And That's Why We Drink - Listener Stories: Vol. 20

Episode Date: September 1, 2018

We've been reading your spooky stories for 20 weeks! Today we've got a stalker in a hurricane, a huge WTF story and a random (or was it?) black eyed kids encounter... and that's why we drink! Please ...consider supporting the companies that support us!  Get an extra 15% off your TomboyX purchase with code STORIES at Use promo code DRINK at for 15% off your order of $100 or more!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 all right welcome to episode sorry listener 20 listeners 20 listeners episode 20 which means we've been doing this for 20 months yeah it's pretty dope quite a round number quite a round number yeah that's what i said oh guys it's been a long day already i need more coffee um we're excited to tell you guys your own stories back to your ears yes if you wrote it you now get to listen to it so if you didn't write it you will also get to listen to it so So if you didn't write it, you will also get to listen to it. So congratulations to everyone's ears. Oh, boy. I never remember how we start these. I don't know either.
Starting point is 00:00:53 Your drink is kind of throwing me off. It doesn't look like a normal LaCroix. Oh, it's mango. It looks like Nickelodeon sponsored it. Oh, yeah. Slime. It's very green and orange. We're also releasing our fan mail video today
Starting point is 00:01:07 or not today we're recording it today and we're releasing it um and later today yes and later today is our facebook live yes so if you're listening to this you missed it you missed it those are for patrons uh patreon sponsors and then so is the fan mail video which we post on our patreon page so look for that that should be up soon and if you want to donate to our patreon it is uh slash atwwd podcast podcast and eva printed out stories for us he was just the best truly today she went out and bought us chipotle after quite a mishap well no she went looking for our Postmates guy who vanished. Literally got in the car and drove to where the Postmates guy
Starting point is 00:01:48 looked like he was on the map. And then he wasn't there. And he wasn't there. And then Eva also got his Chipotle. I was really hoping he was there so that there would be a story out of them knocking on his window like, hello, we need our Panera, please. Can you just roll down your back window so we can pull out our food? Thanks. But, unfortunately, he was missing.
Starting point is 00:02:04 Thank you, Eva, once again for saving our lives. Stories? Who goes first? I go first. Okay. Why? Because I want to. Oh.
Starting point is 00:02:12 You said it so matter-of-factly like I was... I should have known. Okay. So this one is from Mikey. Hello, Mikey. There it is. Mikey's email is, Charles Cullen killed my grandfather. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:02:31 So. Oh, no. So Mikey says. And that was a story I did recently. Very recently. He was the hospital one. Killer nurse. Yep.
Starting point is 00:02:41 All right. Mikey says, hello, fresh. Hello, fresh. OK, let me start by saying I fucking love this goddamn podcast. All right. Mikey says, hello, fresh. Hello, fresh. Okay. Let me start by saying I fucking love this goddamn podcast. Thank you. I appreciate the sailor mouth. Makes me feel less alone.
Starting point is 00:02:53 The only problem I have with it is the fact that it's the first podcast I've ever listened to. So now my standards for podcasts are unrealistically high. Oh, God. I immediately get defensive when I hear the only problem is and I'm like, oh, the only problem is it's too good. Don't hurt my feelings. Mikey says, thanks.
Starting point is 00:03:08 Anyway, let's talk about my murdered grandfather. OK, let's. Mikey then says, hold on. So really, we got we got thrown for a loop there. I'm holding on to my mic. I know there's already a lot going on here, but I need to let you know that I'm listening to the new episode right now. And as soon as I took a break, I took a break from writing this christine started talking about charles cullen so naturally i had to come back and continue typing to let you know that he's the
Starting point is 00:03:31 man who killed my grandfather i was actually writing this to tell you about my experience and suggest that you do an episode about him but holy shit it looks like you've already done it anyway back to what i was saying before. My grandfather was murdered in 2002, very shortly before my parents moved into the house we live in now, and also very shortly before I was born. My mother and grandmother and great-grandmother and great-great-grandmother, etc., have always been heavily involved in witchcraft and other occult activities. Sounds like a fun fam. But my mother in particular has always been the one who's dealt with spirits. Oh, boy. fan yeah but my mother in particular has always been the one who's dealt with spirits oh boy when she was a child she lived on a farm and had to have an exorcism due to the amount of near-death
Starting point is 00:04:11 experiences she's had god she also had a friend who was murdered and put into a storage unit oh my god and that's besides the point oh okay well for another day i guess mikey after my grandfather was murdered my parents started seeing signs that he might still be around. The activity intensified once I was born and I spent my childhood being told that my grandfather was still living with us. Great. That's not traumatizing for a small child. I don't remember most of it, but I do have a vivid memory of waking up in the middle of the night and feeling slash watching my blankets getting pulled up over me. When I told my mom about it, she told me it was just pop making sure I was comfortable. As I got older, the activity dwindled down to nothing and was slowly replaced by more sinister activity. When I was about seven or eight, I started having night
Starting point is 00:04:55 terrors and sleep paralysis. And it was the really, the really bad kind of sleep paralysis where you can see through your eyelids and feel people touching you and tickling your back. Oh, right. That kind. You mean my favorite kind? Oh, God. where you can see through your eyelids and feel people touching you and tickling your back. Oh, right. That kind. You mean my favorite kind? Oh, God. I had gory dreams every night, and since I was so young, I didn't really know what was happening, so I started not sleeping and always keeping my lights on. When I told my mom about it, she told me Pop was gone.
Starting point is 00:05:20 Oh. So, like, whatever's doing this, like, clearly, like, the grandpa wasn't around to either protect him or get rid of it. Sleeping got harder and when I was awake, things would move around and I would hear noises from all around the house. One of the most terrifying things I remember was laying in bed one night and hearing someone run down, run at full speed down the hallway towards my door and then stop right outside it and not make another sound. Oh, God. i hated it after a couple years it all stopped and things went back to normal but i still have a hard time sleeping at night i don't blame you my grandfather's name was daniel george by the way and he owned a supermarket sincerely mikey your favorite baby oh you are my favorite baby thank you mikey well how's that wait sorry for your loss yeah and also like
Starting point is 00:06:08 i can't believe that it was like that was the subject line and i was like oh god we're gonna talk about charles colin then it was like that's just a side fact but i guess that's true and that like it's not like you can get his side of the story because like by the time he by the time the grandfather knew what was happening like he was already gonna that's everybody who gets murdered i know but if like he was like if someone was shooting things into his iv bag it's like he wouldn't have much of it i don't know i wish i just thought that story was going to be about like yeah it was then it got wild it was the aftermath it turned into a haunting i did not expect that okay it was the exact perfect combination of our stories yeah it is seriously um it's like how you did uh lizzie
Starting point is 00:06:43 borden hauntings yes he did like charles cullen or sorry they did charles cullen hauntings yeah okay so here we go this is called so by the way thanks mikey this is from kim and the subject is what does that mean fabo fabo fabo what do you know what that means i was thinking like fabuoo, but also that's what I thought. Oh, my. Faboo, faboo, faboo. Does it mean like fabulous, like fabo? Oh, yeah. That's what I think, but I'm not sure. Maybe you were just too old.
Starting point is 00:07:11 Whatever. I'm too old to understand what this means. Fabo, faboo, faboo. Las Vegas listener story. Oh, fabo then. Yeah. I would imagine. Fabulous.
Starting point is 00:07:20 Yeah, fabo. Okay. Hey, Em and Christine, before I get into my story, I just wanted to let you know your banter in between stories is everything to me. good we're always paranoid that that's not because not a lot of people say that my name is kim i'm a late 20s millennial myself and moved to la four years ago from new jersey every time you make jokes about how tough it can be it makes me feel like i'm not alone in this struggle your podcast also makes me feel like less of a weirdo because i've always been a believer in paranormal oddly oddly fascinated with true crime. So almost a year before I decided to make
Starting point is 00:07:47 Long Beach my home, shout out Queen Mary, I lived with a roommate in Las Vegas. She and I moved into a condo in a nice little complex sort of near the Vegas strip called Monterey Grand Manor. It had apparently been vacant for a long while and was definitely a steal for what we were getting. I guess that should have been a tip off, but I was just stoked to find a place we could afford that was actually nice. Is that like someone got murdered in there? What? But maybe that someone got murdered in there.
Starting point is 00:08:09 That would be my first thought if it was like heavily discounted. I'd be like, Oh yeah. How many deaths have happened? Yeah. The neighbors were all very nice, but seemed surprised we hadn't, we had moved in.
Starting point is 00:08:18 I didn't think much of it and just worked on settling into my new home. So a few months go by and I can't help, but get this crazy, weird, eerie feeling whenever I looked down or was walking through the long hall that had oh look down the hall or was walking through the long hall that had both our bedrooms in the bathroom i tried to shake it off as me just adjusting to a new place but this feeling was sometimes overwhelming and especially bad whenever i was in the bathroom itself i hated being in there and
Starting point is 00:08:40 took the shortest showers of my life my dog also hated the bathroom that's not a good sign no and that spooked me out too so i'm cleaning off the top shelf of the closet in my new room when i find a wallet oh god with a woman's driver's license inside way in the back corner of the closet shelf oh my god and thought well that's odd but tried not to think too much into it i showed my roommate who also thought it was weird but both both of us decided maybe we shouldn't throw it away just in case she might come back for it. The energy in the hall only got heavier after that and I swore I'd hear noises in the bathroom some night. Oh my God, this is terrifying.
Starting point is 00:09:14 Goodbye. It was finally summer and we'd been living in this condo for a good six months and were invited to a barbecue at the community pool where all the neighbors would be attending. We thought we'd ask about the previous tenant and if we should mail her ID back to her because we still had it and everyone got really quiet. Finally, someone spoke up and said, Oh, boy. Oh, boy.
Starting point is 00:09:42 Oh, no. pills while taking a bath and drowned in the bathtub oh no she was last seen at our unit which was obviously hers at the time with a guy she was dating who she'd regularly do drugs with and the neighbors think maybe he overdosed her by mistake and ran the landlord found her two days later when he came to collect rent for the month poor richard we freaked out and immediately asked to sit down with him and ask some questions he verified it was true but that everything oh but that they replaced the tub so it wasn't the same one she died in that's good everything was fine we asked for her name out of curiosity and it was the same girl on the id we found needless which is so weird that it was in the corner of the closet ew so weird you would think that'd be the one and only thing that they would definitely make
Starting point is 00:10:21 sure they got out yeah that place and like how would it even end up there? Oh God. Creepy. Um, did it at our time? We asked for her name out of curiosity. Same girl. Uh, needless to say,
Starting point is 00:10:30 I moved out of there the next month and headed back home to New Jersey. I told my landlord after learning this information, I no longer felt comfortable and he let me move out of the lease. However, my crazy roommate opted to stay and I don't know if she told the next person to take my place, what happened there or not, but I wasn't down to find out.
Starting point is 00:10:44 I knew there was something wrong with that bathroom and so did my dog luckily my new apartment is ghost free so hooray lastly just like my story I'm on both sides when it comes this podcast have you ever had an alcoholic milkshake everyone asks this at I have not no it's not my thing I'm not a milkshake person so yeah and everyone still tells me like oh you should come here you should come to our town and we'll we'll buy you like the best like boozy milkshake and i'm like have you not listened to the last hundred episodes where i don't drink alcohol and i don't really drink milkshake so it's kind of like it's like the venn diagram but the opposite like things we both don't want
Starting point is 00:11:19 sorry i don't mean to bash you can it's just funny because it's it's just funny because it's like truly like the thousandth time we've heard it and like people are asking like about boozy milkshakes and i feel bad because i'm always like no i haven't had it yeah and also i don't i truly won't have one but she says they're very delicious so i mean maybe i mean if you if you filtered the alcohol out i'm sure christine would like it and i would drink the rest right we could we do that every week we just yeah don't put them together. We do have a boozy milkshake every week. We just split it.
Starting point is 00:11:47 We just split it. Uh, thanks for being you. Give you a hug for me and keep making great episodes. Kim. I have thought about that. Like if I found out that someone died in somewhere where I'm living, would I be willing to stay?
Starting point is 00:11:58 I mean, I feel like people die. I mean, I know I've said this before, but it's not normal for someone to die in a home. I know. But if I knew with the knowledge all of a sudden. Or like a violent death or something, like that changes it for me.
Starting point is 00:12:08 I think the more details I'd have, the more freaked out I'd be. Because if I knew it was like in the kitchen, then every time I would never be able to like walk in the kitchen barefoot or something. I would feel like it'd be like standing like with my bare feet, like where a body was. Like, yeah. It's kind of that same mentality of like would you wear the shirt of someone who murdered someone or would you wear the shirt of someone who died it's just kind of like i don't know it's just like there's some weird eerie air over it all
Starting point is 00:12:34 of a sudden yeah or like if they died in the bedroom and like your bed is there i'd be like i'm laying where they like that would freak me out you're just on that i know that was like just beyond but like like how they replaced the tub because they knew that like someone might not want to stand naked in a place with a dead body in it for two days i don't think oh that's true really i don't know i don't know it depends i just picture one of those cheap like plastic tubs like i would oh i think you'd have to get rid of it i was thinking like a fancy tub i mean it doesn't really matter what the material of the tub is it's truly the last thing that they're talking about anyway i'm just thinking if a body is in the plastic okay it doesn't matter
Starting point is 00:13:09 let's change we could talk about that forever couldn't we yeah yeah all right this one is called everyone's like no please stop everyone's like please stop talking about we don't need this um oh well this is a wild name oh yeah oh no it's not it's not okay what's this is nicole this is from nicole but the way that she i don't know how to bien hose what i think that's the one i think she's in portugal so that might be like hello in portuguese oh okay i thought that was because it comes like before the signature of her name and so i was like maybe that means bastard you're welcome or something i said bastard i was like i don't think that's what it means bien jose so this one is entitled you're gonna want to read this so i'm gonna i that literally makes me not want to read it but i'm glad that you even did um this is by nicole and nicole says hello my sweet sweet atwwd family
Starting point is 00:14:02 oh hello my name is nicole we just we discovered that together first i'm a big fan of the show obviously my friend jess who says hi hi jess hi jess got me in the show when i lived in portugal and now i'm hooked i finally caught up to real time and damn just love it my fiance has gotten into it as well but now he thinks every noise we hear is a ghost serial killer it probably is um which was kind of he thinks every noise we hear is a ghost or serial killer. It probably is. Which was kind of funny at first, but we live in a fraternity house and there's tons of college boys making noise all the time. And now I just want to calm the fuck down and go to bed. Anyway, the roller coaster I'm about to take you on isn't my personal story, but I'm going
Starting point is 00:14:37 to tell it in first person on behalf of my friend Hannah. Buckle up and let's crack into it. All right. We were driving. So this is hannah's story but we're as told by nicole as told by nicole the ghostwriter got it uh we were driving back to my cousin's house in stafford springs from hartford connecticut after her theater show one night their house is kind of out in the country so it's heavily wooded with the houses
Starting point is 00:15:02 set up off the road a ways it's me my cousin who's about 20 my younger sister and another younger cousin and i'm in the passenger seat we are driving and just passing time on the drive with music and talk about the show we slow a bit when we see a deer in the road that had just been hit by a car oh okay whatever not a big deal we avoid the wreckage and come back up to speed and i'm doing what most passengers do until i think i see something on the side of the road i think i see a hand i brushed it off because why would why would it be a hand oh god after a second my cousin driving asks did you guys see something back there oh my god before i can answer the car in front of
Starting point is 00:15:42 us stops in the road the driver waves us forward and we pull up. As we approach, I can see the driver, who's a girl about our age, is hysterically crying. I saw something back there, she says. I think I saw a hand. Oh, no. Coincidentally, I had just taken a bystander awareness class. Oh, interesting. So, of course, I suggest we have to go back.
Starting point is 00:16:04 So, both of the cars turn around and make the short drive back to where the mysterious hand was sighted we stopped in the road and i get out turns out the hand was attached to a body oh no the body belonged to a girl probably in her 20s oh no she was wearing a white dress that was covered in blood oh god and she was just so bloody her joints and limbs were bent at weird angles and her eyes were open and glazed over that chick was dead oh my god i turned back to the car and say call the police but before i could finish i see this bitch resurrect no i'm talking her limbs and joints come back together she starts breathing and stands the
Starting point is 00:16:46 fuck up what stands right up like she was just chilling on the couch and not lying on the side of some random backcountry road at midnight at this moment everyone's screaming like what the hell the chick in the other car is screaming okay okay good the dead girl is not standing and completely ignores oh the dead the dead girl is not standing and completely ignores oh the dead the dead girl is now standing and completely ignores me she turns and just walks down the road oh my god direction that we had just come from ma'am i yelled at her ma'am are you all right nothing she just keeps walking so i get back in the car and we call the police and they show up with an ambulance and ask us some questions and look around i tell them what i told you that girl
Starting point is 00:17:23 was dead they thank us and tell us to head home like this i tell them what i told you that girl was dead they thank us and tell us to head home like this was a normal casual encounter oh my god but you just head back home after okay sure so the screaming girl and the other car wants to follow her to her house because she's freaked out it's on the way so we say sure and follow her while recounting the story a million times in the car she pulls off into her driveway and we keep going eventually the woods thin and a field opens up to the right sounds chill until we see the dead girl standing alone in the middle of the field what with a troop of cop cars forming a semicircle around her pointing their headlights at her oh god i have chills she's just standing there barely even acknowledging them and starting staring past them into the night.
Starting point is 00:18:05 I, of course, instruct my cousin to pull over so we could watch the show unfold. I mean, obviously. Yeah. I need to know at this point. I was like, there's no way I'm going to just walk away from this gossip. Hell no. An office come. I like you say gossip like someone's breaking up with her boyfriend.
Starting point is 00:18:19 Well, she's alive. She's fine now. I'm just gonna be like, OK, I want the dirt. I don't know. This seems wild. An officer comes running up to our car and tells us a bit frantic to leave get out of here we can't be here etc i tell him that we're the ones who called them in the first place and he just repeats he keeps repeating himself
Starting point is 00:18:35 until we agree to go leaving dead girls standing in the fields oh my god i wish i could tell you she shot up in the air and transformed into a giant lizard or something super sick but i don't know uh i don't know what happened i see a girl come back to life and leave her standing in a field and i have no idea what happened to her so many people have combed over the internet with me trying to find something but there's nothing out there no one from the area has ever heard of her it's like some kind of secret we have our theories including some kind of trafficking kidnapping ploy slash drug sauce possession but we'll probably never know about the dead girl in connecticut hope you enjoyed this giant what the fuck story from nicole hashtag team wine wowza yeah okay hold on i mean my first thought was like drugs just because like that superhuman
Starting point is 00:19:23 like strength or like trafficking i guess the most realistic one is probably trafficking yeah because they do often drug them up and yeah yikes that's why i was laughing at your gossip comment sorry oh because in my mind it was something paranormal for sure i was like i was i was expecting the cops in your head it was because i expected the cops to be like oh just go home and then later they found out like yeah a lot of people say that they see that girl on the road and then that's what i was expecting you guys if you're hearing this try to research help her out and see if we can find anything that was a wild one i would love to know what that was about oh my god i hate not knowing that was spooky there you go your turn that must be like traumatizing i would just be scared to
Starting point is 00:20:04 drive in the woods at night by myself because your first thought is yeah same and your first thought is like oh my god i'm looking at a dead body like that alone is terrifying and then it like moves and then it like does the thing that everyone tells you a dead body will never do yeah oh god okay this is from kelsey hi kelsey um and it's called that time I got pushed across a hotel room. My scary story. Okay. Hello, I'm in Christine. I stumbled upon. Oh my god. It's like we just said this. Hello, I'm Christine. I stumbled across your podcast. Thanks to one of my friends on Twitter. He's always posting about you guys. I've been binging episodes ever since you both are so wonderful and have such great stories. I'm afraid I'm one of those on the fence people. I want to eat team milkshake, but I'm lactose intolerant. Is there any way you'll accept a team wine slushie? Oh my gosh. Just kidding. Your podcast is everything I've always wanted to listen to. I hope you do a show in Denver soon. So do I. Okay, enough brown nosing. Yeah, Kelsey, let's get into the story. When I was six to seven years old, my entire family went on a trip to San Diego.
Starting point is 00:21:05 It was myself, my parents, my aunt and uncle, their children, and my grandparents. We stayed in a hotel called the Hotel Del Coronado. Oh, I've been there. I've heard about that place. You've been there? My mom took me there one time. That's the one with the gray. Apparently, it's super duper haunted, and I didn't even know until after we left.
Starting point is 00:21:18 Oh, I watched a BuzzFeed Unsolved on that, where the painting's hair supposedly grays. Oh, nice. Oh, nice. Yeah. Quite casual. on that um where the paintings like hair supposedly grace oh nice um oh nice yeah quite casual which honestly is old enough and crazy enough to warrant its own episode wink wink m the hotel del cornado was built in the 1880s and opened in 1888 at the time it was the largest hotel okay well now she's just doing your notes for you thanks kelsey it was the largest hotel in the world and the second largest wooden structure in the U.S. First is the Tillamook Art Museum. However, the greatest draw nowadays for the hotel is its hauntings, most notably the haunting of Kate Morgan.
Starting point is 00:21:52 I'm going to keep the facts pretty bare bones in case you do this episode one day. The gist is this. Kate Morgan was a young woman staying at the hotel in 1892, and she was found dead on one of the exterior staircases to the beach. Oh, boy. The cause of death was what appeared to be in self-inflicted bullet wound to the head. However, it was thought to be foul play instead of suicide because the bullet
Starting point is 00:22:09 recovered from her body did not match the bullets in her gun. Oh man. Allegedly she now haunts the hotel. I do not know the specifics of her behavior, haunting behavior, but I will now tell you what we experienced. None of my family was aware of this haunting. When we booked the hotel,
Starting point is 00:22:24 our only concession, when we went to the hotel was that we all wanted rooms next to each other so we could all hang out as a family we got three rooms on the third floor but the receptionist gave us a warning oh god she told us that the only three open rooms next to each other were two normal rooms which were on either side of kate morgan's haunted room oh yeah so one of us was going to have to stay in a haunted room unless we wanted a room on a different floor my father being the wonderful man he is immediately volunteered for us volunteered us to the haunted room oh great my dad was certain that the room was a gimmick he began looking for wires switches and such a dad move i know and any other tricks to show to myself my mom the first night the lights flickered on and off that's probably a timer they have it isn't
Starting point is 00:23:02 real my dad reassured us the doors of the bathroom opened suddenly and forcibly springs my dad said in the middle of the night the tv would suddenly switch on and loudly play that white noise fuzzy screen that's the scariest thing i think to have turned on by the way it's because it's such a jarring sound yeah and it's like the ring yeah yeah um so what was dad's explanation it's not like viagra you know it's not like a commercial or something. Yes. You know. I mean, that would have, Viagra always makes me calm.
Starting point is 00:23:29 So. Never mind. Once again, my dad said it was just a trick. But the more this stuff happened, the less confident he sounded. We hadn't found any hard evidence either way that the room was fake or really haunted until the third night. All this time I'd been sleeping on a roll on cot. It's important to know that this bed was very heavy and the wheels were locked in place by the staff on the third night the same small stuff happened lights doors and a weird breeze but it wasn't until we went to bed that stuff got crazy around three in the morning the witching hour when supposedly spirits are more powerful
Starting point is 00:23:57 yes we know it well i woke up very suddenly with a feeling of vague fear the tv was on the fuzzy white screen again but there was no noise suddenly my cot started to move as in roll to the other side of the room nope oh my god nope it was very slight at first like when you try to push something heavy but quickly got more forceful obviously i screamed my parents woke up to see me sitting up in bed rolling across the floor oh my god jesus my dad snatched me out of bed and the second i left the bed i got violently sick and started throwing up my parents put me in the bathtub and started cleaning me off my dad tried to push the bed back but it wouldn't move after all the wheels were locked we left the room and slept in my grandparents room instead the next morning when we went back to the room the bed was
Starting point is 00:24:39 back in its normal spot but still unmade along with my parents beds so the staff had obviously not come in and cleaned it and moved it back after this my dad said aloud to the room we get the message you're real sorry for doubting you the rest of our visit was quiet the doors and lights still flickered but less often and less forcefully almost like the room was placated ever since then my family has strongly believed in spirits and we try to be as respectful as possible i've always wanted to go back to the hotel and stay in that room again i've never had such a strong paranormal experience since this and i've always remembered it vividly i hope you both enjoyed hearing about it i hope you both continue to succeed in your endeavors and i hope that even if you don't use the story for a future episode but you totally should the hotel del
Starting point is 00:25:16 coronado is crazy that you enjoyed reading it thank you for your time and stay thirsty my friends kelsey p.s i've included some safe to open safe to open pictures of the hotel and Kate Morgan herself. Oh my gosh. Safe for work, Kate Morgan. Crazy. Can you imagine waking up as the parent, seeing the static screen, and then your kid is just rolling on a pot? That's truly poltergeist. Yeah, it sounds like poltergeist.
Starting point is 00:25:40 That sounds like the poltergeist movie. Yowza. Anyway. All right. My last one is called B.E. related oh yes from savannah so hello savannah all right savannah says i'm really late to the game but i've started listening to you guys to your guys's podcast in reverse a few weeks ago and i just listened to your black eyed kids episode i've had lots of what i consider to be unexplainable things happen to me, but this one made me remember an experience I had a few years ago. I was living in Seattle and was walking to work midday when from down the street I saw a girl standing on her front porch.
Starting point is 00:26:17 Although the girl from far away looked completely normal, my stomach sunk and I started to feel scared. I knew for sure that she was going to talk to me if i passed her so i stopped i stopped and tried crossing the street but the traffic was so bad i had to just keep walking i mean i could feel her looking at me so i might as well just face it this is scary even without like any paranormal just like don't talk to me it's like and like you can tell that like someone's going to waiting for you Waiting for you to approach. Yeah. I walk past her and she doesn't say anything until I've already walked by a bit and then yells out, aren't you going to say hi? Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:26:51 What? And I turn around and walk a little closer and I was like, oh, hi. No, no. And she said, I know you. And I was like, huh, I don't think we've met. But in the middle of saying that, I looked in her eyes and they were black and I felt like huh I don't think we've met but in the middle of saying that I looked in her eyes and they were black and I felt extreme fear I turned around and walked away really fast and she didn't say anything more I turned around and she was gone she could have easily just went inside
Starting point is 00:27:15 though um like thanks for your own debunking love that the first thing I do is try to call my best friend and tell her what happened but she just happened to be calling me to tell me about a freaky experience that happened to her just minutes ago. Get out of here. Where a woman stopped her on the street and said I know you from my dreams. No! Stop. And my friend was like what do you mean? And all the woman said was
Starting point is 00:27:35 I know you and walked away. Em, what the fuck? Anyway, my friend and I were in different cities at the time but those experiences happened at the exact same time simultaneously weird shit love your guys podcast savannah what in the world that is like the black eyed kids are truly just a nightmare truly a nightmare i know you that's like the perfect it's like short creepy yeah what the fuck also here are my black ass eyes. And then I'm going to walk away. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:28:05 I didn't like that. That scared me, man. All right. Last one. All right. This is from Whitney. Hi, Whitney. And it's called The Stalker I Used to Babysit and My Friendly Ghost.
Starting point is 00:28:17 Hi, I'm Christine. I'm a latecomer to the podcast listening game. But when my twin, oh, I like twins. That's fun. Introduce me to you guys. I fell in love. You guys are amazing. When you mentioned you wanted to hear why we drink, I thought I would give you an email.
Starting point is 00:28:28 I have two stories, one supernatural and one stalker. Oh, man. This is both our jams. Both reasons for me to drink. Okay, fair. The stalker, I apparently used to babysit a kid who grew up to become a violent stalker that would try to flee the state in the middle of a hurricane. Oh, boy.
Starting point is 00:28:45 I grew up in a very small town in Texas called College Station. It has since then grown drastically in size, but to me, it will always be a small town. My brother's friend, Garrett, and Kyle, her brother, would play with him constantly. Our moms are super close. Both met through our church, and often I would end up getting stuck watching them. I don't remember much about him except the fact that he had a hard time talking to girls if he was by himself, but if he had his friends or my brother with him, he'd be fine. A few years later, my family uproots to North Carolina, and that's the end of that. I honestly never thought I would hear his name again until Hurricane Harvey came up, and I got notified on Facebook that he was missing.
Starting point is 00:29:16 His mom posted, then my mom reposted. Clearly moms are friends for life. And then I reposted, only not even an hour later the post was gone since i'm a nosy nancy i had to figure out if he had been found only to find a wanted police report had replaced the link his mom had made and thus she had taken it down oh boy what family would put publicly post that their kid is wanted even if their kid is missing in a hurricane right right right turns out in high school garrett had a girlfriend for a few months she broke up with him before they went to college and i guess garrett felt cheated by the experience as you can find out from this police report for the next two years his ex gets crazy texts and voicemails in the middle of the night
Starting point is 00:29:52 at first she responds but eventually she stops because clearly she just wants this to be over with then nothing for a few weeks she thinks that his anger might have officially passed that ignoring him and not reaching out might have worked she has classes one day then work and is exhausted as she gets home to find him waiting for her in her living room with a bat no oh my god it's chilling thankfully her boyfriend had driven her home that day so when she flipped out and garrett sees her boyfriend with her he books it they call the cops he gets arrested and charged with stalking and property damage with a restraining order and two years probation the ex moves to houston for school and he can't leave college station.
Starting point is 00:30:27 And you'd hope that would be the end, but it's not. This is detailed in this article in which he drives down to Galveston in the confusion of the hurricane to be with her again. Nope. Tricks her neighbors into letting him stay with them while the storm is happening. Oh. Before he makes a run for it and hides in another abandoned house when he realizes that she had already evacuated he leaves his truck on the side of the road and plans to make a break for it but eventually turns himself in this all happened in a span of seven to eight years for a girl that he dated for a few months i'm assuming that he's on probation again but after catching
Starting point is 00:30:58 up on the life of my little brother's best friend all i can say is how thankful i am that he never murdered his ex also the amount of ownership he felt for this girl that spanned years and craziness is insane. And what is even more insane is a lack of real punishment for a person who is clearly escalating with each year and his obsession for her. That is why I drink. My supernatural story is a light one to make up for the story above. Okay, good. I have a ghost that makes my bed. I'm so jealous of that.
Starting point is 00:31:23 Yeah, wow. Can I find a ghost that does my taxes? Can you send that ghost my bed oh i'm so jealous of that yeah wow can i find a ghost that does my taxes can you send that ghost my way i know it sounds crazy but i'm 100 sure that this place is haunted i live in studio city now oh like here like nearby i guess wow okay hello i live in studio city so they the ghost could feasibly make the trip down to our house okay yep checking i live in studio city now in a 1920s farmhouse that was renovated into apartments at some point and i've lived here for a few years weird things started happening pretty much right away like my silverware is constantly going missing i mean i've bought so
Starting point is 00:31:54 many spoons and forks for this place that it's insane very little mermaid yeah you're gonna find like a collection for some reason they don't want the knives well that's probably a good thing yeah if knives were going missing i'd be more concerned they just want the forks to brush their hair yeah it's fine usually in the afternoon you can hear someone going through the kitchen messing with the silverware drawer or opening cabinets and then there will be no one in the room nope just reminds me of raccoons you know because they like shiny stuff and me okay but on to the bed making i'm a bit of a slob the organized chaos sort of slob keeping messes and stacks only half making up my bed sort of slob my first roommate that i lived with here
Starting point is 00:32:31 was a bit of a neat freak so sometimes i would leave for work and when i got back my bed would suddenly be made not like arm ready what's arm ready i'm ready not like arm ready but blankets laid flat i don't know not like arm ready but blankets laid flat i don't know not like arm ready but blankets laid flat over the pillows and smoothed down at first i thought she was just overstepping yeah i would be like please don't go into my room yeah that's uh but after asking her about it she thought i was crazy it kept happening i would leave my blankets a mess and then when i would get home my bed would be made up it was weird but i decided maybe i'm just going crazy and it didn't happen every day so maybe it was just me making my bed and forgetting maybe i'm just crazy i would never forget doing something
Starting point is 00:33:08 so exhausting i'd be so proud of this yeah i'd be like look at this magic that i've accomplished it kept happening okay cute old roommate moving out a new roommate moving in i travel for work sometimes and my old roommate will take care of my cats while i'm gone one time i was in new york for a week and when i get a call did you make your bed which i'm a slob so of course i didn't i told him and he was just like that's weird and hung up the cats like to wrestle particularly on my bed since it's the largest one in the apartment and they will make a mess of the covers roomie breaks them apart notices my bed is a mess again and just shrugs off before going to his room he's playing some pc game when he hears a noise in my room thinks i left a window open or maybe a cat knocked something over but when he goes in all that has
Starting point is 00:33:48 changed is that the bed is suddenly made he freaks out calls me again which is fine which is fine since i'm already flying home and when i get home my bed is made it's been almost two years now and while it doesn't happen every day or even once a month it still happens same with the missing silverware maybe the ghost takes it as payment but i figure I could have a much worse sort of haunting. Still, it's really weird and I wish I wouldn't hear noises like someone going through my kitchen when I'm home alone. But I guess it's just another reason to drink. Thank you guys. Wit.
Starting point is 00:34:14 I guess like at the end of the day, if you were to have a ghost, like that's truly the nicest version. The ideal one. Because also it sounds like after two years, like it hasn't gotten worse. Right. Or, you know, done anything more aggressive. And it's not like taking like your iPhone. It's like taking some forks it's like yeah if anything like i would just like buy it its own box of utensils and be like go bananas here you go this is just for you yeah and also like it does sometimes makes your bed i wonder if it just gets bored it's like
Starting point is 00:34:39 okay i'll do some chores just like you know when you get bored you start cleaning yeah i mean no but oh i mean maybe that happens in the actual i get what you mean i get what you mean well that's kind of sad if that's what happens in the afterlife you get bored and do chores but yeah maybe you've just done it all maybe um anyway well thank you guys so much thank you wit and thank you everybody else who sent in a story yes well thank you to everyone who donates yes that too we're gonna for the people who do donate we're gonna post post CK's story this month on the first of the month on Patreon. So you have a bonus story read by CK's lovely Scottish accent, which is much more soothing
Starting point is 00:35:13 than ours. Yeah. Yeah. For sure. So thanks, guys, for listening. Thanks, guys, for sending your stories. And you can send them to and that's why we drink at And we might read them in a future month.
Starting point is 00:35:24 And that's about it. And that's why we drink. Bye.

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