And That's Why We Drink - E78 Paranormal Toontown and 40,001 Mystery Experiments

Episode Date: July 29, 2018

Buckets! We learned a new game this week and it involves Space Jam and Kobe. We also snoop out some alien serial killers in the extremely fucked up story of Skinwalker Ranch and cover the disturbing c...ase of the man whose mission it was to save people through their feet, Joseph Kallinger. Christine also does 40 whole pull ups...but only in her lucid dreams. And that's why we drink!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 buckets buckets we have a new game guys yes do you want to explain it sure every time we finish an ad um we like recording an ad we crumple up the paper em invented it and we throw it into a trash can a receptacle it's currently not a trash can it's a file folder and an empty box but but at the end of it's a reward after every yeah we go buckets and then i yell space jam and i'm just kobe and that's the extent of our basketball knowledge but when i say i want to explain give a little caveat that when i say um we throw it into the receptacle we throw around we throw around it we throw toward it generally well last time christine was pretty much nailing it i thought her beer pong skills came back for a second i think i think it's the new we need to like really set up the proper i'm telling you
Starting point is 00:01:01 this time around wait you uh you disappointed me you you got zero for five suddenly i'm just feeling really small i mean never mind you did amazing the goal was to not do anything right i don't know what's happening i'm just giving me a weird half wink i was like you get it you get it buckets buckets i think for christmas i'm gonna buy you a bucket just a plain bucket yeah who knows what's gonna be in it there's a dirty dirty bucket i'll put baby ju in a bucket oh i would like that oh so sweet here's the thing i want i don't know if we're allowed to talk about this on it's your decision but we'll delete it otherwise but guess where we are the day this comes out nashville no no ve Guess where specifically. Tell them where specifically.
Starting point is 00:01:46 Or are we going to say it afterward? What time is it? Well, just on Sunday. Yeah, we're going to be in Vegas. But where? Las Vegas. The Venetian. You planned this.
Starting point is 00:01:57 There's a special thing we're doing on Sunday. Oh, I don't know which part you're excited about. I just thought the German place. No, on Sunday. On Sunday. I'm going to kick you. On Sunday. Oh, oh, oh, which part you're excited about. I just thought the German place. No, on Sunday. On Sunday. I'm going to kick you. On Sunday. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.
Starting point is 00:02:10 I felt like we were all having a stroke all at once. I think so. We were at the Zach Baggins. I keep strokes to specify. We were at the Zach Baggins Haunted Museum. Yes! You guys, Em is like fucking scheduled us all, booked a tour at the Zach Baggins Haunted Museum, and I'm just dying inside and i've someone
Starting point is 00:02:27 i don't remember who but someone in our facebook group actually posted the link of the zach baggins house after i'd already bought literally a day later i think and i ignored it because yeah and so in the comments i wrote christine don't look at this and i'm sorry if that came off really like dickish i i didn't mean don't i was like christine don't look because i didn't want her to i you still have not seen anything correct i don't want you to know literally zero okay i want you to have a full experience i just imagine that it's like zach baggins house but i know it's not also while we're here i will tell you the two places that were supposed to be on the itinerary okay ended up having to get scrapped oh y'all this is
Starting point is 00:03:04 my bachelorette party weekend by the way just so you know and i i did the whole itinerary okay ended up having to get scrapped oh y'all this is my bachelorette party weekend by the way just so you know and i i did the whole itinerary and literally created the entire weekend for me and i picked all the places i had to dwindle it down by the way here's the thing i was so invested in this i started with 34 different places for god's sake and i needed to dwindle it down to like just why we get there friday afternoon and leave sunday yeah i'm everyone's clarification this weekend is not long enough at all so some of the things that had to get taken off so i created this entire itinerary and it's the two that i really tried to squeeze in there but couldn't i want you to um google okay here got it um so one of them is called beauty bar and just type having beauty bar vegas and then
Starting point is 00:03:46 google image okay so it looks like a beauty salon whoa whoa i thought it looked really cool whoa and it's also a music venue so like you can sit under like old retro 50s hair dryers and shit oh shit and like listen to indie bands or something yeah and then the bar looks like a salon with like it looks like a bunch of cosmetics but it's alcohol and then the other place oh that's so cool i know you're kind of going to be mad that we're not going oh no it is a speakeasy under the national mob museum i wanted us to go so bad i wanted us to go so bad and you already have but so many good things on the way the way you have to get in is through the museum and you have to go through a portrait on the wall hell up wait so oh my god wow wow so those were the two that didn't make the cut okay
Starting point is 00:04:39 but everything else on the cut is still really amazing because em posted the itinerary of course they made like just the most professionally uh made uh itinerary i do everything on microsoft word and posted it on um the in the like facebook group and everyone's texting me like wow em did a lot of work i was like yeah i know that that's the point so um at this point next week, I'm really hungover, but just screaming about Zach Bagans. And life is so good right now. And I want to thank him for putting this all together. And Eva's going to be there, too, which is amazing. Yes.
Starting point is 00:05:14 We're going to have so much fun. Alexander's going to be there. Allison's going to be there. Yep. And there's very few things I have left I need to do. Oh, my God. Amazing. I'm so...
Starting point is 00:05:24 I can't... Nobody... Okay, here's the thing. When Em left I need to do. Oh my God. Amazing. I'm so, I can't, nobody. Okay. Here's the thing. When Em sent me that, I got like really teary eyed, the like itinerary. Cause I was like, I feel like no one's ever done anything this like kind and nice and thoughtful for me. So I just want to say thank you.
Starting point is 00:05:35 Are you about to cry? No. You got all shaky. I'm really shaky and sweaty. Oh, that's the heat. Not me. Heat stroke. But also you.
Starting point is 00:05:42 So thank you. No, I put a lot of thought into it i was like where are all the places christine would want to go it's just amazing and the first place is a giant ass german beer hall i literally that i read two lines down it said whole playhouse and i was like mom you're like okay this place is gonna be fine oh my god have you seen the other the place i know you're gonna love um it's called golden spike oh that's the one i haven't googled yet no you're gonna never want to go anywhere else oh great and type in playground golden spike playground oh gold spike so it's like the whole place apparently is named after different parts of a house and there's like playground and backyard and all this stuff oh shit we're gonna
Starting point is 00:06:18 have a good time oh they have every type of they have like giant yahtzee giant jenga they have swings you can get drunk on they have and all of their menu like giant yahtzee giant jenga they have swings you can get drunk on they have and all of their menu is like things that a kid would want to eat but it's alcoholics like they have these giant massive milkshakes we are going to have so much fun i could scream oh too late uh we're gonna have so much fun em thank you for planning all i just can't you guys our instagram is gonna be kind of I have a feeling. So just get ready for that. So I just want to thank you. I will say the other thing that was supposed to happen is I tried to make a Snapchat filter.
Starting point is 00:06:51 Oh, I looked into that too. I went bananas extra on this trip. And I was like, obviously she's going to have a Snapchat filter wherever we go. And it's going to say her name and everyone's going to know and her hashtag. And it's going to be great. And I found out that it was going to be $374. I looked into it too. You're so fucking basic. But also I'm the exact same. and her hashtag and it's gonna be great and i found out that it was gonna be 374 dollars i looked into it too you're so fucking basic but also i'm the exact same we both did it but no i
Starting point is 00:07:11 was like i guarantee m's also looking into this and then i was like i hope they don't actually do it because it's fucking expensive it's like apparent because originally it said 60 dollars i was like dunzo and apparently it's 60 dollars per square foot oh it's yeah and i was like inside the venetian it's still like 200 yeah foot. Oh, it's, yeah. And I was like, what? Like, if we literally keep it inside the Venetian, it's still like $200. Yeah. The smallest it would let me go is $200. The good thing is the one in Ohio that I'll be using is much less because it's contained in the venue.
Starting point is 00:07:34 But, um. Yeah. Anyway. Okay, so you get it. We'll come up with a hashtag instead. So it should have happened. It was going to happen. Just know I thought it.
Starting point is 00:07:41 Christine gets blazed in Vegas. That's the hashtag. Okay, good. We're good. I just had to shorten it on some things for Christine gets blazed on principle. Just so you know. Oh my God. You use the hashtag.
Starting point is 00:07:50 Okay. I'm like, so I can't. You guys have all seen this on social media by now, but right now I'm in this like pre excitement, like freaking out. Yeah. Anxiety phase. Okay. Anyway, thank you.
Starting point is 00:08:01 And for everything. Also, one last thing before we get into the real deal um i want you guys to to remind you guys that we have one week left until we're in nashville which is going to be a party in and of itself yes um eva's going to be there too we're going to be there for two nights our booking agent andrew lovely andrew just emailed us and said we're almost out of tickets so get on it people yeah we've only got i think not not too many left at all yeah so jump on it okay go to and that's why we and click tour and you'll be able to find tickets there um and i also want to add real quick that we're adding a bunch of new cities lined up for
Starting point is 00:08:36 november december january that we're going to be announcing relatively soon so stay tuned yes and those will probably sell out some of them are are smaller venues. So keep an eye peeled. Just one. Only one, though. Yes. Keep the other. Unpeeled. Unpeeled and closed.
Starting point is 00:08:50 Yeah. And waiting. It's like you're winking with one peeled eye. Waiting for it to ripen. There it is. Don't peel the banana yet. I don't know. Okay.
Starting point is 00:08:58 This is going to be a weird ride today. I have a feeling. I got a feeling. That's one of my mom's favorite songs oh by the way that was for linda oh good your turn okay christine m i'm so ready for this what and i have to apologize that it's long because it's usually usually i try to keep my my notes like a page and a half and this was exceeding two pages and i couldn't break it down i don't want you to break down i want to hear all of it okay this this is like what everyone wants not the story itself but like the the little um the themes because it's got paranormal it's got poltergeist it's got aliens it's got conspiracy
Starting point is 00:09:42 theories it's a little potluck oh i'm so ready for it okay bring it on okay okay okay don't look at the top because i know you like to do that buckets buckets so this is the story of the skinwalker ranch yes okay oh my god i'm so excited so um before i get into it i know you always give stories credit like where you get your sources from i got a whole lot from uh ghost diaries oh um what's that a website it was called the ghost diary report um and it's by johnny mayhan um so i'm gonna say a whole lot of stuff that was like just clearly from his story but is it like her story i don't i don't know who they are a blog or like a podcast or like um it was in the
Starting point is 00:10:31 blur of me copy and pasting all of google into a word document so it's a website it was a website yeah i i only found it on a website but it might have been like transcript a transcript from something else got it got it got it i don't know where it came from got it got it and i don't remember i i just don't know all i know is that most of it came from ghost diaries by johnny mayhem so i want to give them a lot of credit awesome because like so much of my information came from there um okay so the skinwalker ranch is in northeastern Utah, and it's surrounded on three sides by mountains and cliffs. It's named Skinwalker. It comes from Navajo origin. A Skinwalker is in folklore.
Starting point is 00:11:14 It's someone who can transform into animals based on their needs. So if they need to fly, a bird, if they need to swim, fish. And in some versions of the story, at the end of their destination, they become a giant wolf. Oh, like they progress or something? Like it's like their final form before they go back to being a human. Like during their animal transitions, they always end at a wolf. Got it. And they have inhuman bursts of speed, but they're lurkers and stand on lone streets when in their human form.
Starting point is 00:11:44 That's terrifying to lure people in and they can read minds to know what you're scared of so they can control and manipulate you to draw you into them okay good fabulous let's just start there does everyone feel freaked out because this story gets fucking weird this is one of the ones that really gets me yeah i heard it in astonishing legends and it was like my when i first dipped my toes into anything like eerie paranormally like podcast wise and this one just i lived i wish i listened to astonishing legends i just like fun fact about me i don't listen to other paranormal podcasts because i don't i don't want to accidentally like steal any of their story or any of their like lines i feel like copy and paste google yeah so i don't well that's why i copy and paste google but i give google all the credit i'll tell
Starting point is 00:12:28 you that i will say like you are going to cover everything but i will say i do recommend them their podcast episode because it was like way a long time ago i always listen after i've reported on it because it's just like really entertaining on their front too but but then my big problem is after i've reported on it and then i listen i'm like damn i wish i threw that into the story that's why i always listen to it first and then i'm like oh i'm too paranoid that i'm gonna like get sued or something anyway ghost diaries report johnny mayhem for the thousandth time because i don't sure okay um okay so the skinwalker ranch was actually originally called the sherman ranch Oh, my God. First Sherman. First Sherman.
Starting point is 00:13:06 The First Sherman Ranch. Oh, my God. And it involved, it's been involved in shapeshifting, mutant wolves, interdimensional portals, and poltergeists. Fabulous. Oh, and aliens. Oh, right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:18 Can't forget that. No. So quick background of the town. Quick background. Quick, quick. Quick, quick, quick. In the 1800s, Europeans started moving west and pushed out the tribes. And during the Civil War, there's a thought that the land was cursed at that time and
Starting point is 00:13:32 that a skinwalker was created in the process of that curse. And the skinwalker has multiplied and they live nearby in the canyons. Oh. And it's an area where now local tribe members avoid at all costs they do not let really because they're so convinced they're like we will not go near when the locals are like no and when the locals are natives and exactly they're like no they're like you do you but like we won't do it it's like we know better fuck that yeah yeah yeah so tribes will not go anywhere that's crazy some of them believe that this place is a portal to, quote, where the past meets the future.
Starting point is 00:14:10 Cute. And some say that a Bermuda Triangle is somewhere on the property because people just go disappearing or... Oh my... So they can have a... I'm probably ignorant, but like Bermuda Triangle can be replicated? It's like a metaphorical Bermuda Triangle. Oh, just like the same concept. Yeah, same concept. Transported there. Yeah, not like a clone a metaphorical bermuda triangle just like the same concept same concept transported there yeah not like a clone of the beam well i just said i don't know
Starting point is 00:14:30 if that was like the fact no i got the term okay no no anyway got it you're good you're good you're good i called someone a wanton last week so we're fine it's so funny though okay um go on all right in the area more than half of the population has had ufo experiences more than half more than half oh my god as of 2002 who knows what's been going on the last 16 years and also weirdly enough this may or may not have any correlation but um that town also has an increasingly higher rate of stillborn babies. What? That's fucked up. Like, not a fun fact.
Starting point is 00:15:09 No, not fun. No, no. So the Skinwalker Ranch is also a fun fact. This is a fun fact. It is the most thoroughly researched paranormal hotspot in the world. Okay. In the world? Now that I've gotten to this story like really do i need to
Starting point is 00:15:26 keep going with this podcast we're ending it it's just me i mean i'm i hit my high now what if it was just me talking to myself for the rest of the episodes i mean that could be pretty fun there never was an m schultz they died 40 years ago um so in just some quick stories in 1977 just to make things even worse because cryptids are also involved oh i fucking love cryptids in 1977 a guy named jay barker and his friends hiked through the mountains and when they got to their fishing spot they looked over a cliff and saw a black and white body they thought it was elk, but it was a bipedal creature. And its whole body was black with white hair on the back of its neck. And it was swinging its arms, had lots of heavy mass.
Starting point is 00:16:16 And they saw it for an entire three minutes while it walked and stood by a pond. And they're convinced that it was a Bigfoot. They thought it was an elk, but it was like walking. But it was just casually walking on two feet. Yes. Okay. So also Bigfoot's hanging out there. God, i need a list of this all in one space in 1978 this is literally like like just where where they all just go like this is just like aliens go here ghosts go here it makes sense
Starting point is 00:16:36 for like a portal of like we said like a bermuda triangle of all this shit just happens in one you know did you ever watch um Framed Roger Rabbit? No. Okay. I feel ignorant. So there's a whole neighborhood called Toontown where, like, literally all the cartoons live. So it's, like, Bugs Bunny and Mickey Mouse and, you know. Sure. Every single cartoon that's ever, like, Betty Boop lives there.
Starting point is 00:16:58 Popeye lives there. Sure. Any cartoon ever. Patrick Star. All lives in this one neighborhood. So I feel like this is like the Toontown neighborhood. Like the paranormal Toontown. Oh my... Paranormal Toontown.
Starting point is 00:17:10 Um... So in 1978 the whole town at one time all saw balls of light flashing over the ranch and a UFO showed up to every single person in town and emitted a silent purring noise and onlookers recall feeling very frightened as if someone was
Starting point is 00:17:34 watching them from the ufo but they could not look away so juniper came to every person just floated around in 1978 and just purred in everyone's face let everyone know and farted because he is terrible those are just terrible gas the worst farts so in 1994 this is when things get real good so buckle up 94 yeah you were three thanks you're welcome i was two yeah we know you're younger than me i get it um so the shermans where are we just going to pretend this is tom and linda and tom were there they bought the ranch to start a cattle ranch for themselves, which by the way, my mother would never do.
Starting point is 00:18:10 No, probably not. So already the idea is ruined in my mind. I mean, she'd probably put a nice pool in though. Yes. Yes, she would. So as soon as they got to the ranch, oddities and spirits and entities of sorts all started happening right away oddities
Starting point is 00:18:25 ensued oddities ensued and so well as soon as they got into the house they found heavy iron stakes oh and heavy metal chains at each end of the house as if they as if large animals were being chained down in front of the doors that's not good they also found padlocks inside and outside of every door and window as if they inside and outside as if they needed to lock something in that gives me the chills um you just move into your new house and you're like hmm well it's casual try to explain it away but it's really this sounds like something that renata would do just be like oh they're just locks oh oh i thought you meant chain everything she'd she'd unlock everything be like it's fine as they moved into the house okay so this is get ready so day one they're moving in terry sherman who i guess is tom sherman sure terry sherman and his
Starting point is 00:19:16 father the father was helping them move in and they get into the house and they're unpacking things and then leave and when they get to the porch a large wolf approaches them good good start the wolf looks to be at least 200 pounds oh no and five feet tall while standing like on its forelegs yeah oh like its chest height on a fucking massive wolf yes and it didn't act malicious at all it acted like it wanted to be pet oh and then it brushed up on them cue everyone listening going oh wolfy wait and then the kids begged to keep him yes exactly that um terry said no and terry you asshole and then when the wolf heard that he ran over to the truck of cattle that they were unloading into the barn and attacked one of the calves.
Starting point is 00:20:09 Sorry. Wow, really taking it hard. Those kids learned a quick lesson that day. Do not. So Terry and his father were trying to get the wolf off of the calf. They were beating him and poking him with a stick and kicking the wolf in the ribs. And the wolf didn't move so terry's dad got his gun and shot him twice at point blank range both bullets clearly hit the wolf because fur and flesh flew off of the wolf and onto the ground and the wolf didn't care what he kept trying to attack the calf so basically what happened is he shot at the wolf
Starting point is 00:20:47 a total of six times and only then did the wolf release the calf and back away oh my god but like shot him like straight in the chest like point blank like this wolf should not be here and he's just like acting like okay i'll let go um and then those kids were in therapy for the rest of their lives eventually terry shot him a final time very obviously having shot him because there's fucking fur and blood everywhere and all he did was back off stare at them and then he trotted off what and terry and his dad ran to follow it and they followed the tracks and ended up finding out that the tracks just halted in the middle of the field oh god oh my god so they can't die oh my god okay so they can't
Starting point is 00:21:32 die and they just vanish um the family continued after that noticing balls of light in the sky seeing orbs and hearing voices above their heads seeing faces in the windows seeing faces in the mirrors apparitions of shadow men standing at the foot of their bed family members had nightmares and objects would go missing and randomly appear so very poltergeist stuff yeah at one point the wife uh terry's wife unloaded groceries set them on the counter and then when she turned around for a second she looked back at the counter after having unloaded the groceries on the counter and then when she turned around for a second she looked back at the counter after having unloaded the groceries on the counter and they were back in their bags oh ew and also so rude uh there's nasty smells that they could always report like very musky and very old and the smell of decomp they would also hear a foreign language being muttered into their ears and they
Starting point is 00:22:22 knew that the foreign languages were talking about them oh good they kept finding dead cattle intensely intensely mutilated i can provide pictures if you want no okay that's really sad some with their eyes completely removed okay as if surgically oh they're not like mauled out no their teeth missing as if surgically. Oh. They're not like mauled out. No. Their teeth missing as if surgically. What the fuck? And their genitals mutilated. What the? In two years, they lost 20% of their cattle when usually the average amount for a rancher to lose is 1%.
Starting point is 00:22:58 20%. So they were losing 20 times the amount of normal cattle. Lights would float around cattle's heads before the next day when they would vanish. It's like if you saw light floating around the cow, you'd be like, okay, he's gone. He's a goner. Many cows would vanish with hoof prints ending randomly in the fields, just like the wolf. Wait, so the cattle would also vanish? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:22 Like something was drawing the cattle. So then they thought it was aliens abducting. Like picking them up or something. Like that classic picture of a UFO, like picking up a cow in the field. It's like the footprint just went away. It's just gone. Okay. Now that would be wild to see.
Starting point is 00:23:35 The lights would get, the lights, like the floating lights and the orbs, would get so bright that the whole sky would look like daylight. would get so bright that the whole sky would look like daylight. Random animals just started showing up, like random animals that should not belong in a ranch just started showing up, such as bright tropical birds in the trees. What? Okay, I was like, what could that possibly mean? Yeah, a toucan, that's what that means. And then random leopard-looking animals. Oh my god.
Starting point is 00:24:01 That would not exist in that area. And over time, their outdoor cats started disappearing and in one night six outdoor cats disappeared all in one night oh my god um the dogs were also too afraid to leave the area they were too afraid to leave their dog houses or puppies they were just terrified so they didn't go anywhere but one night one of the dogs chased one of the lights in the into the woods no don't tell me that um then two other dogs went to go follow that dog so there were three dogs and then uh terry heard the dogs and tried to follow to follow them he could hear the dogs yelping
Starting point is 00:24:39 and then terry followed their sounds but he could not find the dogs. And then the forest went silent. And the next day in the woods, there were three burned circles in the ground. Oh, my God. That looked like crop circles with, quote, gooey lumps of liquefied flesh in the center. Why would they? One for each dog. Why would they do that? And how would they?
Starting point is 00:25:03 How? I don't care. But that's so mean. The family reported their story to the Salt Lake City newspaper. And this got the attention of Robert Bigelow. Good old Robert Bigelow. Oh, he becomes quite a character in this. So he was very, very interested in UFOs and all that.
Starting point is 00:25:23 So he called and actually paid them two hundred thousand dollars for the ranch and he turned it into a research facility for the paranormal so they left the ranch so they decided that they would leave but terry would stay on as a ranch manager to provide to preserve the livestock that um that robert would bring on as bait which i don't understand why are you preserving something that's going to go away wait so bob so robert good old good old bobby would he bought out the land right kick them out but then hired terry back on as the ranch manager to do ranch things while he well robert handled paranormal facility things so what's weird about that the animals that robert
Starting point is 00:26:04 is bringing is like animals that he's like using as bait to to catch something and like knowing that they're probably going to die but like as ranch manager one of his things was to preserve the livestock oh terry's job was to preserve the livestock yeah and yet they were trying to like lure in these creatures yeah like take care of these animals that we're gonna use and kill oh i mean it's basically like a farm where they kill animals i guess that's true except for nobody gets to eat them except except aliens aliens and toucans apparently um sorry i like i don't know why i had such a hard time comprehending that i get it now um okay so robert bigelow ended up creating
Starting point is 00:26:42 it's called nids stands for for National Institute of Discovery Science. NIDS. And that was the name of the ranch or the name of the facility that they use the ranch on. So NIDS, they hired psychiatrists, physicists, engineers, biologists, and just about any type of military guard. And they locked down the ranch and Terry was the the ranch manager he had like the least cool job um when they founded nids i don't know why it's so hard for me to say this is a weird name when they founded nids um bigelow had also hired on some intense military staff including colonel john alexander who was a nato advisor and he also we'll talk about him in
Starting point is 00:27:27 a second basically colonel john alexander he was interviewed after the fact after all this like was more recently interviewed right and he said this is an intense like military guy he said it's all true it's all true um one of his favorite stories was that they had multiple cameras facing out and camera one can see camera two camera two can see camera three so on so on and so like there's it's like full coverage there's no way there's nothing that could have no blind spots exactly and at a certain point the tape just stopped on its own oh god and they were each sitting on their own like pvc pipe platforms and they were duct taped on there. And there's a huge amount of duct tape holding each of the cameras down so that they can't move through the wind or if an animal brushes up or something tries to knock it over.
Starting point is 00:28:13 So the cameras are pretty much stuck there. Right. And as soon as the taping stopped for only a third of a second. For a third of a second. For a third of a second. All the wires were jerked loose at once all of the duct tape wasn't just ripped off it was gone like they could not find it that just gave me chills and uh they're like you can no longer use this huge yeah and so a chunk was cut
Starting point is 00:28:37 out of the wire oh my god about three feet of it it was just now totally missing and at this time the cattle that were around the pole were also not moving or next to it and couldn't have moved there in a third of a second and uh eaten a bite of the duct tape and also uh yeah too i mean and also they think that the cattle had been in a trance because anyone that had been approaching the cattle after everything that's been going on with the cattle they were super jumpy so if anything yeah they probably would have been freaked out so if anything did move within a third of a second next to the cameras and the cattle were close by come back on and then all of a sudden all the duct tape was gone and all that
Starting point is 00:29:12 yeah what the fuck that is so crazy and the cattle didn't move even though they're super jumpy so they think that like they were either paused in time or hypnotized that's so spooky and so colonel alexander like i said he was also the subject of the book the men who stare at goats oh so seriously yeah so he's part of the military group the first earth battalion yeah um they work with trying to communicate with extraterrestrials and they're super involved in a lot of conspiracy theories but he's like a big guy and even he's like this is real this happened yeah so they also had veterinarians at nids and so the team vet would look at the cattle and the cattle that had
Starting point is 00:29:50 been mutilated the vet would say there's no outward cause of death but the bodies are too far in decomposition for me to tell but she was also looking at some pretty gruesome stuff that like and she was like no animal did this like it wasn't far enough in decomposition that she couldn't confirm that animals didn't do it right um which i'll explain in a little bit okay um so george knapp he was a journalist um that worked with them and he saw a bright the first time he saw the lights he saw a bright yellow orb of lights that shot out from the ranch silently but as fast as a jet and in a perfect 360 degree loop oh god and then they flew away in 1997
Starting point is 00:30:31 uh terry called the news because more cattle were being mutilated with odd wounds on their ears and eyes and the team vet looked at them again and this time the cattle had circular spots cut out of their eyelids perfect perfect circles cut out of their eyelids it's disgusting and shredded ears as if they were cut with scissors these okay these poor they need to get these animals off of this land sorry well now they're being used as bait yeah i mean it's cruelty yes it's very cruel yeah but yeah like i and now i'm understanding what you're saying from earlier but yeah oh yeah so fucked up so um basically the all the team that could say was this is clearly not a natural predator because it was happening in the middle of a snowstorm and none of those predators are even around oh ew um the cats also started getting
Starting point is 00:31:22 mutilated in broad daylight no babies you just walk over and the cow would just not be there are they usually dead when this happens or are they still alive and they have like oh no they're dead they're at least dead oh i thought you meant like the cows just stopped having like the cow just blinked with his circle yeah that's what i thought no they're all dead they're all done okay okay okay Like at least there's a little, I guess, but like at least they're not suffering. Um, so fucked up dude. So one example, which I do need to show you a picture of because it's just too fucking weird.
Starting point is 00:31:52 Oh God. Okay. Let me just find, let me just find it. Hello Vader music. Okay. So there's, there's two pictures. So the first one i was telling you about about how like the teeth were getting ripped out and stuff like that oh great this was the
Starting point is 00:32:09 first batch of cat of cows before they were bait this is how they found them m what the fuck so like that's like not an animal like it left all the meat it just destroyed the face okay the eyeballs are really really literally surgically removed okay wow and then the next one did you google just so um i typed in skinwalker ranch cow missing organs great m great thanks for putting that on my google chrome so here's the other picture so i'll explain to you what's happening oh oh oh no so oh no terry then came out then after the cats had been mutilated and found an 85 pound calf that had been spread eagle with one of its legs yanked out of its knee socket oh my god and then placed right next to its body untouched in any other way it was just taken off to be put next
Starting point is 00:33:00 to it all the internal organs are missing and the body was drained of blood but the weird thing is if you look like the body yes is drained of blood but there's like no sign of blood anywhere it's not like the blood poured out in a puddle of blood it's literally just an empty cow there's not even blood on its body or face yeah it's just an emptied cow um and this is extremely all of this is extremely disturbing yeah it's all bad. Also, here's the fucked up part, too. The mother cow was next to the calf. Like, dead?
Starting point is 00:33:31 No. No! Um, what the fuck? And she looked agitated, obviously. I wonder why. And she looked in pain, obviously. Oh, funny. And the vet checked on that cow too
Starting point is 00:33:46 and found out that one of her ears was missing and the other was cut neatly down to the skull and removed with surgical precision the only ear one of her so there's one ear that's missing the other is literally just cut down but not removed what the fuck the one that's missing also didn't have its ear tag anymore and so that's when they started thinking that this thing wants to keep souvenirs it's just so fucking weird alien serial killer yep look we've got every other it's toontown there might as well be a serial killer in there too toontown there's obviously got to be some bad eggs so the researchers also um can i get rid of this yeah yeah yeah sorry
Starting point is 00:34:25 i just needed you to see what i'm now it's a green chef menu i'd rather look at the sweet potato tacos so um at another point the researchers heard dogs howling even though no dogs were on the property anymore they heard them next to some trees rid of the dogs and we're like now let's mutilate them i know oh so the researchers heard dogs howling found the sound coming from some trees and found one cow standing under the tree away from the herd which is usually a sign of distress oh honey a man looked above the cow and saw amber eyes in the tree above the cow oh they shot at it and the tree just shot at it and the america the eyes disappeared and it the tree looked like something had escaped from it
Starting point is 00:35:14 like there was clearly a ruffling sure but there was no trace of it leaving the area however it had somehow vanished there was nothing in the tree when they got closer to look but then when they got to the tree they looked down at the ground and they found a single bird print that was six inches wide with two sharp back claws and then they found so that was like the right foot six inches wide six inches and then they found the left print 20 feet further. Ah! Big Bird was there. Toon Town. What? Wait, but what the fuck?
Starting point is 00:35:49 I'm sorry. Yeah. How far away? 20 feet. So it walks. It takes 20 foot strides with six inch wide feet. And it's eating cow eyeballs. I literally... And it has amber eyes.
Starting point is 00:36:00 It vanishes without any traces. And it has two sharp back foot claws. I'm literally compelled to do the the sign of the cross because i'm so disturbed by this here's the one that got me oh great so they also had bowls and bullpens and all that so terry four of his bowls went disappearing from the pens and he went in he couldn't find them he's like where the fuck are they bowls are not easy to move and they literally just disappeared in broad daylight like he had gone to the pen he left for 10 minutes came back they were gone what um they're fucking big like he's like where are they so then he goes and walks by
Starting point is 00:36:32 the cattle trailer which is like closed when it's not being used closed and locked and found them tightly loaded inside no and inside the cattle trailer the locked from the outside or locked from the inside cattle trailer and so oh no the trailer was was locked with oh so it was locked inside and outside hence the padlocks inside and outside from earlier oh no and the outdoor locks that terry could see they were still locked from the outside with thick wire wrapped tightly around them and cobwebs were untouched. So whoever moved them, first of all, you can't move four bowls easily in 10 minutes. But then they also did it without them freaking out and being in tight quarters with each other. And like fucking raging, bowling themselves out of there.
Starting point is 00:37:22 And he did it without the doors without opening doors i'm like shivering this is creeping me the fuck out and four of them crammed in there yeah what the terry opened the doors and the bulls were in a trance and when he tried to open the gate to let them out they woke up from their trance and started freaking the fuck out oh my god so they were just kind of like hypnotized in there. They had no idea what was going on, but he said they were awake and hypnotized, like awake and in a trance. And then it was like snapped when...
Starting point is 00:37:52 Imagine four bulls just staring at you and not moving. No, absolutely not. And then imagine like disturbing that piece and being like... Now they're mad. I was like, oh, better lock the gate again. Lock the gate. The cobweb is back on it. Lock the gate again.
Starting point is 00:38:00 Lock the gate. Put the cobwebs back on it. So when, once he finally unloaded the bulls, Terry found that he was looking around like what the fuck happened. And he found that the bars, because he also contacted Robert from, because the whole NIDS group is there. So they went looking through the area and they found out that the metal doors on the pin were magnetized all of a sudden and had never been magnetic before so nid started checking the levels for 24 hours straight and realized that the level
Starting point is 00:38:32 of magnetization in the area would go up and down on its own and the higher the level of magnetism the crazier the cows and the dogs would react to something that people couldn't see. Oh, man. So for a lot of things that were happening during this time where padlocks on pins would disappear, gates would open by themselves. Still, several orbs were showing up, but flying around the ranch all at one time in the same intelligent movement. Uh-uh. But they would never show up on recording. It would just look like a blank sky
Starting point is 00:39:05 great also terry was starting to see seven foot shadow men standing next to the barn okay now we're getting in that nope and he saw a ufo the size of multiple football fields with strange blinking lights what so also terry started finding crop circles. Terry. These circles were concentric and dug up with exactly eight foot circles arranged in triangles. And the worst, weirdest part is that the dirt that had been dug out to make these holes would also simply just vanish. No sign of it getting dumped to the side and then getting cleaned up. It just totally gone the holes were also so perfect that terry says they looked like a giant cookie cutter had been put into the ground oh my god several witnesses also started to feel voices in their
Starting point is 00:39:56 own heads and one was quoted saying they were burning hot with their hatred from being from behind a dimensional curtain i knew they were discussing me asking questions like why is he here and who is he even though i couldn't understand their language so he knew they were asking this but he like felt the he felt it but also heard it in his head but also it was in a different language but also he didn't know it was like when you're at a party you see two people like making a face and you're like oh my god they're talking about my outfit yep been there that'll happen at vegas don't worry uh yeah we'll be the ones doing it just allison just kidding so um so there was another guy who was a ufo expert in the area called joe junior hicks and he had documented over 400 cases in the last 50 years of ufo sightings
Starting point is 00:40:44 and he said that the activity really got intense in the 50s during MKUltra. Oh, standard. He remembers being in elementary school and the entire school saw a UFO hover over the town in broad daylight. And light started showing up all over town in the 60s and 70s. So one night researchers were out in the field and saw a yellow orb. the 60s and 70s so one night researchers were out in the field and saw a yellow orb and researchers noticed that the orb was getting bigger and brighter and actually turned into a tunnel portal oh the tunnel was hovering off of the ground don't go in there they didn't because they began sweating profusely and couldn't breathe and felt like they were being suffocated by unseen hands oh my god
Starting point is 00:41:23 that's like us in this hot fucking room. Sorry. And one of them said that he saw someone in there and he watched a solid black humanoid shadow without a face walk out of the tunnel and right past him. Go back! Go back in. Of course, after the humanoid walked out,
Starting point is 00:41:40 the yellow tunnel faded until it was gone and they looked everywhere for its tracks but couldn't find any. Jesus but definitely saw it no in 1999 they actually found that the cameras were now either missing or broken every time they set them up and this proved that the activity was repeatable and had a consciousness what the hell so terry left the ranch and saw he was leaving the ranch for the night and he saw something move across the field towards the houses bye and for some reason this idiot goes back no that's what i'm saying fucking terry have you not learned your lesson listen the second that like
Starting point is 00:42:16 his cattle was getting mutilated and someone said i'll pay 200 grand to leave the property i would have been like okay um i would have been like the second uh i felt a weird feeling on this ranch the second i saw a padlock inside the building paid me nothing i'd be like goodbye i'm leaving the second i saw a chain on the outside of the house eyeballs need to be missing just i'm out uh so he ran back towards the house and when he saw when he ran towards what he thought was the light that was floating around he came across a brownish red hyena with a butt curtain like geos like geo but a hyena wait they didn't say a large bushy tail but i just am picturing geo being friends with the hyena with a matching
Starting point is 00:42:59 butt curtain and teaching him to love oh wait who's teaching because oh that's where he's a scorpion i'm trying to figure out who's teaching whom i. Oh, that's fair. Gio's a scorpion. I'm trying to figure out who's teaching whom. I don't know. Maybe the hyena. I mean, a hyena is a Gemini, if you really think about it. That is true. So it's basically like our friendship with Gio. It's like me and Gio hanging out in the woods.
Starting point is 00:43:15 Fantastic. So this creature ran away into thin air and he watched this animal just blink vanish out of nowhere. And he watched this animal just blink vanish out of nowhere. He left no tracks. And but he looked like he was running to the horses vanished. So you would think he's no longer running to the horses. However, in the time it would have taken him to still have ran to the horses. Then the horses started acting up.
Starting point is 00:43:38 Oh, so he's still invisible. It's like he like went invisible and kept running. Oh, and then the horses started freaking out. No. So Terry ran over to the horses started freaking out no so terry ran over to the horses and there were giant body claw marks in their sides of the horse nope um there's also one guy named ryan skinner who was a researcher at nids at the ranch during 2007 oh no he was a researcher after the fact that went to the ranch to do some investigating.
Starting point is 00:44:05 And he became obsessed with the Skinwalker Ranch in 2006 when he and his wife were going to Vegas. Uh-oh. Is this our fate? During a drive, he fell asleep and his wife was driving. And he woke up to his wife screaming, what is that? And then saw a red light that was coming down from a giant flying object. Oh, fantastic. The light came down to be only five feet from the ground, but that was coming down from a giant flying object. Oh, fantastic. The light came down to be only five feet from the ground, but it was 30 feet from him,
Starting point is 00:44:30 and so it was pretty fucking close. He stared at the light and then blacked out. He remembers kind of becoming hypnotized, and when he came to, his wife was screaming his name because three humanoid figures were walking towards them. Oh, God, oh, God, oh, God, oh, God them and they were not human oh god oh god so they drove away as fast as they could but the red light and the red glow of the ufo followed them the ufo disappeared into just the light so they could only see the reflection of the light but not actually the ufo itself so they were just getting chased by this red light
Starting point is 00:45:01 kind of like how i like chase the cat around with a laser. As a humanoid figure. Yes. And so the light was following them and it caught up to the side of their car. And Ryan looks down by his car door and watches the light mutate into an alien face. And then his car turns off. Cool. Fabulous. That's fucking great.
Starting point is 00:45:24 Okay. Then super anticlimactic. Cool. Fabulous. That's fucking great. Okay. Then super anticlimactic. The light then faded away. But when Ryan started researching about the area, he found out he was only a mile off of the Skinwalker Ranch. Since researching there, Ryan has also seen the giant wolf that Terry talked about in 1994. He has seen lights floating everywhere and has hallucinated voices and pictures and he says something has been trying to communicate with him telepathically he has interviewed many guards from
Starting point is 00:45:50 the ranch and residents nearby and he is convinced that this is just the creepiest i don't know even know if haunted is the right word but most heaviest activity active right so basically that's that's all the story of terry but the nids itself they stayed around until 2004 and they were quoted saying ufos seen in the area were not consistent with current military aircrafts that was like their big thing like these are definitely not military aircrafts they talked about it all the time and in 2004 when they started making these kinds of announcements nids got shut down. Oh. Which is where the conspiracy theory starts coming out. Sure.
Starting point is 00:46:27 Because it's like, oh, all of a sudden they're saying this shit, and then the government... It's like, you're no longer allowed to do this. So then, Robert Bigelow pulled out of the ranch entirely, and nobody knows why he pulled out. Ha ha. That's what she said. And all of his data that he ever took for 10 years is totally locked up what locked up where i'll tell you so bigelow also made the claim that after nids got shut down he made the claim that there was no data to support the paranormal activity oh man however he had previously
Starting point is 00:47:03 stated in several interviews one of them in which was Wired Magazine. Wired? Really? And he said, quote, I have an enormous amount of data from a lot of different sources that give me some pretty strong convictions about the authenticity of the existence of phenomena such as UFOs. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:47:20 So then only three years later, this is where it gets really conspiracy theory-ish. Three years later this is where it gets really conspiracy theory ish three years later 2007 a secret project backed by the pentagon oh man is started by the senate majority leader harry reed and the whole secret project backed by the pentagon was to study unidentified aerial phenomena now known as uAP, not UFO. Robert Bigelow, who happened to be one of his closest friends. No way. He's friends with Harry Reid.
Starting point is 00:47:52 Okay, got it. So Harry Reid made the secret project backed by the Pentagon. And then his best friend who happens to have ran this eight year paranormal project where they've got all of these findings. Right. His friend Robert happens to just win the bid for a contract that harry reid was doing with this project 22 million dollars for a new facility on the same ranch oh snap and they created the bigelow aerospace advanced space studies or bass and it was really great at these acronyms backed by nasa and backed by the pentagon wow and a spokesperson for bass said that the company had no comment relating to skinwalker ranch oh so they just casually put their just casually now have a secret project headquarters on a facility
Starting point is 00:48:41 they just have no comment that we're allowed to know. One of Bass's projects was called AATIP, the Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program. What? Which was a secret effort funded by the government to study specifically UFOs, specifically on Skinwalker Ranch.
Starting point is 00:49:00 So they're saying, oh no, we have... Specifically in that spot. So it's like, oh, we have no comment relative to the Skinwalker Ranch, but we are going to create the AA tip just so we can look at UFOs on Skinwalker Ranch. But it has nothing to do with Skinwalker Ranch. And also, like, I did not earn this money unfairly from my best friend, who is, like, a majority Senate leader. What the fuck?
Starting point is 00:49:20 Senate majority leader. I'm not an idiot. Before people say things. um senate majority leader i'm not an idiot um before people say things um so in 2012 bass lost their funding from the department of defense let's remember the department of defense is literally funding this okay and the aatip contract expired and it was not renewed because a former member had publicly announced that he heard and knew, because he was confirming for everyone publicly, that, by the way, BAS exists.
Starting point is 00:49:49 By the way, AATIP exists. By the way, the Department of Defense and NASA have been backing this. And the contract expired and did not get renewed because this person also said out loud that the officials fear the public of learning about the program and potentially learning about the misappropriation of taxpayer funds. Oh, man. So that guy is probably Edward Snowden. It's probably what?
Starting point is 00:50:14 He's probably in Russia right now. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Right after the closure of AA Tip, this is the creepy part. Right after the closure of this secret skinwalker ranch paranormal specific project it was almost as if there was like a divine deal with the aliens because out of nowhere after it's been closed and there should be no more money getting funded for this a unique weird looking war monument was suddenly paid for by the government and built on the land.
Starting point is 00:50:45 A war monument? Yes. So in 2016, Skinwalker Ranch. So after this like monument was shown up in 2016, Skinwalker Ranch was sold for four point five million dollars to an undisclosed buyer who just happens to be there now. We don't know. Oh, my God. I know who it is. I bet it's Elon Musk.
Starting point is 00:51:07 Oh, there it is. No, I'm serious. Maybe. Sounds like some shit he would pull. I'm serious. So, Bass is now assumed to be disbanded. Also, I want to say I got a lot of this information literally from, I think it's called
Starting point is 00:51:22 or something. Dot org. Dot org? Yeah, I googled it while you oh cool okay while you're talking so okay but yeah so if the information that i have wasn't from ghost diaries by johnny man then it was from skinwalker and that was i think it's it's ran by ryan skinner the guy with his i love that okay so any information is i'm getting it literally like basically from the source verbatim from the source.
Starting point is 00:51:45 Because I don't want to, there's so many moving parts in this story, I just didn't want to be wrong. So, Bass is assumed to be disbanded, and they say that the security team has been removed. However, there's new security for whatever this undisclosed buyer, there's new security that's now on the property. And they have very, very strong military grade weapons apparently oh shit the ranch is close to the public and there's a checkpoint uh with a giant sign that's been put up um that tells people they can't go past the gate and a lot of people are like okay maybe it's just like a no trespassing thing but a lot of people also think oh they're keeping the they're keeping the public from secrets or from seeing an alien or some shit like that right police nearby have pulled trespassers over to say you need to be careful in this area you're messing
Starting point is 00:52:30 with something that's not good this is a quote oh you need to be careful you're messing with something that's not good you're actively hunting it it will hunt you back i've seen it happen these things will attach to you they will follow you this is real people i know have been driven mad by it you're hunting this thing and it knows it you need to be really careful oh okay there goes all the fun in that so in 2017 why are we doing that was my drum roll oh with one hand that we were knocking on wood with our palms oh because i'm knocking on wood over here like fuck this all right so in 2017 the new y York Times released a story about the Department of Defense officially confirming a tip. Oh, my God. And Senator Harry Reid confirmed he procured funds, 22 million dollars or helped in the procuring of the funds, which was awarded to Robert Bigelow and Bass, which was confirmed to have conducted a study on UFOs for the Pentagon. And in one statement, Knapp, who used to be a reporter during the NIDS era,
Starting point is 00:53:30 he showed a document which confirmed that during the time of the Pentagon program, Bass had hired, trained, and deployed, quote, 50 full-time staff comprising of retired military intelligence and law enforcement officers, What? The fuck? fuck the document also says that bass's investigation um proved the many ways that this phenomenon showed itself including quote from the document bizarre creatures poltergeist activity invisible entities orbs of light animal and human injuries and much more oh my god in oh my god official documentation bass also said that they were using human bodies as readout systems for interactions with the ufos and then studying those bodies immunology cell biology and neuroanatomy for the effects of ufos on people oh my god that's fascinating
Starting point is 00:54:39 so they were actually using people as like the sensor for UFOs. And the goal was to bypass human manipulation and like human deception. Sure. And like any perception they had that could have been like hypnotized or tranced or convinced that they saw, but they didn't actually see. They didn't want to rely on just eyewitness testimony. They wanted to be able to see what was molecularly happening to those people oh my after interacting with the ufos oh my god that is creepy one former member says that the n one former member of that program says that the nsa was signing the paychecks to bass interesting what and at one point a few high-ranking military officers had actually visited the area and were so disturbed that
Starting point is 00:55:22 they demanded to leave immediately oh my god oh my god so this guy he was one of the former guards and he is talking about how he knew that he was like being a guinea pig but they wouldn't tell him why or about what because he like wasn't like military he was just like they just paid a guy to be a guard and then they were like actually testing his molecular anatomy afterwards right and so um he says that he remembers being told to patrol the perimeter for 24 7 accompanied by dogs but the dogs weren't guard dogs or security dogs either the dogs were just like household pets oh so it was like so if other people looked at the field, it would look like they were being patrolled with dogs. But it was actually like just like geo.
Starting point is 00:56:07 And the reason it was just geo. So it was like in one way it would be so everyone else thought there was like serious guards and they wouldn't like want to come near the area. But then also it was because the dogs weren't the guards. The dogs were being used as a tool because they are able to sense things before humans and so they wanted them to walk around with normal household pet dogs to see if they reacted a certain way to then warn the humans to get out of that area oh and then they were testing the humans like so urine and doing brain tests and everything after they the dog reacted weirdly so like trained dogs wouldn't be able to like probably but i think they
Starting point is 00:56:45 just wanted to just try any animal just like they just knew that basic level of a pet rather than like they just knew that animals have different instincts than humans so like they use the dogs as like sensors of like what if the dog is acting we would just get out of that area and then give us your urine um what a fun game that is so there were i'm i'm so by the way so uh whenever the personnel saw or felt something after the dog reacted they were required to have their urine tested and bring back vials of their blood to headquarters in vegas and this is in utah they had by the end of their shift so like within hours they had hours they had to go to vegas and give people blood their blood and pee if a dog acted weird because that meant that they were in like an area where that was magnetized
Starting point is 00:57:31 or had ufo energy i would just be like please don't act up dog i know i mean do you act weird when he fucking finds a snail on the ground i don't know apparently quote brain scans they didn't even know what they were brain scans were performed, although the guards were never informed of the results or why they were being read. What? Several people from the Defense Department and Bass before it was disbanded, they have become part of a new for-profit company called To The Stars Academy. Members claim that they have no affiliation with robert bigelow or were ever a part of nids or that nids has any secret funding like is still like secretly around but with secret right so they say oh we're not we don't we never knew each other before or anything
Starting point is 00:58:17 however a board member of nids is now the vice president of to the stars a reporter for nids is now the biotech consultant and the man in chat the fuck and the man in charge of contracting bass with the pentagon is the director of global security shut up are you freaking kidding me skinwalker ranch and now and that was that came out in 2017 that was last year yeah now we have the fucking nsa on our ass why do you think not that we didn't have it before but now we're really fucked but also like that was so long and i'm so sorry but it was also so concise compared to do you really so much so many stories i could have given about like all the like skinwalker things people have seen crazy shit well i mean even in that astonishing legends did like a multi-part episode
Starting point is 00:59:01 yeah and their whole episode's like over an hour yeah just on that topic so they did like a multi-part episode yeah and their whole episode's like over an hour yeah just on that topic so they did like three like four hours on this and i can't and they didn't cover everything like i heard stuff in yours that i'd never heard in there so it's been i just can't even imagine especially because it was so long ago that it like so many decades yeah and then like government involvement yeah okay here's my one question though yeah is it too late to change i know you made an itinerary but is it too late to change the vegas itinerary to skinwalker rant uh well i yeah i would i mean but i'm also a spontaneous kind of person but i'm saying is it too late or can we like like just move the whole party to
Starting point is 00:59:44 skinwalker ranch yeah yeah great i used in high school my friends used to get drunk in fields all kind of person. But I'm saying is it too late or can we like like just move the whole party to Skinwalker Ranch? Yeah. Yeah. Great. I used in high school my friends used to get drunk in fields all the time so it wouldn't be much different for me. I would just drag you out. It would just be different except that we're all getting mutilated and our eyes cut out. Yeah. I would feel like I was back in high school though so that's nice. Until we all got our
Starting point is 01:00:00 bowels. No that was high school. Removed. Oh that's your version. Okay got it. Yeah yeah i had a crazy time in mine we just like straighten our bangs really straight and like saying saying a lot of uh billy yeah we had we had circular parts of our eyelids removed surgically we took a hole punch you went yeah but we just didn't remember it the next day so oh yeah i mean high school was tough on everyone i listen we just want to say if you're a teen. And you're going through that.
Starting point is 01:00:26 If your eyelids have weird circles. Yep. If you're in a field and like maybe you get disemboweled, like we get it. Yeah. We just want to relive it now at 26 and 27. We've all been there. We're sorry. OM.
Starting point is 01:00:42 OM. All right, Em, are you ready for my story? Yeah, yeah. Okay, this is the story of Joseph Callenger. I don't know him. Great. I did not know him either before today. Okay.
Starting point is 01:00:53 So I'm going to give you a little rundown. So Joseph Callenger was born as Joseph Lee Brenner III on December 11, 1935 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. on december 11th 1935 in philadelphia pennsylvania when he was only a month old his parents put him into a boarding home where he only saw his mother once a week and developed severe separation anxiety which is really fucked because he's a month old so yeah it's already fucking up your brain it's already in his psyche in 1937 when little baby joseph was just two years old his father abandoned his mother and his mother decided to place him in foster care because she couldn't care for him and couldn't find, I guess, a man.
Starting point is 01:01:31 The information said she couldn't find a man to help her care for him. And it was 1937. So she needed help. Yeah. You know, someone who could make money in 1937. A woman making Making money? LOL.
Starting point is 01:01:46 Indeed. He was subsequently adopted by Austrian immigrants named Stephen and Anna Callenger. And usually at this point I would say, oh, I'm part Austrian, but now I want to really just distance myself from these people as much as possible. I'm part Austrian. Are you? Yeah. Me too. How much? I don't know. Oh. I'm also German. just distance myself from these people as much as possible i'm part austrian are you yeah me too how much i don't know oh i'm also german i feel like we're the opposite where like i'm part ashkenazi jew but like 0.5 and i'm 46 exactly and then i'm part i'm austrian and i'm um like 30
Starting point is 01:02:21 and you're probably like less than that we're're like trading. I mean, on my mom's side, I know that I'm Russian, Austrian, and Polish, but I don't know what the degrees are. I'm like the most specific, like 75% white German people, 25% Austrian, and then
Starting point is 01:02:40 even that within itself is like, my mom's like, you're not Austrian. And I'm like, I mean, I'm I have I am Austrian. And the Austrian side's like, remember that you're Austrian. And I'm like, it's the same thing. Like, I'm just white and I speak German. Who like, OK, let's not go there. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:02:58 I just think it's silly. OK, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. So he's recently OK. He's Austrian. He's subsequently adopted by Austrian immigrants named Stephen and Anna Callinger. Unfortunately, like I sort of hinted at, his adoptive parents are fucking terribly abusive. Got it. So here's some of the punishments his parents forced upon him.
Starting point is 01:03:17 They forced him to kneel on jagged rocks for hours, locked him inside closets uh forced him to consume excrement uh forced him to commit self-injury uh burned him with irons whipped him with belts and starved him uh he once heard the f word from some neighborhood kids and when he said it later that day not knowing what it meant his dad beat him with a leather strap his mother beat him with a wooden spoon and the beatings lasted for over a week although he never understood what the word meant never knew why he was being punished like it was just so oh my god mentally traumatic like he had no idea he just said the word as like a a kid right and had no understanding of why he was being punished in fact they abuse okay i mean obviously this is already an upsetting story but just fyi uh child abuse plays a part in this story
Starting point is 01:04:12 if anyone hasn't picked up on that yet yeah hasn't picked up on it or has um triggers triggers yeah so they abused joseph so severely that by age six he he suffered a hernia that was inflicted by his adoptive father. And the hernia actually required surgery to be repaired. And when he got home, his parents told him that while he was in surgery, the doctors also gave him surgery to keep his bird slash penis small and make it not work for the rest of his life. What? And he was six. So they were like emasculating him they were basically telling him like i mean they're obviously beating the shit out of him can you really get a doctor to do that on a six-year-old they were just telling him
Starting point is 01:04:54 like by the way your penis will never work now oh okay they were just trying to emasculate me for a second i was like oh my god you were like oh no they they were truly just fucking with him they were like oh by the way mean by the way while you were in surgery for this hernia your father caused in your body they also made your penis not work forever okay like that was what they did jeez yeah uh when he was eight his mother hit him in the head four times with a hammer because he wanted to go on a class trip to the zoo oh yep it gets worse later that year joseph was sexually assaulted by a group of neighborhood boys he was held at knife point by older boys while one performed oral sex on him um on his birthday he his parents got him nothing
Starting point is 01:05:39 as a gift on his ninth birthday um so he went to school and cut up his classmates coats with scissors by age 11 so he's 11 now he's still school and cut up his classmates coats with scissors by age 11 so he's 11 now he's still struggling to make friends he's lived with these people for like nine years just being constantly punished and tortured age 11 he's still struggling making friends so he starts stealing money from his parents to convince neighborhood kids to go to the movies with him because he's like oh if i pay for my you know classmates movie tickets maybe they'll be my friends and want to hang out with me. So when his parents find out, they force him to hold his fingers on the stove until he's burned severely.
Starting point is 01:06:14 And in fact, this happened a total of six times because they kept finding out. But he thought the punishment was worth it because he was finding that he just wanted a friend. Yes. People would go to the movies with him. And he was was like i don't care if i have to burn my my fingertips off like i want to go to movies with a friend or two or whatever so he thought it was it was worth the punishment which is just very sad 11 years old yeah of course uh as in all my stories, things only go downhill from here. Let's move on. In 1949, Joseph is 13. He cuts a hole in the wall for masturbation.
Starting point is 01:06:56 He uses a knife to achieve orgasm. What? Because. He stabs himself? No. He would cut and stab pictures of naked men and women to become aroused. So he's been sexually assaulted by this group of older men who are holding him by knife point. Older men, older boys holding him by knife point, whatever.
Starting point is 01:07:17 So he's feeling violent. He has a knife and he initially he would hold a knife and use that to be aroused. But then it got to the point where he would actually cut out pictures of naked men and women and then use his knife to like slash at them to become aroused. When he's 15, Joseph gets a part of Ebenezer Scrooge in the local performance of A Christmas Carol at the YWCA, which at that that age i would have dreamed of having that and i wasn't uh he'd always wanted to be an actor but his parents laughed at him and refused to see him perform so as much as like they've already beaten the shit out of him now he's 15 and they still won't even give him the slightest like emotional support and i'm sorry i'm going to take a quick like step further sidebar here because like i don't know if you know this i don't know if anyone knows this but like blaze and i want to adopt kids and and be foster parents and just the thought that like you'd adopt a child
Starting point is 01:08:19 just to treat them you're one child you adopted this one child and then you fucking hurt them so badly i just don't i don't understand i really don't yeah like i anyway it upsets me and it makes me even more want to be a foster parent anyway okay so here we go and we're about to go on a wild ride. Okay. Oh, my God. Okay, so he's age 15. Joseph receives a message from God. Okay. All right, wow. We're really switching emotional gears here. I just want you to just buckle up and get on board.
Starting point is 01:08:58 He's told by God to heal and save people through their feet. Huh. Does he become like a foot masseuse or so it should be noted his father owned a shoe shop and he worked as a shoemaker got it and it took me a while to connect this because it wasn't listed in every article got it and at first i'm like yeah i thought like like a masseuse like i really didn't understand like like do really good pedicures or massage therapist like i really didn't understand um but i i finally like kind of put it together because sometimes he is called the shoemaker that's like his got his like moniker um okay so his dad owned this like shoe shop and he worked there so okay so he got this i guess message from um god Allah. Yes.
Starting point is 01:09:45 Okay. Save people through their feet. Praise be unto him. Praise be unto him. And this is where things, I just, I really just tried in this paragraph to understand what was happening and I just couldn't. So all I know is that according to a timeline created by researchers at the Department of Psychology at Radford University in Virginia,
Starting point is 01:10:08 their timeline actually really helped me find deep because Wikipedia and Murderpedia and whatever had a lot of information, but I feel like their timeline had such specific, like it was like this year, he was this many years old, and this is what happened.
Starting point is 01:10:24 Just very succinct. So I want to thank them for their very helpful timeline. So according to their timeline, over the next 21 years, from his age 15, when he started receiving these messages from God, to age 36, Joseph conducted over 40,000 experiments. Doing what? As a result of this message. Wow. And doing what is the exact thing that I spent approximately 25 minutes trying to find out.
Starting point is 01:10:54 Not one article explains this. Oh. A lot of them say he conducted over 40,000 experiments. And I'm like... Like science experiments? I don't know journey emotional experience right like meditation moments like I was he able to like finally do a pull-up because I have yet to have that experience don't get me started I I was gonna tweet about this but I'm
Starting point is 01:11:19 just gonna tell you right now that now that you've mentioned this I don't know if I told you this it upset me for like a full week I've been practicing lucid dreaming. And they tell you like, if you're doing something in your dream that seems abnormal, you should you do like a test by putting your fingers on your palm to make sure you're awake. Yeah. And if you're if you say I want my finger to go through my palm, and it does, that means you're lucid dreaming. And then you become aware in your dream, and you're able to interact with your dream and your consciousness your subconscious and whatever um and so i had a dream where i was able to do 40 pull-ups and i what a dream i woke up the next morning going and my fucking subconscious wasn't like no this seems irrational we're gonna do a
Starting point is 01:12:02 reality check nope my dream was like yep this is right and i woke up and i actually was so upset because i was like all my life i've never been able to do a pull-up and in my dream my brain was like here let's give her something really irrational to make sure she knows we're lucid dreaming and i had 40 pull-ups the tapping your hand let's do something impossible and then i'd still was like, yes, this seems right. This seems this seems completely rational. OK, point being, I don't quite know what on earth these experiments were, but according to several articles, that is what happened. So around. But things get weirder. So don't worry. Like, I'm not letting you down.
Starting point is 01:12:39 Good on the weirdness. So around this time, he meets a girl hilda bergman uh whom he starts dating despite his parents disapproval the two of them move into their own place at age 15 um but joseph continues to work at his father's shoe shop like i mentioned he's a shoemaker and apparently doing 40 000 experiments 40 000 mystery experiments i i that really bothers me i spent so much time trying to figure that out if anybody knows like please fucking tell me like usually i'm like don't email me don't tell me don't correct me please tell me if you know what tell us at least one of the 40,000
Starting point is 01:13:13 40,000 like what does that mean also was he keeping track who right how does he know 40,000 and if he was keeping track why isn't there a log and also if someone else keeping keeping check yeah they should have a log. Clearly there's proof enough for us to know the number. Thank you. Exactly. So when Joseph turns 17, he drops out of school to start working full time and to marry Hilda. So they get married at 17.
Starting point is 01:13:38 A few years and two kids later, though, Hilda leaves him because of his abusive tendencies. And two kids later, though, Hilda leaves him because of his abusive tendencies. On September 4th, 1957, Joseph is hospitalized due to severe headaches and loss of appetite. And doctors believe this was a result of stress surrounding his divorce. He remarries on April 20th, 1958. So, like, six months later. Yeah, I was going to say right away. Like, pretty soon later, he remarries.
Starting point is 01:14:09 And with his second wife, he has five children. Jeez. Yes. So he is, again, extremely abusive towards his family. He often inflicts the same punishments on them that he suffered from his adoptive parents. Which, like, as I i mentioned are pretty fucked up throughout the next decade calendar would spend his time in and out of mental institutions for amnesia attempted suicide and committing arson so again this radford university timeline it's like this big list of just in this
Starting point is 01:14:40 section of 10 years it's just like these moments of him casually burning his house down a few times. Oh, good. Then just like casually committing suicide or attempting suicide a few times. And the list is just very like, um, calendar sets his house on fire. Two years later, calendar sets his house on fire. Like, it's just very, the timeline is ridiculous. He's literally just. It's very calculating and not like.
Starting point is 01:15:06 It's just like. Reading the humor. It's just absurd. Like how often, like Wikipedia was just like, let's just put this into a 10 year span where he just repeatedly, repeatedly set his house on fire, tried to kill himself. We'll just condense it into one sentence. Yeah. himself we'll just condense into one sentence yeah um so in 1972 14 years after he married his second wife three of joseph's children end up going to the police and accusing their father
Starting point is 01:15:34 of abusing them while being evaluated joseph received an 82 on an iq test and was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia that summer he is found guilty of child abuse and is sentenced to four years probation with mandatory psychiatric treatment and joseph at this point is uh hallucinating constantly he regularly holds conversations with a disembodied head oh named charlie okay he's also receiving personal orders from God. As we already know. Right. In June of 1974, Joseph tells his 13-year-old son, Michael, all about his orders from God.
Starting point is 01:16:15 He told Michael that these orders instructed him to murder young boys and sever their genitals. Oh, no. He asked for his son,ael's help did michael help and michael said with enthusiasm glad to help dad oh no on july 7 1974 joseph and michael who's 13 once again just to clarify um murdered 10 year old-old Jose Collazo, a young child from Puerto Rico, by first torturing him and then cutting off his genitals. Oh, my God. So that's the beginning of a beautiful friendship between Joseph and his son. Yes.
Starting point is 01:16:58 Quite a spiral. Quite a spiral, indeed. The worst kind of spiral. The worst kind of bond. The worst kind of spiral. The worst kind of bond. The worst kind of... But the strongest kind of bond. The strongest and the worst kind of parental bond. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:13 Yes, exactly. That August, Joseph Jr. So this is one of Joseph's kids. So one of his sons is named Joseph Jr. joseph's kids so one of his sons is named joseph jr that august of 1974 a month after he tells michael all about this uh his message from god that august joseph jr is found dead in the rubble of an old building which just so happened to be two weeks after joseph took out a large life insurance policy on his sons all of his sons the insurance company suspected foul play didn't pay up uh the cause of death could not be determined though so joseph uh was let off the hook although he later
Starting point is 01:17:52 admitted to drowning his own 11 year old son jesus for the insurance money he also explained that he had initially tried to talk joseph jr into walking off a cliff by asking him to walk backwards while posing for a photo oh my god so he was like at a cliff and he was like oh just a few steps back just a few steps back and the kid was like no i'm gonna fall so instead he fucking drowned him with his own two hands oh my god um in november of that same year in 1974 joseph and michael continue their crimes together so they're now like a fucking crime team uh they robbed assaulted and sexually abused four families and murdered three people in december of 1974 they kidnapped four women during their bridge game oh my god so these poor older playing bridge older women the older women. The year of bridge.
Starting point is 01:18:45 The year of bridge. They're playing bridge. And Joseph and Michael show up, force their way into the house, kidnap them, and steal $20,000 worth of valuables and cash. Oh my god. They then held one of the women captive in her home and forced her to perform sexual acts on Joseph at gunpoint. The way they would actually get into the houses was to pretend to be salesmen they'd you know show up
Starting point is 01:19:11 and be all charming but then and of course he has a fucking 13 year old boy with him so it's like easy to be like oh we're a father-son salesman team yeah he's in training exactly um but they always had guns on them they had weapons on them so in early 1975 joseph and michael forced their way into a house in leonia new jersey armed with knives and guns they take eight hostages they tie them up with cords from various household appliances and they make them strip their clothes of the eight hostages they only killed one woman it was a 21 year old nurse named maria foshing who walked in on the scene to visit her elderly neighbor who she wanted to stop by and offer help because she sometimes
Starting point is 01:19:59 stopped by to like help her out and and my gosh offer help around the house so she shows up she's 21 years old uh she walks in on the scene and joseph slits her throat and kills her one hostage was able to escape and alert a neighbor so the police arrive on the scene to find maria dead and the seven hostages mostly naked and still tied up in the basement oh my god nine days later joseph and his two sons michael who he was doing all this right bullshit with and james who's 11 were arrested in their homes were arrested in their home after police linked joseph to the crime via bloodstained shirt he had dumped on the side of the road um and they didn't know
Starting point is 01:20:45 this because at first i was like why would they arrest michael and joseph turns out michael and joseph looked similar enough where the police weren't sure which of them was the accomplice got it so they took both of them in um and they eventually released joseph joseph and kept michael i think yeah it's just the can you imagine being joseph and you're just minding your own business and the police show up and they're like you murdered people and he's like what the fuck it's like no no no no no no like i don't have anything to do with this they figured out it was michael not joseph let him go home so calendar joseph calendar was determined competent to stand trial because he knew right from wrong, even though he tried to plead insanity.
Starting point is 01:21:28 He was charged with four counts of robbery, four counts of false imprisonment, and one count of burglary. He, of course, testified in his own trial. He told the jury that God communicated with him and told him what to do he said that he was in fact the son of god um and her what's happening and had also existed as a butterfly oh i forgot that was in there uh it's just so it catches you off guard because it's so lighthearted compared to everything else it's so like if the whole story was that i'd be like then you fucking be a butterfly man thank you it's like oh the lord instructed me to murder three million people and my own family and oh but also i was a butterfly it's like it's like fuck can we
Starting point is 01:22:16 all be butterflies that's fine that part i'm on board with um yes yes so Um, yes. Yes. So, it took the jury less than an hour to find Joseph Callender guilty, and he was sentenced to 30 to 80 years in prison. Michael, the 13-year-old son, meanwhile, was judged to be under his father's control and was sentenced to a reformatory. And he was to be released at 21 so at age 21 he moved out of state and changed his name so he's kind of off the radar which is probably for the best hopefully he hadn't done anything else i feel like after a traumatic experience of slitting people's throats and raping people and who knows but i hope you quit at some point let's's hope that it was just his dad's fault. So while Joseph waited in jail to begin his murder trial in New Jersey, he began to act out and try to draw attention to his mental illness. But authorities determined that he was faking it by being like, I'm so crazy, you know,
Starting point is 01:23:19 and they were like, yeah, you can't fool us. Like, we know, you know, what you did was fucked up. Yeah. Yeah, you can't fool us. Like, we know you know what you did was fucked up. Yeah. On September 13th, 1976, Joseph Callenger, who is now 40, went on trial in Hackensack, New Jersey for the murder of Maria, who was the nurse, and the taking of the hostages. He, of course, pleaded not guilty.
Starting point is 01:23:48 And a month later, October 13th, 1976, which is my wedding day by the way in case you forgot yep um my wedding was a twinkle in everyone's eye in 1976 calendar was found guilty and sentenced to life in prison for those for the murder of maria and the the holding of the hostages a few months later he uh set himself on fire for good that was how he went nope oh he just casually was like maybe this will work oh set himself on fire one of forty thousand and one experiments yes there we go now we're we're moving into the pyrotechnic phase yeah yeah he set himself on fire in his prison cell they were like don't know nope can't do that so authorities moved him to a hospital for the criminally insane in waymart pennsylvania where he slashed another convict's throat for no reason um other than that the voices told him to do it oh shit he did various television interviews uh some of which i watched
Starting point is 01:24:46 and felt real weird about watching in the nickelodeon studio uh and in these interviews he explains his ongoing desire to slaughter every person on earth oh my god and then commit suicide so he can become god not the butterfly no, you know, he was a butterfly. He doesn't feel like going back. Got it. Butterfly to God. Got it. It's all, you know, you know how you mentioned.
Starting point is 01:25:11 God's social butterfly. You know how you mentioned the, um, the progression of the skinwalkers. Ending up as a wolf. Right. Right. So we're kind of going. So stage one butterfly. Butterfly. Um, got got it got it got it
Starting point is 01:25:28 got it yep i really wish the whole story was that he just thought he was a butterfly it was that was just so kind and nice it would have been a much better version of paranoid schizophrenia if it was just about butterflies but unfortunately it got very violent yes it got violent in some terrible terrible ways he says he has been instructed to kill at least three million people and his son joseph who was found in the rubble at a construction site was a sacrifice to prove that he was willing and able to kill his own like this abraham nonsense thank you exactly i was surprised in the interview i watched that they didn't mention it but i was like hello fresh old old testament abraham hello old testament but hello fresh works too hello old testament come on baby so joseph spent the next five years in solitary confinement
Starting point is 01:26:21 on suicide watch exactly because he was saying i'm going to kill myself and become god right until march 26 1966 uh on that day joseph calendar died of heart failure at the age of 59 oh boy he's very young so when asked whether he thought his client was evil or sick or both calendar's lawyer whose name was pa Paul Giblin gave his opinion I'm gonna read that to you Paul said he was sick he was an evil man and the evilness was a manifestation of the illness which I thought was really interesting yeah because it goes again it goes toward that like um uh mental illness and evil and like that like blurred line between them and i think it's interesting to say like and like nurture over nature and all that yeah and i think it's interesting
Starting point is 01:27:11 to say this sickness was what created this or caused this evilness inside he was not born like that he was not born evil or or he could have been but he was sick like he had an illness oh that caused the evilness so it wasn't like he's an evil man necessarily and there's nothing else to explain it's like he had the sickness that created evil inside him which i thought was an interesting way of looking at it because i feel like usually it is like nature versus nurture but instead it's like he was evil yes but also he was very sick and that's what caused the evil. So anyway, I thought that was interesting. So I watched this creepy interview where I think it's like the 70s or 80s.
Starting point is 01:27:56 I think it's the 80s. Apparently, he did several TV interviews, and these reporters would come and do these like in Mindhunter where they would do the one on one interviews. And I watched one. And boy, oh, boy, was it fucked up. So it was very short. It was like a minute and a half. And I'm going to just read you kind of the what what went down. So the first thing you hear is Joseph say, I'm patient with a good ear and try to help people.
Starting point is 01:28:24 And the reporter makes him repeat it. I'm patient with a good ear and try to help people and the reporter makes him repeat it he says i'm patient with a good ear and try to help people and he says the reporter says when you're not trying to kill people and he says yes oh so matter of fact yeah oh so matter of fact and the reporter says uh you murdered your own son. Yes, I did. Why? He was a sacrifice. I was to murder three million people on planet Earth, and he was a sacrifice to see if I could murder one of my own. At the end of murdering all the people on Earth, I was going to murder my own family and then take my own life and become God.
Starting point is 01:29:06 So when asked what he thought of the death penalty, Joseph Callender said he was opposed to it. He said, I don't think anyone has the right to take a life. And the reporter says, except you. And Joseph says, when I'm under hallucination, I do. So Joseph says he still experiences the voices often. He feels regular violent urges, and he often feels the urge to kill people. So the interviewer asks, do you think you'd murder me, Joe? And without hesitation, Joe responds, yes. The reporter says, that's gruesome, Joe. That's horrible. Joseph says, yes, it is. The reporter says, and you don't blame me if I say I hope you never get out of this place. And Joseph says, I hope I never do either.
Starting point is 01:29:57 And that is the story of Joseph Callenger. Yuck. Like I said, he died at age 59 of heart failure, but that is the story of Joseph Callender. Jeez. Is that not wild? Yowza. That really does get into the whole being raised in the most abusive household possible, both sexually violent, all of the above. Yeah, all of it.
Starting point is 01:30:24 And then turning around and doing that to your own children. And not that that means that that happens. Not... I know, I know. It's just... Psychology's a crazy thing. Yes! Yes, it's so crazy.
Starting point is 01:30:35 It's so crazy. Since our episode was so long, we don't have to do a geoscope, but I still have my fortune cookie that I didn't eat. Okay, I do have a geoscope written here, but... Okay, then we'll do a twofer. Okay, great. Here a geoscope written here, but... Okay, then we'll do a twofer. Okay, great. Here's my fortune, guys. I'm so ready for your fortune.
Starting point is 01:30:52 I'm gonna steal it, too, since we're both Geminis. Okay. The fortune is... You may attend a party where strange customs prevail. Bachelorette in Vegas, baby! Oh, wow. Zach Baggins! I was thinking like a ritual, like a sacrifice.
Starting point is 01:31:11 Oh, I was thinking, I mean, yeah, that too, but also in Vegas at my bachelorette party. Yeah, no, that one is probably more likely to happen sooner. I mean, who knows? There might be rituals and sacrifices. Who knows? It's going to get weird. I'm down. I'm so down to clown
Starting point is 01:31:25 all right what's the geoscope all right here we go here's a scorpioscope slash scorpioscope slash someone also said geoscorpioscope oh my god it never ends yep that flattery will get you anything you want in the job world true don't be ashamed of showering your boss with compliments true that you know he or she wants to hear do you be respectful but don't be afraid to put a little extra sugar on top yeah here's one more you may not need to get entrenched in the lives of the people around you today oh but you'll really want to. There's a strong urge to be involved building inside of you and it's creating some amazing growth opportunities. This may be a courage issue for you right now. You may fear that no one wants you to get involved. She does not. She does not fear that one bit,
Starting point is 01:32:21 but that's not the case. People are looking for you to put more of yourself into what you do snuggle me more g add your signature to life your signature snuggle oh my god that's insanity is what that is i like it that's the geoscope for today well thank you guys for listening while we're out in vegas and i'm dragging christ back to the hotel. I cannot wait to show everyone. I'm eating this. Okay. Eating one of these. Okay.
Starting point is 01:32:49 I cannot wait to show everyone the pictures of us at Zach Baggins. My fear, Marilyn kind of wrote out my fear when she said, do you think Christine's also blacklisted from his? Yeah, we'll find out. Locales because he definitely blocked me on twitter yep so let's see if i'm allowed in um fingers crossed we're gonna have a great time christine's
Starting point is 01:33:12 eating broccoli um until she's done i don't know how you ate it quietly i just ate really fast oh you were talking yeah um okay well thank you guys for coming to our facebook live last sunday um sorry we flooded sorry we just had a mess it was a disaster if you weren't there you really missed out you can watch it on our uh facebook page face no you can watch it on our yeah you you also upset a bunch of people on twitter again because you said oh come watch us on facebook live and a bunch of people were like i can't find it anywhere but it was only for patreon whoops so i was trying to promote us i just did it poorly but then i had to go to damage control but it's okay that's just a typical tuesday at this point but so if you guys want to watch it it's on our uh patreon only facebook group um and if you're a patron you can watch that it was a disaster in quite an entertaining way i guess
Starting point is 01:34:16 yeah the pool flooded it was it was quite a moment for all of us but anyway go on yes we have not figured out the date yet for our next facebook live but expect it in the month of august it's coming um until then you can find us on our social media at atwwd podcast on facebook instagram twitter and patreon please help us donate well don't help us please donate to us and help us at the same time you can also find our website and that's where we our website, and that's where we Our merch store, and that's where we You can also find our email, and that's where we drink at,
Starting point is 01:34:52 where you can send in your personal true crime and paranormal stories because we put out a new listeners episode at the first of every month. And you can also send us goodies. You can send us mail or packages or sweets. Or all of the above. Or all of them. And you can send them to 1920 Hillhurst Avenue, number 265, Los Angeles, California, 90027. And we just recorded our July one, so we're going to post that soon.
Starting point is 01:35:21 And CK sent us an amazing gift gift so go check that out on patreon um we have a bunch i'm not even kidding when i say so many new shows yeah we have a lot of shows coming up like to the point that i feel like every morning we get a new like memo of a new show planned for us and not all of the venues have released those tickets yet so we haven't been able to announce them but they are coming they are coming and they're very exciting for a lot of you who keep saying, come here, come here, come here. So keep your eyes,
Starting point is 01:35:51 keep one eye peeled, and keep the other one ripening. Full circle. Yep. And that's why we drink. Love you guys.

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