And That's Why We Drink - Listener Stories: Vol. 12

Episode Date: February 1, 2018

Thank you guys for one whole year of great listener stories! We can hardly believe it. Tune in for some of our creepiest tales yet, featuring an unsolved murder, a tall ghostly man, and more. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I'll tell you I woke up at 3 15 exactly this morning and felt like I was being stared at no yeah in your house or at Allison's in my house oh my god oh my god but Allison was next to me but oh she was staring at you i felt like someone was staring at me and then it was else and then it was my girlfriend staring at me oh no i i woke up and i like really had to pee so i went to the bathroom went to the bathroom the whole time i felt like i was being followed to the bathroom so i stayed in the bathroom i closed the door and it was also three in the morning and it was like you don't want to turn on lights because like because like your eyes hurt oh yeah you don't
Starting point is 00:00:47 want to like turn on the lights and then I was just sitting on the toilet and I was like on my phone just on Twitter just to like I was thinking if I sat there long enough then the the feeling would go away and that's how I found out that you uploaded the episode on time so and at 3 a.m. I was like oh well it's up that's convenient because i was just telling em i got home at 1 30 from two parties and apparently uploaded the episode at 1 30 in the morning and this morning i woke up thinking oh shit i never uploaded it and went online and there it was and i had done all the i wrote a buy i wrote a little thing i credited our sponsors and i was like and as m said drunk you is really productive and you know as a from where you were a year ago what you told me was very
Starting point is 00:01:32 she she if you had two parties back to back one a house full of doctors and like premium alcohol at a karaoke bar no less and then you went to a party like next door with your friend who works at nickelodeon so i mean i mean you've got quite the la door with your friend who works at Nickelodeon. So, I mean, you've got quite the LA life going. The one who works for Nickelodeon, it was a group of us who are kind of all wannabe writers. And we played Quiplash on the TV. So it wasn't like. You know, for the people at home, let's pretend that you actually were there and got signed on by an exec.
Starting point is 00:02:04 That's the thing. Yeah. You were just like batting offers away with a stick. that you actually were there and got signed on by an exec. That's the thing. You were just batting offers away with a stick. It's almost like how many movies do you think I can star in in one year, guys? I know. You need to just stop being so aggressive trying to represent me. There's only so much you can do. There's only so much I can do.
Starting point is 00:02:24 And most of the time... You're holding wine, so how could you even do half the things I need you to one hand i've got one hand to do things but somehow i'm still productive enough to uh post the episode so anyway this is listener stories number a million eight thousand i have no idea also this should be number 12 oh my god our year anniversary we're so annoying we're like every time there's any sort of we're like the year where we discussed or the anniversary of discussing the podcast it's like when we had our first birthday together and we started celebrating our june 3rd and june 4th birthdays on may 25th yeah we had a sleepover and cake every day until our actual birthday and then on our birthday we
Starting point is 00:03:06 recorded an episode just about our birthday and it was a whole thing um very extra thanks for being on board with us yeah yeah thanks for that um this is number 12 it's our 12 oh my god it's our yearly i don't know how to it's our our first our annual our annual i don't know it's hard right it's been a year we have some great stories for you from you yes don't we what do you want to read what do you want to read or me oh i'd like to read a listener's story if you don't mind wait really okay i thought we were going to read the Bible, but if you want to read it. We've done enough of that, I think. Okay, so I want you to read this one.
Starting point is 00:03:50 Okay. So this one is from Erin. Erin says, hello, and we say hello back. First of all, I really enjoyed listening to your podcast. I like a good murder story, but here lately I am fascinated with spooky ghost stories. You're welcome. Amen. story but i but here lately i am fascinated with spooky ghost stories you're welcome amen although as a mom of three young girls i'm 100 team wine once i got those little boogers i mean sweet
Starting point is 00:04:12 angels to bed i recently shared my spooky story on a facebook page dedicated to the paranormal so maybe you won't be able to share it on here that's not true invite me to that page immediately not sure how all that works. We don't know either. We just pretend. Welcome, Erin. Either way, it still gives me goosebumps when I think about it, so I thought I'd share it for you and Em.
Starting point is 00:04:32 One summer between my college freshman and sophomore year, I worked at a summer camp in Lake Cumberland, Kentucky. One night, I woke myself up by saying, Oh, I'm sorry. I thought back, why would I have said that, and realized I had been dreaming that two men had been whispering a conversation in my room it was dark so i can only see their silhouettes but when i woke up i had interrupted them and that's why i apologized kind so such a
Starting point is 00:04:56 midwest thing i was about to brush it off weird dream but just that a dream then a few seconds later my roommate said oh i'm sorry oh my god i sat up and asked her why she said that and she explained still have a sleep but she interrupted the two men talking then she immediately fell back asleep and you're left alone awake what the fuck side note we had a motion activated light up toy that we sold in the gift shop that had somehow ended up on our dresser whenever we walked past it or closed the drawer it would flash like crazy when i laid frozen with fear in my bed and my roommate was thoroughly out cold sleeping the toy started flashing as if someone had just activated it i don't think i slept another wink that night i would not either no the next morning i told her about my dream and we could both describe the
Starting point is 00:05:40 exact same scene too dark to make anything out but the silhouette one tall ball or a very short haired man one shorter man with curly hair i don't know much about the history of the area but i know a lot of little weird things happened while at camp like lights and music from the rec center turning on late at night the equipment was all locked in a tiny closet and i was the key holder and this dream was the spookiest thing in my opinion maybe a good place to look into i thank you thanks so much and keep up the good work thanks aaron just the thought of like that's fucking creepy if you're like oh it's just a dream and then your sleeping friend says these oh yeah and it's like oh the two men talking i gives me giving me chills oh yeah for sure i don't even know what i would do
Starting point is 00:06:25 especially oh i'm sorry hearing that from across the room after yeah i know i have goosebumps right now me too and then she's like okay chill out and then the fucking light toy goes on okay it's like it's like it wants you to know i'm pretty sure i would assume this was my death i'd be like this is where i go you know be weird as if she didn't wake up and realize it but there was still like some sort of recording of both of them sleeping and at each at a time saying oh i'm sorry back and forth that'd be kind of cool then it would sound like they were having a conversation with each other yeah a really apologetic oh such a polite like a conversation and canadian conversation yeah oh fun stuff we love you canada thank you aaron thank
Starting point is 00:07:06 you aaron woof that is creepy she actually emailed us today saying hey just checking in like want to say how proud i am of you guys blah blah and uh i was like oh and i looked up and i was like oh my god i've had this story saved for so long we need to read it so she has psychic timing oh so this one has a fun subject it says murder in my driveway nice and it doesn't have a name so we'll look at my response there might be a name nope you said hey there oh yes i just say it's from anonymous it's from gl something or other i don't want to say your email on the podcast, but it's GL something. So thank you. So let me read this.
Starting point is 00:07:52 Murder in my driveway. So let me give you the gist of the setting. Oh. All right. Right into it. Yes. I love it. I love it.
Starting point is 00:07:59 We like it. I love emails like that. But also I like compliments. So it's kind of hard to. It's good to have a balance. Sure. I grew up on two and a half acres with a double wide mobile home on it in very rural country. The closest neighbors were the distance of a football field away.
Starting point is 00:08:14 The second closest were three quarters of a mile away. Linda and Matt, along with their 30-year-old son, whom we all called Jack, lived together on the property three quarter mile away. Jack also had a wife and two kids he allegedly beat his wife and forced his son to work out so much and eat such a strict diet that the son became insulin resistant and later developed what is essentially type 1 diabetes oh my whoa true crime in the making seriously woof um his wife eventually leaves him okay good and takes his son and young daughter with her fabulous my dad's stepmom brother sister and i are all in alaska now but my dad owns a house
Starting point is 00:08:53 in california and he was leasing it out to the neighbors a football field away because she's like you know there's the one the football field yeah it sounds like a like an algebra problem like yeah how many someone is five miles away and someone is 10 and three quarters miles away if you go here and here if you have a three foot stride how many oh my god it's like my actual nightmare um and he was leasing it out to the neighbors of football field away to do what they pleased on it well what they pleased oh boy well what they pleased was to grow hordes of marijuana oh me too okay about three months ago linda was getting exceedingly impatient with jack for basically being a freeloader she was tired of
Starting point is 00:09:31 taking care of her 30 year old son as if he was 15 so he finally gets up in the pouring rain one night after a fight between the two and grabs his chainsaw oh my saying fine i'll go make some money i'll be back soon oh no that sounds like a movie yes yes trademark and he storms off she later called us and told my stepmom about the fight in a gossiping manner as friends do but later that night jack didn't come home no one thought twice about it because he was known for not sticking to his word and staying out late with a chainsaw i added added that part. Yep. The next day at around 5 a.m. I get a call from my uncle who's still in California wanting to talk to my dad. Apparently the police were questioning everyone around about a murder that took place in the driveway of my childhood home.
Starting point is 00:10:18 Oh no. All my uncle told us is that someone was found dead in a car with multiple bullet wounds in his torso and the man had bled to death he had wanted to give us a heads up in case we were called we were very worried that the man had been killed by jack jack had been doing and dealing drugs and running with a bad crowd so it wasn't a far stretch to comprehend going from a drug dealer to a hit man wasn't uncommon in this town later that night we get a a call from Linda telling us that Jack had been the one shot and killed. And she believed it was because he had cut down multiple marijuana plants and was in the process of stealing them from the neighbors leasing my dad's property, hence the chainsaw. Oh, to go make money.
Starting point is 00:10:57 Yes. I thought he was going to be a hitman. I thought he was going to go slice someone up. Me too. The murder has not been found. Oh, my God. And the motive has not been determined completely because there could be many. The only lead they currently have is the stolen marijuana plants in his trunk and the bullets extracted from his chest. Now I can't even imagine how Linda feels. Her last interaction with her son was an argument about him being a freeloader. Oh, that's rough that's
Starting point is 00:11:26 really sad that's rough wow you guys are awesome and i hope you feature this in a podcast okay we will we like to realize people's hopes and dreams yes have an amazing day you too thanks hopefully you don't get shot in the torso a million times that really upsets me i'm also confused about how like who would have shot someone over a bunch of pot because upsets me i'm also confused about how like who would have shot someone over a bunch of pot because in my mind i think of like a stoner who doesn't want to do anything well because i guess if you're an industry yeah just because you grow it doesn't mean you're a stoner that's true like typically people who are growing that much are selling it yeah yeah yeah so it's like money that's a good point he's stealing i know a lot about the drug industry yeah i was gonna say you're wow okay la's done a number on your uh you watch high
Starting point is 00:12:09 maintenance don't you i fucking love high maintenance there you go that's a great show guys hbo check it out was a web series um okie dokie i guess it's your turn yes this is fun this is a good time i always feel like we're getting like presents, like fun stories. Oh yeah, for sure. Oh my gosh. Now that I have a fireplace, we could do like a campfire. Stop it. In my living room.
Starting point is 00:12:32 You know what that does to me. Okay. So this is from Crystal. Hey, Crystal. Crystal says, boy, oh boy, do I have a spooky story for you. Oh, boy, oh boy, I'm ready. Considering this is something that happened to my family, and I'm fairly certain none of them even know what a podcast is, I'm pretty secure in knowing you won't have read this story before. Good disclaimer.
Starting point is 00:12:56 You don't know me. Also, we would probably just read it again. That's fine. Ghosts have been a part of my family for as long as i can remember the first experience i remember was after my grandfather died and at 3 a.m every night the doors leading to mine and my siblings bedrooms would open and close like someone was checking in on us whoa and my mom and my mom heard it one night and saw a figure who looked similar to my grandfather so that's kind of sweet that's very sweet what are you talking about but not so sweet oh all happened at the last house i lived in with my family the house was next level haunted all of us my mom brother my two sisters and myself
Starting point is 00:13:31 all saw a ghost or a figure in our rooms at one point or another i was usually just a it was usually just a black figure but one of my sisters has an affinity for ghosts and saw a full-bodied elderly woman sitting at her desk just staring at her in bed the creepy i'm sorry i'll say it again the creepiest thing is when they're looking at like they acknowledge your existence yeah it'd be one thing if they were like reenacting something that they did in their time and it's almost like two times are combined what do they call that um oh i don't know fuck everyone's gonna yell at me i'll think about it. Okay, go on. So anyway, she saw this old woman.
Starting point is 00:14:09 This old woman staring at her. Oh, great. Fabulous. My sister was 12 when this happened, and she refused to go back into her room for a solid month. Don't blame you. Things started to escalate when we'd be watching TV, and suddenly the DVD player was turned on, and the channel was changed, and the only way to turn it back was to unplug the TV from the wall. Once during summer, the window in the laundry fogged up
Starting point is 00:14:29 and help was written at the top of the window and it was too high for any of my siblings or my mom to have done. Oh my God. We used to hear footsteps walking around upstairs, banging in the roof. Doors would slam shut when you were home alone. The bathroom door would fly open
Starting point is 00:14:43 while you were in the shower, but only when nobody else was in the house. Oh my God. That's my nightmare. If you ever had headphones in, all you would hear would be someone saying your name repeatedly. What? Things would constantly be moved or just go missing and turn up months later.
Starting point is 00:14:57 It was insane. We ended up calling someone to cleanse the house, and she came with a whole team and spent four and a half hours cleansing the property. Apparently we had a portal in the backyard, which she said was the main reason for the majority of the activity. Oh my God. I took my siblings out during all this because my mom didn't really want them at home. And the freakiest thing to happen was when I came home while they were still cleaning the lady running it, the lady running it immediately looked towards the driveway. As i was turning onto the street looked to my mom and said is that your daughter she has a presence in the car
Starting point is 00:15:29 and she cleansed and saged my car because she felt like there was an evil presence oh my god things settled for a few months and then stuff started happening again and as it did we got a message from her and she said i have a bad feeling is it happening again whoa who's this lady i want to talk to her long story short we don't live there anymore this is probably way too long i have a million stories about ghosts in my family but i thought these would be the most interesting or relevant much love from melbourne melbourne australia i got from crystal i just got totally total chills about the car there's someone in the car with i mean that's like beyond yeah there's an entity in the car with you oh my god and you don't even
Starting point is 00:16:12 know the thought also if you are driving your brother and your two sisters that means there's four out of five seats filled so you know exactly where he was sitting and it was in that weird middle spot like stuck between two people he's probably leaning forward like maybe he had bitch seat like he was just like kind of crunched in the corner oh what a loser anyway thank you crystal thank you crystal that was great and also so fucking creepy okay uh this one is from jen hi jen subject got a story for you. All right. That's what we want. I believe you. M, Christine, and Gio. Yes, Gio's here. What a very official way to start this.
Starting point is 00:16:51 Hello, hello. I'm so excited to be writing in. My friend told me about your podcast maybe two weeks ago, and I'm on episode 31 already. Yeah, baby. All righty. I like to listen to you when I'm doing mindless tasks for my job slash school. Currently, I'm a psychology grad student in El Paso, Texas, so I have lots of opportunities to do so.
Starting point is 00:17:10 FYI, that's why I drink. I'm poor and living in the desert. LOL. All right. So many reasons to drink, but I do have a wonderful dog and husband. Okay. I'm somewhat recently married. Congratulations.
Starting point is 00:17:23 Christine, I hope you're having so much fun planning your wedding. I hope it's everything you want it to be. Well, since I'm your recently married. Congratulations, Christine. I hope you're having so much fun planning your wedding. I hope it's everything you want it to be. Well, since I'm your minister, it is. I was like, listen, there's one box to check and it's been checked. Thank you. That's very, very sweet, Jen. Um, it's been, it's all been pretty good so far. We'll see when the day finally arrives, it'll go by so quickly. Enjoy every moment. That's very sweet. when the day finally arrives it'll go by so quickly enjoy every moment that's very sweet so i have a true crime story for y'all this robbery slash torture slash murder story oh my comes from my hometown of troy illinois it's a small town in southern illinois on the saint louis metro in the saint louis metro area the crime took place on february 8th 1990 at this
Starting point is 00:18:01 time i was less than a month old but my dad was a police officer in the town he was working when all this went down i'm describing the story as the police learned the information lloyd wayne hampton was arrested at a truck stop in troy for driving a stolen vehicle the car of roy jasper pendleton the police learned that roy was staying at a hotel in town apparently roy made the hotel his home after the death of his wife. Side note, this hotel was and still is a shithole.
Starting point is 00:18:29 Yay. The police went to the hotel to notify Roy that they had his vehicle. This is when they found his body. Oh boy. Roy's body was found hogtied with a dog leash.
Starting point is 00:18:39 Oh no. His mouth was shaped, his mouth was taped shut and his eyelids were burned with cigarettes oh you know how we don't like torture i don't like torture guys blinking hurts right now now my eyes hurt we're empaths guys don't do this don't do it uh beep boop up oh you were at the eyelids with the cigarettes in case you forgot where you were sorry i blacked out okay his body was slashed with the chef's knife and he was finally killed by
Starting point is 00:19:12 oh so all this happened before he died oh no oh no he was finally killed by being stabbed in the neck the knife was left protruding from his body can you imagine being an officer and coming upon that scene oh my god just like the reason a million why i'm not a police officer i mean i'm just i couldn't handle it the only reason really it's like i don't know every morning you wake up and like what the fuck am i gonna see today you're like qualified on every other front just you don't want to see the burned eyelids that's it um police later learned that the day before lloyd's arrest he had knocked on roy's door asking if he could use the bathroom no say no bitch no it's my bathroom it's my hotel room roy let him in oh well mistake one and that was when he robbed roy at knife point and started attacking him
Starting point is 00:20:06 well yeah wait so he just started fucking torturing him because he wanted his money like he could have robbed him like i would have been like take my wallet and get the fuck away from me i mean maybe i mean he was then probably not right it sounds like there's some sort of vendetta or something like yeah he clearly did not want the money you don't you clearly have the money and want more yeah i mean once you hogtie someone you're pretty good to go you don't need to like exactly no one's no you're not gonna get caught you're fine you don't need like uh maybe he was one of those horrible people who's like no maybe he was like um one of those people who was afraid of like witnesses or like as soon as he got out of the hogtie he would like go yeah but then you can just shoot him you don't need to like torture
Starting point is 00:20:46 him for there it's so weird i mean it's so horrible no matter oh it's awful yeah um yeah well okay here we go after lloyd was in custody he said that he murdered roy because he didn't want to get caught which like okay i feel like you're leaving so much more evidence if you're like such a specific way to kill someone cigarettes and you're using a knife and leaving the knife there like there's other ways okay he reportedly said my problem is always has been i don't give a damn okay so maybe it's a sociopath yes i think there's an issue at some point during all of this my dad was interviewed by press and described lloyd as quote cool as a cucumber showing no remorse okay
Starting point is 00:21:26 lloyd was most definitely convicted and sentenced to death by lethal injection good his last meal was coca-cola and unfiltered camel cigarettes ew so they let you smoke but they don't let you drink see that's that's another thing that i don't like about that that is an affront yeah by the justice system yes this has been one of the few murders in troy during my lifetime i'm sure it's one of those cases that will always stay with my dad uh yes thank yes i believe it and i hope he is doing okay in therapy in therapy i wonder you gotta everyone needs there everyone does yeah yes every i agree i just agree that's my lesson for the day every person on earth needs therapy somehow wait do therapists get therapists yeah really yeah therapists need therapists they have to be
Starting point is 00:22:17 like listen to what i had to deal with at work listen to this crazy person who came into the office yeah yeah anyway for some reason when i hear stories like this i always think of the first responders who have to experience this horrible scene well yeah for sure me too i could never do that job but i'm so thankful for those who do truly yes truly someone has to do it and i couldn't hack it and nope a lot of people couldn't anyway i'm really enjoying your podcast it's making my days in grad school much more tolerable side note i share an office with two other grad students when i bust out laughing as i quite often do they look at me like i'm crazy you know what
Starting point is 00:22:54 maybe they're not your friends yet but one time i had a friend in grad school that i wasn't close with and then after we graduated we started podcasts together and then i met her college roommate and now i'm dating the crap out of her what was her name her name was christine oh oh romantic comedy trademark uh keep being awesome awesome and stay thirsty also i just see that m responded and it says hey hey Jen, what the fuck? And then instead of so, it says soon. So it says, this is soon scary. Oh shit. Whoops. That is autocorrect on my computer.
Starting point is 00:23:32 I love how, okay. If you get an email from ATWWD, it's M. Just saying. I'm trying to make it like both of us are involved. I know, but sometimes like I read the one where you're like, M loves this company. M loves. I was, the surprise, like, I read the one where you're like, M loves this company. M loves... I was...
Starting point is 00:23:45 The surprise, the mystery is what lies within. I'm sorry. Fair. No, don't be sorry. I just think it's funny. Okay. This one is from Sunny. Sunny.
Starting point is 00:23:58 Sunny says... Oh, first of all, Sunny wants a shout out. Because it says, sorry if my Gmail freaks you out, which it does not. What is it? It's not freaking out. Oh, say, oh, I can't say it. Let's just say that the email is it's
Starting point is 00:24:15 it's interesting like Lucifer might be involved. Okay, so sorry if my Gmail freaks you out. It does. It's Lucifer at Gmail, guys guys by the way it's not now lucifer gmail is gonna get lucifer's gonna get pissed can you imagine if you got lucifer at that'd be pretty cool let's check if it's available trademark okay that'll be geo's like pen pal email oh my god have fun sorry if my gmail fre you out. It's marketing for my future as an artist. Cough, cough.
Starting point is 00:24:45 At M-O-S-U-N-I-E on Instagram. So here's a story. My mother grew up in a gloomy village sort of area in Columbia, South America. Me too. I'm sorry. She was raised Catholic. Me too.
Starting point is 00:25:04 There it is. Oh, took me a minute. She was raised catholic me too and there it is oh took me a minute she was raised catholic and never believed in readings or the supernatural wrong me not neither of us no during that time she was young and aspired to move to the usa congratulations oh oh thought we were doing that again she told me that she didn't know what her future had in store at the time well one day she was walking to work and this lady came up to her. She was over middle age and kept staring at my mom. She didn't know the lady, but asked what she wanted politely. I said, what the fuck do you want?
Starting point is 00:25:33 As in? I don't know. I'm just making a voice. As in a Catholic would be like. Bless your heart. Hi, can I help you? Yes. So she didn't know the lady, but asked what she wanted politely.
Starting point is 00:25:42 The lady then asked my mother if she wanted a reading. My mother declined, saying she didn't have the money to pay the lady. Plus, she didn't know the lady but asked what she wanted politely the lady then asked my mother if she wanted a reading my mother declined saying she didn't have the money to pay the lady plus she didn't believe rude i'm sorry i just think it's rude if someone's like do you want to do a reading and you're like well i don't believe but at the same time they're like literally approaching you on the street okay that's fair so it's like no i don't i would just have omitted that part i would just be like oh i don't have the money sorry if someone had said that to me i'd probably be like no i don't believe in that shit or something really yeah because then otherwise if you're like i don't have the money they might be like oh it's really cheap don't worry like i don't know i guess that's
Starting point is 00:26:17 a good point i guess i have to shut them down okay then i'm not gonna judge you on the lady said it was okay and that she wanted to read her future anyways my mother said fine listen to what the lady had to say first to show that she was the real deal she told my mother that she had a lunar which is another word for a mole but not the bulging ones more like the cute ones oh all right wait pause a lunar a mole like those raised black dots oh i was thinking like lunar like the moon so i'm like she has a moon she was throwing me off okay so she has wait she has like it looks like a mole but it's not raised okay i have a lot of those okay so they're called lunars so i'm i thought they were called birthmarks me too but i'm psychic what what's happening i wasn't done with the sentence sorry uh she told my mother
Starting point is 00:27:01 that she had a lunar in between her big toe and her other toe. All right. Oh, I thought you meant, no, I don't. Was that like her insult to like the woman asking to do a rating?
Starting point is 00:27:14 I know. No, no. I thought this woman was like, listen, I'm legit. I have a mullet between my toes. And I was like,
Starting point is 00:27:22 guys, I'm the real deal. Look at my mullet. I didn't get it. Okay. So she was saying, Oh, I know about your guys i'm the real deal look at my mullet i didn't get it okay so she was saying oh i know about i'm the i'm the real deal like here's proof you have a lunar in between your big toe and your other toe i'm a dumbass i really was like i don't understand how that equates to anything but apparently i'm pretty damn psychic if that's the case right yeah so much for your psychic abilities it's gone it disappeared as quickly as it arrived yes
Starting point is 00:27:46 she then said that um so i guess i like got the mom's attention then the woman said that she will become a widow and lose two children why would you tell somebody that but then she would travel far and marry a rich man who would be her final husband who also lost a spouse and child what the fuck and if you marry him you will have two children back my mother was very skeptical but thanked her later on she knows she thanked her i'd be like fuck you well she's she's a nice catholic woman sure sure later on she noticed that she did have a mole in the exact place but that it was probably just a lucky guess from the lady later on she would get married and become pregnant with twins but sadly she had a miscarriage and her husband soon followed after by dying of
Starting point is 00:28:31 cancer she then worked enough on her own to move to the u.s and became a maid for a rich man who also lost a child with his first wife because of a miscarriage and also later lost his wife. Jeez. Though he still had a daughter at the time who was alive. My mother married him and considered this daughter pretty much her own. Though they were married, she never thought she could have another baby after the original loss, but lo and behold, she had me. I always thought the story was sad but fascinating, yet I was always left wondering if that was really the end. She never really seemed to tell was always left wondering if that was really the end. She never really seemed to tell the full story
Starting point is 00:29:07 as if there was something else the lady had said but would never tell me. So she was the second baby then, so she ended up getting her two kids back. Wow. Anyways, Team Milkshake, which is why I picked this story. And sorry if I bummed you guys out. Oh, that's amazing. What was the name? Sunny. Sunny.
Starting point is 00:29:25 Sunny. Was it a boy or girl? I'm going to guess a girl. Okay. Thanks, Sunny. That was wonderful and sad and fascinating. But also very cool. Very cool.
Starting point is 00:29:35 I mean, she called everything. That's interesting. What she said about I always felt like there was something like there wasn't the full story because this is so weird I rarely think about this but my mom had all these tape like when I was little I would make like radio cassette tapes yeah that hopefully are burned by now but uh we had like a case with all the tapes in it and I would look through and sometimes I'd play them and once I found one and I heard my mom on it and I guess she had taped like a conversation with a psychic that she used to go to and this is something that she had never told me and still would never mention oh wow and I was like mom what's this and she was like don't listen to that and blah blah
Starting point is 00:30:19 blah and then she's like super weird about it won Won't tell me. Did you ever listen to it? No. Cause she like took, I was like really little. So she like took it and she told me like, please, like I respect your privacy. Please don't listen to this. And I was like, okay. So I never did. But like she hides those tapes. Like there, there's something on there.
Starting point is 00:30:39 I'm not allowed to hear it. And maybe now that I'm older, it's different. But, um, you should ask her. I, I, I've tried and she's always like yeah it's all bullshit and i'm like okay but then why are you so weird about it yeah and then and why were you seeing her so regularly and then the one she did say at one point like well she was bullshit she told me that like you were gonna be a boy and you weren't so and i was like okay jokes on her you're transgender i'm a boy you're actually pinocchio oh so i mean i got that
Starting point is 00:31:09 what if the psychic was like your child is pinocchio yeah your child is made of wood and strings okay what shall i do let's see um okay so this is called my fucked up paranormal story even if you don't air it i think you'll both enjoy it oh well look what happened this is sent from let me see fellow struggling milkshake cheersing california dreaming gal oh and then later sean so okay hey sean sean sean okay hey sean hey guys love the podcast i actually just recently told a friend i was interested in listening to my first podcast and they recommended yours oh that makes me so happy that's super nice it is that was less than a week ago and i'm all caught up yay jesus christ and sending in my own story that is what we like
Starting point is 00:32:02 proactive sit back and grab your drinks because you're gonna need them all right well christina's her wine i have a disembodied foot cross stitch crochet crochet we got all we need yep although my wine box is empty so i'm a little stressed out but i'm gonna make alison buy me a milkshake later great so my story is about a bunch parentheses fuck ton of things that have happened to me in my life i won't be able to put in everything because my story would take an entire episode so i will just pick out the good stuff hopefully it's not too choppy back and forth but my story consists of self-experiences along with experiences people around me have seen but all seem to follow me okay so let's get into it
Starting point is 00:32:39 you know she should have said let's crack into it yeah honestly it's fucking rude if someone just listened to every episode for the last week you know what's going on here like do you need to like make your own version of the phrase do you like need your own podcast sean do you like need to make your podcast like and this is why i drink or something it's fine it's fine we didn't win it's okay it's okay we don't it's fine we're over it growing up in a big family like i did in pennsylvania my sisters and i all shared a room four of us in one bedroom holy smokes because of the size of a small bedroom we each had two people per bed oh no i don't think so me and my older sister in one and my younger sister and my my
Starting point is 00:33:16 other older sister in the other my little sister about four at the time who was in the opposite bed would always tell me in the morning that she would see a tall man oh no standing at the foot of my bed watching me sleep so it's not like it's not all four of them it's her specifically yeah it's not like oh he watches me sleep it's like oh no i see him checking you out while you sleep yikes now you need to understand this first growing up in such a large family with no tv we had to keep ourselves busy so one of the big things we did was play tricks on each other standard yes we all dismissed it thinking it was her just trying to join in on the fun and scaring us that's a good trick for a four-year-old like convince your sister she's haunted real slick it wasn't until i was much older and had moved out of my dad's house that i really started
Starting point is 00:33:58 noticing things were not normal my first apartment was with a girl that i'd barely known but i did work with i remember waking up one night and seeing in my doorway a large man with that hat uh-oh no and a jacket in his arm i couldn't see many details but i do remember the hat and the jacket it was more of a shadowy shadowy figure that time i tried to convince myself that i was dreaming and pulled the covers over my head and went back to sleep the next time i saw him i was completely awake i was actually getting ready in my bathroom to go out oh my god no you're not and meet my friends at a bar for this part i do have to explain that i'm in a tiny apartment you guys can probably relate living in california yes amen from my bathroom mirror you can see into my living room and kitchen in the middle of
Starting point is 00:34:40 curling my hair i looked up from the sink and saw him again this time he was in the doorway of the kitchen staring at me no i know this sounds very creepy but as much as it always startled me to see him he never scared me uh i guess a better way to say it is that he never gave me that creepy i want to kill you vibe oh that's all righty well what kind of vibe did he give you that's good i guess uh it was more that he was watching over me this is when i finally started talking about him and i described him to my little sister thinking i was crazy when i explained to her what he looked like she stopped and just stared at me i thought she was going to say that i was crazy but she turned almost white and said that's the man that used to watch you sleep oh my god i honestly had not heard her talk about him since we were little
Starting point is 00:35:23 so to see her get so upset about it kind of gave me the chills so fast forward a few months mind you i still think i'm kind of crazy so i don't really tell anybody else about this fair it wasn't until my roommate at the time started seeing things i actually didn't feel like i was going crazy so again cliff notes version i will only add one of the main things that she had seen and said to me one morning when i was making breakfast she asked me why i was only making coffee for one she said i saw the man you had over last night oh damn he was walking back into your room when i went to the bathroom oh no no i told her i did not have anybody over at all last night she was convinced that he snuck
Starting point is 00:36:02 out in the morning and that i was lying about it i honestly think to this day she doesn't believe me that i never had anybody over yikes that's fucking terrifying i don't like that at all that she's sleeping and he's like going into her room at night yeah fast forward uh two more years a few more roommates who have all had experiences with the man that follows me i know it's not the nicest but i don't normally tell people that i have somebody following me that's a good thing to probably do they will either look at me crazy or refuse to let me be their roommate all right yeah yeah maybe a little bit i think so and i really needed somewhere to live okay it's like as if you had like a bad credit score or something. Right. It's like, um, I am haunted. Does that count?
Starting point is 00:36:46 Uh, maybe that's a red flag. I moved into a house with five other girls. Fun fact, in Pennsylvania, it is actually illegal to live with that many women in one house. A brothel? Who are not related because by Pennsylvania law, it's considered a brothel. Yep. Just like Virginia.
Starting point is 00:37:01 During that time living in the house, every single girl that I've lived with has come to me telling me that they have seen or heard something coming from my room when i wasn't home seeing as i didn't know all of these girls very well i did have a lock added to my door smart good call i would come home often to the following a door i know i had locked being wide open my door still being locked but when opening my room the bed was unmade and my clothes were all out of my drawers. No. Scary. Once again, a locked room, but the TV was on when I got back.
Starting point is 00:37:31 Started happening so often that I would unplug my TV before I left for work that day. That didn't even make it stop. I once come home and the TV would be plugged back in, but my door would still be locked. Ew. Oh, that's fucked up. I don't like it no it's like it knows that you're doing it because of it and it's like still got the power it's like watch what i can do yeah again that was the cliff notes version oh great after deciding i wanted to
Starting point is 00:37:58 move to california i had to save a little bit of money so i moved back into my dad's house for my last two months in pennsylvania this is the original house from when i was little that's when shit got real and actually started scaring me the first night back it was around 2 a.m and i heard one loud crash and breaking glass i jumped up thinking my handicapped father had fallen i went into the hallway where the noise had come from and saw that the three pictures on the wall connected to my room had crashed to the floor the messed up part was that the pictures on the other side were all still hanging and the nails from the ones on the floor were perfectly fine and still in the wall at an angle.
Starting point is 00:38:32 So in order for these pictures to be on the ground, they had to be first lifted up and pulled away from the wall at the exact same time to only hear one crash. Oh, all at the same time. That's fucking creepy. Oh, no. That's fucking creepy. Oh oh i don't like it ready yeah okay if you think that stuff was bad what i have saved the best worst for last yay good i woke up one morning thinking it was like any other i saw my bright pink shoes in the
Starting point is 00:39:01 middle of my room covered in mud and assumed my brat of a little sister snuck out the night before Oh, my. why i pressed play and couldn't understand what i was looking at it was just a white screen but then i started to hear metal clanking together and a large sigh it wasn't till i heard my own voice say oh god in a long soft yet frustrated sigh that i started to freak out the video continued for another minute of what i later found out was me in my basement shuffling around with some tools i have absolutely no memory of any of this the video ended with me picking up my phone and all you can see is my feet walking across my checkered basement floor up the stairs to my kitchen and the very last thing you see is my clean pink sneakers the ones now covered in mud stepping out my back door what the fuck like she like got someone on camera wearing her shoes walking out i think it's like her own feet because she said she was taping her
Starting point is 00:40:13 own feet walking across the floor so that bitch was possessed jesus christ since my move to california i haven't had anything that crazy happen but paranormal things have not stopped altogether sorry for the long email. Now you can see why I love your podcast. It's nice to know I'm not the only one with odd things and helps me feel more normal. XOXO, fellow struggling milkshake cheersing California dreamin' gal. Okay, well, all I got out of that entire story is that she's team milkshake. But I think she should be bathing herself in holy water.
Starting point is 00:40:42 I mean, she literally has has some people must just be extra susceptible yes there it is susceptible susceptible to this kind of sensitive let's just say sensitive sensitive is easier no some people are very in tune with that stuff and apparently she's one of them and so are her shoes it must target her pink shoes it must target it's just crazy it's crazy that's gotta you know that's just very wild yeah see if i caught myself walking around like on video i don't know what i would do if i i'd be like oh i'm possessed but you you could be like just blacked out no i don't black out but i'm too good for that no but either way i feel so out of like i'd feel so out of control my own body i'd be so scared i mean
Starting point is 00:41:39 honestly i've honestly never blacked out and like the thought even of that is terrifying but then the thought like you know it's not like a heavy night of drinking and you find a fucking video and it's a video too it's not like also the weird thing is like is she like it gives you so many questions of was she did part of her know she was being possessed so she wanted to film it for herself later yeah right did this thing want her to see it later, and so they made sure she filmed it? Like, what was the filming element about? Because that's... Like, was there a part of her that still had control and she did it,
Starting point is 00:42:12 or was it that thing possessing her being like, I want you to see this? And she had no memory and then just went back to bed and, like, had no... Like, no reason for the tools or anything. Like, something wanted the tools down there. Why did she say oh god in a frustrated voice even if she was like sleepwalking which is obviously a possibility like it just seems such a specific thing to be taping your feet as you walk out the door i don't
Starting point is 00:42:33 know i mean it could be yeah i guess but still based on everything else that happened to her yeah it's fucking creepy as shit oh well good story to end on guys good stories this week this month this this 12th month this eon after a whole year we've we've done all of the stories cheers use that cheers we did it we did it a year of you guys telling him you guys did it yeah this was this was us just reciting them this is our favorite thing when you guys send these stories so thank you guys and now we're gonna list our patreon donors yes all of your names which are so many but thank you we are we love you we're thankful we're so thankful in fact we're kind of in love with you but like not to be too forward like not in a sexual way yeah no but like in like a romantic way yeah wait what in a romantic like passionate and like a
Starting point is 00:43:25 like in literature in a romantic right like picture wuthering heights yeah and like maybe we just talk about you and you consume our lives right right like maybe we want to go to cabo with you but oh well we we could definitely do that we want to do that that'll be where our first live show is in cabo every one of you come to Cabo. What if we could just fly all our Patreon donors to Cabo? Oh, so sweet. Why don't we have a bajillionaire parent who can just do that? Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:43:56 Well, we'll see what we can come up with. Does any one of you have billions of dollars to send us all to Cabo? Do us a favor. Please advise. So we're going to read your your names as promised and there are a lot of you there are so many of you so please just buckle with us oh oh okay sure yes do both of them at the same time bear down buckle up yep all right let's crack into it first i want to give a shout out to our 25 patrons who are just our our lifeblood thank you so much you really really really we say it all the time but you really
Starting point is 00:44:33 really really don't know how much you're helping us you don't like a lot of before i listened to podcasts i had no idea what kind of expenses went behind it and what it actually took. I just thought it was like a free hobby you could do. And that's not the case. We quickly found out. So I know like maybe just to you guys, it doesn't look like the money goes anywhere or just goes straight in our pockets. And that's not the case. Like you're really saving our asses.
Starting point is 00:44:57 Like you make it possible for us to be able to afford to keep doing this. Especially like buy merch, like order new merch designs and things like that. So thank you. Thank thank you so that being said um the 25 patrons are as follows all right orion classic kevin emma kimberly chris heather nicole kestrel amanda scott clinton jessica megan zabrina christian sierra heather kayla natalie mio monica daniel elaine stephanie Jessica, Megan, Sabrina, Christian, Sierra, Heather, Kayla, Natalie, Mio, Monica, Daniel, Elaine, Stephanie, Justin, Sarah, Alicia, Grace, Ashley, Jonathan, Samantha, Hannah, Antonia, Chloe, Aaron, Liv, Allison, Tristan, Taisha, Drea, Desiree, Amanda, Blaze, Tessa, Eric, Jennifer, and Lisa.
Starting point is 00:45:45 Thank you all. We love you. We love you. So I'm going to do, this is where it gets interesting. Dicey. It gets a little checkered. Gets a little overwhelming. There's a lot of y'all who kindly and wonderfully donate $10 a month.
Starting point is 00:46:01 So thank you. Team Geo. a month so thank you team geo emily dana lauren karen katie andrew julia michelle john jen white supremacy no white collar crimes podcast suzy summer megan kendall jackie jamie on kiara Ankiara, Stephanie, Leah, Alyssa, Ave, Tanya, Emily, Rebecca, Spooky Delight, Samantha, Hazel, Tao, Ashley, Brittany, Courtney, Noelle, Lo, Sarah, Jenna, Stevie, LaMeow, and Tager. I am assuming they're a dog. Cats? Cats, probably. I love it.
Starting point is 00:46:41 Lindsay, Erica, Lori, Clara, Ricky, Anna, Cynthia, Carolina, Rebecca, Autumn, Carolyn, I love it. Kelly, Danielle, Katrina, Stephanie, Katie, Stella, Kim, Meredith, Ruben, Zoe, Sam, Cara, Brianna, Melanie, Jeremy, Karina, Jillian, Teresa, Cass, Cara, Jessica, Brittany, Katie, Rachel, Dolores, Mary, Lillian, Megan, Amanda, Constance, Kat, Beth, Zara, Alicia, Devin, Laura, Macy, Michelle, Marissa, Anita, Cassandra, Lisa, Megan, Hector, Riley, Holly, Betsy, Jackie, Taylor, Jamie, Eva, Patty, Lauren, Julia, Heather, Iris, Allison, my girlfriend, Erin, Megan, Shannon Erin. Megan Shannon. Rebecca Batman. What? Batman sponsors us?
Starting point is 00:47:50 That's exactly what we said. Man. Beatrice, James, Kyle, Stephanie, Lindsay, Addie, Jessica, Jacqueline, George, Rachel, Marilyn, who says Marilyn, not Marlon, Christine. I mean, I've learned my lesson jacqueline abby jackie becky leah jesse lee callie jessica claire maddie marie amy hillary viviana erica heather julia david diane erin mazzy morgan camilla amanda katherine sarah leslie taylor lb kylie amy yaneli katie nicole Sarah Leslie, Taylor LB, Kylie, Amy, Yaneli, Katie, Nicole, Rachel, Kaylee, Sydney, Lexi, David, Jessica, Becca, Hillary, Maxie, Christina, Steph, Aida, Jocelyn, Sarah, Elena, Aaron, Lauren,
Starting point is 00:48:38 Sarah, Lindsay, Nikki, Winter, Emily, Teresa, Sarah, Caitlin, Wendy, Samantha, Rose, Lauren, winter emily theresa sarah caitlin wendy samantha rose lauren and jess aaron justin angela chloe caroline christie kelly stephen erica tuna alexander lita courtney haley nicole christina mia brielle jackie shannon tara adriana allison miranda jenny lee rachel morgan kayla Shannon Tara Adriana Allison Miranda Jenny Lee Rachel Morgan Kayla Emily Taylor Libby Carrie Mish Danielle Brandy Dawn Haley Kit Kaden Nicole Sarah Chelsea Catherine Shannon Rosalie Becky Jack Laura Jackie Danielle Ina, Velvet, Elena, Alex, Ashley, Sydney, Carrie, Jannie, Abby, Kayla, Tracy, Tammy, Justin, Rianne, Nicole, Rachel, Jordan, Lisa, Rochelle, Allison, Colin, Erica, Lakshya, Carrie, Rachel, Beth, Angela, Lisa, Jessica, Judah, Kate, Sarah, Jordan, Wendy, jessica judah kate sarah jordan wendy cariann ryan amber kelsey adriana macy mana chanin emma mary callie alexa erin from canada crystal danielle molly kirby anna wendy serenity michelle
Starting point is 00:49:58 theron jessica jay sierra lindsey mary caroline christy britney caleb andrea erin erin fox who Jessica J. Sierra, Lindsay, Mary, Caroline, Christy, Brittany, Caleb, Andrea, Aaron, Aaron Fox, who did our geo photography. I'm not going to call it engagement pictures. Mine and geo's engagement pictures. Right, right. Michelle, Jow, Ashley, Hunter, Danielle, Elena, Molly, Erica, Willow, Julia, MCF, Laura, Dobby, Kia, Aaron, Tiana, Ashton Stout, my mama, Linda, Elise, Marisol, Rachel, my sister, Cece, my best friend, Johnny, and Renata, Christine's mama bear. Mama bear. How do you feel?
Starting point is 00:50:40 I blacked out a little. So did I, and I wasn't even reading. But wow, thank you so much. You guys,. And I wasn't even reading. But wow. Thank you so much. You guys, that means all of you are supporting this whole project. Like you are our backbone of this whole project. Oh, I don't think it recorded. You're kidding.
Starting point is 00:50:56 I am. I'm not good at, I'm good at lying. I'm not good at lying when it's like going to make someone upset. I saw you smiling too hard. I'm good at lying when it's like, no, everything's great. And I want you to be happy. And then people are like, great. But if I'm trying to upset you, it's just not going to work. Okay. Now we move on to team five. I'm going to take a breather. Yeah. You can just sit back, relax, eat a rice cake. I'm on on a diet we're trying to be healthy hashtag shedding for the wedding i have a box of wine and a bag of rice cakes yep balance it's all
Starting point is 00:51:31 about balance um what was i gonna do uh the five dollars that's right what are they called again helpers and saviors and saints oh sure and donors and donators you know if you feel if you feel so obliged yeah okay so we're on team sassy now five dollar dollar bills we've got tiffany vicky jody allison quincy kayla lindsey cryosaur chrysor listen i'm gonna say your name i'm gonna say your name christ christ sore chrysor sure chrysor let I'm going to say your name. Chrysor. Chrysor. Sure. Chrysor. Let me know.
Starting point is 00:52:09 Or just let me go with it. I don't know. It's up to you. Laureline Alphonsus, Sydney, Sammy, Alice, Megan, Shelby, Jamie, Caitlin, Sarah, Linny, Jessica, Liz, DeeDee, Liz, Carly, Michelle, Coda, Bianca, Meg, Winter, Mariah, Brianna, Eric, Kimberly, Julie, Jessica, Rachel, Manda, Amber, Crystal, Quebec, Lori, and Drizzle. Oh my. Leslie, Sarah, Benita, Sarah, Justine, Stephanie, Camille, Courtney, Megan, Alyssa, Anjan, Jay, Dawn, Bella, Emma, Jordan, Kyra, Goldie, Lox. Interesting. Okay.
Starting point is 00:52:51 I think people are figuring out they can change their names so that we say whatever it says. Yep. Someone's going to change their name to that town that we couldn't pronounce in Scotland. Everyone's going to create like Icelandic names and we'll be like, fuck. That's your problem if we say that wrong. Paula, Zavia, Lori, Judith, Shamblefest, Laura, Megan, Kaylin, Ashley,
Starting point is 00:53:28 Amber, Amanda, Sumit, Bella, Alyssa, Justine, Vanessa, Melissa, Tikiet, Sydney, Alex, Morgan, Allie, Allie, Emma, Joss, Camille, Sarah, Mariah, Stephanie,
Starting point is 00:53:44 Danny, Brittany, Danielle, Hillbilly Horror Stories, Eric, Chelsea, Coral, Wynema, Rebecca, Jennifer, and Alex Schieffer, my brother. Yay! That's awesome. So I guess you probably want to read Team Milkshake and I'll read Team Wine. Yeah, that sounds fair. That sounds about right. Okay. As always, you start with my father.
Starting point is 00:54:04 Who couldn't? I i mean thank you for your contribution bernhard it's mostly an anti-contribution to my wine habit is what it is and then thank you to my stepmother elizabeth oh man so much support and then we've got ali emily whitney lauren alexandra madison molly rachel elizabeth janet matt abby sam natasha We've got Allie, Emily, Whitney, Lauren, Alexandra, Madison, Molly, Rachel, Elizabeth, Janet, Matt, Abby, Sam, Natasha, Maria, Dogwood, help. What is this? Dogwood Nightingale. I think they forgot the T. Okay, that would be why.
Starting point is 00:54:49 dogwood nightingale debbie elizabeth katie megan katie antonia sarah rachel sydney allison rachel sarah m hey hey oh brianna mr norwack no whack no walk mr no whack mr no whack norwack mr none of your business good one emily hallie regina justine kelly danny sierra jamie bronin bronwyn thank you uh britney angie ruey michael alex christie amanda kesha jessica brie jean marie bang strain podcast i'll oh gosh we had this problem last time i'll i think we went with yale or i'll tell us yale yale are you ivy league sarah shut up what's wrong with you i mean i, I should shut up. Sarah, Caroline, Laura, Bobby, at Wolfton. Oh, a little promo going on in there. Okay. Sam, Carly, Shayla, Bonnie, Sam, Bianca, at Fiona K, 1990, Lisa, Jessica, Andrea, Sue, Tarana Lulu, Andy, Kirkeys from Workies, Patricia, Crime Crazy Podcast. Remember that Kirky's from Workies. Patricia.
Starting point is 00:56:06 Crime Crazy Podcast. Remember that time you went crazy crime. That's what I tried to avoid just now. Yep. Emily, Jerry, Derek, and Zach. Woohoo! All right. We love you guys.
Starting point is 00:56:19 Thanks Team Milkshake. I didn't know I had so many fans out there. That's a lot. All right. I'm going to read Team Wine. I love you guys. I'm drinking the wine. Of your people.
Starting point is 00:56:29 Of your people in your honor. We've got Jim, Jason, Maggie, DB, which is kind of upsetting because that's what I call my ex-boyfriend. My stepmom was like, let's call him DB. And I was like, oh, for a douchebag? And she's like, no, dirtbag. And I was like, oh, we can go with that. Oh, okay. So we all call him db and i was like oh for a douchebag and she's like no dirt bag and i was like oh we
Starting point is 00:56:46 can go with that oh okay so we all call him db but db i'm sure you're you're a much better better maybe it is db oh my god what if he and he's like i'm here and i'm listening and i'm paying for your wine thanks db not so much of a db anymore all right db leah katherine jeffrey kristin jessica alissa becca madeline val blanca amanda brenna nora alissa elizabeth cindy veronica tessa selena melissa that's kc podcast annette laura lee or laura leah uh samantha lauren anna curly top oh leslie katie Lauren, Anna, Curlytop, Leslie, Katie, Gus, Xander. That's what I call my brother. Tess, Rolly, Lisa, Chelsea, Rachel, Osga, Jessica, Mimi, April, Nicole, Amy, Ziggy. Oh, Ziggy Stardust.
Starting point is 00:57:39 Paige, Serena, Haley, Sarah, Taylor, Emily, Aubrey, Christiana, Robin, Mike, Lori, Ashley, Africa, Kathleen, Meg, Julia Marie, my pal, Nick, Smackery, Shelby, my so-called whatever, Heather, Jill Spahn, Andy C underscore Andy Du. People are getting creative up in here. Getting real weird. do people are good and creative up and getting real weird nicolina brooke katie deviant women podcast adrienne lexus athens girl zoe and crystal nicole all right guys thank you thank you guys so much thank you i have no idea no idea pretty wild how much you support these two crazy cats. Well, we said thank you.
Starting point is 00:58:27 Thank you so much. Thank you. We can't say it enough. Thank you. Thank you. And thank you again. Thank you. And that's how we end this now?
Starting point is 00:58:36 And that's how we end this. That's the new name of our podcast. And that's why we drink. And that's why this all ends. This is why we drink. Because you guys are the wonderful people you are. Yes. Everyone imagine Gio is giving you a nuzzle.
Starting point is 00:58:50 A big nuzzle. Just a big, big nuzzle. He loves nuzzles. He loves a good nuzzle. Loves a good nuzzle. So sweet. Who doesn't? All right.
Starting point is 00:58:58 Well, take that. Do what you will with it. Follow us on the internet. Just Google us. Just do it. and that's why we drink just google us and then see what happens oh oh thanks dad you made so many dad jokes i felt like i had to catch up and that's why we drink see you guys next month on the first also see you guys soon in the next episode yes but your listener stories oh yes But your listener stories. Oh, yes. See your listener stories.
Starting point is 00:59:26 This is a mess. Why? What? I think it's really smooth and rehearsed. Okay. Okay. Bye. Bye.
Starting point is 00:59:33 Bye.

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