And That's Why We Drink - E79 A Demonic Cold Sore and the World's Smallest Violin

Episode Date: August 5, 2018

Spoiler alert: We survived Christine's Vegas Bachelorette (despite the waiver we signed at Zak Bagan's Haunted Museum)! Today Christine covers the brutal attack of Mary Vincent and Em discusses Peggy ...the haunted doll WHO WE TALKED TO...and that's why we drink!Visit for a trial month of Hims for only $5!Visit to get your introductory three-pack of wines for only $15!Skillshare is giving our listeners a one-month free trial of unlimited access to over 17,000 classes. Go to slash DRINK to start your free month today!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 hi hey we're back yes we're alive we are alive no one no one got as drunk as i expected i know i think everyone was so like amped and like fired up that alcohol was not even needed to like support. Okay. Here's the thing. I assume that all of Christine's hometown friends like kind of helped Christine get to where she is on the drinking level that she's at. Oh no, that was a college thing. You see. And so I was told by several people like get the booze ready. I'm going to get hammered. Who told you this? Renee? Yeah. Renee and I were the only ones who took shots.
Starting point is 00:00:43 People, listen, everyone talked the talk. And so I was i was like oh i better buy an entire bars worth of alcohol so i did and guess how much got drank yeah not much okay here's the thing i'm not gonna bore anybody with the details we went to vegas for my bachelor party also it took us instead of four hours it took us 10 hours to get there yep by the time we get there we were like so fried and frazzled that like i took some shots with renee but it was just like we were like we'll drink tomorrow but then we were gone on the next day like the whole fucking day yeah and i just was like i feel terrible anyway so i will make it up to you i promise but it was the best weekend ever so sorry i know that that was kind of a downer that nobody drank all yeah everyone's kind of confused how it's like the best when you were just like i don't
Starting point is 00:01:23 want to bore people with the details no of the of the trip I met of the 10 hour fucking night. I had a great time. I I got there early. I had a great time with Renata. We were by ourselves for several hours. So I got to know your mom very well. Yeah, she's. And then everyone else showed up at like nine o'clock at night on Friday night.
Starting point is 00:01:39 And I was like, well, that's a whole day. I left at 10 a.m. To be fair, I sobbed like the whole way there but we made it finally got on a um the ferris wheel got some great photos it was amazing we did the high roller yep we went to the gold spike playground yep which was my favorite part to la cove which was such a good brunch like 10 course brunch and we oh my god yeah that was quite the brunch that i drank a lot there but that was again outside of the hotel it was truly an 18 course meal yeah it was like unlimited food but it was all so good and then we did lazy dog for another brunch yes that was good uh lisa made
Starting point is 00:02:18 a sweet toast it was really adorable she was very nervous too she wanted to make a she was like i don't know how to be emotional what do i do and i was like just give it a shot did i ever tell you about blaise's grandpa's funeral she did the eulogy yeah and she's like i was staring at you the whole time and then you started crying and i was like christine you were the one person who was supposed to be my rock and i was like my bad uh lisa was very kind and helped us out and got us really wonderful hotel rooms and stayed at the venetian it was beautiful thank you she helped me a lot with checking people in and out because there was some like weird thing where things were under her name not my name and so spelled your name wrong too yeah it was like a
Starting point is 00:02:54 whole so her and i ended up going back and forth to check out a bunch of times before people got there i just remember her screaming check out at vip check out vip tell them you're with me and i'm like i need to travel with you more often. Somebody recognized Lisa and me and you. Did you see that? Or me and Lisa? I don't think you were there, but it was me and Lisa. And my mom goes, did you hear that woman?
Starting point is 00:03:12 And I was like, no. And she goes, that woman just said, why are those two together? Like, because I guess recognized Lisa. And then I don't remember. I don't know if you were there or not, but my mom was like, yeah, I stayed back to talk to them. And I guess they recognized Lisa and me and were like so confused why we were in the same place at once and i was like why did they say hi whatever it doesn't matter but that happened so hi to whoever you are hi hi we had a great time i had a great time i got to go on a date with allison one of the days so cute we went ziplining and we went to the avengers museum which i could talk forever
Starting point is 00:03:43 about but i'm not going to just all sorts of swag i oh i had a good time they went to the Avengers Museum, which I could talk forever about, but I'm not going to. And showed up with just all sorts of swag. I, oh, I had a good time. They went, yeah, the zip lining was great. You guys got adorable photos. Yes. Maybe we should mention the Chippin' Nails and then like never talk about it again. Right, the elephant in the room.
Starting point is 00:03:54 So here's the thing. Lisa, I guess, did like a photo shoot with them a long time ago and was like, oh, don't worry. I got us, we looked at our tickets later and they said standard celebrity presidential table. And I was like oh don't worry i gotta we looked at our tickets later and they said standard celebrity presidential table and i was like oh my okay so we sat at this table way up front they did the 50 shades of gray sequence and we're like it's your turn to come up on stage
Starting point is 00:04:15 it was really what was it i wasn't i blacked it out i don't remember it i completely blocked it out listen i know you don't even have to tell me i don't remember it i completely blacked it out listen i know you don't even have to tell me i know you were the one that had to do it and be on the stage but i also think as the viewer i had a worse time i think my brother's traumatized for the rest of his life alexander and i were shielding each other's eyes i consistently screamed i'm gonna vomit for about five minutes in a row because i now know everything about my best friend here's the thing my mom that night my mom had the best time during that she and lisa were like living it up watching that happen and then afterward i'm not kidding that i completely blacked out my mom goes my favorite part was
Starting point is 00:04:58 blank my favorite part was blank and i was like did this actually happen because yeah i don't everything you could the the worst things renee's, my favorite part is when he puts his entire arm up your dress. And I was like, that didn't happen. And everyone's like, yes, it did. It really fucked me up for the rest of the night. I was in like a really weird mood. Oh, no. I was like.
Starting point is 00:05:14 My mom was like, remember when he groped your breasts? I was like, oh, for fuck's sake. Oh, my God. I don't remember any of it. And then, of course, Lisa had it professionally videotaped. No one's seeing it. So don't even fucking ask me. No, that's okay i swear that will never be seen by the public if you can swear the sassy the clown picture yeah absolutely i mean i swear that a long time ago
Starting point is 00:05:32 i finally we finally balance out on that okay you're right because wow that you know here's the thing and i discussed this with eva when we got back to the room because even i shared a room i remember when you first said that we were gonna go to chippendales we had a had a conversation where I was like, they're going to like be incredibly naked and rubbing up on you. And you were like, that won't happen. And I was like, okay. And so I like tricked myself into thinking I was wrong. And had I just thought my original thought the entire time, I would have gone in prepared to be like uncomfortable, but you had convinced me that that's not what was going to happen. And then I got in there and I was like oh no i should have been afraid all along and so apparently when afterward because so i was you guys i was literally handcuffed to a wall and then i was spun around and then they like fucking
Starting point is 00:06:13 i had a blindfold on so i don't know but i had it was a wild i wish i did but so i guess afterward they like released me i mean to be fair i do want to say like the entire time they were like talking to me in my ear and being like you're doing great like if anything's uncomfortable let us know like they were so we don't want to we don't want a bad talk chip and dales they were entirely they asked for consent every time in my life and so did my mother so whatever but so i was clapping away as i was leaving i guess they basically were like i was walking down and they were holding my hand and helping me down the stairs my mom goes she looked at the audience and just like winked and i was like i want to die that's horrible i remember a very specific
Starting point is 00:06:49 moment where they choked christine on stage oh yes oh my god that scared the shit out of me i just they put their hand around my throat christine's whole body language i just remember watching it go from i'm on a stage and i'm scared to this might as well fucking happen like i watched like this is fun I watched the defeat just come over you the best line was when they were saying before they turned me around they're like so do you have any pets where are you from um like how's the weather back in LA like they were being all friendly they're like what's your pet's name they're like okay sweetie spread your legs a little wider and I was like oh my god I could die and they're like your family's having
Starting point is 00:07:23 a great time don't stress anyway I had the greatest time i thought it was so funny and hilarious um blaze probably didn't find it as funny and i did not show him the video because he goes please never show it to me so oh i was gonna be like a total bro to you and be like we will never tell blaze but apparently we're gonna even think his aunt lisa did not immediately that's fair try to force him to watch it all i know is i was not even gonna bring up chicken chip and ales on the show because it was so fun i know i just i just i didn't know if you were gonna tell blaze or not it's true i mean it's like a it's like okay my the way my mom keeps saying is it's a performance like it's a show it's not like a real like sexual encounter like
Starting point is 00:07:59 that's true it was all very show they didn't when they choked me they didn't touch yeah it was super light like they didn't really put his, he put his arm behind me. He didn't put his arm under my, it just looks. Yeah. No, I know.
Starting point is 00:08:10 And, um, my, yeah, my brother also got quite a, quite an experience. Uh, I guess his entire face went directly into the groin of a dancer.
Starting point is 00:08:19 Yep. Um, and he had a blast. He had a great time. He was like, it was really fun. So I feel like if, you know, it's just like a Vegas show, it's fun, you know? So anyway. He had a great time. He was like, it was really fun. So I feel like if you know, it's just like a Vegas show. It's fun, you know?
Starting point is 00:08:28 So anyway, I had a great time. So let's talk about something else. No, I'm stressed. Well, I was going to talk about the main part of the bachelor party. Oh, the finale. Yeah. Yeah. That's what I meant.
Starting point is 00:08:38 Let's talk about something else in Vegas. I want to continue to always talk about Las Vegas. That's the thing I wanted to talk about. So take it away. The thing where last week you were like, I don't know what you're talking about. Yeah. We went under M's wonderful supervision and brilliant planning. We went to the Zach Bagans Haunted Museum in Las Vegas, Nevada. And wow, how was that an experience that I was not expecting? Yeah, it was. I actually felt bad. i think my heart rate was elevated more there than at chippendales and that's saying something i think my heart rate was
Starting point is 00:09:08 racing very quickly at chippendales and it was absolutely like tranquilized and in the zach baggins because i was very like it was very dark it was like kind of a it was like weirdly macabre and upsetting yeah like i was expecting like just scary story like scary ghost stories and then there was like the dr kovorkian van that we that was upsetting you could literally like look in and see like where several people like got assisted suicide it was very like a memorial to the people who passed away it was it really fucked me up i did not like the room by the way i enjoyed the whole thing but their new room with the serial killer guy and the yeah that was too much yeah so i almost left the room i was like this is too much to be fair that is nothing compared to the museum of death so i don't want to do that so as i've been saying
Starting point is 00:09:56 you don't want to do it that because now you've got the taste that truly was too much for me every room is like that room there's fecal matter on this from the last person who died like it's clearly there like you're not missing it like why would you put this in a museum yeah but everything else was like really awesome and great and even the the tour guide was like i don't like this room like he was uncomfortable i think everyone was a little emotionally drained after that because it was so i think everyone went in expecting to be like really hyped up and scared yeah yeah yeah and it was truly just so dark and i like i left feeling very drained and like it was definitely humbling it was it was very humbling and i actually i
Starting point is 00:10:31 really liked it like i thought it was a perfect ending to the weekend i was like everyone just like had such a weird ending and then we all got to just sit in the car and go home like i just i thought it was a really great ending and i really liked it i'm gonna be honest i had a lot of fun um and i did not know that there were jump scares involved yeah i didn't know that either so spoiler for you guys if you guys go there's like people jump out of you like a haunted like a but it's so bizarre because i don't know what the point of this is or like they were like they like hire little people to like yeah it kind of seems like a freak show color to me yeah like it was a little off color to me but because like there was definitely little people jumping out pretending to be like dolls and like and it was
Starting point is 00:11:08 really uncomfortable because i felt bad that i screamed and ran away and it wasn't because they were a little person it was because it looked like a clown just the crap like a doll just like a clown was running after you and you didn't expect it because basically they put you in a room yeah with a bunch of dolls and then all of a sudden one of the dolls is chasing you right right like that's why you're scared but like it just it makes you feel like a bad person socially afterwards it was just a strange thing and i was like how did they hire these like it's just such a and also like they went from jump scares to like really dark rooms and i was like i was like my emotions are everywhere right now because they had like a carnival like clown maze
Starting point is 00:11:41 where you were being like like a true like haunted maze where you'd be like you go like around corners then people jump out of you but then you would go into the next room and there's like dr kvorkian's death fan you're like oh wait i think that's why i was emotionally drained because i just i just went from like really like high highs and really low lows very quickly but we did you guys we saw the fucking divic box episode 11 not only that but yeah, we just talked about like some of the like the outliers about the museum. But like there were some dark things and some jump scares. But like mainly every room had very scary things in there. And it was interactive and it was voluntarily interactive where he would. Right.
Starting point is 00:12:18 The guide would even say, like, if you're uncomfortable, I'm about to show you something. And if you don't want to attach to you or if you don't want to open up like. And he'd be really honest. He's like, this is what it is. He, and there were some rooms where he, he was even like, you walk in. I don't go in there anymore. I don't go in there anymore. I did like his honesty where he was like, this room really fucked me up when I first got here.
Starting point is 00:12:36 I have seen shit in that room. I don't want to be there. You can go in. And, um, which made it kind of creepier. It made it creepier. Yeah. And I, I love, I really liked the Dybbuk box. But the, yeah, the Dybbuk box, he said he was incredibly uncomfortable in.
Starting point is 00:12:48 And that was the, that was the room that changed him. Cause when he first went there, he was a skeptic and he was like, I can work here because I don't care and I'm not scared. And then he started working near the Dybbuk box and he was like, I'm forever a believer. Now, apparently when they put the Dybbuk box in its display case it's also surrounded with like three inches of salt and dried sage and it's like all the whole box is like sealed up under glass like airtight airtight apparently the doors are slowly starting to open on their own the dybbuk box yeah yeah and like to open the doors the drawer has to open first
Starting point is 00:13:23 and the drawer got pulled out on its own the doors are starting to open the doors, the drawer has to open first. And the drawer got pulled out on its own. The doors are starting to open. And it looks like fingerprints have been in the salt, like playing with the boundary. You can like see it. It's very weird. It's very creepy. And I think the scariest part of that whole room was when he said, oh, we had a psychic medium here. And she told me not to tell her anything.
Starting point is 00:13:38 And she walked in and she like stopped. And she goes, there's a shadow person in that corner. And I was like, and there were like a bunch of our group in that corner. We were all like, OK, can we leave? Like, that is so fucking upsetting. And that really fucked me up. He also said that before he knew any of the history of the Dybbuk box, when he went home, he had a really bad dream. Yeah, about recurring about him.
Starting point is 00:13:58 Like he was in a display case that was also sitting in the same room as a Dybbuk box. As he's sitting in that display case, he watches the other case of the Dybbuk box and he sees an old hag crawl out of the Dybbuk box walk over to his display case and look through the glass at him and then like look over her shoulder and wave someone over and it's a dark shadow man yeah and he didn't know any of the history of the Dybbuk box but apparently when he actually heard the history he realized that there are two spirits locked in the Dybbuk box one is an old hag and one is a shadow man and he had that dream forever yeah he had that dream repeatedly he also said the the demon house that i've talked about before gary indiana um they actually like dug up remains from the basement where all that horrible stuff was stemming from and put it into
Starting point is 00:14:41 that room they were like zach found a portal to another demon world so he transported it into this i was like why would you do that and rid of it but also it's the only room that has a crucifix over the door before you go in yeah it's right would not go in there the tour guide literally he put his hand on the doorknob and he's like you can go in here single file if you would like i do not go in this room you may enter and then he swung the door open as far away from his body as possible. And he beeline to the front door. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:07 And we were like, why? And he's like, I got scratched in there. We were like, okay. But he said he got scratched with three claw marks and it didn't heal for over a month. Yeah, no. And then apparently that's- And then he's like, bye, good luck. And that's also apparently the room that Zach Baggins himself like got hit in the head
Starting point is 00:15:21 and it gave him permanent double vision. And that's why he always wears glasses now. No, I call bullshit on that. He wants to wear those hipster glasses and he tries to find an excuse i'm sorry this is where my zach baggins well here's my favorite part is he goes the next room is about a genius and i went haha it's me and my brother goes it's probably about zach baggins and i was like oh right absolutely like we don't want to take away from the fact that this was the most zach baggins museum i've ever been to talk about that there was this like there was this one spot where there's like an intro video before we go into a room and to be fair
Starting point is 00:15:50 it's before the the kawarkian van so it was supposed to be like like a very dark video it's supposed to be touching but like in the video where zach is like telling you what you're about to see it just sounds like the most zach baggins thing he's just like we have the van here and if you saw it on my show on the travel channel at 9 p.m eastern standard time it was like the most like bro it sounded kind of like a little bit of there was a pinch of mansplaining in there oh for sure oh my favorite part was when they said about um so there was like a room where they had relics of celebrities who've passed and there was like a patrick swayze like memorial section and he goes and the tour guide is like patrick swayze is zach's favorite actor he believes that ghost is the most accurate depiction of the
Starting point is 00:16:35 afterlife and i clawed my brother's arm so hard trying not to laugh i was like i think the most zach baggins thing that happened is we got to the gift shop obviously and there is a a signed poster because zach also made a documentary about the demon house called demon house it's called demon house i haven't seen it but i'm sure we're gonna and snort our way through it so there was posters of his documentary about demon house and he had signed them and apparently he literally signed them yesterday like he like like what like we made him by 24 hours and i wanted to cry and uh so i was like here's zach baggins signature this is the exact full circle we need for our studio i'm gonna get christine we gotta frame this shit i'm gonna get christina framed signature of zach baggins poster my dream then i paid for it it wasn't even paying
Starting point is 00:17:17 attention to like how much it cost or anything and i walked out and it was a 50 poster because he signed it like i looked at the receipt it was like and it said oh poster 20 and then it was a $50 poster because he signed it. Like I looked at the receipt and it said, Oh, poster $20. And then it was like signature $34. And I was like, Christ alive. This is the most Zach Bagans thing I've ever seen in my life. And then I gave it to Christine. I was like, you better fucking frame this. And I was like, don't even touch it. We need to get it like professionally framed because we spent way too much. so that happened um it was a wild time and um wait wasn't Eva gonna say something yeah Eva did you have things to say okay I could tell you about how I sort of feel nauseous in the Dybbuk room yeah that's what I want to hear about
Starting point is 00:17:54 at first I was kind of being skeptical and so when I was in the Dybbuk room and I was like I was in the corner kind of with the shadow person after that happened I was like oh lord okay awkward shuffle to the left we all just were like okay we're gonna really obviously and so then I started feeling I did actually start feeling a little bit nauseous everything in me was trying to be logical about it was like my stomach is terrible like I feel nauseous 70% of my life like okay that's an exaggeration but a lot of my life so I was trying to logic it away but then honestly the floor felt like it was moving like anyway i put on my motion sickness bands and it kind of worked i was like hey maybe these are spirit bands you know what you you stayed upright that's all that matters i did i don't
Starting point is 00:18:36 know whether it was a combination of like far be it for me to disrespect the spirit because i was whole right thing the tour guide was saying is like i just respected the spirit and now everything is okay so i was trying to do like a combo of like okay it was maybe my body and maybe my reaction to things also i respect you but a box of box of demons i respect you it's like how can it hurt to be like i believe you if you make my stomach ache go away i don't know it's worth trying exactly oh and then there was the peggy doll which was like one of my favorite parts with the it had a spirit box actually this is great so it had a spirit box and it kind of you know it like cycles through all the radio yeah the frequencies and
Starting point is 00:19:14 he's like yeah so if you go in like and you want to open up to talk to it he's like it's it's a girl we call her peggy but it's not actually a girl it's like we think it's like a possessed doll like a demonic presence well because at some point he said like you can go in and say hi and christine was like okay i'm good in there and so yeah he overheard that and went okay really quick before anyone like tries anything and he went we call her peggy because it is a female doll but we do not believe that peggy is a girl in fact zach believes that whatever is possessing this doll was never human to begin with so he then said, so if you want to go in there and say hi, just be prepared to open yourself up to a tattoo. You have to say hi.
Starting point is 00:19:49 But if you ask it a question, then you open yourself up to a response. So you're supposed to say hello and goodbye. And so we were like, hello. And then obviously, Em and I were both like, let's not. Oh, good point. Imagine Pete. What if the spirit box said fresh? That would have truly been.
Starting point is 00:20:04 Fuck. We would have had to quit the podcast right there we should have gone hello and then seen what happens yeah fuck we didn't think let's go back okay okay either or that either so we went in there and we were like hello peggy and then like stared at it because we were like we're not gonna fucking ask it a question the first thing it goes is dibbick and we were like oh no this is right after the it's literally it shares the wall with the dibbuk box and then allison goes should i ask it a question and it just goes before i can even respond it goes don't and we were like yeah i literally looked allison so deep into her like in her soul like in her core and i was like allison you do not fucking you say a word dare
Starting point is 00:20:40 i was like you need to leave this room and you need to say goodbye and she that woman almost left and didn't say goodbye i grabbed her arm so damn tight i was like you say goodbye right now alice and she would tell peggy goodbye yeah so then later on um alexander's girlfriend by the way it's her birthday happy birthday ali happy birthday uh she was asking in the car ride home back to la like she's like christine don't be offended but like what the fuck is with the spirit but like i don't get it what is it that noise and i was like oh i'll explain it so basically what it is and then renee from like behind her sunglasses just goes i was like what it is is and she goes zach baggins with a microphone behind the wall and i was like maybe i can't even argue that but that just made
Starting point is 00:21:19 my day anyway zach don't no hard feelings we're tight right we're cool yeah he'll just block you again he unblocked me so i feel like i have to be cool again yeah uh-huh hi zach love you love you like it's bro lilab lilab anyway that was our vegas trip it was the best time of my life we have so much booze left over so thanks em and can't even fucking drink it which sucks yep otherwise i would give it to you i think you'll get drunk for quite a long time on that the best part is though i keep oh i wrote you a note remind me to give it to you wrote me a note yeah like a thank you card like a love like a love like a love note um but the best part is that now i'm just like planning if you have a bachelor party to just like it's gonna get fucking weird like i know i can't top it but like i'm gonna try so hard i got i made christine like her own labels i mean i forgot
Starting point is 00:22:06 to even describe like there was like a photo booth section in the fucking venetian suite there was like all the champagne bottles had blazes my picture on them there was a banner that and i said christine gets blazed which is our hashtag there was like a banner that said same penis forever that i took 8 000 photos of and kept texting blaze me he's like you've already sent this to me three times sorry i don't know what else you want me to say like banners with our photos on them um the lipstick thing oh my god they made me this like photo of us with like a mat under the frame and it had everybody like wrote sweet notes with different color lipstick on it it was just the most I mean I've never been so overwhelmed in my whole life I just have been
Starting point is 00:22:41 the last three days texting my mom like remember this thing i was like remember the giant diamond engagement rings that were also shot glasses she's like yes yes christine i do and i was like i took six shots out of those and she's like i'm so happy for you go to work but it was the best weekend ever and there we got sashes i just i just want to say i feel like i never thought that somebody would like do something like that for me and so I'm not gonna harp on it because I'm gonna get emotional but thank you and I loved it very much and it was very special to me and all my favorite people were there and that's all yes so I love you I love you anyway you want to hear about Peggy the doll no are you serious right now fuck oh my god okay that's why because I know you're shitty ass, you always sneak a peek at my names on my
Starting point is 00:23:28 papers. It's only because you put them in bold on the top of both. So I put it as an I put it as an acronym. PTD. Peggy the dog. Can we also can I get more wine? Can you get more wine? Okay, I just need some more. Oh, uh oh.
Starting point is 00:23:47 There's like a blood stain now on the table. Here the thing i didn't drink enough in vegas so uh eva just said like oh i'm really excited about like getting to uh hear about her and then was like oh it oh them and so basically to all the people still wondering why gender neutral pronouns are useful it's for demons so it's for demons and m that way you could say oh i'm excited to hear about peggy not knowing what gender because m is a demon the demon oh yep yes i'm a demon but so i wanted i was very excited that you brought up peggy all on your own then i was like oh boy i wanted to shout about it loudly i'm glad i get more chances to do that also i like to think that how i was saying that the energy really like fucked me up like after the museum like i was just like in this weird mood like i feel like everyone's energy was in like a million different places yes apparently one of the things
Starting point is 00:24:33 that peggy does is tries to make you very ill and very depressed that's so mean and drag your energy super down and try to like harm you and on my drive back i drove back from vegas by myself and i was like relatively awake for the entire day and then when i got in my car it like hit me like a ton of bricks and i like it was doing like the nodding off no that's dangerous um i know i had to like pull over but i'm pretty sure it was peggy oh i'm gonna blame it on peggy i was just screaming like some flemish music on the way home but oh well maybe I'm a we're two different people maybe I have a stronger spiritual barrier you know right yes yes okay I feel like now I'm just gonna get fucking haunted for saying shit like that well we'll find out let's find out so okay so here is what I could
Starting point is 00:25:18 find about Peggy the doll Peggy by the way you guys is so creepy looking she's like a creepy fucking possessed doll I'm not gonna say, and you'll find out why. Oh, shit. I just insulted. Just say sorry. I'm sorry. Why do you have that? Why is there an EMF reader on the table?
Starting point is 00:25:32 Truly, it has nothing to do with this. I literally just found it over there, and I was like, we'll just see what happens. M. Schultz, what is this? It's an EMF reader. Why are you doing this? I just want to see if it does anything. Great. Glad.
Starting point is 00:25:43 And then I have to sleep 10 feet away. Our father. Okay. Peggy from the Dybbuk box. Get out of here. So. Okay. So the owner.
Starting point is 00:25:52 This really means nothing. I feel like this looks like I'm setting it up for something, but I just found it. Let's just do it. And then Eva, tell us if it goes red. Eva, your job is to stare at it the whole time. Eva, your job is to blood curdlingly scream if you see anything your job is to blood-curdlingly scream if you see anything. Or she's just going to go, um, guys. Yeah, poor Eva's going to go, we're going to fucking scream because we're monsters.
Starting point is 00:26:14 All right, so Jane Harris, Jane with a Y, in case anyone wants to know. J-A-Y-N-E. Y-A-Y-N-Y. Yes. I'm sorry. Nailed it. I'm really sorry. Keep going. Two words in and christine's got
Starting point is 00:26:26 it hey i spilled wine all over look at this oh wow it looks like blood good so jane harris uh she grew up or like surrounded in like paranormal in the world of paranormal her parents talked about it frequently all the time as i was like reading about jane harris i was like oh these are my children because like you're like they're gonna go through they're gonna be like what did you do when you were growing up and i'll be like i talked about ghosts i'm gonna keep doing it so you're gonna turn into jane harris game night is just ouija board so apparently she just grew up with the paranormal always like a regular thing in the year 2000 jane's cousin kelly passed away and she started studying spirit attachment after that so she got into it on her own at that point and she created a company called
Starting point is 00:27:12 hd paranormal which stands for haunted dolls paranormal what and her company helps those who think they have a possessed doll where they gather evidence have access to mediums and things like that to try to rid the energy from the dolls i want you to know that one of the robert the dolls someone sent us is directly above your shoulder and it is deeply upsetting me right now also let's also talk about how did you experience anything at that at the museum because in the puppet room i literally watched a puppet move by itself and nobody else seemed to notice and it wasn't a little person they hired to move no it was actually like a puppet on strings it like literally lifted its own head and it stared at me no the strings were moving okay i was like that fucking and it was a clown
Starting point is 00:27:54 and i was like oh fucking course this is gonna be a clown and then he goes that's the only clown you'll see all day and then there were fucking 8 000 clowns but no they were like on like slow automated strings okay i was like i swear to god i'm watching a clown haunt me and this is just the most full circle thing i've ever seen oh my god no i promise i promise got it okay can you imagine though what's no it's like i know your past i mean i can't imagine because i just thought you thought it um okay glad we cleared that up so okay so she jane runs hd paranormal she also wrote a book which i'm going to plug called what dwells within which is her most memorable and paranormal encounters so she's been doing her own paranormal
Starting point is 00:28:29 investigations for like 18 years okay she got peggy when she received a large package in the mail but ended up with peggy in it and a note and the note was from the former owner that said the doll's name was peggy she was causing horrible things to happen to her throughout the night. Oh, no. The owner had this, like, deep feeling that she knew that the doll was somehow related because she would have horrible, horrible nightmares. She would wake up and she would have sleep paralysis. Oh, fuck. And she was always thinking about the doll.
Starting point is 00:28:59 She couldn't get the doll out of her head. She never saw the doll during her sleep paralysis, but she knew that somehow the doll was involved. That freaks me out so badly. So she knew something was going on she tried to put the doll in different rooms and it just got worse and worse and so she called the priest and the doll was cleansed and blessed twice okay keep in mind this is a doll we all just saw like 48 hours ago like deeply traumatizing it was staring at us recently um like talking to us there was spirit box yes unless that was and then it literally told my girlfriend to not ask it a question don't don't it was actually quite scary and then i mirrored that exact same response and i was like alison get the
Starting point is 00:29:34 fuck out of this room peggy is right i was like listen to her um but oh yeah so the the priest blessed the doll twice and problems got worse she started getting sick and began hallucinating and this becomes a regular thing in the story and i want to give a warning that apparently one of her things is she actively makes people sick and not feel good so i want to like to anyone who is looking at a video or listening or hearing about her anything like that has any interaction with the knowledge of her so i'd like to give a further warning that like if you start feeling sick or something you know just turn off this it's em's fault is that what you're saying yeah i just don't want to wait do you think that's
Starting point is 00:30:21 why i got a cold sore when i got back to la well i can't tell you i got a pretty gnarly cold i'm telling you like i'm feeling really fucking nauseous right now oh i'm feeling great okay except for my cold well i'm sorry i'm sorry i keep joking about peggy and i feel like it's gonna kick me in the ass i don't know we'll find out but basically like anyone who talks about peggy or listens about peggy m listen i'm sorry but like as i'm talking about i'm getting really fucking okay okay so it's interesting that that's happening but i think i've also just like placebo affected i mean i feel like that's very likely but we'll hope we'll hope that's what it is so so in 2015 jane and her investigation team uh began studying the doll and because they were studying it and they didn't have a lot of information to go off off of except for that
Starting point is 00:31:03 one note right she posted some pictures and videos of the doll on youtube and asked others like hey do you have any background information do you recognize this doll and while working um with peggy jane noticed herself feeling very drained and nauseous whenever she was around the doll and she was like oh maybe like she just kept shrugging it off. Well, apparently, after only 24 hours of posting the pictures and the videos, over 80 people wrote in saying that after viewing Peggy, they had chest pains, nausea and migraines. Oh, my God. Some also reported having visions of mental institutions and unethical medical treatments that.
Starting point is 00:31:40 OK, that's worse. I'd rather have a migraine. That sounds awful. Terrifying. So this is over 80 people in 24 hours all saying just looking at this doll made me sick to my fucking stomach and i will say there are a lot of these weird doll videos on the internet so yeah so before you like go look at pictures of this doll just that's why i left the warning because like anyone who somehow
Starting point is 00:31:59 has a distant reaction somehow like a lot of people don't feel well after the fact. And hence my nausea right now. But I think I might have just, like, tricked myself into that. Direct all angry emails at M. No. No. No. So, Jane more recently actually said it was 80 people in the first 24 hours. But now it has been over 200 people have come forward saying that Peggy caused them health problems.
Starting point is 00:32:24 One woman actually also had a heart attack within minutes of viewing the YouTube video and she was healthy enough never had any health problems. She looked at the YouTube video of Peggy and went to cardiac arrest two minutes later. What? Why did that guy let us? No wonder we signed so many waivers. Yeah so Peggy can also show up in dreams and predict tragedies so people think like if she's predicting the tragedy is she warning you of a tragedy or she's showing you that she's going to do this she's like haha look yeah so for example one person saw pictures of Peggy online felt really sick all day so she went to bed early and she dreamt that Peggy was there petting one of her cats and the next day in real life her cat died oh oh my god no m no leave junie
Starting point is 00:33:08 alone so several people have sent in messages saying that the doll was making them sick and this was before there were any like news articles about it so all these people were not aware of everyone else's reports it's not like these people were just like jumping on a bandwagon all these people without knowledge of everyone else were saying hey like i looked at your doll and then the shit happened fuck you so other reports that were very common and also they had no knowledge of each other is that just looking at the picture would make their computers freeze um rooms would go cold and light bulbs in the house would blow out whenever they mentioned the name of the doll like we have done 400 times one thought about peggy is that oh one one not one thought one person thought about peggy and as she thought about peggy in her own home her lights dimmed
Starting point is 00:33:59 on and off and up and down like dimmed up and down but there was no dimmer switch which is something that he mentioned at the museum yeah and she as soon as the lights dimmed up and down. But there was no dimmer switch, which is something that he mentioned at the museum. Yeah. And as soon as the lights dimmed all the way down, very slowly, by the way, like slowly went dark. So she knew what was happening. All of a sudden she felt someone was in the room with her, behind her, and she could hear them moving around in her house. Oh, my God. She messaged Jane as it was happening because she knew she was alone and she had heard that
Starting point is 00:34:25 there was some paranormal stuff about it so she emailed jane and at the exact same time this is happening jane gets the email grabs peggy from the other room puts her downstairs in an empty room and demands peggy to stop bothering people like across the country or something like jane's like oh i hear you're fucking with this person like arkansas don't stop it leave arkansas alone and so apparently after she said stop right away the room lighting got really really bright and then faded back to normal lighting and the feeling of someone there had left at least that's good five psychic mediums all individually have met peggy and said that the spirit in the doll was restless and frustrated and had been persecuted in life. Oh,
Starting point is 00:35:07 on separate occasions, mediums have said that there is both a male and a female around the stall. So truly gender neutral. So they, them got it. And the female spirit in the body gave the doll, the name Peggy and the male, according to the mediums will never step forward
Starting point is 00:35:26 to talk but his energy is the one that is felt and it is dark and nasty just got chills and it's believed that he is responsible for the string of negative experiences that people have reported mediums have also told or have also found that peggy is possessed by a spirit of a woman that was born in 1946 in london and she died of chest related conditions probably an asthma attack and other mediums have also said that she could have been jewish or had ties to the holocaust you know what automatic writing is yeah so there's been a lot of automatic writing sessions on her where should we explain you want to explain i know you're probably better at that probably not you basically open yourself up as a channel for either spirit i mean i've only done it with spirit guides but you can also have like non-human entities that
Starting point is 00:36:15 you kind of let right through you as a form of communication yeah and so like a meditative state and then you look at the notepad later and see what you wrote. Right. So there've been a lot of automatic writing sessions, uh, with Peggy. And, and the first one, uh, that they did was right after a different medium had said,
Starting point is 00:36:33 Oh, she's might be Jewish and she might have ties to the Holocaust. So then they did an automatic writing session and a different medium on a different day, got the words star and David. Whoa. And she didn't know. And she didn got the words star and David. Whoa. And she didn't know. And she didn't know.
Starting point is 00:36:47 Oh, wow. Okay. Interesting. That's similar to the Dybbuk box, which is also Holocaust related. Yeah. Yeah. Jane also felt that Peggy had demonstrated a dislike of the cross necklace that her former owner had put around her. So either she's a Jew or a demon. both i mean i'm both i was gonna say
Starting point is 00:37:09 i'm not in any position to respond to that well no but they said like okay so like star of david maybe that's why you hate the cross or maybe it's because you just have an aversion to religion altogether sure but they don't know which one you're if you're being persecuted by christians sure maybe you don't like the cross either sure it makes sense makes sense so um also the mediums on their own sense that the woman spirit in the in the doll had an intense aversion to of course clowns because what they have that freaking thing in a giant house full of clowns i know i know great great in her own room upstairs though at least she has her own little suite there in 2015 during a session with peggy jane actually got scratched by three claws and a catholic priest came over and said use holy
Starting point is 00:37:57 water weekly and recite the prayer of saint michael the archangel some say that the three scratches is a sign of a demonic presence and mocks the holy trinity which would make sense because several mediums suggested the aversion to religion which would also make sense to her hating the the crucifix and didn't michael say he got three scratches in the demon house yeah yep great good so during one session uh one like investigation, a woman in a totally different area became personally involved in the conversation and like of a of an automatic writing conversation. Like she was on the other side of the world and somehow got involved in this session that was happening on the other side of the world.
Starting point is 00:38:37 Like online. I'll show you. I'll explain. OK. OK. So I don't know where this was. So I just wrote elsewhere in the world. Elsewhere in the world. Across the seven seven seas there's a among the stars there's a girl named lindy and she saw peggy online for the first time sorry i know what this was what it was like dirt or
Starting point is 00:38:59 something but it landed and i was like is that a fucking fly and i was about to think that this was some demonic shit no i was like and we're done um okay so anyway lindy saw peggy online for the first time so this is on the other side of the world among the stars she's sitting on her couch her couch among the stars uh-huh and she is online and sees peggy for the first time and she said out loud something you just said she looks really creepy oops and so oh no why did i do that as she said that lindy's dog began to snarl at the corner of the room geo stay away and uh started showing his teeth and grimacing and like the hair on his back was all standing up like he was like ready to attack something in the corner right that's actually so scary lindy felt that someone was definitely there and also heard a child laugh in her empty
Starting point is 00:39:48 apartment fantastic and apologized out loud for calling peggy creepy it's a really sensitive doll and so immediately the dog stopped barking and was totally fine great good lindy shrugged it off and then since she was already on that page she also watched the video of peggy no now you gotta stop and felt the urge out of nowhere to have a conversation that she'd been putting off for a while with her daughter her daughter had been struggling from mental illness and it had been causing a lot of tension and she had been afraid to start the conversation and didn't really know what to say but after watching this video of peggy something just overcame her where she had like no fear there was like she said it was like energy less like there was no there was no emotion in the room like she just like felt the need to like finish a task
Starting point is 00:40:35 yeah so she had been putting off that conversation but she suddenly wanted to talk to her daughter about it she told her daughter specifically i want an explanation and I want to explain myself. And after everything in their recent history, she also said, I'm drawing the line and getting you help. So those are the two things, the two sentences that she said, um,
Starting point is 00:40:57 at the same time on the other side of the world was an automatic writing session with the actual Peggy doll. And the things that came out scribbled on a note were Lindy girl explanation and draw a line. What the? At the exact same time. Frick. The only reason that she found that out is because later that night after the
Starting point is 00:41:17 conversation, her like computer had been like sleep mode and she realized that tab was still open and it was like, like a page following Peggy. I'm losing. So she like saw like an updated post and it was like like a page following peggy i'm losing so she like saw like an updated post and it was a picture it said like we did an automatic writing session tonight and like this is what we found and those are the only words on the notepad so she found out like through facebook that peggy on the other side of the country was actually at her place and then relaying the information in a session and like through the
Starting point is 00:41:45 fucking computer i don't like this so jane don't google this people so everyone's like who has googled is like even did you google it even good damn it even burn the laptop yeah so what if you have brought okay even you're fired in advance uh if i get another fucking cold sore tomorrow you are still gone so jane kept a log of all the evidence and experiences that happened while peggy was in her ownership okay which lasted two years and they found while well not while eva was in their house while peggy oh no she's becoming while peggy was in their house uh they EVPs, mysterious shadows, strange light anomalies, unexplainable numbers of deaths amongst animals EMF readings Witness testimonies
Starting point is 00:42:34 Chairs shaking during group seances Insect infestation Physical scratches Specific messages related to individuals Which is like what Lind what lindy just went through right night terrors disembodied footsteps extreme changes in temperature pets reacting aggressively and continued reports of health concerns that whole list i read verbatim off of a website i don't want anyone thinking i plagiarized that was like an exact list of
Starting point is 00:42:58 everything and i was like i'm not changing it so in case anyone's like following along on google list off the internet i don't want them to be like you didn't make that up and anyone's like following along on google list off the internet i don't want them to be like you didn't make that up and it's like i know well you shouldn't have made that up it's probably a good thing that's true okay this is just fact it's facts people get it together so in one other automatic writing session with peggy um jane says that the pendulum started going crazy on its own she couldn't even keep up and write down everything that she needed to i should have got my pendulum and jane tried to take lots of notes she was scribbling really fast and she was excited after the fact to read back on everything that was said but she got really
Starting point is 00:43:33 tired went to sleep came back the next day and the notebook was gone oh peggy was still sitting in the same spot that she was the night before but she was kind of shifted no and the notebook was now in the basement on top of an exposed beam on the ceiling what as if someone tried to hide the notebook in a very specifically out of out of the way place she had to get jane had to get her husband on a ladder to get the notebook that's so creepy so it's not like someone sleepwalked and like put it there it's like you have to actually oh no so many believe that peggy did not want jane to tell others the notes that she had taken during the session so over time we have discovered that peggy hates people asking questions about her hates people so when you're taking notes about her so when michael is like hey ask her some
Starting point is 00:44:21 questions it's like hold on i'm glad we didn't it's like oh michael you are just trying to set us up even you and i were just like like usually i'm like no it's fun we'll try it but i was like i remember looking you in the eyes and i was like do we do this or not and then both of us were like okay no we don't we're like look at each other like absolutely not as i said like do we do this all of a sudden she said dibbick and we were like okay she knows where we were no conversation so basically she hates people trying to figure out where she came from what her deal was which also makes sense because when they like in the beginning posted a video saying like hey does anyone have any information everyone that
Starting point is 00:44:54 even got to look at her for five seconds got ill like she doesn't want anyone knowing anything about her quite the defense mechanism wish i had that um just like force people to feel sick in front of you sounds great so in 2016 jane and peggy jane carried peggy like a baby doll cute and carried her into the zach baggins museum and they were featured on the zach baggins deadly possessions i have a gift and a curse and glasses and i am back back and i also wash jeans and 50 signatures my signature is worth millions but i'll give it to you for 50 34.99 to be exact because i am possessed and i live a difficult life so during interviewing on deadly possessions which i watched the whole episode you can find this online um during interviewing jane originally walked in with peggy with a bag over the doll's head but that seems ominous as fuck well because anytime anyone looks at peggy she gets sick they vomit and she knew
Starting point is 00:45:57 that like this doll's about to be on camera she's like if zach vomits on his 80 bedazzled shirt we're all gonna be in big trouble. You said it, not me. I'm sorry. I love you, Zach. I'm sorry. I love you so much that I hate you. Does that make sense? No.
Starting point is 00:46:12 It's like the Michael Scott syndrome. You want him to fear how much you love him. Thank you. Also, he rejected me a long time ago. Oh, here comes the police now. God damn it. It's literally Zach firing. He's like, my personal ambulance.
Starting point is 00:46:23 I was driven from vegas at the speed of light i got a sense that something was amiss and i was being spoken of in a negative way anyway so peggy has a hood on her face and i can't i love him so much i hate him okay zach baggins okay on deadly possessions jane brought peggy on with a bag over her head zach literally says what's with the bag and jane is like anyone that looks at this doll has a risk of either you know having a migraine or having cardiac arrest so like oh fuck well you knew this so he's like put this on display well so he was like oh i'm glad you put the fucking bag on so our like our audience doesn't like accidentally get sick and so then he like you can see him questioning like you know i obviously
Starting point is 00:47:08 i'm curious like i want to see the doll but with a warning like that i don't know if i should show it on camera so they don't put the they don't take the hood off of the doll right away they just kind of have an interview while they can still look at each other and nothing's going on the doll that messes people up yeah it's like looking into the doll's eyes essentially okay but so he's just currently talking to jane with the doll on her lap and zach begins asking questions which we know peggy hates and so as this is happening while the face is still covered swarms of flies start manifesting out of nowhere and only on zach and no one else and you can see it happening like i watched it happen granted like granted there's movie magic you can get like a fucking like animal trainer in there with some fucking
Starting point is 00:47:49 flies and throw them at zach i get it i train flies like well i don't know who does it i would imagine an animal trainer is involved with like living creatures i'm a fly trainer and oh but like you could definitely tell like he's the only one and you can see like the flies hitting his forehead and he's like swatting them like he didn't plan that right i'm thinking so swarms of flies show up out of nowhere they're not bothering anybody they're truly just only on him so unless they like dunked his shiny greasy hair in sugar water first entirely possible but yes i agree that's really creepy so then zach is saying that you know he's curious he wants to see peggy's face and show the audience and then the video feed on his camera alone shuts down and won't turn back on what um the video feed
Starting point is 00:48:33 on the camera facing zach goes black while all other feeds are not messed with and the camera did not stop recording and they were all through the same like plug like all the wires are crossed over so like they should have all shut off but only the one on a close-up of zach goes out and so either peggy doesn't want people to see her and shuts off the feed of the person that might be responsible for that or she was implying that she was pissed at zach by taking him off the camera and no one else which could mean like oh like instead of like turning off the camera it's like oh i'm gonna like fuck like it's like a a threat like cut you off yeah well and also with the flies that makes sense like yeah i'm targeting you yeah so they were like he was asking questions now there's flies on him and his feed gets taken off oh no do they get on his new glasses don't sigh at me so either so anyway okay so zach asked to see decides that he wants to see peggy
Starting point is 00:49:27 but he actually makes a content warning much like i just did because i want to be zach baggins and me too let's be real and it's the first and only currently the first and only content warning for a show that viewers might get sick or die from paranormal experiences you might die but truly when we i'm not even kidding when we went to this museum renee who's in law school was just like i'm not fucking saying this is this if i die it's not their fault and i was like yeah that's a little sketch it's like if you die from paranormal exposure we didn't do it yeah like comic sans it's not really comic sans but you just wish it was it seems pretty much like that so it was
Starting point is 00:50:05 the first paranormal content warning on tv they did take the hood off of the doll and to be fair like all three of us were in that room that thing did you go in the room even didn't go in smart okay he was a little bitch no even just fucking googled it in our studio she goes i'm not gonna look at it in person but i'll bring it here yeah bring it in uh but no so we went in like whether maybe it's because we're just like diehard believers and so we're like more prone to it i was like i don't want to like but it's super creepy it is the beyond i mean i didn't see the photo it's also creepy the way they're screaming at her she didn't even look it's also creepy that it's the way that it's set up the way that's decorated in there it's incredibly empty except for you and
Starting point is 00:50:42 her across the hall across the room and you hear the sound of like a constant spirit box so it's like it's like um it's really jolting feedback and like um what do you call it static and uh what's the frequency radio frequency it's just like it's just really jarring and it's like her it's and she's a big ass doll yeah it's a good thing peggy don't be mad yeah thick is in thick is in she's a big ass doll. Yeah. It's a good thing, Peggy. Don't be mad. Yeah. Thick as in. Thick as in. She's a thick doll. So. Oh, boy.
Starting point is 00:51:10 Oh, boy. Oh, boy. So after he's. Anyway, after he saw her face, he had to take a break from filming. He like he stops the producers from filming because he had to get violently sick. And then he got so angry that he started trying to punch the walls of his own building that we just were in and he you can hear him saying i want to kill everyone he ended up sitting down he calmed down he went outside he took a took a minute um he fed some birds he took
Starting point is 00:51:40 a breath he readjusted his glasses had a cigarette and he ended up interviewing not just jane with the doll but he came back in and also interviewed the woman who had a heart attack from the video and she broke down in tears and she said that it still haunts her every day and whenever she thinks about it she can feel peggy staring into the back of her eyes the back of her eyes yes so she's like in her brain i guess like in her head yeah and i mean in the in the show she said it still haunts me every day and i can feel peggy is always watching me but then in another interview i got the eye comment and i was like oh that one's juicier yeah it's like way creepier so then they decided to do a seance on the show and the chairs
Starting point is 00:52:21 started to shake and you could see a chair rattling by itself. There is a typewriter in the background. You can hear it typing all on its own. And the candles began to flicker violently one by one. So like if there's a row of candles, they in theory should all look the same or flicker the same speed. Right. But one at a time, like this one would go really crazy. And then this one over here go really crazy. And then the one in the middle go really crazy.
Starting point is 00:52:43 Like something was like moving them individually in a session. Alice was used. Alice is a, um, it's kind of like the Ovilus spirit box. It's a software program though. It's instead of like this, it's like on your computer.
Starting point is 00:52:57 Doesn't it talk like a robotic voice or something? Yeah. And like the words actually show up. It's the same kind of concept in that there's a dictionary built in and it reads through the waves and then like shows you what it's like a more robotic voice than like yeah okay and it's also like one of the better software programs out there and it starts with like 10 000 words in its database and then you can like get it i would love to but it only goes off of pcs what the fuck i've already looked into it that's computerist and so basically using alice
Starting point is 00:53:24 they decided that they were going to get an alice and they were going to set up the spirit box and the very first word that showed up in the room with the doll they start they started the software the very first word that comes out is peggy of 10 000 words peggy's the first one that comes back fuck in 2017 after the deadly possessions has aired zach purchased peggy from jane and she now lives in vegas in his haunted museum which we know she has i thought you meant jane i was like where purchased peggy from jane no i thought jane lives in the museum no no okay oh my god that would have been i was like was she the person who jumped out of me in the cloud section no okay um
Starting point is 00:54:02 and so peggy now lives in vegas in the haunted museum that we just saw yes she has her own room with a 24 7 spirit box feed being recorded to catch anything she says whether she's with people or alone and guests who meet her as we already talked about are warned that she may look like a girl but zach believes something never human to begin with possesses the doll and you were warned that you will feel ill near her and you must say hello and goodbye to close off any attachment um my favorite story that i heard about peggy while we were at the museum as i asked our tour guide when i got downstairs what are some of the things you've heard come out of the spirit box to people and his favorite one is that like
Starting point is 00:54:40 there was like a real dick of a guest that came in who was like mocking the ghosts and all that and was saying like oh you don't scare me you don't scare me went into peggy's room and apparently his thing is he's never allowed to be mean to the guests yeah he called them a jag off he said like he can't he's not allowed to like entirely be mean to them and he was like look if the entities want to do something that's fine but i'm not allowed to so i usually just like leave it up to the spirits if they want to defend themselves right so this guy's problem this guy went into the peggy room and was like oh you can't scare me you can't scare me and so like a spirit box feed is really jarring and really loud and like really does not stop for anything and he heard the spirit box stop making interference
Starting point is 00:55:21 noises and then in a distorted voice go i'm going to kill you and then go back to the spirit box sound yeah he was like i usually only hear one word at a time and then it just went i'm going to kill you and then the entire ride back um to los angeles renee just kept turning to me with her sunglasses on and going i'm going to kill you and i was like that's not funny but then we passed peggy's every time we passed a billboard for peggy's diner we all went hello peggy goodbye peggy's we were so freaking freaked out so i'm going to end this with the fact that i was doing these notes and while i was doing these notes not only did i get an aggressive migraine because shit i get my notes from copy and pasting
Starting point is 00:56:03 notes from google as we all know which means i had to see a lot of pictures of peggy and i don't know if it was placeboed i don't know if i primed myself or if those paranormal sites have like a lot of like 90s flashing who knows i had a crazy migraine i felt sick to my stomach to be honest and i usually like i mean i read a lot of stuff and nothing ever really makes me nauseous and so i don't know if just by reading this subliminally i got really nauseous sure but i was like okay that's weird and so I had just finished my notes went to bed and I experienced my first sleep paralysis no sorry that was so loud but what we just talked about in the listener episode how you literally said I pray I never get sleep paralysis. So I didn't have it nearly as bad as anyone has ever had it. So I'm very lucky in my experience.
Starting point is 00:56:49 Mine have always been mild to knock on wood. What happened? Um, I woke up, I dreamt, I don't, I don't remember the exact story, but I know that I thought I was walking around. I could, I thought I was walking around. I could I thought I was walking around. I could see a doll in the corner of my eye. Hold on. The entire time just staring at me.
Starting point is 00:57:14 I tried to run and then I ended up like doing that thing where I thought I was awake, but I was actually still dreaming. And I was lying next to Allison. I was sleeping next to Allison. Oh, my God. And I felt like something pressing against me. No, this is where I was lying next to allison i was sleeping next to allison oh my god and i felt like something pressing against me no this is while i was lying in bed worse than mine then i actually like knew what must be going on i knew that like because i could and the whole time the whole time that this is happening which is the exact story from the previous owner that sent the doll to jane that even though she never saw
Starting point is 00:57:45 the doll in the dream the entire time all she could hear was peggy's name oh all i did the entire time was think about peggy the doll and then you still had the guts to do this story and then i fucking like in my dream all i could do was think about the doll and then i was lying down next house and i actually had woken up at this point and i knew i was awake i could not open my eyes to save me i was frozen i knew in my gut it was 3 a.m i knew it was i didn't have to check i knew it fucking was good good and i could not move and i remember trying to open my mouth to scream for allison to wake me up m what the fuck and here's the the creepiest part like when i finally woke up and got my eyes to open because i didn't see anything just prepare everyone i didn't see anything because i was
Starting point is 00:58:29 facing the wall that does not have my door so i was like facing like my wall but i remember waking up and i was sleeping next to allison i had my eyes open but i couldn't say anything right and i remember telling myself to just close my eyes because i was like i've heard a million stories that's what i do i was like i i know i'm just supposed to close my eyes so i'm just gonna close my eyes anything but i'm also like i'm actually awake in real life now i'm not having yeah yeah so i was like just in case i'm dreaming and i don't know it i'm just gonna keep my eyes closed but i know i'm coherent right now for some reason i can't move my fucking body but i know i'm coherent i know i'm awake i
Starting point is 00:59:05 know allison's right next to me i'm was like trying to tap her and the creepiest part was that every single night out of ocd so without fail i always lock my bedroom door before i go to bed and as i'm lying next to allison and i'm looking at the wall that is not facing the door i hear the door creak open stop it stop it and i literally just chanted the lord's prayer until i fell asleep stop it i just chanted the lord's prayer and then i woke up the next day and told allison and she went whoa and i was like fuck you that's what happened when i had sleep paralysis and i literally was like awake and it was 11 a.m and i was like i guarantee i'm gonna see his fucking like hag or whatever you're supposed to see. So I was like, I'm just going to close my eyes and wait.
Starting point is 00:59:49 And Gio was on my bed walking around and I was like, I'm frozen. I cannot move. Yeah. And thankfully it was the middle of the day. But that's what I always thought was like, if you close your eyes, nothing can happen. But like hearing your fucking door open. That I know is locked. Is beyond.
Starting point is 01:00:03 And then after I woke up up i turned over and the door was still open it was open it was mother fucking hell and what why would you do this why would you do this i'm not saying peggy i'm not for all i know it's the placebo effect but also that shit has never fucking happened before and now it's happened and it's not like you're studying like when i first so i only had sleep paralysis twice and when i did have it it was because i was like heavily reading about it and studying it and researching it and it was like on my brain i actively don't think about it right and it wasn't like you were researching that it was like you were researching an adjacent top oh
Starting point is 01:00:39 it's so creepy and i'm sorry that's awful what night was this monday tuesday yeah monday night and just to i this is a kind of a sharp left turn but i at the same time in the same vein would like to give you a deirdre update about the ghost in her house oh i want listen i want a deirdre update so i know this is kind of like a totally different direction but also the same direction and that anyone who's been keeping up knows that Deirdre's house is crazy haunted. And you've experienced stuff there too. Yeah. The poltergroping.
Starting point is 01:01:09 Poltergroping. So all we know, and just to give you guys an update or just to give you like a little backstory, if you're new, is that my best friend Deirdre, she lives in a house in DC. There has been something in her room that only pays attention to her room and nobody else. And she lives in a house with like five or six other people. Cute. Nobody else ever experiences anything. there has been something in her room that only pays attention to her room and nobody else and she lives in a house with like five or six other people cute nobody else ever experiences anything the main thing she experiences is someone knocking on her door to be let inside and she always thought it was one of her roommates so she just opened the door and no one would be there um eventually
Starting point is 01:01:40 the knocking got wildly loud like obvious someone's knocking on the door she couldn't be mistaking it would open the door no one was there when i spent the night i absolutely someone grabbed me and i thought it was deirdre make like joking with me like someone grabbed your butt right yeah but also deirdre would absolutely grab my butt right and so like i was like nice move deirdre and then she was on the other side of the bed she's like what the fuck and she was like what are you talking about and i said someone grabbed me and she's like oh yeah there's a ghost here by the way shining the flashlight and you're like i feel someone touching my butt and there's nobody touching as as the light is on the butt i still felt pressure and then i felt a release as i was looking at that
Starting point is 01:02:15 see that's wild um so anyway so she's experienced some things and it's just gotten really creepy and basically she's moving out right now moved her bed and there is a body decomposition stain on the floor wait underneath her bed yeah what what do you mean like on the hardwood floor there are like the body oils of decomp what do you what does that mean like have you seen like like a body stain on the floor but does that mean that someone died there like this is a weird like no like someone died in her room. And was there a bed... Like, how did she not see that when she moved in? I think there was a rug when she first got there.
Starting point is 01:02:50 What?! So there's a... So the... Okay, wow. I don't know what to do with this information. I'm sorry. I'm so overwhelmed. And so Deirdre and I have both had really rough weeks.
Starting point is 01:02:59 She just found a fucking decomp outline underneath her bed. Yeah. Of a dead body. Yeah yeah and she was like thank god like i found this as i'm moving out so anyway that would explain why only her room has experienced this shit has someone being like let me into my room and someone was like touching me in bed because it was where their bed used to be well maybe not because their body was there unless they died under their bed i don't know what's going on none of it's funny it's just all bad and what the actual hell so sharp left turn but also like a quick right turn back so there there's all that i'm gonna have i'm gonna sue you tomorrow yeah nobody sued me i gave you content warnings in
Starting point is 01:03:37 the beginning so yeah i'm gonna sue you anyway because you forced me into this room to listen to this yeah you have the right and eva has the right drops of jupiter drops of jupiter drops of jupiter in her hair we just put some ads in there and also we just spent the last 45 minutes talking about our mother so and complaining that allison's wrong we don't ever just pow wow no we don't ever do anything but do the podcast exactly allison's downstairs waiting this is the story okay are you ready yeah this is i'm very excited about this one this is loosely vegas related but it kind of city butcher kind of spun out no please no i cannot do that okay i don't know it's just like a loosely vegas related story this is
Starting point is 01:04:18 the story of mary vincent and actually i was on the and that's why we drink subreddit which by the way everybody should go check out i think it's called atwwd podcast on reddit and i am a crazy person who sometimes trolls the site and everyone's just so like fun and nice and sometimes post pictures of geo and like drawings of geo and like mostly i just look at the geo stuff but there's also like um people throw out suggestions or like what episode should I start on? And people like compare episodes. It's really fun and really positive. So check it out.
Starting point is 01:04:48 So this actually someone tagged. Of course, I went in and fucking commented on something with my like secret username. And they were like, I can't stand you. This is Christine. Now everyone knows that one of the names is fake. It's a Fall Out Boy reference. So obviously everyone was like, hi, Christine. fake it's a fallout boy reference so obviously everyone was like hi christine uh and then someone tagged me in a post on like a um it was like a true crime subreddit and it was like uh
Starting point is 01:05:12 what are some crazy stories that are real that are true crime and someone tagged me and said like hey christine you should check this out and i was like oh i know this one and hell yeah i'm gonna do this this week so this is the story of mary vincent i got a lot of this information from a website called mamma well that's probably what you say after like mama mia you're like mama mia indeed and an episode of once upon a crime which is a podcast that i've recently gotten into okay let's just go do you know the story at all okay fantastic so mary vincent grew up in Las Vegas. Okay.
Starting point is 01:05:46 That's the only title, Las Vegas. Oh, okay. Okay. You're welcome. Really? Got it. Okay, okay. In the late 60s, early 70s, as the middle child of seven kids in a military family,
Starting point is 01:05:59 she had a rebellious streak, was kind of struggling at home. When she was 15, her sister basically said, Dad has a migraine and he's coming home and he's pissed at you and so she said for her own safety in her own life she just kind of took off um she ran away for a short period of time kind of lived like she spent a few days like living under like park benches like she lived with her uncle for a couple days and then after a few days she basically was like i feel homes feel homesick. I want to go home. Like I needed to get away for a few days, but this is not what I want to be doing. So she decided to head back to Las Vegas to go home to her family.
Starting point is 01:06:34 So on the morning of September 29th, 1978, Mary decides to hitchhike her way back from California to her family in Nevada. She's standing on the side of the road with two other hitchhikers. her family in Nevada. She's standing on the side of the road with two other hitchhikers and they're holding the same signs that basically say like heading south. Um, when, and they're in Modesto, California, when a man drives up in an empty van. So they look in the, the van is empty. There's one bag in there, but it's like pretty empty. But he says, um, I only have room for one of you. But he says, I only have room for one of you. And it's for you. It's for the girl.
Starting point is 01:07:06 It's for Mary. And the other hitchhikers are like, yo, this is sketchy. Like, don't get in. Right. You know, we'll wait. We'll wait. Someone else will come along. And she's like, to be honest, like, I just wanted to go home.
Starting point is 01:07:20 I'm exhausted. It's been a long couple days. All I want to do is go home. It's getting dark. So she hops in the car. The man who picks her up, his name is Larry Singleton. He's a 51-year-old merchant mariner with blue overalls, a bulging stomach, and a flat bulbous nose. Huh.
Starting point is 01:07:39 Hot. Flat and bulbous. Interesting. Like, it's literally, like, flat and then just, like, big and... Oh, I see, I see. Bulbous on the sides. Flat on the front. Bul bulbous. Interesting. Like, it's literally, like, flat and then just, like... Oh, I see, I see. Big and... Bulbous on the sides. Flat on the front. Bulbous.
Starting point is 01:07:48 So almost right away, things get weird. Mary... So at one point, Mary sneezes, and this guy, Larry, reaches over to feel her neck. Nope. And ask if she's sick. Woof. And so she, like, pulls herself away, and is clearly, like, well... I'd be like, uh-huh.
Starting point is 01:08:04 Literally, I have in his eyes diseases. I have the flu. And now you have them, too. Right. So she's like she makes it clear, like, whoa, I'm not interested. I'm 15. Don't touch me. And he's like, oh, OK, sorry.
Starting point is 01:08:16 And leaves her alone. So she's exhausted. But he she realizes he's a creep, but she's exhausted. And she's like, you know what? He's like kind of a tubby grandpa type. He says he has a 15-year-old daughter, like, who's my age. Okay. She's like, whatever.
Starting point is 01:08:31 He's not like a huge threat. And so he kind of leaves her alone. She's like, all right, we'll just keep an eye on it. So then she falls asleep. Problem. Problem. When she wakes up, she realizes they've been driving east not west toward los angeles so she sees goodbye the highway signs and she's like we are not going the right direction so smart girl
Starting point is 01:08:51 she grabs a sharp object from the floor of the car brandishes that brandishes it at him and demands an explanation and he immediately apologizes he says quote i'm an honest man who made a mistake i'm not going to hurt you completely freaked freaked out by her, like, brandishing this sharp object at him. So he actually does turn the car around. She's like, this is not the right direction. He's like, OK, sorry, I made a mistake. Turns the car around, is going the right direction. She's like, all right, let's start guard done.
Starting point is 01:09:18 A little while later, Larry pulls over and says he has to relieve himself. So he pulls off. He says he can't wait till the next town he has to do it now so mary at this point is like um things are not great i feel like i'm maybe in trouble and she realizes like now's a good chance to run away right so she is about to get out of the car she looks down realizes her shoe is untied she's like if i want to outrun this guy i gotta like tie my shoe first so she i already hate this she opens the passenger door bends down to tie her shoe next thing she knows as she's bending down larry takes a sledgehammer bashes her in the back of the head with the sledgehammer and she's out
Starting point is 01:09:57 when she wakes up a while later um she's in the back of the van she's tied up uh larry forces her to perform oral sex on him but that's not enough so he rapes her six times throughout the rest of the night she's there all night tied up only stopping to force her to drink alcohol from a milk jug which that's just its own type of gross which is its own fucking nasty shit um When he falls asleep, she still can't escape because she's bound so tightly that she's just fucking hit in the head with a sledgehammer. But she's like trying to escape, but she's tied so tightly. Yeah. So she I mean, just like it's multiple reasons. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:35 So she just can't get out. And she's obviously injured and is stuck. So he wakes up and comes in and out of sleep and she keeps pleading with him just set me free over and over again she says she won't tell if he'll just set me free hours later larry finally unties her um he gets out of the truck and she's like finally free free from her binds uh and he And he grabs a hatchet. And he says to her, you want to be free? I'll set you free. And he starts swinging the hatchet at her. He first hits her left arm and completely severs it at the elbow.
Starting point is 01:11:19 She realizes her arm is missing. There's just blood coming out. And she's like i feel everything um she notices her arm is missing and she's bleeding profusely so she grabs him with her other arm to steady herself then starts just kicking and screaming and trying to fight him off right all of a sudden she starts falling backwards and she's like how is this possible and then she kind of like threw a haze looks up at him and realizes he's severed her right arm but it's still holding on to his arm like her arm is still so he severed both arms yeah and she realized she was falling back and as she's falling back
Starting point is 01:11:59 she sees that the arm she thought she was grabbing on is separated from her body he's like flinging he she sees him flinging his arm around and she's like what like kind of in a haze and she realizes her right arm is the muscles contracted and are like grasping onto his arm yeah exactly and are is severed from her body so she's on the ground now no arms and he's trying to fling the other arm off of his own arm. I hear what's happening. Okay. Yeah. So she's bleeding profusely. She basically said, I felt everything.
Starting point is 01:12:32 I was aware of everything. Fuck. After the attack, Mary is still conscious, but she's completely limp, obviously. Just like completely out of it. And Larry thinks she's dead. So he starts dragging her body how is she oh by the way how is she with that blood loss how is she okay that's just a miracle on its own yeah so she's still alive okay and and still conscious that's the wild thing like oh my god
Starting point is 01:12:56 like you'd think you your body would be like bye yeah shut down my body would i would allow for sure i'd be like okay let's let's kick the bucket here. I'm in the second I'm in a car and I'm like, I'm uncomfortable. I feel like my body's like, peace. Yeah. We're out of here. We are now disassociating. We don't want anything to do with this. Right.
Starting point is 01:13:12 So she's, so she is still conscious, but she's completely still and he thinks she's dead. So he begins to drag her body through the dirt. He drags her to the edge of a cliff. so he begins to drag her body through the dirt uh he drags her to the edge of a cliff uh he says i'll set you free and then he tosses her over the edge of the cliff 30 feet to the bottom she falls down the edge of the cliff breaks four ribs on the way down um and remember she doesn't have arms to right stop her fall oh no so she breaks four ribs and when she hits the bottom larry's still not done he climbs down to the bottom of the embankment drags her body to a nearby cave to hide it and then just leaves her there stranded okay here's a here's a question though how did he
Starting point is 01:13:56 know the cave was there no he just wandered around he saw like oh i was like does he just like no do this often i think it was more like he just went down there to be like okay she's too visible got it and then kind of dragged her to somewhere that was and then found a cave more hidden like a i hear you some sort of brush or something i mean it's not important drag trying to rip um so she's down there uh it's nighttime and basically um she's lying there and all she wants to do is fall asleep it It's night. She's fucking losing blood. She's like been through the most torturous night of her life. And she suddenly hears a voice that she says comes from outside of her and inside of her all at once. She hears a voice that says, get up and get help or someone else will die.
Starting point is 01:14:41 Oh. And she basically hears, this isn't like, it's almost like this isn't for you this is for any other woman that he could do this to right so she basically said now yeah she basically said it's on you to like fix this before it happens it's like wow no pressure like i've already had just the fucking worst time and she said like she thinks it's her conscience being like stay awake stay awake stay awake right like maybe like high adrenaline yeah like um like one way to stay awake instead of being like because she said my own self wanted to just go to sleep and die and just right but she's like i mean this is just conductor on my part but i feel like it was a way of being like of her keeping yourself up and being like well this isn this isn't about you. It's about someone else.
Starting point is 01:15:25 And it drove her to stay awake and get up. So obviously all she wants to do is drift off, go to sleep. But she manages to pull herself up, stay awake. She rolls her elbows where her arms had been severed in the mud to pack the wounds. Okay. I mean, smart. Okay. To stem the bleeding.
Starting point is 01:15:43 No, no, no. I get it. I'm just thinking like that's some MacGyver shit that I wouldn't have oh completely yeah yeah would have not thought to do that so she sees mud and she's like okay I'll just pack the wounds with with mud and it'll stem the bleeding while I try to because my thought would be like oh the mud would be like with dirty it and like make it more like infected I know that's like in my head I'd be like oh avoid mud I do the exact opposite be dead so fast yeah i would just so be dead but yeah so she i mean she literally said at one point like the blood is just oozing
Starting point is 01:16:10 out of her body and she's like i knew how much i was losing blood and it was like contributing to like losing consciousness right so she is like i need to stop the blood loss and she can't she don't have arms so she just like shoves them in the mud to stop the bleeding. And then she hauls herself up the cliff. Takes her all night to get up this fucking cliff. Yeah, without arms. Yeah. She drags herself up this cliff. Jesus.
Starting point is 01:16:34 She hears the sound of traffic in the distance. And she's like, I just need to get to the sound of traffic. Once she gets to the roadway, she begins to walk upright on her legs with her arms raised so that the muscles and blood wouldn't fall out of her wounds god so she's walking with like half her arms whatever's left of them and remember she's completely nude because she's been sexually assaulted numerous times so she's completely nude her arms have been cut off drenched in blood and mud and dirt is just wandering along the side of the highway with her arms up in the air so that she can like stem the bleeding she walked three
Starting point is 01:17:11 miles along the roadway in search of help uh the first car she encounters is a red convertible with two men inside and when she called to them they sped off in fear i mean i know this is really fucked up but imagine like a bloody dirty naked woman without she said she could never blame them because she looked like something out of a horror movie yeah walking covered in blood and dirt yeah truly she literally said i've been chopped off and she's naked yeah she literally said like of course they sped away in fear yeah right exactly fortunately the next car she encountered was a couple on their honeymoon who had just so happened to take the wrong exit so she's walking miles before she sees any cars
Starting point is 01:17:53 this couple just happened to take the wrong exit they saw her immediately stopped and all she could say to them was he raped me so they wrapped her in towels placed her in the back of the car and then sped to a phone to call paramedics after that she was airlifted to a hospital because she had lost too much blood to right of course wait for an ambulance um it turns out she had lost half the blood in her entire body and what was left had become toxic but because of the dirt no just because i just wanted to be right scientifically i was like i knew it i knew it just because she was so low on blood no that makes sense it just wasn't enough to sustain her technically but how is a person alive with half of their blood gone that is a true miracle it
Starting point is 01:18:33 turns out she was just like young and healthy enough to like and she said my will to survive was just so strong that she was like i don't fucking care like i will make it so so at the hospital uh mary was able to give a detailed description of larry singleton uh the composite sketch was so realistic that larry's neighbor recognized him immediately and called the police so he's arrested pretty much immediately after this happens and that following march in 1979 a couple months later he's sentenced to 14 years in prison and that's all which is the maximum sentence allowed at the time for kidnapping attempted murder forcible rape sodomy forced oral copulation and quote mayhem but like taking someone's arms off that's mayhem oh my god
Starting point is 01:19:21 i don't know what mayhem is but you got to get more than 14 years for some mayhem i'm sorry and the judge at the time said i would put him in jail for the rest of my life if the legal if the justice system allowed it so it wasn't like right the judge's fault or anything it was just the way the legal system was set out set up it's the 70s so mayhem and the judge basically was like if it were up to me he would have been there for the rest of his life. Got it. There's nothing you can do. Mary herself was there at the trial.
Starting point is 01:19:50 She, meanwhile, had been fitted with prosthetics and was like trying to live her new life with them. She had to testify against Larry during the trial. She was so scared and traumatized that she couldn't she could hardly look at him, obviously. Right. was so scared and traumatized that she couldn't she could hardly look at him um obviously right uh but meanwhile he claimed during the trial that mary was a quote ten dollar a night whore and that he had not done anything to her in fact he blamed anything that may have happened to her on another person he claimed was also in the car who happened to also be named larry uh-huh so basically he invented another fucking hitchhiker so he created his own doppelganger
Starting point is 01:20:26 who's named after him i didn't pick like gary this once upon a crime i listened to once upon a crime episode and she's like that's the most freudian bullshit i ever heard like talk about oh his name was larry like his name is barry oh just kidding it's my name right right ego exactly it's like you can't even admit that it was somebody different enough to lie about like larry is literally a name you can rhyme with almost any like terry harry potter exactly sherry i'm gonna stop but like my point is proven mary is her name dun dun dun so many opportunities listen let's rhyme. Well, done. Okay. So he's like, oh, no, Larry did that. And they're like, you're Larry.
Starting point is 01:21:11 He's like, no, the other Larry. Like, truly so psychotic, so nuts. And then so she testifies against him, is just completely terrified. And he's calling her whore. And like, it's her fault. As she's leaving the courthouse, she has to pass him inches away from his body. Like she has to walk past him and she's like still, you know, 16 years old, 15 years old. And she's like walking past him. And as she passes, he whispers, if it's the last thing I do, I'll finish the job.
Starting point is 01:21:38 And she just goes completely white and just runs out of the courtroom and is like, I can't do this. So she runs out. And at this point mary begins the long task of recovery she moves back in with her parents really struggling um a lot of her old friends are you know kind of treating her weird and different so she's lost a lot of relationships and friends she feels obviously isolated depressed like she's going through trauma um you know i don't want to make any assumptions but it's like 19 the late 1970s i imagine maybe the mental health system is not as right up to par as maybe it is today but yeah so she's really really struggling she's living with her parents she later said her parents really weren't great at helping her cope with this so larry meanwhile like i said was sentenced to 14 years
Starting point is 01:22:26 but guess what he only served eight um because fucking a he uh had good behavior in prison he was a model prisoner so that's good for him yeah um so let's let that sink in um and then mary meanwhile had moved during those eight years had moved away to live like she wanted to just get away from everything so she lived an isolated life away from the press um but when larry got out on parole she kind of like snapped and reached this new level of fear that she had been living with she became anorexic she had trouble leaving the house her relationships with her friends and family were in shambles um the only news about this is that when he did get on parole nobody would let him move to their town so good every single town in california would protest so they protested left and right
Starting point is 01:23:16 they rioted they stopped him from joining society they called him out on every they called the police out they called him out um in every town they tried the police tried to like or the what is it neighborhood watch system i don't know whoever tried to place him in a new parole spot like he got they wouldn't let him they it was so bad actually that they had to actually set up a trailer on the grounds of san quentin prison for him to live on during his parole because anywhere else towns just wouldn't let him be a part of their society wow so how come we all can't just get together and stand up like that for every single person who deserves that exactly i don't understand exactly exactly yeah so i mean he's on parole he cannot live anywhere because no one will let him
Starting point is 01:23:55 move in which is amazing because it's again like the 80s yeah and like nowadays you know you got the internet to propagate we should really be able to do it now exactly exactly for some reason that's not happening no exactly so he had to live on the grounds of the prison to even fulfill his pearl and he had like a mandatory security assignment which kind of sucks because it's like these people are doing security yeah for him to protect him and it's like he's just such a garbage human so he still claimed this entire time that he was innocent. He had nothing to do with Mary's rape and mutilation. You know, it was the other Larry's fault, obviously. But guess what? It gets worse. Larry decides to fucking sue Mary. Why? He says he remembers Mary threatening to accuse him of rape and that she had brandished a sharp stick
Starting point is 01:24:45 at him in the car. He decides that's the reason he had become violent and that he had been mistreated by the court. So he filed a complaint suing Mary for forcible kidnap for the purposes of robbery. So, so in a state where every single person has defended this girl, he thinks that now he's going to sue and they're all going to be on his side all of a sudden. Oh yeah. He's going to get some compensation out of it. Of course, he says this is extremely difficult for him because he has such sympathy for Mary. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:13 He says he is so hard. He says after filing this suit against Mary, he didn't sleep for several nights and he kept vomiting because he was just so sympathetic toward her cause but he just knew like it had affected his life so much that he needed to go through with this so he basically played it as like oh this poor woman but she really ruined my life uh eva um play the world's smallest violin oh there she goes there it is isn't that beautiful you can really almost hear the high pitchness are we all crying? Yes, on his behalf. Obviously, that never gained any fucking traction.
Starting point is 01:25:52 And they were like, literally, go fuck yourself. So I also want to add here, I mentioned earlier that he said he had a daughter. He did have a daughter, same age as Mary. Her name was Deborah, and she was also terrified of her own father. She spoke at length about the nature of her father, what he was like as a dad. When she found out he was getting out on parole, she fled and hid. And she asked law enforcement if there was any way they could keep him behind bars for longer. And they basically said, OK, so this is her quote of how the situation went down when she asked law enforcement to keep him behind bars.
Starting point is 01:26:31 Quote, I asked California prison personnel what could be done to keep him in longer, and I was told there was nothing. They suggested I obtain a restraining order at the time of his release. Sorry, but I mean this quite sarcastically. I tell you he is a danger. I said that before the first crime. I've changed my name multiple times, and I'm moving across state lines. And you all suggest a piece of paper that will tell him exactly where I am, what my name is, and not to come within, say, 300 feet of me. So basically his own daughter, who's the same age, is like literally keep him in fucking jail.
Starting point is 01:27:00 He's a danger to me and to everyone else. So he's paroled anyway. And obviously California has proved unwelcoming to his reintroduction to society good so larry decides he's going to go back to his home state of florida oh i hope florida did the same thing sort of so at first he gets there uh people aren't happy a car dealership in the area even offered him five thousand dollars to leave the state. But and there's also a so he's staying at his brother's place for a while. And there's a firebomb that goes off in his brother's front yard.
Starting point is 01:27:33 It doesn't hurt anybody. But beyond that, he moved to like a smaller town, settled in a small community. They don't really know about him. And he kind of gets by. Everybody just kind of thinks he's like a quirky older guy. kind of gets by. Everybody just kind of thinks he's like a quirky older guy. In 1997, which is almost 20 years after his attack on Mary, a neighbor was in front of his home when he's in front of Larry's home.
Starting point is 01:27:54 Like he's coming up to ring the doorbell or something. He sees Larry beating a young woman in the living room and she's screaming and crying for help. So he obviously runs to call the police. When the police arrive, Larry opens the door shirtless, covered in blood. He claims he cut himself while chopping some fruit. And they're like, what? Then the phone rings inside Larry's house. He goes, hold on.
Starting point is 01:28:14 I have to go get the phone. He goes to answer the phone. While he goes to answer the phone, the police peek inside the door and they see the body of 31-year-old mother of three, Roxanne Hayxanne hayes oh my god on the floor of his living room dead dead she's dead oh fuck she was a sex worker in the area that larry had lured to his home while she was grocery shopping and then he had stabbed her numerous times in the face and upper body oh my god and this this time they were, we're not letting you get away with this. He actually murdered someone this time.
Starting point is 01:28:47 So the state of Florida actually flew Mary down to testify for the second time against Larry. So, you know, she's already gone through like the traumatic experience of testifying the first time. Now he's murdered someone. So they bring her down again. She didn't flinch when asked to identify him but she said she couldn't look deeply at him either she said i wanted to see his eyes eyes are important when he was on top of me i was looking at the axe trying to stay alive i asked later if i could look him in the eye but he didn't let me so she said i wanted to look him in the eye of this trial but only briefly uh he's convicted
Starting point is 01:29:22 of murder sentenced to the death penalty but only three years later in 2001 he dies of cancer in prison uh so mary's on an episode of i survived and she says she actually didn't really feel relief when larry dies because she said all she wanted to know what was in his soul like what was possessing him to be this way? And she said she felt robbed of that opportunity. But then she saw, so she had two sons at this point. And she said she saw the relief on her son's faces who were like really young. That's so sad. Which just makes me very emotional.
Starting point is 01:29:56 But she says she saw the relief on her son's faces. And that made her realize that that was enough closure for her that they felt safe. And they felt that she was safe. that was enough closure for her that they felt safe and they felt that she was safe. So the good news is, if there is any, that the outrage about her trial and his like short sentence changed sentencing laws in California. And if this had happened currently, he'd be in prison for at least 31 years, which would have saved Roxanne's life. Obviously too late for her, but at least, you know, it changed for future instances of first-degree rape. And as for Mary Vincent, when she was younger,
Starting point is 01:30:31 her dream was to be a dancer someday, but when her arms were cut off and then, like, rebuilt, reconstructed, they had to use pieces of her leg muscles to rebuild her arms, so she lost a lot of strength in her legs um she struggled for many many years with depression due to trauma obviously um but she did have two sons like i mentioned and was very happy about having her own family i guess she mentioned at one point that when she was four years old and a friend asked her what she wanted to do someday she said i want to be mother to the whole world which just made me like that's so sad it just made me really
Starting point is 01:31:10 happy and so i mean it's i just correct it is very happy but it's also just like sad like heartbreaking yeah yeah it is so she was able to like start her own family which is great um and then her family kind of became her life She like had birds for a while and like random pets. She also began to paint and draw and sketch, which brought her a lot of joy. Some of her works are now valued at at least $2,000, but she still has nightmares. She says she's still afraid to go to sleep and can't sleep very long.
Starting point is 01:31:41 She says, quote, I've broken bones. Thanks to my nightmares. I've jumped up, I've broken bones thanks to my nightmares. I've jumped up and dislocated my shoulder. Jesus, oh my God. Just trying to get out of bed. I've cracked ribs and smashed my nose. Every day I pray to God to make a space I can breathe in, and every day God gives it to me.
Starting point is 01:31:57 Oh my gosh. That's the story of Mary Vincent. All right. Very heavy topic. That was a heavy episode, episode man that was a lot good luck eva having to edit that wowza it's such a sad story it is but she survived that's true she's on an episode of i survived it's very good very crazy it's just like unsettled it's like so deeply unsettling to have in several ways in several ways actually in the episode she is like talking and you don't see you see like her shoulders up
Starting point is 01:32:31 and she's telling the story and then um when she starts to talk about like he severed my arm she brings a tissue to her face and she has like the the hook on her arm yeah as like her arm and it's just the most like they clearly like the producers were like let's leave that out until she brings it up right and it's just the most like gut-wrenching moment of like oh my god they just made her look so like normal like and then i survived and she like has this like hand with it literally is a hook and i guess she had like a she used like a very cheap like kind of literally like a hook for a hand for like many for both her hands for like a long time and she said
Starting point is 01:33:11 she likes to fidget and tinker so she's kind of worked on it over the years to like be more active but it's been kind of a very basic level of like right prosthetic it's just a very powerful episode so if anybody wants to watch it i highly recommend it and it's also just really cool to see people who've like gone through trauma talk about it in such a like powerful way like open way yeah yeah and an owning it way yeah exactly uh i want a geoscope give it to me okay here you go scorpio there's tension in the air today scorpio even though it isn't you're doing you may want to keep a low profile especially if you have Okay, here you go, Scorpio. There's tension in the air today, Scorpio. Even though it isn't your doing, you may want to keep a low profile,
Starting point is 01:33:50 especially if you have work to do. Obviously, Gio has a lot of fucking... I mean, Gio's pretty busy. Try to avoid discussions with other people. That would make sense why he was so dodgy today when I got here. M, Gio avoids discussions with other people, including you, every day of the year. That is not true. Okay. I refuse to believe it. Just because someone is confrontational, like M, Gio avoids discussions with other people, including you, every day of the year. That is not true. Okay. I refuse to believe it.
Starting point is 01:34:07 Just because someone is confrontational, like M, doesn't mean you have to rise to the bait. It would be better if you didn't. But he does anyway, sometimes. Keep to yourself and all of this will blow over by tomorrow when it will be safe to mingle with your friends again. Or Juniper, because I'll be gone. That's fun did he enjoy being boarded for several days no he really did well i think i was kind of freaked out christine had a mental breakdown as a mother i did because i was like really struggling to leave him because he was so excited to go to daycare and then i was like i'm not picking you up for three days. But today I brought him back to daycare to the same place.
Starting point is 01:34:47 And he was just super excited to go. So I felt like I didn't traumatize him as much as I may have thought. Oh, I'm so happy. And they post little photos of him on Instagram. And it makes me happy. That's heartwarming. Yeah. Oh, apparently his August horoscope.
Starting point is 01:35:01 If you're a Scorpio, watch your temper. Uh-oh. Don't let anyone push any of your buttons because they will try em i won't don't you gemini's dare not the gemini's in your life oh my god there may be some solar friction oh no mercury goes stationary on the 18th does it say anything about jupiter oh no there's a full moon on the 18th. Does it say anything about Jupiter? Oh, no, there's a full moon on the 26th. I don't see anything about Jupiter. Speaking of the 26th of August, that will be our Facebook Live.
Starting point is 01:35:32 Oh, sure. Okay. This week. Fabulous. August 26th, Facebook Live. 3 p.m. on a Sunday, 3 p.m. PST. I'm putting it in now. And catch us there.
Starting point is 01:35:43 Also, we just had our Nashville show, so i hope you guys had fun if you were there yeah only time will tell on on this end our next show is in la by now we've announced oh no we're announcing in two days monday look for dates we're announcing dates on monday new cities check it out tomorrow okay so tomorrow get ready get ready get ready fingers crossed that we're in your area and if not still fly to see us please please please please and uh you can oh no yeah tell us yep i have to pee hurry up oh you can find us on facebook twitter and instagram and patreon at atwwd podcast please donate you don't realize how helpful that is and we've been able to do so much because of that so thank you thank you um you can also find our website and that's why we you can find
Starting point is 01:36:29 our merch at and that's why we you can email us and that's why we drink at where you can send in your personal listeners oh nope your personal true crime and paranormal stories because we put out a new listeners episode at the first of every month our facebook live is august 26th at 3 p.m pst and we have a live show in september uh the hollywood improv yes september 23rd so please go get tickets is the link already available it's on our website so um please come to that and um other shows being announced soon check it out yep and dope oh okay go and that's why we drink okay bye

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