And That's Why We Drink - Listener Stories: Vol. 35

Episode Date: December 1, 2019

It's twin time!! Last month Christine requested "creepy twin tales," and listeners, you did not disappoint... For a FREE 11x14" photo canvas from Canvas People, text WWD to 64000Visit ... to receive a 20% discount only for our listeners!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 i will hit play but all i needed was some coconut oil i really don't like that you do that but all i needed was some coconut what is that is that a country that a country song? No, it's Lizzo. Oh, my God. You sing it with this weird, like, twang. All I needed was some coconut oil. I literally just thought this was some weird, like, Pat Benatar song or something. No, but I like how the range was Lizzo to Pat Benatar and possibilities. Oh, hello. Welcome to our December listeners episode. Wow episode wow wow i can't believe it it's the
Starting point is 00:00:48 holiday season is upon us we're very close to have done for having done three years oh of listeners episodes i would say of lizzo i was like yeah it feels like that really feels like it uh yeah it this is our listeners' stories. Welcome. If you have never experienced one of these before, this is where we read some of your personal paranormal and true crime stories. The singing is not usually included. It's optional. It's optional. Not recommended.
Starting point is 00:01:14 It's not optional for me, apparently. Not recommended indeed, yeah. But Eva has sent us some hand-picked stories, and I believe she took my demands to heart as usual and uh from what i can gather she has found us some twin stories is that right i love a good twin that's what the uh says the gemini i know i made that joke last time but it still makes me oh okay makes me amazed um so good anyway so eva has sent us some stories that we're going to read to you. Yes. I guess you usually start, huh? Uh-huh.
Starting point is 00:01:46 Uh-huh. I have three. You have three. And it's going to be a great time. Also, it's December. Merry Christmas or happy holidays or happy Hanukkah, wherever you are, whatever you're doing. I hope it's happy. I hope you're having a good time.
Starting point is 00:02:00 I hope you're celebrating a holiday, even if it's one you have to make up. Christmas time is here. Wow, I forgot about that. My brain just kind of exploded. I'm back. Wow, we all thought we got away with that one. And 12 months later, it's shown right back up. I remember when I said singing was not part of this.
Starting point is 00:02:17 Well, I lied to your face. That's what it sounded like to me. I'm sorry. So this first one is from Brianna. Brianna? Brianna? I say Brianna. I'm probably wrong.
Starting point is 00:02:26 And Brianna says, oh, the subject line, sorry, is ghost twin and family secrets. Ghost twin. That's interesting. Love a good ghost twin. Love a good family secret. So, hi, I'm Christine. All fluff babies and petrified fruit. Hello.
Starting point is 00:02:40 Disgusting that we have many people in both of those categories. I live in a zoo. And a special hello to eva for all the work you do and thank you for following me back on twitter eva this is why eva picked the story she wanted us to read that out loud also like this person knew how to pander and get exactly what was needed it worked my name is brie um and also brie uh uses she her pronouns i appreciate normalizing pronouns thank you whoever, whoever you are. So by Christine's request, I have a spooky twin story and a ghost story wrapped in one. Yes.
Starting point is 00:03:09 So I was a twin and a couple months into the pregnancy, my mom. Brianna's a twin. Bri's a twin. Okay. And a couple months into the pregnancy, my mom miscarried my sister. Well, that's where I knew we were going. That's why I went, oh. I see.
Starting point is 00:03:23 You beat me to the punch there. Well, because the subject was ghost twin. So thought oh does not end well i chose not to allow myself to listen to the future yeah good my mom miscarried my sister she continued on with a pregnancy assuming she'd lost her babies not knowing she was still pregnant with me oh my god i didn't even think about that you wouldn't know game changer until a doctor's appointment weeks later she called me a miracle baby. What a surprise. She never told my dad what had happened, and he to this day is unaware that I was supposed to be a double package.
Starting point is 00:03:50 Ew. Secrets in the family. Talk about a secret. Drama. The only other people that knew are my grandma and my aunt. She never even told me. I see where this is going now. I have pre-goose cam. Uh, pre-gaming for the goose cam.
Starting point is 00:04:09 I have these strange memories from when I was between the ages of three and six of having a twin sister. I used to play with her and brush her hair and she'd always go everywhere with me. She was blonde and blue eyed. I have light brown hair and green eyes, so I wasn't seeing myself and she was always slightly taller than me. Okay, goose cams here already. She told me her name was Anna, and I knew in my soul she was my sister. I assumed for a long time these were false memories, a person I created to help me get through a really traumatic time in my life. Fast forward to about age 11, and I start seeing her again, and she'd aged with me.
Starting point is 00:04:42 What? Again, this is a really traumatic time in my life she starts hanging out around me talking to me and following me around in large crowds she would slip her hand into mine and i'd feel this cold pressure just like a very cold hand holding mine even though nothing was there oh my god i've always had really bad social anxiety and crowds make me panic this went on until i was about 14 although it does still happen from time to time in large crowds or when my anxiety gets bad again when one night i was visiting my mom and anna was hovering behind me as she sometimes did in high stress situations seeing my mom happened to be one and my mom got a glimpse of her this brought up the whole conversation where i found out everything
Starting point is 00:05:21 about the miscarriage she hadn't known yet and led some more stories about me playing with anna as a baby before i could talk or walk and her confirming that anna was actually the name picked out for her oh my god goose cam goose cam has been activated activated she still appears to me in high stress situations or when i'm making bad decisions in my life that i need guidance on so basically my twin sister is my spirit guide. Every day up until my mother confirmed who she was, a piece of me felt lost and empty. And most days I felt like a part of me was gone. But she's still here in my own in her own way watching over me and guiding me to make the right decisions. I hope this wasn't too long. I really wanted to share the story with you and Christine when you when Christine asked
Starting point is 00:06:03 for twin stories. Hope you all are well and happy that you enjoyed my not-so-creepy twin story. I love you all. Thank you for all the laughs and spooky over the past few years. Brie. That is the most incredible story. Yes. And to learn that the name picked out was Anna. Yeah, you really, that was bananas.
Starting point is 00:06:21 That was Anna Bananas, if you will. Wow. Wow. Wow, that is crazy. That's a good one. That's crazy. You got if you will. Wow. Wow. Wow, that is crazy. That's a good one. That's crazy. You got me good there. You did.
Starting point is 00:06:28 You didn't even know. Oh, my gosh. Okay. Okay. Well, I guess I'm next. Yes, you. No, there's no one else here. So this is from Ivy.
Starting point is 00:06:38 Hi, Ivy. No one here that we know. Oh. Anna? Anna? Are you here? This is from Ivy. The subject is, I'm a a twin i bet you are i
Starting point is 00:06:48 sure hope so okay here we go i was born oh there's not even a i love it just go straight into it i love it i was born with a veil over my face good night have you heard about this no oh you don't know what that means no i was like wondering how you would react child wedding what's going on i was a child bride in the womb that's what it sounds like a veil no it's like when you're born with uh i think it's like placenta or something over your face oh i see okay uh and it like traditionally means that you were born with like second sight i think i'm pretty sure it it's like a meaning for traditionally it's thought of as like you have psychic ways about you. Yeah, exactly. Like closer insight into the next world.
Starting point is 00:07:32 I see. Okay, let's see. Sorry, Ivy. We've gone five words in. I was born with a veil over my face, which supposedly means you're an empath. Okay, there we go. And because of this, I have had much success communicating with spirit guides. path okay there we go and because of this i have had much success communicating with spirit guides i had been using my pendulum a while back and going through the alphabet telling the spirit
Starting point is 00:07:48 guide to move it counterclockwise and then spin it clockwise when i got to a letter and i would write it down i love pendulums by the way and eventually a message would spell out i ended up getting a february baby one big word capital letters a february baby and after reading over it and adding spaces, I realized it was a February baby. I waited until the end of that following February and nothing seemed to come of it. So I ended up telling my twin about it.
Starting point is 00:08:13 She looked at me very seriously and said, there's a chance I could be pregnant. And it turns out she was. It was nice having my own spiritual little heads up. Ha ha. Oh, sorry. Super cool. Secret little heads up. One of super cool secret little heads up one of
Starting point is 00:08:25 my eyes is covered by this thing i have a veil over my eye and i can't see so you're half an empath yeah isn't that really helpful for everybody that's how it works yeah on a less serious note me and my twin often have weird twin moments oh i love it i love a good twin moment sometimes we will start singing the exact same song or say the exact same sentence at the same time we live an hour and a half away from each other but whenever we meet up we always seem to unknowingly match outfits from top to bottom hey and we always end up getting each other the same random gifts for our birthday and christmas we have both also experienced quite a few paranormal things together when we were children we witnessed a glowing green ball of light come down at us from the sky and we would hear the same voices and noses noses voices and noises from ghost slash poltergeist activity at my parents
Starting point is 00:09:09 house growing up being a twin was nice because we never had to experience anything scary alone that's really nice i like that this is my second time sending you a story and it definitely won't be my last so i apologize in advance for being a future nuisance live laugh lemon sincerely ivy wait live laugh lemon somebody make a sign stat nobody make a sign make a cheesy hobby lobby sign for me please i need it live laugh lemon with cursive i want to end i want to end this whole lemon thing immediately also in uh in uh on you knowamacallit, rustic wood. Oh my god. Some cozy, nature cozy rustic wood. Live, laugh, lemon.
Starting point is 00:09:51 Love it! Live, laugh, lemon. Also, thank you, Ivy. That's a great story. And about your spirit guide telling you February baby. I think that's really cool. Super spooky. And it was your twins baby! So far, these are very tame. I like that's really cool. Super spooky. And it was your twins baby. So far these are very
Starting point is 00:10:05 tame. I like it. Like they're all meaningful and kind and friendly twins. Yeah. Comforting. I'm waiting for this weird black eyed kid twin to show up. Yeah. I'm sure it's coming. Alright this is from Kelly and Kelly's subject is adorable twins who do freaky twin things.
Starting point is 00:10:23 Hello again to Eva Geo Lemon M and best for last christine thank you for the attention i'm so sorry that i demanded it from everyone but i appreciate you i'm kelly who apparently goes by she her pronouns which i love that we are normalizing pronouns hello i'm gonna say it every time um the one who wrote about the cowboy ghost uh and the mozzarella sticks and one of the previous listeners' story episodes. Kelly, you and I are... Are you a double feature right now?
Starting point is 00:10:47 This is maybe the first time. I don't think we've ever had a double hitter here. Kelly, I'm so honored to even have met you via email. Via listener story. Via Eva. Viva. Viva Las Vegas. Okay.
Starting point is 00:11:01 Love, Laugh, Lemon. Christine asked for some twin stories, and i happen to have one to share this isn't exactly paranormal but it is bizarre i'm a special ed teacher and i actually have three sets of twins on my caseload i thought you're about to say in your personal life and i was gonna be like oh my word three sets of twin oh yeah one set is fraternal boy and girl one is identical girls and the other is identical boys oh so like the whole the whole starter pack all right i absolutely love and adore all of them but the identical boys are my favorites they are rambunctious as all get out and they are also
Starting point is 00:11:30 slaying everyone else in the twin game we call them logan and lucas to protect their identities they are about six years old they are born on the autism spectrum and are very loud and talkative with people they know and trust but are mostly non-verbal with strangers it is absolutely fascinating to watch them interact with each other because they can finish each other's sentences and say the exact same thing at the exact same time when one of them gets hurt or upset the other one will show the same emotion at the same time even if they're on opposite sides of the school oh my god a few weeks ago we had a lockdown drill at the school it was just a drill but none of the teachers or parents knew exactly what day of the week or what time it was going to happen it happened at 8 30 a.m on a
Starting point is 00:12:08 thursday which is a time when i have logan lucas and two other students in a small guided reading group in my office but on that day lucas was at the dentist and logan was at school the lockdown alarm went off which was very loud in my office so i locked the door closed the blinds and had logan and the other students sit on the floor away from the view of the door everything went smoothly except for the fact that logan was crying and holding his mouth i said are you scared and he said no it's just a loud light down drill i think he either he misheard me when i said lockdown drill or decided to call it that because the lights were turned off remember this phrase it's important okay no it's just a loud light down drill okay uh i asked him if his mouth hurt
Starting point is 00:12:53 and he shook his head and kept said no but kept crying i asked him if lucas was hurt and he nodded yes and said the dentist hurt no a couple hours later by the way i'm very excited that you read into that twin telepathy and you were like oh it must be your brother then i think that's very cute a couple hours later their dad dropped lucas off at school and i saw a huge wound on his lip oh my god their dad explains me that he was getting his teeth cleaned and he suddenly jerked his head and the dentist accidentally cut his lip i offered to walk lucas back to class and as i reached down to hold his hand he looked up at me pointed to the loudspeaker on the wall and said that got loud for the light down drill so they were both feeling and hearing exactly what was happening in other
Starting point is 00:13:37 locations i asked their dad about it later and he said he didn't even realize that there was a lockdown drill that week so he never discussed it at home. Also, the term light down drill was not something that either of the boys had ever started saying until that very day. Every day I'm fascinated and astounded by the incredible bond these twins share and the intense telepathy they seem to have. Sorry this was kind of long and not at all paranormal. I hope you enjoyed it. Nonetheless, hopefully it will be featured on Christine's special request listener stories episode. Much love for everyone because Christine is important too, Kelly. Thank you enjoyed it. Nonetheless, hopefully it will be featured on Christine's special request listener stories episode. Much love for everyone because Christine is important to Kelly.
Starting point is 00:14:07 Thank you, Kelly. Listen, message received loud and clear that I just like that Kelly has a big heart and is like, I sense that Christine is troubled. It's almost like you have twin telepathy or something. Yeah, Kelly, maybe we do. But that's really, really sweet. You know, I always wonder because I hear these stories and I i'm like that's so beautiful and like intense and poignant but then i'm like it also sucks because you're like experiencing two terrible two lives yeah you have to imagine
Starting point is 00:14:32 if like your brother breaks his foot exactly now you've got to walk around on a like in a wheelchair or in a cast or something i had friends when i was little who were twins and one of them broke their arm and the other one just started screaming and like holding their arm and there's nothing you can do about it and you don't get to heal like we were like staring at him like we're just sitting here watching a movie why are you screaming and he was like holding his arm and like screaming and crying and um it turns out later his sister had broken her arm at that time but like weird but it's just crazy because then you have to experience that you have to like have some sort of like heightened anxiety of like no matter what i'm doing even if i'm being as safe as possible i'm gonna have to deal with someone
Starting point is 00:15:10 else's shit you can literally be in bed watching netflix and your front your twins like okay i'm going out to imagine when you get drunk and get hammered or something party and be like not again like please i don't want to be hung over tomorrow i don't even think about that that's extra bad oh god anyway anyway thank you for that thank you so much kelly okay let's see ellie okay now here we have one from georgia hi georgia or g hi g hi eva m christine geo petrified brute god i am struggling today petrified fruits at sarah big fan of the podcast and was stoked to hear that you wanted to hear twin stories, as I think I have a shorty but a goody.
Starting point is 00:15:47 Ooh. So I'm not a twin, but my grandmother was. She and her sister were mirror twins. They were perfect mirror images of each other. Whew. Yikes. Free game in the goose cam. Free game in the goose cam.
Starting point is 00:15:56 Mirror twins. But identical enough that they would even pretend to be each other. See, now that's the fun part. That's where we get interesting. And swap dates at parties for a laugh. That a laugh that is hysterical until one of them tries to kiss the wrong one that's true they had some of the usual freaky twin stuff while growing up together like having shared dreams but the weirdest stuff happened when they were apart so despite the whole unbreakable twin bond thing they had a huge falling out and had no contact with each other for maybe 20 years oh my god parentheses loves a
Starting point is 00:16:26 grudge loves a grudge about 10 years into them not speaking my grandmother's kidneys failed and she needed a transplant unbeknownst to her sister who in totally other part of the country suddenly felt a strong pain in her kidneys and without thinking said there is something wrong with diana's kidneys as i said they had no contact and their children were not in touch with each with each other at this stage either so there is no way for her to know what was going on she just knew i always thought this was just a twin thing until my dad had a similar experience sensing my brother's pain so maybe it's in the family but that's a story for another time regardless they carried on not talking to each other oh no i thought there was going to be like a whole reunion there.
Starting point is 00:17:05 Me too. Until my grandmother's twin died at the age of 68 at 1.30 in the afternoon. My grandmother appearing at her funeral really scared the shit out of everyone who didn't know she had a twin. Oh, my God. Can you? That is a movie scene right there. I hadn't even thought of that. Me neither.
Starting point is 00:17:22 That's in Big Fish. Have you seen that? It even thought of that me neither that's uh in um big fish have you seen that it reminds me that it's too long of a story to explain but it's it's kind of similar we were lucky enough to have my grandmother with us for far longer until she died at the age of 86 at 1 30 in the morning mirror twins wow 68 86 1 30 a.m., 1.30 p.m. Wow. Holy shit. Woo, that is very Mirror 20. 1.30 in the morning, perfectly mirroring her twin. Hope you liked my story, even if it doesn't make it on the show.
Starting point is 00:17:55 Love the podcast. It's made me ghosty obsessed, which is why I now constantly annoy my coworkers by trying to get them to come ghost hunting with me at work at a museum. I was like, at work? Wow. Now that would be interesting. by trying to get them to come ghost hunting with me at work at a museum i was like at work wow now that would be interesting love from down under oh down under parentheses new zealand i like down under thank you oh my god that's bananas holy crap i wish i was like that cool that first of all have a twin to start but then also have like that level of twin telepathy with a person that's what i'm saying like it's so cool but then it's also so
Starting point is 00:18:29 terrible because you're like oh my kidneys and it's like my mom and i used to have some version of a telepathy with each other but i mean nowhere near like the nearer twin telepathy but i if i were ever thinking about her really really hard she would call me and if she ever thought about me really really hard i would call her but like we're we're able to connect that way where it's like i know when she's thinking about me but other than that it's never been like a oh mom needs new kidneys oh well guess it's gonna be another 20 years yeah my dad's side of the family has that too where they'll have dreams though of what the other person's doing if they're in trouble like they'll have dreams i'm told this story but like they'll have dreams about the other person's doing if they're in trouble like they'll have dreams i'm told this
Starting point is 00:19:05 story but like they'll have dreams about the other sibling doing something very weird and they'll call around the next morning and find out like they were doing something weird because they were injured or like my uncle was in prison during the cold war whole thing but anyway so they would like see each other in their dreams like when there was a traumatic thing happening. But it wasn't, like, it was only during dreams, I think, typically. My mom and I have kind of had a, like, if I have a gut feeling to not be somewhere or if I ever had a gut feeling, like, don't go there, I think she would listen to me. I think, like, we at least understand each other's, like, sensitivities. But when it comes to, like, being connected to each other anymore,
Starting point is 00:19:40 I don't know if that's there or not. Yeah. We'll have to test it out. Maybe if I just think really hard about her. Let's just sit here for a few minutes at some point she'll call she calls anyways she does she's wait a second helicopter mom she's gonna call in five minutes no matter whether or not i'm thinking about her lucille blue's photo is gonna appear on your screen any moment in case you didn't know that that's what the picture is
Starting point is 00:19:58 for my mom and this is the third time you told us this month i'm gonna tell you i wanted to test if you remember telling the story you know i don't oh my gosh you really do kind of just totally lose my memory erase our memories from your mind yep thanks for that you're welcome makes me feel good it it bodes well for everyone i think so how's your holiday shopping going in uh good not great okay good well because i have a strategy for you let's hear it um don't tell anyone because this is my secret with you. Okay. Remember our friends Canvas People? Yes, all the way back when.
Starting point is 00:20:30 Yes. Okay, so Canvas People is still a freaking awesome holiday gift. I'm still using it. And if you are looking for something for whoever, it's your parents, your child, your friend, your coworker, M maybe. Me! You can get a very special gift for the people in your life from Canvas People. Canvas People prints your favorite memories on Canvas and turns them into unique works of art that add a beautiful touch to your home. That's true. I have one, a picture of me and Gio that I've hung in my hallway so that everybody has to see it every time they walk
Starting point is 00:20:56 down the hallway. And everyone does and it looks wonderful. It makes me really happy. And so now, you know, it's always a great gift if you're not sure what to get somebody or if it's someone really close and you have photos that you want to share. So I'm thinking of getting my mom one of a little family photo shoot we had this year. Just put on a big canvas so she can look at my beautiful face every single day. That's precious. I'm a sucker for pretty much all canvas art. If you're looking for a gift, it's always a winner. And now as a special, very limited holiday offer, is offering their popular 11 by 14 photo canvases for free you heard
Starting point is 00:21:25 that right free these normally sell for 69.99 but you'll pay nothing just cover shipping and handling to get your free canvas text wwd to 64 000 just pay shipping and handling this offer won't last so text wwd to 64 000 that's wwd to 64 000 uh this is from rebecca and rebecca's subject line is irish twins telepathy cool rebecca says hi i'm christine and eva i've only been listening to your podcast for the past two months well you haven't met lemon yet i was gonna be mad but now i'm not i hope you enjoy the time you have right now before you meet lemon because you never get it back, I tell you that. I am ashamed to admit I listened backwards.
Starting point is 00:22:08 Oh, shit. So you do know Lemon. You'll never know another time before Lemon. Yeah, you really ruined that for yourself. But I couldn't help myself. In your most recent listener stories, you asked for twin stories. Oh, yeah. That's how you would.
Starting point is 00:22:19 I'm sure you would have known that. We're really slow in case you haven't figured that out. I've got one, but my sister and I aren't technically twins. We're considered Irish twins because we were born within 12 months of each other. Cool. My name is Becca. Do you know why they call them that? No. Because Irish Catholics had so many babies that they were just pregnant and pregnant and pregnant.
Starting point is 00:22:36 Oh. And so the family that lived in our house before us had several of them because the mom had 16 children, none of which were twins, but several of which were Irish twins because they were born so close together. Yeah, I can't imagine. Oh my goodness. She ended up putting a lock on her door so that that didn't happen anymore. I'm sure.
Starting point is 00:22:53 Anyway, go on. My name is Becca and I have a half sister named Kay. We're 11 months and 11 days apart from each other. Okay, 11, 11. Precious. I see you. I see it. We shared pretty much everything
Starting point is 00:23:03 from the day she popped out of the womb. We grew up very close until middle school where we drifted apart slightly. Then in high school, I moved from Ohio to the West Coast and she became my long distance best friend. Aw. The first, the week I moved to the West Coast, she and I both developed the same symptoms and illnesses that knocked us into bed right for an entire week straight. Wow.
Starting point is 00:23:23 From, oh, from opposite sides of the country that's pretty crazy yeah uh i ended up being involved in too many clubs and sports in high school so i would periodically be up late finishing homework on more than one occasion my room would get cold uh and i would feel like she was sitting in the room with me i could almost hear her voice as she tried to help me through whatever the problem was sometimes i would catch a glimpse of her at the foot of my bed, just sitting there waiting for me. So you're like getting hallucinations of someone from across the country,
Starting point is 00:23:50 like astral projection. Astral projecting almost. I still get goosebumps thinking about how surreal it was. This made absolutely no sense as she was more than 2,100 miles away from me. Even though the West Coast is three hours behind the Midwest, I would be overcome with the sudden need to call her, and she would answer every time. We considered this our twin telepathy because we were always aware of when the other person needed each other even if we had gone days without
Starting point is 00:24:12 talking i would typically get the overwhelming urge to call her only to find out she had the biggest fight with her boyfriend or our parents but it didn't stop there after high school i moved from the west coast to the east coast to live in D.C. One time I had this insane headache. You guys probably know these migraines that make you want to pull a pillow over your head and block out all the noise, light, and everything slightly related to life. Yes. The migraine made it impossible to get through class, so I decided to take the city bus back to the apartment. After getting off of my bus stop, I had to walk about a mile back to my apartment. During, by the way, oh my God, that sounds sounds terrible especially with a migraine oh yeah during the walk i kept thinking about my
Starting point is 00:24:48 sister and my headache just kept getting worse i decided to try and give her a call anyways she picked up on the second ring and began telling me all about this trip she was going on um she her partner at the time our older sister's boyfriend and our nephew were all going to the local zoo she was so excited so i let her ramble away while regretting the decision to call because my migraine was so bad. She's like, and then we're going to see the giraffe enclosure. And the other person's like, oh my god. My head.
Starting point is 00:25:12 Well, two minutes into the call, a huge noise exploded through the phone. What? I heard glass shattering, a bunch of choice curse words, and the sound of metal crunching, and I nearly pissed myself. Yeah. All of a sudden, my migraine disappeared i started yelling at my sister through the phone which looking back probably looked nuts to anybody walking past me down the busy dc streets she didn't immediately answer me so i started to panic
Starting point is 00:25:36 i think i continued to yell her name through the phone for five minutes or so i had made it all the way back to my apartment while still clutching my phone before she finally answered me. They had been rear-ended on the way to the zoo, and her phone had been lost in the shuffle of the car crash. Holy shit. She finally found her phone in the back seat. She immediately started to complain about neck and head pain. Turns out she ended up getting a concussion and major whiplash, which led to a nasty migraine that she suffered with for over two weeks. She still describes this migraine as Satan's worst nightmare.
Starting point is 00:26:07 That was by far the scariest and most trying moment for our Irish twin telepathy, since then nothing nearly that crazy has happened, but it's still something we talk about to this day. Without my migraine, I would have never called her or been on the line when she got in the accident. I should note that she was not the driver and the accident was not her fault. Anyways, thanks for reading. I'm sure this is not what you had in mind for twin stories but this was so crazy for us that i couldn't not share it with you three best wishes and enjoy this picture of my dog becca and look at this sweet little puppy dog little german shepherd mix anyway thank you becca thank you becca oh my gosh no that. Oh, my gosh. No, that's exactly what I was thinking about. Yeah, that's exactly what we wanted.
Starting point is 00:26:47 Because I was thinking about my friend who knew that his sister's arm had broken. And it was like, watching it was like the most trippy thing in my life. And when I was little, I was like, oh, that makes sense. In my head, it made sense. Now, of course, it's kind of crazy. I've said it before, but I had, growing up from first grade until senior year of high school, I was really close with a set of identical quadruplets. That's right.
Starting point is 00:27:08 That's right. And they were I mean, they were in my life every day for 12 years. I love them. And I don't know them, but I love them. They're very they were very wonderful people. And I remember always asking them about their quad telepathy, which is kind of cool. That must be wild. I wonder in hindsight, like if they felt a
Starting point is 00:27:25 pain did they think like did they know exactly who it was or were they like i've got three people to worry about like who is it who is it or yourself because she or maybe you just have a fucking thing about becca she's like just walking home with a migraine she doesn't think like oh it's my sister right she's just like i have the migraine then that passes on to the see you know i feel like i would be so paranoid like i have all sorts of aches and pains because i'm elderly apparently now and you know just have all my body doesn't like me very much but like every time something happens i would be like should i call like is it me or is it my sibling are they hurt i don't know i would get so i think maybe i'm too paranoid for a twin come to think of it but yeah maybe it's best that there's only one one ball of energy that you have to deal with yeah the one ball is enough the one ball of anxiety yeah it's uh tense enough as it is
Starting point is 00:28:10 my brother and i do have a lot of um like there like we will like know what we're thinking i mean it's i think it's more just like growing up together and like experiencing the same you know intense situations and things like that but there's definitely an element of like we'll know exactly by like we play that game have you ever played mind meld that game it's like a improv game but you say i've definitely not played it i was like fuck that um each person says a word it's actually really fun each person says a word so like i would say like um this is always my example but like um i don't know. I say fish. You say pink. Oh, I've seen you guys play this, and it's very weird because you get it like three turns in or something. We're really proud of it.
Starting point is 00:28:51 We had a streak once where we got on the second time, and then you'd both say like, what are fish and pink? And you'd be like, salmon. And you'd go like one, two, three, and you'd try to get the same word. And my brother and I had a streak where like six times in a row we got it on the second word and we were so proud of ourselves and Blaze was like I quit I don't want to play this anymore yeah it just it sounds like if you're not siblings or twins like why would you even try to compete with those people Blaze does not like playing it with me and nobody likes playing games with Christine and Alexander yes because one they always went into they're they're like Monica Geller when it comes to board games we're like monica and ross
Starting point is 00:29:25 in a lot of ways they are so competitive and well you should see the lambic now is because there's like fucking six children they're even worse so then when it's all of us under a roof it's i feel like like tables just get thrown across the room absolutely and like when i was little my dad would take things so seriously that like every game would end in just like the most ultimate family fight and like screaming and crying you know glasses being thrown i mean i would literally just sit there and eat my food i would be like i'm not just the amount of screaming and crying and so now we just take it we have to like follow every rule because otherwise someone will start crying and screaming and it's just a chaos anyway this isn't about me the one perk of being an only child i don't give a shit
Starting point is 00:30:00 about about games at all i know we were just talking about this blaze is like hey m do you want to go bowling i was like no it was so nice blaze never invites me anywhere not because i'll like on purpose but like i don't think you and blaze ever like go out like to places that are worthy of inviting people like like trying to make group things we were going yeah we haven't in a while you have date nights but never like group events i feel like we used to invite people over but we haven't in a long time but blaze finally invited me and he was like let's go bowling and i was like i won't be going actually m said no and then i did i was like oh okay well um how about a barcade and i was like absolutely not i was like i think my exact words were i appreciate the offer but i would rather do anything else literally i would rather
Starting point is 00:30:40 sit in my house yeah um m does not like games which people are always surprised by i know because people are always like oh i would love to play video games with m i was like m would not love to play video games with you we can we can hang out and like like i'll play stardew valley with you but closest thing to a game i'll ever play is like individual coloring like that's that's a game for me and i win every time whether i finish the coloring or not. I've really learned to appreciate individual games, though, for my anxiety. Like, just like, this is only me. I'm not competing with anybody. Even like sometimes on my own phone, like maybe I'll play like Solitaire or Mahjong or something.
Starting point is 00:31:17 I'm like, I'm bored. And I just stop. Yeah, like I play all those. I get sucked into all those games like Best Fiends or like Toon Blast. I don't even know what that is. Oh, my God. I don't even know what Toon Blast is. You don't even listen to podcasts because Best Fiends or like Toon Blast. I don't even know what that is. Oh, my God. I don't even know what Toon Blast is. You don't even listen to podcasts because Best Fiends is now an ad on every podcast.
Starting point is 00:31:29 Is it? I don't know. We have very different lifestyles. It's amazing how similar we are and yet how different we are. We are sort of like twins. Mirror twins, like the opposite of the other. Exactly, yeah. You guys are so bored of us right now.
Starting point is 00:31:43 I'm so sorry. All the twins are screaming. They're like stop like you're not a twin thing okay i'm so sorry hello hi geo and eva oh okay shannon shannon knew shannon shannon came here for one thing and one thing only and it was to talk to eva oh my god shannon knew weeks in advance that we were just going to talk about ourselves for 10 minutes. And she's like, I don't know the pronouns. It's not listed. But they were like, oh, they're not going to need my greeting. It's like they get it.
Starting point is 00:32:12 They've gotten enough attention today. Okay. You're not wrong, by the way. Okay. Shannon. Shannon says, hi, Gio and Eva. I know that a lot of your listener stories tend to be in the paranormal realm, but I thought you guys would like to hear about a time a family friend of mine was taken hostage and ended up in a shootout
Starting point is 00:32:26 oh dear i certainly would like to hear it well it's not addressed to you it's only addressed to eva and geo okay i'll hear what eva was allowed to read it was so okay wow and christmas so eva did say there was one christmas adjacent crime story so sometimes i get a little bit i like how i say i get what i want even though literally this whole thing was what i requested i'm sorry you do get exactly what you want i get everything i want okay it was a few weeks before christmas 2010 in monona wisconsin which is a suburb of madison we went there i love cheese curds and my granddad's dear friend marv love that was starting his morning with some coffee and a tv show about woodworking okay okay love that wow this paints a picture we need to write a tv show stat about marv marv and his woodworking and granddad a man who for simplicity's sake we will refer to as jay proceeded to break into marv's home and handcuff
Starting point is 00:33:16 marv to the water heater in the basement while he ransacked the house holy oh my god crap after a while jay came down into the basement and told marv to give him his bank pin marv complied largely due to the fact that jay was holding a gun to him that'll do it that'll do it jay then went to an atm and was pissed that he could only withdraw a couple thousand dollars okay so he came back to the house grabbed marv shoved him into his own truck and took him to the nearest credit union drive-thru while marv was filling out a withdrawal form the bank teller could tell something was off so she waited until jay wasn't paying attention and mouthed are you okay to marv marv shook his head no oh my god i just got chills that's terrifying the teller was able to alert her manager that 9-1-1 needed to be called and stalled jay until the police arrived she's the true hero
Starting point is 00:34:02 of this story oh wow to even have the insight seriously i have chills like something's off you know wow when the police arrived and started to surround marv's truck jay started to get really quote squirrely marv's words so marv kept his seat belt unbuckled and waited to see what would happen oh they were in the car jay threw the truck into reverse and in a flash marv opened the dove out, and started army crawling while narrowly avoiding being run over by his own truck. The open passenger side door hit one of the drive-thru pillars, and plastic parts exploded everywhere. When the truck rammed into an SUV behind it and could go no further, Jay put the truck into drive and rammed a police cruiser with the officer still inside it. Jay didn't let up on the gas until the truck was wedged almost on top of the cruiser oh my god
Starting point is 00:34:49 holy crap another office this is like that game grand theft auto where you're just like i guess i'll just keep driving over top of this vehicle even though eventually i'll get over it yeah even though there are people inside another officer oh right you don't like video games i forgot sorry bad reference another officer grabbed marv who is still doing his army girl poor guy he's like i just wanted to watch my woodwork i just wanted to eat cheese man and hauled him to safety while asking does he have a gun marv replied yeah he's got a gun he's got a gun and that's when the shooting started okay this is bananas when the smoke cleared parentheses literally the smoke from marv's tires had filled the area
Starting point is 00:35:31 jay jay was rushed to the hospital where he later died of his injuries and marv went to the police station so a report could be filled out that was at 2 p.m at 9 p.m marv finally left the station and had his wife take him to a nearby bar for a few shots of Jäger and a few beers, despite the fact that he was still in his bathrobe and slippers from that morning. They weren't able to go home, but the MPD had them put up in a hotel for the night until the scene was cleared and they could get back into their house. Marv said he slept great that night quote despite all the excitement excitement is i would use a different word need marv in my i need marv to be my granddad now marv is doing great this is how like uh uh parks and rec nick offerman why am i forgetting his name yeah this is how he turned out like all of us that's why he's so hard and rigid now, because he had to, like, deal with shit like this in his life.
Starting point is 00:36:27 Oh, you mean all the excitement? All the excitement of army crawling while handcuffed in a shootout. I mean, just really, though, like, he's just trying to eat his breakfast and watch some woodworking. Watch some Bob Ross or something. Woodworking, see? That is absolutely neck off for me. It is. Watching some PBS and, like, nope.
Starting point is 00:36:41 Okay. Marv is doing great, by the way. I graduated from high school the following spring and marv was at my graduation party regaling my friends and family with this tale regaling there may have been some dramatic reenactments too oh i hope the army crawling i hope so too i realize this sounds absolutely batshit so i've included the link to a news article so you know i'm not full of it i love thank you i like the sources i totally believed you by the way yeah we weren't gonna question that thank you for all that you do i absolutely love the sources i totally believed you by the way yeah we weren't gonna
Starting point is 00:37:05 question that thank you for all that you do i absolutely love the podcast and all of you shannon oh thank you shannon i'm literally gonna read thank you marv wow marv you're a fucking hero so is that bank teller wow person abducted ends in shooting oh my gosh this is wild thank you guys so much for all your twin stories. Christine, do you have a request for next month? New Year's? He has a grandfather in Vietnam. Dude, I'm obsessed with this. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:37:30 Oh, New Year's, huh? Oh, my. Did we? I do love. Okay. Well, I feel like maybe this is too like I'm just winging it at this point, which I guess is what we do. Welcome to and that's why we drink. I kind of love this whole like granddad badass or like grandma badass or granddad badass.
Starting point is 00:37:46 Like a grandparent experience. Yeah, because I feel like my grandparents like went through the war and stuff and like their stories are just like, oh, it was just a little excitement. Isn't it crazy that there's a massive generation of people who like in our eyes are have always been so considered so elderly and like their stories are from yesteryear but they dealt with like really intensely yeah it like hard ass stuff we don't look at grandparents as badass normally but like yeah they typically go through a lot and i mean most of them were like in the military and shit too like most of your grandparents yeah fighting world war two and shit um or like even
Starting point is 00:38:20 just living in the aftermath of it or the side side story of it a lot of grandparents from the great depression like yeah wow anyway it's so fascinating to me um yeah so i don't know maybe that's interesting so badass grandparents somehow make that paranormal or true crime yeah yeah i love grandparent story i don't know i don't really use it we'll use it widely we will do a wide cast a wide berth yeah Yeah, if you will. If there's a grandparent theme. I mean, that being said, Eva, or whoever. Whoever, Eva.
Starting point is 00:38:53 Who else do we have? Whoever, whoever. I just, like, I love all of these. I still love cowboy stories. I still love twins. Like, if there are some good ones, like, keep them coming. If there's a twin cowboy who's a grandparent and there's cheese curds madison we got the cheese curds that's the one that we need although i
Starting point is 00:39:09 inserted cheese curds in that story um wow anyway i just love all those stories very much thank you all for sending them in also don't feel like oh we already did a twin story we already please send more cowboys and doppelgangers and twins and black eyed kids and everything you can think of yeah because i love those and uh i feel like they're always creepy even if they're not the theme. Yes. And Eva's like, God damn it. You really don't make this easy on me. But sorry.
Starting point is 00:39:33 Eva, we're so sorry. But thank you, Eva, for all that you do as well. Thank you, Eva. Yay. Yay, Eva. We should do like an applause at the end of every listener's episode just for Eva. Or at the end of every episode. Every day, really. We should all gather and just hold hands across america for eva um so if you would like to
Starting point is 00:39:51 send in your own stories you can do that and that's why we drink at and please put listener stories somewhere in the subject line it just makes things easier or like describe it like if you're like oh a cowboy ghost and his twin or whatever like grandpa if we're doing grandparents grandparents listener story that's really helpful because then we can kind of scan because we get a lot and like see yeah and when i say we i mean even not me that way eva can see the whole list of everyone that's submitted something and folder them in the right places yes uh all right other than that uh happy holidays guys christmas time is here. So enjoy your holidays. We won't see you until the new year.
Starting point is 00:40:27 Well, we will. Merry, merry. Oh, my God. We'll see you in 2020, guys. Ah! So exciting. A whole new generation. This is the last
Starting point is 00:40:32 listeners episode of the decade. This comes out December 1st. Tickets go on sale for patrons tomorrow. Holy crap. And tickets go on sale pre-sale, regular pre-sale
Starting point is 00:40:43 on the 4th. And General is on the 6th on friday so come to our 2020 tour it's starting in literally a few weeks by the time this comes out and i know we keep saying this um but we just want to make sure everyone hears it if you've been to one of our shows before this is nothing like the other shows yeah we like like we scrapped the whole plan and redid it yeah so the format is different we have a different logo and a name for the tour that we're gonna release we just saw logo and a name for the tour that we're going to release. We just saw our logo.
Starting point is 00:41:06 We just saw the logo that we're using. It was very, very cool. Yeah. It's also, yeah. Just come on. It'll be great. Come on. Come meet us.
Starting point is 00:41:15 We want to see you. And that's why we drink. Yay.

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