And That's Why We Drink - Listener Stories: Vol. 1

Episode Date: March 1, 2017

In one of the creepiest episodes yet, Christine and Em read real-life paranormal and true crime stories sent in by our beautiful fans - YOU GUYS! As if these absurdly creepy stories weren’t enoug...h, we may have even caught some unexplained paranormal activity on tape…you’ll just have to listen for yourself.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 hey guys hello welcome to and that's why we drink uh but the listeners story edition yes the long-awaited episode where we tell your story waited it's been like five episodes we have been getting some really awesome stories from you guys and we are so excited to share tell your stories. Long awaited. It's been like five episodes. It's a long time. We have been getting some really awesome stories from you guys and we are so excited to share them. And thank you to anyone who sent them in. If you have and we don't cover them today, we promise
Starting point is 00:00:36 we're going to get to them. We got a good selection today. We've got three good paranormals, one true crime. Well, Christine, this is actually your first time that you get to tell a paranormal story. I know. I'm really excited about it. It's a good one.
Starting point is 00:00:50 Are you actually? Yeah, it's a really good one. I don't know the stories that she's reading, and she doesn't know the stories that I'm reading. Right. We've kept them secret. So it's kind of like our regular format, but we're kind of mixing it up because it's stories from you guys, which are even better than anything we can find online so if you want to go ahead and tell a paranormal story i can start us off okay this one is from uh her name is addie hi addie addie has a story about a guardian angel oh so i'm just
Starting point is 00:01:19 gonna read i haven't read this either because i wanted to actually have genuine reactions so if there's a typo i'm gonna read it it's addy's fault thanks addy um so it starts with basically my guardian angel addison clark is that who she's named after we'll find out maybe don't ask questions we're one sentence in uh my guardian angel addison clark we call him mr clark built the house we grew up in he's my namesake ah and you called it answer is done he's my namesake and great great grandfather oh all right uh when my mom was pregnant with me she started noticing that there was a lot of activity in the house one instance she shared with me was when she was pregnant uh our old dog george would put pressure on the bed whenever he wanted to go out after my dad left for work uh one morning she felt the pressure on the bed and the mattress pushed down and she said hold on george and then heard him barking outside
Starting point is 00:02:20 and looked at the bed and there was no one there, which was, in my mom's opinion, the first realization that there was someone there with us. Whoa. The second realization was when I was an infant and my mom was doing laundry in the basement and she had the monitor with her and she heard a lullaby that she didn't recognize that was old, like a classic lullaby playing through the monitor. And when she came upstairs, it was playing through the house too what oh my god ew that's so creepy wait i have to reread that she heard a lullaby that she didn't recognize that was like a classic lullaby playing through the monitor and when she came upstairs it
Starting point is 00:02:58 was playing through the house like through no speakers at all just all of the rooms radiated this song and when she walked in uh into my bedroom all the music stopped all throughout the house that is freaking spooky that is interesting oh i love it i love it thanks addy and then there's another part next when i was next oh my. Oh, there's more. Oh, God. That's enough for me. I'd be like, all right, I'm out. I'm done. Next was when I was a toddler and my grandmother was babysitting me and we had a table in the kitchen where we ate and had a good dining room that was locked off by baby gates.
Starting point is 00:03:39 Okay, so like that room in every house that doesn't actually get eaten at except for Thanksgiving. You're not allowed in. Yes. Okay, so like that room in every house that doesn't actually get eaten at except for Thanksgiving. You're not allowed in. Yes. Well, my grandmother was in the kitchen with me and I was standing at the baby gate talking into this dark room. So, oh, the room that no one ever goes in.
Starting point is 00:03:54 Right. Talking into this dark room, looking up as if to an adult, having a full conversation with someone in the dark room at one point in my toddler babble i literally put my finger up as if to say hold on a second went to the fridge got my bottle came back and kept talking that's literally what you do to me all the fucking time hang on a sec hang on let me get my wine out oh classic that was just practice for her future when my grandmother asked who i was talking to i simply pointed up as if it was clear as day who i was talking to like duh grandma can't you write fucking here wow finally we have the life saving story the life savings where the guardian angel stuff comes in yeah originally he was just
Starting point is 00:04:39 there to like offer a bar side story uh offer a bar side story. Offer a bar side story. Sing a song or two. Yeah. Finally, we have the life-saving story. My parents had one of those wheelie walkers. Wheelie walkers. Is that where you put the baby in? And there's wheels?
Starting point is 00:04:58 Yeah. That ended up being recalled because babies were flinging themselves downstairs it's not funny but it's so funny i just imagine like a baby there like on the top and then like kick it off like like launching like a slingshot yeah totally putting the momentum behind them i mean it's not funny but like it's i'm just gonna reread it because it's not funny, but like, it's not funny. I'm just going to reread it. Fuck Fisher-Brice. It's still funny. Okay. My parents had one of those wheelie walkers that ended up being recalled because babies were flinging themselves downstairs.
Starting point is 00:05:33 Anyway. Wow. Well, lo and behold, I was one of those babies. No! I didn't mean to laugh at her! She's clearly fine. Poor thing. She's alive.
Starting point is 00:05:42 I know, but I shouldn't laugh at her trauma. No, you should. Like the responsible parents they were, my parents had a baby gate in the kitchen blocking the staircase down to the basement that fell to a brick floor. Oh, God. Well, one day, my mom disabled the gate so she could open a drawer, and I grabbed the banister and flung myself down the stairs. What? So there's a gate there to prevent her from going down and hitting a brick floor. And then the mom opens the gate and that's when she takes the fuck off.
Starting point is 00:06:14 It looks like at a rug rise where they're like, time to escape. Yeah, this is like a Tommy Pickles, this is my moment to escape. Let's use our baby thing as a slingshot. Oh, the screwdriver to pick open the gate except she's gonna she's gonna shoot herself except this is not a cartoon and she's falling downstairs so it's really not funny well one day my mom disabled oh okay i grabbed the banister and flung myself downstairs and she just turned around and closed her eyes because it happened so fast she had no way of stopping me and was convinced that when she turned around she would see my splattered remains at the bottom of the staircase
Starting point is 00:06:48 it's like whoa the mom like just like closed her eyes because she was like i know what i'm about to fucking see i can't bear it uh she eventually did turn around because she heard me howling with laughter spinning around in circles at the bottom of the staircase upright and unharmed she had absolutely no doubt that mr clark had kept me upright and safe on my makeshift roller coaster ride down the stairs i got chills just hearing that me too oh i got chills again i have chills too that's awesome that's wild so like she i mean when you think about a baby in one of those things like it's not even that it's not top it like it's like you like that baby's going the fuck down. You're launching a baby down the stairs.
Starting point is 00:07:26 Like if a baby like falls down the stairs headfirst in one of those things that like you're like, you're strapped into it. You're at least flipping a little bit. Right. And she literally just like took a little carpet ride. You're like smacking your head on the stairs at least once. She was fine. Wow. That's amazing.
Starting point is 00:07:42 Since then, he's also saved my brother. she was fine wow that's amazing since then he's also saved my brother uh and we also believed that he was with both trey i guess the brother and i during our seriously death-defying car accidents in our adolescent lives wow geez the nurse in the hospital even said the night i went in after my accident that i had angels the night that i totaled my car we both should have died multiple times in our childhood and adolescence, and we're still here, and I give that credit to Mr. Clark looking out for us and keeping us safe. That's amazing.
Starting point is 00:08:11 That's awesome. It makes you wonder. I love it. I do, too. Do you have any guardian angels? I do believe I have a guardian angel. Yeah? Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:08:20 Named? Rosa. Rosa? Yep. What's Rosa's story? I did one of those meditations last week because I was thinking about whether I had a guardian angel and then I opened my email and I had this email from this woman that I used to follow who does spiritual retreats and she was like, do you have a spirit guide or a guardian angel? And I was like, what the hell? And I opened it
Starting point is 00:08:43 and I was like, am I supposed to watch this and i was like am i supposed to watch this video and she's like just follow this meditation and like if you feel comfortable ask your spirit guide's name before i could even ask what's your name it was just like rosa like it just hit me and i was like oh right rosa you're there and then i it was just so weird i'm gonna like to delete all of it. What was that? Okay. Literally, a record that was sitting on top of that speaker just flung off and fell onto the floor. I'm just going to say that right now. Nuh-uh.
Starting point is 00:09:17 I literally didn't. I heard something, but I don't know what that was at all. It was a thing that was sitting on that speaker right there. Uh-huh. And it just fell off. You're kidding. it's been sitting there for two weeks at least it's on the floor now that's so weird okay so as i was saying i'm like so stunned right now i've never in my life seen anything move or fall like the even little things like during our first listener story guys and since you weren't here to witness it, we both watched something literally just fall off of the top of the speaker. And my dad was lying on the ground and then got freaked out and left the room.
Starting point is 00:09:50 So it was not him. My grandpa literally is, I can always sense that he's around me. Yeah. But he like, but like every time I'm like, hey, can you throw a sign my way? Nothing. Maybe later. It's like one day, maybe in 10 years. So let's take a little break from the paranormal and go to a crime story.
Starting point is 00:10:11 Okay. So Tiana wrote us an email and she sent us a crime story from Midlothian, Texas. Is that how you pronounce it? Midlothian. Weird because there's also a Midlothian texas is that how you pronounce it midlothian weird because there's also a midlothian virginia really um so in april 2016 i'm just going to read what she sent me in april 2016 april tevers entered a local church in midlothian texas to set up for her gladiator boot camp fitness class she got there early we're talking 4 a.m early jesus by 5 a i know That's a crime on its own.
Starting point is 00:10:45 Wow. Rough start. Oh my god. Yes. Oh my god. Puncture wounds to your head? That sounds just horrible. So here's where it gets crazy.
Starting point is 00:11:07 This is just wild. Surveillance video from the church shows a person entering the lobby dressed in police SWAT gear, a mask, and carrying a hammer in all capital letters. Shut the fuck up. The video shows the person walking around the church, opening doors, and breaking things with the hammer. Oh my god. It is impossible to tell who the person is from the video or even if they are male or female. I'm like getting chills. I literally have so many chills on me right now.
Starting point is 00:11:35 She added photos to the email that I'm going to post. No. There are surveillance photos of this person in a SWAT outfit with a hammer. I'm trying to see the pictures through your glasses. Oh. In the reflection. Yeah. This guy's want or a lady, I don't know, is wandering around smashing things with a hammer in a SWAT gear outfit. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:11:55 So the still from the surveillance video is creepy. She attached it. During police investigation, they found that Tevers had ongoing financial and marital difficulties, including, quote, flirtatious and familiar messages to someone else. Both Tevers and her husband were engaged in relationships outside their marriage. This is another weird fact. Her father-in-law had turned in a bloody shirt for dry cleaning. So they tested that and it turned out to be dog's blood. What? And she wrote WTF with like a bunch of question marks, which is exactly how I feel.
Starting point is 00:12:32 Law enforcement investigated all these leads, but as of today, the murder is still unsolved. There are conspiracy theories about the in-laws committing the murder. There's an entire Facebook page dedicated to figuring out who killed her. Some believe it was a hitman. Others believe a serial killer. Some believe it was a hitman others believe a serial killer some believe it was just a random attack idk idk as well also me too what the hell i mean so wait wait hang on so the father-in-law found found or delivered a shirt yeah he just brought blood pretending it was human blood well no he just brought like this was a
Starting point is 00:13:04 totally separate incident he brought a shirt to the dry cleaner and the dry cleaner was like there's blood on it reported it tested it was dog's blood they don't know if there's any connection to this case it just was a strange thing also there that also happened and they were like oh it's a connection to this case there's blood but it was dog's blood is the thought maybe like the guy the husband got jealous of like her cheating on him. And then, I mean, there's literally no connection. It's wild because there's so many weird parts to this. Like the guy smashing or with a hammer.
Starting point is 00:13:34 Those pictures are the weirdest pictures I've ever seen. Yeah, a slot outfit going to her class. I mean, it's. And also it's like, did, like if she weren't there, would he have been there? Or because she was there exactly did he go was it a random thing where he broke in and like and saw a person and like how to cover it up smashed her right oh my god like who who knows and like sure she was having to drive home alone i know i'm sorry after this i'm sorry oh my god well and i also said she was having marital and
Starting point is 00:14:03 financial difficulties but like that doesn't necessarily point to anything my only connection though would be that like someone got jealous or mad and so like then the SWAT guy with the hammer smashing windows also why pick that costume like i guess like do you think maybe a security camera will just excuse the fact that you're there if you're in a why wouldn't you just be in an officer's outfit then like where do you get SWAT gear at a costume shop maybe but like why are you smashing things with the hammer literally you kill her none of our questions are gonna have answers and it makes me so mad i know the worst part about unsolved mysteries is you just can't figure it out like there's three mysteries alone in that story exactly like dog's blood your marriage is that affiliated at all with you getting
Starting point is 00:14:45 punctured in the head and then the SWAT guy smashing things with the hammer like if he was there to kill her he'd probably go discreetly and kill her not like smash everything around with the hammer i'm wondering also why is he killing her with the hammer okay i wonder if he followed her there maybe or if like he was doing this crazy thing and she just caught him yeah some believe it was she said just a random attack. So, I mean, you never, like, there's no way to know. That freaks me out even more because it's like, I could literally go to the bank. It gives me chills.
Starting point is 00:15:11 And this shit could happen. The world, that's why we drink. That is. Because. I'm not kidding. That is why we drink. The world is a scary place. So.
Starting point is 00:15:20 That's why we made this podcast for stories like that. So we can be like, oh, yeah, that's why I fucking drink. Oh, i fucking oh i remember why yeah okay so i guess it's your turn all right you have another uh ghost story right i have a paranormal one great uh this is from jess awesome it says uh as soon as i heard you guys were looking for stories uh i wanted to tell you one about me and my sister. For this to make sense, you need to know I'm a quadruplet. Ooh. And with so many people in my family, eight people in all, mom, dad, two older brothers and sisters. Wow.
Starting point is 00:15:56 Uh, the four of us were split between two rooms. Me and Mac shared one room and Maren, Steph, and another room. Uh, one night when we were about five or six, Mac and I got up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. It wasn't so late where everyone was asleep, but late enough that it was dark outside and everyone had gone to bed. Anyway, the second we opened the door to go to the bathroom, this black dog-like figure went tearing up the stairs,
Starting point is 00:16:22 ran right in front of us and went tearing down the hallway being little kids scared to death mac and i screamed uh and she closed the door on my body i guess out of fear as i was on my hands and knees to crawl out of the room after opening i don't know i guess when you're like five or six and you like army crawl out because you're afraid your parents you're like if i'm on the ground yeah crawl out because you're afraid your parents are going to see you. You're like, if I'm on the ground, I'm safer. Yeah. If I'm lower to the ground, their field of vision isn't there. Stop, drop, and roll.
Starting point is 00:16:51 So we raced to our beds where we continued to scream our heads off. It woke up our sisters and got our mom, dad, and brothers up out of their room. Of course, they asked what was wrong. And we managed to explain it was our, we thought it was our dog, Knight, that ran into, that ran across us. My mom and dad said that it wasn't Knight because he was in the basement, and they made our brother, Phillip, check, and they had our older brother, Justin, check mom and dad's room to see if he was in there. room to see if he was in there there was no dog there night was in the basement but we know what we saw because to this day we remember that night clearly seeing the dog run by us and hearing its loud and rapid footsteps as it did so m that that really gets to me why because there's such a like symbolism behind the black dog yeah and it's such an old old it's symbol apparently the black dog um from what i know from just you know researching stuff
Starting point is 00:17:48 on my own um it's supposed to be one of the escorts to hell yeah and it's like i think an original romanian symbol i thought i don't know at least i know one of the stories originates from romania but i do have one story uh a personal friend's story about a black dog where one of my, my friend's mom used to do like in-house hospice for people basically on their deathbed and she would go to their house and she was their like at-home nurse. And she basically was tending to this woman her whole life. Not her whole life, Jesus, like a couple years. I was like wow a couple years um basically ended up hearing her scream at one point and ran up to see what was wrong and looked terrified and was like shaking and she pointed and said get the black dog away
Starting point is 00:18:38 from me oh my god and her my friend's mom was like what what? Like, what's going on? And there was no dog there. And the patient was saying, there's a black dog next to me. And then she had a seizure and died. And get this shit. Before she had ever said, get the black dog away from me, she was a mute. She had never spoken before. And so, like, something something was there freaked her out and
Starting point is 00:19:06 she was able to say there's a black dog next to me and then she had a seizure and died i mean the thing is that oh my god i can't even cope with this right now so anyway we also got a question okay because of this i'm 100 convinced that we saw a demon dog or some sort of ghost. And so it brings the question, if it wasn't a demon dog, what did we see? So I have to ask you, have you ever seen a demon dog and do you believe in them? Interesting. I did a tour in Arlington, Virginia when I lived in DC. It was a ghost tour and we, uh, we did it just for fun.
Starting point is 00:19:40 And it was the scary, I've done like a lot of those just, you know, fun, like history tours. It was the scary, I've done like a lot of those just, you know, fun, like history tours. It was the scariest thing. We had this one from Romania and she told us just these crazy stories from our, like hauntings in Arlington. And then she talked about the black dog symbolism and how in Romania it's like a very real thing. Um, and it's a symbol of death and a lot of people will see it before they pass away. And she said she told so many stories that i just got i mean i haven't seen it personally but
Starting point is 00:20:10 oh that's so weird the thing that's interesting to me well the first point i would want to make is i wonder why they saw like it's almost like it's almost like a black cat crossing your path it means you're supposed to have bad luck but, if you see a black ghost dog in the middle of the night, like that should be some sort of omen to you, like seeing a crow. Right. But they are fine. Like they're still alive. Like maybe they weren't supposed to see it.
Starting point is 00:20:36 I don't know. Well, that's even weirder too. Cause it's like, well, who was, what was it doing? Who was supposed to see that dog? Right. Or what was he there to like, was it like the grim Reaper checking in to make sure that he didn't have any like assignments yeah i don't know even like serious black in harry potter is jesus is no but it's like a ref it's a black dog right yeah it's a reference to the whole black dog symbolism it's it's also weird when you think
Starting point is 00:21:00 about things like amityville and um like animals in general being symbols of death like omens all of them i mean crows crows cats owls the cartoon pigs that okay that one um black dogs with my head yeah black cats yeah i don't know i mean i've never seen a dog a black dog me neither in my mind it looks like a scottish terrier like a tiny little like wispy ghost oh in my mind it looks like a dire wolf from oh that's that's like much more ominous and terrifying i was thinking like a little yippy little little puppy in my mind it looks like geo and he just well geo i mean he's the bringer of death that's also scary in your house i mean yeah it's one thing to see it somewhere else on the street where you're supposed to feel safe and you wake up in the middle of the night and now there's
Starting point is 00:21:47 something running past you pee and then there's a dog well it's also i mean i would like to think it was a dog that died on the property and they just saw like the ghost of a dog hopefully that's that's true that could be a that could be a like residual energy of just like a but it also i mean i don't i mean i don't know how ghosts work but my thought hopefully is if it was a dog that died on the property, then he saw young kids and just wanted them to see him in a playful way. That's probably the best way to look at it. Let's pretend that's the answer. And especially since nothing happened after that, hopefully it wasn't an omen. It was just...
Starting point is 00:22:19 Do you have a story for me? All right. I got another ghost story, and these just mess with my head what's it like telling your first ghost story on here i love it cool you haven't done it yet oh i haven't done it yet my first one was a murder story okay good i feel comfortable doing the murder let's see how i feel about this one this one all right so we got a message from cc thank you for sending us an email thanks cc thanks cc okay she says hi y'all southern southern bell so so here's my personal story one of many i'm currently several beers and some bourbon deep you go girl you're obviously team wine not team milkshake you and christine
Starting point is 00:23:02 would get along just fine so you'll have to excuse my poor grammar. When I was in college, I lived in a sorority house. The house was very old and was rumored to be haunted, possibly an abortion clinic when abortions were sketch and illegal. That is terrifying. Oh my God. She writes, casual. Precisely my feelings.
Starting point is 00:23:21 While living there, I experienced several creepy things. There were several nights where i was woken up by a voice saying either hey or my name oh fuck that no immediately no no she says i should mention that i'm an extremely heavy sleeper and the voices that would wake me up sounded like they were whispering directly into my ear fuck i can't even imagine how terrified i would be i'm out there's an emily shaped hole in the fucking wall i'm gone that sorority house has a there's a cloud of dust behind me this has not happened since i moved out of the house the creepiest moment was one afternoon my roommate and i were talking in our living room downstairs i had class in 10 minutes so i cut
Starting point is 00:24:02 the conversation off and ran upstairs to pee real fast before running to class. As I was washing my hands, I heard my roommate say, go to class, you're going to be late. I opened the bathroom door and she was standing in front of the bathroom door, but facing my bedroom, which was to the left of the bathroom. She looked genuinely shocked to see me walking out of the bathroom. She told me that she saw a girl with black long hair like I had sitting Indian style in the middle of my bedroom floor facing away from the door and had assumed it was me fuck that oh my god oh my god what indian style why does that make it creepier makes it so much creepier crisscross applesauce she was really free yeah i think that's the the pc way of saying that crisscross apple it makes it less maybe that's the the pc way of saying that crisscross apple it makes
Starting point is 00:24:45 it less maybe that's the title of this episode applesauce she was really freaked out and i was too since i was the only one who had been who had reported being woken up in the middle of the night in that house that is she says i peace out about to devour some delicious pork shoulder and bourbon she is my hero but also girl what you know what's creepy do you oh i don't even want to say all of it is creepy can you imagine if she's dead asleep and someone's just sitting crisscross out on the carpet no and then from the edge of the bed whispers and that's what wakes her up like cc she like crawls over to the bed okay i'm gonna give cc night this is not what
Starting point is 00:25:25 i should be she literally just like imagine someone just sitting indian style on the floor and from where she is just says it and the whisper still wakes a like a someone sleeping like a rock up what the fuck was that i can't that was a great story just hit me hard that's terrifying i'm so scared now that when i go to bed there there's going to be someone Indian style on my floor. You guys, it's 1 a.m. and I'm never going to sleep again. That's terrifying. So they were already talking downstairs? She ran upstairs to go to the bathroom and her friend came up later, I guess, while she was washing her hands.
Starting point is 00:26:03 And she heard her friend in the hallway saying, you got to class you're gonna be late walked out of the bathroom and saw her friend looking into her bedroom and was like wait what are you doing in the bathroom like thought she was like so her roommate was saying that to the indian style yeah she thought that it was her cc was the girl sitting on the floor and then saw cc in the bathroom and said oh my god i just saw a girl sitting on the floor i thought it was you in your bedroom i saw um crisscross applesauce i saw um i don't remember what it was called it was one of those shows where they do the reenactments of like people's ghost stories oh and they a haunting that's my favorite one i'm not sure of the name but there was an episode where this girl was saying they just moved into this haunted house and her and her sister were sharing a bedroom.
Starting point is 00:26:47 And she was sitting on the bed talking while her sister was brushing her hair in the bathroom. And her sister brushing her hair in the bathroom was like being really dismissive, like not saying anything, like just brushing her hair and ignoring whatever she was saying. Right. So she's like, all right, whatever. I'm just going gonna meet you downstairs and so she went downstairs to the kitchen to eat cereal and her sister was sitting there and she was like how did you beat me downstairs and she's like what are you talking about i've been down here for like a half an hour no see that's so there's just a girl in the bathroom brushing her doppelganger stuff really freaks me out i freaking hate it common one people report that a lot that
Starting point is 00:27:25 they see people like people like hearing their names like can you imagine like being cc and just hearing your name in the middle of the night no i don't like it there have been a couple times where i've thought i've heard my name from like i thought i've heard my mom saying my name and then i was like i'm in california yeah and she's not here that's a common one two people hear voices of people they know but that are not there saying their name and things like that you know one time that's really interesting i told you my my grandpa's you know i always get a sense that he's around yeah there have been a couple times where i've and also he died when i was seven right so i don't really remember his voice.
Starting point is 00:28:05 And, um, but it was so weird. There have been a couple times, especially like in high school or college where he really had my back when I was, uh, I slept in past my alarm clock and in my ear while I was sleeping, I would hear Emily. And without even knowing the, like, I would, I just, I knew it was my grandpa's voice. It's the weirdest thing, but, like, I had this gut feeling that it was my grandpa being, like, bitch, wake up. You're about to, like, sleep through your alarm. Like, wake up.
Starting point is 00:28:33 And I would always, like, wake up and realize I was about to be late. Like, it was the last second before I could have been late. God. Anyway, I mean, that's not as great of a story as what we just heard. I mean, it's a lot more pleasant. Can you imagine if I woke up and saw my grandfather Indianian style on my floor like someone who looked like you that's the creepy part oh long black hair i don't like that one that's like samara i was about to say yeah that stuff that movie anyway all right we have one more right or is that no that's it two
Starting point is 00:29:00 and two wow that went fast i know okay guys uh please send us some more that's all we have prepared for today but if you send us um your stories we would love to share them on air anything anything creepy true crime paranormal we love it all anything that makes us drink or makes you drink anyone around the globe if you think they might drink to it we don't discriminate our email is and that's why we drink at we also have facebook instagram twitter it's all atwwd podcast and you can write to us in any form or fashion yeah we'll get it um and be sure to subscribe so you don't miss our next episode. And thank you guys so much for being a part of our podcast.
Starting point is 00:29:50 Thank you, guys. And that's why we drink. Bye.

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