And That's Why We Drink - E75 Pickled Bodies and the Grim Repo Woman

Episode Date: July 8, 2018

This week, Em and Christine finally ~reunite~ and cover the haunted colonial Peyton Randolph House and the murder of Marlene Warren. And that’s why we drink! Please consider supporting the companie...s that support us! Go to to get 15% off your first purchase!Visit for 25% off when you keep all five of your items! Our listeners can post jobs on ZipRecruiter for free by visiting!Visit for a trial month of Hims for only $5!Night Call is available now on Apple Podcasts and all other listening destinations. Drop them a line with your night call at 2-4-0-4-6-NIGHT, that’s 2-4-0-4-6-6-4-4-4-8 and we'll and offer our best advice on life, love, and the coming apocalypse.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I missed you. I missed you. It's been a long time. Eva, I missed you. I didn't miss Eva. I missed you, though. Just kidding. I really missed you a lot, too.
Starting point is 00:00:18 I kept telling my mom, you're going to meet Eva. And she's like, OK. And I was like, no, you need to be more excited. Because I'm a crazy person. We haven't seen each other for quite some time now we were both with our mothers you were in a more exciting place at a wedding of your mothers I was at my mother's wedding Linda is now for sherm and married gosh I'm still trying to make it happen a lot of people clearly listen because people on um Instagram were hashtagging that on the picture that I put up. I'm telling you. It's a fur-sherb and thing.
Starting point is 00:00:48 I make big waves. Well, yes, she is hitched. And I now... Now? Did you develop a new accent? Yep. It's Southern, actually. It's cat Southern.
Starting point is 00:01:00 No, I now have a new stepdad. Aw, hi, Tom. Officially. Wait, can we talk about how your stepdad's name is tom and mine is tim and that's the most yeah it's just another reason why we should be best friends the most stepped i thought you were saying another reason why we drink i was like yeah for sure man i can't stop myself i can't stand you i love me um yeah we haven't seen each other in quite a while and so forever we saw each other yesterday for the first time in like a week which in our
Starting point is 00:01:26 friendship is like a century i actually walked in the house and saw them in my living room i saw em and allison in my living room and i just started yelling and they looked at me like why are you shouting and i was like because i'm so excited and they're like allison's like how much have you had to drink and i was like nothing i'm just so fucking excited to see your faces speaking of allison can we all give her uh a little round of applause because she really handled the hell out of my family i still haven't asked her because i want her to come off i want her to have a rock and roll good for her she i knew she would i know but it's also like very overwhelming like 150 oh yeah jewish people mainly um it's the words
Starting point is 00:02:02 burying your face and nosy and everyone wants to get to know her at the same time. And it was the first time most people met her, right? Yeah. She knew one of my aunts, and she knew my mom. Wait, was one of your aunts Monica? One of them is Monica. She did not meet Monica before. Monica added me on Facebook today.
Starting point is 00:02:17 Yeah, and Monica apparently went the rounds and added a lot of people. Hey! I was like, I wasn't even there, but thanks. No, she knew Andrea. my my mom is uh has two sisters and all of them all of their names end with an a oh sure monica linda andrea but so allison knew andrea and they're not that they were super close or anything but they knew each other well enough that if she needed to run away at any point she could have gone it's nice you always need that person at a wedding to be like oh oh my god there you are and during christmas she met my hometown friend so she knew she could run to them too so
Starting point is 00:02:47 she knew some people but when it came to all my immediate right my extended family she really nailed it and there were a lot of people she's such a charming girl though i know every everyone like the insane girl she's a charming woman everyone uh no pressure to me kept pulling me aside being like oh so you're gonna marry her right and i was like oh yeah allison kept saying everyone called me their in-law yeah the second my grandpa met her was that we were at a restaurant and ordered i think for her and was like oh my granddaughter would like this and i was like allison is that way though she's like the most charming human i remember when she met like my stepdad and family and we brought this up yesterday because she came over and my stepdad was here and he's like i don't think i've seen you since i moved christina into dc in when she
Starting point is 00:03:28 was 18 yeah like literally 10 years ago and i just remember like allison was just like the life of my family's evening like getting really frozen yogurt she really does she's so good at it she's so charming and smiley i know i love her how she got me. What a gem. Also, our anniversary was this week. Yeah, well, our anniversary was two weeks ago. Not yours and mine. Allison's and mine. Okay, but this was also the anniversary of the raging UTI. So I don't know if you remember that.
Starting point is 00:03:55 But I sure do, as we all just might. And literally everyone remembers that. That was a good time. No, it wasn't. That was the worst time possible. It was a terrible time. I remember hyperventilating in the car truly thinking not only was i dying but on my first date with my girlfriend i was
Starting point is 00:04:09 peeing my pants and she was watching it happen and i remember wincing for an entire hour in the woods because we were lost trying to find a hospital and i was just telling her one day this will be really funny it's just not today it's so painful you came and relayed the story on the podcast and I was sitting there like, oh. It was horrid. Because all I kept getting was texts like, just wait. Just wait for the recording.
Starting point is 00:04:32 And then you were like, yeah, I just kept sitting there muttering to myself, one day it'll be funny. And the day has come and it's hilarious. The day has come. But wow, there were a few times in my life where I was convinced I was going to die. But that was the only time I was ever convinced I was going to die and I was convinced I was peeing my pants makes my body hurt it was it was just the worst um so that's that well i'm glad that i'm glad that you're okay
Starting point is 00:04:53 i'm glad you're still together after that travesty you guys started you can't break up after that she's seen too much too late you can't let her leave i didn't i knew her for maybe a week and i was like i'm peeing and you're watching i'm sorry in the woods not even just in my car in my pants and she even told me i remember the conversation she was like look i know we're new but if you need to pee your pants i understand i mean but that's when you know someone's like the real fucking deal yeah oh i'm so happy and you guys are two of my best best friends so i'm very happy and i'm just so happy that's all um speaking of injuries uh geo also injured himself this week so it seems to be one of those uh times mercury's in retrograde i hear scorpios are struggling um i guess allison's not what is
Starting point is 00:05:35 allison she's a libra oh duh she's not suffering you wouldn't you wouldn't date a scorpio what am i talking about come on so geo uh got a thorn that apparently went and blaze didn't tell me and i only found out today because he fucking didn't tell me which he thinks is good because then i won't freak out but then i found out later and then i get 10 times more freaked out the thorn went into his paw like five days ago and then went all the way through his paw like to the top like through the pad all the way to the top through the top of his foot and then got infected and i i was like he's hurt and blaze like no he's just fine and apparently he was just saying that to comfort me and i'm like don't fucking comfort me take him to the goddamn vet he did take him to
Starting point is 00:06:14 the vet they shaved his little paw and they fixed they stood they sedated him and stitched him up and he came home and just kind of was really drugged out for a while and really drunk on anesthesia and he had his cone and he kept walking into every doorway and juniper kept trying to climb into the cone and sit in it and it was just quite a but today he came home and had his like cast off and he had it all shaved and there was like a big cut and i just burst into tears like my baby and my mother's visiting and she's like god damn it like she goes I'm literally gonna have to move to California when you have kids because you you can't do it like this is you can't even handle your dog getting a thorn in his paw and I'm like I can't so that's why I drank this week um I felt too far apart from
Starting point is 00:07:00 Geo he got injured while I was away and so apparently our worlds aligned and the spirit said i needed to also be injured and so i broke two of my toes while i was home fucking hell m so me and geo are one once again and m sent me a real nasty text saying like you do not take care of my nephew i was like not that way not like this not here and that got a lot of attention which i didn't like um you posted it i I know. I thought it would be funny. And then everyone was like, yeah, Em's right. Take custody. And I was like, what? No, that's not what I meant.
Starting point is 00:07:29 I was like, no, Em's the crazy one. And they're like, no, Em needs to take custody of Gio. And I was like, this is sweet, Babu. Anyway, that's all I got. Also, just want to add before we get started that we do we're coming to Nashville in less than a freaking month, which we're so pumped. August 3rd and August 4th. We're dragging Eva with us.
Starting point is 00:07:45 Yes. She seems excited about the dragging. She's also forced to be with us in a super hot room, so who knows what she's really thinking. Yeah, for everything that we've amounted to, Christine still does not have air conditioning in her house, and I'm truly disgusted by it. There is, but you just can't blast it because it'll mess up the microphones. M, it's for our listeners. We're suffering for them.
Starting point is 00:08:11 I hate it. Well, find me another podcast studio and we'll go there jesus christ also we're going to nashville all the vip tickets are sold out so if you guys want to grab a ticket please do because um they're going fast apparently uh august 3rd and 4th go to our website and then hit tour and then we're also we just signed up to do a show in hollywood again in september 23rd yes correct and it's um a 7 30 on a sunday and this one actually we're not doing like live meetups with like just like kind of out in the open anymore so we're actually doing kind of like more contained ones so if you guys want to get like a vip or dinner ticket those are available and those have not sold out yet so go grab those when while you can and we will be selling merch i think so we're yeah i think so i'm gonna be selling merch at that one because we haven't sold merch yet at a live show yeah but uh i do want to say we're
Starting point is 00:08:53 sorry that we're no longer doing the the live meetups after the fact it just became very mentally taxing and like security wise it just didn't it wasn't a good idea yes we had some we just it it's getting to a point where now we just some we just it it's getting to a point where now we just have to think about our safety so yeah and our like mental sanity because we were staying out till 2 a.m on a work night and yes just really suffering yes and we love you very much so we it's not you it's us it's not you it's we just we can't do it anymore so hence the vip tickets we still want to meet you guys we just have to do it in a more structured way so and blaze's aunt lisa lampinelli the comedian was just like you're not fucking doing that anymore you're gonna get stabbed and i was like uh-oh so anyway i mean we do have a
Starting point is 00:09:35 show about true crime so i was like let's find out the hard way good episode but no yeah we're not allowed to do it anymore yeah it'll be a good episode when i have to be on here by myself and i'm like eva you want to join on because we need an understudy what if eva plans it all so she can take over oh there it is this is a great story yes write a novel eva write that down also m you got to post and that's where we draw pics because if i get one more fucking private message about that i will i know kill everyone i know it's now it's too late like people are just like forget i know i know i know i know i know or just send them to me and I'll post them. Well, okay. I'll try to.
Starting point is 00:10:06 Listen, my phone is the most fucked up thing on earth. I can't post things on Instagram to post. Don't tell me. Tell the listeners. Listeners, to post the last two pictures on Instagram, I had to steal my mom's phone and post them on Instagram because my phone no longer lets me do anything with pictures. Then just send me those photos. Okay.
Starting point is 00:10:21 We'll figure it out, but they're coming. Just stop yelling at me, everybody. Oh, okay. Yes. Not you. Everybody else. Sorry. send me your photos okay we'll figure it out but they're coming just stop yelling at me everybody oh okay yes not you everybody else sorry um also priscilla this might may or may not make into the episode depending on what happens by sunday priscilla one of our mods who's like helped us a lot and gave us the i love lump slash i love lump lamp wine glass and all that good stuff and the infinity gauntlet yes um so she found a dog on the way home in anaheim on the way home from work and he doesn't
Starting point is 00:10:45 have a microchip or a collar or anything, and they're looking for a home so he doesn't get euthanized. So if you go into our Facebook group and look up Priscilla Hernandez, she has posted about him. She's going to let me know whether to keep this in on Sunday or not. And I'll just be like, Eva, take it out. Or Eva, put it in. Okay.
Starting point is 00:11:01 So that's that. Anyway, I'm ready for a ghost story because I've missed them so very much. Okay. Unless you have anything else to say. No. Great. think so oh well yes one thing before we forget we are doing our facebook live on the 22nd this month i always forget to mention that so july 22nd um it's a sunday so it's a sunday and it'll be a three o'clock pacific standard time correct and we'll make an event for it in the yes group but just so everyone is aware in advance because usually we tell you literally the day of the day of assuming you listen to the show before you find it wait i couldn't i didn't know and we were like that's our bad so my story today we have to thank my boss okay renee renee yeah thank you renee um she jokingly brought this
Starting point is 00:11:48 up and then i was like oh i'm gonna do a story about that and then i looked into it and i was like oh i'm actually gonna do a story about what is it so when she was in fifth grade one of her like class projects was they were studying colonial virginia which even i even i love very much close to home because we're both from va that's right their job was they were studying colonial virginia which even i even i love very much close to home because we're both from va that's right their job was they were their job in fifth grade was that they were career paths their uh social security was going they um they were recreating williamsburg as a class as a group project fucking precious and so they were each given different roles in colonial williamsburg and they even had to build their own houses out of cardboard um like very detail-oriented congratulations crazy
Starting point is 00:12:30 um and she was a member of the gentry and her she was given the role of betty randolph okay i want you to remember that name she was given the role of betty randolph i want you all to remember betty randolph and betty sounds like a badass maybe? You'll find out. I'll find out. So I just think it's funny in hindsight after I did some research I was like that's who you were named after. Okay great. So anyway and also I've mentioned this before but I'm obsessed with the
Starting point is 00:12:56 colonial period especially places like Virginia where they do recreations and reproductions of colonial living. And you said it feels like really home. I know in my soul if reincarnation is a thing most of my lives were in colonial period we're in the colonial period so that being said this was already close to home and i wanted to do a story about virginia so this worked out perfect and i went to college 20 minutes down the road from colonial virginia
Starting point is 00:13:21 or colonial williamsburg so i was just super so i'm pumped for this okay so this is the peyton randolph house also known as the peachy randolph house oh so give you a little backstory it was built in 1715 by sir william robertson um and then it ended up belonging to the randolph family okay it's the peyton randolph house sure so sir john randolph family okay that's the pain randolph house sure so sir john randolph he bought the house in 1724 for 50 me too which i did the i did the math and that's actually still only 1800 today so to buy a whole house holy that's more that's less than my rent that's insanity so anyway he bought the house for 50 bucks in 1724. And he later passed it on down to his son, Peyton, and his wife, Betty. Okay. Peyton and Betty Randolph.
Starting point is 00:14:10 Got it. So they're brother and sister. No, wife. Wife. Son is Peyton. Wife is Betty. Yes. Got it.
Starting point is 00:14:16 So Peyton is now married to Renee's character from fifth grade. That's something to relate to that person. Okay. Got it. So Sir John Randolph, the original, the father of Peyton, just to give you an idea, he was the only Virginian colonial man to be knighted by the English crown. He was very wealthy, business elite. His son followed in his footsteps and he was very well known in history, especially in Virginia history. He served as the Speaker of the house of burgesses he was a
Starting point is 00:14:45 prominent political figure in colonial williamsburg was actually the first president of the continental congress which technically makes him the first president of the country oh my um so even before george washington he played a very important role in the american revolution and he chaired the meeting of patrick henry's give me liberty or give me death speech wow so peyton randolph was the man he's a big wing uh-huh and his wife betty renee listen up was the wife of peyton clearly and was supposedly seemingly very ladylike and was equally important not so much in politics but she's very well known for like her she was involved in the war efforts and she took care of really sick kids and so there was one thing i was reading about where during uh during the war someone needed to run out and grab buckets of water and so she was like you know running in between the battles and
Starting point is 00:15:43 stuff like she was like oh shit a bad bitch right apparently behind closed doors betty randolph was um the equivalent to madame laurie with the slaves no m no so i'm not gonna go into detail and really ruin everyone's lunch or whatever you're eating right now um if you would like to really scar yourself go listen to the episode about the lori mansion where she was just the ultra worst i think that was number 19 that was no that was the one with deirdre 19 was deirdre's oh never mind something is around there it's in the mid-20s i think early on um it's pretty revolting but it's also one of my favorites purely for the shock value um people still comment about it yeah uh it really just ruins your whole day so you're welcome so if you
Starting point is 00:16:32 would like to listen to that basically she was a wretched wretched woman who owned a lot of slaves and used them as torture toys and woof and so betty randolph was not as bad, but is pretty well known in history for the cruel punishments she would put on her slaves. Okay. She only had 27 slaves, which at that time was a lot, but compared to the Lowry Mansion, it wasn't too many. 27 seems like a lot too, though. Yeah. So she had 27 and some of them survived and were able to talk about what happened so that's how they know that like how bad it was pretty she was pretty rough right um some actually believe that
Starting point is 00:17:12 because of her mistreatment of the slaves that some of the slaves actually put a curse on the house and that's one of the reasons why it's still haunted today mainly because one of the slaves eve had a baby named George. George grew up to also be a slave. And when he was around a teenager, him and his mom, Eve, became runaway slaves. I won't get into the history, but basically they were protected under General Cornwallis right before the Battle of Yorktown, which I know way too much about because I used to be a tour guide in Yorktown.
Starting point is 00:17:49 Oh, shit. And one of the stops was the Cornwallis cave where general cornwallis actually surrendered and that was the end of the what revolutionary war so yeah so i know too much about that so i'm gonna leave that alone okay but basically for a brief period of time he was protecting a lot of the slaves or they were under his sure protection and then that changed so even though they were runaway slaves and were being protected by him the rule changed and then they had to go back to her after having run away and and as if she's not treating them poorly right now she's pissed right so she ended up separating them no one knows what happened to george but eve ended up surviving long enough to tell the story and supposedly she put a curse on the house okay so that's betty that's fucking renee's fifth grade character i take back my thing about
Starting point is 00:18:31 how cool she probably was god damn it so um so there's that okay so the payton randolph house also uh had a lot of very hoity-toity prestigious guests including thomas jefferson mainly though because thomas jefferson is actually peyton randolph's cousin of course he is so just for like you know hang bangs and like thanksgiving hang bangs um so you spend a fucking five days back home and you come back with this weird terminology um so today the building is made of three distinct parts so there's the west wing the east wing and literally just called the middle portion wing it's like east wing middle wing the neutral wing middle portion was what i saw most often um it is also a national landmark as of 1970 so the peyton and his wife stayed there for a long time but following peyton's death
Starting point is 00:19:22 in philadelphia he died in 1775 so right before America like literally the year before almost made it um maybe he was reincarnated into America oh you know that's exact Eva write that down I think that makes sense that's it like you know when people die and then they're like my family my grandfather died maybe one of my past lives I died and turned into Canada that's it we figured it out all right you're just adding on to my cool theory with your own personal personal story that you want to be true i so badly though i know i'll let you have it okay so get this are you ready i'm ready you're gonna get kicked out of this i already know you're gonna get kicked out of this so okay when payne randolph died the year before america right right
Starting point is 00:20:03 before he became america um guess what they did to his body oh no uh they put it on a flag i don't know wow no yeah i have no idea um so he died in philly and they wanted to send him back to williamsburg for a proper proper burial but so at the time sending something from pennsylvania to virginia which is only a couple states away, took a long time. So to essentially embalm him, they pickled his body in a barrel. Oh, come on. They put him in a fucking pickle barrel? Yes. No.
Starting point is 00:20:32 I was telling Renee today, too. I was like, can you imagine being the person with the crowbar knowing you have to pop the top of that barrel? And like a sloshy pickled body. Fuck, dude. Falls out. Just a really salty, shriveled body. That's foul. These were brining him earlier today i ate
Starting point is 00:20:47 daikon like pickled radish and my friend goes it tastes a little bit like sushi and now that just grosses me out even more to think of a pickled human body it's disgusting at least she didn't say tastes like human tastes like a pickled body so uh so that was just a fun fact it's so fun thank you so it got he got sent he got sent back to Williamsburg and had a proper burial. The books that he had in his possession ended up getting passed down to Cousin Thomas Jefferson. And those books ended up being some of the first books in the Library of Congress. Wow. So Peyton Randolph is like kind of like, unless you're a history buff, no one really knows
Starting point is 00:21:21 what's going on with him. He's in it. So after his death, his wife, Betty, resided in the home until her death in 1782. Right before she died, the house was also used as headquarters for the French forces. Right before the French and the Americans moved into Yorktown to surround General Cornwallis at the Cornwallis Cave on Yorktown Beach. It's fine. Look, I'm not smart about a lot of things but like this is it nobody's stopping you man it's my hidden talent i know way too much about the history of yorktown beach during the war please um so the home was
Starting point is 00:21:56 later owned after um after the randolphs passed away and the house got moved around to a couple other people but the home was later owned by the Peachy family and it's the Peachy Randolph house um and they ended up moving in in 1824 and the matriarch her name was Mary Monroe Peachy and when the Peachy family took over the house also became a hospital for wounded soldiers and there was a weirdly a lot of deaths during that family in the house oh so one of the peachy boys was climbing a tree and the branch broke and he fell to his death this is why i don't climb trees okay it's not because i'm not physically capable did you see that at my fourth of july party two people climbed trees yesterday and i had like a josh and joanna were both in the
Starting point is 00:22:41 tree and then josh was in the tree and someone and someone yelled Joshua tree and then he just turns to the camera and goes hey guys it's your boy Joshua tree and like I've been saying it all day because I thought it was so funny anyway point being then Joanna climbed the tree and was like somebody help me down and I was like this is why you don't climb a fucking tree I think I've never climbed a tree I think I've certainly tried when I was younger oh I've certainly tried to but and like. Oh, I've certainly tried to. I think at five I knew that upper arm strength was just not a skill I would ever inherit. At my birth, my mother was like, you will never be able to climb a tree. My mom held me for the first time and said, never.
Starting point is 00:23:16 Never again for you. And don't even try. Not once, not ever. Nope. No, I truly, if you told me I was going to die unless I climbed a tree, I would be like, well, I'm going to die. The lions will eat me. I won't do it. Hands down.
Starting point is 00:23:28 Bye. Um, so just anyway, I don't know how to get away from that. I'm thinking of all the ways that like, I really wish I could climb a tree, but I just can't. No. I think that's why I liked Tarzan so much when I was little. Cause I was just so impressed. Oh, me too. I was like, how can you do that?
Starting point is 00:23:43 And how can I? It's not like you're a cartoon. It's not like it's not real so okay so anyway he clearly also could not climb trees and he fell to his death like i would so boy um there was a young girl that lived on the second floor um in the peachy family and she fell out of her window to her death baby and there is another relative of the peachy family that um commits suicide in the drawing room oh my god after the civil war a young orphaned soldier also stayed with the peachy family but he died of my favorite consumption remember when you were like does that mean eating too much cake and i was like i literally thought i could possibly die from consumption i was like that's an easy
Starting point is 00:24:22 that's an easy death it's one of my favorite episodes not climbing trees and eating a lot of food that's that's consumption if i ever climb a tree yeah a tree a day keeps the consumption away you know that old wise tale so are you just eating what is that listen i'm hungry it's not good though what is it i don't know is that cheese i think it's ginger oh it looks like is it? I don't know. Is that cheese? I think it's ginger. Ew. It looks like Parmesan cheese. Uh-uh. Ginger. I don't like it. Just drink it with the wine.
Starting point is 00:24:48 Bah. Bah. Bah. I have a LaCroix. Oops. I missed the trash can. Someone will clean it later, and that will be me. I thought you were going to say Eva, and I was like, whoa.
Starting point is 00:24:57 Eva, clean my spitty ginger off the floor. Eva, I spit ginger on the floor now. Get to it. Get it. Don't. Please don't touch it. Eva, I just got La lacroix in my eye wipe it out um what did we do before eva i don't know but everyone can go to zip recruiter and find
Starting point is 00:25:11 your own eva hashtag ad oh okay so we're almost done with the history guys i know i'm just like really not good at this um you're great at it wow thanks you are you were a fucking tour guide i yeah you should have seen me on that segue man oh yeah this was where i was also a segue tour guide also the fun thing is i'm texting me like oh here's a segue like a segue into this topic and like jesus christ christine here's the thing okay let me just start it out first i'm an idiot i laughed so hard i never knew that the segue that you ride was spelt differently than like the phrase Segway into another conversation. Yes.
Starting point is 00:25:49 Very different. I had no idea that it was spelled like Segoo. It's not spelled like Segoo. It's spelled like Segway, which is the word. But okay. I always thought that like the term Segway, like in a conversation, was spelt just like the one that you ride i mean i know i learned that real quick when you texted me twice in two days about segue and i was like ha that's so funny
Starting point is 00:26:09 and then i was like oh i'm not kidding i didn't get why you were laughing i kept saying like oh i don't know how to segue into this and i was typing segue capitalizing like the brand and i was like oh that's funny because i'm used to ride segways yeah but she kept saying oh that's funny and i thought she just meant that like it was capitalizing itself i was like i guess that's funny and then eventually christine was like do you realize it was so awkward i had to be like hey like just we're both like laughing about the same thing she's like just so you know like that's not how it's spelled i was like i am a 26 year old human being and i rode segways for a living but and i had no idea that that was a play on words it's just funny yeah they changed like wet like seg okay segway segway no segway segway it's not segway it's a
Starting point is 00:26:53 word you could change it i really for the rest of my life it's just gonna look like sagoo because i grew up never i had no idea that that word existed. Sagu, it's a French word, Mr. French. I speak French all the time. I'm sorry. All right. I'm sorry. Je suis désolé. Okay. Yeah, you can do that all you want, but...
Starting point is 00:27:12 Okay, I just can't say Sagu. It just cracks me up every time you talk about segues now. Sorry to ruin it. Let's keep talking about people dying. I feel safer there. We're in a safer space when we do that. I feel like I actually know more about dead people than the word segue, even though I wrote them for years.
Starting point is 00:27:26 Oh, I know you know more about them. Okay. So anyway, back to death. A Confederate veteran also attending the College of William and Mary when he was living at the Peachy House and he was also going to college and suddenly and mysteriously fell ill and died in the house. Oh, no. So he's like the fifth person to die that's a lot um that's not including like the soldiers because this was also a hospital
Starting point is 00:27:49 these are like actual just like family members yeah um later on two men staying at the house ended up getting in a fight and shooting each other to death cute so they shot each other like they both went bing b bang and then they both died at the same time boom hit the floor got it so um since its construction in 1715 about 30 people have died in the house and that does not holy shit that does not include um some of the unreported soldiers that also died on the property and of course it does not include the native burial grounds oh fuck that were all disturbed during the building's construction so it's literally 30 And, of course, it does not include the native burial grounds. Oh, fuck.
Starting point is 00:28:28 That were all disturbed during the building's construction. So it's literally 30 just that are reported deaths. Just 30 immediate. Yes. Jesus Christ. 30 proper. Oh. 30 proper. So a lot of people think that either the building is haunted because of the curse from Eve,
Starting point is 00:28:42 Betty's slave. Right. Or because of the disturbed from eve that he's slave right or because of the disturbed native remains during the construction so there were native american remains and people all buried on the east side of the yard um apparently when they were digging up foundations of the house everything was disturbed there was actually a story i read so okay here's the thing in 1940 they were doing construction to build the colonial national historic parkway right and so they ended up having to dig near the foundations and stuff like that one of the stories i read was that they actually dug so close to the foundation
Starting point is 00:29:19 of the building that water in the ground actually started like pouring into a basement of the house. That house, it was something like when they were digging up the basement or when they were digging up the ground for the basement to put a basement in, they already had removed a bunch of artifacts that they had found to put a basement in. And they were like, oh, we don't need this stuff. And so the people who were moving into the house were like, oh, well, we'll take the artifacts that you found in the place that was the basement and we'll just put them back in the basement. So they're in the same area.
Starting point is 00:29:47 Sure. So we're just going to disturb it, build a basement and then put it inside the basement. So it's still technically underground. And then in 1940, when they were doing construction for this parkway, they ended up knocking over the foundation and water started flooding the basement. So all these artifacts got doubly ruined and got doubly disturbed and then the woman who was living there literally didn't know what to do with these old artifacts and didn't care they were artifacts so sold them to tourists bet you made a lot of money though that's like some straight up like disney original movie though
Starting point is 00:30:22 of like just like oh here tourist here's this wonky little thing that's gonna curse your whole family here's this little what do they call it what you might call it what are you making that face for warm lacroix is so bad yeah i mean yeah probably sorry what were you i'm sorry that was just the first time i've experienced that so it's not it's like a baby with a lemon i was like it's like anyone with a lemon really um okay valid i don't know it just sounds really like couldn't you make more money selling it to like uh well here's a geologist or like she wasn't selling it like they were like rare artifacts she was just like basically garage selling here have this for 10 bucks like it got ruined in the water damage take it like to a point where something she wasn't selling she was giving away to tourists that's wow okay so um basically native remnants got messed around
Starting point is 00:31:12 with um there were also graves that were discovered and that also had ancient pottery in them and they were found and taken out of the ground and sold or gifted to tourists um gifted to tourists gifted very nice okay so here's the ghosts i know that's what everyone came here for wow that was just a lot of banter bring me the ghosts so in 1824 um a french general of the american revolution he stayed there one night and woke up to voices all screaming his name at different times as if a crowd was trying to get his attention wait what was his name marquis de lafayette marquis de lafayette i remember him from history class marquis de lafayette oh wait were they just chanting marquis de lafayette
Starting point is 00:31:51 we're supposed to scream it or whisper it no they he woke up to a crowd screaming okay i'm not gonna scream it nobody wants to hear that okay so um so he woke up to people screaming his name great um and in the middle he's who he woke up and no one was there though like he woke up to people screaming his name. Great. And in the middle, he woke up and no one was there, though. Like, he woke up like he was on a stage and people were screaming his name and then no one was there. That's terrifying. Then he felt a hand rest eerily on his shoulder and then he felt a second hand press into his chest. Ew.
Starting point is 00:32:28 There is also reports of a glowing male figure in one of the bedrooms and you can hear heavy boots stomping through the halls and children giggling. One guest in 2015 wrote, my friend shined his flashlight into the window on the first floor, and we were looking around. I guess I was the only one who saw it, but there was a small ball like the size of two fists, and it started at the top left corner and went to the bottom of the upper flight of stairs and then to the ceiling and disappeared so there's like a light a ball like an orb type thing that like just runs around different directions of the house and then fades away guests will also on on ghost tours because obviously they have ghost tours guests will regularly pass out or have medical issues in front of the house oh a lot of people will pass out convulse or have bloody noses do people have to like sign a waiver no i think like can you imagine okay when i was a tour guide if that was like a regular thing happening i would have not
Starting point is 00:33:14 yeah you're like nah everyone's nose is just bleeding all the time so um the building also served as a home like a boarding boarding house back in the 60s. And guests would run out in the middle of the night claiming that people were violently shaking them and tugging on their arms and legs. Oh, my God. They would also see shadow men standing over them in their bed. No. One guest said, I was resting comfortably when awakened by the peculiar feeling that someone was tugging on my arm. Naturally, I assumed i was
Starting point is 00:33:45 dreaming so i rolled over and went back to sleep a short while later i was being shaken violently as my eyes adjusted to the darkness i could see that i was completely alone there were sounds of um people hear sounds of knocking coming from inside the house inside the walls and inside your bed ah um people will find furniture moving on its own um they walked into they will walk into a room that they just left and see that the furniture has disappeared out of nowhere this is where does it go like they just leave they just leave and even the borough couch hashtag ad are gone um so if you still are goddamn borough couch i swear to god you will also hear the sounds of children playing and running across the floor okay the second floor of the house is considered
Starting point is 00:34:33 the most haunted because that is where people feel like they are getting pushed downstairs good a woman has been heard singing in the backyard and security has claimed that they have heard her singing right into their ears um an alarm this is a cool story an alarm went off in one part of the house and so the security it was like a fire alarm so the security went to go see if there was any fire or smoke and they couldn't find anything but they did when they got in because all the doors were locked and they couldn't break in for some reason like the whole place was barricaded and keep in mind this is an empty part of the building so it shouldn't be hard to unlock but they had to break a window to get in
Starting point is 00:35:10 and what they did find was a fire extinguisher resting right in the middle of the floor and its contents were completely emptied around it so like it had sprayed a perfect circle and sitting clean in the middle. It said that the spray pattern was a controlled circular pattern. Oh my God. And the extinguisher was completely empty all the way through and the pin had been removed, but nobody ever found it. Oh my God. When they actually picked up the extinguisher, there was nothing on it. There was like no discharge or backspread, like backsplash spray like it was a perfectly clean empty fire extinguisher sitting in a perfect circle of its own like the anti-flame material
Starting point is 00:35:52 yeah so it was resting in the middle of the room and had been placed it had clearly like been picked up and placed in the middle right right oh and then apparently because the i guess the way that if someone had set it right in the middle of the floor and then held it while it was on the ground and rotated it while spraying it, you would have seen spray against the walls and like hit like underneath the door or something. But it was almost like there was some like hidden barrier. It was a perfect circle. It just like emptied it. Like the edges, the edges of the outer circle were perfectly even. Yuck.
Starting point is 00:36:23 There was no spray. It was like a perfect gross circle uh there are psychics that have visited the place who say that there are uneasy feelings on the stairs and in the drawing room which happens to be where one of the guys um commits suicide oh no um people wake up to a glowing man in the corner of the room staring at them wait what do you mean glowing like a a man that glows. Okay, got it. One employee saw a spirit and it could feel its anger from across the room,
Starting point is 00:36:52 tried to go downstairs to leave it and ended up getting pushed down the stairs before she can make it to the end herself. Oh no. One guest has said, of those who know the Peyton Randolph house, none doubt that there is something inexplicably strange about it too many people have experienced similar eerie phenomena within its walls make no
Starting point is 00:37:12 mistake folks the peyton randolph house is the most haunted house in williamsburg which says a lot because all of colonial williamsburg is exactly bananas haunted right um two of the windows glow with uh with no light sources like you'll just see them glowing in the middle of the night and the curtains will move on their own as if it looks like a little kid is playing with it from the bottom and yanking it left and right really fast or like um juniper is just like yeah or like there's a cat in there how creepy um so there's one woman named helen and she was a school teacher in the 60s and she stayed in the peyton randolph house and she slept in the room that has red oak
Starting point is 00:37:53 paneled walls okay where apparently a lot of people have had activity in this room sounds fancy um she woke up in the middle of the night to someone calling out her name saying helen helen helen and yeah just as creepy i'm assuming except it gets louder and louder each time she saw at the foot of her bed that there was a woman in the shadows and she thought it was her hostess oh god can you imagine it's kind of scarier on its own i feel like she was trying to use that as an excuse but like that makes it worse but i mean your first logical thought would be like oh it's someone in the house but also like imagine you're in an airbnb it's no less creepy christine it's literally no less airbnb host saying give me a good review i feel like i'd almost be like i hope that's a fucking ghost please go yeah exactly i'd be like i hope you are not alive because if you
Starting point is 00:38:40 are a real human you're probably gonna murder me right it's like okay so i'm officially going we're dead right okay these are the last minutes i always were wondering about um i was always wondering i was always wondering what the last minutes would be and i knew it was a b&b's fault um so anyway so the woman that she saw she realized it wasn't her hostess because she was wearing an 18th century mop cap great Oh, great. And night clothing that matched. And so she said, very bravely, what is it that you want? And at that moment, the clouds happened to separate next to the window. So the room lit up a little bit more.
Starting point is 00:39:17 And she saw that the light passed right through the body. Good. Fabulous. So she could see the woman like completely translucent. Great. At the foot of her bed and then when the 18th century woman saw that we now knew she was a ghost she looked scared and vanished one thing that the woman uh that helen recognized though was that the woman seemed to be moving her hands frantically as if she was worried about something trying to warn her we don't know what she was trying to warn her about but she was literally going helen she's like oh that's
Starting point is 00:39:49 fucking terrifying yeah yeah um so she told her friends the next day what happened and her friend said that apparently this lady shows up to a lot of people looking really scared in her mop cap hold on so the friend was just being that asshole like yeah that happens to everyone he's like yeah you're not even important i mean it's not like you're like congratulations oh i hate those people so apparently a lot of people who stay in the red oak paneled bedroom see a woman at the foot of their bed wearing 18th century night night's clothes oh my god um calling their name and waving frantically oh my god i wonder if she's like just really excited to see you and like waving hello like i feel i i don't want to wake you but i'm trying so
Starting point is 00:40:26 hard to wake you up but like wake up so i can say hi like hello um it's been so long it's been a whole life i'm almost done by the way no you're fine so there is another young couple who uh was visiting the peyton randolph house and they stayed in the red oak paneled bedroom and they saw a woman appear to them in the middle of the night and they were so terrified that they jumped out and ran into the middle of the street and then stayed there until sunrise um in the middle of the street just stood there i mean i would rather stand in a busy street than was it a busy street i feel like they would have gotten hit but i mean i feel like this is virginia it probably wasn't that busy right i'm thinking la and i'm like i'd be dead in like two seconds um one employee came in early in the morning before her shift and she was standing at the top of the stairs.
Starting point is 00:41:09 And she looked down and saw a man at the foot of the stairs who was wearing 18th century garb and was sitting in a chair facing the window. Okay. She thought it might be another employee because in Colonial Williamsburg, you just wear sure the colonial garb so she thought it was another employee that came in early she tried to make small talk and she could tell that not only did they not respond but did not want to be spoken to and just totally got the vibe of like shut the hell up um she ended up feeling so scared that she felt she needed to hide and when i guess the man thought that she was gone he stood up and then stared at her hiding spot and then faded away ew um what a creep some people also hear the jingling of spurs um some of your boots from boots and some people will hear the sound of glass smashing
Starting point is 00:41:59 on the floor but it doesn't sound like um it's apparently what i what i found online was it sounds like someone broke a large mirror and all of it shattering at one p at one time into a million pieces people will check in the room where they heard the sound and nothing will be there oh god some say that the spirits that show up in the house actually only appear as one thing to one person and then something else to another person like a boggart in harry potter uh-huh is that what's fun i think so well for example a lot of people will see this old woman whispering their name in the middle of the night but other people will see a little child oh is it a demon oh my god and some people will hear an old raspy man
Starting point is 00:42:43 oh why is that gonna okay so it's like sometimes he changes gender sometimes they change age i mean that's so fucking horrible but so like you never know who you're gonna wake up to you just know someone's gonna call your name but everyone gets the same i guess sense of energy or something that's the same thing oh god some years later there was another girl who stayed there she actually this woman this woman, when she was younger, she lived there for 50 years. Holy. This was one of the, like, original family members. And she moved in when she was 13.
Starting point is 00:43:11 When she was 13, she was sleeping alone in one of the rooms. And she suddenly woke up to a teenage girl in a white nightgown, much like the woman in a white nightgown in the same room. So sometimes she also shows up as a teenager. Oh, great. Saw her running back and forth from wall to wall in her room and then would stop to look at her ew ew which is just the creepiest that's the worst thing ever she was also i hate it so much so she woke up to the teenager running back and forth as if playing a game by herself and then every now and then looking back at her while she was like are you watching me yeah oh fuck no then she woke up another night to the same girl just standing at her bed staring at her um quote peeking at her okay it's just horrible so this time she thought it was her sister so she called out and said go
Starting point is 00:44:00 away but then the girl got closer and she saw it wasn't her sister no um so several years later the woman ended up uh because she lived there for 50 years so she was still there at the time but she was an adult now her mom and sister weren't around they like went to the store or something and she was left alone in the house and she heard heavy boot steps and then she heard the mirror shatter and so she ran upstairs to find anyone home and she found out she was the only one home and nothing had broken and nobody was in the house and the last story i have is a security guard um i guess fairly recently this is like it's no longer a house that people are living in just sharing tours a security guard was patrolling the basement when all of a sudden the shutter door slammed shut in front of
Starting point is 00:44:45 him and he heard all the doors for his exits lock around him for fuck's sake he heard a large growl and he felt something grab his legs and when it grabbed his legs it held his feet firmly down as if he was glued there oh my god so he was totally paralyzed could not move he was just standing there trying to get away but something was holding his legs. Oh, my God. He started screaming for help, and he was unable to move, and his flashlight faded off by itself. Uh-uh. He quickly grabbed his radio. He called for backup, and his lieutenant tried to get in, but the doors would not lock.
Starting point is 00:45:22 Ew! Would not unlock. So he was trying to kick this door down it wouldn't open wouldn't open finally for some reason the door just all of a sudden unlocks and it flies open and the lieutenant falls through and at that same time something released his life he was able to run around um so he was released from whatever was holding him the door is unlocked and then nobody could explain what happened he just signs up he's like in like college or something he's like i just needed some part-time money and he signs up to be a fucking security guard night shift and then this shit happens like and you're in the basement of a
Starting point is 00:45:52 it's not fair a building from the 1700s you probably don't even believe in ghosts and then it's like it's like all you're gonna remember today oh fuck that's horrible anyway so that was everything from the peyton randolph. Renee, thank you for that suggestion. Thank you, Nay. Thank you, Nay. Did everyone like those ads? Wow, I thought they were really good, and I think you should all buy them so that they get all the money they deserve. Yes. And you get all the good stuff you deserve.
Starting point is 00:46:18 Yes, yes. More importantly. Yes, yes, yes. So, Em, are you ready? Oh, yes, yes, yes, yes. Okay. Are you all right? I am okay. Okay, good. This, Em, are you ready? Oh, yes, yes, yes, yes. Okay. Are you all right? I am okay.
Starting point is 00:46:26 Okay, good. This is the murder of Marlene Warren. Okay. Now, I tried to find an episode, like a podcast episode about this. It doesn't exist. I was like, on my drive home today, an hour from work, like, I'll just listen to a podcast episode about this story to get in, you know, the groove. Right, get in the spirit. It doesn't exist.
Starting point is 00:46:44 And I was shocked because this is a bonker story. podcast episode about this story to get in you know the group and it doesn't exist and i was shocked because this is a bonker story and you better hold on to your hold on riches what do you hold on to i don't know hold on to your seat hold on to your horses hold on to your on your bootstraps i don't sure hold on to all those like really cowboy things you just said um this is so this is a murder of marlene warren um generation y the podcast was also a crime con who i didn't get to meet and now i feel like stupid because i listen to their podcast now and i'm like god damn it they were across the hall from us and we didn't really talk to them um but so they did a blog like a blog post about this whole thing where i got a
Starting point is 00:47:21 ton of information but i thought there was going to be an episode they didn't do an episode they're just awesome and do like episodes and fucking blog posts oh wow i know we do not have that a lot of research oh my god yeah i know so i was just very impressed so i got a lot of information from there but as far as i know this is the first podcast episode about this topic ever so yay i'm a trailblazer yes i think so yep um so this takes place in wellington florida in Palm Beach County, which if you've ever been to Palm Beach, which Ellen Boswell, my stepmother, made me go to, it is an extremely wealthy area where they do like equestrian shit and all that. Oh, ew.
Starting point is 00:47:57 Really, what were we saying earlier? Gentile. And gentle. Gentile, gentile, and gentle. Also, I'm sorry. I have to undo my buckle my pants are listen i took my bra off in front of everyone in the room like an hour i ate a lot of steamed buns today m text i mean was like i was like i'm gonna get some um it was some but what's the like steamed pork buns steamed pork buns and him goes get me three porn buns. And I was like, no, I won't.
Starting point is 00:48:26 I won't do that. Auto correct is a fun game. I like how it auto corrects pork to porn. That's great. You don't have to know what I'm texting all the time. I mean, I do because you texted to me and I don't want to know, but I have to. Oh, that feels so much better to like have my like, you got to loosen the stomach naturally inflate the way that it needs to be.
Starting point is 00:48:43 The natural way. It's the natural order. So here we go. we're in this like equestrian bullshit town 40 year old marlene warren lived with her husband michael and their son joe in an exclusive this gets even wilder an exclusive aeronautical community called the wellington aero club aero love it where every home backs onto a private runway that is the preppiest thing i've ever heard i know i know i know i don't know their website okay so i went on their website and um i was like wow this is probably like really elite and cool no it's literally in like comic sans and it has not changed since 1990 so um a website leaves something to be desired but the but the neighborhood itself is pretty wealthy um so on may 26 1990 so
Starting point is 00:49:32 that's where they're living this family the warns on may 26 1990 at about 10 45 a.m marlene is having breakfast in the kitchen with her 21 year old son joe when she hears a knock at the door by the way you bet do you know this story sounds so familiar oh okay but i don't know it right now okay i just want to watch everyone's face okay it's pretty wild around eva position yourself so i can see your face there we go yeah sit pretty sit pretty okay okay she hears the knock at the door 10 45 a.m they're having breakfast she opens the door and on her doorstep she sees a clown i feel attacked i knew you would sorry okay the clown is staying on her doorstep wearing a bright orange curly wig paper white face paint covering her entire face and a big red nose is holding a pair of balloons one balloon says you're the greatest and the other one has snow white in the seven dwarves on it
Starting point is 00:50:30 this sounds like deer droids drunk just sounds like something my buddies would do uh i like the snow white that's that's a rarity also so specific i mean but it's 1990 maybe that was like more in the zeitgeist right even but snow white was like really old even then that was from the 30s yeah no ice literally like really fucking fucking old okay anyway moving forward and is also holding a bouquet of red and white carnations in one hand now here we go your faces are both the same so yesterday i mentioned to my so i was telling my mom about riders like you know how we've been working on our riders for live shows right so riders like where you put like your requests for um like when you go to a live show like what they
Starting point is 00:51:17 provide you with like um a clean bathroom and fruit platter whatever so we were talking about katie perry's and my sister was reading. And it said like fresh flowers in every room. And who introduced you to that writer, by the way? You did. Okay. Well, you introduced me to Rihanna one, which I was like, look that up. And then my sister found like a BuzzFeed article or some shit, you know, and found all these others.
Starting point is 00:51:36 So we're reading them. And Kanye's is really, by the way, hilarious. I just want to sidetrack. I can only imagine that he requests a clown with a fucking snow white balloon to show up at his door so i my sister goes oh here's connie west and i was like i don't even want to hear it because i can guarantee i can make up something fucking ridiculous stupid than whatever he's gonna say but i was actually very impressed with how much it made me laugh because it was that his driver so whoever drives him anywhere has to wear 100 cotton with no man-made fibers only the driver
Starting point is 00:52:06 not an assistant not anybody else just the driver has to wear 100 cotton at all times and it just made me laugh so much because i'm like eva i need you to only wear 100 cotton who the fuck just the person driving i also need you to drive us i also need you to drive like it doesn't matter if it's like his assistant or what but the driver has and it was just so random anyway it made me laugh so she went and read kitty perry's and kitty perry said i want fresh bouquets of flowers in every room but no carnations and we kind of laughed and then my mom was like well carnations are funeral flowers and i was like oh no oh and she goes yeah in every other culture carnations are what you get at funerals like it it's like a death flower and i was like well that would make
Starting point is 00:52:41 a lot of sense so i don't blame katie pair for that so keep in mind, this clown is holding a fucking bouquet of carnations. Wow, this guy's really philosophical. Really creepy. I wonder what the Snow White balloon means in other cultures. I mean, she dies in that, right? And then gets brought up back to life. Well, who's to say what death really means in that movie? She is unconscious, certainly.
Starting point is 00:53:00 Oh, she does die. She dies and then he brings her back to life. Sorry, I was thinking of Sleeping Beauty. Okay, so Marlene reaches out for the flowers, right? Oh, she does die. She dies and then he brings her back to life. Sorry, I was thinking of Sleeping Beauty. Okay. So, Marlene reaches out for the flowers. Ew, not like the phone to call 911? No, because she's like, it's 99. She's like, oh, it's like a singing telegram or some shit.
Starting point is 00:53:14 Like, it's 1045 in the morning. She's like, what a weird thing to show. People got murdered so easily back then. She opens the door. Also, I saw the door in a video and it's like one of those giant glass doors. So she saw what was coming. Yeah, but she the door in a video and it's like one of those giant glass doors. So she saw what was coming. Yeah, but she couldn't like pretend she wasn't there.
Starting point is 00:53:30 You know what I mean? Like how I just look through the thing and then run away. Like she sees this lady like waving or this clown or whatever and then just like opens the door like what? Oh man. And then the person, the clown like reaches out with the flowers. So she's like, oh, that's funny. And reaches for the flowers.
Starting point is 00:53:45 The clown pulls a revolver from behind its back. There it is. Shoots her in the mouth. In the flowers. So she's like, oh, that's funny, and reaches for the flowers. The clown pulls a revolver from behind its back. There it is. Shoots her in the mouth. In the mouth. Injuring her severely. Calmly drops the flowers and the balloons. And then when I'm like,
Starting point is 00:53:54 drops the balloons. Don't they float away? Yeah, I think so in my head. Drops the helium-inflated balloons for them to start from ground zero. I think it was literally drops the flowers, the balloons go that way.
Starting point is 00:54:04 Okay. Walks to the white convertible Chrysler parked in front of the house and drives off. Her son Joe had been eating breakfast in the kitchen and watching the entire thing unfold from the kitchen. He hears his mother say, oh, how pretty as she reaches out for the flowers and then watches her fucking get shot in the face. And he told 48 hours recently, I remember that being one of the most terrible days of my life. Well, yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:28 At first we thought maybe it was a balloon that had popped because it was just like a bang. And they were like, and he was there with his mom's best friend. And he was like, yeah, at first we thought it was a balloon, but then she like fell. And that's when we knew something was seriously wrong. So a neighbor dialed 911-1-1 while he and he had a broken leg so he's on crutches so he tries to jump in his car and then like drive after this person but he can't drive his foot is broken like it was just really bad um and the neighbor calls 9-1-1 he finally gets back home and sees the police there they take her
Starting point is 00:55:00 to the hospital and she dies two days later at Palms West Hospital in Florida. Oh, my God. So investigators first obviously looked at the husband, you know, because. Right. Because you do. That's what you do. So his name was Michael. And she and Michael, Marlene and Michael had been having marital troubles recently.
Starting point is 00:55:17 And Marlene had actually been considering a separation from her husband. And it turns out actually a year and a half prior to the shooting, Mar and michael's other son johnny so they had johnny and joe um and michael was actually both of their stepdads so she had johnny and joe from a previous marriage when she was pretty young so it turns out that johnny had been killed in a car accident about a year and a half before the this shooting and he was only 22 years old and that had like devastated her and his brother, Joe. And apparently like her marriage with Mike was never like never the same. And it just really put a strain on them and their relationship. So at this point, they're kind of like already talking about getting a separation.
Starting point is 00:55:57 Things are not looking good. And Michael is initially the main suspect in the murder. And he would have lost out. So if they had gotten divorced, he would have lost out on a lot because he and his wife had around $1 million in assets, and almost all of them were registered under Marlene's name, except for his used car rental service called Bargain Motors. But it turns out he at the time was miles away in a car full of witnesses going to the racetrack. So he had an alibi. So he couldn't have been the shooter or the clown. But an anonymous tipster gave the police another clue.
Starting point is 00:56:33 The tipster called in and said, quote, look at Sheila Keene. Who? Dun, dun, dun. So it turns out Michael had been renting another apartment. So he had been living at another place. Oh, boy. Yep. About half an hour away from their house and had been living there with a 27-year-old woman named Sheila Keene.
Starting point is 00:56:50 Oh, boy. Whom neighbors actually thought was his wife. So people said she came in and out so often that they just assumed he lived there with his wife. When, in fact, it was just his girlfriend. And actually, she was an employee at his work, at his business, at the bargain car shop. Got it. She was 26 when they met. He was, I think, 40.
Starting point is 00:57:09 And so, you're just iffy. So investigators did some digging into Sheila. They were granted permission by a judge to take some DNA samples after they found orange fibers similar to the clown wig in her apartment. Oh, boy. clown wig in her apartment oh boy soon after that an employee at a local costume shop contacted police saying that only two days before marlene's murder a woman had stopped by the store after closing time and had begged to be let in uh the employee whose name was deborah said can you come back tomorrow and the woman said no i need something right now and said i need to look at the clown costumes oh yeah so detective detect So detectives showed Deborah a photo lineup,
Starting point is 00:57:47 and she, quote, tentatively identified the woman as Sheila Keen, said she had dark brown eyes, dark brown hair, dark complexion. When investigators looked into Sheila, they discovered that she was actually an employee at Mike and Marlene's company, 26-year-old young mother living on her own. She had just separated from her husband, and her job at the business was repossessing cars or as another employee put it, she was the business's repo woman. And I remember I used to play The Sims. It was the repo man would come by. And I thought that was like the Grim Reaper when I was little and I didn't know the
Starting point is 00:58:21 difference. So then I would grow up and hear people say like grim reap or like the repo man i'm like oh my god it's real like i thought death listen i'm so stupid i thought grim reaper and repo man were the same person it's okay spell segue then you'll feel really smart compared to me oh no comment so um another employee at the company who who called her the repo woman remembers that keen carried a gun which happened to be a 38 revolver which happened to be what she what marlene was shot with um so next up police were actually able to trace the balloons because they were so specific snow white and seven dwarves and you're the greatest she's really not good like i mean like not really being like subtle in a murder like oh i'm gonna dress up as a vibrant clown with specific balloons yes yep and i'm also gonna carry the gun i use as the murder weapon i'm gonna keep it on me as long as well as the orange fibers from the wig it's not like you're
Starting point is 00:59:21 like oh um i'm gonna buy some balloons and there will be generic red balloons it's like no i will buy specific ones that say you're the greatest and have a 70 year old uh cartoon on them like it's so bizarre everything was so like isn't the whole point to blend in like that was this that is not blending which is wild because then they were like oh so they obviously looked to the husband first and they're like did he dress up as a clown go to his wife's house at breakfast like it just yeah it was so bizarre it wasn't like she just acts yeah anyway exactly that so in a white chrysler convertible it's all just very weird so anyway because the balloons were so specific they were able to trace them to a local public's you like public i love public i knew everyone was going to react to that because I also love Publix. Sandwiches. They're so good. They're so good. Publix Deli. Yeah. So they also apparently sold Snow White balloons in 1990. And the employees there said that the buyer of the
Starting point is 01:00:18 balloons was a white female with dark brown hair and big brown eyes. So again, matching Sheila's description. So police discovered the purchase at Publix was made at 9.22 a.m., which was an hour and a half before the shooting, and the store's location was a little more than half a mile away from Marlene's house. So obviously made perfect sense. So police also had a tentative...
Starting point is 01:00:39 Okay, so police had a tentative idea at the costume shop from the person showing up and demanding, like, clown costumes after the store had closed. A description at the Publix grocery store. And after so after Marlene, it was actually really sad. After two days, her son had to her son and her best friend together had to decide to take life support off. And so like I was reading the 48 hours transcript and it was really sad they were like the best friend was like yeah joe was just
Starting point is 01:01:10 like devastated because they were saying his father or his stepfather who had been his dad for 20 years was like involved in his mother's killing and he was just gone because he was like i didn't do it and peaced out and then his mom's in the hospital completely unconscious and then they had to make the decision to like pull him up pull her off life support and so two days later they pulled her off life support and they were able to take the bullet out and match it to a 38 revolver so there they had the bullet now um so they have the bullet the description at the two stores and all this is circumstantial evidence but it was not enough to like fully connect sheila to marlene's murder or anyone to marlene's right so four days after the shooting
Starting point is 01:01:53 two days after jonah's family pulled the plug on his mother's life support police found the white chrysler in the parking lot of a local windixi they raid the car and in the car they find orange synthetic hair from a wig as well as strands of brown human hair. Within hours, they had a warrant to search Sheila's apartment. They didn't find a gun in the apartment, but Sheila's estranged husband had actually contacted police weeks earlier saying that Sheila told him she had misplaced his.38 revolver. So he had literally she said, I misplaced his 38 revolver so he had literally she said i misplaced my your gun and then he had called police before any of the shooting happened and said like oh my gosh my wife said like our gun is missing like had reported it before yeah anything even happened so it was
Starting point is 01:02:35 already in the system that like she had misplaced it um a month before the murder so then what police did find in the apartment was hair from the bathroom trash and more fucking orange fibers jesus in her home which is like dog hair at this point i was gonna say you clown people clearly know how to make a very shedding wig yeah we like to leave an impression clearly um reportedly investigators did run dna on the hair and the fibers but it was like 1990 so d DNA evidence was still really new. The results were inconclusive. Prosecutors decided they couldn't make an arrest without risking too much on the arrest. But investigators were not done digging.
Starting point is 01:03:17 So they ran a check on the Chrysler LeBaron and learned that it had actually been stolen. Oh, this is where shit gets even weirder get ready so so bargain motors was um mike's and marlene's company there was a company called pay less which was another car used car rental company that was a competitor and pay less had actually accused bargain motors of intentionally trying to confuse customers by booking phone book ads that were like identical to pay less ads which is so funny to me they would like basically take out ads that were like almost exactly the same but like the name of the company was like different right yeah yeah love a good knockoff apparently it worked all the time oh and uh basically a couple
Starting point is 01:04:03 had rented the lebaron the chrysler from payless but then had mistakenly gone in the phone book and called this bargain company and saying like oh we're gonna return the car and apparently he bargained uh bargain motor said yeah just leave it on the street with the keys on the visor and we'll take care of it so like they knew full well it wasn't their car but they would have people drop the car off and be like love it we got it and then just fucking take the car like so shady um which is so fucked up so the same night of the fucking the same night before the murder is when this car had reportedly been quote-unquote stolen gotcha um so after learning all this investigators went into the warren's business so the bargain motors with a search warrant but investigators were not able to prove mike warren's business so the bargain motors with a search warrant but investigators were not able
Starting point is 01:04:46 to prove mike warren stole the chrysler nor could they connect him to his wife's murder but they did uncover evidence of widespread fraud in his business oh and he was actually arrested and ultimately charged with multiple counts of racketeering grand theft auto insurance fraud and odometer tampering oh and it was like an insane fraud case like it was it was huge um and super complex and as prosecutors prepared for that trial so then the murder so the murder investigation was happening like parallel to his fraud trial and um at the same time mike warren and then um marlene's son joe were like battling over Marlene's estate, which was like over a million dollars. But like Joe was just 22 years old at this point.
Starting point is 01:05:29 And he was like, my dad's a salesman and like a car salesman. Like, I don't I can't compete with him. My stepdad or whatever. So he was basically left with pretty much nothing. And his dad got everything. That sucks. And he was out on on his own. that sucks and he was out on on his own um and then in the end mike was convicted of fraud and he served nearly four years in prison um for all of the odometer tampering yeah all that racketeering
Starting point is 01:05:52 all the matilda's dad kind of stuff yes that's exactly what i picture for sure for sure um all that racketeering uh so he serves like several years in prison um and police never closed marlene's case but as the years passed there was no sign of new evidence so they just like it kind of went cold oh did you just hit your head on the mic hit my glasses you're really good at hitting your face on the microphone i'm good at like just injuring myself in any way shape or form um so ultimately the case went cold fast forward 12 years so it's 2012 and mike is out of prison and guess what what mike and sheila so sheila is the one 26 year old mom mike and sheila get married in vegas and then move to tennessee together and i read a thing about the mom the best friend i think her name was was Shirley, who was there when Marlene was murdered.
Starting point is 01:06:47 It was like her son and Shirley were there at the house. And she was like, when I heard that Mike and Sheila got married, she's like, I wish someone had taken a photo of my face. Like, yeah, it was just so out there because like people were like it was rumors that they were together and stuff. And then it kind of died down for 28 years. Like it just like years later oh my gosh and then she's like and then all of a sudden they're fucking married and moving to tennessee together sheila changed her name to debbie which she claimed was a childhood nickname even though every single person they've ever interviewed who knew her was like she's never gone by that dyed her hair bleach blonde they moved to tennessee and opened a
Starting point is 01:07:22 restaurant called the purple cow oh that's famous right no i think it is i'm pretty sure i've heard i know there's an ice cream called the purple cow yeah i think that's a different thing because that's like a milkshake with grape soda that's what i thought because i looked up the purple cow on facebook and it has a really cheesy facebook page this this restaurant in tennessee and it's not the same i don't think no when i hear purple cow i thought i i gasped because i heard ice cream and i got really excited float but with purple right with grape syrup yeah yeah it's different and there's a german chocolate called milka which also uses purple cows on the logo and i got really excited too it's not the same apparently nope it's like a burger joint basically and there's it's
Starting point is 01:07:59 weird because they went on their page and they still have photos of mike like serving burgers and stuff because it's from and it literally says like five years ago i'm like facebook is so old anyway um so they opened this restaurant called the purple cow and then they operated that for several years sold it in 2016 retired and moved to virginia to a beautiful town in virginia i don't know what it's called i looked literally everywhere they bought a beautiful home in virginia and on september 27th 2017 while the now 54 year old sheila keen warren was i guess debbie was heading to vermont to visit her mother a u.s marshal pulled over her black cadillac escalate in abingdon virginia and arrested her for first degree murder for the death of Marlene Warren.
Starting point is 01:08:45 Oh boy. So apparently over the last 28 years where this case had gone cold, there were still investigators in Florida working on it and trying to solve it. And advancements in DNA had finally, and apparently in the 90s, even though this was like early 90s, even now investigators say like they did an amazing job of collecting DNA, even though it wasn't useful at the time. Wow.
Starting point is 01:09:06 Now they had so much evidence that they were able to, like, use current technology and link it to her immediately. Oh, cool. Thank God. So basically the hairs they took from her car, from the white Chrysler and the wig, like the car, the white car that had been abandoned, they were able to take her hair and connect it to her um so they finally had a rock solid case against sheila and i guess she was arrested wearing capri pants well like platform flip i mean that is a fucking crime i know i was like i want to see a photo this is out of a sick fashion please they're the one who pulled her over fashion please don't talk about that show ever again did joan rivers just come out nabbington virginia and be like get in the back of the car like probably and if when i had worked on that when i did work on that show
Starting point is 01:09:53 if that is how we operated it would have been way more fun and somebody even write that down make that a show like joan rivers and cops oh my god a crossover episode that would be so fun can you imagine a crossover of fashion police and actual cops no i'm imagining it now and it's the greatest like so you have drugs in your car and you're wearing double denim get in the car bad boys bad boys what you gonna do when joan rivers comes for you oh what a good time guys oh r.i.p um okay so she apparently was super talkative while getting arrested in her flip-flops and capris she's probably trying to tell us all about how she got the mcclares was also wearing an aqua teal tank top not even joking it's like out of a
Starting point is 01:10:38 fucking movie it's like a description like lizzie mcguire's yeah lizzie mcguire's bully was like popping up yes yep i had aged 60 years and still thought she was a fucking badass yeah so she was extremely talkative she asked a million questions including where are we going is my husband arrest under arrest what am i under arrest for what's going on um at the sheriff's office she made small talk with everyone around her until she was finally told the news she was accused of being the shooter in the 27 year old clown murder she put her head on the desk and declined to say another word for the next day i like how she truly had no clue up until they had to say it and then she was like oh i should have kept my mouth shut this whole time the whole time she's
Starting point is 01:11:19 like what could it possibly be oh the murder that i just showed true just shameless guilt-free carefree after 27 years like she just was like oh she was like oh i'm off the hook so what could this possibly be what could a fucking u.s marshal be arresting me for and not telling me and bringing me to hot maximum security yeah god damn it so currently did you find purple cow oh that's it that's the teal that's the teal oh yeah aqua teal was the aqua teal tank top should have arrested right off of her they cut off the capris before we saw the capris which annoys me but there is a photo of her wearing look but she's smiling this is also this one right here is her oh yeah that's apparently the caption for that is something like
Starting point is 01:12:04 she was smiling after her arrest in virginia i'm like wait i mean come on that's apparently the caption for that is something like she was smiling after her arrest in virginia i'm like wait i mean come on that's her she looks so chipper chipper like peppy she looks really excited about it uh yeah so that happened so she was charged with first degree murder prosecutors are currently seeking the death penalty they've said against sheila um joseph joe aarons who was marlene's son declined to speak with 2020 when they contacted him but he did tell um a local affiliate that the news of his of sheila's arrest was quote a big shock but that the arrest has made him happier than i've been in many years well that's good uh apparently he like really struggled after i mean watching his mother watching his mother get murdered by a clown get shot in the mouth he literally said like clowns like everything i
Starting point is 01:12:54 mean can you imagine like people are like i'm scared of clowns and it's like it's like no he's actually this guy fucking saw a clown show up at his doorstep at 10 30 in the morning while he's eating fucking captain crunch and shot his mom in the face oh my god and um his he basically he apparently really struggled and then his dad took all the money from her estate so he didn't even get like enough money to survive on so oh my god really struggled with like drugs and dependency issues and right etc um and now i went on generation wise like blog post and they had like a picture of his status his facebook status that he had posted like good news they finally caught my mom's killer and um so i went and found his facebook because i'm crazy and i went and found his facebook
Starting point is 01:13:36 and i looked through it and it was interesting because he was posting about like all the like 2020 like every time a new like episode aired he was like right go watch this like there's new updates he has two adorable little sons um he has he has started his own construction company which he said was um so after like many decades of just like really struggling with drugs and um even trying to make a living and he went through a divorce and he had a hard time but i guess he started his own construction company he said like his mom was the one who every time something was broken in the house she would fix it and she was able to fix it and if she wasn't able to fix it so that's why she got a that's why he made a construction company yeah well he said and so every time like if something was broken and she couldn't fix it
Starting point is 01:14:16 she would hire someone to fix it and then make him sit there with her and watch and learn how to fix it so he said like through his whole childhood he was able to like learn she taught him to like learn how to fix things and so now he has his own construction company and he said like she inspired that which is really cool so he's finally he's doing really well you know relatively um and he said that the arrest was really big for him and you know gave him a lot of closure but he he also said like the nights are the hardest and i struggled for many decades just trying to even like get a good night's sleep which well yeah fuck yeah so marlene's mother is also still alive and she thinks about her daughter every day and there was a photo of her with this was weird two
Starting point is 01:14:57 paintings of clowns and she said when marlene was little she got these paintings of clowns and they were her favorite thing and she said like she got these when she was little, she got these paintings of clowns and they were her favorite thing. And she said like she got these when she was like 10 years old. Isn't that like in hindsight, like the eeriest thing in the world? It is. It's so creepy. I wonder if the things I love as children are going to be like my matchmaker, you know? Sugar Bush the squirrel.
Starting point is 01:15:16 Oh. Will be your aunt. Oh, well, yes. I just see him over your shoulder and that's all I can think about. Just leering. But yeah, so there's these two like oil paintings of clowns. And's like when she was 10 these were her prize possessions they were in her room and she like loved them she's like and i can't bring myself to throw them away just because i know how much she loved them and she said something like every time i pass i kind of laugh at this
Starting point is 01:15:37 point because i'm like oh she knows you know like she's here with me and it's just like wow i'm sure she's laughing yeah maybe not but so sheila keen warren was extradited or slash debbie her quote-unquote childhood nickname was extradited to palm beach county and appeared at a bond hearing on october 4th of this last year so 2017 uh mike has her husband vehemently denies his current wife's involvement in his former wife's death and says she has been falsely accused as of april of this year so two and a half months ago a trial date has not been set and at this point all we know is that the prosecution is looking for is seeking the death penalty and um i went on the website of the neighborhood. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:26 The arrow. Right. Yeah. Whatever. And I'm just scrolling through and then I see this line and it's just like, oh, man. It says with only two attractively lighted and landscaped entrances into this community, you can rest assured you and your family will have that secure and comfortable feeling when you come home. And that's the end of their website and it's like ouch super creepy that is the story of marlene warren's death and sheila's crazy clown murder it turns out she'll also when she was younger used to perform as a child clown entertainer so that was her first go-to when she was like i need a costume
Starting point is 01:17:05 i know oh no i'll paint my whole face white and show up with snow white balloons so gross that's that wow i can't believe i could not find an episode about this anywhere i was like i want to hear someone else wild i thought that was bonkers i was thinking of saving that like for a live show yeah or like but then i was like when will we be in like palm beach florida i don't know i i thought about it but then i was like i just kind of want to tell it now because i know right right i'm going to talk about it um so that's the story wild i like that i was going okay um after this ad i'm going to give you guys the best geoscope ever and we're going to give you some oh man some fun news okay okay
Starting point is 01:17:50 so although eva is in charge of our email now i like a lot of the time just troll it like a crazy person and she's just like hi i'm doing this job and i'm like but i'm just gonna sit here and just creepily go through the emails just eagle eye it anyway i'm a psychopath sorry eva sorry um so today uh someone sent i just saw in the subject geoscope and i was like well we're recording tonight yeah he was like i know i saw this too uh and i saw this in the um in the inbox and i was like well we're recording so i'm just gonna take it and run with it um so this is from unca l which is weird because i also know an unca l in cincinnati so that's kind of a strange thing um but she sent in um an onion scorpio horoscope for geo today
Starting point is 01:18:38 and i'm gonna read it to you truth be told you haven't been a very good father oh i guess that's to juniper i don't know but it's not the it's not your fault that the mothers of your children haven't yet informed you of their existence so geo's a daddy apparently to babies all over the world wow that means there's gonna be such cute little babies but it also means he hasn't been a very good father which i think is bullshit because i mean he's been a good father he's been a good pseudo big brother he's been a big brother yes he's been a good big brother he's a great nephew he's a great nephew too great sweet bad uncle m um and what else um oh well you didn't tell the geoscope that was the geoscope but i'll find another one
Starting point is 01:19:26 oh that was it just like you're a dad that was the weird onion scope here i'll find a real one okay so that was the onions version now i'm gonna read you the real horoscope okay so here we go okay so now here's um from this is uh geo's horoscope. Stop trying to feel everyone else's emotions and really feel your own, Scorpio. Aww. I just pictured him with his cone on his cast. Stop feeling shame. But then embrace the shame. He's so ouchy.
Starting point is 01:19:55 Being empathetic to others' needs is charitable, but you need to face the music and look at yourself. In the cone. This is so sad. Oh, no. Make a clear distinction between your needs and those of others express your feelings to those around you ask for help if you need it he can't he's a puppy okay i'm gonna start crying like a psycho he needs help scratching behind his cone my god other people aren't mind readers they probably have no idea what you feel oh the end oh my god so dark you're a father and an embarrassment you should be ashamed this is so sad look at yourself in the
Starting point is 01:20:37 mirror oh my god this is just so baby g such a babe this is the career horoscope for Gio. Oh, yeah. Let's see if his business is booming. People are working at cross purposes to your efforts within your workplace, aka our podcast. Yeah. Someone's careless actions are making it. Mommy's drinking. Finish the sentence. Making it difficult for you to do your job.
Starting point is 01:21:03 Yes. Perhaps information was not disseminated accurately approach the problem with a good attitude oh he's like look i'm just trying to be the star and you're really upstaging me oh man all right your employment sector may be a bit unstable move slowly and carefully and make no unnecessary demands that is for sure with that fucking paw wrapped up anyway so thanks guys that was the geoscope of the day yes i just can't um we'll see you in person on july what is it 22nd yeah july 23rd i just mean for the facebook live sorry oh july 22nd yeah if you're a Patreon donor, we'll see you on July 22nd.
Starting point is 01:21:46 Yes. Otherwise, we'll see you. When's our next show? August 3rd. August 3rd and August 4th in Nashville at Zany's. Come to Nashville. Eva will be there. It'll be super fun.
Starting point is 01:21:55 Yes. Yes. Yes. Okay. Tell them all about where they can find us. You can find us at Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram at ATWWDPodcast. You can also find our website and that's why we you can also find our merch site and that's why we you can also
Starting point is 01:22:11 email us at and that's why we drink at where you can submit your own personal true crime and paranormal stories because we do a listeners episode at the first of every month um you can also donate to our patreon at atwwd podcast you can please please rate and subscribe and review oh it's huge please um it's super helpful um is that it i feel like there's usually more i feel like i wasn't listening so go get our tickets for shows oh yeah come to our website and that's what you drink. Dot com. You can find all our series talking. You can find all our tickets there. Our merch and everything. Our weird bios about ourselves.
Starting point is 01:22:51 All that good stuff is there. So check it out. That's all I got. Me, too. OK. And that's why we drink. Woo. Bye.

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