And That's Why We Drink - E8 Our First Fight and Franzia Stains…or Blood?

Episode Date: March 26, 2017

Episode 8 has arrived! Em tells Christine about the Queen Mary (and is pretty pissed that Christine went without her) and Christine tells Em the story of Maura Murray’s mysterious disappearance. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 hey hi it's episode eight yeah it is well is it yeah it is yes it is we just discussed this okay we double checked before we pressed record and i'm still nervous it's eight happy saturday well for whenever this comes out i guess happy day to you stop telling everyone we record on saturdays i'm tired of you really releasing have other plans really discreet information welcome to and that's why we drink podcast hosted by me only hosted by emily yep and i'm just here along for the ride yeah and my name is Christine how are you I'm great I I had a beer last for last episode and this week I'm back to there's your wine back to the wine I feel so good to be reunited not like it's been very long but it feels good I'm having a strawberry milkshake before you don't even bother asking.
Starting point is 00:01:10 Oh, I forgot again. Yeah. And, uh, the last time I had a strawberry shake, I was not a fan, but this one's actually really good. Awesome. Yeah. And there's more of it. It's a bigger cup. Oh, that's always better. Yeah. We're in America. More is better. How do you have any, anything you want to say? Yes. Oh yeah. Before I forget, I have a lot of things to say. Okay. Start doing it. But only one of them relates to this podcast. So I'm just going to stick to that for now. Okay.
Starting point is 00:01:32 We'll see what else I can stuff into this podcast. Okay. So before I forget, a Twitter user named at kneesis, period. Like yeezus? I guess. With an N? Yeah. Like knees. And yeezus i guess with an n yeah like knees and yeezus but like n e e z u s
Starting point is 00:01:49 period that's literally knees and yeezus put together knees is spelled with a k so i didn't want to what'd you say i wasn't listening i thought you said k n e e s like no uh all right anyway i forget what i was saying about her but she messaged me or she sent a tweet and she knows how much i like boxed wine we all do but only from trader joe i like i do i don't do like the franzia shit but right okay so she messaged me and was like oh goon she said something about goon in australia and i was like what the hell so i googled it and boxed wine in australia is called goon and it hell so i googled it and boxed wine in australia is called goon and it's like this famous drink and it's like huge there's buzzfeed articles written
Starting point is 00:02:30 about it so like is goon like then like how we say boxed wine is the the vocabulary so i don't or is goon a brand no i don't think it's a brand as far as i can tell god so like you could just say oh i love goon and i'm sorry nizus if i'm fucking this up but i i'm pretty sure like if you google it it's just people with all these boxed wines and they take the bag right um yeah okay so it is i just looked it up it's a urban dictionary a silver sack filled with cheap wine found within a cardboard box with christine's name written all over it with me at the other end of the back. With a funnel attached. So that is like the most famous thing.
Starting point is 00:03:09 It's a famous drink in Australia. And I guess they play this game called Goon of Fortune. And she said something like, oh, they attach it to where you hang your clothes. A clothes hang. What? A drying rack. What are those things called? Where are you hanging?
Starting point is 00:03:24 At what stage are the clothes where you're hanging them? When you're drying them. Oh, like a clothes a hang what's drying what are those things called where are you hanging at what stage of the clothes where you're hanging you're drying them oh like a clothesline yeah a clothesline i always my mom's like are we hanging them on hangers because they're clean no sorry my mom always says drying rack because she doesn't know english very well sorry that was really rude i'm sorry it's okay my mom's only language is english and she doesn't really know it that well so my dad still says hair saloon instead of salon. My mom says gas station when she means grocery store. That's really wrong.
Starting point is 00:03:49 So, you know, your mom can't be all that bad. My mom pronounces the word uh... What's the word I always fuck it up? Is it German or English? It's English. Do you mess it up too? No, I just always forget it's like a long word that starts with H. Not hyperbole hi hippopotamus are you just gonna type in h on google and hope the word pops up
Starting point is 00:04:11 hypothesis no but it's something like that it's like uh do you say any words that are still german i say weird idioms sometimes like i'll say things the way like i'll say oh i have arrived here and people are like why are you saying that but like I've said that I just always thought you were trying to be funny no I literally there's my parents both sorry for me laughing every time you talk to me people will literally make fun of that I don't know there's certain phrases that I don't realize are weird until people kind of look at me that's okay I'll say things that I didn't realize were southern slang yeah and out here everyone's, what the hell are you talking about? Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:04:46 So a sun shower. You know what those are? We were just talking about this an hour ago. I was about to ask, what do you call a sun shower? I call it the devil's beating his wife. We couldn't come up with it. We said it's slang with the devil. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:55 Were you the ones that didn't know what I was talking about when I said that? Well, I for sure don't know what you're talking about. I said it at work, I think, because I said, oh, the devil's beating his wife. And everyone was like, what the fuck are you talking about? And I said, there's a sun shower outside. Because it is called a sun shower, but when you see the sun shower, you're supposed to say out loud, oh, the devil's beating his wife. See, okay, because we had this conversation earlier about weird idioms, and we were like, sometimes Southern people say something about the devil. Oh, well, we say a lot of things about the devil.
Starting point is 00:05:24 Like, we throw god into everything god willing uh if the i don't know lord willing if the creek don't rise what the fuck okay oh i found it okay what's the word okay she finally got back to me uh the word is haphazardly and she would read it and stuff and she knew what it meant but she would say she would say haphazardly and we were like what and she would go you know he didn't really haphazardly you're like literally what are you saying haphazardly yeah haphazardly is the one so anyway we got to get away from this conversation i'm just like feel my brain melting derailing hard so anyway um boxed wine game so the wine game is where they attach
Starting point is 00:06:11 it to a clothesline and spin it around i guess i didn't like there's youtube videos of this i don't know and it's like a famous drinking game so they take bags of wine yeah hang it on a clothesline clothesline uh-huh i don't totally get it but i think they like and wine, hang it on a clothesline. Clip it on a clothesline. Uh-huh. I don't totally get it, but I think they, like... And, like, it's a giant sprinkler of wine or something. You just, like, wine rain on you. I'm probably totally not doing this correctly. It's like an Indian tribal dance. But there's, like...
Starting point is 00:06:36 Letting it rain on you for good fortune. With, like, strawberry fields franzia. Yeah. But, no, so, yeah, I mean, there's, like, videos. It's, like like attached to a clothesline she goes oh we attach goon to the clothesline and i'm like what the fuck are you talking about and the devil's beating his wife haphazardly i like i don't like i don't get it anyway wow this is the greatest episode we've ever done
Starting point is 00:06:59 if anyone's still listening welcome to episode eight eight. Oh, I just got to add, I'm drinking, shout out to my mommy, who says half-sardly, but I'm drinking Fetzer, which is the wine she drank in the 90s back with my neighbor's mom. They would sit on the porch and drink Fetzer. Anyway, so I'm drinking Fetzer in honor of you, mother dearest. Who you just... Who I just bashed on radio, so. All right. Are you drinking for any reason besides the fact we our mothers
Starting point is 00:07:26 can't speak english and apparently neither can i um you know no i'm feeling good about what's wrong with you is your life perfect no it's just a lot better than it has been for about a year or like 25 years so i feel like i'm on the up and up right now, and I don't want to, you know, put any negative energy out there. Must be nice. Yeah. Wow. Well. I guess I'll pretend my life's perfect, too.
Starting point is 00:07:50 I'm sure it's short-lived. I have a fact. A wine fact. Slash milkshake fact. Enlighten me. Okay, tell me if this is something other people already know. Red wines are red because the fermentation process extracts color from the grape skins. Oh.
Starting point is 00:08:06 But white wines are not fermented with the skins on them, which is what makes them white. You're kidding. Oh, so you didn't know that. I thought they were made from, like, green grapes and so. That's what I thought, too. I thought purple grapes make red wine. Shit. And green grapes make white wine.
Starting point is 00:08:19 But apparently it's if the skin is on it or not. What makes rosé? Love. I don't know. I don't know. Roses so my milkshake fact i had and then i decided to go away on me so this uh i'm just like wave her arms in the air and then like i need to like zen and get back into it that was what that was okay this also pertains to you oh i love things that are about me so this milkshake is supposed to cure hangovers oh shit so i might be coming over in the morning
Starting point is 00:08:55 i'll see you in the morning uh if you have a banana milkshake with honey it's supposed to be the pure the perfect cure that sounds really good too um i saw that fact somewhere else and that actually had the reason why it was something like because the banana is really like thick so it like sits in your stomach and then the honey does something to balance out interesting um like nausea or something i don't know if it's nausea or like the sweetness and it kind of like gives you like the hair of the dog that bit you oh interesting i don't know i don't i don't know anything but they're your facts people do what you want they're facts they're not yeah i'm not making that up no um we're well researched now that we got all that out of the way
Starting point is 00:09:37 ready for some information i hope a teacher goes into a class yeah i hope if i were a teacher i would just be like ready for some information i just want you to know she has her hands on her hips and she's like uh are you ready after i gave you some facts are you ready for some information i don't know what that means, but okay. I just meant about ghosts. I just wanted to tell my story. Oh, man. I feel like the last episode I was derailing. And one of my dreams is to be a professor one day. I hope that's my first day of class.
Starting point is 00:10:14 Good luck with that, my love. Ready for some information. Clearly none of us are ever going to be able to run for office, so hopefully professor is something we can accomplish. I have tears in my eyes. I'm pouring my fetser. Hey, pour some extra for you because i forgot to tell you another reason that i drink oh is because i'm mad at you are you ready for why why because wait i'm sad why are you mad at me because your mom was in town last weekend correct yeah and when we started this podcast did i or did i not say, let's go to the Queen Mary together?
Starting point is 00:10:47 You ruined it. Okay. I don't know. You are a liar. I sat right here at this table. Your brother was on that couch. And I said, let's go. And you said, yeah, we'll bring Alex and Blaze.
Starting point is 00:10:59 And I said, okay. Yeah, but I thought we were going to. I don't want to hear it. But I was drinking. Okay. Yeah, but I thought we were going to, but I don't want to hear it, but I was drinking. But, um, okay. My mom literally called me.
Starting point is 00:11:13 She's like, ever since the eighties, I wanted to go to the ship. And she's like, so I bought us tickets. Look, I'm going to, and I'm not going to be like, no mom. I refuse. Because it's your mom. I'm going to let it slide. But had you done that with anyone else? No, I wouldn't though. That's the thing.
Starting point is 00:11:22 And also don't believe you. No, but also I made sure we only did just like the tour like we didn't do like the paranormal investigation like that i want to do with you because i don't i didn't want to do that plus it's more expensive so the paranormal stuff i'd rather do with you i'm giving her the death stare right now i'm staying i saw i'm staring into a corner this This is the reason I was shook. Because I wrote all of these notes. I worked so hard on this research. I was... You're doing the Queen...
Starting point is 00:11:54 Why would I bring this up? I'm really slow. I'm sorry. You're doing the Queen Mary. Wow. Yeah, I'm about to. I just got really hung up on the fact that you're mad at me. And now I feel like crying.
Starting point is 00:12:05 Keep those tears where they belong. I have an insane guilt complex. I wrote these notes. I worked so hard on the research. And then when I was ready to come here, I went on Facebook and I was scrolling through your pictures. And I was like, what the fuck is this? Did I not tell you I went? No, you did not.
Starting point is 00:12:22 Oh, I'm the devil. I'm sorry. But I remember she bought me the tickets and i'm like but which ticket she's like oh just like a tour of the ship so i believe you fair i didn't do any of the ghost stuff and i was relieved my heart sank though when i saw that you i'm sorry it was you and your brother who got to go when we did not alexander did not go he didn't want to go good for him We're going to do a ghost tour there. You and I.
Starting point is 00:12:47 Pinky promise. Yeah, pinky promise. Okay. The Queen Mary. Currently in Long Beach, correct? Correct. Okay. It was built in 1936.
Starting point is 00:12:59 And it originally hosted the most elite transatlantic cross crossings like it like went from like europe to new york all the time and um it was for the wealthiest people like it was the luxury cruise of its time it was bigger faster stronger than the titanic by like a thousand square feet or something like that i don't know if it was it said a thousand feet and i was like is that square feet or length i don't know what's going on. This is longer. So for like a bunch of like famous people used to do it to travel everywhere, like Clark Gable, Winston Churchill, the Duke of Windsor. You know, big people in the 30s. Just like the casual guys. So it only was a luxury cruise for about three years.
Starting point is 00:13:41 And then in 1939, World War II was going on. The depression had been going on for 10 years, NBFD. Uh, and so it just didn't stay funded. Oh, I thought that was another event that was going on. I was like,
Starting point is 00:13:55 Oh yeah. Yeah. NBFD was going on. No big fucking deal. Oh, I'm so slow today. Okay. Uh,
Starting point is 00:14:01 so it became a warship during World War II, and it was called the Grey Ghost. And it carried over 800,000 troops during World War II and traveled over 600,000 miles. And it was a participant in D-Day. It broke a record during the war for the most people on a single vessel. And there were almost 17,000 people on the ship at one time. That's insane. Almost 17,000 people on the ship at one time. That's insane.
Starting point is 00:14:30 It also carried war families to and from, like, America, Canada, and the UK. Oh, shit. During that time, it did, like, 13 voyages where it was called the... Oh, I didn't write it. It was, like, called the Bride and Baby Voyages. And it would take... It would travel all of the war brides and war babies to and from. And it did 13 voyages and it would uh take it would train it would travel all of the war brides and war babies to and from and it did 13 voyages like to and from like war zones what the fuck no why would you put a baby i don't understand like you would like like if their family needed to move to europe
Starting point is 00:14:57 or if they were after the war if they were coming to america oh after the war yes all right okay i get it just drink the wine you'll get it soon so 1947 um it was refurbished and became the queen mary again it was no longer a warship and it went back to being a luxury cruise for about 13 years but then no longer than 13 years like around 15 years or so but once the 1960s came luxury cruises weren't really trendy anymore like it wasn't the thing uh especially because now that airplanes are becoming uh like the luxury right they're like the the more common form of travel um there was just was no need for the cruise anymore. And so it slowly stopped being used.
Starting point is 00:15:48 And by 67, it took its last, uh, voyage to long beach. And that's where it became a museum and a hotel. And it's traveled to long beach was it's 1000 and first, 1000 and one, 1000 and first. I've never used that number ever in my life but it had done exactly a thousand crossings and then when it
Starting point is 00:16:12 came to long beach it did its last one i think there was like a big bidding war on it too like different places were bidding to like and long beach beat them by i think it was like it ended up being 3.4 i'm doing this at the top of my head but one of the notes I saw was like 3.4 million dollars or something wow um so there's now regularly thousands of visitors that come every year um because it's a museum and it's still a luxury hotel and they do tours and because it is one of the most haunted places it also has a whole track for paranormal tours so people will do investigations there um they do i think some sort of flashlight tour and one thing i've participated in every year that i've lived in la during halloween it
Starting point is 00:16:55 becomes like a huge scary haunted house attraction and it's the coolest thing no i don't like that because they had the decoration still up even though though it was daylight, February. Oh. And they were like, don't mind the decorations. And there were like headless dolls and like people with horse heads eating dinner. No, I love it. No. Okay. My favorite time of year is like, okay, we have another friend also named Christine.
Starting point is 00:17:19 Hi, Christine. Hey, Christine number one. I'm number two. um hey christine number one i'm number two uh so i texted her probably like i guess now a year ago but like starting in april last year i texted her and i was like save up your money now because i need at least five hundred dollars come halloween to just five hundred dollars just to spend it on every opportunity i can for like the haunted hay rides and the scary attractions no no no no well like that stuff doesn't scare me because i'm expecting it if i went into a house and something no i wasn't expecting scared me i would run away literally fuck that's so hard i went to this fucking corn maze in ohio and there
Starting point is 00:17:54 was this thing creature on stilts that was like chasing me and i went to a porta potty and i locked it and i told all of you yeah and it was outside the porta potty like banging on the door and then on the door. And then I told all my friends, like, I'm not, I texted them. I was like, you can go by yourselves on this thing. I'm staying out here. So I, those things, I love those things. Cause I, they legally cannot touch me. Like if like they have those like actually really scary fucked up haunted houses where like you pay people to like, actually like, it's basically like a, I don't like, it's, it's like, they are allowed to touch you, basically. They're allowed to touch you, but like, in really horrible ways.
Starting point is 00:18:28 Like, it's basically you. Why would you do that? You're signing up to be in. Like, assaulted? Yeah. Oh my god. I mean, I'm not going to describe it, but if anyone wants to know what that is, just look up Blackout NYC.
Starting point is 00:18:43 You don't want to know. Like, Blackout New York. Or there's another one in LA called the McKamey Manor or something. It's really fucked up. Like, they, like, you sign away, like, your life, basically. They're like, if you rip my hair out, it's fine. Yeah. What the fuck?
Starting point is 00:18:58 No, like, they beat the shit out of you. And, like, they, like, simulate the suck. What, they beat you up? Yeah, like, you leave bloody. Like, it's, like, and you can't get out. There's no safe word or anything like it's like like and you can't get out there's no safe word or anything it's like you have to get out of the house legal you sign a bunch of fucking waivers yeah but like it's i would you could not pay me enough so could i like technically pay you a like sign a waiver for you to stab me to death and it would be legal like they won't stab you it's like it's just hand-to-hand combat but
Starting point is 00:19:25 it's like um it's to simulate a real horror story so you can feel like you're in a real scary movie no it's like for adrenaline junkies who like think they can handle that shit and it's really horrible like they like feed you rotten eggs and shit it's really gross what yeah it's messed up okay i'm like okay well in the middle of the night when you're alone just look it up no i'm not gonna do that so on the queen mary during halloween they have a tame typical like amusement park version where like it's mazes you walk through and people jump out but i know they can i know they can't scare me so i don't i don't like i know they can't touch me so like what's the worst you're gonna do go like yeah they scare the shit out of me and i cry one time i hit somebody in the face and then they told me i wasn't allowed to do that but don't scare me i'm
Starting point is 00:20:07 gonna hit you in the face well you paid for them to scare you anyway okay but they you don't go in the in the ship you go on the ship like you're on it's all on the top floor which it's pretty fucking big if they're able to have a whole huge attraction like i didn't even realize like this is stupid but when i went the first time i knew it was a ship but i didn't actually know i was on a fucking ship the whole time like i thought it doesn't feel like it when you're inside like i was on top of i i don't even remember going on stairs or anything i had to have at some point but i thought we were just like next to a ship or like by the pier and it was just like i had no idea i was on a ship until we got off and i was like i was on a ship this whole fucking time because like you don't go
Starting point is 00:20:50 inside you're just on the top and it's it's pitch black and you're surrounded by all these cool halloween lights and everything i never noticed water yeah i mean the boat is honestly so massive that it doesn't feel it was bigger than the titanic yeah exactly okay so um yeah so there were there's a thousand visitors a year because of all these different types of things that they host and right things you can do um it is one of the most haunted places in the world not just the country and has 150 documented spirits oh in the last 60 years 49 people, there's 49 reported deaths, but there have been other deaths that just haven't been reported. Well, they apparently, sorry.
Starting point is 00:21:31 No, no. Fun fact. Yeah. During war times, the government never released the number of deaths that occurred during wartime. So they estimate like men, I mean, many people died. At least 150 for there to be that many spirits right and then it's soldiers they had like prisoners of war right in one room like
Starting point is 00:21:51 well so this ship also went through hell and back so it went through war apparently during war it accidentally crashed into one of its other ships which is like something i would totally do if we were ships i'd be like they had they had a okay they had a zigzag pattern that you're supposed to follow to like avoid being detected by enemy forces and i guess they had like this zigzag pattern and somehow like the coordinates got got off so the one ship was going one way and the other one was going the other way so they kissed and they accidentally crashed and they killed almost everybody on that ship yeah so they say a lot of the spirits are from that too. They say there's like screaming and...
Starting point is 00:22:29 And BFD, you know. That event that happened in the 1930s. Right. Yeah. Okay. So that's basically all the history I have. I just want to tell you about the ghosts, really. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:40 I want to hear about that. I don't know much about that. I dropped my thing. I dropped my paper. Oh, also they said like during war when it was a great ghost like you mentioned they painted all the windows in like they paint i mean it doesn't really mean much but they painted all the windows gray and like blacked out the whole ship which i just thought was like a creepy that's very ominous yeah they made it for something that was so luxurious right like it was yeah and then they painted everything gray and made it they tried to make it look like camouflaged in the sea i don't
Starting point is 00:23:08 know that was just something that creeped me out yuck so the all of these seem to be really good like usually i try to like build up to a good story i don't have one of those this time it's just all good oh thank me you don't have a good story i was like i think it's great i support you you're doing a great job uh okay so one of the most common ones which i'm sure you heard of while you were there is uh during the war there was uh an 18 year old that died in an engine room did you hear about this nope uh his name is john petter like p-e-d-d-e-r okay john petter but they call him half hatch harry like can you imagine if you died and someone just doesn't even give you your own fucking name listen remember we talked about last episode like these old-timey people have the most fucking crazy ass name but like at least give him something that has to do
Starting point is 00:24:02 with his name john like that's like like you christine dying and me being like oh there goes peggy sue like it's like come on half-legged peggy what's his name half-assed harry what half hatch perry let's go half hatch harry what's that mean well apparently the hatch of the door crushed him yeah oh so they named him because of his that's like if you got shot and they're like up bullseye peggy wait no okay a guy my stepdad worked with they called him it's so awful i'm already scared he okay he shot himself in the head uh don't make it suicide this is why i'm glad my stepdad doesn't listen to this podcast and well now i can't like obviously he calls him they call him like hole in the head steve and make it so funny and i'm like did he died right yeah he killed
Starting point is 00:24:55 himself and shot himself in the head so at least at least he's not around to know that they're like no it's like fun like he was our friend and i And I'm like, I guess. That's like on, this is going to sound like a weird segue, but this is like on Full House. Well, no, no, no. That's never a weird segue. No. So Bob Saget and Dave, is it Coulier? Is that how you say it? Dave Coulier?
Starting point is 00:25:15 Joey? I think so. So I guess Bob Saget's mom had already passed away before the show. And then when they were on the show,ave coulier's mom also passed away and so the way that they coped with it is they so they called themselves the dead moms club which is like really fucked up but like it was their kind of like dark way of dealing with it so maybe that's like what's his name on snl who jokes about his dad dying in 9-11 and people are like yeah upset about it but they can't be upset about it because he's like it's my dad i've heard i've heard him joke about that stuff and i'm like it's so uncomfortable
Starting point is 00:25:49 yeah and i'm i'm alone in my like it's not like i'm afraid of what other people are thinking next to me like there's something about it that's i can feel the whole world uncomfortable but that's how he says he like deals with it so you know all right i can't experience it so you do you fuck well okay so anyway let's now that we've transitioned to 9-11 let's get back to the story wow you're really making my story so much darker so okay so the engine room there's that's where there's regularly a lot of activity but in this particular story door 13 is known to be a haunted area because at least three men have been crushed all by the same door what the fuck um there were two
Starting point is 00:26:25 before half hatch harry and then in 1966 he died and he was like an 18 year old he was brand new to the ship it's so sad but a lot of people say that they can see him in the clothes he died in um they see him walking around in the ship and then if you ever follow him he's always walking towards door 13 and if you get to door 13 before him he's disappeared like he always disappears before he hits the door that makes me really sad he's walking to his death that's really 18 yeah and he just keeps reliving the whole like oh it's dark so the next one is apparently this like how elite is this bullshit this ship had first second and third class pools pools i thought you meant like levels but pools no like i don't know i don't know how they divvied it up like was it by race
Starting point is 00:27:13 was it by how much money you made was it by age i think it was the ticket you bought because i remember them saying that's so much less racist than i was expecting yeah let's let's keep i was thinking like oh god this is segregated no no i think like if you bought like a first class, like a VIP or if you were like Winston Churchill, you could go to the first class pool. NBD. Um, okay. So in the first and second class pools, they, neither of them are used now. They've been closed for over 30 years in at both of the pools. You can see women in 30 style swimwear walking around you can also see um you can hear like wet feet walking around the pool like like they got out or you can hear splashing in the water and very they said it's it's not every night but regularly
Starting point is 00:27:59 um the maintenance people will go in there at night and you can see footprints leaving the water going into the changing room. Ew! And apparently the changing room is a big hot zone for like, it's like a hotbed for activity. They say, I saw on my website, I don't know if this is the case, but they said it's because a woman was raped in there. So it's like already like a lot of negative activity. They did not say that on the tour. I don't think they were allowed to because there was a 10-year-old. But they did say there was that
Starting point is 00:28:29 and then they said there was a bunch of other cases of assault because back in the 30s, who was protecting women? Especially if they were in swimwear. In bathing suits. Which 1930s swimwear was probably a fucking tarp
Starting point is 00:28:38 and that was still too much for the men. Yeah. So their shoulders were showing so men couldn't help themselves. And so a bunch of negative stuff happened in the women's changing room so apparently that's a big area well because we heard that like the changing rooms were like a big but he didn't tell us why and that's probably why also near that pool uh and also throughout the hotel there's a little
Starting point is 00:28:59 girl that's always carrying a teddy bear oh and they don't know if she's like always near the pool because she's trying to find her mom know if she's like always near the pool because she's trying to find her mom or if she's upstairs i know it's really so there's also there was a nursery in this for i guess you know passengers who had kids they could like bring their kid there for the day um she's also regularly found in there and they don't know if she's also trying to find her friends or it's really fucked up that's really sad another little girl who they've named jackie can also be seen in the pool who she i guess in the 30s they were actually kind of cool they had slides that went down to the pool fun uh until a giant wave came crashing on the ship
Starting point is 00:29:38 and she cracked her neck on the slide as she was going into the pool and drowned oh right because they said if you were going over a wave and then you tried to jump off the diving board or something you could like get moved away from right and so she holy shit she was on the slide and then as she was as she took off a giant wave hit the ship and so she like smacked her head into it and i either she broke her and most of the sites i saw said that she broke her neck but she could have also just gone unconscious and then fell in the water and never came up. What the fuck? That's so sad. So you can also see little kid feet prints.
Starting point is 00:30:11 No. And you can hear like giggling at night in like water splashing. There's also what's now considered the lounge. It used to be or no, it was once a lounge and it's now the salon. Okay. Uh, uh, they're so haunted, like they can see footsteps in here splashing so often that they have a
Starting point is 00:30:50 constant camera stream running on it. So that security can see if there's anything going on. Oh my God. Um, so you can see the woman dancing in the salon. Also the boiler rooms, the infirmary and other lounges are all hotbeds. Creepy. Uh, another cool story is at the
Starting point is 00:31:07 restaurant in the hotel waitresses and hostess have all said that they'll see like a giant family coming in um like to sit like some of the people are real like let's say you and i went to a the restaurant together they would see like four or five people instead of just the two of us. And so when they look up and say, like, oh, is that a party of five or something, they'll look down. And, like, for the reservations, they'll see that no one's booked a party of five and then look back up and it's just the two of us. Oh, my God. So, like, people will just follow people around and show their restaurants. That's so creepy.
Starting point is 00:31:43 I know. It's like, okay. Trying to tag on our creepy. I know. It's like, okay. Trying to tag on our reservation. I know. Make your own damn reservation. I know, but it's always different people, too, which is why they think there has to be multiple spirits. Because it's not just the same two or three people that are following everyone, or else you'd recognize them eventually. Wow.
Starting point is 00:32:00 How weird. Another thing. Wow. I have so many ghost things to tell you. Yay! I just turned the, I thought this was the last page, and then there's a whole other page. Em, I'm already out of wine. Hang on.
Starting point is 00:32:12 Wow, you are. I'm, this is like my, this is what I live for. God, my poor parents. So in the first class staterooms, there's regularly a tall brunette man in a 30s suit and he walks around and uh you can see like you can see him go into your bathroom and then you'll look in the bathroom again he's not there but then the water faucets will turn on by themselves or the lights will go on and off by themselves, or phones will ring that are disconnected. And I guess another part of the nursery, babies cry.
Starting point is 00:32:50 There were a couple babies that died on the ship. Oh. And doors knock. There's, like, knocks. I said, knocks, doors slam, squeals, temperature fluctuations, and smells. I just, like, wrote it all out. But then i found this really cool uh site because my thing with this is i like to go on like not yelp but like
Starting point is 00:33:13 road trip sites so people can give like their personal stories so i just i just wrote a list of shit that people have said they saw oh fun um so doorknobs were hot to touch or from far away they'd look like they were glowing. And then the doorknobs that were glowing or smoking or felt really hot, later they found out that those were rooms that people had died in. Someone felt really, really hot like they were on fire and then they smelt like burning hair and i guess they were next to an old kitchen and when it was originally a warship this is how like lord of the flies this shit was back then uh during world war ii the soldiers got pissed at the cook for not making food that they liked and so they shoved him in the oven and he burned alive yeah and so uh what the fuck i know like but see the crazy thing is that's a fact like they told us that too and it just still blows
Starting point is 00:34:14 my mind but like that's not like a fictional like that actually happened like literally murdered hungry and how much must you hate someone for multiple people to agree we're going to shove them in an oven? Like. And watch them burn. It's so fucked up. That's ridiculous. And so that guy felt like he was on fire and smelled burning hair. Oh my god.
Starting point is 00:34:41 So where the ship crashed into another one of its ships during war. So where the point that the that the oh i don't know how to say collision yeah like where the point where it crashed where it got crashed into if you ever stand there in the middle of the night you can hear the screams yeah and they said um sometimes if you're alone you can also hear like metal tearing as if like the ship's falling apart. Um, and that's, that's mainly for that section. But I mean like, that's like, well, and that section was where they kept the prisoners of war and they were packed and they were like packed in super tight because, and they said the temperature got up to like 118 degrees in there.
Starting point is 00:35:21 And so people were dying anyway, like like and they weren't like feeding them well or keep it so people were dying in there anyway and then that's where it crashed so almost everyone in that section died uh-huh so it was it's like a double so it was just like a whole bunch so they were already miserable just piles of people screaming exactly you know what i read recently and by recently i mean today there was uh there was recently pretty current there was a girl that that survived the titanic who didn't know what was going on like what she got on the lifeboat and then when they like got them to land she thought that was part of the fucking trip how old was she like one no i guess she said i think i said she was like 16 or something what
Starting point is 00:36:06 but i was like like how fucking privileged were you that they just like hid you in like a beautiful area until it was time for you to get on your rescue boat they were like here's the rescue boat and your glass of champagne yeah i'm just gonna float to the shore like didn't you notice the people screaming and crying all around you that were like begging for the people they love to not die like but apparently she was just like just totally daydreaming the whole time and she's like what what do you mean this isn't it what she like totally thought that that was like part of the journey how i don't know people look it up i'm not kidding there's a girl her name was uh her name was
Starting point is 00:36:40 katherine katherine with a k so the last page I have for you is just, I literally just wrote bullets of all the shit that people said that they'd seen. Ooh, fun. And I should find the link because they really deserve for us to post this. But they wrote every room and what happens in every room. So like of all the rooms, like every bullet I have is from a different room. I just didn't write the rooms down because who cares about the numbers you know we'll look it up before we go together okay so in one room people's blankets have been getting pulled off them while they're sleeping
Starting point is 00:37:15 and another one figures and people will vanish right in front of them like we'll just show up and leave guests will be held down in their bed and can't move that see that's i don't know no i don't want that nope uh drawers will open and close or people will wake up and all the drawers in there and the whole room will be open it's like drawers like in the dresser and their nightstand like everything will be open on its own uh they've heard scratching in the closet ew uh they've heard uh or they've seen shadows walking across the room from, like, the door to the TV and then just, like, dissipate away. Chairs have moved across the floor, or your luggage has moved right in front of you. Okay, so this freaked me out because I forgot that I was talking, no, no, no, not in that way.
Starting point is 00:37:57 It's just, like, I was being an idiot, and I forgot that I was, like, writing notes about a ship. And so the portholes of the ship would open and close on their own, which is creepy. But my like dumb ass brain read portals. And I was like, whoa, portals. No one told me there were portals. So port. But the portholes, like they had us. The guy, our tour guide was like, try and close this.
Starting point is 00:38:23 And they're fucking heavy. Like you have to take two hands and force it closed. And he's like, people just report them swinging open. Slinging open, yeah. Yeah, and slamming. And you cannot... It's a ship that's docked. It doesn't...
Starting point is 00:38:35 There's no wind. It doesn't... But you have to forcibly shut it closed. It takes two hands. So people do report that, and it's really weird. Anyway. There's also a lot of cold spots um and there's people have reported being grabbed and shaken while they're sleeping that's even worse can you imagine being shaken and like like waking up to
Starting point is 00:38:56 nothing shaking you um fuck that so hangers or hangers and or clothes sound like they're being shuffled around in the closet. And then people will open the closet and be like, what was that sound? And there are no clothes or hangers. It's an empty fucking closet, but they could hear things moving in there. A woman was crying and people have approached her and been like, what's wrong? And she just disappeared in front of them. Guests, if you thought getting shaken awake was bad enough guests would wake up levitating no
Starting point is 00:39:27 my fucking nightmare at what point do you drop like you're definitely awake so like do you just like once the ghost realizes you're awake do they just drop you and like you fucking plummet or does it like let you down like oh i didn't mean to wake you like oops slow descent or do you just stay there floating and go ah i don't know i don't want to find out fuck uh the creepiest thing i could ever fucking create in my mind is the bullet that says in one room you can hear flute playing in the middle of the night right next to your bed so someone's just like serenading you like peter pan just shows up uh no he's was he the piccolo whatever it's all creepy uh he was uh one of those um he was with winston churchill one of the elite elite members of the
Starting point is 00:40:15 you know their buds the guest list uh another man in 30s clothes will sit on your bed and watch you sleep no i was like abso-fucking-lutely no uh people will feel being touched like you'll feel like either a cold or a warm handprint on them and then as soon as the feeling goes away the tv will turn on by itself why the tv like just something will turn on like the tv will turn on or the faucets will go off or the lights will turn on it's like at like you feel pressure like a hand is on you and then as soon as it goes away things will turn on by themselves to let you know you weren't imagining that um and then one of the creepiest things i've ever heard in my entire life the bathroom doors will close on their own like if it's open you and you're sitting on your bed you look at the bathroom the door will slam close
Starting point is 00:40:59 on its own and then you'll hear a knock on the other side. I know. I know. I know. This is... Ugh. The last two I have, someone actually did an investigation in room B492, and their notes were that they saw a lot of orbs and got a lot of pictures of orbs around them. And they also had personal encounters by feeling like they were being watched or felt like someone was standing next to them.
Starting point is 00:41:30 And then they heard footsteps in the room walking. Like, every time they tried to follow it, the footsteps would be on the other side of the room. And when they went to bed, they heard the footsteps again and, like, pretended they were asleep. And they heard the footsteps walking closer and closer to their bed. and then heard and felt the bed get kicked to be like hey i'm right fucking here like you were trying to find me and now i'm gonna wake you up how do you even go to sleep in a room like that oh you don't no uh they felt being stared at uh lights went on and off
Starting point is 00:41:59 throughout the night that's the creepiest thing though like hearing shuffling getting closer and closer and then a kick to the bed when it was originally like hiding and like playing games and now it like wants your attention it's like oh you're going to bed well it's like i'm back or it's just i'm gonna and also if you feel like something's staring at you normally it's like ominous so if it's kicking your bed and then you feel like that glare it's like hey i'm here now like that's what freaks me out the last thing i want to say this is the experience that i would not want okay you've said that for every bullet point i know but okay and they get worse and worse so i don't know this is the last one okay this is the last one i don't know what's but it's
Starting point is 00:42:40 currently my favorite one just because it just sounds interesting so in stateroom a 128 uh people would hear tapping on like the table or on the walls or on the doors at one point a girl a little girl literally just popped up out of nowhere just like i don't know if she like just showed up out of a closet or jumped off of a bed or just like showed up in your face but she just went hiya and then disappeared that's us as a ghost but the exact writing on this site that i that i saw the review from it's spelled h-i-y-a like hiya hiya like really just hey fucking adorable i know it's kind of like like that's the one ghost i don't want to say that out loud but like oh don't don't say it that's a very like casper ghost yeah i want to be that ghost uh disappeared then that night the bed was shaking
Starting point is 00:43:32 the curtains shook the radio kept turning on and off by itself and then the creepiest thing of it which i feel like it couldn't have been the same casper friendly ghost is that the guy sleeping there woke up because he thought he was snoring but he heard something else mocking his snoring and then when he woke up or like whatever it realized he was awake started laughing like you caught me no no no no no like like it could be a kid being like haha but also or could be like i have fucking i know like the hair on my arms is wicked high right now but so like you like basically there was a ghost that went like like with it and then when he woke up like like you got like you got me and okay i've had an experience like that and that
Starting point is 00:44:26 freaked me the fuck out and i need my parents to look away really quickly because i'm about to it's not like like i just don't like my parents knowing that i've had one whole one uh so uh but okay so as soon as i told my mother not to listen her ears are as she's like turning up the volume so one time i was at her house and her house was renowned for having this like little girl ghost like you could hear this girl giggle in the middle of the night i've like we heard her running up and down the halls in the middle of the night it was the scariest bullshit i've ever heard in my life was that in virginia yeah okay and uh but they always just never really did anything about it because it was always playful it was never it never hurt them it would steal a lot of their shit like one time uh they uh my girlfriend lost her earrings and looked all
Starting point is 00:45:24 around the house and then later that day found them in her driveway like perfectly placed right next to each other like would just like it was just the creepiest thing but one time we were about to do what people in relationships do when they love each other and so nothing had happened but we were just like just kissing just kissing and from in the room i i like i swear on everything in the room i heard like a little five-year-old like mocking us like making kissing sounds like like like but it was it was like an amplified like wanted us to hear it it wasn't like oh what was that it was full-blown like what the fuck m i'm not kidding and then literally we stopped and i was like i'm sorry we're like i don't i don't even want to look at you right now like i don't want anything to
Starting point is 00:46:10 happen and so we kind of just we both heard it we both were freaked the fuck out and i was like it's obviously that little girl i mean you know yeah we've been together for years at that point so like we were both aware of this thing what the fuck and eventually we just like watched tv and laughed and joked around and kind of just forgot about it and so we were you know kissed again and the same thing happened it happened a second time yeah and it was literally like that that loud pecking kissing sound i do not like that i was like no all right we're done i do not like that oh it was it was, it was these like, and it was scary because it like, it wasn't scary. I never felt scared.
Starting point is 00:46:49 Like you could tell it was just like joke. It was like having like a little annoying sister in the room, making fun of you and your boyfriend or something like that. Like it truly did not feel threatening. But the thing that scared me was that it was definitely real. Like we could not explain it there was what the fuck there was no explaining it no denying it i till my deathbed i can still hear it when i think about it yeah there and like it i need i need to emphasize that it wasn't just like a weird like background sound
Starting point is 00:47:21 it was full like it sounded like it was coming from one side of the room but right in my ear like wanted us to hear it that gives me the show i don't like it anyway the end that's the queen mary and my horrible life and ghosts do not want you to have a happy relationship anyway i'm gonna stop now and drink my milkshake while you tell me a great story. You deserve a drink, honestly. That's why you drink and I support it. Okay. I'm ready when you are. This is about the disappearance of Maura Murray. I don't know who that is.
Starting point is 00:47:56 Great. Great. Great. Great. Okay. Makes it more fun. Yeah. Maura Murray?
Starting point is 00:48:03 Wrong. What? Maura Murray. Maura Murray. Okay. Maura Murray. Maura Murray. I what maura murray maura murray okay maura murray maura murray i'm gonna call her maura okay that's probably good since it's her name yeah but people call her murray on like articles last name yeah but i i just was like i want to call him well we're buds maura because like i feel like that's more anyway so maura was a 21 year old nursing student at the university of massachusetts amherst who vanished on february 9 2004 and has been missing ever since oh wow i know where what was the school again uh university of massachusetts amherst she's a nursing student you mass neither of us went there yeah but I always saw shirts with it on them when we lived in Boston.
Starting point is 00:48:47 That counts. Okay. So I'm going to give you just a timeline of what happened because it's a bizarre missing person's case and nobody has been able to solve it. And some really weird things happened before she disappeared. So three months before her disappearance uh mora admitted to using a stolen credit card to order food and uh the charges were to be dropped after three months of good behavior so it wasn't like a huge deal but there was like a weird little
Starting point is 00:49:17 right bit of criminal behavior she was engaging in um on february 5th mora spoke with her older sister kathleen uh while on duty at her campus security job. They discussed Kathleen's relationship problems with her fiancé. And at around 10.30 p.m., her supervisor reported coming in and seeing her break down in tears and then spend a long time staring straight ahead into empty space, not having any reaction to anything anybody said. Just distant. Totally distant, being completely out of it with a nursing book laying open in front of her. So the supervisor escorted her back to her dorm around 1.20 a.m.
Starting point is 00:49:53 She asked what was wrong, and Maura just said, my sister. But she wouldn't say anything more. Wait, Maura said this? Yes, Maura said, my sister. So she was totally disoriented, not paying attention, and then she still says, something's wrong with my sister. She just said, my sister and that she was like totally just like disoriented not paying attention and then she still has she still says something's wrong with my sister she just said my sister okay uh on saturday february 7th which was two days later uh more's dad fred visited town to see her uh and he's from connecticut so it wasn't you know a super far trip uh the two went car shopping just to look around and buy a car and then went to dinner.
Starting point is 00:50:27 Maura dropped her dad off at his motel and he let her borrow his car to drive to a dorm party back on campus. Good dad. I know. I'm like, I was thinking about that. I'm like, my dad would literally never give me a car to drive to a party on campus. But, you know. never give me a car to drive to a party on campus but yeah uh she left the party at 2 30 a.m and on her way home she hit a guardrail and caused nearly ten thousand dollars in damage to her dad's car which is exactly why my dad would never let me borrow a car that's the exact reason to go to a
Starting point is 00:50:58 party um as as far as like the records go there, there's no report of a sobriety test being conducted by police, um, at that point, but she did say at her father's, they drove her to her father's motel. She stayed there for the night. And at four 49 AM, there was a cell phone call placed from Fred, her dad's cell phone to Maura's boyfriend, but they don't know who called or what the context of the phone call was. But so it was 4.49 a.m.
Starting point is 00:51:28 The next day, Fred found out the car would be covered by insurance. He rented a car, went back to Connecticut, called his daughter that night to remind her to get the forms from the DMV to fill out. And he still hasn't heard from her? No, they were together. Oh. So she stayed there that night. Oh, right.
Starting point is 00:51:44 God. I was thinking about the boyfriend, the phone call to the boyfriend. Oh, no, no, together. Oh. So she stayed there that night. Oh, right. God, I was thinking about the boyfriend, the phone calls with the boyfriend. Oh, no, no, no. Yeah. So the dad left and was like, okay, remember to get those forms from the DMV. Right. And then they decided to talk Monday to go over the forms. And she's like, great, I'll call you Monday and I'll pick up the forms.
Starting point is 00:51:59 So that night, after her dad left, Maura used her personal computer around midnight to search MapQuest directions to the Berkshires, which is like a mountain range from Vermont, but it extends into Connecticut and Massachusetts. And to search for MapQuest directions to Burlington, Vermont. At 1 p.m. the next day, so on Monday, Maura emailed her boyfriend. I got your messages, but but honestly i didn't feel like talking to much of what does he cry about wow geo quiet this is christine parenting motherfucker this is why i drink uh okay at 1 p.m the next day so that was on monday uh maura emailed her boyfriend i got your messages but honestly i didn't feel like talking to much of anyone i promised to call today though she called a condominium complex that her family had actually stayed at in the past
Starting point is 00:52:56 um the call was only three minutes and the owner of the condo said um he didn't rent her a condo she just called to ask about renting one okay like prices or something yeah so she called for information at 1 24 p.m so 24 minutes later maura emailed a supervisor at work um that she would be out of town for a week due to a death in her family but no one in her family had died oh. So she said she'd contact them when she returned to campus. Her family still doesn't know what that excuse was about because nobody had died. At 2.05 p.m., so half an hour later, she called a number that provides recorded information about hotels in Stowe, Vermont.
Starting point is 00:53:40 And 15 minutes later, at 2.18, she left her boyfriend a message a voicemail message promising she'd call him later again again okay the first one was an email and then she called him and was like okay i'll call later okay uh i too okay so she packed up her car with clothing toiletries college textbooks and birth control pills everything one would need all the important stuff right after after her disappearance campus police discovered uh that her dorm was dorm room was mostly packed up in boxes um she left an email out that was printed to her boyfriend and it indicated trouble in their relationship it was kind of a clue and she left campus around 3 30 p.m at 3 40 she withdrew 280 from an atm then she purchased about 40
Starting point is 00:54:34 worth of alcoholic beverages from a liquor store okay christine guess what she bought bailey's wine bailey's irish cream kalua vodka and a box of franzia wine so a party for us remember how guilty i felt for making fun of franzia this is why oh okay so basically everything like a freshman college student right wants in their life uh she even stopped and picked up the accident report forms that her dad wanted her to get from the DMV. So she did go get those. And then she left Amherst, Mass. Around 7 p.m., a resident of Woodsville, New Hampshire, heard a loud thump outside of her house, saw a car against the snowbank, called the sheriff's department. Another neighbor, who was a school bus driver, pulled up and noticed she was outside of the car,
Starting point is 00:55:25 noticed the accident, saw she was freezing cold, said he was going to call the police. Apparently, according to police reports, she pleaded that he not call the police and said she had already called AAA. And he knew how terrible cell service was out there. So he was like, I don't... So he went home and he called the police
Starting point is 00:55:43 because he was like, I'm worried about her. The bus driver went home. So the police arrived around 7.45 p.m. There was no one inside the car, no one outside the car. The car had been totaled, but it was locked. Inside and outside the car, the officer found what looked like red wine stains. Or blood. No, it was red wine stains or blood no it was red wine it was definitely franzia it was strawberry fields franzia perfect uh he found an empty
Starting point is 00:56:14 beer bottle and a damaged box of franzia in the back seat there were no footsteps so maybe drinking and driving that's yeah the thought uh There were no footsteps in the snow and no signs of other vehicles. Maura was completely gone, but this is what she left behind in the car. Okay. The officer found empty beer bottle, damaged box of Franzia, a triple A card on the front seat, blank accident report forms, which were the ones she picked up from the dmv gloves compact discs makeup diamond jewelry two sets of map quest driving directions marie's favorite stuffed animal and a book about mountain climbing in the white mountains
Starting point is 00:56:57 okay uh but missing were her debit cards credit cards and cell phone as well as a couple of bottles of liquor that she had purchased earlier that day with her credit card. But none of the debit cards, credit cards, or cell phone were ever used again since her disappearance. Oh, shit. Yeah, they just went off the map. A rag that was believed to have been part of her emergency roadside kit was discovered stuffed into the muffler pipe of her car. And that was one of the big things that people can't figure out some people think um a suicide attempt like she was
Starting point is 00:57:30 trying to keep the gas in the car some people think um it's actually a way to stall a car if you stuff the the muffler um it supposedly stalls the car so it stops driving okay some people think it was like somebody else had tried to stall the car and then her father later said he told her to put it there to stop the tailpipe from leaking but people have questioned that because he knew a thing or two about cars and that's not a thing you would tell someone to stuff a rag in a tailpipe right so it's kind of one of those weird things nobody knows how did they find that information out that he said that to her oh he told police like oh no i told her to put that there to like just incriminating it's strange that's like it's it's strange and nobody knows part of it is that like he was really opposed
Starting point is 00:58:21 to the idea that she might have like been trying to run away or commit suicide. So some people think maybe he was... Yeah. Some people think maybe he was saying, oh, no, I told her it was a good idea. She only did it on purpose because I told her. So my thought is that she was trying to... Before this car crash part, it sounded like she was trying to run away from her boyfriend or something and move to that condo without being noticed. Right? That's, I i think the biggest because why go through all that trouble of contacting them and packing everything up and
Starting point is 00:58:51 getting you know bringing whatever you need just to crash a car well and the big thing too that i've like thought about and i've read a bunch of different theories if you were going to commit suicide like some people think why would you bring your text, your nursing textbooks? She brought all her textbooks. She brought the DMV paperwork that she had promised her dad. She'd fill out like you don't go to the DMV and pick up that paperwork. I feel like if she were,
Starting point is 00:59:18 I feel like her picking up the paperwork was at least just to, um, like, I don't know, just have like one less thing off of his list. If she was trying to disappear or something, she was supposed to fill it out. I don't know, just have, like, one less thing off of his list if she was trying to disappear or something. But she was supposed to fill it out. Like, you know, he asked her to fill it out for him. Like, because she crashed the car.
Starting point is 00:59:32 So it was, it's one of those things where people are like, she wouldn't have gone through the trouble of going to the DMV. Like, literally, if you're going to kill yourself, you don't go to the DMV to, like, fill out paperwork. Sorry. I mean, and people say, like, also, as a student, you don't bring, like,V to fill out paperwork. Sorry. I mean, and people say like also as a student, you don't bring like several textbooks with you. Right. But again, like it looks like she was drinking while she was driving. So who knows? Maybe she, I feel like maybe she was on her way to that condo she was trying to run away to and gotten a car crash on the way.
Starting point is 00:59:59 That's one of the theories is that like she got into an accident. She said, don't call the police because she had been drinking. Right. She had been in trouble for that credit card theft. So she was, maybe she panicked. She was 21 years old. So maybe she panicked and thought. That's like how, where could she have gone without using her phone or cards again?
Starting point is 01:00:22 Well, the thought is that somebody picks her up on the side of the road and said, oh, I'll give you a ride. And then kill her. And either killed her or abducted her. Her father claims to this day that he believes it was an abduction um and he's still upset that the police treated it as a missing persons as opposed to like a criminal investigation right um but the thought is mostly that something bad happened to her after that accident. Right. Here, during his flight, her boyfriend had turned off his cell phone. He was flying to New Hampshire to, like, be with the family. And at some point during the flight, when he got to where he was going,
Starting point is 01:01:03 he turned on his phone and had a voicemail that he believed was the sound of Maura sobbing. Of Maura sobbing. Ugh. Maura sobbing. Ugh. And the cell phone call was traced to a calling card issued to the American Red Cross. What? I don't know. I mean, she was a nursing student. I don't know if that had anything to do with it, but that was the only place they traced that call.
Starting point is 01:01:22 So they searched far and wide. They extended the search to Vermont. They used thermal imaging cameras. They used helicopters. Oh gosh uh dogs cadaver dogs tracking dogs uh one of the dogs or like a group of tracking dogs smelled her gloves and then went 100 yards and lost the scent which is what leads led police to believe that she got in a car and drove away because like her scent didn't seem to be anywhere around the car and her footprints only went 100 feet away from the car and then we're gone um so nobody knows if like she was abducted or if she got into a car or if she was purposefully planning to run away right like had another car waiting for her like a tandem driver exactly um so it's like really
Starting point is 01:02:06 unclear uh there were also two girls that were abducted around the same time that a lot of people speculate were similar cases but the police still say like there's no way we can link these one girl was murdered in vermont 100 i think her car was found um like nearby a month later and she was murdered so people are unclear whether any of these are related um how what year is this 20 2004 and on in 2014 uh that was the 10th anniversary of her disappearance. And the attorney general or senior assistant attorney general said that they haven't had any clues as to what was going on. They have no idea. They really don't know.
Starting point is 01:03:14 There's still websites up offering a reward. I think in 2017, if nobody is able to figure it out, the $20,000, I'm pretty sure, is set to go to a missing person's charity or group. If nobody can figure it out. Because it expires this year. Was the boxed wine there in the car? Yes. But it had been tampered with. So I guess that means... That's the drunk driving. And then they found the the wine stains so it's hard to understand because again she was 21 years old so it's not
Starting point is 01:03:29 you have to imagine being a 21 year old and being i would be scared shitless things are blowing up in your face and it's like how do you deal you know i mean if the police are coming and you know you've been drinking right it's terrifying it's the most terrifying thought in the world and if somebody comes by and says oh i'll bring you to wherever you're going one of the best series i read was on reddit there's a whole reddit uh reddit thread about or a whole subreddit about like fine murmury really yeah and people are just trying to figure out any clues they can and uh one of the most interesting things i read was from a woman who's in her 30s now but she was like i was like the same age right and looking back like i had issues with like sexual assault or like i had an experience and i was trying to deal with it and like family problems
Starting point is 01:04:18 and whatever and i became like an alcoholic and if i had crashed my car knowing i was drinking and someone came up and said oh like don't worry i'll give you a ride yeah i would do it too i would jump in the car in a second you know like i mean if i were if i were drunk and that scared in that scenario and i mean again it was she was in new hampshire it was freezing cold out some people were like well maybe she wandered off and died in the elements but But they did every sort of search. They searched many, many times in the surrounding area. Everything from dogs to thermal imaging to helicopters.
Starting point is 01:04:54 They couldn't find anything. So the biggest thing points to that she got in someone's car. But again, it's been, what, 13 years now. So they still don't know and i mean it's it's hard to believe like oh they haven't figured out with the reward and everything like nobody's been able to offer a clue but well to me that means that she wanted to not if if she wasn't abducted and killed and this was like a successful runaway which there's not many of them like she clearly doesn't want to be found then so either she definitely doesn't want to be found or definitely wants to be found the weird thing right it's
Starting point is 01:05:29 either one or the other reminds me there's that john mulaney joke of like i love him one time i was i was walking down new york and i saw a wheelchair with no one in it and he was like i don't know what happened there you hope it was a miracle but something happened yeah that was that was the way they got exactly so it's like hard to know i mean her dad still claims he thinks it was an abduction he's still um the fbi got involved and nobody knows but there's just so many weird facets to it yeah um including like the weird phone calls and, like, her sister's fiancé problems. And so it's hard to tell whether she just had, like, a breakdown and then got abducted, like, by chance. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:16 Or whether she planned it. But if she had planned it, it's really hard to believe that after this many years. Because she was really close with her family. And also she was still nice enough to, like, get the paperwork from her dad like if she really disrespected her dad and didn't want him to find her right well and i mean she even had her textbooks which meant she was like this was an abduction this was for sure an abduction like why would you run away and be like oh i'm gonna bring all my textbooks so i stay savvy it's weird right yeah so anyway it's just one of those weird unsolved mysteries somebody on twitter had actually i feel like an ass because i again i didn't write down
Starting point is 01:06:51 who it was and i don't remember because i'm just it's lost in the twitter sphere whoever suggested more marie thank you um i appreciate your suggestion and obviously we used it. But again, if you have a suggestion and you want to be credited, please send it to our email. Because I probably won't find it in our Twitter nightmare of a mess. So, anyway. God, that was just so down. That was such a bummer. It's hard because it's like, is she alive? Is she dead?
Starting point is 01:07:22 She's dead. I think that makes the most sense. I mean, if it's been several, several, several years. It seemed like she was planning to come back and she just didn't. Yeah. But like, how has nothing turned up about where she, like. Ugh, I hate abductors. Anyway, so.
Starting point is 01:07:39 Why did you do this again? I don't know, Em. I feel like I just, I know it's going to bug you. So I'm like, ha ha. That's not true. Ugh. I just want you just, I know it's going to bug you. So I'm like, ha ha. That's not true. I just want you to feel good. Thank you so much. That's why we drink.
Starting point is 01:07:51 I don't even know what to say with that. Don't get in a stranger's car. Stranger danger. I hope not, too. I don't care how fucking charming he is. Well, thank God I'm gay. Okay, yeah. Or she, literally.
Starting point is 01:08:06 Well, I might get into a car with her no don't do it um if jennifer aniston asks me to get in her car i'm diving in if jennifer aniston aniston is a murderer we have a really great episode so that's fine i approve there was a story in my hometown of uh two girls getting abducted which is really really sad and it's a small town so if you didn't know them, you at least knew someone who knew them. Holy shit. But that was the reason why, when I was little, I wasn't allowed to hang out in my neighborhood anymore. Because as soon as we moved there, this happened. And there were two sisters, and they both got in the car.
Starting point is 01:08:42 Or someone pulled them into the car. How old? Like, under 10, I 10 but uh my mom still remembers that and she's like that's the reason you never played outside as a kid because right when we moved to that town it happened and everyone knew about it and everyone was keeping their kids inside fuck yeah that's so sad yeah i was too little to remember but it changed her and i know the most like most people get abducted by somebody they know like by far yeah but still like it happens i mean well that's the scariest part is that if it's someone you know then you're not gonna have a problem getting in the car right that's true it's a lot easier yeah anyway thanks for really bumming me out.
Starting point is 01:09:25 So, hello, everybody. Welcome to our comedy podcast. It's a lot of fun and laughs. Okay, well, thank you for that. That's why we drink. That's why we drink. Listen, you guys agreed to this when you... Yeah, you pressed play for the eighth time.
Starting point is 01:09:44 Yeah. You dummies well look forward to more fun in the next episode to more barrels alas maybe i should always be the one telling the story afterwards maybe comedic because i feel like mine does always end in like and then everyone died and no one knows why it's like sometimes i think we don't know how to open these pot like we don't know how to introduce an episode, but we definitely can't end them. Because when you're like... Yeah. And now we're all miserable.
Starting point is 01:10:08 And now everyone feels endangered. And that's the show. Children are dying and everybody's sad. Right. I can't wait to hear all about it again next week. The world is fucked. Thank you, Christine, for imparting your wisdom on me and many others. You're so welcome.
Starting point is 01:10:24 I like to bring everyone down to my level you know down we are yep bringing it down anyway thanks y'all thank you for enjoying my ghost story because I feel like it was funnier your ghost story was way more fun hope you don't get haunted tonight or murdered or abducted me neither and that's why we drink and that's why we drink okay bye I'll see you next week

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