of normandy um and it's a pretty small island uh it so the story began in 1957 when a 29-year-old nurse waiting for a bus was attacked by a man wearing a mask, then dragged into a field and raped.
Starting point is 00:49:11 Oh, boy. So real strong start. She was left with serious injuries, but fortunately she survived. And then the following year, a 20-year-old woman walking home from a bus stop was attacked by a man who put a rope around her neck dragged her into a field and raped her jesus only a few months after that in july of 1958 a 31 year old woman again walking home from the bus stop was attacked the same way rope around her neck dragged into a field and raped there's something incredibly extra just hard to swallow with the rope around the neck yeah it's just like in my mind
Starting point is 00:49:45 it sounds like he's doing this near public yeah yeah and no one's noticing this from the corner of their eye like someone i mean because i feel like a lot of times you picture like a knife to the back like leading someone away but like the rope is just such like a new factor that i'm not used to i feel like someone had to have caught it at least once especially that it's a pattern it's like it's really jarring yeah it is it's really upsetting um it gets worse uh the following month a young girl was attacked by this masked uh fella i put masked blank i don't know what masked asshole i guess you can fill it whenever you want uh and then in october a 28 year old woman was attacked with the same M.O. So this is just like back to back to back.
Starting point is 00:50:27 All of a sudden it started. Detectives determined the attacks were being perpetrated by the same man, which is obviously like, you know, there's a pattern of the rope and the bus stop and all that. And the victims agreed that he was about early to mid 40s, foot six had an irish accent and smelled musty yeah foul um the mystery attacker soon became known as the beast of jersey and by the time 1960 rolled around uh the attacker had started to get more confident so jesus not good news he sort of became like a local boogeyman and and what he would do is he would enter his victims' homes at night, which we both just are not into that. Just the worst.
Starting point is 00:51:13 So he'd enter victims' homes at night and take children from their beds. What? 14th 1960 a 12 year old boy was asleep in his home when he was awoken by a man climbing through his bedroom window the man tied a rope around his neck led him outside and assaulted him oh my gosh and then brought him back home oh my god the following month a woman accepted a ride by a man who claimed to be a doctor on the way to pick up his wife uh she it was too dark for her to make out his facial features but she felt something was off by the like his outfit was strange and she he smelled musty and she felt a little weird but before she could do anything or say anything uh he drove his car into a field punched her threatened to kill her tied her hands behind her head before dragging her out into the field and
Starting point is 00:52:00 raping her oh my god then he put her back in the car and drove away but um she was able to jump from the moving car and started screaming for help and um and two people who lived nearby uh heard her screams came out and the attacker drove away so thankfully like they heard it and were able to rescue her, but the man drove away before he was caught. So in March 1960, so this is just a few, within the next couple weeks, a 43-year-old woman was awoken by the phone ringing downstairs. She went downstairs to answer it, but when she picked up the receiver, all she heard was a click and a dial tone. She went back to bed. An hour later, she heard movement. Oh, movement oh yeah i'm sorry what time in the morning
Starting point is 00:52:46 is this um it's the middle of the night or it's nighttime i mean okay well she's in bed so right i mean i feel like if you're in bed and you get a phone call that does that even back when it was like the peak of landlines like you should still be scared currently it's like it has an extra level of fear for me because nobody uses a landline anymore so it's already got that kind of like eerie yeah but i mean keep in mind they're like way out in the country like this is a small small island but you're right and also but like what are you gonna do i know but i can't call the police i wouldn't go back to sleep i'd be fair i would be ready i'd be ready to never sleep again but you know i mean it ready i'd be ready to never sleep again
Starting point is 00:53:25 but you know i mean it happens like i guess so because you don't have caller id so it could be like oh someone but even on my cell phone right now if someone called and hung up i would be yeah but it's also like your uh caller id now so like what if she was like oh maybe it's my husband who's at work and then or maybe i guess i know like a wrong number like just hang up you're right i would just already be like also maybe just because we have a true crime podcast and also i'm just primed to like but it's also such a horror movie element and i feel like back then that's not what people think it's just such a a prime and back then it's like 1960 like no one's thinking like oh the i know you're calling my phone but yeah just as i'm hearing it i'm just it's incredibly creepy it's, the murder is going to call my phone. But yeah. As I'm hearing it, I'm just.
Starting point is 00:54:05 Oh, it's incredibly creepy. It's like the creepiest possible thing to have happen, especially in this context. So, yeah, she all she heard was a click and a dial tone. So she was like, all right, went back to bed. An hour later, she heard a sound downstairs. She went downstairs to investigate. And as soon as she reached the bottom of the staircase, the lights went out. No.
Starting point is 00:54:25 She heard someone in the living room. Oh, no. She fumbled around in the dark looking for the phone, but someone had cut the phone line. Oh, my God. In the dark, a man grabbed her and demanded money. Unfortunately, the woman's 14-year-old daughter had heard the commotion and was coming downstairs to investigate what was going on oh no so the man paused his attack on the woman so she immediately ran outside to start screaming to her neighbors to to call the police um and as soon as she got back to the house she found her daughter was still alive but had been brutally raped in the time that she was
Starting point is 00:55:01 gone why did she leave why did she leave the house with her daughter and the guy because she was screaming for someone to call the police because her phone line was cut gosh so she's like screaming for help and then moments later she comes back and the man was gone uh in april a 14 year old girl woke up in her bedroom to see a man wearing a strange mask standing at the foot of her bed uh three months later an eight-year-old boy was abducted from his bed by a man in a raincoat he was raped and then was left on the doorstep uh and that was july and the attacks suddenly stopped but uh not forever just for like a time period the following year a 12 year old boy an 11 year old boy and an 11 year old girl had all been taken from their homes and brutally sexually assaulted oh my god at this
Starting point is 00:55:51 point the beast of jersey has been at large for three years the police are no near nearer to catching him um and the pressure was obviously on the police because this is a really small area and like they they're like how the hell have we not been able to catch this guy? So what they did is they called for help from Scotland Yard's murder squad. As you know, I love the game Scotland Yard. Some people have reached out to me about that. Apparently 99% of the world does not know what that is. So Scotland Yard got involved.
Starting point is 00:56:21 The people of jersey were warned to keep an eye out for the man whom they called the beast and they were given the following information to keep an eye out for like their neighbors their friends co-workers etc they were told he always strikes at night seemingly only during a full moon he's about 40 to 45 years old he often wears a thigh-length jacket or raincoat with a distinct, musty smell. He always covers his face, oftentimes with a disfigured rubber mask and a black wig. He also creates wristbands with nails sticking out of them like spikes, as well as shoulder pads with nails in them, presumably so that anyone who tries to grab him would get injured. So, again, like I said, the the island of jersey not a big community it was assumed that somebody in the in the area would recognize this person like pretty specific yeah like rubber mask black wig
Starting point is 00:57:17 and nail sticking out of his shoulders like yeah i know specific geez um so basically what they did what scott lanier did is they questioned every single man with a criminal record in the entire community might as well start somewhere we're still not able to catch him the only good part of all this is that because they were involved the attack stopped for two years um presumably out of fear of getting caught but this guy couldn't hold off forever and in april of 1963 he attacked a nine-year-old boy then an 11 then a 10 and then a 16 year old so he just went on like a my gosh crazy spree excuse me after this the attacks died again died down again for two years and in 1966 the jersey police force received a letter from someone claiming to be the beast of jersey oh my god that's confidence to think you're not going to
Starting point is 00:58:12 get caught speaking to them directly just like writing a fucking letter they always do this shit too all right i'm gonna read you the letter my dear sir i think that it is just the time to tell you that you are just wasting your time as every time i've done what i always intended to do and remember it will not stop at this but i will be fair to you and give you a chance i have never had much out of this life but i intend to get everything i can now i have always wanted to do the perfect crime i have done this but this time let the moon shine very bright in september because this time it must be perfect not one but two i'm not a maniac Oh my god. Again, the amount of stubborn confidence it must take for like, I will give you every clue possible to find me. I want you to try to find me.
Starting point is 00:59:08 You cannot find me. Yeah. It is just revolting. It's horrifying. And like, how frustrated must they be? Like, they haven't been able to catch him after years and years and years. This better have a good fucking ending because I'm over this. It seemed likely that it was the Beast because, so he said in the letter, I will, you'll hear from me before September and, you know, I'll give you all the clues.
Starting point is 00:59:31 There was a savage rape on a 15-year-old girl in August 1966. Just as the letter had promised, the attack mirrored the previous ones, but this time there was a new detail to the attack. tail to the attack the attacker had left strange get ready for it long scratches on the victim's torso that were evenly spaced out and completely parallel oh they weren't and she's 12 oh my god sorry 15 jesus there were no attacks for the following three years so he did that then did the creepy nail scratches down her torso. Was it mentioned in the letter that he was going to hold off for three years? No, he just said, this crime will be perfect. I will do it by moonlight, blah, blah, blah, before September.
Starting point is 01:00:17 And then there were no attacks for three years. But in August 1970, a 13-year-old boy was awakened in his bed by a flashlight shining in his face. The attacker took the boy to a field behind his house, placed his raincoat on the ground, made the boy remove his pajamas, and then sexually assaulted him. Oh, my God. The attacker then told him to remain quiet,
Starting point is 01:00:37 quote, because if you don't, someone will harm your mother and father. Oh, my God. So the poor boy, he was dropped off back, or he was in his backyard. So he went home and he managed to keep quiet until the next morning. But he was so shaken, obviously, that his parents were like, what the hell is going on? He finally broke down, told them about his attacker, and they called investigators. The boy said his attacker had black spiky hair and a terrifying mask. When the boy was examined, investigators noted that he also had parallel scratches running down his torso.
Starting point is 01:01:05 Oh, my God. That just gives me the creeps. Oh, my God. So, again, police interviewed a majority of people on the island. They interviewed nearly 30,000 people, and they still couldn't catch him. But this is where the turntables, as Michael Scott would say. Oh, how the turntables. Okay. as michael scott would say oh how the turntables okay on july 10th 1971 jersey police officers john riseborough and tom mcginn were out on patrol when a car shot past them through a red light
Starting point is 01:01:34 so a high-speed chase ensues uh finally the car crashes through a hedge and into a tomato field the officers chase the man down so the guy jumps out of the car the car crashes the guy jumps out of the car is running through this tomato field um and the officers chase him down and one of them finally managed to get him using a quote rugby tackle oh wow i'm sure he was proud of that one i mean all rugby players should be proud that at least they have that in their back pocket they can use a rugby tackle when when necessary um so he was arrested and taken into custody and when they got back to the station police realized this wasn't an ordinary uh you know car chase arrest uh in the light they saw that this man was wearing an old musty rain
Starting point is 01:02:17 coat with one inch nails protruding from both shoulders and the lapels of his coat ew he was wearing cloth bands around his wrists with one inch nails sticking out of them he had old pants tucked into his socks and slippers over them and was wearing woolen gloves so they emptied the pockets of his coat and things got even weirder they pulled out a flashlight with black tape covering the front so only a sliver of light could shine out of it ew um two lengths of rope a woolen cap several empty cigarette packets rolls of tape and a black wig with stiff spiky hair if they weren't suspicious enough already then they were when they pulled out the final item which was a gruesome homemade rubber mask i'm gonna show you a picture of this this mask okay okay tell me when now it looks like leather face from texas chainsaw masker i think it looks i'm pretty sure he
Starting point is 01:03:17 inspired leather face actually he i mean i just like i can, I, I want to say, can you imagine that assaulting you? But I don't want to say that, but that's just the most nightmarish thing I could ever imagine. It's literally worse than you could. That's, it's the exact worst thing you could imagine. Talk about like boogeyman, like sleep paralysis shit. Like that is what you would see. That, I, you would never sleep again. You'd never sleep again.
Starting point is 01:03:43 No wonder. And so so and of course they were children this is the last one i'll show you that later so if you guys do want to see it just be forewarned it's really creepy but you can google um beast of jersey mask so finally after 12 fucking years they had captured the beast of jersey and then by chance too yeah so wait i'm confused so i'm gonna ask a question that i'm sure you're about to answer but so was he just fed up with them not being able to solve his riddles and he just like intentionally flew past the cops they could finally catch him and he decided to
Starting point is 01:04:19 stay in all of his garb no so they could obviously catch him or no like what it was an accident why and also before you answer it before i answer why like i am imagining if i'm this if i'm this guy this fellow and all of a sudden the cops are like right behind me why is he not like ripping all of the shady shit off of him and like hiding it somewhere in his car so they don't like well i mean to be fair like i guess they're gonna find it no matter what i know but like i'm about to tell you okay i am i promise i promise and if you still have if it doesn't explain it all ask me but that's how things go usually so i mean but i mean like if this doesn't answer your question tell me and we can parse it further okay so finally after 12 years they were like this is a fucking guy we're looking for um so his name
Starting point is 01:05:06 was edward john lewis pinell he was a native of jersey who came from an affluent family believe it or not he uh was 46 years old worked as a building contractor on the island was married with a daughter and two stepchildren oh my god i know and was well liked among locals the only time he had ever had any encounter with the law was when he served a month in jail during World War II for stealing food to distribute to starving families. Oh my god. His wife Joan ran a foster home for children and met him when he was working there as a handyman. And the children at the foster home knew him as Uncle Ted. Was Uncle Ted doing things to the foster kids? He often brought them candy
Starting point is 01:05:46 and other gifts and even dressed up as Santa Claus every year to distribute presents to the children at the home. I don't like this. And by Santa Claus, I mean Father Christmas. Oh, Jesus. When questioned about his strange outfit, Pinel had a perfectly logical explanation.
Starting point is 01:06:02 He said he was on his way to an orgy. Oh, well, who's to say he wasn't? And he was borrowing the car, because by the way, this was a stolen car. Oh, of course. He was borrowing the car to get there, to avoid anyone recognizing him on the way to the orgy. He said it was too embarrassing, so he stole the car. It was too embarrassing to go to an orgy in a giant
Starting point is 01:06:25 like pig nail costume yeah got it so he decided he would steal a car to go i feel like that's the least embarrassing part of anything that's happening right now 100 uh he said the nails in the clothing were meant to be a defense against anyone who might use martial arts against him it sounds like dwight Schrute. Yes! That is... I think you just primed me because of the turntables thing. I think it was in my head because that is... I was thinking office. Every single time that's what I think.
Starting point is 01:06:54 Just say the word martial arts and I either think Blaze or Dwight Schrute. But actually, that just blew my mind. But so, I mean, like, okay. That's, I i guess one explanation oh yeah okay so he refused to say anything about the mask and the wig but they noticed that there were uh adhesive tape marks on his face on his skin meaning that he had worn the mask at some point that evening i see so uh he was locked up for the night while police were like we're gonna search this dude's home to make sure because they they were like, we know it's the guy, but we need to.
Starting point is 01:07:27 I hope they find the weirdest shit in this house. Just buckle up, man. Oh, my God. So his house was even creepier than you'd fucking expect. I mean, I feel like nothing in the world is creepier than he is. But. Okay. What's it?
Starting point is 01:07:39 His house is like. Also the house that his wife and children are in. Thank you. The house of a guy who's married and has three kids. And they all just grew up with whatever's in this house thinking it's normal this is what's happening in pinell's bedroom they found a secret room that he had built which smelled extremely musty inside the room hung several articles of old clothing including an old raincoat homemade wigs and hats and fake eyebrows there was a camera hanging on a hook and several photographs of various houses around jersey
Starting point is 01:08:12 and i'm assuming his wife did not know about this room i will tell you oh my god there were also several items of black magic paraphernalia including a homemade altar to satan oh my god behind heavy red curtains oh my god it is now believed he would sacrifice small animals and perform a blood ritual on the night of his attacks to prepare on full on full moons yeah yeah jesus okay yeah okay pinell was eventually charged on 13 counts including rape okay i guess i didn't add this in here but about his wife um let me see no i guess i didn't add it so yeah i will answer that so apparently he and his wife had um had they were married but they were like pretty much separated so he actually like built his own wing of the
Starting point is 01:08:58 house and he was like this is where i live now like they like lived in separate bedrooms basically she never went into no the kids never went into his part no also also confident of him to just trust that nobody was gonna look into his place because i know if my parents were staying in different parts of the house i'd be going into both parts of the house yeah he was really that was a bold move to assume no one was gonna check in on what he built himself and also the room like his bedroom was normal ish but like there was like this weird secret secret attachment so it wasn't like it was out in the open right but i mean yeah it's weird as fuck okay and i mean i don't know how old his kids were they
Starting point is 01:09:35 could have been grown i don't like i really don't know any details about that um but his wife he and his wife were pretty much fully separated like they didn didn't. Got it. They were in a technical marriage, I guess. So Pinell was eventually charged on 13 counts, including rape, indecent assault and sodomy against six victims, with all but one being a minor. His trial in November 1971 revealed an obsession with black magic and an obsession with one of the most evil men in history whose name is french who i will now try to pronounce so sorry in advance uh gilles de rey's gilles de rey's de rey gilles de rey okay so gilles de rey um and pinell claimed to be a distant descendant of his. Do you know who that guy is? Gilles de Rais? Okay, so he was this notorious 15th century French nobleman and occultist
Starting point is 01:10:32 who was likely the inspiration of the famous legend of Bluebeard. So what he would do... So this guy was, like, real, and he would lure children to his castle and then offer them to the devil as human sacrifices. Oh, my God. Yeah. So this Pinel apparently had an obsession with him to his castle and then offer them to the devil as human sacrifices oh my god yeah so this pinell apparently had an obsession with him and believed he was a distant descendant of his oh my god um so they tried to plead insanity but his defense team tried to plead insanity it did not work
Starting point is 01:10:56 instead they revealed just how clever and cunning he really was which is fascinating so when they went through his stuff that like the photographs of houses he had he had earmarked them as targets of where children lived and um he sometimes spent years he sometimes plotted out for years which houses he would attack so like years in advance he would start oh my gosh like earmarking these houses like when the kids three and they're like oh when the kids six yeah like shit like that oh my god and that's also how um what imagine like your house is a target like right now yeah for years and you don't even know it oh my god okay um and that also explained how he knew exactly which room to go to and how not to disturb like the parents so he would um like know exactly where the parents slept he would know which window was to the kids
Starting point is 01:11:42 room and he would like map all of this out sometimes years in advance um to be able to get in and out quickly uh he then kept the photographs as trophies and he would fake an irish accent while committing the attacks make sense which is thing so people didn't think he was a local so that was also very interesting uh even though he was a jersey native and he dropped cigarette packets because a lot of them said, oh, yeah, he had like he would leave cigarettes lying around or empty packs, even though he was a non smoker. So these were all red herrings that he left for the police, which also helped to like elude the police. He was very boastful of his crimes, as we know, by that letter that he wrote. It was confirmed. His wife confirmed that it letter that he wrote uh it was confirmed his wife confirmed that it was his handwriting so it was him who had sent the letter uh the mask apparently
Starting point is 01:12:31 was designed not only to disguise him but also to intentionally inflict terror on the children so he literally got off on like fucking terrorizing the kids with this creepy mask and the wig um the nails in the raincoat were placed in the exact position so that if someone tried to grab him like a like a parent like somebody or even a police officer tried to grab his shoulder or parent yeah um it would harm them uh especially like with his arm so if someone tried to grab his arm, it would cut them. Right. On November 29th, 1971 was the day of his trial. After 38 minutes, the jury reached a guilty verdict on all charges, and he was sentenced to 30 years in jail. That's disgusting.
Starting point is 01:13:19 Eye roll, eye roll, eye roll. Also, why only six victims? Like how many people did he officially? So many. Because why are they only charging him on like six people i actually have no idea maybe that's i mean that's how i feel like that happens a lot maybe it's just that's how many people like they could get for sure evidence on sometimes they do them i know sometimes they do them in like groups i don't know i really don't know that's wild because wow he should have been getting tried for like and there were children like a majority of them were children.
Starting point is 01:13:46 Oh my gosh. Which is just so disturbing. And especially because they know like he attacked all these women at the beginning and stuff. Yeah. So I don't know what happened with that. I'm not sure. Okay. So he's put in prison for 30 years.
Starting point is 01:14:00 But, you know, as you might guess, he was a model prisoner. Right. I wouldn't think anything less i mean he was literally going to jail to feed the poor or something at one point and he was from a wealthy family everyone liked him yeah sure um he was released in 1991 after only 20 years in jail motherfucker he then had the gall to return to jersey to his home and obviously local feeling was uh not pleasant not pleasant they did not enjoy it um they hounded him out basically and he moved to the isle of white uh nearby where he died of a heart attack three years later thank god since his death there have been unsubstantiated
Starting point is 01:14:39 reports that pinell was involved in child abuse concerned with the notorious Haute de la Garenne children's home, which was like a really famous scandal in France. I believe it was in France. Basically, like this huge child abuse scandal. It's believed he was involved in that. There was evidence that he prowled the halls and rooms there and at the La Preference home, which is his wife's. His wife's. What's the word like an orphanage like a care home for for kids which was run by his mother-in-law and his wife during the 1960s uh kids would say that he would often wander the halls in his mask and sometimes climb through
Starting point is 01:15:19 the windows and just like prowl around and so like wait this was happening while he was married to that woman yeah and she the kids would go to her and be like your husband is climbing through windows in that mask again and she'd just be like oh that's him so she technically like ran the place but i don't think she was like the one kids would go to and also this was like a time when they were probably like what the fuck are you talking about with scary man's climbing through your window like right it just it just wasn't that yeah and this it became a scandal later and they started to connect it is there a reason at all for like their separation because i'm hoping it's like she found out he was like actually climbing through windows and shit i don't know because actually what i read was that when they first
Starting point is 01:16:01 um started investigating him she was like he would never hurt a child like she was like it, even though she said, yeah, that's his handwriting and we're separated. She was like, he would never hurt a child. So who knows if she like really didn't know or if she was just like. Imagine being his kid. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:16:17 So a former resident of the home in the 1960s, known only now as Mr as mr d gave evidence saying that pinell had on numerous occasions crept into the home at night oh and also it happened a lot at night so she right he would just do it when he was like out and his wife also said oh he travels a lot and he also has like a lot of like he goes on walks a lot at night like she was like either deluded or you know really just super naive yeah um had on numerous occasions crept into the home at night through the windows, dressed in a raincoat and gloves, and that he had used chloroform to drug the children, remove them from their beds, abuse them, and then return them to their beds.
Starting point is 01:16:56 This is a quote from Mr. D. Quote, the landing had a flickering light all the time, and you used to see these eyes appear at the top of the landing, even though it was pitch black. I'm sure whoever was doing it was going in one of these cubby holes, crawling around there in the room, and this went on quite regularly. I saw his face staring at me, and I now think it was Edward Pinel. One night I fell asleep, and I felt a presence in there, and it was Pinel stood staring at me. He had some kind of mask on him.
Starting point is 01:17:22 The Pinel's house was so eerie. at me he had some kind of mask on him the pinell's house was so eerie when we were doing the outer building you would see cats strung up and you would actually see him strangling the cats oh i just couldn't stay there any any longer i always sensed that pinell was evil you just sensed that something pure evil was going on in that place i'm sorry so i know i keep like going back to this the wife i know i keep doing it but so like there's reports of like people knew he was strangling cats and she's also just ignoring that I I mean this is another kid so who knows this is a kid oh right he was a resident there right so could just be another story this was him like decades later I keep putting them as adults at the same time that
Starting point is 01:18:00 his wife was no I know it's not true okay sorry yeah so so i'm just looking for like a like proof at some point that everyone knew he was crazy who knows like she could very well have known and like right you know i know it's hard to say um more than 24 victims came forward about the sexual abuse they had endured at the hands of edward pinell while they were living in the children's homes so that was like aside from all the attacks within Jersey itself. One of those victims was actually impregnated. Yeah. According to reports, the Beast of Jersey may also have been responsible for a number of missing children's cases that police still classify today as unsolved.
Starting point is 01:18:45 in 2008 pinell was linked to to the discovery of a child's skull which was found during the excavation of a former orphanage where quote uncle ted was known to hand out sweets and dress his father christmas so i just watched um this psychological thriller that's out in theaters now called beast have you heard of it uh my friend jo like, watched it three times and made me go see it with her. It is so good. And it's, like, very loosely based on, I mean, it's not, it's, like, more about, it takes place in Jersey. And it's, like, a psychological thriller. It's not about, like, child abuse or anything, by any means. But it's just a really fucking good movie.
Starting point is 01:19:23 And that kind of brought me back to this story. And this story is, there's no, like, creepy mask or anything. But it's just a really fucking good movie. And that kind of brought me back to this story. And the story is there's no like creepy mask or anything, but it's called beast. Um, and I highly recommend that. And also, uh, speaking of movies,
Starting point is 01:19:33 there's one coming on 2019, apparently called the beast of Jersey, which is actually about him. Oh boy. Um, and I think that's also another horror movie. And so here's, I'm going to show you a photo of him.
Starting point is 01:19:43 There's him. And then there's him with his, or that's like what should i call it mannequin but that's the mask and wig he would wear and his clothes that's disgusting isn't that horrifying that's disgusting yeah so that's nightmare fuel for sure yeah and if you have kids you probably just shouldn't even look at it maybe if you are a kid really don't look at it please don't we have some 15 year olds writing us like my mom gets mad i listen to this i'm like yeah like this is one of the episodes where we agree with your mom just don't look at it don't and don't google it they're all gonna google it i know but it is nightmare fuel and don't blame us if you fucking it's horrible i'm gonna i actually i forgot so i
Starting point is 01:20:26 was like i'm gonna print out my notes today because they're usually on my computer and then i'm like printing my notes and i'm like oh i'll get them later and then later i go and they're in like the little outbox bin at work and i'm like oh no someone had to pull them there's like full page photos of this guy and of course it's like obviously a children's company and they're like why the fuck is this a picture fucking and they're like why the fuck is this the picture fucking obviously they're like oh christine did this like they fucking know they know it was me um this is the worst on the time i printed out the lola sex ad and someone found it and put it on my desk because they also do they know anyway so that's the story
Starting point is 01:21:02 of the beast of jersey that one got me he of the Beast of Jersey. That one got me. He's a creep and a half. That one got me. Yeah, I've been meaning to do that for a while, and then I saw that movie Beast, which is really good. Very, like, romantic. Like, it's like a psychological romance thriller. Very good.
Starting point is 01:21:18 Anyway, that's all I got for the day. Let's do a geoscope or something. All right. I'll get you one real quick or you can get one if you want just something that is not what you just did what you just talked about just the opposite of that actually okay we're gonna give you your scorpioscope after these ads or after this single ad all right scorpio all. Baby G. Perhaps you have invited a lot of visitors over recently, Scorpio. Me and Allison.
Starting point is 01:21:48 But today, you don't feel like entertaining. Sorry, Em. I mean, that's fine. Nerve strain and other stressors might leave you more in the mood to be left alone. However, since your guests could be connected with your business... I mean, hello. Fresh. You won't want to cancel so don't the best thing to do is get a friend or family member to host alongside you
Starting point is 01:22:13 well that's your job isn't it also accomplish what you want as quickly as possible to move on he really doesn't want us to be around so mad at me maybe it's because we did that uh interview yesterday oh yeah maybe he's over right now even though by the way that's the most business thing he's ever needed us for so yeah we entered we were interviewed uh for a magazine called texas dog monthly for the fall edition so keep your eyes peeled we were interviewed about geo and i've got I've got one, too. Okay, Em's got one, too. Here we go. This is the first. This is a juniper scope.
Starting point is 01:22:47 Oh! So, Pisces. Yep. Got it. It says, Hey, Pisces. Your partners and family are decidedly unpredictable today. Uh-oh.
Starting point is 01:22:58 Which might not be made any easier by the alignment of the planets. Whatever you decide to do, you could find that your plans get shifted and changed about, especially if you have decided that you want to do something together. Like snuggle. Like snuggle? Don't worry too much. It is the nature of the energy in the atmosphere. Be ready for anything.
Starting point is 01:23:17 Like extra snuggles. And you could get a wonderful surprise. Like one big snuggle. All the snuggles. Or like food. Yeah. So there's Juniper's oh all right so basically they just get a lot of snuggles is the moral of the story yeah all right all right so that's that i guess that's that guys check out our uh tour page um it's that's why we and then hit hit tour and you should see our tour dates I recently
Starting point is 01:23:45 updated them we have an extra DC show in the works running out of tickets as well that'll be our last DC show so buy tickets now got some Nashville shows coming up even sooner in August beep boop bop is that it alright you do your spiel
Starting point is 01:24:01 I guess you can find us on Facebook Twitter, and Patreon at ATWWDPodcast. You can also find our website, and that's You can find our store, and that's, where we are regularly putting out new merch. We have an email, and that's whyredrink at,
Starting point is 01:24:20 where you can send in your personal true crime and paranormal stories, because we put out a new listeners episode at the first of every month. And lovelya has been on top of that so thank you eva for that um fresh reminder we are also not doing a facebook live this week this month um we instead had ck do an extra listener story for our patreon listeners yep um we just it's just been a wild ride for the month of june so um but we will be back on it for july yep we are also putting out a listeners uh not just our listeners videos but a uh fan mail video yes during every month so check that out soon um and that's on patreon that's on patreon and also i'm posting our
Starting point is 01:24:58 tomorrow i'm posting our um it'll be out when this comes out but our uh birthday gift exchange video on patreon as well yes and i think that's it all right and that's why we drink love you guys bye

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