And That's Why We Drink - E86 The Haunted Doll Market and 420 Zodiac

Episode Date: September 23, 2018

You might need your EMF readers for this one because we've got two intense stories today. Em brings us the incredibly well-documented and terrifying (we mean beautiful) tale of Harold the doll while C...hristine tackles the freaking Zodiac Killer. Don't worry, our EMF definitely WASN'T GOING BATSHIT DURING RECORDING. We're fine. We think. We've also discovered we're unwittingly part of the haunted doll market and Harold might have overfilled Christine's wine glass... and that's why we drink! Please consider supporting the companies that support us! Get 500 high-quality business cards for just $9.99 from Vista Print by going to and using promo code DRINK Get a free trial membership of Beach Body On Demand when you text DRINK to 303030Get $5 off your first month of Chegg Study when you go to and enter promo code DRINKGet your own 11x14 Canvas People print for free (just pay shipping and handling) when you text DRINK to 484848

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Starting point is 00:00:00 welcome to the preamble of and that's where we drink the post preamble the post preamble the amble the amble if you will of episode 86 we've been on a roll tonight we've been preambling all over the place we have i like that a lot we have let's amble let's amble how are you christine i have so many things to tell you yeah you were being all weird today i was not being weird you were being like i just texted you and apologized in the event that i might be weird yeah which which i guess is in and of itself is a little weird and then there's the whole like i'll tell you on the show which always makes me a little nervous i've got a lot of things to say. Yeah, yeah. Okay. Scooch in the mic. Take it away. I say to myself, um, I don't know. I just needed a little encouragement. Quite an ample you're doing here. Um, so what would you like to hear
Starting point is 00:00:55 first? A stranger I met with a skull story. Oh God. A Deirdre update. Oh man. Or a personal update. Definitely not a personal update. I don personal update i don't think so uh let's let's go in that order okay yeah let's just go in that order so there's a guy that i met at work his name was mark and he's like i guess a prop master um but he said something to someone in the office about being involved with like ghosts and haunts and stuff and everyone in my company knows that i'm like the go-to guy on that and so they were like oh you have to go talk to him so i meet this guy he gives me his card by the way and he asked us to reach out to him if we're ever interested and i think you will on the card alone all right pause i'm gonna call him right now oh oh my god it's a
Starting point is 00:01:39 ouija card it's literally a ouija board prop master mark Mark. Am I allowed to say his name? Just say Mark. Propmaster Mark. So apparently him and his wife are incredible sensitives and go to several classic haunted places and have sessions with spirits and have... Holy shit. To a point where like, like the spirits will like personify them. Like they will like take over their bodies and talk to them. Sorry, what? It's very odd.
Starting point is 00:02:07 One of the stories that he told me was of a skull that he has where he had a friend that was part of a native tribe. And his tribe like wanted to get rid of this thing. That's not a good sign. It's not. But he took it anyway. Of course he did. Classic Mark. It's a human skull that they would use to apparently they broke part of the jaw of the skull.
Starting point is 00:02:27 And you would, whoever's responsible or owns the skull, if you write something, like write a wish, you can roll it up on a piece of paper and like stuff it in one of the cracks of the skull. And so it's essentially like the skull, the head is thinking about it. And it will always come true. But it used to be used a lot mainly for curses good so you can curse someone but if something ever happens where you're in that same situation as the person you don't like then it comes back threefold on you so it's like a more interesting version of karma yeah it's like a voodoo skull cool essentially anyway he took it from his friend he like is responsible for it he has never put any curses or anything he's done hasn't done anything with it he just has it well that's good news but he has locked it away and he apparently
Starting point is 00:03:16 was like creepily cursed where like a tribe like did not want it anymore but so that story led us into talking more about his wife who's a sensitive who like apparently wants us to reach out to her. And oh, God, this is like I feel like everything's been leading up to this. She's like, I need you to reach out to me. He couldn't remember a name, but he did say she works closely with those guys on that ghost TV show. Don't do this to me, Em. I swear to God. And then he said, if you're ever interested, I'm sure we could set
Starting point is 00:03:45 something up. Every pore in my body is sweating right now. Here's the thing also, real quick, can I do a little interjection? Yeah. We know that Zach Baggins pronounces his name differently, and I will not fix it. Yeah. Sorry. Yeah. I do it on purpose. I love Zach Bagel Bites, and it's no one's
Starting point is 00:04:02 fault but mine. People are like, you're pronouncing it wrong i'm like oh i know because it's like the way people keep telling me to watch um that one halloween movie what is it what hocus pocus yeah and i won't do it because the more people tell me to do it the less i want to do it oh yeah i'm just a child so you can't tell me to do something because i won't do it anyway yeah zach baggins zach zach bagel and bikes and uh but so I don't even know if that's the right show but he said oh there's that show with those guys right that do ghost things and she's good friends with them I was like oh that's cool and like in my mind I'm
Starting point is 00:04:37 freaking you know those guys they do that show um but so anyway he said that they went to the queen mary one time my favorite and half hatch henry remember we talked about him yes where he got locked in yeah um apparently they went on a tour and the guy was telling the tour of what happened apparently half hatch harry came through oh boy through the wife and got very irritated. Oh boy. And was like, this is insulting. That's not how it happened. That's not the story. That's not my name. Every, all of these facts got let out.
Starting point is 00:05:17 And apparently now because of that experience, the tour actually has changed their tour. Wow. Where they use his actual name or they don't use his name anymore. They use it for a little bit. And then I guess for some reason they don't do it anymore. Yeah. But they know his actual name now. It was something like John Patterson. It was something like very like.
Starting point is 00:05:29 Right. Right. Like Half Hatch Henry is a cooler name, I think. Right. But so they will tell the story that they originally told and then said, we recently found out that that's not true. And this is the real facts. After that started happening, apparently her husband then became a vessel of sorts that
Starting point is 00:05:46 half hatch henry came through and apparently hugged his wife hugged the wife in a very weird way where she knew it wasn't her husband that was hugging her gross and said thank you so much for telling everyone so apparently so that's that's that on that and we can contact him if you would like so i mean let's call him right now you got we can have him on the show um okay so there's that next is the deirdre story deirdre update very quick i love deirdre updates so last we were at she found a decomposition body stain i don't know how you're gonna top that or move on from like well she's moved out of the house since okay so supposedly like she's not near that room so she left on a high with that decomposition yeah she left on a high with her security deposit oh yeah you better hope so and
Starting point is 00:06:35 so she was recently in the city and so she was about to get an uber and when she got in the car the uber driver said so what's the the weirdest Uber driver experience you've ever had? And she said something and he was like, well, I'm about to top it. And then said, so I'm very sensitive and I can see things. And when you were walking over to my car, there was a massive shadow person. OK, all right. OK, all right. OK, what?
Starting point is 00:06:59 Stop. And then. And what the fuck? And then he said, like, he was trying to get in the car with you. And Deirdre said, is he here with us now? And he said like he was trying to get in the car with you and deirdre said is he here with us now and he said no because my car is blessed what which like my car isn't blessed like what the hell am i bringing home bless our cars jesus christ so anyway that's the deirdre horrifying hold on so it's still with her apparent or something's with her i'm just gonna
Starting point is 00:07:22 can you imagine that what if that guy is just like what's the weirdest thing you actually well i'm gonna top it here's a terribly creepy thing we did experience that all together in nashville oh that's right one woman was like what's the weirdest uber experience well let's play a game where i grow christine yeah that's exactly what happened and touch my boob that was the weirdest uber of my life and you know what everyone won that day no one regretted anything she was like take this piece of paper and do what it says we were like are we gonna die does it tell me that i have to jump off a cliff or something you just have to grab christy's boob it's fine okay so that's step two step three is i'm talking about personally the reason i drink this week tell me is because as of yesterday i do not have power in my home
Starting point is 00:08:08 what allison came home and was like there is no power what was that what was that sound like a cow sounded like a man crying sound like dwight's in that episode yes a ghoul where he's like it sounded like a ghoulish dwight that was very weird ew that's the exact noise yeah yeah um okay anyway moving on so allison said we don't have any power and so i got back and i looked at the account and like our account online and usually it's an automatic pay so i never even think to pay the bill because it always gets paid. I just check it every month. Yeah. And it said that there was money in the account, but like, like there was a charge. Yeah. And so I was like, okay, apparently like the automatic payment thing went off. And so I maybe like didn't pay my bill or something. So I went to go,
Starting point is 00:08:58 I pressed make a payment. And now for some reason, my account isn't eligible to like, all of a sudden it won't take my credit card information. And so I had to call them this morning. Last night we like went to Starbucks and like, that's how I got my notes done. I was like, I don't know what we're going to do. So the power went out and I couldn't do anything because by the time I got home, the power company was closed.
Starting point is 00:09:20 So I couldn't call them. So this morning I called them and I was like, what's going on? And apparently the automatic payment thing went off so the company thought that I didn't pay my bill so they shut off my power and then earlier today when I was talking to them I said like okay well I will pay over the phone like reopen my account please like give us power and they said okay well it will cost $80 if you want us to have the power set up again like same day like you can have power by six o'clock tonight, you will have power. And I was like, yeah, I don't care. I'll pay the
Starting point is 00:09:49 80 bucks. And so Allison called me while I was on the way here. And she said, there's still no power. So now it's two nights with no power and I lost 80 bucks. What the fuck? So now I have to call them again tomorrow. But currently there's like no power. I was like, okay, well, Allison, like, at least can you go to like to entertain yourself? Go to like Starbucks and watch a movie on your computer or something until you like it's time to go to bed. And I have her computer charger and her computer is dead. Woof.
Starting point is 00:10:17 So she can't charge. Yeah. Oh, so Allison is currently at Starbucks charging her phone. And sorry, that way it happened again. It got closer. Oh God. I don't like this. This is a weird episode already.
Starting point is 00:10:30 Okay. Basically no power. Those are, those are all three of my things. My God. I've already talked for like 10 minutes. I'm so sorry. Oh,
Starting point is 00:10:36 it's okay. I saw your post about no power. And I thought it was cause I saw like, I got a text yesterday being like some, there were power outages throughout LA. Yeah. And I assume that's what it was. Nope. I just apparently didn't pay my bill well um i don't have too much to say but i do want to let you guys know that we um we are aware that post malone touched the divic box
Starting point is 00:10:55 yes we know it please stop sending us that we know we're very happy you're all telling us but i just want you to know like do not fret because we know and we are equally horrified. Yes. I remember when he first touched it a few months ago and there was like a little bit of a news thing. But now it's become like a TMZ sensation. Right. So Post Malone, thoughts and prayers? I don't want nothing to do with it. I'm just surrounding myself with thoughts and prayers, thoughts and prayers.
Starting point is 00:11:22 And then hopefully nothing will happen to me. Also, we have a Boston show on February 1st that we recently announced this week. Literally today as we're recording, we released tickets six hours ago, and it's already sold out. So thank you, Boston. Yeah, thank you, guys. That was shocking. The website crashed. People had to call the poor venue.
Starting point is 00:11:43 And the girl who works there, the woman who works there megan megan megan she's a fan of ours and had posted when we first released tickets like that she works at the venue and she was like i'm so excited you guys are coming like i'm a big fan and then of course the website crashed so she was like on there like handling everybody like post an apology or something she posted like i've been i'm the one who's been on the phone with all of you. I'm sorry. Like the website isn't used to this much traffic. And people were calling her and everyone kept commenting on our stuff saying, I had to call to buy my tickets. But the woman who worked there was so nice and she's a fan.
Starting point is 00:12:17 So thank you, Megan, for like handling everything. Thanks, Megan. Thanks a lot. And we can't wait to meet you and everybody else who's coming to Boston we cannot wait February 1st so yeah that happened and we were planning on announcing it for the show the one that this one that releases Sunday and um it's already sold out so I'm like you don't know what to say thanks thanks guys but also like I guess follow us on social media because it seems like things are going fast so if if you want to grab tickets, don't wait for us to release it on the show.
Starting point is 00:12:46 Yeah, that's all I got. Well, if you're listening to this on the day that it comes out, we have a Facebook Live for our Patreon listeners at 3 p.m. Pacific Standard Time. If you want to hop on and ask them some questions and hang out with us for an hour. Also, later that night, tonight, as you're listening to this, we are having a live show at the Hollywood Improv. Oh, lordy. Also sold out. Yep, that's right. And that's where we draw us up and can't wait to post those.
Starting point is 00:13:14 Post Malone. Post Malone those. Also, we still have tickets available for the Philly show on November 7th. I think that's the only show that we have that's not sold out right now. So if you want to see see us please come to philly and please sell that one out that would be great it would be really cool yeah that's all i've got me too okay so this is i'm just gonna i'm wait i'm just gonna crack into it wait wait
Starting point is 00:13:38 i was expecting a different sound. That was my sweet tea. It sounded like you broke your tooth on a rock or something. Sorry. It just went everywhere. Oh, good. Thank you. It did sound like...
Starting point is 00:13:57 You're so welcome. It sounded like you... It sounded like my mouth popped or something. Okay. So this is a long one. I'm sorry to people who don't like me talking forever. Listen, nobody complains about the long ones. We just complain about the long ones.
Starting point is 00:14:09 Okay, but you're not going to complain because I... Wait, hang on. Also, Eva complains because she has to sit through it. Oh, yeah, poor Eva. And edit it. Eva, if you complain, you're fired. Too late. Too late.
Starting point is 00:14:21 Okay, I'm so excited about this story. I'm so excited about this story. Even so excited about this story even though i didn't have any power i was up all night like until like two in the morning doing this one i've been so excited about my story today and i've been more ant than i have been a long time so i feel like it's gonna be a wild ride happening i don't know what's going on you guys is mercury in retrograde no it's not oh maybe that's why maybe that's all the sudden good things are happening we're back to normal but this is like the exact opposite of like me trying to give like a book report last minute.
Starting point is 00:14:48 Like I, I've never done this much research on any story we've ever done. It's a fireside chat. Back to the old days. Uh, I, I've never worked so hard on a story. What? I know. I'm like, is this what like good students feel like all the time? Like just really proud of their work? Don't look at me. I'm, I'm like is this what like good students feel like all the time like just really proud of their work at me i'm i'm like super stoked i'm very excited now this is also probably
Starting point is 00:15:11 the story that has the most too much documentation do i know about it i don't know about to like get so amped okay what is it okay okay okay it is a doll okay okay i know you like your dolls yeah ish okay really relative well it's not robert the doll like them right oh i hear what you're saying yes but i like like you like that you don't like them but you love like them like them got it okay it's harold the doll i have never heard of this okay me either what me either but this one gets me going I'm so excited Harold we got two Roberts in here getting jealous let's just say as I was finishing this story up here by myself that bang you heard was stop it I'm not kidding stop are you serious I'm not kidding so there was a bang that Christine and Eva heard downstairs.
Starting point is 00:16:05 A loud fucking bang. And what they didn't hear was afterwards, I screamed Christine's name several times. No, I didn't hear that. And nobody came upstairs to make sure it was okay. Not even Gio heard it. I was doing my notes and I, okay, I literally started feeling ill doing these notes. I walked into the bathroom thinking I was going to get sick. feeling ill doing these notes i walked into the bathroom thinking i was gonna get sick and when i came back into the room and i was facing this wall there's an oil canvas painting
Starting point is 00:16:30 of geo save your laughter for later i literally watched it rise off of the nail it's sitting on and drop to the ground and that's the bang you heard downstairs wait sorry it felt if i watched it lift off the nail that's like 10 feet in the air too like 10 feet off the ground too and it's still sitting right there it's still sitting on the ground i didn't pick it up i was kind of mad at you i don't want to touch it now i don't blame you i don't want to eva can you hang that back up and i screamed for help and you never came i didn't hear you. Wait, that's... That happened right when I was, like, about to finish my notes.
Starting point is 00:17:07 And I was, like... And I remember thinking, like, okay, nothing's happened to me during all of studying the story. I swear to God. And as I thought that that shit happened... You brought it to my house and decided to finish it up here. Okay, before I went downstairs, I literally held the holy water and said the Lord's Prayer just in case. Thank God. So, we're in the clear.
Starting point is 00:17:26 Thank God. Okay. I'm sorry. That was quite a, I'm like very scared now. Okay, good. It's a great, it'll set you up for the rest of this. Great start. I'm actually glad you didn't hang it back up because if I see it fly off the wall, I'm
Starting point is 00:17:36 not going to handle it. Okay. So there's a happy ending to this. I will tell everyone now. And this one should not make you feel ill. I don't know what happened to me. I will tell everyone now. And this one should not make you feel ill. I don't know what happened to me. I don't know why. Maybe it's because you were just so heavily researching it. I just became so connected to the story. Yes. So this one I'm not going to give a warning to. Okay. Like the other one. Right. Okay. So and this is a long
Starting point is 00:18:02 one but I tried to get it down. There's just too much information. I'm ready. So, here is Harold the doll. It starts over 60 years ago when it was owned by a man who bought it for his son, and then his son mysteriously died. Oh, good start. Good start. After the son died, they kept, obviously kept the doll for like 60 years. start after the sun died they kept obviously kept the doll for like 60 years and during that time watched the doll laugh sing and dance on its own when it is a doll that is not supposed to do any
Starting point is 00:18:32 of those what they took it to a priest the priest said it was possessed and told them to burn it that's me as a priest burn it get it out of my way burn it and it would not burn what the doll did not burn and you know that was some like 70s plastic it was made of that should have burned like crazy so basically the guy was at his wit's end he didn't know what to do so he just sold it at a flea market good and ever since then it has been passed from person to person who has experienced hauntings oh god eventually it got passed down to a guy named greg that was at around in around 2003 also this dog the dog this doll not only does it laughing and cry apparently it also talks smiles and blinks i don't know what's the creepiest one of those it also if you're smiling me if you're talking and it doesn't like you talking it will start to
Starting point is 00:19:25 smile and apparently people have witnessed its mouth moving as if it's mocking you talking oh my god that's so fucked up it will also side eye which i love oh so it's like an emoji yeah doll it's like megan but as a doll but not you megan not the boston megan no just every other the bitchy seventh grader so yeah okay so the main owner that i'm going to talk about um his name is anthony but i'm just going to explain how anthony got the doll okay so the guy sold it at a flea market it got passed around eventually ended up with this guy named greg and greg tried to sell it on ebay he never experienced anything haunted about it and he thought it was a joke and so 2003 he
Starting point is 00:20:06 put it up for ebay and he like said in the description that it was a haunted doll because he thought that that would like up its price that usually works basically he said that the doll's name was harold because there was some video at some point of this doll you could see like the mouth kind of move and someone heard the word harold almost as if it said the word harold it was just like some rumor that he ended up making up he admitted later that he made up that oh okay um so he just pulled harold out of his ass okay and so great um so the doll the doll's name ended up sticking he told the winning bidder to her face after she bought it like i was kidding this was not haunted and she didn't care she didn't care because she wanted to take that story
Starting point is 00:20:51 and ride with it and then after like three or four months of it staying in her house she wanted to like flip it for profit well sure right and then say like i stayed with this doll for three or four months on a doll market you know i mean it's one that we are actively involved in. That's true. Unwillingly, to be fair, but yes. So although Greg said it wasn't haunted, strange things started happening almost immediately once Kathy, the bidder, got the doll. Okay. So she was pretty scared and she decided that she was going to hide the doll in a closet. She was pretty scared and she decided that she was going to hide the doll in a closet. And a year later, in 2004, she put the doll back on eBay and didn't just say it was haunted, but it was truly cursed.
Starting point is 00:21:32 Oh, great. Anthony, the guy that ended up keeping it, he ended up winning the doll for $750. Oh, my God. Which he did not want to do. It was originally a much lower price. And then some guy tried to outbid him and then personally messaged him saying you can just stop trying it's my doll like just being a dick and so for the sake of competition i guess he kept oh for god's sake because the guy said i'm gonna outbid you no matter what this guy was like oh i'm just gonna bid 700 bucks and then make you
Starting point is 00:22:01 spend that much money to win the doll and then that guy backed down and actually didn't buy the doll so he accidentally spent it for 750 and that guy was kathy's husband who was just secretly trying to amp up the price and knew that what's his name anthony had like a weak spot for competitive males so toxic maxi masculinity that's right on ebay of all places um you can't you can't escape it no No. You can't e-scape it. Even in the doll market, you can't e-basecape it. God, this is horrible. Somebody erase all of it. He was a skeptic himself, but he was open-minded, Anthony.
Starting point is 00:22:35 And he wanted the item because he was writing a book called Haunted eBay, Are You Going to Believe Me or Your Lying Eyes? That's the name of the book. Wait, hold on. Are you going to believe me or your lying eyes that's the name of the book wait hold on are you going to believe wait are you going to believe me or your lying eyes like which one are you gonna believe oh are you gonna believe me or your okay got it got it got it got it um so he was trying to find haunted items and then he was going to run experiments on them and each chapter was going to be a different fun i mean why don't you I was going to say, this sounds like a side venture. Um,
Starting point is 00:23:05 so that was his goal in getting the doll. Um, he wanted, and Kathy, uh, wrote him saying, I'm really worried about you having this doll. I should have just thrown it in the ocean.
Starting point is 00:23:16 I can give you your money back if you like. Oh, so she had a guilty conscience. Cause she knew how scary this doll was. Kathy. Apparently when Kathy owned it, it was involved in two deaths within a six-month period. What? When you would wrap it up and put it away, nothing would happen.
Starting point is 00:23:32 But when you would have the doll out on display, that was when creepy things would happen. Like people died. Yeah, creepy. Very creepy. Just to put it lightly. She had a friend whose closet Harold was stored in. Like, they all, like, lived together. Yeah. And so she had the friend whose closet harold was stored in like they all like lived together yeah and so she would she had the doll stored in his closet then the friend uh went to amsterdam after they put it in the closet her friend went on vacation and died instantly from
Starting point is 00:23:57 falling down a staircase oh what also one day kathy heard a crash from the bathroom after she put harold out in the living room and the bathroom on the side she heard a crash from the bathroom after she put Harold out in the living room. And the bathroom on the side, she heard a crash and went inside. And everything had fallen out of the linen closet, but it was perfectly folded and stacked. And it wasn't in the linen closet. Ew. So everything was, like, shifted out of it? Like, still folded?
Starting point is 00:24:22 No, like, it wasn't folded or stacked in the linen closet. Like, it was just a mess in there. I see. It's almost like Harold was like, here, I'll do your fucking laundry. Like, I'll fold everything and then show you, like, just put it out for you. Wait, sorry. Okay, I'm sorry. Repeat.
Starting point is 00:24:33 So, it was... Messy linen closet. Oh, it was messy originally. It was messy. And then everything dumped out perfectly folded. Okay, I know. Fuck that. Okay. It's, like, the most passive-aggressive thing you can do.
Starting point is 00:24:42 But also, like, that's the ghost I want. So, Kathy was on the phone. This is another thing that happened. Kathy was on the phone with one of her friends when she heard her phone, her friend through the phone say that she had, she found a giant spider crawling up her back. Ew! At the exact same time, Kathy saw a huge wolf spider scurry across the living room and into the bathroom, which is where all the folded things were. Fuck.
Starting point is 00:25:08 I have like shivers all over. I don't like spider talk. So anyway, that's what happened with Kathy. When she shipped the doll to Anthony, he ran tests but got nothing. But like he didn't get any like recordings or anything. I don't know how he knows so many mediums and so many psychics and so many people who do like impression like right was it impression writing um like basically speak to their guides oh uh automatic writing yes i don't know you're gonna find out he has like
Starting point is 00:25:36 70 medium friends in this story maybe it's because of his book maybe but so uh he got the for a skeptic that seems like a lot of medium friends i'll say i'll say so he uh didn't get anything on the initial test but he brought harold to one of his medium friends um for a reading and two minutes into the reading his friend says i'm sorry anthony but i just can't do this anymore the doll just threatened to kill me oh god and then she said i have a heart murmur and i can feel his hand squeezing my heart oh god okay so he was smart during that um reading he also recorded that he also like brought a digital recorder okay so as the recording was go as she was doing the reading he was recording the whole thing and later back listened
Starting point is 00:26:25 and got evps that said shut up bitch an angry roar harold and then right before the medium said he just threatened to kill me you can hear on the evp i'm going to kill you bitch oh my god what validating but she really did hear that nasty guy after a year of people getting sick and injured and having several migraines back pains and nightmares he locked the doll away in 2005 okay good fast forward to 2013 okay it has been locked in storage that entire time and it's probably a real man in 2013 um apparently that was when like i'm guessing that was like the beginning of buzzfeed that's when i was unemployed i don't really remember much else um but there was a lot of viral videos
Starting point is 00:27:11 about like listicles and things like that very like i feel like millennium heavy yes yeah internet year okay it's like all of us rediscovered the internet hey remember we're all unemployed let's uh let's all cry go on buzzfeed so one of anthony's friends found a video where harold was in a listicle video as one of the world's most haunted dolls great sent the video to anthony and apparently the video had a lot of misinformation about where it was and just general info about the doll and he's like no i'm the owner well apparently like there was like they tried to make it spookier than it was of like the doll hasn't been seen since 2005 it's missing and so i guess i guess it like bothered him enough that he pulled the doll out of storage and took a
Starting point is 00:27:55 picture of it and announced that he was the ebay winner hey buzzfeed and he still owned the doll suck on this one sensitive reached out to him because once he like put a picture on the internet everyone saw this doll so a lot of people start getting affected by this doll oh fuck so he just got like drowned in inbox messages about people having all these experiences one sensitive said that harold came to me and said he's pissed he told me that he's very angry that you've had him for so long and haven't helped him oh what well yeah you threatened to kill his friend so he took the doll to another medium who said it's happy it's not locked up anymore and a lot more messages it just became very frequent and very common for him to have
Starting point is 00:28:38 people say that they were visited by the doll in the middle of the night and they were having migraines nightmares and back pains which were all the things that he had and he had not posted about that at all one person woke up in the middle of the night feeling as though harold was staring at her from the shadows god anthony ended up actually doing like a radio we got on a radio show and brought up the doll and that radio team had um connections to ghost adventures oh boy and zach bagel bites asked if they could bring the doll onto the show oh boy so and what i will now start calling lovingly zach's attacks um all right we need to write all this there's a glossary involved here we need to i anytime i cover something that ghost adventures has been involved in i'm just going to discuss zack's
Starting point is 00:29:30 attacks happening a lot more recently lately so we better get on this whole i i think i just wasn't paying attention i wasn't watching the episodes when i was covering the stories i think there's a lot of these that were involved with ghost adventures i just never talked about it makes sense makes sense but so bagel bites bagel bites got it so they they brought harold to um in an episode to the island of dolls which is a story that many people have requested and eventually will show up so there will be a little crossover when i talk about harold on that episode fun um but so they brought him to the island of dolls and anthony warned them in advance be careful of the doll because its left arm is about to fall off like just so old so while filming zach is the only one who ever touched the doll and found bruises on his left arm that looked like fingerprints from a
Starting point is 00:30:15 child ew they also brought the doll to a medium who said they could feel multiple souls attached to the doll and one soul was a woman who would hurt anyone who got near the doll and then also was trying to tell people to not be near the doll as well oh no people who watched the episode apparently were more at risk to be visited by harold um i guess like how visited why are you doing this to me blaze doesn't get home until late late late some people i think like over time he just built a community because so many people were being affected by this doll that he created a facebook group and all these people you know just really got together and tried to
Starting point is 00:30:55 figure out where this stuff came from sure so some people were like wildly helpful in getting information for him about this doll like where it came from there were some people who said like i used to be an owner of that doll like that like i used to own that doll here's my story and so he was getting all these pieces and he was meeting all these spirits and all these mediums who were didn't know each other but were personally messaging him away from everybody else and giving him the same information and so things were adding up to him. Not good. And one woman that reached out to him, her name, which is, it's a disguise. Not a disguise. Like a nom de plume?
Starting point is 00:31:33 Nope. Yeah. A pseudonym. Yes. We call her Jane. We don't know what her real name is. Jane? Jane.
Starting point is 00:31:39 Okay. He picked the name Jane years and years and years ago. Oh, he picked the name. He picked the name. He picked the name Jane years and years and years ago. Oh, he picked the name. He picked the name. There's one woman that was very helpful named Jane from Australia.
Starting point is 00:31:55 And she had a six-year-old son whose name is also not this, but we call him this, named Vincent. Okay. Who was a clairvoyant. And especially when you're a six-year-old clairvoyant. Oh, man. You can't filter, right? Right. So eventually they became incredibly close like anthony and this little kid vincent just became best buddies and he calls anthony uncle aunt
Starting point is 00:32:12 and wait that's really cute uncle aunt and vincent is the number one biggest help in finding out information about this doll every day it seems vin seems, Vincent would... I'm getting chills talking about this. I am covered in chills right now. It's actually like I wasn't going to say anything, but yeah. I'm disturbed. I can't. I really can't. Look at my arm.
Starting point is 00:32:32 Yeah. My whole... I want like sweatpants. I'm like shivering. Okay. So basically, it seems like every day, Vincent was getting these visions and he would draw pictures and send them to anthony and be like this is what i saw he's like a children's drawing yes which i have for you no you don't which you
Starting point is 00:32:51 will be seeing soon was about to say i don't even want to picture that and now i have to look so the first picture he ever he ever drew he told his mother that the children wanted to go outside but the big black blob wouldn't let them which i'm trying to run through this so i picked select pictures so i did not pick that one however there's a bit it's online you can find it of the big black blob of the big black blob and little kids god and never before seen i'm gonna be listing a lot of pictures from vincent but if you want not only a full list of all the images, but also never before seen pictures, you can buy Anthony's book on Amazon that he ended up writing all about Harold the doll. Oh, God. And has never before seen information, sketches, messages from people like basically like a total investigation and how he figured out what happened.
Starting point is 00:33:42 and how he figured out what happened. So Vincent drew that drawing. He also told Harold that two of the girls that are in the doll are related to Harold's probably nieces. Okay. And Vincent said they must have known each other when they were alive. I think they were related. Oh, okay. There's also a little boy who has not been identified
Starting point is 00:34:07 and the fifth one because there's harold the two girls little boy and the fifth one is a demon sorry okay wow quote the demon doesn't haunt the doll he owns it since then it has been common knowledge and confirmed many times that there are five main presences in the doll but there are several more in the background that are not as strong or come forward as often but there are more than 10 some say in the hundreds they're just stuck in there just stuck how fucked up is that the The demon attached to the doll would punish anyone who tried helping Anthony or made fun of the spirits. And here's an example of several things.
Starting point is 00:34:52 Although, bravo. Like, I don't know what archangel is watching over Vincent, but I have not heard of anything ever hurting him. Oh, thank God. I mean, he's a child. I would hope there's some... I mean, he's a superhero. Angels take pity on him or something.
Starting point is 00:35:05 So here are other people who were helpful and not as lucky. One woman said bad things about Harold and seconds later started coughing up blood. Fuck. Others have been pinched, scratched and suffered immediate headaches. Apparently so severe you think that you're getting hit in the head with a baseball bat. apparently so severe you think that you're getting hit in the head with a baseball bat. Two men made fun of the doll after watching the Ghost Adventures episode, and one got a ruptured larynx and the other developed diverticulitis. Oh, oh, diverticulitis is painful, too.
Starting point is 00:35:36 My dad is diverticulitis. Really? Mm-hmm. Not pretty. I imagine a ruptured larynx, by the way, is also not pretty. No. I don't mean to say that the one's worse than the other. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:48 One woman said that she didn't think harold was haunted and 30 seconds later 30 seconds later she had a gash from her stomach to the middle of her back huh like all the way around like this side of it yeah okay i was just making fun of harold's name and i take it all back and i'm sorry back like what i take it all gash in my back is that what you're saying I take it all stomach to the back now I'm scared oh god um so during a reading one medium yep grab the holy water I got it during a reading one medium got bitten on her hand by something that was unseen they were like literally teeth marks in her hand. And then they put her hand up to the doll and it matched the doll's teeth. Ew! I'm just picturing the doll when it smiles sometimes.
Starting point is 00:36:31 People. Oh, by the way, do you want to see what this all looks like? I was going to say, I don't. Were you going to show me the drawings too or is that later? Yeah, I'm going to show you that as well. Oh, but okay. Yeah, I want to know what the doll looks like because I'm picturing like a. I don't know what I'm picturing here.
Starting point is 00:36:44 What in the world? Yeah, it's been through a lot. It's beautiful and very handsome. That's exactly correct. He's so handsome with his missing eyeballs. Really love it. And his leg that's skinned. It's like a baby doll.
Starting point is 00:37:00 It's a baby doll. I didn't picture it to be a baby. It's a very nice, happy, handsome baby doll. I thought it was going to be like one of those like Robert, like a childlike doll. Not like a baby doll. I didn't picture it to be a baby. It's a very nice, happy, handsome baby doll. I thought it was going to be like one of those like Robert, like a childlike doll, not like a baby doll. No, it's like a doll that's like literally 100 years old. An infant child baby. Okay. What a good looking Harold, so handsome.
Starting point is 00:37:15 So people that go near it are also sometimes panic stricken and cannot move. Like they just freeze and they feel like they're being held down by something that won't let them leave the room anthony's friend has stopped by and saw the doll anthony heard a voice say okay so sorry i was reading my own shorthand basically what happened is anthony's friend came over saw the doll said something about the doll or like didn't believe in the doll or something like that it was like why do you have a baby doll in your house anthony it's a little weird probably why is it so old why do you have a decaying baby doll in your house and so she left and then anthony heard a voice in his house say check on her oh ew then called her and like just she just left the house and then said are you okay and to the phone and she was like very sick like just got like a flu out of nowhere and so he hung up the phone and said to the doll
Starting point is 00:38:11 like harold you can't hurt people that i care about like i'm taking care of you like i'm responsible for you i'm not letting anything bad happen to you like you have to be nice to the people i care about so then he heard the voice again in his head this time saying, OK, she's all right now. And so he called her again. She was totally fine. OK. I don't know how to feel about this. One woman made fun of Harold and her 160 pound bull mastiff yelped and ran like something was trying to attack him from the corner of the room.
Starting point is 00:38:42 Maybe it's not his fault. trying to attack him from the corner of the room it's not his fault and anthony's dog chance refused to go into rooms harold was in when he first when anthony first got chance tell you what and then anthony told harold you can't scare the dog the dog lives here now you have to respect the dog and then the dog now the dog just like runs weird back and forth totally around the doll and isn't afraid of it weird also the doll's eyes are blue but people have seen them turn jet black and they will follow you black eyed kid doll basically over time uh anthony started getting all of these messages and all these clues from not just vincent but all these other mediums and people who speak to spirits and all that and they said they kept
Starting point is 00:39:24 giving him clues of like, if you want answers, go here. If you want answers, go here. So he started like actually going on like this like road trip with Harold, like following all of these clues from different mediums, trying to figure out. Damn.
Starting point is 00:39:35 Like he was committed to trying to figure out what was going on. Sounds like a Travel Channel show. It does. Me and Harold. Oh, Harold and Anthony visit White Castle or go to White Castle. to white castle isn't that the movie harold and harold and kumar yeah go to white castle that's true harold and anthony go to white
Starting point is 00:39:52 castle well listen i'm full of hilarious jokes harold and anthony went to new jersey and close enough uh where maybe white castle is i don't know no no just new york midwest oh i know it's in new york there's definitely one in new york i've been to it it's a ohio kentucky thing okay oh shit that's way too full sorry i'm sure you'll handle it holy mother of god i'm sure it'll go away how dare you harold um so while there while in new jersey with harold, Vincent had his mom send him a picture, like took a picture of his picture. You know what I'm saying? Like said, I drew a picture for Anthony.
Starting point is 00:40:29 Can you send him this? Yeah. Like his drawing or whatever. Yes. Texted Harold or texted Anthony a picture that Vincent drew. So Vincent had drawn Anthony with the letters EWR on it. And it was the airport code that he had just landed in. And it also had a picture of a dog that looked just like Chance, and it had the word stomach written on it.
Starting point is 00:40:53 What does that mean? It means a week later, Chance got really sick. No. And the vet said that his abdominal organs were in his chest. Which made no sense to multiple vets. It made sense to no sense to multiple
Starting point is 00:41:12 vets because for that to happen, he should have had broken bones or been hit by a car. And he hadn't. It's not his fault. Why did they sell me the dog? The next day, he died. I don't forgive you, and I never will am, for telling me this story. That's heartbreaking. Why to the dog the next day he died i don't forgive you and i never will am for telling me this story that's heartbreaking why did the dog have to die did you want me to leave that out
Starting point is 00:41:31 i mean i mean no but i'm also mad about it i'll get over it but the poor baby dog so when anthony came back home after the second vet appointment he was recording it he had started actually like taking pictures of things at this point because there was just too many weird things going on yeah if a doll killed my dog i would fucking i would destroy it i don't care if it doesn't catch on fire i would throw in the ocean like that lady said. So he came home from the vet and basically like was cussing out Harold saying like, I know you did this. I know you did this. And then start filming the room. And there were hordes of flies.
Starting point is 00:42:16 Holy crap. Like hordes of flies. And he filmed it. Those are fat fucking flies. Yeah. And they came out of nowhere inside his house in his attic sick in his attic that he was standing in and he filmed it for a good couple minutes gigantic flies yep so that's the first picture that you're seeing like demonic right aren't flies kind of demonic no that's like the it's a sign that the devil's in your house yeah i'm like immediately looking around for god so in june vincent told him he needed to go to connecticut or at least
Starting point is 00:42:51 start heading that way so he was heading towards connecticut and made a pit stop in massachusetts where he met another medium that he knew and the media or he called he called one of the previous ones who he'd been working with and she said um you're going to find a man in a coffee house. You need to go with him and find the man that writes on paper. Very cryptic. This is getting real weird. So I've truly, okay, you get all this information for your true crime things because there are actual like evidence-based facts. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:21 For me, like it's never this detailed. So you get like a timeline. I am on a high right now yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah so he was like okay i need to find a man in a coffee house and then follow him to the man that writes on paper so he went to the nearest coffee shop and just waited all day and never saw a guy there or he like never saw a guy that he had like a like a feeling supposed to like a vibe that he needed to go over to right and uh so he ended up leaving then he walked across the street and there was a store that said paranormal 101 class so he went in and turns out harold wrote on a piece of construction paper and taped to the wall
Starting point is 00:43:57 yeah sounds about right um he went in and saw a guy and just knew he had to go talk to him oh god the man was in charge of the paranormal and just knew he had to go talk to him. Oh, God. The man was in charge of the Paranormal 101 class and invited him to come tomorrow to the class. So he went to the class where he met a student there named Ken, who did automatic writing. Ooh. Wait, question. Sorry, real quick. You said they were in Massachusetts.
Starting point is 00:44:19 Are they in Salem? No, they're not. Because I'm just like Paranormal 101. That's not a thing you usually stumble upon i like to tell myself in my like ignorance about that state that just massachusetts all of it is just happily like owning the stereotype of ghosts i guess so i feel like boston people were just kind of assholes and they're mass holes and there was never really like a it's either like they're really proud of the ghosts or like colonists or something oh sure okay um one or the other.
Starting point is 00:44:45 One or the other. Or both. Yeah. So he met the guy that writes on paper. Ken. Oh, okay. I get it. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:52 What was the coffee shop about? I think it was just like they knew that he would go to a coffee shop and then that would lead him. Okay. So he went to the coffee shop, met a man that he felt felt drawn to and then he followed him to the class where he met the guy that writes on paper got it okay so he decided to bring harold to the class because harold came with him on this trip like he was carrying him around for people to help get some answers i'm just seeing a guy walking around with a like a baby doll and being like can i have
Starting point is 00:45:22 a venti cappuccino and then he's like oh it's haunted and it's killed people don't look too closely don't judge me for my doll it's a weapon his name is harold which is a great name which is the best name so i'm gonna have a nosebleed like diverticulitis or something real or you'll see another painting just get thrown around yeah i'm done with that nonsense um so it's just too messed up uh he okay so he went to go talk to ken and showed him the doll and ken was doing automatic writing for him on the doll and immediately ken says he's telling me that not only is he a high level demon but he's danced with the devil himself the more anthony talked about the doll apparently the more powerful the dark energy in the room He's telling me that not only is he a high level demon, but he's danced with the devil himself. The more Anthony talked about the doll, apparently the more powerful the dark energy in the room became.
Starting point is 00:46:10 Oh, fuck. And the man that brought him, like, regretted it and was like, I don't like this. And, uh. Wait, wasn't that Anthony who brought him? No, the guy from the coffee shop brought Anthony. Oh, who brought him to the thing. Yeah. I think who brought it. Harold.
Starting point is 00:46:23 Okay, got it, got it, got it. So that. I was like, sorry I brought this guy with me. he was like it's it's paranormal 101 not 405 like you're an ap paranormal you're in the wrong class and um fuck dude and so he like regretted it and he could feel his dark energy that he didn't want there and so he called his friend who was actually a shaman healer okay and asked him you know wherever you are can you like mentally get in the zone and cast protection over this classroom and can you also remove the demon and the doll i need a friend like that can you just hey let me facetime you real quick real quick cast some protection jesus i love that and apparently um he said he could sense the doll and he knew that it was a
Starting point is 00:47:08 really really powerful demon and he would need a night or two to like really get himself in the zone to prepare for it so he was like give me 48 hours and i'll come back to you okay the teacher came back into the room and as he got into the room and hung up the phone with the shaman guy, he hears Ken, who's still automatically writing, say, the doll just told me finally someone worthy is coming to fight. Oh, no! Reminds me of the Princess Bride where he's like trying to find his opponent to... I know. Never mind. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:47:40 This is so fucked. So by the time the class ended, four different students had pounding headaches and had to leave early. And later that night, the teacher got a message from Anthony that the demon said it was going to kill Michael, the shaman guy. Listen, this poor class of paranormal 101ers. They're like, I just, I came for the free food. I didn't even mean it. They said they had Triscuits and a Ouija board. I didn't know any better.
Starting point is 00:48:04 So they ultimately did not fight the spirits in the doll thank god and anthony left for connecticut so that's the end of that part of the story but the students and the teacher um from that class actually still dealt with attachment issues uh for a few weeks after that and they had like a whole lot of bad luck if anyone ever uh said harold's name like their pets would like run away or like horrible things oh my god um so one medium that has been like a friend of anthony's for a long time apparently she tried to do a reading for him and then said like i want nothing to do with that doll and said it in front of harold since then she now suffers from bone spurs oh god has developed arthritis in her spine. And she has gotten degenerative disc disease.
Starting point is 00:48:46 Where something, like her discs are like falling apart. Degenerating. Kind of, yeah, uh-huh. Yep. And it's a disease. It's not funny. It's not funny. It's just funny how ignorant we are.
Starting point is 00:49:01 I know nothing about it except that it's really bad. Yeah, it sounds fucking awful. It's just more proof that like he for some reason causes back problems for people oh i forgot about the pattern of the back problems and apparently the degenerative the degenerate the degenerative disc disease that she got there it is only one percent of people with that disease get the kind that she got like the rarest form so he kept in touch with ken okay and was like hey do some more of that automatic writing right here is a little bit of an interview session all right i'm actually scared now okay they asked what is your name and uh the demon said you have to earn my name. No one wants to.
Starting point is 00:49:45 Then they said, we have encountered beings like you before. And he said, the demon said, there are no beings like me. Okay. And then they said, can you turn the lights on or off? Like to show us that you're there. And the demon said, do not make me perform. You won't like it. And then they said, how old are you?
Starting point is 00:50:07 And the demon said, what happened? Oh, no. Oh, no. No. He was pointing at the thing. It's going off. The EMF reader is going off. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:50:22 I turned it on a little while ago and I glanced at it every now and then, and nothing happened. And then she started pointing, and I thought it was about the computer going dark. Is something here right now? Is something here right now? I probably just scared away with my horse laugh. Or I just keep watching it. Okay, I don't know why. I saw it blink, too.
Starting point is 00:50:44 Yeah, it was all the way way up there was it all the way to run that's not good it was going up that's not good that's really not good to scooch the holy water i'm sorry i just put it all the way to run because i thought that's really not good something was definitely there okay great okay great well now let me finish this interview okay can we like dump this one no okay keep talking okay then it said then they asked how old are you i'm like nervous i know i'm sweating i don't know why i turned it on i just like they said how old they said how old are you and the demon said i was old when your world was young my story began when time started what yeah so it was like part of the fold of okay now i'm just drinking too much but like woof
Starting point is 00:51:36 white knuckling her wine we need everybody needs to sign waivers from now on. I just feel like I can't be responsible. All of a sudden we're becoming more and more like Zach Bagel and it's very weird. Everyone's getting degenerative back diseases and I don't want to be. Okay, don't laugh about that. I'm not laughing. I'm saying I don't want to be responsible for it.
Starting point is 00:51:59 Let's all hold hands and recite the Lord's prayer real quick. All right. No, no, no. Just keep, just let it be. It clearly knows how it works. So... I'm just trying to, like, make it stop. That's all.
Starting point is 00:52:12 As long as it's on, if it wants to talk, it'll make that thing go up. Alright. Now I'm all paranoid. Anyway, the demon said it was really old. Okay. Yep. Oh, there you go. So it agrees that the demon is really old?
Starting point is 00:52:32 Like, it, yes. It just blinked again. It does, oh god. Um, what the fuck? So the... Oh god, I'm doing the M laugh. It's like the nervous laugh i don't like it oh boy okay oh boy so the demons from the start of time is what you're saying great okay good so it's basically in the folds of good and evil has existed since the dawn of man yes i get it okay okay great so keep your eyes fuck me this thing is really freaking me out dude because one time when you did there it goes when
Starting point is 00:53:13 you did ptd she she who shall not be named uh it didn't go off once and we had it on for like the whole 40 minutes that you talked about her like it didn't go off one time because i was staring at it the whole time and is anyone getting texts because i'll do it usually oh probably i mean we're probably all getting texts sorry i actually am through my computer nope oh no what's happening it's freaking the fuck out it literally just blinked several times by itself did you just like no send a text or something no i received a few it wouldn't know it would have noticed oh no oh okay it's still going i don't think it's really freaking out it's really in like the last 20 seconds you get like three different messages no right yeah okay it's just like you let me just wait i want to make sure you can see it too i don't know how to make it
Starting point is 00:54:11 nope it's fine visible do you see it do you think that yeah unfortunately do you think that like walt has yeah maybe he's trying to help maybe this is like maybe walt's like dude shut the fuck up about this creepy stuff man i'm trying to wait ask walt's here i don't want to i don't want to do it i'm not gonna do it don't don't open communication don't open communication why walt's good walt is whatever is here and doing that might not be okay i don't want to open communication to anything that's not walt okay but don't open communication at all. Fine. No. Okay, fine. You're right, you're right, you're right. I, like, feel ill. Okay, alright,
Starting point is 00:54:48 okay. Jesus, okay. Jesus, Lord. Jesus, literally? Literally, Jesus, where are you? Okay. We're at the part, though, where, okay, we're just gonna skip over the part where a woman vomited blood when she watched the Ghost Adventure
Starting point is 00:55:04 show. Oh, fuck. And we're gonna going to skip over the part where a woman vomited blood when she watched the Ghost Adventure show. Oh, fuck. And we're going to go right into the part where we say, if anyone has ever felt attacked, they can contact Anthony, and he can usually make it stop by dousing the doll with holy water. Anthony, where are you? He actually gives out his email a couple times in his Facebook group. We should probably fucking call him immediately well also the entity and he said this himself in a in an interview the entity does respond to religious to religious requests so if someone does feel like they're being attacked my suggestion is pray so lord father in heaven eva your job is to pray now
Starting point is 00:55:40 i don't know if you knew that about your job description but apparently that's now something you say a few hail marys yeah it's like my background has prepared me um yeah are you baptized oh is she baptized are you kidding me let's like hang out with her a little more often i really need to go get baptized if we're gonna keep doing this show say are you baptized that's a real you're the only one in this room who's not oh get on it don't say that out loud yeah it's still blinking we'll go to the river you and i are taking you to the river to get baptized sure whatever it takes okay so also in an interview i said the word baptized i was like oh god did i make it mad um so in an interview anthony said when discussing like him actually owning the doll,
Starting point is 00:56:27 I not only feel unsafe, I know I'm not safe. There are three souls trapped inside this doll and it's fallen on me to figure out a way to release them. Trapped isn't a good word. They're being held prisoner by one of the entities. Um, then he also said in the same interview interview i know the name of the non-human entity in this doll it's identified in the bible as the prince of hell what the fuck dude i know the name of the one who calls himself harold because there actually is the the spirit himself
Starting point is 00:57:00 not calls himself harold seriously wow like the demonic spirit yeah okay or the well one of the spirits that oh the one of the people that used to be a human oh like the trapped spirit i know the name of the one who calls himself harold i know his real name and i have even acquired photos of him when he was alive how he died and the address he lived at when he died what just because of all of this help he got from all of these mediums and information yeah so he like over time actually figured it out and he was able to figure out who these people were because he so many people were sending in like sketches of like visions that they were having and like something was like coming to them and they would see it and they would draw pictures and over time like he just pulled them together and was able to confirm when he saw pictures like oh that's him like you're right that's right right um vincent is drawing pictures and oh it's so
Starting point is 00:57:50 creepy yep yeah when do i get to vincent drawings i'll show you oh later okay he also said i don't know how to release the three children spirits that are attached to the doll that's the only reason i'm still doing this when i figure it out i will be done with the whole thing oh that's good did it just blink a lot mother of god this is really creeping me out dude i'm not kidding right now this is really spooking me i'm really freaking losing its mind i swear to god you guys we have this thing on like sometimes we'll just turn it on for fun when m's telling their story and like just let it go and And, like, it doesn't do anything. It's never worked until now. I've never even seen it blink before.
Starting point is 00:58:30 I, like, one time Em was like, oh, a lot of times if you, like, move your phone around it. So I would test it and, like, move my phone. And I was like, it's broken. It never moves. It never blinks. It never does anything. I keep making sure I don't have text. When Eva was pointing, it went all the way up
Starting point is 00:58:46 what was i saying you know and it had actually it had done it once before that too yeah i was trying to watch it to just be like i didn't just be right right right see that like yeah imagine it it was mostly when you're talking about how old it was when you were reading the interview when reading the like the automatic writing thing that was when I was like started when he was like pointing because you were saying like, oh, when I was saying there are no beings like me. That's when it's when it was going. And then you were like, oh, I'm from the beginning of time. And then it started. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:59:18 Like a.k.a. the fucking creepiest part of this entire fucking story. Yeah. Oh, no. Yeah. It it's great christine i think i'm gonna hang out here after a while zach but i don't really i'm gonna hang out at your place without power for a while because fuck this zach bagel bites needs to show up and fix it because i can't okay all right so three years ago anth Anthony started creating vlogs about this, where he actually started posting the videos that he was taking of like things that were happening that were really weird, like the flies. The flies.
Starting point is 00:59:53 Sure. Okay. And he called them haunted Harold vlogs. Haunted Harold. I hope they have like a theme song. No, they don't. No. But if you ever do go watch it i will warn you his voice is not
Starting point is 01:00:05 what you expected to be i like he started speaking and i was like anthony or harold anthony oh but it's like what do you mean like his voice just was not what i was expecting to come out of him what were you expecting like a different sounding voice had you like seen pictures of him or anything yeah oh well i haven't so i don't know what oh i would expect from him well if you saw a video of him before he started speaking and then like he said hi don't know what oh i would expect from him well if you saw a video of him before he started speaking and then like he said hi this is anthony oh i see okay because it's right okay i get what you're saying he just doesn't sound like he looks right but so this was like the smartest like he just like documented the hell out of it and like not only did he start
Starting point is 01:00:39 doing vlogs but he also started doing blogs and his blog posts are like, there's hundreds of posts of him giving updates about like people who have been, who have felt experiences or like just, I mean, it's just the, it's so well documented. It's like he never did anything else. He just gave people updates all,
Starting point is 01:00:56 all day, every day. He would also do spirit box sessions with the doll. He would do flashlight sessions, which is really creepy because like he would be thinking a question and it wouldn't have he wouldn't have said it out loud yet and it would start the flashlight would turn on and he would have to tell them like stop answering my thoughts if i don't verbally say it you have to wait but they were like so eager to talk to him and did it just blink? No, I'm like eager to talk. Oh, you made a face.
Starting point is 01:01:25 And so Anthony rather quickly into like posting all these things. He was getting so much information from people, especially Vincent. And he said he was this is like way early in the beginning. But I found the video where he said he was going to commit to helping the spirits leave the doll because Vincent and the mediums he knew were putting together too many pieces. And he didn't want to say no to helpless souls. So he also made the blog that was even more information than the vlogs were. And that was a lot. Yeah. And one of the things he would do on his YouTube page is he was, he would upload videos of people giving their testimonies of things that they experienced when they encountered Harold. Sure sure so these are some of the different things that happened there was one woman who woke up and heard a little boy's voice calling out her name
Starting point is 01:02:10 downstairs oh great that's like my fucking nightmare i don't know that's the worst thing you could say right now that's the worst and then the next night she woke up to a woman screaming her name jesus maybe that's worse i can't decide uh and she was apparently very intimidating and scary and the little boy wasn't scary and then the next morning she woke up to something moving on her bed but she thought it was her cat so she moved over to give that room and then she heard the boy from the night before next to her on the bed say i always get in trouble i always get in trouble. I always get blamed. What? And so when she looked up to see who was there, it was just Harold the doll's face inches from her face floating there.
Starting point is 01:02:55 Get out of here, Em. Then a week goes by, and while she's cooking, in her ear, she hears an evil voice say, it's personal this time. And then made her ear, like, the feeling of, like, falling asleep. So she so she was like scratching at her ear trying to like get the voice out wait what the feeling of what do you mean like like you know when your foot falls asleep oh it made her ear fall asleep basically um i shouldn't laugh it's not funny oh god don't help me then there was a man named larry who watched the ghost adventures episode and it made him go check out the facebook page and he saw anthony was on there and he wrote out that if you ever want help on an investigation
Starting point is 01:03:28 let me know and so Larry that night he closed his eyes and he saw a vision of faces swirling around him the first was a lady and the second was a little boy then the other face he saw was a very scary guy with burns and a smirk and you could sense his hatred and there were two more faces that never showed themselves which confirms the five spirits oh creepy and the woman reached out like she was reaching out for help but then he heard a growl and saw the man pull the woman back and his hands had claws on them and i have a picture of that what do you mean you have a picture of that i have a picture of his rendition or something he had a sketch artist draw the faces he described the faces dude and this is what he saw oh my god oh my god. Oh my god. And so that's...
Starting point is 01:04:25 Oh my god! That's horrifying, Em! And then this is the little boy he saw, and that's the girl he saw. And apparently, anyone who's had visions of these people have seen these people. You're giving me hives. I can't handle this. Um, so that was one. So then we gotta say we're gonna post those photos right yeah okay we will
Starting point is 01:04:46 post we will post the photos okay we'll post the photos on instagram one last guy his name was sean and he also offered to help anthony and remember this thing doesn't like people helping oh yeah um and so him and his wife ended up starting to see a spirit disguised as their kids he would see his daughter walk out the door and then turn around and she was on the ground playing with her toys he would see his son walking up the stairs and then find him downstairs on the couch even doppelganger shit and it started to follow them because even in public roxanne his wife saw her husband on the other side of the bar while he was sitting next to her holding her hand that's like manipulative demonic shit they also started seeing doorknobs move on their own and they could sense a mean female presence at the top of the stairs in the
Starting point is 01:05:30 middle of the night so through meeting connections and mediums and following all vincent's clues anthony compared his photos to like the photos that he had gotten of like the real herald when he was alive yeah he compared them to the sketches and paintings that people were sending him from all around the world. And they were all creepily accurate. And Anthony said, I want the evidence to be airtight before I reveal their true identities. If I ever do.
Starting point is 01:05:57 So he like was sticking to his guns on like never revealing their names. Cause he didn't want to like give that information out. Sure. And Anthony at one point had even been offered up to $50,000 for the doll, but he had this guilt complex of like, I need to help whatever's going on in this doll. Oh God. And so he never was willing to sell it. So Larry, the guy that had that sketch drawn, right. He wrote him again one day saying that he had this weird thing happen to him where he was reading his Bible and he left it open to go pick up his son. And when he came back,
Starting point is 01:06:30 the Bible was on a totally different chapter. It was on Revelations nine. Oh no. Revelations. Eve and I are like, oh, and he couldn't, for some reason he like could not read it. Like the word, like his eyes were just fixated on one word and he couldn't get out of his head. And it was the name Abaddon. Thank God that didn't work. I was about, I looked immediately at it too. He didn't know why, but he felt like he needed to talk to Anthony about it. And Anthony called him and was like, why did you say that name?
Starting point is 01:07:03 Because he hasn't ever told, he hasn't ever revealed any names to anyone. He's like, why did you say that name? Because he hasn't ever told, he hasn't ever revealed any names to anyone. He's like, why did you say that name? But so he basically, Anthony then showed Larry a picture that Vincent drew one night when Anthony had a panic attack. Which I will show you. Oh, Vincent, this poor child. So the reason that Anthony knows the name of this demon is because of Vincent. Oh. And it was one of the very first pictures that Anthony ever or that Vincent ever drew him.
Starting point is 01:07:33 And one night Anthony was having a panic attack. And then all of a sudden Vincent's mom sent him a picture saying like Vincent said that you needed to see this while he was having the panic attack. So I like that being like, you need to see this while he was having the panic attack so you mentioned having a child like that being like you need to show this to anthony i would always feel in so much danger and so safe at the same time because if he says nothing's there he knows everything but also like he has access to some creepy fucking shit so basically larry said i heard i saw this name in the bible and i can't stop thinking about it i need to talk to you about it anthony said years ago i had a panic attack and then when i came to i saw my phone and this picture had been sent to me and vincent sent this picture
Starting point is 01:08:12 of something going through his heart like a panic attack oh god and it looks like a grim reaper right there his chest like a and then this was the other side oh my god it's a big black blob and it's the name abaddon and then it also says apollyon or i don't know how to pronounce it but it's the the hebrew and the greek version of the same name apollyon and also i'm just gonna say real quick that's like written you guys in like children's handwriting which obviously makes it creepy but even knowing that like a kid wrote it but then just picture that like it's a child's drawing oh my god with a thing through his chest but so like he's that's how he found out what the name was because this name got drawn next to a giant black blob so you're saying the one on the Apollyon is Greek?
Starting point is 01:09:07 It's the same person. It's just like the Hebrew name versus the Greek name. Oh, my God. So. Oh, my. Oh, my. Oh, my God. So Abaddon was.
Starting point is 01:09:16 That's how they found out that was his name. And he is also known as the king of an army of locusts. He's also known as the destroyer. He's also known as angel of the abyss and the angel of the bottomless pit. So all really good, good, fun spirited names. So while Anthony was like, this is in 2016 at this point. Um, so he's been like traveling the world for three years trying to figure out what's going on with this doll. And he's met all these people and he's been recording all these things and putting it all over his YouTube and posting all these blogs. Like he's dedicated to this full time job.
Starting point is 01:09:52 Right. So in 2016, he had been thinking like, I don't know if I should release the names. Like maybe that'll help give people information. Like, should I say the name? Should I tell everyone? It's been years. like should i say the name should i tell everyone it's been years and when larry called that was his sign of like i'm gonna tell everyone the name because people are figuring it out on their own now it's being yeah so he revealed everyone's names in 2016 the girl in the picture her name
Starting point is 01:10:16 is elsie the little boy in the picture is actually a little girl named marjorie. She just has a bowl cut. And the scary man is Harold. And getting chills again. Holy shit. It's very, very wild, but on the Haunted Harold blogs on YouTube, he does he took that sketch that Larry had drawn up, and he printed out
Starting point is 01:10:40 each individual face and put a flashlight on each one, and he does the flashlight interviews by having each of them light up different lights at different times. it out each individual face and put a flashlight on each one and he does the flashlight interviews by having each of them light up different lights at different times. What in the fuck? To be like, each one is... So like, if one of them, if one of the flashlights lights up, he knows who's talking.
Starting point is 01:10:56 Oh my god. Or he can ask specific questions to specific people. So basically he began doing these filmed flashlight episodes which you can find on his YouTube. Or you can also go to for his blog. Okay. And so he kept following the clues and mainly through Vincent and Mediums.
Starting point is 01:11:16 He basically, very shortly after releasing the names and doing these episodes, he in uh following the clues all the way to brisbane australia and that is where he filmed his last video because this is where it gets happy last year on february 22nd which is my lucky day 222 he posted his final haunted herald vlog called it is done and in the video anthony says that he and the team in australia have successfully He posted his final haunted Harold vlog called It Is Done. And in the video, Anthony says that he and a team in Australia have successfully released the spirits from a doll. All except for Harold, the spirit of Harold, who refused to leave because he would not leave the one that he served, which is a bad one. Oh, wait, what? Apparently he was like his minion and doing all the bad things on behalf so he stayed in the doll as like the evil spirit yeah and everyone else was released all the good people
Starting point is 01:12:11 the way it was described is that basically all the good spirits were in a prison and it was monitored by harold who was doing all these horrible things control okay got it got it got it and anthony still does some interviews about his experience with the doll, but his new goal was to get back to himself after the years he spent obsessing over the doll. And like I said at the beginning of this episode, as I was finishing up these notes, I felt violently ill. And then I came back in here and that painting lifted itself off the nail and dropped to the ground. What makes me upset is that it's a painting of Gio.
Starting point is 01:12:42 And I don't like the thought of that. I didn't think of that. Great. Great. Good timing. Nope. And you know what's funny? Before you got here, so I rearranged the studio space a lot this week.
Starting point is 01:12:55 And before you got here, I was like, you know what? I'm going to hang that painting of Gio back up there and put it back on its nail where it's been for many, many weeks and months. And I was like, that's the one thing i need to put back where it belongs and then you show up and it fucking flies off the wall so thanks anyway oh my god i don't that was a wild ride i feel like we're back in the first week of this podcast where i was like what did i get myself into i feel like i know i i know my whole part was like easily an hour long. I'm so sorry that it's so long. I apologize.
Starting point is 01:13:30 I'm scared shitless. I'm also sorry for whatever is about to happen. I'm scared shitless. Everyone, please just be extra safe. Because I've never been freaked out before. It's freaking out again. Is it? Yep.
Starting point is 01:13:40 A little bit. A little tiny bit. It's not the same. Like earlier when you first were reading or talking about the automatic writing it was uh it was going all the way to the high levels of the it's an emf reader right yeah it was going all the way up to the right i just remember eva going like and i thought she was pointing at the screen i was like okay i'm sorry the screensaver is going on nope there's a demon here. Thanks, Eva.
Starting point is 01:14:08 Thank God that did not light up when you said that. Oh, can you imagine? If it, oh, no. My guardian angel's here. No, they're not here either. Okay. No one's here. Okay.
Starting point is 01:14:21 Well, that was fucking terrifying. Oh my God. It's great. Really fucking fantastic. You know what? Hopefully that's the only time that ever happens though knock on wood okay i need a sour patch okay please eat your sour i'm so scared before i start my story um eva forwarded me an email from uh someone who said i think they were a medium right yeah yeah yeah if you could that'd be really great because i don't remember their name but they say don't turn on the emf detector during this story
Starting point is 01:14:50 yep surprise insert curb your enthusiasm theme song no uh they said they were like oh here's a suggestion for a topic by the way when i was listening to your last episode, I felt the presence of like a grandpa or father figure who was, well, first, is it like Catholic and didn't like your topics? And I'm like, Oh, my, my old buzz here. Oh, no. But then Oh, thank you, Eva. Okay, I'll just read to you. Okay. Oh, it's a nice laptop. Okay. Um, I happen to be a medium. Oh, this is from Anastasia. I happen to be a medium. Oh, this is from Anastasia. I happen to be a medium. And during your last episode, that was actually, there was actually a male president. Male president.
Starting point is 01:15:32 Yep. Obama's husband. Obama was here. Jesus. There was actually a male presence from one of your guys' lives. It's a parental figure, so either grandfather or so. Very Catholic, very religious. And so, of course, at this point, I'm i'm like oh it is my grandfather clearly yeah but then it says highly dislikes your topics and i'm like check uh and then it says not a very happy person check but then it says has a slightly abnormal
Starting point is 01:15:57 obsession with bigfoot and then i laughed out loud because i was like i don't think my grandfather even he's from austria he doesn't know what the fuck that is um so i don't know if you have any connection to that and then i thought maybe it's walt i don't know like oh maybe maybe like i couldn't because i was just telling em like how i i always get the sense that wall is kind of like curmudgeon-y and like doesn't want to be did it really yeah oh god i always get the sense like he doesn't want to be like you know the ghost of the house but he's just kind of there with with his dog gape uh he was a taller gentleman broad-shouldered curly hair somewhat of a stereotypical redneck meaning he's got some country habits including hunting um which you've had a previous disagreement about or possibly your mother he's a relatively
Starting point is 01:16:42 strong spirit because he died unexpectedly about 17 to 20 years ago so anyway every time i read it i get chills and i don't know like who that is thank you and thank you anastasia for sending that but that the only thing that connects there is for me is that my grandpa died 20 years ago but he did not look like that he did not he wasn't like a redneck bigfoot no he was like quite the Jewish grandfather right he looked like Boris from the Rugrats like he was like Boris in in appearance and sound so I'm trying to think his my grandfather was like a German Catholic like World War II vet who just didn't even like wouldn't even know what Bigfoot was so I'm like is it your grandpa oh god maybe i think of that do you have a redneck grandpa from virginia i don't know it didn't say virginia though it just said yeah but i'm imagining like at least she's
Starting point is 01:17:34 southern she's from virginia yeah i did have one grandfather definitely wasn't he was a psychiatrist and it was not very redneck but he did live in Virginia. He was in Alexandria. Did he, like, Bigfoot? No, that's a really good question. I can't. Did he die 20 years ago? No, I think he died more than 20 years ago. Well, actually, it might have been around 20 years ago, to be honest. It's someone.
Starting point is 01:17:57 It's someone. The only grandparent that has ever passed away is my grandpa, and he is very much like Tony Soprano, but like 50 years in the future. You know what I mean? Of Soprano, not 50 years in the future of now. No, no, no. Because I'm like, he is a hoverboard. No, he's just like a big burly like... Right, right, right.
Starting point is 01:18:20 I got you. Yeah. I'm trying to think because like my step grandparents, my step grandpa died about 20 years ago, but he was like, and he liked hunting, but in the way that he was a, um, country club, like Fox and Hound. He was like, he liked ski shoot and all that. Correct. Um, he was like the founding member of the country club. My stepmother is a member. So it wasn't really the same of like bigfoot but i mean i maybe i don't know but um he died about 20 years ago but i don't know it's interesting i mean maybe it's my ghost time traveling it's just m holy shit that makes so much sense but i
Starting point is 01:18:59 love actually i remember when he was forwarded that and i got like legitimate and we get like some of those messages sometimes of like oh i, I had a dream that this happened. And, you know, it's like, oh, interesting. But like this one really got to me. And I think it was because I read like grandfather figure Catholic died about 20 years ago and really dislikes your topics. And I'm just like, that's my fucking grandpa, which is weird because I know if my grandpa were here and I do definitely feel him like when like we do like shows and all that. And so in my head, I'm just like, that's exactly right. But like, I don't think he knew what Bigfoot was. I mean, I'll ask my dad, but I just thought that was kind of creepy and weird. And he's also extremely Catholic. And since I'm getting married, I have this weird guilt
Starting point is 01:19:57 complex about it. Cause I'm like, he would, cause I'm not having a Catholic wedding and like, he would fucking lose his mind. So I don't know. Who knows? But anyway, I thought that was a little bit interesting and I meant to ask you about it to see if your grandpa had a Bigfoot. Nope. That's the one missing piece. Maybe I'll look around and see what we can find. Sounds good. And maybe, Eva, if you find out if any of your relatives have a Bigfoot.
Starting point is 01:20:18 Interest. That was a good point. Like, maybe it's somebody else in the house. I don't know. I'll ask Blaze, too. His grandpa died oh but only a few years ago okay so how long is it here we go how long is it we're at 140 oh holy shit i'm sorry guys no it's fine um i'm sorry in advance and eva we owe you like overtime probably okay uh this is uh this is one that i've been saving and i'm pretty excited for it what is it it's the zodiac killer no way we are coming with the hits today i know earlier
Starting point is 01:20:56 this week i was like i'm gonna pick a big story and um then when i'm showed up and was like i got an exciting one i was like oh god we both had the brainwave, the Gemini brainwave. Because earlier this week, I started listening to podcasts. Like, when I prepare for an episode, I listen to, like, every podcast I can on, like, that topic throughout the day while I'm, like, grocery shopping or doing whatever to just, like, get it in my head. And then I go home and, like, do the research and try to, like, remember facts that I learned. Anyway, so this is the zodiac killer all right eva's fist bumping yeah better than pointing off the emf detector yeah that's true of all the like eva gestures this is the best one right besides it went all the way to red
Starting point is 01:21:40 fuck let's stop talking about eva or she's gonna be haunted actually my favorite eva gesture is when she like reaches for the box of wine really subtly i just want to get what if i just am a ghost and you're just like i'm not real every time you talk about eva just like it's like yep it's like oh is that your ego coming out it's like yeah my favorite eva gesture is like it did just flip again oh god i got i did this i got too much sorry no i've been doing this the whole time do not really does it like eva is that the thing that's happening maybe no don't do that don't don't coax it all right no i'm not i'm like following eva around it's like okay but really i quit eva grabs the holy water just
Starting point is 01:22:24 kidding that's my favorite gesture when ev Eva grabs the holy water off the table. That's my favorite Eva gesture. Holy water in one hand and wine in the other. And then maybe grab a Sour Patch Kid while you're at it. And it worked again just now. Great. You just get going. Okay.
Starting point is 01:22:39 Yeah. I don't know whether it's better or worse that I'm talking about a serial killer and it's blipping. Like, I don't know if that's better or worse than, like, a demonic doll. Better than coaxing a demon i mean i guess probably but this guy seems kind of like a demon so this is the story of the zodiac killer all right so i'm just gonna give you kind of a timeline because that's the best way that i can like no by all means break it down into a story i enjoy chronology since when okay great i'm just gonna go i mean i technology. Since when? Okay, great. I mean, I don't practice it often in my stories, but I appreciate it when you do. Okay. Okay, I'll take it. So on December 20 1968. This is when the
Starting point is 01:23:14 story begins. Unlike Herman Road in Benicia, California, which is near the Bay Area in San Francisco. Oh, you just got an email. Oh, I think we all just got an email, which is probably why I just panicked. Okay. Who emailed us? Tomato. Hello from New Orleans. Tori, god damn it.
Starting point is 01:23:37 Well, hello from hell. Fuck you. Just write fuck you and then block them. Okay. So the story begins december 20th 1968 lake 68 lake herman road benicia california which is near the san francisco bay area two high school students named betty lou jensen which is sounds like to me the name that you would make up for a character in the 60s who was in high school. Yeah. Betty Lou Jensen and David Faraday. They're on a first date.
Starting point is 01:24:07 They are planning on attending the high school's Christmas concert, but instead they skip the concert and drive out to Lover's Lane. Wow. Back when Lover's Lanes were a thing. Right. It was a Lover's Lane in the area, and they wanted to do some smooching. So around 11 p.mpm they are in their car on Lovers Lane, you know,
Starting point is 01:24:28 necking. Doing the preamble. Doing the preamble. It's almost amblin, if you know what I mean. They're amblin. They're preamblin. Scrambling for an amblin. All the demons were like, we're out of here. Fuck this. Hopefully our puns actually save us in the afterlife that might be kind of nice maybe that's the key yeah so as they're like preambling around in the car another car pulls up next to
Starting point is 01:24:56 them a man exits this car the second car and walks toward the couple ordering ordering them to get out of the car betty lou gets out first, and as David exits the car, the mysterious man pulls out a gun and shoots him in the head. Betty Lou starts to run away, but the killer guns her down only 28 feet from the car, shooting her five times in the back. Oh, my God. Yeah, and then the killer just gets in his car and drives away.
Starting point is 01:25:24 So police arrive a couple hours later find their bodies but there is no trace of the killer and they are not able to create any leads off of this so that was in december so in july specifically july 4th 1969 the year gap was founded by the way oh not like the the moon landing oh well i just every time when it was like gap gap 1969 i was like hot 69 because i was you know yeah i mean we all got our things a child right okay delete this no no i'm down with 69 everybody today i literally saw 69 as the temperature outside and i was like oh my favorite favorite weather there's no way it was fucking 69 it was this morning seriously yeah oh wow i wish okay so july 4th 1969 more than six months later um a couple named michael mago and darlene farren drive into the blue rock springs park in vallejo four miles away from the original murder site so they park they're parked in darlene's car
Starting point is 01:26:25 and they're i don't know what they're doing but they're parked in the car and they're at a park and they're like preambling preambling around preambling doing the preamble doing the preamble when a second car pulls up next to them and they're kind of like who is that and she's kind of questioning like who could that be and he's like oh don't worry about it and she's like well it's weird like why would they pull up right next to us and the car drives away yeah so they're like that's kind of weird but whatever they go back to their like canoodling or preambling or whatever the hell they're doing and 10 minutes later the same car reappears this This time it parks behind them. And the driver gets out of the car and approaches the passenger side of the car with a flashlight and a gun.
Starting point is 01:27:13 Oh, shit. He shines a flashlight directly into the window at Michael's face and is just like they can't even see because it's like a really powerful flashlight. And he's just shining it directly in their face. And then he shoots them five times. because it's like a really powerful flashlight, and he's just shining it directly in their face, and then he shoots them five times. Several of the bullets pass through Michael and into Darlene through his body. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:27:31 And then the killer walks away. But as he's getting back into his car, he hears Michael moaning. He's still alive. So he walks back to the car and shoots each of them two more times to make sure they're dead, and then drives off.
Starting point is 01:27:44 So that night at 12 40 a.m a couple hours later the vallejo police department receives a mysterious phone call and the man who's calling um on the other end of the line reports that he's responsible for the attack and he gives a location of the bodies the police are able to trace the call and they trace it back to a phone booth at a gas station that's three tenths of a mile from darlene's house so one of the victims okay and it's only a few blocks away from the police station where they received the call so it's like right down the street darlene was pronounced dead at the hospital but miraculously michael survived despite being
Starting point is 01:28:22 shot in the face neck neck, and chest. So he was able to give a description of the attacker to the police because he was conscious enough to do so. So he said the attacker was 26 to 30 years old, 195 to 200 pounds, maybe more. A 5'8 white male with short, light brown curly hair. And after giving that description, the police just still had no idea where to go from there so about a month later on august 1st 1969 the vallejo times herald the san francisco chronicle and a san francisco examiner received three nearly identical letters and a psychiatrist examined them and said they seem to have been written by someone you would expect to be brooding and isolated and they were written by the killer so the the killer took credit for both the lake herman road shootings and the blue rock springs shootings and each letter also included one third
Starting point is 01:29:20 of a 408 symbol cryptogram which the killer claimed contained his identity so he basically said if you crack this you will have me ew yeah um so the killer who was not a great speller by the way or great at the english language in general uh demanded that the letters that he wrote be printed on each newspaper's front page or he would cruise around all weekend killing lone people in the night until he ended up with a dozen people dead over the weekend oh my god so he was like not fucking around and so the chronicle decided not to do that and instead they just published the cryptogram itself like the basically like a riddle like a i don't know the best way to put it like a cryptogram it was like symbols that like weren't that were supposed to
Starting point is 01:30:08 be associated with letters and you have to figure out the puzzle right so they published this cryptogram on page four of the next day's newspaper not on the front page so none of them published this cryptogram on the front page but the chronicle published it on page four alongside an article quoting police chief jack e stiltz saying, we're not satisfied that the letter was actually written by the murderer. And he requested more proof that the letter was actually from the murderer himself. So even though they didn't run these letters on the front page, the murders that he threatened didn't actually happen thank god so on august 7th 1969 another letter was received at the san francisco examiner and it started with dear editor this is the zodiac speaking and that was the first time he identified himself so basically he named himself the zodiac
Starting point is 01:30:59 like a lot of times these serial killers guys covered in ego huh he is just balls to the wall like i matter so much yeah it's not even funny yeah and um i feel like a lot of the times these serial killers get names from like the press or like um like they'll name them but he named himself so good for him yeah so to prove that it was really him theodiac included details about the murders that hadn't been released to the public yet. And the next day, a couple named Donald and Betty Hardin of Salinas, California, both school teachers, cracked the cryptogram. So they spent all weekend, the two of them. They were like retired school teachers and spent all weekend working on this puzzle together. What a date.
Starting point is 01:31:49 What a date. And they cracked it really yes and i just love to think about them sitting at home with like their coffees and like their sunroom like trying to crack the puzzle it's just my favorite that would be us on a date a thousand percent we'd be like bye blaze and allison we have plans and then we'd sit in the sunroom and drink coffee and just like crack crack a case serial killer cryptograms. So they did this and they were the only ones to do it. Wow. Which is pretty amazing. And I love that they were school teachers.
Starting point is 01:32:12 It's like, oh, yeah. Just another thing that education can do for you. Yeah, don't fucking underestimate us. So this is what the cryptogram said that they solved. And by the way, there's a lot of misspellings in here, which made it even more difficult to solve because like had wrong letters and shit right yeah so it said oh and apparently the way they did it was they were like we imagine it starts with i because like he's narcissistic so they took the first symbol and we're like that's probably an eye so just playing hangman by themselves yes yeah exactly and which is just so fun for a married couple like i hope that's what marriage
Starting point is 01:32:46 is really like oh cool well let me know come october 14th i'm all starry-eyed like maybe this is how we'll live our lives and then they said like obviously the double letters they would find matching symbols and be like these are probably killing right Okay. So this is what the cryptogram said. I like killing people. So clearly they were onto something. I like killing people because it is so much fun. It is more fun than killing wild game in the forest because man is the most dangerous animal of all to kill. Something gives me the most thrilling experience. It is even better than getting your rocks off with a girl.
Starting point is 01:33:24 The best part of it is that when I die, I will be reborn in paradise. Wow. afterlife and then there were 18 letters just in one big long string and no one has been able to crack what those 18 letters are it's just like a like a totally different symbols jumble of letters the way that they match them to the rest of the puzzle it's like e-b-e-o-r-i-t-e-n acronym or something maybe completely it's like 18 letters long so nobody really knows if that's anything at all maybe it's like initials of all the victims or something oh maybe maybe um so they have not been able to figure that out so the following month on september 27th 1969 two students at pacific union college were picnicking at late bear at lake at Lake Berryessa. A white man, 5'11", weighing around 170 pounds with combed greasy brown hair,
Starting point is 01:34:30 approached them. He's wearing a black executioner style hood with clip-on sunglasses over the eye holes. I can't handle that. I refuse. Talk about Dwight Schrute, man. Oh my god. And a bib-like device on his chest that featured a symbol, three by three inches.
Starting point is 01:34:49 It's a cross circle symbol that you've probably seen. It's like a circle with a cross in it. Like it looks like a target. No. No. Oh. Like you would shoot like an archery target? Maybe.
Starting point is 01:35:03 It's like the Zodiac symbol. It's like a circle with a cross in it. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. I don't know what target shooting you're doing. Oh, looks like a target in my mind. Isn't target like a bullseye?
Starting point is 01:35:15 Well, like sometimes it's... Is there a cross? I don't know. I know what you're talking about. Listen, you're from Virginia. I don't know. I don't know anything. I'm going to go look.
Starting point is 01:35:23 Yeah. Thank you. Okay. Yeah. All right. Okay. So it looks like the crosshairs of a gun if that's what you're saying yeah okay yes that's what i was thinking crosshairs yes so it's thank you we were on the same page we were on the same page yes you're right so it's like shooting like a circle with a cross in it yes exactly i feel like people have probably seen it especially because it's creepy when it's drawn like it looks kind of like shaky it's just fucking creepy so anyway this guy has this symbol on his chest and he has an executioner hood with sunglasses clipped on over it like it's just beyond anything um and he approaches them holding a gun and he claims to be an escaped
Starting point is 01:36:03 convict and he said he had killed a guard and stolen a car and now needs their car and money so he can flee to Mexico so he had also brought pre-cut lengths of plastic clothesline and he gives them to Cecilia and tells her to tie up Brian before he ties her up then he checks and he realizes they haven't tight she hasn't tightened them enough so he tightens brian's bonds and then instead of robbing them like they expected he pulls a knife out oh my god and brian this is really fucked up brian asked that uh this guy kill him first because he doesn't want to watch cecil suffer. So the man stabs Cecilia 10 times with the knife, then turns and stabs Brian six times,
Starting point is 01:36:52 then hiked 500 yards back up to the road to, uh, Brian's car, then takes a like Sharpie and draws this symbol, this like circle with a cross in it on his car and on like the door and then he writes the dates and times of all the previous murders underneath it with a sharpie on the car and then at 7 40 p.m the killer calls the napa county sheriff's office from a pay phone to report the crime and says he wishes to report a murder,
Starting point is 01:37:27 quote, no, a double murder, and then states that he was the one who did it. Then when they went to investigate, they found the phone still off the hook at a Napa car wash on Main Street, and it was only a few blocks from the sheriff's office. So again, he was like right in front of the sheriff's office so he again he was like right in front of the sheriff's office calling basically taunting them that's so wild being like i did it
Starting point is 01:37:50 detectives were able to lift a still wet palm print from the telephone but were never able to match it to any suspect so back at the lake a man and his son are fishing and they start hearing screams for help so they discover cecilia and brian tied up and stabbed multiple times and they're still alive yep screaming for help oh my god and they call park rangers so when the rangers come cecilia is still conscious brian's not and when they talk to cecilia as they're trying to get her in the ambulance stuff she starts giving them a description of the attacker which is when they get the um information about like he had a mask on and he had the glasses and the symbol like that's when they get all this information so she's able to give them that thank god but unfortunately on the way to the hospital she's she lapses into a coma
Starting point is 01:38:40 and she never wakes up oh my god and she dies two days later so she was fortunately able to stay awake long enough to give a description yeah while brian was unconscious to like did brian survive um so brian survives oh my god yeah so he's unconscious this whole time but he survives after like six stab wounds and is able to give more information to the press after like the initial information from cecilia so only two weeks later on october 11th 1969 a passenger enters a cab driven by a man named paul stein at the intersection of mason and gary streets in san francisco and he requests to be taken to washington and maple in presidio heights and as as Paul drives the car, the passenger pulls out a gun, shoots Stein in the back of the head,
Starting point is 01:39:29 takes his wallet and car keys, and then tears away a section of his bloodstained shirt, like his shirt tail, his button-down shirt. Three teenagers across the street witness the whole thing, and they call the police while the crime is happening. Like, while it's in progress, they're watching this happen, and they call the police while the crime is happening like while it's in progress they're watching this happen and they say we see this guy he's wiping down the cab
Starting point is 01:39:50 he's walking away toward the presidio like we see where he's going so the police obviously are like on their way and as they head to the scene they see a white man walking along the sidewalk and stepping into a stairway and they kind of talk to him for a second and then they move on and although the teens had described the man as an adult white male just like they had seen walking down the street and stepping into a stairwell the radio dispatcher apparently said to be on the lookout for a black suspect of course so the police did not bother to look into the man that they saw on the side of the road any further. So they are saying we need to look out for a black suspect who attacked this man in the cab.
Starting point is 01:40:36 And the white teens are basically saying, no, like he was we all saw him. He was a white middle aged like 30 year old man. So after the teens give this sketch. Oh, and by the way, the police at this point say like, no, we never stopped anybody. We never talked to anyone on the side of the road. Like we just went straight to the scene. Just remember that. So these teens give a sketch or give like a description and the first composite sketch is made of this killer. Giovanni, God damn it.
Starting point is 01:41:02 I don't know what his deal is. Giovanni. God damn it. I don't know what his deal is. So over the next few years, the San Francisco Police Department would investigate an estimated 2,500 suspects. Oh my god. All to no avail. And on October 14th,
Starting point is 01:41:15 1969, the Chronicle received another letter from the Zodiac, and alongside it was a swath of Paul Stein's shirt. His bloody shirt. Oh, and it's going off. Oh, good heavens. Help us all. It went to yellow.
Starting point is 01:41:30 Paul, I'm sorry. Multiple times. I'm sorry that this happened to you. I truly am because woof. Is this a rough story? So he sent a piece of the shirt to be like, oh, it's me. And he also included a demand. Okay. What's the demand? Um, so he sent a piece of the shirt to be like, oh, it's me. Mm-hmm. And he also included a demand.
Starting point is 01:41:48 Okay. What's the demand? He said he needed a prominent lawyer and he listed two. Okay. He's like, one of these two men need to appear on the show AM San Francisco. Oh my gosh. Or he would quote, just get ready. This is even worse than before he would quote just shoot out
Starting point is 01:42:08 the front tire of a school bus and pick off the kitties as they come bouncing out oh my god yeah it's not good so he basically was what is wrong with the stuff he's having a really intense conversation with the dog across the street they're like really getting to know each other what else is one day we'll meet one day we'll meet are you my friend i don't know what does the dog say in doug what does doug say in uh up where he's just like i just met you and i love you okay right so i will pick off the kitties as they come bouncing out jesus beyond beyond fucked up so the lawyer that he mentioned one of the lawyers was busy but the other one did as he was busy i bet he was like no thanks but he was like i'm out before it's even begun i don't know if i would be like i'm out or like just i'll do whatever to make sure right i don't know i feel
Starting point is 01:43:04 like it's just either or like you it's not like meh i'll see if what i can do well in that case he must have really been busy yeah he must have been real fucking busy like in the caribbean or something okay so the one lawyer did as instructed he went on the show appealing to the viewers to keep the lines open so that sorry i'm sorry it's okay so he appealed appealing to the viewers to keep the lines open so that if the zodiac called he could get through right and lo and behold the zodiac did call several times and he said his name was Sam. And this guy, this lawyer agreed to meet him in daily city the next day, but the subject never showed up. So this guy who called and said,
Starting point is 01:43:53 I'm the Zodiac. I'll meet you here. Right. He never showed up. So on November 8th, 1969, the Zodiac mailed another cryptogram, but this one has never been decoded.
Starting point is 01:44:02 And that kind of like sets off a pattern of like him mailing stuff that's kind of creepy and mysterious and is not able to be solved right and the next day he mails a seven page letter stating that two policemen stopped and spoke with him briefly only three minutes after he shot the cab driver paul stein and then let him go and moved on what so that was uh when they saw him on the side of the road and um said no we're looking for a black man because uh right who else would hurt a cab driver and he said he was basically taunting them and was like yeah i talked to them and i said you know it was a perfectly friendly white man and they just let me go, which is just so beyond on December 20th, 1969, one year to the day of David Faraday and Betty Lou Jensen's murders.
Starting point is 01:44:53 So like the first ones that I mentioned at lover's lane, a year to the day afterward, the Zodiac mailed a letter to the lawyer that I mentioned who went on that show and included another swath of Paul Stein's bloody shirt and said he wanted this lawyer to help him and like defend him basically in court. So on the night of March 22nd, so that was three months later, a woman named Kathleen Johns was driving from San Bernardino to Petaluma to visit her mother. And she was seven months pregnant and also had her 10-month-old daughter with her. While heading west on Highway 132 near Modesto, a car behind her began honking its horn and flashing its headlights, so she pulled off the road and stopped. The man walks up and says, oh, you're right, wheel is wobbling. I'm worried that your car is, like, in danger. Here, I kit with me why don't i fix it and she's like oh that'd be really nice thank you so he repairs quote unquote the wheel and says okay you're good to go and
Starting point is 01:45:56 she's like thank you so much could he fuck it up even more so she pulls off to reenter the drive or reenter the highway. And almost immediately, the wheel falls completely off the car. And the man returns and he's like, you know what? Oh, my God, your wheel must be so messed up here. I'll give you a ride to the nearest gas station for help. So she's like, OK, I mean, I'm stuck here. My wheels off the car now. Like I can't do anything, obviously.
Starting point is 01:46:28 off the car now like i can't do anything obviously so she gets in the car with her daughter and she is like yeah please drive me to a gas station so during the ride the car passed several service stations and the man didn't stop for about 90 minutes he's driving back and forth along the same back roads nope and when she asks why he's not stopping uh he would change the subject he wouldn't explain it and so she started getting like increasingly nervous and he finally stopped an intersection and she fucking jumps out of the car with her baby good yeah and fucking bolts and she just runs into a field and is like running and running and running. And this guy's like taking off after her. Chasing her. Yep.
Starting point is 01:47:06 Oh no. So she fucking hides in a field and he has a flashlight and he's walking around looking for her. And he says, I won't hurt you. Come out. I won't hurt you. And he's walking around. I mean, it's like, come out, come out wherever you are.
Starting point is 01:47:22 It's so fucking creepy. She's hiding and he's walking around like you're praying your baby doesn't cry eddie she said apparently the baby was like trying to cry and she was just like begging the baby to like yeah quiet and there's nothing you can do so he's walking around like looking for them and saying i won't hurt you i won't hurt you um and so eventually he gives up. Thank God. And so unable to find her, he gets back into his car and drives, or no, into her car and drives off. And she hitches a ride to the police station. And when she gets there, she gives her statement to the sergeant on duty. And she notices that, she notices like in the police station, there's like a composite sketch of a guy.
Starting point is 01:48:03 And she's like, and it's Paul Stein's killer. And she's like, that's the a guy and she's like and it's paul stein's killer and she's like that's the fucking guy that was driving me around and it was the same guy the zodiac killer so she's like that's the guy so she was terrified that like he was going to come back and kill her and her unborn child and her baby so um the sergeant had her way in the dark at like a nearby restaurant just what yeah like they didn't know where to put her so they sergeant had her way in the dark at like a nearby restaurant just what yeah like they didn't know where to put her so they just like had her hide in a dark restaurant with other police officers like just while they looked for her car so when they found her car which they did find by the way it had been gutted and he had fucking torched it and set it on fire so there's nothing
Starting point is 01:48:47 they could do there's no evidence there was no dna like there's nothing they could take out of it so the zodiac continued to commute so thank god i mean thank god she survived and her baby and her unborn baby survived um but the zodiac continued to communicate with authorities for the remainder of the year um and we're in 1970 now via letters and greeting cards to the press he liked to send like christmas cards and stuff um in a letter postmarked april 20th 1970 420 blaze it the zodiac wrote my name is blank followed by a 13 character cipher and the letter included a diagram of the bomb the Zodiac claimed he'd used to blow up a school bus. And in the letter, he wrote Zodiac.
Starting point is 01:49:30 So the symbol, like the circle with the cross, which is like Zodiac symbol now. Right. Zodiac equals 10. San Francisco Police Department equals zero. That was kind of like, I'm winning. Right, right, right. That was kind of like, I'm winning. Right, right, right.
Starting point is 01:49:50 So on April 28, 1970, the Zodiac sent a greeting card to the Chronicle. And written on the card was, quote, I hope you enjoy yourself when I have my BLAST in all capital letters. Oh my god. And then he wrote his cross-circle signature. And on the back, he threatened to use that same bomb that he had drawn a picture of soon unless the newspaper published the full details he wrote. And he also he also said he wanted to start seeing people in San Francisco wearing some nice Zodiac buttons. Oh, my God. He really wanted people to like make him like a celebrity.
Starting point is 01:50:21 And like he basically was threatening to shoot children on school buses if they wouldn't like publish his details and then at the end he's like yeah it would be really nice if people started wearing like buttons with my ultra narcissist and we're in the 70s so it's like people had buttons of like grateful dead like dead heads and shit and he's like i want zodiac killer buttons to be popular it's just so fucked up so that obviously did not happen right which is not good for him so in a letter postmarked june 26 1970 the zodiac stated he was upset that he didn't see people wearing zodiac buttons and he wrote quote i shot a man sitting in a parked car and they believe he was referring to a murder of a sergeant named Richard Ratatitch a week earlier,
Starting point is 01:51:09 who was writing a parking ticket in his car when he was shot in the head. Oh, my God. And that murder remains unsolved. So over the next few months, the Zodiac continues to send clues. He sends maps and symbols and, like, radial diagrams and, like, just attempts to, like, identify who he is and, like, where his murders have taken place. Each time he ends the letter with Zodiac 12 SFPD 0 and so on. Right, right, right. So, like, it just keeps increasing. So he gets, like, Zodiac.
Starting point is 01:51:42 Like the scoreboard is he keeps winning. Yeah, completely. And it's like Zodiac 30. You know, it just keeps increasing. So he gets like a scoreboard as he keeps winning. Yeah, completely. And it's like Zodiac 30. It just keeps going up. So in a letter to the San Francisco Chronicle postmarked July 24th, 1970, the Zodiac takes credit for Kathleen John's abduction four months after the incident. And that was the woman who was pregnant and who. So four months later, he takes credit for that. And then in July, he paraphrases a song from an opera called The Mikado, and he adds his own lyrics.
Starting point is 01:52:10 So he's getting real creative here. Oh, God. So his lyrics are about making a little list, quote unquote, of the ways he planned to torture his slaves in paradise. Oh, my God. So he writes his own opera lyrics. Oh, my God. And writes that letter. And then he signs it with like a, a gigantic, exaggerated cross-circle zodiac symbol.
Starting point is 01:52:30 And then at the bottom, he writes, P.S. The Mount Diablo code concerns radians plus inches along the radians. And he had, like, drawn this creepy map of, like, the top of this mountain called Mount Diablo with, like like these lines and like yeah degrees and they were like we don't know if this is bullshit or what but so when he said that kind of clue they went and looked at it and they found out that the radiant angle when placed over the map per his instructions pointed to the locations of two of his attacks oh my gosh so he had to act like they were like oh he's full of shit like he's just drawing creepy stuff and trying to make he's like making his own like maps
Starting point is 01:53:10 and everything actually been able to like to the degree on a map like create puzzles that which really freaked them out i think because they were like oh he's full of shit like he's just amping himself up to be like a celebrity but like he's just full of it but it turns out like when he sent that clue they did it and they were like oh no it literally points to the exact latitude longitude degree of where he like did two of the murders so it's very creepy um and kind of made them take it a little more seriously right right right so on october 7th 1970 the chronicle received a three by five inch card signed by the zodiac um with the symbol uh drawn in blood this time great okay yeah and they still don't know whose blood it is or where he got it so that's good uh the card's
Starting point is 01:53:59 message was formed by pasting words and letters from an edition of the chronicle itself and then 13 holes were punched across the top of the card detectives agreed it was highly probable that it came from the zodiac so now he's just going like beyond fucking crazy and like cutting out letters like so extra just so extra like us if we were doing a murder mystery party and like like i like how like if we're partying but he's like raging right like we're we're doing it for a fun drinking game he's doing it for way we're doing it for a podcast we do everything for a podcast right listen that's that's all we do okay october 27th 1970 chronicle reporter paul avery who had been covering the zodiac case receives a halloween card saying what it's signed with a letter z and the symbol of the zodiac and handwritten on the card
Starting point is 01:54:53 was the note quote peekaboo ew you are doomed oh no is that not the worst fucking thing you could ever receive? Oh, my God. That's horror movie status. Oh, my God. And he, in real life, received this card. In real life, yes. In real life, not in movie life. The threat was taken seriously and received a front page story on the Chronicle. And soon after receiving the letter, Avery received another anonymous letter alerting him to the similarities between zodiac activities and the
Starting point is 01:55:25 unsolved murder of a woman named sherry joe bates which had occurred four years earlier in riverside in los angeles more than 400 miles south of san francisco so there was like this anonymous letter that he received right after that saying like hey why don't you look into the similarities between all these murders and like and this random one 400 miles south so he reports his findings uh november 16th 1970 and here is the story of sherry joe bates who was the victim of this story that was sent to god okay october 30th 1966 so remember we're in 1970 when he received this letter so So 1966, 18-year-old Sherry Jo Bates, a student of Riverside Community College, Riverside, California, so like greater Los Angeles, spends the evening at the campus library annex until it closes at 9 p.m. Neighbors report hearing a scream around 1030, and Bates is found the next morning a short distance from the library between two abandoned houses slated to be demolished the wires in her volkswagen's distributor cap had
Starting point is 01:56:32 been pulled out she was brutally beaten and stabbed to death a man's timex watch with a torn wristband was found nearby and the watch had stopped at 12 24 a.m but police believed the attack occurred much earlier so a month later nearly identical typewritten letters were mailed to the riverside police nearly identical to the like the zodiac letters that were being mailed right in san francisco the letters were called the confession oh god the author claimed responsibility for the bates murder providing details of the crime that were not released to the public, and then warned that Bates, quote, is not the first and she will not be the last. In 1966, a poem was discovered carved into the bottom side of a desktop in the library of Riverside College where she was spending her evening right and the poem that was carved into the bottom of the desk was called sick of living unwilling to die what and the poem's language and
Starting point is 01:57:33 handwriting was very similar to the zodiac's letters and it was signed with the initials rh so people were just like what the fuck like it's the same handwriting it's the same mo it's the same wild and then they got that letter being like why don't you look into the similarities like so they don't know it's still unclear whether that murder was like related to the other ones but there's like a lot also like i mean if he's suggesting that you look into it like hints heavily that something that's involved exactly something very creepy so it's not for sure but it's possible after another couple letters allegedly linking himself to other crimes in the area i mean truly if you look at the wikipedia there's like 10 more that are like and he also could have been related to this brutal murder and this one this one there's just so many so after that the zodiac is silent for
Starting point is 01:58:25 nearly three years just completely off the map then on january 29th 1974 the chronicle receives another letter from the zodiac praising the exorcist the movie what as the best satirical comedy that i have ever seen oh my goodness okay satirical spelled very wrong but besides i can't imagine besides the point um and then a number of letters throughout the next coming years come in a lot of them are hoaxes i mean because at that point it's like people are just jumping on this right bandwagon of wanting to be involved um but some are deemed authentic and a lot of those are just like symbols and cryptograms that like don't really they can't be solved. Right.
Starting point is 01:59:07 Or about like complaints about movies or other cultural references. There was one that was like, this movie was so brutal. I couldn't stand it. And it's like, you just fucking stabbed a bunch of people. Yeah, right. Psycho. Yeah, it's it's so beyond comprehension. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:59:22 Yeah, it's so beyond comprehension. Oh, my God. In April 2004, the San Francisco Police Department marks the case inactive because they just didn't know where to go from there. And they were like, we're getting so many letters and so much pressure and the demands are so intense that they just closed the case. So before March, so around March 2007, it's noted that they reopened the case, but nobody ever found out why. They just never explained it. Tricky, tricky. Tricky, tricky.
Starting point is 01:59:50 Creepy, creepy. And here are just the quick theories about who it could be. One of the biggest ones is a man named Arthur Lee Allen. And this guy named Robert Graysmith wrote a book called Zodiac, and he's one of the foremost experts on the topic. And he suggested that a man named Arthur Lee Allen was a potential suspect, but it was mostly circumstantial evidence. And Allen had been interviewed by police from the early days of the Zodiac investigations and was the subject of several search warrants over 20 years. and was the subject of several search warrants over 20 years. And Gray Smith, who wrote the book, noted that several police detectives described Allen as the most likely suspect.
Starting point is 02:00:34 But in 2010, Detective Dave Tosche stated that all the evidence against Allen turned out to be negative. Okay. Thanks, Dave. Thanks, Dave. So a lot of it was like this guy kind of went on like a hunch and then took a lot of circumstantial evidence. And the thing about this guy, this Arthur Lee Allen, was he was an elementary school teacher and he had been accused of sexual misconduct with his elementary school students. Oh, no. So he was a pedophile and he was arrested and imprisoned for lewd sex acts on a 12 year old boy in 1972.
Starting point is 02:01:08 So like he was not a good guy and so like there was just a lot that this guy tied up into his story and was like oh this is him right and this guy was like yeah i did all of these things that i've been accused of like the pedophilia stuff right he's in prison he's like but i wasn't the zodiac like i didn't do that so that it's all circumstantial beyond the stuff that he was actually accused of as far as like pedophilia stuff i mean oh wolf okay yeah um so he was never conclusively tied and the lead detective was like there was nothing we could pin on him like he got apparently a bunch of boxes of like his journals and handwriting and he's like not one page of it looked like the zodiac letters we got like there was just a lot that was like it didn't match
Starting point is 02:01:50 weird so who knows as for other possible suspects it turns out a lot of people believe their step dads did it what a lot of people want their step dads in Yep. A lot of people submitted like, no, I swear my stepdad is the one who did it. A lot of people are, a lot of moms are marrying wrong if your kid thinks that you married a serial killer. A lot of things are going real wrong. The most convincing story I thought, theory at least, was this one. theory at least was this one um in february 2014 it was reported that a man named lewis joseph myers had confessed to a friend in 2001 that he was a zodiac he was the zodiac killer after learning he was he was dying from cirrhosis of the liver and he requested that his friend randy kenny go to the police upon his death and when myers died in 2002 his friend tried to go to the police but allegedly
Starting point is 02:02:47 officers like wouldn't cooperate and were kind of like okay like we right they just didn't take it seriously there are however a lot of potential connections between myers and the zodiac case so myers attended the same high school as victims David Faraday and Betty Lou Jensen. Oh, no. He also allegedly worked in the same restaurant as Darlene Farron, who's the other victim. And he also had access to the same sort of military boot whose print was found at the Lake Berryessa crime scene, which was like a totally different crime scene from those other two. different crime scene from those other two and furthermore during 1971 and 1973 when no letters were received by the police or the media Myers was stationed overseas with the
Starting point is 02:03:33 military so it happened to like line up exactly no way uh and Kenny says that his friend Myers confessed he targeted couples because he had had a bad breakup with a girlfriend like out of jealousy yeah just like was had like a breakdown or something and just like couldn't handle happy couples i don't know because they were all coupled right and while officer while officers associated with the case are skeptical they believe the story is credible enough to investigate so that's all that it says online and i was like oh pretty creepy yeah i don't know yeah there's no more information on that theory which i just was like that's and again it's like all circumstantial like there's nothing you can be like yeah he was out of town at that point but that doesn't make him guilty but right it's very creepy it's
Starting point is 02:04:17 really weird very much lines up yeah but um i just want to take this moment to announce that I do know what actually happened. Oh, OK. What happened? The real Zodiac killer is Ted Cruz. OK. Well, I mean, that goes without saying. And I'm not alone. Well, no, not at all. According to a recent poll conducted by Public Policy Polling, 38 percent of Florida voters believe that it is possible that Ted Cruz is the Zodiac Killer, with 10% sure that he is. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 02:04:53 It is unknown whether the other 60... You can't even get that right. It is unknown whether the other 62% have been confronted with a formal presentation of the evidence. Oh, my gosh. Basically, like, if they looked at the facts, they would believe it, too. They would know the truth. Amazing. He's done very well for himself in a very weird way.
Starting point is 02:05:15 Which I was like, it's kind of fucked up that everyone says that. But then this is a really interesting thing. Faust, an activist, sold Ted Cruz's Zodiac Killer t-shirts to support a nonprofit that helps women in El Paso, Texas, access safe and affordable abortions. And he said he saw the theory on Twitter and found it to be, quote, both interesting and plausible. And he raised a lot of money to help women who were dealing with, you know, to help them access safe and affordable abortions and health care. Yeah, I thought it was really interesting.
Starting point is 02:05:46 And, I mean, if we're really talking about, like, could it be possible? I mean, no, because he was born in 1970. Hmm. Well, that'll do it. He would have been negative infant years old. Negative infant years. But one can dream. But listen, here's the other side of the coin he never denied it
Starting point is 02:06:07 i mean to this day you never were in a room and saw both of them at the same time that's all i'm saying correct and i looked up to see whether he ever denied it after all these memes and everything nope never denied it maybe he's time traveling now that is entirely possible yeah an infant murdered yes yep i think that's exactly what's happening so all this being said as of may 2018 i do want to add like all joking aside there are some exciting updates so you know how the golden state killer was caught through genealogy websites and DNA. So in May of this year, 2018, the Vallejo Police Department announced their intention to attempt to collect the Zodiac Killer's DNA from the back of stamps that were used with the letters he sent. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, and they were able to, like, there's a new technology that is able to separate the DNA from the glue on the stamp, which I guess has been an issue until now.
Starting point is 02:07:07 And so they have a new ability to extract the DNA from the glue. And so this analysis, which will be done by a private laboratory, is expected to use this new technique. And then they're hoping that the Zodiac Killer may be caught in a similar fashion to the Golden State Killer. And they have a number of DNA sites, you know, like 23andMe, etc. That they're going to like run through. And they said basically they build like a family tree off of the DNA and then are able to like branch out and contact like specific people.
Starting point is 02:07:39 Wow. Which is crazy. So that was in May. So we'll stay tuned. Fingers crossed. Knock on wood wood see what happens you know it's worked before with a case that was seemingly impossible to solve right and had exhausted all its means so hopefully technology can help out with this um so that is the story
Starting point is 02:07:59 of the zodiac killer uh and i know i kind of rushed through that. I just, I knew this was kind of... I mean, I definitely stole it. Stole the... No, no, it's good. It was an intense episode. I'm on a weird emotional ride right now. Like, too much hit me at one time. Wild. We should probably do, like, a rating each week of, like, how intense is your fucking story?
Starting point is 02:08:22 So we can, like, you know know balance each other i promised i'll never do a story that intense ever again that was like way too much for me this i can't promise that because i feel like it was the emf it was the emf that really got me the emf went a little bad shit really like ruined the rest of my night yeah thank god it didn't go off while i was like talking about ted cruz because that went off when you talked about eva for a very long time oh that says a lot so we've solved solved the mystery mystery yeah so so that's that on that it is very important for me now a days to do a weekly horoscope love it right but yeah yeah but it's the zodiac killer here's the thing we don't know his identity right so did you do the whole zodiac no no but that's a good point but so obviously like he's like you said the self-proclaimed
Starting point is 02:09:15 zodiac like of all fucking people we need to do one on him right so instead since they don't have the guy yet i did the next best thing and I pulled up Ted Cruz's horoscope. There it is. Yes. So here it is, Ted. Ted is a Capricorn. Okay. Just like my lovely husband to be.
Starting point is 02:09:39 Yes. No comment. No comment. Here is the Zodiac horoscope. You may find people very stubborn today, so take care, Capricorn. Arguments can explode out of nowhere, so get a helmet ready. Think before you act, and don't feel pressured to get involved with something that makes you feel kind of uncomfortable. Remember sometimes it's okay to just walk away.
Starting point is 02:10:12 No one will win a violent boxing match. So maybe don't even get in the ring. You know, I only heard that as if someone was warning blaze about a fight, you guys are going to get in. It's like blaze, just stay out of it. Honestly, it's not worth it. The second he hears, you don't have to be like great i'm out bye like he doesn't even need
Starting point is 02:10:29 more than one person to tell him um so yeah i thought that was kind of creepy is about violent boxing rings you know yeah down so i'm hoping we can actually um do an updated horoscope when we actually find out who the real Zodiac killer is. That would be great. Definitely worth it. And I didn't even add this, but a lot of people think it was the detective who was involved in handling the case. Like he was misdirecting everyone. Because he was at the police department every time a letter came in. And he handled it every time. And so they said they couldn't really do a DNA analysis because he would have touched it. letter came in and he handled it every time and so they said like they couldn't really do a dna
Starting point is 02:11:05 analysis because he would like be physically touching it right and so there was a lot of that like where people started to suspect that he had something to do with it and whatever that meant like who knows but so that's one of the bigger theories that i didn't really get to touch on but also very creepy cool man yeah so there we are there's that on that we maybe are live i don't know i don't know i would usually do the whole social media thing but we've already just taken so much time atwwd podcast just find us just google us give us a little googs figure it out on the googs man um thank you guys for listening to us and so sorry for everyone we've now emotionally physically scarred like me and eva yes great um i'm afraid to go home but hopefully i see you sunday so
Starting point is 02:11:54 okay bye oh and that's why we drink and that's why we drink bye i need a drink for real though

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