And That's Why We Drink - Listener Stories: Vol. 2

Episode Date: April 1, 2017

In the second episode of listener stories, Em and Christine read some of the creepiest lisetener submissions yet. Hear some poignant stories from listeners with loved ones who’ve passed away, plus a...n insanely creepy story of a home with a dark past. #andthatswhywedrink

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Starting point is 00:00:00 let's just do what we're gonna do you know and yeah are we airing right now we are now well shit are you picking hair out of your wine no uh there was just a piece of dog food on the side of my glass welcome to and that's why we drink, the listener's story, volume two. Volume two. Volume two. We're so excited. We, okay, we got a lot of stories. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:34 A shit ton. So we, it was really hard to pick because we want to keep these short, but we did pick a couple. So don't be like offended if we didn't pick yours. We're going through the list. We're going through the list. We're going through the list. I'm, okay, I have a paranormal and a true crime this time. Oh, great.
Starting point is 00:00:50 I've never told a true crime story before. Oh, shit, yeah. My last time was telling my first ghost story. So now you're just, it's my first time. Be gentle. Oh, shit. I almost dropped the mic. God.
Starting point is 00:01:01 Anyway, Gia is also here to lend us supportive paw. My dog just did not like being locked in the other room. Should I do paranormal first? Sure. Okay. Because I feel like you need to mentally prepare for your first true crime telling. Yeah, I'm nervous. Everyone's nervous for their first time.
Starting point is 00:01:23 Okay. This came from Rebecca. say hi to rebecca hi rebecca there it was it it was an email right yeah she listened thank you rebecca uh okay so she said hey y'all are awesome oh my god we are awesome thanks for knowing the truth rebecca my interaction with the paranormal started when i was very young my older sister passed away when i was a few months old oh i'm sorry well we started this really bitter that's sad it's okay uh there's more to the story uh the night before she passed away uh, my sister, was helping my mom do the dishes.
Starting point is 00:02:06 And this was the night before she passed away. That night, she dropped a plate on the floor and it shattered. After the accident, when my dad left the hospital to come home, my parents had just settled down with a dish. Uh, just settled down when a dish came crashing off the counter, shattering on the floor. Holy shit. That's crazy. All I got chills just hearing, just reading floor. Holy shit. That's crazy. All I got chills just reading that. Holy shit.
Starting point is 00:02:27 A few years later, when I was two or three, my mom came into my room and asked who I was playing with, and without having any memories or knowledge of my sister at the time, I responded, KK. My mom was so dumbfounded that she just left, and my family moved a few years later, but kept the house as a rental property when my younger sister was around the same age she also had an imaginary friend named
Starting point is 00:02:49 kk flash forward about two more years we moved back into the house we lived in with the falling dish i was sitting on the couch playing video games when something caught my eye knowing i was home alone when i turned to the staircase i saw a figure of a little girl, and a second later, she was gone. Not even a minute later, there was a knock at the door, and my dog went nuts, running up and down the stairs. I never found out who was at the door, but instead ran up to the stairs after my sister's figure. To this day, I still feel and see her watching over me. And then she ended up saying, keep being awesome. Aww.
Starting point is 00:03:22 That's great. It's really great. I mean, it's sentimental. It mean it's it's sentimental it's very it's like poignant it's like comforting that yeah she still has her sister with her but it's also really tragic that is really but at least she knows she's watching yeah and i think that's i think it's a nice anecdote that the plate shattered and the next day i played shattered again just to be like i'm still here totally like we're good i'm still breaking your plates yeah that would be me too yeah i was gonna say i'm still here to annoy you just still be spilling shit everywhere yeah
Starting point is 00:03:55 oh man that was a short one but that was really good it's a good one yeah thanks rebecca oh rebecca i'm so sorry about your loss but what a beautiful story yeah i'm glad your sister is still with you i like how even the younger sister who definitely didn't remember her at all also had the same friend totally i love stories like that where kids are just like oh yeah it's just my friend kids no shit yeah it's no shit um and i love having like a poignant story that's not it's like a ghost story but it's not like it's not a spooky story it's like a yeah it's a heartwarming right right it's like comforting yeah all right so i guess i'll go next um i have a story from twitter user i mean she literally has the best username on twitter panda butt 30 okay i'm ready for whatever a panda butt has to tell me that's so good um okay she says
Starting point is 00:04:47 i'd like to share two stories okay uh she says i'm drinking tea it's black tea good for her i like black tea what oh she's on your team she's on team m is she well if she's drinking tea she's on team m right anything non-alcoholic i guess christine doesn't want to deal with it you can have it you said you like it okay fair you can be on my team girl all right amanda her name's amanda hi amanda amanda can be on your team panda butt 30 okay lucky you all right amanda's from boston we live there i'm wearing a red socks hat right now we became friends in boston actually it's where we met it's where it all began we lived across the street from each other yeah and we never hung out until we moved across the country well sometimes it takes a cross-country we're start was a star crossed lovers yeah except not lovers except like maybe not yet all right we'll our story will unfold we'll see where things go okay i'll start off with uh two ghost stories in the winter of 2006 my brother passed away
Starting point is 00:05:52 in his sleep from complications from cp oh my gosh gosh these are so sad yeah i think cp is cerebral palsy my my separator cp i i consider it cerebral palsy I think that's what that yeah that's so sad fuck dude I'm so sorry okay the day before his wake was the hardest day for me as I was extremely close to him that this makes me really sad okay I um i was walking to my room to get to my room you have to walk past his on my way to my room i felt this really really warm sensation that stopped me in my tracks i stopped a little before his door what i saw next gives me chills i saw the outline of his shadow looking through his medical books and charts it was him i wasn't afraid i didn't want to move because i wanted to hold on to the moment as i knew it would be the last time i'd ever see Aww.
Starting point is 00:06:47 Aww. That's so sad. I know. Gosh. I know. gosh i know let's fast forward to june of 2006 i just graduated high school and me and a few friends wanted to go to the beach it was about 10 a.m i was in the passenger seat of my car without a seat belt uh right before we got to our green light something in my head was screaming at me to put my seat belt on so i do seconds after i put my seat belt, we were in a head-on collision. Oh, fuck. Holy crap. That was her brother.
Starting point is 00:07:26 That was for sure her brother. Yeah. The cop slash EMT slash nurse at the hospital had no idea how I survived. I should have been dead. I walked away with a few scratches. Everyone else was fine also. Wow. I had a dream that night of my brother hugging me.
Starting point is 00:07:44 Aw. Ever since that day day i wear a seat belt on to my murder story wow okay here we go okay let's shake that one off let's just take a moment okay that was a really good one though that's a good ghost it is a great story okay on to my murder story so this didn't happen to me but a friend of mine she was at a party and some guy we went to high school with walked into the party with a human foot shut up apparently oh my god apparently he murdered a bum and brought the foot to the party as a token what the fuck what she wrote wtf right yeah yeah yeah yeah uh-huh he was promptly arrested the next day the homeless man was found beaten robbed and stabbed to death along with the you guessed it missing foot when asked why he did it his answer was was, quote, taken care of wasted space.
Starting point is 00:08:46 Jesus Christ. Guy's a real gem. Yes, clearly. He's in jail. I hope that guy's still in jail. Oh, thank God. Phew. Okay, one more murder story.
Starting point is 00:08:54 What? Oh, my God. This girl's lived a life. Jesus. Panda Butt, you've got an interesting story to tell here. Okay. Panda Butt needs to write a book. Yeah, and write a memoir.
Starting point is 00:09:06 So, I also went to high school with these crazies. A brother and sister burnt down their grandparents' house with them in it for insurance money so they could go back to China. They planned it for months, and it only took detectives a little under a week to figure out their plot. I have so many more
Starting point is 00:09:21 stories to tell. I'll write again soon. Please do. Wow. Okay. So that was just like a vet human foot story. I have so many more stories to tell I'll write again soon oh my god please do wow okay god so that was just like a that human foot story though imagine if so like and also okay I work in like the movie prop industry if someone just brought a foot to a party that's not even really that weird to me at this point because like right I see people wear crazy shit and do stupid things and have random items on them at all times if someone brought a foot i'd be like oh that's that's a fake foot that has to be any any person regardless of where they work would imagine that's like a halloween fake especially in la yeah i'm not in it like okay i don't know anything about anatomy
Starting point is 00:10:01 but i just imagine like wouldn't that thing just be pouring out blood? I don't know. I guess it depends on how long he had been dead. I don't know if that like just like it all just stays in there or if it all falls out. I I don't know how feet work. It all falls out. I don't know. Like what would happen like like did he want to get high-fived or something like he was probably just a drunk asshole. I hate that that sucks i mean you hear about like for example like gay people getting like beat up outside clubs and
Starting point is 00:10:31 like getting the shit kicked out of them by like drunk guys it's just quote taking care of wasted space like it's just a horrible horrible people are such fucking attitude assholes yeah like i'm an asshole but like i'll never kill anyone. No! You know what I mean? Okay, I have a story, and it is the true crime one. Ooh, okay, how do you feel? Because you asked me how I felt when I told my first ghost story.
Starting point is 00:10:55 I'm nervous, because I'm expecting there to be some sort of, like, spooky story at the end of it. I don't know. We'll find out. Maybe there is one. Okay, this is from Meg. Thanks, Meg. And it even says, I originally sent a Twitter message about this, but here's my story via email. Oh, yeah, I remember.
Starting point is 00:11:13 That was sweet. I was like, she's like, do you want me to send it somewhere else? I was like, please send it to our email. Good for her. Because I didn't want to lose it in the shuffle. Anyway, thanks, Meg. Like, lose your mind? Well, that's already taken care of
Starting point is 00:11:25 hey guys i sent you a twitter message about this but here's my story about babysitting for my neighbor who who wound up shooting his parents what the fuck i didn't read this because i was like you need to cover this one but first let me crack open a nice cold beer. Cheers. Hey, amen. Hey, girl. Team Christine. Alrighty.
Starting point is 00:11:49 So let's set the scene. Let's. Let's do that. Carney's Point, New Jersey. A fairly rural suburb of Salem County whose claims to fame are the Cowtown Rodeo and Bruce Willis. The what? The Cowtown Rodeo?
Starting point is 00:12:06 Yeah, the Cowtown Rodeo and Bruce Willis. Let's not forget him fucking bruce willis is great good for you see we don't in my hometown we have uh chick-fil-a sauce uh-huh and danny mcbride we got george clooney and sarah jessica parker all right we've all got something but nothing like the clown town rodeo or cow town rodeo i'm the clown right you're the clown town rodeo not much goes on in this small town so fairly high profile murder hits places like this hard like i said the murderer wade russell was my neighbor at the time i was roughly 12 years old and had recently started babysitting for the family whose house i could get to by jumping the fence in my backyard. A family who also spent a lot of time with my family because small towns and neighbors.
Starting point is 00:12:54 Same. You know about that. I'm, yeah. The town my dad lives in has 477 people, so. I just can't get over that. It's farmland. It's what you do um okay so yes girl i'm with you i understand so okay so she's babysitting for the house next door now on to
Starting point is 00:13:14 the morning of december 6 2001 around 5 a.m that morning my mother woke up earlier than usual to run an errand for my aunt who i believe believe was traveling. And then in parentheses it says, maybe taking her to the airport? I don't know, and neither does she. Good. Give us all the facts. Good. She noticed Wade was also leaving his house around the same time, which she noted was odd because his son and my sister were in the same kindergarten class
Starting point is 00:13:39 and they both needed to be back in just over an hour to get the kids to school. Huh. and they both needed to be back in just over an hour to get the kids to school. Huh. At the time, she thought nothing of it because she was also breaking our routine by running an errand before taking the kids to school, so she just thought Wade was probably doing the same thing. Sure. By 6.30, both my mother and Wade returned home in time to get all of the kids to school.
Starting point is 00:14:01 Spoiler alert, remember this for later. I'll remember let me repeat it so we all remember together by 6 30 both my mother and wade returned home in time to get all of the kids to school got it both there cuts the afternoon i'm walking my usual route home from school when my twin sister and i are hurry hurriedly picked by my mom. And she rushes us into a car without saying a word. We're obviously concerned, especially when my mother passes our street and takes us right to our aunt's house. So she's like, get the fuck out of here. What the fuck?
Starting point is 00:14:35 It turns out my mother had been bombarded with media calls and knocks on our door all day because the local news had taken over our street. When I asked why, my mom says because they think wade killed the camax and now he's on the run so who are the camax she says for starters i think it's i think i'm saying it right c-a-m-a-c camac camks? Kameks? I don't know. Kameks. Yeah. Okay. So who are the Kameks? For starters, the Kameks owned a fairly successful horse farm just outside our town.
Starting point is 00:15:13 In fact, the one horse kept in the family after the murder won the Kentucky Derby. Oh, shit. The Kentucky Derby is a big thing in Virginia. I don't know about you. Well, I live 10 minutes from Kentucky. From Kentucky, so. So you know. I got you. is a big thing in Virginia. I don't know about you. Well, I live 10 minutes from Kentucky. From Kentucky, so. So you know. I got you.
Starting point is 00:15:27 That horse was Smarty Jones. I was about to ask what its name was. Well, that's the way people know. Mr. and Mrs. Kamek were also Wade's mother and stepfather. So he killed his parents. Wow. His mother? Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:15:44 And his stepdad the rumor was wade killed his parents due to pressure stemming from his own struggling but not failing by a long shot um from his own struggling business and a third child on the way but it was never proven as a definitive motive however i know he was charged with forging checks out of his parents' bank account, so that probably had quite a bit to do with it. Some other rumors I've heard is he started to change and had maybe gotten violent with his wife, but again, I can't say if that is true or not, mostly because I was 12. Not fair. And no one tells the babysitter much of anything, much less the 12-year-old babysitter. So why exactly did he do it
Starting point is 00:16:25 wade's story since 2001 has been he just snapped like oh i'm crazy now and i'm gonna kill you jesus he's claimed that in his mind he was deer hunting that morning and he took the guns out of his cabinet went out to the farm and shot two deer and then came back later to collect his kills and saw cops and ran. So did he shoot? Does he think he killed two deer but killed his parents? Yeah, what the fuck does that mean? Like a dissociative state? What the fuck?
Starting point is 00:16:56 Or is his story that he went out and killed deer so that he had the bottle over him? It's like an alibi, yeah. Right. Maybe we'll find out. I can't verify if he actually went back to the house after that, but I feel like that's what I've heard. A couple of farm workers found the bodies and called the police. It was said early on that Wade doesn't remember shooting his parents, although now he admits it openly that that's exactly what happened. Oh.
Starting point is 00:17:18 I recently talked to my mom about this, and she found out that she was actually called as a witness in the investigation and was subpoenaed by both sides if the case had actually gone to trial she would have been in court for months uh remember she was the one the only witness who saw him leaving that morning yeah according to her around 5 a.m my mom was up to do something for my aunt she left the house and wade left with her or left right before her uh she returned an hour and a half later to take us to school and wade had done the same or she assumed wade had done the same thing because she didn't actually see him she just assumed it it wasn't until later that morning that my mom heard about the murders and left work to run to my neighbor's house to see if i if everyone was okay um according to the police it was during that 90 minute time frame that wade had murdered his mother needless to say my mom's freaked out and then the last thing she said is something else
Starting point is 00:18:09 i'd like to note as i previously stated i babysat for this guy and continued to babysit for his wife for years after this this guy always gave me the creeps i didn't think he'd ever hurt me because he didn't but it's just something weird i didn't like being alone with him, although he always walked me home after babysitting. And he was a nice guy to me, but sometimes always seemed a little off. And that's why I drink. Wait, what? Wait, so she babysat for him? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:37 After he killed his mother? No, beforehand. Like, her memories of him. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. Is that, like, he was always, like, off, but... What the fuck? Like, not memories of him. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. Is that, like, he was always, like, off, but. What the fuck? Like, not super dangerous. That's what, that's like when I think about, you know, trust your instinct and trust your gut.
Starting point is 00:18:52 Like. Yeah. You're usually right. Well, she also said, they always say kids have the best judgment of character, which is true. Which is so, so true. She said, if you'd like to look up more for the murder, it's called the Kamek Farms murder. Oh, fuck, dude. Thanks for the awesome podcast and stay thirsty.
Starting point is 00:19:08 Oh. We should have come up with stay thirsty. Fuck. That's a good one. All right, let's steal it. All right. Thanks, Meg. Stay thirsty.
Starting point is 00:19:17 Thanks, Dirt. Jesus. Well, that's why we don't use it. Never mind. That's exactly why. That was a good one. Jesus. A baby set for a murderer. God. I've never mind that's exactly why that was a good one jesus a babysat for a murderer god i've never had that actually my um best friend from back home um lorena bobbitt do you know how
Starting point is 00:19:34 that is the girl who chopped off her husband's penis what the fuck no oh that was my uh best friend's babysitter wait i don't think i sent you this part did you read this part oh okay so one last thing she also said was uh crap i forgot the creepiest part so my sister filled in for me babysitting while wade was being housed in jail that night his cellmate came to the to his old house so it came to wade's house to talk some sense into wade's wife but because my sister him developed early oh shit just really throwing out her sister's dirty laundry because my sister developed early the creep thought my sister was his wife and banged on all the doors demanding her to let him in and she called the wife and the cops and a security system was installed the next day
Starting point is 00:20:22 holy fuck no thank you i can't believe they were still babysitting after the guy went to the cops and a security system was installed the next day. Holy fuck. No, thank you. I can't believe they were still babysitting after the guy went to jail. She filled in for me. Yeah, immediately. But no, you don't know about Lorena Bobbitt? No. What?
Starting point is 00:20:37 Maybe. I mean, it's pretty popular where I'm from. But it was a, she caught her husband cheating on her. So she ended up, I don't remember how the story was. I don't know if it was like, she pretended that she was like, gonna like do stuff with him or if she like drugged them. I don't know what happened exactly, but ended up chopping off his dick and then,
Starting point is 00:20:58 um, got in her car and like was carrying it with her. Like fucking, I don't know if she i don't i don't but she ended up like coming to and realizing what she did so like okay so she cut off his dick got in the car threw it out the window as she was driving away and then after she threw it out the window apparently had some like realization of like what she'd done so she called the cops i think on herself and they all tried to find it in the woods and then he ended up fun fact getting it reattached or they like made a fake like they he like they got some sort of surgery taken they tried to fix it and now he not now but
Starting point is 00:21:41 for some time he was a porn star afterwards which i don't know what yeah he was a porn star virginia's weird what the fuck yeah and i that was my friend's babysitter growing up oh my god what's okay not growing up like it was early early on yeah yeah but you know she was around that's so that's the closest thing I've got to a cool story. It's pretty awful. Do you have a ghost story? I do. I do.
Starting point is 00:22:11 It's a good one. Favorite. So this one is actually from one of my best, best friends growing up. And she... Named Emily Schultz. M. Schultz. That's me right here. How did you know?
Starting point is 00:22:23 I knew you'd read the one I submitted. She tried to be secretive about it yeah no this is from um one of my best friends from childhood her name is celine dion almost okay her name is celine and she is a lovey human but she has had some fucking crazy shit like when we were even even when we were kids like shit always happened to her and i just prayed yeah i just like tagged along yeah okay so this is what she sent me um and i'm gonna just read it to you because she's a lovely writer my experience with ghosts has always been fleeting it's like they've always been in the background of my life but they rarely show themselves to me. I lived in a haunted house this summer.
Starting point is 00:23:05 I was 21. Like, I remember hearing about this firsthand. Okay. I was 21. It was a huge white house built in 1887. Done already. I'm out of here. Dunzo.
Starting point is 00:23:17 Yeah. Goodbye. Bye-bye. We rented it for $750 a month. Obviously, because the rent was so low, we didn't have certain necessities like an oven or laundry. Sounds like LA. Yeah. Except that cost $3,000 a month.
Starting point is 00:23:31 The first week we lived there, I was home alone one night. Only one out of the five housemates had moved in so far, and she was at work. I was by myself in the kitchen with her dog, reading, and all of a sudden I heard a bang from the basement. Nope, I'm out. You had to get to the basement through an old-school cellar door. Absolutely. Nope, I'm out. Absolutely not. That is smart. Yeah. with me and opened the cellar door. The bangs got louder from beneath the stairs. Instead of looking into the darkness, I slammed and locked the door. That is smart.
Starting point is 00:24:09 Yeah. Okay. Did she throw a crucifix down there too? And the door to that room also and ran outside and spent the rest of the night on the porch waiting for my housemates to get home. Same. Exactly what I would have done.
Starting point is 00:24:22 We heard all kinds of... Except I would have like texted them from the Waffle House down the street and been like, meet me here. I'm eating waffles and I need you to go check the house out. I called the police and the National Guard and the FBI. Yeah. Anyway, we heard all kinds of shit in the house. When one of us would be home alone, we would always hear footsteps on the second floor going up and down the stairs. One day, I was ripping out the layers of linoleum floor in the downstairs closet i ripped up five layers of it and when i
Starting point is 00:24:50 got to wood i saw a hinge i made my shot i this is not even a joke i know this is not even a joke there was a trap door under five layers of linoleum i made my housemates come help me rip the rest out when we were done we'd exposed a door i'm fucking i christine we're over she writes period in the floor period that dropped straight to the basement period my then boyfriend told me he was sleeping on the couch once after coming home drunk from a show and felt a quote evil power coming from the closet it was super creepy the dog would always drag blankets in there and put them over the door and sleep on top of it. Like to protect them?
Starting point is 00:25:29 Yeah, like he would drag blankets and sleep on top of that creepy door they found. To be like, stay closed, please. We called it the witch closet. Fucking don't blame you. That's exactly right. Oh my gosh. The basement began to fill with sewage the first month we lived there. We called the landlords who told us to deal with it ourselves.
Starting point is 00:25:46 That's a fucking bad landlord. Sounds about right. We called Roto-Rooter who also told us to deal with it ourselves. We didn't know what to do. It filled up so high that it drowned the pilot light to the water heater. So we lived without hot water for months. The day we moved out, it completely drained itself within a matter of minutes. Shut up.
Starting point is 00:26:04 I shared the attic with another girl our rooms were across from each other and didn't have doorways so we could see into each other's rooms when we were laying in bed one morning i woke up and she asked me if i had had anyone over the night before i said no i'd been alone she said there was a man standing in my doorway all night watching me oh she told me about this and her friend told me about this she said yeah i kept she was like yeah my friend kept like staring and waking up and the same guy would be in my doorway watching me and so she kept kind of like looking and the guy just stayed there all night they both said the same thing or no she was passed out but she's like yeah my friend
Starting point is 00:26:41 kept telling me every time i was like looking over there was a man standing in your doorway all night. Anyway. I know. Okay. I've had this happen and I know exactly what that's like. And it's the least fun thing in the entire world. Like least fun. It doesn't even stop there.
Starting point is 00:27:00 I know. Why would it? One day when I was cleaning the attic, this is one that's also creepy, I was, I lifted up a loose floorboard and found a crumpled but intact newspaper from 1898. No. Detailing the hangings of multiple men in town in Cincinnati. No. She told me about that too.
Starting point is 00:27:20 It was like a- Did they die on the property? It was, I don't think so. There's no reason for that paper to be there. It was like hidden under the floorboards and it was like a news story about how these men were hanged why would someone hide that unless in it was important right like unless someone needed to read that later or it was worth saving because why would you put that under a floorboard anyway unless you like want to make sure it stayed preserved because it was
Starting point is 00:27:45 part of the house as part of the history. Oh my gosh. The house next door was even more haunted than ours. It was abandoned. One night,
Starting point is 00:27:53 one of my housemates was sitting alone in the backyard by the fire. I was in the kitchen and two more of our housemates were out front
Starting point is 00:27:59 skating in the street. I heard a loud animal shriek. Assuming something had happened to one of our pets, I ran outside where I was met by our two housemates, Jake and Marcus, that were skating out front. Apparently, we all heard it.
Starting point is 00:28:11 Hannah, the girl that was sitting in the backyard, asked Marcus, who is 6'5 and black, if he had just been in the backyard. He said no, he was out front the whole time she told us that right before she heard the shriek she heard a low growling in the bushes and saw a tall dark figure race through our yard to the yard next door another night a few of us were sitting around the fire drinking we decided to go into the house next door and find out why it creeped us out so much why i don't drink alcohol because i know my dumb ass would do that exact same stuff. This is why when I drink, I try to convince you to play Ouija board. And if I were drunk, I'd say when and where. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:28:51 This is why Selene and I played Ouija board in high school. So they're going to the house. They're going to the house. We opened the back window and climbed in. It was pitch black. And it's abandoned. Yes. Okay.
Starting point is 00:29:02 There were rooms that seemed like they shouldn't be there that were that were not spatially sensible scraps of children's drawings littered the ground along with a single child's shoe the kitchen still had boxes of crackers and hamburger helper in the cabinets in the basement there was a velvet chair beneath the staircase upstairs there was a hallway that went downhill there was one window in the hallway the only window on that side of the house that looked out at our house the window was open at the end of the hallway and down two steps was a windowless room with seven foot ceilings which is not tall at all it's like right right above like yeah a dude's height yeah the attic was a series of windowless rooms covered in children children's drawings at the end of which was a locked closet we didn't try to unlock it probably smart when we came back outside and
Starting point is 00:29:57 gathered around the fire again we heard a noise coming from the house we'd just been in when we looked up that one hallway window slammed closed shut the fuck up no no no no no that's the end of the song no no no no no that's a that's a that is a one-way ticket out of that entire neighborhood and i met her housemates and they're all they were all like we fuck that like they all saw it they just saw like the window just slammed shut as in like get the fuck out of my house they were in their backyard after they'd just been in there the window was open they were creeped around and then they looked back and it uh i don't know what sound to make so the nervous laughter ensues yeah anyway the uh isn't that the most horrible thing you've ever heard okay so i know it's listener story so i don't want to like just keep talking about things i've done tell me tell me
Starting point is 00:30:53 you're a listener we listen to our own podcast we do we're probably half the reason we have any we're our biggest fans um i well i also don't want to say anything in case one of my friends write in the story because we all shared like a lot of stories like that together in high school because we had this really fun habit of breaking into abandoned houses. Yeah. That's what we did since Maddie too. I feel like it's just a thing. It's just like you have nothing else to do.
Starting point is 00:31:21 And it's like, why not? I don't want to talk. It's empty. My mom's gonna yell at me now mine is too it's okay um but there was this house we went to for years years and years and um that place there's like for sure dark dark things there and like if you go up there it was a whole plantation so there's multiple houses and multiple barns and if you go to the furthest one in the back there was if you go all the way up the stairs there was an old room that you could tell it like used to be a child's room no and there were
Starting point is 00:31:54 children handprints like in the dust and like drawings and what's the dark shit like you think it was just i'm gonna let someone i'm gonna let one of my friends write it in. Okay, write it in, dude. Okay. Whoever your friends are. Brandy, Cece, Deirdre. If any of you are listening, everyone write your account. You better be fucking listening.
Starting point is 00:32:15 They're my oldest friends. They better write something in. Oh, God. But we all experienced things there on a regular basis for a long time. To a point where we kind of, like, something was starting to feed off of us where we started showing up there like on our own. Like I remember, I don't know if it was my friend Cece or my friend Brandy, but I just had like this like urge. I came home for like a break or something and I just had the urge like I had to go drive by it. And then when I got there another
Starting point is 00:32:45 one of my friends was also parked there and we were both like why are you here and I was like I had like it felt like an addiction it was like something that's making me go here no no no so we all had to make an agreement for like a year it's like whatever is going on like do not go there what the fuck eventually we started going back again just because we're idiots but I mean that that there's at least 10 different stories i could tell you right now about that house but the when i think of that like in the beginning you were saying that old house like the old house that she moved into and she found like these similar stairs in the kitchen and all that my mom um once dated this guy who had property on a farm and like when i say an old farmhouse i mean
Starting point is 00:33:29 an old damn farmhouse that his mother apparently died in and like her the room that she used to have as her bedroom looked exactly the same from when she died like 10 years ago like she he refused to let anyone touch anything in there. There was, like, a baby gate on it or something to make sure that no one went in there. I remember one time I did go in and I touched a hairbrush and I felt weird. Like, I didn't know. I wasn't aware of it, like, being, like, his dead mom's room. I thought it was just, like, an open guest room with, like, a hairbrush there for people.
Starting point is 00:34:00 And I remember feeling someone in there with me being, like, get out of this room. What the fuck? And then that night, let's, this is like a quality story about how horrible my mother was at parenting me when it comes to this kind of stuff. Because at the time they had just started dating. So the respectful thing was since I was staying in this house with my mom and her boyfriend, my mom shared a bed with me and he slept on his own because she you know just trying to be respectful to me to be in a strange haunted farmhouse and there was they put he put us in a room that just no one ever sleeps in and i swear i've felt a woman and could i like i felt it so strongly i might as well have seen it but there was a woman standing over
Starting point is 00:34:45 my side of the bed staring at us all night and i told my mom a million times i was like mom there's a woman standing over us and she's like just go to bed and i was like are you on crack like i there is a there is definitely something staring at us and it does not like us and i'm telling you i want to get out of this house and she was like emily just go to bed and I was like I can't trust you now if there's ever like if there's ever a possession or a paranormal something like you don't get a say now like I'm I'm telling you right now if I ever told my mom I saw a ghost or there's an evil spirit she'd be like you need so much attention go to bed like she would not even give me a meanwhile if we ever go anywhere together and I'm like Christine there's something standing over our bed i'm gonna start screaming you'd be the first person to be like
Starting point is 00:35:28 how fast can we get out of this i'm gonna be like why did you take me here that place was the the most haunted place i've ever stayed in and i went there regularly and it was just the freakiest well the worst part is that it's like negative it sounds like negative energy too oh yeah you know it's not like oh like a friendly child wants to it's just like it It sounds like negative energy, too. Oh, yeah. You know, it's not like, oh, like a friendly child wants to. It just like it looked like like when I tell you it looked like an old farmhouse, like he didn't even keep it up. It looked like the walls were like falling apart. Like it looked like it was we were living in ruins.
Starting point is 00:35:56 The creepiest part of her of Selene's story, too, is like the floors were littered with children's drawings. No, the thing that was the creepiest thing is there was a door under five layers of linoleum well that was her house but this other house that they broke into had child's drawings all over it and and she said like there were i remember her telling me all going downhill or something a closet that went like completely downhill and then she said there were like rooms that didn't make sense so they were built like really awkwardly and like she said the whole layout of the house just didn't work and then there were like locked closets and like weird it just what didn't make sense and then that window
Starting point is 00:36:31 was randomly open and then just slams the fuck shot when all of them are looking at the same time yeah um and yeah the house that she told me about she still has like the newspaper clipping like the 1891 no no no i went to her house yeah and it it's literally from 1898 and it's it has like from cincinnati from like downtown which is so fucking creepy because we live 10 minutes and it's like detailed about the hangings that they performed oh my god someone put it under a floorboard i can't wait to drive home alone now thank you every time we do one of these episodes, I just, oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:37:08 At least Rosa hasn't thrown anything across the room this time. Yeah, you say that, and she seems to actually give you signs, so let's keep that on the deal. Let's not, like, antagonize Rosa. Um, well, thanks to everyone who wrote in. Thanks, guys. I'm gonna
Starting point is 00:37:23 have a hard time sleeping now it's weird i can read a story online it doesn't matter but when i'm hearing someone actually tell me an experience i'm like oh shit totally this is this is why i like drank it out of my mind this is why i drink and also why i blocked it out of my memory and then now i have to read it all over again i do like the sentimental ones earlier though of the family members like looking out for those are like nice spirits and like letting you know that everything's okay and we're still here comforting that's so much different compared to the one we had to finish on yeah why do we always i always just like make everybody feel miserable at the end and then i'm here for
Starting point is 00:37:58 comedic relief yeah you're here to laugh you're welcome guys i'm here to make everyone feel bad about themselves uh well you're welcome thank you guys for uh listening to the listeners uh and just keep it up just just keep sending us stories because this is my actually my favorite like segment that we do it's so much fun to read your guys stories and they're just so random and fun um and it means a lot that you guys are actually you know you want us to talk about your story so thank you thank you thank you so much um and we we really do have a lot so we're trying to like piece through them if you have one send it to and that's why we drink at to make sure we don't lose it um among the twitter and facebook shuffle uh because we do want to get to all of them.
Starting point is 00:38:46 So send them to our email and we are going to cover them eventually. Yes. Thank you again. Thanks. And this is why we drink. It is. Bye. Bye, guys.

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