And That's Why We Drink - Listener Stories: Vol. 28

Episode Date: May 1, 2019

May we just say, "happy May"?! This month we're reading your stories that include a beach cult, a haunted library, and a pelvis found on a hiking trail. We're also terrified by a very near m...iss from a Megan... and that's why we drink!Please consider supporting the companies that support us!Get 20% off your order of dress pant yoga pants when you go to

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Starting point is 00:00:00 this is listener story may may 2019 i forgot the year me too it's gonna be may oh god i'm ready for those memes to come back so welcome welcome to our may may episode uh may we introduce you to six wonderful stories oh you may oh uh first of all thank you to everyone who submitted stories if you for some reason uh have yet to submit your story of a paranormal or a true crime experience that you've had or someone you know has had um please send it to us you can send us your story at and that's why we drink at and eva will read them and we can potentially put them on the air for you but what by what a wicker wicker what what m means is we may read them on a future there it is oh my gosh guys help us help me it's fine we're here we're ready to go we're
Starting point is 00:01:09 ready to rave and you really bought the friday's cup i did i thought you were being ironic and funny no i mean i was being funny as usual no i like it a lot i bought a goblet from uh from a vintage store in nashville and it's a tgi fr Fridays wine glass. What made you want to get it? You really liked it? I think it's hilarious that it says it looks it looks like a goblet. Well it used to be like it was one of the actual cups from TGI Fridays. I know and they made it look like it's some fancy ass goblet but then it says TGI Fridays in like a stained glass pattern on it. And it's very much actually plastic which is the fun part. Oh it's total plastic. It's like a McDonald's toy version of a TGI Fridays cup. Cracks me up anyway so i bought it i like it my
Starting point is 00:01:49 brother was like we don't need more cups in this house and i was like you're like watch me too late this is not a cup by the way this is a goblet right right right right sorry sorry sorry so here we are just just shooting the shit just sitting on my TGI throne. Jeez. I'm sorry, guys. Oh, my. Oh, my. Indeed.
Starting point is 00:02:12 I guess we should just go right into the stories. Do you have anything to update anyone with? We have shows. Oh, yeah. It's May now. We have a lot of shows. We have a lot of shows in May. Specifically, we do want to shout out Albany. Yes.
Starting point is 00:02:23 And Huntington. And Huntington. Those are both different a huntington beach no no that's in california oh huntington i think is long island oh yes yes you're right you're right sorry i was thinking i was like that sounds like a california thing that's where the dog beach is no they're both in new york uh and they are may 16th and may 17th right yeah so we have a a lot on there a couple that we're trying to sell more for long island and that we're not sure anybody really knows about right we haven't really advertised it well um
Starting point is 00:02:50 right now we still have some for cleveland yes so cleveland actually stepped up after i yelled at everybody last episode i appreciate it guys thank you so much um i'm getting really amped for that just booked all the hotels and travel for that so please uh come out it's in a couple days after this after this uh air so i'm sure there'll still be some tickets left please buy them uh we would love that and please uh check out our live page and that's where we slash live correct um to see all of our tour dates coming up and all the tickets you could still possibly get yes and this is this is the last month actually of our touring the end of our tour so the next time that you hear a listener story
Starting point is 00:03:25 we're gonna be like on summer break fucking chilling with my tgi cup at the huntington dog beach right we're right so uh yes just to let you guys know that there are still few but some shows still available so please come see us last your last chance we would love to sell out the last shows we've got on our tour be pretty baller pretty baller. That being said, I guess we can just go into the stories, huh? Let's do it. All right. All right. All right.
Starting point is 00:03:49 This one is from Anna, and this is called 80s Cult on the Beach. Okay. I'm ready, Anna. Super. Wow me. Wow me. So Anna says, hi, you lovely monsters. Oh, hello.
Starting point is 00:04:03 Which I love. I love that. Real real quick just so you know i'm a huge fan of you all and think you are so entertaining and talented i have so much love for you oh my goodness uh now this is a quick story that i've been intrigued but i've been intrigued by it my dad was about 20 years old in the late 80s living in a northern california town called santa rosa which is just a short ride from bodega bay yes and bodega is a tiny town not much law enforcement or beach security um but this makes it easy to secretly camp near the ocean which is what my dad and his friends were doing that night oh they were drinking smoking and whatever else late at night and my dad walked away from the group to go to
Starting point is 00:04:40 the bathroom he decided to go up a small cliff to pee off the ledge oh nice bad idea um and he had a good view of the beach below he looked down and saw lights in the shape of a pentagram oh did he almost pee on a bunch of devil worshipers wait did he that would be great his eyes were blurry so he did a double take and sure as heck it was a pentagram of candles and no joke 15 to 20 people wearing hooded cloaks absolutely not stood around a star completely still chanting absolutely not low hummed chants that he could not make out words from and in the center of the star he saw what he figured was a sacrifice because there was one little sheep no wait i don't like that he zipped up and got out of there real quick once he knew what he was seeing well he zipped up and he out of there real quick once he knew what he was seeing. Well, he zipped up.
Starting point is 00:05:25 And he went back to his friends who obviously thought he was bananas for thinking he witnessed a cult sacrifice ritual. But they all went to the beach the next morning and guess what they found? Oh, shit. Oh. A sliced up, bloody, poor, unknowing little sacrifice of a sheep. All right. Okay. No, no, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:05:42 The end. Thanks, guys, for reading my story what the fuck stay cool and don't go peeing off of cliffs at 2 a.m xoxo anna y'all are gonna give me nightmares that's so fucking horrible that's bananas i don't like that at all to be honest with you oh thank you for your story uh anna i don't mean that i don't like your story i mean that i'm traumatized by your thank you but also stop but also oh god i'm so sorry that this happened i'm so glad that this i'll never have to experience it again but thank you for the time that i that we shared thanks for the time that we shared yeah thanks for the memories even though they weren't so great okay get out was he
Starting point is 00:06:21 writing that about someone's like sending in a sack a cheap sacrifice an 80s sacrifice on the beach so full out boy that's so fall out boy uh listen i have a message from alessia oh my here we go hello hello people hello people i work at the superior court in san diego oh we got some cali stories today hey and sometimes when i'm scanning documents into their case file i come across some weird shit first of all i have access to murder cases in san diego so occasionally i look through the minutes and stuff when they line up with episodes i'm listening to on various podcasts oh nice oh however today i saw probably the weirdest divorce case of all time i work in family court so it's all divorces or custody and normally it's 100 and zero it's%. I think they meant to say like sad or bad or something.
Starting point is 00:07:05 Oh, I see. And 0% rad. But today there was a murder plot in one of the cases and it was fascinating. So buckle up. I have a story. I'm very ready.
Starting point is 00:07:14 It's knuckle and buckle, knuckle and buckle. This is a divorce case from 83. And today I came across the declaration of a drug dealer. This man was selling the wife crystal meth. And after some time she asked him if he knew anyone who could kill her husband oh yikes family court okay okay okay family court stepping up the game here he said he'd do it if she gave him her toyota stop it what the fuck what kind of world which like dude don't be afraid to ask for more for your services you work hard if you kill if you kill
Starting point is 00:07:44 someone you should get more than a Toyota in payment. For sure. So basically, that was hard on me, so don't at me about that. Oh, the for sure was me, though. I was like, well, that's true. I mean, to be fair, if you are a hitman, like... If you're a hitman, you're probably asking for more than a car. I'm sure you're already charging for the crystal meth at this point.
Starting point is 00:08:01 Right? Up it a little bit. So basically, they start plotting his murder murder and they first consider using a highly toxic substance which when rubbed on the skin would and i quote immediately penetrate the bloodstream and cause his death oh my god he then super nonchalantly concludes by saying we also considered using a crossbow or a gun okay so then the wife tells her drug dealer that she would rather just kill him herself she's like this is too i'll do it let me do it and then wife tells her drug dealer that she would rather just kill him herself. She's like, this is too. I'll do it.
Starting point is 00:08:26 Let me do it. And then she contacts her drug dealer's friend. And at this point, the dude is like, no, I've had enough. So the drug dealer goes to her husband's house and tells him that his wife is plotting to murder him. Oh, double agent. Double agent. Oh, my goodness. All I want is that Toyota Sienna.
Starting point is 00:08:41 And you really fucked me over. Later that night, the drug dealer and the husband's brother, I guess they're friends now? Go to a gas? Also, but that kind of comes off like the girls that figure out that they're both being cheated on by the same guy. Yes, like that movie. John Tucker Must Die. I don't think about John Tucker Must Die. I think about a time that actually happened to my friend Caroline.
Starting point is 00:09:02 Yeah. And actually another friend named Kyle. Kyle was the one cheating on Caroline. And i knew both of them since like first grade oh and uh in high school kyle was texting caroline saying like yeah we should hook up we should hook up and she looked at his face or his instagram i found out that he was like definitely dating someone and she wrote to the girlfriend yep and so then she said told the girlfriend to come over to her house and so then she was like okay girlfriend to come over to her house and so then she was like okay kyle yeah come on over come on over and they were both waiting at her house for
Starting point is 00:09:29 him and so he got there and then he got so scared that he ran out of the house and tried to back out his car to like like drive like race away home and he like smashed into her mom's car oh no like into like a a street lamp or something he like wrecked his own car trying to get away from his own problem anyway it's kind of like that it's kind of like that but like worse but like high five next to the crashed car or something i don't know it's like that but probably much darker it's like that but murder but murder later that night the drug dealer and the husband's brother i guess they're friends now go to a gas station where the wife and the drug dealer's friend meet them and try to stab them for telling the husband oh no then the wife and friend follow the drug dealer and brother home and they're
Starting point is 00:10:13 pounding on the door saying they're coming in and going to kill them they call the cops and drive away then they came back and tried to beat the door down with a baseball bat jesus this is like never ending the drug dealer concludes his declaration by saying that she thinks she wanted to come in there to get drugs, even though there weren't any drugs in there because the husband didn't do drugs. So I read this whole thing with this man, the husband. Oh, my. What? Standing in front of me while he waited to get a copy of his divorce papers.
Starting point is 00:10:38 Oh, my God. So you're looking at him right in the fucking eye. Oh, no. Oh, no. Okay. Which, no. Okay. So he's waiting for a copy of his divorce papers, which we couldn't find, which is why I had to scroll through the whole document. Oh, no. Which is why I came across this whack-ass story.
Starting point is 00:10:56 Just try to imagine keeping a straight face while looking at the man whose wife... You're just like, uh-huh. Let me check our files. Oh, my God. Can I get you a cup of water? Right right just try to imagine do you want to do you want like a honda or toyota oh my god no you want a car we have a lexus that might be a little more your standard just try to imagine keeping a straight face while looking at the man whose wife tried to have him murdered and then decided nah i'll do it myself oh shit how fucking wild anyway obviously he's alive obviously they got divorced but damn the 80s were fucking
Starting point is 00:11:29 whack so we're doing an 80s theme oh they were whack based on it does like to throw a little a little uh decade a decade let's see if this stays a thing we're gonna go all the way back to the 1800s uh but damn the 80s were fucking whack and i can't believe this information is just sitting around in a public file yeah that is pretty crazy shit's bananas anyway it's bananas yes that's what we always say i drink because people don't realize that their divorces and murder plots are public and legitimately anyone can see it smiley face and also be wink wink society wink wink lol nudge nudge elbow elbow rofl and also because working at the family court is sad and depressing most of the time catch you on the flippity-flop alessia flippity-flop wowza oh my goodness
Starting point is 00:12:11 oh my goodness oh my goodness that was bananas bananas indeed i do not know what to make of all that all right this is a story from tegan not sar Sarah. I wasn't going to say it. I'm sure Tegan has heard that one a million times. Tegan, the subject line for this email is, someone's pelvis is on the trail. I don't like it anymore. Change it. That should be like a children's book title. Change the channel.
Starting point is 00:12:40 I don't want to hear it anymore. Tegan says, hi, Juniper, Gio, Eva, Christine, and Em. Hi. Interesting that I came last. That's fine. It is interesting. Never mind, because the next line is, oh, and Lemon. Sup, fam?
Starting point is 00:12:50 What's good? Yeah. Make you feel better, Em? No. My name is Tegan, and I live in a small resort town in North Idaho, Coeur d'Alene. I have not heard of Coeur d'Alene. Me neither. To be exact.
Starting point is 00:13:03 Sounds lovely, by the way. Sounds delightful. Delight. And I was just listening to your most recent listener story, and you said you wanted some true crime stories. So I have one for you. Yay. Yay. Wait, wait, wait. No, it's about a pelvis. Never mind. I don't like it. I work for a local media news company here in my town, and we're located maybe a thousand feet from a local hiking spot called Tubbs Hill. This story possibly starts on March 29th, 1986, when a local teacher went... Wait, she's literally doing an 80s theme. I love it.
Starting point is 00:13:31 I like that she didn't even tell us. Eva, you sneaky little snake. You think that we're not going to notice, and I didn't this time, but... And we didn't. I'm just kidding. Do you think she's doing this every single month? There's a different theme? She's told us in the past. This time she didn't say anything last time was cats
Starting point is 00:13:48 no last time was 90s oh right wasn't there a cats one maybe i don't remember anymore i remember 90s job well done because there was a lot of like oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah and now we're doing like so maybe next month will be 70s eva you're setting yourself up for a really difficult job come on man uh listeners if you have 70s stories, please mail them in, because I'm sure there aren't that many. Quickly. In haste. In haste. This story possibly starts on March 29th,
Starting point is 00:14:13 1986, when a local teacher went missing in the area and her vehicle was found in the parking lot for Tubbs Hill, the hiking spot. Well, Thursday, the 28th, just last last week a hiker found human bones on the main trail where 33 years ago the teacher went missing this week oh my god last month yikes shit being privileged enough to work in a media news setting i'm lucky enough to have
Starting point is 00:14:36 heard and seen things that the rest of the public didn't get to including details the public does not have oh yes which means we have them and we're giving them to the public yeah we're the middlemen uh in recent weeks we've had weather fluctuations where it goes from nearly 10 degrees at night to almost 60 in the afternoon hello springtime yep we all know that they're what that we all know what that does to nature soft ground and erosion with this having happened the pack dirt trail cracked therefore showing off what it had been hiding a human pelvis and a few other bones no a hiker out for a brisk morning hike was the unfortunate fella who came across it and alerted the authorities so now it's monday the first of april and tubs is open again and the authorities have stopped searching for more evidence on the trail oh my god not before actually coming across not only a second pelvis
Starting point is 00:15:25 oh what but another pair of femurs what two pelvises another body yikes gotta go oh the police who are being stingy with the details but know they're but now they're investigating a man who lives in our town just a few blocks from tubbs hill who has connections to the University of Washington to none other than Ted Bundy. Shut the fuck up. Wow. Oh, shit. Not sure exactly what's going to happen next. Things are coming up every day on it,
Starting point is 00:15:56 but now there's forensic pathologists and FBI involvement, and hopefully they figure something out soon. But hey, at least the weather has been nice, and I'll probably end up running on tubs when I get off work today to soak up some well-deserved vitamin d dance around that one little pelvis section if you will be a little careful where you're running i've attached a news article in a sweet video of tubs itself i'm not the first it's not the first time a body has been found on tubs and cda is no stranger to a crime just like every other town in america in america um cda is uh
Starting point is 00:16:26 his town is like the little initials of his town corda lane oh and cda corda lane is no stranger to crime just like every town in america serial killer and kidnapper joseph duncan lived down the road and i work with the woman who was the neighbor of the family he massacred oh fuck when she talks about the day it all went down i swear to god you can see the day flash in her And I work with the woman who was the neighbor of the family he massacred. Oh, fuck. When she talks about the day it all went down, I swear to God, you can see the day flash in her eyes. Her kids used to play with the family's kids and had a barbecue with them the day before. But that's a whole other story. Life is crazy.
Starting point is 00:17:01 Idaho, born and raised with rainier beer in my veins and mountain air in my lungs. Yeah. I wouldn't trade it for anything. The world is full of scary people people in scary places but life is too short to dwell on the bad thank you guys for taking on the scary unknown and uncertain and making life less terrifying love your podcast the bits and i share with everyone i can hopefully you'll come to spokane in the future we'd love to um you guys have quite the following here and it would be legit to see you guys in person thank you for everything you do a listener from the beginning a patreon donor and fan keep it spoopy friends tegan oh that's a girl's name though right yes okay you were saying he his town and stuff i didn't know oh i was just
Starting point is 00:17:36 reading whatever it said well oh i see i see sorry i forgot that your name was tegan i was just going off my ignorance typical typical gendering everyone around you as usual that ain't that me my bad tegan i've literally just started saying they about everyone because i'm like that's probably smart i don't want to really the world should just start calling everyone that's what i'm thinking okay anyway thank you for your story you sounds like you've lived many adjacent horrible lives with uh with your connections to... Seriously. Several massacres.
Starting point is 00:18:07 Like, literally, first degree away from a pelvis or two. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I cannot believe that was Ted Bundy adjacent. That's wild. And it's still happening 33 years later. That's just... Bananas. Okay.
Starting point is 00:18:20 Anyway, I now have a message from... I don't know how to... Kina or Kina, K-Y-N-A. Kina? Kina? Kina? Kina? We're going to say both and you can just decide for yourselves. All right.
Starting point is 00:18:34 Just know that one of those is the right one and I picked the right one. Just, let's go with that. Okay. Sure. Hello, loves. Hello. Hi. K.
Starting point is 00:18:43 What's up, girl? Or boy. Or thing. Jesus, Em. thing i don't can't figure it out okay hello loves buckle up and grab a drink because i am about to blow your mind about libraries yes i forgot to read the subjects of these sorry library from hell oh well well there you go that'll do it my true crime paranormal experience as a librarian i was a librarian for seven years so i've heard it all oh you must read all day how nice quote it must be so quiet and relaxing or quote do you just shush people all day people are annoying people are other people alone listen libraries are more than books and often offer free social services that most people wouldn't be able to receive elsewhere i promise isn't a psa no but i agree with you i'm a huge
Starting point is 00:19:24 fan of public libraries anyway i promise isn't a pA. No, but I agree with you. I'm a huge fan of public libraries. Anyway, I promise this isn't a PSA. I just need to set the tone. These free services like computers, Wi-Fi, resume classes, and free meals for children often mean librarians have become more like social workers. Unfortunately, that turns into memorizing the police department's number and calling them around three times a week.
Starting point is 00:19:39 I was a teen librarian, and while I was there, I received two death threats, which I think adds to my street cred. Oh, for sure. Obviously, yes. two death threats which i think adds to my street cred oh for sure obviously yes two death threats wow yikes one saw a naked man run through the library with the police in tow witnessed some horrific fights and heard about a few carjackings in the parking lot it's a rough neighborhood in 2011 i was new at the job and they failed to mention in the application that there was a gang problem at the time many of the teens in my teen center were sadly in gangs and made my life quite difficult since i didn't want to listen to a nerd from small town arkansas tell them what to do there was a boy in particular that always made me uneasy while his friends acted up and tried
Starting point is 00:20:12 to make me lose my cool he always sat there with a smug smile on his face i had heard from the other kids that he was in a gang and had done some horrible things after he had aged out of the teen center i saw him on the news he was arrested for the murder of his girlfriend oh shit oh at first he claimed it was a drive-by shooting it was on the steps of his grandmother's house and when she ran outside he began to run after a car he claimed held the shooter but blood spatter is a thing and the cops didn't buy it during his trial he finally admitted that she initiated a fight and he shot her in a fit of rage when she accused him of cheating which he admitted he was doing oh my god but because it was a crime of passion and not premeditated he will only serve 30 years in prison and will be out in his 50s i know i know that was a bummer but stick with me the best part of the
Starting point is 00:20:53 library was that it was built on a cemetery and haunted as fuck the area was an african-american cemetery called the odd fellow cemetery odd fellows odd fellows love a good odd fellow uh was supposedly moved when the interstate was built in the area however historically they would only move the headstones a la the poltergeist movie oh oh so they only moved the heads and down the graves got it no one told me it was haunted and i and i had to open the library alone one sunday i was on the first floor opening when i heard the file cabinets open by themselves i thought maybe they were on a slope and that was normal oh yeah like rolling right right, right, right. Ugh.
Starting point is 00:21:27 Logic. Then I heard a crash upstairs. I thought someone was in the library with me and obviously thought they were about to murder me, as you would. Right. But all the doors were still locked, so I went to check and found that trash cans were thrown around up there. The following morning, I asked my boss about it, and she said, yeah, that happens. Probably the ghosts. They don't bug me, though.
Starting point is 00:21:43 Okay. Okay. Okay, well, don't act special. special okay thanks for the warning ha also that's quite a way to get haunted they don't scare me they don't scare me as they follow me home and haunt me forever and throw trash cans around over the years it became normal lights turned on and off things feel things fell off the shelves in storage closets. Books fell off shelves. People saw things out of the corners of their eyes and doors would slam.
Starting point is 00:22:14 One employee saw a woman in the stacks wearing an antebellum-style dress looking at children's books before she disappeared. Oh, the pelvis in the trailway. Oh, good. Yes, that's it. That's my favorite children's book. I love that one. I hope they had multiple copies. There's a pelvis on the trail. I would have to wait in a rental line for that, know there's a pelvis down in the trail it's one of those books you
Starting point is 00:22:29 can't renew because like harry potter because everyone wants to check it out exactly every time you come and check it they're like oh you just missed it sorry sorry pelvis on there's a pelvis in the trail the tvs in the teen center would turn on and off which i think which i would think a teen was doing until i realized i had the remote oh teens teens they'll find a way to do it teens the youths you know about those teens usually once i said listen you're scaring the kids everything would stop that day once we got a new director i was able to schedule a ghost hunt at the library after hours i should probably mention that we got a new director because the past one died very suddenly oh shit oh my he was the first to come through.
Starting point is 00:23:05 Staff was thoroughly freaked out when... Oh, he was the first to come through. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, oh, oh. Staff was thoroughly freaked out when it seemed to be him communicating through the dowsing rods. And when ghost hunters asked what his last name was, a voice answered before me on the EVP recording. EVP recordings also caught a man with a very deep southern accent saying, yes, ma'am. Oh.
Starting point is 00:23:24 After a question and a giggle from a little girl in the children's area yuck they said they caught hundreds of evp conversations at night even more when they went to our branch library that used to be a post office and had a famous suicide in it oh wow super i never felt scared there though it was almost like the ghost genuinely loved the library and were just there to enjoy their afterlife that would be a nice place to spend your afterlife i would think i think so a library yeah or like a target yeah let's go i changed my mind target sorry sorry library i yeah i like an ice cream parlor i could really list a few things actually yeah anyway we'll discuss this later yeah thanks for reading love the podcast and just voted for you to win a webby thank you sorry about my name it's a doozy to pronounce lol but then doesn't give me an actual pronunciation right
Starting point is 00:24:09 with love and wine kina i like that i guess with love and wine thank you kina slash kina thank you so much that was a trip no that was a really really good covered all the bases i know i was like okay this is a true crime one and then you threw in the ghost and i was like oh we're wait this is a full circle congratulations 180 was that how is that that was that 80s themed oh maybe not maybe it was just an accident maybe the whole time eve was like he he they think they know but it's not ha ha well yeah i see 2011 i see 1950s yep nope i think maybe oh well maybe he was just got 80s on the brain okay well thank you anyway that was an awesome story that was a great story so this one is from haven okay haven uh has titled this the secrets in the attic all right love it secrets and that sounds
Starting point is 00:25:00 like another children's book that sounds like the sequel to the pelvis oh maybe actually that's the prequel the secrets and then all of a sudden there's a pelvis oh shit it's all coming together that's the theme eva wanted i see i see i see children's books all right so this is uh my last one right yes okay so this is let me make sure i've got the right one open uh this is yeah the secrets in the attic all right so who's it from haven oh okay haven says hey i'm christine eva lemon geo and juniper hello haven i can't believe lemon is so involved in this now i can i've been thinking about sending in this story since the first listeners episode but never found the time this may be a tad long but i honestly feel like you will be the only ones to appreciate
Starting point is 00:25:40 how creepy the story gets i grew up in a single family house that was built in 1900 with my mom and two sisters. And besides the usual nightmares about being chased through the house by porcelain dolls with broken feet. Oh, yeah. Been there, done that. Demons in the cupboard under the basement stairs. And what I'm pretty sure is a disappointment room in the attic. Disappoint?
Starting point is 00:25:59 I don't know. Oh, no. Disappointment room. That sounds like something my mom would have definitely installed. Put us in there. Go to the disappointment room. This story is one I will never forget. I'm looking it up. Oh, it's a it's a horror movie. Oh, oh, oh, okay. It's a house. It's a room with a dark haunted past. Gotcha. Sounded like a time at room. It definitely has 3.9 out of 10 on IMDb. We should watch it. Sure. At our sleepover of course obviously uh one day my
Starting point is 00:26:26 sister my sisters were gone during doing normal teenage things and my mom and i were the only two people in the house at the time i was living in the room with the attic stairs attached so behind a padlocked door of course because even at 10 years old i wasn't a paranormal amateur good smart uh i had been tasked with cleaning the room which being a kid i was doing as slowly as possible while my mother cleaned the rest of the first floor that's also correct sounds right during this time i heard the loudest and most unmistakable sound of a woman screaming oh shit coming from right behind the attic door oh god oh god the disappointment room that would scare the absolute bejesus out of me i would be i would absolutely leave her in there oh don't open
Starting point is 00:27:04 that goddamn door no no understandably i froze mid-sweep i yelled down to my mom and asked her if she heard it still unable to move she called back that it was just some kids playing outside and to continue cleaning okay mom she's like don't look in the disappointment room it's just the wind it's just another disappointment in my life oh no uh i tried to go about my day the best. Sorry. And tomorrow you'll find her pelvis on the trailway. I tried to go about my day the best I could, but I could not shake the fact that I knew the scream came from the attic. That's disgusting.
Starting point is 00:27:35 I avoided the door in my room for many weeks until I convinced one of my sisters to switch rooms with me. Good. Obviously. Good. And you didn't tell her why either. You just said, hey, this would be fun. Oh, my God. god look how much bigger my room is uh no i want to give you my big room it's because i love you so much yes a few months later the four of us were cleaning the attic and my sister saw something shiny in the wall near the window my mom looked and thinking
Starting point is 00:27:57 it was a kid's toy pulls it out of the wall after i begged to play with it turns out it was a loaded antique silver revolver what truly freaked out what she decided to give it to the cops and we never heard about it again a few years go by and one night we were telling ghost stories and i brought up the scream being an age appropriate now me being age appropriate now and the fact that we had moved out of the house my mom decided to tell me the truth no no no no no no no she admitted that she'd heard the scream too and it wasn't kids outside oh my god can you imagine being that mom in that moment though being like it's the kids it's just kids it's the kids my mom's thing was always it's the wind it's the wind and i'm like that was a that was not the like
Starting point is 00:28:37 it's a scream no wind could scream interesting bloody murder so it wasn't the kids outside oh fuck all the downstairs windows were closed but she heard it clear as day come down the stairs from my room she thought i was hurt and almost ran up to see what was wrong when i called out to her she knew about the creepy things in the house and tried to spare my 10 year old self from being scarred for life by pretending it was nothing well that was nice at least even after we found the gun she kept us in the dark about anything paranormal that happened there we only knew of one woman who died in the house and it was from natural causes. But I can't shake the feeling that more went on there than anyone will ever know.
Starting point is 00:29:12 I have more crazy stories, but this email has already turned into a novel. Love your podcast. Keep the spooks coming and kiss baby G for me. Haven. I have chills. That's super creepy. That was a trip. It was a trip. God. Oh, ew. Ew. And then finding creepy. That was a trip. It was a trip.
Starting point is 00:29:26 God. Ew. Ew. Ew. And then finding a revolver in the wall. Which kind of gives you an inclination of how that woman may have died. Or how someone died that wasn't natural causes. I guess.
Starting point is 00:29:37 I would imagine that in my head that means that someone got shot. Well, if it was loaded, then it wasn't shot. Right? I like to think there was one missing. Okay. I like to think that was one missing okay i like to think so i think so i'm gonna write that's what it's gonna say a revolver in the attic wall oh my god this is a great story a revolver in the attic and a pelvis on the trail i love that story so heartwarming anyway thank you haven thank you haven that was really good holy shit okay next this is from megan yep fuck jk megan megan with an h no h good i would say we've met so many megans on our tour it's hilarious
Starting point is 00:30:19 so many people during mean greets are like i'm megan and we're like get the fuck off our stage i love it so much you megans are so cute okay this is called the ex-con and my failed escape from a moving car uh-oh failed shit hi all i love your podcast i am currently on episode 75 it has helped me get through my boring office work for the last several months well here's my story i grew up in a very small town in wisconsin population 1925 oh perfect so very specific so when my friend ashley invited me on a road trip out of town to oshkosh i couldn't resist and when you left there was only 1924 people left a little ticker went down all right uh a road trip to oshkosh oshkosh but gosh man man on our drive my friend's mom mentioned that we were staying with Ashley's cousin and her new boyfriend, Kelly. She didn't know much about him except that he was just released after serving 12 years
Starting point is 00:31:11 in jail in California. Good night. Good job, Mom. And that we shouldn't judge until we really get to know him. True, but also, I would want to check you out with my child. Yeah, I would maybe want to check before I put my- I'd be like, let him know I say hi. Right, right, right.
Starting point is 00:31:27 Being 13 at the time and super trusting, when Kelly invited Ashley and me to the store for sodas and snacks, we thought nothing of it and went along. Okay. I don't like this at all. My friend sat in the front seat and I sat directly behind her. We were driving for about five minutes when we passed a grocery store and then a gas station as he turned onto the interstate oh heading out of town oh fuck and it's just how many people are in this car it's all four of them no it's her her friend and her friend's cousin kelly who's driving oh but not the actual cousin yeah her friend and then the friend's cousin oh i see i see so the two cousins or no sorry oh shit you're right not the cousin the cousin's boyfriend
Starting point is 00:32:04 is driving. So it's just her and her friend and then this like random stranger that just got out of jail. And then this man named Kelly. Yes. Sorry. Exactly. Right. I believe as far as I can tell.
Starting point is 00:32:14 At this point, I start to freak out because we were just supposed to be running to the store for quick snacks. This was before either of us had a cell phone or a wait. Can you imagine how pissed the other girl's mom must be like, oh, you said you're going on a road trip. Not that you would be dropping them off with an ex-convict with no cell phone this was before either of us had a cell phone or a way to privately text each other about what the fuck was going on i remember tapping the back of my friend's seat and scooting up as far as i could she turned her head with her ear towards the back the radio was playing loudly enough for me to whisper what the fuck why are we on the interstate she couldn't really say anything but using the
Starting point is 00:32:44 mirror on her side she made a motion with her head at the door i will never forget the look in her This is terrifying. I am so mesmerized by this story. It's the scariest thing. Yes. We got to the end of the road and the light was red i slipped off my seatbelt had my hand on the door handle fully prepared to jump when i hear him say it's too bad they stopped selling alcohol in our county after 9 p.m it's annoying to have to make this trip for beer i remember gasping and then loudly saying that's why we passed the other gas station oh my god no my heart was beating so fast I could feel it in my neck.
Starting point is 00:33:27 I was fully prepared to jump and make a run for it. Even after we picked out our snacks and got back in the car. Oh my god. The whole trip back I was holding my breath. Turns out he was actually a decent person and was locked up for a non-violent drug-related charge. Fuck. Anywho, hope you enjoyed my adrenaline was at a thousand percent megan that is such a megan let me ruin it and scream
Starting point is 00:33:53 what we were thinking oh wow uh anywho hope you enjoyed my story of the time i almost ran out of a running car i also have stories about my haunted childhood home and my ouija board antics but those are for another day megan team milkshake yeah i'd be team milkshake too if this five's fucking i'd be team booze driving for beer all the way on the other side of the county oh my gosh that is fucking well i'm glad you're not dead me too i was getting real scared there you really uh i was like for a loop my goodness well god damn it megan whoo right. Thanks for that. Thank you. That was the last one. That was the last one. All right.
Starting point is 00:34:28 Thank you to all lovely six of you. Yay. We appreciate your stories. Thank you guys so much for writing in. If you guys do, like I said earlier, want to write in your personal story, you can do it. And that's And Eva may or may not put you into a themed 70s list. We'll see.
Starting point is 00:34:46 Thank you guys so much. And happy May. Bye. Bye. Mwah.

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