And That's Why We Drink - E88 A Low Key Brothel and a Japanese Skater Boy

Episode Date: October 7, 2018

Ok, stop pinching people's butts and do something good. This week Em dives into the haunts of the Cary Hotel in Placerville, California and one ghost, in particular, who has quite the sexual appetite.... There's also gold dust and ghost cats involved so get ready for a wild ride. Meanwhile Christine shares the brutal and baffling murders of the Setagaya Family in Japan. Our parting words of wisdom this week? Don't bother taking the elevator... and that's why we drink!Please consider supporting the companies who support us! Sign up for FabFitFun today to get your Fall Editors Box! Use code DRINK to get $10 off your first box at www.fabfitfun.comFor 25% off your first Rx Bar order visit and enter promo code DRINK at check out!Sign up for First Leaf and get 3 bottles of wine for only $15 with free shipping! Go to today!Go to to get 50% off when you enter the code DRINK - plus you'll get the exclusive New Yorker tote bag!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Okay, so here's the earth. Here's the earth. It's round. It's round. Damn, that's a sweet earth, you might say. I'm so glad you joined me on that, because I was like, is he going to be like, what the fuck is wrong with you? I was with it. I was with it. Good times.
Starting point is 00:00:24 Hello, everyone. Hello, everyone. Hello, everyone. This is episode 88. Like 88 miles an hour, which is the speed that requires to make the flux capacitor, you know, just get things going. Sorry, you jumped on my thing and I didn't jump on yours because I'm just staring at you with a blank expression. I apologize. Just say 1.21 gigawatts. 1.21 gigawatts, right?
Starting point is 00:00:44 Yep. Wow. You get it it's like we know each other it's like you it's like you're within the folds of my mind i mean obviously i moved in a long time ago great scott great scott so um great scott like michael scott poor eva has been here for like many hours. Eva's like, I'm ready to go. We're only beginning. Okay, so hello to everyone. We're here now for you. What is the date when this comes on? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:01:12 Whatever this Sunday is. The 7th. The 7th? Yes. This comes out October 7th. October 7th. It's almost my sister's birthday and it's Libra season and we're very happy about that. We love Libra season. We do. We just released tickets for a new Boston show, our biggest show yet at the Wilbur,
Starting point is 00:01:32 which we're so pumped for. So pumped and my paranoia has not seeped in at all. Nope. M is so calm. Please buy all the tickets because I don't believe a single person will be there. So please prove me wrong. Okay. So the link is slash atwwd boston all lowercase if you go there it takes you right to the um to
Starting point is 00:01:51 the ticket master link and i'm a little peeved because they used a photo of m and geo on all their promos yeah and not of me i was like wait you're not needed it's okay i'm there too you're just the brains behind the sound your photo of with you and geo and just put your face on everything don't worry i'm the face we already discussed this we are the face of this operation i'm the face of the operation i'm the eye candy that's right i don't know why i don't just accept it now it's listen i'm gonna be there too i mean you might show up i think i think geo and i already got our tickets i don't know about you they actually paid for ours are you oh are you good we'll see you there maybe find no room on the comp list for me no um new york city is sold out
Starting point is 00:02:29 so we're super pumped about that thank you so much thank you guys for that um yeah really big news um and the wilbur is where i used to see some of my like i saw alt j there i saw some of my favorite bands there and now we're gonna be on that stage which is just beyond my comprehension andrew told us that he was hoping that one day we can make the wilbur and i think christine and i both like tried to hold in our laughter when he said that because it was like there's no way we definitely chuckled and um i would really like to prove to andrew as well as to myself that um we're it's going to be a good show so we need a lot of people there so please please come even if you've already got tickets to the other Boston show, come see us twice.
Starting point is 00:03:07 That's true. We do do different stories. So feel free to come to both. I think a lot of people already are. Two different shows. Anyway, so that's slash ATWWD Boston. Cannot wait for that. It'll also be freaking freezing because it's February 2nd.
Starting point is 00:03:20 It'll be more freezing for us because we're not used to the cold anymore. Right. It'll be Groundhog Day too. Most importantly. Very fun. We should do groundhog themed episodes. All right. I got just the story of a groundhog demon. Right. Got it. Don't worry. I mean, I think murder might even this is the one time a murderer might be harder to find. Finally, you'll be in my boat of like, what do I do? There's no serial killer gophers. Finally, you'll be in my boat of like, what do I do? There's no serial killer gophers.
Starting point is 00:03:45 Groundhogs. Okay. This also comes out the week of my wedding. So I currently am ripping my hair out somewhere in America. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Hi, everybody. Hashtag Christine gets blazed.
Starting point is 00:03:56 It's the last time I can like use that. Oh, yeah. The episode after this. Can you do that anymore? No. I feel like I'm banned from using that. This is the last time you can also use your ring to clink glasses. Oh, and now I have plastic.
Starting point is 00:04:06 Why? No, you got this guy right there. I'll take Eva's drink. Just do it one last time for the kids. All right. Just remember this moment, everyone. It's been nice. And saying, I'm the bride.
Starting point is 00:04:20 Oh, I can't say that anywhere either. I'm the bride. I'm the bride. It's been fun joining all of you in my journey. Journey. Do you have anything to say before we get started no i do want to say one thing um i hope this is cool with you oh boy we got an email from um a woman named dana yes who uh unfortunately her best friend danielle who was also um and then that's why we drink listener unfortunately passed away unexpectedly on september 22nd um and so dana reached out to us and said um and mentioned
Starting point is 00:04:53 to us that danielle had actually at the memorial danielle's fiancee told dana that um her christmas gift from danielle was in the car and it was in That's Why We Drink shirt, which just tore it a bit. And I guess she went to our Nashville show and she wrote to us a long time ago with a listener story. And so Eve was able to find that for us. And so I just want to read like a little excerpt of her listener story. In honor of her. In honor of Danielle.
Starting point is 00:05:20 Should we dedicate this whole episode to her? Yeah, let's do that. Okay. Yeah. And thank you, Dana, for reaching out and letting us know. And I'm so sorry to hear what happened. Yes, we're sorry for your loss. And we are sending all our love and thoughts to Danielle's family, fiance, everybody.
Starting point is 00:05:35 Yes. Who was affected. So this is an email we received from Danielle, and I thought it deserved a spot in our regular episode rather than just a listener story. So it's called, and that's why I couldn't sleep, and that's why I drank slash didn't sleep rather than just a listener story. So it's called And That's Why I Couldn't Sleep. And that's why I drink slash didn't sleep for eight years of my childhood. Got it. Okay. Hi, Christine and Em.
Starting point is 00:05:51 Just as I was finishing my entirely too long subject line, I realized I didn't have a drink to accompany me. I am now drinking a bottle of Pinot Noir that I got on sale, I might add, as I prepare to go down my haunted memory lane with you two. When I was six years old, my mom and I moved to Tennessee following her divorce from my dad so we could be closer to our parents slash my grandparents.
Starting point is 00:06:09 We lived in a tiny ghostless home for two sweet years before my mom got remarried to a neighbor down the street. Almost immediately after moving in, I was in a constant state of uneasiness. At first, I attributed it to having to adjust to a new house
Starting point is 00:06:20 and new stepdad, but over time, 1998 to 2006 to be exact, it became very clear why I could never be at ease. My childhood room was covered in posters and had many odd things hanging from the ceiling, such as disco balls, mobiles, and wind chimes. Okay. Sounds like a fun house.
Starting point is 00:06:37 Sounds like a wild time. I am a very hot-natured person, so in the winter, I would close all the vents in my room. Even with the vents closed and no draft, when I would be in bed trying to sleep at night the items hanging from my ceiling would begin to sway not always the same ones sometimes one at a time sometimes all at once along with things on my wall and ceiling i also had lava lamps and a strobe light oh yes super cool room one night when in bed my strobe light turned itself on the way to operate the light was that
Starting point is 00:07:02 you had to turn a knob on the back the more you turned the faster the light would click got it so i was in bed and out of nowhere my room lit up with a strobe my heart began to race so out of out of fear and i closed my eyes then i heard tick tick as it was like like cranking itself no thanks uh i opened my eyes my room filled with flickering lights getting faster and can you imagine of all lights to flicker a strobe light is like the last one that you want. That's just like the most jarring one. But I was so afraid I couldn't move for what felt like an hour. I threw that shit out the next day.
Starting point is 00:07:32 My bedroom windows. This one gets me good. To use an M-ism. My bedroom windows face the front of the street. And on several occasions while I'd be waiting at the end of the driveway to catch the bus, I would look back at my mom on the porch, then glance to my bedroom window, where I would see my drapes being pulled to the side as if someone was looking back at me through the window, even though no one was home. Nope. Ew!
Starting point is 00:07:53 That one creeps me out so bad. Can you imagine glancing back at the house and the curtains? No, I can't imagine that, and I don't want to. One time I was on the phone and packing a bag for a sleepover when I heard a knock on my door. I yelled, just a minute, but there was another knock. I told my friend to hold a minute as I went to the door, but when I went to look, no one was there. It was then that I realized I was alone in the house. Needless to say, I was pretty happy to be sleeping at a friend's house that night.
Starting point is 00:08:14 Yeah. The hallway was always a dreaded walk. It was a long, dark hallway with a mirror at the end. It would have been creepy even if it wasn't haunted. Every night as a teenager, even as a teenager, I would have to give myself a pep talk to get the courage to walk to my bedroom. I would have to pass the guest room. I never wanted to do this because more often than not, I would see a shadow figure in the room and get a really unpleasant feeling. I would have to run down the hall with my eyes closed to avoid encountering the figure.
Starting point is 00:08:40 My mom had many things happen that she couldn't explain. We often confided in each other about events that we experienced. However however my stepdad was the biggest skeptic ever and one of the biggest jerks of all time that's a different story things would happen in front of all of us but he'd never admit to it uh the ghosts in my house did not like it when my mom and stepdad would argue because activity would increase when the moods were intense which is just creepy he was in the living room mom was in the kitchen they were arguing about something attached to the living room was a porch uh it was a cool still day so the back door was open all of a sudden during their argument a wind chime hanging by the back door began to clank like crazy even though there was no wind mom walked in the living room thinking
Starting point is 00:09:16 he was doing it to piss her off but he was just sitting there on the couch the wind chime started spinning in circles on its own and it finally entered with the center chime being swung up and flipped over the entire thing. Oh, this is where it gets poltergeisty. Love it. My mom and I were having one of our many movie nights, and we took a break to get a snack. We left the living room to get some popcorn, and when we came back, a rocking chair that was in the corner of the room was now in the middle of the room. We were the only ones in the house. We just moved it back and went to our movie.
Starting point is 00:09:42 Another time, the opposite thing happened. We were in the kitchen and left, but when we came came back every cabinet and drawer had been opened in the kitchen again no one was home my mom and i were carving pumpkins in the laundry room one october when all of a sudden i felt someone hit my shoulder enough to fling me forward i whipped my head around ready to be mad at my stepdad for messing up my carving but no one was there there were other instances when my hair was pulled when i would walk down the hallway while the shadow person was seen regularly full apparitions were seen from time to time as well we had what we thought was an entire family of ghosts in our house my mom would see the man and the little boy and i would see the woman and the little girl the man would stand in my mom and
Starting point is 00:10:16 stepdad's bedroom doorway some nights and the little girl would occasionally show up at the foot of my bed she was so clear that i could tell what she was wearing and see that her hair was in braided pigtails she would just stand there for what felt like forever but in actuality was Oh, no. One day I was getting ready when I heard a loud thud. I thought it was my mom throwing some of my shoes in my room. But when I looked over, there was a woman standing in my room. I immediately ran down the hall to see my mom in the kitchen. But she was gone and no one else was in the house. Finally, in 2006, my mom decided to leave my stepdad long overdue, in my opinion. I was obviously overjoyed for many reasons. I didn't have to live with him anymore and we could move out of this house.
Starting point is 00:11:02 Yeah. I've never returned to the house, but I think of it and our experiences there often i look forward to seeing you guys on august 4th in nashville thank you for reading my story danielle mcbeth so i just wanted to put that out there and thank danielle for her story and sending love and light to her family yes and dana for letting us know yes oh that's that was a good story right. Well, then this episode is dedicated to her. Yes. I hope she likes it from beyond because she's probably still listening. I hope so.
Starting point is 00:11:32 Just because you're not in this realm doesn't mean you can't hear us talking about fun things. That's right. We don't discriminate. This is in Placerville, California, apparently. Oh. I did not know there was a place called Placerville. But it is a hotel, and it is called the Cary House Hotel. Okay.
Starting point is 00:11:52 I've never heard of it. I miss the hotels. We used to do a lot of hotels. I've been actively avoiding the hotels because I know how many hotels there were for a long time. Oh, so spacing them out. I was trying to be strategic with my hotels so uh it was originally built in 1847 by william carey and it was a hotel mainly for the miners in the area and in 1850 like minors yeah like children i was like what a weird concept um yes no for those this was right this was coming up on the gold rush era i was not like children
Starting point is 00:12:24 well i was thinking like sweet life of zach and cody like my first i was like that is so cool oh like a hotel for like only kids like um like an island of misfit lord of the flies yes yes yeah or like sweet life of zach and cody but right or your dark version whichever one um oh so it was for coal miners or gold miners. In 1856, the hotel burned down and it was replaced that same year. And in the 1900s, it also added a fourth floor. Okay. So fun fact about that. So the lobby still has the original check-in area from like the 1800s. So it's kind of cool to check out.
Starting point is 00:13:06 And the original... It's kind of cool to check out. It's kind of cool to check out and the original it's kind of cool to check out kind of cool to check out i'm sorry kind of radical um there is the original elevator in the building that still works however it's so old that you can only carry two people at a time that sounds safe which doesn't even sound like carrying two people it just means like you can only carry like not even 500 pounds on it. Yeah, that's alarming. So it's like, what if it's two people in a backpack? And like, don't bring your suitcase. Right.
Starting point is 00:13:29 Yeah. It's like, okay, you can put your suitcase on there and then go up and then meet your suitcase. Yeah, yeah. It'll deliver it for you. Which I guess is kind of handy. So their motto at this hotel is... They have a motto.
Starting point is 00:13:40 They have a motto. Great. Historic ambiance, modern amenities amenities every guest is a legend holy shit very extra so extra i'm so on board i'm so a legend somewhere someone thinks i'm a legend so uh before the carry hotel was on that land there was the eldorado hotel oh it's called the eldorado hotel and saloon oh man that sounds actually super cool. And it sat there at the height of the Gold Rush. And then the Cary Hotel was built on top of it.
Starting point is 00:14:10 So an added bonus feature of this hotel, I know you're going to love it, is that on the second floor balcony, it was perfect viewing for the guests to look across the way to see the hangings at the hanging tree. Oh, man, I was thinking like a winery or something. No, no, no. I went wrong direction on that one. viewing for the guests to look across the way to see the hangings at the hanging tree oh man i was thinking like a winery or something no i went wrong direction on that one um so you could like you could just sit back relax and watch death fall upon rent a suite and then just like watched hangings yeah oh how fucked up there it was also a i've okay i've never known the sun to ever do this because we've never recorded during the day before.
Starting point is 00:14:46 There's like a glow that keeps appearing on your face. But it's like, Christine has like one random square of a skylight and one random section of the ceiling. I don't know why. And that's exactly where the sun chose to be and it's hitting my fucking face. And so I'm having the hardest time like reading these notes. Here we can scoot. I've never, I've just never, never, I've never recorded in the daylight.
Starting point is 00:15:08 No, this is before. Oh yeah, by the way, we're recording in the daylight. Yeah. To ruin any illusion of creepiness. Right, right, right. Okay, so anyway, this hotel, yeah, you can see the hangings. It's like way above its time. It was also previously a Wells Fargo.
Starting point is 00:15:23 Oh, like back in the day when it was. OK. Where bags of silver and gold were stacked on the front porch to be picked up by Wells Fargo drivers. Which like these days you wouldn't just put bags of gold on the porch and just wait for someone to come Uber it up. Like, oh, my God, it doesn't even sound real. Like there wasn't a vault you could keep that in until the drivers or like not the front porch, like somewhere that's not like did people just walk by and see bags of gold during the gold rush and like not even care grab a handful no one would notice so during the 1920s the owner actually fun fact because over so many years like it had you know bags of gold and silver had just been sitting on
Starting point is 00:16:00 the front porch underneath the front porch during the 1920s the owner discovered piles of gold dust in the basement under where the front porch would be because it had fallen down the cracks of the porch from the bags of gold after so long holy shit so the gold dust that he was able to scoop up in a dustpan i guess um that must have been so dirty paid for most of the construction of the fourth floor in the 1900s that's amazing can you imagine if you're like oh i need a new addition on the house what to do what to do and then you go into the basement and then just pay people literally an old gold dust but just blow it on them just all for you i mean can you imagine your basement floor is like made
Starting point is 00:16:38 of money basically that's incredible so now it's called the Cary Hotel. And guests that have been there include Mark Twain, Buffalo Bill, Ulysses S. Grant, Betty Davis, and Elvis Presley. That's pretty awesome. So over the years, it has changed ownerships and went from the Placerville Hotel to the Raffs Hotel and has now been changed to the Cary House Hotel. And originally it was the Cary House Hotel and they gave it its original name back in the 70s. Okay. So the owners have now upgraded it with Wi-Fi and bathrooms in every room. No way.
Starting point is 00:17:13 We have to check this place out. I've never even heard of such a thing. That sounds amazingly luxurious. Well, let's talk about the deaths. Okay. I spoke too soon. A businessman named Arnold Wiederman, he died from the flu in the hotel, almost called a hospital from the hotel while he was visiting there with his wife and daughter.
Starting point is 00:17:32 And then at the time, because only the man made the money, the wife and daughter like watched him die and then didn't have any money to get home. So they had to live in the hotel in the room where he died until her parents could pay for them to leave and move back in with them tragic also a medium has pointed to the corner of the room where arnold weedman's baby's bassinet was and apparently a spirit told her that's where my child stayed before i died oh that's sad in that room, a woman has woken up to see four different spirits all at one time. At the foot of her bed, she saw a priest, a doctor, and both parents standing around her bed discussing the baby's illness. And they didn't even seem to notice that she was there, which is kind of creepy in that, like, it's a different creepy that you're, like, almost watching a movie play out right in front of you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:30 And you're, almost watching a movie play out right in front of you and you're like in it oh well so because arnold wiederman he died and then his wife and kid left but then there was another family where the whole family died in that room oh my god so then that family is probably the spirits that she saw where they were standing there talking about how their baby was sick when all of them were sick together you have not you but you can if you want to um they're nervous to agree before i hear what actually is going to happen you can see the entity of mr yeah no it's not me i don't arnold wiederman nothing in room 212 okay a guest found him standing over her while she slept. Oh, good. Apparently he has a long beard and he is not scary. Which I don't believe. Which is a lie.
Starting point is 00:19:09 A big fat lie. Also, you can see the entity of his wife. Apparently she still visits where her husband died. So her spirit still shows up. This is a super haunted room. So she has been seen in a blue gown and she appears in the rooms 211, 209, and 212. And you always know when she's around because you can smell her perfume like almost suffocatingly so. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:19:31 And it smells a lot like lavender. So if you smell like floral perfume, you've probably found her. Oh, good. Also, their daughter or the daughter of the other family where everyone died. Yeah. She has been seen dressed in late 19th or early 20th century attire and she has been seen skipping and playing on the staircase and hallways and laughing in your closet good so adorable um there's also been a gambler that was murdered
Starting point is 00:20:00 there not in that room but in the hotel nowadays on the second floor balcony you know where you can see the hangings you know that lovely view a man dressed in gold rush era attire has been seen sitting with a deck of cards trying to earn his money back i assume there have also this was one of those hotels where they low-key allowed like a brothel to be upstairs and like had a bunch of sex workers coming in and out all the time. Low key though. Low key. And so there was,
Starting point is 00:20:28 um, there've been a few sex workers that are supposedly still haunt the place, but one specifically, and I think I get into her a little bit later, but there's also a sex worker who haunts the hotel. There's also a wagon driver who haunts the hotel. Oh, but he apparently has been described from,
Starting point is 00:20:46 uh, driver who haunts the hotel oh but he apparently has been described from a medium described him as being a teamster from the 19th century which is like you know you're in the movie industry when you're calling someone a teamster yeah but they were that was what they were called well that's why teamsters have that name because that was like a wagon grew out of that yeah that industry i know just these days to hear someone say that oh i just like it's like oh it's very you don't hear that every day it's a very la term yeah nowadays um apparently he will show up to you but you will only see him from the waist down because he doesn't want to scare you that's pervy which is the exact well you can see my clothes oh i don't know i'm just thinking he shows assume he was naked like he shows himself from the waist down. It sounds very. Well, you can see his boots, his jeans, and the beginning of his flannel shirt. Yeah, I'm agreeing with you, though, that that's not much less scary to me.
Starting point is 00:21:32 It's like, oh, here's half a person. Don't be scared. Here, we'll show you part of his torso. Don't worry. So there's also a former kitchen or cook. I don't know what the, like a chef. I don't know if it was a chef or a cook, but someone who worked in the kitchen. He also haunts the area.
Starting point is 00:21:48 He bangs on the pots and pans and he cleans the kitchen after hours, which is not so mean. So at least he balances out. A medium has reported that that spirit lives in the old servant's quarters next to the kitchen on the first floor. So he not only works there, but
Starting point is 00:22:04 still lives there. Really dedicated to the craft seriously a staff member has heard someone washing dishes in the kitchen before and so when they went down to go say hi no one was there and the faucet was on by itself and uh another this is very interesting one uh spirit apparently very much disapproved of the fact that they offered cold cereal in the kitchen. No more lucky charms. Well, they used to have cold cereal as part of like as one of the options for the continental breakfast. And every time that they would have cereal stocked in the kitchens, the ones in the plastic pouches, would be thrown all over the floor the next day.
Starting point is 00:22:45 Oh, that's just mean. And so they think it's because back when this hotel came out, it was super luxurious and elegant. Right, right. And they're like, oh, food in a bag. No continental breakfast. Get away with this peasant food. Truly.
Starting point is 00:22:56 Truly. So they actually had to stop offering cereal because every time they did, either they would be thrown on the floor in the bags or the bags themselves would have been torn open and the cereal would be everywhere. What a waste. For you to clean. So, there's a ghost out there who doesn't like cereal. There's a ghost out there for everyone, guys. I mean, you don't want to ruin the Cinnamon Toast Crunch for everybody else, though.
Starting point is 00:23:16 It's, like, kind of mean. Sometimes I just want a bowl of cereal. I'm just cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs. There is also a man named Stanley. And he is one of the former employees of the hotel. And he is probably their biggest ghost that they know of. He was originally a desk clerk in the 1800s. And even he admits that he loved the drink. He said his favorites were brandy and whiskey
Starting point is 00:23:46 all right and he would sneak out during his work shifts when no one was around and he would get drunk and then he would come back to work oh that's kind of sad he this is they actually found this all out during an emf session where they just answered yes or no yes or no questions okay and then i think they also use a spirit box at some point. But he went out. He would sneak out of the hotel out of what is now considered the back door. But according to him, it was the front door back then. And so they actually checked with the owners and they said, yeah, the front used to be the back and the back used to be the front.
Starting point is 00:24:19 Oh. So they actually found that information out from him. Interesting. And then it got validated later. That's cool. He also loves women. who doesn't right well he also loves men oh wow see we've always existed guys so um he it's rumored that he also liked men he it was never confessed but it was heavily hinted. Okay. So basically he loved love. Let's just say that.
Starting point is 00:24:47 I mean, good for him. And he, unfortunately, although he liked people of all shapes, sizes, and genders, he was ignored by all of them because he was short, stocky, and had red hair, which was balding on the top. Oh, dear. So according to him, he was not a catch physically but that did not stop him from having what google articles had to say as a huge sexual appetite oh dear stanley and so uh he used to hit on just about everyone that walked by oh my he's really just casting his net wide he's really just shooting his shot whenever he can. Okay. All right. Pretty much anyone that made eye contact with him, he would try.
Starting point is 00:25:29 He would go for it. Just see what happens. And chances are he also worked often with the sex workers at the hotel. Oh, okay. And some of the spirits that are sex workers have actually admitted to knowing Stanley. Really? And so they might all still be haunting the area together and uh when he died he was actually murdered in the hotel murdered murder murder you say huh he when he died he was murdered at the hotel on the staircase and um potentially by someone that he
Starting point is 00:25:59 propositioned oof or their significant other oof um not pretty and they they say that because he was killed by a man but they don't know if either he was a jealous boyfriend or someone that stanley actually hit on okay okay and then some sources were telling me he got shot some were saying he got stabbed so i'm not really sure what happened he met a violent end he met a violent end on the staircase of a home he loved so oh that's so sad he apparently is still chugging on because in the afterlife he is still known to um pinch women's bottoms oh dear in the afterlife and rub up on women so basically he's still sexually assaulting women oh maybe men um but he is known to still constantly be shooting his shot from beyond okay he also was so familiar with the bars in the area at the time that the buildings that were former bars that he went to
Starting point is 00:27:00 also get haunted by him near the hotel so he like leaves the hotel he's basically still living his exact life got it he's still hitting on women at the hotel and then going out to get drunk oh my god the buildings that had that were originally bars that he frequented also get um haunted every now and then by him which i will go into in a little bit but people have seen him in the hotel in room 307 where a guest went to sleep and she actually woke up to a man in a plaid shirt lying next to her oh no and stanley was known for his plaid shirts oh no that's the reputation he had not the you know he's known for those flannels just the just the plaid god and so a paranormal team california haunts investigation team
Starting point is 00:27:47 california see hit chit chit they made contact with a spirit who they assume is stanley it was male and the spirit said that he was more interested in the female spirit that was standing next to him than anyone else in the room the female spirit spirit oh stanley was more interested in the female yeah they're assuming it was stanley and they knew it was male and they were saying do you want to talk to us he's basically said no he's more interested in the female spirit that was also in the room i see okay so he's still macking oh he will not give it up so uh a medium also found out that stanley might not have actually died from his wounds from the attack on the stairs but he might have died from a heart attack that happened after he was hurt oh so a woman stood
Starting point is 00:28:32 on the stairs between the third and fourth floors and said someone had a heart attack right here he was on the left side of the stairwell when it happened he had other wounds he's uncomfortable when people step here oh awful he's uncomfortable and people probably use that all the time i mean it's a hotel yikes and the elevator only holds like one pound so it's true oh my god um holds one pound so he apparently she also said he looks after the building but he started out as a minor and just stayed here because he loved it so much really yeah interesting which all fits his description okay so on the fourth floor there isn't a lot of activity because it's so new that like if we're going by the theory that ghosts only follow their
Starting point is 00:29:16 blueprint oh sure and since there wasn't a fourth floor then they wouldn't haunt that now right right but on the fourth floor there have been some spirits have gotten curious and moved their way up there and one in particular likes to make sure every door is locked by trying to open everyone's door no so people have reported shakes on each of their doorknobs and it happening multiple times that's scary because like even if that were real that's so inappropriate and like yeah i mean it's also pretty inappropriate to, like, grab women's boobs and pinch their butts. So he, they think it's also Stanley because apparently since he loved the hotel so much, he might be like. He needs to chill out.
Starting point is 00:29:53 He's, like, way controlling. He is so overbearing. So he shakes each doorknob in sequence. And then people have also witnessed him floating down the hall. It's like manning the hall. What happens if it opens? Oh, yeah. Good question. That's my fear. it's like manning the what happens if it opens oh yeah good question that's my fear well i'll tell you what happens oh so but in a second hang on so also in that area the curtains and the blinds will open and close at will in any room that
Starting point is 00:30:16 has a balcony so it's like if you want to view he makes sure you know about it you have to take full advantage look out here look out here don't close that you can see the hangings from here oh don't make me laugh about that so i didn't do anything don't blame me in room 404 the tv turns on and off by itself objects will move around in guests rooms and in room 210 one of the guests was kept awake all night by a woman laughing in her room by her nightstand table. Ew. On the second floor, guests have heard an entity walking the hallways. And there are also very obvious disembodied voices in the lobby where you can hear people having conversations, but nobody is there.
Starting point is 00:30:58 It's like you'll turn around and think, obviously, two people are on that couch and no one is. They're talking about, like, old-timey things. Yeah. Gold dust. The hangingsings gold dust and hangings um there are also two guests who have checked into the hotel and seen the door to the check-in desk open and closing by itself very violently and people outside have seen figures in the windows of rooms that are unoccupied and there are spirit children that will run yell laugh and fight with each other with each other they won't fight you oh god yeah imagine if a little demon girl just ran up and was like let's fight i'd be like yeah you win you win that's how we're gonna fight
Starting point is 00:31:37 oh boy um also the elevator which we love we love that elevator doesn't have a great reputation so far um it will also run itself so it'll go up and down without anyone controlling it so like you could put your one pound like tissue bag in there and then all of a sudden like whether or not you want it to be on a certain floor it might just go to a different floor by itself it's really just like not effective at all just don't use the elevator people it's just really a guessing game it's like either you'll plummet to your death because you're too fat right um because you had like a tic-tac or or you're just gonna go to a floor you don't want to even be at or you just gotta let your luggage just take its own path to wherever it's gonna choose your own adventure
Starting point is 00:32:17 really so someone heard a spirit while they were trying to sleep of course and this is my other favorite heard the same thing um well this was a different person while they were trying to sleep, of course. And, this is my other favorite, heard the same thing while, this was a different person, while they were taking a shower. So two very intimate places. Oh, no. Heard a spirit in their ear, in a heavy whisper, say, well, hello. Oh, in their ear. Oh. So there are very intense cold spots and the scent of perfume in certain rooms.
Starting point is 00:32:44 So there are very intense cold spots and the scent of perfume in certain rooms. And there are dark shadows that move against the back wall downstairs. But apparently these shadows are blacker than black. Like even in the dark, you can see them very easily. It's like shadow people. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:57 Okay. Yeah. There's also a woman on the stairway. Sometimes you'll just see her hanging out there. She's dressed in a white nightgown and she's got short curly hair that does not match the time period of her dress so they don't actually know where she's from but they're guessing she was just like ahead of her time fashion wise in one way or another either she had like a frumpy dress but like a kicking ass hairstyle oh yeah fair or like she was really down with the dress and her hair wasn't hitting it. Hmm. Maybe.
Starting point is 00:33:25 Hmm. I mean, you can't win. I mean, she like, she nailed half of it. Okay. All right.
Starting point is 00:33:31 That's better than what I can do. So we'll give her that. Um, so one investigator, here is the, um, the doorknob, the answer to your doorknob question of what happens in the door. Oh,
Starting point is 00:33:39 thank you. What, what happens? I've been waiting. So one investigator went to bed and on the floor where these doorknobs were getting shaken and five minutes later someone tried to put a key in the lock and open the door he got up to check to see who it was but no one was there he went back to bed it happened multiple times more and more forcefully of someone trying to get into his room and he kept looking up and
Starting point is 00:34:02 the people and no one was there after it stopped he heard a thud as if quote something may have walked through the door no and then for the rest of the night he heard footsteps shuffling around the foot of his bed pacing okay this is my nightmare and he felt like someone was watching him trying to go to sleep like i can't get in with the key i guess i'll just walk through the door. I'll just... I forgot about my infinite power of not needing barriers. Like, I can just walk right through. How horrible. So...
Starting point is 00:34:30 Which, by the way, I've always wondered, if ghosts can walk through walls, why don't they fall through floors? Good point. I mean... I guess if they can control it. You can control gravity as a ghost, but not, like... No, but, like, control, like, to oh you can like this wall if i want to like just at will you just decide maybe i don't know i don't know i don't know all i know is i
Starting point is 00:34:51 don't know so that should be on a shirt by the way all i know is i don't know i mean that kind of sums up pretty much everything we should just name the podcast that everything we stand for um so yes so he felt he heard shuffling uh pacing at the end of his bed and he felt like he was being stared at and on the same investigation a door that was securely propped open kept slamming into people only when they would walk by it's just me other than that it wouldn't move at all um also that night a folder that was left open in a hotel room kept closing and opening itself every time you walked by it was in a different position so they were just trying to show i mean they were very like interactive at least yeah um at least if you like wanted to see a ghost like you didn't
Starting point is 00:35:33 walk away disappointed very good point um people would also feel pokes in their back when they were leaning against a wall so like nobody should have been poking them and pressure on their feet as if someone was standing on their feet oh here's one that everyone here will love because we forgot to talk all about eva's update where she may or may not have a new little kitty cat in her life that's true she found a black cat on october 1st that is just the most halloween thing i've ever heard my little witch she's just eva the witch um anyway it was a kitten too it was a kitten it is a kitten and their name his name his name his name is shadow tentatively tentatively we don't want to get too attached yeah it was like too late it's too late for eva eva's already like prepared his graduation and his wedding and can't wait for the
Starting point is 00:36:19 little grand kitties i was like uh maybe he already has like three names he's a cat of many kitten of many names halloween kitty so um in lieu of your kitty cat we have a kitty cat story yay that we're gonna close off on so one of the other things in this hotel is in room 220 there is often a sighting of a cat um you'll either see it sitting on your bed you'll see it walking behind the curtains like you'll see its little tail like hitting the curtain. Aw, hang on. And you will also like hear it kind of like walk by you, like hear the purr and see the, hear the purr and feel the tail hit you at the same time. So, one investigator was staying in that room and he heard purrs at the foot of his bed and he saw an indent in the
Starting point is 00:37:06 bed as if a cat was lying there sleeping with him he also later felt the bed move as if it something had jumped off the bed and then heard scratching against the carpet like how cats do that fucking nail thing yes i know how much you love that oh it's like kneading bread but there's no bread so um it's apparently bread. So it apparently seems safe. Like the cat seems really nice until you provoke it or call it over. Because then you're like inviting it or whatever. So it wants you to notice and acknowledge it. It wants you to think it's cute.
Starting point is 00:37:36 So then this investigator was like, here kitty, kitty, kitty, kitty. Fuck, no. This is exactly what I would do, by the way. So great. It's like, I'm a good one you can be with me oh so then quote the moment i tried to make a direct connection with the spirit things suddenly felt very different in my hotel room the air suddenly felt very thick and heavy i started feeling emotions that came out of nowhere like rage and despair oh my god but that was it i mean
Starting point is 00:38:02 of all things it's just like whoosh i you think about it, cats are kind of always pissed. So like maybe you just kind of, you know, vibed with the cat. Maybe. So the buildings nearby the hotel also get haunted by Stan, as I have ever so lingered above you and not told you anything about yet. So. You have ever so lingered. Ever so lingered. Look, I'm trying to really get my quotes on a
Starting point is 00:38:25 shirt all right i'm trying you're trying to make up all the words you can it's great uh the new idioms the new idioms the idioms oh whoa sorry i thought we were gonna say the same thing no we went different i was just gonna put my name in there mine is just mean i mean i guess my name was technically in both of them huh that's two idioms no idiot i was i was just being self-deprecating idiot um so yeah let's call it that i mean i say wand on so so the buildings nearby that stan also haunts because he just loved getting drunk there so much um part of the paranormal tour that you can get at these hotels where they will tell you all about how the doors lock from the paranormal tour that you can get at these hotels where they will tell you all about how the doors lock from the wrong side so you can't get into your own
Starting point is 00:39:10 rooms right right um there's a rocking chair in one of the rooms that rocks on its own and oh good the faucets and all this one time apparently there was one story where one of the rugs in the hotel room uh lifted itself up and was sitting on the bed when someone came back and um it's probably so dirty and so yeah i i got that from i think a youtube video i didn't see that anywhere else though so i don't know if that's true or not but it sounded kind of cool specific also like the rugs like under your bed like someone has to lift the bed fair fair fair fair point um so part of the tour that they will also give you is you can apparently also visit the places near the hotel and ghost stuff will also happen there. So one of the people who have been on this tour, I don't know if this is like an official tour, maybe because they were investigators, they just got their own little spiel. Oh, like back, like insider info.
Starting point is 00:40:02 But they went to some of the places that used to be bars. Some of them still are bars. And these things happened while they were there. I'm excited. So the doors slammed on them and locked right before they were about to walk in. As if someone like saw them coming and was like, I don't think so. Like, wait for it, wait for it. Bam. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:21 That's just mean. Literally slammed the door and locked it in their face. Books flew off the shelves when they tried to get near the shelves almost as if like they didn't want you to investigate so they just trashed it they're just like look at this yeah woo um they will well they he stan will also leave coins um everywhere you know how like sometimes people will say that um ghosts or spirits of people they care about will leave dimes or bobby pins or something small? You almost wouldn't notice it, but suddenly over time you're like, oh. Like the patterns.
Starting point is 00:40:54 Yeah, yeah. So apparently he likes to leave coins for people. And apparently in just a one block radius one time, he left over a dollar in coins for people to find. Oh my god. Well, that's kind of nice i thought you were gonna say something i hesitated can he go haunt like a homeless person so that they can like go get a big mac or something that'd be great yeah i mean if i were a ghost i would just trail money everywhere yeah if i had control of money as it goes that'd be kind of fun i would just
Starting point is 00:41:19 hansel and gretel it but everyone would end up at like a good place you could like robin hood it yeah that's what i'm thinking just like he could really be robin hood move some money around stop pinching people's butts and do something good so he would leave um coin trails um from the hotel to the bars and so he would like lead the okay he would lead the way it is and then jukeboxes would go on by themselves apparently one of them wasn't even plugged in and several glasses slipped off the shelf even though no one was near it and nobody was jumping that would have like vibrated it and made glasses fall so apparently one of the glasses that broke on its own didn't even fall to the ground it just shattered on its own oh so uh basically one of
Starting point is 00:42:03 the glasses just stood there and shattered on its own but it shattered in a very specific way where like you would think like a glass would shatter like it normally would just kind of all fall apart yeah but it just cracked and shattered with no one having done anything and then this was the result ew it shattered exactly all the way down. Like halfway through the wine glass. It's a wine glass. Like a vertical shattering. Someone put in aerial font the actual glass on the photo. I told you, listen, YouTube was quite an interesting ride last night. But that's creepy. It's like someone took a knife and just sliced half the wine glass off. Yeah, it's like someone just sorted it. And then the last part that i thought was also very interesting
Starting point is 00:42:46 is that there is one floor that during the daytime you don't really notice anything but at night if you do black light it looks like there's a lot of blood still on the floor oh what the frick and i got that from a video called ghost trippin uh you mean a video you made i mean guilty but so if you guys want to go see it yourself it just it looks like it could be honestly a splatter of anything but i mean could be blood it's creepy that's yeah it's really creepy so anyway that is that on the carry hotel that is that on that that's that on that all right i'm very excited about this one are you it's spooky oh cool tell me spooky spooky so this is the story of the setagaya murders in japan setagaya murders okay so this takes place in 2000 specifically december 31st 2000 so new year's eve okay a man named mikio
Starting point is 00:43:42 miyazawa 44 worked for a company called interbrand, which was a consulting firm. And he and his wife Yasuko, who is a teacher, they lived in Japan and they had two children, eight year old Nina and six year old Ray. The neighborhood they lived in was like kind of abandoned. And they had, I guess the whole country was facing like a lot of economic issues. And so there was like this big neighborhood but almost all of their neighbors had moved out and there were only four families left in the whole neighborhood so it's kind of creepy abandoned sort of like town houses yeah like very suburban but like a lot of empty houses basically and so there was a skate park behind the house too that was being expanded like for example in 1990 the development held 200 families and now there were only four remains yeah so it was like pretty much abandoned and two of the families were the miyazawas and then yasuko's mom who lived next door so like the grandmother of the family basically lived next door and so like i mean in japan too culturally
Starting point is 00:44:40 like generations are very close like bonded right so um the grandmother lived right next door to them and the skate park had apparently been causing uh the family some grief because it was so loud and they were actually hoping to move soon because they were expanding the skate park they were trying to find a better place to live and they were hoping to move in march 2001 so only a couple months later so 7 p.m that evening December 31st, Yasuko, the mom, called her mother, whose name was Asahi, and she lived next door with her sister and her sister's husband. So very close family ties. Nina, the daughter, eight years old, had visited her grandma that evening because she wanted to watch a TV show. And so the grandma had let her watch it on the computer and then went home.
Starting point is 00:45:23 So on the morning of December 30th, oh, sorry. So that was December 30th. And then on the morning of December 31st, this grandmother, Asahi, tried calling the family, but nobody answered the phone. She went next door and rang the doorbell, but nobody answered. And the front door was locked from the inside. So she went and got her own set of keys and unlocked the front door. She walked in and she found every single member of the family dead inside oh no everyone had been stabbed except the six-year-old boy ray who had been strangled
Starting point is 00:45:52 so obviously called the police um they determined that the killer had entered the night before so it had to have been after nina went so nina was at her grandma's house the night before like 9 30 okay um and then went home so it would have had to happen after that right so they determined that the killer had entered through the second story bathroom window oh no so you know it was like an invasion it wasn't like someone they knew to because it could have been like oh you know there it was a friend that did it but if it's like forced entry like that yeah oh right exactly yeah so they and it's just so creepy that the bathroom windows unlocked you don't think a second story bathroom window yeah now i'm very paranoid right because yeah you don't think that
Starting point is 00:46:34 that's somebody something people can access okay so they the killer had entered through the second story bathroom window went first to the son's room to smother him in his sleep killed him the dad had been working on the computer downstairs and had heard a noise they think which was probably the intruder um so he began to climb the stairs and the killer met him on the stairs with a knife and stabbed him to death um and then he had fallen down the stairs after being stabbed and the killer brought a sashimi knife uh that he that had actually been purchased like 12 hours before they determined they like were able to figure out like where the knife had been purchased right and
Starting point is 00:47:14 he damaged his knife at the scene so the mother and daughter heard this going down they had been sleeping in the third floor loft and they heard the commotion and decided to hide and the killer damaged his knife so he went to the kitchen to get one of their knives and while he's doing that they're like trying to hide in the third floor they like climbed the like one of those ladders into the loft but they can't pull it up because it's like right part of the part of the building it's really really sad um so he unfortunately went up and he knew they were there he found them and he stabbed both of them to death and then covered their faces with cloth sort of like the hinterkaifeck where
Starting point is 00:47:51 like he like or no it was full of skaggs murders where he covered all the surface all the mirrors right the reflections with with cloth so he covered all their faces with cloth which is just super weird but he stabbed them violently like excessively um and more than the husband so it was very odd that he chose to first smother the boy then stab the remaining three right but the women got much the woman and the girl got much more violently stabbed um so they determined that so the family's first aid kit actually had the some of the daughter's blood on it so they think that while so that the mom was trying to like help her daughter i don't know i don't really know how the first aid kit got involved here but the first aid kit had some of
Starting point is 00:48:32 the daughter's blood on it but it also had a stranger's blood on it so they were like well clearly this guy tried to bandage up his own wounds whatever he got from them fighting back a witness reported so then they started like talking to neighbors. A witness reported seeing Mikio, the dad arguing with a skateboarder a few days before the crime. And they had, like I said, like a ton of grief with the skate park.
Starting point is 00:48:54 And then another witness, a witness reported seeing the same guy, the father arguing with a bike gang that like kind of trolled around the area. So they looked into those leads and the on their last day alive a witness also saw the miaza was shopping around 6 p.m just under a mile from their home and a neighbor confirmed that their car wasn't in the driveway at that point so they're trying to piece together like this whole timeline right um so they determined that uh the family
Starting point is 00:49:19 had been murdered december 30th uh that night after nina got home and that the killer stayed in the house for potentially up to 12 hours after killing them he's just like living in their house like eating their food and shit i'm about to give a detailed description of the shit that he was doing oh my god okay so i mean this is just settle in yeah buckle up this is so creepy so first of all uh he ate four popsicles okay and just left the like wrappers lying around the house he ate melon he made himself tea wait i'm sorry so wait he ate i mean that's just like you're asking for spit dna right yeah okay well that was just the stupidest he didn't give a fuck so he's just like trolling around eating their food he ate their melon he ate their popsicles
Starting point is 00:50:02 he there were 10 beers in the fridge he didn't touch the beers which led them to think that the person didn't drink um because he drank all their tea like he was doing eating and drinking everything else right then the killer went on the family computer and he was eating his popsicle there because they found the wrappers like in the trash by the desk so he's literally sitting at the desk after probably covered in blood just like on their computer he went to the site of something called the shiki theater company which was actually one of mikio's bookmarks on the computer and he tried to buy tickets but like didn't have any credit card information so like he had been trying to check out with like buying tickets for a show that day which is super weird um they found the killer's fingerprints on the mouse, but not on the keyboard.
Starting point is 00:50:45 So they don't know, like... If he just clicked around? Yeah. They don't know what he was doing or why there wouldn't be fingerprints on the keyboard. At some point, he took a nap on the couch. He also pulled the... Before he left, he also pulled up the webpage of the father's company, like where he worked, Interbrand.
Starting point is 00:51:02 And he also pulled up the elementary school's website that the son went to then he pulled the power cord out of the computer from both the wall and the computer and just left it there and then he went and got all their credit cards bank books driver's licenses and other personal id information and just kind of spread it out and was like going through it so they found all that all over the living room floor um on the second floor they found some of those papers in the bathtub like he just went and dumped them in the bathtub weird he also used some of yasuko's uh menstrual pads for like to control his own bleeding and then just like left them in the bathtub super weird wow he really doesn't give a fuck about dna does not give a fuck no so he had like i said he dumped some stuff in
Starting point is 00:51:42 the bathtub and then he used the bathroom but he didn't flush the toilet wow he really doesn't give a fuck about dna no no wow so they were able to go through his fecal matter there it is and determined that he had eaten string beans and sesame seeds before committing the murders okay just in case anyone's wondering i can't wait till you give me the name of this guy because i know it's coming. It's a wild ride. The killer also left numerous articles of his own clothing and he actually changed into a new outfit and then folded all the clothes that he was wearing and left them there. As well as two knives that he had used in the killing. So he left the weapons.
Starting point is 00:52:18 On December 25th, Yasuko had mentioned to her father-in-law that she had seen somebody's car repeatedly parking in front of their house, which, again, is weird because it's an abandoned suburb, basically. So there was a car that had been parked out front like the week before, but that lead didn't really go anywhere because they didn't have a description. Again, that that skate park was across the street and like the dad had been fighting with a skateboarder and some bikers. And the clothes that the killer left behind were actually um clothing that like from a local skate shop so like it was very like punk skater clothes basically right um that kind of got you were into at one point or he was a skater boy yeah maybe i plead the fifth um on he had a handkerchief that he left behind and they actually found traces of jacquard noir like the right cologne which they said was a favorite among the local skateboarders.
Starting point is 00:53:09 But like, as far as I know, it was also like the most, but also so is Axe famous, but that's like the most famous men's cologne of all time. So I don't think that really, I mean, I don't know, maybe it would be hard to peg. I mean, that's like everyone that's like saying, Oh, someone got away in our black SUV. yeah yeah and they said like it was known amongst the skater i mean i don't know maybe it was as far as i know it's you weren't a skater i know i wanted to be i couldn't cut it man can you picture me on a skateboard it's just sad not even a little bit very sad um and the handkerchief so the handkerchief had this cologne on it and the handkerchief itself was ironed which i thought was kind of odd because they were like okay this person like ironed their own
Starting point is 00:53:47 handkerchief which also doesn't seem like a very skater move but maybe maybe i don't really know much about skaters the more like not giving a fuck about authority and that they're coming after you that's very scary yeah yeah and then ironing your own little handkerchief everyone's got one thing very odd so they also found trace amounts of a red fluorescent agent this shit gets even weirder by the way of a red fluorescent agent um which was used in stage prop design um there were trace amounts also in the garage but no indication that the killer was in the garage on the day of the murder which suggested that maybe the killer had been there before and had been in the garage before interesting also interesting that he was using stage theater blood but looked up that stage theater company for tickets that i just made
Starting point is 00:54:30 that connection too huh that's weird he was a skater boy also a theater boy theater nerd yeah i don't know is that weird yeah stage prop design yeah that's a very specific i don't know thing yeah exactly so maybe that had something to do with it um in the pocket of his sweater which by the way they had found had only gone on sale two months before uh they found traces of bird droppings Japanese zelkova tree and willow leaves okay and then he had this like fanny pack which I guess was cooler than a fanny pack it's like a green hip bag right yeah sounds like a fanny pack to me which um they found sand in it and they determined that the sand are you ready for this came from the edwards air force base in las vegas nevada so specific is that weird wild like nevada
Starting point is 00:55:18 i didn't even know there was science that could show you exactly where dirt came from i do because i watch a lot of bones but i didn't know if it was actually real. I thought maybe it was just a TV show. Wow, okay. But, yeah, so, I mean, everything's, like, in Japan, and he might be a Japanese skater boy, and then all of a sudden it's like, well, he has air force sand from Nevada. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:37 Weird. Anyway, that was probably the weirdest one to me. So as far as the sweater, they learned that 130 of those particular sweaters had been sold in Tokyo, but they were only able to track down the owners of 12 and none of them were the suspects. Okay. Which I'm like, even the fact that they tracked down 12 people who had purchased a specific sweater.
Starting point is 00:55:56 I don't know. I find that very crazy, but I guess if they, I'm on the other end, I'm like only 12. That's not even wild. I guess it depends if they use cash or credit card. Yeah. I feel know out of 130 i feel like not only 12 used i guess you're right yeah i guess you're right i think they got lazy on that one it's also like 20 years ago i don't know oh right right if that makes a difference or not maybe not you can't just control f and like find people okay so as i said the killer left his own blood in the house he actually used the the first aid kit to clean up clean himself up then use the sanitary pads so police were able
Starting point is 00:56:32 to do dna testing on the blood and they determined that he was most likely half korean and half mediterranean so he is of mixed race and the this is even weirder the clothes were had his own clothes had been washed in hard water but japan has does not have hard water so like the water to use his clothes was like from a different country so wild just so weird so it's just like all these strange details um additionally his shoes were size nine sneakers which for japanese standards was very large so they don't know so he sounds american yeah but he's half korean half mediterranean so they don't know if he i mean he was in vegas and used hard water and air force base yeah i mean i mean could he have been like in the military and like maybe like went out to america for a little bit but then
Starting point is 00:57:18 don't but they fingerprint soldiers don't they all right probably better i think they i mean they do now i don't i assume they did in 2000 i don't know i don't know you're right like that's the only thing i mean we're not detectives that makes the most don't be too hard on yourself to me but i don't know so this is crazy approximately 246 000 officers were involved with the case so my god a quarter of a million detectives were involved in this case uh Police received more than 16,000 pieces of information from the public, as well as 12,000 pieces of evidence from the house alone, from the crime scene. And they looked at this from every possible
Starting point is 00:57:52 angle, and they just couldn't figure out who it was. You're kidding me. I'm not kidding you. They couldn't check DNA on the Popsicle sticks or his pee or poop. They did. They had his DNA. Oh, it just didn't go through CODIS. They just didn't have... Yeah, they didn't match anybody did they had his dna i said they searched oh it just like didn't go through codis like they just didn't have like um yeah they didn't match anybody they had his dna they found out what his like x and y chromosomes came from like they knew he was half mediterranean half
Starting point is 00:58:14 korean right um they tracked down like the shops where he would have bought his sweater i'm just still under the unbelievably ignorant mentality of like if you have someone's dna like google will just tell you their name like i know that's not real at all but in my brain it's like oh they have their dna they know who it is like i know well think about uh golden state killer like it took i know decades and they had his dna the whole time i know just when i like my jerk instinct like without thinking i'm just like oh yeah well obviously they'll know who it is now like i feel like it's like they gave you so much information to work with but But like, like, I know, I know. I'm it's not right. But yeah, so they looked at the mother, they looked at the
Starting point is 00:58:49 father, they looked if anyone owed them money, or if they owed money to the wrong people. They looked to see if the parents had affairs. If anyone had like a beef with these guys, they even took every New Year's greeting card and followed up on every family that they had sent a New Year's greeting card to and were like, how well do you do you know them like do they have any beefs and they went through every little clue that they could find i mean they had 12 000 pieces of evidence just from the crime scenes um and there were several witness sightings of who could have been the killer both around the house as well as around town like wearing the same outfit the clothes stood out to some witnesses because it was very light
Starting point is 00:59:25 and it was very cold it was like winter it was very cold so um some people did see him around like some train stations um somebody said the man was in his 30s wearing black down jacket and jeans around town and there was actually a uh a hospital that treated somebody with a wound the day after and it was deep enough to see the bone and the man did not give his name nor did he give a reason for his wound and he was simply treated and released because it hadn't been announced yet that like this was somebody they were on the lookout for so they didn't get his name he just went and got emergency service and then imagine having a wound so bad that like you can like see to the bone he just hung around ate four popsicles
Starting point is 01:00:03 that's true i didn't even think about that. He was just dripping blood all over that house. Yeah. Wow. And, like, not flushing the toilet. It's just so weird, too. It's like, why? It's like he wanted to get caught.
Starting point is 01:00:14 Like, he really did dangle it in front of everyone of, like, you can't catch me and I know you can't. So I'm just going to, like. It's so odd. Mark my territory everywhere and you're still not going to get me. Like, you have to, in my mind, like, intentionally not flush a toilet like yeah it's not even habit like you have to like not do it for a reason but me i mean who knows if this guy was right in the head i don't know so what they do know is that like i said the suspect is mixed race was in his 20s or 30s at the time of the crime that they
Starting point is 01:00:39 didn't think he drank alcohol is probably a vegetarian was into the skateboarding scene probably had issues with females is about 5'6 and of thin build, but despite the overwhelming amount of evidence, the killer has never been found. So over the years, so it's been 18 years, the reward has been raised to 20 million yen for any information that leads to his arrest, which is about $176,000. As of 2015, they still have 40 officers full-time assigned to the case who like their literal day job all day every day is just to work on this case 18 years later apparently japanese investigators are some of the best and like most i mean even just like the details they
Starting point is 01:01:16 were able to like pull from this they're some of the best in the world but they still have not been able to identify the killer and many of the officers who originally investigated the case have retired but a lot of them still attend the memorial ceremony for the family every year. And like every year say like, we're going to figure it out someday. And around that same time every year, officers still hand out flyers asking anyone with information to come forward. And obviously, if anybody knows anything, they're asked to come forward. And I guess people think it's just a guy who had this like, I mean, I read somewhere online that I thought was interesting, like maybe the child of a service member. Right.
Starting point is 01:01:53 Or something. And then maybe he was in the area, got involved in like the skater scene. Maybe it was a loner. Who knows? And then moved and like started a new life elsewhere. I don't know. But it's just so creepy. I mean, at this point i guess
Starting point is 01:02:05 anything's possible yeah it's hard to imagine too that somebody like that didn't go on to keep killing people like i imagine that's probably still i feel like if you're that just that bold to just do whatever you want at a crime scene like what's stopping you from doing it again yeah yeah so i mean ultimately i hope they're able to figure it out but for now it remains unsolved crazy crazy and since it is unsolved i did not have a horror scope right maybe someday we'll do an update and i'll release this person's horror scope if they are found all right but for now i have a geoscope yay okay now i figured this was this is actually the first one i found and i thought it was actually really fitting for the wedding week all right geo happiness reigns in the home right now scorpio money comes pouring in okay well maybe not that much maybe not money comes pouring in from bonuses salaries extra hours
Starting point is 01:02:59 or gifts you may be considering spending some of this money on either adding to or refurbishing your home. Maybe, Gio. If you're having trouble making a decision, consider consulting a decorator. For his fucking dungeon layer. There is great harmony within your family. You seem to understand each other on an intuitive level. Aww.
Starting point is 01:03:19 Yeah, that was very nice. Gio's having a good week. He is getting a lot of gifts. We did our fan mail video earlier and he got some new bow ties, some new treats, some Halloween toys. Got just as much as we did. Or more. Or more.
Starting point is 01:03:32 He got literally 330 milk bones. He got seven pounds of milk bones. A Costco size value pack of milk bones. Yeah. So we'll put that on Patreon. So good for Gio. So good for him. So it's fine. fine gifts are just raining in
Starting point is 01:03:46 i'd like seven pounds of treats but uh to be fair you got a bulk pack of milano cookies i did um all right thanks guys for listening and if you want to go uh watch the fan mail video it's for patreon donors donation donors donationers donators is the formal term donors donors um you can also find us at facebook twitter instagram patreon at atwwd podcast you can also see our website and that's why we where we also have all of our tour tickets so please go buy um tickets for boston right that's the last one yes did philly ever sell out yes it did yes both of our philly shows are sold out now yes woohoo all right so all we have is the wilbur and please please do not make me you know have a panic attack just go
Starting point is 01:04:38 buy tickets because we're funny i promise be there um also check our like follow our social media if you want to know when tickets are released because um we have shows coming up that we will not have time to release on the show before the tickets go up for sale correct so it's the easiest way to follow that or to find out about tickets is to follow us on social media yeah what is your social media christine well i meant the show's i know but we all know we're gonna post it on our own oh okay um x teen sheifer i just honestly i just want to have a friendly competition who can get more followers after this week oh my god don't do that also eva your your social media should be more publicly announced i think ew gross with no yeah ew gross with three s's ew gross
Starting point is 01:05:19 with three s's just funny yeah and eva's very funny on twitter so if you don't follow her you should go follow yeah then you're wrong. Also, you can see our merch at AndThat' Yeah. That will be changing soon, however. We are in the middle of a merch rebranding. Correct. But we will give you more updates about that soon.
Starting point is 01:05:37 That's right. And we're so happy to be in spooky season Halloween time. Yes. Yes, yes, yes. Our jam. That's... No, I was going gonna say and like 10 more days until you're married oh fuck i know yeah it's 11 but nobody's counting oh okay help me
Starting point is 01:05:53 well in 12 days you're gonna be really relieved i cannot wait for that day there's a burrito bar the next day at my mom's house and i cannot wait to just eat a burrito and not think about this ever again anything ever again well thank you guys also um send us your personal stories on and that's why we drink at where we put out our listeners episodes on the first of every month yes so i think that's all we got i think so all right help us help us sell out the wilbur and that's why we drink

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