And That's Why We Drink - Listener Stories: Vol. 10

Episode Date: December 1, 2017

Can you believe it’s our TENTH episode of listener stories?? And you guys did not disappoint. This episode has a little something for everyone - dogs, aliens, ghosts, and murder. What’s not to lov...e?

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to our listeners episode. Oh my god, this is number 10. Oh, man, that's two whole hands. Wait, what are we going to do with our hands after this? Clap that we're done with 10 whole episodes. Okay. Bingo. I'm thinking I'll be doing that. You'll be lifting another glass of wine. Bingo bango. It's amazing. Christine, how many drinks have you had tonight? One. I don't believe you. Ask me how many milkshakes I've had. How many? None. I want ice cream so bad right now, you have no idea. I mean, please. please do you have any i don't want to go downstairs i have my imaginary cup right here slurping away with you all right next time we'll
Starting point is 00:00:53 get there i promise we're gonna try not to be bitter about that as we read your beautiful stories we're very excited you guys just keep just slinging them in wow there's just so many currently our inbox has oh i don't know 1900 i think is the exact what's the exact number oh 1909 you guys we are guys we can't you wonder why we don't get to your stories could you read 19 000 more than 19 1900 19 000 seems like a lot it's been a long day all right guys here's the thing here's the thing we've got six good ones for you listen six good ones and we all know i haven't read them we all know christine does all the hard work so you're gonna get some live reactions out of me which i know is what you came here for i know i know what you're here for i'm here to bring it to you we know you're here for him and nothing else nothing else anyway
Starting point is 00:01:50 let's go let's get into it are you gonna start hell yeah i'm gonna start okay i'm just gonna go with the name i like the most okay lula Lulabelle. Ooh. I don't remember. I honestly don't remember any of these, so I'm excited. All right. From Lulabelle. What a name. What a name. Beautiful.
Starting point is 00:02:13 Subject. You saved me multiple times. Yeah, we did. Oh, my. All right. Em's like, I'm worried about that. Also, apparently, it's from Lulabelle and Abby. What?
Starting point is 00:02:24 So let's make sure we say hi to abby as well hi abby all right hello em and christine hello my name is lulabelle or lou for short and i would like to briefly thank you for the support you have provided me and everyone else who listens no problem i live in bozeman oh there i go butchering things montana montana yeah bozeman i have a cousin whochering things. Montana. Montana. Yeah, Bozeman. I have a cousin who lives there. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:02:48 So, yay us. And recently, it's been very hard to live so far away from my family. My family lives in Long Island. However, your podcast has been amazing and a lifesaver. When I was 16 years old, I was contacted by a ghost named Abigail. Oh, my. She is a very sweet young girl that found me one day in my old house in connecticut oh my oh my she doesn't say anything but loves playing with lights and turning the radio on she highly loves listening to 90s alternative rock she's my girl every time it comes on in
Starting point is 00:03:17 the house the radio gets louder and louder without me or my boyfriend touching it that's like me in the afterlife playing pearl jam really loudly in every fall out boy well abby has decided to stay in my life for years now she came with me to college far away abby must know because she always turns lights on to show that she's with me oh she is part of my family when i first started listening to you guys i think abby was excited because all the christmas lights in my house turned on. Okay. Whoa. Thank you, Abby, but also please stay in Bozeman. Stay in Montana. Love you from Bozeman.
Starting point is 00:03:54 You have a ghost that highly enjoys you. We have ghost fans. I've never wanted anything more. Actually, Abby, what's up, girl? How you doing? I'm Sam. How you doing? Abby. Well, I just wanted to thank you for all the hard work you guys do for this podcast it makes me feel at home have a great day lulabelle and abby that's precious i've listen if four-year-old me knew that i had a fan that was a ghost a ghost
Starting point is 00:04:17 fan i would lose my mind a ghost fan so that's what i'm currently doing christmas lights oh my okay that's a good chill i just got wild okay i swear to god if the lights just went on and off i would stop breathing i'd be like and the podcast is done we should have pretended they did but no no no all right well thank you guys thank you um specifically abby sorry lulabo not thank you to at least my new favorite so anyway okay i have an email from ally i'm ready it says hi oh hey girl i'm a recent fan of the podcast and i was excited to hear that you were looking for paranormal and crime stories we were okay here's mine ever since i can remember my cousins have lived in this big old house in some weird farm town in Pennsylvania.
Starting point is 00:05:07 Oh, good. What did I tell you about Pennsylvania? What did I tell you about old farmhouses? It has multiple fields, three barns, a tennis court, and the best part, the biggest pool I've ever seen. Okay. What the hell kind of farm is this? This is some country club ranch sounds like the greatest when my cousins were looking into moving in the house my littlest cousin who was five at the time
Starting point is 00:05:33 stopped in the middle of the living room and said something along the lines of mommy someone shot themselves in this room oh yay totally weird but they just kind of brushed it off. Okay. After they moved in, they had a pretty good amount of paranormal shit happen in the house. You know, the standard seeing a woman standing over your baby's bed, random screaming, doors locking behind people when they'd leave a room, a huge Grim Reaper painting hidden behind a sheet in the attic. What the fuck? No thanks. No thanks. You get the picture. What the fuck? No thanks. No thanks.
Starting point is 00:06:06 You get the picture. Get it? Get it? You get the Grim Reaper picture. It wasn't until a few years later that they found out what really happened in the house. No one really knows what caused this whole thing to happen,
Starting point is 00:06:18 but here's what we do know. The owner of the house had a massive breakdown one day, knocked his wife out with a baseball bat oh shit tied bricks to her feet and threw her in the pool where she drowned oh no he then proceeded to hang his son in one of the barns oh my god and shot himself in the living room right where my cousin had pointed it out those five years earlier no apparently the house was on sale for a while go fucking figure and my cousins got it for a steal
Starting point is 00:06:51 because there was so much to do we'd always go up there for family parties what was our favorite pastime swimming in the fucking pool oh my god when i got a little older around 15 or 16 and was told what happened you best believe i still swam in that pool what the hell girl you wild i would be like no thank you not no chlorine in the world could be strong enough to clean i don't even know what could be in there i would just imagine a dead body on the other side of the pool every second you're a rebel and a half uh it's like that movie uh what lies beneath have you ever seen that i don't want to scared the shit out of me as a kid okay you best believe i still swim in that pool but after that i never opened my eyes underwater uh yeah that'll change it it's like oh i if as long as i don't open my eyes and see a dead body i'll swim next to to it. Cool. You're a little crazy girl.
Starting point is 00:07:47 Or swim in the deep end in fear of seeing the woman in the bottom of the pool. Or feeling like an arm grab your ankle and pull you down. Listen. Ugh. Allie. Yikes. Stay out of that fucking pool. Allie, don't go back there.
Starting point is 00:08:03 What is wrong with you? Literally never go back. No. All right. Doie, don't go back there. What is wrong with you? Literally never go back. No. All right. Do you have a story? I do. You were talking about Allie, so I got a story from Sally. No way.
Starting point is 00:08:12 I do. And she's Team Milkshake. That's all that matters. Sally says, hey, Em and Christine. I love that I'm always first. Keep that up, guys. I just discovered. Hey, that's rude.
Starting point is 00:08:21 I just discovered your podcast like two weeks ago, and I've already binged through everything i thank you uh it's my favorite podcast now i'm a college student in texas and i would listen to you guys while walking home at night bad idea no don't do that which was probably the worst idea ever oh so you agree with us did you know everyone is a murderer all of them it's crazy wait she's the best i was about to say everyone will kill you take your headphones out i'd be like turn around like look over your shoulder every now and then my hometown is san antonio and we have one of the most haunted hotels in america oh my it's called the emily morgan hotel and unfortunately i've never been there because money okay amen if you guys decide to cover it let me know and i'll go take some pictures for you
Starting point is 00:09:06 such a babe we're gonna be like spend all your money and go stay there she literally writes throw me some of that patreon money and i'll even stay the night just that you're just kidding unless you're down she's like kidding but not she's like i'm kidding but i'm not kidding but also i want a free haunted hotel room and it's like hi girl me too let's have a slumber party there oh my god let's do it can you imagine if instead of going on live tours we just went on live sleepovers to haunted hotels and everyone just rented a room in the floor listen someone had that idea on facebook and we were trying to coordinate it in la oh my gosh we're working on it the only thing that scares me is of course one person that comes might be a murderer yep everyone's gonna be joking and be like ha ha ha i'm not a murderer and i'll be like oh my god i
Starting point is 00:09:49 don't believe you but then we can play like clue and be like who killed who with a rope in the dining room okay you can be the dead one i'll play that game with everyone who killed christine in the ballroom with not me because i kept my door fucking locked so i was afraid of the murderer so it was colonel mustard uh it was colonel g anyway probably sally says my story is from my junior year of high school i was a pretty shy kid never really went to parties or anything but this girl that i was friends with uh who was a senior asked me to go to this party with her i had like a stupid massive crush on her so i was all yeah i love parties i party every day totally good times good times been there done that oh yeah oh yeah so we go to this party where i literally know no one but my friend uh but it's pretty chill
Starting point is 00:10:38 the house is on a sizable plot of land uh out of the city so we're sitting on this deck in the backyard i'm not even drinking because i'm too nervous parentheses if only i knew the confidence enhancing properties of alcohol at the time amen christine found them for you i found them way late but yeah i'm with you and there's probably five or six other people out on the deck with us there's this other girl lying in a hammock out in the middle of the yard probably like 20 feet away from us then all of a sudden she sits up and says hey guys come look at this there's something in the sky so we get up and walk out to the yard and look up at the dark sky and there's a big black triangle shape oh this is a fucking alien shut the fuck up against the night sky right above
Starting point is 00:11:18 us it's just pitch black it's so dark that the sky around it looks purple no we're just standing there looking up at it in silence for like 20 seconds. It doesn't even move at all. It's just a dark spot floating up there. By the way, the worst thing to do if you see a UFO is just stand directly under it and stare at it welcomingly. But what are you going to do otherwise? You run and hide. You put a tinfoil hat on.
Starting point is 00:11:40 Okay. Then the girl who had been in the hammock freaking cups her hands around her mouth and shouts up at it. We can see you. No, no, no, no, no. And I swear to God, it just zoomed away. And what the fuck? Silently, it just zooms away. And what the fuck?
Starting point is 00:11:57 Just one second, it was there. And then fast as fuck. I like how she said freaking cups her mouth and then fast as fuck. She freaking cups her mouth? said freaking cups her mouth and then fast as fuck. She freaking cups her mouth? She freaking cups her hands and then it's fast as fuck. It flies off. Sometimes freaking just has a better like tone to it. Well, the next thing she says is we were shooketh.
Starting point is 00:12:19 Wait, are you serious? Yeah. We were shooketh. I remember this so vividly because I was always into the X-Files and loved ghost stories and stuff like that. Fuck yeah. But as like entertainment, nothing has ever actually happened to me. And this was the first thing I had ever experienced. The craziest part is that since then, I've seen no less than three more unidentified things in the sky at night.
Starting point is 00:12:44 I've seen no less than three more unidentified things in the sky. No. I've even become super familiar to the ways planes and helicopters look at night because I'm so accustomed to seeing shit. No. Which is cool and I dig it now. Girl, don't get into that. No. You're going to get taken.
Starting point is 00:12:58 You're going to get probed. My friend and I were super quiet going home that night and we never talked about it after. I don't talk to her very much anymore, but sometimes I think about asking her about it. Don't want to seem crazy, though. I like how it's like, oh, I like this girl. I'm going to go to a party for her. Maybe I'll get a kiss out of it. Oh, then an alien showed up.
Starting point is 00:13:19 Maybe I'll get abducted and probed by aliens instead. But we also don't talk anymore. Anyways, thanks for reading. Can't wait to hear you guys next week. Sincerely, Sally Team Milkshake. Sally. also don't talk anymore anyways thanks for reading can't wait to hear you guys next week sincerely sally team milkshake sally sally stay at home next time this is why i don't go to parties sally stay inside close the blinds close them good wrap some tinfoil around your head here's the thing tell me they do say that people who see UFOs... Yeah? There's a certain type of person.
Starting point is 00:13:49 Okay. And they see them repeatedly. All right. And then no one else sees them. Oh, my. Isn't that interesting? Yes. I...
Starting point is 00:13:58 That would make sense, because I'm always, like, in a fascinated way, desperate to see a UFO, but I can't see them me too but i feel like i am just like the people who are desperate to see ghosts but can't see them same but i can see them and i'm like trust me you're not fucking missing anything right and that's probably how people who see ufos would say something i feel like i'd rather see ghosts than a you i don't know i don't know because with ghosts come demons with aliens come probing yeah like aliens don't just i feel like sometimes ghosts just pop in like granted there's the bad ones but there's ghosts that show up just to say hi and we miss you aliens if they show up it's
Starting point is 00:14:37 like you're fizzucked yeah they're never just there to be like hello you're like a material to be it's like congratulations you are now objectified very intimately you're a scientific scientific subject yes and no there really was like this interesting article i read that was like a certain type of person is sees ufos or experiences alien abductions numerous times throughout their lives. And other people just never do. It's like a very specific, I don't know like what differentiates those people, but people who see a UFO are bound to see them multiple times throughout their lives. And so, isn't that weird?
Starting point is 00:15:19 So part of me is like, I want to see a UFO. And then I'm like, but do I want to wake up in the middle of the night and feel like I'm being abducted and then wake up? know yeah yeah yeah it's it's probably a no-go on my end like i'm just gonna let sally take that one yeah sally it's all you girl it's all you okay so i have a story here from erin it says hey christine it's me again oh okay erin hi never mind i don't even need to be here hey erin it's me again. Oh, okay, Erin. Hi. Never mind. I don't even need to be here. Hey, Erin. It's me again.
Starting point is 00:15:50 Okay, so it says, I've listened to episode 24 and your story at the end about your missing retainer and your dad's calculator reminded me of another story I have about my spooky as shit life. Yes. This sounds like Clarissa explains it all. Like, my spooky as shit life. Okay, so it's Christine like clarissa explains it all like my spooky as shit life okay so it's christine and clarissa explains it all and i'm third wheeling on the email so got it i mean i don't know why you're surprised but it's fine one day about 13 years ago my dad came home from the shop with some car air fresheners and left them in the kitchen a few days later he
Starting point is 00:16:23 shouted up to me in my room asking where the second one had gone and if I had taken it. I had not. I said I'd probably just fell behind the counter because he was too lazy to put them into the car, in all capital letters, where they belong. Period. Period. Gotcha, gotcha, gotcha.
Starting point is 00:16:41 So it was just forgotten about and never spoken of again. Then, two years or so later, I was getting ready to move out of my house to go to university and was cleaning out my room. Parentheses. Remember the email I sent before about the millions of emails I've collected? I don't. I do. This also applied to birthday slash Christmas cards, carrier bags from stores I liked, and a load of other crap. So it took me some time to get through it all.
Starting point is 00:17:11 Anyway, I was going through a load of cards and came across ones from my 16th birthday. I was 19 at the time. I found one that said, to my lovely granddaughter on the front. My gran had died that same year she had sent it and inside she had said how proud she was of me but not only that when i opened it i found the air freshener yeesh oh no in a card that was sent to me three years previously no a year before the bloody air freshener was even bought. Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:17:46 Oh, my God. My whole, my back has goosebumps. Inside the card. My mom said she has never heard me scream so loud or so horribly. And I went running down the stairs and just threw it on the floor in front of them, completely speechless and as white as a ghost. No pun intended. We have never been able to understand how that thing got there, but I have still kept it to this day.
Starting point is 00:18:10 I think it was her way of saying she was still proud of me, and more so because I was going to uni. I was the first one on her side of the family to do so, and wanted to let me know. But why she chose the air freshener is anyone's guess. Make sure you smell good when you go off from home.
Starting point is 00:18:26 Sometimes it's okay to swipe shit if it's to make a point. Thanks for reading. Keep up the massive work of spooking me on slow days at work when all I do is binge listen. Erin. Thank you, Erin. Isn't that creepy?
Starting point is 00:18:43 My elbows are shivering. I have one from a Twitter handle of at Abby underscore knows it all. Oh, okay. Let's see how much she knows. Apparently, all of it. She knows it all. She says, Hi there. I have a brief little happy weird.
Starting point is 00:19:02 That's a lot of descriptions. I have a brief little happy weird story that you might be interested in. I am intrigued. We'll be the judge of that. Okay, so we are testing this story on brief, little, happy, and weird. Okay. When I was a little girl, my mother worked for a company owned by a man with a very strict policy about personal phone use. We lived 45 minutes away, so she would call and let the phone ring once to signify she
Starting point is 00:19:27 was on her way home. For over a decade, five or six days a week, a single phone ring told us that my mom was coming. Oh. My mother died of cancer on March 2nd, 2005 at exactly 1 p.m. and I was 17. Oh. For the next several years, on my birthday, Christmas, and March 2nd, the day that she died,
Starting point is 00:19:48 my cell phone would ring once at 1pm. Even if it was on silent, the caller ID was read as unknown caller. The last time my phone rang was March 2nd, 2010. Six months later, I met my partner, Tom, and the phone hasn't done that since. I think she likes him. Oh my god. Wow them oh my god wow oh my god okay so that was brief little happy and weird and you did a great job wow you fulfilled all our expectations
Starting point is 00:20:13 that was a good one that was that was a good one sad one sweet one all all the other descriptive words you didn't use if i were simon cowell i would be speechless that says a lot but i'm not so i'm just gonna talk about it oh that's amazing that's amazing i wonder if after like four or five years if they just sat there at 12 59 and wanted to see if like on command if it would happen if they were like in a meeting like oh man i gotta go to the bathroom yeah mom's gonna call i wonder if she i mean i know she wouldn't answer but if you picked up if anything would happen i don't know but that's really sweet that really is thank you abby thanks abby okay we got one last one one last one so this one's
Starting point is 00:20:56 called funny not so ghosty story wonderful i wanted to end on on a on a positive note oh you always do on a true crime i never self-deprecating paranormal podcast i never do but i'm trying real hard today okay hi christine and m this is from nicole hi nicole hi christine and m my apologies for sending an email explaining the random feat oh i guess that that happened the day after i worked up oh The day after I worked up the courage to send the email, I listened to the episode where you read out the same explanation. Face palm. Oh, about like feet washing up. Oh, okay. Well, I guess apology except to Nicole.
Starting point is 00:21:38 But also, you keep throwing disembodied feet in my face. So really, you're kind of asking for me to hate you. Nicole, we're never going to forgive you. Never, never not once that's why we're reading your story on air just kidding no it was because we got those emails that we were like let's actually discuss what everyone is telling us right right right is the real reason all right nicole give us a good one okay anyways i have a story that i think you might like when i was in sixth grade my school let out early on wednesday both of my parents worked but i was able to get a ride home from school and stay home alone for a few hours this was the first time i was really allowed to be home by myself
Starting point is 00:22:14 one day i was upstairs and distinctly heard footsteps coming from downstairs i grabbed the landline phone and locked myself in the bathroom crying i knew i did not imagine hearing the footsteps and i was absolutely terrified i called my parents and my dad came home to check it out since i was so freaked out he came and rescued me from the bathroom and walked around the house finding nothing we were upstairs after the investigation and heard the footsteps again i could see my dad was alarmed because I did not imagine the noises like he was probably thinking at that point. We went downstairs together to find the source of the noise.
Starting point is 00:22:51 My dog, who was still a puppy at the time, had gotten a new bone. It was too big to fit in his mouth, so he kept picking up and dropping the bone over and over, making a noise that sounded exactly like footsteps oh so here i am the biggest wimp ever because i was afraid of an excited little puppy cancer took him too soon but i bet he would love geo oh thanks for the podcast it keeps me parentheses in sane at work x XOXO, Nicole. And here's a picture of the little pup.
Starting point is 00:23:28 Oh, sweet baby. Oh, itty bitty baby. I know I said I was going to end on a happy note, but the dog passed away. Why do I do this? But also, that's adorable. I know. It was picking up the bone and dropping it. He was so tiny that the bone was so big,
Starting point is 00:23:44 he couldn't even fit in his mouth like footsteps oh itty bitty baby oh anyway that story just really got me good tugged my heartstrings got me going oh what a little babe oh thank you nicole thanks nicole anyway thanks guys don't you have to read everyone's names now yeah i was still gonna say thank you okay sorry i didn't know i mean listen not anyone want to like thank everyone it's fine thank you guys so much for sending us so many stories when we did our first episode we didn't have really any stories at all to go off of and now we just have so many so we could if we wanted we could do this every week and not get through everything so we're very appreciative yeah um we hope you liked your 10th episode i
Starting point is 00:24:34 can't believe it's been 10 wow that's amazing anyway so thank you thank you thank you and now we would like to go through the many many many patreon donators who donors whatever the patreon people who love us and support us because we love you and support you in all your endeavors it means the world to us that you donate and help us and make this possible and help us with merch and with shipping and with anything anything at all i mean one day if we ever get to go on tour somehow this money's gonna absolutely have to go to that so thank you for helping us build a savings so that one day we can meet you guys hell yeah do great things and give you a little presence along the way and it's just you you have no idea how much you're saving us so and we have some fun ideas coming for you too so per usual per usual
Starting point is 00:25:30 all right let's get started so let's start with the 25 donors oh my favorites uh thank you to orion grace lauren ashley jonathan samantha hannah antonia chloe erin olivia allison abigail tristan Lauren, Ashley, Jonathan, Samantha, Hannah, Antonia, Chloe, Erin, Olivia, Allison, Abigail, Tristan, Taisha, Jamie, Drea, Desiree, Mio, Priscilla, Amanda, Blaze, aww, Mrs. Mr. Christine, Mr. Christine, Tessa, Eric, Jennifer, Lisa, and that's all of our 25s. We love you guys. We have some fun things coming for you next month. All right. Get ready.
Starting point is 00:26:12 Get settled. So now we're on to Team Geo. Thank you to Emily, Kevin, Karen, Katie, Dana, Andrew, Michelle, John, Rebecca, Leah, Jesse Lee, Callie, Jessica, Claire, Maddie, Joshua, Amy, Hillary, Viviana, Erin, Heather, Julia, Noel, David, Diane, Mazzy, Morgan, Camilla, Amanda, Catherine, Sarah, Leslie, Taylor, Taylor, Jesus. Sorry, Taylor. amanda katherine sarah leslie taylor taylor jesus sorry taylor lb kylie amy yanelli caitlin katherine stephanie nicole katie rachel kaylee katherine sydney lexi david katrina jessica shelby becca hillary maxi christina steph aida i think aida yeah aida jocelyn sarah sarah oh oh hey whoa sarah sarah sarah again oh my god we got a triple threat whoa sarah sarah sarah three sarahs in a row. Is this me? Yeah. Elena.
Starting point is 00:27:25 Erin. Lauren. Sarah again. Jeez. Lindsay. Steven. Nicolette. Winter.
Starting point is 00:27:31 Casey. Christine. Emily. Oh. Ah! I think we did that last time, too. I think we'll always be excited. Teresa.
Starting point is 00:27:40 Sarah. Again. Wow. Sarah's one of us. Thanks, guys. Listen. Thanks to the Sarahs out there there caitlin lauren wendy samantha rose lauren aaron justin angela chloe kara caroline christy kelly steven erica tina
Starting point is 00:27:59 alexander and lisa courtney hayley nicole christina mia brielle jackie shannon tara adriana adriana allison lauren miranda jamie jenny lee rachel morgan kayla emily taylor libby carrie michelle Carrie, Michelle, Danielle, Brandy, Laura, Ashlyn, Dawn, Heather, Haley, Kit, Kaden, Nicole, Sarah again, Chelsea, Cherise, Catherine, Shannon, Rosalie, Becky, Jack, Laura, Jackie, Danielle, Ina. Ina. Oh, is it Ina? Yeah. Ina.
Starting point is 00:28:44 I was cooking in the kitchen with Ina. I don't know what that is, but. Someone's in the kitchen. Oh, yeah, yeah. I guess I do sort of know that. Ina. Velvet. Elena. Alex. Ashley. Gabby. Sydney. Carrie. Janie. Abby. Is that Janie? Janie. Janie. Abby. Is that Janie? Janie. Janie. I'm an idiot. Janie. Abby. Kay. Tracy. Kirsten. Tammy. Amanda. Lauren. Justin. Raeann. Nicole. Rachel. Jordan. Lisa. Rochelle. Allison. Colin. Erica. Tanya. Again. Shannon Emma Mary Callie Alexa Rocco Erin Crystal
Starting point is 00:29:49 Tammy Molly Kirby Anna Wendy Chelsea Michelle Theron
Starting point is 00:29:56 Jessica Jay Ciara Maddie Lindsay Mary Caroline Christy
Starting point is 00:30:03 Brittany Caleb Andrea Erin Michelle Jordan Amber Ashley Hunter Lindsey Mary Caroline Christy Brittany Caleb Andrea Erin Michelle Jordan Amber Ashley
Starting point is 00:30:09 Hunter Danny Hillary Elena Hunter Molly Casey Erica
Starting point is 00:30:15 Christine Karen Julia Martha Laura Dobby Jeffrey Kaya
Starting point is 00:30:22 Kia Kia Kia Jory Erin Tiana Ashton Linda Dobby. Jeffrey. Kaya. Kia. Kia. Kia. Jory. Erin. Tiana. Ashton. Linda.
Starting point is 00:30:29 Elise. Marisol. Rachel. Cece. Johnny. Renata. That's it. Holy shit.
Starting point is 00:30:37 Holy shit. We were laughing, guys, because we could not fucking believe how long this list is. Oh my god. It never ended. It's so... No, but it's like a good problem list is oh my god it's never ended it's so no but it's like a good problem to have perfect i we just we would have never guessed in a million years like that many people wow we were cracking up because we're like holy shit like we didn't even i didn't even look at christine she didn't even look at me but like i knew why she was laughing because i was
Starting point is 00:31:01 laughing for the same reason i was like jesus christ like i can't believe this many people are so supportive this many people oh my gosh that that was that's a while we haven't even that was just the 25 and 10s we haven't even gotten to the fives and twos we're on the fives and twos now oh my gosh whenever you're ready are we doing oh five right yeah fives are yep team sassy the club uh or uh team uh patio furniture exactly all right thank you vicky jody derrick giovanni laurie vanelise andrea leslie sarah benita sarah m oh and m okay another Sarah. How am I getting all these Sarahs? Justine. Stephanie. Camille. Courtney. Carly. Anita. Megan. Alyssa. Anjan. Jaden. Donald. Bella. Emma. Jordan. Tiffany. Kyra. Claire. Ricky. Hannah. Linda, Danielle, Brianna, Veronica, Catherine, Rebecca, Julie, Emily,
Starting point is 00:32:08 Emily, Shannon, Brett, Tara, Sarah, Josh, Stacy, Jocelyn, Megan, Becca, Terry, Megan, Paula, Trini, Xavier, Lori, Judith, Shamblefest, hey, megan kaylin ashley amber amanda leah sumit bear alissa justine vanessa kimberly melissa sydney alexandra morgan ollie alley oh alley sorry oh alley and alley yep okay two alleys in a row. Emma. Justin. Camille. Sarah again. Mariah. This is a lot of Sarahs. Mariah.
Starting point is 00:32:49 Stephanie. Kim. Dani. Brittany. Danielle. Jerry. Eric. Chelsea.
Starting point is 00:32:55 Coral. Wynema. Rebecca. Jennifer. Alex. Schieffer. Thank you once again for being last but not least. Thanks.
Starting point is 00:33:03 All right. So now we've got, what is this? Team. Okay. This is team milkshake. So this is. That's team wine. This is team milkshake.
Starting point is 00:33:11 Yeah, because I see my dad on there. Okay. So this is team wine. Okay. Ready, guys? I'm going to read team wine for you. Thank you, team wine. I love you.
Starting point is 00:33:20 And I'm having a drink to you. Cheers. Jim, Marissa, Jeremy, Maggie, Lisa, Chelsea, Rachel, Osgay, Stephanie, Jessica, I love you and I'm having a drink to you. Cheers. Lori, Ashley, Africa, Stephanie, Ashley, Kathleen, Meg, Tracy, Sahara, Emily, Julia, Marie, Nick, Zach, Grimm, Nikki, Heather, Jill, Andrea, Lynn, Nicolina, Brooke, Amanda, Katie, Jess, Shelby, Lauren, Adrienne, Lexus, Athens, Allison, Zoe, and Crystal. Oh my gosh. I got the most beautiful names in my list. That's rude to all the Sarahs. Why? I have beautiful names in my list. It's rude to all the Sarahs. Why? I have Sarahs in my list. Oh, I didn't know.
Starting point is 00:34:12 Thanks for like not paying attention to Team Wine. Look, it's all a blur. I just, I heard so many names. I was like, wow, I can't believe it. I'm just jealous that you have your father, Baronhard Schieffer. Shows who he likes more. Also, you have my girlfriend, so really that feels good. Alright, thank you so much Mr. Schieffer. Shows who he likes more. Also, you have my girlfriend, so really, that feels good. All right.
Starting point is 00:34:26 Thank you so much, Mr. Schieffer. We've never met. Thank you. This is team milkshake. Team milkshake. Thank you to my stepmom, Elizabeth. Thank you, Allison, Emily, Whitney, Lauren, Alexandra, Elizabeth. Elizabeth again.
Starting point is 00:34:39 Jamie, Bronwyn, Brittany, Angie, Rui, Michael, Kelly, Alex, Christy, Amanda, Kesha, Jessica, Bria, John Marie. Brie. What did I say? You said Bria. Oh. Jessica, Brie, John Marie, The, Bang Strain. The.
Starting point is 00:34:59 Oh, the first name is The. Aiel. How did we say that last time? Aiel. is the. Aiel. How did we say it last time? Aiel. Aiel. Sarah, Caroline, Laura, Bobby, Danny, Sam, Lisa, Carly, Shayla, Bonnie, Samantha, Bianca, Fiona, Lisa, Jessica, Andrea. Lots of names in a row that end with an A. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:18 Sue, Brandy, Lisa, Andrea, Kirkies from Workies, Patricia aaron emily jerry um derrick zach and then we have some special requests or some special thank yous as well so thank you so to julie brianna rebecca maddie nicole and jessica you guys all are so wow just i't even, I'm having an aneurysm over here. I'm so, so grateful. Call an ambulance. We're very, very, very, very, very thankful for what you guys do for us. So thank you so much. Listen, we can't do this podcast without all of those people we just said.
Starting point is 00:36:00 We can't do it at all. You really, I know the podcast to people who just listen to it might think it it comes out a lot easier than it does but there's a lot of behind the scenes stuff that you guys help with you have no idea and it's because of you guys that we're able to fund it and just thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you if your name is sarah you're probably funding like a sixth of the entire podcast thank you you to the Sarahs for quite a fraction. Just kidding. We really love all of you guys so much. Thank you for sharing. If you want to send your stories, send them in because we do this on the first of every month.
Starting point is 00:36:36 If you want to donate on Patreon, please do. You can find us on Patreon at ATWWDPodcast. And you can tell your friends to send us stories as well if you don't do it yourself. And that's why we drink at And also rate, review, subscribe on iTunes. That really helps us a lot to kind of gain traction on iTunes. So if you could do that, that'd be awesome. And word of mouth, if you hear anyone say that they're even remotely interested in the Thought of Starting podcast, just shove our name right down their throats.
Starting point is 00:37:08 Just grab them by the ears and yell in their face. Just shake them loud until they subscribe. Just hit them in the face. Thanks, guys. Thank you. We love you, and that's why we drink. And that's why we drink. Cheers.
Starting point is 00:37:22 That was good. God, I'm so talented

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