And That's Why We Drink - E99 Paranormal Swirl and Aura Imprinting

Episode Date: December 23, 2018

Spirit of Christine, are you there? Scratch us with three claw marks if you want us to leave this kiddie pool of wine by your grave! In the last episode before we hit triple digits, Em covers the most haunted hotel in Great Britain, the Rams Inn of Gloucestershire. This obviously brings us to the age-old question: is it grave desecration to give spirits brownie batter? Meanwhile, Christine covers the much requested and devastating story of the Yogurt Shop Murders in Austin, Texas. We also just might be opening our own bread and breakfast… and that's why we drink! Please consider supporting the companies that support us! For $50 off your first Green Chef box, go to Get 15% off your first Thirdlove purchase when you go to Get your first 3 bottles of wine from First Leaf for just $15 plus free shipping! Go to

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Starting point is 00:00:00 welcome to the first hour of the day where christine is actually happy yay um christine this was not your day i mean it wasn't really you know um and made a song oh i don't even remember it already neither but it was really good it was like nothing goes well for christine never does never will something like that because today is not christine's day it never will be it never was and it never will be well because just like atom bomb after atom bomb was just dropping into your life we lost juniper the cat got out of the house today i was uh i woke up in like extreme terrible crone's pain and i was like this is rough like it was like the worst i've probably had in like a year and a half
Starting point is 00:00:50 since you were in the hospital with me that one time oh yeah that was fun for me so i was like yeah it was so super fun i like putting on your big socks at the hospital that was cute yeah um that so i was like in terrible pain all morning and I was like, oh, I'm so sorry, Em, I'm going to be kind of a buzzkill. And then Em shows up and I'm wandering around outside with like a giant bowl of dog food. And I was like, what the hell is going on? And I'm like, well, the cat escaped. Gio freaking pushed a window screen off the hinges and Junie took his chance and bailed.
Starting point is 00:01:22 Shocker. He's like finally out of this demon kingdom. Literally, he needs an inch and's like finally out of this demon kingdom literally he needs an inch and he'll get out of this house um and so we walk em like walked around with me through the neighborhood junie was nowhere to be found em was like macgyvering like ways and was like oh why don't we put facetime we'll prop my phone up facetime me well the fear the fear was that we had to record so if the cat came back we wouldn't know if he was poking around exactly i was like oh we'll just facetime your computer
Starting point is 00:01:49 right and put your computer against the window brilliant idea upstairs really good just have a little security camera and promptly within three minutes just giant ass head blocked the screen and just his barking was relentless so that didn't work and then the other idea i had was just throw a bunch of tuna everywhere yeah yeah that worked fine actually your idea was why don't we bring a can of tuna and then i promptly said okay i'll put my hands in it and launch it all over the yard which really you know what that was a combined effort and it's what got juniper back in the house so i made this podcast a and then it's what and so combined efforts that should be our book title i love that combined efforts we so we were recording and then i was like i have to pee but then i like ran downstairs and i was like i need to run outside
Starting point is 00:02:29 and i ran out the front door and there lo and behold is juniper jay chillin and so i start launching tuna at him and m comes downstairs and sees me my whole hand was covered in oily tuna yeah it was really cute um and we caught we caught him we got him back we got him back yeah i just i thank god thank god because i that was going to be a real awkward episode if something bad happened to him oh yeah i kept like pushing this episode because i was like oh how are we gonna make this funny i know cat's gone so but um no i'm glad i was able to i knew he'd come back but i was worried that like he'd also be like smart enough to just wander into someone else's house and like. Well, unlike Gio, who's smart enough to wander into traffic.
Starting point is 00:03:08 To literally find the nearest speeding car and throw his body in front of it. Yeah. You were much, you'd handle the animals being gone in very different ways. Oh yeah. Because if Gio were gone, we would have both been neurotic messes. Oh my, it would have been. Chaos. I don't think after 10 minutes I'm like, and if Gio's gone, I'm convinced that something terrible has happened. I would have been chaos i don't think after 10 minutes i'm like and if geo's gone i'm convinced that something terrible has happened i would have been the same way because he really
Starting point is 00:03:27 doesn't have any concept of like what a car is he could get hit by a car and then he would run into another car totally tell it about the first car he doesn't this one will be different yeah um anyway so we're very happy that juniper is back thank Thank God. Christina started drinking. Poured myself a glass of wine. Earlier today when we were supposed to be recording and we were just talking, I was like, how come you're not drinking yet? And she was like, Em, it's daylight. And I was like, oh, I forgot. I was like, remember how we moved our recording sessions like four hours earlier than our old ones? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:59 Oh, I'm just used to you drinking wine. And I was like, the last couple of episodes she hasn't been drinking. Is she trying to not drink and is like trying to do it coyly like I don't notice? Just maybe not at 2 p.m. Yeah. And I was like, the last couple of episodes, she hasn't been drinking. Is she trying to not drink and is like trying to do it quickly? Like I don't notice. Just maybe not at 2 p.m. Yeah. And I was like, oh, fair. And then by the time we found the cat and it was five o'clock, you're like, okay, here's
Starting point is 00:04:14 the wine. Okay. It's ready for me. It's been waiting with open arms. Oh, anyway. So that's my, uh, that's my, my little thing of the day. But, um, it's episode 99. It is.
Starting point is 00:04:24 We're one away from the the golden hour 99 wow what's the English version 99 red balloons floating in the summer sky wait really yeah goldfinger
Starting point is 00:04:40 oh I thought you were making that up no what are you talking about you don't know this song I mean I know the I've never heard the English version. Oh, yeah. It's by Goldfinger, I think. Well... Floating in the summer sky. Oh, I have heard it, yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:50 Panic bells and red alert. I just needed you to scream it, and now I remember. You're welcome. Yeah. Thank you. You just love the sultry sound of my screaming. I was never going to stop you. Indeed.
Starting point is 00:05:00 From keep singing. How are you? I'm okay i'm kind of in my own chaos right now because i'm trying to perfect our apartment looking really nice before i leave for christmas and i'm leaving for a long time i'm gonna be gone you are gone for a while i'm gonna be gone for over two weeks yeah it's almost three i think almost three weeks because my mentality around it and my like reasoning is that like i've had a job for a day job for several years where it was a very compact amount of days that i was allowed or in school or something yeah it's just no way and i i was thinking you know this is the first year where I get to make my own hours for the holidays.
Starting point is 00:05:47 Yeah. And I want to take advantage of it. And I was like, okay, well, I'm going to be gone for half of December. And then I realized, like, oh, yeah, Eva and Christine are also dependent on my schedule. And I was like, by the way, I'm going to be gone. Yeah. Whoops. We were like, well, you know.
Starting point is 00:06:02 Well, we'll make it work. To be fair, in January, we have 8,000 live shows. So, like, we'll make it work to be fair in january we have 8 000 show live shows so like we'll be stuck together for a long time i think it's best if we decompress away from each other away far away no not that anything bad's happening for the people trying to create rumors we're good but or are we or are we come on we need some press maybe we're just acting like we like each other right now maybe this is too real maybe it hurts a little bit no everybody take a breath no i i just think we're gonna be doing a lot when we get back we need the time we deserve the time a little bit of the time and also so since i'm gonna be gone i'm trying to make sure the apartment
Starting point is 00:06:35 looks nice that way when i get back i can focus on our stuff yeah but it's just holy shit like they tell you moving is like a big deal and the worst thing ever yep well every place i've moved to since i moved since i've lived in la and even when i lived in boston actually ever since i left my mom's house because college and then grad school and then moving to la every place has been temporary in my mind right this is like the first place that i want to like build a home that's like this one because we signed a three-year lease and i was like welp yeah we're stuck yeah ideally i want this place to be the last place i live in in california yeah like if for however long i choose to live here i want this to be the last place that's how i feel that our house too yeah so i
Starting point is 00:07:17 wanted to be like really like cozy and warm and i wanted to be a place that i never really want to leave yeah and so i'm putting a lot more man hours and money into this one. So even though I've always known moving's kind of a bitch, it was always like, oh, well, everything's in a milk crate and I'll take it out for a year and then I'll move. Right. And now I'm trying to make this, like, me and Allison's first real place together
Starting point is 00:07:37 and I want it to, like, feel like, you know, an adult home. And so I'm also trying to not buy things on, like, from Goodwill. I'm trying to, like, actually buy, like, you know, my own stuff and so i'm also trying to not buy things on like from goodwill i'm trying to like actually buy like you know my own stuff and make my own stuff real furniture and stuff yeah it's very it's very stressful and taxing i feel you bro i really do yeah so i that plus the time crunch of getting it done before i leave is currently where i'm at yeah especially because we have to cram in so much podcast stuff too yes yeah yeah yeah um so we are delaying our we were gonna do a friends miss on uh tomorrow tomorrow on the 12th of december but we
Starting point is 00:08:10 and i was like this is a great idea and then it got to today and i was like let's wait well tomorrow we are recording our 100th episode and technically we've done more with the listeners episodes and live shows but this is our 100th time of sitting at this table and reporting stories to each other someone tweeted at us like yesterday i think or today and they were like oh my god 100 episodes congratulations and i was like okay we haven't gotten anything yet hold on hang in there hang in there don't jinx it don't thank you for being the first it was yeah it was. Yeah. So we're trying to do everything in advance now. So that way when I'm gone, you guys get a lot of lovely tunes every Sunday. Not tunes.
Starting point is 00:08:51 Tunes. The sound of us singing songs about. Well, we do sing a lot of terrible things. Or like Christmas time. Or what's the other one? Oh, Christine. Today's. Today is not Christine's day.
Starting point is 00:09:06 It never is. Never will be. Never has been. Never will. Yeah. Something like that. We'll work on it. Someone else make a song. Are you there? Song French. I would like to start a song about my, my devolving. For Christine about her failure. Great. Okay. Anyway, that's where i am i'm in a nice package of stress and being tired and excited for the holidays so same yep always um awesome do you have any updates for anyone well someone actually was like remember i mentioned i was at a y2k new year's eve party in utah someone was at the same party shut the fuck yeah and they were like was it a uh snowbird and like on whatever whatever day and there was this and the poster notes on the elevator and i was like holy shit they were there it was super trippy i was like we were in the same room i don't know it's super weird wow that's so small world was on oh and i'm going to orlando
Starting point is 00:10:00 this weekend to see my friend alissa so i'm excited about that alissa evans yeah the one i know yeah i like her yeah i do too she lives in good i do too uh well she's okay uh she lives in san francisco but uh i guess her work holiday party's in orlando and they gave her a plus one and she's like hey want to come to orlando and i was like okay that's nice i'm so excited yeah it'll be fun um so i'm only going for two days, but. That'd be fun. Yeah. Oh my. Broke everything. Anyway, so that's my updates, but.
Starting point is 00:10:30 All right. Do you have any live shows currently that we haven't announced? I think everything's good. I think we've announced everything, but check. Instagram first. Check Instagram and our live page is updated on our website. So it's in that's weird. Drink dot com slash live. Yep. And that should all be updated, website so it's in that's weird slash live yep
Starting point is 00:10:45 and uh that should all be updated especially now that Eva does that instead of me because I'm always late yeah she does it right away Eva's such a gem um okay would you like a story I would freaking love a story sit back and relax homie all right I got my wine I got my cat
Starting point is 00:11:02 we're good this is finally do you have like your like i'm saying like your wits about you but i already knew the answer absolutely not okay so this is from england okay and i feel like this is a story that a lot of people in england are gonna get a kick out of i also am low-key nervous that i've already covered this so remind me if i haven't love it um listen after almost 100 episodes I cannot remember all the stories I've covered unless I'm looking at a list and I looked at the list and it wasn't there but now I'm paranoid that some whoever made the list did it feel
Starting point is 00:11:35 familiar or something I think I'm just getting nervous because I've covered so many and I'm at the point where I can't remember every story I've covered so now every story I do I'm nervous but I think what would suck more is not even doing the story twice but you did the notes twice what's that would suck that would be the worst part but also like it's very possible that i would have gone through and done notes twice and still not be able to have retained it at one like one percent of it a hilarious b that would be so fucking sad of the amount of energy that you would have to put twice everyone just get ready for like the day that it happens because it's coming. Guess what?
Starting point is 00:12:06 I would sit there and go, wow, this is so interesting. No clue. I feel like everyone thinks that we remember all of our stories in every piece of dialogue we've ever said. But people have come up to us during live shows and be like, I love when you talked about this. And it's like, I did. I did.
Starting point is 00:12:20 But sometimes we get tweets where it's literally like, we got one and I stared at it for, like, three minutes and I went. When people will be telling you i'm never gonna remember like a fact or something i'm like what the hell are you like somebody literally tweeted us alka-seltzer tablets are carbonated and i went right it's like what the fuck are you what was i talking about well people yeah people will make comments like obviously there are people that are now listening and so they're listening to it a year later. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. And so they in their mind, it's brand new information. And so they'll tweet at us like.
Starting point is 00:12:49 And then they'll go, oh, it was an episode 82. And I'm like, that means literally nothing to me. I don't know. I don't know. Because back then I was still going, this is episode 48. And you were like, no, it's not, Christine. Like, I don't even know. Well, people will still send me like milkshake facts.
Starting point is 00:13:02 Oh, yeah. And I'm like, oh, no. Like, wait until like episode like 15 and you'll realize that's not a thing anymore or r.i.p milkshake i was gonna bring up the whale sounds but i really can't do it i can't do it today people will still tweet out and say we love the whale song the whale sounds it's like m do you have any fucking clue the drama that has gone on this week about the whale sounds on facebook not on facebook no somebody was like this is the story of how christine almost killed me and i was like great oh i love waking up to
Starting point is 00:13:28 things like that into comments on facebook being like either like oh i thought it was funny you're like i hated that episode i almost didn't listen to the rest of the podcast because of that episode and i was like oh my god everybody needs to calm down because eva insert whale sounds here no oh my god don't do it maybe do it. Don't do it. Maybe do it. Well, don't do it. It was, it's still such a drama.
Starting point is 00:13:48 And I'm like, it was so long ago. And sometimes I'm like, maybe it was almost half of this podcast ago. And I'm like, maybe I should delete it. And I'm like, I don't even remember the episode.
Starting point is 00:13:56 It came from, I don't know. And don't tell me episode 52. I have no, no, anyway, we are tangentially telling you that like, if I did this,
Starting point is 00:14:04 don't get mad at me that i did it again it's been almost two years i don't remember what i said five minutes ago yo we know we know nothing so this is brand new information to me hopefully you can pretend it's brand new information to you if it's not if you know i can so um this is from and just get ready because i'm gonna mess up all of the words because i'm not from england well we'll hear about it in three years when someone hears this episode i'm sorry that was rude i'm sorry um i'm gonna call it gloucestershire it looks like i know it looks like gloucester well i know there's a gloucester in virginia so i know that that's called gloucester at least right so gloucestershire it has the shire it's got the shire yeah i think that's right no one says shire right they say sure yeah okay gloucestershire um and then it's near gloucestershire
Starting point is 00:14:50 in a town called what looks like watson under edge but apparently the pronunciation is wooden or wooten oh um what wooden or wait woot you said. It's pronounced the way it was described to me is it's pronounced W-T apostrophe N. So Wooten, Wooten. Oh, Wooten. Sure. I'm not going to say the town ever again. I just wanted people to know where this is located. W-T-N is not a pronunciation, by the way. Wooten. Look, then you complain to Google.
Starting point is 00:15:17 That's exactly what I got when I looked up how to pronounce it. Wooten. So wait, how do you spell it? It looks like cotton with a W. Oh. Dash under, dash under edge. so what probably what yeah okay what are you doing now that we figured that out um we'll never talk about it again but that's where this place is fantastic and it's called the ancient ram inn oh have i talked about it before no hell no does that mean anything to you okay it does my word of you saying does my promise do you mean anything because it should
Starting point is 00:15:48 not find out sunday afternoon in our emails um promptly all over the internet so uh no we i don't think you've ever covered this this is the i'm surprised i haven't covered this because i actually like on all the websites i looked at this is like one of the most haunted places in England. Really? Like if not the most haunted. Nice. And so I'm surprised I haven't covered it. I'm kind of scared that like there's this whole arsenal of stories that
Starting point is 00:16:13 apparently I'm not finding, but also that's good. That's exciting. Yeah, that's great. Or this could just be like the, the needle in the haystack that I haven't found. So there,
Starting point is 00:16:22 well, this might be the only one, but I'm, or you've done it before. That would make the most sense so this is the oldest building in that area of what wouldn't the thing we said we'd never say again right this is the oldest building in that town okay and fun fact it also holds the record for the oldest wooden window frame in britain oh finally i've been looking all over for that i've been i've been scouring the internet for that information jesus so um there's no real i'm gonna give you some backstory but like basically this is all fucked up oh great in the best ways
Starting point is 00:16:56 oh fantastic and the worst ways so it sits on um two ley lines like two lines that intersect when you look at the map and one of the lines that it runs directly through is stone hedge so um it already in in the world of paranormal ley lines are where are basically tunnels that spiritual energy runs through so the fact that it's intersecting on a ley line one that is connected to stone hedge it's like already like bad news bears i'm tingling oh i side note that's the one i kept forgetting i was gonna add to the list of i already know i already i saw it in your eyes okay because i was like that's the one i was like alexander there's something i was just talking to blaze about it like four days ago anyway it doesn't matter okay sorry um stonehenge is one of the things i'm most fascinated with in this
Starting point is 00:17:44 entire universe good to know i mean i don't even know that much about it i've just always wanted to go and learn more about it and i haven't yet but okay well if we ever do a uk tour we'll go i would wink wink nudge nudge andrew but not wink wink nudge nudge to the audience we actually don't have any plans oh yeah yeah but specifically to andrew get us there andrew andrew there's great lighting at stonehenge it would be such a nice opportunity. Great lighting for our fucking audio recording. What a cell crusade.
Starting point is 00:18:14 Yeah, and listen, he doesn't know. Maybe he doesn't really know what we do. If we said that to our moms, though, they'd be like, oh, you're right. Oh, yes. Lighting is important. You're very right. Okay, so it also happens to sit ready on the site of an ancient pagan burial ground oh fuck yeah oh hell yeah it has been
Starting point is 00:18:32 called the most haunted house in great britain i am so excited i can't believe i've never heard of this before it was and this already throws me for a loop because you know how i feel about how like if it it's hard for me to wrap my head around the fact that things were created before the 1770s so like because as an american i've just never experienced that in this country i mean i was just so the mind ruined so i feel which were like 3 000 i don't even know what to do with that information like i i can't i don't understand it even comprehend like the fact that there's a whole country where people walk around they're like oh yeah this is from year one and i'm like what year one that's what most things are in england right year one so um this building is from 18 nope that was my
Starting point is 00:19:15 american brain coming out sorry 1145 yeah um built in 1145 that is old as fuck but the history of the site goes back to 3000 bc oh i called it which was a pagan burial ground from 3000 bc holy shit so woohoo i'm amped for this let's go there too and also i do want to say before i i like to give credit where credit is due and if you give credit to zach baggins one more freaking time calm down at least 80 of this information is from a really good article from a website called the bohemian blog oh um and i tried to find the person who wrote it because i wanted to give them credit but i can say that the date is from july 6 2015 okay but i couldn't find the name of who wrote it but most of my information is from that article bo Bohemian blog. The Bohemian blog.
Starting point is 00:20:05 And if you type in ancient Ram and you will probably get this. Sweet. Just in case that person's listening and is like, what the, how are you reading verbatim? My article that's, this is how. Okay.
Starting point is 00:20:15 So it's supposedly from 3000 BC, the site of the property. And there's even a wooden post that is supposedly 7,000 years old. Oh my God. Um, and there's even a wooden post that is supposedly 7 000 years old oh my god um from when this place actually hosted regular rituals involving human sacrifice good so you can just go up and fucking high five that if you want i don't know how that's not in a museum how do you just keep something that's 7 000 years old and the government lets you i mean that's like down in the in belize like stuff is just i mean it's in a park, but it's like there.
Starting point is 00:20:45 Just wild to me. But I guess it's, you can't really put it in a museum because it's made of heavy stones. Fair. I don't know. I mean. It's just weird to me like that something's even 7,000 years old. I feel like it just should be in a museum, but I'm also, I'm just going to stop talking. I haven't been to many museums.
Starting point is 00:21:02 You haven't been to many museums? Maybe they don't accept things 7,000 years i don't think five figures or more quite how that works but all right so uh yeah so the building here is from 1145 but there was another building that was on the site beforehand that was originally part of a medieval manor across the street from a church so used to be a medieval manor and across the street was the church. So it used to be a medieval manor, and across the street was the Church of St. Mary's, and the Church of St. Mary's is still there, and when the medieval manor got knocked down,
Starting point is 00:21:32 the new building of the ancient ram men came in. Got it. The earliest history of the site is, the earliest history of the house that is currently there is that it was used by priests although before that when it was a medieval manor the earliest history of the site is that it was used for housing for slaves who were building the church across the street so they would stay there while they were building the church and the church was built in i don't even know how to say this as a year 940 wow so um
Starting point is 00:22:02 for we're talking ad right yeah okay so the i mean the original house must have been older than 940. Wow. So, um, for talking AD, right? Yeah. Okay. So the, I mean, the original house must have been older than 940 for them to be living there when they built the church. Right. Right. Right. Um, the church then owned it and local priests and even the local Bishop lived there and the building still has signs of a tunnel, which is thought to link the end to the church. That's so fucking cool. And apparently it is possible to link the end to the church that's so fucking cool and apparently it is possible to break through the wall and actually go check out the tunnel but the person who owns this place is just too afraid to even try oh come on guy is it a guy yeah come on come on man come on man so the building became a pub and an inn during the 19th century so we are fast
Starting point is 00:22:43 track in this time travel standard um so during the 19th century it became a pub and an inn during the 19th century, so we are fast-tracking this time travel. Standard. So during the 19th century, it became a pub and an inn, and then it was sold in 1930 to become a brewery. Okay. So far, I'm, like, really about it. Right, right. Loving it. I mean, why wouldn't you? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:57 By 1965, hauntings had been regularly reported, and the building began to slip into decline because people couldn't keep up with it one because it was so fucking old and two because the ghosts were too um violent well oh okay i was not expecting that so in three years later in 1968 it was listed for demolition but then guy that we were just talking about his name is john humphries He's currently 86 and still owns the building. And he bought it for 2600 pounds. Oh, shit. And he at the time, this was in 68. So I mean, he was what, like 50 years younger. And he brought his wife and three daughters. And the first night in the inn, John was grabbed by his ankle and yanked violently off his bed. And that was day one. And he's still there. So wow. and yanked violently off his bed and that was day one and he's still there so wow between the place to this day still having no running water what and the spirits john's wife and kids left him
Starting point is 00:23:52 because they didn't want to live in the house anymore and he refused to leave wait so this was a pub without running water yep never had running water i don't know how's that even legal i don't know jesus okay um so can i have a glass of water no nope absolutely you can have a glass of beer yep that's about it it's a brewery and then throw it away because we don't wash dishes here because we don't have water um and so where was i oh yeah so his wife and kids left sad because they were desperate to move away because they were like, we want to bathe and we don't like ghosts. And he was like, too bad I'm staying. So I personally, it was never mentioned, but it sounds like he's like somehow attached to like, there's like a spiritual attachment on him that's keeping him from leaving.
Starting point is 00:24:39 Right. Because I mean, his whole fucking family left and he still was like demanding that they stay. his whole fucking family left and he still was like demanding that they stay so he still lives there and his family left and he got divorced from his wife and his daughters for a while were estranged from him because they were he refused to leave um and his daughter caroline has been interviewed and she remembers sleeping in the car outside because they were too afraid to enter the property oh no and so she basically said like at the time that we bought it we were still trying to keep it as a bread and back uh bed and breakfast a bread a bread and breakfast um and so she originally it was a b&b while they were still living there with no water with no water i can't
Starting point is 00:25:17 handle this okay and so she remembers sleeping in a car outside because she was too afraid to sleep on the property but she said it was normal for me to see guests of the b&b jumping out of windows and running out of the house in the middle of the night because they were so scary juniper yeah basically juniper maybe that's what's wrong in my house he was the inspo for this story actually maybe there's a ghost um so john humphries the guy that still owns it he says there are so many ghostly entities here it's impossible to count the former bishop of gloucester who lived there or oh ghostly entities here it's impossible to count the former bishop of gloucester who lived there or no he just visited there it's like gloucestershire or gloucester i'm used to saying gloucester but is it spelled the same gloucester i thought there was a shire
Starting point is 00:25:56 at the end um i think it went away went away because like it wasn't it's gloucester now it's gloucester yeah okay maybe the shire of gloucester i don't know i don't know the world of england um but no apparently he's the bishop of gloucester from gloucestershire oh okay sorry i thought you were just changed no updating i was just changing it well i thought it like i don't know no the article that i was reading he was just the bishop of gloucester at the time. I see. And the town of... I see. They're different.
Starting point is 00:26:27 Okay. Got it. Got it. So the former Bishop of Gloucester, when he visited, he called it the most evil place I've ever had the misfortune to visit. No. They wouldn't even let me take a shower. Can you...
Starting point is 00:26:39 That is sin. It sounds pretty fucking evil to me. So John says that there have... The ghosts have always been really active and they're always attacking him. And they only go away when he's holding his Bible and praying or telling God to please make them go away. So he's that guy who wanders around his house alone with a Bible. Yeah. Great. I would just have one like duct taped onto me at that point.
Starting point is 00:27:00 I would not live there at that point. I was going to say he just probably bathes in holy water but there's no water um though one he has the hardest praying away no matter how hard he tries is the succubus what no the creepy little thing the creepy little thing all the way from like episode four yes you get that reference maybe someone who's listening to episode four is only real fans will get that reference someone should give us a shirt with robert the doll on it oh no the incubus yeah it was yeah it was the incubus someone should put a picture of an incubus on a shirt and then the creepy little thing part one yeah now we're at part two yeah and then someone should give us a shirt with robert the doll on it and the caption should
Starting point is 00:27:46 be the human hair version. Give me none of those things, please. I don't want any of those things. So in case you are listening to this backwards and have never heard the word succubus or incubus. And you're very wrong and you're making a big mistake. So they are the poltergeists that sexually assault people when they're sleeping. So truly a creepy little thing, but also way worse.
Starting point is 00:28:06 Just fucking horrible. Like a creepy little thing, but a scary big fucking thing. But not as cute sounding as it sounds. Right. That I need to sound. So succubus, actually a succubus and an incubus are the same spirit. You know how like clownfish will change gender? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:24 So succubus are like clownfish oh so they are a creepy little thing i told you they are they are a biological myth clownfish are pretty creepy little things too if you ask me they are um so succubus it's like i think hebrew myth that um succubus are actually the offspring from Adam's wife, Lilith. What? And so they actually sleep with men first as a succubus, sleeping human males. And then they draw out their seed is the best way I can describe that. And then somehow hold on to the seed and then change gender to become an incubus.
Starting point is 00:29:05 hold on to the seed and then change gender to become an incubus and then in a sleeping woman while the woman is asleep they will what inject the seed into the woman so that way basically they are the goal is to impregnate human women so that those women can give birth to supernatural beings but where's the supernatural if they're just taking it for one human and putting it another human there must be some little... So they don't actually... Some paranormal swirl happens, I guess. I don't know. But so a lot of women and men and people in general, they wake up in the middle of the night and have like finger mark bruises on their thighs.
Starting point is 00:29:40 It's usually a sign that an incubus or a succubus is coming after them. This is terrible. This is like horrifying. like truly horrifying i put in a fun fact though to to detain detain the the angst okay um so on his deathbed pope sylvester ii actually confessed to being with a succubus like romantically like intentionally and romantically sorry what apparently pope sylvester ii was a member of the occult and he was had a relationship with his succubus and her name was megan no but it's i don't know how to say it but it's it's spelt like mary diana merit meridiana meridiana that sounds right um but she actually apparently by using the occult and
Starting point is 00:30:29 sleeping truly with the devil um he it's what got him to become the pope very interesting drama this very catholic drama eva's not here eva write that down because i want to make the next fucking tv show for it's like the crown but like way worse well if i find enough information on that i want to do like a spin-off of this episode and talk about pope sylvester's like relationship with his succubus yes we need to know a lot so no matter what there'll be an update i hope it's long enough to do a whole episode thanks priest for making contact thanks priests and popes providing contents for us um so thanks popes so all of that being said a succubus is also in the home and so um from
Starting point is 00:31:13 what i've gathered from interviews from john it seems like the succubus is attacking him at once every other week and he's been there since a 68 since 1968 every other week he's been there since 68. Since 1968, every other week, he's getting sexually assaulted in his sleep. And he also, no running water. Also, like, his whole family left him, and he does not want to leave this place. Oh, my God. I just don't even understand. And then there were interviews of, like, why are you still here? And he's like, I'm used to it.
Starting point is 00:31:42 I was like, that's so sad. That is really sad. That's really sad it's really fucked up dark anyway prayers go out to him so moving on to the locations of the house okay yeah sorry i'm just like super like wrapped up in all of this no i mean it's all horrible so i'm trying to blaze through yeah um hashtag blaze hashtag belize um so let's let's try to do this but if you're an original listener who's heard every episode, you know, I'm not good at like top floor to bottom floor of a, of doing locations of a home.
Starting point is 00:32:11 We love it, Em. Let's try starting at the attic. We love your weird Willy Wonka versions of how like floors go. So floor three. Oh, but now we're on floor eight. Um, oh wait, did I tell you we skipped 11 floors? There's some sort of elevator. There's also 11 floors between three and eight.
Starting point is 00:32:27 So, okay, so we're going to try the attic first. In the attic, there are... So the story behind what happened in the attic is that in the 1500s, the innkeeper's daughter was murdered here. Oh, no. And her name was possibly Elizabeth, based on what a medium has said. And people report hearing sounds of something heavy being dragged across the floor potentially her body oh um because she was murdered by two people that were like just stopped in for the night that's horrible and apparently she was found hanging
Starting point is 00:32:57 from the rafters what the fuck other reports say that she was murdered and then hidden under the floor of the bar i don't know which one's better neither um neither but they're all bad but so that one makes more sense with the people hearing dragging right fuck also people hear the sound of a dog panting and when you go up there if you're doing an investigation camera gear malfunctions and um one time a medium has been possessed up there oh good yay i like the dog though i like the dog i just hope he's not like one of like the black dog i was gonna say i didn't get excited because i thought you were gonna tell me something terrible i mean i'm just assuming i feel like if you're in a haunted house and you hear a dog panting it's a not a good dog like just don't get too excited unless it's like your pet you know unless it's geo on an investigation with us unless it's geo from hell
Starting point is 00:33:50 which is entirely possible well which is true so sorry i thought i felt an itch on my forehead i didn't okay so next up is yeah i fucked this up because we went from the attic to outside so oh for god's sake i didn't know you could go backwards from the attic but here we are yeah somehow the roof the top of the chimney so um the barn so in the barn a medium has been possessed and one guy has been thrown to the floor and beaten up by something that no one could see. So, like, he came back up and, like, he had, like, bruises and cuts all over him. Oh, my God. John in the barn has seen orbs and lights out there. He's been held against a wall while hearing window curtains being torn in half.
Starting point is 00:34:36 Oh. There's also an old well there that was actually found under the floorboards of the barn. Gross. And when they went to look inside of the well of course they found several murdered bodies what like for real like bodies dumped there because remember this is like hundreds of thousands of years of a pagan rituals for human sacrifices oh sure that is terrifying well i mean wells in general creep me out yeah for sure my dad had a well on his property i don't know what the fuck happened to it maybe Maybe it freaked him out, too.
Starting point is 00:35:08 But I remember seeing it and being like, oh, that's a place I'll now never go on this property. Oh, forget it. So speaking of the well, the well is one of the main reasons for a lot of the ghosts when John initially moved in. And it actually stopped when he placed a giant cross over the well oh my so the well now no longer causes problems oh that's good so uh that is no longer an issue but uh one of the bigger rooms to be worried about there is called the witch's room because really it sounds really pleasant doesn't it so in the 16th century a woman lived there and she was believed to be a witch and she was caught and burnt at the stake. Oh, for God's sake.
Starting point is 00:35:48 Along with her cat. No. Because they thought the cat was her familiar. What is wrong with people? So if you stay in her room, you will wake up to seeing her sit on the foot of your bed. Her face shows up in pictures. Oh. And in the windows, people have taken pictures of her face and she looks like
Starting point is 00:36:05 she's wearing a fucking purge mask oh it's super creepy holy crap that's horrible and there are pictures where like the face like turns and looks in different directions so it's not like something's hanging or you like notice it in a weird direction it's like it moves around and floats around in the room things drawn up in pictures really fucking freaks me out yeah especially when you can't see it um like without the right um there are oh i see it hold on stand still let me get a photo um also she has been known to um do the three claw scratch mark on people's bodies oh god so originally he was asked like oh is the witch like maybe she was burnt at the stake because they thought she was a witch, but is she at least, like, really nice? Like, is she, like, a good spirit? And he literally was like, no, she's horrible.
Starting point is 00:36:51 Oh, my God. I mean, if someone burned me at a stake, you better really, I'd be fucking pissed off, too. Right. So she actually physically attacks people. Oh, no. And if you try to mock her or make fun of her or anything like that, then she will scratch you. Oh, God. The next is the kitchen, which is a doozy.
Starting point is 00:37:11 So in the kitchen, there is an ancient grave that was found in the middle of the floor back in 1997. In the kitchen? In the middle of the floor. Which, by the way, has remained unearthed. So there is currently an open grave for viewing in the kitchen. So imagine like, oh, I got to go get some milk. Let me step over the thousand year old pagan burial ground. Oh my fucking God.
Starting point is 00:37:32 I was going to say cook your Kraft mac and cheese. You can't even cook. There's no water. Also, do you get. Sorry. I forgot about that too. But my thought was like, what if you're like eating and you accidentally like drop food on the ground, but drop it in that's what i was thinking unearthed grave like you spill the milk in it it's like do you get do you get are they mad at you because you were just trying to eat mac and cheese i mean they're
Starting point is 00:37:52 probably not thrilled but also maybe what if you drop like brownie batter in there every now and then like something made my life some wine i'll just pour it in there yeah i'd be like you want this too it's okay or is that desecrating a grave you know i'm sure there's a fine line and it's probably don't touch the grave maybe if we found like walt's grave if we poured gin in there he'd be having a blast but maybe if we don't pour it and we just kind of place a bottle or do you pour it because then it's just dirty gin well here's the question if you die first do you want me to leave a bottle unopened next to you or do you want me to pour it all over you definitely what i'm thinking now i'm wondering i would maybe want me to pour it all over you? Definitely what I'm thinking now. I'm wondering.
Starting point is 00:38:26 I would maybe both. Let's play it safe. We'll just do both. Just a lot. Just everywhere. Okay. I'll just give you a kiddie pool of wine and you let me know if there's a, if I hear a splash, I'll know you're having a good time. I'll scratch you with three claw marks.
Starting point is 00:38:38 Okay. Um, moving on. I mean, also if you, we're not moving on here. Um, moving on. I mean, also if you, we're not moving on here. Also, if you spill like milk in there, I mean, it's going to go bad and smell so bad. Right. You can't clean it up.
Starting point is 00:38:55 We're going to climb in there and start lysoling it. Yeah. Well, my concern is like, yeah, food started rotting in there. Like hopefully, like, do you bend down with your hands and pick it up or do you leave it and then let it rot? Is this rotting, some rotting banana bread or is this a corpse? I can't tell. Is fucking Megan in the kitchen? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:09 She's just like tripping everybody. Chef Megan just hanging out in an unmarked grave. It's like she can't even stop hovering while I'm trying to cook. So, okay. Yeah. So there's an ancient grave found in the middle of the floor in 1997 when a research team from Bristol University and a team of ghost paranormal paranormal investigators i was gonna say ghost do you think the research team was just like fucking pissed that they had these oh i they're trying to do like their phd
Starting point is 00:39:32 work and there's like ghost hunters like i got a spike i got a cold spot yeah god let me scream at the ghost for a minute well so they broke into a section of the concrete floor because allegedly on an original blueprint map. Blueprint map? Is that what you would say? A blueprint. Okay. They found an alleged basement or sealed off cellar.
Starting point is 00:39:54 This sounds like Haunting of Hill House. You still haven't seen it, have you? Oh my god. You should watch it. Okay. I mean, I guess it's a little out of the zeitgeist now, but before... Next Halloween. Okay.
Starting point is 00:40:03 But so they broke into a section of the concrete floor to see if there actually was a sealed off cellar there and they instead found the beginnings of a grave holy shit and they found bone fragments and skulls of a woman and a child next to them were pieces of iron that were later analyzed and um they were old iron dagger shards with blood on it oh fuck so the woman and child were either human sacrifices buried with the murder weapon holy or just murdered in general and buried with the murder weapon or holy shit or it also could have been a uh murder suicide from the woman killing her child and then herself oh my so murder was involved in at some capacity was involved at some point shit and also keep in mind like these skeletons are like i don't know a
Starting point is 00:40:51 thousand years old like because like the way that the dagger and like the the dagger was literally in charge it was so old that it was just falling apart holy crap well can you imagine being that like um that team from bristol and they're like just trying to get their phd investigate and there's a skull but do you know how exciting that must be to be like oh the blueprint says and then it's like an actual it sounds like a movie like i know it sounds like like yeah i was gonna say it's like a like a fucked up treasure map it's that must be here's a cellar oh wait it's a skull fascinating though especially something so old to find that under the floorboards like i mean your research was kind of right like there's something there yeah like there was a
Starting point is 00:41:30 but the weird part to make a blueprint of where the grave was like but also was there like a false floor built on top of the skulls by a stranger who let the skulls who was like i know there's a quote-unquote basement here let me throw some floorboards down and then like cryptically leave a blueprint somewhere i don't know but i'm gonna draw it onto the blueprint just in case i don't know that's weird anyway so the hole is actually still open and there's a shovel in it not for people to dig but i think like more for like set deck like to like oh to be like look what we unearthed right right right and so um it's still you can look into the ground there's a broken slab of concrete and in it you can see dirt and i i have to imagine they took
Starting point is 00:42:11 the fragments away but there's a body yeah but i imagine like oh but the hole's still there i think the dagger is still there though i'm not really sure i it looked like when i saw pictures it looked like there was shit on the ground they could have have put, like, reenactment stuff. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Maybe. So, paranormal investigators who also excavated at the same time, I guess, were not being respectful enough, and they ended up getting in a car crash on the way home. Huh? Oh, paranormal investigators were not being respectful enough.
Starting point is 00:42:39 Shocker. Sorry. So, when John was giving a tour to people of the kitchen um he made sure to tell them because he also did tours for a while he would make sure to tell them that's where they found the little children's bones oh my god and then he just pours his cereal for breakfast apparently i thought you meant into the hole i was like so he does do that okay answers my question no it's still a mystery um and so, yeah. So, a thousand-year-old skeletons have been dug up on the property.
Starting point is 00:43:09 That is crazy. Children's bodies were found buried under the barn. Wait, more children? Yeah. So, I'm just listing other bodies. Oh, my God. So, beyond the kitchen. A thousand-year-old skeletons have been dug up on the property, including children's bodies
Starting point is 00:43:21 that were found buried under the barn. And during restoration, they took out one of the walls and found tens of bodies inside oh my god in the walls yep this is how have i never heard of this no i know it's like nightmare fuel maybe like episode 200 we'll get like another wild wild one like this shocker so the last room is called the bishop's room because that's where the bishop stayed when he lived there oh right remember when i used for priests first priests and a bishop lived there yeah so the bishop stayed there and this is considered the most haunted room so this is the most haunted room in the most haunted building of england fantastic great britain i'm sorry and
Starting point is 00:43:59 so um this is the room where when people were saying when it was an Airbnb. Not Airbnb. Hello. Just a B&B. Andrew. A land B&B. Andrew, when we're going to Stonehenge to perform, we need to stay in this place. It's an Airbnb. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:44:17 Oh, Lord. Holy. Oh, wait. That's my millennialism talking. We got to bring some water to shower with. Right. Yeah, right. That is.
Starting point is 00:44:24 Woof. Okay, so. When it was a land BNB. Just beyond. Did you say a land BNB? Yeah. Instead of an air. Is that the joke? Yeah. Oh, for God's sake.
Starting point is 00:44:32 Did it land? Get it? Land? Look, I'm having a blast in my head. Oh, the wine went away into your lap. Are you okay? There it is. That's me drinking in response to your joke oh okay well someone tweeted me like i don't think they tagged you but they were like
Starting point is 00:44:54 it makes me sad every time you say a joke and i'm just kind of like rolls their eyes it doesn't laugh and i'm like i'm pretty sure i do that to m way more than m does that to me i'm pretty sure both of us have gone oh did did you hear me and you're like yep i just carried on with my life like please don't ask again like please don't make me roll my eyes again it hurt the first time and they were rolled so far in the back of my head people thought i had just white eyes i'm really exhausted from the effort so um yes so when it was a bre a bet, when it wasn't in. Eva, are you having fun? Eva definitely just caused all of this to go get wine.
Starting point is 00:45:30 Eva's like, I need five drinks. Um, back when it was a bed and breakfast, the bishop's room was the most haunted part of the building where people were pretty much always guaranteed to run out screaming in the middle of the night. And this is also the room of the incubus. i think that's or succubus sorry i think that's like poor management when you know there's a succubus in a room and you're like oh stay here and give me your money absolutely but only unless it it is like one of those places where people go to be scared to get haunting yes a zach baggins disneyland correct that a baggins land please nobody nobody nobody get anything into your don't don't bagel bites land don't do it m stop giving i loved old nino pizza rolls you're drinking your wine now no i just stopped breathing for a minute
Starting point is 00:46:21 okay everybody stop don't let m get into your head oh i got in trouble on twitter because No, I just stopped breathing for a minute. Okay. Everybody stop. Don't let Em get into your head. Oh, I got in trouble on Twitter because apparently I pronounced Tostino wrong. It's To- No, it's not To- To-tinos. I know. It's because you're saying, what are the chips? The tortilla chips.
Starting point is 00:46:37 Oh, yeah. Tostino chips. No, no, no. I don't know what it is. To- Tostitos. Tostitos. Tostitos chips and Totinos pizza rolls. Yeah, I just combined them. Those would be good, no. I don't know what it is. Tostitos. Tostitos. Tostitos chips and Totino's pizza rolls.
Starting point is 00:46:46 Yeah, I just combine them. Those would be good, though, combined. Can you imagine a little crunch to a pizza roll? Yeah, I'm doing that on purpose. Back off. Okay. Trademark. I can't get through this fucking sentence.
Starting point is 00:46:56 Trademark, trademark, trademark. The room, okay. So in the bishop's room, also, this is where John found, of course, items hidden within the sealed chimney. You did mention the chimney and I was like, I wonder if that's going to come back. Oh, but it did. Like a boomerang. Don't just say that and then immediately keep talking. Okay.
Starting point is 00:47:18 Let me make you feel bad about it first. Please. That's what I'm here for week after week. So the chimney had been sealed off for over 200 years and he was he didn't give a reason but he was just like moving stones he like he saw the chimney and i guess he just was like in my mind i would be wondering if there was like a secret passageway and like pushing on a book or pulling on a book to see if it like started something but like i can't think of any other reason why he would just be like grabbing stone after stone in a chimney and seeing if they
Starting point is 00:47:47 moved oh he was like pulling the stones out you're saying yeah but like only specific ones he was just pulling ones that like or there could be something hidden behind them well i think he i assume between like the secret passageway bookcase and like seeing if there was like something hidden behind the chimney i can't think of another reason why he was just like bored one day and started trying to touch all the rocks but one of them ended up being loose dementia i don't know i don't know what could possibly possess i don't know and well lo and behold there was a loose stone and he pulled it out and he found what looked like oh so he literally found he literally he was right wow i mean we could call him nuts but also he proved his own point so truly he they found a block of wood that was cut a very weird way
Starting point is 00:48:31 and they found a horseshoe that was sized down and nailed down to fit a cloven goat hoof oh ew so it's a goat shoe oh no um he also found a no. He also found a sheet with tears in it with stab marks, and he assumes this was used during rituals. A sheet? Like a bed sheet. Oh, oh, oh. With tears in it from someone stabbing through it. What the fuck? And also, he has that sheet currently in the room in case people ever do want to stay there.
Starting point is 00:49:04 And there's a sign next with that says used by evil devil worshipers not the good devil worshipers just the evil ones right right right so lord this is wild people who choose no one's allowed to sleep in that room anymore obviously but for a while when he was having investigators like if they wanted to spend the night in that room 10 people have had to be exercised after staying in that room. Oh my God. So reports in this room and, um, just it's a, it's a list. So I'm just going to go one by one, but in the Bishop's room alone, there have been reports of someone climbing into bed and pinning you down.
Starting point is 00:49:43 Hashtag Sackyb hashtag succubus seriously um furniture flying a medium was thrown from the room down the hall dogs have attacked their owners why are you bringing your fucking dog by the way don't traumatize your dog people have seen monks they have seen um a ghost on horseback ride through the wall. Someone has seen a cavalier hiding by the dressing table and then walking across the room. To see someone hiding in your room, that's terrifying. Yeah. Yeah. You're right.
Starting point is 00:50:14 I mean, because even in real, you'd think it was real. If it's true crime or paranormal, it's bad. It's terrible. People have also seen a woman hanging from the beams. People have seen a shepherd with his dog. Okay. People have seen, um, oh, and people have heard screams from one of the people who have died in this room and he died by his head being forced into the fireplace.
Starting point is 00:50:36 What the fuck? And someone burned his head off and left the rest of his body in the room, which I didn't even know was a possible way to die. Never even entered my head. Don't love that I know it. So the other instances that people have had in this house in general, not just in the bishop's room, include pictures falling off the walls, objects moving, visions of a little girl wandering the hallways,
Starting point is 00:50:59 the sounds of children crying because they were sacrificed. Whoa! Although the children crying was only they were sacrificed although although the children crying was um only in one bedroom and then they filled it with toys and they haven't heard crying since so real yeah so at least those those are it's just such a sad thought that they could just be stuck i know you know i know and several of them i wonder if they can see each other i do too that was definitely my next question. Yeah. Other instances include people being held in the air, hovering,
Starting point is 00:51:27 and then being thrown across the room. A little girl was thrown from bed across the room. A dark shadow will walk from one end of the room to the other. The grandfather clock in the house has a human face appears in it. If you look at it long enough, a human face
Starting point is 00:51:43 will appear in the clock. And it's grandfather. Hello! And it's grand long enough a human face will appear in the clock and it's grandfather hello and it's grandpapa grandpapa is in the clock again some uh people have seen a figure on horseback come out of the wall like i said some people have been thrown downstairs on multiple occasions when they come back to visit um people have coming back to visit dummy people have seen a ghost rise out of the floor um the sounds of babies crying on the roof and a seven foot shadow will run from the barn wall out of the door thought of seven can you imagine a seven foot shadow running slenderman status in 1999 an investigative team actually caught extreme cold spots, dancing lights around them that looked like fireflies, a picture of a hooded figure hiding behind the table.
Starting point is 00:52:29 Nope. And then they actually also caught this picture of mist on stairs, which I will show you and I will send Eva. But this is actually, according to this story, this is apparently like a very famous case. This house is a very famous case in general in England, but this is also a very famous picture of really the house so this is this was caught in 1999 okay oh oh shit it's like a full so white you can't see through it missed oh yeah the center of the entire picture it goes the full length of the photo i love the malibu rum on the ledge too someone knows at a party like on the stairs like. Someone knows that a party. Like on the stairs. Truly. Of everything.
Starting point is 00:53:06 You never know. You could be going downstairs and think, hmm. It's five o'clock now. This is a lot of work. You never know when five is going to strike. And also like, you know, your thighs are burning on those stairs. Just need a little pick me up. So that picture is probably the most famous of the case.
Starting point is 00:53:22 That is creepy. One thing that John has said, uh, whenever people ask is like how, why do the attack you or why do they attack people who come to visit? And it's because according to John, they don't like to be mocked. So Zach Bagelbites enters from stage, right? Dun, dun, dun. And this is my cue for Zach. He says, someone doesn't want me here. Well, hello. Jesus. In that case, why doesn't he walk into your house every day? Listen, that's why I have a fucking alarm ring doorbell. So we're going to do this in a four-step process.
Starting point is 00:53:54 Why doesn't he come into my house? And because he already blocked you on Twitter. He blocked you from his GPS as well. He's sad music. So during the walkthrough, equipment started malfunctioning and people got pressure migraines and also this was kind of wonky because this i don't think he planned it with john but they got john on tape with something trying to like float through john and john looked fucked up like he looked and then zach was like are you okay and he was like yeah this happens all the time i'm used to this oh the guy from i thought it was a yeah so they interviewed this
Starting point is 00:54:30 was during the walkthrough so they were talking to john who lives there i thought john was like another zach no no it's person so they were going they were doing a walkthrough with john and at one point john like freezes and his like fists clench into like oh and like he like can't move and he looks like he's kind of having a heart attack and he was like i can feel something going through me right now see it's even creepier to see like the owner of the house go through something it's not just like a cast member playing along right it's not like it's a plant or anything like this guy like is really like feeling these things yeah yeah so that happened he kept trying to say like who are you
Starting point is 00:55:03 like he was trying to like like, talk to this thing. He's like, which one is it again? Right. Who's here today? But yeah, so he, I guess because they don't like being mocked or talked about, and he's literally has a camera crew, like, coming to his house, and he's talking about them in the house. And Zach is probably screaming, like, oh, throw something in my face.
Starting point is 00:55:20 So they attacked John, basically. Poor John. Then they decided, since it was so dark and horrible they decided to have a witch come in oh come on and they had a with the witch open up a circle do you know what that is no okay i don't think so so when so my i'm gonna butcher it but i'm used to my like stepmom always opening circles and then safely closing them. But it's a way where like if you are to talk to a spirit or be like if she like does a spell or something like that. Or I think she also does it during like her religious holidays and stuff like that. But you create a circle of like you put something that represents the cardinal directions all around you.
Starting point is 00:56:00 And then you open up a it's basically a safe space where you're protected while you're doing things that are spiritually pretty significant sure so like if my stepmom wanted to like do like a spell of like you know to have to give someone like a really positive day or like to try and like i don't know like to wish themselves a good year to help somebody because that's which has a bad connotation but right good witch so if she wanted to do some sort of ceremony um she would put herself in a circle so that nothing could hurt her while she was right playing with some mysterious that's like a protection a protection okay got it and then um and then you have to close it properly to make sure that you
Starting point is 00:56:41 also aren't bringing anything in by accident. Got it. So this witch opened up a circle, but basically opened up a circle to be able to talk to the spirits. And then she taught Zach and the crew, not taught them, but told them what to do because she didn't even want to be involved with the house. She taught them how to open a circle and then do like the worst thing on earth, but to open a circle and make yourself vulnerable to the spiritual world and then offer themselves as a gift oh my god and this was the part where she was like i don't fucking support this but like i'll
Starting point is 00:57:18 show you how to do it you can do it but i'm gonna be over here and I don't want anything to do with it. And so she walked them through it. Oh my God. And she has Zach offer himself as a gift to open himself up to attachment. And then the second he recites the words he's supposed to, you can actually hear not just through EVP, but on the show, you can hear a growl come through the altar that everyone heard and react to at the same time, including the witch being like, what the fuck was that? heard and reacted to at the same time including the witch being like what the fuck was that so then you hear another growl and then you can hear scratching on the tape and then aaron obviously gets a migraine because when doesn't he so then 10 o'clock at night the witch is gone
Starting point is 00:57:56 she was like i came here for my one thank you my one part and i'm gone and then she very much said like i feel bad for you guys if you're gonna do this like you should not do this please don't put yourself in danger but they love that i know they like want that somebody to tell them that so 10 o'clock comes around zach is laying down in john's bed because that's where a lot of activity happens and he hears something by the camera moving around he also decides to stand in the pagan burial ground open grave. And he begins to dig around with the shovel. Oh my, how did I not see this coming? It's never, so it has, because it is open, it's like very shallow though.
Starting point is 00:58:35 Like you can, like if you were to fall on it by accident, you wouldn't like fall or plummet. Right, right. You can like step into it. Yeah, like they broke concrete and that's what's underneath it. Got it. But it's never been dug further down and only a little bit has ever been like scratched and they just found two fucking skulls so he was like i'm gonna not find out what else is under there so oh okay for all we like john said oh i thought you meant zach said that i was
Starting point is 00:58:57 like wow that was rational uncharacteristic of him no so john was like i don't want to know what else is under there if we barely broke ground and got two fucking bodies and a murder wound a murder weapon and so he's never dug any further than that and zach just to piss them off decides to take the shovel and pretend he's gonna start digging and keep in mind this is like a 5 000 year old pig in burial ground sure yeah and so he's digging and standing in it and then you get ev EVPs of knocking, temperature drops, a female EVP saying, I don't like you, which everyone hears in real time. Wow. And then at 2 a.m., the doors slam downstairs, which is confirmed by the cameras downstairs because they heard it from upstairs and was like, what was that sound? And then they watched the feed later and the doors are slamming.
Starting point is 00:59:43 Also, Zach trying to uh provoke the ghosts as he does he says and i quote we're from america don't you want us to go back to the u.s and say yeah these ghosts are fucking insane at the ancient ram inn and then that causes a huge loud banging on the wall behind them oh my and then they find an altar, and I think it was the kitchen, and a shadow figure runs by Aaron's camera screen. Oh, my. At 3.30 in the morning, Zach shows that he's holding items belonging to the ghost, and a growl comes from outside the room. Zach hears a voice, which EVP confirms, of something saying, it's coming. Oh, good. confirms of something saying it's coming oh good and then they all lay in the i think the witch's
Starting point is 01:00:26 bed and an evp threatens aaron and zach which they hear in real time and then they leave aaron downstairs to see if he gets thrown by the succubus and a uh sorry there's a helicopter it's christine's ride hey hold on my friend's here here. So they leave Aaron downstairs to see if he gets thrown by the succubus. And a female EVP is caught saying, where are you? And don't tempt me. What? That is creepy as hell, dude. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:54 Super creepy. Where are you? And Zach and Nick talk to the kids that maybe have gotten buried there, who have definitely gotten buried there. Sorry, I threw myself off by it. Zach and nick talked to the kids like yeah those kids you know the ones um so they talked to the kids who died there and there's an evp of a man saying get out of here oh like please leave our children alone zach yeah right and then um then there are sounds upstairs like someone's being dragged.
Starting point is 01:01:26 And Zach begins asking, did you kill all of these kids? And then there's an EVP of a woman definitely laughing. Oh, oh, OK. Oh, no. Oh, my fucking God. Sorry. I just looked in the mirror and I saw two eyes. And then I realized it's a reflection of that skull in the bowling ball, like in the mirror behind your shoulder. Oh, my God. Two eyes looking at me. So Nick is by himself.
Starting point is 01:01:49 And actually this one pretty, this one freaked me out a little bit because the EVP usually it's something like really quick that you can't pick up on. Okay. But this was constant. Like it was like, you know how on the screen it'll show like what you're supposed to be seeing or what you're supposed to be hearing. Like, Oh yeah. It'll say like knocking and while it's knocking, so you know what to hear it.
Starting point is 01:02:07 Like it was, the editor must've had a field day that day because it was like knocking thumb, knocking thumb, scream, disembodied voice. And like, and you mean by field day, they must've been like, fuck this job. Right. Right. There's so much. The answer field day. And so, um, Nick is by himself and here's footsteps, knocking, breathing, female voices
Starting point is 01:02:24 and it's nonstop activity. And you can hear all of it. And it's very creepy. Oh. So you can hear it's not just like on the thing. Yeah, you can hear it. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 01:02:32 And then someone throws something at him. Oh, good. Meanwhile. At Aaron? At Nick. Oh, at Nick. They get them confused every time. Well, you're not going to get confused by who fucking said this.
Starting point is 01:02:43 Uh-oh. So Zach is in the room, in the bedroom by himself where apparently the succubus attacks and he says and i quote i'm going to leave my emf between my legs because that's where i hear the incubus likes it best emma what the fuck and then the future ghost ghost of Christine appears because 20 minutes after they left, the camera picks up an EVP in an empty room of a woman mocking Zach by saying, I'm special. I'm special. Shut the fuck up. I knew I astral projected to a UK bed and breakfast a few weeks ago.
Starting point is 01:03:19 The show ends with Zach saying that he woke up the next day from a dream of a lady that looked like a witch with long fingernails waving her hand around his face. And he woke up bleeding with three scratches on his neck. I thought I was going to say on his groin. I was like, aye, aye, aye. Aye, aye, aye. And anyway, that is the story of the ancient ram inn. God, that got, that escalated real quick.
Starting point is 01:03:38 Featuring Zach Bigelbites. So did, is it called the ram inn because they found that cloven hoof shoe? Oh, I don't know. I don't know. Because he said it was cloven hoof shoe? Oh, I don't know. I don't know. Because he said it was like a goat shoe. Yeah, I don't know. I know it's called the Ancient Ram Inn and it's been around since the 1100s, but there was probably rituals before that.
Starting point is 01:03:55 So, I don't know if they... I feel like they would have called it the Ancient Goat Inn, right? Maybe. I don't know. Well, yesterday there was a question at Trivia that that was like what is the symbol for capricorn and i said a ram and alexander said it's a goat and i said it's a ram and then they accepted ram slash goat and i think it's oh so maybe it's the same i think they're pretty interchangeable and don't tell me they're different animals they i know i get it but i'm saying i think a lot of times people interchange the got it okay good to know i'm not sure though but um that's my only reference point i mean i'm glad trivia night almost saved
Starting point is 01:04:30 you in a ghost trivia tonight ghost trivia is what i was gonna say it's what we do but it's not really because usually we're like not really sure what's going on we don't really never pretend to know that our trivia facts are uh we give fun facts that's about the limit right right right okay all right okay okay you ready i think i sure am all right so this is one that's been actually requested quite a bit oh um and it is uh a doozy oh my this is the story of the 1991 austin texas yogurt shop murders what you don't know about this one no but i have seen i do believe you when you say that it's been requested a lot because even i've seen those requests right because it's a very memorable like term right yeah yogurt so it's a yogurt shop murders okay um it took place in a store a restaurant a storefront i don't know what you
Starting point is 01:05:27 want to call it called i can't believe it's yogurt which is a little bit of a ripoff but okay of what i can't believe it's not butter that's what i thought but i think it was like i mean it was founded in the 70s so i don't know how which one came first um chicken or the egg yogurt or can't believe it's not butter. Or margarine. Froyo or margarine. That's the endless quandary we live with every day. Hold on.
Starting point is 01:05:54 Give me a moment. Sorry. Elevator music. Nope. I guess we don't need elevator music for that. Okay. Introduced 81. So they're not the ripoff.
Starting point is 01:06:02 They're the OG. Oh, wow. Yeah. Good to know. I can't believe it. They're the OG. Oh, wow. Yeah. So. Good to know. I can't believe it's yogurt was the OG. All right. It is abbreviated as ICBIY, which is not the most catchy abbreviation in my mind.
Starting point is 01:06:14 No. But I did look them up. There's still a franchise still in existence. A couple of spelling errors on their website, but otherwise they're still around. And unfortunately, when I Googled it the the link to their website came up and then second was the link to the yogurt shop murder so their pr people are not on top of it having a good time um so i also didn't realize when i started these notes that this occurred this week oh how many years ago now 27 right 91 sure yeah that sounds right wow 27 years ago this week um so it's december 6th this week as we record um okay so let's get into it shortly before midnight friday
Starting point is 01:06:56 december 6 1991 a rookie austin police officer named troy gay was on patrol when he noticed a fire coming from the i can't believe it's yogurt storefront oh boy on west anderson lane dozens of fire so he called in he called the the flames in dozens of firefighters and police responded it was a two alarm blaze blaze uh and one of the people who came by to investigate was named sergeant john jones who was with the homicide unit and he was out that night riding with a local news crew working on a feature about homicide in texas when he got the call so the cameras were rolling as they pulled up oh to this uh storefront to see what
Starting point is 01:07:37 was going on that's too serendipitous yeah it's pretty wild so the footage was actually played later in court in 2001 it showed a chaotic scene of public safety officials tramping in and out of the store like trying to like the firefighters you know um putting out the blaze and shortly thereafter firefighters who had put the blaze out went in and were shocked and horrified to discover the bodies of four girls with three stacked on top of one another. Oh, no. So the bodies themselves were burnt and mutilated so badly that they said at first they couldn't even tell the gender, the race, the age.
Starting point is 01:08:17 But when they were able to investigate a little closer, all of the bodies were found undressed but bound and gagged with their own clothes and terribly burned from the fire each victim had been shot in the head thus leading police to determine that they had died before the fire was started so the lead investigator later described the scene saying for a long time i shut out what i saw just wholesale carnage we knew immediately that they were kids. So it was soon determined that the bodies belong to four local girls, Amy Ayers, age 13, Sarah Harbison,
Starting point is 01:08:52 age 15, Jennifer Harbison, her older sister, age 17, and Eliza Thomas, age 17. So they're all children, all teenagers.
Starting point is 01:08:59 Yep. Oh my God. So these girls, um, they were future farmers of Americaica ffa they loved animals country music they were sweet fun happy girls like just very down to earth yeah uh well you know well like innocent innocent innocent well liked um in town and the two youngest that night were hanging out at the neighborhood mall which is where this shop was
Starting point is 01:09:25 and by 10 p.m they'd either walked or been driven a few blocks down uh in actually you know what sorry i don't think the shop was in the mall but they were at the mall and then they had either walked or been driven a few blocks down to the i can't believe it's yogurt shop which was located at a strip mall to meet up with the one girl's older sister who worked there. So the older girl worked there and then her little sister and her friend came by to see her. And the older sister who worked there really liked it there and liked her job there because her other friend also worked there. So it was the two older girls. They were 17. They worked together.
Starting point is 01:09:57 Then the one's younger sister came by with her friend to stop by. And they had actually been seen there around 10 p.m. And they were planning a sleepover for that night. So that's why they were all meeting up. And after the bodies were discovered, they quickly became known as the Yogurt Shop Girls. And the crime was so outrageous and like so brutal. Yeah. That the autopsy victims autopsy reports were sealed, which is something that is extremely rare in that area that they wouldn't release the autopsy report publicly. Yeah. And one of the things that the autopsy apparently showed was that the youngest Amy Ayers, who was 13, was sexually assaulted. Oh, my God. Yeah. Yeah. Oh my god. Okay.
Starting point is 01:10:42 Yeah. And I think as far as I know, they weren't sure if it was just her or the others or if the bodies were too burnt to tell. But they said at least, the wording was at least one of them, which was the 13-year-old, had been sexually assaulted. And unfortunately, the line that it says here is, that was probably no surprise to investigators since an ice cream scoop had been found between the legs of one of their bodies. Oh, my God. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:12 So it was used as a... Something, or they just did it to... Just to be horrible. Yeah, something like that. It seemed to be sexually motivated. Oh, my God. So what supposedly really hampered the investigation from the start was that the firefighters were called first um you know so they had obviously come in
Starting point is 01:11:33 and they had rushed the scene and they were i mean they were doing their job but they were trying to like see what was going on see who was in the building if anyone needed to be rescued yeah but doing so had washed away a lot of the evidence with fire hoses and had also trampled through with many many people so a lot of the evidence had either been washed away or been tainted right by people walking through and again it was 91 so it wasn't it was a while ago basically so the the standards for getting evidence and stuff have only improved since then. Being early 90s slash just out of the 80s, the cops immediately went after Satanists, thinking that that had to be... Obviously, that's the only answer.
Starting point is 01:12:16 The only type of person. You know, watch your local news in the 80s. And they also actually went after, they for satanists and serial killers and one of those serial killers was named kenneth mcduff and he was actually active in the area at the time really yeah so he's a known serial killer and he had a history of multiple murders involving teenagers so he was like obviously a first bet. He flat out said, had I done it, I would tell you because I'd be proud of it. Oh, my God. And he was actually executed on November 17th, 1998 for his other crimes.
Starting point is 01:12:56 And on the day of his execution, he confessed to the murder of the four girls. But the confession was debunked and theorized to be only an effort to gain a stay of gay to gain a stay of execution so they thought because he hadn't admitted to it and then when he was actually sentenced to be executed he like threw out the confession and they think it was just an attempt to kind of delay the execution which did not work um and was proven to be false so basically at this point they're just reaching one dead end after another um at one point during the investigation they had 342 suspects which uh wow for a case like that was just out of control and like yeah it was just out of control got it it was bananas yeah 342
Starting point is 01:13:39 suspects um that they were trying to go after and also like in austin at this point this was so rare that something so crazy and violent and brutal had even happened so they were trying to go after. And also, like, in Austin at this point, this was so rare that something so crazy and violent and brutal had even happened. So they were pretty new. The local police were pretty new to handling a case like this. So this is what the cops knew definitively. Oh, okay. There was about 540 missing from the register, $540. There were two guns used in the crime,
Starting point is 01:14:04 and investigators were focusing on young people and there was one 16 year old kid picked up at a local mall named maurice pierce who had been hanging out at the very same mall as amy and sarah and had been picked up for carrying a 22 caliber handgun which is the same caliber as one of the two guns used in the crime so police told i'm sorry pierce maurice pierce told police that 15 year old forest wellburn had borrowed his gun and had killed the girls but wellborn claimed he didn't know a thing about the murders and he and pierce along with two other boys named michael scott which okay interesting no comment no comment and rosteen, both 17, had taken a stolen car to San Antonio that night.
Starting point is 01:14:49 So they were all taken in for questioning and were major suspects at that point. Around this time, there was also a billboard that went up that's actually pretty famous. At least I knew about it. It said, who killed these girls? And it was pictures of the four girls. Oh, okay. And it had offered a $25,000 reward. So this was kind of a famous billboard that went up at the time seeking information.
Starting point is 01:15:13 Right. And then on October 6, 1999, which was nearly eight years after the crime, Pierce, Wellborn, Scott, and Springsteen, the four boys who had been teenagers at the time of the murders were arrested and charged with capital murder uh scott and springsteen actually confessed to the murders and springsteen was sentenced to death and scott was sentenced to a life sentence oh okay but the confession had been made under a rugged interrogation by the detective. Oh, so they got it. The detective was later removed from the case after allegations that in a different case he had coerced a confession. I hear you. So looking into it, they realized Scott had been questioned for 12 hours on one day, then questioned the next day, then questioned the next day, resulting in 20 hours of video taped interrogation oh my god back
Starting point is 01:16:06 to back and it also didn't help that a photograph surfaced on the internet from video footage of scott's questioning which was taken from austin pd's own camera which showed a detective aiming a gun at scott's head during the interrogation okay so that really put a fucking dent in their case right um ultimately in 06 the texas of Criminal Appeals overturned Robert Springsteen's conviction on the basis of an unfair trial, and then the U.S. Supreme Court refused to reinstate the conviction in 07. Then in 09, the district attorney tried to lock down the case again with DNA evidence that they had found on Amy Ayers, but there was one slight problem. It didn't match any of the four men they had in custody. They were like, well, we have DNA evidence. We can finally
Starting point is 01:16:51 prove it was them. It didn't match any of them. Okay. So is there like a fifth person missing? They were released. Well, they were just the prime suspects, and then when they had the evidence, finally... At first I thought you meant DNA evidence of there's a whole other girl that went released well they were just the prime suspects and then when they had the oh i understand evidence at first i thought you meant like dna evidence of like there's a whole other girl that went missing
Starting point is 01:17:09 or something no it was on amy ayers like got it like probably semen it was um they found oh it didn't match either of them of the four guys that they had arrested got it so i thought it was sorry i reversed it in my mind and thought you were talking that there was no dna that matched any of the four girls and so oh i was like oh so there's dna and it's not one of the four girls is there a fifth girl oh sorry i reversed it in my own head and thought you're talking about the guy oh no no no yeah so there was dna evidence found on amy that matched somebody who was not one of the four that had been. God, I thought they found one of the victim's DNA on the guys.
Starting point is 01:17:49 Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. I see. So sorry. No, no, you're fine. It's a lot. And there's like a lot of people involved. So it's very confusing. Thank you for easing my mind.
Starting point is 01:18:00 Like, no, I mean, even appreciate the petting me. No, no, it's not even that truly because like i was writing the notes and i had to read like six articles to really understand because especially and this is like a very watered down version of the legal stuff because i mean this is like you know 20 years right right of stuff happening and two of them are you know are convicted two of them are released then there's like the one of them's on death row and then i mean it's just like a lot of right shit going on i can't imagine what you have to deal with on your end of research because like very confusing i feel like you might have learned to be a little bit
Starting point is 01:18:31 of like a mini lawyer of like learning like all of the jargon and i then you say it's me and i'm like uh-huh uh-huh and i'm like i don't know what's going on believe me i don't really i the number of times i texted my friend re, like, what does this word mean? Or like, how do you pronounce this law that I'm pretending I know about? Yeah, no, it's ridiculous. There's just a lot of like court, different courts, different roles within the court. I don't know. Amazing. So I'm trying to make it as like palatable as possible. Right, right, right. Palatable. Palatable. English isn't my first language. It's better than you, you saying what saying what i thought you were gonna say which is i'm trying to make it as fun as possible i was like oh boy that's impossible right i learned that out real quick yep okay but
Starting point is 01:19:13 okay so dna evidence on amy that they were finally able to test because we're in the 2000s now right um did not match any of the four men so they so that now they have prosecutor right prosecutors were like well fuck that was our one right so now they have no idea who did it they're fucking back to square one no clue who this dna belongs to um some of them do still think that these guys had something to do with it just because they were there and they had the gun and they just can't pin them down but ultimately all four of them are released although it did take a while and they served over a decade. Two of them served over a decade in prison, one on death row, and then were released.
Starting point is 01:19:49 So it's a little like the whole thing's a little fishy and not good either way. I hear you. So all told, over 50 false confessions had to be debunked, which is so fucked up. I mean, I know some of them were coerced, but there were people who were confessing who had nothing to fucking do with it, which is just like, yeah, why? Right. Why the fuck would you do that to their family? I mean, right. Right. It's just beyond me, including the one from Kenneth McDuff, that serial killer who confessed on the day of his execution. And then there were also two confessions in 92 by two Mexican nationals, and those confessions were soon disputed and ruled false as well. And then there were 47 more false confessions.
Starting point is 01:20:33 So all of those were debunked. So the police are just kind of like running around, like can't figure out what the hell is going on. There was a book written by a woman named Beverly Lowry, and it's called Who Killed These Girls, which is a reference to that billboard. Who Killed These Girls, The Yogurt Shop Murders. And she believed the most plausible theory is that, okay, so I'm trying to figure out the best way to explain this. One of the theories, or one of the theories, one of the missing pieces of evidence or like the a detail of the case that hadn't really been understood or explained yet was that that night there were two men who had entered the yogurt shop who had never been accounted for and it was unclear who they were
Starting point is 01:21:17 and they were spotted by two reliable witnesses oh okay so lowry in her book she presents that theory and she believes that that's the most. So she presents a couple of theories, but this is the one she believes is the most plausible and is actually the one that most attorneys and investigators agree with her that like, yes, this is probably the most reasonable thing. Right. As far as what could have happened. So her theory is that the two mystery men entered the storefront near closing time and she actually goes into detail about what could possibly have happened and there was so there were two pieces of evidence as well that she brings up which is an unopened coke can with a nearby cup of ice and a booth with an empty napkin holder so okay so those are i'm going to
Starting point is 01:22:01 explain in a minute how that was and those were both where in the yogurt shop just in the okay yeah i know if there was like a placement thing so those were in the yogurt shop and these are the two things that she used to build this kind of potential theory of what happened got it so in the version uh one of the customer or once the customers had taken their yogurt sundaes and gone so there were two customers sorry the two customers i'm referring to here are the ones who were the witnesses later who said they had gone into the shop got their ice cream sundaes and left and they later explained what they saw while they were in the shop got it theory is these two customers go in get their yogurt sundaes and go home then jennifer locks the front door flips over the open sign and continues cleaning because they're closing up shop the two men who these customers had witnessed were still sitting there presumably finishing up
Starting point is 01:22:51 their sundays and then the girls would have let them go right but didn't want more customers coming in i have often done that at chipotle i was gonna say you you know i know all about that so the girls were chatting um and would plan to unlock the door when the last two customers were ready to leave. What's possible, which is speculation but is her theory, is that one of the guys ordered a Coke while Eliza was at the register. She had to bend down to get the Coke in the refrigerator beneath the counter. And when she stood up, one of the guys was there with a gun. Got it. Threatening her for the money.
Starting point is 01:23:24 And that's where the first piece of evidence, the unopened Coke can with the cup of ice. Got it. Then Lowry said protocol at the shop allowed employees to lock the front doors 10 minutes prior to closing. And they wouldn't kick anyone out in the store, but they didn't want anyone else coming in. Right. And so the door was locked and they were in there with these two guys. So they basically locked themselves in. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:45 And it's important to note that when firefighters did arrive that night, the front door was still locked. Got it. So that's one detail that is kind of important. So the lawyers involved in defending the two teenagers, Springsteen and Scott, who had gone to trial and ultimately been convicted and then later released, those teenage boys. trial and ultimately been convicted and then later released those teenage boys the two attorneys uh had their own theories of what had happened and they believe those two men uh were responsible for what started as a robbery and then went sideways none of them believe that this was a crime committed by four teenage boys uh for starters the four victims the girls uh were smart feisty strong outdoorsy and heavily involved in Future Farmers of America, like I said.
Starting point is 01:24:27 And the notion that four scraggly boys, none of them particularly well-built or intelligent, could overpower the four girls. And most other lawyers agree with that, and the investigators as well. Gotcha. They all believe that if the four boys had walked in there, the girls would have laughed at them and been like, get the hell out of here. Right. And if the boys had attempted assault, they believe that the four girls would have been able to overpower them. Would have taken them. Yeah. If they'd been age equivalents, Sawyer says, who's one of the attorneys, the four girls would have just kicked them in their asses. So likewise, there's some evidence that catches the attention of the main prosecutor for what's his last name? Springsteen.
Starting point is 01:25:13 And she says that there's a party store next door in the strip mall. And the owner said he didn't hear anything from the yogurt shop during that time, for a couple popping noises which they assume was gunfire um and the fact that the shop was otherwise silent through the entire like pretty empty strip mall um suggests a certain amount of control over the victims and that led them to basically believe that they were grown men and not like their equivalent teenage you know scrawny teenage boys and likely men with some criminal involvement especially with the systematic nature of the murders all it was like execution style shootings like the girls were all bound pretty similarly like this didn't look like amateur hour you know
Starting point is 01:25:57 right um and the bodies had been stacked and it basically suggested that these were sadistic criminals with more foresight and ruthlessness than like four dumb ass teenagers who right we're just fucking around um so ultimately what defense lawyers and the current investigators have in common is that the crime can be solved even though um at this point they really don't know what the fuck happened except that they tend to believe it something with these two guys right who were last seen in the shop. What was the napkin holder thing? Oh, did I not mention that?
Starting point is 01:26:29 Oh my gosh, you're right. I don't know where, I know I put that in here somewhere. I must've skipped it. So the napkin holder basically came into play in that it was empty. And so it suggests, and every other table had already been cleaned and filled. Got it. And so the napkin holder was still empty, suggesting that the guys were still sitting there after they had basically cleaned the entire shop.
Starting point is 01:26:51 I see. So that they had stayed there for longer than just like a couple minutes after that one couple had left and seen them. It wasn't like they left right after that. It seemed like they had been there for a long time sitting at that specific table. Sure. And they had never gotten the chance to clean the table basically after they left. So that was the significance of the empty napkin holder. And it's kind of creepy.
Starting point is 01:27:14 They have photos where all the tables, like the chairs are stacked on and there's one table where it's just the chairs are still down and the napkin holder is empty. It's the only like not clean table in the store. Yeah. So it suggests that like they clean table in the store. Yeah. So it suggests that like they died while those people were still there. Exactly. Exactly. Never got the chance to clean it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:27:32 Okay. So they believe, investigators believe, at least everywhere I read, believe that the crime can still be solved. And the question is how the hell to get there because they have a couple pieces that they think are important they just can't figure out how to connect them um and somebody actually mentioned uh it was a prosecutor that i'm sorry the defense attorney she mentioned um if someone were to come in with an open mind with no ties to the previous cold case and look at the original investigation i think they would come up with a different theory and i think they'd be on the right path because the austin police have been criticized for being a tunnel vision about it and like when they thought it was those four teenage boys like really
Starting point is 01:28:13 really you know the coerced confession right right so they've been accused of being kind of closed-minded and tunnel visioned about it and not kind of thinking outside the box got it if that makes sense yeah um and again to be fair this is the defense attorney for the guy the teenage boy so you know she obviously had a stake in it as well right but it is an interesting thought so this week marks 27 years since that's what you said earlier, right? Yeah. Your math was right. Well, it was 91, right? You're born in 91, so... Oh, yeah. That was the math I did.
Starting point is 01:28:49 Oh, my God. I was. You're so good. You're so smart. I know you. I know what a trapezoid is. Does that count? I don't still.
Starting point is 01:28:59 I'm still kind of confused a little bit. Okay. So this week marks 27 years. The case still remains a cold case. Unsolved. Today, the I Can't Believe It's Yogurt shop where this occurred is a classy nail salon. It's called, I'm not calling it classy. It's called Classy Nail Salon.
Starting point is 01:29:19 Which, by the way, is how you know it's super classy. Linda goes there for sure. It's called Classy Nail Salon. And a journalist named Susie Spencer, who was writing an article for A&E, stopped by the salon recently. And I think it was in 2017. And she happened to park beside a bronze plaque, which was laid there in memory of the girls. And it rests beneath an oak tree. And at the base of the plaque there
Starting point is 01:29:45 were four filled donuts and four apples and so she went into the nail salon and she asked if the workers put the treats there and they said yes every day they place a little gift there for the girls who had been killed and she said they place a few coins and a few gifts to let people know the girls aren't forgotten. That's really nice. Yeah. And then every Chinese New Year, in Chinese tradition, they give the girls red envelopes filled with money as a gift to them. Oh, wow. And I just thought that was really sweet that they're still being memorialized, even though the original storefront's not there and these women had nothing to do with the actual murders.
Starting point is 01:30:24 Which I thought was sweet um and they actually said they know one of the girls moms and she comes in every now and then and like checks in and checks on the plaque and thanks them for you know thinking of her daughter um so i mean think about the one set of parents who lost two kids like i know two daughters in one night it It's really fucking terrible. Oh my God. And that's the other thing with all those false confessions. It's like, you're fucking with so much more than just the investigators.
Starting point is 01:30:51 It's like the families who there's a new lead every time. And then it gets. Yeah. And also, I mean like they, like the youngest kid now would be like 40 years old. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:30:59 I mean, it's been so long. Yeah. And there's still no closure. Okay. So, um, Sergeant John Jones, who I mentioned earlier, who was on the scene when the bodies were found, he thinks that due to DNA, there will one day be an answer with advances in technology or just luck, depending on if they find a match, you know? Right. And he added, that's why there's no statute of limitations on murder.
Starting point is 01:31:25 Good. Yeah. Which is just a really good point. Yeah. And so that is the story of the Austin, Texas yogurt shop murders. Yowza. And it's just crazy because I was expecting a lot more just like detail and backstory, but like there's just, they just don't fucking know.
Starting point is 01:31:42 Cause they set, they torched the place and the evidence was so scattered from the start but wow they only had a couple theories to go on and they didn't pan out wow and it took so long for even those first major leads to it took like what 20 years right right to even debunk those so wow very's dark and very sad super dark yeah and people were like oh if you go to austin you should cover this and i'm like hell no i'm not doing this live yeah that's one of our biggest issues of like yeah having said we would do like hometown shows when we go to those towns it's like well we don't we don't know how like for all we know someone knows the person i gotta go back and it's happened it's happened uh i gotta go back to like 1755 to find a murder that's acceptable to talk about where it's not gonna really fuck everyone up right but um and also some towns just
Starting point is 01:32:37 aren't don't have many ghosts so that's hard on my end because i'm like i'm really pigeonholing myself of like i need to find a ghost from this small town. Oh, there's not one. Oh, just expand the radius a little bit. Yeah. Yeah, that's rough. But yeah, so that is the story of the yogurt shop murders. I've been requested for a long time. And I'm sure I didn't cover everything. But no, I thought you did your best. Thank you. Combined efforts. That's what we do. Yep. So I did not, since there is no convicted murderer in this case. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:33:16 It just actually makes me so mad to think that these four young teenage girls were so brutally, horribly murdered. And someone got away with it. Yeah. Yeah. It's just like so deeply infuriating yeah anyway awful stuff so um i mean hopefully it's like golden state killer where you really think there's no way and then it just happens hopefully i mean in all in time let's hope they didn't think of dna back 40 years ago and now what blows my mind is like
Starting point is 01:33:46 there's something like 20 years from now yeah that's as important as dna that we don't have yet and how would you even comprehend because like 40 years ago you didn't comprehend that dna was even a thing like you would never it blows my mind that we're currently living in a world without something that's so vital in the future yeah and people are going to look back and be like oh well you know that crime in 2018 well they didn't have that back then so there was no way of telling right and now it's like in my mind i'm like i can't wait it's like for so many like horrible horrible crimes to actually be put in their place it's like oh they didn't know that there would be that special aura reading technology where your aura left an imprint on every crime scene and then your aura was specifically traced back.
Starting point is 01:34:30 Aura imprinting for sure is exactly what the logical cops are going to go after first. Thank you. I'm definitely. Maybe in our crime department. Trademark. In our unit for sure. We go by aura imprinting. Nobody ever thought like, oh, your spit would be unique to specifically you and not one other person in the whole world or your semen or
Starting point is 01:34:49 whatever like nobody would have thought that right or criminals wouldn't have thought that so who knows maybe your aura that's the next big thing i've lived in la far too long so since there is no murderer convicted yet knock on wood yet i did a so this was in i wrote the this final horoscope in the midst of juniper being missing so i wrote a little bleak little juni scope okay and juni is a pisces very fitting for a cat yay um and this is his pisces scope his juni scope if you want someone in power to pay more attention to you oh boy you have to act more boldly oh god wow drama is what will get you noticed right now did you fucking write this no i'm telling you i'm not even kidding i just fucking click on the link and go yeah that sounds about right i mean eva's a pisces maybe she's faking having the flu right now eva she wants our attention that darn eva freaking classic
Starting point is 01:35:50 she and junie drama is what will get you noticed right now not playing it safe and low-key oh you have every right to grab all the focus in the room at least for the next few days jesus who writes this shit juniper probably this was his memoir he does love to stomp on my keyboard unleash your inner jokester and embrace the obnoxious aspects of your personality i am glad eva's not here today this sounds terrible now is not the time to be demure or wait for your chance. If you do, you'll be waiting for a very long time. Jump to it and make it happen. Out the window. Jump out the fucking window and make your mom lose her goddamn mind.
Starting point is 01:36:33 And make Funkalem tell her to sprinkle tuna everywhere. To launch tuna into the neighbor's yard. Oh my God, they're going to hate me. I like, don't tell them. I hurled handfuls of tuna into their yard like that's so disgusting um it worked it worked though anyway so that is uh the pisces scope the juni scope and that is the story of the ubershop murders well thank you for that thank you juniper for the hard attack of a lifetime today you're welcome um on behalf of him yep yep
Starting point is 01:37:03 and uh eva hope you're feeling better i'm sure our soothing voices are doing the trick yep i'm sure us being going um eva delete that part please or maybe don't i don't know figure it out you know you be the judge should we keep it in should we not i've been told that we're very healing people oh with our loud loud voices yeah so heal away eva yeah um and what what else that's it i think that's it we have a facebook page and like an instagram oh and no more and that's it um yeah if you guys want to follow us you can um find us on facebook instagram twitter you can also donate to our patreon at atwwd podcast um that's the same
Starting point is 01:37:45 handle for all that across the board you can also email us at and that's why we drink at where you can send in your true crime and personal true crime and paranormal stories because we put out a listeners episode at the first of every month and your story could be included um you can also find our website and that's why where you can also click on that button that says tour or live tour tour slash live uh-huh if you click tour you will see all of the shows that we currently have there's a lot and um please come see us live we have vip tickets for some of them like meet and greets yeah by the way every show people keep asking if it says vip like that is a mean greet. So yeah.
Starting point is 01:38:25 VIP equals mean greet. If you want to hug. Mean greet equals hug from me and compliment from Christine. Yes. Yeah. I mean, and maybe two minutes of, you know, banter. Priceless. Priceless banter. Priceless. It's not like you get enough of that bullshit every Sunday. Just saying. That's it on my end. I saying that's it on my end i think that's it and i think this comes out the week before christmas right or the 23rd this comes out on the oh god that's me doing that noise sorry that comes out the 23rd yes you're correct merry christmas eve yeah so do you know what did i ever tell you what blaze's family calls it so bla Blaze's sister is named Eve, so they called it Christmas Eve. So he's the oldest of six, and Eve was the second youngest. And then they have one younger brother named Tanner,
Starting point is 01:39:12 and he was, like, so distraught that there was a Christmas Eve, and he didn't understand that, like, Eve got her own holiday, Christmas Eve. Right. And so to make him feel better, they called the 23rd Christmas Tanner. So there's a Christmas Tanner and a Christmas Eve. Well, Merry Christmas Tanner to you, Christine. Yeah, Merry Christmas Tanner. I just always thought that was super cute.
Starting point is 01:39:32 So that's when this comes out. All right. And then next week, the 30th, is the last show of the year and our 100th episode. Our 100th episode. Which we didn't plan. It will. We really did not plan that. No, we didn't.
Starting point is 01:39:44 We were like, okay, so we're going to close out 2018 with the 100th episode and go. Unbelievable. We decided that January 2017. No, we didn't. Yes, because we're so good at math, as you know. No one believes that for one second. Yes, it's very convenient, but we will be bringing out, closing out the year with 2018. We are ready for 2019.
Starting point is 01:40:04 Yeah, and we will be ready with a 101st. That's right. 101 Dalmatians. Oh, the Dalmatian episode. I'm so excited. We should start themes now. Okay. 99 red balloons.
Starting point is 01:40:15 101 Dalmatians. All right. Well, thanks guys for listening. And that's why we drink.

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