And That's Why We Drink - Listener Stories: Vol. 27

Episode Date: April 1, 2019

Happy April, ya fools! We may have forgotten to play any pranks but we do have some 90's themed spooky stories for you! This month we hear from listeners who have experienced Beanie Baby and Power Ran...ger related hauntings. We also rehash birthday girl Linda's epic times at Señor Frog’s... and that's why we drink!Please consider supporting the companies that support us!Try Zip Recruiter for free when you go to

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Starting point is 00:00:00 welcome to a rousing edition rousing not a rousing maybe it's whatever you need yeah everyone's got their thing we want to be whatever you want it's rousing for christine a rousing for me and then whatever you want is is fine take your pick team arousal over here god damn it hi dad of uh our listeners episode for the month of April 2019 yeah can you believe it it's April Fool's oh oh we should have thought about that huh shit surprise we were supposed to do something huh yep well oh shit we were supposed to make blaze and allison do this episode weren't we yeah maybe well too late april fools on us fuck fuck off okay well happy april fools surprise you don't get to hear from blaze and allison you get to hear from us the best part about april fools is that
Starting point is 00:00:58 maybe we have our own april fools day one day and we just surprise everyone with a normal episode that they handle yeah can we just do that? We'll make our own April Fools. You never know when it's going to happen. It just will. And then you'll feel like a fool. Maybe for our, who knows? We'll talk.
Starting point is 00:01:11 We'll talk. We'll talk. It won't be very arousing, but it will be foolish. Also, today is a foolish day. My favorite fool in the entire world is born tomorrow on April 2nd, my momsy. Oh, I'm like, who? Which fool is that? She's going to be, well, I'm not going to say her age that she's going to be well i'm not gonna say her age she's going to be 37 for the 20th time um my stepmom's birthday is two days later so happy
Starting point is 00:01:30 birthday mom two aprils and ellen yeah two mom birthdays two aries and then my stepdad's a few days later so we got a lot of parents we got a lot of a lot of aries you're right yep hi linda happy birthday um all right so that being said we have been warned by wonderful eva yes that apparently uh these stories are quote pretty light silly and 90s themed so i'm super aroused i knew you were gonna say that more aroused than usual stop it i regret starting this fun joke we have i'm not i know uh yeah so we're fucking amped we have not read these stories as you guys know so they're from you guys and uh eva hand selected them so hand selected here we get a sip of my creme soda uh-huh sure i guess it's artisanal because i live in los angeles
Starting point is 00:02:17 here i am drinking kombucha so like i guess i can't make fun of you my artisanal mendocino farms cream soda well i'm drinking that wild tonic that i love so much oh we love things about this don't we there's alcohol in it all right just making this microphone scoot maybe maybe not at all all right that's better we still haven't gotten the hang of these things also yes i am still coughing it's fun for all of us including me very arousing me. Very arousing. Very arousing. Just ask Allison.
Starting point is 00:02:48 Lucky Al pal. Lucky Allison, the one that gets to listen to me cough next to her while we sleep every night. Okay. Remember our first listener episode where I got really mad at you? Or no, you got really mad at me. Did I? Because you saw that I was reading along as you read the stories. Yeah, I was like so much for an original reaction. Well, I picked the stories, remember, back in the day. Oh the day oh right yeah but i would read along and then like correct the
Starting point is 00:03:08 words that you said yeah you'd be like you need to learn how to read because i'm a controlling asshole i just and i'm illiterate apparently oh i'd rather be illiterate but alas here i am so here is a story from a someone named pam pam hi pam hello pamela pam says hi guys firstly love the podcast well firstly thanks pam we love you uh i know you are very busy people amen pam pam knows and this story isn't a crime or paranormal story oh eva really did take a take it up a notch it's a story about lisa frank my favorite 90s brand uh isn't a crime or paranormal story for the show or anything like that. It's just something you brought to mind.
Starting point is 00:03:49 So if you're too busy to look at this, skip on. I totally understand. LOL, Pam. We're not that busy. Happy April Fool's Day. I was just listening to the episode where Christine tells the story of losing her bag at the airport and having to describe it to get it back. And told them there was a SpongeBob landline phone inside it. Right. And it reminded me of something that happened to me oh god where the hell is this
Starting point is 00:04:08 going i don't have any clue i recently left my cell phone at security at the airport and when i went back to get it and i had to prove it was mine the security lady peered at it confused and said uh what's your screensaver i froze as i remembered what it was and i realized i had to say out loud in a very small voice it's a cat playing a trumpet i had taken my cat mad kids i oh my cat mad kids to see a cat circus featuring a cat band called the rock cats get out of here oh cat mad like they're like crazy for cats cat crazy kids children okay uh this is my screensaver the raw one of the rock i'm wow actually wait a minute this is so talented whoa that's literally the whole story by the way the end that's it. Eva, job well done, first of all.
Starting point is 00:05:07 I mean, you warned us. Keep in mind, Eva has her own paranormal podcast, by the way, which is very heavily cat-themed. And so when we ask someone who has a cat-themed podcast to pick stories, if you have a raw cat playing a trumpet, it might get selected. And especially if you have to explain it to TSA. Job well done, Eva. And job well done, Pam. And job well done to this little kitty cat who's actually, actually playing a trumpet. Actually playing a trumpet, huh?
Starting point is 00:05:33 Very impressed. I guess let's all Google rock cats so we can really see the magic. Let's do that for sure. Anyway, that story won. Thanks, Pam. I guess that's the first one. All right. All right.
Starting point is 00:05:43 This looks like we're continuing with this 90s theme i don't know if that was 90s themed but it was certainly something else it seemed like a theme in and of itself it was its own theme yeah so kathleen sent a story called mighty morphin paranormal rangers yeah wait a minute didn't he and blaze just create a tv show yes actually i was gonna say you and blaze should take this one but since we forgot to ask them to do it we took it god we're so stupid okay so dumb moving on hey y'all i very recently discovered sorry it's okay it's that artisanal soda gang it was an artisanal cough oh god aged four months by the way at this point because i feel like i'm never getting over this cold very arousing um hey y'all i very recently discovered your podcast and i'm obsessed
Starting point is 00:06:25 the supernatural and true crime signed me the fuck up now while i've never personally experienced anything paranormal my boyfriend bob has he grew up in a very small town outside of columbus sorry christine where i'll forgive you where some of his friends houses predate the civil war the first time i went home with him he showed me the house and told me this story and i truly think about it all the time i asked him to write it down for y'all so you can hear it straight from the horse's mouth. Nay! This story... God damn it.
Starting point is 00:06:51 Did you like that? Nope. This story occurred when I was approximately eight years old, second... Oh, so this is Bob's story now. Okay. Hey, Bob. Hey, Bob. This story occurred when I was approximately eight years old, second grade, 1994.
Starting point is 00:07:02 However you want to look at it, the Mighty Morphin Powerangers were at the top of their fame and yes they were biggest hit amongst young children such as myself and my friends we had all the toys watched the show obsessively and even acted it out pretending we were our favorite ranger mine was jason the red one mine was billy the blue one who also ended up coming out as gay one day oh yeah that's right actually my favorite was the pink one came because i wanted to date her but nobody knew that in 1995 they couldn't blaze was in love with kimmy outwardly who wasn't she was i'm glad he was outwardly because i certainly was just pretended i wanted to be kimmy but i really wanted to have a sleepover with kimmy you're like oh god team arousal oh christ okay one night when i was sleeping over at my at kimmy's house no i'm just kidding one night when i was
Starting point is 00:07:44 sleeping over at my best friend's house we had stayed up late as young kids do and we're getting ready to pass out in his room we he was up on his bed and i was laying parallel to him on the floor and approximately five feet from the base of the bed was his closet well while we were relaxing and talking trying to keep quiet as to not wake his parents we both look towards the closet and see his red power ranger toy floating about three feet off the ground. No, thank you. Yeah, no. The toy then hovered forward in a straight line, breaking the plane of the closet door,
Starting point is 00:08:11 floated for a few seconds more, and then dropped to the ground with a soft thud. We both shot up and asked, did you see that too? Then ran downstairs in fear and ended up sleeping in the living room. I got a Mighty Morphin chill on my arm. Me too, me too. It's when kids see the same thing, like multiples. Yeah, when there's validation that you're not crazy. Or like dreaming.
Starting point is 00:08:29 Yeah, exactly. We told his parents about it the next day, and of course they didn't believe us. My friend and I lost touch soon after due to his family moving away, but we then reconnected on Facebook many years later. Through Messenger, we corroborated the story with each other since we both clearly remembered our brush with the unexplainable. Thank you for taking the time to read this we absolutely cannot wait to see you on march 31st in chicago so that was yesterday when this comes out oh nice well we love seeing you you were just the best you were a peach you both were just the best peaches and if you feel
Starting point is 00:08:59 so inclined we actually just started our own podcast called hops and fears where we pair a craft beer with a horror movie every week listen if you want love to you both eva and baby g cheers kathleen and bob oh the toy floating i don't like that it means like a that means like a ghost is knows how to like get your attention like it definitely wanted it was intentional showing you yeah i feel like when it's a residual haunting it's so much less scarier because you know, it's not your, they don't, it's not about you. Self-aware. Right. Right. Right. It's right. It's not trying to, Oh, it's giving me chills. I don't know. That's fucking creepy. Ooh. Oh, the hair on the back of my neck stand up. Oh my goodness. I look back and I see the Zach Bagans signed poster. So, um, I don't know if this is nineties, but I just opened up the next email and it's entitled
Starting point is 00:09:42 colonial torsos. so good luck swallowing your kombucha 1890s yeah definitely there's still a 90s in there for sure oh no wait what colonial that's like i'm sorry we are stupid we're sorry but not surprised not even a little bit uh it is also titled not gory ghost story which is one kind but also two i don't believe them but also some right called torsos but not gory oh that's why they specified i was like what a weird thing to sp torsos got it all right so this is from victoria victoria says well that's interesting victoria had some artisanal cream soda vict Victoria says, friends, family, countrymen, lend me your ears. In 2019, it's country people.
Starting point is 00:10:30 Thank you very much. Wow. Excuse me. This is a story about a girl named Lucky. Just kidding. Does it say that? Yeah. So it is 90s.
Starting point is 00:10:39 That's cute. Yeah. Well, yeah. I job all the time. Okay. Eve is not kidding. She says, just kidding. she says just kidding it's about my dad's ghost experience oh um i grew up in the quad cities so two cities in illinois and
Starting point is 00:10:50 two cities in iowa oh okay i haven't heard of that me neither um right on the mississippi river my dad opened a printing shop called one step ink in the 90s and started it up in the basement of an old college called blackhawk college cool um basically they were in the basement of an old college called Blackhawk College. Cool. Basically, they were renting the basement with three large copiers for him to start this business up. So no one was ever in the basement besides my dad and four other employees. One day, my dad was bringing in some boxes with his buddy walking behind him, and they both are walking through the warehouse when they see a transparent colonial looking figure floating by them eight feet from the ground.
Starting point is 00:11:24 Oh, God. Mind you, my dad is 6'5", so he sees things from this high up automatically okay uh he wouldn't have believed it he saw it until he turned his head to continue looking at it and his buddy was turned around looking at the ghost as well they begin explaining what they saw to themselves i guess oh god a colonial man with a triangle hat uniform and rifle with a bayonet over his shoulder floating by but with no legs just a torso on up oh so when he finally told me about this he just shrugged it off like the shit happens every day okay so there's your colonial and torso story for you by the way the print shop is alive and well not in a basement
Starting point is 00:12:03 and i'm working my way to run it in the future yay that's so fucking cool thanks for the awesome podcast i've been looking for the perfect mix of ghost and crime and you are knocking it out of the park precious better yet it's about drinking and who doesn't enjoy a good beverage or 12 team alcohol from victoria victoria is so spooky i that's very detailed for two people to both see it's a corroboration thing again it's so spooky i that's very detailed for two people to both see it's a corroboration thing again it's so it makes it 10 000 times creepier because like you can't explain it away not even especially i love how it's such a dad thing of like oh yeah whatever it's like it's fine it's whatever it's fine because it has to be because if it's you can't if i don't let myself think
Starting point is 00:12:42 about it being fine i will lose my mind right Like there's no way to explain it away now. So you got to just be fine with it, I guess. Yep. Yep. So wild. Okay. Thank you so much, Victoria. The next one is called even ghosts get jealous of this beanie baby collection.
Starting point is 00:12:57 I'm telling you. This is the most 90s experience of my life. Eva, this is so fun. Eva wasn't kidding. Maybe this is our April Fool's. We're pretending that we're in the wrong decade. Isn't that clever? Wow, we're so funny.
Starting point is 00:13:07 Oh, shit. I just knocked my kombucha over. Oh, my gosh. My artisanal. Never mind. We're back in the 2000s. Yeah. Teens.
Starting point is 00:13:13 You're right. You're right. 1990s me would not drink a fucking vinegar-based. No. No. Me today wouldn't either. I must be from the future. Valid.
Starting point is 00:13:22 Okay. Here we go. Hi, Lemon. I know it didn't say that hi lemon geo and juni what not even us no okay em and christine you guys are amazing thanks for all the chills and thrills and thanks to eva and all the behind the scenes peeps you guys rock that's nice yay so my dad is a detective and my mom is a homicide prosecutor so okay so you are just the product of some fucked up stories come on our show and tell us everything so my dad's detective my mom's a homicide prosecutor so i've got loads of stories but today i'll give you a little nibble okay a nibbling from the age of four to about six we lived in this super cute haunted house. How cute. It's cute.
Starting point is 00:14:07 No. It's cute. I hate it. I hate it. There's many a story to tell about this house, from ghostly ladies in pink nightgowns to ghost paw patters to creepy painted handprints on the walls. Oh, no. Oh, my.
Starting point is 00:14:19 Today, my story revolves around an angry slash jealous question mark ghost. Question mark? Uh-oh. i'm the youngest of six kids but three of my siblings don't have the same mom as me and the other two don't have the same dad during the story i was the only kid in the house while all the others were with their other parents i was the only one who didn't get two christmases oh fair or unfair idk probably fair though i know i like how they're talking to they're like oh it's not fair but then they're like i guess the two people reading this are gonna be from divorced parents so i'll say it's very fair uh fair unfair idk probably fair though
Starting point is 00:14:53 anyway my parents had locked my brother's room because we had cats and ghosts and a nosy five year old in the house and they didn't want any of us i guess including the ghosts getting in there and messing things up because my mom had just finished cleaning when i say cleaning i mean bed made bunk beds swept clothes put away in the trophy and beanie baby collection straightened up they were on two shelves on one wall with the bunk beds against the opposite wall my parents were enjoying a peaceful night having to only deal with one kid that must be nice after six know. Can you imagine just like having five of them go away for a little bit? A little while. With one kid.
Starting point is 00:15:29 And I was fast asleep when they heard a crash from my brother's room. They run up there thinking I'd gotten into the room somehow or somehow the cats had unlocked the door. But the door was locked when they got upstairs. Dun, dun, dun. It says that. When they got the door open, the Beanieanie babies and trophies were sprawled all across the room not the beanie babies some even made it onto the bunk beds on the opposite wall oh good night
Starting point is 00:15:51 nope good night forever now this could all be explained away had the shelves not been still on the wall as perfect as they had been when my mom cleaned the room so the shelves were literally still so it's not bolted right it's not like the shelves fell. Collapsed. Right. I see. Okay. Very creepy. Very. Some of the trophies had been broken, which to 11 and 12 year olds is the end of the world, especially in the 90s and early 2000s when you didn't just get those bad boys for joining the team.
Starting point is 00:16:15 Well, I did. I only got them for joining teams, but okay. Oh my God. I did too. Yeah. Most, uh, the participant award or whatever yeah i might i sometimes got most improved because i was so bad that they were like i guess you improved a little bit i was like i guess you improved in that you're not like collapsed on the floor today you learned how to
Starting point is 00:16:34 like stay awake for a game right our theory was the ghost was mad that the boys went out of town or maybe they were just jealous of the insanely awesome beanie baby collection they had i know i was oh my god that was the only time the ghost did anything violent or dangerous other than that they were really friendly and kind of fun i also have a theory that my cat is my mama reincarnated if you'd like to hear that mama mama sorry mama mama reincarnated if you'd like to hear that we would thanks for reading this eva you're the coolest unless mr christine read this then you're all the coolest i'll see you in jacksonville next week oh sorry well hi hayley and then it's a fun ghoul bye goodbye hayley see ya i thought with the i thought this had to be a murder a crime story because it was like my mom is my dad's a detective
Starting point is 00:17:22 my mom's a homicide yeah you really she started in one with one of us and ended with the other yeah well it's interesting too because i feel like when you tell a story a ghost story and like the family is like such rooted in like crime and like yeah logic you just expect that they're gonna assume yeah like it's all kind of at least logical or logical right yeah the very least logical so that is wild ew i don't like that the beanie babies ended up on the other side of the that is wild ew i don't like that the beanie babies ended up on the other side of the room no no especially if it was like an expensive beanie baby these days princess die you can't just hurl it across the room you can't 30 grand i don't think so you rip that tag and you are screwed my friend like my stepfather with our
Starting point is 00:17:59 princess die beanie baby in the basement with like no proof if it's legitimate why not just keep it down there the ghosts will like it right like they do i'm sure i'm sure so uh my next one is from someone named liz thanks liz and liz uh titled the story that time my friend accidentally cursed me oh no if that ain't a chapter in me and christine's book i don't know what is just thinking the same thing hang on i have to cough again i'm so aroused it'll never go it'll never go i guess we just have to live with it now huh i guess this is just my life now that's so fun okay liz says hi and that's why we drink crew hello uh i've been listening to and loving your podcast for a while now and i thought i would finally write in with a story of mine. Good. My tale is definitely not as scary or harrowing as many of the other listeners stories you've read. But this is what turned me from a skeptic into a new apartment with two roommates and soon after the move i had two friends visit me from out of state one of them was practicing wicca and she gave me a protection
Starting point is 00:19:12 charm that she had made as a housewarming gift it i already don't like where this is going by the way you know this is like here's my accidental weapon here it is. It looked like a tiny drawstring bag. She told me that it should always remain on a windowsill so it could be charged with energy from moonlight. I put the bag on the windowsill right next to my bed with a few tiny plants and knickknacks.
Starting point is 00:19:37 Shortly after my friends left, weird things started happening in my apartment. To keep it short, the long list of weird activity included several light bulbs shattering at once oh good night what uh having my energy drained to the point of barely being able to move oh god uh hearing my roommates voices when they weren't home nope and walking or waking up to all of the lights in my room being inexplicably turned on no oh waking up to that can you imagine how scary that's so jarring oh someone was like in there turning uh-uh goodbye the then things suddenly
Starting point is 00:20:11 got worse what's worse than all the light bulbs shattering at one time really got me every day i would come home to find the protection charm had fallen off the windowsill and onto my bed one day i even found it underneath my pillow. Ooh! Nope. That's some Tooth Fairy shit. That is some Tooth Fairy shit. The Wiccan Tooth Fairy. This happened every single day without fail, eventually hiding more and more underneath my blankets and pillows. Ugh.
Starting point is 00:20:35 Oh. Eventually, I would realize that something was trying to keep it from being charged by the moonlight. Oh. Gross. Terrifying. At the same time, I started waking up every night at 3 a.m on the dot no not one minute off 3 a.m every single night for weeks at first i would just wake up look at the
Starting point is 00:20:53 clock and then fall back asleep and then i started waking up feeling like something was watching me and i would bolt out of bed in a panic with my heart racing been there uh you have yeah for sure i have and then i ran and turned the lights on and there was a massive black solid cloud floating over my bed great nbd nbd uh at least i'll let you turn the lights on yeah that was just the bravest thing i've ever done by the way get out of bed and turn on the lights heinous that you ever slept in there again oh i didn't oh no no no don't be fooled okay okay uh one night i even got up raced my door and flung it open thinking very clearly in my head that i was that i was chasing something out of my room this kept getting worse but i could never remember what i was having a nightmare about or what i was afraid of in my room then it got even worse stop saying that i don't like it and my posters and frames
Starting point is 00:21:50 started falling off the walls the second i would wake up oh ew oh ew you're like oh i woke up and then bam bam bam oh shit shatter i wasn't waking up from the sound of them falling i would wake up and then a second after a poster would fall off my wall. It's like wake up. Ready? Set. Go. And this wasn't just posters falling, but framed pictures hanging from nails were falling
Starting point is 00:22:13 too. So they have to be lifted and moved forward to the drop. Good point. This was all still happening at 3 a.m. on the dot. I like how they're like, this is not as scary as most stories that you read. Yeah. Okay. This is what it took for a skeptic to become a believer yeah this much less would have
Starting point is 00:22:29 been what i needed right uh the culminating event was when i woke up at 3 a.m like usual facing my windowsill i opened my eyes to see the protection charm this little drawstring bag bag um upright and moving slowly towards the edge like something was pushing it no everything else on the windowsill was still i fell it fell onto my bed and i shot up and turned on my light i did not sleep the rest of the night i'm surprised this that at this point she hasn't like set an alarm for 259 and like seen what's going on at three exactly you know i don't know if i would be brave enough to. It probably would just still fuck with you somehow.
Starting point is 00:23:07 Right. Needless to say, I called my friend who made the protection charm and told her what had happened. She went completely silent for a few moments and then asked me to confirm that that's what I saw. I tried to play it cool and said, well, maybe I wasn't fully awake and I was just dreaming when I saw that. And she said, even if it was a dream, seeing something, seeing something messing with a protection charm is extremely bad. It means something wants it gone.
Starting point is 00:23:31 And it's probably stronger than the protection, which is terrifying. Right. So much for your protection. It's doing the opposite. Uh, she then said she was going to do some sort of aura reading and cleanse it for,
Starting point is 00:23:42 and cleanse it for me. She eventually told me that she had seen hundreds of thorny vines surrounding my aura. So the diagnosis was that our apartment wasn't haunted, but I was haunted. And the protection charm was doing its best, which is why the demonic entity bothering me was trying to get rid of it. She cleansed my aura and put a protective bubble around me. And as soon as she asked if I could feel a difference i felt this huge wave of relief wash over me she then apologized and said and in giving me the protection charm she must have inadvertently given me the attention of a demonic
Starting point is 00:24:13 spirit as well all of the aforementioned activity stopped happening and i have not been bothered since sorry for this long-winded spiel but i thought who better to tell about the experience that turned me from a skeptic into a believer than my favorite paranormal and true crime podcast sorry for this long-winded spiel but i thought who better to tell about the experience that turned me from a skeptic into a believer than my favorite paranormal and true crime podcast thanks for a great show cheers liz oh that one really spooked me though that one got me good that one's gonna be hard when i'm home alone tonight you know that's like the kind of thing where i'm like when i wake up and all of a sudden like the posters are flying everywhere i don't think i'll be able to like open my eyes in the middle of the night anymore good night all right night forever um here is the finale the finale a story from chloe
Starting point is 00:24:51 hi chloe ghostly mirror messages lighthearted hello spooky humans and dog we haven't had any crime today huh no well we had the cat playing i mean what that girl went through was a crime for sure correct so correct that was a crime on humanity crime yeah the ultimate crime hello spooky humans and doggo hello hi i just listened to the episode where m talked about the jefferson hotel and when i got to the part about the mirror messages i knew i had to tell you about this experience what was that is that like it like writes things to you oh god that was so long ago huh i don't know if i remember i don't either i bet it was spooky sounds it sounds spooky it sounds like i don't want to ever experience it nope a few years ago i was on a cruise with my family
Starting point is 00:25:34 and shared a room with my big sister we had both spent the day off the boat at senor frogs oh i love senor frogs times for someone who doesn't drink you're the only person who doesn't drink who loves listen am i not the most fun to party with though because you are i don't for sure like drinking but i heavily encourage others to drink on behalf of me and then i take you home sober i mean it's truly like the best it's the combination of deirdre's so lucky high school deirdre was so lucky i mean truly you were like the ideal senora frogs hand to god speaking of the birthday girl one time i watched my mom drink 25 shots at senor frogs and then guess who brought her home on the ferry i did
Starting point is 00:26:10 thank god someone did oh happy birthday hbd linda happy birthday linda yeah i hope your liver's okay yikerunis um all right so they'd spent the day at senor frogs which fucking blast okay which if you've ever been there know that we came back four ski shots and a yard drink later sufficiently schwasty and ready for a snack and a nap sounds right that's my dream vacation we came back to the room and i opened the balcony sliding door when 10 seconds later my sister said my name in a mildly concerned tone so i turned around and what do i see oh the word red rum written across the steam that had formed when we opened the door. Good night. My sister is not about the scary movie life, so when she asked me what that meant, I told her she did.
Starting point is 00:26:54 No, it means nothing. It's just murder backwards. I don't know. It must be about alcohol. Right. Red rum. Yummy. Jamaican rum.
Starting point is 00:27:03 She's never heard of it. Very obscure. So when I told her, she had a quick nope and immediately left me to my own devices in our newly paranormal room. Adorable. That sounds like a great HGTV show. Right? My newly paranormal home.
Starting point is 00:27:18 Naturally, we were both very confused and a little frightened. And when I tried numerous methods to wipe it off, nothing worked to get rid of the word oh however after a minute of total freak out and thinking ghosts were upon us i noticed a little penis also drawn on the mirror okay well that'll do it in this team a little penis that's what that's so funny because i was thinking like well this can probably be explained away by like past people writing. Right. Confirmed. Confirmed. And unless a ghost was playing middle school pranks on us, I'm sure it was the guests in that room before us who thought it would be funny for future guests.
Starting point is 00:27:55 Can you imagine though if they listened to our podcast? We have to get famous enough. Anyone who likes to draw little penises on cruise ships. Debunked. Debunked. But you apparently created quite a stir so um unless it goes to i'm sure it was a guest in the room before us who thought it would be funny for future guests anyway that's my story love your podcast and personally i'm team mudslide perfect combo of alcohol and milkshake chloe thank you chloe chloe has a little cowboy emoji next to it oh precious
Starting point is 00:28:21 that was funny i feel a little personally attacked because it might have been me that did that it sounds like something you would do i have definitely written red rum into like bathroom mirrors and i've definitely drawn little penises right i mean we all have in a certain time of our lives i think yeah like last week for me as a 26 year old okay fair my bedroom ceiling still and glow-in-the-dark spray paint has a massive penis on the ceiling from one time that i thought i was hysterical you are so funny yep well so it might have been me is what i'm saying probably which is a cool story in and of itself so surprise it's i got you misconnections ultimate of six degrees of separation certainly senior frogs you're both probably there you if you saw a woman just drinking like just facing 25
Starting point is 00:29:05 shots it was my mother behind you two ski shots fuck off i'm gonna face 25 i watched her stack them upside down in a pyramid when she was done with each empty glass it was like a castle by the end god damn anyway congratulations chloe on your experience maybe that was fun uh thank you guys so much for listening to our listeners episode yeah that was fun 90s indeed which is our 90s indeed job well done eva absolutely um if you would like to potentially have your story read on our listeners episode at the first of next month or maybe the first of the month after that or etc who knows etc you can uh submit your personal paranormal or true crime or beanie baby or crap stories man i want to hear some crime stories too and that's why we drink at yeah we would love to read them yes we would and that's why we drink yay and you know that's where we're going happy april you fools a bunch of fucking
Starting point is 00:29:56 fools

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