And That's Why We Drink - E92 Twin Theybies and a Phone Call to the Mayor

Episode Date: November 4, 2018

Merry Christmas and a Happy Halloween! Spooky season continues with Halloween 2.0 featuring Em as Marty McFly and Christine as... still in her cat onesie! This week Em takes on the origins of the woman, La Llorona and Christine continues Em's theme from last week by bringing us her mom Renate's paranormal and true crime stories! And find our what Patreon level gets you a live stream of Em sleeping... and that's why we drink!Please consider supporting the companies that support us! Get 2 months of unlimited access to Skillshare for only $.99Get 40% off all Lola subscriptions when you go to $10 off your first FabFitFun box when you go to and use our promo code DRINKStream the brand new second season of Gimlet's highly acclaimed podcast, Crimetown, free on Spotify!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 welcome to halloween 2.0 2.0 for you guys halloween is over for us it is only beginning well we're halfway through we're that we were at 51 51 um that's when your phone does not need to be in power reserve anymore guys uh christ Christine's still in her cat costume. I mean, Em showed up in a Marty McFly outfit, so I felt like I needed to live up. Well, since last week, I almost said last year. I'm still in my costume. It hasn't changed at all. It's been six days.
Starting point is 00:00:35 Don't worry. Actually, Christine did change her underwear earlier today. I did. I wanted to make sure everyone knew about it. She announced it as she came down the stairs. I changed my underwear. It wasn't really, it wasn't for a gross reason. It was because it. It wasn't really. It wasn't for a gross reason. It was because it was falling off my butt.
Starting point is 00:00:48 Well, it's a gross reason. And in a onesie. It's a little difficult to constantly be fixing it. So Christine's underwear has been changed once. So glad we announced that to the world. Okay, so you're in your costume. I didn't come in a costume last week, so I felt underdressed. So I came in my costume this week.
Starting point is 00:01:05 And I also had to match you on the same energy present-wise, so I got you both something. Oh, for God's sake. Are you serious? Yeah. We're just going to become those people who try to one-up each other all the time. No, it's very even. Okay, good. I'm so impressed with everyone's ability to hide these presents.
Starting point is 00:01:19 I was like, Em's going downstairs? Bye. What is that? What the fuck? Are you serious right now um holy shit you're not fucking around dude whoa look at this crime scene tape oh fuck yeah i'm gonna put this all over the podcast room holy shit there's pot oh my god this is dope there's crime scene tape ah what is this whoa there's like a tumbler a skull it's a tumbler but it's a skull with a brain like a brain freeze get it oh clever and then there's ice cube trays that have eyeball gummies
Starting point is 00:01:58 in them so you can put ice cube eyeballs in your drinks wait that's so good yeah when you guys come over on halloween i'll make them for like the cider or something oh yeah yeah yeah fun idea and then i put in um each candy has like a different thing about it um the gummies just seemed very halloweeny but then i also put in some of my favorites something i thought christine would like and something i thought eva would like oh my god reptile cereal that's the thing christine would like of course it is what's the one even would like um booze yeah well i just assumed like you you got her wine so i got you a little champagne jelly beans i can't let this exist i got champagne jelly beans for you guys and then peanut m&ms are also christine's favorite and then
Starting point is 00:02:40 triple power push pop i actually just talked about this on is this adult i'm so mad i tried to find them for you for last week five below so what's that wait there's a five below here i just found it that's why i bought all this shit what is that a candy store five below it thank you eva the virginians in here no it's a it's basically like you know how there's like a like a dollar tree or yeah so they're five below is everything is five dollars or under oh because i tried to find these at target for you and i couldn't and i felt sad it's a right across us from the outback in glendale oh hells yeah i know where that is the escalator five blizzards yeah is it new i don't know but i used to go to that complex all the time well i saw it and i was like well i have to fucking go because that was like my like high school experience was always going
Starting point is 00:03:24 to five below like when you first get a car and there's really nowhere to drive in your small town five below was just the place you always went I'm so excited right now I'm eating these gummy bears they're little evil twins like you and me just like you and me um thank you this is precious you're welcome they got me a little Halloween basket yeah all right so and uh that's that's all I have. That's adorable. Thank you. You're welcome. I'm very happy right now.
Starting point is 00:03:48 Good. I love Halloween. I wanted to match your Halloween energy. I love putting the pressure on. Well, you did. How are you, Em? Currently fighting a cold, if you can't tell by my nasally voice. Womp womp.
Starting point is 00:04:03 But other than that, I'm fine. Allison took care of me, which was very nice and i have officially completed my haunt attraction to-do list for october 2018 because i went to the la haunted hayride i went to queen mary i went to knott's berry not scary farm and i went to universal and i did them in ascending order of like the scariest. Ooh. Fancy. So like I weaned myself in. And then as of two days ago, I went to the best one, which was Universal.
Starting point is 00:04:33 Awesome. And Allison went. And it was her first time at Universal. I think she had a good time. We actually both screamed. Oh. That was fun. Christine, my roommate, who I go with every year, she ran into a wall. She was so scared.
Starting point is 00:04:46 Oh, no, that's something I would do, to be fair. You could hear her head hit the wall. Oh, no. And I had to catch her. But that just means you had a good time. I mean, that's you don't leave without doing that. I hear. Right, right, right. How are you? I'm okay. I've been feeling too hot this weekend. So I kind of stayed home and did Halloween stuff with myself and my dog. Self-care. Self-care. Watched some Sabrina, which i'm obsessed with watched uh haunting of hill house you know try to get in the spooky spirit ate a shit ton of candy day
Starting point is 00:05:13 and day like you're currently doing right now correct so life is good i love halloween season awesome i also enjoy it and now that this is this is coming out the week after right so like the fourth so halloween's already happened we're already a couple days in oh my god we're we our first tour date is tomorrow tomorrow yeah in dc current well yeah when you listen to this yes so yeah we're currently very nervous actually we're probably currently in fredericksburg and i'm showing christine and eva my hometown that's right we got a dose of Cincinnati now a dose of fredericksburg and I'm showing Christine and Eva my hometown. That's right. We got a dose of Cincinnati, now a dose of Fredericksburg. Very excited. We're on it. Yeah. Um, it'll be fun. I'll show you all the hotspots. I still need to do a lot of prepping for that week, but yeah, working on it. I need to, I need a lot of mental prep as well. I need to make sure I've
Starting point is 00:05:57 got enough propranolol. Talk about self care, man. That's going to be a rough week. And like around my parents at the same time. It's one thing to be incredibly nervous and to do the thing I hate the most, which is like to be on stage in a panic, but like to also do it with all my friends and family, like fighting for time to hang out with me when it's like, I'm not really here for vacation. I'm here to like, yeah, be prepared to be on a stage five nights in a row. Then we got to bolt like right afterward. Yeah. Right.
Starting point is 00:06:21 It's going to be a lot of pressure and it's going be i think it's gonna be i i imagine some version of a reality check with my friends because my friends have actually never seen me with a job oh um because as soon as i because i went to college i didn't really i worked in college but only during like college season like part-time yeah yeah and then when it was summer i was hanging out with all my friends then i went to grad school in boston then i went to la but they've never actually known me to be like on the job while they were like in the same area as me yeah and this is definitely not like your traditional on the job it's like right it's gonna be weird though for them to be like let's have a sleepover and I'm gonna be like I gotta work I think that's the first time I'll ever get to say I'm on a business trip right now like do
Starting point is 00:06:58 you mind but um yeah it'll be it'll be a new experience it'll be fun um it'll, it'll be, it'll be a new experience. It'll be fun. Um, it'll be, it'll be a learning experience for all of us. I think. Agreed. Yeah. That'll be good though. Um, and being,
Starting point is 00:07:10 that being said, we have a lot of tour date. Those are all sold out, but we do have a lot of tour dates, um, coming up. Uh, so check our website and that's,
Starting point is 00:07:16 we slash live. Um, I believe the week that this comes out, a couple of new shows are announcing. So, uh, follow our Instagram. That's where we post them.
Starting point is 00:07:24 Instagram, Twitter. Yep. A T W W D podcast. Real quick update as well. a couple new shows are announcing so follow our instagram that's where we post them instagram twitter yep atwwd podcast real quick update as well a lot of people have been asking about this we actually have made some changes to our patreon page uh so i just want to explain that real quick so we had a lot of tears before and it was getting kind of complex and there were a lot of things rewards that we had promised that we just felt like we weren't living up to and it it was like growing, at least like my guilt was like at an all time high. Yeah. An all time high. Cause I was like, shit, these people are, you know, supporting us monetarily.
Starting point is 00:07:52 And I feel like we're not giving them what we promised. So we've simplified the whole system. There are now only two tiers, a $2 tier and a $5 tier. $2 and above gets you everything that we currently do. um, $2 and above gets you everything that, uh, we currently do like, um,
Starting point is 00:08:05 CK's bonus listener stories every month and our Facebook live and, occasional goodies that we mail out to you guys, just like little postcards and things. Right. And then $5 and above, um, is now there's a little bit changed. You get everything else that the $2 people get patrons get.
Starting point is 00:08:21 And then you also have access to our fan mail videos that we do every month, um used to only be ten dollars and above so now five dollars you get access to our fan mail videos and you also get behind the scenes content which is something we're trying to work on yeah and so if you guys have any suggestions that would also be something you can email us about yeah but like for now it's mostly just kind of casual, like, oh, me sleeping and I'm sleeping. Isn't that what you all want? Yeah. But like, you know, when we're traveling or like now we're going to be able to post from our phones directly to the Patreon page. So that's going to give us a lot more access to give you guys more content, which we think
Starting point is 00:08:57 is probably the most the best way we can include you guys in our lives and vice versa. So we're hoping that adding more content to the page will be worth it for you guys month to month. And you don't have to change your donation, but you do if you are a Patreon donor, please check your messages because I did kind of give a quick instruction on how to include yourself on the $5 tier. Right. So thank you to everyone who's been donating. You mean so much to us and are still so special to us. So we just wanted to make this as simplified as possible. And we wanted to make sure that we were actually giving you something that we could promise you yeah exactly and not you know fall short on that not over promise yep all right all right well spooky season continues yes so um we
Starting point is 00:09:36 actually just did this month's uh facebook live or i guess october's facebook live we just recorded that before we started recording this. So, um, ironically, I don't know if it's really ironic, but it was funny in that a lot of people like actually irony, a lot of people were, uh, recommending stories to me through Facebook live of things that I should cover in the future, which I highly appreciate and I'm so grateful for. There were a few people who were requesting something and i basically said flat out in the facebook live okay that's the story i'm covering literally in five minutes after we do five facebook lives so you gotta stop requesting it or christine's gonna like get the name in her head so i got a spoiler alert everyone got a spoiler alert so uh
Starting point is 00:10:20 christine actually knows what i'm covering today although i don't think you actually know the story behind it at all, do you? I mean, I do-ish. Oh, you do? Yeah, but I've always wanted to hear you cover it, so I'm very excited. Okay, so... I, like, know the basics, but I don't know much about it. I never heard of it. Oh, really?
Starting point is 00:10:33 I only knew a lot of people started requesting it after I covered Bloody Mary. Right, okay. Well, there's the movie... Okay, well, you say the topic, and then... Nobody knows. Everyone's like, what is it? Jesus Christ. okay well you say the topic and then nobody knows everyone's like what is it jesus christ yeah no so i uh i got i got a lot of requests after bloody mary because apparently this is uh a similar
Starting point is 00:10:52 folklore so this is la llorona yay and it is a latin american folklore a lot of people have said that she is the latin american bloody mary, sure. Although she doesn't come with a game. She's not like a... She's not fun in games. Like, you don't request her presence. She, like, brings it upon herself to show you. You don't have to request her. I think a lot of...
Starting point is 00:11:14 The movie was just announced. I think people are kind of... It's on the brain. Yes. Yeah. So, La Llorona in English is loosely translated into either the weeping woman or the wailing woman. The wailing. That sounds so creepy.
Starting point is 00:11:27 So La Llorona is a part of Hispanic culture in the Southwest since basically the days of the conquistadors. And actually, it's become kind of a part of Hispanic culture wherever you are. So even in America and like more Hispanic communities, it has carried over. So there's a lot of variety on the folklore it was also depicted before the movie that's coming out it was depicted in 1961 in a film called the curse of the crying woman it has also been on the tv show grim on the tv show sleepy hollow la llamona was actually the first villain and the very first pilot of supernatural shit and several movies and songs have incorporated her and she's also been a theme character at
Starting point is 00:12:13 universal studios halloween horror nights that's a horrible theme character to run into and uh she has also been featured in comics such as batwoman oh really yep okay so the very culturally relevant she gets around so well yeah so uh laguirona is a ghost of a woman who lost her children and now she cries looking for them in all sorts of riverbanks oceans lakes depending on the story she's in different bodies of water thank god we live in a drought over here yeah thank god we live in a desert um and she often also causes misfortune to those who are near great um so this is one of the most common stories and then literally half of what i'm covering today is just multiple versions of her because i wanted to make sure when i did um bloody mary and then i also did i'm gonna fuck it up the ace wongs yeah i am
Starting point is 00:13:05 not gonna chime in because i also get it wrong what the philippine folklore yeah um a lot of people would then personally write to me and say like hey this was my version and it didn't get covered so and that happened with bloody mary too right like a lot of people said it was different in their life in their childhood right so i'm gonna cover as many versions as i can so everyone feels included um not everyone there's gonna be there's gonna be someone who emails me being like excuse me and i really apologize but are you okay you got lines on your head oh really it looks like someone kissed you does it hurt it looks like a ghost kissed you yeah it feels hot but i don't know what it is it looks it literally looks like a lip mark ew no i don't like that. Do you see it, Eva? It feels like scratches.
Starting point is 00:13:46 But I don't know what it would be. It's La Llorona. Yeah. It's okay. We'll see if it gets worse as I tell the story. Great. Ew, I don't want it. I don't want it. It's fine. Too late. You keep bringing the shit into my house. I bring...
Starting point is 00:14:01 Listen, someone else shipped you a box of haunted dolls okay shipped us to be fair i just get to house them listen when we started this podcast you said let's record at my place and that is how things came to be all right you're right your punishment is the commute and mine is the demonic dolls right and we all know whose is worse mine so i mean yeah this is la you're right you're being punished more than I am. I have to pay gas to come here. That is very fair. I have to pay with my soul, but you know, same thing.
Starting point is 00:14:30 Same difference, really. In LA, it really is the same thing. It's like, oh, an Exxon or, yeah, my soul, I guess. That's what I'll pay with today. So, okay, so this is the most common version I could find. In a rural village, there lived a young woman named Maria. Maria came from a poor family, but she was known for her beauty. common version i could find in a rural village there lived a young woman named maria maria came from a poor family but she was known for her beauty apparently like no matter who you were
Starting point is 00:14:49 whatever class you were from everyone was just in love with maria one day i get that oh christ in there done that okay i'm sorry i'm sorry one day a very wealthy man traveled to her village and proposed to her um i don't know if that was like right away or if he waited five minutes. Just right away. He proposed to her and his father was extremely disappointed that he was marrying into poverty. Oh, no. Clearly, the story was in a place where classism was like very, very, very alive and well. very very alive and well um maria and her new husband built a house in the village to keep away from his father who was not proud to have had his son marry her eventually maria gave birth to twins
Starting point is 00:15:32 every story changes either it's a boy and a girl or two girls or two boys why do we have to gender them thank you it could just be two babies they are definitely twin babies um so baby twins would be so cute though that would be precious like oh who's who who knows they're the never mind i was gonna make more jokes and i was like i'm not allowed to make these jokes so let's move on i mean all of my kids are clearly going to be babies so it's gonna be quite a toss-up we can just play like a guessing game every time you meet them it's like oh what do you think which one's which who knows and so they tell us one day we let's just play a guessing game so eventually maria gave birth to twin babies and her husband was always traveling and when he would come home he'd only pay attention to the children and maria was not having it that's sad she felt
Starting point is 00:16:20 like he was falling out of love with her. And one day he just never came back. Years later, Maria and the twin babies were walking by a river when she saw her husband with a younger woman and another baby. No. I bet you that was just a regular baby because he wasn't up to the. That one was just stereotyped from the start. Cultural norms. So Maria was like like fuck heteronormativity and no i don't know oh i was like whoa wow maria's got the words on her twist so maria was spanish um uh no okay uh so maria was so angry and confused oh poor thing that she went into a blind rage She picked up her two children and she threw them in the river. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:17:07 That's not good. And she drowned her babies. No, that's no way to handle this situation. Hate crime! No. It was just out of spite for her husband. It was just a crime crime. Just a crime crime.
Starting point is 00:17:15 Just like a horrible, like, infanticide crime. Terrible. Um. Terrible. So only after she saw their bodies floating in the river oh for fuck's sake she realized what she had done and so she also jumped in the river to save them at that point they had already died rest in peace and she also passed away but at the gates of heaven oh she drowned apparently she's going to heaven um according to the stories she at least got to the outside gates she yeah
Starting point is 00:17:44 she got she got into the neighborhood. So did she drown as well? Yeah, she drowned trying to, I guess, go fish her kids out. Terrible. At the gates of, I guess, heaven, she was challenged about where her kids were because they all died, but only she showed up at heaven. And she was told she is not allowed to have an afterlife
Starting point is 00:18:04 until she has found her children. Oh, that just gave me the chills. So now she spends eternity looking for her kids in the river. Oh, it is said. Oh, it's so dark. It is said that if you hear her crying, you are to run the opposite way, obviously. Yeah. And she could bring misfortune or even death.
Starting point is 00:18:22 So a lot of parents apparently in Mexicoxico and guatemala which is what i'm finding on the internet not what i'm just deciding i don't want anyone thinking i'm like saying something stereotypical what i have found on google many parents in mexico and guatemala apparently use the story to scare their children from staying out too late so nice it sounds like german parents clearly they're all the same like telling these fucking horror stories to small children in some versions of the tale la llorona kidnaps wandering children oh god and they don't even have to be near water um she will then ask them for forgiveness and then kill them i don't like that in some stories she will kill them right on the spot in some stories she will drag them to the nearest body of water and drown them but apparently she is drowning these children to replace hers and hoping that those souls with
Starting point is 00:19:09 her will give her the afterlife oh god this is really spooky people who claim to have seen her say that she appears at night by rivers or lakes but others have said that they see her in jungles like apparently in brazil there's another version of her that's in the jungle amongst her crying she has been uh people have witnessed her screaming my children my children so that's the most common version apparently okay now i'm just gonna run through the i think that's the one i've heard like the basic one that i've heard i think they're all more or less the same just with different twists okay in the guatemala version guatemalan version it said that her screaming she's very much like it has the same concept of the ace wong whatever how that's pronounced if you hear her far away she's actually closer to you to like oh so like trick you to trick you to think that you're safe and if you
Starting point is 00:20:05 hear the sound close to you you're actually it's actually farther away you're like relieved oh so she wants you to run she was i don't like it like toward her so um she's actually near when she sounds distant she's actually distant when she sounds near um good another version of the legend is that those who do not treat their families well will see her and she will teach them a lesson oh so she doesn't have you don't even have to hear her crying to come find her she will find you now that's the parent twist of like how can i make this you better respect me or else you'll be taking your own is coming i mean yeah it makes more sense for like a child right to like keep them in line i guess so uh also there is an arizona version interesting where a woman named lana uh she lived with her husband and two children felt that her husband was paying more
Starting point is 00:20:53 attention to her children than her and so she pushed them over the edge of a canyon and then jumped herself what the fuck so interesting that they chose like a place with definitely more desert and they're like oh a canyon instead of a river. Right. Sure. We don't have water. Like, how could we make this an obvious kill? So that's a horrible. There's another common version of instead of being named Maria or Lana, she is Louisa and she marries or she wants to marry a man named Don Muno.
Starting point is 00:21:21 And they were of different social classes. They fell in love. Muno and they were of different social classes. They fell in love, but Don could not imagine actually marrying someone of Louisa's peasantry stature, apparently. So he decides that he loves her enough to keep her as a mistress. Wow. That's so thoughtful and generous. Yeah. Yeah. Chivalry isn't dead. Right. No. But Don's about to be so. Oh, now that should be the tagline for the movie. So Don stopped visiting Louise and her children because he did give her kids. It was just, but just wouldn't marry them. He bestowed them upon her.
Starting point is 00:21:55 Bestowed the gift. Right. Such a gentleman. So he had kids with her, but was like, I'm not going to marry you. Okay. Let her live in like a little off house on his property. Oh my God. But he had his own home to himself.
Starting point is 00:22:07 And one day Louise actually went to the main house to ask him personally why he stopped coming to see the children. And when she arrived, she found out that she was showing up on the day of Don's wedding to another woman of his class. Oh no. And so. Oh, okay. So she was just so mad and didn't know how else to like get her point across that he didn't own her anymore so she um drowned her children um since they were somehow associated with him cool okay great healthy fantastic so another legend says that it was not actually uh the woman or laurier runner herself who drowned the children that it was not actually the woman or La Llorona herself who drowned the children,
Starting point is 00:22:45 but it was actually the father in an attempt to hide the fact that he was cheating on his wife. Had like a mistress and other kids. Oh, my God. Another version is that she was originally, when she was alive, standing at an altar. And she was like standing next to her husband. And the priest requested, they had some deal the priest and the husband had some deal where the priest was going to have their firstborn son and have him welcomed into the priesthood like they had already agreed that their son would become a priest okay
Starting point is 00:23:15 once they had their firstborn son that's fun for the boy thanks priest thanks priest oh you're back so i missed that one she agreed not knowing that when she finally got pregnant, she wouldn't want to give her son up. She also ended up having multiple other children, and she just didn't want to get rid of them. And so either it was her or someone else or someone caused a fire where all of them burned down to the ground. Oh, my God. Okay. So fire, that's a new one. Oh my god.
Starting point is 00:23:41 Okay. So either the... So fire. That's a new one. Either the priests burned down the house since they weren't willing to... Since she wasn't willing to give them her children or to protect her children from the priesthood. I don't know. Like to keep them from having to go.
Starting point is 00:23:54 Like by force, right? Right. By force. By force. She burned down the house and left them in there. I mean, reasonable one way or the other, in my opinion. Right. I mean, no matter what, it makes sense.
Starting point is 00:24:02 It's called healthy problem solving. Right. So that's another way. That's an interesting one wait you said don dies did don die in any of those yeah so apparently so she drowned her kids in the river went back and killed her oh okay sure right i just thought that went by itself um that was just like self-explanatory yeah yeah um fucked up thing in the fire version apparently la llorona survived oh no and she was severely burned and actually later was called donkey girl what because the burns were so severe that her face had horse-like donkey-like features okay so she was also known in some stories as donkey girl yeah yeah really fucked up
Starting point is 00:24:48 yeah so we are just sliding past that we're just uh sprinkling on more fun facts right left and right another version is that again there was a set of twins and they were so identical they were both twin girls in this case and they were both so identical that when they went to go get baptized the priest accidentally baptized one of the babies twice thinking that he baptized both of them he just forgot which one he they like mixed them up right so there was a human error and one of them was not baptized one of them was baptized twice um does that cancel it out or no i think it's like two rights make a double right i mean like i'll have to ask god like yeah let me know really know let me know what he says well over the years apparently both twins grew up and got married but the one that
Starting point is 00:25:30 was baptized found actual love and true happiness and had kids and all this other splendor and the twin that got skipped by the priest hashtag thanks priest um she never found any happiness she married out of obligation and when she gave birth to both her son and daughter, she did not love either of them. And she drowned them out of resentment. Right. Cause that's what happens when you're not baptized into the faith. Right. Uh huh.
Starting point is 00:25:53 I mean, I wasn't baptized in. It's a really subtle. Where are my kids? Uh oh. Uh oh. I mean, talk about like a subtle lesson that you're teaching in Sunday school. But by the way, like that wasn't even there. It's not like she chose not to be baptized.
Starting point is 00:26:06 So she got a terrible life. It's like, she was like, I'm sorry. I just don't love you. It was just like, but it was like, oh, the priest accidentally messed up. It's not like she chose this life. Well, whatever. Apparently, I don't know. It's messed up.
Starting point is 00:26:18 It was fate, I suppose. So I suppose it is. So another common version is that again, the woman's name is maria her beauty just enamors all all men um and in the evenings she apparently would dress up and she would go out and flirt with all of the men that were just crazy about her but she was neglecting her two small sons that were at home and uh basically those two sons ended up drowned in the river and they think that maybe maria did it so that she wouldn't have to feel responsibility for them and she could go hit yeah she'd go hit on some guys oh okay um that sounds very shamey
Starting point is 00:26:57 oh yeah um and then also she just wanted to flirt with guys okay and she didn't want to have anything back at home keeping her like holding her down. And so she drowned them, but then apparently she regretted it. And she stayed up all night and didn't eat while she was searching for her sons in the river. She ended up dying on the river banks and she was so skinny because she was not eating that she like slowly started herself to death and died on the
Starting point is 00:27:22 river banks. Good. Fabulous. And then I think this is the last version is that, That she like slowly starved herself to death and died on the riverbanks. Good. Fabulous. And then I think this is the last version is that a poor woman and a poor man got married and started having kids and they couldn't afford to feed all of them. So the husband just started drowning them. Oh, good. After giving birth to their fifth child, the husband threw the baby in the river and she,
Starting point is 00:27:43 the woman went in after the baby and both of them drowned oh my god um and then from there on out the woman haunted the river i mean i fucking would too let's be real so some say that she kills men women and children but the most common story throughout is that she only kills children wow well i think it's interesting that there's a twist that the man does it because like that i feel like inherently the story i've heard is that like she did it and then like she's coming after maybe only like feminist communities like they're like it's like the husband did it the man did it yeah i don't know that's interesting twist i hadn't
Starting point is 00:28:19 heard that before so uh la llorona i just keep making sure i'm like saying i literally wrote it phonetically at the top so i like don't fuck it up um so there are a lot of origins about like where the story actually came from some of them are from like several several hundred years ago um the stories apparently in america come from more the southwest and they've gone as far as the yellowstone river that's oh but uh mainly it is obviously a hispanic folklore although it has been traced back to german folklore what of course why am i surprised in 1486 a lot of the fucked up shit comes from down there or up there so apparently there are traces of that. Also, the earliest reference to a weeping woman dates back to 1502
Starting point is 00:29:07 when an Aztec girl named La Malinche fell for the conquistador Cortes. And Cortes decided that he was going to travel back to Spain and he also decided, without her permission, that he was going to take their two sons with him.
Starting point is 00:29:24 Oh no! But she was not down with it and so she dragged her sons to the river and killed them before he could ever kidnap them. And he also decided without her permission that he was going to take their two sons with him. Oh, no. But she was not down with it. And so she dragged her sons to the river and killed them before he could ever kidnap them. Whoa. Okay. That one is really twisted because there's like. And that's a very common. Historical backstory.
Starting point is 00:29:35 Like he was taking them back to his home country. Right. Oh, that's twisted. And it's a very, that's actually a common. The fact that it has Aztec, an Aztec element to it or that it's been traced back to that time. That's a a common, the fact that it has Aztec, an Aztec element to it, or that it's been traced back to that time. That's a very common origin. Really?
Starting point is 00:29:51 Another one is in the 16th century. The Florentine Codex is like a historical account. I'm actually going to, I think, be doing a story about that. I've never heard of that. Codex? It sounds, that sounds like. Don't look it up. I've never heard of that. Codex. It sounds, that sounds like, don't look it up.
Starting point is 00:30:07 I won't, but it sounds very, uh, like modern day. The codex sounds like thing. It sounds like CODIS. That's why. Probably. But also there's,
Starting point is 00:30:14 uh, the one that I'm talking about, it's not the same one, I don't think, but there's a book that I actually really, really, really have wanted for a long time, but it's literally like hundreds of dollars.
Starting point is 00:30:24 What is it? It's called, I think it's called codex. Oh, whoa, whoa, codex oh whoa or um i'm probably fucking it up now that i'm like just i think i've heard the word enough that i'm putting it in my head but there's a book where like they found forever ago and they've got it's got all these weird symbols that no one can still crack but it's apparently about the future oh fuck yeah let's get a copy that's the one i'm thinking of that i'm going to eventually do a story about circle back to patreon hello hello i have looked at this book for the last like five years and it's been in my cart on amazon for like several years you want to see em sleeping because pay us five bucks and we will get you that content if you get me that book i will facetime you personally and you can watch me sleep all you want and we'll sleep all the time um so yeah it has it has uh connections and relations to aztec origins and then also there
Starting point is 00:31:11 more aztec elements in that la llamona could actually be two different aztec goddesses from the florentine codex um this was obviously not the same book now that i'm thinking about because this one has clearly been translated and people know what's going on in it um so the other one's truly like a mysterious it's like a totally different book i think that just ignore everything i just said about that it's oh my god because it's not it has nothing to do with this story basically oh i see okay but it it sounds like this book which is why i thought about it okay but anyway the florentine codex which is its own entirely different thing, talks about, like, the general history of Aztec... Oh.
Starting point is 00:31:47 Something. Like, just, like, I guess, like, Aztec history. Mythology or something? Yeah. There are two Aztec goddesses in it that could be La Llorona, which comes from around the same time as the previous origin that suggests that she has Aztec elements. So... suggest that she has aztec elements so okay the two goddesses that she could be are names that i truly will fuck up but phonetically it looks like cio cotl and chalchia to look who i know i know i'm wrong i don't know any better so um i'm not even going to look. So the former, she is described as a savage beast and an evil omen who appeared in white
Starting point is 00:32:28 and she would walk at night weeping and wailing. And she's linked to the sixth of ten omens as the voice of a woman heard wailing at night, crying about the fate of her children. Okay. The latter, she was the goddess of the waters and the elder sister of the rain god and she's also described as one who has uh feared and caused terror and she is said to drown people and overturn boats and ceremonies in her honor involved children sacrifices and the more successful the sacrifice um or the more terror and crying that came out of the children suggested how successful the sacrifice and the prayers were.
Starting point is 00:33:12 What the fuck? Okay. So she could be one of those two because they both have elements of her story. So they're like, okay, could be one. Could be the origin. Yeah. Okay. Or a combination of both over time or something.
Starting point is 00:33:26 La Llorona could also be a version of a Greek myth. She could be the queen of Libya, which Zeus had an affair with, or who Zeus had an affair with. And when Zeus's wife Hera found out about the affair, her name in this, the queen of Libya's name was Lamia. Okay. So La Llorona could be lamaya who had an affair with zeus and when zeus's wife harrah found out uh harrah turned lamaya into
Starting point is 00:33:51 a demonic demigod forced to eat her own children oh no and then forced her to walk the earth and eat every other child that came her way my god so those are all the origins of all the different places where people could have like picked and pulled information to create what is today La Llorona. Okay. Although the Aztec origin is the most common because also since they say La Llorona brings misfortune if you hear about her or if she's nearby, apparently. Oh, you tell me now. Thanks. Well, apparently in the Aztec world, I forget which one of those two goddesses, but apparently, oh, the first one, the Cuyacotal. Glad we're saying it again. Yikes.
Starting point is 00:34:35 She's the sixth of 10 omens. And after that happened, the Aztecs were invaded or taken over. Okay. So it's like proof that like, oh, she's been misfortunate since the beginning, if that's who she is. I see. Okay. Oh, I see. Like they think like... You mean after she... Oh, no, that was a goddess. Hold on. Oh, I thought you meant the Aztec story of the woman throwing... Cortez and the woman throwing her... Oh, no, no, no. No, because that sounds similar. Cortez and Kiowa Codal or something. Really similar. I don't know. Really similar. I don't know. But no, so that particular goddess, because she, in the story, after people found out
Starting point is 00:35:10 about her or something, Aztec was overthrown. So she's still like... The Aztecs were overthrown? Has like the negative connotation. Yeah, and so since then, she brings misfortune or something like that. I see. Okay. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:35:20 I'm probably not telling it right. I think the one of the lady throwing her babies off the cliff because he he was going to take them away the arizona one no sorry the one in the aztec one where cortez was gonna take the bait the kids back home oh that one is like to me somehow like the most like the realistic sounding story right compared to all the like mythology that one was 1502 that really freaked me out for some reason i could believe that one too and also it's like relatively like late enough in history and like close enough to our time where it's like that story seems like the least likely to have been tampered with completely fabricated yeah whatever i just yeah i just think that story and it sounds the most
Starting point is 00:35:58 like straightforward and realistic of like she was desperate to keep her kids and if she couldn't have them no one could have them right it just seems like you don't have to explain too much yeah it's like oh will this happen yeah that that's scary so when people do witness la llorona she is described as tall thin beautiful long flowing black hair and wearing a white gown she roams the rivers and creeks and wails into the night searching for her children or searching for children in general to drag down to the water to replace them some say that la llorona looks non-human and blank the face is blank with no features at all no eyes no nose and no mouth to scream from oh i was just telling everybody in facebook live my earliest memories of this nightmare I had of being in my mom's bed and she turned around to face me and she had no face.
Starting point is 00:36:49 And that's like my earliest memory. So I don't like that one. Earliest memory. Yeah. It's creepy because you're not saying your earliest dream. No, like my earliest memory because I remember waking up and I was still like sleeping in a laundry basket at the time. You are trash. What happened to you in your childhood?
Starting point is 00:37:06 My mom was like, i don't know i mean i guess like if you're that small she put me in a little laundry basket and she wanted to put it next to her bed but not in the bed because that's how you crush babies i feel like in 2018 that sounds like you shouldn't do that but also when you think about it like no it's like it is practically yeah it's a bed it's a place you can throw a couple blankets down but my mom would sometimes put me in her room next to the bed it's just a portable crib i get it okay i'm not against it um it's i took a journey i'm there i'm there from your trash to okay i guess i could see it it was like your trash and then i was like mia as a parent's like oh i'll probably do that though so i guess it's not horrible i mean it's better than putting them in the bed which is how but in my dream i was
Starting point is 00:37:41 in the bed and then i woke up in my laundry basket yikes like anyway oh christ okay so um yeah so the face has no features at all i don't like it just a blank face others say that there are eyes a nose and a mouth but they're all elongated and protruding in the shape of a donkey or horse oh no not from the fire story that is upsetting she is said to have been seen drifting between trees along the shoreline or floating across the current. On dark nights, people see her walking along the riverbank by herself
Starting point is 00:38:14 and children are warned not to go out in the dark because La Llorona might snatch them up and throw them into the river. So there are a couple different witnesses. There's one guy named patricio and as a boy in new mexico he and his parents saw out in the woods a tall thin woman walking along the creek she floated over the water towards them and vanished and then moments later
Starting point is 00:38:39 reappeared much closer to them oh no this sounds like the actual movie that's coming out and disappeared again yeah fuck no um another guy his name was epifanio epifanio and he and his brothers got into a big fight with their parents and remember there's the storyline or the version where it's like oh she'll also like if you disrespect your parents she'll come get you oh yeah yeah so he was in a fight with his parents with his brothers and all of him and his brothers decided to leave the ranch and they took the horse and carriage. And while they were running away, they were visited by a tall woman with a black net over her face. Oh. And she showed up by sitting between two of them on the carriage.
Starting point is 00:39:17 Oh, no, no, no. She said nothing at all and stared at them, but had totally black eyes. You couldn't see back at her. You just knew she was staring at you. And she stayed there until Epifanio decided to turn the horse and buggy around and head back home. Wow. And at that point, she said, I will visit you again someday if you argue with your mother again. And then vanished.
Starting point is 00:39:43 Oh, boy. someday if you argue with your mother again and then vanished oh boy in santa fe apparently there is a building called the public employees retirement association building or the para building and apparently that sits on the land that was once an old indian spanish graveyard near the santa fe river and a lot of people swear that la llorona has visited them many times in that building oh gross people have seen doors slam windows open on their own and they hear crying throughout the halls and they feel unseen hands pushing them when they're on the stairs what okay apparently children who visit the building will also see her and be scared to approach her so bring your kids to work day is not fun. I bet they don't even have that anymore. That's been canceled forever. Apparently, some kids in South America actually have a version of hide and seek where the seeker actually plays the role of La Llorona and has to call out for the hiders by saying, where are my children?
Starting point is 00:40:40 That's so twisted. That's so much creepier than hide and seek. It's so much creepier. Like, ready or not, here I come. Where are my children? Here come for my children. Take them into the afterlife. And finally, in 1986, there was a Mexican woman named Juana.
Starting point is 00:40:54 J-U-A-N-A. Yeah, Juana. Juana. And she attempted to kill all seven of her children by throwing them into... All seven? All seven. By throwing them into the buffalo bayou in houston oh no apparently uh this was uh oh no that's so messed up in texas in 1986 oh in 86 yeah
Starting point is 00:41:14 1986 holy shit okay so recent so this is actually documented this is not a myth this is an actual crime oh no no no no she threw all seven of her kids into the Buffalo Bayou in Houston, Texas. Oh, my God. And she was trying to escape her husband from domestic violence. Oh, no. And she didn't know what to do with her or her children. Oh, no. So she threw them into the bayou.
Starting point is 00:41:36 Two of them did not make it. The other five survived. And she was only put on 10 months of probation. Wow. But during an interview, they asked her why. And she said that she was La Llorona. Oh, God. And that was how the interview ended.
Starting point is 00:41:53 Can you imagine your kids, like most kids get the story of La Llorona and then your mom's like, I am La Llorona. It's like, yeah. Infinitely worse. It's like, I only gave birth to you just to throw you in the river. That's really, really sad. And like, just tragic. Yes like just tragic yes yes yes yes and that and there is a movie also coming up but that is all the information i have about my oof okay what a story what a story what a story i only knew the basic version but i didn't know much about it okay sorry guys we derailed you didn't hear any of it but we went on a wild you're welcome for that by the way yeah uh we talked about em's mother yes yes and she is
Starting point is 00:42:33 a proud strong independent woman that is one way to put it that is one very normalized conservative way uh sadly acceptable i'm probably currently getting a text from my mother right now being like what were you saying my ears are ringing um all right tell me your story so actually this is not my story oh my tell a story so i um basically seguing as you would say or as the rest of the world says segueing right after so last week for um which is only a couple we recorded a couple days ago the episode that came out today um was when they hear stories when they hear today it's going to be a week later sure okay sorry the episode that came out last week the last episode halloween 1.0 yes so m covered their mom's stories and i had actually a series i was gonna hope you do this i
Starting point is 00:43:26 had a series of renata's stories ready for like a mother's day or something i was like i feel like one day we'll need these and so like after i was you were telling linda stories and i was like oh my god like i wish i thought about this in the shower i thought about this today i had a feeling you would know because i feel yeah so afterward i like called my mom and i was like all right it's go time like because i told her a long time ago like I need you to prepare these because I'm gonna need them um and so she's like great I'm on it and like literally spent all night writing them so I was very thankful for that I was like I can call and do it and she's like I'm gonna write them she's about to blow my mom right no no I don't think so i just i just was like i thought
Starting point is 00:44:05 it would be fun to do them back to back ish because no i thought literally today in the shower i was like i was trying to figure out my story for today and i was like i kind of hope like since halloween 1.0 was my mom's stories i hope halloween 2.0 is like christine's stories but we also never talked about it so i'm hoping she just knows me on like an astral level where like she's already preparing it i just love that like we both know that our moms have stories and like i i did think like maybe we'll do a mother's day it would have been nice but i feel like this is kind of fun too because it's like a mix and match yeah two weeks in a row i do feel bad i feel like it would have been a really wonderful mother's day episode to
Starting point is 00:44:38 do like our both of our mom's stories and well now they're talked about but you know i fucked it up so whoops multiple episodes they get mentioned. They have time to experience more true crime and paranormal now. Right. Yay. Between now and May, they can gather up some stories. Get on it, Linda and Renata. All right. So this is, so my mom sent two paranormal and two true crime.
Starting point is 00:44:59 Just like your mama. I'm so excited. Yours was similar, right? Yeah. Okay. And we did a little weaving with mine. Should we do a little weaving with yours? Yeah, let's do a little weaveroony.
Starting point is 00:45:09 Also, I just love that I knew I was going to bring up my mom's story, so I knew she's going to listen to this episode. So when you were like, I was like, oh, I was in a laundry basket, and you're like, you're trash. I was like, I'm going to not hear the end of this from Renata. It's okay. We recovered by the end, Renata. I support you.
Starting point is 00:45:23 Yeah. Don't worry, Renata. We know. We know you weren't. I'm not one one to talk my mom let me choke on a strawberry when i was two so oh okay so i mean like not all moms are perfect uh except you mom you're perfect one time i want to hear how my mom's not perfect yeah my always one of my mom's most guilty memories of like parenting me wrong was when I was young enough to be going to the grocery store with her and standing on the back of the cart. Right.
Starting point is 00:45:51 Like standing my feet. I was on the opposite side of the handles. Right. And I was standing on the back and holding the actual cart to keep myself up. And my mom wasn't paying attention. And after we had left the grocery store store i was holding on the cart with all the groceries in the cart and we were walking she was rolling me back to the driveway or back to the parking lot to get in the car and she didn't see the curb and so she she rolled the cart off the
Starting point is 00:46:17 curb and so like obviously it wasn't a smooth landing and so i got thrown off the cart with the cart full of groceries landing on top of me oh good and there were apparently a bunch of people around that saw it happen because I only my only memory is being like having ice cream that was too cold lying on top of me and there's like a sea of plastic bags and I hear my mom going she's fine she's fine nothing to see here. That's all I remember. Anyway, so Renata, do not feel bad now. I am also trash. Okay.
Starting point is 00:46:50 I just can never, I'm just never going to hear the end of it. Okay. All right. So let's start with like a little paranormal, paranormal Rooney story. Oh yeah. Paranormal Rooney. Halloween 2.0. That is right.
Starting point is 00:47:04 Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa. Whoa, whoa is right. Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Whoa, whoa, whoa. This story begins. This story takes place in 1969. Okay. So she wrote these to me. I mean, I know them, but she wrote them in like first person.
Starting point is 00:47:17 So I'm trying to figure out the best way to share them. So I'm just going to say them in third person. Sure. Okay. share them um so i'm just gonna say them in third person sure okay so uh my mom and her mother were and her siblings were on their way from her hometown of heidenheim to her grandmother's home nope incorrect i already messed up no i i did it last time too you have to figure out i'm like trying to yeah because i hear it in my mom's voice but i think in my voice so yeah yeah okay sorry so my mom and her siblings were on their way from their grandma's house to their home in bavaria in 1969 and uh she had at this point i
Starting point is 00:47:54 think there were six of them so she's one of six at this point um and there were eight total in the end but okay i didn't know if it was gonna be like more or less kids by the end of the story oh god oh i didn't even think about that like currently six i'm not gonna ask but fingers crossed um so it was foggy and snowy uh her mom was trying to keep the car like on the road and it was really like a nerve-wracking drive because it was so it was like middle of winter at nighttime and they drove this old car with mattresses in the back and there were six of them so they didn this old car with mattresses in the back and there were six of them so they didn't the car didn't have seat belts it just wasn't made that way um and so my mom was sitting in the front holding her little sister
Starting point is 00:48:33 on her lap um and the rest of the kids were in the back of the car like on the mattresses and okay no comment i don't know if that's just like like a different time where i mean it would have also been like that in the countryside you know or is this also i mean i think in the countryside like back then in the 60s like you didn't wear seatbelt like i mean sure i don't imagine everyone have mattresses in their cars or was this just like a personal family thing i think they were just um i don't know if it was like a truck like they were i don't know maybe not it's just an interesting site that's all i don't know i'm enjoying it so far i don't know if it was like a truck. Like they were, I don't know. Maybe not. It's just an interesting site. That's all. I don't know. I'm enjoying it so far. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:49:06 I'm sure she's going to text me and say I said it wrong, but whatever. So the kids were napping in the back. I think it was just like a late night drive. So they were napping in the back. And all of a sudden her mom screamed, Papa or like Daddy and slammed on the brakes. So my mom got like pretty injured because she was thrown up into the front of the car and she was holding the baby. So she was trying to protect the baby. So she like took most of the force and hit on her right shoulder.
Starting point is 00:49:33 But the other kids had been wrapped in blankets and coats and like hats because it was wintertime. So they were like cushioned from the blow, I guess. And so they had slammed on and like all the kids were kind of thrown up front again no seat belts but they started the car so her mom started the car again and was like shaken up but was just like everything's fine what was she saying stop to uh she didn't yell stop she yelled papa or like daddy and slammed on the brakes and all the kids were like what's going on but they were so little that my mom was just that her mom was just like don't worry about it everything's fine got it got it so they just kept kind of driving my mom my grandma was driving really slow um and so she started the
Starting point is 00:50:08 car again and was driving and then all of a sudden the car hit something like drove directly into something and it was so blizzardy and like dark out that they couldn't figure out what they just hit so my mom got out of the car with her mom she was one of the oldest and they walked kind of around the car and we're trying to feel for it until they walked right into like a my mom called like a street roller like a they flatten the tar like a steam roller type thing like they were supposed to make the roads basically but geez they hit that and didn't see it drove into it oh my god it was like one of those massive construction machines um and my mom my grandma just started like she broke down and started crying and sobbing and, like, talking to her dad, who had passed away a few months or a year before in 1968. So she was crying and my mom was like, what's going on?
Starting point is 00:50:52 And her mom said when she slammed on the brakes, her dad had appeared in front of the car and yelled, like, stop the car right now. And so she slammed on the brakes and yelled like dad like just so taken aback oh so she oh wow okay and then like a few feet later is when they like kind of rolled into the like because they couldn't see so they rolled into the steamroller thing so she's like he stopped the car like maybe 10 feet before the construction vehicle so like they bumped into it yeah they bumped but had he not been there they would have just yeah exactly exactly so they were going you know down like a fast road so she said they'd slam it on the brakes and her dad had kind of appeared to her and then she says uh she made me promise not to tell anybody
Starting point is 00:51:35 because she was afraid people would call her a witch so again that's the small town they lived in in the 60s and i've met her not enough so i hear how she said that so matter of fact she said it's so matter of fact without smiling either oh yeah it's not fun it's just like the way that it is she's like well we couldn't you know because they would think she's a witch and then i'm like that's ridiculous and she's like it's not nope nope you're wrong she was a witch yeah so then my grandma thanked her dad and i mean her grandma or my grandma was young at the time too like her even though she already had six kids she was probably in her like 30s so she was young and she said don't you know don't tell anyone uh and then she thanked him and said thank you for saving us and from that day on apparently she talked to him all the time and was like he's always cool
Starting point is 00:52:18 like here he was probably like jesus christ i have to keep an eye on you i guess i don't know um and so she talked to him all the time and felt like he was always with her after that. So that was one story. And then should we do a little crimey poo? Yeah. Okay, let's turn the tables here. So both of the crime stories I'm featured in. Not featured, I'm just a guest appearance.
Starting point is 00:52:37 Oh my goodness, okay. I'm an extra. Were you in the original story or did you just throw yourself in? What if I just wrote myself in? in well that's what i'm saying i mean you're a writer by trade so christine saved everyone's life at the end no uh i was actually there i don't remember either one um okay so let's go to 1994 can i ask were either of these when she got robbed when you guys were in the van or when someone broke into your house and she told you guys to play a game um so one of them is the van story okay and then one of them is one of those stories but a different one oh god the one where i remember where we were like
Starting point is 00:53:16 where my mom like hit us and stuff that was was it in that house it was a different house okay got it but it was a similar story but not the same one this one i didn't actually know about okay uh i'll tell that one in 1994 so my parents own a restaurant called cafe vienna which i showed you when we were in cincinnati briefly um and it was like a duplex so it was like a big brick building in mount adams on the left was our house and then attached to the build like on the right was the restaurant and then in, she said, so we tore down the brick wall. They did to like kind of have access to the other side of the building because they own the whole thing. But she said we broke through the brick wall. But I think she means they just kind of got it.
Starting point is 00:53:56 So anyway, they they had torn down that part of the brick wall so they could kind of check on. So she could go upstairs and check in on us while we were sleeping from the restaurant so she could walk in upstairs um so one night my dad was out of town and um my mom and everybody had a huge weekend at the cafe like business-wise and as always she took the money home so she could drop it it's like the cash home so she could drop it off at the bank on monday by home you mean like across the hall? Yes. To our home. Yeah, exactly. So she was sleeping on the third floor and we were in our beds and she heard something on the second floor where the kitchen was and then heard voices. And she said she was, her heart started beating like crazy. I mean, at this point she's probably 29. Like she was pretty young. And then she heard
Starting point is 00:54:39 somebody talking about money and that it had to be here somewhere. So someone was in our house, like not the restaurant side, but like our side so someone was in our house like not the restaurant side but like our so like the home kitchen not the restaurant yes yeah our our home kitchen saying the money has to be here somewhere so she grabs us my brother me um took the fire door from our bedroom uh into the office she couldn't lock it because the lock was like on the outside of the door so she just kind of like shut it and hoped nobody would open it um so then she heard them walking up the stairs to the third floor where we were hiding and she heard voices below her in the cafe as well so it was like because there was like crossover so she heard voices in the cafe below her um and the cafe had been closed for several hours already
Starting point is 00:55:19 so it couldn't have been the employees like hanging out after work or anything like that so then she writes the kids were awake and eerily quiet oh i told them to be quiet but alexander was only four months old he just smiled at me oh so okay yikes uh she said i took the kids and crawled with them behind some wainscoting that was slightly open behind some cardboard boxes and hid in the wall under the roof it was totally dark and freezing cold because it was february uh the kids cuddled up to me and fell asleep and then she waited for hours like 7 30 the next morning before she was brave enough to leave behind the wall uh she went downstairs they'd broken into the kitchen through the window like on the second story on the second
Starting point is 00:56:02 story i think so she said the kitchen was on the second floor so i was wow i think okay sorry i think the second floor was like i think there was like a basement apartment and i think she's thinking like one two three because we rented out the basement got it um okay they had broken into the kitchen through the window and at the cafe they broke in through a side door so there was like one group of people that came into our house and one there was like two sets of people who agreed to rob it at the same time yeah who came in from two sides yuck where was your dad he was out of town he was like traveling did you ever find out who it was i'm sure you're gonna tell me sorry go ahead uh we'll find out uh so she said we would have been completely trapped between both groups of people because
Starting point is 00:56:42 they were coming in from both sides and she couldn't like go from there into the cafe and escape escape because they imagine whoever did it though like knew that a family was there like i'm surprised it didn't go look at the rooms or anything yeah well so she says i never found out who it was but i installed cameras and changed all the locks too i know it was somebody and their friends who worked for me because they knew exactly they knew that i take the money home after a weekend shift so she's like they were in our side of the house in the kitchen saying the money's here somewhere so they like they knew it was there um they knew there was a lot of cash for her afterwards yeah and so she's like i think they knew the police came um they told her that they're lucky that she was able to hide and that they didn't come looking for her like again like you said probably knowing we were upstairs like just didn't come looking for us and
Starting point is 00:57:28 like threaten for money or anything like that um she said they just kind of left after they couldn't find the money uh she said she made sure that everybody who worked for her knew from then on that the money would never be in the house again like after a weekend of work and she said the funny thing is i forgot about the money i was so rattled and scared for the kids that three years later when we moved i found approximately three thousand dollars in an ice bucket on top of the living room cabinet so i guess that's where it was and they couldn't find it wow so she found three thousand bucks a few years later i guess that's a good end to the story okay so the second paranormal story
Starting point is 00:58:06 is my favorite parent favorite story of all so i think i'm gonna save that one if that's cool and just do one more true crime one okay is that okay yeah okay and then end on the paranormal yeah because the true crime one's kind of upsetting and i do vaguely remember this so okay do you remember fear um no because i remember it ridiculous, but every time something like this happened, my mom was just super good at being like, Oh, it's just fun. They're just not, you know, everything's fine. Like we're just so good at being like, but in real life she should have been like shitting her pants.
Starting point is 00:58:35 Yeah. Like she was, but like she tried to play it off as for us as kids, like everything's fine, which looking back is like very brave. What a hero. Yeah. Cause I remember, I mean, I was talking to my therapist about this recently of like my anxiety is really bad. things fine which looking back is like very brave what a hero yeah because i remember i mean i was talking to my therapist about this recently of like my anxiety is really bad and then when something happens i'm the first person to be like everybody don't like will figure this out like the
Starting point is 00:58:53 first person to be kind of the voice of reason and i feel like that was my mom's very like instinct too of like yeah should they raise you to do that i guess that may be where it comes from um okay so this is christmas eve 1995 okay merry christmas merry christmas and a happy halloween so let's see so my mom had spent um the couple nights before christmas sorting through all the toys that my brother and i had because she was planning on dropping off a couple boxes at the free store like the um like goodwill like a goodwill like a free store in Cincinnati um like a donation center like a donation center exactly and so she had been going through all the toys and she had heard on the radio that uh the local free store didn't have enough toys so she you know collected a bunch of
Starting point is 00:59:39 ours that we didn't need anymore and was getting ready to donate them downtown and the cafe the restaurant had just closed for the holidays so she grabbed my brother and me put us in the minivan and then this is what she has to say yes i had a minivan shamefully so thank goodness it was leased i gave it back after two years hated that thing parking in mount adams was a challenge anyway okay we get it good commentary you didn't like having a minivan. Okay, so she gave it back. On the way to the free store, my brother and I were in our car seats in the back. And basically, what you would do is you would drive in and park and they would help unload the car and then you would drive back out. So you didn't need to like, get out and carry the
Starting point is 01:00:21 boxes like there were people, volunteers or employees who would take the stuff out of the car for you so she didn't know they had closed at noon already so they weren't open when we arrived so we drove in stopped and suddenly four guys jumped the car so one was on each side of us in the back seat like at the passenger doors in the back and one was in the front and then one like in front of the car so she can drive and one was at her driver's head window so they kind of surrounded the car and uh the guy at her side at the window had a gun and said roll the window down and in the meantime the others opened all the car doors and climbed into the car and sat in the front seat and then the other two sat in the back with my brother or me and just like climbed in yuck um my mom told them to get everything they wanted she said you can have the car you can have the car seats just let us walk
Starting point is 01:01:10 away like we're not gonna do anything alexander was two and he thought it was really funny and that is what i remember i remember him laughing and being like am i is this funny like i don't really know why he's laughing um and my brother started just kind of talking and babbling. And I was reading a book and I didn't apparently my mom says she didn't pay any attention. Okay. So my mom said she stayed calm and said, What do you want? You know, I have my purse. Oh, the guy said, your purse or your wallet. So she searched everywhere for her purse or wallet and couldn't find it. And I remember her telling me this. And she was like, I was getting hysterical. Like I had my purse, you can have it. But I she couldn't find her purse or her wallet anywhere she's like I brought it I know it's
Starting point is 01:01:48 here somewhere maybe I forgot it um and he basically made her like lift up to see if she was like hiding it um and still couldn't find it so she started getting nervous and the guy's like getting agitated like just give me your wallet um and she was like please just leave like we just want to get out um we'll get out of the car you can have the car and i said maybe it's under the seat so they looked under the seats couldn't find her wallet she said i didn't cry because i didn't want to upset the kids and eventually after like several minutes they just gave up and were like we you know we can't find her purse or wallet so they just peaced out she called the police she got home called the police and they said they told her she was stupid
Starting point is 01:02:25 for going downtown alone oh um and they didn't let her file charges because it was on christmas uh and it she shouldn't have gone downtown and expected anything that is trash yeah yeah which actually like i remember you visited recently and we were talking about like how i was saying how different it was like we used to not be able to go downtown because shit like this happened and it's so different now like city it's just very gentrified and built well no because allison and i were walking around and we were like where the fuck is this dangerous part that christine kept telling us about and we were like was she being dramatic and i was like i don't think so but maybe we're just in the wrong spot yeah i just couldn't figure it out because every part that we were in that we
Starting point is 01:03:05 remembered a story of you telling is so different now it's so different and like the 90s you know had the race riots and everything it was like just a extremely dangerous part of town and like in the last 15 years they've just built it up so much gentrified it changed it like it's just different completely different part of the city yeah so basically she called them and they were like why the hell would you drive downtown like we don't have time for this and just kind of didn't let her press charges uh she called the free store and told them what happened and they said why would you come alone especially with kids and no like husband or man or anything with you um and so she was like well there's nothing i can do right so uh she has never donated to them since
Starting point is 01:03:43 because again they were like why would you come down here by yourself? And she's like, I just wanted to give children Christmas gifts. I don't know. And she says, now I have Vietnam veterans pick things up at my house with a scheduled appointment, which is actually what I do, too, because I think a little nervous. And she says, the weirdest thing, again, I had the weekly cash income from the cafe in my wallet. So it was, again, that like several thousand dollars that she was on her way to drop off at the bank and she's like i would have given it to them immediately like i was trying to find it like she was hysterically trying to find it um and she said but i was wearing my old bavarian coat that day and she has this massive like gigantic brown
Starting point is 01:04:18 bavarian coat oh my god that's like ridiculous looking but like very valuable and expensive and from a long time ago. But like every time she wears it, people like think she's homeless. I remember she walked around with like a Louis Vuitton purse at one time and someone thought she like stole it. Oh my God. It's like this giant like floor length brown coat. Anyway, she's going to hate me for saying that, but like it's ridiculous. She says, I wear my old Bavarian coat that day that day it is warm very voluminous and not very flattering yeah which is
Starting point is 01:04:50 and i feel like she was trying to beat it at the punch there accurate assessment right i didn't let her um she said the wallet was in her coat packet coat pocket and it was like in her coat pocket but it was so deep and like had fallen kind of down that like even when she stood up and they checked underneath her they couldn't find it and so it was so far down in her pocket she couldn't find it so that when the guy was sweeping the seat underneath her he didn't feel the wallet she said i usually had a big purse with me but not that day so she drove home was grateful nothing happened to us she said they did steal all the toys out of the back of the minivan and she said hopefully they gave it to some kids who needed them hopefully they sound like good guys yeah they sound like yeah i mean they didn't hurt us so i guess there's that true but yeah my mom said that they just sat in the back and they
Starting point is 01:05:33 weren't trying to like scare us they were just like trying to get her wallet and like i can disseminate her but not threaten the kids yeah yeah it was very much like my brother was like kind of smiling and laughing and they were just kind of like, hey, everything's fine. Just give us your wallet. Like they were trying to be. It's fine. It's fine. Great.
Starting point is 01:05:49 Mommy's going to give us all of her money and then we're all fine. Poor mom. Again, she was probably like 32 or something. Poor girl. Jesus Christ. Oh, man. It's tough enough having a fucking dog. I can't imagine having to take care of two children and like live in this world.
Starting point is 01:06:03 Imagine someone like tries to break into your car and two people are sitting on either end of geo yeah forget it i'd be like okay well i'm done okay life is over now i would have just run that ever other other guy over who was standing in front of the car yeah but i mean if that one guy's a gun to you okay that's true yeah that's fair it's just scary i mean knock on wood nobody has ever held a gun to me and i pray pray that that never happens. But like, Jesus. Okay, so final paranormal story. We're in 1978. You were not featured in this.
Starting point is 01:06:32 No, I was not. Okay. My mother is 15 at this point. Okay. So she says she lived in Bavaria, like I mentioned, and there was they were doing a maneuver. The American soldiers were doing a maneuver outside of their village. So they were kind of staying in near their town, near their house. And every other year where she grew up, they would have hundreds of tanks, soldiers, helicopters, other military equipment, like out in the woods and fields surrounding her village.
Starting point is 01:07:02 They would build up like tent villages and like kind of set up maneuvers and things like that near where she lived. So 1978, she was living in an old farmhouse outside the village on top of a huge hill in Bavaria. It's a very beautiful house. We visit there in the summertime, but it's very creepy and there's a lot of dense woods around it and it just spooks me to no end. Very haunted. So one night my mom's asleep in bed and she hears her mom whisper into her ear while she's sleeping that her father, who remember like was, was the one who stopped the car.
Starting point is 01:07:26 Right. That her father had shown up in her room in his nightgown and sleeping cap. Oh. And had said, woken her up and said, your family's in grave danger. Oh. Yeah. And her husband, my grandfather, was traveling. So he wasn't home.
Starting point is 01:07:41 So it was just her and the eight kids. Right. So she said she heard noise on the balcony outside the second floor so like it's a pretty tall house too so like up on the second floor she heard somebody walking around on the balcony um and since my mom was super into wild west stories she's like obsessed with like spaghetti westerns and like anything kind of like cowboy like american cowboy um And so my grandma just thought maybe my mom knows how to load and shoot a gun. Just maybe.
Starting point is 01:08:09 And my mom goes, right, typical. I read a lot, but that means that doesn't mean I can actually do it. I was hoping that the story would have gone. Of course I know how. Yeah. I'm Renata. I mean, I'm Renata. I'll figure it out.
Starting point is 01:08:19 So she crawled on her stomach and she said at this, I remember her telling me this. She's like, at this point, I kind of got in the the mindset she read a lot of these like old country books western books and there was this character called vinitoo which was like this fictitious apache character who was like this badass crime fighting like character that she was obsessed with from western novels so she crawled on her belly imagining she was vinitu this character and um she was like i need to save my family so she crawled down the stairs on her stomach into her parents room threw into my her my grandma's dressing room got the rifle out of the closet loaded it crawled back into her own bedroom saw shadows outside the window of someone trying to climb in the window
Starting point is 01:09:01 and just fucking shot out the window oh my god uh she said she pushed the climb in the window and just fucking shot the window. Oh my God. She said she pushed the rifle through the window, through the, she shoved it through the glass. So the window was still closed. She shoved it through the glass and just started shooting. She said three guys had already broken into the first floor. One was trying to get into her younger sister's bedroom on the third floor
Starting point is 01:09:21 balcony. And two others were right outside her room on the balcony. They jumped off and ran away when she started shooting, on the third floor balcony and two others were right outside her room on the balcony they jumped off and ran away when she started shooting except for one who fell into a swine trough hit his head and fell unconscious she said she was so scared that she just reloaded the rifle and started shooting just like kind of blindly to like scare them away yeah finally her mom yelled down this is so ridiculous her mom came downstairs uh yelled at her to stop shooting, and then called the mayor. That's the most not a story I've ever heard.
Starting point is 01:09:53 Again, just like super like matter of fact, and then called the mayor. And then we called the mayor. He's like, okay. As you would do, obviously. Right. But don't tell them we're a witch. My mom's just fucking shooting everybody. So the mayor shows up with some military guys to try and pick up the people that have been kind of trying to get into their house.
Starting point is 01:10:12 And my mom says, heck no. I took my camera out and took photos of them. Good girl. And she said in the guy's jacket pocket that the mayor had kind of like grabbed onto and was trying to take away or the mayor, but like the people he brought. Right. He had a ton of jewelry that they had just walked through the house and like been able to steal from the first floor. So she said usually soldiers weren't punished in foreign lands. And then she said, but I had photos.
Starting point is 01:10:36 Ha. So I guess since she had physical proof, they couldn't do anything. They couldn't avoid prosecuting these guys. Right. proof they couldn't do anything they couldn't avoid prosecuting these guys right so she said lo and behold it turns out a bunch of soldiers had continuously broken into houses in the village and robbed them of their valuables and she didn't write this but as i know they were trying to get to the girls like the preteen and teenage girls in the home so right that was part of it as well yikes um the biggest problem she said was that she shot the rifle too far
Starting point is 01:11:05 inside the house and so she was deaf for several days because she it was so loud that she couldn't hear it for several days she said but i was proud as a peacock uh apparently her mom my grandma thanked her dad again for like waking her and warning her that something was amiss and she said that was the last time she my grandma had ever seen that was the last time she ever saw him basically after that he said goodbye to her in a dream and said i won't be returning you're a big girl now and you can take care of yourself and your kids without my help and so apparently when my mom my mom actually cried telling me this the first time and said that her mom was just devastated for like days because she's like my dad is like leaving and it
Starting point is 01:11:46 was sort of good because he was moving on and like he was able to be with his dad and his brothers who he lost during world war ii um and his mom who passed away only two years before him but like she was just felt like she was losing somebody that was right had been with her for so long and also from a paranormal perspective too i'd be nervous of like does that mean that you're leaving because you don't need to warn us about anything else like am i in the clear for the rest of my life from danger or are you just done now i have to like wake up and find people breaking into my house i think my mom said it almost in a way of like he's like you've got this from now on like well you won't need me okay and like i mean nothing like this ever
Starting point is 01:12:22 happened to my grandma again so i don't that's good i don't know but it seemed almost like my mom said she had a dream where he was like i have to leave now but like only because you don't need me anymore okay well that's more comforting i guess yeah yeah so i think that was i just really like that story so those are my mother's stories very good good job renata thank you for sharing ha And Halloween 3.0 will be Eva's family. Eva, call your mother. Anyway. All right. Those were awesome.
Starting point is 01:12:52 So I just thought that was fun because I was like, oh, I've been saving my mom's too. I didn't know when I would ever use them. And I feel like this is a fun little. No, that was awesome. Very, very good. Return. So anyway. All right.
Starting point is 01:13:00 Well, happy Halloween. We did it. And by the time you've seen this, also happy friendiversary. Right. 30th. yes wow that's coming up we'll be able to talk about that in the next episode because it's currently not october 30th but we are about to go celebrate our friendiversary and then record the next episode in the same day oh my god it's gonna be a so a doozy it will be delayed but you will see you will hear about it you believe me you'll fucking hear believe you me words will be delayed, but you will see, you will hear about it. You believe me. You'll fucking hear. Believe you me.
Starting point is 01:13:30 Words will be exchanged. All right. Stay safe, everybody. Thank you for listening. Yes. Check us out. ATWWD podcast. All over.
Starting point is 01:13:39 All over the internet. And that's why we And that's why we slash live. If you want to email us stories for our next listeners episode, and that's where we drink at and that's what you slash live um if you want to email us stories for our next listeners episode and that's where we drink at you will look through those for us and if you want to send us any goodies for a future fan mail video you can send them to 1920 hillhurstab number 265 los angeles california 90027 thank you for picking up the load fun song like zoom like oh and they have like 1920 hill herself oh two one three four send it to zoom it's not as catchy with ours no nine oh oh two seven
Starting point is 01:14:17 seven ten that's where you drink no it doesn't send it to geo ten to geo oh all right thanks guys for listening and that's why we drink

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