And That's Why We Drink - Listener Stories: Vol. 32

Episode Date: September 1, 2019

Happy September, Boozers and Shakers! We might have gotten distracted by pizza and some old school nonsense videos online but we're here and we're slap-happy! We're also terrified of mirrors... per Ch...ristine's request we have a mirror-heavy episode full of some truly scary stories of listeners plagued by horrifying mirrors and mirror specters... and that's why we drink!Please consider supporting the companies that support us! Download the app on your iPhone or Android today. It's completely free and totally easy to use - just tap, shop and save! To get 15% off your purchase of $100 or more INCLUDING all sale items, go to and enter code STORIESat checkout!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 hey we are here for your first of the month it's that time of the month oh i know uh-oh the moon is full um christine tell them what time it is i don't too late 11 too late we had a big day where we met at three o'clock in the afternoon to record a regular episode in our listeners episode guess who forgot about the freaking gd listener episode until 10 p.m well both of us well i forgot you remembered we got sucked into watching snl we we recorded our last episode and then we took a break we took a break to eat pizza and then while we were eating pizza we got sucked into tv we were it's not even tv we were watching the fucking like shoes let's get some shoes and like badger badger badger badger and like charlie the unicorn and like what was the other one old school nonsense
Starting point is 00:01:02 oh my god and then oh and then here's a llama there's a llama that's my favorite and before we knew it it was 10 o'clock 10 30 poor eva was like yeah dumbasses i knew this all along and leans over to me and whispers we didn't do a listener's episode and i went oh shit and eva was like i'll stay and we were like please go home we've ruined everything so it's 11 and and then now we're reading your we were going upstairs and evo was like by the way they're really scary so i'm sorry that it's dark out and i was like she did tell us there's a theme maybe the theme is just shut your pants you're gonna be terrified and she was like so sorry it's late
Starting point is 00:01:39 and it's scary and i was like it's only late because we waited seven hours that's not anyone's fault except ours only ours so we're very excited for these creepy stories and we're also a little slap happy good that's the way it needs to be so let's fucking do it man i'm gonna clear my throat thank you so much that was so enjoyable for me i just ate three cookies and so i am a little my throat's closing up and brought some cookies and they were good and was like I guess I tried to guess at a recipe of cookies and I guess they turned out perfect and I was like get out of my house it was a very weird thing to happen to me where I've been watching a lot of uh food network and I was like I can probably make cookies and then I didn't look at a recipe and I expected it to be like a funny thing I told you about later where like there's a
Starting point is 00:02:23 pile of messy food that is unedible yeah and then it ended up turning out to be like a funny thing I told you about later where like there's a pile of messy food that is unedible. Yeah. And then it ended up turning out to be really wonderful cookies. And Em goes, oh, I was thinking about your lumberjack cake. And I was like, oh, thanks. I'm glad that your perfect cookies reminded you of my fucking fatal flaw and the disaster that was your birthday. Also, before anyone tweets me asking for a recipe, I'm telling you I did it with my blindly. I don't remember what I did.
Starting point is 00:02:46 I literally was like, OK, well, that was that because now I don't know how to do it. Yeah, I was like, I just made it up. I was like, I'm just going to I'm going to end on a high and never make cookies again because they turned out pretty fucking perfect. I've had probably four. That's a compliment. No, they were. I brought 10.
Starting point is 00:03:00 Dude, they're fucking good. Thank you. And then Blaze was eating them. We're all eating them. They're very good. I felt very proud of myself. So I'm excited. I really actually're fucking good. Thank you. And then Blaze was eating them. We were all eating them. They're very good. I felt very proud of myself, so I'm excited that... I really actually wish that you had the recipe. It's like the episode of Friends where she's like,
Starting point is 00:03:11 Nesle to Nuz. Actually, maybe that is. Maybe I just memorized the package. It's probably. All right. Should we do this? Do this thing? Nope.
Starting point is 00:03:21 Okay. Wow, I gotta clear my throat again. Are you allergic to your own cookies? Maybe. Did I put milk in them? No. Oh, God. What did I put in there?
Starting point is 00:03:30 I put in a lot of butter. I hope you didn't. Oh, there it is. Oh, that's why they're so fucking good. Also, it's not just normal butter. I browned the butter. Oh, come on. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:39 You watch a lot of Food Network, huh? I was like, if people on Chopped Junior that are 10 can brown butter, I can brown fucking butter. It's the 10-year-olds that'll always get you. And I use two different types of flour, two different types of sugar, and two different types of chocolate for the chocolate chip cookies. Fuck you. Okay, no wonder. I was like, if I put a little bit of everything in here, something's bound to be tasty. Did you just, like, go to Ralph's and buy all this? No, we just had it.
Starting point is 00:03:59 You just had all this different type of butter and shit? Yeah, well, I had butter. I had... We had sugar we had i think i got chocolate chips and i got flour oh god you're a demon i just wanted to see what happened it's very good it's very good worked out fun fact who goes first i do okay i always go first because the show's about me don't you remember trust me you never let me listen sidekick this uh is this first one is from sarah sarah's title to the email is a tale of two mirrors okay great because guessing now
Starting point is 00:04:34 mirrors are the first subject is about mirrors and it said per christine's request so i said some shit i'm sure did you say something about mirrors i think i did because i talked about how scared i am of mirror so this going to be a great episode. That makes sense because Eva said they're scary. Yeah, and I'm going to feel really good tonight when I have sleep paralysis. Go ahead. Starting early. I'm guessing it's a mirror theme.
Starting point is 00:04:53 Uh-huh. Hey, I'm Christine, Gio, Junie, and company. Lemon. Yep. I almost said Leo, who's Spanish. Also Leo. Also, hi, Leo. Thank you for everything you do.
Starting point is 00:05:04 It's also sorry for everything we do right yeah sorry for all of our weird texts in the middle of the night i don't think he realizes how close i am to texting him being like can i buy a delorean literally the minute he was like here's my cell phone you could text me about anything we were like you don't know what you've done like you made a mistake is this an expense where the best thing he ever did was give me an amazon credit card, and I was like, that was a smart choice, Leah. Okay. I absolutely love your guys...
Starting point is 00:05:32 What? This is just funny. We're such a shit show right now. I'm such a... I had a glass of wine for the first time in like three weeks, so I'm feeling real good. I have no excuse. I absolutely love your guys' podcast and have been to some of the places you're you've covered which is always really exciting on the last listeners episode
Starting point is 00:05:51 christine said she wanted mirror stories did i now did she ever for me and i have a weird connection with mirrors so i thought i would share some of mine oh dear when i was 14 i was having a sleepover with my friend it was around 2 or 3 a.m and we were awake and giggling because we were obviously so rebellious for being up so late at night i remember those days out of nowhere there was a great loud crash uh our crazy loud crash and keep in mind it was pitch black in the room so we didn't see anything no i get up and turn on the light and my mirror had fallen off the top of my bookshelf the mirror normally leans against the wall while sitting on top of the bookshelf but nothing else had fallen the mirror wasn't broken just face up on the ground in front of the shelf face up yikes that's a weird fall this was surprising since uh there was an even
Starting point is 00:06:36 larger paperweight i kept in front of the mirror to keep it in place which hadn't moved at all oh ew that means so it had to have lifted go like over the mirror yikes i mean the paperweight yeah we thought it was weird but quickly forgot about it and went to bed this kept happening with the mirror i would come into my room and find it on the ground in front of the shelf but never splayed out it was always parallel with the shelf yikes that's not good like it was purposefully placed like that oh this happened for several weeks and after several days i'd be like absolutely not after one night you and i would both be out of there well time to throw that away yep uh one day i was folding laundry on my bed and my back to the mirror when i heard a loud crash i turn around and sure enough the mirror is on the ground face down
Starting point is 00:07:21 parallel to the bookshelf and i'm annoyed i replace the mirror and go to the bathroom when i come back the mirror is on the ground facing outwards leaning against the bookshelf oh no um there's no way it could have fallen like that especially since i had so much crap on the bookshelf in front of the mirror and nothing else moved it eventually stopped and i believe this is because it was happening so often, I wasn't even scared, just annoyed. It was, like, not having the effect anymore? It was like, oh, so you're not even, why am I wasting my time? What a boredom.
Starting point is 00:07:58 Which I guess is what a poltergeist, like, all of you feed off of your fear, and eventually if you just aren't scared, and you're like, can you please fucking stop? This is so stupid. This is boring. I guess eventually it'd go away. Wow. So, anyway, she says, so I might have cracked the code. One more short one. I was about 15 and my boyfriend was over and we were watching TV while my mom was down the street at a board meeting.
Starting point is 00:08:14 Netflix and chill. There it is. I got up to get a glass of water and pass through the dining room to get to the kitchen. In my dining room, we have a huge ass mirror. It's at least four feet long and three feet high. And it's always given me the creeps. no i don't know why i felt the need to do this but i turned to look at myself in the mirror and the me in the mirror didn't look right i started to lift up my head in the mirror and the me in the mirror lifted the opposite hand no with a sort of delay as well no the weirdest thing was i wasn't scared at first, just intrigued.
Starting point is 00:08:46 I remember doing a wave motion with my hands or with my arms and the me in the mirror did not change expression at first, but it started to turn more into a grimace, which was nothing like what I was doing with my face. Forget it. Finally, I snapped out of it and freaked down, called my boyfriend over. I tried to recreate it, but nothing happened, of course. Can you imagine? He's like, I'm trying to watch this movie and you're over here waving your arms. It's like you're discovering a fucking mirror and I'm supposed to be proud of you. You're a two-year-old discovering your reflection.
Starting point is 00:09:14 Yeah. But seriously, oh God. Nothing happened and I made him wait outside with me until my mom got home because I didn't want to be alone in that house. I still don't pass by that mirror at night. I wouldn't either, dude. I didn't want to be alone in that house. I still don't pass by that mirror at night. I wouldn't either, dude. I wouldn't either. I've heard the instances like that in mirrors can mean that your doppelganger is nearby.
Starting point is 00:09:32 And that's sort of a sign. Well, that makes me want to throw up. Thank God nothing else happened after that. I was definitely thinking, you know, about how scared I am of doppelganger. This is not, this is a scary episode for me already. And we're one story in. Five more to go. scared i am of doppelganger this is not this is a scary episode for me already and you were one story in five more to go anyone or anyway i love the podcast and sorry this was so long my friends think i'm spooky and haunted since so much has happened to me so i will send more stories another
Starting point is 00:09:55 time thanks for all you do sarah sarah you're a gem and i love that you're so haunted and spooky you're terrifying sarah we love it you and your doppelganger yeah i made such a good joke earlier and it took everyone in the room so long to hear me because you said it kind of like softly and it sounded just like what i had said so i said we were talking about survivor and my brother said you could win a car and i was like oh yeah they just ship you a toyota highlander and m was like toyota islander and like I was like yeah yeah and then I was like wait what did you just say and it took everyone a minute and we were like did you just say Toyota Islander and it was really fucking funny. I thought it was so funny. It was. There were three other people
Starting point is 00:10:36 in the room and nobody reacted and I was like I guess I'm just gonna sit here and look pretty since that's all I'm fucking good for. I was I was like I thought that was good good and it was really funny i just thought you had repeated what i said and i was like yeah yeah and then i was like wait a second that was wait a minute did genius just happen and i overlooked it beautiful and i almost brushed right over it and you wouldn't have even my dumb ass would have been like did anyone hear my joke but like you just were gonna let it go i'm just gonna take it in gray so i was like clearly i'm not as funny as i think i am so i'm gonna embrace that and you know you are you know you're just as funny i'm honestly hysterical it's the funniest part about it it's crazy it's crazy i'm like sarah i'm i'm staying up too late i'm too rebellious for this
Starting point is 00:11:20 oh god remember when it was like we'd stay up till three like oh don't tell my mom and now it's 10 p.m and i'm like oh lol meanwhile i could not fall asleep to save my life last night and i went to bed at like what like six or seven in the morning true i'm still jet lagged and i was nine i'm like nine hours ahead so like the second hits like 2 p.m i'm like okay it's 11 i'm getting tired and then i have to fucking i went to sleep and within probably 10 minutes of going to sleep allison's alarm went off for work and i was like this is not good now that's a nightmare i don't know what happened i was like not doing anything wild and i wasn't like staying up and watching tv or fighting sleep i just could not get my like i
Starting point is 00:12:00 was just tossing and turning for hours that's the worst because when you don't even have a reason there's nothing you can do. You can just lie there. I was trying to like meditate, but then I get distracted by like a song in my head. It was so, it was just, that's the worst. I really hate that. That reminds me of high school. I feel like that happened to me all the time and I never slept ever. High school sucked.
Starting point is 00:12:16 High school was the fucking worst, dude. If you're in high school, it gets better. Trust me. Trust both of us. It does. Sometimes I literally this morning was thinking like remember that time i had to wake up at 6 a.m i don't know how i used to do it every single day not i feel like there's a million people listening to us who wake up at six or like
Starting point is 00:12:33 you need to shut your mouth but also like but like wake up at six and sit in a room and learn about fucking kings from 1805 like i don't know how i did it even in my adulthood like when i had a day job i didn't wake up until 730. Like I remember waking up at 6 a.m. Yeah. And somehow like not even complaining when I woke up. I was like, oh, this is just my life. It's just normal.
Starting point is 00:12:52 The earliest I ever did was 445 to get to the bus at 515 to get to the early pre-morning. If someone told me to do that, I would be like, I'm dropping out. It's like laughably absurd. I'm like, I don't know how anyone expected me to get good grades. And then, by the way, exercise for two hours after school because I was an athlete. Yes, and then there's the fucking other shit they want you to do to get a good... Wake up at 6am,
Starting point is 00:13:14 go to school for eight hours, and then also do physical labor with my body. Absolutely not. And then be well-rounded, and then come home and do more work. And also be well-adjusted and adapt. I mean, that definitely didn't happen happen we're the first people to ever discover how dumb high school is in case you're wondering we're both coming to the same i feel like everyone who's 15 is like oh my god fuck this place they really think that like this is this is this is like
Starting point is 00:13:37 i don't know they the establishment yeah fuck the establishment and then you like go to college and you're like why were we so stupid and now I've reverted back to being like, that was so stupid. You're right. There is, like, a looking back, like, that's not fair. Kids, you peak in college. I tell my sister. Educationally. I tell my sister, like, it's not fair.
Starting point is 00:13:54 Trust me. But it'll get better. And then it'll get worse. Well, taxes. It always gets worse, but it always gets better. All right. I'm going to read you this next one which is also called mirrors that never break per christine's request well per your request here this is from adrian you don't get to complain
Starting point is 00:14:09 hi adrian hi guys my name is adrian and i'm a huge fan of the podcast i found it a few months ago and i've binged every episode i listen to new episodes every week while i get ready and make my way to work oh that's nice i'm a scorpio i'm not gonna say a damn thing but a good one m that's what every fucking scorpio says by the way i trust you adrian i like scorpios and was born five days before halloween and have been obsessed with horror true crime and the paranormal for as long as i can remember i even had a ghost hunting channel on youtube for a while that's okay that makes you kind of cool adrian that's neat this story takes place on my aunt and uncle's farm in a very small town in Kentucky around 1987. My aunt
Starting point is 00:14:48 Frankie and uncle Calvin have four daughters and the youngest one's name is Mandy. To paint you a picture, my uncle Calvin is a very tall, sort of burly farmer with a long gray beard and is fiercely protective of all of his daughters. I like how he sounds so far. Yeah, like kind of a burly lumberjack
Starting point is 00:15:04 with a soft heart. He sounds like a dad with a soft heart cool dad mandy was about six at the time with long blonde hair and looked exactly like heather michelle o'rourke from the poltergeist oh super i like where this is going they lived in a cute little trailer on a farm that has been in the family for generations and is extremely haunted okay well you still like it no no in mandy's room was a large antique armoire and on one side of the doors was a long mirror mandy would stand in front of this mirror for hours looking at herself and singing songs to herself and playing with her dolls kind of adorable but when i know that this leads to haunted things it's just just ripe with creepiness yeah it's
Starting point is 00:15:44 adorable for five minutes like oh she's brushing her hair in the mirror for hours i'm like there's a problem she's humming to a invisible friend i think correct sometimes my aunt would swear that she was having a conversation with someone else in the room and would frequently pop in to see who was there there it is and ask who she was speaking to but there was never anyone else in the room things like this happen often but were brushed off. One night from across the house, Uncle Calvin had crawled into bed and was about to drift off to sleep when he heard Mandy humming and singing a song.
Starting point is 00:16:11 Good night. Absolutely not. This wasn't a sweet lullaby or a cute children's tune, and only could he not figure out what it was, but it sounded like a very old song. A song not from this time. Absolutely not. He kept listening and realized that she wasn't singing alone. Oh, God, fuck me. You fucking Scorpio, why would you send this story in?
Starting point is 00:16:30 There was someone else harmonizing and singing along with her. When I tell you I gotta drive in my car back to my dark-ass apartment after this. My dear husband just walked in the front door, so I'm gonna be like, protect me! He's gonna turn right around back to the hospital. He's going to go back to the emergency room and be like, I'm safer here. You're fucking terrible. If I ever hear anything harmonizing with my lone child sitting in a mirror brushing her hair. That whole play, all it takes is one lit match.
Starting point is 00:17:01 Me and my kid are out, man. Just shove the entire trailer filled with sage set the thing on fire it's like it's been in the family for generations no more it's gonna end with mine it's ending here here and now um he jumps up out of bed and races across the house only to find mandy sitting alone in the dark facing the mirror absolutely not when asked what are you doing out of bed it's late and who are you seeing with she looked back at him no and then Absolutely not. No. This is horrible.
Starting point is 00:17:40 She wants me to come with her. I can't. You... Uncle Calvin's blood went cold. He grabs her and puts her in bed with her mother across the house, throws on his housecoat and boots, picks up his armoire... Oh, picks up this armoire, and puts it in the back of his truck and in the dead of night drives it to the very back of the farm where no one ever goes, leans it up against a tree, finds the nearest heavy log, and shatters it to a thousand pieces. Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Yes, sir. That is how you handle this.
Starting point is 00:18:06 Thank you. This is almost like your match plan. Yeah. Similar. Just destroy the damn thing. Just destroy it. Also, I like that I've been imagining him as someone who doesn't really quickly believe in the supernatural, but he's like...
Starting point is 00:18:19 I was like, you know what? We might as well just be safe. And there's a line, and it's been crossed. It's the second i hear harmonizing you can sing any old lullaby you want but the second second you're fucking harmonizing the next morning comes and uncle calvin is asking mandy a million questions about this little girl and all she can remember is that quote she looks just like me but has long black hair and she wants me to come and play with her. Ew, like her doppelganger. Yeah, yikes.
Starting point is 00:18:46 Uncle Calvin gets ready for the day and goes to head out to feed the cows and has this urge to drive up to where this mirror had been placed the night before. He is shocked to find that the mirror is not only no longer shattered, in fact, but is perfectly intact as if nothing ever happened. That's when you light the match, man. And then if it's back back you just bring a circle of priests around it and everyone and everyone harmonizes in bible verses that's what fucking happens sing a psalm gather your local priests he shatters it again oh my god and again day after
Starting point is 00:19:18 day this is not a real story and it somehow was always perfectly intact the following day as if it were unbreakable at that point you start videotaping this and you submit it for millions of dollars yes like evidence to be fair this is 1987 but sure sure uh finally one day he had enough and decided to set it on fire em you literally called it listen i know what's up and he did but to this day there is still a perfect path leading up to where this mirror sat and my cousin mandy doesn't like to talk about it much because it scares her and she can't remember it very well. Well, good. She always says she felt like she was under hypnosis during those times.
Starting point is 00:19:51 But she does have a photo of the mirror sitting up against the tree. And if you turn it upside down, you can see a little girl with long black hair. No wonder Eva willingly let us watch SNL skits until 10 o'clock because she knew we would let her leave and then willingly let her leave and then she was like you can read these alone sorry guys bye smooth move eva i hope you guys enjoyed the story i have dozens of others about the same farm that my family still lives on and would be happy to submit more don't you dare but also maybe but also do thank you guys for being you and loving true crime and the paranormal just as much as me adrian i wish at some point it i mean
Starting point is 00:20:32 i would never be this fucking brave but it would be interesting if he knew day after day that thing was going to somehow rebuild itself if you shattered it and sat next to it for 24 hours to see if anything would i think i'd be like what would happen what if you just like had a barbecue next to it just to see what would happen invite the whole family down i bet it'd be one of those things where like you're like you look away for a second i was gonna say it would probably find a way that's so heinously gross sick oh yeah yeah i thank you kind of thank you for that the story is from jacqueline um story is called oh good mirror story for christine wow guys what did i do i don't even remember this
Starting point is 00:21:13 this is like it feels like a lifetime you were under hypnosis or something do you feel like there was i remember like talking to my friend who has black hair and looks just like me you can only see her when you take a picture upside down absolutely i take a selfie when my phone's on the wrong the literal stuff of nightmares it is hi everybody including lemon okay you guys that make me feel young my name is jack it's said jack lee okay okay i know if it was okay i'm gonna go with jack lee i think it was i think the end got forgotten so it is jacklyn or it might be a nickname i see all right so that's your name we don't know we've decided and i'm writing in because christina asked for mirror stories i love how i did that and i have no memory of it and while i don't have a traditional sort of mirror
Starting point is 00:22:02 story i do have one regarding an obsidian mirror that i use for scrying oh for god's sake here we go oh no i'm a tarot reader and teacher and i also specialize in spirit work and past life regressions can i so far we're a big fan can i talk to you i have a lot of questions that being said i often see spirits around it's one of the reasons i have crowd anxiety i can't tell who is dead that i can confirm your friend has that my one of my friends is a medium and she regularly has told me stories where she thought she was in a crowded room she'll leave and be like wow it was really busy in there and the people around her will be like what are you talking about we're the only people in that building oh my god she God. She said one of the, I remember one of her most wild stories was she went to, like, Christmas Mass. Oh, yes, yes.
Starting point is 00:22:50 I remember this. And she was, like, she remembers being so suffocated in that church that there were so many people around. But everybody on the second floor balconies all looked like they were wearing, like, older clothing. No. And she didn't understand why they were dressed a little different um but she remembers just being crowded in there and then when she left she was like it was so crowded i could barely breathe in there and her family was like we were one of the only families in that entire church oh my god so can confirm you i believe her immediately freaky i believe
Starting point is 00:23:21 her and i believe jackie slash jacklyn's jackley oh my god okay uh so at home when contesting the other world oh boy i use obsidian mirrors to scry for four about four months ago after a fairly intense past life regression i went to wash my hair and when i got out of the shower something was breathing on me no wow listen are you naked because that is such an invasion that is it totally um i couldn't see them but i could feel them i tried calling out to them by voice but they didn't respond instead they tossed a candle from the stool by my toilet to the floor super no no it shattered to pieces by my feet and i had to quickly leave the bathroom. Typically, I do not have bad experiences with spirits. Usually those experiences consist of my body reacting to the unconfined energy of the spirit
Starting point is 00:24:13 rather than the actual spirit itself being angry. Okay. Sort of like when you put your tongue to the end of a phone charger. I like how they assume I've done that. I have. I was going to say. say i mean she's not wrong i know what you're talking about yeah yeah uh but having glass thrown at me shook me to my core and i went straight to my reading area to figure out what was going on wait that's like
Starting point is 00:24:36 violent yeah i i mean literal glass was thrown at you yeah i have a large obsidian mirror at my desk and picked it up because i could feel the presence with me in the room obsidian mirrors work similarly to regular mirrors so when i held it up i could see the room behind me okay great i swept over my living room and saw nothing but i backed up slowly to the bathroom where the glass still was i moved the mirror to see inside the bathroom and saw the spirit of a young girl sitting next to the shattered candle when she saw me looking she mouthed she was sorry i told her it was fine put the mirror down and cleaned up the glass i did a tarot reading later and the girl simply wanted me to tell my client one more piece of information so she tossed the candle not knowing it would shatter so she was like just trying to get her attention like i still have something to
Starting point is 00:25:23 say i still something to say and then it shattered and then she felt guilty about it and so sorry that's pretty i mean that's a wildly intelligent spirit wow i know and while this was scary it's definitely not the craziest thing that's happened to me then why on earth are you not sending those stories i'm the one fucking demanding mirror stories from everyone instead can you start requesting like the scariest creepiest thing that's ever happened to you ever? Guys, I have a request. Let's hear it. What is it?
Starting point is 00:25:48 I think I want to hear something very specific. And I want to hear the scariest, creepiest thing that has ever happened to you. There you go. Yeah. The most wild thing. The most wild thing. There it is. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:26:00 I'm talking to my. Are you harmonizing? I'm harmonizing with my twin in the mirror right now. I don't know if you can tell. Well, we are Gemini twins. That's very true. And if... Never mind.
Starting point is 00:26:11 I was going to say, if the mirror were astrology, we would be twins. Wow, that's... That's so stupid. I'm so slap happy. I swear we're not on drugs. We're just tired. I'm just on, like, three wildly buttery cookies. I was going to say, cookies, you slept two hours last night.
Starting point is 00:26:24 I'm still jet lagged nine hours ahead. We're in a very weird place. Oh my gosh, yeah. So it's like what, 6 a.m. for you? Uh-huh. Great. I hope this wasn't too long. Love y'all's podcast.
Starting point is 00:26:34 I'll see you the next time you do a show in Nashville. Team Wine on Weekends. We'll be back. Thank you for your story. Team Wine on Weekends, love it. No, it's actually like 8 a.m. for me. I'm ready to get up for breakfast now oh good god damn it that sounds that is creepy thank you jacklyn or jackly or
Starting point is 00:26:52 whichever whoever you are this email is called frenemies the woman who lives in my mirror wow you've really nailed it huh you know what i'm so happy even at this point probably just has to use the google search engine just type in whatever your request was and it'll show up cowboy cheese right it works okay so this says hi eva m and christine i've been thinking about writing in this story for a while now and since christine asked for mirror stories i needed to tell you about the mirror that i grew up with and still follows me absolutely so here it goes can i leave while you tell the story yeah you go downstairs eat some more cookies i've always had a sensitivity
Starting point is 00:27:34 to spirits as well as having premonitions i had an imaginary friend who i always talked to and played with like she was there me too and one time when my mom and I were at an open house, I asked her to leave the house because I didn't like the way the walls stared at us. If my child... If my child... Bring matches everywhere you go. Yeah, and then even if it's not my house, I'll just look at the owner and be like, I'm doing you a favor. Yeah, open house, sorry, this place needs to be burned to the ground.
Starting point is 00:28:00 Yeah. So I said some pretty creepy shit and my mom wasn't thrilled about it, as she probably shouldn't be. When my sister moved out, I got her old room. My mom got me some new furniture from a family friend and this was my first time seeing the mirror. It was white with gold trim and it gave off, I hate to say it, but squiggle squiggle, bad vibes. Squiggle squiggle, asterisk asterisk. Squiggle squiggle.
Starting point is 00:28:21 Love it. Lylas. I started to see shadow outlines in the mirror when I would look up quickly. My siblings also saw a figure in the mirror when they would walk past. After living in the room for a bit, my recurring nightmare started. The dream started with me trying to leave a house through the garage and an old woman would come out of the attic to chase me around the garage. To chase you?
Starting point is 00:28:42 Oh, fuck. Trying to kill me. It absolutely terrified me. The activity in the house, it's especially like a stranger. Like a random person with no reason and you can just guarantee it every night. Chills. Like, oh, I'm not going to sleep because I have to get chased by the strange old lady in our attic. That can also run through walls.
Starting point is 00:29:01 Oh, no. The activity in the house started to pick up the older I got. Things like pens being thrown across the room, whispers in my ear, and even an incident of my ankle being grabbed while I was in bed. Firm pass. One of my regular fears is being grabbed when I'm sleeping. It's such a prominent thing. I think about it, I'm not kidding, at least five times a night. Well, like, I can't have my feet out from under a blanket.
Starting point is 00:29:22 I can't, but also i recently went through like a two-week bout of not having air conditioning phase and allison and i were welcome to my life dude it's so hard because you want to be under the covers but also you're like i'm melting we literally spent two weeks we just had the blanket on the floor we just slept lying on the mattress and every night i was convinced something grabs your feet something was gonna grab each of my legs dude it's such a real fear. I don't know why. My brother also used to hear footsteps from the basement. I'm like, I don't know why.
Starting point is 00:29:52 And then I'm like, I'm literally reading a story about someone's ankle being grabbed in their sleep. So maybe that's why. I know why. I guess I do. My brother also used to hear footsteps from the basement going up to my room every night. After being grabbed, I started sleeping downstairs on my brother's floor. Oh, poor thing. God. My brother started seeing an old woman that would stand by me and look at him when he told me this i brushed it
Starting point is 00:30:10 off because i thought he was just messing with me until i saw her one night i woke up in the middle of the night and saw her standing over my brother she looked exactly like the old woman from my dream she wore an old long dress with an apron and her hair was short and curly after i saw her leaning over my brother my ass rolled over and said fuck that shit and pretended to sleep for the rest of the night we dealt with this for another year and finally our parents got a divorce bless up bless up bless up indeed sometimes it helps listen with all of with all of the horrific paranormal shit going on in my dad's house do you know how grateful i was to have another home yes like no i'm not staying here listen what do they say it's called a breakup because it's broken bless up what on earth to me actually i take back what i said because both
Starting point is 00:30:55 houses were haunted so oh we're still talking i thought we're talking about divorce sorry no i was talking about thank god oh i had a different place to run away to oh well my mom's yeah i was gonna say my dad moved out and immediately his house was way more haunted than my mom's. Not good. I left all the furniture at that house and dipped with my mom. We were in an apartment for a while and then my mom got engaged to her boyfriend. They bought a house together and she skipped on inviting me to the open house, considering what happened last time. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:31:22 Because you talked about the walls. They're looking at me i finally moved in all my stuff and went to the garage and guess what the fuck garage it was the one from my dream oh my god so it wasn't even a garage she knew it was like just a garage and then years later she moved into the house and it was the same which means the visions that the thoughts she was having are about to come true. The future. This, grandma's gonna start chasing her. This is not good. Uh, the garage. I don't know who this is.
Starting point is 00:31:49 Sorry. Just assumed. The garage layout was exactly the same down to where the attic door was placed. I told my mom and we quickly saged the house. My mom and I are both sensitive to all that and we, my mom would have been like, please leave me alone. Oh my gosh. My mom and I are both sensitive to all that and we didn't feel any weird energies before or after saging so we
Starting point is 00:32:09 figured we were all good we never had any incidents with spirits in that house my dad wanted to get rid of my old furniture and dropped it off at my mom's new house so once again this fucking mirror lives with me when i was a senior the incident started again the lock on the door would get stuck so i would unlock it and then still couldn't open the door i would flip back and forth between it being unlocked and locked and finally and finally look to the side and say really and then i was able to open the door another incident was when i was moving to college i was taking apart my bed and put one of the boards up on the wall it'd been sitting on the wall for over three hours and right when i walked by the board it felt like it was pushed instead of me accidentally knocking it over. My brothers
Starting point is 00:32:49 and I found out that my older sister practiced witchcraft and use a Ouija board in her old room all the time. And a man also killed himself in one of our closet rooms. Excellent. So our house was kind of screwed from the start. The old woman comes to me and dreams sometimes and I think she is attached to me. Oh god now i have a forever friend and buy all my furniture from ikea yeah amen i love you all so much look i love a good uh like recycled like restored piece of furniture do you do you yeah i do but if i'm the second i realized that furniture could also be haunted or have something attached to it i was like i'm just gonna go to target well it says love you all so much t so thank you t that was uh a wild ride oh yeah a trip i don't know who knows about this but for my anniversary with alice and
Starting point is 00:33:38 i i made her a vanity yeah and my um my big fear which i really did think about before I built this thing, was that it would be exact on the opposite wall of our bed. So a vanity has a mirror. And I really thought about, like, what if I'm lying in bed? Like, I can't just look out into the room anymore because I'm looking directly at the mirror. You cannot. Which means I'm going to see some stuff. As someone who's requesting mirror stories, apparently you cannot. No, I absolutely don't look out into my room anymore when I'm lying in bed.
Starting point is 00:34:12 I don't want to find out. Mirror scared the shit out of me. All right. This is our last one. This is from JD. Well, I have one left, but yeah. This is my last one. This is from JD.
Starting point is 00:34:21 It's called Reflection Mirror, Savannah, Georgia. Oh, I love Savannah. Dude, that place is so haunted. So this is what jd uh it's called reflection mirror savannah georgia oh i love savannah dude that place is so haunted so this is what jd has to say hey guys i heard in the last listener episode you needed mirror stories so here you go i'm such an ass i'm like good for me uh at least your voice is being heard christine demanding things from people me and my wife recently took a much-needed vacation to savannah georgia and we airbnb'd a carriage house in downtown and were a little creeped out about the setting being it was 10 p.m with moss and candles everywhere which is the normal decor of savannah blaze and i went to savannah and he was like i want to move here like he's obsessed it's really the second beautiful
Starting point is 00:34:58 town once you go you never want to leave it's so fucking gorgeous it really is just so so pretty and then we saw some confederate flags and we're like right we're still in georgia okay that's why they have the really long heavy billowy trees to cover all the confederate flags yeah and it's a very i feel like it's a very liberal artsy town in the middle of georgia but oh it's so beautiful of every of every town especially in the south it's so beautiful oh well and so shout out to virginia uh oh yeah which is the normal decor of savannah my wife and i are very big believers of the paranormal and felt at ease when we got inside the house and did not feel any negative energy good that's great good start uh we ate dinner and went to bed not once getting any negative vibes or anything weird
Starting point is 00:35:41 happening very important i have been in airbnbs where i was like this shit's haunted i don't even want to be here yeah like where we found lemon you know which one i really the airbnb when we went to for your wedding the one in ohio that we stayed in i gave you a hotel and you were like now you're right you're right i'm just saying it was a perfectly good hotel next to the venue and you fucking threw it back and said no. Uh, ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba. We ate dinner and went to bed, not once getting any negative energy. The next morning I woke up early like normal and made sure to ease out of bed not to wake her up. And the bedroom was down a short hallway that opened into a kitchen slash living room on my way down the hall.
Starting point is 00:36:22 I heard a spoon slide onto a pan and the weight of a person shifting on the wooden floor oh i paused and immediately thought okay someone double booked us and there is a person in our house by accident the door unlocks with a code sure um i got a curtain rod from a closet in the hallway the sounds of cooking continue and i proceeded to the hall i saw our stuff still in the living room, so there was no way whoever was apparently making breakfast didn't know we were there. Right. So I knew it had to be a serial killer who's making us breakfast before he kills us. Yep.
Starting point is 00:36:53 And I'm standing at the end of the hall, out of sight, trying to assess the situation, and I realized there was a brass lamp in the corner that showed the entire room and its reflection. Oh, God. lamp in the corner that showed the entire room and its reflection oh god in this reflection i saw clear as day the tv the couch the fridge the sink and a tall man in modern clothes actively making breakfast over the stove holy shit i jumped over the corner knowing i had to protect myself and more importantly my wife from said intruder good for you i would have not been that brave absolutely not and around the corner i found a perfectly clean kitchen with nobody there and the floor and the front door locked i immediately returned to the hallway to look at the lamp again from the same angle hoping to see a man-shaped object oh my god that is now clearly just a jacket hanging
Starting point is 00:37:37 on a wall but instead i see the clean kitchen and empty living room just as it was as a semi-skeptic i tried to debunk the situation zach baggins style yeah and recreate everything perfectly all angles and conclude uh it couldn't have been done or it couldn't have been something i saw from just waking up because i was full of adrenaline well especially if you're gonna sleep there again like you'd want to debunk it right you're like i don't want to fucking be convinced it's a ghost i have a lot more stories from that four-day vacation from plates audibly breaking but not physically to my wife getting locked in the bathroom that doesn't lock anyway thanks for hopefully reading this story if it's hard to read i'm not a writer we love your show you guys are awesome we love you lemon we love you lemon is that what's their name jd jd that was you are
Starting point is 00:38:27 a writer that was a great story also that's fucking scary and to see a reflection of a person like and to know it's clearly a person and you know it's modern clothing like you see enough of it and hearing it yeah and like what and you can hear someone walking on the floor you can hear the cooking i think it was a ghost. I think it was like a residual. Maybe. Probably residual, right? But like if it was a ghost in modern clothing, like it couldn't be.
Starting point is 00:38:52 I mean, it could have been someone like repeating the last things that happened to it the day before the day it died. Oh my God. Like making breakfast on the way to work and then it died later that day. Oh my God. Oh my God. That is spooky dude or maybe the uh that spirit really loved cooking and it's well cooking at all when it was alive a lot of times residual uh spirits are just doing what they love the most like walking through a wall like
Starting point is 00:39:18 walking through my favorite activity either they repeat history or do the things they love the most their passion making eggs um okay so this is the last story it's called mirror mirror mirror mirror develop the photo oh boy this is gonna scare me this is from olivia from philly sup hey sup hey fam sup sup we're cool olivia if you can't tell long time listener first time writer in her just cut up on the august 2019 listeners episode and heard christine's request from your son you can't say i love past me every single one of these happen because of you i'm such a pain in the ass okay i think i've got a pretty heartwarming one okay even new yeah you gotta end on the high yeah my mom works as a nurse in a hospital, and she has very scientifically minded friends.
Starting point is 00:40:07 One of those friends tragically lost her husband. She and her daughter were struggling to cope, understandably so. The woman somehow got in touch with a medium. All over the phone, the medium, only knowing this woman's first name, told her to grab her daughter and stand in front of a certain mirror in their house and to get the photo developed. This is when rolls of film were still a popular thing. She did as she was told and got the photo developed.
Starting point is 00:40:33 When she got the photo back, she and her daughter checked it out. In the photo, the husband, slash father, respectively, was standing with them in the mirror, smiling with his arm around them. No way. I have chills. I have full-blown chills me too every time i think of the story i get chills and it makes me think that my very skeptical nana is with me as well hope that nona nana n-o-n-a nona nona nona i don't know i hope i don't know
Starting point is 00:40:59 you're an idiot hope this warmed your hearts and struck up some good conversation yeah i did no no no no no uh and struck up some good conversation lots of love and so so so many pets for baby g olivia from philly ps please see oh so please see the attached photos i was gonna no thank you i was like oh no i was like g gimme. Please see the attached photo of my 13-year-old pup, Oscar, who's in a little outfit and plaid, and he's very sweet. So sweet. Sorry, I literally just threw that on the ground. The fan took it away. Yeah, it was a...
Starting point is 00:41:36 To be like, oh, go stand in front of a specific mirror, take a photo, get it developed, because a medium over the phone can't know that something will happen. I wish it were always that easy. Me too. Like, you can just go up to a mirror and there's like some proof or something yeah that's pretty cool though it is i wonder if a mirror makes it easier for a spirit to like present themselves i guess so i think it does but you know how i feel about mirrors apparently yes apparently i said something you said a whole lot of thank you for scaring me everybody like i requested you did a good job of thank you for scaring me everybody like i
Starting point is 00:42:05 requested you did a good job now next week send in your also next time will be october so it's fitting to be the scariest halloween it up people halloween it up for all the people who are like i have the scariest story but i'll write in about that one later those are the ones those are the ones also you guys i'm very thankful because i've literally requested cowboys doppelgangers and mirrors and you guys have fucking nailed it and i'm so scared and so happy so thank you you guys have very scary lives and i'm thankful that they're yours and not mine thank you for having scary lives and letting us report about them yeah let's just like experience them second hand uh we hope you had a have a great september yes and next is halloween guys we're so close we're so close
Starting point is 00:42:46 wiggle wiggle wiggle i'm sorry it's too late we need to go to bed all right thank you everybody we'll see you soon that's why we drink

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