And That's Why We Drink - E83 Ghost Goats and Horror-scopes

Episode Date: September 2, 2018

Listen, we'll set a hell portal on fire, if that's what you need. This week, Em brings us face-to-face with the square-shaped goat pupils of the hauntings at Goatman's Bridge in Denton County, Texas. ...Meanwhile, Christine takes on the aspiring "Boss Boy" and potentially worst killer in South Carolina's history, Donald Henry "Pee Wee" Gaskins. We're also into reading serial killer's HORROR-scopes now (get it?) and Gio learns to share his wit in the workplace ...and that's why we drink! Please consider supporting the companies that support us!  Use promo code DRINK for $10 off your first FabFitFun box at! Visit and use promo code DRINK40 for 40% off all subscriptions! Visit and use promo code DRINK during check out to get a 3-hour cleaning for $39 when you sign up for a plan! Try Grove with a 2-month VIP membership at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 buckets buckets the document dunk what oh is that what it's called from eva oh my god the document done nothing but net oh my uh looks like we're getting an addition to the podcast studio and it is an actual bucket dunk a a basketball document dunk for when we're done with our notes. A dunkument. Let's create a competing product. Okay. All right. Welcome to episode 80. Wow.
Starting point is 00:00:40 It's like a snake came in. Welcome to episode. I am Harry Potter. it's like a parcel time it's like a snake came welcome to episode i am harry potter welcome to episode 83 of and that's why we drink yes um welcome what are you doing oh well sitting here good start um i forgot my pants were undone and i just forgot your pants i was like oh no well they're half i just forgot that they were nearly taken off just disrobing yeah oh that's my buddy oh our friend is here it's my chopper i have eva driving it in patreon thank you um how are things you know they're great um we are recording early this week that's right because christine likes to make things week that's right because christine
Starting point is 00:01:25 likes to make things difficult that's what i do i just look at the calendar and say what will be the worst thing for eminem um i'm going to cincinnati tomorrow to finish wedding stuff finally is this like your last time there before you get married yes oh wow wish me luck enjoy that feeling i got my dress fitted the other day this is why i drink and the lady basically was like a third mother to me and not a nice one and she was like you need to elongate your finger your hair style that you want to do at your wedding is way too harsh for your face your shoulders are too broad you're going to need to break them up with something and she said oh your hair is too thin you need to look into extensions i was like and also you have like 40 days oh right and she just like made me feel like
Starting point is 00:02:01 shit and then she goes oh that'll be six600. And I was like, I could have paid my stepmother half that. Yeah, exactly. Talk to me this way. Anyway, point being, I'm going home and I'm in not great spirits, but I'm hoping going home and doing some final wedding stuff. That's not about the way that I look. The final thing is when you and I sit down and I figure out what I'm going to say when I marry you. Oh, yeah, I'm working on that. Oh, we'll get that to you soon. I'm i'm behind i'm behind i'm supposed to i mean that to you sound like you've got things taken care of i mean ish ish yeah it's hard when you're not doing a religious ceremony because there's no like guidelines really you just kind of have to wing it so um i mean do you have any requests currently that you would like to share with the audience of things that you want obviously
Starting point is 00:02:42 geo walking down the aisle have we decided if i get to walk him down the aisle no just no i'll get back to you on that okay looking forward to the officiant you're not walking down the aisle i certainly could learn how to all right let's discuss this at another date okay so um any news anything to remind the folks like i'm a really ugly bride apparently right well we knew that yeah so that's about it um and also that's it i think is that it well i have things oh great go for it we already sold out the november 8th philadelphia show like a matter of hours truly so fast we're so happy and proud so we have a second one that's actually the day before so november 7th we're trying to get that one sold out as well so please if you're in the philly area please please please come to the show we'll be there with eva we'll be there with eva we can't
Starting point is 00:03:34 wait to see you guys that's our selling point yeah we'll be there that's we're using eva as our tool now our marketing tool um also thank you to georgia for a great article about us in the Odyssey. That was really sweet. It was very, very nice. It was six reasons that you should start listening to us. And thank you for already listening to us. I read it and I was like, oh, I should check this out. So thank you, Georgia.
Starting point is 00:03:56 Gio got a mention. Yeah, Gio was obviously a reason. Also, I liked how they said in the beginning, you could tell that we weren't really friends. But then I didn't really read that far into it. it was like one of the reasons was because we're best friends and it was like you get to follow them through their entire friendship because you can tell that they don't really know each other in the beginning and then they know each other too well and now everyone uncomfortable zero to 60 um and also they use that horrible photo of me with my eyes half closed so thank you guys uh thanks for the love and um if you haven't yet it would be super
Starting point is 00:04:25 helpful we've we've been getting some traction on itunes if you could leave us a rating review that would be awesome um you can't a lot of people have asked you can't rate on spotify so don't worry about that but if you're on another podcast app that would be really helpful to us all right but really just thanks for listening and we love you guys all right i feel like we're rushing into this intro i don't know why i'm no let's think about something to talk about well so um one thing that happened before we get into the stories is that we got a haunted doll and a horse yeah um in the mail yeah someone mailed us a haunted doll and horse and they're very large and unsettling and they came in their own like you mean they're perfectly fitting within the home shit can, can they hear me? We're very scared.
Starting point is 00:05:05 Eva felt a mild earthquake while we were recording ads. And now I'm pretty sure the horse is galloping downstairs. Yeah, well, Eva literally goes, I don't mean to scare you, which always is going to scare me, whatever you're about to say. And she goes, I just felt the couch like shaking while you guys were talking. And obviously we were too self-absorbed to notice. But we're like, Eva, no, no, no, that did not happen. And then he's like, I don't know what it was. And Em was like like the horse um so apparently we're it was an earthquake but also we're haunted now we if you
Starting point is 00:05:31 are a patreon member then you know that we have uh we open our gifts and do a whole video of it for all of our mail that comes in and all the goodies that you guys send us and one of the things that we got sent in the most recent video was a haunted duo of a girl and her horse in doll figure and they came in a crate with a bunch of children stickers on it it was quite terrifying quite terrifying and we got um a lengthy letter about how they potentially bring upset to a home and then and then a good luck at the end, basically. And then like here, now you can have it. Yeah. So thanks for that, Stephanie.
Starting point is 00:06:10 I like to think, Stephanie. Stephanie, thanks a lot. I like to think that we are, this is the first step into our own Zach Bagans Museum. I love that parallel. So if you have your haunted stuff. Yeah. Now we have a couple Robert the Doll replicas, but this is our first like real haunted doll. And so this should be a really interesting experiment and blaze got home and was like don't put it near me i don't want to touch it and i was like interesting for a skeptic yeah to be so
Starting point is 00:06:32 disturbed by this doll yeah um but so who knows we'll keep you updated we don't know if walt enjoys them or not we'll see anyway that is that that. So thank you to everyone for the goodies, especially the ones that did not haunt us. That did not come with demonic entities attached. We will update you on further happenings with the horse. Horse happenings. Horse sinnings. Nope. I'm also posting the video soon.
Starting point is 00:06:57 I know I haven't put it up yet, but it's going up shortly. So check Patreon for that. By the time this is out, it'll be up. Okay. All right. I have a story great i can't wait can you imagine if i didn't that'd be embarrassing uh you just had a big piece of paper with nothing like listen i'd really really drop the ball you know what i would do i'd make you
Starting point is 00:07:14 improv a whole story okay what if that was your story the doll you were just like no i just told it i mean like the end wasn't it scary you're living it i do think that like one day i will like forget but like thank god i've had so many horrible like ghost things happen to me that like i could probably just i could wing it i'm sure you could i probably couldn't wing a murder story yeah you could i mean with all the things that renata's done i could probably wing with a broom you could probably wing a true crime story that's correct maybe not murder but you just tell the story of your mother from childhood to present 19 yeah okay so this is uh this one i found by accident which i enjoyed because i did not see it coming and i was like stumbled upon it i stumbled upon it so this is in
Starting point is 00:08:00 texas this is in denton county and it is called the goat man's bridge what and that sounds creepy here's what's up you ready for it so ghost adventures did an episode on it too so you know i watched it last night obviously and i'm so jealous that that's part of your research that i get to watch ghost adventures i was doing my notes and when i do my notes like allison sometimes like wants to hang out and talk to me and i'm like i really gotta do my notes like you gotta leave me alone get out get out and well she'll sit next to me and like watch her own thing and i'll just like be on my computer next to her and i'm just like watching ghost adventures she's like you're not working are you doing your notes um but no if you guys mom gosh if you guys want to go check out that episode
Starting point is 00:08:41 by all means do it it's quite dramatic of course it is it was actually wildly dramatic at one point um zach baggins called a river an evil artery oh no a stop it right and stop it i can't deal with it an artery of evil blood or something like that and it was a river did anyone see the meme of zach baggins where it was like a fly landed on the table could this be the murdered spirit of the old man that used to live here and it's just like his face like splashing around because he does it very he goes could this be the evil yeah it's just like it's like he knows he's reading it from a paper so he has to like accentuate but he like he has to enunciate every one of them do it a little slow and a deep voice in some weird pauses i mean maybe his glasses are hindering his vision could this be the evil murderer that once roamed this house
Starting point is 00:09:31 in the artery of evil or whatever the oh the flowing artery of evil blood is what the river was called this time we need to spice up this podcast man we should i bet he just like goes on like and just like figures out but no in the episode i'll get to it i'll get to the story by the way but at one point someone has to like go off and like check out the river by themselves is it in a boat no it's billy okay and he has to be in a boat by himself but he like that's me basically tells billy like good luck in this flowing artery of evil blood and then pushes the boat out see you later that's so fun he's so desperate to kill one of those people
Starting point is 00:10:11 i think he just wants someone to die and then like talk to them through a ouija board can you imagine i feel like we haven't had this conversation yet but truly if something happens to me you better absolutely had this conversation okay back in those days we have to have like a like a like a like a code word though. God, I feel like I want to do that, but then I'm certain it'll jinx us. One of us ended up dying.
Starting point is 00:10:30 I have one friend from college. Um, her name is Stephanie and I don't remember what it was, but it was something incredibly R rated and ridiculous. Like something that no, it was like something sexual, but like is very much like the code. The like,
Starting point is 00:10:43 no ghost would just make that shit up ever have anal then think of me and i will be there wow no it was more like i don't get it what do you mean it's something like it was like some like key phrase like it was like some random combination i thought it was like an experience i was like this is very weird that this was like no no okay it was like like if you see porn on tv no that's also too much i just said like a phrase and not like a visual well you said an x-rated thing it was like porn like basically the idea is that like if like her friend died i think it was her brother if her brother ever died then she could like go to a psychic and like they wouldn't say like oh you're missing your brother who loves you i see she'd be
Starting point is 00:11:21 like no that's not the fucking truth uh like i'm waiting do you think that the psychic would actually say something x-rated if it came into their brain i feel like they'd be like this is off limits yeah but if she's really talking to something i would imagine that like the spirit is being like trust me this needs to be said i don't know let's just we'll talk about okay we'll discuss it i'm just really curious but yeah we'll come up with something can we can it not be x-rated though why would it be i don? I don't know. I don't care. I'm making an M-mad now, apparently. Yeah, apparently. Okay, that's fascinating.
Starting point is 00:11:48 Yeah, we'll come up with one. Okay. So you talk to you through the spirit curtain. What is wrong with you? I don't know. I'm not drinking today, so I'm... I think that's the main issue. Okay, so...
Starting point is 00:11:59 It's miserable. Anyway, okay, so the Goatman's Bridge is from Denton County, Texas. And the land where the Goatman's Bridge is from Denton County, Texas, and the land where the Goatman's Bridge is is from an original town, the original town of Alton, which no longer exists. But for people to have a reference, it's near the present town Corinth. Okay. So it's near Corinth, Texas. The Goatman's Bridge was also known as the Old Alton Bridge and it connects Denton and Copper Canyon cities. Okay.
Starting point is 00:12:27 In 1988, it became a national registry or it was nationally registered for as a historic place. Got it. And the Old Alton Bridge slash the Goatman's Bridge was used until 2001 when cars moved to a new concrete and steel bridge. So the bridge isn't used by cars anymore, but it's still used by hikers and it's still sometimes used to drive on when like it's kind of like like where teenagers would like dare each other oh sure um safe i mean i can't say i did anything smarter when i was a teenager i'm not surprised so there are alleged sightings of a ghost-like
Starting point is 00:13:02 apparition with a goat head haunting the area that sounds demonic and some of the locals have claimed to see glowing eyes staring at them on the bridge others have claimed to hear splashing in the creek directly below followed by unsettling laughter so alton used to be the town that no longer exists. It was a neighborhood that once it was like at its highest, it had a blacksmith shop. It had three stores, a school, a saloon, a hotel, two doctors. Oh my. Big dreams there. Competing. And Hickory Creek Baptist Church. Oh, that's pleasant and quaint. So by the 1850s, apparently the water quality was so poor that the townspeople were getting sick and the town had at this point the town only had one doctor that lived very far away so like there's basically no doctor in town so people were just getting sick and dying left and right
Starting point is 00:13:55 because the water was bad so it forced the town to move and basically all that's left now is hickory creek baptist church it still sits Alton Cemetery, which has graves as old as 1852. Creepy. And so, as of 1859, Alton was, like, no longer an established town. It had been, like, abandoned. Sure. Also, all I think of is Alton Brown. I think I've been thinking about him the whole time.
Starting point is 00:14:22 God, it's not just me. Oy, oy, oy. Where was I? alton brown i think i've been thinking about him the whole time god it's not just me oh yeah where was i so in 1884 the bridge was uh the bridge the goat man's bridge in 1884 this was like 30 years after the town was abandoned so now the bridge is being built over hickory creek on copper canyon road and it was originally called the argyle bridge and then it just slowly became the old alton bridge and now it's the goat man's bridge so it's had a lot of identities natural progression And it was originally called the Argyle Bridge. And then it just slowly became the old Alton Bridge. And now it's the Goatman's Bridge. So it's had a lot of identities.
Starting point is 00:14:49 It's a natural progression. Okay, so that was in the 1880s. And now we're in the 1930s and things are about to get really dark. And I'm very aware that it's not funny and we're not going to make jokes of it. I just trigger warnings. It has to with the KKK. trigger warnings it has to do with the kkk um so there was a black man in 1938 that lived in the area named oscar washburn i don't like this and already his name's oscar that's all you've heard so far i mean you literally just said it has to do with the kkk yeah it's gonna get no i don't
Starting point is 00:15:18 just be prepared okay oscar lived near the bridge and he was a goat herder, hence goats. He was a member of the town nearby because no one really lived in that area anymore. But he lived across the bridge and in the town that he surrounded himself with. Everyone knew him as super friendly and happy. And he got nicknamed the goat man because he was a goat herder. Sure. For folks to find his farm, he had a sign hanging from the bridge to his house. So he had to cross the bridge to get to his house.
Starting point is 00:15:48 And it said, this way to the goat man's. So the KKK, the original movement, which is something I have to now like shittily say that there's several movements in existence. The original movement was near this time and the KKK was pretty big in the area. And they passed through the town and had heard of him and found the sign to his house. And one night they went to his house, dragged him out of his house, beat him up, tied a noose around his neck, and they tried to throw him over the bridge and lynch him. Oh, my God. They said that they tightened the noose as tight as they could and swung him over the side and then they went down to the water's edge to confirm his death
Starting point is 00:16:30 however they saw that the noose was empty what so they cannot find his body and also this was over a bridge of water so they should have heard a splash or something like that but the water was undisturbed totally flat and silent um so they have no idea where he went he couldn't have just it was so tight that he couldn't have cut himself out or pulled himself out but also he didn't land in water because they would have seen like footsteps somewhere so they just don't know where he is they still have never found his body what so they were pissed off that he escaped or they he presumably escaped and they went back to his house and set it on fire and because it was on fire his family ran out of the house and one by one they slaughtered them no you had a family too
Starting point is 00:17:12 oh fuck so his wife and kids got killed oh god okay so um another version of the story um so that was in the 1930s another version is basically the same in the 1860s not the 1930s but in the 1860s after alton is abandoned like relatively soon after alton's abandoned cowboys from copper canyon the town nearby chased down a slave goat herder named jack kendall it said that they lynched him from a tree near where the bridge now stands, which is why now the bridge would be haunted. And here's the wild part of this, though. And it's pretty common that this is just an urban legend, this part. So it's about to get wild and you're going to see why this version is an urban legend.
Starting point is 00:17:58 Okay. So they supposedly lynched him from a tree near the bridge or where the bridge now stands. And somehow in the process, they decided that they would also decapitate him. So in this story, his head is separated from his body and somehow through dark magic, the headless body climbs out of the water, walks over to a nearby goat,
Starting point is 00:18:20 rips its head off with the body's bare hands, and then places the goat's head on his neck to replace his own head i can't imagine why that would be an urban legend right like so that is wild high chance that that didn't happen um but so those are the two versions of what possibly happened the more wild rogue one is sure jack kendall original one is Oscar Washburn. So yes, horribly sad, horribly dark. But there are several accounts, particularly a book called Ghosts of Denton, that says that through years of research and looking through census records and historical backgrounds, no one by the name of Oscar Washburn ever lived in the area. And there's no record of
Starting point is 00:19:04 lynching in Denton in 1938. There's no historical records of jack hendel so hopefully none of that right right right right right um records say that none of it happened okay but then there's also like rebuttals that like in the 1930s like no one was keeping track of like recording the lynching in a small town necessarily right okay and also they could have just done it and not recorded it exactly exactly so who knows but that's the sad background and now we can move on to the ghosts so i mean i'm ready for some we're out of we're out of the dark hole let's do it okay so since then it has obviously become a hot spot for people to perform dark rituals and seances and there have been many instances where and this is all true there have been many instances where, and this is all true, there have been many instances where animal sacrifices were performed here.
Starting point is 00:19:47 Oh, God. And the bridge has been set on fire many times. The thought is because a lot of the people going in there to perform dark magic are trying to set the actual portal to hell on fire. People have also visited the forest. People have also visited the forest um or people visit people have also visited this place um people visiting the forest have noticed evidence of animals that have died unnaturally not by another animal so they're finding animals that like just don't have their skin or like animals that are like their throat is split like it's like clear that it's not done in abnormal yeah so also more proof of specific rituals and
Starting point is 00:20:27 seances and all that happening is that in 1977 there was a little girl that disappeared near the bridge and police searched for her and found several people in the woods dead they didn't find her but they found several people dead in the woods near ritual sites oh god and one of the dead woman was holding uh the same teddy bear that the missing girl was reported having when she went missing oh my god so they say that they maybe tried to lure the girl in like took her bear and then tried to lure her in oh my god or maybe they could have the woman and her could have both been abducted and involved in sacrifices or like they never found the girl's body but they found the bear
Starting point is 00:21:05 and then they found like a whole pile of people dead so they didn't find the girl oh no creepy um police have confirmed that rituals are still being done in the forest and many uh officers have witnessed people in robes around fires and different parts of the deep deep woods i'm more scared of them than like the actual goat me too it's like man or whatever what if you're like alone by yourself wandering the woods? Like they're going to fucking hurt you. How terrifying to see a bunch of people in robes, like sacrificing animals. Because also like, for all you know, maybe they didn't even want to hurt you.
Starting point is 00:21:33 But now you've witnessed that shit. Like maybe they're like, you're not safe. Sure. Yeah. That's not the people you want to run into in the dark. So there have also been sections of the forest with trees with baby dolls hanging from them. Cute. So, great. And many think that this is a hot spot for paranormal activity because a lot of people claim that on this bridge they see a man-goat hybrid on the bridge at night.
Starting point is 00:21:56 So, some psychics have said that it isn't a goat. Guys, get ready. If you were still feeling kind of dark about the history of this story, you're about to laugh really hard. Oh, God. guys get ready where if you were still feeling kind of dark about the history of this story you're about to laugh really hard um some psychics have said that this isn't a goat man but it's actually a satyr which the definition is a male spirit with ears and tail much like a horse as well as a permanent and exaggerated erection also not something you want to run into in the woods okay a thousand percent um some psychics have said that oh yeah that it had it's a demon with a fucking boner well they did not i remember i learned about that in sixth grade mythology class i'm glad they didn't add
Starting point is 00:22:38 the erection okay but if you google a picture of it it literally has a heart on i know but i just remember them not mentioning it and i was, that's probably for the best. Others think that the goat man might be Oscar Washburn looking for his family. Or getting vengeance on slave owners and Klansmen. Which, like, I'm down for. If you're a ghost. And you have reason for vengeance. And you're going to hurt the KKK, sure.
Starting point is 00:23:02 I mean, why not? Sure. I don't even care how big your boner is just just do what you have to do i'll set a hell portal on fire if that's what you're if that's what you need um so the goat man is said to haunt the forest the river and the bridge especially on halloween so um like town legend with like all the teenagers and everything like the thing that spooks them is if you knock on the bridge three times at midnight, or if you turn off your car lights and honk three times,
Starting point is 00:23:28 or if you try to cross the bridge with your headlights off, then you will smell rotten flesh, and then you will see the goat man's eyes staring at you from the other side of the bridge. People also say that they have felt hooves run across the bridge at their car, and the car door locks and or the car door locks will lock and unlock themselves on their own no some people have gotten out of their car and went back to their car locking them out no that's a nightmare or their car will break down on the bridge some people have also heard aggressive knocks on their car from the outside of it like the goat man is knocking back during the day many people
Starting point is 00:24:07 have seen a see-through man herding goats across the bridge which is just kind of adorable oscar and there have been reports of glowing eyes and snarls behind you and a feeling of electricity in the air hitting you all at once so that's gotta not feel good um there are glowing balls of light that will not disappear they will just glow and remain there which is weird because usually if you see like a glowing light you double take and you're like oh did i see that was i mistaken but this like intentionally wants you to see it it'll stay there knowing that you're confused um that's just rude people have also heard the um hoofs of something running on the rocks under the bridge.
Starting point is 00:24:45 And they have also heard and seen water splashing like someone ran through the river. And then they will not only hear maniacal laughter, but they will hear wolfs, growls, and snarls. In the laughter. In laughter? Oh, God, no. No, in the laughter. Oh, God, no, no, no. There have also been reports of orbs voices screaming at you and obviously operations
Starting point is 00:25:05 of goats right obviously i like that the operations of goats that's like the nicest thing i've heard this whole time they're ghost goats um go go go ghosts go ghosts goats okay yep you guys get it right you nailed it um someone sent us a picture of a ghost dressed like a goat dressed like a ghost. Or a ghost dressed like a goat. Either way. Someone did send us that? Someone should. Oh, I thought you said someone did.
Starting point is 00:25:31 I was like, give me that right now. Many people swear that they've seen a goat-headed man pacing in the woods staring at them. There have also been video streams that have caught footage of people chanting around you, but you can't hear it in real time. What? Yep. Video? Yeah, like you can hear it in the audio of the video.
Starting point is 00:25:51 Oh, but you don't see the people. No, you don't just like see a swarm of people chanting. That is wild times. But like that is proof if you're a skeptic watch that. No, that does not exist. Oh, wow. People have also temporarily gone blind and deaf in the forest. Okay.
Starting point is 00:26:04 And they can see and hear their vision and hearing going like they'll announce it ahead of time like i'm blacking out and now i can't see people have lit large fires this actually happened in um ghost adventures which was pretty cool um they have lit large fires that will entirely extinguish themselves in like a matter of a second and then reignite seconds later. It's like big enough that it shouldn't, it shouldn't even be fizzling out. It's like on, off, on like a light switch candle. Yeah. Several investigators, uh, will all, I mean, anyone who goes and investigates, they'll obviously bring like the EVP or EMF and spirit boxes and all that. And a lot of people have gotten EVps and responses through the spirit box of someone named
Starting point is 00:26:45 steve so i don't know how that name fits into this he's like i'm lost but like steve like apparently that name is like graffitied all over the walls in the area and like people have like carved his name into the bridge and like anyone who gets any activity and can actually communicate with anything there they always get the name steve and no one knows why it's like the least threatening name though some people suspect though that steve is the name of the guy that actually swung oscar over the bridge oh god which would be a pretty evil man a mofo so obviously like that would make sense why he's covered in dark energy um there's ominous humming it's not like it's like like something horrible you were just singing the wedding march weren't you maybe
Starting point is 00:27:25 i don't know no that was happy birthday maybe i don't know this is a fun game wherever my mind took me name that dark tune um imagine if like you got an evp back and it was just humming happy birthday to you no what the fuck that's so creepy uh shadows will come flying at people trying to knock them down like you'll see like something hit you some even say that they see an apparition of a satyr at the edge of the bridge carrying the heads of goats and humans in its arms oh so like what's scarier the the massive peen or like yeah the goat heads and human like it's all bad it's all so bad all of it and the combination is just all of it needs
Starting point is 00:28:05 to go away terrible the goat man is also known to scratch visitors and throw rocks at them and it isn't common but there have been stories of people being possessed attacked or picked up and thrown across the bridge so one investigator was on the bridge and heard a demonic voice scream get off the bridge like scream it at her um or him and then he his friend did leave the bridge like heard that and said you got it i'm off the bridge but the other investigator said i'm not leaving and then ended up getting dragged by his legs oh my god backwards down the bridge and then thrown into the water by invisible hands oh my, my God. This happened to another pair of investigators. One of them said,
Starting point is 00:28:47 I'm not leaving until you talk to us. And the bridge started rattling on its own. And that person got picked up and thrown onto the ground from several feet in the air and was witnessed by the second of the pair. Many claim that you can feel something staring at you from the forest
Starting point is 00:29:04 and it tries to intimidate you into leaving and some investigators have seen something from the corner of their eye and when they look back they find a goat face staring at them just the scariest and this is like in the middle of the night too this is never like at 9 a.m well and we were talking about goats the other day and with eva and allison was saying that ghosts have goats have square pupils which is like makes it so much creepier. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:26 Like glowing square pupils. Oh, wow. You're right. Little rectangles. Yuck. So during one investigation lockdown, a woman sat down on a bench near the bridge by herself and she could feel someone standing behind her. So she took a picture of herself, like took a selfie.
Starting point is 00:29:40 And then when she... Explain it. Obviously, I get like she wanted a picture of the thing behind her. I see. But I liked her plan of like, oh, just take a selfie and pretend nothing she like explain it obviously i get like she wanted a picture of the thing behind her i see but i liked her plan of like oh just take a selfie and pretend nothing's there right so she took a picture and in the picture was a man and a dark cloak standing there what no thank you um she also took a picture of the uh the ground and you can see the silhouette of the cloaked man standing on the ground um she then got a burning feeling on her wrist which went up her arm and there were three long scratches into her arm
Starting point is 00:30:10 another investigator felt the same burning on her back when she thought that she had gotten bit by a bug and when she lifted her shirt there were three long claw marks across her back the claw marks they're always in threes too which is like the trinity like mocking the trinity whoa that's that's like one of the theories is that like it's always actually i think zach actually said that on the show maybe that's where i got it from but like it is it is known that like if there's three this represent the trinity the father son and the holy spirit well no like if you do ever see three that's usually why it's three claws because it's supposed to be like a fucking right like the demon right nerd the devil mocking the trinity that is so creepy mocking so after she was scratched her whole personality shifted
Starting point is 00:30:55 apparently she became like really pissed off and she had visions of killing everybody next to her what and she says that she had she said after the fact oh she's not just like having an interview did they put her somewhere safe um she just remembers having these feelings and she remembers independently having a vision of each person and how she was going to kill them with her bare hands i hope she didn't tell them those i hope not either um the demon seemed to have the demon that did this to both of the girls like burning them and scratching them seems to have this exact same effect on all women apparently any female investigator that has gone in loses control of their thoughts and feelings many have gone home and have been like it's like attached to them or leech themselves to them oh and they'll like attack their families like there
Starting point is 00:31:41 have been women who like don't have a history of like hurting their families but then they'll say like i went home that night and i like hit my husband and i've never hit my husband i've never hit my child but like i just like was not in control i don't even remember doing it what the fuck and um this is the first place where i'm like i'm not going to this place ever yeah you can't pay me um and then apparently like you can just tell that something's wrong like they're completely jaded all of the movements are kind of choppy and short. And like, they look at you really irritated.
Starting point is 00:32:08 Like if you say one thing, I'm going to kill you. Like they're possessed. Yeah. Like, like they're like mildly possessed. And if you stay there long enough, it will start to attach to you on ghost adventures.
Starting point is 00:32:18 This actually happened to, uh, the photographer who's actually Aaron's wife. Right. Oh, actually Uber driver just told me. Right. Oh, Ashley. My Uber driver just told me about this. Oh, really?
Starting point is 00:32:30 But he didn't mention where it was, but he talked about it. Oh, yeah. So this happened. Aaron, right, right, right. This happened to Ashley, who is the photographer. And she's been the photographer on the show for like 13 years. I didn't realize that. Like since the beginning of the show. And she was attacked by this demon.
Starting point is 00:32:41 Zach was in the middle of interviewing someone else. And then off camera, he's like, what's going on with her? And you can tell she's like really fucked up she's not acting i don't know what her like day-to-day is like but she didn't seem like a normal person like she was like yeah acting off she started crying for no reason then she got really angry and then she like stared like at zach like she was truly gonna kill him like in a face that i mean i know that like he's usually really dramatic and like i don't want to like fall for the stories on ghost adventures but looking at it if someone looked at me the way that she looked at him i would have been sure that they were going to kill
Starting point is 00:33:13 me um she later said that like she had visions of trying to hurt him and she wasn't around during the um during other times where like interviews had suggested that that's what women think and all that like or what how women are affected right so on her own she was like i had like a very specific vision of hurting you so her personality changed off camera and then she clearly looked upset she became silent and angry admitted to wanting to hurt zach and later she said that she felt immense anxiety anger and was barely in control of herself. And the only part of her that was in control kept her from actually hurting anyone. Later, she did come back on the show, like in that episode, and said that she wanted to confront the demon and she wanted to go into the forest by herself. Oh, great. And talk to this thing.
Starting point is 00:33:58 And you don't think the producers were like, say you want to go in the forest by yourself. Yeah, no. But you could tell like she had said on the show, she was like i want to confront this thing because nothing's ever actually affected me in the 13 years on the show and so she goes in and also of course zach is like ashley is officially the bravest woman i've ever met which like true i would not fucking do that i don't think you would do that so like hell no i guess she's relatively braver than anyone i know or but the way that he said it it was just funny um okay so she goes into the forest she tries to confront this thing she literally falls to the ground and then they like the camera runs over to her face and she's got this massive red like smack mark on her face where a rock hit her what
Starting point is 00:34:41 like i don't know where like a rock hitter in midair and then she like hit the ground and she had this giant welt on her face and her personality was affected again and apparently after filming it attached to her and followed her home and it never officially went away and she still has like tendencies and after 13 seasons of the show she had to quit yeah and aaron left too i think yeah is what i heard i don't know about aaron but i know that like it fucked her up so bad that she stopped working for them yeah because the uber driver guy was like yeah aaron ended up leaving even though he was like with zach for that whole time because she was so like messed up that he left wild i don't know if that's true or not but that's
Starting point is 00:35:16 what my uber driver told me so well energy so it affects women that way but it affects everyone and that energy will also transfer from person to person so one person can like black out and hallucinate and then all of a sudden come to and be totally fine and not even realize they were being weird and another person's acting weird oh great so like moves around just moves around um the energy will also change levels so some people will like experience like a high and then all of a sudden within seconds they're drained and like can't even stand because they're so exhausted and investigators have gotten into fights and attacked each other not realizing what they were doing and many have also felt like they were being strangled this happened in ghost adventures to zach he if it was not real it was incredibly dramatic and he like screamed and cried like
Starting point is 00:36:01 cried like he was being strangled and couldn't stop for him like i mean like he couldn't prevent it like he looked like he thought he was dying and then the ghost adventures team during all this asked who was near them and the spirit box picked up the name steve steve and that's all i got steve the fuck that is bananas i did not know all that shit yes uh worth the watch i think i just think that's the first place you've said where i'm like why on earth would anyone go there like there's somewhere i'm like i get the appeal like spooky stuff happens but like when it's like attaching to people that's yeah too much nothing for me um so anyway that was goat man's bridge how spooky That was Goatman's Bridge. How spooky. So, my topic this week. We got an email recently, as you know, from Allison's older brother, Andy.
Starting point is 00:36:52 Yes. And he emailed us, and I was very excited because I haven't seen him in many years, but he and his girlfriend really liked the show, which was very exciting to me. And he's like, don't tell Allison I emailed you. But she knew, so I guess you told her. Well, her well i like i screenshot it immediately and send it to her okay well too late sorry andy allison already knows but blame blame m not me so in his email his very sweet email so he and allison uh are from south carolina and let me triangulate their location real quick okay just kidding south car Carolina is all I'm going to give you. Somewhere in South Carolina.
Starting point is 00:37:26 Go. Go find it. No, don't. So he, in his very kind email, suggested we cover Donald Henry Peewee Gaskins Jr. Okay. Do you know this story? Nope. Oh, boy.
Starting point is 00:37:37 It's a wild trip. Yes. A wild and disturbing trip. So thank you for the suggestion, Andy. I'm sure a lot of people have suggested it, too. But just andy has a nepotism special place in our hearts it is sorry y'all um and i also got a lot of this got some information from one of my new fave podcasts which i always see related to ours on itunes and i've never actually listened to until now it's called all killa no phila and oh i have heard of them too they're hilarious they're like so funny they're both comedians nice and they're just
Starting point is 00:38:09 really funny and it's a lot of phila as they say like they're like it's kind of like us so which is what i love and i'm like if you guys are the ones who complain that we go on too many rants like don't listen to that don't listen to them but like if you do like the um not rants like the tangents they are just the funniest and the best so check them out um and then also was really helpful so this is a story of donald henry peewee gaskins jr he was born on march 13th 1933 in florence county south carolina to a woman named yulia parrot um growing up he was okay i also want to just like give you guys a heads up
Starting point is 00:38:45 that this is a really fucked up story so it's grim it's dark and it's grim just heads up um growing up he was small for his age so he gained the nickname peewee he was about he grew up to be about five foot four and he was unfortunately neglected from an early age when he was a year old he drank an entire bottle of kerosene which caused him to have convulsions until he was a year old, he drank an entire bottle of kerosene, which caused him to have convulsions until he was three. And in fact, his mother paid so little attention to him that he didn't learn his real name until he was 13. Oh, my God. Yeah. He thought his name was just Pee Wee.
Starting point is 00:39:15 Wow. So around that age, around actually he was 11, he quit school and began working on cars at a local garage where he met two boys named danny and marsh the three of them had a lot in common they had both left school early 11 is really young by the way that's like that's sixth grade yeah i mean i guess this was the 40s but still um where he met two boys named danny marsh they had a lot in common so they teamed up and formed what they called the trouble trio okay well trouble indeed indeed. They would burglarize homes, pick up sex workers, and sometimes- At 11? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:47 Oh my god. And sometimes rape younger boys. Threatening them so they wouldn't go to the police. After some time terrorizing the town, the trio was caught- This is just terrible. Gang raping Marsha's little sister. So they were caught by their parents. And as punishment, the uh tied the boys up
Starting point is 00:40:08 and beat them to pulps okay well fair didn't notify authorities didn't do anything beyond oh beating them okay maybe not entirely fair beating them up and saying okay they got what they deserved the poor little girl like probably never got any sort of right yeah just fucked up so danny and marsh left the area after that but gaskin stayed in town and continued his criminal activities in 1946 when gaskins was 13 he burglarized the home of a girl he knew and she caught him in the act and she had an axe so she came at him with an axe but he managed to get the axe away from her and hit her in the head and the arm and then fled the scene but she survived and was able to notify authorities so gaskins was arrested and convicted for assault
Starting point is 00:40:50 with a deadly weapon and intent to kill and during the court proceeding so he was 13 at this point is when he heard his name donald for the first time gosh and at the time he didn't even know that was his name so he was sent to this after this he was sent to the south carolina industrial school for boys until he turned 18 okay uh at the school it was like a reform school and at the reform school gaskins was almost immediately attacked and raped due to his small stature um it basically sounds like prison right like he was not big enough to defend himself so he was targeted right he spent his time either accepting protection from what they called the boss boy which just makes me think of boss baby so i can't really take it very seriously um in exchange for sex or attempting to escape eventually
Starting point is 00:41:36 he escaped from the reform school and joined a traveling carnival where he marries a 13 year old girl okay and how old is he um i think like 15 or 16 okay i don't know that can't be like legally binding he's not great i mean they're in a carnival like is that even i don't know they have their own laws probably so he marries this girl and then he decides to return to the reform school rather than like continue with his wife in the circus what i don't know so he goes back to this reform school where he's like oh this girl's worse than it must be it must be so he returns to the reform school to finish out his sentence at the at the reform school um he really was released when he was 18 and he began working on a tobacco farm where he got involved in insurance
Starting point is 00:42:19 fraud he worked with a partner and he would collaborate with local tobacco farmers to burn their barns down for a fee oh so that they would get insurance money from it and um that's probably the least terrible thing he does in this whole story by the way great uh so people started to wonder about his involvement with the barn fires because he just kind of happened to be there every time one of these barns just accidentally caught on fire. And then his employer's daughter questioned him about the barn fire. So he panicked. Uh-oh. And split her skull with a hatchet.
Starting point is 00:42:51 Oh, uh-oh. Yes. So that was not a great reaction. So he received a five-year sentence in prison for assault with a deadly weapon and attempted murder. And in prison, Gaskins... Oh, so sorry. She survived, too, I guess. Oh, wow. Attempted murder. Okay. assault with a deadly weapon and attempted murder and in prison gaskins oh so sorry she survived too i guess oh wow attempted murder okay so he split her head with an axe and at least he's not like killing anyone yet i guess i mean he's certainly trying yeah he's trying at least everyone's living
Starting point is 00:43:17 so far um while in prison gaskins commits his first murder what a good segue never mind what a good sagoo never oh while in prison gaskins commits his first murder in an attempt to become a power man oh what i've never heard of these terms is this a south carolina thing first there was boss boy now there's power man they sound like basically the same thing yeah boss boy and a power man in the all kill no podcast they were like these sounds like the worst superhero names it sounds like a like a pokemon evolution yeah from boss boy to power man you deal with the evolution yeah yeah so apparently the way to get there though is not by uh evolving evolving it's by murdering murdering someone so um power men oh here's the definition if you were wondering okay are the most brutal and feared inmates even though they have the lamest name of all time.
Starting point is 00:44:05 So Gaskins said he wanted to be a power man. So what he did was he killed one of his fellow inmates, and I believe he slashed his throat with a razor. I think. I'm not positive. But he killed him, and he was found guilty of manslaughter, not murder. The guy was sleeping, sleeping basically and he just walked right up and murdered him okay so murder so murder but he was found guilty of manslaughter
Starting point is 00:44:32 and sentenced to six months of solitary confinement okay but he accomplished his goal of becoming a power man so he was happy so he had a more enjoyable time in prison with his new status um in 1955 his wife by the way they're still married oh filed for divorce which i guess means maybe it was legitimate maybe it's also good for her for getting out of there eventually eventually his wife files for divorce um gaskins flips out and escapes from prison uh steals a car and drives to Florida where he joins another carnival. I don't know what that was supposed to accomplish, but I mean, it sounds like the first carnival was pretty bad for him to leave it.
Starting point is 00:45:13 And now he's just joining a second one. Yeah. But I just, I'm like, he, his wife falls for divorce. So he freaks out and then joins another carnival. I'm like,
Starting point is 00:45:20 I don't like how that's his reaction when his wife asks for a divorce. He's like, Oh, I thought it was like, I'm going to escape and like murder you or like hit you with a hatch a divorce. He's like, oh, I'm going to go to the carnival. I thought it was like, I'm going to escape and murder you or hit you with a hatchet. But it was like, no, he just... I'm going to give the clowns a second chance. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:31 The Floridian this time. The Floridian clowns might redeem themselves. So shortly thereafter, he remarries. But the second marriage only lasts two weeks. So scooch that under the rug. Then he became involved with a woman named betty gates betty gates uh betty gates and she was a carnival worker again so he just has a thing for these carnival workers and the two drive to tennessee to bail out gates
Starting point is 00:45:56 his brother so betty's brother okay so she doesn't sound like like top of her class yeah exactly she's like i need your help to bail out my brother. Right. He's like, done. He's like, on it. So they drive to Tennessee. But when Gaskins, he brings the bail money and a pack of cigarettes to the jail. And when he gets back to the hotel they're staying at, he realizes that Betty Gates, her brother, and his car were gone. It turns out Gaskins had been duped and Gates was not her brother, but her husband. He and Betty had basically talked Gaskins into helping them.
Starting point is 00:46:29 Brave. Not knowing they were a married couple. So when he got him out of jail and they stole his car, the police arrived before Gaskins could get out of there. And they realized he was an escaped convict because remember he had escaped prison. Yeah. convict because remember he had escaped prison yeah oh i also wanted to mention that the brother quote unquote the husband right um had escaped from prison with the aid of a razor blade tucked inside a carton of cigarettes i don't know how that happened or what he did but very macgyver yeah yeah the only the subtlest like smallest tools like heat maybe heat the razor blade with
Starting point is 00:47:03 a cigarette maybe just held a razor and everyone and said, let me go. Want a pack of cigarettes? Yeah, I don't know. Want to smoke? Um, ba-da-ba-da-ba-da. So, Gaskins is caught and he is put back in prison, but he only gets an additional nine months for the escape and for knifing a fellow prisoner. Knifing. That's nice.
Starting point is 00:47:21 Yeah. So, he gets nine months. They're like, bad boy. Tsk, tsk tsk um in august of 1961 he's released again and he returns to south carolina his home state he's unable to stay out of trouble and begins burglarizing homes again he avoids arrest get this by working with a traveling minister okay you're just talking about clowns and ministers what do you think i'm supposed to assume here oh i don't even think of that either what is wrong with you i don't know
Starting point is 00:47:47 but yeah so this traveling minister would basically go preaching from town to town and gaskins was his driver and assistant weird yeah really people like really weird exactly just so backwards a man of god right he was spent his time in between slaughtering people preaching the word of god i guess um and his time in between slaughtering people preaching the word of god i guess um and this was easy for him to travel from town to town while burglarizing homes but not being able to be traced because they would cross state lines and things like that got it um in 1962 gaskins is arrested for statutory rape of a 12 year old girl but he escapes to north carolina in a stolen car once in north carolina he meets a 17 year old girl whom he marries she which is i think the
Starting point is 00:48:30 fourth no third marriage yeah how old is she 17 oh my god okay but i think that's legal no it's legal it's just like a lot of young he's into yeah it's messed up overall yeah yeah yeah um she eventually turns him into the police for statutory rape and i don't think that's of her i don't know it might be of her but i think it was of another girl okay i'm not positive i think she finds out that he raped another girl got it and he received six years in columbia penitentiary in november of 1968 he's paroled and this is when he makes a vow to never return to prison again okay all right guy he made a vow whatever throughout uh gaskin's life so he described these feelings that forced him into
Starting point is 00:49:11 criminal activity which he referred to as quote them aggravated and bothersome feelings oh yeah can you say that in a southern accent for me no why i don't have a southern accent me neither why do i gotta say it well you make i don't know you'd make me have a southern accent. Me neither. Why do I gotta say it? Well, you make, I don't know, you'd make me do a German accent. That's true. Okay, fine. If you say it in German, I'll say it in a southern accent. Nope.
Starting point is 00:49:33 Why not? Tit for tat, man. That's not the same. Them aggravated and bothersome feelings. Them aggravated and bothersome feelings. Yeah, feelings. Feelings. Yeah bothersome feelings. Yeah, feelings. Feelings. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:47 You know. Them aggravated and bothersome feelings. I don't know. Now vote. Now vote. Who's the winner? In September 1969, he apparently found relief from these feelings. And this is how he expressed that he found relief.
Starting point is 00:50:02 He picked up a female hitchhiker in North Carolina. Oh, boy. Yeah. She laughed at him when he sexually propositioned her so he beat her until she was unconscious raped and sodomized her then weighed her body down and threw her into a swamp so she would drown oh my god very very oh my god very very fucked up i could tell in your facial expression it was not gonna be i went like gray yeah you're like oh okay here we go so that is apparently how he described keeping his feeling his aggravated and bothersome feelings in check is by doing that kind of thing he said that's oh that's how he keeps it in check yes that's the only thing rape and murder no so like he would get these aggravated feelings and they would only go away if he raped and
Starting point is 00:50:43 murdered and oh i thought i thought he was saying like oh I'm raping and murdering people, so I don't rape and murder people. Oh, no, no, no. No, it's like the bothersome feelings would annoy him or get in his brain until he murders someone. It's like that. Oh, I know what you're saying. A drive to kill that wouldn't go away. Great. Well, I mean, neither case was good.
Starting point is 00:51:01 I was going to say, it's all bad. No matter what, whoever's right here, no one's really right. No, nobody's right for sure. So Gaskins preferred female victims, clearly, but that didn't stop him from doing the same to men, boys, girls, anybody in between. Anyone who got in his way. By 1975, he had allegedly found 80 boys and girls along the highways in north carolina and killed them but he considered these highway murders weekend recreation um he didn't consider them serious murders because only killing his personal acquaintances was considered a serious murder
Starting point is 00:51:35 because like he might have actual like feelings at stake yeah it was like oh i know this person they're familiar to me that's not brutal if I don't care about them. Yeah, but strangers were just weekend recreation. Jesus. Which is like, no, that's called going to the pool. Right, yeah. It's called not talking to people at all. Yeah, it's called staying inside and closing the blinds. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:56 And telling everyone you're really busy. So some of the serious murders, his quote unquote serious murders that he admitted were very serious were that of his 15 year old niece and her friend. What? They were on the way to the bar or he picked them up from the bar because they needed a ride and he lured them off to an abandoned house where he beat, raped and drowned them. Oh my God. I don't know why I'm surprised at this point.
Starting point is 00:52:20 Because everything is just. I'm just like, you can't get worse. Terrible. But you're also only halfway through. I i know but it just doesn't stop so although gaskins had a reputation for being explosive um people in the town just thought he was mentally disturbed they were like meh he's just a big disturbed he's a funny guy he's like a weird guy um a lot of people tried to avoid being around him but some people actually considered him a friend one of those people it's gonna get worse just yeah whoever is like emotionally at all interested in having a relationship with him
Starting point is 00:52:48 is fucked yeah it's not good yeah he gets rid of everyone in his way one of the people or even in his sight like it doesn't even matter what they do to him one of the people who considered gaskins a friend was named dorian dempsey and she dies how hold Hold on. It's worse. Oh, God. She was a mother of a two-year-old baby girl and was pregnant with her second child, was leaving town, decided to get a ride to the bus station from her old friend, Pee Wee Gaskins. Gaskins takes her to a
Starting point is 00:53:16 wooded area where he rapes and kills her and her two-year-old. God damn it, Christine. And then buries both their bodies. Yeah, it's not good in 1973 gaskins purchases an old hearse which is something andy mentioned in the email like this like this freak even drove around like a hearse so this is wild shout out to you andy you know your stuff he did in 1973 gaskins purchased an old hearse telling people at his favorite bar that
Starting point is 00:53:45 he needed the vehicle to haul all the people he killed to his private cemetery oh and he said ha what a good joke ha ha ha ha there was a sticker on the back of the hearse that read i haul dead bodies wow so he's really just like throwing this out into the world putting this in everyone's face he's like truly hiding him yeah was hiding hiding a blind side hiding plain plain sight yeah blind sight so no sight at all inside maybe okay plain sight trying to give you the benefit of the doubt thank you uh plain sight this was in at this point prospect south carolina which i don't know where that is sounds like a very southern town prospect south carolina where he was living with his wife and child by the way so at this point oh he has a wife and child now yes he has uh his wife had kids with the 17 year olds yes yes so um he had again he had like this reputation for having a temper but what did people didn't
Starting point is 00:54:35 think he was actually dangerous don't ask me why so when he was 42 he was now a grandfather so his daughter had had children at this point and are are they his? I don't know. I don't think so. I didn't know if that was the new twist. I'm not sure. I wouldn't be surprised at this point. It's all bad. Who knows?
Starting point is 00:54:53 Um, when he's, so he's 42, he's a grandfather. Oh, I don't know if he has a, yeah, he had a daughter.
Starting point is 00:54:59 Gaskins is hired as a hit man. Uh, a woman named Suzanne Kipper paid him $1, 1500 to kill her ex-boyfriend silas yates so basically on november okay on february 12 1975 diane neely so okay hold on let me wrap my head around this so this is at this point gaskins has been doing everything up to now by himself all the murders and now he enlists other people to help him carry out some of the crime this man is bold as hell yeah he just gives up he's like he's like i know no one's gonna do anything somehow no one's catching me he's like so confident it's like those killers that
Starting point is 00:55:34 get like so overconfident because no one's yeah yeah um so john powell and john owens handed handled the communication between gaskins and kipper, who was the woman who hired him to kill her ex-boyfriend, Silas. On February 12th, 1975, a woman named Diane Neely lured Silas Yates out of the house by claiming to have car trouble. Then Gaskins kidnapped and murdered Yates while Powell and Owens watched. It's debated whether they helped or whether they just stood there and watched. It's not. No matter what, it's not good. It's not known.
Starting point is 00:56:07 And all three helped bury him. Diane Neely and her boyfriend, who had helped with the murder, I mean, with the plan, the hit man plan. Gotcha. Decided to blackmail Gaskins. So they asked for $5,000 or they would go to the police. What year is this? 75. Okay. I was going to say $5, dollars isn't like the worst blackmail you could yeah but he also got paid fifteen hundred dollars to kill
Starting point is 00:56:31 this guy so like that's insanely small amount of money in my mind yeah i don't know what it was like in 75 i feel like it's like it was a million dollars to murder someone but i mean at the same time it's like he's just murdering people anyway right i guess he's like i'll just take some chump change while i'm at it he's like i don't do it for the money but i guess it's a passion project apparently totally so then they were fucking stupid enough to ask for 5 000 when probably he didn't have more than i mean he it's not like he was a rich guy like right he had just gotten 1500 to kill this guy and now they're like we need five thousand dollars in hush money so obviously he just kills both of them right he's like okay nice try he's like okay you know i'm going to kill and not even think twice about it so why would you confront me on anything yeah and yeah so basically he arranged to pay them off and then just murdered both of
Starting point is 00:57:21 them um and then around the same time gaskins was also torturing and killing other people he knew including this is really bad kim galkins was a 13 year old who was actually the student of um gaskins wife who was a teacher so his wife was a teacher and this girl kim um her mother had died and she was described as a lonely, sad child. And she looked up to her teacher a lot. Oh, my God. And then her teacher's husband propositioned her and she rejected him. So he murdered her.
Starting point is 00:58:00 Jesus. Meanwhile, two locals robbed Gaskin's repair shop because they clearly didn't know who they were messing with. And he killed and buried both of them. Of course he did. With the help of other locals. What is this, like Parks and Rec or something? A private cemetery. Everyone just like, okay, let's ship in this time.
Starting point is 00:58:18 Yeah, it's this Walter Neely guy whose wife was the one who lured the other guy out of the house. His Walter Neely, he's kind of like picked up as like his wingman. Got it. His right hand man. So he calls on Walter Neely to help him bury the two bodies in his private cemetery. And he can't help himself. While Walter Neely is helping him, Gaskins shows him where he buried the other bodies. He's like showing off basically like, look at my extensive private cemetery.
Starting point is 00:58:42 Look at my resume of bodies. Uh-huh. Jesus. Uh-huh after the disappearance of kim the 13 year old girl authorities began getting suspicious of gaskins they searched his apartment and found clothing of galk of kim kim um so gaskins was indicted for quote this is what he got fucking in trouble for contributing to the delinquency of a minor like are you kidding me i don't even know what to say anymore i don't either this is because they by the way believed
Starting point is 00:59:11 she had run away of course oh this is bananas yeah so neely walter neely who had just seen the private cemetery cracked under pressure while being interviewed okay good by the cops and showed the police gaskins private cemetery thank god in the cemetery they found the bodies of the following Okay, good. Thank God. Randos. Yeah. Okay. So at least six people. On April 27th, 1976, Gaskins and Walter Neely were charged with eight counts of murder on May... Sorry. On a May.
Starting point is 00:59:48 On May. During... Goodbye. Taurus. During the sign of the Taurus. On the sun sign. On May 24th, 1976, a jury convicted Gaskins of the murder of Dennis Bellamy, and he was sentenced to death. So, in an attempt to avoid additional death sentences,
Starting point is 01:00:04 he later confessed to seven more murders so it was eight total in november of 1976 the supreme court ruled that the death penalty was unconstitutional so they converted his death sentence to life with seven consecutive life sentences okay in 1978 two years later the death penalty was restored which is what a teeter-totter i know come on south carolina oh or is this south carolina or is this just in general i last i heard we were in prospect right so i began in just the most southern town i've ever heard of so so at this point his death sentence had been converted to life already so when the death penalty was restored they don't
Starting point is 01:00:40 like reactivate it they just like keep whatever you have but gaskins was caught and found guilty for being paid to murder a fellow prisoner named rudolph tyner and what he did was he basically strapped or like installed explosives in a radio what and like when the guy picked up the thing to put next to his ear whatever it like exploded and killed him oh my god he basically said uh the last thing he heard was me laughing oh and then that gave him the nickname meanest man in america and i'm like that gave him the nickname meanest man in america that's when you get the nickname jigsaw or something yeah yeah it's just horrible brutally raping little girls but okay i guess now he's he's officially the meanest man in america now
Starting point is 01:01:21 oh my god yeah so that was kind of the line that got him that moniker um so that got him the death penalty again um he began so he did not want to go to the electric chair so he began confessing to other murders if his confessions were true then he would be the worst killer in south carolina's history wow but basically it's unclear whether he was just trying to get out of the death penalty by like admitting to murders because there was never, we know he just like had a menu of people. He could just keep naming off at every time, but they never, he wasn't able to tell them where their bodies were or anything like that. So they think he was exaggerating. But it's unclear. He admitted to the murder of one woman, but prosecutors had already charged and sentenced another guy to life in prison for that murder.
Starting point is 01:02:08 So his confession was rejected. And then over the last months of his life, Gaskins hooked up with this author named Wilton Earl and started to write a book under not his name because it's not legal called Final Truth. It was published in 1993 and it discussed the murders and the quote bothersome feelings that Gaskins felt throughout his life. He claimed to have killed over 100 people, although he never showed authorities any actual proof or provided information
Starting point is 01:02:34 on where bodies were located. And he described his horrible childhood and like the pain and suffering he went through, the beatings, et cetera. But they talked to people who were in his family or his neighbors or classmates and they say it's absolute horseshit he was never beaten
Starting point is 01:02:51 as a child really um he was given love and attention he was often the favorite of his mother so it's very unclear whether i mean he was clearly a psychopath like it was unclear whether he was just trying to build his persona as being like this. He could have just made up everything for the sake of just having the ego or having people pity him or whatever. The psychologist said he was a pathological liar. So it's like you can't really trust anything he says. Right. A lot of it is about like building this murderous image. And one thing they talked about in the podcast I listened to, too, was that it sounds like he had a Napoleon complex.
Starting point is 01:03:23 Like he's five foot four has been called Peewee his life and now he's like i killed over a hundred people like i want to be remembered as a murderer rather than like like the toughest guy in town or something exactly and so he was literally murdering people for any like just to get like for sport in jail yeah so and also how many people he killed is an area of debate because he obviously couldn't prove anything and a lot of people especially those who knew him believed he did not want to be known in history as a tiny man but rather as a prolific killer so on the day of his execution um he did not go out without a fight he cut his wrists and the inside of his elbows in an attempt to avoid the electric chair and what
Starting point is 01:04:02 he did was he had lodged the razor in his throat oh my god and then regurgitated it oh my god he had hidden it in his throat so it would like slice him from the inside out or something no no no no no so that they couldn't find it like he swallowed it and kept it there and then regurgitated it and then cut his wrist with it oh my god i thought you meant like was intentionally throwing it up to swallow it to throw it up to swallow it so he's like cutting it's a really slow way to die i don't know this guy's kind of fucking sick so yeah no you're right i was like that's at least original it's very dangerous but yeah no i think he just swallowed it to like lodge it he lodged in his throat i gotcha and then he like i think i was just like like on the edge of my seat waiting for something sick so i just like presented it that way in my
Starting point is 01:04:41 head no no and it is sick either way but so then he like regurgitated it and then tried to kill himself but oh my god they stitched him back up and put him in the chair as scheduled so like he literally just brutally cut his own wrists and they just stitched him up and stuck him in the electric chair like okay there you go like nice try buddy um his final words were quote i'll let my lawyers talk for me i'm ready to go. So Donald Henry Peewee Gaskins was pronounced dead by electrocution on September 6, 1991. One of his final wishes was to be cremated and his remains given to his daughter to avoid, quote, Satan worshipers and black magic practicers who want my corpse. Oh, my God. He's so full of himself. Geez.
Starting point is 01:05:19 And also, I hope that daughter was like, no, thanks. Well, the sad thing about his daughter, too, was that apparently he told her every brutal thing. Like when it came to the woman and hit the daughter, he's like, he told her I couldn't help, but rape the small child too. Like he told his daughter all of this and like confess everything. Where is his daughter now?
Starting point is 01:05:38 Is she okay? I don't know. Just really like how fucked up is that? It's just beyond me. Um, his daughter received his cremated remains and scattered them in a local swamp which i'm like does that is that bad or good i don't know i don't know if that's like a south carolina tradition i'm not sure it sounds bad i hope i kind of hope it's a fuck you i hope it wasn't a scatter i hope it was more like a throw
Starting point is 01:06:00 the whole thing in the swamp but who knows i would just throw it in a swamp for like an alligator to eat it or something i would have specifically given it to a satan worshiper and been like here go for it practice on this whatever he didn't want let's do that to him i need to find some black magic practice that'd be a cool uh craigslist ad oh my god satan worshipers oh my gosh wow anyway that's the story of donald henry peewee gaskins okay well thank you andy for that thank you and thanks to everyone who suggested it. I'm not ignoring you. This has been on the list for a while, and I appreciate all of your input.
Starting point is 01:06:31 Wow. Okay. Do we have a horoscope? Oh, shit. I'll find one. Okay, thank you. I'll find it this time. And we'll do an Eva-scope, too.
Starting point is 01:06:41 Okay, good. Okay, so we paused the recording for a brief moment and eva came up with a brilliant idea it was sort of a amalgamated idea but eva pointed out that since so she's we do an evascope now she's a pisces and she mentioned that donald henry peewee gaskins was a pisces and then i was like why don't we just do a horoscope for each person we cover every week and then m was like horoscope yeah so it was just like quite a beautiful trio of a geo trio if you will a geo trio as we like to call it um the uh as what they call us around christine's house that's what em and even i call it um
Starting point is 01:07:20 so i have a horoscope here that is for both peewee and eva but mostly i feel like it i don't know we'll see if it applies to you and juni too but i thought this was a good match for peewee okay ready today you wake up feeling reinvigorated and renewed pisces you feel as though you can accomplish anything oh boy and very likely you. Anything you set your mind and attention to works out beautifully. Take care that you don't gloat too much. Eva. Peewee. Peewee.
Starting point is 01:07:53 Just because you feel invincible doesn't mean that you are. Watch out. Yeah. Just like, what a creepy thing. Don't be too invincible. You're not. You can't escape the electric chair ready for geos yeah it's i'm very excited for geo this week okay romantically scorpio things are taking a new
Starting point is 01:08:13 direction and there is some momentum billing this is why i'd never read the romantic ones okay i just typed in today's horoscope for scorpion that's what came up okay your charm has established a strong foothold in someone's mind me you have made quite an impression and it may be time to strike while the iron is hot oh for god's sake if a new romance is not on your current to-do list then channel your charms in another context it's totally appropriate to share your wit in the workplace oh so witty in fact you'll find that a well-timed joke can make some powerful people wants to be around you so powerful who doesn't want to be around him regardless of what he says oh i love him so witty and so good he's a cutie full of charms we're so powerful it all
Starting point is 01:08:58 makes sense i know all right you don't get your head so big uh thank you guys for listening um do you do you want to try it this time no yeah no i don't if you want to find us here can you at least drum roll me in if you want to find us you can find us at facebook twitter instagram patreon at atwwd podcast please donate please, please donate. You can find our website, and that's You can find our store, and that's You can find our email, and that's whywedrink at And you can send us your own personal paranormal and true crime stories
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