And That's Why We Drink - Listener Stories: Vol. 18

Episode Date: July 1, 2018

We're back for our 18th listeners' episode! Tune in to hear why our listeners drink... ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You guys, the universe just said we will refuse to record your conversation. We are on one today. I don't know what's going on, but Christine's feeling feisty. I'm feeling feisty. There was like some Jonas Brothers talk. And by some, I mean a lot. There was a lot of Jonas Brothers talk and then a lot of Christine shutting it down. And then the recording equipment wouldn't record it for obvious reasons.
Starting point is 00:00:20 It knew. It knew. Even Eva kind of knew, too, because she was very quick to not tell us we weren't recording until we were done with the conversation. Ready? Yeah. All right. Hurry up.
Starting point is 00:00:43 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I told you guys. She's on one. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I told you guys, she's on one. I'm really hungry. I am too. I think we're all just hangry here. Okay.
Starting point is 00:00:52 I just picked one up, but I don't actually know what I just picked up. Is this what I'm supposed to read? Okay. Eva's such a gem. I don't know. We just do what Eva tells us. I'm like, Eva, where do I go? Where do I put my hand?
Starting point is 00:01:00 Eva! And you're like, right here. Pick it up. Pick it up right here. Okay. We're here for your listener stories. Yes. Classic Kevin's going to read some stories on our patreon so all patreon donors whether you donate one cent or a million cents you get to listen to that and thank you to everyone
Starting point is 00:01:16 who contributes and sends in their listener stories thank you for the fuel and we are still going through them and by we i mean eva thank you, Eva, for reading all of them. Please know we're going through. Sometimes people will be like, I sent it four times and you still haven't responded. I'm like, it's like, listen, it's Eva's fault. She's fired. I'm like, honestly, that's my fault because you sent it probably a year ago and I'm still backlogged from that.
Starting point is 00:01:38 Sorry. Anyway, shall we read some stories? Yes. Eva has told us that there are actually seven stories today no that was supposed to be a surprise oh well i don't know what it is late there's a surprise there's a surprise one there's a surprise one and you won't know about it until the end yep okay so who reads who reads more than the other than who reads four versus three oh god eva did you plan for this eva tell us what to do oh my god robert the doll fell over oh no oh what
Starting point is 00:02:04 does that mean oh boy oh my god eva don't touch him do oh my god robert the doll fell over oh no oh what does that mean oh boy oh my god eva don't touch him you don't he's looking right at me anyway let's just move on oh my god okay like i'm like don't touch him and he was like okay he was like got it will not do okay here's our here's our let's just gonna we're just gonna run right into it let's just go this is from tessa tessa and tessa says hi em and christine and a special hi to the handsome boy oh baby who happens to be napping next to eva he is so he's so seepy look at the baby baby on our burrow hashtag promo code hashtag ad drink um oh even geo just really are into each other pals jiva hmm that's good geo jiva evo evo evo evo okay yeah i'm into oh geo really likes that look at that face whatever you're doing eva keep
Starting point is 00:02:57 it up he's really about it okay um okay back to tessa anyway oh by the way this is called cults murder demons and ghosts a brief history of my life so oh good a journal entry right out of christine's diary my 13 year old self the lyrics to christine's song that she really wanted to appear and panic at the disco or something the weird lyrics that i kept sending unsolicited to panic the disco's manager on myspace okay uh okay tessa says i have fallen head over heels for your podcast that's so kind as you can tell from my subject line the paranormal and true crime have been a big part of my life and i'm truly obsessed with it before i tell you part of my very weird story i did you just burn that wasn't me oh right okay eva you're fired before i tell you about my very weird story i just wanted to say a couple things i am hashtag team wine all the way thank you cabs are my favorite too me too oh yeah it's yeah well
Starting point is 00:03:59 i just want to say real quick i'm drinking something called pino evil like casino evil oh although i like that kind of sounds kind of pino evil i just think of like p i think of like penile evil oh well i mean we're both kind of on the same track the wrong track but the same track they're very wrong headed for a very fatal collision track but because of em i also am drinking way too many milkshakes so thank you uh and then then said, you're going to get me fat. Oh. You're welcome. God damn it.
Starting point is 00:04:28 I'm going to get you jolly is what I'm going to get you. And you're going to have a good time doing it. Also, sidebar. Thank you, Eva, for scratching out girl. Such a gem. You're so good. OK. Also, so excited for your engagement, Christine.
Starting point is 00:04:44 Oh, thanks. There it is. Me too. I got engaged in December of 2017, and I'm getting married in October, Christine. Oh, thanks. There it is. Me too. I got engaged in December of 2017 and I'm getting married in October as well. Oh my God. Congratulations. On Halloween because it's the best. Oh, that's good.
Starting point is 00:04:53 See, I was afraid that if I did Halloween that no one would show because they were like too busy doing Halloween stuff. Okay. I wouldn't do it on Halloween because I would be like so afraid that I wasn't going to like live up to the. Yeah. If you're going to do a Halloween wedding, you got to go hard. And I'm sure Tessa will, but I feel like I would be like so afraid that I wasn't going to like live up to the, yeah. If you're going to do a Halloween wedding, you got to go hard.
Starting point is 00:05:06 And I'm sure Tessa will, but I feel like I would fail. Tessa's got the pressures on her. And I feel like, um, if you do Halloween, like every anniversary is like Halloween. And I like as many holidays in my life as possible.
Starting point is 00:05:19 Right, right, right. You were just, you didn't want to skimp out on selfish. No, I would have done the same thing. Um, by the way, my anniversary is July 4th, so I guess I don't really get to talk.
Starting point is 00:05:29 Please give Gio a billion kisses for me because he's so damn cute and I'm sad every episode I can't snuggle him. Anyway, let's crack into it. Let's. The next sentence. Uh-oh. Eva really did a number on us today. Uh-oh.
Starting point is 00:05:43 This is the next sentence. I was raised in a cult. What? Oh, this is going to be such a good episode. It's already such a good episode. Oh, she says it was super fun. It's definitely hashtag why I drink. Whoa. Did not expect that.
Starting point is 00:05:58 We got in. We. We got in when I was three and escaped when I was 18. To make matters worse, our compound was an old Catholic mission built in the 20s. So it naturally was super, super creepy. Hold on. Okay, so she was sarcastic about the fun thing, I think. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:14 I took her literally for a second. And then she said, old Catholic mission built in the 20s. And I was like, never mind. Just the fact that from age three to 18, you were in a cult. Get ready for the shivers. There's photos. Oh. The top one is just the fact that from age 3 to 18 you were in a cult get ready for the shivers there's photos the top one is just the worst oh no
Starting point is 00:06:31 there's literally a whole what would you call that a mob of nuns I don't know if they're nuns I don't want to offend nuns they're people in robed garb they're all men so I imagine they're not nuns but they're uniformed maybe not all men, they're all men, so I imagine they're not nuns, but... They're uniformed.
Starting point is 00:06:46 Maybe not all men, but they're all wearing the same black robes. It looks like they're at her... It looks like what you expect. It looks like they're at Tessa's wedding. Oh, right. At her Halloween wedding. Right. If you look, there's actually us in the back, I think.
Starting point is 00:06:59 Oh, there we are. There we are. We're doing the peace up. Yeah, there we are. A-town. Peace up, A-town down. Okay. there we are we're doing the peace up yeah there we are a town down okay um anyway i'll do a little true crime and a little paranormal with this story my true crime part of it is obviously the cult
Starting point is 00:07:12 part well can you imagine if she didn't continue with that story like anyway that has nothing to do so i was in a cult and we escaped when i was 18 also here's my other story tessie you better get the fuck back on this story um okay it was naturally oh okay it's gonna get sad now it was naturally a horribly abusive situation and there were a couple deaths parentheses or rather murders hold on remember when you laughed about how fun it was yeah i feel like an asshole um the cult was run by a husband and wife. The husband was literally insane and imposed crazy rules on the followers. One of which was you were not allowed to go see normal doctors. You know, the ones with degrees who are trained to take care of you.
Starting point is 00:07:53 Parentheses. Hi, Blaze. Oh. This girl is a storyteller. Oh, man. She's on it. Oh. One woman went into labor at the compound and gave birth in a room on the first floor.
Starting point is 00:08:04 Oh, no. And after giving birth, she went into an intense seizure. Oh gave birth in a room on the first floor. Oh, no. And after giving birth, she went into an intense seizure. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. The cult leaders refused to call an ambulance and she died on the property.
Starting point is 00:08:14 Oh, my God. She died. Fuck. I swear that room always made me cry as a child and I never knew why until after I had escaped. Oh, shit. A small child also died at the compound of a toothache that became a severe infection honey and this baby boy ghost ended up saving my life many years later i don't know if they're buried at the compound but i wouldn't be surprised i have so many children
Starting point is 00:08:37 right now but how how sad is that like how um treatable a fucking toothache i know i know an infection like it's just antibiotics. That's heartbreaking. I hope she carries on with the part where she says this baby boy ghost saved my life. I need to know about that. As you would expect, the mission is haunted as, capitalized, fuck. Good. We're talking dead nuns,
Starting point is 00:08:58 priests, cultists, and demons. You did call the nuns part. I did call the nuns. I did not call the demons. No, no um i'll tell you a couple stories because there are so damn many there's a huge chapel here and in the chapel very high up there's a door no one knows why that's just too gross it basically opens into god knows what but it's an attic space essentially and the door has always been closed. My brother and a couple other cult kids. Cult kids.
Starting point is 00:09:27 I bet they both have a K. Cult kids. Kid bop. Oh my God. Oh my God. I'm sorry. Oh my God. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:09:36 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Cult bops with a Z. Cult bop. Kid cult bop. My brother and a couple other cult kids were hanging out in there and they swear the door opened on its own and then slammed shut. And it did this over and over again. It does not surprise me.
Starting point is 00:09:51 And there is no draft in there. There is no way a person could get up there casually and the door opens out. So no one could have hid in the attic to open and shut the door. So like it was opening from basically nothing. Oh, for God's sakes. They watched it for about 15 minutes and eventually ran out i like how 15 minutes like they were like we're not gonna die yet like 15 minutes is 14 minutes and 50 seconds they were like we gotta we gotta
Starting point is 00:10:14 go get out of here got a blast so in the hall i'm stolen catchphrase from jimmy neutron someone's gotta keep it alive hashtag nickelodeon hashtag um okay you ready for this yes in the hallway outside there are demons no i wasn't ready for that sorry i lied the light switch for the hallway is at one end and the door to the rest of the compound is at the other well that's a nightmare so you have to shut the lights off and then run run like hell to get out that's a nightmare because So you have to shut the lights off. And then run. Run like hell to get out. That's a nightmare. Because the demons will fucking chase you.
Starting point is 00:10:49 Is an actual sentence I'm being told to read. You can hear the running footsteps and feel their eyes on you. And just to make it scarier, I'm positive that I've seen them dressed like Catholic priests. Almost as if to mock them. Oh, gross. You can also torment us. Oh, not you. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:11:12 I got carried away. We probably will torment you. I'm not going to lie. They would also torment us whenever we were alone. You could hear them walk the other halls or make strange inhumans noises at night. And they would also watch you while you slept. I have so many more stories, but this email is getting long. So I'll end it here.
Starting point is 00:11:31 Also, M, I worked in a very haunted hookah bar. So if you want to hear about that, let me know. I certainly do. I love you both so much. And if you're ever in Denver, hit me up and we can do a haunted sleepover at the Stanley. Fuck yeah, that would be so fun. And I'm an asshole because it says best wishes and happy drinking from bella okay here's the thing here's the thing
Starting point is 00:11:50 it's literally you handed me this and it said bella and i was like i'm just gonna give em the benefit of the doubt it says tessa it says tessa but then the email says bella so maybe tessa's her first name oh or her mom or something maybe Maybe they have an email. Oh, okay. Well, Tessa just wanted to... Did you just apologize? Yeah, it's Eva's fault. Eva, you're fired. I'm like, she doesn't apologize? No, do not apologize.
Starting point is 00:12:13 Okay, well, apparently Bella just wanted an after hours nickname. You're right, it says Tessa slash Bella. I don't know what it is, but... Okay, well, it's Bella. But she signed it Bella, okay. Bella was probably listening to it this whole time being like, what the fuck? My name is not Tessa. She's like, someone stole my story oops okay well thank you bella thank you bella i hope you're uh psychologically okay i hope if if you needed help you got it i think you did i mean you're listening to us i mean you're perfectly sane
Starting point is 00:12:40 and clearly yeah you don't need any you're good to go you're good to go actually i've decided i have a degree in psychology so like we're good we're fine if you listen to us it means that you're um really of sound health uh-huh here we go subject this is from samantha is it is it from bella it's from samantha slash like it's bamantha i don't know our this is the subject our ghost barney picture included okay hi friends and doggy we have you guys don't say that anymore because it makes them make that noise and i don't like it and also it's it's i think it's a tick that i have because i can't stop it yeah it really just happens it's your fault if you write if you write that in the email it's your fault i do it to babies too so how good i'm sorry we have a ghost who lives in the master
Starting point is 00:13:33 bedroom of our home he's a little boy who is my five-year-old's best friend oh oh yay and no his name is barney apparently he doesn't parents, so he decided we would do. Okay. He has been a constant part of our lives for years now, and we've grown to love him. I know this sounds crazy, but we are literally raising a ghost. Oh my gosh. Does he... Wait, I'm sorry. You're raising him.
Starting point is 00:13:57 Does he continually grow and develop as your son does, or are you continually raising a five-year-old that never develops? Well, let's find out. Okay. The two of them argue. He makes a mess. He's taught our daughter some colorful language. Doesn't sound like a five-year-old.
Starting point is 00:14:10 That's hilarious. Actually sounds like me as a five-year-old. 100% sounds like a five-year-old. And he plays in her room when she's asleep. Can you imagine hearing random toys go off in the middle of the night? That took a while to get used to. I don't think you do get used to. I mean, clearly someone does, but that is not me.
Starting point is 00:14:26 We don't talk about it outside of our home unless we submit it to a podcast where I'm adding that. Okay, you won't talk about it. We will. I'll talk about it all I want. We don't talk about it outside of our home, so our friends and family just assume he's an imaginary friend. That being said, this is for sure us as parents. Also, I'm starting to think, like, you know how Tessa's name was actually Bella? What if, like, Samantha wrote this, but then it gets signed by Barney?
Starting point is 00:14:48 Like, Barney was the one that fucking wrote this. He's like, I know how to use Gmail. He's like, I know what Gmail's about, and also someone needs to know about this because they're certainly not going to talk about me, so I gotta do it. And he's going to sprinkle in some curse words to teach some language, some colorful language. We don't talk about it. So our friends and family just assume he's an imaginary friend that being said he has made himself seen a few times throughout the years
Starting point is 00:15:10 i wanted to show you guys this picture we took oh god oh while they planted jelly beans for their lollipop garden the night before easter oh here we go okay okay okay what is that is that it holy shit i'm sorry hold on that's a true boy wait hold on is that that looks like pinocchio it looks like a wooden boy is that for real i'm gonna lose also before you even blew it up i saw that shit i'm sorry so what's happening there's a human person lying on the ground like in the middle of some sort of fun. I'm going to have a freaking heart attack. No, she's planting jelly beans for the garden. Oh, right. Can you listen to the email? I was.
Starting point is 00:15:49 Okay. Our children were planting jelly beans for their lollipop garden the night before. Oh, my God. That is just the weirdest I've ever seen. Hold on. Oh, that is Hold on. Oh. That is beyond paint. Samantha, can we post this somewhere?
Starting point is 00:16:14 I wait for an answer. Bone chilling. That is the most. It looks like Robert the Doll. That is. It looks like Robert. That's the most upsetting thing. It looks like a wooden doll.
Starting point is 00:16:23 Okay. Okay. I'm really uncomfortable. Poor Eva had to be sitting in her bed in the middle of the night and saw that picture vomitous well i hope he's nice to you i mean at least he's nice but also he it's interesting i wonder like if i'm a ghost do i like get to pick how i present myself because that's quite a specific way to present yourself like i'm gonna look like a wooden boy he looks like slappy from that goosebumps episode yes he does i think that's a living dummy i think that's why i'm a little freaked out it just he reminds me of something i was already scared of as a child and blaze just
Starting point is 00:16:57 walked in and i was not expecting it wow sorry oh my. You're just too quiet of a person. Gio, go with Daddy. Gio's so over us shouting. Jesus. Okay, wow. I'm really on edge right now. I just have a pain in my left arm, and I think I'm having a heart attack. Blaze? Blaze?
Starting point is 00:17:19 Okay, I'm going to continue reading this because I don't know what else to do. So I'm just going to power through. Our daughter was diagnosed with apraxia of speech and autism at two and a half years old. We were told she would never talk and prepared for our new normal. To everyone's surprise, at three and a half, she said her first word. I would like to think it was from the three times a week speech therapy and countless hours of practice. But she insists Barney taught her to speak. Okay, so he's
Starting point is 00:17:45 good for some things i i'm changing my tune as amazing as this step was we were told that she would still need speech her entire life when she started preschool at age four she struggled socially and barney kept her company the other kids thought she was weird yeah same and would try to stay people thought you were weird oh yeah weird german girls like my was my catchphrase for like 20 years uh and that's not an exaggeration and and would try to stay away from her oh that's kids are so mean yeah yeah yeah it was awful the week before her fifth birthday she graduated speech therapy recently she's become a social butterfly and made a great group of friends she told us that barney taught her how to be patient and the importance of sharing barney like the dinosaur why is that i'm thinking i mean barney the ghost and barney the dinosaur sound a
Starting point is 00:18:37 lot like the same person apparent can you imagine if if eva like zoomed in on that photo and it was like it was like she's like barney's wide purple lazy slack job smile apparently he also made her introduce herself to her best friend you know what this guy's got it going on if you saw her today you wouldn't believe she was the same child i couldn't share this with anyone else because who would believe a ghost changed our daughter's life sorry that turned into a novel it really didn't i was i was quite concise and i yeah you really nailed it on the storytelling i have a million questions but i feel so much better after finally telling someone about barney stick out tongue face i absolutely adore your podcast thank you so much for the laughs and nightmares samantha thank you
Starting point is 00:19:17 for the nightmares wow thank you for i mean like i know he's a good guy but also that picture is so jarring it's like because i like, I don't see it. And then, oh, no. It's like you think you don't see it, but you were looking at it the whole time. So, Samantha, do you think we can post this on Instagram? Can you do that? That would be so amazing. I'm like, how do we?
Starting point is 00:19:35 God, Eva's just the damn best. I like how I go, how do I find out? Guys, everyone go find yourself an Eva. Also, I am wondering, that Bella girl never told us how that ghost saved her life fair so eva she wanted the sequel she wanted us to 2.0 of this episode okay you know what would be great we should just have like a reunion episode yeah for sure follow-ups follow-ups yeah because people do ask questions about the stories and we're like we don't know but eva does but eva will find out because she's a gem okay here's a new one this
Starting point is 00:20:10 one is from ava oh called the green river killer oh boy i already see um eva's response and it says oh not a good start okay all right this is what ava has to say and the title is the green river killer okay so y'all probably won't get this or even read this probably not probably not i don't think we're ever gonna read it i don't either but i'm going to tell you my family's experience with the green river killer oh jesus christ so in the 80s my uncle was four or five and my grandma took him to this bird sanctuary that her friend had told her about no you don't do that first of all yeah you just say fuck you to all birds no birds are okay it doesn't matter this is not about me okay go on it was way out of the way in a secluded area so she pulls up and there's only one other
Starting point is 00:21:02 vehicle a dusty red truck. That's when you turn around. So whatever Christine said about birds, just put that right here with a dusty red truck and you're the only other person there. We're just adding up red flags. She doesn't think anything about it. Wrong move, Grandma. So my uncle and her were looking at the nests in the birds and my grandma feels someone looking at her.
Starting point is 00:21:22 Oh, no. And she sees a man staring at her. No kids with him, just someone looking at her oh no and she sees a man staring at her no kids with him just him staring at her she starts to get creeped out and she starts walking closer to the opening where her car was parked the guy keeps walking closer and closer until he's like 20 feet away from her oh my god at this point she knows something's wrong so she grabs my uncle by the arm and starts running to her car the The guy starts walking fast, following her. She throws open the car door and throws my uncle in the passenger seat and locks the doors.
Starting point is 00:21:50 She starts driving away. And when she looks back, he's just waving at her. Ew, what a creep. Then a couple of weeks later, he was arrested for his murders. And get this. My grandfather, after my grandparents' divorce, lived catty-corner away from the murderer. My uncles and aunt with my dad would play by his house. And that's that.
Starting point is 00:22:14 Jesus. Super creepy. He waved at her from the... And probably recognized him. Probably recognized the uncle from playing across the street oh god oh god i gotta gotta gotta gotta let let vomit your turn to use an m term vomitous vomitous also i think this is a long one this is two page okay got it i'm sorry oh this is good okay subject the one where i can't come up with a clever subject line.
Starting point is 00:22:46 Listener story. Okay. This is from Denisha. It begins. Disclaimer. A writer I am not. I mean, it seems like she's already. I mean, she already sounds like Yoda.
Starting point is 00:22:56 Disproving this whole theory. Hello, fresh friends. Nailed it. Nailed it. Here's my awkward intro into my listener story there's also like eight enter marks between each of these phrases loving it so good a writer she is not a writer she is a writer she is okay she needs to write her own story or her own book this is good all right my childhood home was a raised ranch basically you had to walk up two flights of
Starting point is 00:23:22 stairs in order to enter the front door because of this we had a small balcony that looked down on our driveway this is relevant i swear okay my mom often supplemented her school bus driver income by applying acrylic silk wrapped nails sorry m out of our home why sorry m because nails freak me out oh nails do freak you out okay i was trying to remember what the what's going on acrylic she's she's she's right to apologize oh because that time i had acrylic or like gel or whatever you freaked out i completely forgot about that she's she didn't denisha is like on it and someone knows me a little better than you and that's fine i'm for sure not up to par okay it's fine okay fine. Okay. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 00:24:05 By applying acrylic slash silk wrapped nails out of our home. The particular client that my mom was working on this day was one of my favorites. She was rich as fuck. Oh, nice. And drove a brand new Corvette, which she paid me $5 to start for her so she wouldn't ruin her nails. That's a good gig. Eva, get that job. That's a good gig right there.
Starting point is 00:24:23 I mean, wait. No, don't get that job. Get us that job. Eva go go start up my subaru go start my subaru i have silk wrapped nails on yeah yeah i can't be bothered oh boy dawn had me her name is dawn of course it was dawn had me start her car about five minutes early because it was chilly out and needed time to warm up after doing so i came inside my dad immediately told me to go back out What? I don't know. So I'm stood out on our relevant balcony looking down on our car, probably coming up with my plan on how I was going to spend my new fortune
Starting point is 00:25:01 when I suddenly saw this guy come running from between the houses across the street he came into our yard beside the corvette and passed our house i remember saying to myself that's weird followed with holy shit he has a gun i quickly ran back into my house through the living and dining rooms and out of the back door all the while my dad asked what was going on and me screaming there's a guy running in our yard with a shotgun by the time i got to the back porch all i could see was that he was barefoot wearing some cut off jean shorts with red paint on them fun fact it was not red paint yeah that's what i thought no shirt and long hair in the meantime my dad was screaming at me to get back in the goddamn house like a minute ago he's like get back out there and look at the car in the car and now he's like get in the house goddamn house i may be paraphrasing his words
Starting point is 00:25:50 i mean probably not to be honest in no time the cops were at my house and i was giving them my statement i told them what i saw and that was it or so i thought the next day we had a knock on our door oh my and then the fan ruined our story the next day we had a knock on our door. Oh my. And then the fan ruined our story. The next day we had a knock on our door. It was a detective with a sketch artist and they were there to do a sketch of the man based on my 10 year old self memory. How much stress would that be? So no pressure. God.
Starting point is 00:26:15 I remember being so scared and debating if I should lie so that he didn't come after me and my family. Oh, can you imagine like you were scared to say what he looked like in case he that's awful um our small town had just been shook up by the murder of one of my 13 year old sister's best friends and i god damn and i was scared shitless that this guy was her murderer i'll save that for another email slash day i decided that it was best not to lie and just gave them a description of what i could remember that's traumatizing god that's horrible weeks later i was outside in the middle of a very heated solo tetherball tournament i mean come on now
Starting point is 00:26:53 a heated solo tetherball tournament and heard police sirens extremely close still being extra guarded from before i bolted into my garage and suddenly saw a police car come to a screeching stop at my house. Oh, boy. Oh, God. A cop ran out and up to my dad who was in the garage. The next thing I know, I'm being put in the backseat of the cop car and raced to this abandoned garage about two blocks away.
Starting point is 00:27:16 Oh, for God's sakes. The cops take me out of the car and pretty much shoved into the bar across the street from the building. I was told to get down and hide under a table i'm sorry what the fuck did these police officers pay for your therapy after this because like god damn this is just the i'm confused is this how policemen work is this i'm highly upset they just take your child and then throw them into an abandoned garage and then tell you to hide throw them into a bar it's like i could have been hiding at home playing tetherball go into this table.
Starting point is 00:27:49 I still had no fucking clue what was going on, but I was so fascinated that I was in a bar at a young age. Is this Christine's story? Christine's childhood. I was fascinated that I was in a bar at a young age and also completely grossed out by the filthy floor. Okay, my next thought was actually, do you think the smell of a bar for the rest of her life? Really traumatized her? Yeah, because I feel like that would be nasty to be on the floor of a bar okay finally a joseph gordon levitt ish looking cop oh i'm i like that part told me to
Starting point is 00:28:17 took me to the billiards room and sat me down he asked me about the incident that took place a few weeks prior and i told him everything he then laid a bunch of mug shots on the table in front of me and asked me if i could pick the guy out i pointed to the last guy on the first row he thanked me and took me out of the room and back to my hiding spot but not before i was handed an entire basket of some super gooey mozzarella cheese sticks and sprite if this is how the police work i take it back they don't need to pay for therapy if they buy you mozzarella i mean here's the thing like i it doesn't take much to woo me and allison you're listening blaze hello just a basket of uh mozzarella sticks and some sprites all takes and then it says fat kid high five which i am from afar high-fiving you yeah the guy who as it turns out had shot his
Starting point is 00:29:08 estranged wife the day he ran through our yard had barricaded himself in the old dilapidated garage cops were surrounding the building and using the bar as their headquarters for some unknown reason i would also like to use the bar as my headquarters yeah that's what i thought moving on for some unknown reason the police and my father thought that it was a good idea to put me in the middle of it again i was 10 years old god damn uh for about two hours like they're like just imagine like what should we do like buy her some mozzarella sticks like it's like quick get her some sprite like that'll that'll get her that'll fix it she's never gonna have to write into some crazy podcast like you imagine if one day there's a thing called a podcast and she feels like
Starting point is 00:29:45 she has to remember this moment to be public. But no, no, no. Sprite and mozzarella sticks. That'll do it. I mean, I'm surprised it didn't. But for about two hours, I was stuck literally to the bottom of the floor eating way too many cheese sticks and listening. No such thing.
Starting point is 00:30:00 Listening to muffled ruckus. No joke. I probably had at least five orders of those sons of bitches suddenly i heard what sounded like a war zone going oh no going off outside the building shots were being fired all around us oh my god she frantically eats the mozzies i just see the mozzies going in her mouth uh all around us and the cops were running every which way i remember just sitting there clutching my i'm sorry it's not clutching my cheese sticks and crying thinking that i was gonna get shot okay this is okay now i think mozzarella sticks might fuck her up yeah she can't i hope you don't eat though that must be traumatizing
Starting point is 00:30:36 um oh my crying thinking i was gonna get shot it felt like a lifetime but i'm sure the actual shots lasted no longer than 45 seconds max yeah okay that's still a lot of gun a lot of gun what were her parents thinking like oh don't worry she's probably just in some dilapidated bar headquarters eating mozzarella sticks with shotguns everywhere her dad went with her he's just like oh he's hanging out with her i think so because she said i don't know my dad and the police were thinking bringing me to this bar oh well her mom's probably got home like from the grocery store like where is she oh my god it's like a gunfight going down imagine she gets home and her mom's like we have mozzarella sticks for dinner she was like no never again that must be you could never like go to dave and buster's ever again no it would like ruin yeah all right tga fridays who
Starting point is 00:31:27 i'm sorry okay just an fyi homeboy did not die although it was intent to die by cop suicide wow wow wow did not know that was gonna happen the next thing i knew it was grabbed i was grabbed up off the floor shoved back into the same cop cars before this poor girl and sent home cheese sticks and plastic cup of spray in hand which i accidentally stole no you did not steal anything you deserve 10 more baskets you they better feed you for life at that rate i think god you should always walk into that bar and be like i'm that girl and they'll be like here here take it all the usual i'm not sure about the conversation that took place between my parents and the cop but i do but i did have to give my testimony at the trial oh my god oh my god for the man and my parents put me in court ordered therapy good probably for the best i
Starting point is 00:32:21 think for a while i was small town famous i mean you're now like in my world famous i don't know like we're gonna remember he's the mozzarella stick girl incredible and made it in our local small town paper i don't know what ended up happening to the bastard or my stolen cup souvenir fair that's more important but i do know that i am a true testament that if you were born in the early 80s and grew up in the 90s, parents did not give a shit if their children were put in the middle of a hostage situation. Unless your mother's name was Linda. Oh my gosh.
Starting point is 00:32:53 She put, she... No, she would care way too much. Yeah, but you weren't born in the 80s. Or the early 90s. No, and raised in... Oh, I see, I see. Yeah, you're right. You had to have been born 10 years earlier, Em.
Starting point is 00:33:08 I hear you, I hear you. Sorry, you missed the... If you were raised in the 90s maybe your mom's name was linda and wow were you just raised by a helicopter you know i feel like i was on that border because my mom for sure would have put me in this hostage situation and then she would have said stop feeding her so many mozzarella sticks she's already too chubby and i would have just never gotten any again so uh you know it's a rough it's a coin toss um yeah okay if you're born in the early 80s grew up in the 90s parents did not give a shit if their children were put in the middle of a hostage situation anyway that's just one of my many crazy stories oh god to tell i'm a new binge listener and 12 lucky number patreon donor donator i actually saw that come in and i was like that must like what a weird number that's a real reason for that i'm sure forgive me english is my first language
Starting point is 00:33:51 there it is oh she's a donator english is my first language full circle oh god i love you uh i love the podcast and love knowing that weirdos like us exist keep doing what you're doing and maybe think about coming to the kansas. Actually, I would love, I love Kansas City. Anyway. Never been. It's so, I love it. We've got some excellent paranormal spots like Stull Kansas for UM
Starting point is 00:34:12 and some of the best true crime stories for UX teen. Bob Berdella, John E. Robinson, BTK, and she didn't say this, but probably whatever the fuck she went through is probably a good story. I would imagine that's quite a true crime in Kansas City. I imagine. BTK dot dot dot.
Starting point is 00:34:29 That's a good one too. Jesus Christ. Yeah, that's a rough one. And that's why I drink lemon lime soda, Denisha. Wow. That's why you should never drink it again, I think. Eva, you found some gold nuggets today. This is wild.
Starting point is 00:34:43 All right. This is wild. Okay, I'm ready for the next one this one is from amy here have some more wine eva drink up eva this is traumatizing i can't everyone needs a little pick me up today okay okay this is from amy amy hi amy it's called Eva. Write this down. Is it really? Yeah. Okay. And then, oh, okay. Eva's center of attention today because it says hi, Eva first.
Starting point is 00:35:12 Interesting. I don't know. I feel like climbing the ladder here. Oh, I thought she was dabbing, but then I looked over and she was just, Eva, if you ever dabbed, you're fired. She was doing the hair flip. I thought she was dabbing. I was like, what do I do? dad required she was doing the hair flip i thought she was dabbing i was like what do i do it says hi eva christine m geo juniper blaze and anyone else in the atwwd squad glad i was second
Starting point is 00:35:32 though i feel good about i feel good to be third feels good to be third even i are the first important ones um i just started listening to your podcast about two weeks ago it's what gets me through the day at my first 40 hour a-a-week job. Oh. God bless. I feel you. I feel like you are all my close friends helping welcome me into adulthood. Oh, I'm sorry. My nail just came off. I know you don't like it.
Starting point is 00:35:53 You have to be kidding me. I'm not kidding. That's not true. I'm not kidding. It's not my real nail. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:36:02 I'm sorry. I watched your whole finger fall off. No, it's not. Look, I'll give you the middle finger. It's my normal fingernail. That nail looks lovely by itself. Why'd you have to put anything on top of it? I don't know, Em, because the patriarchy is putting me down.
Starting point is 00:36:17 Momatis. Okay. All right. I'm sorry. I just need to tell you before you saw it. Where were we before I dry heaved? Oh, yeah. yeah welcoming someone into adulthood this is like an adulthood by the way and vomit look my fingernail just ripped right
Starting point is 00:36:32 off but don't get sick happy adulthood amy all right all of my non-podcast friends pretty much think i'm crazy now because all i talk about are ghosts and murder. And my housemates may be looking to evict me after alluding to a perform after I alluded to performing a seance. Oh, no. Come on over. Yeah. Come here. My paranormal interest is new. Thank you, Em.
Starting point is 00:36:56 You're welcome. Oh, but I have always been interested in true crime stories, especially all the forensic files. Forty eight hour type shows on on tv which is why i want to tell you all the story of good old ann miller i think it's probably ann miller contz k-o-n-t-z contz yeah that sounds right i think it's probably ann miller contz if you google her i may mix up some of the specific details but the basic storyline is completely and scarily accurate oh ann miller's from raleigh new new york north carolina close almost the same thing sorry guys i'm drunk um what else is new uh ann miller's from raleigh north carolina where i'm from and more specifically the bougie white suburbs of north raleigh this area is the seriously whitest place you've ever seen i think
Starting point is 00:37:44 in the 21 years that i've lived here only one family of color has ever lived in my neighborhood and they moved out within a year wow i wonder why did they enjoy it probably not and then she says gotta love white flight oh boy gotta love it gotta love racism we didn't say it twitter everybody eva said it eva said it. Eva said it. Eva god damn it. Stop tweeting stuff like this. Eva stop being a racist.
Starting point is 00:38:09 Jesus Christ. We are not racist. I feel like we're bordering on like people are like this isn't sarcasm. This is real. Yeah. Actually we have a podcast just to ironically say all the things we actually mean guys. Don't look. Are you?
Starting point is 00:38:27 What are you doing? I'm putting on my fingernails in the trash oh i thought you were like pulling out an old tissue to blow your nose and i was like there's a tissue box right here once one fingernail comes off you took all of them off i'm really discreet okay i was trying to not upset you and now you're upset how do you just like quietly rip off nine of your fingernails cheapskate and i buy fucking walgreens glue on fingernails how did i not hear nine fingernails rip off of your bony fingers fuck that is heinous yeah drink up all right ready oh yeah white flight i forgot oh yeah i forgot about the racism let's go back to white flight okay great i'm glad we're back
Starting point is 00:39:14 on track okay so back to ann let's go back to something more comfortable to talk about like white flight and what's worse talking about nails falling off of fingers or talking about racism we're not gonna answer that racism because We're not going to answer that. Oh, racism. Because we're going to get fucking blasted on social media. Okay, go on. Okay. Back to Anne.
Starting point is 00:39:30 She seemed to be a completely normal chemist. Wait, who are we talking about? Anne. Anne Miller-Kantz. Oh, I thought Anne wrote the story. Amy wrote the story. Amy wrote the story. Okay, okay.
Starting point is 00:39:39 Back to Anne. She seemed to be a completely normal chemist and wife with a daughter. My mom went to a Catholic church with her and remembers the Millers as a completely normal, wholesome American family. Anne even read scripture at church. Oh my. Wait. Okay.
Starting point is 00:39:52 So their names were literally Miller. Jesus. Okay. White. I'm sorry. Oh, I thought you were reading that. You just said that. No, I just said it.
Starting point is 00:40:01 Eva, kick it out. Well, Eva's notes have to be so bananas right now eva just control find every time we write white or say racism she's like block out the next four days to edit this shit she's texting john right now being like um i can't make it to home i have to like do you think final draft will hire me back because they're can I like can I put out a complaint to zip recruiter I just gotta know hashtag anti-ed okay anti-ed okay even and and miller white and red scripture that's what's important she's a chemist and she's white okay got it well obviously they weren't or I wouldn't be telling you about them. Anne began having an affair with another married co-worker named Daryl Willard, who was also a friend of her husband, Eric.
Starting point is 00:40:50 Oh, no. Rather than get a divorce and face embarrassment from the Catholic community for committing such a sin, Anne decided to poison her husband, Eric, and instead face internal damnation. Like any good Catholic woman. I mean, that sounds about right. She began poisoning him with arsenic as he became sicker and sicker holy god and even devised a plan with her lover daryl to poison eric with a large dose of arsenic on a night when eric and daryl went bowling together she had so much power over daryl that he went along with her twisted plan a few weeks past
Starting point is 00:41:20 and eric obviously ended up in the hospital suffering from an illness the doctors couldn't figure out. How come at this point doctors just don't have like a, you know, like a strep test, like just rub it in your throat and it's like, oh, it's arsenic. Blaze? Like, you know, pee in a cup. How come they don't find arsenic? Blaze? I feel like they probably do. Because Blaze said they find like THC and stuff.
Starting point is 00:41:41 So they probably. Maybe, maybe this is an outdated story. Maybe. And maybe like they don't immediately assume like, oh's you know what I mean like how rare would it be to be poison saying it now if I ever get sick and the doctors don't know why test me for arsenic okay you write that down you write that down well here's the thing like think about it if you're sick it's probably like oh it might be IBS it might be you know a million other things like you wouldn't especially if the wife like is worried and stuff like right but also like I watched Sixth Sense sure you know sure like that happened to a little girl Munchausen by proxy yeah that's why we're not medical
Starting point is 00:42:15 professionals right because that's how we think I've just seen enough references where like if someone doesn't know what's going on test me for poison just do it because i don't know what allison's up to sometimes don't test him because it's probably me poisoning him oh eva test me for arsenic right now um oh eva test yourself too by the way moving on uh okay he was in the hospital okay as he was already nearing his deathbed and delivered a final dose of arsenic through his iv tube no my mom remembers the entire church praying for eric while he was in the hospital and everyone was distraught not long after when he died especially because ann and eric's daughter wasn't even a year old they had a baby god damn and played the role of the grief chicken widow
Starting point is 00:43:01 as he would because she's a psychopath got it obviously after eric died a blood test revealed that he had been poisoned with arsenic there it is and even though anne was a chemist she acted so distraught over eric's death that the police did not initially consider her a suspect because she's a white distraught lady god right white flight white flight um have fun eric's family didn't even suspect Anne. Everyone thought she loved Eric too much. Eric's family didn't even suspect her? God damn.
Starting point is 00:43:30 Okay. Eric's family only began placing blame on Anne after she insisted Eric's body be cremated immediately to destroy evidence, of course. Yeah, that's cute. Okay. So she could visit him at the church again like any good Catholic wife. Believe it or not, things get more horrifying. No. Not long after all this goes down and police begin to suspect an affair between anne and daryl daryl commits suicide and in his suicide note completely denies any involvement in eric's
Starting point is 00:43:55 murder honestly i think anne had such a control over him that daryl was trying to protect her even in his death holy crap anne didn't waste any time mourning over daryl's death and apparently miraculously got over eric as she moved to wilmington with her daughter and was dating a new man only six months later oh my god i guess she didn't have time to visit eric's ashes at the church after all oh my god ann wasn't arrested until five years after eric's death even with all of her suspicious behavior and again in the fact that she was a chemist and her husband was poisoned with arsenic police just couldn't believe that such an educated catholic woman would commit the crime she was already remarried at this
Starting point is 00:44:35 point to the man she started dating not long after the deaths of her husband and lover anne was convicted and basically a real sociopath during her trial. I mean, truly. I think they did an episode of Snapped on her if you want to get more into it. Oh, that would be fun to watch. We got to watch that. But the moral of the story is if you're Catholic and you want to get a divorce, God won't forgive you for that. But killing your spouse isn't acceptable. Oh, God. Blaze, write that down.
Starting point is 00:45:00 We have a lot to talk about. Admittedly, I think about this case a lot and how normal my mom thought their family was ann miller is the true representation of evil in the world but doesn't that make you wonder oh sorry is there more oh just a little bit okay i hope this was interesting enough for a listener's episode come to raleigh sometime it's a cute and fun area true my a lot of my family's in raleigh um of course we have the occasional sociopathic murderer or two, but what city doesn't? Fredericksburg.
Starting point is 00:45:28 Um, yeah, there's none of those there. I'm sure. Not even a little bit. Only sex traffickers. Um, okay. And I think if I had to pick one,
Starting point is 00:45:35 I would have to pick team wine. Is there a team wine milkshake option? I would love to hear you all try that on the podcast. Thanks for reading Amy. Okay. Woof. I, I, I just, can you, I mean, mean okay so you hear about this and you're like oh it was on snaps and it was like became this huge thing and after five years she was finally arrested but it's like how many people do you think get away
Starting point is 00:45:56 with this shit and like you just don't i wonder like no but there's rumors and you just never you know find out i wonder if at like year three she was like, oh, I've got nothing to worry about now. Mm-hmm. Like, and then year five hit and she was like, oh, man, I thought I got away with it. But like, can you imagine how this probably happens? Like, oh, God, this is fucked up. Okay. Well, thank you, Amy.
Starting point is 00:46:18 Did you read first or me? You did. Wait. So there should be seven. Wait, maybe I picked up too many oh yes i did okay sorry you're fine okay here we go good morning oh it's night oh this was sent at 5 0 5 a.m ew i mean to be fair that's pacific time so maybe they were still ew 8 0 5 a.m what are you doing okay good morning sorry let's just i really don't like early birds they freak
Starting point is 00:46:45 me out i haven't eaten yet so don't judge me good morning i'm christine and geo i just listened to episode seven with the new instructions for episode seven i don't remember what the hell we said there i think it was because people were just sending stories anywhere and we were saying okay email us please because we finally have a gmail i guess like we didn't realize how many people would be sending in stories so please don't tweet this person oh ethan so he's literally not gonna hear this for probably like three years i think ethan has stopped listening to the show actually and he's gonna never okay it's fine good morning i'm christina geo i just listened to episode seven with the new instructions for submitting stories i drink for a handful of reasons being a veteran i said vegetarian i was like amen me too veteran i was like wow i definitely
Starting point is 00:47:31 stepped out of turn right there being a veteran a firefighter and a former correctional officer holy crap thank you for your service ethan wow no wonder he doesn't have time to catch up past no wonder he wakes up at 5 a.m for fun remember when we just gave him a ton of shit for waking up in the morning it's like oh it's because he was an adult and had a job it's fine he's saving the world um being all of those things probably take up most of the reasons though thanks for the eastern state penitentiary episode that was a good one my story comes from my time working at a children's crisis center the stabilization unit in central maine temporarily took in children from the area for a number of reasons whether dealing with stress high anxiety self-abuse and or attempted suicide the house
Starting point is 00:48:15 could support five children at a time with two to three staff members i worked night shifts and most of the time didn't interact with the children because they were asleep the house had three floors but the only access to the third floor was completely locked off with three padlocks oh there were numerous instances of children asking to pet the cat on the second floor which was never there a few of the children reported waking up to seeing a man standing in their room not a staff member and nothing was there upon staff inspection one child came running down from the second floor in the middle of the night screaming about needing to go home when questioned about what happened the child said it quote-unquote woke him up on his bed then flew out the window and glared at him with glowing red eyes the situations that i encountered while working were constant smell of smoke not a chimney smoke
Starting point is 00:49:06 or wood fire but the smell of a structure fire oh god and he was a firefighter so like he knows the shit great one night we actually had visible smoke rolling through the office seemingly pouring out of one wall and disappearing into another one morning i saw a set of footprints in freshly fallen snow that went completely around the house goodbye oh for god's sakes i'm done with that with no signs of exit or entry and no staff members had gone out during the night the most vivid night i can recall happened while i was cleaning the first floor the other staff members and all children in the house were on the second floor i was sweeping one of the hallways and heard someone say as though they were directly behind me i was aware of the presence of a being in the house and acknowledged the request by saying okay i'm sorry i'll keep the noise down well that's very
Starting point is 00:49:55 polite yeah wow instead of like me bloody terror screaming immediately after i said this a stack of playing cards flew off and near my table i picked up the cards placed them neatly in the center of the table and turned around only to have the cards fly across the entire hall i would have been like excuse me you asked me to be quiet and i was respectful of that and now you see me sweeping and now you're gonna dirty up my damn room yeah i just i just clean up after you i was like how about i back to you you know that's i'm working at a anywhere and then people are probably watching me from the banister being like who are you oh my god being like that it's like okay so you're out got it you are not mentally fit like
Starting point is 00:50:39 you've checked out that's noted got it you're gone i again picked up the cards placed them in the card case and put them inside a drawer nothing happened for the remainder of the night but in the morning as i was getting ready to leave i put on my jacket and reached into my pocket for my keys only to find a handful of playing cards it's like now you're just messing with my clothes you know you asked me to be quiet and i respect you the first time that just gave me Oh, God. I just think he's rude at that point. He's like that roommate who's like, you think you could do the dishes and then leaves a bunch of dishes in the sink.
Starting point is 00:51:10 Puts a dish in your pocket. Uh-huh. Yep. That guy leaves a dirty fork in your pocket. That happened way too many times. I went back to the drawer and looked through the cards and found missing cards from the deck
Starting point is 00:51:21 that matched the cards I had found in my jacket. That is so creepy. Keep up the great podcast, Ethan. Holy God, that is creepy. That's like the most passive-aggressive motherfucking ghost I ever heard of. Okay, last one. We got a bonus story. Surprise.
Starting point is 00:51:39 We got a bonus Jonas. A bonus Jonas. Let's never talk about the Jonas Brothers again. So this is from Samanthaantha thank you samantha samantha says oh and also this is the title i've been meaning to email you since i learned of christine's obsession with fallout boy oh so you've got a friend you look just smiling at me she was like do i get a raise now she knows knows she did good. All right. Samantha says, hey, friends. Hey, friends.
Starting point is 00:52:10 Friends. Greetings from the great state of Wisconsin, where we are often mistaken for Canadians because of our beautiful accents. Beautiful, though. Beautiful. Beautiful, indeed. Beautiful. A co-worker introduced me to your podcast a few months ago and i've been binge listening on my commute and while painting nearly every room of
Starting point is 00:52:29 the house we just bought woof thank god for your podcast i just started the crossover episode with wine and crime and i can't wait to hear the rest while i have zero stories about ghosts or murder to contribute i do have one pretty fab story that I think Christine will especially like. Oh, God. I'm in sit back. She literally put her wine down. I'm in sit back. That has never happened.
Starting point is 00:52:52 Wow. Oh, I don't even. Are you good? I'm just. I've never seen her choose to drop a glass of full wine. I'm so ready. Okay. I'm not.
Starting point is 00:53:01 It's a Fall Out Boy story. Can you believe it? Okay, go. I'll try to keep this brief oh i'm already sweating so much but it will be quite challenging oh my god i'm so sweaty okay go on rewind to the spring of 2005 the time for fallout boy that was my the peak that was not the peak that was like the accelerate that was like when it like i mean you were 14 that was like prime fallout boy time that was when someone lit a match under my fallout boy uh-huh there it is yeah um oh and the wine's back up there it is okay we're back we're back okay i was i was studying abroad in scotland and fallout boy hadn't hit mainstream yet oh so that means samantha was cool that's what she's trying
Starting point is 00:53:42 to say god damn it samantha you were the person i was like on MySpace like, I want to be that person. Uh-huh. I bet you she had those cool straightened bangs that went across her face. Oh, a thousand percent. Yeah. I had been listening to them for about a year. Wow. She knew them for a year before they were even mainstream.
Starting point is 00:53:56 Samantha's got it. She was obsessed with Take This to Your Grave. Oh, yeah, for sure. Their debut studio album, which I'm sure you knew of. Okay, look at me as a fear. I was like, can we confirm? Confirmed. And she says, yep, I was a fan way back in the day.
Starting point is 00:54:12 Anywho, while in Scotland, a friend of mine found out the follow up boy was on tour in the UK and was going to be playing in Glasgow. Glasgow. Glasgow. Listen, we get in trouble for this. I know. And I got yelled at and i'm not gonna say glasgow i think glasgow yell eva i'm just gonna i'm just gonna i got a lot of shit last time for saying glasgow did you glasgow glasgow everyone's like christine said glasgow and i'm like okay i'm
Starting point is 00:54:39 gonna just for sure didn't say that i'm'm just going to say the sentence again. Make the computer say it. Glasgow. Okay, I think it's wrong. Glasgow. Glasgow. Glasgow. I know that's not true. Glasgow.
Starting point is 00:54:54 Glasgow. No, that's wrong because everyone yelled at me for saying cow. Glasgow. Glasgow. Jesus Christ. Glasgow. Okay, everyone's going to actually hate this more than us saying it wrong. How about this?
Starting point is 00:55:09 How about this? how about this how about this how about this while in scotland a friend of mine found out that fallout boy was on tour in the uk and was going to be playing near us nailed it eva eva look up near us on youtube and make sure it sounds right let's listen to the ad first and then it will hear we were listening oh nope hang on we were just nope hang on i'm all caught up and this is really fun for me we were living just outside of jesus edinburgh in okay hold on no that's wrong that's edinburgh edinburgh yes okay don't look at i didn't you didn't know glasgow okay edinburgh edinburgh edinburgh yeah edinburgh edinburgh yeah we were living just outside of edinburgh so this was about a two hour train ride totally worth it except there was one little problem we didn't have tickets just a little one oh man remember this was 2005 and there were no buying tickets on smartphones yeah how would you even right christine's head is in her hand she's like my mind what would i do
Starting point is 00:56:11 what i'm literally putting myself on that goddamn train and we didn't even bring our cell phones to scotland well i guess this was a time when you didn't really need your cell phone had snake on that's about also if you're out of the country like you're not about to call someone out of the country on your cell phone well yeah okay so that's probably why they didn't do it uh we were roughing it my friend ali and i decided to go on an adventure to see what happened just to see what happened i'm this is this is me sitting in cincinnati going why am i not that person this is like euro trip but with fall out boy yeah this is me just losing my mind. Okay, worst case scenario. We would wait in line at the venue and not get in.
Starting point is 00:56:48 So we took the train and walked to a place called the cat house where people were already in line. We joined them and chatted it up with little local Scottish women. And we told them, Oh, hang on. We told her our little story and how we didn't have tickets. And we were just hoping for the best ones. Um, when the doors opened just then this girl i can't for the life of me remember her name sees okay i know you're you're gonna know this better than me joe troman jojo you know as i like
Starting point is 00:57:18 to call him jojo is that really the thing that we do that's what i do okay see joe tro getting off the tour bus renee's gonna lose her shit yes joe tro and this girl says hey there's joe tro no i'm kidding and the girl's name was renee and she fucking bailed on me and left me in cincinnati and now we're not friends and she's not no longer a bridesmaid in my wedding okay okay so the girl says, there's Joe. Let's go and see if he can get you guys tickets. Joe's such a pushover. He probably did. I seriously thought she was crazy, but okay. We walked up to him, explained we were American students studying abroad, and we were really
Starting point is 00:57:54 hoping to get into the show. He took our names and said he'd put us on the list. Again, I thought, yeah, okay, with a secret eye roll. A few hours later, the doors opened and a guy came out with a clipboard. He said, are any of you on the list? Come to the to the front ali and i walked to the front of the line and i'm not breathing with much hesitation waiting so waiting to be embarrassed and turned away when our names are not on the list well hot damn guess who was on the list sam and ali we were the first we were the first to go into the venue the first the first to go into the venue the first
Starting point is 00:58:26 first first to go into the venue and went straight to the front this was a small venue that couldn't have held more than 150 people max but we were within arm's reach of fallout boy and their opening band spidelfield what spidelfield spidelfield i don't i have no idea okay they were pretty badass too the show was amazing shout out to them not only because i knew every word to every song but because i could literally smell their sweat christine is on the floor right now i have never seen her so upset are you okay no i'm fine joe andy and pat. God fucking damn it. And then she goes, mm-hmm, Christine. Pete didn't make the UK tour for some reason. Of course he fucking didn't.
Starting point is 00:59:12 He was at Ashley Simpson. But the bass player from Spidelfield did an awesome job in his place. What is it? Spinalfield? Spitalfield. Wait, can you spell it? Spit-A-L-field. So Spittlefield or spital field spittle field
Starting point is 00:59:27 yeah i don't know okay where's google translate i don't speak scottish pronunciation youtube channel to pronounce it for us spittle yeah i imagine spittle field i i just keep saying spittle field sounds pretty ridiculous but i don't want to think spit so i keep saying spidal field also spite like you know like 2005 fallout boy spinal fluid okay they are still a band is that that it looks like a myspace photo it does look like a myspace photo i mean i guess that's back in now okay hang on are you ready no i'm not am okay go on you might think wow sam good story but it gets better no it doesn't because i'm gonna kill you we made out no i'm kidding i'm kidding i'm kidding i'm kidding i mean fucking our that's not okay okay after the show i went up to the table where fuck spittlefield had i'm sorry the
Starting point is 01:00:18 pseudo pete bass player spidlefield spittle i don't know all right after the show i went up to the table where the band that was not Fall Out Boy had sample CDs and struck up a conversation with their lead singer. He quickly realized I was from the U.S. and invited Allie and me to the after party upstairs. Okay, enough. I can't do this anymore. He told us to wait
Starting point is 01:00:37 there and he would come and get us when it cleared out a little bit. We waited and waited, but nothing. Soon the venue bouncers were telling us we needed to get going and I sheepishly said, we were invited to some sort of party just then andy oh my god walked down the stairs and said hey were you girls coming to the after party we tried to contain our excitement and play it cool we said we were and he said it's lame want to come hang out on our bus instead so off we went to hang out on fallout boys tour bus for the next few hours i can't i'm i'm losing my fucking mind my friend ali made some
Starting point is 01:01:17 questionable decisions which now make for a great story aka christine's name is ali in this story what does she do i don't know but I had a boyfriend and had to behave. Lame. What did she do? Apparently Allie did things that you don't do when you have a boyfriend. If she did that with Patrick I will stab her throat. Sorry that's not okay. This is where we need to every single one of these stories needs a reunion
Starting point is 01:01:37 like a sequel. Yeah we need a 2.0 follow up. And we need Allie to come back and talk about every detail of what she did with who on that bus except i need to not be there because i will violently hurt her so much okay i'm so sweaty okay it was it was a total blast to hang out with them obviously imagine if she was like it was kind of lame then i would even more kill her i don't know what the tour bus had to leave around 3 a.m. to get to the next city on their tour. And Allie and I had to pay for a two-hour cab ride home because we missed the last train by a long shot.
Starting point is 01:02:11 Okay, well, money well spent, girl. You're fine. Yeah, okay. Totally worth it. Just when I think I could love Fall Out Boy more, or I couldn't love them more, they hit mainstream just a few weeks after I got home from Scotland that summer. Can you imagine, though? Where you're like, wait, I just hung out with them.
Starting point is 01:02:25 But imagine if she's literally like, no guys, seriously, I was on their tour bus. And everyone's like, okay. Like every 14 year old is saying that. I have that with, um, I have that story with 303. Do you remember 303? No, I don't know what that is. They were the ones that the Helen Keller shut your, that song. Oh my God.
Starting point is 01:02:44 Yes. I remember that. They, so the year before I oh my god yes I remember that they so the year before I was 303 yes I remember I was a very big um Warped Tour goer yes Warped Tour 2008 was the best lineup I've ever seen by the way and that was the year before that was like kind of late into the I know but 2008 was like the one for me what was also that was that was the year before Katy Perry got big and she was at Warped Tour and she went like that wasn't like the one for me what was also that was that was the year before katie perry got big and she was at warp tour and she went like that wasn't like the real emo band no i didn't go for the emo bands i went for like the like pre-hipster bands okay like katie perry no no like i'm sorry i'm
Starting point is 01:03:17 feeling really salty and i just need to take it out on someone no for me it was very much like jack's mannequin and all-time low and forever the sickest kids i mean that cobra starship cobra starship that was before they were big too and i got to hang out with them and so uh did you make questionable decisions in there two of us no no okay good because i don't know how to handle that but with 303 they um i asked they were like if you buy our demo cd we'll leave like a voicemail on your phone so like people will hear the like 303 was like your voicemail wait let's do that Em hey if you buy our podcast we'll leave you it if you spend a hundred dollars on our patreon we will leave a
Starting point is 01:03:56 weird fucking no like he would be the voicemail person like when someone called they would say hey this is 303 you reached Em's phone phone i know yeah let's do that well so they did that and then forever the sickest kids broke my phone literally broke my phone please tell me they replaced it no well they didn't know they stepped on it by and it was a flip phone at the time so like they like there was no recovery nokia was like we don't have insurance for that so then i got a new phone with a new phone number and then my voicemail was gone and then the next year and this was when 303 had like a little tent and nobody knew who they were it's actually very weird now that you're saying 303 and i'm like 100 remembering well so they like they had a tent that like nobody knew who they were so like nobody
Starting point is 01:04:38 was even trying to talk to them so i hung out with them for like a good hour and then the next year i was like oh i'll get them to redo the voicemail but then they got huge because of that don't trust me song yeah and then they had to stay on their bus when they weren't performing because it was like a mob was trying to talk to them sounds like arse shows yeah and so what now when i tell people like i hung out with them for like an hour people are like okay i'm sure you did but like he made a voicemail i mean it's no follow-up way you know what i'm saying it's no but it is i remember them being big i can't you need to keep talking because i'm also i don't know how to speak anymore it's okay it's okay it's okay um here's the thing um oh you don't know how to speak yeah i gotta show you something when we go downstairs okay
Starting point is 01:05:18 and it's called my new vision board jesus christ no i'm not kidding every five minutes there's a new update no but i made one a few months ago and i was like and i make them in a very like deliberate like i make them very deliberately like i know i make them with wine drinking i make i don't make vision boards but in my car i outwardly speak like today today i was like manifesting i was speaking into existence it's very important and the louder i say it the more i believe it so sometimes on in traffic people think i'm just screaming because i'm like really rooting for myself you could be seeing 303 nobody really knows but hold on let me tell you this m it's very important okay i'm going to show it to you i made one like six months ago a new vision
Starting point is 01:05:59 board and i very deliberately make them and i don't put things on there if i'm like i don't really want them or like who knows i it took me this is like my fourth vision board and i was like okay i'm gonna finally do it i put a picture of patrick stump on it and i was like i'm going to meet patrick stump and i put it on there because i was like i feel like i'm finally emotionally ready i know okay okay but i was like i feel like because i don't think i could have handled it at any other time in my life obviously i probably can't now but i put it Okay. But I was like, I feel like, cause I don't think I could have handled it at any other time in my life. Obviously I probably can't now, but I put it on there and I was like, it's, it's just,
Starting point is 01:06:30 it's my new goal and I'm going to emotionally handle it in a very professional manner. I feel like if, if this is you ready for Patrick Stump, you really were never ready for Patrick Stump. Well, you should have seen me probably like three years ago, but yeah, exactly. So it's on my vision board now. So this is just making me want to like jump off a cliff i don't know all right twitter do your thing and find patrick's on oh no don't oh my god help me um also poor samantha's on the edge of her seat for us to say this one last sentence i'm so sorry i'm so sorry um i made this about me that got
Starting point is 01:06:58 longer than i hoped it would sorry don't say sorry um no ghosts and no murder in that story thank god but one i thought you might like anyway. Thanks for all the laughs and keeping the podcast so real. Keep up the great work, Samantha. Hashtag team wine. Samantha. Can we be friends? Job well done.
Starting point is 01:07:14 No, I just want to be friends with her now. Because then I'm one degree away. Oh, so this is... Samantha, you're actually just a pawn in her vision board is what's happening. Yeah. It's like if you become friends with her, I mean, what does she expect?
Starting point is 01:07:26 I mean, I guess not much. Maybe. I mean, if you're willing to let Christine use you, then you've got a new friend. I just feel like I put this on my vision board and then all of a sudden, like this email comes in and I'm like,
Starting point is 01:07:37 Hmm, that's interesting. I thought you said this emo comes in and I was like, still true. This emo email comes in. Okay. I'm sorry. I'm chill.
Starting point is 01:07:44 I'm back to normal okay thanks for everybody for their stories it was so good i loved all of them except except none of them christine needs to go deflate her i need imagined ego i need to go eat some ramen i'm really stressed out okay uh thank you guys for listening. Thank you for submitting your stories in case you have not yet done that yourself and you would like to hear us potentially tell your true crime or paranormal story. You can send an email at and that's why we drink at Preferably throw the phrase listener story into the subject line so sweet Eva can actually find them a little easier.
Starting point is 01:08:22 Preferably say like, hi, Eva. Thank you for all you do. Cause maybe then it'll make her feel better about this. Right, right, right. Also, also thank you Eva for everything you do. Thank you for reading these. So, uh, you know, we got a nice little, a nice little surprise. And if we have not gotten back to you, it's because we have so many and we do get back
Starting point is 01:08:42 to you. So we do get back to you, but do get back to you but wow there's just thousands of stories a lot there's so many there's so many but um uh but no thank you eva because if it weren't for you we would have read that story in advance and everyone would have missed christine's reaction yeah i'm sure everyone really needed to hear that whatever just happened i well samantha's losing her show right now well i blacked it out so so thank you guys and you will hear a new listener's story from us at the first of next month that's right and um go on patreon if you're a donor and you can hear or donator if your first language is english and you can hear uh classic kevin reed
Starting point is 01:09:13 we have an extra bonus story from him this month because we are not doing a facebook live so yes thank you thank you to everyone who donates it you really don't know how much i say it every time you really really don't know how much you're helping us it really is um really have no idea just trust us when we say that stop thinking you're smart because m says you don't get it you really don't get it um also i posted slash and posting oh our birthday gift exchange so that's coming yes i promise so happy july oh we're here and um if you have oh nope i was gonna say if you haven't yet um please buy our tickets if you're around nashville august 3rd and august 4th we're gonna be there and then also if you're in the dc area already a vip tickets on saturday so i know get on it
Starting point is 01:09:57 and then if you're in the dc area in november we've got uh november 5th november 6th the november 6th is already sold out but there are still tickets for november 5th yes um so hurry up to those because i hear that those tickets are going pretty quick um we have two more cities we're announcing in november and then yes and that's why we drink we're getting so good at that

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