And That's Why We Drink - E81 Little Pilgrims and Astrological Issues

Episode Date: August 19, 2018

Love your hair, hate your guts! It's just funny that Em brings back the drunk sorority girl voice but it's fine, we'll talk about it later... This week Em also brings you the mystery of the disappeara...nces at the Flannan Isles Lighthouse in Scotland, and Christine tells the story of Edward, we mean, Charles Cullen, possibly the most prolific serial killer in history. And per Gio's horoscope, he'll see you at the farmer's market, maybe... Love you, mean it! And that's why we drink!--Go to and enter promo code DRINK for 20% off anything you order on Liquid IV’s website! To save $20 on your contact lenses, PLUS free shipping, go to or enter DRINK20 at checkout! Visit and use promo code DRINK40 for 40% off all subscriptions!Use promo code DRINK for $10 off your first FabFitFun box at!Our listeners can post jobs on ZipRecruiter for free by visiting!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 hey em hello oh my god it feels like i don't know how to start this because it's been a long time it has been a very long time i feel like we haven't have we recorded an episode since nashville since before nash Nope. Not since before Nashville. Wow. Nope. So it's been a while. Yeah, we missed you guys. Hi, everybody.
Starting point is 00:00:30 Sup? I'm waiting for them to reply. Me too. I was hoping they would add. And in spirit, they all. I was hoping they'd add more. When this airs, my ears are going to be ringing. Like, oh, what's going on?
Starting point is 00:00:41 There'll be hundreds of people going like, hello. Fresh. And they'll still be going, you m for the last episode oh that went poorly um i take no credit for this can you okay so many of you wrote in about i'm not even gonna say the name but the doll in the last episode and the doll that should not some people projectile vomited listening to my show some people got nosebleeds some people had to pull the car over and vomit some people said that they felt like they were having a heart attack i warned you so when i go to urgent care don't don't keep crying to me saying that i did this you guys listened i told you not to and then they blame me because i brought it up before your story i was like I didn't know and uh apparently my boss Renee uh intentionally did not listen to
Starting point is 00:01:30 the episode after my warning she was like I'm good like I'm out of vacation days I don't need this so um I apologize to everyone who sacrificed a little bit of themselves that day a little bit of their well-being but um yeah at least you know at least my stories are you know of invoke some evoke something evoke some like illness and people also some people like sleep paralysis i was like yeah me too else yeah we know you did but you got to talk about on there they just got to experience it and tweet about it angrily um but also i will say in a weird way which i just told christine and eva is that i felt very very warm and like that reaction that i got at least i know a lot of people are listening to the show so i did kind of feel i mean not anymore they all deleted it after that's true they
Starting point is 00:02:14 probably aren't ever going to be a part of this again yeah that was crazy though within like minutes of us posting the episode tweets started coming in we were like people feeling sick and so anyway hopefully at least a few people that were skeptics are now, you know, team ghost. Team ghost. And sorry. We're sorry. We're sorry. I wanted to address it before we got another slew of emails.
Starting point is 00:02:37 And poor Eva had to be like, everyone's sick. We've killed a mass population. Yeah. That being said, we were nashville which is why we released a live episode last week and nashville was great it was fun it was short-lived but we had a good time ate some barbecue some hot chicken ate some hot chicken it was a good time on my end we met a lot of you guys which was really fun eva and christine had strawberry moonshine twice correct we went back to the bar for more i didn't have any i just watched
Starting point is 00:03:05 them that's true you just took boomerangs of us yes um no i had a great time it was fun it was like really fast yeah we hope to hope to be back but currently nothing on that now that we have more tour dates planned in the future that i guess we haven't fully announced yet so stay tuned and i know by the way that i said oh this monday turns out i was wrong and they're releasing the dates the venue i was talking about is releasing them like incrementally so i apologize that i kind of like teased it jumped the gun yeah so those are coming as soon as we can tell you we will don't it's not like we it's not a fun game for us no we don't like it at all we're harassing andrew every day like when do they when do we get to announce it and there are i'm just gonna say a lot of cities coming up can i say that you can
Starting point is 00:03:49 say a lot of cities yeah there's like quite a few cities coming up that people have been asking for one that everyone needs to know about is the hollywood improv september 23rd that's the next show that needs to you guys need to buy some tickets fill that shit up man yes please please please come see us that's in a month and our last hollywood shows have been so fucking fun yes that i feel like it's kind of becoming our home venue yeah it's gonna be a blast so if you guys can show the venue love a little more that way yeah like as much as you have but just just show up it would be really awkward if we went on a stage and like no one was there like your first two shows were fine what happened this time it's like oh they ran out uh and made them all sick with yes that all oops whoops also um
Starting point is 00:04:29 real quick uh next sunday next sunday when after this records when if you're listening to this the following sunday we have our facebook live patron patreon facebook yes because we always say that and then we're like and then you can't join and by both of us christine means just me when i oh whoops well it's okay okay so 3 p.m pacific standard time facebook live for patreon please come ready with questions and yeah fun things to talk about we'll probably be in christine's pool again no that went poorly i flashed everyone last time oh yeah okay now everyone's gonna be like i was gonna say i'm gonna say i'll join then i was like no they're all gonna be like please don't i don't i don't want to be a part of this um okay so then we won't be at a pool we'll just
Starting point is 00:05:12 be sitting in a hot house yes a hot house a hot house i got a fan for us also do you have news yes you want to tell them i'm sweating a lot and that's the news. You're surprised. Except not surprised at all. I mean, I guess if you're on my Instagram, which not all of you are, but if you are, you saw what happened and everyone's like, what's going on? But are we announcing yours too? Yes. I guess you said it on Twitter. Okay.
Starting point is 00:05:38 So M&I, just you go. So on my Twitter and probably also on my Instagram by the time this comes out. But if you follow us on social media at all, then you have seen that in the last week, Christine and I have both left our day jobs. And that was something that we have been anticipating would happen eventually. We just didn't know when that was going to happen, but Andrew has been doing a great job finding places that want
Starting point is 00:06:10 us to perform, and it just led to... A lot of them are far, far away, and involve travel. Yes, so due to scheduling conflicts, we decided it was best for the show that we take this on full time. So, you guys, we're doing this as a real job we're
Starting point is 00:06:25 actual podcast producers we're talking about the hug emoji that we don't know if it's a hug or of excited wave and Eva's doing it so actually I didn't know that Christine was also going to be leaving her job guess what I didn't either I I texted Christine and said hey I quit my job and then she said oh hey my last day is Thursday. And I was like, it was such a frantic like, because on Monday, I long story, we it's been a long, whatever stressful week. And I it doesn't matter. But on Tuesday, I went into work. And I was like, I need to talk to my boss about this now. And then after we talked, I was like, Thursday's my last day. And I was like, I didn't even tell him and Eve about this. My Nope, I didn't tell anybody. I just like I told blaze afterward. He was like I didn't even tell M&E about this my nope I didn't
Starting point is 00:07:05 tell anybody I just like I told Blaze afterward he was like what happened we were talking an hour ago but I just was like I need to talk to my boss about this because the podcast has gotten to the point where it like deserves something deserves my full attention I didn't feel like I was giving either one my full attention and the Nickelodeon job it was like a year-long program was meant to end in like two months anyway. And as much as it was like, oh, it's only two months left. Like, I just knew I needed to cut the cord and like focus on the podcast. So that's why I left very abruptly.
Starting point is 00:07:34 And I felt like I like stepped right on your toes because you were like, oh, I just talked to my boss. And I was like, yeah, me too. And you're like, wait, what? This was my day. I was like, I'm here to tell you some news. And you're like, I have news too. You're not that special. And I was like i'm here to tell you some news and you're like i have news too you're not that special and i was like oh okay yeah but it was gemini it was just very weird timing that like
Starting point is 00:07:52 both of us quit because i had in the same 24 hours but i like forgot because i was so focused on like yeah so anyway point being we made it was a tough decision for both of us we talked about this and we were like we were both in our dream jobs yeah no i truly have sands or butts about it i came to la to work in in props and to work in the art department and i'm i literally have been working for the last two and a half years in the most famous prop house like notoriously making marvel props the world's biggest most known prop house like i like hit the jackpot yeah and it's like oh shit now i have to like right like not oh not oh shit and like the worst way because also something great's coming out it's a bittersweet thing yeah it's like i never saw myself leaving this job same but now i
Starting point is 00:08:35 am i know and i like apply to the nick program for years and i finally got in i was like my dream is to write kids tv this is like the one place in the world i could just be forever i'm like i'm dreaming early the dream is when we combine all of our goals and then you write a children's show that gets props from iss and it's about ghosts and geo's starring in it and geo stars okay great got it that's the next big thing you guys ready ready it's coming out that's 2020 2024 i'm also pushing christine on a reboot of wishbone starring geo so let's all get that going where like he travels to different haunted castles yes that was was that eva's idea was that your idea that one was my idea he's got quite a genius one i didn't i
Starting point is 00:09:16 just want to make sure i didn't remember whose was whose no you're good that wishbone one yeah that was brilliant because they're i can't believe there has not been a Wishbone. Read it. Anyway, sorry. So guys, that's why we drink this week. At least that's why I drink. Yeah, we went off on quite a tangent, but it was worth the discussion. We just need to tell you guys that we're doing this for us, but also for you. And we want to make sure that we put 100% of ourselves into the podcast.
Starting point is 00:09:39 We have a lot of really cool stuff coming up that we want to be like full on ready for, have 100% of our energy, especially when it comes to traveling and all that good stuff. Yeah. I've noticed a trend where every time I travel, I get sick and then I have to go to my day job. So I was like, at least I won't be getting sick anymore. Maybe fingers crossed. Yeah. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:09:58 Anyway. So here we are. We're back on the ghost track. Back on track. Yes. You know, that track. Except we're not talking about ghosts this time around. except a little bit we're talking about it a little bit at the end this is uh uh what would you say a mystery you sound like my dad he does that
Starting point is 00:10:15 what you say whoa christine you're a disappointment sorry i'm projecting that's just my mom so anyway um my dad doesn't listen this far in anyway oh my dad doesn't know what a podcast is still so it's on the cloud yeah it's somewhere mr schultz he literally recently said how come i don't ever get invited to the live shows and i was like you have you listened to a single episode like where we talk about them all the time he's like well no and i'm like well you've got about almost a hundred free available ones right now that you could listen to and like prove that you should come to the live show got plenty of time and he's like well i will and i was like okay well see maybe it's a dad noise yeah dads are really good at making that sound
Starting point is 00:10:56 as am i so i don't know if that's you know it's a good telling the future fungal m i'm gonna be such a cool funcle on board my life on board oh anyway back to this mystery okay i love a good mystery talk about wishbone man oh let's go oh i just i'm sorry i was thinking about geo we know what you were thinking about okay it's not a surprise here here we go all right so this is from um scotland oh scotland it's a place that i would love to visit one day i would also love to visit scotland wink wink nudge nudge to you guys that i want to go there andrew are you listening send us to scotland um uh no before we get a bunch of emails we do not have plans to go to scotland i wish just trying to save eva's uh email retention there okay um
Starting point is 00:11:42 yes this and i know i'm probably gonna butcher it scotland has a wild array of sounds that get put into names and words i mean apparently i can't say glasgow correctly so we never will you'll be fine here's flannan isles lighthouse maybe they say flannan flannan a flannan oh he writes that please even don't i'm sorry it's okay for people who just want to know f-l-a-n-n-a-n flannan yeah that sounds right i mean in the most american accent possible it's flannan sure the flannan isles lighthouse i need you to sound there it is okay so i was like christine gas and i'm like it's because m stares at me until i make a reaction like can you just can you just acknowledge me oh yeah like i don't already um okay here we go is everyone ready for a good
Starting point is 00:12:37 mystery i'm pretending we're at a live show everyone's like yeah yeah we're not gonna do that for you instead she's gonna pour a wine flannan isles lighthouse okay okay okay scotland as i said the flannan isles are seven rocky islands all next to each other um they are also sometimes known as the seven hunters um the the isles each one is an individual hunter sure um and the biggest one is known as i'm gonna mess this up elin more eileen more oh my god um couldn't you google it probably it's either aileen eileen elene elene more elene more so it looks like to me well apparently it's translated to big aisle so that's what we're gonna call it big aisle Big Isle, I can say that. Sounds like a Walmart. A Big Isle. And it's called Big Isle because it's the biggest of the seven.
Starting point is 00:13:29 Got it. 20 miles away is the next island, the next island closest to it, called the Isle of Lewis. Okay. Which appears later in the story. And the first and most populous period of this island, um, was when St. Flannan himself and his followers of the Celtic church lived there on the seven islands. And after the decline of the Celtic church, they left and the island got a reputation as being very unlucky and being haunted by spirits, giant birds, and little men.
Starting point is 00:14:04 Little men, not little people like apparently like um like men who are small i don't know what that means like um what's the story gulliver's travels like the little guys yeah to tie them down okay yeah the big birds you know i don't like a big birds little men you know i don't like a bird and spirits also oh right those two so it was seen the all of flannery isles was seen as a mystical land with a very dark aura surrounding it that anyone passing the island by ship could sense they could just they knew that something really dark was there those who worked on the island so basically fishermen and shepherds yeah uh they called it the other country and they believed that the island had spirits fairies
Starting point is 00:14:52 elves and giant birds which supposedly represented saint flannan's flock oh the birds did yeah apparently people saw these massive massive black birds and then they just kind of decided, oh, that's like the ghosts of St. Flannan's churchgoers. Okay. Okay. So, like I said, sheepherders and fishermen were mainly the people who went to the island. And to protect themselves from these magical creatures, they had special rituals that they did in special dialects to keep themselves safe while they were on the island because they believed that these things would attach themselves to them can i say one thing i'm really sorry but i can't get it out of my head so you said shepherds right uh-huh and then later you said sheep herders
Starting point is 00:15:33 and then it just clicked in my head that shepherd is like a sheep herder like it's combined it just never it just happened in your head now yeah oh that's like i watched history happen you know what i recently realized what and by recently i mean yesterday that i have my dad's eyes oh i mean since we're realizing things oh that's nice or is it nice well i don't know i i always thought that i had my grandma's eyes because at first glance i have my grandma's eyes that are not also my maternal grandma not my father's yeah and then i like made some expression and i was like that looks like my dad and then i like intentionally made more expressions that i thought looked like my dad and i was like oh my god i have my dad's eyes my dad it's because i don't have his eye
Starting point is 00:16:19 color or anything so it fools everyone but i actually have like his eyelids and like my eyes surrounding the mannerisms of my eyes are the same interesting yes well i just learned that shepherd was sheep herder we're all eva did you learn anything today i'm still thinking about how i'm too christian not to have known that like i was raised to christian i just can't believe i just can't believe i didn't know that i mean i literally grew up in Catholic school Where like we were considered the sheep of the flock And I just never Sheep herd And my last name means shepherd
Starting point is 00:16:51 I'm not kidding I'm not kidding you guys this is not good for me This is a really bad thing for my image And you learned it at 27 As a good Catholic it's bad At least you didn't learn it at 28 You know what you're're right. That's my saving grace. There it is. Got it. You, if you learn it before 30, then you learned it young
Starting point is 00:17:09 enough. That's what I always say. I mean, that's gotta be somewhere in the Bible. We're going to be screwed at age 30. Cause we're going to not know much at all. I don't know how to even say Flannan Isles. Um, God forbid. Oh my God. Okay. So anyway, yeah. So she, he, a birds, um, um oh god forbid oh my god okay so anyway yeah so she he of birds um and fishermen on the island protecting themselves from magical creatures with special rituals and special dialects and many believe that those who did not follow the rules of the original inhabitants of the island's quote little pilgrims which was another phrase i heard oh my little men or little pilgrims same thing different words apparently okay okay okay um i just liked the thought of little quote, little pilgrims, which was another phrase I heard. Oh, my. Little men or little pilgrims. Same thing. Different words, apparently.
Starting point is 00:17:46 Okay. Okay. Okay. I just liked the thought of little pilgrims. I just. I like it, too. It sounds like a. It really paints a picture.
Starting point is 00:17:53 Like little women, but little, like a spinoff. Yeah. I was thinking more like in first grade, we had this play that anyone that went to school with me knows exactly what I'm talking about. It was called Thank You, Indians. Thank You, Pilgrims. And half of the class were Indians. No!
Starting point is 00:18:07 Well, okay, this was Virginia in the 90s. So let's just remember that, too. I just know already how bad it was. Anyway, I was a pilgrim. Things didn't work out for the Indians. But I mean, like, in this play, like, everyone got along and, like... Of course you shared a meal. It was all beautiful.
Starting point is 00:18:24 Yeah, and everyone, like, hugged. then america became great something you know the real truth of american history that we teach on this podcast right yeah so um children are you listening anyway so i think of little pilgrims i think of like me and deirdre dresses pilgrims so anyway oh yeah so oh yeah if you didn't follow the rules of the Little Pilgrims, you would never return to your home. It also sounds like that play you did. It's just so scary. I'm laughing out of fear. So some of the rules that you needed to follow included removing your hat and upper clothing,
Starting point is 00:19:01 which is not how the play went, by the way. Okay, take it back. And turning in a clockwise direction when arriving to the shore. So just took off your you flashed everyone and started spinning in circles it's only christine in vegas yeah i was gonna say this doesn't sound half bad but okay let's keep going so the stories um whatever whatever like potentially could happen if you like broke these rules the stories were scary enough for the people that worked there that they refused to be there after sunset and they would always leave while it was still daylight out and by 1989 ships were having such a tough time traveling in the waters nearby and they could not navigate that there ended up being several shipwrecks and so the plan at that point was they built a 74 foot lighthouse to help um people see right right so
Starting point is 00:19:48 elan moore eileen moore big isle big isle i forgot that's what we're calling it big isle lighthouse was created at the oh so okay in comes the lighthouse of my story correct so the lighthouse was created at the tallest point on the largest island and since 1971 that was when um the lighthouse became automated and okay now employees aren't actually needed there but so since 1971 there are no permanent residents that live on the islands but before the 70s there was no wireless communication and the lighthouse keepers could only make contact with others on a good day um when the weather when the weather was was like well enough to work with right like clear with um balls on posts next to the lighthouse using sem semaphore signals yeah like the double
Starting point is 00:20:40 flag signs yeah oh my god they had balls that would move so you could and then they would light up so you could actually like oh my gosh see the signal um so that's how they had that's what they had to do that's crazy um the lighthouse keepers that lived there would work in a rotation where there were shifts of three men at a time and there was a fourth one who always had two weeks off and then you would switch and in december 1900 literally not even a year after this lighthouse was built three men who were working there their names were james donald although donald's name is also sometimes william apparently same i think like maybe his name is like william donald or donald william or something so i don't know if it's donald or william but most notes said donald but then sometimes i would be doing notes and all of a sudden william would show up and i was like who the fuck is william who the fuck is william so anyway um i just stuck
Starting point is 00:21:28 with donald so james was 43 donald was 40 and thomas was 28 oh and they were uh the three men that were manning the lighthouse during the story got it in 1900 so uh there was a ship called the fair wind and there was another ship called the archer and they both passed by the lighthouse on december 15th and they noticed that the lighthouse's lamp was not shining oh no which is like unheard of especially with three light people with three light keepers like yeah all there um the light should have definitely been on four if you count william sorry jesus i can't i can't stop myself and so anyway that was on december 15th and both ships did not see a light shining so the captain on the archer sent a message to headquarters
Starting point is 00:22:18 um lighthouse headquarters and found out later that quote headquarters had other pressing matters and failed to notify the lighthouse board oh no so no message got sent anywhere that like this light was not on also from the isle of lewis the one that's 20 miles away but the closest island to it one guy named roderick he was working from the isle of lewis and his job was to check on the light i guess every hour or so. He was just have to make sure that the lighthouse looked from far away like it was doing well. And he also did not notice that the light was out. And this could have been like, maybe there was like weather that like, maybe he couldn't see the lights. Who knows? Maybe he was just like,
Starting point is 00:23:00 yeah, I see it. Yeah. Or maybe he was negligent solitaire so um the two-week shift was going how like there's a two-week shift and then they rotate sure so the two-week um shift was going to end on december 20th and you don't have to remember all the days i'm gonna i'm gonna help everyone because i keep thank god i'm well i'm memorizing them i'm sorry i'm sorry so okay the two-week shift was going to end on december 20th but bad weather showed up and delayed the fourth light keeper named joseph it kept joseph from being able to take his shift until the 26th so for a week oh wow basically he was supposed to get out there he couldn't for a whole week he got okay he got like an extra whole week off
Starting point is 00:23:42 that's fucking nice must be nice joseph so say the people who just quit their job so um anyway so december 26th this is when joseph is now going to finally like take his post and on the ship that is taking him the ship arrives at the lighthouse to drop off joseph for a shift and the lighthouse is supposed to fly like a relief flag to say like hey we see that you're here um oh sure and like let the ship know that the keepers saw them approaching but the flag was not flying oh that's not good captain harvey who was the one driving the ship driving the fucking ship um accelerating anyway he was the one in charge of the ship that was taking joseph so okay joseph was like okay where's the flag and captain harvey set off a siren
Starting point is 00:24:28 blew a whistle and shot a flare into the sky to get the lighthouse's attention and there was no response oh no so captain harvey tells joseph to go up there by himself and investigate he's like i did all i can do and then he reverses and speeds down the side no i'm just using another car reference oh um okay he pulls a wheelie and just takes off okay you can hear the gas guzzling away so um so joseph he actually goes up to the lighthouse he goes inside oh god i'm scared and realizes that the lighthouse is freezing from the inside no fire in the chimney had been lit the beds were unused oh my god and the clocks had stopped what joseph also checks the light to the light of the lighthouse to make sure that it's actually
Starting point is 00:25:18 working and it was so it was intentionally not turned on he reported that everything within the lighthouse was in quote proper order including he found the dishes and the kitchen had been entirely cleaned like all the way down to the utensils had been put away the beds uh looked like they were they looked like they were also in proper order but one was kind of messed up like unmade one chair was upside down oh and a plate of meat and potatoes sat untouched on the table which is a sin to me by the way um something is very wrong something if you ever go into my house and there's steak and potatoes sitting on the table not touched there's like a starbucks and a steak there's a starbucks a steak and um my strange addiction is on pause
Starting point is 00:26:03 something is wrong if i'm not there m has been abducted there's no other explanation so um our favorite show our favorite um okay so my strange addiction is steak so anyway there was a plate of meat and potatoes that sat untouched as if it was about to be eaten oh that's that's creepy. Next to the chair that was upside down. Yeah. So Joseph runs back to shore and tells the captain that he could not find the light keepers anywhere. And so captain Harvey orders a search and sends a telegraph to the mainland. And he also sends it to the headquarters and says, quote,
Starting point is 00:26:39 a dreadful accident has happened at Flannan's the three keepers. And then he uses their last names yeah so i'm not gonna say just in case you're like who the fuck are these people okay the three keepers ducat marshall and the occasional what that's his last name no like they just fucking forgot his name or like he wasn't important enough there's like ducat marshall and the occasional donald no one knows his first name and no one cares about his last name to him um donald william uh so anyway so sad so a dreadful accident has happened at flannan's the three keepers ducat marshall and the occasional wolf have disappeared from the island on our arrival there this afternoon no sign of life was to be seen on the island and our arrival there this afternoon no sign of
Starting point is 00:27:25 life was to be seen on the island and also like the place is clean and in quote proper order like there's no blood anywhere it doesn't look like there was totally three people yeah so three volunteers on the ship offered to stay with joseph and look around and they found storm damage on the landing on one side um they said that there were iron railings that had been twisted and completely ripped out of concrete and there was a box of mooring ropes that had vanished despite being anchored down they also noticed that a life buoy was missing and they determined that the storm had ripped it off of the rope even though it was 110 feet above sea level oh my god
Starting point is 00:28:05 so realistically there's no way that like the sea did that but that's what they determined lamps were like oil lamps were cleaned and refilled ready for nighttime oh my god and there was also a stone weighing over a ton that had been moved 100 feet above the island like by itself what also two of the men's coats were missing but one remained on the coat rack by the door oh so robert who is the superintendent of the lighthouse he confirmed all of this from joseph's reports and captain harvey believes that the men went missing on the 20th of december based on three things so he thinks and also remember on the 15th that was when the light was already out two different ships reported that the light was out
Starting point is 00:28:49 five days before captain harvey thinks they went missing right so captain harvey says that they went missing on the 20th of december based on the fact that the clocks had stopped at that time oh shit that's creepy a storm took place on that date and so like maybe like they got washed away to see or something the light oh okay so here's the weird part and the lighthouse log book um had been completed up until the date of december 15th which is when the lighthouse light was no longer shining so here are the log entries from the couple days before the light went out i already have chills okay so december 12th and also i want to give you guys some like so this log book is supposed to be very um basic information it's like not a personal diary like right okay it's like very professional just like this happened today yeah okay so on december 12th it it says, sea lashed to fury. Never seen such a storm in 20 years.
Starting point is 00:29:46 Everything ship shape. Ducat irritable. So they're already like kind of gossiping about each other. Sounds like our podcast diary. M irritable. And then Christine out of wine. Can confirm. It's just funny.
Starting point is 00:30:03 Honestly, it's just funny. so uh later just funny honestly it's just funny so oh also someone wrote to my twitter and was like just so you know like that voice is really like annoying and i hate it and i was like i'm sorry do you think i do that i was like do you think that voice is supposed to not be annoying like i'm confused like that's the fucking point the point is that we do it at you now because you're the one being annoying and i mean like i'm not mad that you said that i just think it's funny we'll just talk about it later it's just funny that you tweeted that to me and now i'm doing this so how does it feel it's just funny it's just funny it's anyway anyway anyway so anyway anyway so uh okay so so far we've heard Dukat is irritable.
Starting point is 00:30:45 Sure. That same day at noon, another entry says, storm still raging, wind steady, cannot go out, ship past sounding foghorn, Dukat quiet, MacArthur crying. Oh, is MacArthur the... Donald's. The occasional. What is the occasional? Okay. Like the, like the other one is the occasion okay like the like the other one that just kind of shows up sometimes who's there can you imagine if you're the employee one of four
Starting point is 00:31:11 and like one of you like is just not important I mean as a PA as a past PA oh yeah yeah kind of he's the PA of the lighthouse and I don't mean physician assistant for all of you medical production assistant yes so okay so one's quiet one's irritable one's crying december 13th storm continued through the night wind shifted west by north ducat quiet macarthur praying oh macarthur's struggling man he's really like not having a good day poor guy then at noon on the same day gray daylight me ducat and macarthur all praying then great daylight okay like storm yeah okay and then december and then december 14th nothing and then december 15th storm ended sea calm god is over all so then so those are some of like i mean it's kind of basic it's like not as juicy as i wanted it to be i wanted some like real dirt but i mean that really creeps me out
Starting point is 00:32:11 the praying and then silence and then god rules all or whatever so a lot of people think that even though this is evidence that like people have used this to figure out where they went a lot of people think that these entries are a hoax because for several reasons. Reason one, the keepers wouldn't just skip entries at their job for an entire day. So they were supposed to post every day. Yeah, right. Every day. And so they didn't do anything on the 14th.
Starting point is 00:32:35 The second reason is there were. OK, this is the wild part. So they're like crying and praying, presumably about this storm. That's just so horrible. There were no weather reports reporting storms in the area on the 12th 13th or 14th of december what so weather reports were calm and that storms that did hit the island didn't hit until december 17th after they were already missing so they were experiencing some storm that didn't happen what the fuck okay reason three is that the occasional
Starting point is 00:33:05 macarthur was a seasoned mariner and a tough tough man supposedly so why was he crying about a storm when he his literal job is he works in a lighthouse and he's probably seen a storm or two in his life and reason four is that this was an like i said a professional official log book so the entries should have not had like any private feelings being recorded and reason five ducat was marshall's superior and so marshall was the one writing all of this so um okay so marshall was writing about his boss being irritable when his boss could like just go look at that i'm the boss of this guest this yeah it would not guest book what is it called a log book a log book i just bought our wedding guest book so guest book lighthouse a little dirty i expect i expected my wedding guest book that you write like all we are all praying we're silent blaze is crying day three we're all silent god is over all
Starting point is 00:34:06 never seen such a story occasional eva so okay and then the sixth reason is ducat was known to be a good-natured guy who never got irritable so that would be very out of character for him and if they're recording all their feelings that would have been brought up a little more so a lot of people just think it doesn't really make sense. And nobody ever actually found their bodies. So like to this day, no one's ever found their bodies. And so for a long time, people thought, OK, well, the three of them just went missing. And that's that.
Starting point is 00:34:38 But in 1912, 12 years after this happened, a poet named Wilfred Wilson gibson he wrote a poem called flannan isle and this is just an excerpt it's a long ass i want you to read me the whole poem well i'm not gonna so this is just the just a little little tidbit and also this is separate chunks but i'm just putting them together because it because i'm catering this to my story okay um okay so here's some of this poem you've never read me a poem before i'm i'm used to like dr seuss style so i don't know oh my god okay like and some of it rhymes but some of it doesn't so it fucking throws me okay because you'd combine different pieces of the poem okay let's not talk about it go on no like i kept the same chunks oh i just i thought you just took random
Starting point is 00:35:23 lines and like actually just like Frankensteined my own poem. You actually wrote your own poem and are just saying that it's... Yes. Okay, got it, got it, got it. That was my phone. Sorry. Do you need it? No, it just fell on the ground.
Starting point is 00:35:37 So... Oh, this Eva. Just truly a gem. What's her name? The Unforgettable? What's her name? The Occasional. Oh, The Unforgettable's nicer. The... Is it? Yeah, because she's unforgettable. just truly what's her name the unforgettable oh what's her name uh the occasional the unforgettable is nicer the the is it yeah because she's unforgettable oh right i was thinking forgettable
Starting point is 00:35:51 and i was like anyway thank you occasional for my phone um okay that's so mean this is the this is the poem through three men dwell oh nope i already fucked up though oh my god beautiful oh my god oh that was so romantic i think i should write a poem where every other line is i already fucked up oh no you can't tell if it's part of the poem or not okay yes i agree though three men dwell on flannan isle to keep the lamp alight as we steer under the lee we caught no glimmer through the night a passing ship at dawn had brought the news and quickly we set sail to find out what strange thing might all the keepers of the deep sea light although we hunted high and low and hunted everywhere of the three men's fate we found no trace of any kind in any place but but a door, a jar, and an untouched meal and an over-toppled chair.
Starting point is 00:36:45 We seemed to stand for an endless while, though still no word was said, three men alive on Flannery Isle, who we thought of three men dead. So, it's just like, it was like a long-ass poem about this whole mystery that happened 12 years ago. And only then, after this poem was published,
Starting point is 00:37:05 did the story resurface as a popular mystery okay so it kind of got forgotten and then all of a sudden it was like popularized into this like eerie intrigue right right right and um it actually became really popular in media where a section of the poem was actually quoted in a 1977 episode of doctor who really there was a song written by the band genesis called the mystery of flannan isle lighthouse oh there's an opera called the lighthouse and there's a movie starring gerard butler called the keepers oh all have to do with this mystery so here's some of the theories about what actually happened okay so one of the theories that they were still alive and well but this isn't
Starting point is 00:37:45 a theory actually this is a fucking fact so they were still alive and well on december 7th because the superintendent came to do a routine check of the lighthouse and spoke to all of them and they were totally fine seemed to be in their right mind okay so this was about a week before the light went out um that was the last time that the mainland actually saw the lighthouse until a couple days later due to heavy mist and then not again until several weeks after they'd already disappeared okay so there was a lot of time where this lighthouse was being like covered by mist right the lighthouse is also monitored from the mainland so in case of an emergency the men can signal for help okay and since the lighthouse was not actually seen until December 29th,
Starting point is 00:38:27 their signal, if they even showed one, never got seen. Oh God. The reports from the passing ships on the 15th, when both ships saw that the light was out, they both said that the light had not been lit, but the men,
Starting point is 00:38:40 basically that means that the men must have disappeared sometime between the last log book entry on the, on the 15th, where they said God is over all and the storm's done. And that night when the two ships saw that the light was out. So it had to happen in that time frame on that day. Right, right. Which in that time of the year in that area, basically the only time that it would have worked out is around 4 p.m on the 15th okay and so some think that the men simply just chose to flee the area like just decided just all up and leave like just peace out just peaced out and just like made new lives for themselves left their
Starting point is 00:39:18 mean potatoes left their mean potatoes and their families um yeah what the fuck two of them were married with kids so that's an unlikely theory sure that two of them just it's like logical until you really until you realize like oh they think about that maybe they hated their wives and kids implications right okay that's a whole other theory so um others think that they wanted to go on a day trip somewhere and just left the lighthouse um and wanted to come back before sunset but that also is probably not true because they were all like decorated light keepers if possible like they have been in like that world for years yeah and like the main rule is that there always has to be one person in the
Starting point is 00:39:57 lighthouse so all three of them you wouldn't think that three of them would just wander off yeah for a fun adventure i mean who knows maybe i don't know but yeah i mean there's three of us right here and we wander off and do a lot of really we do we do do a lot but basically like they knew that one of them always had to be there so that's also not a likely theory some say that uh the weather was so bad that they likely hopped on a passing boat just to get away from the storm and then never came back but okay also they would have come back unless like that's that ship also crashed looking for them i mean yeah unless they should have left a message yeah something the men could have also just been kidnapped and taken hostage on an unknown boat
Starting point is 00:40:39 oh no that's another theory and some think that a freak rogue wave just swept the men off the island um which has the most evidence actually because of the potential since there's evidence of a potential storm because like the iron rods were like ripped out of the concrete and all that they think like okay maybe there was just like truly a wild fucking storm that like they wrote about saying they hadn't seen one like this in 20 years of experience and they're crying and praying and they're grown men and things are ripped out of concrete like maybe there was just like a freak storm but also all of the weather reports say that it was like a relatively calm night weird um one of the common theories is that one of the men was outside during the storm and slipped and fell from the landing.
Starting point is 00:41:25 And the other two tried to rescue him. Oh, no. Like knowing that you're not supposed to leave the house, but out of urgency tried to save him. And then all of them got caught up in a wave. But then people also say that like that probably wasn't likely because then their bodies would have washed up. Sure. OK. But a lot of people fight that that's like the most common theory and like their evidence to back it up is that thomas the youngest one he had already previously been
Starting point is 00:41:49 in trouble during another storm where a really expensive equipment had got washed away because he didn't secure it properly so they think that he might have been paranoid to make sure that it was secured and went outside to check on it during the storm and then like got swept up like yeah got swept up and he also could have been like maybe he saw that something that was secure got damaged and so he was trying to repair the damage and that would actually explain the missing more ropes because maybe he was adjusted like messing with them or something yeah but then that also doesn't explain why like if all three of them were out there to make sure that everything was secure why why weren't all of them wearing coats in scotland in december or like maybe they chased after him yeah there's like there's a whole lot of oh my god you could just go on and on
Starting point is 00:42:34 um one argument is that uh the bodies never washed up on the shore and they were never discovered also there was no storm worthy of that size that could have like wiped all of them away weird weird and because the bodies were never washed up some people think that it was a triple murder and someone hid the bodies and then because the place was in such proper order maybe like went back and cleaned up after himself to make sure like not no blood was around and tried to like make sure all the beds were tucked in and all that some also think that it was a double murder suicide where two of the men were killed by the third oh and then he killed himself but then that theory has been debunked by saying well where are the bodies then sure if he was going to kill all of them he would have just done it in the lighthouse
Starting point is 00:43:20 wait him down i don't know no maybe but then again why would you if you're gonna commit suicidal afterward you're not trying to hide i i don't know yeah i don't know i don't know several people also still fall back on the island's history of folklore and think the disappearance had something to do with the fairies or the little pilgrims oh right i forgot about those guys because they didn't i i know bringing it back but that because they did not follow the rules apparently they were not like half naked all the time and spinning around oh my god they messed up they messed up and the rule is that you never return home so oh shit that's quite creepy actually genius for the little pilgrims so you gotta strip and spin around for me strip and spin around for me. Strip and spin. Hashtag Chippendales.
Starting point is 00:44:05 Oh, my God. Others think that it was not the little pilgrims or the fairies, but they could have been abducted by aliens or been possessed by one of the spirits of St. Flannan and his churchgoers. Okay. And while they were possessed, they could have wandered off, which explains why they thought there was a storm when weather reports say there wasn't so maybe they could have like been hallucinating something oh my god um and other theories include government conspiracies sea monsters giant squids and a sudden interdimensional portal opening up so that's most likely i think truly there's just like a whole world of opportunity monsters and giant squid are different but giant squid they think oh right because specifically squid i mean that is a subculture of the sea monster one would right but but i think the giant squid is people believe like an actual yeah earth species not like a lot
Starting point is 00:44:54 like sub okay i mean there's there's a whole lot of stuff going on so uh these stem from like the idea that like portals and aliens might have done this all stem from the weird powerful aura that i talked about earlier that surrounds the entire island and people like feel really weird when they get near the island yeah so they're thinking like apparently the the feeling and sense of dread is so strong that people who have felt it totally believe that it could have been a ghost or an alien that took them it's like wow that's in their mind just a totally reasonable argument um several people that pass by on the boats say that the feeling and the aura is still there
Starting point is 00:45:37 and they swear that their character changes when they're close to the island so people will get restless and irritable they will feel like they're going to die they refuse to eat sin um they black out get dizzy and they feel like people are staring at them all across the shore like just lined up one by one staring oh ew since the disappearance of the light keepers other light keepers who worked there up until 71 they were when they would work there they reported cold spots movements from the corner of their eyes the sound of storms rolling in on clear days it's like it would sound like a storm was coming in but it was totally fine um strange voices whispering the names of the three men who had vanished
Starting point is 00:46:21 oh several of them swear that they hear the occasional imagine if we brought a spirit box and we just got like some microsoft sand boys occasional um oh i'm imagining it and then this is this one's kind of like very ghostly is one of the people working in the lighthouse swears that he took his shoes off went to bed and then woke up and his shoes were tied ew um they also apparently report never feeling alone and feel eyes on them through the windows so they do not like to go in the kitchen anymore which is where the meat and potatoes was and they report that the doors will unlock themselves at night on the 100th anniversary of the disappearance of the three men the nearby town had a moment of silence and they held a
Starting point is 00:47:13 flannan isle mystery swim why would you do such a thing where the 21 miles between flannan isle and the isle of lewis people tried to swim it in honor of let's kill more of us let's give more of ourselves so three guys colin ed and stewart which to me is just like the most european names colin ed stewart okay um they were all from the isle of lewis and they actually swam it and they swam off 21 miles and each of them represented one of the lighthouse keepers and if they were able to do it they were trying to raise money for the royal national lifeboat institution which is a volunteer rescue organization that helps find missing people at sea well that's really nice so that's calling in stewart so that's that on that that's that on that i like have nothing else to offer
Starting point is 00:48:04 you wild times. But a lot of questions. There's something crazy about, something about lighthouse stories is so creepy to me because it's so insular and like, I mean, for lack of a better term, but. They're already in like a non-scary situation. Yeah. Isolated and by themselves. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:20 It's so creepy. And like they live alone. And especially when there's like multiples and they're like trapped in the same place and they're like keeping a log. There's something so creepy and like they live alone and especially when there's like multiples and they're like trapped in the same place and they're like keeping a log there's something so creepy about that imagine a lighthouse like party like a wild lighthouse party like no one's gonna find anything i ever heard imagine a lighthouse party i'm just thinking like in high school my friends would have done quite a number on a lighthouse guarantee it it. All right. We are back from our bathroom break. We spend approximately 25 minutes talking about the pros and cons of Greek life. I was 100% pro.
Starting point is 00:48:53 I was 100% against, but now I'm like, maybe, maybe in a future life. Yes. Anyway, moving on. Here we go. I have a story for you so this is a unique special situation and eva knows about this i think she's like no i don't but she does oh okay so basically um we got an email from a woman named kelly d from cleveland which normally I'm like, boo Cleveland. But today I love Cleveland. Okay. Because Kelly, Kelly was like, Christine, this is for you. You must be having a really, so I got, I saw this email on the day where I was like having a mental breakdown about leaving my job, about like wedding planning, about the podcast, just everything was like hitting me at once. And then this email came in and it was from Kelly. And she said, you must be having a really rough time with like planning your wedding and your full time job and da da da.
Starting point is 00:49:51 So just for fun, I like put together some research on this serial killer. And like you take it or leave it. You can use it if you want. I was like, oh, that's so nice. So basically she wrote your notes for you this week. So I was like, oh, that's nice. And I saved the email. And then Eva sent it to me and I was like okay
Starting point is 00:50:07 yeah bookmark this and then uh yesterday like with all the frantic stuff about leaving I'm like I have to do a story oh my god I'm so stressed out and I was like let me just take a look at this and I uh looked through and I was like this is fascinating and then I I will say I did spend yesterday and today like listening to some episodes of Serial Killers, the podcast podcast and like researching it. But she literally gave me. Your notes. My notes.
Starting point is 00:50:34 Well, thank you, Kelly D. Kelly. Who wants to do that for me? I knew you would say that. And I don't mean it to be like, hey, someone did my notes for me. I know, I know, I know. I don't mean to be that way. But it's just a cheap shot.
Starting point is 00:50:44 Well, I was just like, wow, this is very nice. But like, thank you i know i don't mean to be that way but it's just a cheap shot i well i was just like wow this is very nice but like thank you like don't worry i got it and then i like didn't got it and i was like how did you know that this week of all fucking weeks i would just not she's a little guardian angel little guardian angel kelly and i i mean i definitely like reworded it and like did my own research but a lot of times i'll go through my notes or i'll go i'll start researching and i'll do like six people before i like settle on one right so it was nice to have like a framework and then be like great so i have this and then i'll just like build on it right so it was just really great so thank you kelly for doing that for me it was hugely helpful and this is not a normal thing that I do, but I wanted to say thank you.
Starting point is 00:51:25 And wow, did you really, really save my ass this week? So this is the story of Charles Cullen. Okay. And so Kelly herself is a nurse and Charles Cullen was a nurse. So this was, so it was kind of cool because she put her own like notes in it. Yeah. Yeah. So it was really interesting.
Starting point is 00:51:49 So Charles Cullen was born on february 20 and i'd never heard of him by the way which after you hear this will be kind of shocking okay i have not either which are kind of my favorites when you're like did you know about him okay yeah it's crazy because sometimes you hear these and you're like how did i not know about this motherfucker so charles cullen was born february 22nd 222 1960 in West orange, New Jersey. And he was the youngest of eight children. His father was a bus driver and unfortunately he died when Charles was only seven months old. So that kind of left his mother to raise for all eight of them.
Starting point is 00:52:20 Right. Yeah, exactly. To like fend for eight kids and raise them by herself. So Charlie had what he called a pretty miserable childhood. He was described as intelligent, but odd, which made him like a prime target for bullying. And by the age of nine, at the age of nine, Charlie made his first of many suicide attempts. Oh boy. By drinking chemicals from a chemistry set.
Starting point is 00:52:43 And he said later, he just decided, well, I don't want to be here anymore. And just mixed together a bunch of chemicals from a toy chemistry set. Did not work, just made him very sick. But that was where everything kind of started. So there was reportedly a lot of domestic abuse in their household as well. His sister's husband, so one of his sisters had a husband his brother-in-law he could be quite cruel and his sister who was pregnant by the brother-in-law actually ran away but the brother-in-law stayed and he and charlie had a
Starting point is 00:53:18 quote tortured relationship okay so charles later admitted that he would put lighter fluid in the brother's vodka to try and poison him when he was like 9 10 some mike michael malone shit yeah so like try to get rid of him because he was just so cruel to him as a child which is just so but yeah that's definitely a torture relationship because one of them kind of wants to go and one of them yeah wants to see him go it's really fucked up it's really twisted really fucked up and one of them is an adult and the other is 10 years old right like he's trying to poison it's really really sad so obviously that's kind of like a thing we see a lot with these guys that they just have terrible childhoods
Starting point is 00:53:55 so surprise things don't get better at age 17 charlie's mother at when he's 17 his charlie's mother dies in a car accident and he's absolutely devastated because the only like stable person in his life that's left so he isn't able to finish high school even though he's in his senior year yeah he drops out at age 18 he joins the navy and he starts working with ballistic missiles missile missiles english isn't your first language missiles I think it's because I just had a whole story called Flynn and Isles and they're kind of spelt the same I'm trying to save you yeah okay because you said to my souls or no I didn't say my souls I'm not nasty but I said missiles missiles oh and Isles yeah i'm just trying
Starting point is 00:54:45 to help you no i appreciate it okay um i just didn't say my soul and i just want to clarify that um guys at our live shows we play a drinking game and m's always like oh if christine says english isn't my first language i'm like why the fuck would i say that and i say like four times this show like it just comes up all the time every time she's like i feel attacked because all the reasons people are gonna drink is because of shit i do and i'm like okay but you're gonna do all of them that's the point there's that that's the point anyway so it's not my first language ballistic missile missiles i nailed it i'm gonna say missile is it missiles i mean it's definitely missiles but i guess as a german you can say whatever you want wait what do you think i feel like the brits might say missiles right like the brits say
Starting point is 00:55:31 some funky shit british missiles i spent a lot of time with joanna at work oh maybe she maybe they say it missiles missiles okay let's just say it doesn't matter he was bullied there too and he showed odd behavior. So one disturbing incident, which was reported to superiors by Cullen's shipmates, was when Cullen was discovered sitting at the missile. God, I got to say it again. We're all going to just get together. Control panel of the submarine. He was wearing a hospital gown, gloves and a mask that he had stolen.
Starting point is 00:56:04 And he was just sitting there in the dark wow and they walked in and the guy was like what the fuck the first day we're like who are you and he turns around with his hands up in the air and they're like what are you doing here and he's wearing a hospital mask gloves and a gown and they were like i would truly just be like oh today this is how i always wondered how I die. Here's the answer. I will jump off the ship right now. And that'll be the end. I think I'm just gonna die from passing out in fear of this exact moment.
Starting point is 00:56:32 Yeah, it was like, really? So the guy was like, so taken aback and was like, what are you doing? And questioned him. And he was like, he had no answer. They sent him back to his bunk. Just an example of like, how weird he was. was apparently he would like make faces at people on the ship and he would like um talk about death all the time and they were like okay guys you just described two things that i do make faces and talk about death yeah yeah god renee's
Starting point is 00:56:55 probably like get out of here faster she's like oh god am i supposed to be telling someone so um this is really so unfortunately over his like six-ish year navy career he attempted suicide seven times yeah oh no and uh was medically discharged in 1984 at the age of 24 but it's not clear what he was discharged for wait so he's he's 24 and has tried to end his life 20 times because 17 and then like no seven times i was thinking 17 okay seven and then once when he was a kid so eight still like almost 10 times by 28 times still it's a lot it's a lot yeah okay it's a lot it's a lot yes it's very upsetting so shortly after leaving the navy which it wasn't clear why he was discharged they never really clarified
Starting point is 00:57:43 whether it was psychological medical i think they said medical reasons but they didn't clarify whether it was psychological um so shortly after leaving the navy cullen starts nursing school at the mountainside hospital school of nursing in montclair new jersey so at age 27 he graduates he is the president of his class wow yeah um his first job out of school is at the burn unit of saint barnabas medical center in livingston new jersey and at this point he's 28 years old and he meets uh computer programmer adrian adrian taub okay and i just think it's pretty badass that in the 80s there's like a computer programmer lady oh yeah let's go feminism a thousand percent yeah i'm just so on board okay she's a good person right we can all root for her yeah we love adrian okay good but we don't like that he's 28 and a little
Starting point is 00:58:29 looney tunes and working in a burn unit right we don't like that okay and we won't like it in the future okay but adrian taupe is a badass computer programmer she's a she's pretty great so they eventually have two daughters together and apparently the year that they married he is just like on his game like he is charming he's funny he's hilarious like his classmates literally vote him class president like he's just killing the game and i was listening to the serial killers podcast on podcast and they were um they were saying like well yeah like sociopaths are really able to just adopt like the mannerisms and jokes and facial expressions and they can just charm the hell out of people because they know exactly
Starting point is 00:59:10 what people are looking for is that why you were talking to me about yes during what you what you hear were as ads it was actually 25 minutes of christine talking about sorority girls with me and it stemmed from my it's just funny voice and christine was like you know how like some people who you know they can like they can mimic facial expressions and like they're really charming i was like this came out basically she was trying to figure out how i how i perfected the voice okay to be fair em was like oh i spent so much time around these people i was able to mimic them and i was like oh it's like how sociopaths can mimic facial features and basically yeah i mean it really is like they can like take it as like a third party observer and like throw it back at you and like utilize it and i'm not obviously not
Starting point is 00:59:57 saying you're a psychopath obviously i just do it i just you're too much of a gemini to be a psychopath i just i have my own astrological issues but i don't we all but um no i think if i were to utilize my skill in one specific way it would be the behavior of a drunk girl in a bathroom right at a sorority party right right anyway which is the opposite of all that you are which is hilarious to me which is why hilarious or funny it's just funny oh god all right moving on i guess or whatever it's fine why it's so funny funny it's just funny oh god all right moving on i guess or whatever it's fine no it's fine i was done so we're fine i mean guys stop tweeting it you don't like it because it's you're wrong if you don't like it it just gives
Starting point is 01:00:36 me a reason to do it more so that's exactly correct sorry i guess love you mean it someone tweeted love you mean it at us recently and i was like oh wow it's like oh i say it too much i didn't even realize this was said on the podcast i just hear em say it to me i just say i tell christine all the time love your hair hate your guts that's a good one that should be a slogan someone put that on a shirt okay go do it okay have you done it it's so good okay while you do that we're gonna tell you a story now okay but a bit a bit a bit about adrian taube computer programmer pretty bad pretty baller for the 80s yeah in my in my opinion so uh colin's first confirmed murder took place on june 11th 1988 uh while working as a nurse in the burn unit the saint barnabas burn unit that i just mentioned his victim was john yango senior
Starting point is 01:01:23 a former municipal court judge known for giving convicted criminals tough sentences so colin killed yango who was 72 at the time uh by injecting him with a legal illegal with a lethal dose of insulin and yango was being treated for allergies oh no i also saw on a different source i don't know which is true that he was being treated for a severe sunburn burn unit which makes more sense burn unit so i don't know or an allergy to the sun right i guess it could be either truly but but it was something not life-threatening right right right um. And that was his first confirmed kill. He later admitted to killing several other patients at St. Barnabas,
Starting point is 01:02:10 including an AIDS patient who died after being given an overdose of insulin. Cullen left St. Barnabas in January of 92, when hospital authorities began investigating who had contaminated IV bags. Oh, no. The investigation determined that Cullen was most likely responsible, resulting in dozens of patient deaths at the hospital. So now we got a nurse note, which Kelly is just such... I love a nurse note.
Starting point is 01:02:34 She likes the best. You know I love a good alliteration as well, so nurse note just nails it. Yeah, correct. I was like, is there a fun name? Oh, no, she gave us a fun name. Asterisk, nurse note. So most bags of fluids are kept in a medicine room basically unprotected from interference if someone like colin wanted to
Starting point is 01:02:51 it would be pretty easy to inject any clear drug into a bag of fluids without any sign of someone messing with it so he would put insulin or heart medications into fluids and leave them there for an unsuspecting nurse to pick up and hang on her patient later you're just killing at random her patient starts to have crazy low blood sugars for no reason or their heart goes crazy no one can figure out why but cullen was the first one in the room to run the code but so the bags would have like the patient name or whatever so he could just go in and just like pick who he wanted to gotcha insert fluids yeah so that was really interesting to me because i wouldn't have known that crazy yeah nurse note end of nurse note so after leaving st barnabas cullen takes a job at warren hospital in phillipsburg where he murders three elderly women
Starting point is 01:03:37 by giving them overdoses of the heart medication digoxin okay i had to youtube that one okay you can say digoxin but you can't say fucking missiles missiles sounds right it does sound right because it is right i like how eva tried to be so nice i've been like yeah that's the british way is missiles and i'm like oh okay that's why we have eva oh that means i was wrong sometimes i'm a little harsh and that's why we have eva because she's the uh the sugar coater she's the occasional sugar coater missiles yeah that's right yeah okay got it oh the joxon by the way to joxon so god damn it so his final victim this is actually really really really really fucked up so his final victim of these three women um said that a quote sneaky male nurse and quote had injected her as
Starting point is 01:04:34 she slept but family members and health care providers at the hospital dismissed her comments as unfounded oh my god and she died oh my gosh they just said it didn't make any sense if i were like a relative of hers yeah i would how tragic how tragic is that you know what's weird though i had a great uncle my grandpa who passed away that follows me everywhere that everyone's aware of hopefully nope okay um now you are now you are the the ghost that i saw when i was seven that i consider someone who sees me all the time. Yeah. So his older brother, apparently, and I'm going to butcher this.
Starting point is 01:05:10 I need to ask my mom about this. But he was in and out of hospitals a lot while I was growing up. And every time he got, no matter what hospital it was, he would swear that there was like some male nurse trying to attack him. What? And they don't know if it was like the medicine. they always just assume like oh he's just like right you know on medicine hallucinating but even before they put like apparently he would remember it when he wasn't medicated he'd be like someone's trying to attack me and he would say it every time he
Starting point is 01:05:38 went to a hospital and i don't know if that was ever true or not but he just swore by it and was always terrified of this guy that oh my god anyway i don't know that it reminded me of that very spooky as i'm saying it out loud it really just it holds no relevance but no but i don't know because it's like oh well that was probably just him being yeah but it makes me think i'm like maybe he was right or maybe you never know yeah maybe it was the grim reaper who knows dressed as a nurse it could be either of our stories playing relevance anyway but yeah so who knows but she said that and they were like oh no you're just delusional or whatever um and you know she was older so they were able to just play it off as like oh she just doesn't know isn't that fun that we don't take old people seriously of
Starting point is 01:06:20 course even though they have the most wisdom super Super fun. Super great. Super fun. So around this time, Cullen's wife, Adrian, serves him with divorce papers and he moves into a basement apartment. So Adrian files for divorce on the grounds of, quote, extreme cruelty. OK. The divorce and domestic violence documents described Cullen as an alcoholic who treated their two dogs extremely cruelly. I don't like that nope it's not good sometimes even stuffing them into bowling bags and trash cans oh they had two little yorkies
Starting point is 01:06:52 oh they're so tiny and uh pita actually no not pita spca actually came and took one because he left it outside in the middle of winter in new jersey and it was was like in horrible conditions. And the SPCA came and took it. Cause it was like the other one. They didn't know. The other one was not outside. Like he just stranded one outside and it came, they came and took the one. Oh my God.
Starting point is 01:07:16 And then poor other one that stayed and got double the well. And then Adrian got the other one back. Cause he's like, no, we won't hurt it. And it just was not good. I thought Yorkie had five minutes of safety. Well, yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:28 And I think after I think that was like the straw. And then she divorced him and took the dogs and the kids. So I think they were fine after that. OK. But he also hurt the neighbor's dog, which you usually hear about kids doing that. Right. They have sociopathic tendencies. kids doing that right sociopath have sociopathic tendencies but even as an adult before they had before he and his wife had dogs he killed the neighbor's dog by poisoning it and just left it
Starting point is 01:07:52 it was not good it was not good so she filed for divorce on the grounds of extreme cruelty um and then after the breakdown of his marriage colin became obsessed with one of his oh wait hold on i missed something interesting so not a nurse no there's another one coming up but not a nurse no so um according to the divorce paperwork adrian also said that charles would pour lighter fluid into other people's drinks for fun oh it's just like how it happened to him no he did that to his older brother oh right right brother-in-law yeah i see i see so he would like continually like pour poisonous stuff into people's drinks um he would prank call funeral homes for fun and he would like cut out faces and people in photos like that was like his hobby it was just creepy stuff also now sidebar i'm realizing
Starting point is 01:08:47 that i thought earlier that the brother-in-law was feeding him chemicals oh no and he wanted and he wanted to end his life so he was like happily doing it oh no no no that's why i thought like oh tortured relationship and like one wants to go and one wants the other one to go oh no no so he was poisoning the brother-in-law got it okay so he's just been doing this his whole life yes the kid was just trying to kill everyone i see the whole time yes so he yeah so he was still doing the same thing of putting like lighter fluid in people's drinks great there was actually a i was listening to that podcast and he actually would put so you know i said he was bullied in high school he went to like a party i don't know if it was a reunion party or what or maybe in high school and he brought a bunch of rat
Starting point is 01:09:29 poison and like poured it in a bunch of people's drinks oh my god and nobody died but it was like his retribution and he got a bunch of people sick and that was before he ever murdered anybody so it was kind of like a like the beginning yeah exactly okay so anyway moving on after the breakdown of his marriage colin becomes obsessed with one of his fellow nurses at warren hospital and her name is michelle tomlinson according to a police report tomlinson said colin called her repeatedly despite her requests for him to stop he also followed her around at the hospital he attempted to give her an engagement ring was like buying her expensive gifts. And she was like, dude, I'm not interested.
Starting point is 01:10:08 And he wouldn't give it up. In March of 1993, he broke into Michelle's home while she and her young son were sleeping. Oh, boy. But he just kind of wandered around and then left before they woke up. He then began stalking her and like truly would not leave her alone she eventually filed a police report against him and he pleaded guilty to trespassing and received one year of probation okay the day after his arrest he attempted suicide again okay unsuccessfully after that cullen started working at a number of different hospitals and would leave basically any time management would get suspicious
Starting point is 01:10:45 of his actions got it so he later okay january and september of 1996 january through september he admitted to murdering five patients between that period of time wow okay yeah with overdoses of digoxin on december 30th 1998 he murdered yet another patient march 1999 murdered another patient attempted to murder another between 99 and 2002 he murdered at least five and is known to have attempted to kill two more oh my gosh between 02 and 03 he killed at least eight patients attempted to kill at least one using digoxin, insulin, and epinephrine. Oh, wow. And then even with his history of mental instability, the number of deaths during
Starting point is 01:11:30 his employment at various hospitals, he continued to find work because at the time there was a national shortage of nurses. Oh, so they were like desperate. Desperate, desperate for nurses. And at the same time, you know we're in the like the 90s early 2000s they didn't have a mechanism for identifying nurses with like specific problems or you know what have you um so they didn't have any way of reporting his mental health or employment problems so his cycle of like suicide attempts and murders just continued throughout the years he would also cross state lines so any suspicion that might have existed at one place would be erased if he
Starting point is 01:12:10 crossed the state line went somewhere else they just didn't have any sort of access to his past records so in 1998 Cullen worked at a nursing home for about eight months and he was fired after he went into the room of one elderly woman with five syringes in his hand and then when they went in to see her so he left then with no syringes and then when they went in she had a broken arm and she had not been injected but her arm was broken and they were like the we don't know what the fuck happened but oh my god you're fired so they fire him but they don't report it they just fire him okay right so again he's just able to move on and find a job elsewhere and again there's this nurse shortage so he's just able to like walk in anywhere and get a job yeah and um here is the nurse note number two okay uh from
Starting point is 01:13:02 kelly which i thought was really interesting so says, I'm not sure how most jobs give recommendations, but hospitals usually just confirm the dates that you worked at the establishment and they won't pass on any other info to the new job. That's so scary. Like dot, dot, dot. I don't know. Dot, dot, dot. He was asked to leave because we knew he was killing patients.
Starting point is 01:13:22 But truly like so they would be like oh yes we confirm he was working here from january to november oh my god but it wasn't like a but if he's like why was he fired exactly and i was listening to that other podcast they were basically saying like there was such an issue with like libel or slander like a hospital was just desperate to keep itself safe and like didn't want to get sued and if they made an accusation against a nurse and they didn't have evidence they could be sued for libel or slander and that could just destroy the whole hospital so they were like so paranoid about not making accusations that couldn't be founded so they would just like basically shuffle him along
Starting point is 01:14:01 from hospital hospital um even if they fired him they were like someone else take him and they wouldn't put any report out there there's no yelp for no no exactly at least without any sort of consequence so kelly also added this note that i didn't see online actually that i thought was really interesting um she said he had some other really creepy behavior he would give super long bed baths to patients. So like he would like sponge baths or whatever in bed. Which is like the thing you should do the quickest, by the way. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:33 Like just not super long. Nobody wants that. Not good. And he would put Vaseline all over them. Oh. And then staff could tell who was Cullen's patient because they looked like, quote, greased pigs. Which is gross as me.
Starting point is 01:14:47 Oh, no. Fuck out. Yeah. So there's that. So Cullen's last job was his deadliest, unfortunately. He started working at Somerset Medical Center in New Jersey in September of 02. He killed at least 13 patients and attempted to murder two others. Oh, no.
Starting point is 01:15:05 Yeah. One of the patients murdered by Cullen was the Reverend Florian Gall, who was 68 years old and had been admitted to the hospital with heart disease and other medical problems. Oh. He was very ill, but he was making a good recovery. Doctors prescribed digoxin to calm his rapid heartbeat, which was like a normal use of the drug. And then a blood test after his last dose of the drug showed normal levels. So he actually was starting to come out of his coma and was starting. He was like on the mend, basically. But on June 27th of 2003, Cullen took a dosage of digoxin from a medicine cart, slipped into Father Gall's room and injected him with the drug.
Starting point is 01:15:51 So they did new blood tests and they showed that Father Gall's digoxin levels were almost five times the normal and safe level. Oh, baby. So there was a panic, obviously, at the hospital. They tried to save his life with an antidote, but unfortunately they couldn't save him and he passed away, even though he was like fully on the mend. He was like, yeah, totally on his way. So Father Gall's family and parishioners were shocked by the death, but assume that like, you know, he was older, like something must have just happened and he wasn't able to make it. able to make it however this is the death that set cullen's downfall into motion because computerized records later showed hospital administrators that cullen had taken the drug out himself and had also checked father gall's medical records and his status even though father
Starting point is 01:16:37 gall was not one of his patients so they started to finally put together like well he was the one who checked out this medication and he was the one checking his hospital records even though this guy wasn't his patient uh in cullen's final months at the hospital co-workers reported seeing him in rooms he was not meant to be in the hospital computer showed that he was accessing records of patients that he was not assigned to and he was requesting medications for patients that had not been prescribed and the new jersey poison information and education system actually alerted the hospital that a recent pattern of drug overdose deaths at the hospital could possibly be the work of of an employee killing patients so the new jersey like the state poison center was like just so you know like this is usually a sign is not good yeah there's a
Starting point is 01:17:26 sign that maybe one of your employees is murdering patients and how come i know you probably answered this and either i like blacked out or something but how come like so this was just the first hospital that just like decided to take it seriously no so they still haven't taken it seriously oh they've noticed this but like every hospital so far has noticed it. Yes. And then just, like, kind of, like, kicked them away. Yeah, there's issues of legal stuff, like libel, slander. There's issues of they can't prove it.
Starting point is 01:17:55 There's issues of we need nurses. So there's just a lot of things. And it was, you know, anywhere from when did this start? Like, the 70s into the 90s it was just like got it arbitrary there's also issues of like well it can't be proven because it's not computerized yet got it and then finally it's now like people are noticing because it's patterned in the computer system and got it so finally at this point the new jersey poison information education system is like hey something's up so they contact them and are like something's going on here but to cover their own asses
Starting point is 01:18:31 going into your story or into your question the hospital delays contacting authorities until october of 2003 so many months later during which cullen kills five more patients oh my god how are these hospital? I hope these are not functioning hospitals anymore. And anyone on any board of any of these hospitals is in jail. I don't know. No, they're not. They're definitely not.
Starting point is 01:18:53 Oh, my gosh. So Cullen has a best friend at work. It's another nurse. Her name's Amy Locker. And she agreed to start working with police at this point because they were like questioning people he worked with and were like we need help pinning him down so she takes him out to eat at their favorite restaurant she's wearing a wire and she starts asking him like oh well what do you like she basically presented it as oh they're pinning me for it and like tried to play along and she later said like i still feel guilty for lying to him about that and i'm like oh my gosh
Starting point is 01:19:24 weird yeah but i guess because you're so charming maybe and they were best friends it's like very weird true yeah but so he confesses to her and um the police show up at the restaurant that they're eating at and arrest him on december 12th of 2003 and just side note at the time another nurse he was working with was pregnant with his child at this point. Oh, no. Don't know who that was. That is the dirt I came for. J-C. J-C.
Starting point is 01:19:51 Yeah. Also, at one of these hospitals, he was also having an affair with a woman who was married. So he was just like trolling around, like causing trouble left and fucking right. So on March 2nd, 2006, colin is sentenced to 18 consecutive life sentences in new jersey thank god and is not eligible for parole until the year 2403 2403 i've never even heard that you're well i'll be dead by then every the world will be dead by then but yeah yeah uh-huh oh i'm truly never even heard of that yep i recently thought i was like one day someone's gonna say like oh i'm from the year 9 000 yeah and i was like i think about that all the fucking time it's like how do you even wrap
Starting point is 01:20:37 your head around that for someone who just bathes themselves in time travel theories 24 7 i'm surprised it never hit me but like i just thought it recently and i was like oh my god that just sounds so weird yeah it does anyway so this is very just to give kind of a perspective his youngest known victim was murdered at somerset in may 2003 he was 21 years old his name was michael strunko and he was a star athlete but he had a blood disorder he was in the hospital for a spleen transplant which was it was a serious procedure but it was also like not out of the ordinary he was expected to make a full recovery he was only 21 years old and uh cullen injected him with um i think it was digoxin and murdered him. Jeez. So Michael's father,
Starting point is 01:21:25 Thomas Strenko was one of the many loved ones of Collins victims who spoke at his sentencing hearing on March 2nd, 2006. And he said, quote, for someone to be able to hop from hospital to hospital with these problems for over 15 years, defies trust.
Starting point is 01:21:39 We are outraged that no one stopped Charles Cullen for murdering my son. And on March 10th, Cullen was brought into the courtroom of Lehigh County President Judge William H. Platt for a sentencing hearing. And for whatever reason, Cullen, who was upset with the judge, just kept repeating over and over and over and over again, quote, Your Honor, you need to step down. And he said it over and over and over again for 30 minutes until platt had cullen gagged with cloth and duct tape what this is 2003 he had somebody come and duct tape cloth into his mouth to shut him up because he would not stop saying it and then
Starting point is 01:22:20 after being gagged he continued to try to say through the cloth, your honor, you need to step down. And someone said it was like a horrific row, row, row your boat, like just over and over and over again. Oh, my God. Yeah. So after this hearing, Platt gave him an additional six life sentences for his behavior. So as part of his plea agreement, Cullen had been working with law enforcement to identify additional victims. So they didn't give him the death penalty because they were like, well, we can get more information out of him and get like more information about his victims. So in 2006, Colin's attorney said that Colin wanted to, quote, atone for his sins by donating his kidney to the brother of one of his ex-girlfriends
Starting point is 01:23:05 oh that'll do it yep and he said well this is my way of paying for my paying for what i've done and they were like okay but in order to get the donation approved cullen refused to cooperate with investigators or appear at legal hearings until they let him donate his kidney because they were like uh no you can't just donate your kidney yeah be quiet just show up with it in a box and be like i'm ready here you go right but he refused to cooperate and they really needed him to like give his testimony about all these people he had murdered so finally in august 2006 he was permitted to proceed with the kidney donation and it saved this guy's life.
Starting point is 01:23:46 So Cullen said, quote, I was just trying to help somebody who was going to die without a kidney. And then his lawyer said, I know there's a certain amount of irony involved here. His own lawyer. Okay. So anyway, the aftermath. So Cullen said he administrated, so his claim was that he gave overdoses to patients in order to spare them from being coded. So as in like cardiac or respiratory arrest. He told detectives that he could not bear witness or hear about attempts at saving a victim's life. Like he just couldn't handle the thought of trying to rescue a victim. And he wanted to end end it which is just so beyond fucked up he also said that he gave patients overdoses so that he could end their suffering
Starting point is 01:24:30 and prevent hospital personnel from dehumanizing them even though a lot of his victims weren't terminal yeah and were like on the mend or were like 21 and were going through like typical procedures like there was no reason that he needed to fucking end their suffering um it was just an excuse basically oh my god to like validate it so so colin told investigators that although he often observed patients suffering for several days the decision to commit each murder was performed impulsively okay and he said that he lived most of his life in a fog and that he usually blacked out murdering his victims oh my god so remember when i mentioned that he murdered like three elderly women with jocks and yeah so the first woman that he murdered um she was 90 years old and his family like or
Starting point is 01:25:18 her family like had grieved and everything and then they later found out that her death was not natural and that he had actually caused it and one of the um family members basically said uh quote i had closure but this opens everything back up it makes it seem as though she died yesterday uh that was her grandson so it was very like i get that though i mean i don't i truly have not lived that so i can't totally get it but like if something happens to someone I cared about and then all of a sudden I found out like someone was in control of that. Yeah. Then I'd be like, oh my God, like now I'm thinking, yeah. Because you come to terms with like, oh, it was her time to go or whatever. And then it's like, oh wait, no, somebody just decided.
Starting point is 01:25:57 Forced that. That the person I loved could just stop being alive. And she could have had five, ten more years with us, whatever. It was like, yeah, it's really, really sad. have had five ten more years with us whatever it looks like yeah it's really really sad um so colin confessed to authorities that he killed up to 40 patients during the course of his 16-year career as a nurse new jersey however in subsequent interviews with police psychiatrists and journalists it became apparent that he had killed many more um whom he could not specifically remember by name though he could often remember details of their murders experts have estimated
Starting point is 01:26:25 that colin may ultimately be responsible for 400 deaths which would make him the most prolific serial killer in recorded history oh my god yeah and the fact that that's not so much more popular of a story not popular in a good way but like well known like yeah that is just so creepy that a story like that is just under our radar at all times because when kelly sent that she's like oh one of the most prolific serial killers in our history and i was like what the fuck are you talking about i've never heard of this person um so prompted by the cullen case pennsylvania new jersey and 35 other states adopted new laws which encourage employers to give honest appraisals of workers job performance and which give employers legal protections when they provide a truthful like
Starting point is 01:27:10 an honest employee appraisal so if they say something happened they can't be sued for slander right okay uh 60 minutes interviewed cullen in 2013 and that was the first time the show had ever interviewed a serial killer and during the interview cullen said he was sorry for his crimes but then he added quote like i said i don't know if i would ever have stopped and that is the story of ed nope not edward cullen. Edward Cullen's from Twilight. This story. Fuck me. The nurse notes were actually written by Stephanie Meyer. Oh my God, no.
Starting point is 01:27:51 I regret everything. The story of Charles Cullen. You literally had two words left. Twilight. Twilight's going to sue me. God damn it. I was really. Okay, we're done.
Starting point is 01:28:01 Anyway, everyone, that was all of the Cullens. Some vampire, some not. There's gotta be a Charles Cullen. It's pretty, yeah. Who's the serial killer? Oh my God. I mean, vampires are serial killers in their own right. That's right.
Starting point is 01:28:14 That's exactly what I'm saying. Anyway, isn't that a wild story? Uh, yeah. That's bananas. I can't believe I didn't know that. That's what blew my mind. True. I have a Scorpioscope. Itty bitty baby. And now I can't find i didn't know that that's what blew my mind true i have a scorpioscope
Starting point is 01:28:26 and now i can't find it hold on sweet baboo g here it is okay so oh by the way today's my mom's birthday happy birthday renata happy birthday renata she's in germany she i mean she's asleep now but they're she and alexander and Allie are in Germany and they're at a beer garden and they're having a great fucking time. Great. And I'm jealous. Good for them. But it's fine.
Starting point is 01:28:51 So happy birthday, Renata. Here's Gio's Scorpioscope. Okay. Anyone who starts something with you at any time, obviously doesn't know you very well. Ain't that the truth? If they did, they'd have some respect for your ability to, at the very least, intimidate someone so that they end up looking over their shoulder for many, many moons. Oh, he's so scary. Oh, he's so handsome.
Starting point is 01:29:18 Like how they say, for many, many moons. I like to think if Gio had vocal cords and could speak human english i i hope he would curse people with many it would be this weird la granola like talk like yes it's many moons from now i'm not gonna talk to you for many moons you'll know when i'll know when the stars will know when my crystal will light up and you will know um i'll contact you via pendulum thank you see you at the farmer's market. Maybe. Maybe. Maybe.
Starting point is 01:29:52 At the moment, though, in the mood you're obviously in, should someone refuse to back off given the warning signs? Well, let's just say they deserve what they get. That is the most Scorpio fucking horoscope I've ever heard in my life. It is, isn't it? What the fuck? People wonder why i don't like scorpios it's because they are scary if that's the stuff that's coming out of them astrologically no my favorite is when scorpios tweet us they're like they're like but why don't i'm like i'm a
Starting point is 01:30:14 good scorpio you'll like me they're well my favorite is when they're like yeah lol i'm a scorpio i'm just as horrible as you say i am lol but love me anyway and i'm like so you recognize your own crazy self it's like okay at least the scorpios can like look in a mirror better than other people i guess self-reflection just kidding i never hated scorpios m was the one who taught me to do that one specific scorpio i love one specific scorpio as well and the rest i guess are they're fine they're jumbled they're the occasional i'm seeing if this one's any good these are just so funny because like to picture from geo's i mean obviously that's the point of this but i just imagine geo could like how like a bitchy seventh grader will
Starting point is 01:30:56 flip her hair he like flips his butt curtain totally he's like many moons many many moons see you then oh my god um okay i think that's good for for today well also today is um my three-year anniversary of moving to la oh shit and so that being said i cannot believe how much we've accomplished in three years august 16th is your anniversary uh within this week i was currently road tripping with my mom across the country to get here right before the program started for the LA. When did that start? Because Blaze and I were also road tripping.
Starting point is 01:31:33 It might be. It was August 20-something. I got here August 22nd because 22. Oh. But we were in the middle of the country right about now. I think we were in Texas. Blaze and I were somewhere, too. Look how time. But three years years ago we weren't even friends we weren't even in la no we literally and we had we evo is just a twinkle in our eye oh and so was baby g
Starting point is 01:31:57 geo is literally a twinkle in my geo and eva make jiva and jiva was a twinkle two twinkles in our eyes geo is me driving with blazing going maybe I'll have a dog next year and he was like please no please don't don't do that please don't no and then I did it anyway oh good times but so much has happened so much has happened happy three-year anniversary and now we are and now our our job titles are producers i guess podcast producers is that what we say now eva what do we say eva what do we say i think you say for business owners right oh we're company owners my dad would be so proud truly my mother thought this was never going to happen after i turned down the idea of lawyer and doctor she was like i guess you'll never
Starting point is 01:32:42 own your own company well look at me now look at me 26 second oh we got our trademark application today and it had like a gold seal on it and we were just like look at the gold we got multiple gold seals in the mail today professional anyway what else eva's champagne that she brought had a gold seal. Okay, guys, go listen back to our Zipper Cooter ad. And this is reason a million. No, because they're going to try to steal her.
Starting point is 01:33:14 They could not. Don't let them do that. Okay, never mind. Never mind. Listen, Eva sucks. Don't hire her. Actually, we talk her up a lot when she's around, but we really don't like her. We sucks don't hire her actually like we talk her up a lot when she's around but we really don't want to we really don't like her she doesn't bring you gold steel champagne anywhere it's all a big lie and geo doesn't bring you snuggles so forget it oh god
Starting point is 01:33:35 no everyone's gonna be taking from us oh no anyway um good way to end this not weird at all um you can find us at on facebook twitter instagram and patreon at atwwd podcast please donate please please please especially since now we're unemployed business owners baby no truly because you guys donate where we can like afford planes to visit you and do live shows and all these great things now so seriously please help and donate and it's doing much more than you think and you can also doing the hug thing emoji super excited about your donations thank you you can also find our website and that's why we you can find our merch store and that's why we um you can also mail us uh fun gifts goodies because we are doing monthly fan mail videos for you guys and that address is 1920 hillhurst avenue number 265 los angeles
Starting point is 01:34:38 90027 correct and please send us good things we will open them on video and if you are a patreon donation i don't know if you're a donation if you're one donation enter our bank account you can uh you'll watch us open it up and get super excited and we just really like presents and also if you do send something and you're not on patreon and you have sent us something let us like email us and we'll send you the link to watch um also uh please come to our facebook live uh next sunday the 26th 26 3 p.m pacific standard time if you're a if you're involved with patreon yes and we're gonna yeah yeah that's all oh my never mind and last thing please please please if you are in the southern california area please come to our hollywood improv show september 23rd it's a sunday but it's going to
Starting point is 01:35:30 be worth it i think our vip tickets are already selling out so hurry up truly please it's i'm somehow getting more comfortable on stage and if you want to see me not looking like a medicated blackout mess the fact that i just heard that is mind-blowing. So, guys, get on it. Truly, I'm on the seesaw. I'm right in the middle. So if you want to see it, if you want to see a potential disaster, September 23rd, Hollywood Improv.
Starting point is 01:35:53 You do. That's it on my end. That's it on my end, too, guys. Thank you so much for everything. We love you, and we'll be back next week. And that's why we drink. Beep.

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