And That's Why We Drink - Listener Stories: Vol. 3

Episode Date: May 1, 2017

BUCKLE UP. It’s time for your third episode of listener stories. You guys bring the heat and scare the pants of us in this one. We also want to give a special shout-out to all our Patreon supporters... - we love you to pieces! Don’t answer the door, hide under your covers, and (most importantly) stay thirsty.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi. Take it away. I was thinking of doing the chipmunk voice and I decided not to. Don't. I'll kill you. I just thought about it. It's too late at night. It is super late, but that's the perfect time to tell scary stories, I think. So welcome to listeners episode number three. Wait, can I please do it? Fine. Welcome to episode number three. That was really fucked up. I hate everything. Actually, these are our favorite episodes. This is my favorite episode. I love doing the listeners episodes.
Starting point is 00:00:42 It's so fun. Because I actually feel like we're not just talking to each other. Like, it's proof that someone's listening you know totally and also you guys just have badass stories yeah the thing with our normal episodes is i used to be so thankful i was out of college and then somehow i just got myself back into this fucking system where every week i'm heavily researching and I'm trying to make sure I have all my deadlines and I'm well prepared and well rehearsed for a presentation that is this podcast. But the listeners episode is my favorite because I don't have to do any fucking work.
Starting point is 00:01:15 Yeah, you guys do the work. Yeah. Thanks, guys. You guys live all the traumatic experiences. Perfect. And we just talk about them. Yeah. That's like my dream to just gossip away. It's great. So anyway, we have some special people we want to do a shout out for.
Starting point is 00:01:29 This is our first listeners episode as of our release to Patreon. So we have so many people donating to us. It's blowing my mind that you guys want to help us. It means so much. It literally melts my heart into a million puddles. If people won't sponsor us, you know, companies, at least you will. So thank you. We love you guys so much.
Starting point is 00:01:49 So we're going to shout out a couple names. So we have two teams in the $2 realm. We got Team Milkshake, Team Wine, obviously. And so I'm going to read off Team Milkshake. Christine's going to shout out to the Team Wines. So I'll start with Team Wine because wine because unfortunately there are fewer of them. Interesting. I know.
Starting point is 00:02:08 I really thought we had more, you know, drunkards listening to us. Yeah. Get on it, team wine. I really thought we had a couple of luscious out there, but apparently everyone's got the sweet tooth. I guess so. All right.
Starting point is 00:02:19 So on our team wine level, I want to shout out to Crystal, Zoe and katie we love you so much if we had some sort of applause effect that wasn't incredibly annoying on our on our equipment we would throw that out for you we'll work on it we'll have to figure out a sound or something like a like okay i was thinking like you know that crank sound? Like the... What? It's like that thing that people have at parties. Oh, the noise maker?
Starting point is 00:02:49 Yeah, where you, like, wind it. You, like, wind it around. That's a horrible sound. Like, we need, like, some sort of sound, though. All right, I'll find it at sound effect. Oh, okay. And insert sound effect. You can start from the top. Okay is team milkshake we've got kevin we've got zachary who i'm pretty sure is actually my buddy zach my bad that's fine you didn't know i don't
Starting point is 00:03:17 know christine's also in charge just to like make me look like even more of a piece of garbage for this podcast stop when i tell people i show up i really do just do that christine does everything else okay kevin zach we got sarah and we've also got christine obviously wrote this because the name is dad i'm pretty sure my dad did not donate money so i'm gonna say thank you to mr schieffer and his name is bernhard but he donated such a weird number but he donated under the two dollar category so he went specifically to team milkshake which is not my team specifically went to m side knowing that then instead of two dollars he donated like a random number of dollars but he specifically made sure it was under team milkshake i know he did that on purpose because he's a good
Starting point is 00:04:09 guy that's why he doesn't drink alcohol he's also but it he gave such a dad number like it literally is not like an even number it's like this isn't the number but it's like i picked 19 like just like a random number very random monthly donation and i've tried to like multiply it to be like is there like a yearly number but no is there like a secret code in the number maybe there's no sensible math to it it's just a dad number i think where he was like i will donate he just pressed buttons six dollars and 32 cents a month like a very specific sneezed on the computer and whatever number showed up it's possible but he did he did specifically pick Team Milkshake. So I'm slightly offended, but also I'm very thankful.
Starting point is 00:04:48 Well, thank you to all of Team Milkshake. I appreciate all of you. And it really means a lot that you're willing to help me because I'm just desperate. But it's nice to know there are more people out there that prefer a good milkshake over a glass of wine. Yes, I agree. Or maybe you just like me and you're just helping me out. I hope they like milkshakes.
Starting point is 00:05:04 But it's fine. Okay. Let's go to team $5 donation, which, uh, gets you access to our cool blooper reel, which is coming out. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:15 And I apologize in advance for all the stupid things you learned about us in that $5 donation. There's a lot of weird shit that happens behind the scenes. What's happening is that we just do a full record of everything we say. And then dear Christine edits to find the perfect parts to actually make an episode. But all of the scraps get left behind in one giant reel. And it's just every conversation I've ever had in the middle of the night at Christine's house. I currently have about seven hours of footage that I'm weeding through.
Starting point is 00:05:44 But I'm not gonna give you just a bunch of junk of us talking like i i'm trying to make it concise and fun so thank you for all you five dollar donators how are we doing this are we going you me you yeah yeah okay you want to go first sure jory who by the way was our first uh yes she was our first she was the one who uh started donating when we were mid recording one episode and i called her hori by accident so thanks girl jory we appreciate you then we've got erica and we've got rebecca which by the way is my middle name besides danger oh god um then we've got alexander who may or may not be my brother
Starting point is 00:06:27 hello hi he really donated oh he don't he was like one of the first people sweet so your dad and your brother oh okay we've got jennifer and we've got winema that's an awesome name i know you guys are pretty badass all of you We also, we got more or no? Yeah, we got, now we're moving on to the. Whoa. Well, on that note, let's move on to our $10 donators. All right. So the first one we've got here is, all right, she says her, she wants her shout out to be
Starting point is 00:06:59 Maui Jen. Okay. Which comes from an old German word which means mouthy. Oh. In old German. Then we got Casey. Thank you, Casey. Thank you, Casey. Then we've got
Starting point is 00:07:15 Johnny who'd like her shout out to be Miss Johnny Be Good. Perfect. We've got Amber. Yeah, Amber sent us some cool stories. I think Amber also follows me on Instagram. You can find me at TheMSchultz on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram. Then we've got my mom. My girl.
Starting point is 00:07:33 Hey, hey, hey. Hey, Renata. Hey, Renata. How you doing? We love you. Lisa. Lisa also follows me on Twitter. You can find me at TheMSchultz.
Starting point is 00:07:43 What the fuck? Why? I swear, I told you you're the popular one. All right find me at the M Schultz. What the fuck? What? I swear. I told you you're the popular one. All right. So then we've got Cece. Who's your biffle? My biffle.
Starting point is 00:07:51 Yeah. Then we've got Marisol. Thanks, Marisol. Thanks, Marisol. Is that my sister? Oh, yeah. Thanks. My girl, Rachel.
Starting point is 00:08:00 Hey, boo. Aw. That's my big sister, guys. She emailed and she was like, just want to make i have to make sure my sister eats she's not wrong she's so right she has two kids but she also kind of has a third like she's just helping me i feel responsible for her well-being oh and i didn't even know because once again christine's in charge of fucking everything behind the scenes and so christine's like hey i didn't know your sister had donated and i was like, my sister donated. Oh yeah. She wants to make sure you're eating enough.
Starting point is 00:08:28 I was like, sounds like her. And then our last one is Melissa. Thanks, Melissa. Thanks, Melissa. Thanks, Melissa. Oh my gosh. Oh my God. Melissa. Melissa. Oh my God. We love you all so much. We can't even get over it. I know it blows my my mind i literally cannot believe that you guys are willing to help us out literally we can't believe it like literally literally like in a literal like it's not figurative it's literal we're the worst kind of human being everyone's gonna retract their donation right now all of a sudden we'll look and i'll be like you have zero dollars your father has donated that's it anyway thank you guys so much seriously we love you guys all right we have really just been talking them up but let's hear some actual stories okay bye we're
Starting point is 00:09:10 gonna tell you stories now who wants to go first um maybe you i'm trying to find my stories and i'll have them up right now okay well i guess that means it's up to me to solve another crisis i can go find one oh my god marisol just tweeted at Girl, we just said your name and you don't even know it yet. She doesn't even know. She said Donati Hall. Yeah. Busby needs to chill about that chair. She's not wrong.
Starting point is 00:09:32 She's right. You know, Marisol donates and knows her fucking facts. Also, Marisol's sad about the cleaning lady who died and also I'm sad about it. Wait, who died? Remember the cleaning lady who touched the chair by accident? Aww. We all feel bad for her all right here is the first one are you ready so ready this is from shit oh this is from megan hey girl thanks megan she says in all caps hi guys hi hi back uh she then says my name's megan and love the podcast oh we love you oh i've been so fascinated
Starting point is 00:10:09 by true crime since i was little that i used to look for dead bodies in the woods while my mom and dad were driving she sounds like a friend i wouldn't have absolutely that's there's literally nothing weird about that to me so much fun uh and then she said i'm from pennsylvania a lot of woods here and shit weird shit happens in pennsylvania i tell you we've already done a couple stories about pennsylvania haven't we she said also i'm ghost obsessed this podcast is like home to me we welcome you into our into our loving embrace welcome to our very dysfunctional family we love you i've got a bunch of stories ghostly and true crime, but I'll touch on just one. So this is a crime one.
Starting point is 00:10:47 Fun fact. Yay. My hometown murder happened on July 4th, 2012. And in parentheses, she writes, happy fucking birthday, America. Happy fucking birthday. In Allentown, Pennsylvania, a young man by the name of Jonathan Nunez, 20 years old at the time, a well-known football player during my high school years, and someone I cheered on and supported just a few years before, killed his off and on again girlfriend, Kimberly.
Starting point is 00:11:15 Oh, no. I went to high school with her, too. She had such a vivacious smile. That's really sad. Sad. That's super sad. Oh, and then she writes, here are the gruesome details. Oh, good. Because that's what we're here for. Fab. Megan's super sad. Oh, and then she writes, here are the gruesome details. Oh, good.
Starting point is 00:11:25 Because that's what we're here for. Fab. Megan knows we're here to fucking throw down. Throw down. The couple got into an argument, so Jonathan thought it was wise to be Kimberly to a bloody pulp before slicing her neck with his mom's kitchen knife. So wise. Aye.
Starting point is 00:11:42 But she did fight back. You go, girl. Fuck yes. You go you go girl with your vivacious smile kimberly she did fight back causing a wound on his finger god forbid okay he must have panicked because he took kimberly to a nearby wooded area surprise in parentheses oh my god dumped her limp body and then another footnote says, it gets worse. How? Well, he left her there, and according to reports, she was still barely alive. No.
Starting point is 00:12:16 Kimberly. Once he left, he went home, cleaned the fucking knife, and put it back where he got it. What, like in his mom's kitchen drawer? He like threw it back in the drawer like nothing ever happened. He then went to the emergency room to get his fucking finger treated until the doctors at the ER, by the way, he cut himself separating hamburger patties, which by the way, you do with your fucking hands, not a knife. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:12:42 He went to the emergency room. For his fucking finger. Okay, let's start about how she got into an argument with him so he's like i'm gonna slice your throat open oh no you hurt my finger i'm gonna go to the emergency room literally man flu he slit his girlfriend's throat open and she was probably being dramatic in his mind i'm sure but he goes to the emergency room for his finger anyway let's not get into societal expectations after he got stitched up he went to a nearby walmart and picked up bleach and other shady shit oh what do you think the other shady shit was she hasn't said yet i don't know bleach and i'm guessing tarps
Starting point is 00:13:19 ropes maybe cheap dvds you would be really good at murdering someone. Twizzlers. Oh. He then returned to Kimberly, doused her in bleach. Idiot. To hide evidence, I suppose, and left her there for dead. So he just went and doused her in bleach? What the fuck? Was she still alive? Like, does she, do you think she remembered the bleach or had she died out by then?
Starting point is 00:13:42 If she was barely alive when he jumped her. I hope she died out by then. That would suck if you saw him come back and then just douse you in bleach especially when a bleach fucking hurts and two my first thought would have been it's gasoline he's about to set me on fucking fire absolutely all right a man walking his dogs the next day found sweet kimberly's lifeless body and stated the bleach smell was so strong he could smell it feet away she was so pale at first he thought she was a doll oh no happy to say eventually this fucktard was found guilty for first-degree murder and had a track record of being abusive towards his other girlfriends you don't fucking say are you serious here's a news link if you want to
Starting point is 00:14:16 read more about it details are scattered in so many different articles but i think i covered all the major bases uh what the fuck with this guy you know what megan knew how to tell a story that's what matters this guy's a fucked hard and a half happy birthday america happy fucking birthday america wholeheartedly all right so i got a story from amber who's our good pal hey girl she writes it's me again margaret uh she says i'm starting this email off with two fun facts. We love fun facts. I literally love a good fun fact.
Starting point is 00:14:49 D to doves. Number one. In January of 2009, a Staffordshire man was beaten to death by a 15-year-old boy and 20-year-old man after he refused to give them a bottle of wine. Same. Sounds like Christine. Me. Number two. There is an allegedly haunted ice cream shop in Phoenix, Arizona called Mary Coyle's Ice Cream Parlor.
Starting point is 00:15:08 We'll be looking into that. We'll be there tomorrow. So she covered all the beverage bases. Yeah, she did her job is what she did. Thank you, Amber. All right, here's her stories. These are both things that happened to my dad when he was a teenager. The house my dad grew up in was two stories, but the only bathroom was on the first floor and all the kids had rooms upstairs.
Starting point is 00:15:28 When he was in his early teens, he remembers going downstairs to use the bathroom and seeing his mom sitting on the couch smoking a cigarette. He thought it was weird because he didn't know her to smoke, but he figured she was just trying to keep it quiet and keep it away from them, so he didn't say anything. He told her about it later and she just shrugged it off. This happened a few different times when he got a little older his mom told him that she never got up to smoke in the middle of the night and that she didn't ever smoke but that her mother his grandmother used to smoke regularly oh she didn't tell him when he was younger because she didn't want to scare him that's a good one that's i like that it's like there's like a like a like a parental tale to it i was gonna say
Starting point is 00:16:03 there's like a familial, like, I like that. It was weirdly heartwarming. It is. Yeah. Okay. So the next one. This next one reminded me a lot of Robert the Doll. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:16:15 As I was listening to your episode on him, and this one really creeped me out. Oh, no. You're welcome. When he was a teenager, my granddad used to drink a lot. He would come home drunk and just go straight to bed and on occasion he would mention a quote little doll woman who would come to visit him at night after my grandma fell asleep they just assumed it was something he dreamed up when he was drunk and they would laugh it off the bathroom i mentioned in the last story had two
Starting point is 00:16:41 entrances one from the hall and one from my grandparents' room. One night, one of my aunts went downstairs to use the bathroom, and while she was in there washing her hands, she heard him start to talk to someone. No. She couldn't make out what he was saying, but she recognized his voice. She was about to leave the room, but she stopped when she heard a voice answer him back. No! No! It was a woman's voice, and it wasn't her mom's.
Starting point is 00:17:07 She said it sounded really small she went back upstairs and woke up my dad and when he came down with her he heard it too they never asked him about it but they assumed it must have been his little doll friend fuck that i have a few others that i experienced personally but i'll save those for later. Wow. Way to leave us hanging, Amber. Yeah. Is your grandfather's name Gene? Geez. No thanks. Robert did it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:32 Or Grandpa did it. All right. Those were two short but sweet ones. Yes. I liked them. Me too. This is from Olivia. Hi, Olivia.
Starting point is 00:17:42 And her subject is aliens, abductions, and assault. Oh my. Oh my. So this has a personal warmth to me because what many of you don't know is when we first started this podcast, it was going to be called Eerie and Theory. That's right. Where I talked about anything supernatural whatsoever. And Christine talked about conspiracy theories and, you know, all kinds of stuff like that. And half of my part of the podcast was going to be aliens at one point. So if you guys have alien stories, please don't be afraid to send those in. We love alien stories. That's also why in our logo, the Illuminati eye is prominently featured.
Starting point is 00:18:23 A lot of people, I'm sure, like that's not a ghost or a crime but originally we were gonna do like conspiracy theories and really anything creepy and unexplained and we love that shit so that's why it's kind of an homage to our original idea definitely hi i'm in christine hi hello i originally thought of this story after listening to your second episode which is the whaley and robert durst right yes okay second episode because it mentions the whaley house i grew up in the san diego area so i've heard of the whaley house but never been to it anyway as i was saying the fact that the story took place in sunny san diego reminded me of another weird sort of san diego experience dun dun dun the coronado alienduction, which I am immediately intrigued by. What the fuck is that?
Starting point is 00:19:08 Because I've been to Coronado. I'm so excited. I did not hear about an alien abduction while I was out there. What is the Coronado abduction, you may ask? I do ask. Pray tell. Or maybe you won't because you already know about it. No, no, Olivia. You were right to ask. Olivia, we don't. She wrote, I don't know, about 20 years ago. Be confident, Olivia. No, she covered all of her bases. About 20 years ago, there was a UFO conference being held in the Coronado area. Some of the attendees stayed in a hotel nearby, maybe the Hotel Dell, which is, I think, where I stayed.
Starting point is 00:19:46 And what the fuck? This girl fucking knows me a little too well. But probably not. Too posh. Okay, well, my mother was the one who put this hotel thing together. So she said the Hotel Dell was a little too posh and very much a Linda thing to do. Oh, so you probably were there. Okay.
Starting point is 00:20:02 There's a very high chance that I was. Gotcha. Too posh to let alien conference people in probably, but not posh enough for my mother to make an appearance. Oh, Linda would be there for sure. I literally think she was. I don't even want to ask. She'll let me know when she hears this. Several separate guests at this hotel claim to have been abducted by aliens in one night. Oh, good. Thank God we weren't there that night. Holy crap. She says, however, these guests weren't there that night. Holy crap. She says, however, these guests didn't immediately jump to the conclusion that they were abducted. They woke up that morning all feeling a little weird.
Starting point is 00:20:31 The four guests all talked to each other about it and found they had similar symptoms, such as dizziness, tiredness, soreness, strange bleeding. Holy crap. Ugh! Et cetera. What a weird way to end that sentence. What the fuck? One man even claimed
Starting point is 00:20:45 to have found a strange scar on his penis. I'm sorry, what? That morning. More on this later, she says in parentheses. Oh, thank god. Can we skip to that part? Yeah. Through hypnotherapy, each person relayed separate but very similar accounts of an
Starting point is 00:21:01 alien abduction. One man who claimed to have been abducted many times before said that during the coronado incident he was woken by a light from out the window and the feeling of something else being in the room with him and his wife he saw shadows one which moved towards the bed fuck that good great the being has huge eyes and prodded his ear with a metal device no no oh no no the beings leave after prodded his ear with a metal device. No, no. Oh! No, no. The beings leave after prodding his ear.
Starting point is 00:21:30 Thank God that's where they stopped. Prodding his ear? Yeah. And then the room goes dark. He reports that after waking up that morning, he felt pain in his ear and found blood on his pillow. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. My skin is gone.
Starting point is 00:21:42 Oh, my God. Like, I have a thing about, like, orifices, as I think everyone does. Yes. But, like, putting anything in any type of holes. Like, probing. Uh-uh. Oh my god. Like, ears, nose, eyes.
Starting point is 00:21:55 Bleh. Uh-uh. Blood on your pillow. Uh-uh. He went to the doctor and found a puncture wound in his ear. I'm gonna vomit. Literally, my his ear. I'm going to vomit. Literally, my ears hurt. My ears hurt, too.
Starting point is 00:22:07 My ears know exactly where he was punctured right now. I'm cringing. Ah! I'm going to take these headphones off and blood will pour out, I think. I will die. I will kick you out of my apartment. In the next room over, two women also experience an abduction. One woman is woken by a flash of light.
Starting point is 00:22:23 She opens into the corner. Oh, she jumps into the corner of the room because a being with long fingers that looks like a big bug tried to touch her. To which I say, no thanks. It stared at her left leg and she felt a pain like a shot through her left leg and she felt as if she was drugged like a bug tranquilizes you no the being told her not to move then it said done and the experience was over oh fuck i'm gonna have nightmares if anyone did anything also especially if they did nothing and then looks even goes done it's like wait what what happened it's like what are you doing why it's like that's almost more invasive it's like, wait, what happened? It's like, what are you doing? Why? It's like, that's almost more invasive. It's like, I don't know. Because you don't know what happened.
Starting point is 00:23:07 What's done? Oh, my God. Like, at least if they probe your ear, you know they're done with probing your ear. Yeah. And then they say done, and it's like, oh, thank God. Yeah, it's over. I was waiting for that. But when they say done, they haven't done anything.
Starting point is 00:23:19 It's like, I don't even know what. It's like, you're not even going to probe my ear? Yeah. The being told her not to move. And I said it was done. And the experience was over. She wakes up with a scoop mark on her leg and the bed sheet is tucked over her so tightly. She was unable to move when she first woke up.
Starting point is 00:23:36 At least they tucked her in. That was so thoughtful. Like, thanks for the giant scoop and the giant hole. I'm sorry. What is a scoop mark? I'm thinking like a melon baller scoop out of her leg i'm gonna throw up done all right god help the maybe he was saying done because he knew that's what i would fucking be after i heard this story i'm
Starting point is 00:23:58 done uh the other woman in the room wakes up that night to see the first woman crying in the corner of the room. Four gray aliens come in through the window, but she knows these aliens are not here for her because she believes that a group of aliens called the Pleiadians are the only ones allowed to mess with her. Huh? I'm sorry. Like, she just, like, she just, like, like, had, like had like a, like a mental conversation. She just like rolled over and was like, oh, they're not here for me. Only the Pleiadians come for me. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:29 And she says in here, the Pleiadians look like a cross between Edward the vampire. So. Like Twilight? Yeah. I guess so. What's his name again? Robert Patterson. Pattinson?
Starting point is 00:24:41 Patterson. Pat. Pattinson. I'm not 14 anymore. Robert Pattinson. Okay. All of a sudden, it wasn't as important to me. Looks like a cross between Robert Pattinson and a Nazi's wet dream.
Starting point is 00:24:55 I'm sorry. I don't... Like, Nosferatu? I don't... I'm sorry. I guess it just looks... I guess it just looks really bad. Like an Aryan Robert Pattinson? Google Pleiadian.
Starting point is 00:25:10 Google Pleiadian. P-L-E. P-L-E. I-A. D. Oh, it came up. Great. Does it look like a Nazi's wet dream?
Starting point is 00:25:19 Kind of. I don't want to see. I want to know what that even means. Yeah. But like actually. Like a, like a galactic soldier. But want to see. I want to know what that even means. Yeah. But like actually. Like a galactic soldier. But he's also. Like a very mystical, magical.
Starting point is 00:25:31 Like a unicorn and a galactic soldier had a baby. But like also they're really Aryan. Very Aryan. And have like crystal blue eyes. Very Aryan. It looks like something out of a Scientology Bible. It does look like scientology so okay so woman number two sees the four gray aliens and is like no like the like nazi robert
Starting point is 00:25:53 pattinson is the only one that's gonna bother me you know good as we all think uh okay so then woman number two tries to protect uh woman number one tries to protect her, but she's stunned and put back in bed. It's like she can't move. She watched the aliens try to put the blanket back on the first woman who was tucked in so tight. Right. But for some reason, they didn't seem to know what the fuck a blanket was and tucked it over her really tightly in the wrong direction. So, like, head to toe? So aliens don't have blankets? But how did they know to tuck her in maybe they've seen humans and they're like this
Starting point is 00:26:30 is what they do oh okay you know but they don't know how what a weird thing to not know you know how like in harry potter they have like muggle history or muggle studies yes where it's basically like anthropology but for a muggle. I bet aliens have that. And they're like, this is a blanket. And then it's like some like, like C minus graded presentation on the blanket. It's like a PowerPoint. You put it on head to toe. The first woman later went to a doctor who specializes in alien abductees.
Starting point is 00:27:01 That's not a thing. Ask Blaze to be that kind of doctor. He will literally leave me in five seconds. The first woman later went to a doctor who specializes in alien abductees to get her leg scoop mark checked out and finds a
Starting point is 00:27:16 weird object in it. In later abductions, she claims that aliens punish her for removing the implant. What the fuck? Another man in the same hotel woke up the next morning throwing up a massive amount of strange black goo that's called a fucking possession his regression therapy reveals memories of waking up to a strange light in the room and a gray alien so a non-plebeian or whatever the fuck they're called plebeian uhrian. Pleiadian. Pleiadian. I know. I felt really elite there. His regression therapy reveals memories of waking up to a strange light in the room and
Starting point is 00:27:51 a gray alien standing at the edge of his bed with a probe in its hand that touches his forehead. At least it's his fucking forehead. Yes. The next thing he remembers is waking up on a metal table. Oh, no. Nope. With another gray alien tapping
Starting point is 00:28:05 him with a wand and inspecting him i'm gonna vomit i wonder if this is the same guy who didn't know what a blanket was so when he's tapping him with the wand is just like kind of like hitting him in the shoulder am i doing this right it's not i imagine that's how Gio sounds all the time. Am I doing this right? This alien just says to him, you know the drill. Excuse me? Which in my alien abduction history of like hearing other people's stories, when I hear an alien with a probe say, you know the drill, that's telling me he's telling the human to bend over.
Starting point is 00:28:42 I mean, that's what... Like what else would be the alien typical drill? But that's what a doctor says you know the drill it's like a whatever that's also what aliens say with probes what he looks over the table next to him and sees his roommate from oh my god don't make don't make that face I like I'm like in a nervous laugh but it's like
Starting point is 00:28:59 it's not it's not funny he looks over to the table next to him and sees his roommate from the hotel getting raped with tubes. I'm sorry. This went from funny to not funny at all. He asks what's happening to his friend, and the alien just says, don't worry, that's not going to happen to you. He asks what they mean, and they just say, you know what I mean, and then leave it at that. I have no idea what's happening right now.
Starting point is 00:29:23 Are they speaking English? Yeah, are they speaking English but don't know what a fucking blanket is? I'm still on that. Well, they say the idiom, you know the drill, but they don't know how a blanket works. Right. And they clearly know what rape is for them to be like, be glad it's not you. Oh, no, no, no. He wakes up the next morning to a headache and his roommate screaming if there's a strange
Starting point is 00:29:42 mark on his dick that looks like puncture wounds. Holy shit. Oh, so like not even like man sodomy rape, like in his penis, like in his urethra. Holy shit. Yeah, I'm not enjoying this. This got really dark really fast. After going through regression therapy, he strongly resented the first roommate for not trying to save him from the rape. I don't blame him. Oh my god, he was strapped to a metal table. He also tried to show multiple other people
Starting point is 00:30:10 the puncture wound and was probably not that popular at parties. Probably not. He was whipping his dick out and being like, look, aliens punctured my penis. No wonder. He probably never got a date. Oh my god. This is all the information I i found as it's strangely hard to find information on this without buying a book on it anyways i love your podcast you're seriously the best and can i and can i ask what the fuck m's job is and what kind of and what kind of education is needed for that because i'm a freshman art major and holy fuck that's the coolest shit from olivia comma currently drinking hot chocolate olivia listen you really just like either either like i mean no matter what you changed my night
Starting point is 00:30:53 i don't know if it was good or bad no it was bad but we love you my job uh i how do you explain how you get a job in la so what you do is you make a lot of poor decisions and spend a lot of money on education. I made a really poor decision because before I moved out to LA, I had a PhD offer in neuroscience. So don't do that. So I told my mom, no, thank you. I'm going to drive cross country to LA. I have no experience in this industry, nor do I have money, nor do I have a plan. I'm going to get a master's degree in television.
Starting point is 00:31:28 And so I couch surf for a year until I begged enough people in the right places for a job that landed me where I am. And I'm also going to pay my student loans off with several minimum wage jobs that aren't full time. That's exactly what happened um it's almost as scary as that alien story you just told yeah la is pretty much that alien abduction yeah just picture that but like here in la so she's asking what the fuck my job is i'm assuming she's talking about the the graphic prop job prop stop props prop job prop job uh okay so i was a graphic fabricator uh i worked in the graphics production room for the one of the one of the bigger prop houses for the movie industry so it's a giant warehouse full of literally any prop you can imagine from any movie that's happened in like the last 20 years all the way up to props that are being made right now for like pilot season just came out and shows that are about to air and that was my job
Starting point is 00:32:29 and it's so cool and i got a tour of her job and it's as cool as you imagine that it is christine's boyfriend got to hold the thor hammer so that was pretty much all he came for it is a highlight of our lives anyway okay um i have one more story for you crime or paranormal it is a paranormal yes okay this is from uh oh that's her now we're recording in reverse really nice uh her name's natalia nataliaalia says, hello, Christine and Em. My name is Natalia. Hello. Hi, Natalia.
Starting point is 00:33:07 I just want to say you guys do an amazing job. I love the podcast. Thank you. Aw. So this is my ghost story, and it happened in Columbia, South America. Wow. Just in case we got confused about it. Right, right.
Starting point is 00:33:19 Like Columbia, America. Which one it was. Columbia, the college. The college. I was about five, and i slept over at my grandparents during the night i woke up and i saw a black figure outside the bedroom oh no i don't like this that's literally all you had to say for your story to be on our air yep i could see the black figure through the window of the room hope i've been there and i've done that and i'm talking over it this reminds me of m's life okay it kept walking in front of the room hope i've been there and i've done that and i'm talking over it this reminds me of m's life okay it kept walking in front of the window back and forth non-stop it freaked me
Starting point is 00:33:51 out because i had a feeling it was not human it it would come back every other night i never mentioned it to my parents i just kind of ignored it not quite smart well but what are you gonna do you're five years old literally what are you gonna do you don't know any better i know exactly what you're feeling girl years later i told my dad about it he told me the room i would sleep in was fucking haunted now that i look back at it i don't know why they let me sleep in that room he told me that one day when he was much younger he got home really late and he was drunk he shared a bedroom with two brothers when he went to the bedroom it got really cold but he ignored it and went to bed during the night he woke up to his brother screaming the bed that his brother was sleeping in was shaking non-stop no the covers of my dad's covers were thrown across the bedroom
Starting point is 00:34:34 my other uncle was being choked and couldn't move thankfully it stopped and they ran out of the bedroom they didn't sleep in the bedroom that night and why would they probably smart the next morning they brought a priest to see what it was while he was blessing the room he said to And why would they? Probably smart. Fuck that. Like paper letters or like letters on the roof? I think they mean like letters. Paper letters. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:01 Is this Columbia or Amityville? Columbia. I didn't know if you wanted me to actually answer but i didn't but i'm glad you went that extra step i didn't know if we were actually confused okay it certainly sounds the same were there letters on the roof no but there was definitely like beds shaking oh yeah remember the beds broke through concrete uh Uh-huh. Okay, so they found letters and a bunch of other weird shit. The priest said to burn it all. They burned it all and the priest blessed the room. After this, nothing ever happened.
Starting point is 00:35:33 My dad told me the ghost couldn't come into the room as it was blessed and I was a child protected by the universe. So it was outside of the bedroom in the window because it couldn't come into the bedroom. That's literally the same story I've told you about my childhood. Okay. She says, that's my ghost story. Hope it freaked you out. Shout out to all Canadian listeners. Thanks, Canada.
Starting point is 00:35:55 Well, that was nice. I've had that exact story happen to me growing up. Which Christina's heard me talk about very often, but that was... It's terrifying. That was one of the more haunted experiences i've i ever had to go through before it was my profession at one point natalia thank you for your story it is she goes i hope it freaked you out it did thank you it did it brought me right back to childhood so thank you for that all right good are we sufficiently terrified yeah fabulous um thank you guys for listening to us we appreciate all the patreon supporters um our next listeners episode is the first of every
Starting point is 00:36:33 month so june 1st you'll have four weeks now to send us any stories you can think of that you've experienced or that's part of your hometown anything you can find us at and that's why we drink at but you can also come follow us in general at at wwd podcast on just about any form of social media and that's it i've seen you did it this time and oh and that's why we drink bye guys thank you so much we love you all stay safe don't get abducted or murdered or murdered or don't murder or haunted okay just stay safe and hide under the covers thirsty stay thirsty also okay bye

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