And That's Why We Drink - E95 A Wendigo Named Megan and a Winnebago in the Woods

Episode Date: November 25, 2018

Happy Thanksgiving weekend, everyone! Let's all pray to Gio's butt curtain that Christine doesn't get eaten by a flesh-eating monster on her honeymoon because this week Em covers the folklore of the c...reepy cannibal, the Wendigo. Meanwhile Christine brings us the heartbreaking story of the murders of Hannah Graham and Morgan Harrington, a case that intersects with Em's alma mater. We also may have coerced Blaise into starting a band called, "Blaise and the Jaguars"... and that's why we drink! Please consider supporting the companies that support us!  Get 15% off your first Thirdlove order when you go to Get a free stock to help build your portfolio when you sign up with Robin Hood! Go to Get your first Quip refill pack for free when you go to Get 20% off your first order of Bombas socks when you go to

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Pass the cranberry sauce. We're having mashed potatoes. Ooh, the turkey looks great. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for being there. Everyone's thanking the whole world. Thanking you for thanking us. Thanking you.
Starting point is 00:00:15 Kill the turkey. I thought we were supposed to kill the turkey together. I always forget. Hold on, let's do kill the turkey. Kill the turkey. No, wait, do it again. One, two, three. Kill the turkey.
Starting point is 00:00:24 There you go. let's do kill the turkey okay kill the turkey no wait do it again one two three kill the turkey happy thanksgiving yes okay i'm glad we did that from our sultry voices yeah salutations salutations that's a good one we should bring that back how about howdy y'all howdy y'all how do you do uh listen i'm great how are you doing i'm good you uh came back from your honeymoon in theory oh did i how was it do you think? It goes. I mean, I hope I did. I'm going to backwards manifest. I did see a lot of jaguars on my jaguar hike. Fingers crossed that you did, and none of them hurt you. Yeah, let's hope.
Starting point is 00:01:12 Otherwise, this would be a really awkward episode to release. Yeah, definitely. Well, I'm posting it because the jaguars killed you. I hope you figure out how it works, Em. So, no surprise, Christine has not gone on her honeymoon yet, but by the time you've listened to this, she has had a wild ride. Holy smokes, yeah. There's no internet there, so good luck to me. And me!
Starting point is 00:01:32 I'm the one that's gotta carry this podcast for the next week. It's gonna be good. I'm very excited. Blaise and I are, like, desperately waiting for a break from the real world, so. I've been, uh, we both look at the emails, and I've been seeing whenever someone asks Christine, like about the honeymoon, she's like, oh, it's T minus this many days.
Starting point is 00:01:48 Not that anyone's counting. Oh, it's T minus. I'm not counting, but it's only eight days and 16 hours. But yeah, so I hope Christine gets Belize'd. I hope future you, although when you're listening to this past you, has a great time. Thank you very much. I'm very excited. I'll bring you back a souvenir.
Starting point is 00:02:02 Well, is it a Jaguar? Sure. All right. Put it in my. Eva, we're going to have a good have a good time put it in my way guest star on paranormal creativity oh he can fit in my away suitcase and geo will really hate him oh good um other than that i guess i'm fine i haven't actually said anything uh on the actual show yet but i guess now by the time you guys are hearing this it's several several weeks had passed but back when we were in dc so how many episodes ago was that that was
Starting point is 00:02:30 at least three weeks ago or two weeks ago from right now wait a second you're wrong this comes out this sunday oh lord i'm thinking should we just record should we just still here should we just record episode 97 first? And then just do the next one later? I don't know. I think this is funny. Okay. La la la. Let's all pretend that this is two weeks in the future. Wait a second.
Starting point is 00:02:55 Okay, guys, can you tell that we're recording a lot of episodes all at one time? And I got lost in the calendar? Yikes. Sorry. I thought that was funny. It bodes well for us that all of you think it's quite charming that none of us know what we're doing over here. I'm glad we established that in episode one. Yeah, because now that you've just heard that, I mean, I guess I would feel more ashamed if things like that were just happening on a constant basis in my life. But I still... I believed you.
Starting point is 00:03:16 I fully trusted you. I was ready to go. You know what? Whoops. I still hope future you has a good time. Thank you. All right. Where was I? You're in Seattle right now. I am technically you treat us a good time. Thank you. All right. Where was it? You're in
Starting point is 00:03:25 Seattle right now. I am technically in Seattle. Yes. I'm in Seattle for the holidays. I always go to Seattle every Thanksgiving to hang out with my aunt. It's my mom's baby sister. Nice. And she's a blast. She's an awesome aunt. And so it was a good time. Yay. But I usually go there to escape my family and apparently i've been hyping up going to seattle for so many years now that my mom decided that she's also coming and caught on she didn't even ask she was like oh i'll be there too and i was like whoa that defeats the purpose not the point um so that's where i am currently um the thing i was gonna say that i still haven't actually addressed on the show so nobody really knows about
Starting point is 00:04:04 this yet which still applies which still applies um the show, so nobody really knows about this yet. Which still applies. Which still applies. The only people who know about it are the people who were at the live D.C. show. Right. Which was a couple weeks ago now. Yeah. And back when we were in D.C., Allison and RJ and I all got approved for an apartment. Yay!
Starting point is 00:04:19 And as of the time we're recording this right now, we've already moved in. Yay! I'm 10 minutes closer to Christine's place. Which is actually a significant portion for the amount that you drive here. Yes. Over time, it will add up. And so now we don't live in Pasadena anymore. We live in Burbank, but that's all I'm going to say.
Starting point is 00:04:34 No more triangulating? No more triangulating. Although, I have ultra triangulated myself recently because I was trying to find someone to replace me in the Pasadena house. And some people who interviewed for my spot to like go in and like you know checked out the place your old place my old place found out once they got to my door that they were listeners of the show hilarious and they realized that they were looking through my house and then I was offering them my room and I was like oh yeah well I'm too lazy to bring the bed so my bed's gonna stay and also someone paid your
Starting point is 00:05:03 parking meter you have like a weird week I'm too lazy to bring the bed, so my bed's going to stay. Also, someone paid your parking meter. You have, like, a weird week. I'm having a weird week. Someone recognized my car not near my home, like, just in a total other part of L.A., and then realized I hadn't paid my meter and paid it for me. That was very, yeah. I was like, I forgot there was a meter. I have a lot of very friendly people. I know.
Starting point is 00:05:20 I'm, like, in the world. And you have that bumper sticker. Yeah, well, my car is very easy to spot. Like contextually, it is obviously me because there's one reference to Fredericksburg, Virginia. Then I have Virginia plates. Then I have two references to my college and I haven't, and that's why we drink bumper sticker. And also if she was being Snoopy, she noticed that I have a Captain America backpack in my car and a back to the future hoverboard. So like there was literally no question. There was no way at all. It wasn't my car is white. So let's see if you find me and i hope you do because i often
Starting point is 00:05:48 forget to pay my parking meter anyway that being said i have moved in we've unpacked everything that we have but we haven't gotten into the process yet of buying things that we need like furniture and stuff right right because the place that we used to live we basically only stayed kept everything in my bedroom and now we've got a whole apartment so it's currently it looks like a squatters dwelling because sure we've never had that much stuff so we have to go buy stuff now yay that's kind of fun though so that's why i drink this week nice well i drink because i leave in two days for bullies to see lots of jaguars can you imagine if someone heard like the the portion where i was talking about your honeymoon and got bored and fast-forwarded and then found out like, oh, I'm leaving in two days.
Starting point is 00:06:28 Took a mini nap and they were like, what? Glitch in the matrix. Yikes. But yeah, very excited for the break. Everything that I said still stands. Hope it's a great time. Hope I bring back a Jaguar. I still hope you have a good time as well.
Starting point is 00:06:39 Thank you. Christine gets Belize. It's still the thing that I'm going to shout a lot. Sure. So yeah. Blaze is the only one who has to hear it over there. That's right. Blaze and the Jaguars.
Starting point is 00:06:47 Oh, that sounds like a great band name. Blaze and the Jaguars. I'm into it. Okay. Eva, write that down. Let's tell Blaze that he's in a band now. Eva got a new notebook in our gift video today, so. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:57 Eva, write that down. Okay. Eva's got no reason to not write things down now. No excuses. Oh, also, I want to mention before we get started that uh we just released some new tickets or some new shows by the time this comes out we've got brooklyn long island and salt lake city a lot of people have been clamoring for that one yep um and a lot of people are happy about long island and brooklyn because they don't have to drive into the city if they
Starting point is 00:07:16 want to see us true um and we still as of right now have tickets for houston st louis phoenix asbury park new jersey which still has vip by the way, Boston, San Jose, Miami, West Palm Beach, Orlando, Tampa, Milwaukee, Chicago, and Denver. Lordy. Yes. Yes. Reminder to everyone that Asbury Park is in New Jersey. Yes. Because apparently a lot of people in New Jersey didn't know that.
Starting point is 00:07:36 And at our New York show, we said, we're going to be in New Jersey. And people flipped out. They were like, what? And we were like, those tickets have been out. And they didn't know. I was like, you know, Jon Bon Jovi's home venue. venue and they were like i literally don't know what you're talking about i'm i'm 19 and i'm like oh okay i'm a thousand so yep yeah so that's my announcement um good announcement great did a good job christine i'm so um proud of you and me thanks um also we're
Starting point is 00:08:00 both drinking because little geo he has a he has has some dry skin issues right now and he's chewing off all of his fur. Ouchie. He's going to the vet. And a veterinarian actually wrote us yesterday and said thank you for when you talk about your animals and going to the vet, you don't like complain about the vets or how expensive it is or whatever because it's a tough living to make. And I was like, oh, the vet has saved our vets a lot of time. And tomorrow they're going to save Gio's little literal butt. Little naked booty because there's no fur there anymore. I know.
Starting point is 00:08:27 So anyway, yeah, he's itchy. So everyone keep Gio's little furry butt in your minds. Yes, please. All right. You can do that Catholic thing that my godmother would have me do where she would help me when I was really little, like light a candle for a thought for each person. So you can light a candle for Gio's butt. For Gio's butt curtain. Yeah. All right right our thoughts and prayers go out to your butt curtain
Starting point is 00:08:48 geo here's my story i'm just gonna dive right in let's do it let's crack in let's crack into it um so the last story that we did you were talking about a cannibal i yes i was it was quite gruesome and i wasn't i wasn't done talking about cannibals. I knew you wouldn't be. So I thought, I'm going to bring a cannibal to the table. Shocker. So that, okay. Just hang in there. Everyone's like, where is this going?
Starting point is 00:09:12 What? Why? I'll lead you to the answer. How? Oh my. I'll lead you to the answer. Don't worry. So this is a folklore.
Starting point is 00:09:19 Ooh. I've been getting, okay. I did say in either the last episode or the one before that, I have been trying very hard to go through all my old social media messages and go through the backlog and get like people. I feel like a lot of people are messaging us and saying like, oh, you should do this story or they're giving me suggestions and they're suggestions that I got a long time ago and still haven't covered. So I want everyone to get their chance. So I actually saw this. I've been doing that too after you mentioned it last week. I was like, that's a smart idea. I'm just old because there's so many from back in the day and i also
Starting point is 00:09:49 i am always panicking about one day like what if i don't have any more ghost stories like what do i do and everyone's been nice enough to send in suggestions that i should just start listening so um i should just stop fighting it so uh i found this one and I saw Cannibal in the... Oh, yeah. Someone's little blurb about it. I was like, okay, well, here we go. Let's do this thing. And also a lot of people have been writing and saying that they really like the folklore
Starting point is 00:10:13 legend ones. Right. Those are fun. Like a lot of people like the La Llorona and Bloody Mary. Don't say it. A-swong? A-swong? Oh, I was like, Bloody Mary.
Starting point is 00:10:21 Oh, no, sorry. Don't say it three times. I'm looking in a mirror, but... No. Yeah. I was like Bloody Mary. Oh, no, sorry. Oh, don't say it three times. I'm looking in a mirror. But no, yeah. However, a swung a swung a swung is pronounced. A lot of people got kicked out of that. So moving on. Oh, this is it was fun. Yeah, I forgot about that. This is the story of the Wendigo. Oh, fuck. I only know that word. And it sounds so scary because I've heard it's a scary thing, but I don't know much about it. So wendigo it started as from algonquin native american folklore whoa am i saying that right algonquin algonquin yeah algonquin and um we're gonna start with my favorite fun fact about the wendigo
Starting point is 00:10:56 it appears in marvel comics and was first in an issue of the incredible hulk in 1973 oh my god where the wendigo fought the Hulk and Wolverine. Oh my god. And I thought that was way fun. That's really cool. So it's like pop culture. Also more pop culture. It also appeared in several television series including Supernatural, Grimm, and my favorite, Charmed. Aha. Okay. And that's the first time I ever heard about a Wendigo. Really? Yeah. And that's actually how I knew how to pronounce it because I was like, well, in Charmed they say Wendigo. How do you spell that? So there's actually how i knew how to pronounce it because i was like well in charm they say wendigo how do you spell that so there's a lot of different ways to spell it but it seems like the universal way is w-e-n-d-i-g-o oh okay i but there's a whole
Starting point is 00:11:35 lot of ways you can spell it especially when you go back to like how it used to be spelled like traditionally traditionally in like native american folklore it was totally spelled differently i didn't even like i know nothing about that. I don't even know how I heard about it in the first place. I would have never known if I didn't watch Charmed. Yeah. I didn't, so. Well, there's problem number one.
Starting point is 00:11:53 I know. So, um. No, now, listen. I watch Hocus Pocus, everybody. Shut up. Leave me alone. So, uh, Wendigos come from Native American stories about cannibalism, murder, and overall greed.
Starting point is 00:12:05 Oh. And a Wendigo is created whenever a human resorts to cannibalism to survive. Okay. So it's not like you are just, you know, born with the... So like Donner Party style. Right. Okay. So originally the Native American culture is referred to as a Wendigo as a spirit, although
Starting point is 00:12:24 over time the legend kind of transformed it into being a physical monster. So originally it was like, oh, the spirit of the Wendigo will get you. But now it's like, oh, no, the Wendigo in the woods will eat you. It's like an actual creature. Yeah. Okay. So the original story that I could find, because there's several versions, I never really know how to like put a disclaimer in front of folklore that like i
Starting point is 00:12:45 don't want to butcher it if this is like the story you grew up with sure but i'm going off of what i could find people have seemed pretty like like when you did bloody mary people have sent in their own versions without being like you did it wrong because i think you said like this is just what i've i just i just repeat myself a million times that i don't know what i'm talking about don't be mad um but no i and it is fun when people send in like their own versions that are yeah sometimes they're scarier than what i had written down i'm like oh i wish i knew that i would have said that but um but yeah i tried to do it justice so from what i found the original story is that there were two hunters who were
Starting point is 00:13:17 lost during a cold winter and it was like really really cold they were definitely going to die and they couldn't find any food near them um and one of the hunters resorted to cannibalism in order to survive the harsh conditions and after tasting human flesh he turned into a monster oh no which became the wendigo and the wendigo now wanders the forest looking for people to eat to get his fix because in the folklore um one of the reasons that the wendigo keeps eating is because he's never full. Oh, my. So he keeps eating, hoping that he'll get full, and then he never does. That's like me.
Starting point is 00:13:50 Right. Never full. I mean, that's me, too. So other versions suggest that it's not just anyone who resorts to cannibalism to survive sometimes. It's just anyone who is generally greedy or gluttonous at all can be affected by the Wendigo or have the Wendigo following them. Oh, okay. So it's kind of been broken down into like, oh, don't be greedy or don't get something if you don't really need it because then the Wendigo's after you. Right. It's like a cautionary tale. Okay. This probably comes from when the Native
Starting point is 00:14:19 Americans and settlers found themselves in very dangerous cold conditions and there was food shortages. So in times of famine, they brought this story up to warn people, like, don't become a cannibal. And also, if you do, we're going to have to leave you out here because we don't want a cannibal with us. Don't become a cannibal. Oh, I was thinking it was more like, don't be greedy with the food rations. Probably that's what it kind of turned into.
Starting point is 00:14:45 Oh, okay. I think the original thing was when they're's what it kind of turned into. Oh, okay. I think the original thing was when they're talking about the spirit of the Wendigo, it's like, oh, he's going to find you because one of the things that the Wendigo does is he will possess other people to also become cannibals. Oh, so don't become a cannibal in terms of like, don't eat your friend, but like you will turn into that. If you eat your friend, then it's because the Wendigo is possessing you. Oh, sure.
Starting point is 00:15:04 So don't feed into it. So don't feed into it. You don't get possessed. Okay. Got it. Got it. But also, like, don't, like, be greedy when there's a food shortage. Okay.
Starting point is 00:15:11 I mean, there's a lot of life lessons here. I'm learning so much. This is definitely, like, a story with a lot of morals. Right. So the Wendigo is also known as the spirit of the lonely places. Oh, that sounds sad. And it implies that if you let the Wendigo take over you and you become a cannibal, then you will be cast out of the tribe and you'll be alone. So it's very much like a don't, don't, don't or else we'll leave you out here.
Starting point is 00:15:35 During times of famine, several tribes actually perform a ceremonial dance, which is made or which is done to warn and remind people to avoid temptation of the wendigo oh interesting so the ceremonial dance is actually called which i'm going to do my best to read this although i'm so sorry because i can't even pronounce carrot apparently but i'm going to try to pronounce this this word when the goo comes in aan oh my your turn christine the bold i don't know if i can beat that windigo kanzan moan yeah windigo kanzan moan yes i don't know anyway that's the ceremonial dance that's the name of it that's the whitewashed american way of saying i'm sure yeah that's the horrible butchering of it or the horrible butchering so um tribes will also assign certain members of their community to be windigo slayers for hire basically like windigo hitmen whoa to protect the community if they see anyone that looks like
Starting point is 00:16:36 they're possessed by the windigo oh no or if the windigo themselves appears it's just so if someone is possessed quote unquote by a windigo they're like go kill that guy the next bullet i have is anyone believed to be possessed by the wendigo is ordered to be killed oh no because it's better to be killed than them kill you i guess right so you don't even want to like come across as you might be possessed by right you just got to hope the people know who you are and get your shit together yeah so let's describe the wendigo for everyone let's put a picture in your brain. So the Wendigo is a cold weather monster. It is seen often in Canada and states up north like Minnesota. The Wendigo creature, there have been sightings that are still currently reported, especially in Ontario in a town called Kenora, which has gotten an underground rap for being the Wendigo capital of the world.
Starting point is 00:17:26 Apparently the most sightings have been there. Cool. So Algonquin description, because there's a few descriptions, but the original one that I could find was that Wendigos are a giant with a heart made of ice, maybe entirely made out of ice, like their whole body maybe out of ice. They have a deformed body with missing lips and toes oh what yuck another tribe describes it as they are as tall as a tree with a lipless mouth and jagged teeth their breath is a strange hiss and its footprints are full of blood oh ew i was like
Starting point is 00:18:01 that's kind of cute nope whoops but the general consensus of what a Wendigo might look like is that their skin is stretched so tight against their body that it makes their bones visible. They are 15 feet tall and it looks like the because the skin is so tight on them and you can see the bones, it makes it look emaciated. So it looks like a 15 foot tall skeleton, basically. They have eyes that glow like an owl's, but they are deep inside of the sockets of the face. They have razor sharp claws and quote, what lips it had were tattered and bloody. Their bodies smell like they are rotting. They have an overly long tongue and matted hair. This is really gross, like creeping me out.
Starting point is 00:18:44 Do you want to see a picture? Sure, Em. Okay. I would love that. Yay, me too. Oh my god, how horrifying. Ew, I'm like... So, take your pick of the lot.
Starting point is 00:18:55 But basically, they all kind of look like a zombie werewolf. Ew! Oh my god, that's worse than I imagined. It has, like, a bear head. Yeah, well, it's supposed to be a... It has antlers. Yeah, I think it's supposed to be a deer face and a bear mixed together. I think I wrote it down somewhere.
Starting point is 00:19:13 I guess I was confused because when I heard it's made of ice, I was thinking of the thing in Frozen, that big monster. Yeah, no, I originally thought it was just like an abominable snowman. Right, right. But apparently that was an original... And I didn't realize it would have matted hair on top of it too that's pretty nasty yeah i don't really know where the ice part came from because that was all i found but that was just the original yeah theory is that it must be made of ice because it's so cold i guess yeah also because it lives in such cold
Starting point is 00:19:39 conditions and it never freezes or right right cold cold. So must be a block of ice. Well, the fact that it smells like dead flesh is so horrifying. Yeah. Because it eats. Oh, and then like the fact that its skin is so taut and it looks emaciated because it's always hungry. Mm-hmm. That's so creepy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:55 It's like it can never get full. So it's got to look really, really thin apparently. Oh, sick. So Wendigos are apparently so thin and emaciated, the legend has it that they can only be seen if they are facing you head on because they are so skinny they cannot be seen from the side. Oh, what? Yep. So they're like those things you learn about in math class.
Starting point is 00:20:15 Yes. Let's not discuss math again. Oh my goodness. No, they're like a stick figure, basically. Yeah, you turn. In theory. They're like 2D, essentially. Yes, yes, yes, yes.
Starting point is 00:20:22 That thing that you learn about in math. Like a piece of paper, almost. Right. So some say that Wendigos are the cousin of Bigfoot, because it did look very Sasquatch-y. But others believe that it looks more like a werewolf. Sure. Which I think it looks more like a werewolf. I could see that, especially with the jagged teeth and stuff.
Starting point is 00:20:38 One person, I don't know if this is a one person, I read this in an article that it's somewhat a combination of Bigfoot, a zombie, and a werewolf. Oh, God. All of my favorite things. Aesthetically, that's what it looks like. Aesthetically pleasing. Aesthetically, if you could just combine three, if they could all have a love baby, it would look like that. It would just be a big old Wendigo.
Starting point is 00:20:58 Gross. Sounds like a dead fucking body. Actually, her name's Megan. I forgot to say that. Oh, awkward. Awkward. the wendigo name again um so uh the algonquin people say that during the turn of the 20th century a number of people went missing and it was believed to be the wendigos oh no wendigo can also be translated by them to mean the evil spirit that devours mankind oh because nice one big part of the legend is that they can possess people by controlling their minds and turning them into
Starting point is 00:21:32 wendigos from the inside first so like almost like the wendigos within their human body oh sure like possessed and then okay and they slowly just kind of turn into the window okay um into the look into the like the style i'm really into the spring 2019 wendigo look like like fashion forward wendigo think about it runway runway so uh they turn into wendigos mentally because they're being possessed by the original window sure and he makes them crave the taste of humans oh good so he infects them slowly. When they first realize, I don't even know if they realize they're being possessed, but in the first stages of being possessed, they will smell strange odors that only they can smell and nobody else.
Starting point is 00:22:14 And then they have nightmares that keep them sleep deprived so that they slowly lose their sanity. And then one of the final stages is that they will feel like their legs and feet are on fire. So they will strip all their clothes off and run naked into the forest and never be seen again. Oh, that's quite an extreme jump. For some of the people who have actually returned, never came back totally sane is what I was told. Yeah, I don't blame them.
Starting point is 00:22:38 Yikes. So apparently he gets in your head and does a bunch of mind tricks on you. And then once you're out in the woods, then your physical form turns into the wendigo and then you are one of them your transformation your transformation is complete before i go to belize and do hikes in the woods you're fucking if you see a jaguar creeping me out let's hope it's a jaguar if i bring one back in my away suitcase if it looks like a jaguar and roars like a jaguar it's a wendigo so probably if it smells like a dead fucking body if it smells like a dead fucking body it's either a wendigo or fucking megan so put her in my suitcase it's fine so there are varied versions on um the powers of the wendigo um they all say
Starting point is 00:23:16 they all have different opinions um and different versions of the speed of the wendigo some say that the wind goes usually fast unusually fast for unusually long periods of time so you can just run like a jaguar love it love it love it or sometimes in other versions of the legend it is the exact opposite where they walk very haggardly like a zombie because since they're they smell like they're decaying i guess their body is decaying and they're starving and stuff yeah so they're likeing. I guess their body is decaying. And they're starving and stuff. Yeah. So they're falling apart, basically. Yeah. Just the thought that it turns and you can't see it.
Starting point is 00:23:49 And then that creeps me out so much. If it's not staring you dead on. Ugh. So if it gives you the side eye, you can't even see it. That's so Megan. That is Megan. That's such a power move. Wow.
Starting point is 00:24:01 Wild. Speed isn't actually important. That's just one of the qualities they throw in there on the legend sure so the speed really isn't important but what is important is that the wendigos get their prey by mimicking human voices to lure people into the forest fuck that i don't like that and they'll usually mimic voices that you know and they'll make them sound like they're in danger no that's evil so it's like you hearing blaze screaming for help in the woods so like obviously you're gonna go right or maybe not unless you're a shitty wife right now it's like i've heard about the windigo so now it's just a new bobs burgers episode that i'm watching
Starting point is 00:24:34 maybe later it's like can you be quiet blaze um please keep it down so the longer a windigo walks the earth the stronger it becomes oh good eventually being able to control the weather and by controlling the weather they can call upon darkness before the sun is even set oh so that way they have a longer amount of time in the day to hunt they can just make it dark they're like oh it's dark now and now you can't see but i can hunt it's interesting that that's part of the folklore and it like happens in the winter and like the cold right like up north in the cold yeah where it gets dark so early fun fact interesting um they can also summon other creatures in the woods and manipulate them to do it ever at once so if someone is actually able to run away from the wind to go
Starting point is 00:25:14 white yes yes the chipmunks wendigo plus megan plus snow white equals the story oh my god i love it but fairy tale for the ages disney disney hello so um yeah so like if you do actually get away from the windigo they can like mind control another animal to attack you that you're closer to oh great fabulous i love it you can't get away right you're gonna lose also with age grows their ability in speed strength and healing themselves if you try to hurt them oh Oh! Oh my god. So, most sightings... It's like some freaking video game character. This is terrifying. It's actually Owen Chauncey. Oh, Chauncey Bliss! Right.
Starting point is 00:25:53 Wa-wa-wa. Wa-ba-wa. Hush-a-faw. Hush-a-faw. Hush-a-faw. That's what it was. So, most sightings happened between the 1800s and the 1920s, and reports actually date all the way back to hundreds of years ago. We're in 1661 there are jesuit relations documents that set jesuit relations right okay i just want to make
Starting point is 00:26:11 sure i said it right i mean i don't know like jesuit yeah right i didn't know if there was like if i have to get the little jesuit oh no you said it right yeah yeah i don't want to offend i just didn't know what jesuit relations documents are. They're just documents from Jesuit relations, actually. Oh, thank God you explained that. And in it, they describe an encounter where they saw someone that may or may not have been a Wendigo. Okay. This is an excerpt from something, so I don't really know where these men come from. But it starts with the men.
Starting point is 00:26:39 So I don't. Thanks, Parise. Thanks, Parise. Men that were to. And this is a little bit of a paragraph, so I'm going to read the whole thing. Men that were to await our coming had met their death the previous winter in a very strange manner. Those poor men were seized with an ailment unknown to us. They were afflicted with neither lunacy, hypochondria, nor frenzy, but have a combination of all these species of disease which affects their imaginations and
Starting point is 00:27:05 causes them a more and causes them a more than canine hunger this makes them so ravenous for human flesh that they pounce upon women children and upon even men how could you how could you defy yourself babies but not human men like veritable werewolves and devour them voraciously. Voraciously. Voraciously. I've never seen that word written down before. And devour them voraciously. Without being able to appease or glut their appetite.
Starting point is 00:27:34 Ever seeking fresh prey and the more greedily, the more they eat. Glut their appetite. Glut their... I've never heard that phrase before. Me neither. No, I don't think I liked it. I don't like it either um but yeah so that's supposedly one of the very first creepy proofs of evidence that sure people were aware of this right right right um according to
Starting point is 00:27:54 the settlers version back at the same time as the native americans right the settlers version was that a windigo sighting actually meant that there was going to be a death in the town. Oh, it's like an omen. Mm-hmm. Okay. So at one point in a town called Rosessu. Rosessu? It's in Minnesota. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:28:12 I don't know. R-O-S-E-S-U. Rosessu? I would say like... Rosessu? Rosessu? I don't know. Rosessu? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:28:19 Sure. In Minnesota. Sure. In Minnesota, apparently a Wendigo kept appearing for decades, and each time a death came shortly after. Oh, God. So that's where that came from. The Wendigo can only be killed by iron, steel, and silver, or they must starve to death if
Starting point is 00:28:36 they can't find a human to eat. Okay. Oh, okay. If they don't find flesh and time. So they can starve to death. They can starve to death. Okay, got it. The best way to kill one, Christine,
Starting point is 00:28:45 in case you're in Belize and see one. Believe me, I'm listening. You're going to shatter their heart that's made of purely ice. Absolutely. With a silver stake. Easy. Just shatter that up.
Starting point is 00:28:54 I already packed one. Then you're going to dismember the body with a purely silver axe. Right, I already got one of those packed, too. Is that one of our ads? I'm confused. Yeah, silver. Okay, I just haven't seen it yet.
Starting point is 00:29:05 It was in the FabFitFun box. It was. Yeah. A silver steak. So one man was known as the Wendigo killer in 1907. Oh man. His name was Jack Fiddler and he was a chief of the Cree tribe and he was known to be able to kill Wendigos and allegedly killed 14 in his time.
Starting point is 00:29:23 Whoa. Allegedly. Allegedly. By the time he was 87 should he was to have killed 14 okay sadly though as like badass as that sounds a lot of them were actually loved ones that were showing signs oh no family members asked jack to kill them before they fully transformed i thought you were gonna say like he just went in the woods and was like killed another one but like he's actually killing people like he was assigned to do it so scary so family members were asking him to do it before they transformed sure and sometimes the people actually attacked by the window go themselves were asking jack to right assist in them dying oh my god do you know
Starting point is 00:30:00 this reminds me of changelings do you know about changelings where they would like they're like no something's yeah yeah they've swapped out my kid so then you like boil them in water whatever this is called like the chauncey changelings the chance to change chance to changelings so he was known and there's a whole story behind him about how he actually got arrested after the 14th kill he was killing a woman who apparently she was definitely going to become a windigo and she like already had threatened to kill the tribe after she turned. Oh my God. So I didn't write down the notes. So I'm going to absolutely butcher this.
Starting point is 00:30:31 But, um, apparently there was, it was right when the, the police in Canada, the Mounties, is that what they're called? Don't look at me.
Starting point is 00:30:39 You're the Canadian. I've never thought about the Mounties. The Royal Mounted Police is what they're called. It was, well, it was right when they were being established. And so to prove, to start Canadian law up, they went in
Starting point is 00:30:49 and arrested this guy. And then they also arrested his brother, because apparently his brother was his associate on killing these people. Okay. So they got arrested, and Jack actually died by suicide because he didn't want to go to jail. Oh, God. Because also it was a new system for them because they were Native Americans and the Canadians were trying to enforce.
Starting point is 00:31:10 Yeah. Was trying to like start up like, hey, we're the police. Right, right, right. So he died by suicide and then his brother was actually put to death. And then three days later, they offered him a pardon, not knowing that they'd already put him to death. Oh, no. Yeah. Wow. Okay. Whoops. That's sick. So moving on. later they offered him a pardon not knowing that they'd already put him to death oh no yeah wow okay whoops so moving on there we can talk to blaze about this too which i'm sure he'll call
Starting point is 00:31:32 bullshit but there is a medical term that is actually called wendigo psychosis all right which is a condition that actually is a real condition and it is said it's a condition that creates an intense craving for human flesh and the fear of becoming a cannibal well think about armin myvis yeah from last week so apparently he lived his whole life that way he well yeah he was a it's uh it's a condition where you're afraid of the chance of becoming a cannibal and then you just like because i guess because you are so afraid to become a cannibal you're thinking about it non-stop that you end up developing a lust for food for flesh anyway right like so it's like a paranoia that builds into like yeah like a self-fulfilling prophecy kind of sure sure and so ironically this psychosis happens mainly to people living near the
Starting point is 00:32:21 great lakes of canada and northern united states which is where the wendigos comes from yeah and um it happens when there's the there's this little clause where the wendigo psychosis only happens or is only defined as wendigo psychosis when the sufferer thinks that they must eat human flesh to survive when other food is accessible to them wow okay so it's not even like for survival. Right. It's like, I'm afraid of being a cannibal. Hey, Christine, you're looking pretty yummy. And then there's Chipotle literally sitting right next to me, but I'm going to eat you anyway.
Starting point is 00:32:53 Yeah, this is actually very real about what's actually happening in this room, so I'm a little nervous. It's like, who knows if I mean it. There's actually Chipotle, and I'm actually looking really delicious, so I'm kind of confused. I mean, Christine's lost five pounds recently, so like, yum-ee, can I get a slice? So, okay. So Wendigo psychosis usually occurs for people in the winter when they are alone for a long time. And so I guess they're isolated with their own thoughts. Right. I mean, they could still literally have food within reason, like within distance of them,
Starting point is 00:33:19 but because they're by themselves and thinking these thoughts, they show signs of cannibalism. So they apparently become delusional and they think that they're becoming a cannibal and they see others as being edible or as i called christine yummy and they fear they will have to eat them even though they currently have food next to them right so natives believe that this is actually a psychosis that can be cured by traditional native healers however if, if it doesn't work, they'll just kill you. Good. Because they're like, okay, well, the cure isn't working, so you're just going to become a cannibal. Just like nip it in the bud.
Starting point is 00:33:51 So let's just get this out. Okay. One example of this was in 1878. There was a tribe member from the Cree tribe named Swift Runner, the exact opposite of what I am, by the way. And he was a trapper and trader, and he was married and a father of six. Okay. So during the winter, Swift Runner and his family were starving. It was really, really cold out. They didn't think they could get anywhere. And
Starting point is 00:34:16 his oldest son had already died of starvation in this case. Oh, no. At some point, Swift River developed Wendigo psychosis when he actually knew that there was emergency food available only 20 miles away wow okay so he knew there was food that he could get to but instead of going to get the food he butchered his entire family fuck and ate them all oh my god it is said that when they found uh evidence of these bodies he had even sucked the bone marrow out leaving nothing untouched on all six people can you imagine being so hungry you ate six people and they're your family i mean it took armin literally 10 months to eat that one guy yeah truly i mean he really feasted so yeesh another one is in 1920 there was a young doctor and his wife that just moved into a town called fort kent i don't know where this is
Starting point is 00:35:01 i'm guessing minnesota that could be absolutely wrong, though. But I'm not going to contribute to this. A lot of the stories happened in Minnesota. So I'm thinking somewhere up north. The doctor's wife happened to get fatally ill. And when she died, he locked himself in his house and didn't know what to do. He was just really upset that she passed away. And the town never actually found out that she died because the second she died, he like isolated himself.
Starting point is 00:35:22 Sure. So they never found that out. But apparently since the Wendigo preys on weak souls or it's easier to possess them, they think that the doctor became insane and the Wendigo preyed on him. Stepped in. And the doctor, they think that that happened because shortly after the doctor started coming back out into town and started inviting people over one by one, killing them and eating them. Oh, no. back out into town and started inviting people over one by one, killing them and eating them.
Starting point is 00:35:45 Oh, no. Once the town's people started to notice that everyone was missing after a fun dinner party, well, they started asking questions about the doctor. And when the doctor found out that they were on to him, he went on a killing spree in the town, killed and ate everyone but 11 people. What? He ate their entire flesh and left a pile of bones at every spot that he ate at. He ran off
Starting point is 00:36:08 into the woods leaving everything in his home behind and the legend says that you can hear him laughing at night in the woods. Oh, for fuck's sake.
Starting point is 00:36:16 The last known sighting was in 1997 when a trucker said that he saw a wendigo in Ontario. Oh my god. And a few years ago a group of boys
Starting point is 00:36:24 actually saw something in the forest and filmed it, and it looks creepily like the description of a wendigo. Oh, they filmed it. They said they got footage of it, and it was strange looking and a slender figure that you could barely see, but looked emaciated. Oh god, oh god, it's like Slender Man,
Starting point is 00:36:40 but he eats people. God, it's like Slender Man and Chauncey and Megan. Oh my god. It's way too many references to our podcast. It's like they're trying to get on our show. Yeah, geez. I hear you, Wendigo. Stop pandering to us. That being said, that is the story of the Wendigo.
Starting point is 00:36:54 Oh my God. That is spooky. Spooky, spooky. Spooky, ooky stuff. I like that that came right after my cannibal story. It was like a good back end. It was right on your coattails. Yeah, I like it.
Starting point is 00:37:04 No, I thought it was... It was was a good time like a folklore adjacent story folklore adjacent yes oh you know the thing you know i know all right guys are you ready for mine a thousand percent okay so this was suggested by on twitter the other day and it just so happened to me when i opened my computer and i was like, I'm just gonna waste some time before I do notes. And then you ended up finding it anyway. It just, no, it just like came up and was like, do this story. And I was like, okay, universe, I get it. So it's suggested by MC.Rose on Twitter.
Starting point is 00:37:37 Hi, MC.Rose. And it is the murders of Morgan Harrington and Hannah Graham. Okay. All right. So Morgan Dana Harrington. She's born in Roanoke, Virginia. By the way, this is a very hometown story for you guys. I like it. I know Roanoke. Roanoke in 1989. Fast forward to age 20. She's a student at Virginia Tech. On October 17,
Starting point is 00:37:57 2009, she and three friends decided to drive down to the John Paulul jones arena at uva in charlottesville for a metallica concert for a metallica concert um and during the opening act she told her friends she had to go pee well sounds like us me too so um after a while her friends realized she hasn't returned and it's been a while so they call her cell phone and she around 8 48 p.m and she says she was locked out of the arena because they had a no reentry policy and she hadn't brought her ticket with her. Got it. So she's like, oh, don't worry about it.
Starting point is 00:38:29 I'll find a way home and like have fun at the show. Don't worry about me. And that was the last her friends ever heard from her. So she was last seen at around 9.30 p.m. Hitchhiking on a nearby bridge. And two witnesses also claimed to have seen her with three men after she had left the arena. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:38:44 But beyond that, they had no idea what had happened. I feel like if my options were to just sit somewhere for two hours or go to, like, a bar next to the arena and just wait for my friends to get out or walk on a bridge, I would just be like, I'm going to go get, like, a bunch of desserts at a bar. Yeah. I mean, she was under—she was probably, like, 19, 20. She probably couldn't get into a bar. Shame.
Starting point is 00:39:02 I mean, you know. No, I know, I know. I just hear walking on a bridge, and I'm like, I'd rather do anything else. Than walk on a bridge. Walking at all. Walking at all. Walking at all. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:11 Yeah. So she was like, I'll find my way home. Don't worry about it. You know, so hours later they realized she's just nowhere to be found. So the next month, November, still no word from her. Friends and volunteers start handing out flyers. And a Texas group that helps find missing children leads volunteers as the search continues.
Starting point is 00:39:27 They found Morgan's purse containing her driver's license and cell phone with the batteries removed, and they found that in the RV lot at the UVA Lanigan Athletic Field following her disappearance. And a few weeks later, searchers found her t-shirt that she was wearing at the concert i feel like when you like find the clothes they were wearing and the batteries were taken out of the phone it's just game over it's not a good sign not a good sign um and they found that outside an apartment building about a mile and a half from the arena so january 26 2010 so that happened in october so now we're three months later about 10 10 miles from the concert arena, Morgan's skeletal remains are discovered in a hayfield at Anchorage Farm, more than one and a half miles away from any road access.
Starting point is 00:40:11 Police determined a forensic link between Morgan's body and an abduction and sexual assault that had happened in Fairfax in September 2005. But the woman who had reported that, even though she had a description of the guy, they had never caught him. So they were like, okay, these are linked, but they still don't know who the person is. They also believe that the killer was familiar with the area where Morgan's body was found because it was such a specific spot off the road. And her body, she had rib and arm fractures and also a fractured skull, revealing in the autopsy that she'd tried to fight off her attacker.
Starting point is 00:40:45 Oh, no. And had broken several bones in the process. Oh, no. So now everyone in nearby areas, especially like College Town, you know, everyone's in a panic. People are thinking maybe there's a serial killer, especially once they announce like, oh, this was linked to an abduction in 2005 and a rape. So people are freaking out and Crime Stoppers offers a 100 000 reward for any information leading to a conviction and then metallica adds an additional 50 000 wow 50 000 reward to any information so three years still pass though with no answer and in june of 2012 the fbi and police
Starting point is 00:41:18 launch a media campaign so they're like let's start this over again and try to find out any information and this effort included a public service announcement from James Hetfield, the lead guitarist of Metallica. And I watched the video and he's like, one of our fans is missing or not is missing. That was the original video. One of our fans has been murdered and any information you can find, like the reward still stands. Right. So it's this huge media uh media release morgan's parents are still appearing at special events around town including uva's take back the night rally um and they're still working with uva
Starting point is 00:41:52 administrators to work toward a safer campus so they're like still very much like on the ground trying to like uh even though she has passed like they're trying to better things for other students um but by 2014 there is still no break in the case. 2014? Yeah. So this happened in 2009. So it's been like four and a half years. Wow.
Starting point is 00:42:11 Then about a year later, I'm sorry, five years later, on September 13, 2014, an 18-year-old British American student at the University of Virginia goes missing. What year is this? 2014. Okay. Yeah. Her name is hannah elizabeth graham um she was born in redding berkshire in the uk and had moved to the us at age five with her parents she was 18 um and at that on that night 1 20 a.m on september 13th hannah's friends got a text from her saying she
Starting point is 00:42:38 was on her way to a party but was lost she was captured on cctv wandering the area and footage also showed her being followed by a tall man with dark hair. Oh, shit. Scary, scary, scary. And witnesses also described seeing her talking to that same guy. So when they showed that footage, people were like, yeah, I saw that guy with her and they were talking. Jeez, okay. And in the footage, Hannah looks visibly drunk. So then Hannah seems to vanish without a trace.
Starting point is 00:43:07 so then hannah seems to vanish without a trace and on september 20th a volunteer like six days later a volunteer search for hannah graham takes place throughout charlottesville and i will say that um this person mc.rose on twitter she said um or they said i don't know they said that uh when hannah first went missing they were a big they were part of the search effort so they were saying like i remember when this happened and i was like with groups of people trying to find her body um so at this point police are like holy shit this sounds a lot like morgan's disappearance five years ago which they obviously never caught the guy um and they start suspecting a local man the one that they saw on the cctv footage obviously and he was a former cab driver named jesse matthew so police searched his apartment on september 22nd and during that search
Starting point is 00:43:52 they took some items of clothing from the apartment but they wouldn't elaborate on why they wouldn't tell the media why they took them all they said was this is a major break in the case um and it was later revealed that they had found a pair of shorts with his and hannah's dna on them wait can i i'm i'm not trying to yeah i i want to look this up real quick i just i think i think i remember this case but i would only remember it based on one picture that i saw and i want to yeah yeah otherwise it's gonna kill me it was named jesse matthew the guy yeah yeah jesse matthew i remember that name jesse leroy matthew jr yes you do because he went to cnu well that was one of my bullets that's how i remember the name no no but that's i don't remember how he's related to cnu but yes okay that's funny yeah
Starting point is 00:44:39 that's i mean i literally was like i wonder if you knew about this yeah i remember because i remember it was the year after I graduated. And I remember hearing like someone from CNU killed someone from UVA. And that was like the right. The very hot goss. Yeah. Yeah. So, I mean, yes, you're right.
Starting point is 00:44:53 OK. You're very right. So police issued an arrest warrant. And on September 24th, Jesse Matthews was arrested after being recognized by a woman on a beach in a sparsely populated part of Galveston, Texas. arrested after being recognized by a woman on a beach in a sparsely populated part of galveston texas so he was all the way in texas and somebody fortunately because of this big media blast and stuff recognized him and called authorities so he was arrested and on september 29th it was reported that forensic evidence taken from the investigation into morgan's murder matched the same evidence taken from jesse during hannah's murder. Oh, so he did both of them. They linked them.
Starting point is 00:45:26 Wow. They linked him to both. And then that October, a month after she disappeared, Hannah's remains were found. So she hadn't even been found yet, but they had found her DNA on those shorts. Yeah. So her remains were found. Her body had been dumped near an abandoned property, and the medical examiner believed she'd been strangled or suffocated to death.
Starting point is 00:45:45 As for Jesse Matthew, like you just said, he was a pretty average dude. He was a scholastic wrestling and football star who lived a seemingly unremarkable life in Virginia. However, when they looked into him a little further, over a decade earlier, Jesse Matthew had been accused twice of sexual assault at two separate colleges. He attended in Virginia as a student. And after each one, he attended the school immediately after the allegation. And the reported assaults occurred within an 11-month period of each other. So he was at Christian Liberty University in Lynchburg. And after he was accused of sexual assault, he peaced out and then went to CNU, Christopher Newport University in Newport News.
Starting point is 00:46:31 Yay, captains and yay captains go captain and within that 11 month period he was accused of another rape and he left immediately after that as well um so he was probably only there for like a little bit i would think yeah well the the story that we heard i because it happened the year that we graduated that i graduated college the year after right the year after so I found out about this when I was in wait what October 2014 I graduated 2014 oh right so the oh oh oh I got so it happened like a couple months after I'd graduated you're younger than me Jesus so I graduated in May 2014 right right so I found out about it when I was in Boston like within the first couple months of moving to Boston. Right, right.
Starting point is 00:47:05 And I was still, I didn't have any friends in Boston yet. And so I was texting a lot of friends from school and apparently people who hadn't graduated yet. Happened right then, yeah. And they were talking about it. I never knew him or anything like that, but I remember he like was on the football team or tried out for the football team, but they wouldn't let him on the football team. No, he was a scholastic football star and wrestling. Oh, I don't know about cnu i think he because of his um because of his record of sexual assault they didn't let him on the football team oh but i i remember hearing that whole story because originally we thought he was an employee at cnu not a student got it so and
Starting point is 00:47:39 then the football thing came out we're like okay it's a student but no none of us really remember him right but i i remembered the name and i remember someone named hannah uva well i wonder when that the rape happened so that must have been in like the 90 or like oh four yeah like a long time because it happened 10 years before the murder of i don't know yeah i i it's so patchwork for me but like i remember someone named jesse at cnu killing someone named Hannah at UVA. Right. And that was the only relation I had. But the second you said Jesse, it like flooded back. Well, and it was pretty recent. I mean, 2014, only a few years ago.
Starting point is 00:48:12 Bad day for CNU, but it's okay. Bad day for a lot of people. Yeah. So neither, but neither rape was followed through. Like they didn't, there was no criminal case brought against him. So it was not on his record um on september 15 2015 jesse matthew now 33 was formally charged with first degree murder and abduction with intent to defile in the murder of morgan harrington so that was the
Starting point is 00:48:36 2009 murder got it on march 2nd 2016 jesse matthews pleaded guilty to the abduction and murder of both morgan and hannah he received four consecutive life sentences with no possibility of parole and under the terms he also waived his right to appeal for his whole life uh the judge branded him a modern day jekyll and hyde uh he believed matthew projected an image of a gentle giant to his friends and family and meanwhile he was hiding a double life as a violent sexual predator. So it's just like chill-inducing. Yeah, yeah. So he actually never, Jesse Matthew, never revealed a motive for his crimes.
Starting point is 00:49:11 He just said, tell them I'm sorry to the families. And that's all he ever said. Jeez. He's currently at Red Onion State Prison. Yep. Do you guys know about that? I've heard of it. He was like, what?
Starting point is 00:49:23 I'm just like, you Virginians. Red Onion State Prison, a super town. I was like, what? I'm just like, you Virginians. Red Onion State Prison. A super town. I was like, that's fun. And then I was like, a super max prison in Wise County, Virginia. So never mind. Not very fun. After Hannah's remains were discovered and ID'd, students at the University of Virginia
Starting point is 00:49:39 erected a memorial on campus in her honor. The World Bank also holds an annual award for innovations to reduce gender-based violence in memory of Hannah Graham. Last month, so October 2018, marked the nine-year anniversary of Morgan's disappearance, and her parents visited the bridge in Charlottesville where Morgan was last seen alive, and they placed flowers and mementos to honor their daughter
Starting point is 00:50:02 and tied a green ribbon around a pole and wrote the names of other young women who have been violently murdered including hannah's and actually i was reading this article about that on like local cbs in charlottesville and apparently somebody went and stole all the mementos and shit like within hours of them putting it up what the fuck and they're currently reviewing because this just happened a few weeks ago so they're currently reviewing cctv footage to see who did it but the all the uva staff was like no we didn't would never have touched it right so some asshole just went and like stole the shit jesus like the flowers and stuff really fucked up yeah um so the harrington so that's morgan's family uh also spoke to first
Starting point is 00:50:39 year students at uva to spread her tale like her cautionary tale basically and um the students that the harrington spoke to were in fourth grade when their daughter went missing so it's just like a weird like they're much older now and they're hannah's age oh sorry i mean morgan's age yeah and hannah's um so they said so her family morgan's family said we want to be a constant drumbeat of awareness not fear but caution because if you don't know what has happened and the possibilities, you are less prepared for what might happen. They also started an organization called Help Save the Next Girl, which aims to bring awareness to the vulnerability of young women, especially in places like college campuses when there's drinking and that kind of thing going on, and empower young women to make the best choices for their own safety and that of their friends. And the website, they say, is sort of like a toolkit for families of missing persons so like if say your daughter goes missing and you're so overwhelmed by like trauma and grief and you don't know what to do
Starting point is 00:51:33 this website kind of helps walk you through like okay this is who you contact these are some support systems you can right talk to and that kind of thing um so it's just a really cool and powerful website and um jesse matthews is currently in prison he's gonna be the rest of his life in good old red onion good super red onion super max and uh he i decided that jesse matthews does not deserve a horoscope okay so i'm gonna read a geoscope especially because now he's right here kicking eva every two seconds because she stops petting him to like do her job to like not pet him anymore and he won't have it truly his legs are just
Starting point is 00:52:10 splayed over even right now she's being like oh now his feet are in your ribs in the boob so that's nice he's just like eva you know your real job here he literally has his like blep tongue out oh he's got the little teethies out his little tongue he's got his little tongue out oh he's got the little teethies out his little tongue he's got his little tongue out um so this is the scorpioscope horror not horoscope geoscope okay hold on sorry everyone's taking photos oh geez little tongue little baby tongue such a happy baby okay i'm good you good i'm good he's sweet. Look at that little tongue. He just keeps kicking her right in the ribs. Like for someone who's passed out, he's very active from the rear legs. He's very aware that he's not getting the pets he needs.
Starting point is 00:52:54 All right, so this is the Geoscope for today. Take advantage... Oh my god, I didn't even like read this until now. Take advantage of someone else's weakness. Aww! Gio and Eva go together so well jiva jiva someone someone in the workplace is floundering yeah probably even broken ribs he or she has a hard time finishing a certain task or communicating with someone else now is your time to step in and
Starting point is 00:53:22 take their place and show that you can pick up the slack oh watch the hell out it looks like he's gonna come for your fucking job he's gonna steamroll you oh my god he's kicking the crap that was such a good stretch geo wow what a little asshole look at that what a little brat that was so nice so sorry i powered through that i just was like it's just very dark like deeply upsetting and i was just well no it's it's deeply upsetting but also it's just so weird that like for once one you reported on a story that I know yeah and so it's one I never heard so when you saw did you know it was from Christopher Newport nope yeah I mean that was just one tiny I threw that in there because it was where he went to school but well it's like for me and everyone that went to CNU it was such a big story because like CNU is such a small school and everyone really does know each other.
Starting point is 00:54:07 Right. And so the second that someone, not only someone actually like, like did something horrible there, but also it was someone that for such a small campus, nobody knew. Like that was the creepy part that like. Well, it happened 12 years before you were there. No, but like that we had like, we we no one even remembers him being on campus ever like in 2014 but he wasn't that happened in 2004 like this the rape happened in 04 what happened in 2014 though he murdered hannah but it was like he hadn't been at cnu for 10 12
Starting point is 00:54:38 years oh i see what am i because like he he had been there he had been accused of rape there 10 years ago oh so that was just like background i think my my wording is coming out weird but it was just it's just weird in general that someone from a small school especially with a small and you had just graduated so that's creepy yeah i think it just seemed really really topical for anyone that was there at the time because the fact that someone did something bad from such a sore school yeah well sort of yeah sort of yeah what's the other school in lynchburg liberty christian liberty okay yeah i saw cnu and i was like uh-huh that's familiar liberty liberty is one of those schools where like you have to
Starting point is 00:55:17 keep the door open and like you can't have you can't have boys it's super christian like if you go to liberty you're like definitely you have no liberty okay i got it you're like i had friends that went to liberty and they actually still have the rule of like you can't have people of the opposite sex in your room cute and if they are there they're not allowed to sit on your bed and if you don't want to sit on your bed no because it implies that you know oh i could also sit on the bed wow seeing you is not that kind of school though oh not the non not the you mean like they didn't have those kind of rules you mean yeah cnu had some liberty you got to sit on the bed but no i just remember being a school though i remember at school when we all found out it was just shocking that someone totally from such a small area yeah yeah but i i never thought that would be a story
Starting point is 00:56:04 you covered. Yeah. I mean, and it was all thanks to MC.Rose, who said she was part of the, they were part of the search party, which was really interesting and, like, very sad. Super involved. Yeah. Yeah. Can you imagine being a part of a search party and, like, any moment you could find remains? Like, that's really scary.
Starting point is 00:56:21 Yeah. I know. It's terrifying. It's very, very scary. All right. Well, that's that on that for you guys. That's that that the sun has set we are in literally the sun has set it is now darker in here spooky hour time yeah you know how it is i know how it is all right um i guess with that we all wish you a happy honeymoon oh thank you so i can't wait to congratulations
Starting point is 00:56:43 be eaten by winnebago's. No, that's something else. What's that? Winnebago's. That's an RV. I was going to say for some earlier when you were talking, I was like, I'm not going to say it, but every time you say, what's it called? Wendigo.
Starting point is 00:56:55 Wendigo. I always think of an RV and I was like, that's so weird. Well, I had to think of it as like the color indigo. Because I kept also thinking Winnebago. You're not the only one who thought that there's a there's rv in the woods yeah look out guys there's a camper god that does sound like stephen king christine 2.0 i know all right well thanks guys for listening you can find us on our social media and patreon at atwwd podcast you can also email us and that's why we where
Starting point is 00:57:21 you can send in your personal true crime and paranormal stories because we do a listeners episode at the first of every month if you want to send us some goodies or any mail you can also do that at 1920 hillhurst ave number 265 los angeles 90027 and if you are a member on our patreon then you can actually also watch the monthly video of us opening all the gifts or if you send something email eva and we will send you the link, the unlisted link. But also just quick note, Theron had a great idea that our Patreon, we could call people Patreon saints and have a thanks priest here. Yeah. It's really fun.
Starting point is 00:57:59 So now we're getting religious time. Instead of donators, we're going to Christian Liberty University and calling you all Patreon saints. I love it. So thank you for supporting us. Yeah. Thank you. Thanks, priests.
Starting point is 00:58:10 And blame Theron if you don't like it. Thanks, priests. Yeah, we'll call you all priests. What if we just said thanks, priests? Oh, we should have one called thanks, priests, and then one called thanks, Megan. Thanks, Megan. Oh, God. Never mind.
Starting point is 00:58:21 Never mind. Never mind. We're going to get so much flack. All right. And that's why we drink. I have to pee.

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