And That's Why We Drink - E84 A Powerful Chicken and a Techno Haunting

Episode Date: September 9, 2018

Come closer…. we have a secret to tell you… we're certainly not going to vomit a chicken into your mouth. This week Em takes us step-by-step through the myths and transformation process of the ter...rifying Filipino vampire/zombie/boogie-person, the Aswang. And Christine shares the life and lies of Henry Lee Lucas's infamous, though often exaggerated, career as a serial killer. His horror-scope proves VERY virgo. We also might have been both personally haunted and true crime-d during the recording of this episode so strap in for a wild ride… and that's why we drink! Please consider supporting the companies that support us!  Get your own 11x14 Canvas People print for free when you text WWD to 484848 Buy 2 Fixd devices and get one free PLUS an additional 10% off your entire order using promo code DRINK at Visit to get 20% off your purchase with promo code DRINK

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Starting point is 00:00:00 i'm just convinced i'm gonna look at their notes well you've done it before yeah but it's because you put them on the top of your notes on both sides of the paper and then hold the paper up in front of me that's true you put it as like the header uh i know also i have a um what is i don't know what the right phrasing what's the right word big big present of money for me nope i have a oh i have a uh personal correction according to linda oh linda has to put you in your place got it the holy water that i gave you is not from croatia it's literally from the vatican oh that's a correction that needs to be corrected i'm looking i'm holding it right now it's from the vatican that's pretty baller that's like pope blessed linda thank you so my catholic self is just thrilled i know there's a tingle in you without
Starting point is 00:01:03 there is i knew it was magical. Wow. I just wanted to say something before. I appreciate that. And thank you, Linda. That is very special. I mean, I know it's not for me, but thank you for correcting him. I think we both need a little holy water.
Starting point is 00:01:16 We need it. It's directly in between both of our microphones right now. Yes. Where it needs to be. I want to add real quick that this episode is sponsored by one of our 25 patrons named megan no no offense megan megan m if you've listened to the show long enough then you know that megan has become like the uh stereotypical name for middle school bully like whenever a middle school bully is talking we refer to megan um and so megan uh m has been donating for many months so
Starting point is 00:01:45 i appreciate you megan thank you for that thanks megan thanks a lot megan love your hair hate your guts you guys we decided we want to make make that a slogan on a shirt we're gonna put that on a shirt it's so funny um also i don't know if you guys saw, but Gio was the centerfold of a magazine this week. Yeah. Texas dog. That dog heard about it. He's saying, hell yeah. He's like, fuck you. I don't want to be in a magazine. Gio's on my bedroom wall now.
Starting point is 00:02:14 Oh, God. On the ceiling. Okay. Yes. Gio was in Texas Dog Monthly. And we are very proud of him and all of his accomplishments. He's worked very hard to get where he is he has you know so you guys check that out it's on our instagram on facebook and twitter um anything anything else you have no i guess we're done here okay i have something for
Starting point is 00:02:36 you oh okay so i've already shown this to em yesterday but um and even knows about it but this is uh i just want to play it again because i never i didn't show him until yesterday a few weeks ago steven at song finch steven is someone who actually got a job at song finch through listening to our show so steven uh we actually met him in nashville and he gave us certificates i think christine's certificate was for saying listen more than any other human on the planet. It was laminated, by the way. Yeah. And I got a laminated one that said have for the most celery kisses.
Starting point is 00:03:13 And we met in Nashville. He actually got a job at Songfinch through listening to us talk about Songfinch so much. And so now he works at Songfinch. Amazing. And he also just got engaged recently so congrats and you can see his engagement on the facebook page in our secret group in our secret group um and so steven sent us a little a little ditty um and he so our friend robbit song finch emailed us and was like hey so just so you know like steven this guy steven who
Starting point is 00:03:41 works for us uh wanted to send you guys like a little uh fallout boy-esque old fallout boy-esque theme song chorus and uh so he sent this to us and i'm gonna play it all right now if you had a stressful day and you need something to listen to just get away And you need something to listen to Just get away Well, Ann and Chrissy will come to the rescue Even if we're celebrating I have the perfect theme And that's why we drink
Starting point is 00:04:17 I'm obsessed with it. And so it sounds like, to me, it sounds like a Nickelodeon theme shows. Like Big Time Rush. Yeah, it sounded like Big Time Rush, but Fall Out Boy. And that's what we drink. And I've already told Christine if we ever had a TV show, that should be the theme song. I think so, too. And it would be us being like, what did we do oh there's geo it
Starting point is 00:04:46 sounded perfectly happy and angsty all at once oh my god i'm obsessed with it so and christine heard it first and texted me last night and was like i need to send you something right now and i need you to listen to it and i need you to listen to it good i also wrote out all the lyrics just so you would know exactly so i could really enjoy all of it with all of my senses i just love it very much so we're very grateful thank you thank you steven we love it we love it and that's all i got for today um i've got thank you for selling out our la show yeah in september so as of right now the september 23rd show at hollywood improv is sold out. But there are still tickets available for the November 7th show in Philadelphia, although it's a low ticket warning. So get on it.
Starting point is 00:05:31 As I said, we found out finally that some of the shows are going to be announced this September. So get ready. They're coming. Follow our social media because that's why we post them first. And they often sell out pretty quickly. So make sure you follow us there and get your tickets while you can yes do you have a reason why you drink oh your glass is empty again that's why i drink tell you what how many okay no no judgment sorry don't ask me that question do you have a reason why you drink christine this week um that you're willing to share yeah i mean you know some of the reasons but um i am getting married in 38 days and you know a lot of people say uh you know weddings bring out a lot of past issues and um problems with uh family your family your friends like your uh your past and i'm like that's so dramatic everyone's so dramatic. They're not dramatic. It's correct.
Starting point is 00:06:25 And it's been a long, long couple weeks. But everything's great. But there's just a lot going on and a lot of conflicting feelings and emotions from a lot of people who are suddenly deciding they need to be. There's a lot of entitlement from a lot of people. Let's put it that way. That's the best way to put it. And I'm trying. I'm very much a pushover.
Starting point is 00:06:44 And I want everyone to be happy and involved, but I'm learning to test, people are testing my limits here and I'm learning to, as my therapist says, learning to create boundaries for myself. So all in all, it's a great learning process. Okay, good. I like to look at things in a positive light when I'm talking to the public and don't know who's listening. things in a positive light when I'm talking to the public and don't know who's listening. Yes. But I'm very excited and I've been working on... Creating boundaries for yourself. Creating boundaries and also setting up the ceremony.
Starting point is 00:07:14 I finally finalized the order of everything. You will be getting your little spiel in the next 48 hours. Okay. I don't know what you're talking about. Like your little, like what you're talking about like your little like like what you're reading and stuff oh okay yep so get ready and thank you all to whoever has sent a little thing saying like oh we did this at our wedding or we did that because it's been really helpful and there have been some really fun and cute readings and ideas people have sent um for
Starting point is 00:07:40 non-religious ceremonies and that kind of thing so thank you and what's your therapist's name non-religious ceremonies and that kind of thing so thank you and what's your therapist's name her name is dr h okay shout out to dr h yes she's a oh she truly you're right shout out to her because she has been saving yeah that was the i was like thank you for keeping christine sane yes i appreciate you with all every fiber of my being why do you drink this weekend i drink because a couple weeks ago I went to Subaru and brought my car in and had quite a lot of operations done on my car. This was before fixed, by the way, guys. This was before fixed. Unfortunately. And I paid well over $2,000 on my car.
Starting point is 00:08:17 Ouch. And when I took it in, I made sure, or I didn't take it in, I made RJ take it in. I made sure, or I hadn't taken it, I made RJ take it. But I passed along information that like, while you're already like just ripping like a hole out of my wallet, if you see anything else wrong, just, just fix it. At this point, like, let me just, and they said, oh no, there's nothing wrong. There's nothing wrong with your car. Everything's good. And so as of yesterday, my air conditioning just stopped working and it's still summer here and it's like it was 86 degrees on the way here and i had to drive with my windows down and it decides to like
Starting point is 00:08:52 show up every now and then so it's in my mind there's like a wiring issue but i was like i just spent all this fucking money and now i'm gonna have to drop my car off again and spend a wild amount of money no and it's just being car problems are like it's very silly but they're like life like it ruins your daily commute it ruins your whole setup it ruins your wallet it ruins granted it's just air conditioning so like it's definitely more of a luxury than anything but like truly i think one of my top five favorite things on earth is air conditioning and so really upset that it's not existing right now in my life you have all times to lose air conditioning it's not a summer in los angeles no anyway that's why
Starting point is 00:09:30 i drink well that's rough i'll give you i'll give y'all an update on that in the future and i'll give you an update on uh dr h and dr h trying to save me from disaster word all right guys thank you it is time for the meat of our show oh all right well this is an odd one i mean when isn't it uh yeah um this one comes from the philippines so again just no one say i'm pronouncing things wrong we know we know i am i know i am again again as in like a continuation from previous episodes where i've ruined and butchered sayings someone suggested we do like a um have people pronounce things for us before the episode before we record and then i was like do you realize and someone wrote i'm pretty sure they do their notes like 24 hours yes and
Starting point is 00:10:24 then i also said and then i was also thinking like, it's a great idea, but also we don't tell each other our topic. Yeah. Also it would ruin the fun. You guys will know what I'm talking about in a second. But had I asked for pronunciations of these, everyone would have known my story right away. Exactly. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:38 So it's like, I, it's a fun thought, but it's probably not going to work. And I mean, like, I guess the real answer is like we could just research better and like I could just like just look up how to pronounce things. I mean, even when I try that, I still fuck it up. So yeah, I mean, me too. You're not alone in that. Thank you. So I'm sorry to anyone that has any connection to the Philippines and thinks that I'm so
Starting point is 00:11:03 ready butchering. There's a lot of things that I'm going to say wrong, so I'm sorry. I'm going to try my best, though, and that's all I can give you. Let's go. So this is an urban legend creature, kind of like how we have the boogeyman or vampires or anything
Starting point is 00:11:18 like that. This is in the Philippines, and it is a legend that is well known throughout the area except for one region, which I'm going to butcher. Ilocos. This dog is already pissed at me. He clearly speaks Tagalog. Okay.
Starting point is 00:11:37 I refuse to close that window, though. We can turn this on instead. Okay, yeah. Elevator music. can turn this on instead okay yeah elevator music okay we're back okay so um yeah so the legend is well known throughout the philippines except the ilokos region except the ilokos region yeah except that okay that's the for some reason that region doesn't have any story you guys's just like, fuck you guys. We don't want it.
Starting point is 00:12:06 They have no affiliation with this story, but every other region in the Philippines has a version of this. Weird. It's like they just wrote it out. The character is called the Aswangs. Oh. A-S-W-A-N-G-S. Aswangs. Okay.
Starting point is 00:12:24 Aswang? I don't know did you hear did you the the pronunciation had like a e dot swans yeah that sounds right a swans okay yeah listen now i'm saying it too so we're both in the fire if we're wrong okay if you guys if we're saying you're wrong and you have a problem with it you should probably just skip to christine's story because i'm about to say it a lot um okay so the creature's name uh comes from the sanskrit word asura which means demon oh sometimes it's also called the tick tick or the walk walk um from the sounds that it makes while hunting okay that is terrifying already oh this gets fucking wild. This is like not, this is between, like, this is like only a couple notches above Krampus. This is.
Starting point is 00:13:08 Oh, no. Like, the Philippines are a wild place for stories. I'm scared. So the Ace Wong is a flesh-eating, shape-shifting monster. Good. Just to, like, start out, start out easy. During the day, they disguise themselves and will shapeshift into regular townspeople, usually shy women, which have true daily lives of friends, families, jobs.
Starting point is 00:13:32 Oh, ew. So there's multiple of them. Multiple. Okay. And most regions, because all of them have different versions of the story, so this is quite a butchered compilation of all of the stories put together. of the story so this is quite a butchered compilation of all of the stories put together so mainly they're described as regular female townspeople who are very shy and very tired that's the usual description it's me however however one region this is their version
Starting point is 00:14:00 um they look the what an ace long looks like during the day is an ugly old woman with long unkept hair long nails and a long black tongue and her armpits have holes in them which contain oil that give her the power of flight oh no it's also christine i knew you were gonna say that you dickhead um another version is another region's version is that they are scrawny with gray and mottled skin mottled yeah like patchy okay milk white eyes sores and boils cover their bodies and they smell like rotting meat this is also christine like you know what m this is a hilarious joke so uh at night this is when they apparently turn into their ugly selves at night they shift into several versions of animals but they the different animals
Starting point is 00:14:54 are based on different regions and i will delve into that a little bit later but they turn into a non-human form this reminds me of the roald dahl book the The Witches. You know I don't read. Oh, it's so good. And they like, there's like a witch convention and they all like disguise themselves as normal ladies throughout the day, but they're actually like. Oh, I could get into that. It's a really great book and movie. Oh, you got me a movie. That's why, you know Matilda, I figured you might know The Witches anyway.
Starting point is 00:15:21 Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. I hear what you're saying. Okay. I could get witches anyway. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. I hear what you're saying. Okay. I can get into that. So they, at night, they shift into several versions of animals and they are described across the board as having long straw-like tongues. Oh, I wonder if they're plastic. What do you mean straw? I know.
Starting point is 00:15:37 I was like straw-like. No, like they look like straws. Like straws, like that you drink out of. Yeah. Ugh. Okay. I don't know if I meant straw-like hay. Mm-mm. Ugh. straws like that you drink out of yeah okay i don't know if i meant straw like hay long straw like tongues um they walk with their feet backwards oh god so like if you could take a foot take it off the ankle put it backwards that's how they walk with like them heel forward
Starting point is 00:15:58 yes and apparently they are so thin that they can hide behind bamboo posts. Oh. So I don't know what kind of animal that is. I don't know either, to be honest. They hunt for human prey and their favorites are corpses, children and pregnant women's fetuses. They specifically enjoy eating the hearts and livers of their prey. And they often appear at funeral wakes or at the bedside of pregnant women. Yeah. What the fuck? that's not cool man the ace ones this is where it gets a little wild and you can use your own imagination to picture this um they use their straw-like tongues to suck blood from its victim or to suck a fetus directly out of a woman's womb emma what the fuck so that's all the detail i'm
Starting point is 00:16:43 gonna give you and what the fuck who comes up with this shit the people in the philippines man what's wrong with you guys um so ace wongs also not only shapeshift themselves but they have the power to also shapeshift other objects oh great so this is where they get real like they know what they're doing. They take plant material from nature, usually banana tree plants, but any material at all they can find outside. They will take that and they will shapeshift it into a doppelganger of their victims so that nobody knows the victim went missing. Oh no.
Starting point is 00:17:20 So you know this shit's intentional now. And it basically is so they can hide the body or eat the corpse or whatever. And there is like a replacement body. Oh, no. The doppelganger will return to the person's home, get sick and quickly die. So they're not even meant to last. Yeah. So that way, if it does die, like you can't blame the ace wongs.
Starting point is 00:17:40 Like they just die on their own. Oh, no. Ace wongs are also known to enter the body of people. So possess them and inflict harm on others. And when they attack people at night, they can disguise themselves by, they have vocal tricks. So basically any audible trick.
Starting point is 00:17:57 So their way of attacking people is as they get closer to you, their body becomes quieter. But the farther away they are, the louder they are. So basically, like if they shape shift into a bat, if they're flying towards you, the wing flaps get quieter and quieter as they get closer to you. But if they happen to be far away from you, it sounds like they're next to you.
Starting point is 00:18:21 So that way when they're far away, it sounds like they're near you and you're freaking out. then when you think you're safe and they've got they've flown away that's when they're actually right next to you yeah so if you hear growls or any version of a sound of an ace wong that means they're actually far away and then when you feel like you don't have to be hiding anymore feel safe they've been looking at you the whole time. That, okay, listen, that's really twisted. They also have superhuman strength during the night, and they are faster than any human and can jump 15 feet straight into the air.
Starting point is 00:18:53 Good. Good. When they're unable to find humans to prey on, they will go to graveyards and dig up the most recently buried bodies and just eat eat them desperate and they also generally this is how you find an a swan amongst you when in the daytime when they're people um they generally have bloodshot eyes because they've been up all night and if you
Starting point is 00:19:17 look directly into their eyes your reflection will be upside down another way to detect them is if you use, I'm not gonna say this right, albularis oil. Here, give that a whirl. Albularis. Okay. Yeah. That kind of oil. I mean, I don't know what that is. So to detect them, to detect Aeswongs, you can use that kind of oil and it is made of coconuts and holy plants. And whenever an A whenever an ace long is near it will boil on its own so that's like proof that like someone's near and you can escape um the person will boil the the oil will boil oh the oil will boil yeah and then that's how you know that one of them is nearby spooky uh they also apparently avoid garlic and religious artifacts and are at their weakest during the day. Like I said, when they're in human form.
Starting point is 00:20:07 So they are like vampires a little bit. I literally wrote. No way. I literally wrote the next thing is they're very much like vampires because I knew you would say something. So I wanted to beat you to it. We spend too much time together and I won't let you win. I love you. I love your hair.
Starting point is 00:20:23 I hate your guts. I won't let you win. And I'll say it before you. I love you. I love your hair. I hate your guts. I won't let you win. And I'll say it before you. Good times. So, yes, you're right, Christine, although I'm technically right because I knew you were going to say that. Listen, yours is on paper. You win. Okay, but here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:20:38 This is how you can kill them. Not just with garlic and religious artifacts. You can kill them by, one, decapitation. Easy. Two. Already handled. Got it. with garlic and religious artifacts you can kill them by one decapitation easy two already handled got it or two striking them with a whip made from a stingray's tail what very steve erwin easy uh yeah right i've got a million of them um they also avoid silver salt ginger and coins basically everything that's good about the world well salt yeah well silver because well i'll start okay so i listed silver salt ginger and coins silver because not only are they seen as vampires but they also apparently have quite a close link to werewolves since they're shape-shifting so the
Starting point is 00:21:26 theory is werewolves are stopped with silver bullets so their cousin the ace wongs might also be stopped by silver bullets okay so just as a precaution people carry silver around a lot sure um salt because they're also somehow seen as witches and it could burn their skin ginger because apparently it has the same effects as garlic for vampires where it prevents them from getting too close to you without invitation and it probably smells better than garlic all over you no garlic smells amazing i mean it does but no one is just like i don't like the smell of ginger or the taste to be honest i don't like ginger either to be honest i just thought maybe i don't know if that's like an
Starting point is 00:22:03 unpopular opinion but i really don't like it but they do put it in like soap and stuff and they don't really put garlic in that so i just i don't know right you're right i think we're wrong in the general public but maybe you and i are right yeah together in our minds right sure um they also hate coins because apparently the they're socialists i'm sorry the metals in the coins are apparently too heavy for them to lift what it's like something about the material like their bodies can't it's like imagine thor's hammer okay but that's a coin and you're an ace one got it okay got it nailed it nailed it so other theories that have not been proven but there are theories regular theories across different regions that they also repel citrus fruit charcoal coconut
Starting point is 00:22:53 sticks and bamboo okay there's a lot of different things that you can throw their way like yeah some of those are pleasant too yeah i'm i like citrus, some coconut. Very similar to today's vampires, as mentioned, and they are also similar to werewolves, witches, and zombies. Okay. Zombies because, and I guess vampires, they both kind of have this thing going on. And werewolves. Okay. Most mythological creatures apparently have this. If a person is attacked and bitten by one and manages to survive they will become they will also become
Starting point is 00:23:25 one oh okay a person can also become an ace wong on their own if they volunteer to do so why would you do that doesn't matter would you like to know how just get your wine ready all right just drink that give me that so step one you tie it you tie a fertilized chicken egg to your stomach. Oh, shit. I already did that part. We're halfway there. Okay, next step. After some time, just chill with the fertilized chicken egg on your stomach for long enough,
Starting point is 00:24:00 and the chick will somehow pass from the egg into your stomach. Like a, like a, what would you say? The teleporting. Apparently it teleports from egg to stomach uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh okay i'm following yes step three the remaining egg shell that is now empty because there is a chicken that is teleported into your stomach that has osmosis itself into your womb uh the remaining egg shell is buried in a bamboo tube along with coconut oil and chicken poop. What? And now you're an ace one.
Starting point is 00:24:29 Did a five-year-old write this? Does this make any sense? Listen, I don't know. I don't have an answer for you. And now you're an ace one. And now you're an ace one. Congratulations. Also, once you're an ace one, a dying ace one can also pass its powers along to someone else if it witches.
Starting point is 00:24:46 Would you like to know how? If it witches? Wishes. Sorry. I like that though. I have witches on the brain. If it witches. Yes, I would like to know how.
Starting point is 00:24:54 Okay. If you were an Ace Wong, this is what you would have to do to make me an Ace Wong. Ready? I'm going to do it right now. No, you're not. Hold your mouth close to mine. Here I come. Oh, yikes.
Starting point is 00:25:09 Here I come. mouth close to mine oh yikes here i come okay the person holds their mouth close to another person's mouth and the chicken in the stomach no come on it's still into the mouth of the new person it's eva's face is my favorite it's still here's the thing does it yeah no it nobody understands biology basically the fertilized chicken is the energy of the swan that is it possessed you from within also i here's the thing so your mouth and my mouth are next to each other what's gonna happen get to know um but okay if that's the process if our faces just have to be next to each other and then the chicken shows up in my mouth just crawls through my intestines that's what i'm wondering does it does it crawl from your does it okay i'm imagining teleporting or like whatever the harry potter thing is like you go through the chimney uh okay so there's apparate apparating is that what you mean i don't know i
Starting point is 00:25:58 read enough harry potter what's it called yeah the flu network yeah okay so i'm imagining the chicken is going through that operate you operate through the flu okay okay whatever i'm imagining that kind of thing where like the chicken like kind of like has some green glowing shit and walks through it and it for where they were in your stomach now has entered my mouth the mouth portal or does it go from your stomach up your digestive tract into your mouth and then goes into my mouth. It's like, woohoo, excuse me. I'm coming through. I'm trying to figure out what the. You know what?
Starting point is 00:26:29 That's a very good point. Does it go from your stomach to my mouth or your stomach to your mouth to my mouth to my stomach? Like, does it go. Fair. Does it go. Up the elevator across the hall down the elevator or does it go from downstairs to upstairs? That's a really good point. And I was also thinking when you said that you'd strap it to your stomach and then it goes. I was almost thinking like it goes into your womb like it's some creepy like birth shit oh so that's what i thought at
Starting point is 00:26:48 first but i guess you didn't i didn't read anything about that so i guess that makes but then i'm like does it digest itself i like you're like oh stomach that makes sense but the ace one doesn't absolutely doesn't but it doesn't i'm not i'm not subscribing to this just saying but i'm thinking maybe does it i don't know because then does it get digested in there that's gross i don't know i mean truly a lot of loose ends i just feel bad for this little chicken yeah does he want to be there no we don't know maybe i mean he clearly wants to go into someone else's mouth. He clearly has a lot of wizarding powers. This truly, it's quite a powerful chicken. I have a lot of...
Starting point is 00:27:29 Yes, indeedy. So, um, anyway, that's what a dying ace... Oh, you have to be dying, too. What? You have to, like, a dying ace wand can pass along the powers. Oh, wait, so... You can't just be healthy and want to, like, share in the fun. Oh, so my... It has to be, like like your deathbed wishes for me to carry on your
Starting point is 00:27:48 legacy let me put a chicken so when people it's like in those movies when people are dying they come closer and then all of a sudden a chicken appears in their mouth i have one last secret um to me and then there's just like spit out a chicken yeah um vomit it into your mouth you you figured it out yeah you actually i get it now you actually just spoiled about half of the rom-coms i've ever seen it's like that movie big fish but little chicken oh oh my okay so are you guys still there they're all taking a biology class right now or maybe all screaming they're paying for us to go to the biology class they're sending us they're like let's show you the chart of a human body skillshare courses so um also fun fact i found on one website because i was like this cannot be right about how
Starting point is 00:28:35 this happens i'm glad you about this process your sources i wanted to do some fact checking and one of the websites literally said this explains why some say that the ace one sounds like it's laying a hen when they attack because apparently there's a chicken involved at all and so good like so now when it attacks it also sounds kind of like a hen laying because there's a chicken inside it's because like you're the hen oh anyway let's let's switch from biology to history do we have to yeah okay so this is the idea of where ace wongs must have come from because not out of my mind is the answer to that unfortunately so also get ready for this is one of my classic i'm gonna butcher the words um can't wait it's either called the dunag or daynag or dunag dunag i think dunag okay sorry to everyone who knows better than me so there was a
Starting point is 00:29:28 supernatural race called the denag or the denag what would you prefer what sounds more natural can you spell it d-a-n-a-g i would say like denag denag okay we can go with that you're probably more right doubt it so the denag then was a supernatural race and they lived amongst human beings and we all lived friendly together, but we were aware of each other. So fun. You know, way back when. Love that. So the legend goes that a human got a splinter under their fingernail, which y'all know how
Starting point is 00:29:59 I feel about fingernails. Oh Lord Jesus. One time I got wax under my fingernail. Like I was trying to scratch like old candle off a table one time i got wax under my fingernail like i was trying to scratch like old candle off a table and the wax like got under my nail in the most painful way i i i thought i had stopped being alive it was so there was so much pain um okay anyway moving on sorry sorry i hear fingernail pain and i just always remember that. So a human got a splinter under their fingernail, which I would rather die. Truly traumatic.
Starting point is 00:30:29 And a Denaug member or a person, I don't know. A citizen. A citizen of the Denaug community. We have to be PC here, Em. I don't know how to. I feel like I'm being so PC it's not PC anymore. Right. We're being the opposite.
Starting point is 00:30:44 A Denaog offered like, Hey, you got it. Splendor under your fingernail. I will use my straw like tongue and suck it out for you. Which kind kind. Let's not judge the friendliness. Okay.
Starting point is 00:30:56 And like someone said like, Hey, let me use your, my tongue to fix your, your ailment. I'd be like, get the fuck out of my face. I like to think of it as like people with smaller hands than me.
Starting point is 00:31:03 Help me at vending machines. Okay. That's actually a great way to look at it. And so they've hands than me help me at vending machines. Okay. That's actually a great way to look at it. And so they've got weird tongues, but you know what? If there's a fingernail, if there's a splinter under my fingernail, I'm not going to judge you for who you are or what you look like. Get it out of my head. They're trying to help.
Starting point is 00:31:16 You're right. You're right. Like if I had a splinter and you said, let me use my tongue and get it out. I'd be like, you know what? If it's going to fucking work, get it out of my fingernail. No, you wouldn't have. You'd be like, Christine, what it's gonna fucking work get it out of my fingernail no you wouldn't have you'd be like christine what the fuck where is your fiance and i'd be like better yet push me off a cliff because i just don't want any of this blaze keep a rain on this
Starting point is 00:31:32 this woman so the denag being friendly he sucked the splinter out of the fingernail and he tasted human blood for the first time oh no and over time they have had the denog community has her community they have gone together at their parks and rec events um and they have over time evolved a craving for blood and their i guess over time have also evolved from denog into a swan so that one asshole we got a splinter ruined it for the rest of us yeah truly it was a human so again classic that it was a straight white man don't put that in eva because i'm gonna get in so much trouble from straight white men um but it was funny whatever keep it in i don't care um if i have to defend myself
Starting point is 00:32:17 against a straight white man i i won't no it'll be funnier that way okay okay you're fine you're fine keep it in even Even I take responsibility. So the, so that's like the history of how it happened, but the Philippine folklore hasn't like, I'm sure it existed since before this, but the first writings we've seen of it were in the 16th century when Spanish explorers wrote that the Ace Wongs were the most feared creature by natives. Whoa. So they've been known of since at least that long. the Aeswongs were the most feared creature by natives. Whoa. Interesting.
Starting point is 00:32:45 So they've been known of since at least that long. So in the 1960s, this is when Aeswongs became more popularized because they were mentioned in a book called Creatures of Philippine Lower Mythology. There have been two stage plays about it called Luna and Aeswong Romance and Tick Tick the Aeswong Chronicles. That creeps me out, that tick tick thing. Is that what it sounds like when it, is that a hen sound? Apparently that's the sound of it attacking you or something. Tick Tick the Ace Wong Chronicles. That creeps me out, that Tick Tick thing. Is that what it sounds like when it, is that a hen sound? Apparently that's the sound of it attacking you or something.
Starting point is 00:33:09 Tick Tick. Tick Tick. An elang. Maybe when it's running at you. Tick Tick. Oh my God, that's out of a horror movie, Em. There's also two documentaries that have been created called The Ace Wong Phenomenon and Ace Wong A Journey Into Myth,
Starting point is 00:33:22 which was shot in Canada. Interesting. For a few years, there was actually also an a swan festival which was very halloween like and it was a it was a halloween like fiesta that was the day before the all souls day um festivals that went on and it ended up only three years later being condemned by the catholic hierarchy because people were um idolizing a devil oh god catholics so there you go come on come on keep it up we just want to hang out when and play with some devils let that's why we have a podcast live and let live so uh there are different versions of um like i said different versions of the animals that it turned into some of them were um tick ticks and walk walks which are large
Starting point is 00:34:07 birds sounds like star wars there were they actually also turned into a jar jar binks i was saying ewoks isn't that star wars oh yeah walk walk ewok yeah um jar jar binks there is also it has turned into a zeg ben or ace w have Shifted into Zegbens which is Their word for Tasmanian Devils Oh And they also are commonly known to turn into Cag Wongs which is An endangered species of flying lemur
Starting point is 00:34:36 So You nailed it So because of this A lot of large birds, Tasmanian Devils And flying lemurs all are regularly hunted and killed because people suspect them of being a swan in a transformed state don't do that no but here's the thing that i like we've been making fun of this but there are a lot of people who actually believe in this yeah it's not um it's not like how we all like talk about vampires or
Starting point is 00:35:02 bigfoot like people it's like part of the culture people believe in this oh god um i don't think all people do but it's it's like taken much more seriously than like the boogeyman sure okay and so this is where i really am just going to butcher some words um because there's several versions of creatures that they turn into and i wanted to list them but there weren't you know english translations okay um so in my very american accent here we go there's an animal that they turned into called an amalannig and it's a mixture of a zombie and a vampire that rises from the dead and feeds upon humans by biting their necks they have very large fangs and um they usually or usually you can escape them by running in a zigzag direction like they're an alligator or something because they
Starting point is 00:35:53 have very stiff bodies and they can only walk in a straight direction and they cannot climb trees so if you zigzag run to a tree you're probably safe so i'm screwed so i'm screwed we're gonna die i can't run or climb. Me neither. Good times. They also apparently are afraid of water, so you can, like, just jump in a lake. Okay, I could float away, I guess.
Starting point is 00:36:14 There's also one. This is gonna be your least favorite. It's called the Mananagles. Yep. Hate it. M-A-N-A-N-n-a-n it's like spelling mississippi or it's like bananas it's manana and then n-g-g-a-l-s manan mananicals um okay so they take flight um but when they take flight remember they're a human shape shifting into a creature i
Starting point is 00:36:43 don't like it already and then they take flight mid-shift so they're a human shape-shifting into a creature. I don't like it already. And then they take flight mid-shift. So they're half human, half animal. And as they take flight, they detach themselves from half of their human torso. Oh! What? You just, like, drop the torso? Just, like, splat on the ground. Like, shed the skin?
Starting point is 00:37:01 Oh, fuck no. But, like, shed a whole torso. Hells no. Imagine, like, seeing half a torso flying out of the ground. Oh, fuck no. But like shed a whole torso. Hells no. Imagine like seeing half a torso flying out of the sky. No, Em, I will not. And then there's like a
Starting point is 00:37:08 like a giant bird lemur Tasmanian devil with half a torso flying above you. Oh, I will not. So anyway, that's your least favorite.
Starting point is 00:37:18 Then there's one called the Ek Ek or the Wak Wak and they are bird-like humans. They're either large birds or bats and when they attack victims they make that sound which is why they're called that walk walk is
Starting point is 00:37:31 also a name for the sound that it emits when it also flies not just attacks people so it sounds like that when it's flying and charging at it prey well it reminds me of chicken like walk walk oh like bach bach oh yeah i don't know i mean really who's right or wrong at this point i think we're all wrong and then there's another called the sigman and they suck out the blood of their victims from the shadows they don't even actually physically interact with you they just do it from like they remote suck the blood i mean if you're gonna do that's like a lazy vampire yeah and if you're gonna suck my blood like just do it from afar i don't they are usually invisible to their victims but you can still find them from their nauseating stench oh god and when they do show themselves they look
Starting point is 00:38:13 like a hornless goat um people actually believe in this creature and tabloids have made it worse during homicides or missing person cases because people actually think that instead of someone kidnapping their child and a swan took their kid wow and in 2000 i'll just give you in the recent years i i just pulled three stories off the internet okay but there were there were a few i wanted to do like a whole i expected this wouldn't be a lot of description and my game plan was like oh i'll do a brief history a brief description and then the rest will just be personal stories, kind of like Black Eyed Kids. Yeah. But there was just so much information. I was like, okay, I'm not actually going to get a chance to tell you any stories.
Starting point is 00:38:51 So here are just three of the news reports. Okay. In 2012, one area had a lot of sightings of Ace Wongs. The first report from that night was of an eight-year-old who found one of them creeping through their bathroom window mid-transformation. transformation so like half human half animals climbing into their window that's nightmare fuel um he screamed and the father rushed into the bathroom and found the ace one trying to grab the sun and pull him out of the window no um he described the creature as having long fangs dark blazing eyes and unusually long nails and hair.
Starting point is 00:39:27 That same night, after it escaped from not being able to grab the kid, that same night, one of the neighbors suffered several mutilations to their livestock, where media reports indicate that all of their goats had been completely devoured with piles of plant matter nearby, which means something was trying to recreate their doppelgangers like because the plant matter oh like it was stealing them and then was going to like shift them into doppelgangers and then they were just going to die on their own um but it had clearly escaped before it got to do that yeah sure um that night there were also 20 residents different eyewitness accounts of this creature and a resident of the area was actually physically attacked by something and local officials have it on reports that the man had scratches and bite marks on his shoulder and hand which means he probably also became an ace one so in 2013 the next year this is brutal there is a newspaper headline that said dad hacks daughter mistaken forughter Mistaken for A-Swang. No.
Starting point is 00:40:27 So there's a girl named Winnie, and she was a 17-year-old mute. And in the middle of the night, she woke up to go use the outside bathroom, and her dad thought that she had been possessed by an A-Swang. So he started hacking at her, which was the word they used he struck her four times before realizing that she was not possessed she was just trying to find the bathroom and she actually did survive holy shit um but that's just like further proof like people do take this pretty seriously yeah yeah no um in 2015 uh so not not too long ago, police investigated a chain of attacks by Aiswongs and reports told of a large black dog and a large black cat attacking people together, attacking people and biting their faces and then vanishing into thin air. Oh, God. Around the same time, residents of a nearby town also reported several unknown animals and unknown types of animals roaming the streets like animals
Starting point is 00:41:26 they've never seen before a resident in a town next door to that nearby town they described being threatened by what they believe was an aswang because they could hear it prowling on the roof and making a noise that sounded like a chicken and during these visits the dog would become very afraid whimpering and crying and it stopped after they put garlic and salt on the roof oh creepy a few months later the couple was sitting outside and they saw something try to land on their roof and was not able to and the creature was flying much slower than any bird they had ever seen and it was not a bird a bat or an owl the creature they said was the size of a dog and flew in a very unusual way no so here's a more scientific explanation for what is going on with a song because this also
Starting point is 00:42:13 has been going on for a long time so before any medical explanations or before any discoveries they just assumed oh this is a mythological yeah yeah and for all we know that's true but uh a more recent discovery and a potential explanation for what an ace long is there is a rare disease called xdp which is supposedly not even supposedly it has been stated it is almost exclusively it only affects filipino men oh um it's uh like nickname is called Lubag or Lubog, which is the word for twisted. And it's a neurological disorder whose actual name is dystonia Parkinsonism. Oh, no. A.K.A.
Starting point is 00:42:57 XDP. So it causes Parkinson and dystonic symptoms such as uncontrollable muscle spasms, contortions, and tremors. And based on the descriptions of anyone that has seen an A-swong transforming from human into animal, it is strikingly similar to a patient experiencing symptoms from XDP. It is a rare musculoskeletal disease that is only found in that area. disease that is only found in that area and patients um apparently it is only common in filipino men um and one out of every 4 000 men in that area alone get it holy one in 4 000 one in 4 000 holy shit the high it's the highest concentration of xtp that has ever been seen and it's only in this region which um it's called the cap is capiz region it's also rumored to be the beginning of the first sighting of an ace wong so people think like tie-in since the beginning maybe they were
Starting point is 00:43:53 just seeing people with this rare disease that they couldn't know where else like nowhere else has this disease it's only on this in this area to these people sure and it's also where they started seeing ace wongs they wanted to study this more but before it could ever be officially examined or they were ever able to find a cure the disease mysteriously disappeared in the 1950s and nobody has had it since what that's even weirder that's its own weird story so the disease no longer apparently exists but when it did it was only to those people in that region where the A-SWONGs were found. And like one in 4,000, that's crazy. So anyway, that's the best explanation we have seen so far for what A-SWONGs are.
Starting point is 00:44:35 Although even though the disease has been gone since the 1950s, clearly in just those three news reports I found, people still think that A-SWONGs exist anyway. just those three news reports i found people still think that ace wongs exist anyway so that that's their counter argument of like okay well if the disease is if the disease is gone how come ace wongs are still why are we still seeing stuff right yeah so anyway that is that on that that is oh spooky i have never heard of that before me either oh my god me either have you heard of that even that's a new one for me i dated a guy oh here we go the philippines once oh okay i didn't know where that was going he was an ace swang no he told me to eat this fertilized chicken egg and i said no but he also really liked fallout boy oh well yeah he tried to put his mouth near me and then the chicken came out cc's from the philippines i
Starting point is 00:45:23 did think about like like, asking her because she speaks some Tagalog, but her mom, like, speaks it fluently. Really? And, like, lived in the Philippines for the majority of her life. So I was like, I wonder if I texted Cece if she could, like, send me some info from her mom.
Starting point is 00:45:37 But also, our listeners are correct, and I do my notes at the very last second. And so I wouldn't have gotten any information in time well alissa lived in the philippines for like a while oh wow yeah she uh volunteered there for a while like a year i think anyway sorry it wasn't a ghost story but it was definitely supernatural actually really freaked me out those those like um i like to throw in some game changers yeah spice it up what are they called uh i think i don't know what you're about to say no it's fine you go ahead i think i'm just going to like announce it now like if it hasn't
Starting point is 00:46:09 already been understood to people that like it's not just ghosts like i'm just doing anything supernatural creepy like anything that's not true crime that gives people the chills i mean even the black eyed kid well i guess that's supernatural but it's still like a creepy like myth mythos thing yeah it's still and some people have true experiences with these things so like yeah i mean it's i'm not gonna say that it doesn't exist no i agree and we've even asked people and it seems like people are kind of into anything spooky supernatural yep all right i guess it's my turn huh welcome back to the smooth sounds of me telling a story this is the story of what are you doing i'm just eating chocolate but eva looked at me like it was a funny thing
Starting point is 00:46:54 that i was doing he was like should i unplug our mic what do i do um this is the story of henry lee lucas i don't know that name okay great you're gonna know it soon so henry lee lucas is a mofo but let's uh start at the beginning scorpio scorpio mofo virgo oh i should have seen it coming all along he's an underground virgo this is his birthday happened to be august 29th 23rd close up who's the 29th my. Is his birthday happening to be August 29th? 23rd. Close though. Who's the 29th? My father.
Starting point is 00:47:28 I don't want to talk about it. Anyway, no, it's fine. I'll talk about it with Dr. H or something later. You should call Dr. H. Listen, my father is born on August 29th
Starting point is 00:47:39 and Dr. H will be like, I get it. Tell me all your problems. Oh my God. Dr. H will be like uh have you met bernie christine's dad guys we uh we were just technical difficulties here's the thing we were just chatting um and all of a sudden this techno music started blaring and ems in my ears to the point that eva could hear it through our headphones.
Starting point is 00:48:06 And I went to the computer, which is, by the way, like six feet away from us, five, six feet away. Nowhere near us. We're not touching anything that could have set this off. No keyboard or anything. It's like five, six feet away. And I went over there to see what the noise was. Spotify opened on its own. Yeah, it opened some techno music.
Starting point is 00:48:21 And then when I looked at the name, I kind of froze because earlier today I was on my laptop by the way a completely different computer and I was watching The Office and this like techno music started playing and I thought what is this and I opened Spotify and it was this random band um and I thought you know maybe Juniper had walked on my laptop earlier maybe my computer's glitching I don't know but it's something I've never heard before and then today like 12 hours later when I was listening by the way I was listening to eagle eye cherry before this so I was not listening to anything techno and we were just I paused it and we started recording and then all of a sudden this weird techno band started playing again so on a different device and guess what so I stopped it
Starting point is 00:49:00 then we just like let it be for a minute and it started again and i'm like what's the name of this song guess what it was bigfoot bigfoot the fuck dude creepy anyway we are over it and it's a super creepy song too if you want to go listen to it it's just like creepy creepy it sounds like a soundscape of a horror movie it was it was very gross anyway sorry i don't know we had a little freak out there uh so if it happens again i closed out of spotify i mean it's a new computer i don't know it shouldn't be doing that but whatever so last i checked we were on the name of the serial killer his name is bigfoot oh my god his name is dunce dunce dunce dunce tiesto the techno artist um his name is henry lee lucas right so henry lee lucas was born august 23rd 1936 in blacksburg virginia hey hey hey where's that radford no blacksburg is um. Sure. He was... Can I turn off this EMF reader?
Starting point is 00:50:07 Because it's really scaring me now. Sure. Or do you want to keep it on? Whatever you want. House rules. I mean, we'll leave it on if you want. Okay. We can turn it off.
Starting point is 00:50:16 Okay. We're not talking about ghosts anymore. Yeah, I guess I feel like... No. Listen, normally I'd say yes, but I don't want this guy to show up. Oh, I see. You know? Well, we have Vatican holy water between the two of us. I think we're good. You're right. You're right. i don't listen normally i'd say yes but i don't want like this guy to show up oh i see you know well we have like vatican holy water between the two of us i think we're good you're right you're right you're right you're right okay moving on uh so henry lee lucas he's pretty ill behaved as a
Starting point is 00:50:36 kid he when he was 10 he lost an eye after a fight he got into with his older brother um that's how bad he was like geez very thor yeah yep he was like thor but not in any other way um but his home life also was pretty terrible as you can probably guess so his family lived in poverty their house was a dirt floor log cabin in the hills without plumbing or electricity and his mother viola turned to sex work to make a living. Okay. And the problem was she would force Henry to watch her have sex with her clients. Ooh. And she would also force him to cross-dress in public. And she would basically, like, curl his hair and, like, force him to wear dresses to school.
Starting point is 00:51:18 And so he obviously, you know, as a little kid in, you know, the 30s and 40s would get, like, terribly bullied. Hello? There better be another fucking person on the other side of that door. Jesus Christ. We're back. We had another pause because Blaze's credit cards were stolen.
Starting point is 00:51:37 So we're back now. We've had a paranormal and a true crime interruption in the last 10 minutes of this episode jesus wow we are really uh live making things happen live here guys we're trying to get you every let's see say one more note and then we'll see no i'm i'm watching the door like my brother's gonna come in and i don't know what's gonna happen i don't know i don't want to know eventually like geo's gonna like roll in here and have some news yeah i'm tired of the news everybody stop i just get through this story okay let's go so he's a virgo we got there he's a virgo so he lived in poverty um his mother was a sex worker and she would force him
Starting point is 00:52:16 to watch her have sex with clients right and also force him to cross dress yeah and she would like curl his hair and make him wear girls clothes so he was like bullied at school right it went very much from thor to psycho very quick yes oh yeah to psycho like the the book okay right yeah um exactly yeah so he had like obviously a troubled relationship with his mother he would this is messed up um he would hunt down animals kill them and then have sex with their corpses at a young age. Wow. Yeah. That's a lot of crimes. His sexual deviance started very young.
Starting point is 00:52:53 Oh, young and quickly. It's rumored that it's not rumored. It's at least like he said, this is what happened that he and his older brother would have sex. I think it's a half brother and his older brother taught him about torturing animals they would have sex together yes yes and he said that his older brother also taught him about torturing animals and mutilating their dead bodies and he said that was something he learned from his older brother so it's unclear whether that was true um or if it was something he did on his own but either way he did it a lot of factors already and and what could have caused this yes a rough early start here uh-huh yep um henry's father
Starting point is 00:53:30 was a severe alcoholic who had lost his legs after getting drunk and falling asleep on some railroad tracks which um i didn't know that actually happened i didn't know you know it sounds like oh you were on the railroad tracks. Like, it's like an old movie. Uh-huh. Yeah. But it actually happened. He fell asleep on some railroad tracks.
Starting point is 00:53:51 Wow. And his father actually treated him more kindly than anyone else. Well, low bar. Low bar. Correct. Yes. But unfortunately, in 1949, when Henry was only 13, his father got into a fight with his mother, left the house drunk, and fell asleep outside, and there was a blizzard, so he never woke up.
Starting point is 00:54:10 Wow. And Henry was only in sixth grade at the time, and shortly after that, he dropped out of school and ran away from home and began drifting around Virginia. He allegedly committed his first murder when he was 15 in 1951 uh he strangled 17 year old laura bernsley after she uh refused his sexual advances on june 10 1954 three years later henry was convicted on over a dozen counts of burglary in and around Richmond, Virginia, and was sentenced to four years in prison. So he escaped in 1957 and was recaptured three days later and then released again on September 2nd, 1959. So he served his four years. And then in late 1959, he traveled to Tecumseh, Michigan, to move in with his half sister, Opal.
Starting point is 00:55:06 OK. It's a pretty badass name i think um around that time uh henry was engaged to marry a pen pal that he had corresponded with while incarcerated okay and um his mother so he was engaged to this woman and his mother visited him for and he actually said that he was uh it was the first true love he'd ever known um that christmas his mother visited him and she said she disapproved of henry's fiancee and insisted that he moved back to blacksburg with her and he refused so they got into an argument about whether or not he should return home to like care for her and be with her as she grows older and suddenly um during this argument according to henry he slapped her then he saw her fall he decided to grab her and help
Starting point is 00:55:50 her up but she kept falling to the floor and that's when he realized he had his knife in his hand and he had actually stabbed her in the neck and not slapped her big mistake not something you can recover from very wrong and incorrect oh my god um she was still alive but henry he truly accidentally stabbed her no i mean he intentionally slapped her but he did not mean to do it with a knife said he thought he slapped her and then he realized he was holding his knife okay he basically said i was in like a fit of fury and i slapped her and the next thing i knew, I was holding. I realized I was holding a knife.
Starting point is 00:56:27 I see. He essentially stabbed her in the neck and then was like, oh, like. Whoops. I thought it was just my fist. I mean, I do. From what it sounds like, I think he really just was like violently lashing out. But I don't think he was like, oh, I accidentally happened to be holding my knife. I think it was maybe he didn't even realize what he was doing while it happened. And then it occurred to him that he had just stabbed his own mother.
Starting point is 00:56:48 But who knows? Okay. Either way, he saw her on the ground, realized she was bleeding out, and he ran and left her there to die. His half-sister Opal returned home later that day and found her mother on the floor in a pool of blood. She called the ambulance, but it was too late. His mother died 48 hours after being stabbed. Oh, my God. Yeah, she survived that long.
Starting point is 00:57:13 And according to the police report, she had died of a heart attack brought on by the assault. And at that point, she was 74 years old. So Lucas claimed, again, to have killed his mother in self-defense during their argument. But his claim was rejected, and he was sentenced to between 20 and 40 years imprisonment in michigan for second degree murder okay um after serving 10 years he was released in june of 1970 so halfway through his sentence due to prison overcrowding despite the fact that he protested his release and told the warden and the psychologist you better not release me and told them about all the people he would murder if they released him and they
Starting point is 00:57:52 released him anyway oh good so you're you know this is not gonna go well now i didn't think it was gonna go great now i know it's not even gonna go well got it it's not even gonna go okay it's all subpar at this point at best it's all just lower than the bar than the lower than the low low bar that's already there um so only 18 months after so he literally told the j like the authorities like you can't release me right i'm going to do terrible things Like, you can't be surprised when this happens. Like, just warning you. Right. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:58:28 And they released him anyway. Okay. Well, the justice system is pretty stupid. Yeah. Let's just gather that from every episode we've ever done. So only 18 months later, Henry was convicted of attempting to kidnap three schoolgirls and assaulting two of them. Molesting two of them i believe oh excellent excellent while serving a five-year sentence for that he established a relationship
Starting point is 00:58:51 with a family friend and single mother who had written to him again in jail um they married on his release in 1975 but that starting the day of their wedding, he began sexually abusing the woman's two children. Yeah. And he told the children, you can't tell your mom, you can't tell or I'll kill your mother. Holy shit. Okay. Yeah. And a few months after this began, the children couldn't stand it anymore.
Starting point is 00:59:22 And they told. the children couldn't stand it anymore and they told um and when the mother found out she left henry and you know got rid of him and he began moving between various relatives uh like bouncing around from family member to family member and one got him one of his family members got him a job in west virginia where he found another woman to be with. And that relationship also ended when his girlfriend's family realized that he had been abusing children. So another one. Another bad, bad. Yeah, I'm just taking it all in.
Starting point is 00:59:59 Yeah, another bad, bad, bad, bad, bad movement moment time. another bad bad bad bad bad movement moment time so that relationship ended in equally as terrible of a way that the other one did and now enter the next character in this twisted fucked up story named in 1978 lucas befriends this motherfucker named otis tool what a tool indeed do you know him no so he's another famous serial killer famous is uh as famous as a word i don't like to use but infamous very there we go an infamous man he's a bad man and it's just crazy to think and this guy has his own story like i'll probably cover him another day okay but it's like this guy gets entwined with another guy who's equally as terrible it's a crossover moment yeah it's terrible it's like it's just so fucked up so otis tool he's a famous guy too we've gotten a lot of requests for him uh so henry lucas becomes friends with otis tool and he settles in jacksonville
Starting point is 01:01:00 florida and lived with otis's parents and um his family and his family took him in and uh henry starts to become close to otis's teenage niece frida becky powell and she had a mild intellectual disability basically henry is working as a roofer he's fixing neighbors cars he's scavenging scrap he's like kind of you know just working working away right and not hurting anyone during this time but the whole time he is getting close with becky which is by the way a nickname that he invented for her that no one can really explain because her name was frida okay but he just decided her name was becky and somehow they were like okay all right she's already a teenager but somehow it stuck so he's getting close with becky this whole time and essentially what i've
Starting point is 01:01:50 heard described as he's grooming her got it his next victim yep so becky's mother and grandmother unfortunately died in 1982 a few years after henry moved in with otis's family and authorities placed her in a state shelter but henry who had been again grooming her this whole time convinces becky who again has a mild intellectual disability and is like a teenager so she's not fully you know responsible she's not responsible for this especially this or her actions in general um convinces becky to run away and live on the road with him so she goes with him they travel until they find a job helping care for an 82 year old woman named kate rich in ringgold texas and kate didn't know that becky was a minor and that she was being victimized by henry so she
Starting point is 01:02:39 let them stay with her and she and becky actually grew close over time but kate soon realized that henry had been forging her checks um much like whoever stole blaze's money just now great and um kicked them both out she was like furious she realized that henry had been going through her stuff taking her checks and stealing money from her got it so even though she was close with becky she kicked becky and henry out and becky by the way is only 15 at this point oh yes really yeah i said she's a teenager yeah i just 15 once you put a number there it's like oh yeah so young so before this she was like 13 like she was like very young so he was probably grooming her since like 12 or 13 yes okay yes yeah so at this point she's only 15 um and the two of them are hitchhiking and they are picked
Starting point is 01:03:26 up by the minister of a religious commune oh this work shit gets even more interesting in stoneberg texas called the house of prayer oh boy not to be confused with the house of scare in nope i was gonna say international house pancakes but oh i mean what's house of scare i don't know it rhymes with prayer house of pancakes i was thinking um so again this minister thinks becky and henry are married couple like he doesn't question that they're not because they're acting like they're yeah together exactly so he lets them stay in a small apartment at the commune. And Henry starts being he starts working as a roofer and, you know, kind of paying back. Right. Having this apartment. But after a while, Becky starts to get homesick. She's tired of the abuse. She just wants to, like, go home. So she tries to run away. she tries to run away unfortunately um as it is with many abusive relationships when she tries to get away henry blows up and um she's not able to escape and so henry murders her and um buries her body in the woods and now when kate rich this elderly woman that they had been taking
Starting point is 01:04:45 care of before who kicked them out but was close with becky she hears about uh becky running away quote unquote and so she starts asking questions and she starts calling henry regularly and saying i need more information i need to know what happened to becky i need to know that she's okay like something's fishy tell me what's going on henry decides he's tired of her asking all these questions oh okay he offers to drive her to church one day oh okay and he drives her into the woods he kills her there it is he rapes her and he buries her body as well shortly after he did the same to becky so henry becomes a prime suspect in so he got away with this uh with becky he was like she just ran away you know and people believed it but when kate also goes missing um he becomes a suspect the authorities weren't sure how
Starting point is 01:05:40 they could pin him down so in june of 1983 texas ranger phil ryan had an idea and he arrested henry on charges of unlawful possession of a firearm uh knowing that he had a gun that he wasn't supposed to have so it was like especially back then in texas it wasn't like a huge thing but like he knew that was the way to kind of got it pin him down so he could question him so he um charges him about this gun then he while he's in jail he they deny him cigarettes coffee and sheets like bed sheets oh okay and deserved i think i mean yeah i'm not i don't mean you can't refuse much to him but at least refuse that i don't feel sad for him let's put it that way. I don't regret that you didn't have sheets. Or a cigarette.
Starting point is 01:06:26 Or a cigarette. You'll be fine. Right. So after only a couple days, Henry broke and began to confess. That's all it took. Four days. Four days without coffee. Got it.
Starting point is 01:06:37 Coffee and cigarettes, man. Think about addiction. You gotta... I can't even imagine my life without cigarettes. No, that's not what I meant. You without a bed and coffee, though, for sure. Right. Coffee would probably kill me.
Starting point is 01:06:49 Yeah, you're probably right. Take four days without coffee for Christine. She'll tell you whatever you want. I would never last four days. Like, that's a joke. I heard that the first time. They're like, it didn't last long. And I was like, oh, six hours.
Starting point is 01:07:00 And they were like, four days. And I thought, four fucking days. This guy is sleeping. This guy is made of clad iron steel seriously like no and think about cigarettes like you're addicted to cigarettes oh yeah cold turkey like that with no coffee or anything a place to sleep like that's rough anyway so that actually is kind of interesting because it is pretty controversial not necessarily this situation but in general um because a lot of times when that tactic is used of like not letting people drink coffee or water or alcohol or
Starting point is 01:07:32 whatever it is that they that they want or need um it garners false confessions and so it's like a very easy way to get people to say something you want them to say i saw that in an episode of law and order spu one time i've seen it in an episode of law and order spu one time i've seen it in a episode of law and order spu 4 000 times but you know i saw it in that specific episode where elliot stabler wanted a confession out of someone and so he like intentionally made the place a little hotter oh yeah and like yeah that's what i'm thinking of and like denied him food and like ate pizza in front of him it was like oh are you hungry oh why don't you just tell me who you killed oh i love sauteed mushrooms i love elliot stabler i do too so it was
Starting point is 01:08:10 never the same post elliot i think sexuality across the board elliot stable is welcome in all of them i would agree um anyway so it is controversial again because a lot of times false confessions that's how they happen. Yeah. I see. So either way, Henry Lee Lucas confessed to the murder of Kate Rich after four days of the deprivation and then confessed to killing Powell, Becky. Well, it turns out so they got what they wanted out of him. Right.
Starting point is 01:08:43 He confessed to Becky and Kate's death. It turns out he really liked the attention that he was getting from police really really and you gotta remember that like his whole life he has not gotten any attention like he didn't get attention growing up he didn't get life right you know anything like that and so now he's suddenly people are he's the spot in the spotlight sure um and so he begins to confess to more murders that police had not prepared for we're not looking for and are suddenly like wait what the fuck like he's just saying you know i killed all these people he confessed to so many murders that investigators started think he was only doing it to get attention and improve his living conditions
Starting point is 01:09:20 which um seems highly plausible but dozens of the confessions which was only a fraction of them dozens of them they did treat as genuine and thought like there's something to this and sure yeah he might be involved i mean i would prefer people take things too seriously than not seriously fair then say oh he's just he just wants attention he's just fibbing he just wants attention yeah he's just fibbing away uh just wants attention. Yeah. He's just fibbing away. Telling a tale. You know him. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:48 Weaving a web. Him with his tails and weaves and webs. You know Henry. Guys, we're so tired. You know Henry and his weaves and webs. In November of 83, Henry was transferred to a jail in Williamson County, Texas, where he continued to confess to numerous additional unsolved murders. Of course. And it was thought that Henry was involved in 28 of these murders. So there was a task force called the Lucas Task Force. Oh, my God. That was invented. You know, you're intense when you've got your own task force looking for things you've done.
Starting point is 01:10:19 Uh huh. 28. Wow. Yes. Yeah, that's more people than yours. I've been alive. 28 wow yes yes that's more people than yours i've been alive all right rub it in why don't you same for you oh not eva though almost sorry eva sorry eva didn't know that was gonna turn into a slight and it did and nobody made it a slate but you i walked myself right into that you turned it into your own weird i just couldn't. It was, it just became like an endless spiral. It's just class again. Couldn't stop talking. I'm sorry. You look beautiful.
Starting point is 01:10:51 What does it matter with you? I don't know. I feel like I like called you old and I didn't. You're not old. You did. And now Eva really doesn't like you. I can tell. Eva, you're going to quit.
Starting point is 01:11:00 I can tell. Just, just go. Don't say anything. Oh, awkward. I can't handle the tension. Christine, just just talk i really just rather sit in this moment i'm so uncomfortable with myself all right i'm gonna keep talking he reportedly received preferential treatment uh rarely offered to convicts he was taken to restaurants and cafes he was rarely handcuffed he would be allowed to wander the police stations
Starting point is 01:11:25 and jails at will he knew the codes for security doors what is wrong with this guy what is with this privilege truly they would like buy him steaks and pizza and shit because like he was like basically confessing to everything so they were like oh they're like just rewarding his good behavior yeah and like ignoring all of his bad behavior guess what they cleared 238 cases because of his confession oh wow they were just taking all this in and like checking checking checking checking everything off and like saying oh here's another stake if you confess to more basically oh wow so a lot of the confessions were very controversial and confusing because he was able to use cold reading tactics, much like those used by fake psychics.
Starting point is 01:12:11 So despite his alleged low IQ, Henry was able to read the reactions of his interviewers and kind of change and alter his answers to make his confession seem more convincing and line up with what they were looking for. So, for example he correctly identified a victim in a group photo so they asked like which one's the victim and he said oh this one i recognize the glasses yeah and they were like amazed and saying like oh yeah he must have killed her he recognizes her but he was just like making good guesses based on like reading the room no so it turns out uh he had been shown a crime scene photo earlier
Starting point is 01:12:45 and in the background on a table there was a pair of glasses and he recognized the glasses from the crime scene photo of this woman who had died and then in a group photo said oh yeah i recognize her by her glasses got it having seen them earlier so he would like take like the show psych exactly like cold reading exactly so he So he would take, um, take these like clues and then build. And even though people said he had a low IQ, like he was able to build this whole persona detail. Got it.
Starting point is 01:13:14 Exactly. So the most serious allegation against investigators. So, you know, you've got to think like, what the hell are these investigators doing that? They're like letting this. Right. By them. Um, turns out they had let lucas they had let henry lucas read case files on all
Starting point is 01:13:31 unsolved crimes oh my god they gave him like the information of like fetum answers yeah they gave exactly they gave him like all this information on unsolved crimes which enabled him to come up with convincingly detailed confessions and it made it virtually impossible to determine if to determine if he had been telling the truth to the lucas task force oh my god uh about a large number of the murders so they like shot themselves in the foot yeah yeah so they were basically feeding him information that he was feeding back to them and they were taking it and running with it okay so again like so many guys like this you know henry lee lucas was a pathological liar his whole life so it's nearly
Starting point is 01:14:11 impossible to trust anything coming out of his mouth especially when a lot of it is basically him just taking information that he's getting from the police and then throwing it back in their faces right so a journalist named hugh ainsworth uh investigated lucas's claims um for articles that appeared in the dallas times herald and uh ainsworth calculated that henry lucas would have had to use his station wagon to cover 11 000 miles in one month if he had committed all of the crimes that police had attributed to him okay i like that little piece of information isn't that interesting it's cool yeah they like went and tried to track down factually whether it was even possible and that was a reporter yes yes a journalist yeah
Starting point is 01:14:55 and he uh basically said he would have in 30 days would have had to drive 11 000 miles across like the entire nation to like do all the things he said he did okay so that's how they kind of called this bullshit yeah so that was one of he and multiple other reporters started like calling the police out at this point like this doesn't make any stop beating him steak yeah stop beating him steak and letting him wander around the jail the steak stop giving him the pin number to all of the rooms yep yes um he after this he remained convicted of 11 homicides and he had actually been sentenced to death for one which was of an unidentified woman who had been dubbed as orange socks because when she was found
Starting point is 01:15:37 all she was wearing was a pair of orange socks wow yeah um and her body had been founded in williamson county texas on halloween 97 or i'm sorry 1979 oh yeah and even though um oh that makes it worse with the orange socks yeah because it was themed like she thought she was gonna go have fun i didn't think about that yeah oh that's really sad it's also always more sad when like i I think to me when someone dies on Halloween because someone might have stumbled across and thought it was a decoration. Right. That's like those urban legends of like Halloween decorations. You know how like people have like the feet hanging out of their cars and stuff?
Starting point is 01:16:17 Yeah. I feel like someone just saw her orange socks and just thought that was like decor. Well, it was like in the woods or something. In a field on the side of the highway, but still. Okay. Fair. i don't know i just always imagine there's like that one awkward person who might have already witnessed it and just over no you're right yeah because it's part yeah it's creepy it's supposed to be a creepy day yeah yeah that makes sense um oh you know what i just realized her body had been found on halloween i don't know when she had passed away but still the orange socks halloween it still seems very very telling um and so he had been convicted of this because he had said oh
Starting point is 01:16:51 uh he had actually said i knew she had a maxi pad in or like a tampon or something in when i raped her and then it turns out like she had like toilet paper um as like a makeshift tampon which is why they were like oh he for sure did it but it turns out that on that same day he had been in jacksonville florida although her body had been found in texas so like there's it is literally impossible that he had committed the murder so they think he just somehow got this information from reading the fucking case file they gave him i him like at this point how do you know what's like an authentic memory and what's like something he just and he's just like glancing on stuff and being like yeah i remember this thing that you know this detail and they were like amazing how would he know that i
Starting point is 01:17:38 mean you gave him all the fucking files so basically yeah so he had been in florida so after he was literally convicted and sentenced to death for that and then it yeah so he had been in florida so after he was literally convicted and sentenced to death for that and then it turns out he had been in a completely different state so um oh another part of that was i remember they showed him a picture of this woman orange socks is what they called her because her she was never identified by the way they never found out who she was still to this day yeah so they had showed him a picture and the officer had covered up so she had been strangled and they didn't want him to know how she had died and so they covered up her neck oh okay yeah that one something happened to her neck i'm guessing it's like a fucking cold reading psychic exactly he said it's like turning from
Starting point is 01:18:21 like cold reading to just common sense of like oh you're only censoring one part of her body completely asking me to guess where there's damage on her body completely completely i was listening to her whole body the serial killers episode on this and they were and i was like why would they just cover her neck like okay i guess and then later they were like yeah it turns out he just saw them cover his neck and i was like okay i came up with that in my own walls cleaning my kitchen like this guy who's trying to fabricate some story can obviously. So, yeah, they just covered up her neck. And he said, apparently, oh, her. She would have been strangled.
Starting point is 01:18:55 Oh, yeah. Oh, I have this sense about it. Yeah. Motherfucker. So after he confessed, so he confessed during a hearing that the details in his confession came from the case file he was given and had been given to read in his own time. So, after that, then Governor 98 George W. Bush commuted his sentence to life in prison and took took him off death row okay because he hadn't committed the crime and so after the parole board said like we recommend taking him off death row george w bush said i agree took him off death row which in texas at the time especially was
Starting point is 01:19:37 a big deal right and one of the quotes was that hen Lucas basically said, like, I applaud them for respecting the truth. And I was like, go fuck yourself. You confess to this, you sicko. Whatever. So Henry Lucas's credibility is obviously damaged by this. All of these things. So he initially admitted to having killed 60 people. Then he raised the number to 100.
Starting point is 01:20:02 And then police were like, OK, we're on board with this. We got it we'll take it and then he confessed to killing 3 000 people okay did any of those cops hopefully not take him seriously that is the point where they were like uh-uh guy they're like oh now i get it this is too much too far exactly but also like i don't blame him for testing the waters of how far he could get away with it he was working for so long yeah yeah i would imagine about it he didn't probably kill he didn't probably kill 60 people he's like let's make it a couple hundred and they're like yeah we're still on board like i will it's like yeah that
Starting point is 01:20:37 makes sense yeah and then it's like uh 500 600 oh my god it's still working. 601. Exactly. So he jumped it to 3,000. They were like, uh-uh, that's too far. You know, 2,900 was enough for me, but those extra 100, I'm done with this. You were ticking upward and we were on board. Yeah, he crossed a line. He was quoted as saying, quote, i made the police look stupid okay which well he kind of did he did um and like he did police eventually backtracked because obviously
Starting point is 01:21:13 people were like haranguing them for like giving him case files and then okay backtracked not like totally fired every single one that was on that task force and rehired like oh competent people completely they were just like oh yeah no we didn't think that it was real they like tried to backtrack it was a little bit weird uh it seems like they didn't want to fess up to like oh no we are responsible definitely gave him all these case files and then definitely believed he murdered and they cleared like 230 cases so amazing cold hard facts are they believed that he had like confessed to 230 plus crimes and they believed it so obviously they didn't like even figure in the fact that factor in the fact that like he couldn't have
Starting point is 01:21:56 been in multiple states right and that they were giving him classified information so anyway they were getting a lot of shit for that so after so he confessed so he had upped the number to 3 000 then like lowered it again and then at some point he um recanted everything and said like oh i was not involved in any of these i was just pressured into confessing and then he became a born-again christian and after that he confessed all over again okay to all these things and it's like okay he's a born-again christian and after that he confessed all over again okay to all these things and it's like okay he's a born-again christian he confesses all over again he's still not responsible for all these because factually it is impossible yeah physically it's physically correct yeah exactly
Starting point is 01:22:37 like there's just no way um so it's just a little weird he just clearly wants the attention essentially and he's a pathological liar so he's just doing what he does best um so it's just a little weird he just clearly wants the attention essentially and he's a pathological liar so he's just doing what he does best um so it's unclear what the actual number of his death toll is some believe it's up to 40 others believe it's only a few like a handful of four or five but either way he was a fucking terrible guy and he did murder people and he was a serial killer and whatever the total uh basically his whole life can be summed up in one statement that he made uh near the end of his life he said quote killing someone is just like walking outdoors if i wanted a victim i'd just go and get one and that was and that's why i don't like being outdoors and that's why the outdoors are dangerous
Starting point is 01:23:25 and terrible and you should lock your doors and stay inside geez yeah so on march 12 2001 at 11 p.m lucas was found dead in his prison cell from heart failure at the age of 64 he was buried at captain joe bird cemetery in huntsville texas and his grave is unmarked due to vandalism and theft. And that is the story of Henry Lee Lucas. Wow. And he's a terrible, terrible man. He's also less terrible than he claims, though. Right. It's almost like how bad is bad and how good is good and how bad is good.
Starting point is 01:23:58 And what's sad, too, is that people were getting closure for their cases like of unsolved cases. Imagine being the families and friends that are like, finally. And's like oh never mind out of hundreds of cases and he's saying oh it was me and they're like i finally understand what happened to my sister or my daughter my brother whatever and then they were like no he was just full of shit and wanted to pretend like he did it like how terrible i truly hope that things are not treated that way in in precincts anymore or like in not precincts but i guess in prisons and like the justice system i hope they've learned from this yeah yeah and at least uh censor more than the neck totally oh yeah totally and i and i also hope that like technology helps somewhat like i
Starting point is 01:24:36 feel like at least that can be part of tracking tracking stuff and tracking people's movements and knowing that they were in a certain city at a certain time i don't know yeah i can only hope so um now that we're doing horoscopes okay uh as i mentioned um horoscopes horoscopes henry lee lugas was a virgo and we're actually in virgo season right now we are yes so i thought this is kind of fitting very virgo very virgo as i like to say virgo licious as m likes to say i'm not going to take credit for that one so i'm going to read uh henry lee lucas's horoscope okay and here we go there is no such thing as too late oh well back to differ if you see that things aren't going the way you want them to put a stop to the progress even if you're not behind the wheel you have every right
Starting point is 01:25:34 to voice your opinion and suggest an alternate route it also isn't a good idea to talk behind other people's backs today virgo if you have an issue with someone in particular bring it up to that person directly this isn't a good time to gossip maintaining trust is extremely important right now this attitude will open many doors for you believe that the more you love others the more love will be returned to you oh boy well never learned that lesson diddy i wish he had heard that before before he did the horoscope was all he needed i would have turned his life around it's like those people that fall in love with people in jail and they're like i'm the missing ingredient that will fix i'll change this psychopath anyway so that is my horoscope for the day nice um
Starting point is 01:26:22 i don't have one for for anyone i mean you don't i mean it's never really my job but i i still feel like i like forgot to do homework i appreciate that you feel guilty unprepared and guilty but well i mean that's the gemini way you don't need to though well all right anyway thank you guys for listening to us um if you made it this far despite all of our speed bumps today a lot of dramatic things a lot of ups and downs on this roller coaster um but if you for some reason want to continue your relationship with us you can find us on facebook twitter instagram patreon at atwwd podcast please donate you do not realize how much that helps. You can also find us at our website and that's why we You can find our merch site and that's why we drink.big
Starting point is 01:27:11 You can also find our email and that's why we drink at where you can send in your personal true crime and listeners are true crime and paranormal stories because we put out a listener's episode at the first of every month um we also we also do fan mail um videos so once a month we record all of the packages we get that month so if you would like to be a part of that and send us some goodies you can at 1920 hillhurst ave los angeles california oh number 265 because i can never remember it los angeles california 90027 and we also have some live shows coming up uh keep keep uh on our social media because we're gonna release new dates soon new tickets currently the only show available is the philadelphia one on november 7th it's a low ticket alert so please go get your tickets we have a lot of shows coming up all across the country so stay tuned probably the biggest announcement we've ever said that just kind of slipped out huh
Starting point is 01:28:10 what i don't think we've ever said across the country have we i mean we're in la we're going to i know we've just never said i've never heard the sentence it kind of took me by surprise it got me going anyway um yes all across the country should we delete it or should we no no no okay yeah it's it is keeps an alert to be honest it is literally all across the country it's very wild guys so um thank you for everything that you do it i mean because of you guys were able to actually do this cross-country trip together tripping tripping indeed tripping out is what we're doing tripping all over ourselves we don't know what's going on lord have mercy so um that's all i have is that all you have
Starting point is 01:28:51 that's it and that's why we drink peace

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