And That's Why We Drink - E76 A Venn DiagRUM and Detective Constable Christine

Episode Date: July 15, 2018

Welcome to episode 76, and it's motherflippin' hot out. In other news, Em covers the Pirate House in Savannah, GA and Christine covers the kidnapping of Shannon Matthews. And that's why we drink! Ple...ase consider supporting the companies that support us! Visit to get your introductory three-pack of wines for only $15! Hello Fresh - Use promo code DRINK30 for $30 off your first week of Hello Fresh! For $20 off a suitcase (THAT CAN CHARGE YOUR PHONE!) visit and use promo code DRINK at checkout. Head to to order your free Home Try-On’s today!95% of women do not get the vitamins and minerals they need on a daily basis. Go to to choose clean ingredients backed by science.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Nice? Wow, that's so nice. I don't know. Welcome to the podcast, and that's why we drink, where we talk about dogs in baby voices. And how nice they are. Bebe handsome boy. Is that so special? All those belly rubs? I have a surprise for you. Oh, good. I have a surprise for you. Oh, good. I have a surprise for you, too.
Starting point is 00:00:30 Do you really? Yours is probably better. Do you want to do yours first, then? No, please do yours first. You want me to blow you out of the water first? Oh, fuck. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:36 Okay. What do you mean? I need you to close your eyes, and I want Eva to videotape this. You told Eva to bring her phone. I didn't. I took my bra off, so sorry. I just want Eva. I just know you're going to wish that you had this on tape. All right.
Starting point is 00:00:49 Should I take my glasses off? Oh, now I'm being vain and it's not working. Nothing worse than trying to be vain and it's just not successful. Okay, just close your eyes. Okay. Okay. Okay. So I went home.
Starting point is 00:01:01 Mm-hmm. And while I was home for the wedding. Oh, right. I went through my stuff and I found something. Oh, for God's sake. And so you may open your eyes. I found my clown nose.
Starting point is 00:01:15 Oh my God, Em! That's your original clown nose. This is the original. That's the original fucking- 2006, baby. That's like real. Look, it has nostrils. Ah! Ew! Why? Why? why the hell does it have nostrils so i can
Starting point is 00:01:30 breathe look like a serial killer okay well that's not the reaction i was expecting sorry thank you i love it it's beautiful you look so handsome but it's it's still fits like a glove it actually is so weird how it fits your instead of those it big... It's a custom-made nose. I didn't just buy this from a costume shop. Wait, they like mold your nose like a retainer, but for your nose. They size your nose and figure out what's good for your face shape. That's all. That's all I wanted, Eva.
Starting point is 00:01:59 I just wanted her to have that for the rest of her life documented. I don't know what to do with this. So for the rest of the episode, I was thinking I'd just go cloud nose on you. Can you squeak it? No. You can only do that to the uniform. The shirt. You touch it you want to touch it nope it's so bananas it looks like your nose it's not like the big round ones no they're never actually the big round one those are just like the ones that everyone it's a stigma that we're trying to break, actually. Oh, oops. Your shirt doesn't help. Your weird jersey.
Starting point is 00:02:25 My own clown uniform. That is... Yep. I'm glad it still exists. And I'm glad you didn't throw it away. Me too. I would have been worried you would have thrown it away. Apparently, it's starting to disintegrate, though.
Starting point is 00:02:35 No! Because it's just a thin piece of silicone. So it's breaking down after a decade. After more than a decade. So if you look at it it it's starting to like stretch out and it doesn't have the same shine it used to you know he used to be polished you gotta just and now it's just a matte nose you know what i'm saying you just got to put some wd-40 shine that thing up i'm listen i'm wearing a clown nose i'm drinking my la croix it's a very
Starting point is 00:03:00 la kind of day we're in a very weird place in our lives. What's my surprise? Okay, here we go. My dad was here yesterday. He was? Yeah, he was here for two days. Did I not tell you that? No. So he was here kind of randomly for two days. Hi, dad. Is that why your whole house is clean?
Starting point is 00:03:16 No, but that's because my mom was here for a week. Oh. And she planted a whole bunch of things in the backyard and set up my whole house. And Tim cleaned every single window in my house what a gem and genius and gentleman you you sounded like um the triple g you sounded like when you hold down a key on a keyboard for a really long time and go like i am microsoft sam actually you're clippy um okay so my dad was in town yesterday and i wanted him to come say hi and leave you a little message. So I'm going to play it for you, and I want you to kind of just listen and say whatever you want.
Starting point is 00:03:51 Okay. So here's a little message. Can you say testing, testing? Testing, testing, testing. You talk into the microphone. You talk into the microphone. You talk into the microphone. I talk into the microphone.
Starting point is 00:04:05 Good, good, good, good, good. Okay. Okay. Let's see. Okay. I'm here with the world-famous slag pot expert, Bernie Shula. Hi, Dad. How are you doing?
Starting point is 00:04:18 Oh, so far, so good. Thanks for dinner. You're so welcome. My pleasure. thanks for dinner you're so welcome i pleasure so we just wanted to surprise em um and say hi and uh i didn't even bring it up but my dad bought em a couple little gifts what little german themed gifts oh here it is german soccer themed what so i'm gonna give those to em on the episode here it is it's a black soccer rubber duck to me until my wedding basically i know it's to surprise em but the first thing i need to say is you for sure surprised me
Starting point is 00:04:53 because that's what i do you're welcome in that and that's why we drink studio yeah somebody who never drank a drop of alcohol in his life and And I still feel that this, and that's why we drink podcast is just a slap in my face. We were talking about what song to do as our father-daughter dance. Oh, that's right. Yeah. Have you had any thoughts? Because I listened to about 30 songs today and none of them felt right. Yeah, no, I'm not into dancing as you know.
Starting point is 00:05:24 Oh, come on. You did like the freaking what waltz at your wedding he's a crazy ass waltz and then my mom did the austrian waltz your dad did and practiced for eight weeks in an eight-week studio do you think blaze looks like the type of gonna waltz with me yes no and they kicked me out after three weeks they actually did kick him out why what's What's the name? Arthur Murray. Arthur Miller or Murray. I was just dismissed. I paid for six sessions.
Starting point is 00:05:49 People, they kicked him out. Yeah, they did. Legitimately. After three and said, I would never be able to handle that. And I fear that with Blaze, it would take probably only one lesson. Dad, here's what you don't understand. That is a, you're kicking out after three weeks the perfect beginning to a movie where you come back and you show them how well you can dance
Starting point is 00:06:13 you know what i mean like tell that studio thank you every dance movie streets and then you come back he was just like what the fuck is going on and everyone is so impressed and you win a bunch of awards i was doing it but right at the time when I wanted to show everybody, I think I stepped on Elle's train or what's the name of this thing? Oh, no. I did. Oh, no. I did. Her train of her wedding gown?
Starting point is 00:06:38 Yeah, that's true. Oh, dear. I think she almost fell down, but. Well, anyway, thank you for joining us. I also just want to have one last thing. Do you have anything to say to M? Since you're sitting in M's current chair right now. Oh, yeah, that's right.
Starting point is 00:06:54 You're sitting in M's chair. What an honor. You're sitting in the throne. No, what an honor for M. I want to say hello, M. And I'm really looking forward to meeting you in October. Em is officiating the wedding. Right.
Starting point is 00:07:10 Yes. Officiating. And I think there will be no booze or anything. We'll all be very sober. Right. And I think that the gift I brought, that little gift or one of the little gifts is that little black magic duck. It's so cool. It's a magic duck.
Starting point is 00:07:29 It's a little magic duck from Germany, and I thought I heard you guys quacking on the air. That's mean. Quack, quack, quackack and I thought this is the perfect gift you know he nailed it what reminds me of M a duck he nailed it
Starting point is 00:07:50 that's nice that's very kind a magical duck a magical duck I think it will change its colors yeah it does M's gonna like it
Starting point is 00:07:59 I think when you take a bath or whatever I don't know how when I take a bath and my duck from Bernie she first yeah that's fine
Starting point is 00:08:05 But anyhow, no, I'm no kidding Y'all, Eva just hears us and not my dad talking Peace of my mind regarding the F words We're getting yelled at
Starting point is 00:08:22 about cursing, hold on How do to say that I don't get the proper English right now for this thing here that it's just the amount of F words is just astonishing
Starting point is 00:08:37 for the year we live in and the society we are surrounded by as far as I'm concerned he's trying so hard. I won't let him have it. That's true, except there's no... I don't think that I need to hold up any sort of decency for anybody that we talk about,
Starting point is 00:08:54 especially because most of them are murderers. I don't find them to have any sort of need for decency. But, you know, to each each his own whatever floats your boat different strokes different folks somehow my dad still listens to the first 10 minutes of the show every week and that's it that's right to find out
Starting point is 00:09:15 what you guys are doing to figure out if I've moved to a new house or not gotten a new pet you found out about the cat and I found out that you get married. I mean, you find out all these things by listening to that
Starting point is 00:09:30 guy. He's calling you out, Christine. How helpful this is. You're welcome. It's like a newsletter to my family. It's like a Christmas card every week. Thank you for joining us today on our little fireside chat. Thank you. It was an honor and a pleasure. Off to Canada. Oh, yeah. Wait.
Starting point is 00:09:45 And Em's favorite country is Canada, so I'm very jealous of him. You know that your great uncle, my uncle, was Canadian. You don't know that. No, I don't. I don't know that. I don't like how he goes, you don't know that. Em, I'm Canadian. Suck it. Ha ha. How does it feel to give Em his gifts now?
Starting point is 00:10:02 Okie dokie. Here you go. Okay. Bye, Daddy. Love you. OK, so. So wait a minute. You're Canadian. Apparently I'm Canadian. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:10:11 Amazing. Oh, you've missed all this. My dad just revealed to me that my great uncle is Canadian. My great uncle is George Burns. So what? Are you serious? Yeah. And his wife was Gracie Young.
Starting point is 00:10:23 So my aunt. I don't know. I don't know who. I don't know. I don't think I know who that is. From the George Burns and Grace Yellen show. Oh, wait. Yeah. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:10:33 Who is this related to? My great uncle. Holy shit. Well. He went to my mom's high school graduation. Oh, my God. He fell asleep at the table. That's me as an old person um my dad got you this uh weird duck that's like the borussia dortmund um soccer team uh duck it's it starts out black
Starting point is 00:10:56 and then it is like uh heat heat sensitive and when you touch it it becomes yellow if you put it in the bathtub it becomes yellow little yellow rubber ducky yeah i tried reading the box at first but it's in german so i really had to figure this one out on my own um i think you did a great job um also sorry that was so long i skipped to the end at the end there but you're fine your dad was so nice he was nice until he was just like denying any culpability about right he didn't want you to be right he didn't want you to be no he didn't and uh he's the one who tells me about mr chatfield so he didn't want me to put him on the spot i guess but that's the story that's who that's that's the the man the legend the myth you know whatever order that's supposed to go in um anyway loved it how are you why do you drink this week what's up um i drink because i had a dream uh-huh um i guess more
Starting point is 00:11:50 of a creepy dream oh god that was my nose by the way my oh i don't like that it sounds like a dog i think my nose is itchy but i can't scratch it take that thing off um when i so i had a dream that i was in a uh that i was reaching my hand into a freezer oh god but i couldn't see into the back of the freezer it was like a void and so i stuck my hand in there and i felt someone else grab my hand from the other side and then as if they were like successfully pulling me in i felt them grab my arm like further and further and pull me further and further in and i could feel my body lifting in the dream like i could feel my body actually pulling you into it and pulling and pulling and pulling until they got to my shirt and then they were like pulling
Starting point is 00:12:35 near my neck and then i woke up and i was actually sitting up in bed which was just the creepiest and then and peels his fucking nose off and then i peeled my clown nose off so gross um wait you were sitting up in bed yes that's not okay in the middle of the night and this was the first night in a while that allison hasn't spent the night i just got like full body i was like of course it was three in the morning of course it was um and allison wasn't there and it was just very frightening. So all I had to do was go back to bed. So Lord wasn't fun.
Starting point is 00:13:10 Um, so that happened. And then Eva made a good point of like, uh, you said something about like, you would have just woken up and like move into another room or like left and like gone to like the couch outside. I couldn't do that either because one of the other main reasons that i drank this week is because we now have a homeless woman what that bangs on my door at what rant this last night was the second time this has happened she aggressively like not like what like basically like how tamra from the strangers would knock on a door like i'm gonna, your worst nightmare.
Starting point is 00:13:45 Great. She literally went... Bang knocking. But that was a lot more quiet. It was joltingly loud and alarming. She just does it on your front door? Well, she did it. And the first time Allison was over and nobody else was home. So you're like, oh, maybe it's one of the roommates and they can't get in the house. And it was like, you know, that tune where it's like, it's me. Right. And so we looked out the window because it wasn't no one had ever knocked on the door like that before. So we were like, we don't know who it is. And Allison was like, don't open the door because it sounded usually is the one who opens the door
Starting point is 00:14:25 so then she looked out the eye hole and it looked like it was our roommate Christine and uh since it looked kind of like the silhouette of Christine Allison opens the door speaking of which no classic Allison because I said I can't tell who that is and then she was like it looks like Christine and then opens the door. Oh, no. And this homeless woman is like, hello, I am a homeless woman. Can I please steal your towel that's on the porch to sleep on the ground with? Because we have a camp chair and a towel outside on the porch.
Starting point is 00:14:57 And we were like, yeah, do you want to take the chair, too? Like, just get off the, just get away. I mean, it's nice that she asked instead of just stealing your towel. it's like still it's like still jarring i'm like i wish you kind of just stole the towel but so you're like oh you can you can have the chair too like if you want like a chair to sleep on so you're not sleeping on the ground and she was like no thank you i don't want the chair and then she was like i'm gonna take your towel now and then grab the towel and then left but she was she just did so alarmingly and also not only that but um the screen window to the front of the house has looked like it has been tampered with and someone tried
Starting point is 00:15:31 to get in no and people someone has been ripping open our packages no um so like now i have to get everything shipped to work but like someone has been going through all of our stuff and like tearing apart the package and like fit like messing around with what's going on in the boxes. They touch your fucking HelloFresh. I swear to God. But so like that plus that plus that I was just like really. And then you wake up sitting up in bed at night.
Starting point is 00:15:56 Yeah. And then. Yeah, exactly. So I was like, I don't want to be on the couch because the homeless woman might look through the window because we have like those weird blinds that like you can still kind of see through. Nope. Nope.
Starting point is 00:16:09 So I was like, I don't want to sleep in the living room and i don't want to be in my room it was just a very absolutely not jarring night anyway um why do you drink oh my god i drink because every member of my family has been here in the last four weeks and it's been really awesome and honestly they've helped me out a lot but it's been really hot there's been a lot of people in my house oh yeah geo hurt his paw i'm just really tired always um i just am so tired well geo does look so handsome without his cone of shame i know he's very he's so happy with the day that he could finally run again he just my sister walked outside and he just ran around her for like 40 minutes and we just all stood there and watched and he just like
Starting point is 00:16:49 ran and ran and ran until he tired himself out so he's much better well i am i also drink because like uh real soon is my bachelorette party yes everyone in this room is going except you well she is not going she is not going yeah um but it's gonna be really fun yeah i'm planning it so i'm planning it so better now i'm planning it so i know it's gonna be fun um and uh hats off to al uh to m alice and to everybody else who's helped out to blaze's aunt lisa who like hooked us up with nice rooms and apparently we're going to the Chippendales which I'm just trying not to think about because it just gives me so much anxiety but it'll
Starting point is 00:17:29 be fun. And then we're going to freaking Nashville. The week after. So we're just kind of dragging Eva all over the place. Poor Eva. This is your life now. You get to go to bachelorette parties in Nashville. Oops. Anyway, so that's
Starting point is 00:17:45 what i got for you okay but you guys oh we released a couple more vip tickets for nashville so if you haven't gotten yours yet please go check it out um there's a few left also some left for our hollywood show in september and dc yep yep yep yep yep okay eva do you have a reason you drink or no i'm gonna i'm gonna reiterate that it's been too hot. So hot. It's been so hot. Like 115 the other day. So hot. It's been at my work. I work out in the valley.
Starting point is 00:18:14 And I got in my car and it said 121. And it was just stupid. It was like so hot it was cold. I couldn't figure it out. There was goosebumps. Yeah. I was like so hot it was cold. I couldn't figure it out. There was a day with those goosebumps. Yeah. I was like, yeah. Like heat goosebumps.
Starting point is 00:18:28 There was a day where I started shivering and I realized I'd walked two miles and it was 116 out. And I was like, I was like, I'm cold. And I was like, that's not good because that means I'm probably going to die. And so I forced myself to go drink water. But man, it has been rough. And I know a lot of people in the whole world who are listening to this are like yeah we know we're also doing that so props to you and everyone and everyone's gonna say well at least it's a dry heat we don't you don't have to deal
Starting point is 00:18:52 with humidity which is true we've dealt with that too but also we live out in the desert so but also we live in la and we like to complain so just let us do it we got a podcast because we wanted to complain so if you're gonna complain that we're complaining too much then you can complain to someone else elsewhere on your own podcast this is a place because we wanted to complain. So if you're going to complain that we're complaining too much, then you can complain to someone else. Elsewhere on your own podcast. This is a place where everyone gets to complain and no one gets to complain about it. You know what I'm saying? Yes.
Starting point is 00:19:12 Oh, that's all I want in life. Okay, cool. Tell me a ghost story. Okay. Pull it out of your pocket. I have man pockets. So like they could have just ran away. It's like so deep down there.
Starting point is 00:19:26 They're in the abyss. I really put my whole hand in the pocket and I was like, I can't find them. And I had to go even further into the pocket. You've got to keep digging. I've got to keep digging. All right. Sorry. You look marvelous, darling.
Starting point is 00:19:40 Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you. Okay. This is when I started a while ago like probably a couple months ago and i just never got back i moved on and now i'm moving back intriguing i'm back on my bullshit um it's like that x you never forgot about who i don't know the x that was a ghost story i don't know just go with it it's too hot to think straight it is really hot and we have to do a whole episode are you okay over there yeah the fan was blowing the notes everywhere no it's no no okay no we're gonna make that work okay so this is in savannah georgia
Starting point is 00:20:17 this is in a town in savannah called old fort listen i love savannah georgia me too beautiful and uh the place is called the pirate house never heard of it okay cool me either i almost just ate the microphone my face is so close okay so the pirate house is a tavern restaurant love it already um it is one block from the savannah river on east broad street in case anyone wants to go there i do okay um maybe another time um it was built in 1753 which makes it the oldest building in savannah uh however it was addressed to me in my notes via google that although it is modern day it still has the feel of the 1800s, which I enjoy.
Starting point is 00:21:07 I feel like that's cool. Yeah. So it started out as one house that was called the herb house because there people were, um, doing a lot of gardening on the land. Originally they made an herb house, ended up not really working out as an herb house.
Starting point is 00:21:21 They kept building additions to it and it eventually turned into a restaurant. Okay. So because they connected so many small additions onto this one small house it turned into a big restaurant and so there are supposedly 15 different separate dining rooms on the first floor because they just kept connecting buildings and buildings and so just expanded into this big dining room but instead of one big it's just 15 separate yeah like all the walls come from different houses apparently okay um so the first floor is the tavern and the second floor was the inn where people spent the night it also in my notes said where men spent the night which makes me think women weren't welcome in inns unless it was like a brothel or something yeah that was my first thought but i don't know i don't know that was what google said so don't get mad at me okay i'll try so there's a
Starting point is 00:22:09 stairway clearly which leads from the first floor to the second floor people cannot fly so they needed stairs so there are stairs oh wow thank you for that you're welcome um for many decades since the 1920s and then for many decades after that there was a jazz bar on the second floor called the hard-hearted hannah's that's fun um which was upstairs and the upstairs now is blocked off from guests it is used for storage um in the basement there was a brick tunnel which was big enough to drive a bus through apparently what that was the the proportions i got point you could drive a bus through there in the 1750s um a bus was just a horse yeah you could drive a hundred horses through there the tunnel however is now bricked over at both ends so you can't actually
Starting point is 00:22:59 go through the tunnel at all oh um but it's rumored at one point to have hid dead bodies during the yellow fever epidemic from the public oh good and it was uh rumored to be one of the hideouts during the underground railroad oh shit that's pretty cool the tunnel was originally used your favorite as a rum cellar that and the underground i mean i'm not gonna say i like the rum more than the than harriet tubman yeah yeah i'm not gonna say that you would like having rum with harriet tubman they're a good pairing yes yeah you can always pair harriet tubman with some good rum yeah agreed and so it was a rum cellar but it was also used by outlaw privateers to smuggle liquor into the city oh but i like that too so add that that. Okay. So like a triple thing, triple threat, triple threat. Sure. Like you're in the Venn diagram middle of like Harriet Tubman.
Starting point is 00:23:49 Sure. And privateers smuggling in liquor. Yep. And then rum is over there too. Oh yeah. Well you are the rum. I think you're just swimming in it in the middle of the Venn diagram. I'm just in the middle of the rum pool.
Starting point is 00:23:59 Yeah. Yeah. You get it. Got it. Got it. Got it. Got it. So the house.
Starting point is 00:24:03 Oh my God. A rum diagram. Just kidding. I'm sorry. That... Oh my God, a rum diagram. Just kidding. I'm sorry. That wasn't funny. A Venn diagram. That's it. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:24:10 You win. Okay. So the... Even though it's called the Pirate's House, it should be called the Privateer's House because once it was built, pirates had actually already been chased out of the area by the British Navy. So no pirates were ever there it was like the pirates i guess had already moved to less civilized waters such as india oh sure and uh oh so it was it should have been called the privateers house because
Starting point is 00:24:38 privateers were regularly staying there and it was an inn and tavern that says it was meant for merchants and sailors but it was mainly privateers who went there and privateers were actually worse than pirates because the privateers were basically legal pirates oh so with the english government giving them permission they were allowed to raid ships kill the crew sell the ship and then give a percentage to the government this was? This was legal? Yeah. Fuck. So there was one French privateer named Jean Lafitte. I've heard of that guy.
Starting point is 00:25:12 Have you? Yeah, but I think it was literally in Savannah. Oh, weird. On like a tour or something. Well, he had a deal with the British. He was one of the French privateers that was allowed to do this for the British, which was kind of unheard of at the time, I think. Right. I'm not too sure, I i think don't quote me on that i don't know either to be honest um but so he was one of the people who was regularly at the inn so they think one of the spirits might
Starting point is 00:25:35 be him because he was there so often because it was also an end so he stayed there for weeks at a time right um he also did so well at being a privateer and helping out the British government that he ended up earning his own home in New Orleans. That was apparently so fantastical that Robert Louis Stevenson was inspired by that house and wrote a segment of his novel on it in Treasure Island. So the house was somehow an inspiration for Treasure Island. Holy shit. He also based some of the characters of Treasure Island on the privateers that would come in
Starting point is 00:26:07 and out of the Pirate House, including Captain Flint. No way. So Flint died of drinking too much alcohol in the story, and he died while shouting out Darby McGraw fetch the rum. Ironically, there is a spirit who is nicknamed Captain Flint, and there have been reports of people hearing someone moaning for more rum. Oh, rum. That is Christine's ghost in the future.
Starting point is 00:26:34 That's just me sleeping. Imagine if your future ghost haunted your present. Oh. Oh, we've talked about this. Remember? We've talked about it a lot. If we were dead. Because I think about it a lot.
Starting point is 00:26:43 And we haunt ourselves. Well, my thought is always like when you get like those gut feelings that you shouldn't do something i always think that it's actually my future ghost coming and like but don't you feel like your future ghost is like whatever i'm already dead i don't care about my live self maybe i don't know it's hard to say like i feel like my future self would want to fuck with my current self maybe i don't know i mean i know i would want to fuck with myself somehow and if time travels involved i'm gonna do it i mean i would want to fuck with you as a dead ghost thank you i don't mean it in that way i mean i mean no matter
Starting point is 00:27:17 what thank you no matter what it's a compliment oh god you want to fuck with me it's fine it's too hot everyone ship it no it's too hot okay so it's so hot that your stupid duck won't turn back to black it's stuck at yellow or it's stuck at weird dirty gross green you can text your dad all about that and be like the duck is doing fine out of water it's we're not doing fine like the duck is um so like i said the privateers they had a quote letter of mark which granted them legal right to raid ships and then kill the people on the ships and then sell the ships cute for a profit really great uh they were this oh okay so the pirate house was seen as a place that most citizens were afraid to go to because not just because of the dangerous people who were there but what the dangerous people would do to them if they went into the tavern oh okay so um like i said it was mainly
Starting point is 00:28:10 english and french privateers that would come in here and they were very violent men and they thought they were above the law because secondly they were and there were uh privateer captains who they had trouble recruiting privateers because it was such a dangerous job that they regularly needed to force people to join their their little groups so there was this practice called crew impressment oh god where innocent people like you or me uh could go into the bar if you're just like a citizen of savannah and want to get a drink they were always at risk because if they drank too much then they could end up getting drugged or knocked on the head and go unconscious basically they would also try to get people drunk like oh let's play a drinking game and get them really drunk and then make them unconscious or roofie them and uh would
Starting point is 00:29:03 they basically they would wake up on a ship a hundred what like hundreds of miles offshore what the fuck would find out that they had been shanghaied and oh my god they would be sold to captains for an average of 13 dollars and then the fuck and then they were forced to work on the ship or else they would be thrown overboard what so there's stories of like i just wanted to go get a fucking rum and coke and then all of a sudden they wanted their venn diagram they just and look where they ended up so stupid there's one uh story of a cop from savannah who went to get a went in to get a drink and he ended up waking up in china and they forced him to work for two years before
Starting point is 00:29:45 he found his way back to savannah as a cop how scary is that well he was a cop and was like this is illegal and they're like well they're like great you're in china now it doesn't matter yeah and also we're above the law and also there's more of us and also there's the plank you can walk it if you don't want to work for us for two years jeez that is horrifying the basement with the tunnel that is now blocked up although was supposed to be a rum cellar, it was used to transport these men while they were unconscious to waiting ships in need of sailors. Oh my gosh, they would just take, like, they would just bring them downstairs, just drag their unconscious bodies downstairs and then get them on a ship and sell them off while they're still unconscious.
Starting point is 00:30:22 And then when they wake up, they've already been sold to a captain, and now they're a privateer. How fucked up, dude. So the French privateers, there were two French ships that were in town one night that came to port and on the way to rob South America. You know how that is. God, if I haven't been there a million times. And while they were there, they tried to recruit or impress um some american
Starting point is 00:30:46 citizens and two american sailors were pissed about that and it led to some friction between the two groups and basically they all got in a knife fight and two american sailors and one french sailor died fuck on the property so there that. This place is also considered a house museum by the American Museum Society and is also still on some of the best restaurant lists in Savannah. Oh, that's good. That's nice. It saved some of its grandeur, I guess. So I'm going to, I'm just going to go through the ghost stuff.
Starting point is 00:31:19 Yeah, please. It's not a lot. This was a quick one, but a good one, I think. It's good. It's good. I apologize. It's not as lengthy. Mine's pretty long, so. one i think it's good i i apologize it's not as lengthy mine's pretty long so you know i feel like we always do that where i'm like christine i'm
Starting point is 00:31:29 sorry the story isn't very long you're like good because i got a fucking novel because i wasn't gonna say anything but i'm glad you did okay so here's the ghost stuff okay there is drunk joyful laughter heard from the second floor oh that's just me that's christine there i am hello uh employees see apparitions of uh ghosts walking through the upstairs like into all the different rooms good when the upstairs was used as a jazz club apparently the coffee pot would throw itself against the wall oh with or without hot coffee someone does sometimes you just had to dodge it someone does not like jazz music i that was me oh m oh boy oh no oh boy i just have to dodge it? Someone does not like jazz music. That was me. Oh, boy. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:32:07 Oh, boy. I just never got into it. I'm sorry. La La Land? You didn't watch that? No, no comment. On the second floor and the basement, there is a scar-faced ghost of a rough privateer, and that's the one nicknamed Captain Flint. A rough privateer.
Starting point is 00:32:24 A rough one one as opposed to the softies the smooth ones uh flint as they call them uh roams the walled off tunnel and has been seen walking into the tunnel like walking into the wall to the blocked off yeah on the first floor there is a strange presence that has been felt on the stairs there has been an apparition of an angry man dressed in 18th century semen uh garb and he is seen walking through the dining rooms in the kitchen he has an intimidating bully vibe what a jerk and he has this one's kind of wild the cook apparently saw him from across the room like a rom-com he walked up to the cook when he was noticed walked up to him oh no glared at him nose to nose in the face and then he turned to leave and he faded away as he left but the cook
Starting point is 00:33:14 i guess he was wearing like a long jacket this this angry ghost he's wearing a long jacket as he turned his coattails hit the cook and the cook could feel the coattails hit him ew like it was like a hard leathery coattail that hit him that swung when the guy turned that's fucked up and then the ghost faded away so like for a second he was like that thing was as real physically in front of me yeah in dining rooms the place settings rearrange themselves after people leave for the night a cop went down to the basement and saw this is a good one we'll never hear this again the cop went down to the basement and saw ghosts of men carrying a drunk ghost man and somehow the ghost world was like we need to imprint this imagine like being drunk for
Starting point is 00:34:00 eternity okay don't think about that christine What do you think I imagine on a daily basis? What do you think my vision board is for the afterlife? No. But that is wild. It's also kind of a sad story because that means he was watching basically the recreation of a drunk man not knowing where he's going getting dragged into the tunnel. I wonder if that's why the energy of it was so strong. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:21 That's fucked up. But so he apparently saw a ghost man that was definitely drunk getting carried out by two other sober men terrifying uh they were he was carried through the basement across the room and then through the blocked up wall which means he was getting dragged through the tunnel the tunnel um a waitress also went down to the basement and she said she felt very dizzy and sick to her stomach and she couldn't stop feeling sick so she went back upstairs whenever she went to work after that day, just walking into the main room, she would feel that sick again.
Starting point is 00:34:49 Oh no. Um, apparently a psychic went into the restaurant and didn't know her story, but found her and said that there are entities here and they are punishing you for snooping around the tunnel. Oh man. That's creepy. Cause that means they're like aware. They're aware of what's happening out so tunnel. Oh, man. That's creepy because that means they're, like, aware.
Starting point is 00:35:06 They're aware of what's happening. That creeps me out so much. The paranormal ghost hunters of North Georgia. There was an investigator during one of their lockdowns that felt something try to take his flashlight out of his pocket. He said he could feel it getting pulled out and he thought one of the other investigators was pulling a prank on him. He turned around and no one was there,
Starting point is 00:35:24 but he could feel the flashlight still getting pulled out of his pocket. Oh, God. He grabbed the flashlight right before it would have fallen to the ground, and his hand became colder and colder until the flashlight felt frozen. Another angry sailor ghost stares at you from the bottom of the stairs up while you're standing on the second floor. No.
Starting point is 00:35:43 Which is just the most intimidating. No, I don't like that at all because then you're trapped upstairs you know yeah yeah chairs in only one section of the restaurant get rearranged every night and staff have heard them moving from other rooms how irritating would that be if you work imagine if you just cleaned all of the tables and all the chairs and all and then you go into another room and you can hear chairs dragging across the floor and you're like new there and you're like my boss is just gonna be pissed that i didn't do it oh how irritating um when staff are working alone they report feeling several people are watching them some say that the feeling is so strong it leaves them paralyzed and they can feel breath on the side of their face oh many have said that a seaman, uh-huh, standing and,
Starting point is 00:36:26 has been standing in front of them, staring at them, and then fades away. Uh, a lot of people have also seen the apparition of a, uh, sailor, sorry,
Starting point is 00:36:34 of a sailor standing next to them shoulder to shoulder, so they can just feel someone press, like, leaning against them. Yeah. Um, apparently this sailor, they can also smell liquor on his breath.
Starting point is 00:36:46 Oh, God. Uh, there are footsteps of sailor boots against plank floors so you can hear like their feet dragging right um you can also hear sailor shanties being sung from basement and up from the basement and upstairs when nobody is there fun uh i love hearing grown men chanting when I'm alone. Oh, my favorite. People walking past the house have reported seeing people in 18th century garb walking up through the rooms upstairs. It's like they look into the window and see, like, people in 18th century clothes walking around. And no one's up there. People have heard tables falling over as if they got, like, flipped over. These are some really aggressive ghosts. And then they go into the room and nothing's actually been touched. So they just hear the sounds of it. falling over as if they got like flipped over how these are like some really aggressive ghosts and
Starting point is 00:37:25 then they go into the room and nothing's actually been touched so just hear the sounds of it uh you can smell cigar smoke in uh the restaurant area even though smoking is no longer allowed and people have heard men in the basement say where am i as in like the unconscious ones fuck see that's so messed up um they have also heard other voices they've heard multiple men's voices saying grab him by the feet and then you can hear holy shit and then you can hear heavy dragging down the stairs holy shit like they're dragging a body down the stairs i'm gonna be honest i just keep thinking like if they were doing this to grown men like sorry what were they doing to women like yeah how yeah how horrifying that it's so easy for them to just like do this and drag them to other countries anyway jesus continue oh fuck okay um guests at the restaurant have seen other
Starting point is 00:38:16 guests this is the wild one yeah guests at the restaurant you and me at a restaurant have seen guests at other tables dressed from another time period eating from period plates and food that is not on the menu and they're like i'll have what she's having and everyone's like it's not a funny joke they will double take and look back to see a present day dressed family oh so they like replace yeah sometimes they will look back and nobody's there at all and nobody has disturbed the table or the present day plateware that is creepy so they'll just like all of a sudden hallucinate i just want to know it's like a time travel i just want to know what the turkey leg's about i just want to know staff also will come in early to prep for the day or when they're closing um so either beginning or
Starting point is 00:39:08 end of the night they will hear people in the dining rooms as if someone came in before the place is open and they'll go in and nobody's in there but they can still hear multiple men having conversations with each other um there are electrical surge surgeries. Please. No, no, no. There are electrical surges and new equipment or new equipment will not work. EVPs have included. Who are you? What are you wearing? And can you hear me yet? Yet?
Starting point is 00:39:35 Oh, God. It's so creepy. Um, one time a staff member said that all the electronics turned on by themselves some of which were unplugged or not working beforehand staff have also said that they have looked out into the restaurant and it looked like it was packed and then they blink and half the people have vanished staff will go upstairs to tell patrons that they cannot be up there but then they realize that nobody had actually gone upstairs they just followed an apparition menus will go missing cups will move themselves from shelf to shelf and you can still hear jazz music from upstairs where the club used to be that's
Starting point is 00:40:09 kind of nice there are sounds of glasses falling from the bar and hitting the ground oh when nothing has actually happened and there's no shattered glass and none of the cups are missing and same with the sounds of bar stools dragging across the floor there is the sound of a man loudly slurring his words and uh just very drunk okay and the sounds of a person heavily and drunkenly staggering from one side of the room to the other oh and you're like you don't know where to dodge it yeah you just hear it just hear a drunk man coming towards you. And that's it. Ah!
Starting point is 00:40:48 That ends on the staggering drunk man. Yeah. How creepy. What's it called again? The Pirate House. In Savannah. In Savannah. Wow.
Starting point is 00:40:57 You know, Eva posted the road trip bucket list today that we're doing. We've got some Savannahs on there. And I was like... I know. One day we'll be able to do that. would love to do that it's just it's just an idea for now but fingers crossed it's a vision board it is it's a haunted vision board all right i hope you enjoy those commercials they were really good and helpful to the world yeah yeah yeah yeah we're doing the lord's work this yep okay lord byron's work okay okay
Starting point is 00:41:28 i'm so hot i feel like i'm having a fever dream okay i think she is eva um this is the story of the disappearance of shannon matthews okay i don't know her great so this takes place in Dewsbury, West Yorkshire, England. Okay. In 2008. Ooh, recent. Ten years ago. Recent. Uh-oh. On February 19th, 2008, nine-year-old Shannon Matthews begins a half-mile trek from school to her house.
Starting point is 00:41:56 And that day was actually a really exciting day for her because at school they had their first swim practice ever. And it was, she was in year four and they had their first swim practice. And so she had been looking forward to this day for ages so she had just gotten out of swim practice and she was about to walk home from school but unfortunately she never arrived at home that evening around 6 48 p.m her mother 32 year old karen matthews called the police to report shannon missing so the west yorkshire police instigated, after, you know, asking her questions and kind of making sure this wasn't a normal behavior,
Starting point is 00:42:29 they instigated a 200-person search for Shannon, led by Detective Superintendent Andy Brennan. All in all, police questioned 1,500 motorists and searched 3,000 houses, and by March 5th, a couple weeks later, more than 250 officers and 60 detectives were involved in the investigation, making it the largest police investigation since the Yorkshire Ripper case 30 years earlier. Whoa. Okay. Yeah. So literally since the 70s, they had not had such a big, they actually utilized 10% of the entire local, like a regional police force just on this case alone. Like completely dedicated to this case.
Starting point is 00:43:04 Okay, cool. And it cost... Not cool. Yeah, it cost approximately 3.2 million pounds, the whole investigation. So the newspaper The Sun offered a reward of 20,000 pounds. I wrote... What happened?
Starting point is 00:43:20 I wrote LBs in pounds. Well, I probably weigh that much. Oh much oh my god i'm such a dumbass i think i was too lazy to find like the pound symbol yeah and i was too lazy to write pounds i thought you were laughing at like the fact that this was in like european currency because i was like haha pounds like haha it's not in dollars i just realized i wrote lbs like i mean that's how i probably would have done it too if we're being honest i just was like that looks weird for some reason okay you read it pretty fluently though yeah i was like yeah 20 000 pounds but that's
Starting point is 00:43:55 not right okay yes so the money not the weight uh 20 000 pounds is not quite a reward if you're talking lbs and as far as i'm concerned so they offered a reward of 20 000 pounds is not quite a reward if you're talking lbs and as far as i'm concerned so they offered a reward of 20 000 pounds um for information leading to shannon's safe return and after 20 days of her still being missing they increased the reward to 50 000 pounds so the search was actually compared to the disappearance of madeline mccann do you remember that one it's like the girl who was also was also from england but she had been on a trip to portugal and been taken from her room in the resort um and that happened a few years earlier and it's still an unsolved case but that case got a lot more attention so people were
Starting point is 00:44:36 kind of criticizing the media for not giving this case as much attention and notice um because basically madeline mccann's family was like wealthy and you know she was like a really cute girl and so they were kind of saying well you're not treating this equally uh so the independent the newspaper um basically said quote kate and jerry mccann who were madeline's parents had a lot they were a couple of nice middle-class doctors on holiday in an upscale resort karen matthews the mother of shannon is not as eloquent nor elegant nor as eloquent which is why they were saying they didn't get as much media they're being like classist almost yeah basically yeah um so anyway shannon's mother karen is
Starting point is 00:45:18 basically frantic it's been three weeks since shannon her daughter went missing she's leading her own search parties like making t-shirts, rallying the neighbors, rallying her friends and family. There were these campaigns, and yet some people just couldn't get on board and felt like something was off. So people started to grow suspicious about Karen's odd behavior, including
Starting point is 00:45:37 the family liaison officer who was assigned to the case, and her name was, get ready, Detective Constable Christine Freeman. I know, it went right to my head. I know. Quite elegant. was assigned to the case and her name was get ready detective constable christine freeman okay well i know it went right to my head i know quite elegant i'm just like i think really you just put constable in front of anything but like anyone in america well like wow constable scotland yard you know it's just like it has a ring to it yeah if i were constable i want to be that for halloween constable christine okay well i'm
Starting point is 00:46:06 gonna be captain america so captain america captain america right right okay detective constable christine freeman schieffer um anyway in an in an interview with the telegraph in 2017 um freeman nope i'm just gonna call her christine christ Just call her yourself. Just use it in the first person. I recalled. No. In 2017, Christine Freeman recalled that she felt something was odd from the start. So when she first got to the house, to Karen's house, Karen and her boyfriend, Craig Meehan, were playing Xbox. And while Christine was trying to interview them to be like, your daughter disappeared yesterday or whatever she wouldn't like look up from her game like she was like sounds like that fucking date I went on in Santa Clarita god damn what remember that remember homegirl who like
Starting point is 00:46:55 played Pokemon Go for three hours right yeah and then I was like oh so tell me about yourself and she was like can you not talk I get distracted I gotta catch them all m and i was like okay well can i can i go home can i please leave i was like i please go home so she pulled to that person got it um and she like wouldn't look up wouldn't talk about didn't seem like distressed or anything um and after a few minutes christine's phone rang and it was like a pop song you know remember back in the day when like everyone had like daddy yankee or some shit as their ringtone mine was laughy taffy of course it was of course it was no comment mine was like some fucking indie shit like cold war kids oh my god actually it definitely wasn't i'm pretending like i don't know it was it was it was cold war kids for like six straight years. Oh, wow. Okay. So her phone rings.
Starting point is 00:47:46 It was a pop song. And then Karen stops playing Xbox, gets up and just starts dancing to this like ringtone. Like a crazy person. Got it. Okay. Yep. And by the way, her fucking daughter's missing. fucking daughter's missing so in addition to christine this detective um karen's close friend also began to doubt her and said that karen came to her house and anytime there was no police or
Starting point is 00:48:11 cameras around she would turn back into her normal happy self and like just like put around and like clean and act as if like her daughter was just at a friend's house not like actually missing um and she was like something was off i just didn't know what so she said she remembers one time karen wanted to watch the news so they turned the new news on and shannon her daughter's picture came on uh on the tv and her so the friend's uh oldest daughter said i can't wait for shannon to come home and then this woman the friend what's her name again oh i didn't say okay i think her name was nicole her name was um i get it it's not important what her name yeah yeah um so she said um to her daughter she was like trying to be honest and straightforward and she said to her
Starting point is 00:48:57 daughter well it's not guaranteed she's going to come home so we need to prepare ourselves if that happens uh and karen turns to her oh it was natalie okay sorry the friend's name was natalie okay uh karen turns to her friend and says look she's famous now she's on tv don't worry she's coming home and they were like what the and natalie had been her best friend since they were like children like they had been friends for decades and she was like she was just acting so weird and i kept saying like if there's anything you need to tell me you can tell me um so another thing the police advised karen not to speak to the press but she spoke to them constantly despite being warned that it could put her daughter's life at risk so they were like sometimes in cases like
Starting point is 00:49:38 this if you talk to the media it is more likely for your child to be killed right and her friend was like you can't go out there she was at her friend's house and natalie at natalie's house natalie was like you can't go out there and talk to them and she just waltzed right out and was like talking to every camera every reporter she was acting really distraught though to the camera yes okay so yeah exactly so natalie was furious that she was just like i'm gonna going to do it anyway, despite being begged not to. And she said there was even weirder behavior. So Karen came downstairs for the interview with the press holding a teddy bear. And Natalie asked, oh, is that Shannon's?
Starting point is 00:50:21 Karen shrugged and said, I don't know, and then walked outside to talk to the cameras. And she was like, this is so wild. So she's on camera. She's like how does natalie not feel safe natalie's just like something is fucking up i'd be like i need to get out of this house before she fucking kills me and then pretends that some random teddy bear's mind takes um and so she's on tv with this teddy bear it's not even her daughter's crying and saying she misses her please bring back my missing princess daughter. And Natalie was like, she's literally never said that. Like she must have been told to say that.
Starting point is 00:50:51 Like it was completely out of nowhere. So she's just acting totally whacked out. Like none of this makes any sort of sense. So fast forward a little bit on March 14th, 2008. So this is 24 days after Shannon's disappearance. So a little over three weeks, about three and a half weeks. Police receive a tip from a public citizen saying, please check out this flat that's above me. And they go to this apartment and they find Shannon Matthews inside the apartment, hidden in the base of a double bed.
Starting point is 00:51:24 She's crying, frightened and drugged but she is alive oh my god and she is in this bed being hidden at a house owned by a man named michael donovan who just so happens to be karen's boyfriend craig's uncle there it is yep so michael donovan so shannon the girl who's missing her step uncle exactly uh or no her her boyfriend's uncle no shannon's the girl who's missing so it's her stepfather's well it's just the boy are they married is karen and her boyfriend married no so just her mom's boyfriend's uncle yes that that that that's it whatever that means really turn this into algebra sorry wow math is not my okay this even math i just can't
Starting point is 00:52:05 even it's just hot it's just hot it's just it's really hot my brain just is so we should buy ac oh help me patreon okay eva buy us a dyson fan eva okay michael donovan uh he's 39 years old he has some learning difficulties he has like a really low iq about half the national average he it turns out he had been keeping shannon hostage for about for 24 days she had been tied to the bed keep in mind she's nine nine years old so she had been lured to his house um by being told that she was going to go on a vacation um to the seaside and she had been tied to the bed with an elastic strap coming from the ceiling that had a noose at the end and she was drugged with sedatives to keep her quiet every now and then and then the rope was long enough so that she could just barely reach the toilet if she
Starting point is 00:52:55 needed to use it but she couldn't go anywhere else just from the bed to the toilet um when police did further testing they discovered that she'd actually been drugged for up to almost two years before her disappearance so they'd been regularly her mother had been regularly drugging her when the police picked shannon up from the house uh she was totally oblivious to the situation she was just crying and was like i'm scared i don't know what's going on she had no idea that there was a search for her like she did not know um and i actually found a photo. It's a copy of the list of rules that Michael had imposed on her. Oh, God. Like on a yellowed piece of paper. And they say, rules.
Starting point is 00:53:33 You must not make any noise or bang your feet. You must not go near the windows. You must not get anything or do anything without me been there. Keep the TV volume low, only up to eight or lower you can play the super mario games and you can play some dvds and you can play the cd music ipu and apparently ipu was something her mother used to threaten her with which and it stands for i promise you as in like i promise you like i mean it basically like i mean what i say yeah um and here's a photo this is like the little bed creepy bunk bed she was being tied to oh shit i believe
Starting point is 00:54:15 there was a mattress on it but they took it away for like forensic testing and then down here you can see the rope that the it's like an elastic rope that was tied to the ceiling and the person stretched it out and it like just reached the toilet to make sure that she could reach the toilet and it was like tied around her really fucked up um so they arrest michael donovan obviously it's his apartment charge him with kidnapping and false imprisonment and during the interrogation he yells quote get karen down here we've got a plan we're sharing the money 50 000 pounds use the pound sign again yeah lbs 50 000 lbs uh at least you didn't go retro and make it the hashtag because that used to be pound sign guys right but then i would have said 50 000
Starting point is 00:54:59 numbers i'm so confused 50 000 hashtags hashtag 50 000 yeah i wouldn't yeah to the people younger than us a hashtag actually used to be called a pound sign. It used to be a pound sign. That's right. It's actually called an octothorpe. Fun fact. Oh, God. You're just blowing my mind today.
Starting point is 00:55:13 But they do say on the phone, they do say, and then hit pound. So they still say it on the phone. Like, type in your number and then hit pound. All right. Hit the pound key. Hopefully they're not like, what's pound? Pound. It's like, it's hashtag it's hashtag hit the hashtag button hit hashtag okay uh that's when karen herself was arrested because he literally said we had a plan we're sharing the money you know
Starting point is 00:55:36 yeah just threw under the bus so on april 8 2008 karen is charged with child neglect and perverting the course of justice uh turns out she and her boyfriend's uncle michael donovan just the two of them had devised a plot to have shannon fake kidnapped so they could reap the financial reward oh god okay so it's thought that here's the plan karen and michael had plotted to release shannon after a while and then to have michael discover her at a local market take her to police to the police station and claim the reward as if they wouldn't be like but you're the uncle and also why i mean obviously they're not right in the head but my different level of morality yeah um makes me think why couldn't they just like have her hanging out in that house for three weeks like not on a rope like watching tv and like why'd she have to go
Starting point is 00:56:30 through why'd she have to be sedated and put on like a rope probably because she was there for three weeks and couldn't she just like hang out and have a three-week sleepover vacation and then they didn't want any neighbors knowing she was there like they didn't want her near a window in case people went looking. But then just, like, close the door. I don't know. I just, I mean, the reason she was found is because a neighbor said, I hear little kid footsteps and there's never even been a kid in that apartment.
Starting point is 00:56:55 So they just felt sketched out and called the police. So even just the footsteps alone to the bathroom and back, like, tipped off a neighbor. So I think they were super. What an observant neighbor, by the way. I know. That blew me away. I was was like how could they possibly but they said like there's never been a child there and this guy like doesn't have kids and like suddenly i'm hearing footsteps like kids footsteps but also yeah day in day out the fan whoops that scared me i thought it was a ghost i thought it was you. Anyway, moving on.
Starting point is 00:57:25 Walda's mad you drank all the little cry. Okay. Where are we? We were at the LB pound sign. That's everywhere on this. I don't know where to go. Okay. So obviously not a great plan that like the mother of the missing girl is like, well,
Starting point is 00:57:42 I guess I should get my reward now. You know, like it's just really insanely stupid um clearly not a foolproof plan so during karen's interrogation she admits that she called 999 you know what that is 999 yeah information i don't know what 9 411 no star 67 we're in england so it's 911 but oh yeah yeah i did not know that okay so okay 999 is 911 got it so she calls 909 as part information uh hello operator operator i'm using the hashtag where are you hit the hashtag sign number whatever okay during her interrogation karen admits that she called 909 as part of an act to make it look like Shannon was missing despite knowing she wasn't actually missing. So she fully admits that she knew she wasn't missing.
Starting point is 00:58:31 Okay. Here's the... I mean, it's all fucked up, but here's another fucked up thing. Karen had seven children from five different men. Wow. She picked Shannon to be the one to be fake kidnapped because she was a girl and the most photogenic and thought that that would maximize the financial reward. Good to know. Cute.
Starting point is 00:58:50 So detectives think that she had already settled the idea of staging a kidnapping after seeing how much money poured into the Madeline McCann Fund which was the girl I mentioned earlier who was taken from Portugal. And it happened in like 2003 I think so like five years earlier she'd already been like kind of inspired to do this so she was like oh that's the amount i'm looking for
Starting point is 00:59:09 that's like a goal oh they're raising millions of dollars like i could get on this um but they also think she may have copied some of the details from a plot in a tv show shameless which is by the way a great tv show show. Great. So that's cute. Yeah, great. So the trial took place at Leeds Crown Court in December 2008, and both Karen and Michael were sentenced to eight years imprisonment. Each? Each eight years.
Starting point is 00:59:34 Okay. Karen only served four years and is thought to have earned money during her time in prison by writing dirty letters to male pen pals outside of prison who would send cash in exchange for the notes she's just a winner um i mean she's an entrepreneur is what i'm hearing not not like a really bright one not a good one and not one with ethics at all right sure but she's she's definitely made it clear to all of us she's here for a buck she's here for a buck hasn't gotten it yet but you know maybe someday and doesn't deserve it either doesn't deserve it uh probably will never get it but like you're trying a for effort a for effort
Starting point is 01:00:10 um upon her release karen changed changed her identity and moved to the other side of the country she is thought to have turned to christianity oh my god okay she claims she is completely innocent of the plot knew nothing about it and insists quote i'm not britain's worst mom i didn't kill anybody okay yeah true i guess you have some point kind of we're so proud of you for that by the way thank you for not killing your child that must have been really hard for you i mean i feel like you're really uh so brave of you to come forward about that yes proving yourself thank you for sharing your story after shannon was rescued she was taken into government custody before being given a new identity and a new family
Starting point is 01:00:49 karen had seven children karen the mom had seven children with five different men as i mentioned yeah um all of those children were put into separate custody setups so they were all put into different care uh into different family care units and given new identities which is just so fucked up that like so sad and then they had to hear that their mom was like well you weren't photogenic enough i'd be like thank god i was ugly yeah thank god i picked one of your prettier siblings and like well you know what it benefited me while she was being interviewed like she would like say the wrong they'd be like how many children do you have and she'd be like six no wait seven and they were like girl come on is it just a? And she'd be like, six. No, wait, seven. And they were like, girl, come on.
Starting point is 01:01:26 Is it just a blur after the third one? She just gave no shit about her kids at all. It's really sad. And she just treated them very, very poorly. I actually was listening to the Casefile episode on this to get some more information. And I guess they found scribbled. So Shannon had a bedroom. It had pink peeling wallpaper wallpaper and she shared it
Starting point is 01:01:47 with her two and a half year old step sister and in one of the like ripping pieces of paper she just wrote i want to live with my dad i want to live with my dad like it was just really sad and i guess her mom would just scream at her like the day that she went missing her mom screamed at her and basically said like never come back when she went to school her mom screamed at her and basically said, like, never come back. Shit. When she went to school and she was nine. So, like, she was just in a really terrible... And why was Natalie
Starting point is 01:02:08 still friends with this woman? You know? Who knows? That's the question of the year. Who knows? Apparently she is not anymore. Um, so... So, Craig,
Starting point is 01:02:19 her boyfriend, Craig Meehan, although he apparently was truly not involved in the kidnap plot. His uncle was and she was and apparently they didn't loop him in on it he's probably
Starting point is 01:02:30 a good person and they're like oh he'll ruin it for us he was later found to have been in possession of child pornography never mind I love when I was just like this is what it is and then I'm like lol here we go he was found to be in possession of like 185
Starting point is 01:02:46 photos or videos or something fucked up of child pornography and was sentenced to 20 weeks in prison 20 weeks but he was released on the same day on that day he didn't actually go to prison because he had spent longer on remand than the length of the sentence oh my so the child pornography was not thought to be related to the shane and matthews case but he went into hiding anyway following the charges and he was actually spotted out in public for the first time like a year or two ago um reportedly seen buying beer and scratch cards before retreating into a bookies which my co-worker my office mate joanna i was like what's a bookies and she laughed at me for like 10 minutes.
Starting point is 01:03:26 And she's like, it's like a betting shop, like a gambling shop, which I sort of figured, but like, we don't have those here. But you basically go in and like bet on horses and shit. You know, that I just invented the horses thing, but I imagine. No, a bookie. That's like what, but it's like, we do have that. I just don't think we have it the same way anymore. Yeah. But it's like a store. Like it's like a legal, like a store. I'm used to a bookie. That's like what... But it's like... We do have that. I just don't think we have it the same way anymore. Yeah, but it's like a store.
Starting point is 01:03:46 Like, it's like a legal... Oh, no. Like a store. I'm used to a bookie being a person. Yeah, yeah, exactly. Gotcha. But a bookie's is like a gambling... A betting shop.
Starting point is 01:03:55 Betting store. Betting shop. Oh, okay. So, Michael Donovan, the uncle who had strapped her down, kidnapped her, whatever. He was released in 2012 after serving only four years of his sentence um little is currently known of his whereabouts um and shannon herself is now a 19 year old woman um but there's a court order preventing anyone from contacting her or knowing her true identity because she was given a new identity and the court protects
Starting point is 01:04:23 children who've been through something like this from like being hounded by the press right um but there's no shortage of people just like running around the country trying to find anyone who looks like her and just like harassing them and taking photos yeah so if you're one of those people just fucking stop fuck you so unsurprisingly she's not believed to have seen her mother since but um the most fucked up like sad part is that she was extremely close with her grandparents who basically like raised her because her parents she got separated so fucked up and they have not been able to like speak to her ever since she
Starting point is 01:04:53 disappeared basically since she was nine and i guess her grandfather um has gotten just like extremely sick has lost like 20 30 pounds has been in and out of the hospital of like sickness and stress um and they have basically said like all we want is to like talk to her one more time um so recently shannon's grandfather gordon revealed his heartache over what happened describing how it's affected his health how he longs for his granddaughter to get in touch um and at the moment he and his wife june so her grandmother are occasionally kept informed by social services, but otherwise they have no contact with her. And recently they saw a picture of her nearly a decade after they had last seen her. So like, yeah, she's 19.
Starting point is 01:05:34 So the last time they'd ever seen her was when she was nine. Yeah. And they said she looked beautiful and they were just heartbroken. Um, and then her grandfather said, my one wish is that when she's old enough to understand what happened properly, she'll come and knock on that door, but i fear it'll be too late and i won't be here to see her i'll be up there in heaven looking down on her and recently the bbc screened a drama called the moore side which was like kind of controversial it was sort of like a dramatization of this whole case um and some people were like well that's fucked up and some people were like
Starting point is 01:06:03 yeah it is fucked up because that's what they did like whatever so it's about shannon's kidnapping and it's kind of like debated how like on point it is but it's supposed to be a pretty good representation of what happened um and as of that as of now we don't really know much about the whereabouts of shannon herself but i hope she's doing well and i hope she has been able to move on from her crazy crazy life and childhood yowza and that is the story of shannon matthews that was a good one just blew right through that no i know maybe it needs to always be hot in here so we just fly through things maybe um that's all i got for you all right i mean that was a good one i'm also scared to go home because of my story because of the ghosts and someone pulling me out of bed and the homeless person oh no so i'll also be thinking about potentially getting kicked do you have aca
Starting point is 01:06:56 at home oh yeah that's like oh fuck you okay can i come over yeah by the way christine still has not come to my house i've never been to Em's house. Not even a little bit. No. And I've lived there for going on two years. Nope, never been. But I'm getting the hell out. Really? Yeah, when?
Starting point is 01:07:13 At the end of the year. I'm going to move in with RJ again. Oh, somewhere else? Yeah, what? Oh, yeah. We're going to find a place. RJ's going too. Okay.
Starting point is 01:07:20 Well, I learned that I'm very good at recycling um my roommates because like i when we first moved out here i lived with our friend christine right and then we lived in different places for a while and then now we live together again that's true and she took rj's spot and now i'm gonna go live with rj again i feel like that's good though because it means you're like good at finding people you like are compatible with yes um yeah so i'm gonna go do you know what part of town you're gonna live in can we triangulate that real quick um are you gonna be close to me i will say it's within it's if you were to look at a google map it will be if you were to draw a circle i'm just gonna tell you
Starting point is 01:07:58 the points because we found like our outlying cities that we're willing to look at but it will be um like uh montrose altadena pasadena like highland park echo park area and then los filas to luca lake north hollywood and then north hollywood to okay so it's like a big giant circle northeast anything anything in that giant circle that's a perfect circle by the way because i've actually drawn it on the map so but that's just northeast la right okay so but go to the southern part of that because otherwise you all tadina is too far well we tried to find worst case scenario just like a distance between your house and allison's job so it'll be like worst case scenario that's like a 40 minute drive okay Okay. But that's like also worst case outliers. We're trying for like Burbank Glendale.
Starting point is 01:08:48 Okay. I guess I could, I guess I could live with that. Um, but yeah, so anyway, I am nervous to go home. Thank you for telling me a scary story. You're welcome. I have something to ease your mind a geoscope i sure do okay please hold all right here's the uh horoscope for scorpios the scorpio scorpio scope what do we call it geoscope geoscorpia scope i don't know oh so many syllables okay oh my god tomorrow's friday the 13th, guys. Eva and I, oh, you reacted the exact opposite way. Eva was like, cowabunga, dude, and I was like, oh boy. You like Friday the 13th, Eva? I do. Well, I usually like it, but not when Mercury's in retrograde.
Starting point is 01:09:35 That's just like a double mess. I'm just hoping it cancels it out, though. Okay. It probably won't. It'll just probably fuck shit up. Maybe two wrongs make a right. Probably not. Who knows?
Starting point is 01:09:44 Eva, let us know. Eva, why do you like friday the 13th oh the movie the other day this i was like 9 000 degrees out and i was at fucking walmart during my lunch break because i accidentally bleached our bath mat and i had to buy a new one it doesn't matter it's a long story my dad is visiting and he's very picky and i was like well he needs a bath matter i'll still bitch till the end of time so i ran to walmart on my lunch break in burbank and i'm like trying to buy a fucking they're like 25 at walmart and i'm like i just want a towel for the floor i don't need it so i'm just like so hot and just staring at this thing and this small child runs up to me with a dvd and like smacks me in the leg with it and goes it's friday the 13th and i'm like what the i mean he's literally eva's child three he's like so small he can barely speak and i look down at him expecting to be like
Starting point is 01:10:37 oh hello you're cute no he's a fucking demon and he's holding this friday the 13th movie and he keeps like smacking me with it and his mom just like doesn't give a shit and i'm like this is literally walmart like this is a stereotype of walmart this is such a walmart the small child is smacking me with a fucking friday the 13th movie and yelling about it in my face and i'm just like i made this like horrible like old person face of like get off my lawn like get out of my towel aisle like i was just so irritated and he wouldn't go away and i kept having to like back away from him and so now i just hate friday the 13th because that child because the exact moment only a couple days ago anyway i don't really know i just i like friday the 13th in that i like kind of feeling like i'm
Starting point is 01:11:23 relatively close to october and halloween that's that's fair that's but that's about it i don't because i i don't know i because i don't know anything about it and a kid hit me really hard in the leg all right i'm gonna read this friday the 13th scorpio scope for geo oh my god it starts with a great word blaze oh blaze those trails scorpio blaze would be so proud with the moon leveling up in your leadership zone people may turn to you as the final word on a group decision we do really do trust you with all the final decisions of the podcast especially the financial ones oh only i mean there's no one else we can actually em and i don't even look at the financials we just let geo's in charge of quick quick books yeah that's right he it's called um don't do this pa books
Starting point is 01:12:11 what the hell it is not like quick barks or anything fuck you pop quick pop whatever whatever you said quick bark quick barks god quick woofs all right you know you don't need to show off okay um anyway with your keen sense of what's cool oh god here i am not to mention culturally ahead of the curve again always giving him such a fucking big head i swear to god this is your opportunity to share your discoveries of late along with implementing new procedures at work you could introduce your squad to an amazing indie band the geo trio that's us our squad amazing indie band a local rapper or an understated but insanely authentic restaurant what the fuck that specializes in foreign cuisine
Starting point is 01:13:06 it's that it's that dog bakery i saw over there on third on la brea last sentence go nouveau scorpio this makes me want to die this is horrifying that's the most geo fucking geoscope i've ever seen this is like if geo were a human and was like smacking on the keyboard like let's talk about how great it's like his butt curtain just brushed the keys and it spelled that out it's like my squad my geo trio i will teach my squad what is cool because they do not they clearly do not know about the local rap artists that i know about what the yeah his name is little G. Little G. Baby G. Like Snoop Dot. Okay. I'm sorry. I just go
Starting point is 01:13:47 so I can stop. Okay. You can find us at ATWWD podcast on our Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Patreon. Please help us donate. You don't realize what that money does. Just please keep doing it. We're always like, you don't realize it. We won't tell you.
Starting point is 01:14:03 It's like, if we were to explain it, that would be its own episode. It's just a lot of stuff that always like, you don't realize it. You won't tell you. It's like, if we were to explain it, that would be its own episode. It's just a lot of stuff that behind the scenes, you don't realize. There's a lot of dynamics that are not noticed right away that you're helping us with. Um, you can also find our website and that's where we
Starting point is 01:14:19 You can also find our shop and that's where we drink. Big You can also find our webs or our email. And that's why we drink at or you can send in your personal true crime and ghost stories if you send us your personal true crime and ghost stories we do a listeners episode at the first of every month you can also uh send us your goodies and your mail that we would like to open on a camera for you our post office box is 1920 hillhurst ave number 265 los angeles 90027 and if you send us your goodies and your mail and your snacks or whatever it is you would like to send us which we are always grateful for we have a fan mail video
Starting point is 01:15:01 that we do every month and it's on patreon so if you're on patreon you can watch it if you did send us something and you want to watch the video but you're not on patreon like let us know and we'll just send you the link because we want you to be able to see it too like see our see us open yes um also just real quick if you go on our website and that's where you and hit tour you can see all our upcoming tour dates we have several cities that coming up and we're adding more pretty regularly and you can also catch us on the 22nd at 3 p.m pacific standard time for our facebook live that's right please come spend time with us and ask us questions otherwise we're just talking heads and we are nervous and don't know how to interact with the computer screen nobody wants so please
Starting point is 01:15:39 come with your questions and fair questions because wow we don't want to have to answer something awkward live oh. Oh God. And that's it. That's all we got guys. Thank you for listening and thank you for being, um, you and so supportive of us and for helping us make this possible. And that's why we drink clink.

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