And That's Why We Drink - Listener Stories: Vol. 30

Episode Date: July 1, 2019

Happy July! We can't believe birthday month is over but the show must go on... This month we've got some wild true crime listener stories that might be themed Santa Claus or South African cats. We'll ...let you know when we figure it out. We're also losing our minds over a very unnerving tradition of 4th of July alien encounters... and that's why we drink!Please consider supporting the companies that support us! Join Honey for free when you go to 15% off your order of $100 or more at Modcloth when you go to and enter code STORIES

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Starting point is 00:00:00 birthday month is over we're all crying here happy july it's july ugh i'll see you for our birthday month in 11 months. Okay. Bye, everybody. See ya. JK. July is a fun month. Welcome to our listeners story. July listeners episode. We're very excited. We've gotten a lot of good stories. Eva says they're pretty creepy and heavy this time around.
Starting point is 00:00:37 Yep. So I hope everyone is feeling like they need to hear something really dark because that is how this is going to go. I guess that's kind of the point of our podcast anyway. So if this for some reason happens to be the first listeners episode that you are a part of, welcome. This is where we do not actually report on stories, but we read your stories aloud. Yes, Eva hand selects them. Hand selects them. So we also have not read them. So we are going to react with you. Correct. So if you would like to ever submit your own personal paranormal or true crime story and have it potentially in the running to be something we read out loud for you then you can send them over to
Starting point is 00:01:09 and that's where we drink at that's right and you may be selected yay yay um cool so i think you're starting i'm starting i'm starting i'm starting i'm starting all right let's get going so this is from kaylin uh, the subject title is A True Crime Story with a Hint of Ghost. Okay, okay. Kaylin's playing to both of us here. Okay, Kaylin, I see your game. I see your game. Oh, Kaylin.
Starting point is 00:01:34 I'll bite. So Kaylin says, hey guys, I love, love, love your podcast and thank you so much for it. You're welcome, Kaylin. Oh, you're so welcome. That's all Kaylin had to say. Just kidding. This is a story about my great-grandmother since we live in South Africa. I would have sent you the newspaper article, but it's in Afrikaans.
Starting point is 00:01:52 Oh, no. So you guys wouldn't really understand it. That's a way to assume and be correct at the same time. Yeah, way to really know us very well. I've known her as Great-Grandma Kitty. Is there a theme already? Adorable. Is cats the theme
Starting point is 00:02:06 eva also if you're new there we've realized that as soon as we handed the reins over to eva every series of stories has its own little theme except once she's like there's literally no theme yeah and we were like what i don't know and then i think eva felt bad and now there's always guaranteed a theme so last time was potentially cheese or we just demand a theme now we did well it's working because is this a theme this one was just true crime yeah she said in the email there's no theme and so I'm like what are you talking you don't think I'm gonna make a theme oh well yeah sure okay I think it's Afrikaans the theme is currently African cats South African cats Maybe you subconsciously made a theme. Eva, I know what you did.
Starting point is 00:02:46 You're telling me there's not a theme. I know there is. Okay. I've known her as Great Grandma Kitty. In Afrikaans, it's Uma Kitty. Oh, like Oma in German. Maybe it is O-U-M-A? Is that what it is?
Starting point is 00:03:00 Oma? German's O-M-A, but maybe. Maybe it's Oma Kitty. Which I think is really close to German like oma kitty in german wow okay wow kaylin and i just get each other it's fine yeah it's very weird wait maybe i do speak afrikaans actually are you kaylin wait holy hold on are you a cat i think so now i'm really having an identity crisis moving on they're actually studying german as their third language really kaylin you're beating me so kaylin says she was 85 at the time and living alone with her dog on the farm uh a couple of kilometers kilometers kilometers the american in me is jumping out here
Starting point is 00:03:38 we go a couple of kilometers i see what happened you did that on purpose i know i know you know i know you know. Kilometers. Sorry, you can tell I'm like fresh out of America and I don't know how to say kilometers. Fresh out of America. Yep. And still in America, so you're still really... Fresh out and fresh in. Uh-huh. A couple of kilometers away from my grandparents. She was in bed around 10 or 12 o'clock at night.
Starting point is 00:03:58 Not 11, though, apparently. When she heard someone on her roof. She had a shotgun. kitty oh i went different direction with that i'm so sorry is santa the theme here wait a minute oh my kitty oh my kitty uh kitty claws so oh kitty claws hold on everyone's already quit the show sorry oh kaylin's like get through this fucking story i wish i never sent this like, I wish I never sent this in. So, Oma Kitty had a shotgun.
Starting point is 00:04:28 Yeah, she did. And went to go get it and sat on her bed waiting. Her dog didn't even move at all of the noise. So it turns out two of the workers broke open her roof and broke into her house. Oh, my God. What? She said she saw their flashlight searching around the house they took off their shoes probably not wanting to make any noise she poured in the shotgun around the corner took a shot both of them dove out of the windows of the rooms they were in
Starting point is 00:04:56 they cut the phone lines so she had no way of contacting anyone so she sat in her bed with her shotgun and wait until someone arrived a while later my grandparents built a flat across from their house so she wouldn't be too far away not one of the workers got caught but she sometimes worked to a point or she sometimes pointed to a worker and said to the grandfather that that was him no so she knew who it was she had a hunch yeah okay every night she would walk around both houses with her shotgun just to scare them off. She died, but some of the workers still believe that she walks around the house at night. I have a couple others too, but I'm lazy to type right now, but I'll send them eventually. Thanks so much, you guys.
Starting point is 00:05:36 Wow, that just gave me goosebumps. I can't imagine seeing someone like... I mean, I'm very, very lucky. I'm very lucky and I've never had anyone break into my house it's the worst thing i can't imagine the fear it's like the most yeah it's like the most terrifying i mean and like can you imagine though being the person who broke in and you're like tiptoeing in your socks and then a fucking shotgun like blast through the i mean i'd be out that window anyone breaking into a house should probably experience that yeah i think maybe
Starting point is 00:06:02 that hopefully scared them away at least from oma kitty wow okay wow that was startling okay well thank you for setting us off for these stories in the right way i do love that some of the workers still believe she prowls with her shotgun they're like even though the house is now empty don't go in there now i wonder i love that all right so i love that i demanded a lot of true crime and then uh everybody stepped up and then eva was like okay christine i'll do that for you so what do we have here this one is from shelby okay hi shelby it is called before the star court mall for stranger things three it was a movie set oh it was the site of a fellow classmate's murder. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:06:47 What? Hi, I'm Christine Eva in Fur Babies. In honor of July 4th coming up, as well as the Stranger Things Season 3 premiere, I thought I'd share a story about the grisly murder of a girl who I went to high school with that took place at the same mall used for filming the new season of the show. In October 2017, a 19-year-old girl named Silling Man was reported as missing by her uncle. A couple days later, Man returned home. However, in early November of the same year,
Starting point is 00:07:12 she went missing again. This time, her family did not report her missing as they had before, because obviously this was becoming a new normal, and they thought she would return home as she did prior. Unfortunately, the family was incorrect. Man would never return home home to them again she was said to have run away with her boyfriend a guy i also went to high school with named emmett davis the couple stayed in hotels around gwinnett place mall in the weeks leading up to man's murder one of the managers at a hotel
Starting point is 00:07:38 which they were saying noticed bruising around her eyes and he the manager called the police man refused to speak to the authorities people who knew her stated that she had become unrecognizable Uh-oh. Shit. Okay, that part I can relate to. That part looks like the emoji of the two. That part sounds like something you and I would do. Correct, yes. Okay, something we could also relate to, I think. Maybe we'll do. Correct, yes. They sported these tracksuits when they were last seen in a tattoo parlor getting facial tattoos. Okay.
Starting point is 00:08:08 Something we could also relate to, I think. Maybe we'll do. I mean, fingers crossed. Which was unlike Mann's behavior, said her family and friends. The last individual who saw her was her manager at the Michael Kors at a different Metro Atlanta mall when she went to pick up her last paycheck. She was still in the matching tracksuit. The manager was so disturbed by her appearance she also called the police unfortunately they arrived too late the last activity on cell phone and credit card records shows that man and davis were at gwinnett place mall on november 30th this is where her body would be found in an abandoned subway inside the mall oh no on december
Starting point is 00:08:40 21st of 2017 shit i know you're what? How can you hide a murder victim and actual decomposing body in a mall in a public place for over 20 days? 20 days! Absolutely not. In a subway restaurant,
Starting point is 00:08:54 an abandoned subway restaurant. Well, Gwinnett Place Mall is no longer the busy shopping center as it used to be. The mall lost its sparkle when rent became too expensive
Starting point is 00:09:03 and big-name stores ended up moving out. A lot of the stores inside the mall are sitting vacant and the decor looks like it did in the late 80s early 90s which is probably why it's used for a movie set so that's very interesting sadly man was found by a maintenance worker almost mummified in a puddle of her own blood holy shit still in the tracksuit she had been seen in previously the tracksuit however oh my was designed to keep heat and it progressed the decomposition process she was barely recognizable the face tattoo she had gotten a month before death could not even be seen the autopsy shows she died of asphyxiation had four broken ribs and she had been stomped on leaving her with a
Starting point is 00:09:42 fractured finger and wounds on her nose oh my god man looked as if she was dragged through the blood indicating she may have been killed and taken to this location here's the kicker emmett davis her boyfriend left his fingerprint in the blood what a dumbo two days after her body was discovered he pawned her cell phone and retreated to new york retreated sounds like he just like retired and uh went golfing it's like well time to go back to my estate now okay in june of 2018 davis returned to lawrenceville georgia from new york and was arrested for the murder and aggravated assault of shilling man turns out he had an abusive history towards his previous girlfriends what a shocker that is
Starting point is 00:10:20 it's an absolutely sickening story it's beyond sad to recognize the faces on the news and now it is strange to see a show that i completely adore being filmed not only 10 minutes away from where i went to high school but in a location that has such a sinister vibe surrounding it than ever before due to this tragic story i know that was heavy but i love the podcast and enjoy listening to it on mondays to make my day a little better you guys are the best with love shelby wowza that was eva you didn't come to fucking play today that's so wild though because like strangers like you watch the show and now you know i'm gonna watch the mall the whole time you're like oh no is that
Starting point is 00:10:56 the subway is that the right right oh my god how terrifying the maintenance oh my god uh that's horrible 20 days 20 days that's terrible anyway wow i never knew that oh my goodness never knew that okay thank you shelby thank you and i'm so sorry that's really fucking terrible both of those people were in high school yeah with her wow okay um somehow moving on this is from maria hi maria that's my middle name okay this is from christine maria um the subject title is listener true crime story he had a ski mask forget about it okay you get all the like home invasions today this one came in on uh my birthday oh yeah that's fun that's fun they were thinking of you obviously obviously obviously he had a ski mask so maria says hi friends hey uh i was listening to the
Starting point is 00:11:47 most recent listener stories episode wondering why none of these ever happened to me and then i realized i totally did don't think that way otherwise you'll jinx it oh boy that makes me scared already yeah don't uh this takes place a couple years ago during my junior year in college i lived in a house off campus with a few friends and as i was about to leave for class i heard someone walk onto our front porch at this point it was about 10 10 30 in the morning so i figured it was the mailman and thought nothing of it i grabbed my things and head out the door when i get outside i see a man walking down my porch steps surprise it's clearly not a mailman he turns around and i realize he's wearing a ski mask oh oh my god that is not what you want to see
Starting point is 00:12:26 when you open the door i freeze and we both kind of look at each other for a few seconds until he laughs nonchalantly turns around and continues to his car parked near the bottom of the steps i'm glad he was fucking amused okay i was home alone at the time so after he drove away i call my roommates and explain what i saw i was weirdly calm considering what had happened but my roommates told me to go to the police station on my way to school i explained what i saw and they take down some notes but unfortunately i didn't have very much helpful identity identifying information he was wearing a ski mask so i couldn't see his face or hair he was wearing jeans and a plain jacket he drove a relatively common car and i didn't see the plate number wow i tried to see
Starting point is 00:13:03 it but he was parked with the front of his car toward me, and he was maybe a little less than six feet tall, give or take. So basically, I'm giving an accurate description of half of the U.S. male population. Also, since nothing had really happened, they said they'd drive around the neighborhood and take a look, but explained there wasn't much else they could do. A few days go by, and I kind of forget about it until I saw on the news
Starting point is 00:13:25 that someone was shot and killed on the next street over oh fuck by a man wearing a ski mask after an attempted robbery oh my god the guy had a gun i still wish i could have done more to help prevent what ended up happening thankfully though he was caught a few days later after the shooting occurred and was just sentenced recently to life in prison. Wow. Oh, my God. Sorry, the story's pretty dark. Love you guys. Maria. Maria.
Starting point is 00:13:48 But also, think of, like, how close she was to death. Oh, yeah. Like, truly, the guy just, like, stares at her and then laughs. And just laughs like, ha ha, you have no idea how lucky you are. Also, like, he didn't try to break. It's like he was on the front porch and then. He probably tried, like, the door windows or something oh maybe that's what i would think oh i was thinking like maybe he got up on the porch and then like decided he wasn't gonna go through with it and then when they saw
Starting point is 00:14:14 each other he like laughed like oh you're lucky i'm not going through with it i assumed he like tried the door and that's probably more realistic but also something i am afraid to think about but like just lock your fucking door man but like But, like, seriously, that's so scary. Well, and it's terrible. She's like, I wish I could have done more. I mean, you know, it's not her fault that this guy kept murdering people. Like, I hope she doesn't feel guilt about that. What was her name?
Starting point is 00:14:36 Maria. Maria. Yikes! Wow. That's a good one. Oof. Well, I'm so glad that you're safe, at least. Yep.
Starting point is 00:14:44 Yikes, yikes, yikes. Yiker-oonies. All right, so this one comes from Jillian. Cool, man. Is that, okay. Can I go with that? Cool. Got it.
Starting point is 00:14:56 Gave you a chance to... Word, bird. Cool. What's up, Jillian? Subject is, a murder birthed me. Absolutely not. Allegedly. That's more like it.
Starting point is 00:15:06 Hi, I'm Christine. I just started listening to your podcast two weeks ago, and I'm only on episode 40, so maybe someone else has covered this. If not, I want to tell you a quick story that has swept the town of Syracuse, New York, in the past few years because there's literally nothing else to do there. So in the area, there are only a few OEGYNs that are relatively popular. One of those doctors, robert neulander newlander well she gave me the pronunciation because she knew it fuck it up well at least it's better than me yesterday with edinburgh oh my edinburgh i'm such a fucking idiot um okay
Starting point is 00:15:41 dr robert newlander was the ob-gyn to many of the moms in our area including my own mother this means he literally was the first person to see my brother and me come into this world my mom adored him as did most moms who had worked with him well in 2012 the news came out that his wife had suffered from a stroke and fallen in the shower and died while dr newlander was out on a run at the lake when he came back with coffee in hand for her he found her dead in the shower and died while Dr. Newlander was out on a run at the lake. When he came back with coffee in hand for her, he found her dead in the shower. What the frick?
Starting point is 00:16:11 However, many people didn't think this was actually the case. When the investigators got there, they found her laying in the bedroom next to the bed. Blood was pulled on the floor and spattered on the walls, headboard, and blinds. Oh, shit. When questioned about this, he said that he had to move her from
Starting point is 00:16:25 the bathroom to the bedroom so he could perform cpr on her okay which you can hear their daughter pleading with him not to do in the 911 call the police accepted this reasoning at the time even though anybody with any sort of medical experience knows not to move a body with head trauma right he's a doctor right that just occurred to me so he knows better than anyone a medical doctor yeah uh knows not to move a body with head trauma because you don't want to risk a spinal injury okay then dr mary jumbelik well didn't give me a pronunciation for that one nope that was all guess great dr mary jumbelik the retired county chief medical examiner and friend to leslie newlander so the wife asked the
Starting point is 00:17:05 da to look into a potential homicide as rumors began oh my god so her friend is the chief medical examiner good luck to the husband oh my god as rumors began circling that their marriage had been rocky when she looked into the head wounds that supposedly came from a fall in the shower she said that she had only seen those in blunt force trauma cases and other major incidents, but not from a fall in the shower. Oh, no. Dr. Newlander even testified that he and his wife were going to try a trial separation because they had been having problems.
Starting point is 00:17:35 Oh, boy. Another inconsistency was that the bed Leslie had been found next to was pristine and had new sheets on it, and the housekeeper who had just changed the sheets days before noted that the sheets on the morning of Leslie's death were different than the ones she had just put on the bed. Oh. Hmm. Interesting.
Starting point is 00:17:52 The daughter, however, was an eyewitness and had called 911 upon her father's request. That's so sad for the daughter. Fuck. When he found his wife's body. She remembers being in her mother's room the night before Leslie's death and she testified that the sheets had not been changed. She says that the first time she saw blood was when she saw her mother's room the night before Leslie's death, and she testified that the sheets had not been changed. She says that the first time she saw blood was when she saw her mother's body in the bathroom, even though she has heard saying there is blood everywhere before she made it to the bathroom. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:18:15 She also remembers seeing her father take off his shirt that was covered in blood and throw it to the side of the room, which the defense says caused some of the blood spatter. But the prosecution says was him trying to hide evidence. see long story short here's what the prosecutors say he did dr newlander and his wife had been having issues and she was going to leave him a family friend even said she was about to sign a lease in an apartment soon he couldn't deal with this so he tried to kill her in the early morning in the bedroom by hitting her over the head with some unknown weapon she didn't die yet and she tried to escape from him. So she ran to the bathroom, but he got to her and finally killed her in the bathroom. Oh my god.
Starting point is 00:18:51 He took the sheets and the weapon and brought the evidence to the lake and threw it into the lake, which is too deep to search. After this, he came back, found, quote-unquote, his wife in the bathroom, and asked her daughter to call 911 as an alibi and manipulated her. So he went and bought coffee and stuff. Remember? Because he came home with coffee for her. That's sick.
Starting point is 00:19:11 And asked her daughter to call 911. I was going to say, that makes me feel bad for people who work at Starbucks. It's like someone could be coming in to get coffee for an alibi. Yeah, I guess so. Shit. Hey, Barista, you're subpoenaed for... Can I have an extra cold brew? Yeah, I murdered so. Shit. Hey, uh, Barista, you're subpoenaed for, uh, to testify. Can I have an extra cold brew? Yeah, I murdered my whole family, but, like, don't worry about that part.
Starting point is 00:19:30 But you're gonna need to testify that I was right here. Right, exactly. At 1125. Um, right, so he asked his daughter, her daughter to call 911 as an alibi and manipulated her into thinking he had found Leslie's body. However, because there was blood in the bedroom already he had made a reason or he had to make a reason for her blood to be in the bedroom since he killed her in the bathroom so he dragged her from the bathroom into the bedroom under the guise that he couldn't do cpr in the bathroom before the daughter could notice he was
Starting point is 00:20:00 found guilty and sentenced to 20 years to life while his daughter screamed, I was there. You didn't do it. Oh, no. Oh, God. All four of their children and Leslie's family, even her sister, believe that Dr. Newlander is completely innocent. Oh, my God. Oh, what? And was just in shock to find his wife, which is why he moved her.
Starting point is 00:20:22 Much of the community believes this, too. My mom believes that he found her dead in the shower and wanted to preserve her dignity so he brought her into the bedroom a lot of people also think that rumors spread through the town and that the retired county medical examiner unfairly persuaded the da to prosecute because she was grieving the loss of a friend got it recently texts were found on one of the jurors phones that the court believes could have influenced her into finding him guilty so the case is being appealed oh wow so there was jury what's it called I like that like um there was philandering going on there's a lot of philandering yeah yeah um this case has completely divided the city and was even featured on a CBS special called the doctor's daughter anyways that's the story about the man who birthed me allegedly murdering his wife however it's not as technically alleged because he was convicted right but alleged i guess in the eyes of most people yes thanks for
Starting point is 00:21:15 the podcast i work in a lab and listen to it all day until i'm there alone at night then i need to turn on music instead because i get too scared say hi to baby g for me and give him a good pat on the head he He's so handsome. Hashtag team wine from Jillian. Thank you, Jillian. Wow, what a crazy connection, though, that, like, you were birthed by this person. Jeez.
Starting point is 00:21:33 Or, like, delivered, I guess, is the word. Delivered, yes. Hopefully not birth. Oof. Holy crap. I was going to say something. That's bananas. What's the fucking word jury thank you
Starting point is 00:21:48 people are gonna text it at me i need to remember it when you like mess with the jury oh god messing with the jury jury tampering sorry okay tampering tampering all right got it philandering philandering all the same all the same so uh this story is a bonus story right i don't know yeah we saw i got saw it one more and you got one more oh shit sorry i'm like are you okay no okay that's okay i've got you so this is is from Leonette. Oh. And the subject is day drinking took a weird turn. It always does. So she says howdy.
Starting point is 00:22:31 Howdy. So after being on the fence for some time, I decided to reach out to y'all and share a little story you may or may not enjoy. Great. 50-50 on so far. I love that. I live in downtown San Antonio, a cute little loft over a tattoo shop. I like it so far yeah uh it's generally pretty cool both hip and happening oh yeah i love it we're so hip and
Starting point is 00:22:50 happening i'm uh you're hip i'm happening um sure okay but to the surprise of no one it isn't the safest area night as the night has the occasional police siren and there is a slowly increasing homeless population a lot of immigrants both legally and illegally seeking asylum here. Okay. They are often the sweetest people, but at night, as a 20-something-year-old woman, you don't care how nice a stranger approaching you is, you just want to mind your own business and, of course, watch out for the not-so-sweet people. Sure.
Starting point is 00:23:19 Sure. One day, I got unusually lucky and was released from work early. Like any responsible adult, I told all my friends to meet me downtown ASAP for an extended happy hour. Hell yeah. It was an extra extended hour and just the right amount of happy. Around midnight, I walked home. It was only a few blocks away, and I was confident I would be fine. Oh, boy.
Starting point is 00:23:42 Oh, no. It is, after all, the Riverwalk. There are always people around. It was an easy walk, but when I got close to my place, I noticed a man slouched in front of my doorway, like awkwardly leaning against the shop. I paused for a second, then decided that as a strong, confident, slightly drunk woman, I would be fine just quickly moving past him to get inside.
Starting point is 00:23:59 So I kept my head high and marched past the man to my door without incident. As I entered the code to the building, I couldn't help but be bothered by something. The guy didn't even seem to acknowledge me, which oddly weirded me out. So like a genius, rather than go upstairs to the safety of my place, I peeked my head out and looked at the man. Nope. He seemed a bit like a hipster, buffalo plaid, beard, tattoo, etc. And the dude straight up wasn't moving. So I say to him, Hey, buddy, you okay? Only slightly hating that I said buddy for some
Starting point is 00:24:29 reason. I kind of love it, but okay. He doesn't respond. So I walked up to shake his shoulder for God knows what reason and he falls. So I screamed and jumped back a good 10 feet and he's still not moving. Oh my god. I think just go inside, but I can't just leave this guy. He obviously needs some help. So I checked again, awkwardly rolling him over. It was at this point, my drunk self realized his eyes had been open this whole time. Oh my God. He was kind of stiff.
Starting point is 00:24:56 His eyes were somewhat glossy. No pulse or signs of breathing. He was dead. God. Oh my God. A dead man leaned up against. Standing. Fucking dead. That defies gravity. gravity well i guess slouched sure probably got oh my god okay okay there's more right that's not important that's
Starting point is 00:25:12 not important uh yes okay trying to get myself out of that headspace it was at this point i probably realized despite my day drinking i was not drunk enough for this shit well amen could you ever be really i call the cops and to the credit of the san antonio police department they were there in a heartbeat but they did keep me around to answer some questions and such i didn't actually go upstairs until about three in the morning i gave my cat some food and grabbed one more beer because damn i needed it yes uh i got into work the next day with about three hours of sleep and when my boss started teasing me for being so out of it i defensively yelled i found a dead guy.
Starting point is 00:25:45 It's been a difficult 12 hours. I later learned the poor guy had overdosed and just felt awful that rather than being surrounded by friends or family when he passed, he was found by a stranger wearing a hat that said salty. But I guess sometimes them's the brakes. Them's the breaks. Yeah. Is that a thing? I think so. Okay.
Starting point is 00:26:07 We're hip and happening. Sure. I'm happening. I don't know about the hip part, apparently. So, yeah, drugs are bad, okay? That's all I've got for you two for now. I do have some more paranormal stories. I will send out a later date, but for now, I'll just leave with this gem.
Starting point is 00:26:22 Love and Bucky's Beaver Nuggets to you all, Leah. Whoa. That is bananas. for now i'll just leave with this gem love and bucky's beaver nuggets to you all leah whoa that is beneath dude i did not expect that's where that was gonna go i thought for sure it was gonna be much more like violent or like he like stalked her to the room or yeah yeah i'm i mean i'm not glad that that's what happened no no at least she was safe right right right and at least somebody found him. Oh, my God. That's so scary, dude. Yikes.
Starting point is 00:26:48 Of all things. I mean, the odds of that, that is just wild. Anyway, we were in San Antonio, right? At the Riverwalk? Yeah. Oh, we had a much different time. Oh, oh, oh. Oh, my goodness.
Starting point is 00:27:02 Okay. Wowza. Well, thank you, Leah. So the theme is still kitty. Kitty cats, by the way, way in case anyone forgot it's been pretty on point i think cats and santa claus yeah thread i think the theme seems to be trauma because everybody's like experiencing quite a fucking traumatic event yeah yeah um including maybe this from blair hi so this is called odd lights on the horizon parentheses an alien and then another parentheses question mark and parentheses listener story okay and parentheses i see hi i'm christina geo i want to start this off with a thank you for you guys putting all the time and
Starting point is 00:27:37 effort into making this podcast come to life you're welcome i do it for you just for you blair i've never really listened to podcasts much i don't often have the attention span and somehow this is the one that got through okay all right i'll give it to you but i found your podcast on spotify on my birthday my 21st i'm officially legally team wine yay and i've binged my way up to episode 40 from the 6th to the 21st so oh your birthday's the 6th that That's 4, 5, 6. Happy birthday. Oh, wow. Sorry we didn't read you in birthday month.
Starting point is 00:28:09 I guess you were still finding us. It's okay. We were still finding ourselves. We're still finding ourselves. Yeah, that's a lifelong process, I think. All I know is that I can speak Afrikaans. I learned that today. I'm happening.
Starting point is 00:28:21 I'm happening. And you're happening. Yeah. My story is an alien one well that's that's the best part of this yeah love it love it every year when i was living with my parents we would go to the same soccer field to watch fireworks on the fourth of july every year without fail i would see a handful of three to five lights that would float just off to the horizon before the show and just after sunset they always floated suspended occasionally fading in
Starting point is 00:28:45 and out of existence and would disappear just before the show began every now and then they would disappear from one spot and reappear seconds later farther away from what could have been a plausible aircraft traveling distance and sometimes one light would disappear and reappear as several oh okay no one ever saw them when i pointed them out that's not a good sign shoot especially as a kid like yeah exactly not family or friends or previous relationship partners i never thought they were anything supernatural or alien as a kid until they continued to show up every fourth of july no matter where i was or whether or not i was waiting for a firework show very interesting we're reading this for the july i was gonna say very oh that's the theme actually independence i okay i see eva yeah he was like yeah i did this on purpose no but that
Starting point is 00:29:29 you know what's creepy about that i mean it's in like five days they're gonna see them again oh god the lights we're not going am i invited no you are maybe you i'm not going five days oh five days from right now yeah okay i was like one plus five is okay a few years ago i decided to take a personal road trip into the local mountains oh i don't like the start of this sentence immediately this is immediately maybe don't do this a few years ago i decided to take a personal road trip into the local mountains to picnic on july 4th knowing that you see these creepy things okay i would be like july 4th is the day that i never leave my house correct this is my basement slumber party time right right right while i was driving through the winding cole creek canyon i saw the same lights above the horizon after dark shortly after a car
Starting point is 00:30:14 behind me began flashing their brights at me assuming it was someone who wanted to pass me i pulled over and waited for them to drive past but no car ever did nope i pulled back out and continued my drive and the headlights reappeared in my rearview mirror nope flashing their brights again this happened once more before they finally disappeared and immediately after i watched immediately after i watched as the alien lights that had previously been on the horizon passed me overhead absolutely also fading out of sight i recently met someone who shared these experiences with me, having seen them on the horizon every fourth. What?
Starting point is 00:30:48 In the same way, no matter where he was either. Maybe there's one little community of people across the stratosphere. Maybe they're somehow connected to this certain... Like indigo children or something. Yeah. Hmm. Gray children. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:03 Yeah, I like that. This has less of a ring to it i guess gray kids nope okay we'll figure it out we'll work on it yeah we'll we'll shop it no matter where he was either and so far he is the only person i've ever met who has we have plans to get together this fourth of july and see what happens holy shit wait a minute that's so great they better be recording this dude you have to update us immediately on this please we can do like a mid-month update or something because i need to know like what if like oh my god two of them in the same place like maybe maybe maybe that's not supposed to happen
Starting point is 00:31:35 maybe the aliens were always hoping they would never find each other super freaky also stay somewhere safe please don't go out into the mountains again with someone bring a flare gun or something but i mean even for two people that just met maybe like be in a public oh right yeah sure that too i don't know sending now i sound like a mom i'm sorry okay sending geo and everyone in the atwwd family my best blair holy crap alien stuff personal alien stories get me because it's like it's not like you know an old report or something it's like yeah someone literally saying no that's what i saw the headlights behind them like flashing their brights and you know you're not making that up when you're driving in the
Starting point is 00:32:14 dark by yourself and you know that they're right there's yeah they're intentionally communicating with you i don't know forget about it and also please don't forget about it because i want to know all about it in three days okay so usually we only do six episodes but we do have a bonus six stories but we do like we are not doing six episodes but we do have a bonus story this time around so it was like maybe something a little uh less heavy so well this is already less heavy because the uh writer's name is the tater tot fairy so i don't know that sounds pretty dark to me it sounds like the tater tot fairy has a checkered past so uh the subject line is something lived in their ceiling this sounds pretty fucking dark but okay we'll see
Starting point is 00:32:57 where it goes so uh the story goes hi i'm christine eva geo and lemon oh lemon says hi yep you hear that i'm victor hi victor and recently learned about a story from my fiance about something very creepy that happened to them okay when my fiance was younger they lived in a house they thought was haunted and they used to be an avid believer i still am uh they were in middle school and their parents were both at work their brother wasn't born yet and they were home alone only with the cat and dog. The house was a duplex. The neighbors didn't have any pets and were gone to work as well. So there was no one in the building at all besides them and their animals.
Starting point is 00:33:38 They suddenly heard three loud banging noises like when cops knock on doors like bang, bang, bang. Oh, nope. That's not a good sign. And it was on the inside of their garage. The knocking was on their garage door. The door was completely closed beforehand, so it wasn't the door falling by itself and making noise. Right before it happened, their dog was looking at the door with the tail tucked between her legs. Oh, no. Her teeth showing and growling, and their dog was looking at the door with the tail tucked between her legs oh no um her teeth showing and growling and their dog was clearly very angry i know this dog and she
Starting point is 00:34:10 doesn't do this unless there's something like a human or a squirrel or another dog so there's got to be something that's making this dog either a human squirrel or another dog yeah or a human squirrel that looks like a dog well see now that would be quite the story that would be the one they grabbed a knife like the smart cookie they are and turned on the garage light and looked around there was no one there and they didn't hear anything move like a car door which would which they would have because they were inside a quiet house attached to the garage and you can hear everything they looked behind boxes and the infamous garage freezer and there was nothing there the ceiling and the garage was always
Starting point is 00:34:45 missing panels but they assumed it was ghosts because you know believers think everything is a ghost yeah i know about how m thinks don't worry it was a ghost um but now that they are more skeptically they've been wondering what the banging was if not ghosts it was ghosts in case you forgot um and what if someone was living inside their fucking ceiling they didn't think about that until just recently but they think that someone could have been living in their garage ceiling without them ever knowing and that's why they drink so apparently they hold on so they think someone could have just been living in their ceiling the whole time the panels were moving around because they kept missing panels forget it okay i think i missed that i like didn't get that yeah so the
Starting point is 00:35:27 panels were missing like regularly and they thought it was ghosts just like getting rid of panels see no see that's when you got to get a little bit like someone who's like oh maybe we should call the police i don't know so apparently there was bang bang bang above the garage all the time or in the garage or in in the ceiling within the garage yeah and uh and then they would lose panels so it sounds like someone was living in their garage for sure i wonder they should have kept track of that freezer seeing what got goes missing in that oh yeah they should have left like popsicles in there during the summer the best kind of popsicles just to see if they got stolen some of those like uh those like uh what are those called freeze pops yeah yeah just like a
Starting point is 00:36:05 bunch uh so that's their story they occasionally listen to your podcast when i put it on around them and i've heard everything i've heard and i've heard every episode one of the true crime stories even happened in my hometown oh god i forget which episode and i can't find it but i want to say thank you for all your entertainment and i love every single episode especially the more grotesque ones double team milkshake and one hashtag team lemon yay team lemon thank you i like how one of them is team lemon they're like no but that's too far well thank you tater tot fairy victor right victor thank you victor i appreciate it oh my god and thank you to your fiance by the way yeah someone was in your fiance's ceiling for sure sounds like it that's spooky that's scarier than a ghost in your garage as far as i'm concerned yes a thousand percent no thing and especially if you're home alone as a middle schooler with a knife like
Starting point is 00:36:53 right and your dog is scared see that's when you know like firm pass anyway all right well thank you guys for the stories thank you eva for hand for curating our collection today i can't believe cats is the theme i shouldn't't have seen it all along. I think the theme every month has been cats. I think so. Since the beginning. Thank you, guys. And we will tell you more stories in August.
Starting point is 00:37:14 Unless we hear from Blair and their alien sightings. UFO experience. Yep. All right. Thank you guys so much. And send in your stories. And that's why we train. Beep.

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