And That's Why We Drink - Listener Stories: Vol. 17

Episode Date: June 1, 2018

You guys bring the creepiness in this listeners episode, where we read your murderous and ghosty submissions! This week's stories include a haunted painting, a Canadian murder, an "imaginary&quot...; friend, and more...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 good morning stars shine that's a singing song the earth says hello especially when i get involved especially when i'm napping and you don't want me to anymore yep anyway welcome to our listeners episode you are so welcome for your ears right now was was that fun for you did they enjoy it are you still here do we have more bad reviews on itunes oh no i don't want more of those guys someone left a bad review and christine lost her mind i can't deal with it i don't i haven't even looked i read two of them don't read them they're not nice what are they about what don't they I haven't even looked. I read two of them. Don't read them. They're not nice. What are they about? What don't they like about us?
Starting point is 00:00:48 I'm not going to tell you. Do they not like our listeners episodes? Cause that'd be really awkward right now. One of them was like, one of them was like, M is always shaming Christine for drinking. Well, cause you're an alcoholic, Christine. No, I'm kidding. Oh my God. I was like, whoa whoa maybe they're right um christine if you don't have a friend that's here to like make fun of you
Starting point is 00:01:12 on a comedy show about your favorite hobby what am i even doing here i think i would be more concerned if someone was like no the amount you drink is totally normal and like side-eyeing then someone who's like god damn it christine's drinking again like it's a lot i mean as someone who doesn't drink comparatively right you drink like a fish oh sure so comparatively speaking in my world you drink a whole lot but you actually in reality you drink the exact amount as everyone else i feel like it's a normal amount for but since it's become our sort of hobby my hobby is to make fun of you and if right you're not good at that 70 episodes in then we're gonna have a problem oh yeah let's turn the fan on sorry it's hot right um you're really like you're not good at that 70 episodes in then we're gonna have a problem oh yeah let's turn the fan on sorry it's hot right um you're really like you're blushing after all that alcohol
Starting point is 00:01:50 you've just had it's stop shaming me it was like i like christine but emma's always shaming her for drinking i was like someone needs to deal with their own demons before they listen to anyone sounds like they're drinking a lot and they someone is projecting projecting is what it is okay now we're gonna get more well they also i my favorite bad review was the one that said they always talk about how they're educated but like they don't know anything it's like it's like we're not educated in true crime you fucking idiot gold i actually love that so very much it's like yeah we're educated in things we're not talking about so of course we sound like idiots with this sorry that i fucking won the regional spelling bee when i was 14 thank you very much sorry i still have eki romani
Starting point is 00:02:29 memorized you idiot we're only educated in spelling in latin dumbass no one said i had a degree in geography i just said i had a degree and i happened to talk about geography on a totally other level nobody said we had a nobody we really just like turned this into a shame fest on all of you so you guys suck just kidding i love you so much actually anyway here's your listeners here's the things you sent us to read here's where you opened your hearts up to us guys we're just really on fire today because here's the thing are you ready here it is for those of you who are still here because go go someone has turned this off to write a review about how we make fun of people. First of all, hello.
Starting point is 00:03:07 Welcome to listeners episode number a bajillion. Yeah, I was going to look and then I just was like, it's probably a bajillion. We are a little sugared up, I'd say. Oh, yes. Because usually we do this at the ripe time of like 11 p.m. Although today it's like five or six o'clock at night. So we've got some good food in our bellies i just opened a box wine oh so we're still good and sober unlike how she'll be later which i'm not gonna shame her on except all always you know what christine stop drinking m's m's the reason
Starting point is 00:03:38 for my tears but i feel like i'm also the reason for why you drink so much probably a little bit it's sort of like a self-fulfilling prophecy i drink because m shames me but i'm shames me because i drink and i just can't i can't get out of it it's a circle of wine okay i'm sorry we need to make me stop singing please um so anyway we're just we're on one right now apparently people are like this is not like your normal you know what shame cycle i don't know we're just like on energy kick right now oh i'm pumped i'm ant and also eva picked these stories and i just printed them out without looking at them so we're in for a treat i hear you so and you hear us if you submitted your story and we are reading it sorry and good luck to you we're sorry sorry don't show your parents or your
Starting point is 00:04:21 family because they're going to be like please don't send these people more private information about yourself. All right. Do you want to hear one? Yeah, I would love to. Because they definitely have heard a lot about us already. I put them in an order, but I don't know if they're worth. Did you already move them out of order? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:35 Oh, god damn it. Okay. This is by Sam. Sam, what's the subject? Ghost bestie. I can see it from here. It says ghosty bestie. Oh, ghosty bestie. I wanted to just give a little. says ghosty bestie. Oh, ghosty bestie.
Starting point is 00:04:45 I wanted to just give a little... Wow. I wanted to give them some credit for their flair. Okay. Yes. Flair given. Okay. What is it?
Starting point is 00:04:53 So who's it from? Sam? Mm-hmm. Okay. Cool. Sam says, hey guys, it's me again. Oh, hey. Oh, hey.
Starting point is 00:05:01 I remember you, girl. Oh, thank God you're back. Is it a guy or a girl? It's a girl. Well, it says, it's me again. Sam the girl. Oh. So... I remember you, girl. Oh, thank God you're back. Is it a guy or girl? It's a girl. Well, it says it's me again. Sam, the girl. Oh, I was just kidding. I knew that.
Starting point is 00:05:10 Context clues. Jesus Christ. Hey, guys, it's me again. Sam, the girl who wrote about the cowboy without a face. I don't think we've read that one yet. I don't think so. Eva, find that one. Actually, I think it's in the folder and I just click this one.
Starting point is 00:05:21 Eva, make sure we read that one next month. OK, I was. She says I was listening to another listeners episode and it triggered my memory about a folder and i just click this one eva make sure we read that one next month okay i was she says i was listening to another listeners episode and it triggered my memory about a ghost encounter i had when i was a kid i was living in tijuana with my mom in a tiny house people in the area said that the house we was built on a bulldozed cemetery oh jesus christ a bulldozed cemetery because like they were like oh nothing bad will happen here let's just clear the land oh dead people they won't mind no they're good um she says i was pretty young at the time around four years old old enough to hold a decent conversation with and y'all know children just
Starting point is 00:05:53 love talking to ghosties i did so my mom always tells me that my toys would turn on by themselves even if i wasn't at home and she was alone she said that once she got so tired of it that she removed the batteries from the toy, but the toy still turned on and made noises. Oh no. She also doesn't forget to mention to me that this kid and I were like legitimate friends and I talked about him as if he was alive. Oh.
Starting point is 00:06:16 She also tells me about one specific incident I had with my ghosty buddy and my cousin. Me and my cousin have a two month age gap. So we would always hang out because we were literally besties all the time so my mom was taking care of us at our house and i tell my cousin hey my friend wants to play with you oh shit and my cousin was like yeah okay let's go yeah okay that's me by the way all this this is happening in Spanish because we're in Mexico. But moving on, my cousin is asking. Si, okay. Vamanos.
Starting point is 00:06:49 Si, okay. Vamanos. Everybody, let's go. Dora? No? Let's get to it. There it is. I know that.
Starting point is 00:06:59 Where are we going? Mexico. I don't know. Where are we going? Tijuana. Oh, where are we going? To see your ghosty buddy. I don't know. It's too much are we going to see your ghosty buddy i don't know yeah it's too much it's too much mexico worked better mexico was better um i mean
Starting point is 00:07:13 that's a new one i was trying to get weird with it pretend dora was in the room um swiper no swiping but moving on cousin is like, so where's your friend? And I tell him he went inside the closet and he said to follow him through there. So my cousin goes into this tiny closet I was pointing at and not a minute later bolts out and there are tears running down his face. He was ugly crying. Oh, gross. And he runs to my mom and tells her, I want to go home.
Starting point is 00:07:44 Sammy's friend is mean and scary and i don't want to be here anymore wait i'm sorry boys cry oh right yeah that's the moral of the story is that's gender is a construct but also it'll be a man about it that's really inappropriate rub some dirt in it um okay so scary friend in the closet jesus yeah sammy's friend is mean and scary and i don't want to be here anymore and she comes back inside the house and asks what happened and i tell her nothing my friend just wanted to play and that's the end of it my cousin never came over to that house again and if i wanted to see her hang out with him it would have to be anywhere but our house the strange thing is i don't remember a lot of my childhood but i do remember my friend and how he looked
Starting point is 00:08:22 he was a cute little kid nothing strange about him totally normal except for when it came to that closet in our house he never wanted to be near it and he was super scared of it and he told me a bad man was in there so i should never go near it i just got chills thanks for reading this one to um keep it spooky even if the story wasn't that spooky no it was sam it was a little upsetting i mean for when you think you're seeing a nice little boy and then all of a sudden someone else looks at him and he's morphed into this mean man this is and like i got chills too and god i got chills too and the the the message we got a while back that was like oh how you hear about how um like demonic entities or negative entities will like portrait children to like get your,
Starting point is 00:09:06 to like get you like you're vulnerable and you think like, Oh, they couldn't hurt you. This is killing me. Oh my God. I'm getting all sorts of chills today. I think it's a fan. I think,
Starting point is 00:09:15 Oh, I was going to say, I think it's Walt. I think he's getting real active these days. What happened? There's like this huge, like ringing inside my head. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:09:23 You're kidding me. Are you okay? Yeah. It's like so so loud i can't hear out of me you've got to be kidding me right now sorry i couldn't hear out of my left ear for like a solid five second to really freak me out what the hell okay it's back oh my god just scared the shit out of me it scared the shit out of me watching that i was like are you you look like you're having a brain freeze it felt like a brain freeze but just the loud loud noise ew yeah it was not fun um anyway so thank thanks sam for fucking up my hearing one out of six oh god all right next up all right by the way do we want to do a live update real quick of al uh allison's alcohol and take out the live show because she just texted me. I guess she listened to our episode today.
Starting point is 00:10:05 Oh boy. And she wrote, excuse me. I did not have nine gin and tonics and a triple tequila. That's incorrect. I know. And I didn't want to say it cause I didn't want to cause a thing, but she says you exactly.
Starting point is 00:10:15 I had nine gin and tonics period. There was no tequila. And you said a triple tequila. And I'm like, I know she had a triple shot, but I'm like, it was gin. Cause Matt ordered it. Oh, and was like, Oh, a double gin. And they brought like, and I'm like i know she had a triple shot but i'm like it was gin because matt ordered it
Starting point is 00:10:25 oh oh and was like oh a double gin and they brought like and al was like a triple and they brought like an extra shot of gin there was no tequila gin yeah there's no tequila oh oh i thought i just misheard it i don't know oh okay no i'm okay let's be fair when you say like english isn't your first language alcohol is not my first language so when i hear a triple shot i just assume something intense you i mean gin is a triple shot of gin is not not intense okay so again it's not my first language i don't know there's nothing that you can get a triple shot of that would that it doesn't even matter if it's hot sauce like that's just it's gonna be intense no matter what i'm sorry whatever everyone now knows the truth. Moving on. Clear the air. This is from Kelsey.
Starting point is 00:11:08 Subject. BuzzFeed haunted me. Let me start with the fact that I love this podcast more than most things. Christine, your love for wine and your famous gasps are the best. And every time Em talks about their taste in music or what, like Jimmy Buffett? Like what taste in music? They're probablyimmy buffett like what taste in music they're probably like the opposite of whatever christine likes which is billy talent and fall up with every time m talks about their taste in music or how much they love the colonial era i'm
Starting point is 00:11:34 like yes i can relate oh and geo you're so handsome yes that's just such a handsome boy what a sweetheart such a good baby um i'm from boston hey hey oh no sorry oh wrong i'm from nashville well okay and she couldn't come to crime con but her boyfriend lives in boston she's moving up this summer so if we make it back to bean town we will let you know kelsey we really want we want to do that in such and in for such a treat a boston show would be our like homecoming i mean episode so wild also like her moving to boston they're like you're gonna have a banana's awesome time so great with your boy you're moving there to be with your boy it's gonna be so great boston's amazing
Starting point is 00:12:14 okay i've been wanting to write in my stories for oh i also wanted to add because i kind of like glanced ahead at what eva wrote back oh and also there was a second email that says christine i'm so sorry i spelled your name wrong dot dot twice because she spelled with a k at first that's embarrassing especially because my first name is christina spelled like exactly like my name with a hashtag not hooked on phonics don't worry about it oh i forgot about her hooked on phonics bit that's a good one we have a bit about it i thought we did i think we probably did i like to yell about it when i'm drinking right yeah um and then she said just fyi yes so eva wrote back like we might read this in the story and she goes oh june 1st is my birthday oh wink wink yay early june birthday club so basically happy birthday this comes out it's kelsey's birthday happy b-day wanted to add that in
Starting point is 00:13:05 so here we go i've been wanting to write in my stories for a while now but i'm so glad i procrastinated with it because something crazy happened to me just the other day that i have to tell you guys can't wait so let's crack into it let's just do that there's two stories i want to tell you the first is about the subject of the email i was some typical buzzfeed oh i was reading a buzzfeed article on snapchat called something like 15 creepy things you didn't know about or some typical buzzfeed title for an article about scary stories and objects so one of the items is about this painting called the hands resist him do you know what that is no you may have heard of it we clearly haven't
Starting point is 00:13:42 and honestly that might not be the exact title oh okay but i don't want to google it oh no because i don't want to look at it again also warning don't google it until after the story so you can decide if you want to look at it or not oh god oh shit what the we're gonna have to i mean we need to um basically it's as creepy as heck painting did you just break my sharpie no i'm like super stressed i was really broke my fucking sharpie whoops i'm sorry are you all right yeah i'm just nervous you are like amped up right now i don't know what's going on i am too i'm like shaking what is happening it was my double hot fudge sundae plus my starbucks
Starting point is 00:14:20 i think i'm feeding off of your and i just started drinking. So I'm like on the up and up. Oh, maybe I'm feeding off of you then. I think we're it's again the cycle cycle of wine. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. No circle of wine.
Starting point is 00:14:34 Basically, it's this creepy as heck painting of a boy and a doll. Okay, we need to turn Robert the doll around. I can't stop looking at a boy and a doll in front of a window with hands pressed all up on it. Nope. Anyway, the painting is extremely haunted and all of the previous owners of the painting have either died or have reported insane activity when it's in their possession,
Starting point is 00:14:54 such as the figures in the paintings moving or being in different spots or positions than normal and just other general haunty things. You could probably do a whole episode on its history and lore. Write that down. Interesting. But the thing is you can get haunted from this painting not only by owning it but just by looking at it okay so obviously i read this and since the picture was in the article i'm like wow thanks buzzfeed now i'm haunted but i quickly forgot about it after finishing the article later that night my two roommates and i were in the living room when we all heard clear footsteps creaking across the
Starting point is 00:15:29 wooden floors in our kitchen from where i was sitting i could see that there was no one in the kitchen it ended as quickly as it started so we geez sorry so we kind of just nervously looked at each other and laughed it off later that night however i was laying in bed about to fall asleep while messing around on my phone and felt this weird shift in my room like the energy was different oh no oh god suddenly i felt my bed shift a little and then something stroke my leg my leg my leg i'm just reading it okay as it's written yikes it was too heavy to be the blanket shifting or anything like that i shot up straight and just yelled, no. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:16:08 Took a page out of my book. Just no. Instantly, the energy went back to normal and I turned on every light and slept with them on. I've no doubt any of that is related to the point to the painting. About a month or two after that, I was looking at the Snapchat articles and saw the cover for the BuzzFeed one was again something like 19 spoopy spoops that will give you fright. Oh, my God. Or whatever. And was like, oh, intrigue.
Starting point is 00:16:36 And clicked it. Parentheses. Honestly, my bad. The first thing that pops up is a painting. Obviously. BuzzFeed didn't even give people a chance not to see it this time. Rude. But luckily, nothing happened to me that night.
Starting point is 00:16:49 Nothing happened at all until about a week or so later, which brings me to my second story. I was babysitting. Typical. Anyway, this was the first time I had babysat for this family who had a 7-year-old girl and a 3-year-old boy and a sweet little doggie. The parents were going to be out until about 9.30, so I put the kids to bed around 8.30, read them some stories, and they fell asleep. They each had their own rooms, but they both fell asleep in the girl's bed
Starting point is 00:17:11 while I was reading to them, which is something the mom told me they did often. The bed was against the wall, and the little boy was closest to the wall with the girl in front of him. There was only one TV in the house, which was in the living room, and I turned that off when the kids went to bed
Starting point is 00:17:23 so it wouldn't wake them up. So what I'm saying is the house was 100% silent. silent anyway I got up to check on them around 9 15 and they were both still asleep I then remembered the girl saying earlier that the dog was hungry and that I need to feed her the parents hadn't told me where the food was but I figured I could find it easily and put it in her bowl I looked in the kitchen in the laundry laundry room and it wasn't there so I decided to check the garage which was through a door off the kitchen. I went out and shut the door behind me because I didn't want the dog to follow me into the garage. As I was looking around out there I heard what sounded like the little boy talking in the kitchen right on the other
Starting point is 00:17:57 side of the door. It was muffled through the door but he said a few indistinguishable sentences and then something that sounded like where'd she go? I figured he was talking to the dog. And I said, hang on, I'll be right there. I immediately opened the door and the kitchen was completely empty. The dog wasn't even in there anymore. I calmly walked through the kitchen and across the house to the bedroom. And both of the kids were still fast asleep in the same positions as a few minutes before. I opened the garage so fast after I heard him that I don't think he could have gotten out of the kitchen, let alone across the house. So who did I hear talking?
Starting point is 00:18:29 Again, I made sure the TV was not on. The voice was clear enough to the point that I was so sure it was a little boy that responded to it. There were no toys or radios or anything in the kitchen that could have made any noise, let alone a clear human child voice. I was so spooked, I just texted my boyfriend the word ghost.
Starting point is 00:18:44 Oh, shit shit when he responded what as one does i replied that i would tell him later because i didn't want to give it attention luckily the parents got home like five minutes later and i was like bye when i told the story to my friend she said well maybe it was a friendly ghost i was trying to get you back into the kitchen because something worse was in the garage with you oh no like thanks that made me feel so much worse i know it was delayed but i feel like it's in connection to the painting especially because it was a little boy's voice and there's a little boy in the painting yikes sorry for the longest email in the world love you guys and sweet baby g much love kelsey p.s while writing this email my computer screen started shifting very quickly between brightness
Starting point is 00:19:22 levels nope sos shit hold on what is this creepy ass painting i don't want to look at it i want to look at it you do i want you to look at no i don't want that what is it the world god holds the world in his hands or something that's probably wrong just google it and press all so we get links. The hands resist him. Oh, God. It's a painting created in 1972. Oh, my God. Okay.
Starting point is 00:19:54 Okay. I saw it. I saw it. I saw it. Here it is. I feel like I'm haunted for the rest of my life. What is this? Look at this. Our father who art in heaven.
Starting point is 00:20:01 It's on eBay. Let's buy it. Look at this creepy thing no no no look at it no i don't want and we'll get it i have a total body chills and look at creepy fucking look at it again that's so creepy i am a demon i'm sorry um so let's see what happens while we record anyway thanks kelsey Happy birthday, kinda. I really hope no shit happens to you after we read about your fucking... I mean, for it to go like, oh, where'd she go? That's creepy, because it was intelligent enough to know that you were around this whole time.
Starting point is 00:20:36 And then she came back into the kitchen and was back, and it was gone. I don't like it. This is from Corelle. Corelle? Steve? You there? Corelle? Hello? Fresh. It fresh it says french canadian murder mystery oh man does not include poutine sadly wait it says that or you said that it's in the title oh oh i'm sorry i'm okay alternatively this is how it starts by the way alternatively the disappearance oh the
Starting point is 00:21:03 title of it so it's known in the subject as french canadian murder mystery and how it starts, by the way. Alternatively, the disappearance. Oh, the title of it. So it's known in the subject as French Canadian murder mystery. And then it starts with alternatively, the disappearance that traumatized me before I even knew it was real. Oh, no. That would have been one long subject title. With the poutine thing and everything. Yeah. Carol says, hey.
Starting point is 00:21:21 Hey. I know it might be hard to believe, but horrible and monstrous killers do exist in Canada in canada no they don't so what we're about to read is a fake story person okay that's true um she says anyway my hometown is near montreal quebec the whole area is called the south shore and is a mix of rich suburban homes and very rural farms this area was known to be family friendly the crime rates were very low and the people of place oh and the kind of place where your parents would let you go anywhere you went during the day as long as you came back before dark people trusted one another leaving their garage doors open not locking their backyards things like that in 2007 i was a fearless eight-year-old obsessed with nancy drew roxy hunter and any other story that included badass women and yes murders yes um my mom was very worried and she would reward me for every happy book that i would
Starting point is 00:22:10 read with candy which is what we're gonna have to do with our kids that's incredible i'll be happy if my kids just read books i'll be like wow seriously my mom was just thrilled that i was reading um around june my mom stopped letting me walk from school. I wasn't allowed to go to the park with friends anymore, and I was not happy. In 2009, so she's 10 now, I was at a sleepover with other horror-obsessed girls. What kind of fucking fifth grade party was this? I'm so irritated that I wasn't a part of this. When I was in fifth grade, I had a Harry Potter party.
Starting point is 00:22:42 Me too. Wait, okay, we knew about our Spongebob party. Which was our ninth birthday party. Yeah, but we didn't know about it. So we both had a Spongebob ninth birthday party and a Harry Potter tenth birthday party. This is alarming to me. That's bananas. Anyway, we'll talk about it later.
Starting point is 00:22:56 Okay. No, let's talk about it now. But I digress. In 2009, I was at a sleepover. Okay, the sleepover of our dreams, Christine. I'm so irritated. And they started telling the horror story about what happened to this girl named erica provenci oh shit if i'm reading that wrong i'm sorry it looks like erica provenci sounds right the story was that when she
Starting point is 00:23:14 was around 10 she went to the park and some friends and a stranger came to see them and asked them for help as he had lost his dog oh here we go are you fucking kidding me all of erica's friends refused because stranger danger but erica accepted her friends left and she was never seen again most stories were about how he kept her in the woods tortured her killed her and dumped her body in the water in 2012 so now she's 13 years old okay i made some new friends at school and and one of them, who has the same last name as Erica, tells us that when Erica disappeared in June 2007, they called her family by mistake to tell them that their daughter was missing. I never knew if the story was true, but this led me to Google Erica's case, and turns out every detail up to her disappearance was true.
Starting point is 00:24:02 Nightmares ensued, of course. Following this, the research for Erica never stopped. They finally found her remains in 2015 and concluded that she died soon after disappearing. They never made any arrests, but there is one suspect that to this day creeps me out completely. I won't
Starting point is 00:24:17 say his name, but he is everything that we know about him. He was arrested for possessing child pornography, focusing on children between eight and 12, and Erica was nine. His car was a match to the description of a suspicious car witnessed in the area of her disappearance.
Starting point is 00:24:34 And however, the creepiest thing about this guy is that the day that they found the remains, rumor says that he went to the ER having a huge panic attack and needed to be hospitalized. Nurses have refused to talk about what he did or said which i totally respect confidentiality as part of their duty anyway he was found not guilty and he's already what he's either already gone or trying to leave
Starting point is 00:24:55 for switzerland what the fuck in the end no one knows what happened to erica between the moment her friends left in the moment she died in 2017 while working in a summer camp i heard some campers telling each other the story of a girl who accepted the help of a stranger to find his dog and erica provenci's murder and disappearance changed the way we see south shores honey um love you guys hope you enjoyed this story hope you don't mind all the personal details canada is a dangerous place but please come anyway oh honey that's really really sad yes that's really sad i keep getting chills today yes it's really killing me thank you so much for sending that in what's your name corral corral thank you um very sad very very very sad uh okay so i have one from caitlin okay and it's called my ghost
Starting point is 00:25:49 stories all right hello hello i only did i like that did she we'll wait all right you're hemming and hong i need you to give a direct answer, Caitlin. She loved it. Hello, I only just started listening to your podcast this past April, and I can't stop listening. I've been obsessed with ghosts since grade school, but anyways, on to my ghost story. In grade school, we often did school plays at the University of Notre Dame in a building called Washington Hall. We would go there multiple times a week to practice before the big show. I, of course, was never in the play me neither me neither and was oftentimes either the props person oh
Starting point is 00:26:31 she said in quotes props person oh okay me too or part of the stage crew i'm still a quote props person i mean yeah this led me this led to me having a lot of free time during the practices oftentimes we'd sit in the green room playing cards or sitting in the hallway just outside of the green room one time while me and a friend were sitting in the hallway we heard footsteps in the stairwell at the end of the hall and we're told that no one was else was in the building except for the people from our school and we were allowed we were not allowed anywhere except the stage dressing room in the green room so we had no idea who could have been walking up and down the stairs the next year when we did a play at washington hall i had another experience
Starting point is 00:27:08 this time in the dressing room which was rumored to be haunted by the fat lady in red why are they talking about me whenever i wear my red shirt fucking inappropriate guys and misgendering misgendering hold on let's talk about university of notre dame and how oh okay many fucking social faux pas they're pulling here oh yeah yeah i was looking at one of the mirrors when suddenly i realized everyone else had left the room and i was all by myself i immediately had an internal oh shit moment and decided to play it cool so the ghost would not think i was scared brave it says i know period smart for a seventh grader no very smart actually though as i calmly where'd it go
Starting point is 00:27:52 as i calmly walked around the mirrors to the door i heard a crashing sound and sprinted the rest of the way out of the room bye once in the hall two girls asked me what was wrong upon telling them that i had heard a crashing sound they went in to investigate we discovered that someone else someone's roses a gift from one of the performer's parents had been knocked over onto the ground the roses were towards the end of the table in front of the mirrors and i had been a good three feet past them when they had fallen the roses were no longer no the roses were nowhere near the edge of the table and there wasn't a draft in the, so that couldn't explain why they were knocked over.
Starting point is 00:28:29 The girls with me picked the flowers up and went to the sink to replace the water, only to have the sink turn on by itself. I immediately booked it out of the room. Another time at Washington Hall after our last performance had finished, my best friend and myself had gotten the woman in charge of the building to give us a tour of the upstairs which was supposedly the most haunted spot when we got to the second floor it was very cold a door to one of the rooms up there was wide open and the light was on I walked into the room and the temperature seemed to suddenly drop even further it was freezing the woman in charge of the building then decided to tell me she was the only one in the building today with keys to get up here, the second floor. And the last time she was up here, she had closed the door to the room I was now standing in and the light was off.
Starting point is 00:29:10 Oh, no. Apparently, this happened often. She went on to tell us her own ghostly experiences since she would open up the building before anyone else was there and she would close it after other people were long gone. One morning, she was drinking coffee and left it at the back of the theater while she was while she went to do something when she went back to grab her coffee it was gone they drank it that is my nightmare i'll tell you what she found it a few minutes later all the way down on the stage she assumed father just wanted a sip of coffee when we asked what she, she went on to say that a priest had died in the audience while watching
Starting point is 00:29:48 a play. Because it was just so good. It was so heretical. Additionally, a worker had fallen through the roof while Washington Hall was being built, and the famous Gipper of Notre Dame passed away on the stairs of Washington Hall outside due to hypothermia. Oh my god that's why the hall was haunted all of this makes you
Starting point is 00:30:09 wonder about colleges and universities and the ghosts that may haunt them colleges tend to be very well established and old so i wouldn't be surprised if every campus had their own ghosts oh yeah a thousand percent i know i have more stories in regards to my alma mater across the street from the university of notre dame saint mary's but i will save that for another time and that's why i drink hashtag team milkshake yay caitlin good one you know i you know what's interesting is i bet i know colleges like most college campuses have like their own spirits but what's wild is that they're like imagine everyone that has like that's open-minded to energy and then they all live in one spot right everyone's ghosts that follow them are on one campus and also you put
Starting point is 00:30:52 them under stress because they're in college oh yeah social stress academic stress i can think of so many ghosts that were on my campus there were so many ghosts oh my god it's and like i really came into so many encounters with them like um for example now like people who like have recently graduated from my college wouldn't know about it but when i was a freshman there um a lot of our classes used to be in hotels and hotel rooms oh um because we were in the middle of expanding and so they had bought like this whole motel across the street that some of it stayed and became like Greek housing. But there was this huge hotel like motel room complex that now is no longer there.
Starting point is 00:31:31 Right. And they used to have the RAs and like the like the PAs, the police assistants. Yeah. They had all of them monitoring that area, too, because like it was in a weird spot where it was right in between multiple parts of housing so you had to sometimes walk across it to get to the housing that already existed or you right next to it was greek housing or like now there's like a 7-eleven and shit there yeah but um when they knocked it down they fucking found a body in the walls what like it was like okay so
Starting point is 00:32:05 my the area i went to school like before college before the college was built up it was like not a great part of town and so a lot of the motels they used to be like places that like sex workers used to go to and there were a lot of addicts in the area right so it used to be like a slummy kind of area and now they're like building it up and then they knocked all the other stuff down. But they found a fucking body. Holy shit. In the walls. And I remember knowing the police aides who were like, yeah, we literally had to walk through.
Starting point is 00:32:33 And we like, they were telling us. Horrifying. Yeah. Holy shit. And then there was absolutely a ghost in one of the sorority houses there. There was a ghost in my freshman room i i was in a building when i was in when i was a freshman called york east which is still there and my room absolutely had something horrible no then in sophomore year i lived in a um in a building called jr all of the
Starting point is 00:33:00 buildings are named after different rivers in virginia So there was York and then James River and then there's like Rappahannock and like they're all different rivers. Yeah. But in JR there was something really fucking nightmarish in there. There was a ghost everywhere in that fucking place. And the school, the campus used to be a high school
Starting point is 00:33:20 when they first built on top of it. So some of the original stuff in like the music and theater departments, it's built on top of an old high school and they didn't tear some of it down because it just made sense to wall it off. But when I was a freshman, there was a door that if you knew the right place,
Starting point is 00:33:38 you could still get in there and still see part of the old high school gymnasium. Oh no! And it was all warped like all the wooden it looked like a giant like ripple tide that's creepy as shit and apparently there's a little girl that still haunts the whole music department she lives in there supposedly she lives in the gym with all the warped walls oh my god and there used to be in a there used to be a blockbuster on campus rip that got knocked down talk about haunted then they had an abandoned
Starting point is 00:34:05 now it's called rappahannock this giant building but there used to be a bowling alley there and so a lot of clubs would like have like meetups and stuff like at this bowling alley when i got there freshman year it was totally abandoned and so a lot of kids like to break into the bowling alley and like get drunk and hang out on the like the what do you call them the aisles or alleys the alleys yeah people would just sit in an alley bowling alley i don't know maybe i'm wrong no you're right i know you're right i don't know but like it was just like a totally empty abandoned like broken worn down bowling alley and people would just sit in there and they would like dare each other to like slide down to like the pin area but someone got stuck behind
Starting point is 00:34:45 there one time and swears that they saw a little boy like like following them around back there and like there was no little boy there like it was like a ghost what the fuck like it was just like that place is just covered in ghosts anyway chris for newport university what's up oh jesus christ okay last one i did not ask for this. Well, I mean, also, your college is crazy haunted. It was in D.C. Like, what do you think probably happened? We could get into that at a different time. Oh, this is not my turn to talk.
Starting point is 00:35:14 No, no, no, no. Next time I'll... This is Nikki's turn to talk. Maybe someday Em will let me have a scary ghost college campus story. Never, ever. Nope. So, Nikki says... Hi, Nikki. The email is called LeBrons. Never ever. Nope. So Nikki says, the email is called the Bronson apartment. And this is our last one, correct?
Starting point is 00:35:31 Or no, one more after this. I have one. Okay. It's really short. Nikki says, I love your show and I'm currently binging it from San Francisco while I ride the train to work. I'm not caught up, but I think you both have an on-air chemistry. Oh.
Starting point is 00:35:43 Ooh la la. Oh my. That is fun and fully enjoyable fun and flirty 30 flirty and fun um 30 flirty and thriving with that being said i had lived my life as a pseudo pseudo skeptic and i believed what i could see and i have now seen enough to be convinced that it was my skepticism and sometimes self-doubt that constantly attracted strange and paranormal experiences i have weird firsthand connections to at least two true crimes that i'll share in another email someday come on this particular incidence happened in hollywood proper in my apartment on north bronson avenue oh my god we know all about i know where north bronson is i'm listening to all of your stories and i'm
Starting point is 00:36:24 constantly saying why don't you just move along with you because you're smart i thought you were saying that to me i was like i'm really happy here thanks well she clearly moved from her north bronson apartment with that kind of attitude far far away i hope this will give a little insight to the mindset of a fairly normal person who did move out of their apartment like hey at least not right away oh i moved to hollywood in my early 20s directly out of film school to make my living as a screenwriter hashtag been there me too i happened upon this giant one bedroom apartment that was rent controlled and well within my budget in los angeles no less you can imagine how excited i was to have my friends over and showcase my new place it's a big deal my good friend who was pretty easygoing and
Starting point is 00:37:03 equally excited by my find came over for the first time to see it before i moved all my belongings in she stopped just inside the doorway of my kitchen and shook her set and said i'm not coming in here again something is wrong in here nope no that's what i said about christine seller no um no i should have thought something was wrong at the time but i was too blinded by my criminally low rent and good location to care. I moved all of my things in and settled in. I have to give it to my friend. She never did go back inside that apartment for all the years I lived there.
Starting point is 00:37:32 Wow. Now, here's a little insight into the why don't I move dilemma. Well, it's criminally low rent, so. I don't blame you for one thing. But also, I'm guessing it's because someone fucking murdered, got murdered in there. Uh-oh. Honestly, aside from my friend's strange reaction, nothing seemed off, overtly off at first. I can recall a few times when I thought my heavy work schedule and exhaustion were to
Starting point is 00:37:53 blame for the items in my apartment not being where I left them. I'm a creature of habit. I have a bowl by the door where I keep my keys and still do now. I would walk in the door and put them in the bowl and got into the habit of saying, I'm putting my keys in the bowl, only to end up finding them in my bathroom sink or my tub one time my freezer no oh my god no oddly instead of going from zero to this place is fucking haunted I blamed myself I was tired I must have forgotten to put them in the bowl or imagined I had said my little mantra I really wanted ice cream, my keys, I wanted to go to the store,
Starting point is 00:38:26 but I needed ice cream first. This went on with me getting more and more worried that I was forgetting silly things like keys and waltz and sometimes even my phone. Let me be clear. I do not have memory issues. I got a 4.0 in college and grad school because I was lucky enough to have an eidetic memory.
Starting point is 00:38:41 I would have known I wasn't being forgetful, but the alternative was just not believable and scarier still was the idea that someone might be sneaking into my home at night to move things around god so this went for some time me thinking i'm slowly losing my faculties in my early 20s needless to say to say it started weighing on me oddly whenever i'd come home i'd feel this heavy sadness that felt like an almost physical pressure if you knew me you would know that i don't have a depressive bone in my body i'm almost annoyingly upbeat and was right up until i'd key into my apartment and it would hit me like a wave suddenly everything in
Starting point is 00:39:13 the world was awful and why did i even get out of bed that day oh my god overwhelmed with this cloying sadness i'd schlep into the room and go to bed even in the middle of the day however once i'd leave the apartment i was fine and i'd feel like a lift from my fog oh my god still stranger was while i lived in that apartment i had no less than four people who identified themselves as mediums or psychics who approached me unsolicited in random stores all over la at the movie theater at the grocery store and even one on the street in weho every one of them apologized for bothering me they didn't ask for my money they just wanted to help clear my aura and told me something dark was clinging to it i just got goosebumps what should have tipped me off was how worried they seemed to be about me
Starting point is 00:39:54 in hindsight i should have let them but i thought they were always trying to scam me for money and politely told them no thank you and went along my way so this went on for years years years years me thinking i was forgetful and weirdly depressed until one night i woke up out of a dead sleep and laid in bed wide awake staring up at the ceiling like one does when they aren't sure what might have woken them oh no my room had a sliding closet door that was all mirrors from ceiling to floor and as weird as it may seem i never liked looking into the mirrors at night this time as i laid there i had the distinct feeling that there was actually someone else in the room oh no out
Starting point is 00:40:29 of the corner of my eye i could see the shadow of them standing next to my bed sort of leaning over but i didn't turn to look at them oh my god i turned my eyes to the mirrored closet wall and i could see a large dark man-like shape in the mirror exactly where i could sense it behind me oh my god the shape was so dark i couldn't see through it entirely i froze i remember being terrified that if they knew i could see them that it would be that it wouldn't be good and i kept thinking i'm asleep i'm asleep i'm asleep i pretended to close my eyes and go back to bed you should just do it i heard a voice whisper as clear as day and very close to my ear it wasn't in my head you should just die it said and i felt that same heavy pressing sadness and that was it
Starting point is 00:41:14 wow my god smash cut to me standing outside my friend's apartment at three in the morning in my pajamas a hockey jersey and whatever baseball cap i had groped into my head into the near dark of the apartment. I had run out so fast that I had broken four of my five toes on my left foot, tripping over a piece of furniture. Holy shit! In my blind panic, I didn't even feel it. I get why people don't move. There's a territorial urge to keep your place that you're paying good money for and literally ludicrously low rent for. Maybe it's pride. Maybe you think you're crazy. Maybe it's just maybe you think you're crazy, maybe just a little and that you either dreamt
Starting point is 00:41:55 it or your imagination filled in the gaps. Even to this day, I don't tell many folks about it because it sounds crazy. But it has made me question so many of the other strange things that have happened over the years that I had reasoned away. So I get why people hang on so long before they give up their homes. And don't get me wrong, I moved the hell out. I found a way less affordable place that I didn't want, that I didn't want, but it didn't want me to die. I call that a win in my books, and it's definitely why i drink fancy rum i know this is long so don't feel like you need to read it on air i just thought you'd find it interesting since it's from y'all's newish neck of the woods p.s i used to go to house of pies all the time they should sponsor you if they aren't already keep drinking and making me laugh best nicky
Starting point is 00:42:40 woof also her saying that she always used to go to house of pies means that she probably lived in los filas which is where like oh bronson yeah yeah oh my gosh terrifying terrifying that's deeply upsetting to me you should just do it you should just die i'm like no thank you all right that's one for the books. God damn it. I hope you're happy. I hope, I hope the heaviness went away. Yeah. All right.
Starting point is 00:43:14 This is a story from grace and the subject is haunted Starbucks. I'm in full circle. I'm a full believer in the paranormal. Okay. So we're just going to dive right in. Yeah. I am a full believer in the paranormal. I'm pretty sure that I had something following me around when I was a teenager. I haven't felt its presence for a few years, so fingers crossed.
Starting point is 00:43:28 Oh, God. Knock on wood. Oh, boy. So I wasn't too surprised to find out that my Starbucks was haunted. I started working at Starbucks back in 2015 as a closing barista. Nothing seemed off at first, but after a few months, things would start flying off top shelves and go further than normal. In recent months, the activity has seemed to increase. One of my favorite coworkers slash best friends also has something that follows her around,
Starting point is 00:43:52 and the activity seems to increase when it's just her and I closing the store. Oftentimes, we will see someone standing out in our cafe when we are both in the back room. We've also seen someone walking into our bathrooms, but when we check, there's no one there. It always feels as if someone is standing right behind you if you're in the cafe alone the ice scoop sits on top of the ice bin about eight feet tall and instead of falling down or straight it takes a right turn and heads toward the back desk other weird happenings include strange musical sounds coming from our pastry case what What? While no music is on in the store and no one is playing any music, at times it will almost sound like someone is talking out of the pastry case. It's totally fine.
Starting point is 00:44:33 Dot, dot, dot. Send help. Oh, my God. So if you're ever in Lexington, Kentucky, come. Don't go. Turn around and leave. Get out. Come hit up our haunted Starbucks and and get some free drinks you guys are
Starting point is 00:44:45 the best oh my gosh grace jeez that's the music or like the talking it sounds like the cookies are talking to you it sounds like sausage party or something like eat me i'm a cake pop i'm a pretty cake pop oh my god that wild. Hearing a voice from the food cabinet. I don't like the part of like, oh, someone walked into the bathroom and then after a while you're like, who's in there? And then you check and there's no one in there. Yeah. Like you keep seeing someone standing out there.
Starting point is 00:45:12 That upsets me. Like, is it, is it a ghost waiting for coffee or is it there to scare you? I'm confused. I don't know. It feels like if it feels like it's standing right behind you, I feel like it's probably not. It's either a really cranky customer or it's just trying to scare you. His unfinished business is to get his order right.
Starting point is 00:45:28 His Trenta. His Trenta blackie lemonade on sweetened. Thanks, guys. Thank you, guys. If you would like to hear more, you can tune into Patreon and hear CK, Classic Kevin, with his thick Scottish voice. That's right. Read a special story? A listener episode of the month.
Starting point is 00:45:49 He records it for us and we post it on our Patreon. So thank you guys. That's what you're going to get instead of the names nowadays. Because it was getting... It was 40 minutes of names. It was a good problem to have that we have so many of you willing to help us. But it was just becoming very stressful and anxiety inducing for you guys too a lot of people email us like i don't listen to that anymore yeah it's like good because that's it's long yes but
Starting point is 00:46:16 thank you so much for the people who do donate i mean you're the reason that we're able to do these shows now you're the reason that we might be able to do bigger shows or do bigger things coming up in the future and i mean it just we could not do this without you we wouldn't even be able to keep recording basic stories without you which i know from your perspective it probably doesn't seem like your donations do much but it does absolutely everything so thank you thank you guys and that's why we drink bye

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