And That's Why We Drink - Listener Stories: Vol. 22

Episode Date: November 1, 2018

It may be the day after Halloween but we're spooky year round! Today we read your listener stories featuring the Brazilian version of Bloody Mary, a v haunted British church, a cult condo and a freaky... deer for your post-Halloween come-down. And speaking of deer, did you know Em trapped a deer in a ski resort bathroom once? You'll have to listen to find out... and that's why we drink!Please consider supporting the companies that support us! Sign up for a VIP Just Fab membership and get your first style for as low as $10 when you go to 50% off your first month with Scent Bird when you go to and use code DRINK

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Starting point is 00:00:00 do we do anything before these before the listeners episodes yeah welcome to the listeners episode you're here today that's what we do yesterday was halloween yesterday was halloween yeah yeah because it comes down on the first you're right yep how are you um i was talking to you i was talking to everybody who's listening oh i'll wait for everyone to answer them good so um and how are you m i'm fine um i have yet to experience halloween yet so i'm not too sure how it's gonna go but it's gonna go well actually right now if it's the first that means i'm currently on a flight back home to virginia that's right and i won't see you again until our live show in dc we're prepping for dc also real quick before we
Starting point is 00:00:47 get started on our stories your stories um classic kevin is back with us just like right out of the gate doing some stories on our patreon so if you are a donor of any number you will be able to access those and we're going to post those on the first so yes enjoy okay he's very excited and eva handpicked some stories for him. And for us. And I do want to say, because we didn't say it in the last episode, currently, as far as we know, there are still openings for the following shows for you to buy tickets for.
Starting point is 00:01:17 And buy openings. Openings as in, like, if you want to audition to be on the stage with us. We have opening acts. No, we still have tickets available for a couple different shows, so I'm just going to read them out. The Wilbur in Boston on February 2nd. I should have done this in order. I never do it in order.
Starting point is 00:01:34 Let's try again. St. Louis, we have tickets for January 20th. In San Diego, we have tickets for January 21st. In Asbury Park in New Jersey, we've got tickets for January 30th and by the way it's a really cool venue it's like Bruce Springsteen's venue so like go check so please come please please come then we also have the Wilbur like I said in Boston on February 2nd we have Orlando in March on the 15th and we have Tampa in March the day after on the 16th all
Starting point is 00:02:00 those tickets there are still tickets for all those shows go to and that's what you slash live and that you'll be able to click any of the links yes yay all right so i'm gonna go first ready for this i'm ready halloween listeners episode fucking stoked bro all right homie home slice let's go my man oh my i know you're still in your sex kitten outfit i went too far yeah and it's really hot in here do you want to strip a little that's okay i was thinking i didn't mean it in the way that it came off i meant more like you want to unzip and tie the arms around your waist shift from like innocent question to like i'm so disgusted with myself i really hated who i was it was a i didn't mean it that way you know what just stay clothed um slow-mo moment let's just let's actually i just hope you just stay gross in that um so you are so evil i just don't know what makes anything i say
Starting point is 00:02:51 right anymore um here is our first email this is called a bloody mary follow-up brazilian version hells yeah and this is from livia so it starts with what's up eva hurtful um i'm fine no listen i think eva just went in and typed that and replaced eva eva silly eva you just wanted your name on silly girl so it then says uh i love you eva what no i'm kidding you're so beautiful hold on why don't you strip for me oh wait oh my liv Oh, my. Livia. Livia. Listen, I'm just quoting you, Em, to be honest. Look, I'm not proud of who I am either. Livia then says, I'm a big fan of the podcast. And today when I was listening to the latest episode, Em discussed Bloody Mary and I decided
Starting point is 00:03:34 to write in for the first time. I'm glad I did that for you, Livia. Here's the dealio. I'm Brazilian, although I've lived in the US for two years now. And the story was a little different there so i thought i'd tell you about it oh i didn't know there was a brazilian version the first time i heard it i was in second grade the prime age for fear it is great time i was just coming out of the school's bathroom and i happened to stumble upon a group of girls in my
Starting point is 00:03:58 grade who were sitting on the floor in a very cult-like circle oh were me and christine there yes um intrigued i asked them binocular sorry intrigued i asked them to explain why they all looked so terrified so from then on i was made aware of bloody mary or as she is known in brazil um the tell me you gave you gave him portuguese to say all that well she also gave me the english version which was very nice oh good and the english version is the blonde of the bathroom oh which megan for sure megan there's literally no other blonde i didn't know her i didn't know the game in brazil was called megan megan megan megan and that's megan talking to herself in the mirror obviously uh i'm not sure what her story was
Starting point is 00:04:44 because i've heard many different ones over the course of elementary school but one of the most common ones was that she was a woman who was hated by many megan sounds about right i'm just really falling into place here and one day someone slammed her head onto the sink and she died okay too far megan didn't deserve that no i didn't say just a smack or two it was all needed. Just a little hair pull. Brazil is huge, so I'm sure many people will tell you different stories, but that was the story in my little corner. Holy shit, that's actually like darkly
Starting point is 00:05:11 upsetting for a child. I also don't know how to pronounce a Sao Paulo. Yes. Sao Paulo? Okay. So that's where she's from. That's her little corner. Anyway, to summon her, you had to turn off the lights in the bathroom, go into a stall. For some reason, this was more of a school thing than an at-home thing. Ooh, that's a fun twist.
Starting point is 00:05:29 And lock the door, flush three times, and spin around saying her name three times. She would then reach out of the mirror once you walked out of the stall and slam your head onto the sink. That's not fun. Causing you to die like she did. This caused quite a couple girls to stay inside a stall for a good hour well right i was right that's why they're in the stall for an hour got it um alternately she would either gouge your eyes out or you know choose your own
Starting point is 00:05:57 adventure transport you into the mirror world depends on who you heard it from okay this is really much cooler much like more intense this is like the adult version yes but yeah that's it i know the whole world has their versions so i thought i'd share with you my brazilian insight thanks so much for doing what you do i tune in every sunday and it's the highlight of my day sending love to all of you and geo aww so geo and eva get their fucking names right on. But not us. Thanks, Olivia. Not you or me. Megan got the most attention out of all of us. Once again, Megan's
Starting point is 00:06:29 the popular one. She always was. Someone tweeted at us about the Megan joke and her name was obviously Megan and she was like, yeah, I mean, like I get it. My husband calls me mega bitch. Yeah, I'm like that's actually really clever.
Starting point is 00:06:46 She's like, yeah, I'm Megan and I can be pretty fucking bitchy. She's like, I'm Megan and I'm proud. Self-aware Megan. Okay. Let's go. This is from Mika. Mika? Listen. Who's to say? The singer Mika.
Starting point is 00:07:01 I was in love with him as a child. Christine has an affinity for Mika. He's definitely not not straight okay well who is anyone you love nobody nobody help okay please don't ever leave me for a minute my one shot okay this is for mika or micah listen great love it okay so i was born in Arkadelphia, Arkansas. Love it. Arkansas or Arizona? A-R? Arkansas. Arizona's A-Z. Yes. Right. Thank you. Arkansas, but moved to Little Rock. Okay. Moved to Little Rock after my mom finished pharmacy school when I was eight. We moved into a much larger house than I was used
Starting point is 00:07:38 to living in on account of my mom starting to make that cash money. Making money moves. Love you. This, she Love you. She's funny. They're funny. I don't know. The house had never been lived in before and had been on the market for two years prior to us buying it. After moving in, I always had a very uneasy feeling about the house. I constantly felt like there was either someone watching me, following me, or thought I heard footsteps on the top floor while I was sleeping.
Starting point is 00:08:00 No. I always shrugged it off, assuming that there couldn't possibly be spirits living there since we were the first people to ever live in the house wrong still i never felt comfortable being there by myself or even being alone in my room for very long even when i was alone it never really felt like it i always felt another presence with me nothing ever directly happened to me until one day when i was 13 i was home alone watching my little sister who was three at the time my brother who's the same age as me was at a friend's house and both of my parents were at No. It said,
Starting point is 00:08:38 If you can read this, it worked. Time travel through words. What? But through is spelled T-h-r-e-w so it literally says if you can read this it worked time travel through words oh ew like time travel through the words i think it's just incorrectly spelled no i'm gonna give it a double meaning okay sure in principle but like yuck i mean it's time travel so i'm down no matter what incorrectly spelled. No, I'm going to give it a double meaning. Okay, sure. In principle. But like, yuck. I mean, it's time travel, so I'm down no matter what actually happened. Yeah. Listen. But yucko about that. You know I love a good time travel story. That's why I'm making the double meaning. I'm like, I need this to be correct somewhere. Incorrect grammar and all. Seeing this immediately sent chills up my spine. Yeah. And I mean, I would be like, someone's going to
Starting point is 00:09:23 murder me in five seconds. Oh, I was literally like cool and i would have written a message back but in that like creepy chiller like with a dripping no if i'm if i'm a no if i'm in the shower and someone's writing on my i guess if i'm nude i feel more vulnerable so i'd be like i feel like mentally i wouldn't be ready someone's in my bathroom while i am i'm vulnerable vulnerable. It doesn't matter what I'm wearing. Seeing this immediately sent chills up my spine, and I had a sense of dread that made me feel like I needed to get the fuck out of the bathroom. I kept trying to justify it, considering maybe one of my family members had come home and done it to mess with me, but I would have heard the bathroom door open as it had an uneven frame and skidded across the floor when opened. Additionally, the handwriting in the mirror was very neat and blocky, almost like it had an uneven frame and skidded across the floor when opened additionally the handwriting
Starting point is 00:10:05 in the mirror was very neat and blocky almost like it had been typed which didn't match any of my family members handwriting my little sister was the only one home and she was three at the time there's no way she could have reached the mirror or written out a sentence like that plus she was still asleep when i got out of the shower i ran out of the bathroom and quickly checked all the doors and windows in the house which were all still locked And our alarm system that i'd set before getting into the shower was still on as well Ew This is so fucking creepy. I'm sorry I'm so down with this one when my mom got home
Starting point is 00:10:34 I told her and assumed that if I fogged the mirror up again, the message would reappear but it didn't leaving my family members to Not believe me. Oh, no, that's rough I haven't told this story to many people because I understand how unlikely it sounds, but just thinking about it still leaves me with an uneasy feeling to this day. I never had any more mirror messages reappear. I would be scared every time I took a shower. I'd be like looking at the mirror every five seconds. I feel like so cool. Uh, I never had any more mirror messages reappear since then. But now that my sister is 11, she also has uneasy feelings about the house. My parents still live live in she has trouble sleeping often stating that she's too scared to
Starting point is 00:11:09 sleep because she's afraid someone will come get her i don't know what that means or what manifested this fear in her but it only confirms my fear that something in the house isn't right anyway i apologize for the lengthy email but i hope you found the story at least mildly interesting or sufficiently freaky i'm hashtag team wine mika mika mika mika time traveler wolf in the making and a half what yeah what if it's her that's what that's what i think i know oh it didn't really occur to me i thought it was just some creepo like going to women's bathrooms and writing creepy letters oh no this entire time i've assumed it was just no i was thinking time travel from the time from the future time travel just like a creepo time travel because i i i mean i know i'm probably not a common i it's probably not a common thing but i regularly think about like if i could time travel i would
Starting point is 00:11:54 absolutely have a note for myself so i'm just like but wouldn't you leave something more like you know it's you like i'm sure she knows that like you don't spell through that way you know i just feel like i'd be like more careful about like what i wrote like i'd plan it out maybe in the future that's how you spell through i don't know maybe i mean listen maybe but like i feel like i'd write something like more obvious it's geo's mom from the future it's like you have to like come up with like a secret code word only for you and never say it out loud and then use that right and you'd think if you're trying to time travel you've like thought this through. But maybe not. Maybe it was like a brief.
Starting point is 00:12:26 I don't know. Maybe someone wrote it. I don't know. And then was like maybe in the future. I don't know. No, that doesn't make any sense. I mean, I'm open to all opinions and theories. It's so wild, though.
Starting point is 00:12:42 I could talk about time travel and never get tired of it. Just the notion, whether it's time travel or someone in your home. Or a ghost. I mean, it could be a ghost, but time travel just seems most likely to me. I think time travel or someone fucking breaking into your home seem the two most likely options. I mean, I guess if we're talking about real, realistically, someone broke into that house. And that, I think, is scarier. I'd rather have a ghost time traveler than a fucking... But then it didn't reappearear later which means it wasn't something that you
Starting point is 00:13:05 could physically explain either this is true it's like a trifecta maybe all three of those things work together oh my god i don't like maybe it's a guy who broke in in the future and it's like let's see time travel all right anyway moving on um this one is called ghost taser okay by pc brit pc brit says hi so i just want to share an experience i had at work i have listened listened to your podcast for a while and figured out one of my work experiences would be right up your street i am a police officer based in north london uk i work on the emergency response team here and have done have done so for a number of years if you call nine one sorry i was used to nine one one nine one nine if you call 999 i'll try and fix the problem uh yeah you will this story relates to a call i attended once that to date has no explanation in the course of my career i have been to the scenes of some harrowing and distressing situations
Starting point is 00:14:02 but this is the one call it sticks out in my mind as being unexplained okay i'm already scared i was on duty on a night shift when a call came through from dispatch stating that there was a confirmed sequential alarm uh from one of the churches on our borough this means that numerous alarms inside the premises have been triggered indicating someone like a burglar is triggering triggering alarms as they move around as such i assigned my call sign and made progress to the church all these like all this jargon i assigned my call sign and made progress nine one nine nine one um okay he made progress right uh we arrived shortly afterward at a small church by Charterhouse Square, an old church from the 1300s. Look, as an American, like, I forget that things existed in the 1300s.
Starting point is 00:14:50 I'm like, wow, if it's not like the late 1700s or more recent, like, it just doesn't exist in my mind. I know that's... That's so American of you. Why think about anything else? The world didn't exist before America. 1776, man. So, okay so the world didn't exist before america 1776 man so um okay the 1300s it was a bitterly cold night and everything seemed quiet and silent i couldn't see any lights in the windows of the chapel and there were no vehicles or indication of other parties being present i noticed the front door of the church was wide open and tried to notify
Starting point is 00:15:22 my control but the reception was really poor i attributed this to the door of the church was wide open and tried to notify my control, but the reception was really poor. I attributed this to the density of the buildings nearby. It was at this point I turned on my body-worn video camera. It's the same type that the NYPD carry. I went inside the church, into the entrance, and we started trying doors. Two were open, one leading to the main church hall and the other to the stairwell for the upstairs offices. My colleague went upstairs to check for intruders whilst I did the same thing in the main church hall and the other to the stairwell for the upstairs offices. My colleague went upstairs to check for intruders whilst I did the same thing in the main church hall. I started working down the nave with my torch, with my torch out.
Starting point is 00:15:54 Oh, flashlight. I was like, your torch. Like I know 1300 just got mentioned, but oh my God. Oh, did they not mention where this is actually a story from 14. So a torch, I guess means flashlight there. It does. Yes. And and in canada m you really got to get used to this jargon uh i started walking down the nave with my torch out scanning the room for anything untoward or signs of a break-in as i was doing this i heard a loud thud come from the left there was a side altar with a door that was ajar the sound wasn't overly loud but sounded
Starting point is 00:16:25 like someone being careless and dropping something heavy and then scraping it along the stone floor i went to the door and it was a staircase leading downstairs i was armed with a taser so i turned it on as i was going down i didn't this is terrifying sorry a lot of detail yeah i didn't know if there was a burglar down in the basement there are unsavory characters and uh unsavory characters and often carrying tools or weapons down there the taser projects a bright torch beam and two laser dots for aiming so i went down the stairs with the taser drawn and also my torch out otherwise it is pitch black and silent i get to the bottom of the stairs another wooden studded door i hear another sound from within again like someone clumsily moving items a clunky dragging
Starting point is 00:17:05 noise i opened the door and inside was a medium-sized room that was all stone it was completely bare and empty and as far as i could see there was nothing inside i took maybe three paces inside and as i stood there i felt the temperature of the room suddenly increased dramatically from being icy cold to stifling hot also i was scanning the room with the taser and i saw the lasers hit an object that wasn't there yikes there was nothing there but i could see the lasers were being obstructed by something in the room i aimed at this object and it seemed to be moving as i could see the lasers tracing over it and not reaching behind the wall or not reaching the wall behind sorry as soon as this
Starting point is 00:17:45 happened the torch flickered off and the laser the taser went completely dead leaving me pitch black freaky as hell i bugged the fuck out of that room as soon as i got up the stairs there was another quieter thud from the same room and when i got up the stairs the taser worked again and the torch was fine i called the church warden to lock the place up and ask him about the room. He told me that the cellar was disused but that during construction the church had been the site of a mass plague grave.
Starting point is 00:18:11 Like 35,000 people big. This room had disturbed one of the graves when built and he said that they never used it but would not elaborate any further. Oh my god. I was freaked out but okay, weird things happened maybe
Starting point is 00:18:25 technical faults when i got back to the nick what's the nick spell it i think that was the headquarters because it seems like oh gotcha when i got back to the nick i checked the footage turns out the camera stopped recording as soon as i started walking down the staircase into the stone room it started again as soon as i came out and this kit is extremely robust and reliable and you don't need like wi-fi it's not like right it's just service didn't reach in there like it's a battery okay what the fuck um so apparently the kit does not feel like this i don't personally believe in the paranormal but i will admit i won't be going down into any more church basements can you imagine how fast their fucking heart must be pounding walking down the stairs with a taser and i don't care if you're a cop
Starting point is 00:19:08 like that doesn't make you like invincible like you still have to have so much fear inside of you that makes you extra brave because you're just gonna go down alone i like i feel like people like oh i'll call the cops they won't be afraid it's like no no they are afraid they have a taser don't worry they just feel maybe like one percent more safe and just like scanning and it stops working and you're like i guess i gotta run up got a blast it's like a blast of this fucking stairs you know when you run up the stairs and you feel like someone's gonna like grab you from behind yeah oh that's like real oh yeah um okay also so that was um ps love the show from pc brit well thank you, so that was PS Love the Show from PC Britt. Well, thank you, PC Britt.
Starting point is 00:19:45 That was really, I felt like I was in an episode of Bones, Criminal Minds. I don't know. Oh, okay. You know, a TV show. I felt like I was in a TV. Just like walking down the stairs. I like, I also, especially my favorite part was when Em said laser instead of taser because that made it more fun.
Starting point is 00:20:02 I feel like I said a lot of things wrong in that. You're like, the laser stopped working. I got used to the uk jargon laser i like it the torch and the laser it was like like opposite like the torch from like 1300 and the laser from like right 2500 can you imagine if he actually did just carry around a laser and a torch i love it from all across the border and then show up in a bathroom and write words through time travel whatever the fuck okay this is from jamie hi jamie hi jamie um okay jamie uses they them theirs okay oh i just thought it's in their signature look it's not even in them email i don't i mean maybe it is oh genius i like that very much. Okay. Jamie.
Starting point is 00:20:45 Hi, Em and Christine and little baby Gio. Before I get started, I just wanted to say that I love y'all so much. I've been trying to get caught up with the episodes and I love to binge them when I drive from Montana to Colorado where my family lives. Y'all are so spooky. Your podcast keeps me awake for the whole drive. Also, I'm lactose intolerant and I can't drink because of the medication I'm on. So team Gio will allow it. Anyway anyway this is the story of the time me and my roommate
Starting point is 00:21:09 probably met some sort of winter spirit and got hucked into another dimension for a month oh you too huh and it's like been there done that okay try again if you're trying to wow me as they sip their la croix let me remind everybody, I actually do need some wine. Hold on. Let me remind everyone. Don't look at me. Neither of our standards are very high. Why else do we hang out with each other?
Starting point is 00:21:34 During the winter in Montana where I live, it gets really, really dark and depressing. The sun goes down super early and it's so fucking cold you would not believe. This, coupled with the stress of school, used to make my roommate and i so stressed out that we would take long drives out into the rural areas near our apartment to cathartically scream where no one could hear us nice real casual so one night that's actually kind of brilliant i do that into my pillow sometimes i was gonna say me too but if all right i do actually i do my car when i'm driving down the highway oh that's that's fair i've done that i've done that yeah but it is brilliant to go to like outside like in the middle of nowhere we can just fucking scream into the horizon and in college we had a yell yell like hell oh i think it's like like uh
Starting point is 00:22:14 midterms it's gotta be good for your blood pressure to just fucking scream it out great yeah i love that what is it called yell like hell i like it so one night during an unusually dark and cold spring, we were driving around doing this on the outskirts of town. When we found a place we thought would be far enough away from people, I pulled over. As we stopped, the headlights of my car caught a pair of glowing eyes. Oh, good. About 10 feet in front of us was a deer. Oh, I forgot to say the subject of this email is called a deer stole my soul.
Starting point is 00:22:42 Okay, so this is no longer a secondary character in my mind this is i didn't think about it until i saw that got it this is the antagonist and then i went oh right the gigantic letters on top of this page i see was a deer i've seen a lot of deer before i know how they act and how they do the deer in the headlights thing where they stop and look at you and can't move or whatever but this felt completely different this thing felt otherworldly oh dear this really raw energy and emotion washed over me and i teared up instantly i'm crying now just thinking about seeing it oh that's not a good sign it started walking toward us confidently can dear be confident idk its eyes were haunting and terrible okay this is really actually upsetting my roommate and i looked at each other and we were both so freaked out.
Starting point is 00:23:27 I'm not sure we said anything to each other, but we got the fuck out of there. We were both crying. One other thing that strikes me about that deer was that it had really large antlers, which was unusual because it was late February slash early April, and they usually drop their antlers before then. I really cannot convey how unearthly this animal felt. I will remember how it felt when it looked at me for the rest of my life yeah no yucko so anyway my roommate and i are rattled but still ready to scream so we keep driving still on the outskirts of town we're driving down a country road and we
Starting point is 00:23:59 see this weird little shack with a glowing coke vending machine on the side of the road we're surprised because it felt like that machine shouldn't have been there but hey we're thirsty from the screaming so we stopped to get a drink i hop out of the car and find that the cans only cost a quarter which was weird but i bought one we keep driving i drive us out on a road that only goes one way it has no turnoffs my roommate and i don't see any turns at all as we're driving down this road road to reiterate this is a straight road with no opportunities to turn off of it so we find a spot do some stress relieving screaming and get back in the car we turn the car around really making your presence known in the middle of nowhere i see okay got it we scream bloody we scream as loud as a human possibly can and then
Starting point is 00:24:43 hope nobody finds us and then grab our can and get back in the car our quarter can and not a quarter mile down the road there's an intersection we have to choose either right or left which if you remember is a little bit different than how the road we drove there than how the road we drove there on was i usually have an excellent sense of direction so i was really freaked out i turned left and the road started curving we probably drove on it for 10 minutes until we got to an intersection with stoplights civilization thank god it turned out we were about 20 miles out of town in a direction we hadn't even been driving which made absolutely no sense considering where we had originally been going it was so freaky we got home very rattled and went to bed you know the drill but i shit you not for a whole month
Starting point is 00:25:25 after that everything just felt off i can't describe it i just felt persistently uncomfortable and wrong the whole time it was unsettling it only stopped when we went on another nighttime cathartic screaming trip we were outside of town again when i saw something on the road slammed on the brakes and guess what it was? The fucking deer confidence and big antlers and horrible, horrible glowing eyes and all it looked at us. And we felt the same rush of emotion and energy as the first night. And then it left, just walked right into the trees on the side of the road and we immediately
Starting point is 00:25:58 lost sight of it. Gross. But after that, the uncomfortable feeling pretty much immediately resolved itself. So to the best that we can make of it we entered another dimension for about a month the deer was some sort of winter spirit thing and though seeing it was scary it didn't feel particularly malevolent maybe it was giving us a warning about where we were about to go maybe it was guiding us in and out of other dimensions i don't know but either way a few weeks after we got back i found a wire
Starting point is 00:26:22 deer sculpture near the dumpster by my apartment and i saved it we keep it in our living room now it's a nice reminder of that time and honestly i'm too freaked out to get rid of it my roommate and i don't do cathartic nighttime screaming trips anymore fair i drove past the shack recently and the coke machine is gone but now there's a pepsi machine so what does that mean oh another world maybe oh anyway spooky winter shit sorry that got so long i love y'all thank you so much for all the work you do i appreciate it so much take care of jamie i believe them a thousand percent everything you just said you know one time uh in high school a deer charged and rushed me like chart like rushed at me and charged at me into a hotel room and then uh we locked him in the bathroom what the fuck we were on a ski trip
Starting point is 00:27:06 in high school where it's called massanutten what state virginia it's a it's like a ski resort yeah and i went to a very bougie prep school and so we had like ski trips and so there was i only asked because we also had ski trips i was like oh which which ski resort did you go to um and so we're horrible we were it was like in the middle of the night and everyone was supposed to be in their rooms but all of a sudden all these deer came out and obviously we're in high school and have food and we were like oh let's like oh try to get what is wrong with you i was 17 and an idiot but like i thought oh let's put food out and try to lure them in so we can pet the deer and then all of a sudden they saw us having just they saw one piece of food on the ground and a whole bag of the food in our hand and so they charged us and we tried to
Starting point is 00:27:49 like run into the bathroom and their antlers held the door open like got in before we could slam the door shut fuck em and so we were like what do we do what do we do and so we threw the bag in the bathroom and then the deer got in the tub and then we just closed the door and then made someone from the hotel come open the door and look at your deer in your bathroom yeah i was like hey um i don't know what it looks like in there but it's not pretty i was like i can hear the shower curtain just ripping off when you give a deer a dorito i hope you learned your fucking lesson a deerito dorito um one time i accidentally backed into a deer with my body like i was like in parts of car and i was like walking backwards and i like hit something and i was like what the fuck and i turned around there's a fucking deer and i was like i just walked into it and then we both just
Starting point is 00:28:33 kind of like you're both like just slowly side truly it was actually very terrifying okay i thought it was like a full-grown man like i just walked into i don't know yeah it was terrifying anyway thank you jamie for your story we're not trying to my story is better than yours jamie i mean like neither of our stories are better than that so thank you jamie thank you thank you our last not our last my last one is from andy hi andy and uh and he says konichiwa from okinawa japan cool i am stationed in okinawa which happens to be a super haunted island so emmy may want to check it out you're right i just may and found your podcast about a month ago and absolutely love it i listen to it every day on my commute to work i'm daytime team milkshake and nighttime
Starting point is 00:29:17 team wine or whiskey to be honest my wife a lgbt yay my wife is team wine all the way andrea oh my wife is team wine all the way though yay uh and then she goes on to say they go on to say okay story time i grew up in tucson arizona and that's where the story takes place i was 16 on my way home from swim practice and it was dark out i was the first car stopped at a red light on a two-lane road i was rear-ended by a big dodge ram truck who didn't know how to brake apparently so still in my swimsuit i get out of the car and there is a man and a woman in a truck and they start yelling at me clearly the situation is not a good one so i suggest that we pull into a parking lot to exchange information but the man is saying don't call the cops and keeps looking in the back of his truck oh no at this point 16 year old me is taking
Starting point is 00:30:09 mental notes of everything his hands are weathered and he looks like he does construction so i figure he has heavy tools like shovels and stuff in the back of his truck at which point i promise myself that if he gets out of his truck i will book it barefoot because fuck that shit fuck yeah well he doesn't get out of the car but demands i go to his house and give him uh and give me money for the damage and i explain that i'm only 16 and don't feel comfortable with that hell yeah i'm also 6 1 so i looked older than a 16 year old girl at the time by the grace of god i kept my voice steady and calm the entire altercation i requested again for his info and he yelled at me again and said are you coming and drove are you coming and drove away fuck no what the fuck is wrong with you i called my dad and we called the cops and now here's the crazy part two weeks go by and my dad called the cops again because they haven't done anything about it and he's about to go
Starting point is 00:31:00 confront the man at his home my dad's friend isI. and I wrote down the man's license plate as he drove away. And the cop said not to do that because the man is dangerous. A day later, I see the guy's mugshot in the paper. Turns out he had just killed the guy and dumped the body in one of the canyons near town around the same time I got rear-ended. No way. The body was probably in the back of his truck when he hit me. No way. I also live in a haunted house
Starting point is 00:31:25 in oklahoma city but that's another story for another day love to y'all and baby geo andy holy shit so there's a fucking body back there the guy keeps looking back like don't call the police fuck that noise yep holy shit andy i'm glad you're okay i'm glad you're okay too way to listen to your guns and guns your gut stick to your guns follow your gun and stick to your that's what i always say i mean i never know what i'm saying i'm just turning into my mother that's what i always say oh always listen to your gun always listen to your gun and stick to your gut this is from sydney this is our last story today my fiance's aunt's cult condo is haunted oh let's hear it let's go hey guys i always wanted to write in but didn't think i had a story until i remembered this incident my fiance has a big family almost half of them are mormon which is
Starting point is 00:32:19 its own thing but the other half are in a legit cult led by his aunt i won't say the name of it because I don't want my in-laws to hate me, but also because there have been some mysterious deaths attributed to this particular religion. Nope. Holy shit. Anyway, before what now I have to read this, I'm going to get in trouble.
Starting point is 00:32:38 Anyway, before we got engaged, we went to visit some family in our home state and the cult leader graciously let us stay at the condo. She and her husband keep there. They were at their main home in our home state and the cult leader graciously let us stay at the condo she and her husband keep there. They were at their main home in a different state. From the second I entered, I knew some strange things went down there. When you first walk in, there is a large room with a huge mirrored wall and a large round sofa big enough to fit at least 12 people with several large floor cushions angled around a big armchair.
Starting point is 00:33:02 Oh, that's where I sit, actually. Story time with them. There was also a door in the back with a padlock on it oh no we just shrugged it off and unpacked in one of the guest bedrooms bye peace throughout our stay my fiance and i were getting in increasingly serious fights about things that had never bothered us before i am talking all out screaming matches about really stupid things i thought it was just the stress of the trip until our last day there i was out in the main room checking our suitcase for something and he was in the bedroom making the bed i was looking down into the suitcase facing the mirrored wall when i felt a heavy hand on my shoulder i thought it was my fiance and looked up into the mirror to talk to him no one was there nope i spun around
Starting point is 00:33:43 as quick as i could and the room was completely empty oh god freaked out but second guessing what i felt i called out to my fiance to let him know i was going to go outside for a bit clear as day i heard him call back okay i was outside sitting in plain view of the little peephole on the front door for about five minutes when i heard my fiance frantically calling my name from inside. I shouted that I was still outside. A few minutes later, he burst outside and ran to me. This is what he said happened when I left. He never heard me say I was going outside. He never shouted okay in response.
Starting point is 00:34:14 Instead, he came out to the front room looking for me, and when I wasn't there, he called for me. He swears he heard my voice reply from the back of the condo where the padlock door was. He went back there, and obviously I wasn't't there he said he got this overwhelming sense of dread and the feeling that he needed to find me as soon as possible he ran all around the condo looking for me and even looked out the peephole but said he didn't see me sitting there we ran in grabbed our suitcase and haven't gone back since i don't know a ton about this cult as they are very secretive but after
Starting point is 00:34:42 that experience i am pretty confident that they are messing around with some dark stuff i guess the what was that and what the fuck was that too oh alexander's home oh my god the whole room shook 635 that's the front door oh that scared me i guess the moral of the story is that if the leader of a cult offers to let you stay in her condo, don't. Thanks for the podcast. See. Duly noted. Oh, no. The cult.
Starting point is 00:35:12 The padlock door. The mirrored walls. Oh, yikes. I don't like it. I wonder what it is. Now I must know. Well, I don't. I don't need to know.
Starting point is 00:35:21 See. Tell me more. Thank you so much, everyone, for sending in your stories. Thank you. We appreciate it. And happy belated Halloween. Happy November. And CK is back to telling a story for the two stories, right?
Starting point is 00:35:34 Two? Thank you to everyone who donates to us on Patreon. You can go check out CK's stories and our gift video from September, which we just posted. We're going to post October. By this point, I think we've already posted October. So thank you for listening and thank you for supporting us. Yes. And that's why we drink.
Starting point is 00:35:53 Bye.

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