And That's Why We Drink - Listener Stories: Vol. 33

Episode Date: October 1, 2019

Happy spooky season, creeps and peeps! We're bringing you some wild stories today from a request Christine doesn't necessarily remember making: the scariest thing that's ever happened to you! Tune in ...for some sleep paralysis, poltergeist activity on Devil Lake and a faceless imaginary friend ...and that's why we drink!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to Spooky Season. It's Spooky Ookie Day, and it's our Spooky Ookie Listeners episode. It's the first day of October! Yes. For a second I was like, no it's not, but when this comes out, yes. We're pretending! It is nearby it's nearby and uh eva selected some spooky ookie stories i love spooky ookie i don't know where that came about i don't know if you said it first or i said it first but i like it uh ally says it all the time
Starting point is 00:00:38 yeah she always goes spooky ookie and so then i started saying it well that'll do it it's questionable at best but happy happy October. I hope everyone has a great Halloween season. Do you have any plans, Christine, for Halloween? Oh, do I have any plans? No, do you? I do. So, per usual, every
Starting point is 00:00:57 October, I spend every weekend going to a different scary haunted jump scare attraction thing. That is the opposite of my plan. And I have just purchased all of my tickets. I've purchased all of Allison's tickets, so she can't say no. Oh. And we're going front of the line, as we usually do, because I refuse to wait, because I'm an impatient person.
Starting point is 00:01:16 Yes. Other than that, what am I doing? I'm going to go to a pumpkin patch at some point. Don't know when, where, or how. Maybe you'll be there. I've got to do a fall festival. Maybe you'll be there. Maybe we'll go on Farmer Bob's tractor.
Starting point is 00:01:26 I don't know, because last year we were going to, and then you went without me, so. We'll talk about this later. Okay. Yeah, I don't know. I want to do some fall things. I don't want to do jump scare things. I want to do it all. I also am making apple cider tonight.
Starting point is 00:01:41 That's fun. Love a good apple cider. Love a good apsi. Get out of here. I'm fun. Love a good apple cider. Love a good app-sci. Get out of here. I'm going to have a little hot cocoa. Allison wants to do a 31 Days of Halloween. I doubt we're going to do all 31, but there's going to be some variety of watching a Halloween movie every night. That's always good.
Starting point is 00:01:57 RJ has requested the old Disney Channel original movie, Don't Look Under the Bed, or Monsters Under the Bed, or Don't... I'm not sure. I haven't heard of it, but he said it used to scare the poop out of him when he was little. So looking forward to it. That's going to be quite a mess. I don't know. We live in like a neighborhood, so we have a lot of kids that come by on Halloween, which is always really fun.
Starting point is 00:02:19 And we guess what costumes are going to be the most popular. And we just sit around and eat candy and have drinks. What do you think the most popular costume is going to be this year? It's always some version of Spider-Man or Princess. Sure. You guys, get more creative, man. Come on, dress like us. Come on, kids.
Starting point is 00:02:39 What else? I don't remember. I feel like I'm not prepared. It's not technically October yet. We have like four days. So I need to really up my game. I've been sick for a couple days. Christine isn't totally here today.
Starting point is 00:02:51 I'm a little bit away from here. Her clone is here. Her very sick self is here. Spooky ooky. Ooky ooky. If you want to get a real costume going for Halloween, it's going to scare everyone. Dress up like Christine. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:04 I'm going to dress up as a pretzel worm anyway so that's that um we're gonna do spooky things i guess um and now we're gonna read spooky things to you yes if you uh somehow have never listened to a listener's episode before first of all this is the first one you have the opportunity to watch on youtube valid point so if you are listening you are listening via audio right now, you can also find this episode on YouTube if you want to watch us read these to you. Yes. If you are a new timer and you're finding us on YouTube, you can also listen to this on Spotify. Or you could do both. Or you could do both. And get us those downloads. For those who don't know what the listener stories are, we have people send in their own
Starting point is 00:03:43 personal true crime and paranormal stories and they send them to and that's why we drink at So you can too. And then Eva, the angel in our life, she picks. This month she's the demon. This. She's the little witch. She's our little jack-o'-lantern. She's our Eva lantern.
Starting point is 00:04:00 Eva lantern. Aw. She hand selects them for us to read out loud and react in real time with you. Isn't that great? We have fun. So we haven't read these yet. So this is my jump scare of the month. This is the only jump scare I'll be doing.
Starting point is 00:04:13 We're really cracking into Halloween as we speak. So I'm going to go first? You usually go first. Yeah. Okay. All right. So this is from Jessica. Jessica's title is, or her subject line,
Starting point is 00:04:29 the scariest, most creepy things to ever happen to me per request. Apparently I requested this, which all the subjects seem to say when Christine requested, which has been happening recently, and I don't ever remember requesting these things. When we first started, it seemed to just kind of be a hodgepodge. I thought you were going to say hot mess, but yeah, either way. There used to just be a random assortment of stories but as time has gone on christine has started requesting themes i don't recall this i think it was me this time because last episode we were saying you keep asking for all these requests why don't we just get like the scariest fucking things it literally ever happened then why do they all say as requested by christine per christine's request?
Starting point is 00:05:05 Because I said it and then I said requested scary because something happened where I mentioned it. And then I said, since it's your thing, you have to put it out there. And then you copied. I see. Oh, so this is all your idea. I orchestrated it, but they're listening to the you as the mass. All right.
Starting point is 00:05:18 I'll let you have it this time. So anyway, I've already discovered our theme this month is the scariest thing that has happened to these people that listen to our show. That's probably a good Halloween theme, I would say. I think so. Happy Halloween to us. Okay, so Jessica says, Hello, all. Hello. As requested, I'm here to tell you about the scariest, most creepy thing that has ever happened to me. Perfect. I'll jump right into it, as you should, Jessica. You've talked about this topic topic before and I've been waiting for my opportunity to tell you my story, but never thought I would get the chance. Well, Jessica, here we are. Here it goes. She's like, I regret it. She's actually already. I don't want this anymore. Please take it away from me. Let me get my beverage. Oh,
Starting point is 00:05:57 tell the, tell the audience what you're drinking, Christy. Um, a venti peach green tea with muddled strawberries. Yay. And I poured some cherry juice in it because it wasn't sweet enough for my liking. I'm going to tell you about two of the most horrendous experiences with sleep paralysis I've ever had. All right. Nobody asked for horrendous. I can confidently say that.
Starting point is 00:06:19 I manifested it privately. I'm glad you caught on to that. Note, these are not in chronological order. I saved the more scary one for last. Oh, glad you caught on to that. Note, these are not in chronological order. I saved the more scary one for last. Oh boy. Thank you for that. Thanks. The first I will tell you about is one I like to call the rake, which is extra creepy to me because I don't even, I can't even make up a context for that. Yeah. It just sounds like something that shouldn't be scary, which is probably why it's so scary. Yeah. yeah, yeah. I have no idea where this is going. Usually if it's something called like the shadow man, it's like, okay, I get it.
Starting point is 00:06:49 It's like the witch who crawled at my stomach and then scratched my eyes out. Oh, I see where this is going. But the rake, I'm like, are you gardening? Okay. I like to call it. That does sound scary, by the way. The rake, due to the creature's striking resemblance to the creepypasta known as the rake. Oh, so we're just dumb and not internet literate.
Starting point is 00:07:10 Got it. Got it. Oh, by the way, the rake is something I will look into for a future notice because I want to feel hip and with it, especially since we're doing this for the youths. Yeah, look, I'm wearing a young 90s retro shirt. Aren't I cool? Oh, the youths don't know what that is. Teens.
Starting point is 00:07:21 They don't know who Cynthia is. Listen, the teens think the 90s are cool again, remember? Okay, teens, go back and ask your mom and dad what the Rugrats were, and then they'll tell you what this means. Okay. Womp womp. Let's see. Oh, the rake.
Starting point is 00:07:35 Okay, yeah. We're one line in. Good. Going strong. I'll attach a photo to up the creep factor so you have a mental image of what it is I saw. Prefer not. Super duper.
Starting point is 00:07:46 I was lying in bed on my back with my head turned facing the wall. I looked to the corner of my room and saw a creature crouched there. Good. I wanted to scream, but no sound came out. Ugh, I always hate those fucking dreams. The creature was murmuring in a garbled, phlegm-filled voice. God. The kind of voice one gets when they desperately need to clear their throat
Starting point is 00:08:06 another thing i hate sickening let's all clear our throat like wait it sounds like a little bit like you i'm i feel paranoid about it yeah uh it looked like it was holding its hands up to its mouth but i wasn't sure as it had its back towards me the creature stopped it lifted its head it turned its head slowly to face me but it wasn't a fluid movement the motion was choppy like the movement of the silent hill nurses or a poorly buffering video sick like this one yeah yeah yeah finally it faced me and licked its lips with a long forked tongue oh after this the creature turned the rest of its body to face me the sounds of wet crackling as it moved filled my ears it moved closer and closer to my bed until it was close enough that i could see moisture glistening off of its smooth body
Starting point is 00:09:00 it lit it locked its eyes onto mine for what felt like hours i could feel the hostility radiating off the creature it didn't want me to be alive but then in an instant it was gone and i could move again and that's apparently fucking it what what the fuck just happened that's the worst thing i've ever so uncomfortable really, I'm so uncomfortable. Truly ever heard. And I got no emotional closure from that. Okay, well, I stapled a... Is there a photo? Hang on.
Starting point is 00:09:29 So, the second one, which apparently is worse. Let's remember that. Yeah, okay. The second one I'll tell you about was my first ever experience with sleep paralysis, which happened about four years ago. I was lying on my back with my head facing sideways toward my wall. Side note, I never sleep on my back anymore. Well, after these two experiences, I don't even on my back with my head facing sideways toward my wall. Side note, I never sleep on my back anymore. Well, after these two experiences, I don't even want my back.
Starting point is 00:09:48 I always wake up on my back, which is scary to me because I'm like, I can't even control it. I fall asleep on my side and then I always wake up on my back. It's true. If you're unconscious, if you're bound to just end up on your back, there's no stopping this from happening. I guess you can do that thing that you do when people are drunk and you put a backpack on them so they don't throw up. Oh, yeah. Okay, I'm just going to start. We're just going to sleep in our backpacks. I'm you can do that thing that you do when people are drunk and you put a backpack on them so they don't throw up. Oh, yeah. Okay, I'm just going to start. We're just going to sleep in our backpacks.
Starting point is 00:10:07 Looking like I'm going to school. Looking like we're so excited for our first day of school tomorrow. Okay, facing sideways toward my wall. A tall, emaciated, pale, almost gray figure walked up to me. Incorrect. It was holding something and it smiled at me, a grin I will never forget. It lifted its hand with something in it and quickly lowered it, smashing it into my face. A punching you is what it sounds like.
Starting point is 00:10:38 It was then that I realized it was some sort of meat that it was holding. Oh my God. So it's punching you with meat in his hand disgusting eat the meat first as i say it sounds like m's dream just double fist and steak and punching people yes sounds like me to this day i do not dare question the origins of the meat why would you its smile grew impossibly wide it cocked its head to the side lifted one finger and gestured with a come here motion i wanted to bolt i wanted to scream i wanted to do anything but lie there paralyzed
Starting point is 00:11:10 the creature again lifted its meat filled hand and slammed it into my face oh god this time as the meat whizzed out of my field of vision the creature was gone and i could move i've had many experiences with sleep paralysis these were just the scariest i hope and i could move i've had many experiences with sleep paralysis these were just the scariest i hope you enjoyed these stories i love the podcast it keeps me going through my days of a boring desk job much love jess ps i have another story you don't have to include if i but if i were to have all right let's move on if i were to ever be given the honor of being in a listener episode as you are what an honor regretfully to all of us uh it did scare me enough and I swear it took years off my life
Starting point is 00:11:50 well let's buckle up my my fiancee at the time now my ex okay sorry about that um or congratulations we don't know uh told me the story of a pale lady why would well i wonder what now i don't know now i don't wonder why they're your ex i guess is the pale lady your ex wait a minute allegedly once you hear the story of her well she will haunt you until you pass the curse onto someone else by telling them you little demon just we look we started you know who did this? Eva. Eva. Eva got the story in our inbox and said, well, now you guys need it. If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times, Eva, you're fucking fired. God.
Starting point is 00:12:32 This is awful. This is really terrible. She's trying to pass it on to us so she doesn't have the curse. Yeah, I know. That's what I'm saying. Okay, everyone watching this or listening to it, go text your friend about this immediately so none of us are cursed. We're making it, we're putting the curse on you.
Starting point is 00:12:44 By proxy, yes. Okay. So here's the the here's the story great good luck she will knock on your walls okay and do a manner of unspeakable things i don't know what that means immediately after telling me this story oh i'm sorry did i fuck this up allegedly once you hear the story she will haunt you until you pass the curse onto someone else by telling them she will knock on your walls and do a manner of unspeakable things well immediately after telling me the story i went to my room and i shit you not i heard a knocking sound on the other side of my wall i was immediately nauseated and my heart acted like i was doing some intense cardio i thought this is it this is how i die this does sound like intense cardio. Wow.
Starting point is 00:13:25 That's really traumatic. If I see a ghost, I don't care if I'm standing still. It's the most cardio I've ever done in my life. I mustered up all the courage I had to leave the room. It was then upon entering the living room, I found my brother tapping his hand on the wall. Oh, and I could have killed him. So yeah, I'm ready to kill him too. I thought for sure it was the pale lady coming to take my life. I laugh now, but in the moment i thought it was i was a goner anyways thanks again for reading and thank you so much for an awesome podcast and attached our pictures of the rake okay show me the thing she saw in the bedroom okay it looks like a skeleton top one oh i know it looks like a sitting on your bed you show them well oh green screen oh that's true
Starting point is 00:14:06 i can put it in the green yeah eva forward me the curse for those of you who um can't see this because you're listening to just the audio uh looks like a like a alien kind of like a skeleton and an alien mixed together sitting on a bed staring at you with dark black holes for eyes and if it grins i think we're all gonna just expire on the spot absolutely my brain is just gonna melt into a bottle correct so thank you kind of jess jess what the f also please never write us again also get out of our lives also good luck with your life okay so i have one here this is from kim christine requested scary thank you kim hello christine m eva and furry friends christine requested to hear about the scariest things that have happened so last week or last month i requested i forget but at one
Starting point is 00:14:50 point i requested cowboy ghosts then mirrors i also requested doppelgangers and now this i'm just like i have no control over myself apparently no and we all know it and we all like to exploit it yeah um great christine requested to hear about the scariest things that have happened to listeners and this is my poop your pants tale i can't wait sounds like that disney i can't wait to test that out is this rj this is actually from kim thank you kim uh she her okay uh this is a long story so let's crack into it my husband and i rented a lake house for a week on Devil's Lake. Well, that's your first mistake.
Starting point is 00:15:27 Don't go anywhere with the word devil in it. And then be surprised something happens. We could have told you not to do that. We would have told you to do it and then email us. So maybe you're just following our instructions. You knew us better than we knew ourselves. You're beating us to the punch. Very good point.
Starting point is 00:15:38 Right outside of Lincoln City, Oregon. It was super cute and cheap, so it was perfect. We'd been there a few days with no incidents. Nothing even felt off. On the fourth day, my husband and I decided to leave our dog Clancy there so that we could drive 30 minutes away to have dinner. So leave your dog somewhere in a town called Devil whatever for a half an hour. Okay. Devil's town.
Starting point is 00:15:56 Satan's home. We were gone a couple hours when we got back. Clancy was going nuts, much like Gio is right now. So sorry about that. He's like, why am I pooping my pants like something terrible is happening devil this has become devil's lake okay i just figured he had to go potty or something so i took him outside while my husband james went inside clancy ran along the back windows and was hopping up and down to check on james oh we finally went back inside and he was still going crazy. His fur was raised, he was whining, and we had no idea why. About 20 minutes
Starting point is 00:16:28 later, he's still not calm, but he's sitting with me on the couch at least. I ask James to do a perimeter check. Oh, that's fancy word. Perimeter check, like we're security guards. Like, I'm doing a perimeter check and I'm like, cracks the door open and slams it shut. Like, we're good, we're solid, we're clean, we're good. The perimeter is clear.
Starting point is 00:16:44 Because I don't want to be murdered. murdered oh what a novel idea who would james goes outside goes out the side door in the kitchen and as he's shutting it i see movement above it which isn't possible because there are high vaulted ceilings so i dismissed it second mistake now before i go any further let me describe the house when you walk in the front door you're in the living room kitchen and dining room pretty much all just big one one big room uh open concept i think hd hgtv calls it oh spacious oh oh cozy open concept between the living room and kitchen is a little hallway the door on the left goes to the kid room bunk beds toys etc the door in front of you is a bathroom and the door on the right is the bedroom that we sleep in we kept all the doors closed when
Starting point is 00:17:23 we weren't using them so now james is back from the perimeter check. Clancy and I are sitting on the sectional couch together. He's facing the hallway, staring at the left side door, which is where I think the kid's room is. I don't like that. And he is whining so hard. I asked James to look in the kid room because Clancy has an obvious issue with it. Do another perimeter check. Yeah, just perimeter check the kid's room. And then don't come back as soon as james even starts walking toward the door clancy is off the couch and at his heels james opens the door and peeks inside he immediately screams oh clancy starts running backwards and james slams the door shut he tells me that when he looked inside the room he could see a dark figure in a crouching position on the bottom bunk bed he said it felt really dark and
Starting point is 00:18:04 heavy in there as he's telling me about this we hear a crash on the table we both look over there and watch as each dining chair gets shoved into the table then each of the vertical blinds start swaying then this hanging chair that was bolted to the ceiling starts swaying back and forth then a lamp that was right in front of us turns off and the pull chain lifts up oh dear god oh dear god at this point i'm sobbing yeah me too i'm nervous laughing i'm like what do i do at this point i don't know how to turn back from this what do you do except just drop dead i'm glad you apparently made this request not me um because i regret it i hate this it's 11 p.m and we're both tired but i am not staying in this house. And James finally agrees to leave. Can you believe he wanted to stay?
Starting point is 00:18:47 No. The problem is we still have to clean it and pack our stuff before we can leave. James starts packing. No, you don't. You don't. Actually. Abandon it. Abandon it at all costs.
Starting point is 00:18:55 Yes. Very false. Or just make James do it. You and Clancy. Another perimeter check. Right. He wants to stay and perimeter check it. James starts packing.
Starting point is 00:19:03 I start cleaning. I was doing the dishes and put a coffee pot in the dish strainer it was all the way upside down and the strainer had barriers on the side i watched the coffee pot roll out of the dish strainer and onto the counter until it was upright and spinning oh good next i had to get our stuff out of the bathroom in order to get there i had to walk by the room i hear slowly knock knock knock no you don't we pass that curse on real quick to kim it's that lady it actually time traveled fuck this we are out we didn't clean everything and i'm sure we left stuff behind but i couldn't be in that house for another second we had to drive over an hour
Starting point is 00:19:36 back to our house it took 30 minutes after driving away for clancy to stop staring out of the rear window and for me to stop shaking i did some research on Devil's Lake when we got home. Shoulda done it. Shoulda done it before. Shoulda coulda woulda, I guess. Apparently, the lake was known to take souls for itself. Was it? At Devil's Lake, it was?
Starting point is 00:19:53 Okay. So people start sacrificing souls instead. Cool, cool, cool, cool, cool. That's literally what it says. Color me shocked. And then a shrug emoji. Well, that's the story of the worst night of my life. Side note, when we got home and I let Clancy out to go potty, he was attacked by a raccoon.
Starting point is 00:20:07 Oh! You can't catch a goddamn breakfast dog. No, honey! And ended up at the vet hospital with stitches. Poor baby. Worst night ever. Anyway, thanks for always making me laugh while I'm scared shitless. Y'all are doing the Lord's work.
Starting point is 00:20:19 Listen, you did the devil's work, so... I'm not going there anymore. Kim. Thank you, Kim. Thank you for telling me all about a place I now never want to go to she literally ended it with a wink face really wink back at you really good one i like how pissed we are i'm like we did this like fuck you kim we've done all of this all right here's my next one what's next this is This is by Des. Des is a sub.
Starting point is 00:20:47 I can't think of it. Subject line is the super creepiest thing that happened to me. All right. So Des is on board. Des knows what's going on. Apparently. Des says. Okay.
Starting point is 00:20:57 I was like, what? Des says. Good one. Clever. Hey, guys. I apologize in advance that this is long. I'm new to your podcast and love it. One of my coworkers has asked me to send in one of my stories, so here it is.
Starting point is 00:21:08 I grew up being sensitive to people and places, experiencing everything from shadow people, visits from spirits when I'm sleeping, and even knowing stuff that will happen before it does, sometimes even death. Oh, no. Des, what an elevator pitch, because I'm sucked in. Des says. That should be the name of your show. That's your new podcast.
Starting point is 00:21:26 Trademark. I'm from Rhode Island, but now live in Ohio. A-O-O-H. And before we moved out of state, a friend asked if I wanted to check out a few roads that are part of the Bridgewater Triangle. Okay. I like where this is going. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:21:43 Topical. If you don't know What we're talking about We just covered The Bridgewater Triangle A couple weeks ago That's probably why The co-worker asked them To send this in
Starting point is 00:21:48 Oh I see That's connecting in my head now Maybe Maybe So Of course I said yes We didn't Oh
Starting point is 00:21:53 Gio's got something to say So sorry We didn't tell anyone Where we were going And headed off On a little adventure On a little adventure It had snowed the night before
Starting point is 00:22:00 Just a dusting You know And you could still see it On the sides of the road Okay so you can still see snow going around. Got it. We made our way down a dirt road that is sandwiched between nothing but trees, and to this day still have no clue how we found it.
Starting point is 00:22:12 We kept driving down the road for quite a bit, and then I heard a voice in my ear say stop, and then turn around. I told my friend what I heard, and she agreed that we should head back home, as my gut is not normally wrong. She was like, that was me. I was telling you, please stop the car because I don't like it here anymore. Listen, if you have a friend whose gut feeling is always right, no matter what the request is, just listen.
Starting point is 00:22:33 Where do I find a friend like that? Well, not from me. Not either of us. No. I pulled my car to the side of the road so I could turn around, and once I put my car in reverse, one of my tires spun, and I realized we were stuck. Oh.
Starting point is 00:22:45 Well. We both got out, examined the car car and i tried several times to get us free but no luck nothing was working around this time i started seeing shadows in the trees across the street and i heard another voice that said bad things you need to leave now bad things oh god we searched my car for anything we could put under the tire to provide us with traction, but no luck. Out of frustration over the situation and the pit in my stomach due to the shadows, I said out loud, Grandpa, if you can hear me, I really need help and I have to get out of here now. We decided to do one last walk around the car before hiking out of here. And right next to my stuck tire was a fucking pile of rock salt in a neat little mound.
Starting point is 00:23:26 Just totally manifested itself. Gramps. Needless to say, we used it, got the car free, and took off as fast as we could. The whole time I was driving, I could see things moving with us in the trees, and a voice kept saying, Don't look back. Holy crap. Just when I thought we were safe and it was all over, a truck came out of nowhere and was heading right at us and wouldn't move. I yanked my car towards the side but kept moving while it sped past us, almost hitting us.
Starting point is 00:23:52 I was super pissed and went to look back at the truck for a plate, but there was no truck in sight. What? Which I did cover in the Bridgewater Triangle. A lot of people say there's a phantom truck. That's right. That will try to run you off the road, and then when you turn back, it's not there. That's scary. Because try to run you off the road and then when you turn back it's not there that's scary because it does run them off the road huh that's scary okay i've had plenty other experiences and will be happy to share more another time i look forward to the next show des yikes dude that one's wild that really is like
Starting point is 00:24:19 right based on your story that you told that one gave me chills i know that one's creepy dude thank you des i also forgot to show off my halloween socks i saw those someone gave them based on your story that you told. That one gave me chills. I know. That one's creepy, dude. Thank you, Des. I also forgot to show off my Halloween socks. I saw those. Someone gave them to us in Salt Lake. Look at those bats. And I just found them in my purse. Oops. Oh my goodness. What was that? You're a mess. I don't know. Alright. Hold on. I need a sip of room. Me too. Sip break.
Starting point is 00:24:44 Okay, so this is from Noah. um and it's called the scariest thing that's ever happened to me as requested by christine great super duper look what you're causing look what you've done mass hysteria m's gonna love the first line hello everyone including lemon my name is noah and i've loved the show for a very long time i was listening to the september listener episode where christine asked for stories about the scariest things that had ever happened to us. I know it was probably a joke. It wasn't. It was not.
Starting point is 00:25:12 It was apparently a hilarious joke. It was apparently a dire request. And we were the punchline. I know it was probably a joke, but it actually reminded me of something. Great. I've had a lot of paranormal experiences but surprisingly the scariest thing is closer to true crime yay finally i think it's because after experiencing a few paranormal things i've been sort of desensitized to it or at the very least i've gotten less scared of it maybe i'll
Starting point is 00:25:34 send one of those out someday but they're kind of short that's okay we like those two um anyways on to the actual story by the way quick side note uh the last a couple weeks ago when we recorded you left and i was home alone and someone was whistling remember outside my house and then someone tweeted at me for someone who grew up next to a graybeard you're awfully scared or something like that and i was like i'm about to get who said that to my best friend i'm about to get fucking wild hang on a second oh hang on hang on hang on the cameras are on the cameras are on the cameras are on and then i was like i'm way more scared of alive people than dead people and they were like which has been made clear in the show by the way right and they were like okay alive people have guns and they were like touche and i was like dude dead people like growing up next to a cemetery
Starting point is 00:26:20 does not phase me but a person a man in my yard whistling is a different story so just putting it out there i'm a more scaredy cat of real people than dead people okay anyways this only happened two years ago my pronouns are he him but i like to wear drag in public nothing too big perfect i love you i know this is already great continue this no uh nothing too big mostly just long wigs and cute skirts or dresses that's right i bet you look banging oh my god you look already way better than i do on like my best days i just like a dress oh god i was at the mall in a very nice outfit and had gotten a few compliments already i'd stopped in a store to browse the clearance rack when an older woman maybe mid 50s to 60s approached me
Starting point is 00:27:00 she also looked through the clothing for a while before turning to me and complimenting my skirt i said thank you and went back to minding my business. After all, that was the end of our social interaction, or it would be if we were two normal strangers in public. Great. I don't like what that implies. Me neither. But instead, she kept making small talk with me. Oh, I hate this. As like someone who hates socializing? Yes, I'm already like, I'm panicked. I'm thinking about it in a paranormal way. And you're just like, I have too much anxiety to carry on small talk. They already said this was true crime.
Starting point is 00:27:29 So I don't know where you're getting paranormal from. I'm just assuming that this woman does not exist and is a ghost. I mean, they literally said, this is true crime. I don't care. I might send a paranormal someday. It could be another joke. Okay. She kept making small talk with me and I returned it.
Starting point is 00:27:45 Mostly it was just her asking about my outfit and wig and makeup. Eventually she started picking out things and holding them up to me and insist I would look good in them and that I should try them on. I continued to comply thinking she was just being friendly and or helpful. Then she grabbed my wrist and dragged me to the front counter. She threw the clothes she'd picked up onto the counter and asked the cashier to figure out what the discounted price of the items would be. The woman was rather rude the whole time
Starting point is 00:28:09 and often tried to correct the cashier. She even made her pull out a calculator at one point to make sure she was doing it right. I kept shooting looks at the cashier, hoping she would see how uncomfortable and sorry I was. I felt too awkward to just up and walk away. A part of me thought maybe she was just a kind but misguided older lady who wanted to do something nice all of a sudden she scooped up all the clothes
Starting point is 00:28:28 she had thrown down in one hand and grabbed my shoulders with the other well my daughter and i aren't buying anything until we try them on oh no okay she just called you her daughter i first of all yep that there's we listen if you're listening to us tell your story we hear the love the multiple levels of how wrong that is but we digress carry on okay i had been low-key panicking before but now i was on the verge of a full-blown breakdown the woman steered me and the cashier towards the dressing rooms where the cashier asked for my name to put on the door this freaked me out even more because now this woman knew where i was a tiny room with only one entrance and exit and my I don't know what to do besides comply with her request. This went on for maybe 20 minutes before I saw her feet walking away from under the door.
Starting point is 00:29:31 Run. I quickly gathered my things and bolted out of the dressing room and found the cashier who had taken us back there. I explained the woman didn't know me at all and I was only agreeing with her out of fear. Thankfully, the cashier ushered me into their break room and told all the employees the situation apparently the woman had been in the store for a while before i had shown up not really talking to anyone but sort of stalking around other customers oh god i have chills already the cashier had gotten weird vibes from watching us interact and the looks i had been giving her really tipped her off i spent nearly an hour in the break room before we got the all clear according to other employees the older woman wandered around the store, calling out my name and asking the employees if they had seen her daughter.
Starting point is 00:30:09 She had briefly left only to come back with a much bigger, stronger looking man. Oh, dear God. They had hung around for a long while before giving up and leaving. When the coast was finally clear, I made a quick purchase. Like how you're still shopping. But this was a really important buy. Listen, this is on clearance. You won't get that chance again.
Starting point is 00:30:27 Listen, this warrants treat yourself. I mean, truly. They should have given it to you for free, to be honest. Right. I made a quick purchase, thanked the employees for looking after me, and all but ran down to my car and went home. Sex trafficking is a huge problem in my state. We actually have the second highest rate in the entire nation.
Starting point is 00:30:44 Oh, my God. I know. I'm like like i had a feeling i was nearly 20 when this happened but due to my height and perpetual baby face i look like i'm a young high schooler i have no doubt that if i hadn't spoken up or fought back i could have ended up as just a part of that statistic wow it also really freaked me out to think that the only reason she targeted me was because of my outfit and the fact that maybe she kept suggesting outfits to me so if she she had succeeded in taking me, she could make me wear something less recognizable. Wow. Anyway, sorry how long this email turned out being.
Starting point is 00:31:12 Thank you, Eva, for reading through it. And if this ends up being read by Emma or Christine, thank you for taking the time to read it. I'm very excited to hear more spooky stories. Spooky. Indeed. Spooky. Holy crap. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:22 From you lovelies. And I'm so excited for the October listener episode. Fingers crossed. It's something good for Halloween season. Thank you all again. Have a greatooky. Indeed. Spooky. Holy crap. Yeah. From you lovelies. And I'm so excited for the October listener episode. Fingers crossed. It's something good for Halloween season. Thank you all again. Have a great day. Noah. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:31:31 I'm sorry. I'm just saying sometimes the real people are much scarier than dead people. Sometimes. I mean, that stuff is no joke and be careful out there. That's harder to run from. Well, yeah. You know? Okay.
Starting point is 00:31:44 Okay. Oh, wow. Thank you, Okay. Okay. Oh, wow. Thank you, Noah. Thank you. I'm glad you're safe. Me too. All right. This is our last one or do you have another one after this?
Starting point is 00:31:52 You have another one? Okay. So this is from Paige and Paige's title or subject line is, can the ghost go trick or treating with us? No. Firm pass on my absolutely not not in em's house not my house so page says howdy eva christine m geo juniper and i'm sorry m lemon yay thank you for the apology in advance i started listening from episode one in october of 2018 and i'm now
Starting point is 00:32:20 just caught up so what a better time than to leave a little spooky halloween listener story it's your one-year listenversary yay yay uh i started list oh no i already said that a few years ago my youngest sister was maybe four or five at the time uh of these incidents began quietly talking to herself in her bedroom goodbye little sister we're gonna just anytime there's a goddamn little girl talking to herself in her bedroom just burn the whole damn house it should be a movie just burn it down that Em wants to see and not me. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:47 At first, my parents didn't think it was anything abnormal, as she was probably just having a vivid imagination during her playtime. Em sounds just like, no. And here's my gym helper look at the camera. You interpret however you want that. But one one day my sister was talking to herself in the bathroom oh god oh location change my change my stepmom started laughing and asked her who were you talking to oh that's poor stuff how hilarious to which my sister replied seem seeming annoyed my friend just ship the kid off
Starting point is 00:33:26 and burn the house down get away from that entire story plot the stepmom asked what friend my sister rolled her eyes and pointed towards an empty corner and said her it's always a corner my stepmom decided not to ask questions anymore and slowly back away
Starting point is 00:33:41 actually I added that part oh really? Yeah. Decided not to ask questions anymore for quite a while as this understandably creeped her out and probably then backed away. Uh-huh. You were probably right. A few weeks later, my dad went to sit by my sister on the couch and she screamed at the top of her lungs with a look of horror on her face. When my dad asked what was wrong, she said, you sat on my friend. Why are you sitting on her? You're sitting on my friend. I mean, I used to do that, too. I feel like kids do that.
Starting point is 00:34:08 But let's see where this goes. Let's see where this goes. It all seemed very innocent at first. Whenever my parents and sister would leave to go someplace, my sister would be irritated that my friend couldn't go with her. No. When they looked for costumes for Halloween, my sweet, thoughtful baby sister begged for them to get her friend a costume, saying she needed something to wear, too. That every kid did. And when they went to leave for trick-or-treating, she asked if her friend could go with them.
Starting point is 00:34:33 She told my parents she would even split her candy with her friend. Oh, wow. That should say something. That's when you're, I know, that's when you know something's going on. There's an emotional bond happening. Yep. My parents then told her that the little girl wasn't allowed to go anywhere with them outside of the house to which my sister replied but she's gone with us before
Starting point is 00:34:49 no thanks and that is when i just emancipate from the family you're like i put everyone up for adoption i put myself up for adoption i'm giving myself away here uh the imaginary friend shenanigans continued for a while until one day my sister hid under the kitchen table sobbing and screaming. She told my parents, she's creepy, she doesn't have a face, and I don't like her anymore. Oh no, she wasn't a little girl. She was never a little girl. Never trust the imaginary little girl. It's always the damn devil, I'll tell you what.
Starting point is 00:35:22 God damn it. Uh, after this, there were no more imaginary friend incidents. little girl. It's always the damn devil. I'll tell you what. God damn it. After this, there were no more imaginary friend incidents. At least, by the way, they had a clean break. I feel like as a demon, you could be a lot messier in that breakup. She just, like, forgot to wear her face one day and was like, damn it, I ruined it. So me being the nosy
Starting point is 00:35:38 person I am, I asked my sister, you ever see your imaginary friend anymore? What was she like? And my sister only said, I don't want to talk about it. Aww. I hope you enjoyed this spoopy story. I have a few more involving how I was finally converted to a believer of the paranormal and a few more crime stories to send in, which I can't wait to share.
Starting point is 00:35:56 I love your show, even the whale sounds. Thank you. And I hope to see you in Arkansas someday. Best spooky and crime-related wishes, Paige. Thank you, Paige. Ooh, can she go trick or treating with us? The demon with no face. But she's gone somewhere with us before.
Starting point is 00:36:10 Which means, by the way, the devil can leave your house. Like if you've got demons or poltergeists, it's not contained to your home. It's usually attached to you. So wherever you go, it's listening. Or your five-year-old daughter. Or your five-year-old daughter. That's more likely. Yikes.
Starting point is 00:36:23 Okay. And she didn't even ask her parents permission before. She just was like, oh. It was so ingrained and like infected in the family. She just came along to Target. All right. Is this the last one? It sure is.
Starting point is 00:36:35 Okay. My Halloween go... Okay. This is from Morgan. Sorry. Thank you, Morgan. Hi, Morgan. Subject is my Halloween ghost from a Ouija board.
Starting point is 00:36:43 October listener story per Christine's request. Morgan. Hello, Morgan. Subject is my Halloween ghost from a Ouija board. October listener story per Christine's request. Morgan. Hello, Lemon. It did not just say only Lemon. No, it doesn't. OK. I just wanted a dramatic pause for you to react. It worked. I love a good dramatic pause. Hello, Lemon, Gio, Juniper, Funkle M, Christine and Eva. Funkle M. I like when people call me Funkle M. See, Morgan got you back. OK, Morgan. My name is Morgan, and boy, do I have a listener story for you. I was listening to September's listener story, and Christine asked for a spooky Halloween story, and I think I have one that will satisfy that cup of tea. Oh, we're drinking tea right now.
Starting point is 00:37:14 We are. Love a good tea. I want to give a little backstory to this before I jump on in. I'm a senior in college, and this happened during my freshman year in 2015 on Halloween night, so it's been like four years going on five this upcoming October. Now that you know that, let's jump on in. Let's do it, Morgan. You're a good storyteller. I like this. You're really setting the scene for us. You are. As most college kids do, I decided to dress up for Halloween and go to a frat party with my best friend at the time.
Starting point is 00:37:39 Let's call her Tina. Okay. Tina was dating a frat boy in this particular fraternity, and while we had a few drinks, go team wine, I'm 1000% sure that I was competent enough to Okay. I do too. that I didn't know. They told me to follow them upstairs, and since I trusted Tina and my ex, Tristan, I followed. In the attic, there was a coffee table with a Ouija board in the middle of it. Since I had a few drinks in me, and since my university had a graveyard in the middle of it, I thought it would be fun! Exclamation point.
Starting point is 00:38:16 Morgan, you lost me again. Morgan. You had me, and then you lost me. You had me the whole time. And then you had me, and then you threw me to the walls. You had me with lemon time. And then you had me and then you threw me to the walls. You had me with Lemon and Team Wine. Okay. And Ouija board.
Starting point is 00:38:30 We did the whole thing with the Ouija board and we interacted with a girl named Catherine. It is interesting to note that 58 years before this, there was a murder on my college campus and the girl who died was named Catherine. I did not know this at the time. Oh, that makes it more fun. I didn't find out about this until later. Anyway, she told us she was 19, she was from the surrounding area, and that she was there to protect, but when we asked her who or what she was protecting, she only gave us the letters
Starting point is 00:38:55 M-L-H, unknown at the time. To everyone else but me, my initials are M-L-H. Oh. Uh-oh. Woo-hoo. I was like, no way, not not possible and just brushed it off after the ouija board i forgot about what happened and moved on with my life until i got super sick a few weeks later i was absolutely miserable i couldn't eat i couldn't even leave my bed to go to class one night i woke
Starting point is 00:39:18 up to a girl hovering over me checking my temperature adorable and yet i don't want it anymore terrible at the same time i'm checking in and signing off all at once yeah em has left the building uh leave our husks behind i remember she was i feel like that's so relevant in every single story we read yes i remember she was wearing a long skirt and a striped shirt her hair was neatly pulled back and she was very nice. When she realized I was awake, she calmly gave me my antibiotic with a glass of water and said, it's okay, go back to sleep. And I did. I just figured it was my roommate and I fell back asleep. When I woke up, I realized I didn't have a roommate. Whatever medicine you're on, I want some. Give me a shot. Oh my god, talk about fever dream. i lived in a single person dorm but the lady made me feel calm and i wasn't afraid i figured i just dreamed it it
Starting point is 00:40:11 wasn't until i saw the plaque outside the student center that was placed there in her memory that i realized who it was the dream i had was katherine checking my temperature and taking care of me after that i did all the research on her i could which I didn't find out much about her. I didn't see her again until a year later on Halloween, but I will get to that. I always felt that she was around, looking out for me. She would flicker the light outside my dorm room door when I was supposed to be studying. That light was changed ten times and rewired. But no matter what, it would always flicker when I was supposed to be doing something that I wasn't. I would see her silhouette in dark corners while I was walking home at night from work or from a party and things that i lost would mysteriously
Starting point is 00:40:48 show up when i needed them the next halloween was when i saw her again i already have chills i don't even know what's gonna happen i was getting ready for a party when i walked out into my dorm hallway to run across the hall and see if my friend had eyeliner but when we would have been pals but when i opened my door yeah here let me show you how to do it on my top and bottom line and my ghost is here too but when i opened my door she was standing across the threshold of the door smiling at me no when i blinked she was gone no i don't know why but i feel as though she's watching out for me and keeping me safe i've seen her ghost every year following and i hope that i will see her this year as well hi so now that you don't even she doesn't even
Starting point is 00:41:29 live on campus anymore and hoping that this relationship with the ghost continues oh my word i wonder why this why the person who wrote this in it got selected by katherine of all people i wonder too i wonder if it was before the ouija board that it was already happening or if like the ouija board was like the connection you know oh i don't know interesting um i have seen her ghost every year following and i hope i will see her this year as well it's kind of reassuring knowing that she's there every year on halloween i go out to her grave and place a bouquet of flowers there for her that's precious that's really sweet it's definitely a you know coddling that relationship so it doesn't turn bad all of a sudden so she didn't lose her face and then like turn into a demon so you're like hiding under a
Starting point is 00:42:10 table screaming oh my god could she come trick-or-treating oh oh i didn't like that it's my way of saying thank you to katherine it's my last year in college and i feel as though this will be my last year with katherine oh so maybe she is attached to the campus i hope you enjoyed this story i'm sorry it's so long it It's not necessarily scary. More of a happy ghost story. Happy Halloween. Wow. Morgan. Morgan. What a ride that was. What in the world? Wow. Well, we went from like sleep demon to like, and my friend's a ghost, by the way. It slowly woke us up. Got us ready. Yep. For what? I don't know. I'm'm not sure i'm not sure either um well we did it we did it and you did it you experienced all of that all of you uh i mean i'm
Starting point is 00:42:54 trying to think of what i request should request i requested doppelgangers i think a lot of people sent those and maybe we'll try to do that next month have we done a doppelganger story no okay doppelgangers i don't know oh yeah let's do that okay he was like do we have to do everything you say um no actually you don't you can do whatever because by next month i won't remember this conversation that we're having exactly she's gonna think we brought up like dinosaurs or something so that's also a good one if you have one of those if you somehow have a ghost dinosaur following you around please let us know oh um fun well i guess other than that if you uh think that you want to send in one of your own personal
Starting point is 00:43:29 stories you can send to and that's why we drink at preferably you write it in the subject line so it's easier to find um and i guess that's it really eva's like the champion of this type of episode so we have her to thank yeah anyway thanks for listening and or watching happy spooky season happy halloween we have a couple of regular episodes before halloween so we're not like fully there yet episode wise but happy october happy spooky spooky my favorite month of the year spooky ooky tis the season is the season and that's why we drank oh let's try make it spookier

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