And That's Why We Drink - E82 Everyone's Ghostly Step Dad and a Tattoo of Frosted Tips

Episode Date: August 26, 2018

You've CAT to be KITTEN me. It's our 101st episode (including listener eps) and we celebrated with Moon Pie, cream soda and holy water-themed gifts! This week Em revisits the Lizzie Borden House to te...ll the paranormal side of the story and Christine dives into the tragic disappearance of Amy Lynn Bradley from Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines. Also, everyone gets a horoscope this week, including the newly termed "Spicy Pisces," and Gio learns that his healing comes from within...and that's why we drink, folks!Visit to get your introductory three-pack of wines for only $15! Dial **401 for a FREE trial membership of Beach Body on Demand!Skillshare is giving listeners two months of unlimited access to over 20,000 classes for just 99 cents. Go to to start your two months now!Get 20% off your purchase at!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 well we just spent some time talking about having to poop during a run it's so which none of us have ever experienced by the way like i feel like there's some runners who listen to us who are like oh you get it and it's like no disclaimer we don't get it i just compared it to when i watched 10 episodes of friends and then netflix asked me for the fourth time if i need to take a bathroom break and it's like oh yeah i get that yeah yeah i've been there that we get running while watching only watching tv you know that great way to start this parallel welcome to and that's why we drink um where we don't do sports. Where we don't do sports. Hi.
Starting point is 00:00:46 Hi. How you doing? Good. Great. I, about 10 minutes ago, was like, this is going to be a really good episode. And now I'm like, I psyched myself out after the poop talk. I said the word poop, and now we're going downhill. What are you drinking?
Starting point is 00:00:59 I'm drinking cream soda. Oh, good. Which Christine bought me. So thank you, Christine, for that weird nod christine for that sorry it's very rare that i provide a beverage for you so i just get really excited no that's fair um and also we are going stainless steel straws just so everyone knows straws kill turtles by the way so just christine literally carries stainless steel straws with her at all times in case anyone wants to like find another reason to love her we were in the airport going to nashville and eva and i had just gotten starbucks and christine was
Starting point is 00:01:25 like oh i have a straw in my bag and in my mind i was still thinking like a plastic straw and i was like you're a psychopath like i don't want your used plastic straw in your bag thank you it was like she had like several stainless steel straws ready to go and guess what i said no i want a plastic one and i was like fucking fine so you they used a plastic one and i was like great well even i are gonna save the turtles well to be fair and like this is like no excuse at all but I have a weird thing uh I came from I'm gonna sound like I came from like some dilapidated home but I just grew up where like I always had to like double wash dishes and so whenever someone hands me their own silverware I just have like this weird thing from my past and we'll like blow in glasses and rinse them
Starting point is 00:02:04 out when you hand them and it's like yeah okay i'm not dirty i know and i feel like such an asshole but if i ever were to go to your house and you give me a glass i'm gonna wash it out before i drink out of it and it's not you it's me every time like don't worry it's not you and i'm like i mean it feels like me but then but then you know what allison went home with me to because she's used to me doing that too and then she went home to virginia with me and looked at all the dishes in our house. Your mom's not going to like this story. It's not my mom.
Starting point is 00:02:27 It's the dishwasher has always just been broken. And my mom has just learned to blindly not care. But I care. And so Allison came home and was like, all these dishes are really dirty. And I was like, yeah, I know. This is why I rinse everything. It's a weird complex that developed within me. It's all good.
Starting point is 00:02:43 It's all good. You can keep using plastic and kill the environment. I don't mind. Jesus. Now we're going to. It was one time. I'm just kidding. I'm teasing.
Starting point is 00:02:50 I put it in the recycle bin when I was done. I'm kidding. I'm actually totally kidding. I'm sorry. Well, after you just like fucking steamroll me, do you want a present, Christine? What? I get a present. Yeah, I do want a present.
Starting point is 00:03:00 You get several presents. You guys. Am I going to be the hated one of the group now? Why? Because. Because you're making me sound bad. I'm killing you with kindness what is this okay this one was from our very and just lifted up a fist like they're gonna punch me in the nose because it's in my hand okay it's a little baby animal no it's not if it's a baby turtle i'll scream no it's the one we saved um the one that you killed with your straw so uh okay so here's. So here's what we're doing. God, I'm sweating.
Starting point is 00:03:25 No, no, no. It's not a big deal. I forgot to give this to you back in May. I got this at CrimeCon. May. Wow. I got this in CrimeCon when we were in Nashville because I wanted a token of our first live show.
Starting point is 00:03:35 That was our first love. I was like, whoa, Em. Oh my God. It's a little Moon Pie pin. Pin. Um, I think Moon Pies are actually created from memphis tennessee not nashville because i think goo goo clusters are nash or maybe those are memphis but i just saw i just love wait this is amazing i just grew up eating moon pies so that one had more nostalgia
Starting point is 00:03:56 it's behind so cute it's like a vintage like moon pie pin yeah that's so sweet okay so my mom also got us something she got me something she got me something but i'm gonna share it with you because we need it is it a dirty dish no it's not a clean dish either um so my mom for her honeymoon with tom she went to several places including croatia cool and while there she bought me something that i think was a slight that maybe, maybe we need it. It's like how to podcast. She will kind of, she gave me a bottle of holy water from Croatia. Okay. Wow.
Starting point is 00:04:33 We need this though. That's what I'm saying. Yeah. So there's that from Linda and she does not know that it's both of ours now, but well, it's yours, but we can, I assumed it should be here where we talk about.
Starting point is 00:04:42 I was going to say, I feel like since all of the, like Robert, the doll, Oh, Robert's t over oh all the robert the doll replicas and things that people mail us we probably need we might as well just just actually spray this in a power wash a power hose through the room yeah i can get one of those spritz lids eva buys a power hose to pour holy water out of buys a super soaker yes um okay that is amazing thank you lynn i mean it's not for me but thank you linda i mean i hope you're definitely gonna use a fun honeymoon a funny
Starting point is 00:05:09 moon listen you're on top of shit okay you want the best part what there's more yes okay what okay so this is at in lieu of like you left nickelodeon so i don't have much time left to be like time appropriate and getting you Nickelodeon stuff. So I like scrambled and got you some Nickelodeon stuff. So close your eyes. Okay. Okay, there's two. I can't figure out which one I want to give you first.
Starting point is 00:05:32 I'm going to give you this one. I'm always one-upping everything. Okay, so here's... Okay, hang on. Close your fucking eyes. I'm sorry, you said here, so I opened them. Hang on. I'm going to prepare it for you.
Starting point is 00:05:40 Close your fucking eyes. Okay, open your eyes. Oh my god um where the frick did you find this exactly where i found it don't be that way the fry cook games bikini bottom 2001 the shirt yeah it was what all the competition all the competitors were so um okay so there's that because i almost put it on but then i realized i'd have to strip in front of you guys well you've done it before i have might as well just do it i'm not wearing a bra today okay but who knows you might not want to wear that one because you might want to wear
Starting point is 00:06:12 this one i cannot with whatever you're about to show you're gonna lose your fucking mind because i saw this and stop breathing i can't close your eyes okay step away from them okay go it's from weenie hut juniors oh now i'm all nostalgic about leaving nickelodeon yeah i'm glad to uh to cause that for you but yeah weenie hut juniors this is the most amazing thing it's draped across christine's body right now is i should just wear these to the live shows yeah like you know my favorite thing about them though because and also this is just like as someone who's like worked in props but i like that it doesn't it's not obvious like it looks like it's actually a cute shirt right it looks like it was from the
Starting point is 00:06:59 actual show like it doesn't have like spongebob square pants like plastered on it trademark nickelodeon like you have to know what's going on ahead of time to get the shirt that's why i love this because it looks like i just went to some weird weenie restaurant that's why i like it too this is amazing wait i'm gonna i think just start wearing my nickelodeon shirts too okay i mean i've already bought you like 20 so you might as well start i have an entire closet full there you go also i already got one of you i got one of your christmas gifts already and i'm so excited m does this and i'm just like this is just so no you're gonna lose your fucking mind i'm gonna show eva when we're done here god damn it you're gonna fucking love it i saw it and had one of my aha moments and i was like this is it
Starting point is 00:07:38 we know how those aha moments go and thank you that is so the last time i had an aha moment and stuck with it we got a podcast so that's right the last time you forced an aha moment on me we got this this thing happening i i know your christmas gift too i've been playing it for a while so oh just putting it out i didn't plan shit i just walked through an aisle and found it well so you had an aha moment i had to grind it out in my brain moment got it okay so anyway that's it um i wanted to add real quick before you started that i was today i taped an episode of happy half hour with brett erlich that was so much fun and it is a show on youtube um and he is this really funny comedian he's great he's so much fun to watch and he has a guest on and every week they talk about like happy uplifting news stories so it's like a happy hour
Starting point is 00:08:23 but it's like um basically like erasing all the bad shit that happened by talking about like fun uplifting news stories so it's so much fun went out to culver city to tape it and it's releasing tomorrow so when this comes out the day before so it releases saturday and it'll be like on my social media and stuff so go check it out it's a really fun show um he has a lot of really great comedians and guests on it and i'm gonna be on it next month that's right so you might as well get started now and prepare for m's and and uh basically what you do is you go on you drink and since m doesn't drink i know what you're doing i already know what you're drinking did you already tell them well i asked they're already prepared oh all right cool i think eva probably handled it
Starting point is 00:09:00 he was just i'm like i know but he was like, yeah, I mean, I probably he was like, yeah, I know, you know, because I did it. But it was so much fun. And he was great. And his producer, Sophie, is so much fun and sweet. And it was just the best time. So check it out. Cool.
Starting point is 00:09:14 And I'm going to be on it next month. Yes. So that's all I got. I mean, wow. I just got bombarded with gifts and I'm like really overwhelmed. Your life is pretty hard. I struggle. You're really lucky to have me around.
Starting point is 00:09:24 I'm just saying anyone could get random gifts at all times for me but it's you but it's it's always been you my it's always been me oh oh and the microphone oh no eva buy a new microphone i injured myself oh boy uh and i'm wearing my moon pie pin well thank you and that was very sweet of you yeah i know i know you know but um know you also need me to say it. Oh, we should also say we have a live show September 23rd at the Hollywood Improv. Please buy tickets. We're running out, but we want it to be a full house.
Starting point is 00:09:54 We have some levels are sold out, like VIP dinner tickets and stuff. But there's still, I think, a few meet and greet tickets left. So go check it out. Go buy tickets. And we will also be selling merch at the show yeah yes okay sure right eva i just assumed eva are your eyes wide are you are you scared are you frightened um so we've got that coming out november 23rd it's a sunday hollywood improv september 23rd what i say november whoops september 23rd also november yep that's what's coming up so uh the other thing when it
Starting point is 00:10:27 comes to live shows is as you know we have our dc shows on the 5th and the 6th of november we had a we're gonna have a philly show in on november 8th just a lot of bug was it an actual bug yep did you feel it oh blah blah blah i couldn't save it on time m i couldn't save his life and now he's in my digestive tract that's so foul um do you regret giving me these gifts i regret giving you a microphone and the ability to speak um okay so as i was saying we have our philly show november 8th and truly the tickets went out today at 7 a.m and basically sold out within the first four hours yeah they went on pre-sale and they were like
Starting point is 00:11:09 we sold out the pre-sales and they released the rest and they're all gone so you guys are fucking killing it and so thank you we basically this is what happens when we tell you guys please buy tickets please buy tickets it really helps us here is exhibit a you guys sold our show out in like four hours and so we are doing another philly show the night before november 7th this is brand new news so we literally just found this out today as you guys sold out the show so thank you we got an email from andrew being like listen this went really well let's just get another show out there so truly it's great because then he sees that and he's like okay so now we can build up on this tour and add more cities so so when you guys buy tickets we're not kidding it helps us so
Starting point is 00:11:49 so thank you for everything and we will have two philly shows now yes we do and we have some other big i know we keep saying it but they're coming up and it's not we're waiting we're trying to we'll say sometimes we'll say in comments like stay tuned and that's a hint but like we can't officially announce it so they're coming they're coming yes a lot of big cities coming up prepare yourselves so please go buy tickets for um i both dc's are sold out the november 8th philadelphia is sold out so all you've got right now is the november 7th yes philadelphia and we're going on some other stuff oh god i wish we could say it soon soon just get ready winter is coming oh and summer i don't know winter is darker the hell are you talking about i was
Starting point is 00:12:31 trying to think of a lighter experience um okay moving on story time all right give me give me a i feel like we've done quite a lot of talking throw me a bone that's not the right phrase throw me a ghost i'll wait throw me a throw me a break i've just watched that episode of the office where he's like break me off a piece of that fancy feast anyway um okay so i'm stealing your thunder a little oh fuck em but i told you i was gonna do this so you don't get to be surprised okay i am covering the second part of the story the aftermath in the paranormal world that is the lizzie borden house oh that's not stealing my thunder because i already did it you were mad that i stole your thunder so yeah i was like this is you getting i think i'm just projecting that i want you to be mad but i didn't do the ghost stuff, so this is perfect. True. If you guys haven't heard it, go listen to the murder part.
Starting point is 00:13:27 I tried to find the episode where we talked about Lizzie Borden, and I couldn't find it in time. I was going to try and say, go listen to this. Someone on our subreddit today was like, would anybody like it if I made an episode list? The list, or what do you want to call it? Like a guide? Yeah, like a guide episode uh list the list or like um what do you call it no like a guide yeah like a guide basically of like what and they multiple people were like please like i can't find this which is so funny because i actually made one today which i'm actually i'm gonna post it later yeah well someone already made one oh well i'm i just ages ago that's how i realize sponsors everything in each episode okay mine was not that thorough but i did find out which i told you guys
Starting point is 00:14:03 earlier i told christine and eva today is that this is currently this one does not count but as of last week we have 100 recordings yeah of her and that's why i drank episode i mean we have episodes plus listener stories but we if you add it all up it was exactly 100 so this is our 101st dalmatian. Dalmatian. This is me derailing the conversation. And Christine is Cruella. So. Fuck you. But Gio was Pongo.
Starting point is 00:14:32 I did have a Cruella DeVille coat when I was little. So did I. Yeah. I feel like those were big in the 90s. And I used to think my fake Halloween costume coat from Cruella was actually made of Dalmatian. And I felt. Oh my God. That's traumatic
Starting point is 00:14:45 i listen i lived in a fantastical world i just thought that your mom came right out of a bunch of dalmatians and sewed them together for you yeah sure who knows who knows what i was thinking traumatizing i mean i i mean you seem to have worn it anyway so i created a very dark podcast with you in retaliation it's not like any of us have problems no mental or otherwise okay anyway i bottom line i don't know where the lizzie bourne episode is but like if you look far enough into the the web of our episodes you'll find it but i am going to do like a very quick like no pun intended butchered version of like wow that was quite a pun intended though
Starting point is 00:15:25 all right butchered it put your way you're like i'm going to like for those who have not listened to that episode i'm going to give a quick little thing but i'm not going to steal your thunder no it's smart to that way it's a refresher for all of us i already threw the thunder at everyone so it's too late yeah anyway here we go buckle, guys and gals and everyone in between. So the Lizzie Borden house is in Fall River, Massachusetts. It is an hour south of Baston. Baston. And I said this in the last episode, but I'm probably going to be repeating myself a lot. I said in the last Lizzie Borden-esque episode that I have been to this house.
Starting point is 00:16:01 It is one of the coolest places I've ever been. It was super dark and spooky, but the tour was incredible. The guide was like the most informative guide I've ever met in my life. Really? And I used to be like a history guide in college. And I was like, oh, I gave shit. I gave shit tours compared to this girl. That's cool.
Starting point is 00:16:17 So if you get a chance, please go. So Fall River, Massachusetts. Andrew Borden was Lizzie Borden's father. And he was a widower with two small daughters, and the daughters' names were Lizzie and Emma. Also, since I did it last time, do you want to do the song afterwards? You want to do the little chant? Sure.
Starting point is 00:16:36 Okay. Do you remember it? Yeah. Okay. So, Andrew Borden, he had the two daughters. He was a control freak with a mean attitude, and he had many personal issues, apparently. And he was a man who apparently did not treat his daughters too well, supposedly. He then later in life married a woman named Abby, and the girls did not like her, and she really didn't seem to like them back.
Starting point is 00:16:58 I'm totally going, I'm very aware that I'm skipping several big crucial parts, but true crime is your thing. Overview. So there's also a man who claims to be Andrew's illegitimate son named William. And he showed up late in the game and he demanded to be recognized as a potential heir because Andrew Borden has lots of money. And so they, I don't know, you might know. Do you know if they ever decided, like figured out if he was actually his son? I think he was.
Starting point is 00:17:24 Yes, he was. they ever decided like figured out if he was actually his son i think he was yes okay he was um so andrew borden after finding out about william he changed his will and basically his will was either going to be left to abby's family or he was going to leave the money to charity which meant none of his three children were going to be getting any of the money so before the murders this is just like a fun fact, I guess. Can it be fun? Question mark? Can it be fun when it's about red rum?
Starting point is 00:17:50 So before the murders, Abby Borden, the stepmother of Lizzie Borden, she found the maid's cat in the basement with its head hacked off. Oh. Did you know about that? I don't think so. That was a doozy for me. Woof. I mean, meow. She was in the basement and meow sorry that's
Starting point is 00:18:07 so bad you've cat to be kidding me so right meow right meow so yeah she found the cat without its head in the basement jesus okay i don't think i need to say this but the cat was dead what i was what go figure i wrote these really late at night and i made sure to put like at the end the cat was dead not like a zombie cat dear future m in case you didn't know in case you forgot a cat without a head means it's a dead cat don't worry i googled it to make sure but the like the theory behind that now is even though she reported the cat now in hindsight um maybe they think that someone was practicing to actually behead humans that was like one of the theories of like fuck you know the cat's dead now we're
Starting point is 00:18:51 gonna move on to bigger bigger better things butchering so uh august 4th on august 4th abby and then there's the maid of the house named maggie abby maggie and lizzie were all in the home and maggie was downstairs washing the windows and then she went upstairs to take a nap abby was in the guest bedroom cleaning up after a relative stayed and somewhere between 9 and 10 a.m in the guest bedroom abby was killed by someone who pulled down the window shade to make sure nobody would see what was happening and then uh the killer lunged at abby and somewhere around 18 blows to the head with a hatchet. God damn it.
Starting point is 00:19:29 Andrew Borden then came home for lunch and he never went upstairs where his dead wife was. He had no idea she was there, but he laid down on the couch. He said he didn't feel well, so he was going to take a nap. And as he was sleeping, his killer attacked him with a hatchet from behind the couch and pictures of their very dismembered bodies are still present within the house and in a very sick twist of events you can sit on a couch that replicates the original right where the couch was sitting where he died and you can pretend to also look dead and then look at photos of his body where like his eyeball is missing and shit that's very and the photos are online very twisted fyi yeah but i i remember
Starting point is 00:20:10 i was given the opportunity to sit on the couch where like i think it was a different couch it's not the same couch that he right but it looks exactly the same spot and it's in the same spot i mean like there was once a dead body sitting on a couch it looked like that right there exactly and someone asked if i wanted to sit there and i was like i guess i for the sake of like because i'm here on principle i should and i like sat at like the very other side on the edge and like looked so uncomfortable yeah it's a little weird and i was like oh the dead body was here but anyway i did it i guess is that a good thing we don't know we're really happy um so we don't know so uh the
Starting point is 00:20:46 killer attacked him while he was sleeping from behind with a hatchet and the hatchet they hit him 11 times in the head and it stopped after 11 times presumably because the hatchet handle had broken off when the blade caught his skull god damn it and the murder weapon was later found downstairs in the basement and it fit perfectly into the cuts made in andrew's skull and it was the same hatchet that forensics later found the blade had made the rips in abby's headscarf so it was confirmed that it was used for both of them okay um supposedly lizzie found her father dead on the couch although lizzie was also in the house when all this happened so where was she when two people
Starting point is 00:21:25 died she was napping yeah right huh that's what she said she no maggie was napping the maid oh she was supposedly in the back or something oh yeah she's out by the shed yeah yeah she said that she told the police that she told maggie that her father was hurt and she needed to go find a doctor and a neighbor uh lizzie was charged with three first degree murder counts but ultimately was not found guilty because of a lack of hard evidence although she was freed after the acquittal the public opinion is that she was incredibly guilty and how could she not be arrested but at the time i think it was mainly because she was a woman and very quiet and obedient and it seemed like there's no way she could have done this right is that
Starting point is 00:22:02 correct yeah i think there was a lot of like how could this like there's no way she could have done this right is that correct yeah i think there was a lot of like how could this like there's no woman have done such a thing right right right so lizzie and emma received their full inheritance because the new will had mysteriously disappeared right lizzie and her sister then moved up to a much wealthier neighborhood and they bought a mansion called the maplecroft and in 1918 the Borden home was sold to a private family and slowly inherited into a new family that as of 1948, the family line is called the McGinn family. So I think the McGinn family inherited it from one of the McGinn's grandmothers who was part of the original family.
Starting point is 00:22:39 Got it. It slowly has trickled through inheritance into new families. Sure. So as of 1948, the McGinn family lives in the house or they lived in the house. And then they decided that people wanted to check out the house. They started to monetize off of it. Right. And they renovated it and restored the mansion to look as it did when the
Starting point is 00:22:56 Borden's lived there. And as of 96, it is opened up as a Lizzie Borden bed and breakfast. You can sleep in the master bedroom or in the room where abby borden um was found dead and which by the way in all of these spots like all the hot spots in the house you can like there's pictures of like the crime scene photos right next to where you are very weird it's very macabre like you can you're literally like sitting on a bed and you're like oh what's on this nightstand oh it's the picture of someone who died exactly where i'm
Starting point is 00:23:24 sitting on this bed like there's the pool of blood that they had to clean up for me to be able to sit here like a photograph of it it's really really fucked up but also no judgment if that's you before we hear anything if who's who like if someone if someone's been there and like slept there like i don't want to i'm not judging you but also for me it's a little too too much i could not do it yeah yeah um so uh so the proprietor now her name is leanne and she uh says that it's not unusual for guests to run out of the inn in fright she says that she has heard floor creaks above her when no one's upstairs there have also been doors that will open and close in front of you shamelessly supposedly
Starting point is 00:24:05 shamelessly it's like it knows you're watching and it's not supposed to be able to do you're looking at me it's like hello slam slam slam um she's also smelt a faint floral scent like a perfume and uh fresh light bulbs will burn out so she says that she although she's not a skeptic and absolutely believes in the afterlife they don't really ever bother her and so she doesn't ever get scared enough to leave and at the time she was living in this house um at night and so she said that there was only one night where they even scared her out whoa excuse me which was in 2004 just after she had bought the house um she was falling asleep in the parlor room and woke up of course at 3 a.m she peeked down into
Starting point is 00:24:46 the front entryway and she saw a bunch of shadows in the hallway but she was able to like figure out like okay that shadow is the coat rack that shadow is the mirror that's the table um so she was like kind of like figuring out which shadow belonged to each thing and she said that there was a chandelier that was always lit and the chandelier could only be turned off if someone got up on a giant ladder and removed the bulbs so there's that chandelier in the same hallway where she's trying to figure out all these shadows she says that she was able to make sense of all the shadows in the hallway except for one oh god quote and as i'm looking at it it walks up the stairs no no no no no no as she tried to
Starting point is 00:25:27 process what was going on the power and the chandelier started surging and about three seconds later every single light bulb burned out one by one one by one one by one that's like someone's just like twisting each one oh no um and then quote i said to no one in particular you went tonight and slept in my car you went slept in your car that's rough that's rough that means you're really freaked out oh i mean been there though yeah so um andrew borden his ghost apparently enjoys watching people walk throughout the home um apparently people feel pats on their back he's just like you go champ he's like you fucking go everyone's stepdad he kind of is he's just like you go champ he's like you fucking go up everyone's stepdad he kind
Starting point is 00:26:05 of is he's like rock and roll sport sport you got this tiger uh he also answers evps very often and he apparently goes about what he used to do when he was alive throughout the house you'll hear like random drawers open and close you'll hear um he's like hard boiling eggs yeah he's like yeah cleaning his shoe okay got it yes you know those things that we do every day right cleaning our shoes and hard boil eggs listen i'm a german that is what we do every day uh abby borden uh she is often seen in the guest bedroom which is now called the john morse room because john morse was the last man to be in the room he was the guest that was staying there, which Abby Bourne was cleaning up after.
Starting point is 00:26:47 Right. Apparently in that room on the bed, you will see an indent of a body on the bed as if someone is lying there. And you will see it actually like compress into the bed and come back up. Oh, God damn it. As if someone's lying on top of it. And you'll also hear cries in the middle of the night from that room and an older woman with gray hair has been seen puttering
Starting point is 00:27:10 around the home near that room and she was 64 when she passed um she was like doing the sheets and stuff so she was like puttering around she was literally like cleaning off the bed oh god so lizzie borden apparently there's an apparition of a woman that looks like lizzie so one can assume and it has been seen down in the basement looking around perhaps trying to like get So Lizzie Borden, apparently there's an apparition of a woman that looks like Lizzie. So one can assume. And it has been seen down in the basement looking around, perhaps trying to like get rid of evidence because that's where the hatchet was found. So they think that her spirit might be reliving that like frantic moment might keep reenacting like that big crucial part. My God, that just gave me chills.
Starting point is 00:27:42 Because in they'll hear like you'll hear a bunch of footsteps like frantically running up and down the stairs as if like they're trying to hide things or cover up before someone gets home right and then you'll hear like the clanking of like a hatchet on the ground downstairs oh my god and you'll see a shadow of someone running around looking for stuff so god damn it that's scary um apparently people have also seen a black shadow person in the shape and size of Lizzie pressed up against the walls trying to hide from someone coming downstairs. Oh, ew.
Starting point is 00:28:12 Like you can even. Then it looks like a home invasion. Oh, I don't like that. But nobody's there. Oh, I don't like that one bit. Maggie the maid. Did you know? Did I mention this in the thing that maggie is actually like a
Starting point is 00:28:26 name that maids were given back then like yeah her name was bridget yeah and they would like and so i looked up like why was she named maggie well it turns out like a ton of people back then would name would nickname their maids maggie it was like a like a weird trend or something weird maggie was just like the name of a maid it's like how we call our assistant the occasional yeah it's just like that it's just exactly like that oh that's so weird why would they pick that name i think it's like you know back every time i said something like um to my mom like there's a name like elsie or something and that's my stepmother's name but in german like that's the name of a cow like they would just call the cows that and i think it's just like a generic like um you know i don't know i just that's the only other parallel i can think of of like that's weird no i didn't i
Starting point is 00:29:14 don't remember that i think she was irish and i think that maybe it's something to do with i don't know but maybe i just remember looking up why her name was maggie but also um bridget bridget and i was like that doesn't make any sense but she probably was irish it her last name Sullivan yeah I think she was Irish I don't know if that had to do with the Maggie or not but anyway um but so Maggie her ghost uh they have gotten EVP recordings of her um they have heard horrified screams oh god and they've also heard ma'am come quick oh god and they think that that might be maggie talking about like some random experience or it might be maggie talking about like a neighbor saying please come and like look at what come here right oh god or it might be lizzie pretending like she like oh maggie discovered it
Starting point is 00:29:58 maggie come look at this yeah god there are also cold spots in maggie's room and there's an apparition of a woman dressed in maids clothes that walks by she also apparently still uh does her old chores and like still takes care of the house because you will hear shushing when you are too loud and she uh there's shadow people that do chores around the house that they assume is her that's the nicest shadow person i've ever met hold on that sounds like okay can you vacuum for me kind of great you can stay here as long as you like keep the place clean you got the dishes okay awesome you're better than some of my other roommates no yeah um shadow person
Starting point is 00:30:35 roommate but yeah so apparently she will still do like very like mundane mundane oh my god cleaning jobs it's just weird that she would manifest as a shadow person and also a person in maids clothes yeah it makes you wonder like oh can you just change it well or maybe it's like fragmented maybe like based on where the energy like what the energy what's going on with the energy like if it's a good memory or if it's like a reminder of what happened because there's also i know you talked about this in your in your story but um apparently maggie potentially knew who the real killer was and then like died with that secret right holding on to it yeah yeah so maybe like there's some dark energy of like i know what
Starting point is 00:31:15 happened and has this guilt she had to hold on to it yeah yeah or she saw it or knew about it yeah also maggie's cat the one without a head um apparently they that cat is also a ghost in the house people hear disembodied meows to a point where visitors think that there's a stray outside and sometimes they'll think that there's a cat that got into the house because they'll say hey i just saw a cat run by right and they're like why would you assume that yeah so okay so so that happens and then also a an invisible cat will rub up against people on the second and third floor bedrooms, which is where Maggie's room was. Visitors will feel a cat sitting on their chest while they're sleeping.
Starting point is 00:31:55 And then just the most annoying thing on earth. You can also hear the blanket getting scratched. Like when the cats do that thing. Like that. And then they take their claws. When they take, when they like, like stretch their claws. They their massaging their bed because they're gonna lie down on it whatever when it's like they just like grab a fucking chunk of it and just pull it they're getting their bed ready rips apart thread and stuff apparently a ghost cat does that it's like
Starting point is 00:32:19 god even in the afterlife you're ruining that's. It's like their claws are still there. Really? Okay. Great. And then also, apparently, the lights, like I said, turn on and off. New owners have been in the house and in front of them, they will literally watch the wall switch flick on and off by itself. Oh. Like the light switch? Yeah. Oh, God. When no one is upstairs, the staff will hear the doors open and close, followed by footsteps.
Starting point is 00:32:43 Shadow people have been seen on the staircase going down to the main hall and walking into other parts of the house. Staff and guests have felt someone brush against them on the stairs. And the property owner, Leanne, has felt a cold finger run down her neck and back. Oh, God, that's horrible. I wonder if it had a really sharp nail. That would be even creepier. Ew! You know, like, it would be less threatening if it was, like, nail that would be even creepier you know like
Starting point is 00:33:05 it would be less threatening if it was like a dud finger like a dull finger really i feel like a finger is more like hey i'm touching you oh i guess i was saying more like demon like the claw is creepy yeah but i feel like with a finger you know it's a thing right oh yeah you're right you're like it's a cold finger like that's a finger okay that is kind of like running their finger ew i just either way i mean either one is i mean it's not great i don't want either no me neither people also hear the sound of people playing marbles upstairs that's just the saddest game to play i don't like marbles it's no hoop and stick no hoop and stick god i can't wait until i'm on the
Starting point is 00:33:42 other side and i'm hanging out with some colonial williamsburg people and they teach me how to hoop and stick like i've been waiting my whole life for the riot and a half um people also hear the sound of a giant thud upstairs as if a body dropped dead onto the floor oh no photos of misty humanoids have been taken in the living room where andrew borden died gross in 2007 there was a paranormal investigation team who actually saw misty human-shaped people manifest out of nowhere if you leave cameras around during investigations the cameras will turn themselves away from where you point them no that's not okay and they'll find out later because they leave the camera running and then go upstairs and like they'll watch the recording later and it does like a full 360 by itself actually that
Starting point is 00:34:28 really upsets me if you that's really creepy that's super creepy you got to have a camera on every camera to see what yes turning it yeah you have to have like an aerial one so even if it turns it's still in the same way correct there are also evps caught of lizzie and maggie both humming and saying each other's names. Oh, God. There's an episode of Ghost Lab where investigators asked, did Lizzie kill you for your money? And a male voice screams back, you got that right. Ugh!
Starting point is 00:34:56 There's footage of what looks like the apparition of Andrew in his own crime scene photos. Okay. Like, if you look back in some of the photos that weren't ever really shown, there's a shadow that looks like Andrew standing next to and looking down at his own body. How horrific. That's literally exactly what I'd do though. As soon as I'm gone,
Starting point is 00:35:17 I'm going to be standing next to my body being like, What did you do? It was not that hard to nap. Look what happened. Look what you did. It seems that the spirits... You ruined our good couch. Sorry. It's like it's like well who's gonna sit here now um apparently thousands and thousands of tourists every year awkwardly in 2015 i'm on the edge it seems like apparently
Starting point is 00:35:37 the spirits are more communicative now because of the interest that has been stirred so like they're more willing to speak because they know tourists want to talk to them and they like i guess have something just like an audience for them yeah yeah kind of like a podcast now we just don't talk about everything andrew is the most common spirit that will provide evps and speak back to you so usually when they do evp sessions they will request andrew for in hopes that they'll have a high probability of getting someone to talk and abby is apparently the most common sighting where not only are screams heard when you see her but people say that they will experience a third person viewing of the moment that she died where as you're walking up the stairs and from the corner of your eye you will see a woman standing
Starting point is 00:36:21 there and someone strike her in the head oh my god that's really traumatic and then when you when you fully look over to the room no one's there oh god some have reported the sounds of women crying others claim to have seen a victorian woman dusting the furniture and she will also straighten the bed covers but apparently she has also straightened the bed covers while the guests are still in bed. And people will just like feel the bed tightening around them. And they're like, oh, my God. It's like, am I getting tucked in or suffocated slowly? I don't know which. And then there's a cat also going like this.
Starting point is 00:36:53 Oh, my God. Just the worst. Right on your shin, too. You know, they sometimes get you. Yes. Some hear footsteps going up and down the stairs and pacing the floor upstairs. Muffled conversations in empty rooms on your favorite ghost adventures a drawer opened a drawer next to the bed opened on
Starting point is 00:37:12 its own in the room that aaron was staying in also on ghost adventures there's an evp of andrew saying tell them about the girl um when they were asking do you know who killed you oh and then they got tell him about the girl as if some spirit was talking to another spirit about and saying like tell them yeah yeah also that evp came out very clear in my opinion and it was also very angry and truly yelling it was a very large energy that said that and it didn't the people that were there so zach and his squad um his posse actually is what his entourage right they didn't hear that in live time they found it later in playback and they were also doing flashlight interviews at the time where they had flashlights like very sensitive to if if something were to brush up on it the battery might get tap on and off sort of yeah tap on tap off
Starting point is 00:38:02 to make the flashlight work clap Clap on, tap off. Clap on. It was 1985. So basically they were doing flashlight interviews at the same time. And as soon as it said, tell them about the girl, a light behind Zach turned on by itself. Oh, God, that gives me the creeps. Next door to the Borden house was the home of Lizzie's great uncle. And his name was Laudwick, which i've never heard of that's
Starting point is 00:38:26 a name that i'm glad does not exist i was gonna say that is my child's name uncle lodwick's blaze lodwick lampignale like when people are saying lord but l-a-w-d lodwick lodwick lampignale my child oh no no no yes um uncle lodwick, Eliza, I remember they're right next door, murdered two of their three children. What? By throwing them down a well. What? And then slit her own throat with a straight razor.
Starting point is 00:38:53 What, Em? Are you serious? It is said that those two children, named Eliza and Holder, haunt the Lizzie Borden house as well because it's right next door. Because they're like, well, there's other ghosties here. Yeah. Wait, holy shit. I did not know that so guests will bring small toys for them probably
Starting point is 00:39:08 as a bribe to not get haunted um and apparently a doll if you bring a doll sometimes it will reposition itself or if you bring a ball it will roll on its own down the hall um guests have reported hearing children's laughter and the sound of kids running up and down the second and third floors there is a room in the house literally called the children's laughter and the sound of kids running up and down the second and third floors. There is a room in the house literally called the children's room because it has the most activity with children. Right. Guests will also leave the clean room and come back to it messed up and then clean again in a matter of minutes. There's one story I found of a man that was a skeptic and went to the B&B with his wife.
Starting point is 00:39:43 And he only went there for one night but he took their luggage upstairs and started unpacking while she looked around and the room had been perfectly made up and after a few minutes of unpacking he looked over to the bed again and saw that it was a complete mess oh god and there was an imprint of a person lying there oh god he's unpacking like on the pillow and stuff yeah he noticed that the folds of the comforter looked like the curves of a human body. And there was an imprint in the pillow that looked like a human head. No. As if someone was tossing and turning literally right next to him.
Starting point is 00:40:13 So he went downstairs to grab his wife and brought her upstairs. And a few minutes later, when he showed her the room, it looked perfect as if no one had ever been in there. Oh, it was like made again? Yeah. The whole place was totally clean. perfect as if no one had ever been made again yeah the whole place was totally clean also people have gotten scratches on their arms and faces that apparently are in the exact same spots as andrew and abby got hit with the hatchet oh how sad so you'll just have like phantom scratches show up how sad those who stay in the room where abby died will complain about migraines because
Starting point is 00:40:42 she literally got hit in the head fucking 20 times with a hatchet and some guests report waking up in the middle of the night to seeing shadow figures by their bed one of them with a mangled head oh god what a nightmare and last but not least some have said that they wake up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and they will step in a puddle of blood that has reappeared right where abby would have bled out from her wounds oh they step in a puddle and then you imagine being barefoot this is the worst part or in your socks so oh and you're sorry that's like worse like stepping in a puddle of blood with your socks on is just got to be the worst feeling squelch squelch um but then when they go to look down and they see the puddle of blood
Starting point is 00:41:25 when they blink they wake back up in bed lying down they dreamt it they dreamt oh ew ew and then they look down and there's no blood ew but multiple people have had this happen to them that is bananas i'm not sleeping there so i told you i told I told you, I told you, the Lizzie Borden house is haunted. Listen. And warrants a ghost story. I did not question it, believe me. So there you go. What the frick? On to my cream soda now.
Starting point is 00:41:53 No. With your stainless steel straw that I provided you. All right. Wowza. That was wild. Would you like some more wine, Eva? You're good. I'm not.
Starting point is 00:42:05 Yeah. was that that was wild would you like some more wine either you're good i'm not yeah so i started drinking gin at the happy half hour taping at 3 45 so i'm and you're still going still going strong you don't even need that weenie hut junior shirt nope you're you just belong at full weenie hut i'm i'm the mascot you're like salty spittoon is what i'm saying yes truly if there's a salty spittoon shirt out there one of us should have the salty spittoon shirt obviously you wear that i wear this and we i like how obviously i'm salty spittoon and well i mean you already gave me this so it's too late have you seen the um the tweet or the tumblr post there's a caption that says like welcome to the salty spittoon how tough are you and then someone posted a video of them letting a razor scooter hit them in the ankle it's like okay you're in lifetime membership wow you are current you the bouncer's gone you're you're in you're on it
Starting point is 00:42:57 you're in it anyway that's probably one of my favorite like tweets that's i it's one of my you retweet it every time i see it i retweet it it just makes me laugh every time because you can hear it you can hear the sound of the scooter hit the ankle okay well that's and it's like it's like oh been there oh i'm so tough i'm definitely a weenie hut juniors kind of person me me too let's be real i mean i have the shirt to prove it moving on okay sorry yeah you can erase most of that. No, don't. Actually, don't. No, do.
Starting point is 00:43:26 Okay, but don't. I just say don't because I want to be surprised. I know she's going to listen to you, but also I just like to pretend. Okay. It's a game of chance now. All right. Everyone loves this part. It's so fun for everyone when we do this.
Starting point is 00:43:39 Okay. You ready for a story? Or what are you doing? I want to put my hand in the pocket these uh chairs are kind of like cargo shorts because they have like 8 000 pockets on the side you're welcome by the way i'm not even in mine right now i rolled over in the office chair no my hand feels safe now well all i want is for your hand to feel safe okay ready you want a story? Yes. Okay. I just wanted to get ready.
Starting point is 00:44:07 Okay. This is the story of Amy Lynn Bradley. Nope. The disappearance of Amy Lynn Bradley. Okay. Does that? No. No?
Starting point is 00:44:15 No. All right. You might know about it when you hear about it. So Amy Lynn Bradley was born in Petersburg, Virginia in 1974. Where's that? Nobody knows? I know where Petersburg is. i thought you were looking at me like because you said virginia i must now know the entire story no no but every time i say
Starting point is 00:44:30 virginia both of you like look at me so i'm like i might as well you were like prepare for you were like ready for the look yeah okay i know where petersburg is okay so in 1998 uh when amy was 23 years old her parents told her that the family had won a week-long cruise and amy didn't really want to go so she was athletic and adventurous um and was actually an avid swimmer but she was not into like the open ocean cruises weren't her thing and like she was like this kind of gives me the creeps i don't really want to go but her family convinced her to go so on march 21st 1998 the day after by the way she adopted she adopted a puppy. Oh, why did you have to? You did that truly to so for the adopted the puppy.
Starting point is 00:45:09 No, I think it's just OK. It's part of the story, actually. So she adopts this puppy and she's going to pick him up the day she gets back from the cruise. And she had just graduated from college, like just starting fresh, basically. So she goes on this cruise with her parents, Ron and Iva and her brother, Brad. And they board a ship called the Rhapsody of the seas on march 21st 1998 oh that's a wait what year 1998 okay never mind i thought i knew that ship oh my god sorry i'm from a cruise family i know you are i this is why i was just like sorry i heard rhapsody of the seas and i was like oh
Starting point is 00:45:41 that's an amazing ship and then i i'm mentally preparing for this story okay and they set out on their trip so one thing that I kind of like a little like a little side note like so her brother's name is Brad their last name is Bradley so I'm like Brad Bradley Brad Bradley you know someone at my job's name is Fernando Fernandez so but I mean I feel like when you have a name like that you just gotta do it you just gotta go with it Bradley Bradley to your kid yeah like Lampshade Lampignale what was his name again what was the guy's name lodwick lodwick yeah whatever well maybe maybe eva can name her child gross gross that's right that would be perfect i think okay or maybe like just name your child really really gross really gross but smell it like an alleyway like r-i-l-i really gross really gross
Starting point is 00:46:26 oh i'm so on board anyway eva write that down okay eva write down your own child's name that we decided go so we can't forget to yell at you when you don't actually do it okay um so anyway so brad bradley just just had to throw that out there. Early morning hours, March 24th, 1998. So they're about two and a half days into the cruise. Amy and her brother Brad are partying it up in the ship's dance club with the ship's band Blue Orchid. One of the band's members, Alistair Douglas, a.k.a. Yellow. Oh, my God. Wait, do they all have color names?
Starting point is 00:46:58 I thought that, too. I was like, maybe. But they only talk about yellow. Love it. So Yellow said he and Bradley parted ways around 1 a.m. That morning, sometime between 515 and 530, Amy's dad, Ron, saw her asleep in a chair on the cabin balcony, like in a recliner chair. So he gets up.
Starting point is 00:47:15 He's like, I'm going to let her sleep a little bit longer. He lies down. He gets up about a half hour later, around 6 a.m., and notices she's not on the balcony anymore. Oh, no. So he gets up to go look for her, but to no avail. He later said he didn't know what to think because it was very much unlike Amy to leave and not tell her family where she was going.
Starting point is 00:47:32 So also missing with her were her cigarettes and her lighter. But she clearly intended to leave only briefly as she didn't bring her shoes, identification or any other of her items with her. Oh, no. So her family couldn't find her anywhere. So they reported her missing immediately to the ship's crew, and they begged authorities not to dock the ship because they were afraid that if someone had hurt or taken her...
Starting point is 00:47:52 They could then escape that way. They would escape, exactly, and get off the ship. But the crew allegedly refused to not dock the ship and wouldn't even page Amy until the ship was at port. So the ship docked in Curaçao, and they conducted extensive searches of both the ship and the sea the netherlands antilles coast guard conducted a four-day search that ended on march 27th and royal caribbean cruise lines chartered a boat to continue looking for her what you know
Starting point is 00:48:14 it is well i was thinking rhapsody of the seas and i was like i think that's royal caribbean but then you said 1998 and i was like i don't know that seems like maybe it wasn't the time because that was more like explorer of the seas kind of year but you said okay i feel i feel validated now this is heinous sorry no i love royal caribbean okay hashtag not an ad you're not gonna like him anymore so uh they chartered a boat to continue looking for her but they ended their search um on march 29th so uh amy's family protested that the search was tainted because a lot of people had already left the ship including guests and crew like a third of the boat had already left before they conducted their search turns out they didn't even search they searched the public bathrooms and the hallways but they didn't search any employee cabins they didn't search any passenger cabins they basically
Starting point is 00:48:57 searched like the public areas of the ship so like the pool area and the bathrooms but like that's it and they didn't find that out until much later. So that was like really bad. And they didn't tell anyone like, look out for this woman. They just were like, we don't, we don't want to put, yikes, taint this trip for everybody else, you know? Right. Got it.
Starting point is 00:49:17 So Amy was a trained lifeguard and investigators said there was no evidence that she had fallen overboard or died by suicide, especially because I mentioned there were all these things like she had just adopted a puppy and like right she didn't really want to go on this trip and like she had just graduated college and was ready to start her new career like everything didn't like nothing pointed to she jumped overboard and she also like how do you really disprove like well you can't yeah it's like someone could have literally just fallen there's no like physical oh but not. So they were saying like suicide wise. They didn't think that she was a candidate of like suicide.
Starting point is 00:49:48 They were like, it just didn't match up with like the trip she was having in her new career path. And like she had never exhibited signs of suicidal tendencies. And then they said she was like a trained lifeguard in a swimmer. And they dragged the sea around the area that they were like they didn't. And they were like, she could have fallen over the edge. But like with her lighter and cigarettes and like it just didn't it didn't match up and most experts say that's they don't believe that that that is what happened so based on brad's so her brother account of the evening amy's family suspected that the ship's crew was involved in her disappearance brad claimed the crew was giving amy special attention at the party that night and that led
Starting point is 00:50:28 the family to believe that one of the crew members had smuggled her off the ship and into sexual slavery oh shit yes so one month after she went missing ron so her dad and brad her brother returned to corso to pass out flyers and talk to locals to try and pinpoint if she was there. Amy's father said that he received a tip from a taxi driver who claimed that Amy was still alive and on the island. The taxi driver claimed that he had spoken to Amy when she came up to his cab and asked him where she could find a phone. So the driver suggested three specific places on the island and Ron and Brad went to all
Starting point is 00:51:01 of those places but found nothing. So that was their biggest fear is that like she had been taken and smuggled. So their fears were not unfounded because even though the initial investigation led nowhere, several tourists and visitors to Corsow have claimed to have seen Amy Lynn Bradley over the years. Oh, my gosh. Now I'm getting into sightings. Okay. So in August of 98, which is five months after Amy went missing, two Canadian tourists spotted a woman who matched Amy's description on a beach in Corso. The woman even had the same tattoos as Amy.
Starting point is 00:51:30 So I'm going to list the tattoos now. They are the most 1990s tattoos you have. I can't wait. Can you throw a 90s tattoo? I want to, but I'm going to do that thing where if I say something, I'm going to say the wrong thing and it's not gonna last like what frosted tips or like crystal pepsi or something no tattoo oh like a tattoo of frosted tips what the hell okay you're right you did that thing exactly tattoo of hair all right okay so she had a tasmanian devil. Oh, spinning a basketball on her shoulder. Wow, that is 90s. I told you but I didn't even know what 90s was until you just said it out loud. I was like,
Starting point is 00:52:11 Oh, how have I been? And we all know that you didn't because you just expressed exactly that. The sun on her lower back. A Chinese symbol on her right ankle. Okay. And a gecko lizard around her belly button. The gecko lizard gets me too yeah thank you that's also very it's kind of tribal around her belly button like it kind of matches ankle tattoo chinese symbol i feel like every one of our parents had like that weird one shirt from some random island that had a bunch of geckos on it very 90s my mom has a cuba one yep my mom has a miami one yeah that's such a thing yeah the island of miami yeah i mean sorry you know florida's very tropical compared to fucking virginia all right excuse me that island
Starting point is 00:52:53 i'm sorry it made me laugh okay that's over here so she had a lizard around her navel okay whole thing she also had a navel ring so anyway this woman and these canadian tourists this canoers god damn it the loves of my life canadians sure your people your homeland okay so these canadian tourists so they spotted this woman and they noticed that she had tattoos that matched the tattoos of that amy had and in 1999 so a year later and she was with some men on the beach, like just walking on the beach. In 1999, a member of the Navy visited a brothel in Barbados and claimed to have run into Amy. Recognizing him as an American, Amy supposedly told him her name, said that she was being held against her will, and asked for help. And said, I'm Amy Bradley from Virginia.
Starting point is 00:53:41 Please help me. And I'm being held against my will. Unfortunately, the officer kept the information to himself, fearing the repercussions that would come with the solicitation of a sex worker. So he did not contact the Bradleys until after his retirement. And then he went on their website and contacted them and said, oh, back in 1999, I ran into her. Why? At that point, why would you even fucking say anything? You're such an asshole.
Starting point is 00:54:06 He can't lose his job. It's terrible. I'm sure it was weighing on his conscience. I hope it was. Yeah, it's terrible. It's terrible. So the brothel in question. So finally, investigators went and like, check this place out.
Starting point is 00:54:17 It had recently burned down completely. So there was nothing they could do. The fall of 1999, a man named Frank Jones contacted the Bradleys and claimed that Colombian gangsters were holding Amy uh the fall of 1999 a man named frank jones contacted the bradleys and claimed that colombian gangsters were holding amy on the island of corso he claimed to be a former member of the american special forces and said he could help free amy and he had an eyewitness to amy's location who was a cook um this woman who described amy's tattoos to a t she even described a lullaby she heard amy singing that amy's mother had taught her so her mother was like i recognize that song two other former former navy seals were sent to
Starting point is 00:54:50 corso to determine amy's location and then joan frank jones demanded more money to fund the armed rescue because he's like i need money to like pull this heist off basically but first the bradleys were like we need proof that our daughter's actually like with you and or not with you but like you know where she is and this is real we're just gonna give you our money right so he sent a photo of a woman resembling amy in which some of her tattoos are visible and the bradley sent him 210 000 and then the bradley's were instructed to fly to florida to wait for a call from frank jones to let them know amy had been rescued so they waited in a hotel for a week just like waiting on word that the heist had gone well and that the heist, I don't know what the word is.
Starting point is 00:55:28 The, the rescue mission had gone well with these Navy SEALs. And they finally got a call from one of Jones's associates who told them he had learned that the whole operation was a scam. The cook, the photos, the Colombians and the house under surveillance were all fraud designed to get money out of the Bradleys. And Jones, who had never actually
Starting point is 00:55:48 been in the Special Forces, ultimately pled guilty to mail fraud and got five years in jail. Oh my god. And was ordered to pay back the money to the Bradleys. And like, yeah, they got their money back, but they literally said, like, we spent so many months just following this lead and like thinking our daughter was going to be
Starting point is 00:56:04 saved and then it was a complete fraud fraud and i guess the guy who called them who had found out that it was a fraud was like he's down there drinking like dom perignon on your dime and like not doing shit he's just taking your money it was so fucked up oh my god and they were like we could have been searching for her and uh it was the year like six months after she went missing so it was like still right during that time. And they were like, it just was horrible. So talk about like a bloatier morale. So then in 2005, there was another potential sighting when a witness named Judy Moore claimed to have seen Amy in a department store bathroom in Barbados.
Starting point is 00:56:41 And Judy Moore claimed a woman entered the restroom with a couple of men who were threatening her if she did not follow through on a deal so when uh Judy approached the distraught woman after the men left she claimed the woman said her first name was Amy she was from Virginia and then the men re-entered the bathroom and took her and dragged her away so Moore called authorities who created composite sketches of the three men and the woman. Based on her account, the woman looks eerily like Amy from her description. And the men, there's sketches of the men also on the FBI's website, if anyone wants to go look. So possibly the most disturbing sighting was an email sent to the Bradleys in 2005, which contained two photographs. So this I actually remember from back then, because I watch a lot of Dr. Phil.
Starting point is 00:57:30 Gotcha. contained two photographs so this i actually remember from back then quick because i watch a lot of dr phil gotcha so this uh so an email was sent to the bradley's and it contained two photographs of a woman in a sexually suggestive pose and the photos were found by a member of an organization that attempts to track potential victims of sex trafficking on adult websites that feature sex workers so the photos depict a scantily clad woman who closely resembles amy but who also appears to be distraught and despondent so if you look at the photo of this woman like lying back on the bed and she has like big curly like 90s hair and then you look at the photo of amy it's like like their faces are just and she like was much skinnier but like they just look the same. It's very, very scary.
Starting point is 00:58:08 And she just looks beat down and sad. It's really messed up. So after the Bradleys received this photo, Amy's mom and dad went on Dr. Phil and the photo was shown to the public along with a request for more information. So this segment is called Other Odd Facts. So even before Amy disappeared, there were a few odd things happening around the ship. So three of the waiters on the ship were quite friendly with Amy almost immediately after she got on board. And while the ship was docked in Aruba, one of them asked Amy's father about her whereabouts by name. So they were like, where's Amy?
Starting point is 00:58:39 And like, like one of the waiters. And when asked why he was looking for her, he told Mr. Bradley that they, presumably the other waiters, wanted to take her to Carlos and Charlie's. Ooh, sorry. Sounded like the end of the episode. Ding, ding, ding, ding. Wanted to take her to Carlos and Charlie's,
Starting point is 00:58:55 which, by the way, is the same bar that Natalie Holloway disappeared from in 2005. Oh, my gosh. Six years later, Natalie Holloway disappeared from that exact bar in Aruba. So very might be like a it just was it was just very a very weird parallel. I don't know if that's in Aruba. Sorry, I just said that.
Starting point is 00:59:14 And I'm not sure if that's true, but it could be in the Caribbean. It could be like in the mainland of Miami. The island. The island of Miami. So Amy also told her father during the three days that they were on the ship that the waiters gave her the creeps um and she didn't want anything to do with them so that combined with them asking the dad like where is she we want to take her to the spa like not good um and that night so okay this gets really weird so that night of the party where she and her brother are out
Starting point is 00:59:41 like partying it up hanging out with yellow hanging out with yellow and red and green and glow-in-the-dark yeah right those colors that you i don't know g-i-d glow-in-the-dark yeah i know oh okay oh my god i just hope they don't just like stay on solid colors like yeah there's like poke dot and flannel paisley the pretty like band member name i think so yeah flannel okay anyway moving on to the really dark shit sorry okay so that night while they're hanging out with tie-dye and yellow right yeah so the staff posted photos of all everybody so the family had gone to this like fancy formal dinner on the ship before the like dance party so there was a photographer and the photographer was taking all these pictures of everybody like hanging out dancing and like
Starting point is 01:00:28 families at tables. And they posted all the photos on a big wall. So the next day, so Amy's mother went and looked at the photos, noticed that every single photo that had featured her daughter was missing. So even photos of just her of her with her brother of her with the family somebody had taken them and it wasn't anyone in her family so all of the and the gallery supervisor was like no there were there were like several of her and they were all just gone weird then after dinner that same night so amy entered the like disco room the like dance floor of the ship and she was dancing with a member of the band oh sorry that's yellow never mind hanging out with polka dot again oh i'm stupid you can keep that in okay it's no use fighting it so after dinner so she's
Starting point is 01:01:19 hanging out with she's dancing with yellow basically so people had observed her dancing with yellow um i guess with the name, like, Alistair. I mean, Alistair's a cool name. You should have kept that. Doesn't matter. Okay. So Yellow and Amy were even videotaped by a cameraman who was creating, like, this promotional piece for the cruise line.
Starting point is 01:01:34 So they had a photographer, but they also had this videographer, like, taking, like, look at this fun dance floor. Go on a cruise. You know, making a promo video. So when the news about Amy's disappearance went like public, this videographer was like, oh, I wonder if I have any footage of her in my tape from that night. And he did. He had he had like footage of her with yellow.
Starting point is 01:01:59 And after Amy left her room, she was seen. So there's footage of her with yellow right at approximately 6 a.m okay even though he said the last time i saw her was 1 a.m and a witness subsequently claimed to have seen yellow sorry it says douglas and i'm like no he has a stupid name what is it again it's a color okay a witness subsequently claimed to have seen yellow hand Amy a dark drink, possibly coffee, around 6 a.m. And then other witnesses saw him leaving the area by himself, but Amy was never seen again. So in the video footage that this guy took, they're dancing together very closely. Like, they're clearly hitting it off.
Starting point is 01:02:40 And it's like, okay, so these two, so the combination of them like really hitting it off all night at this dance party and then like security footage showing them together at 6 a.m. Multiple witnesses saying he handed her a cup of coffee at 6 a.m. And then him saying, no, I didn't see her after 1 a.m. is like. Right. Right. Super duper fishy. So police cleared yellow after he took a polygraph. And that was before they had seen the video of them like dancing together so they already cleared him and you're like got it got it so in late 2010 probably as a result of hurricane thomas which was happening then a human jawbone
Starting point is 01:03:15 washed up on a beach in aruba it was quickly determined to have no connection to natalie holloway so she was like a huge disappearance a couple years before in 05 um and so once they determined that the job was not connected to natalie hallway they ceased any further testing despite the fact that not only amy but up to as many as nine other caribbean caribbean vacationers were said to have disappeared around that area um in the 15 years prior to natalie's case so even though there were 10 people missing beyond natalie they refused to like test the jawbone any further that's just unbelievable and no dna testing was ever done on the material so the test that they did do determined that the jawbone came from a
Starting point is 01:03:56 young caucasian female but beyond that they didn't do any testing oh my god yeah it's not good they never gave a reason for why they would just like, nope, be so fucking negligent. They were just like, oh, well, it's not Natalie Hallway. And then just moved on. Yeah, it's not good. So Amy Lynn Bradley now has been missing for over 20 years. That 20th anniversary was this past March. There is a $250,000 reward offered by the Bradley family for information leading to
Starting point is 01:04:23 Amy's return and a $50,ley family for information leading to amy's return and a fifty thousand dollar reward for information leading to her location amy's family says they will never give up on finding her even though it's been over two decades and authorities have asked anyone with any information concerning the disappearance of amy to contact their local fbi office or the nearest american consulate if you're not in the country and if uh if she's still alive amy's now 44 years old five foot seven uh when she went missing she had short brown hair and green eyes but she may have died a blonde um and she was only like 115 pounds like she's very small her ears are pierced multiple times she has the tattoos i mentioned earlier um She has a tattoo of frosted tips. Yep.
Starting point is 01:05:10 You can find age progressed photos of what she might have looked like online. The FBI released those. And then during all this research, I just wanted to add that I found my new favorite website, which is called Quote, everything cruise lines don't want you to know. Which is like a wild time oh my gosh it is very they have a whole section called disappearances and so amy's it's like and they update it frequently they update the public with any new information that the fbi releases like any sketches or you know composites or whatever so it's like a really crazy website and you can kind
Starting point is 01:05:43 of go in like a black hole of like looking at all the will do stuff that's happened it's really fascinating so that is the story of amy lynn bradley um and i just i just personally wanted to add a quick note if that's okay yeah human trafficking um which is something that i like did work on in high school and college and it's like very something i care a lot about um i'm like fun facts it's not fun it's not fun i didn't prepare geoscopes we're gonna have to pause this and add one great yeah um okay so some some fun facts about human trafficking if that no they're not evil facts evil evil facts um so there are more people in slavery today than ever before in the history of the world. Horrible. The average slave costs about $90. Human trafficking is the third largest international crime industry behind drugs and arms trafficking.
Starting point is 01:06:32 It reportedly generates a profit of $32 billion every year. And of that number, $15.5 billion is made in industrialized countries, so like Western countries. Oh, my God. industrialized countries so like western countries oh my god according to the u.s state department 600 to 800 000 people are trafficked across international borders every year of which 80 are female and half are children the average age a teen enters the sex trade in the u.s is 12 to 14 many victims are runaway girls who are sexually abused as children and california harbors three of the fbi's 13 highest child sex trafficking areas in the nation, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and San Diego.
Starting point is 01:07:08 But there is a good thing that you guys can do that I have downloaded that now that we're touring and stuff, I think we can probably take advantage of too, is this app called TrafficCam, T-R-A-F-F-I-C-K-C-A-M. And it basically helps people combat sex trafficking by uploading photos of the hotel rooms they stay in while they travel. Oh, wow. Because it's crazy because traffickers will post photographs of their victims posed in hotel rooms.
Starting point is 01:07:36 Right. So people can use those references to figure out where someone is. As like advertisements. Yeah. So then the photographs, so fbi is able to take those photos of the hotel rooms match them to photos that people upload of like i was staying at the westin in this in columbus or whatever and um they're able to match like track where where these photos are being taken so it's basically a database that investigators can use to like
Starting point is 01:08:01 match up the hotel rooms everyone should go do that yeah it's really cool and like i downloaded it but like we haven't really i haven't been able to use it yet but um that's just kind of a cool thing that exists that can help you at least make make you feel like you're doing doing a little something yeah so that got really heavy at the end got real heavy i apologize for that i mean it's not your fault that sex trafficking exists. Oh, it's not? No. No, that's horrible. In my town in Fredericksburg, somehow that is like a big industry. That's one of the big things that they warn you about. That and heroin are what my town is known for. Same with in the dark world.
Starting point is 01:08:37 Same with our highway that goes through Cincinnati. Yeah. It's like one of the top. Like it goes from Florida all the way through Ohio. Is it 95? 71. Oh. We have 95. Is it 95? 71. We have 95. 95 is over there too.
Starting point is 01:08:49 Because Fredericksburg is exactly the middle point between D.C. and Richmond. And so they're two huge cities. And so Fredericksburg is known to be a stopping point where people trade off. It's very scary. And I, yeah. I mean, I luckily have never been someone who was, you know,
Starting point is 01:09:10 a victim of that at all, but like, it's still like terrifying to hear that, you know, let's go that it happens because it could happen to anyone. But it's also scary that like, watch out. Cause it's happening to people around you.
Starting point is 01:09:19 Like whether you know it or not. Yeah. Like it's not even like, Oh, you might. And it freaks me out of like, Oh, like what if I was, you know, on a cruise with a friend she was like oh i i met up with this guy
Starting point is 01:09:28 and like i'm gonna go like make out with him somewhere i'm gonna go like coffee with him tonight so like i'm not gonna come back to my room it's like oh should i like make sure you're okay or should i just trust that i'm gonna see you in the morning like things like that or just like even seeing girls and you're like yeah i hope you're you know it's just yeah like seeing people walk around you're like i wonder if like they're like hoping that someone will go over and say are you in trouble yeah see something say something yes well and also yeah i was looking at like the i don't know the number one through three but ohio's number four of of states with instances of trafficking because of that one highway that goes into canada so it's like border
Starting point is 01:10:05 i don't know it's very scary so anyway that's that's my spiel on that um very heavy uh we don't have an ad to put here guys so don't worry don't worry just gonna complaining about our ads and i'm like listen we gotta make some some moolah although we make that to be too many they're interrupting the stories yeah oh clean cut goes here i'm sorry no ads here so what do we do let me tell you a scorpioscope i have to go find it first okay okay so normally i do a scorpioscope here but um some people have been clamoring for a uh a juni scope slash an eva scope yes because juni and eva are both pisces spicy pisces oh that's cute okay there are spicy pisces um so i have a little pisces scope it doesn't really have the same ring to it as a scorpio scope but it took me also six months to come up with a pisces scope a spicy pisces scope
Starting point is 01:11:00 a spicy pisces scope i like that okay here we. Here we go. Yeah. All right. Ready, Eva? Get ready for your... All right. Get ready for us to tell you your fortune. Oh, shit. Sorry. Your emotions could be extra powerful today, Pisces. She just laughs. I just literally heard from the other side of the room, Eva go, okay.
Starting point is 01:11:22 Although something may not feel as if it's sitting right it could be a feeling of manipulation perhaps you've misjudged someone else's sensitivity and now they're trying to get back at you in a subtle yet harmful way she's like yes standard she's like uh i can't confirm she's like it's emin christine attend to, I can't confirm. She's like, it's Em and Christine. Attend to your feelings. Spend some time alone. No, don't do that. Spend time with us.
Starting point is 01:11:50 Yeah, don't. Please don't leave us. We need you. Please do not leave us. Spend some time alone. If it helps you get more in tune with your emotions. Okay, only then can you leave us. I need to go to the mountains now. Yeah, go to the mountains.
Starting point is 01:12:00 No, don't go to the mountains. You're going to get eaten by something. Yep. I watched Ice Arrive the other day and this mountain lion attacked this this couple and ripped his scalp off it was terrible this is still part of your fortune by the way anyway astrology and then it says by the way need a prediction chat with a psychic for free hey i'm a psychic i'm not but chat with me for free what's wrong with you i just want to be acknowledged and talked to. Okay, sorry, Em. Read my, I'll swear on my wine glass. Oh!
Starting point is 01:12:26 Read my wine. What's the thing sediment? Instead of tea leaves, we can read like wine sediment in the glass. I didn't know that was a thing, but I'm down. Your face. Do you want me to read yours, Em? A thousand percent. I mean ours.
Starting point is 01:12:38 And yours. Yeah, yeah. Ours, right. Let's pretend I'm doing something nice for you, but really it's for myself. Oh, okay. Classic. Wow, you're so kind. Classic Gemini.
Starting point is 01:12:45 Noble Christine is what we call her after hours. We don't want to rub it into the rest of the world. Oh, here we go. Wow, this is fitting. There's an extra spark in your eye that people won't be able to ignore. Today's a good day to get your point across. Oh, wow. Christine didn't do that
Starting point is 01:13:05 already this is yours too you asshole because you'll find people more open and receptive to new things than usual speak with confidence and you'll go far it's important for you to say what you feel if you don't others will find reasons to walk all over you eva god damn it eva and then finally we gotta do the scorpioscope you may need a translator to get through to people today scorpio yep it could be hard to make decisions but not impossible today's tip is to err on the side of adventure he should snuggle a little harder than normal or like go eat some dead birds or whatever the hell he does out there in the backyard trust that good luck will pull you through if you take risks.
Starting point is 01:13:47 You may feel unappreciated. He really is such a drama queen, though. I know he is. He's so sweet. I'll feed right into it. That's fine. Of course you will. Ask for help when you need it, but don't rely on others to heal you.
Starting point is 01:13:59 I did take him to the vet today and he hated it. So maybe that's why. He can rely on me to heal all of his wounds. I'm sure he can. Most of your healing work needs to come from within oh i think that's what he was saying to me when he was at the vet staring at me like how dare you do this to me my healing comes from within i don't need a bordetella vaccine anyway oh bbg that's it for today folks you guys for listening. If you made it this far, congratulations and sorry all at once. We're so proud of you for that.
Starting point is 01:14:30 No one else is, though. Well, absolutely not. So you can, if you wish to continue this relationship, you can find us at Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or Patreon. Excuse me, our Scorpio, or Scorpio scope. Oh, my goodness. Our Gemini scope said to speak confidently and people will listen i tried to say if you want to listen we're both trying to speak confidently as gemini's currently you're not speaking confidently you have to say you love this podcast and you will
Starting point is 01:14:54 listen to it you better do what christine says or else yeah correct anyway facebook twitter instagram patreon atwwd podcast we also have our website and that's where you can also find our tour dates. We will slowly be adding dates, but we cannot divulge where yet. But they're coming. But we can divulge November 7th, so please be ready for Philadelphia and also please help us sell out our
Starting point is 01:15:17 third try at Hollywood Improv. Yes, please. On September 23rd. You can also find our shop and that's www.whitwedrink.big um you can also find our shop and that's why we and you can also send us goodies at uh 1920 hillhurst ave number 265 north nope nope los angeles that's the city we live in 900 Nine zero zero two seven. I'll never get it right. There will always be weird pregnant pauses. Pregnant pauses?
Starting point is 01:15:48 What the fuck? If you were to send us any goodies, we do a once a month fan mail video where we open all of our good stuff and you will be recognized and appreciated. Yes, you will be. On video. On video. Forever. We're doing one this weekend.
Starting point is 01:16:04 We are. will be on video on video forever we're doing one this weekend we are and we are also doing our once a month uh listeners stories episode where we put one out on the first of every month and if you would like to submit your own paranormal or true crime stories you can and that's why we drink at that's right and that's why we drink. Oh, you didn't play along. No, I did it confidently like a Gemini. Fuck, you're right. I ruined my own thing.
Starting point is 01:16:32 Okay, bye.

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