And That's Why We Drink - Listener Stories: Vol. 37

Episode Date: February 1, 2020

Happy love month, everyone! Per Christine's request we have soul mate, romance and other-worldly connection related stories for ya! Whether it's a partner, sibling or best friend, we're wishing a happy month filled with love! Please consider supporting the companies that support us!You can’t change the weather, but you can change your kitty litter! Go to and use promo code DRINK for 20% off your first order!Go to and get 15% off EVERYTHING on their website when you use code DRINK at checkout!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 hello hi fresh hi hi fresh how are you that's like knock off hello fresh it's like hi clean hi healthy i don't know howdy okay sorry howdy vegetables i haven't finished my coffee today um and also i look like this and i'm sorry about that so uh welcome to february oh we've done it it's probably cold where you are yes it's cold where we are it's colder than normal this is like the first time in a long time where i'm not screaming at christine that i'm dying of heat exhaustion i was thinking that this morning i was like finally and we'll shut up about the no air conditioning it is so wildly hot in the summer i can't breathe recording in here so i'm really enjoying like my vacation from that um so happy february we've made it one whole month we are a 12th done with 2020 whoa
Starting point is 00:01:01 crazy um and here are some listener stories for you for those of you if this is your first listeners episode welcome um this is the part where we tell your stories yes and uh apparently last month i demanded the theme i actually remember at this time of soulmate stories yes like how jim harold has his show about soulmate stories usually christine will demand a theme with or without being told to request one. And by when I'm when I'm says usually they mean always. Well, they mean within the last six months because this is a new development I've created. Right.
Starting point is 00:01:36 Christine requested it one time and then she just fucking ran with it. And I requested the most random. I requested cowboy stories and it actually worked. So then I was like, OK, let's keep playing. playing so now they are themed the first two years of this they were not themed but the theme of this year is to continue the theme i suppose also i keep saying this and i think no one believes me but like we don't have to do a theme like truly also to eva if something comes in you're like this is a great story don't be like well it doesn't fit christine's theme all right the dictator christine's theme um
Starting point is 00:02:05 because i don't want to be that person so uh if you would like to submit your own personal true crime and or paranormal stories you can send them to and that's where we drink dot nope not and that's our actually yeah right now that we've got the listeners did you catch that all that right oh my god and that's what we could email us and that's where we drink at or you can go through the website and there's a submission area. Yeah, I put a submission area on the website in case you'd rather do it that way. And if you are to email us, please make sure that you write listener story and potentially the theme and the subject line. So it's easier for Eva to find for us. Yeah, that would be great all right so this theme christine is soulmate stories soulmate story so i'm gonna start out with one from courtney who uses she her pronouns thank you for normalizing pronouns courtney i appreciate you uh courtney's story is called a ghostly gettysburg soulmate oh this is meant for you i always forget eva puts these in
Starting point is 00:03:01 order i was like what are the odds oh right even though I do love a good story about Gettysburg. I grew up in Virginia and one of our big, one of the big things that all of our teachers cared the most about was Gettysburg. And Emma's slowly becoming that adult as well. Yes. Exactly. Here we are. Also, like I'm aware Gettysburg isn't like part of Virginia, but it was part of the Virginia
Starting point is 00:03:23 curriculum very intensely. In my head, it feels like they're close. Pennsylvania and Virginia are definitely closer than California and Pennsylvania. So I see this is you. I don't know if you knew that. You learn a lot on this show. Sometimes you learn nothing at all. Sometimes you learn negative like you learn things that are wrong.
Starting point is 00:03:41 Sometimes you learn that you always knew and we don't. Sometimes you learn that you're smarter than us. OK, that of the time so here's courtney's story oh my glasses i literally i took mine off because they're so what's going on gross and now i'm blind my stupid face i'm probably staring like a deer in the headlights so i'm sorry maybe you can show everyone your baby browns okay so my undone eyebrows very attractive your unruly face in general okay so uh courtney says hello christine m eva fur babies and petrified fruits yay i am so excited that i finally have a story that meets christine's demands just kidding christine i love you thank you i love you too i have a soulmate story for you a few years back i was walking around the gettysburg battlefields with a few friends we were hanging around devil's den
Starting point is 00:04:27 when i decided to go off on my own into a secluded wooded area okay courtney first of all you're about to learn something on this show and it's don't do that i guess it leads to your soulmate in this story so maybe maybe bad advice uh while i was there i had a feeling that something was following me so i decided to take some pictures i I stood in one spot, then spun in a circle while holding down the capture button so it continuously took pictures. Ooh, like got a burst while you were moving. Sure. I asked out loud, is anybody here? If there is, can you show yourself?
Starting point is 00:04:57 Nothing seemed to happen, so I left and caught up with my friends. Later, I was flipping through my pictures when I found something that made my heart drop into my stomach and it was an orb i know this because in the frame right before and after there was nothing there fast forward a few months i went back with some friends and a paranormal investigator we were using dowsing rods which christine loves my favorite which led us to the same-ish area where i took my pictures i didn't tell anybody in the group about the picture i got so when we were led to the spot i had major butterflies in my stomach i tried to use the rods to communicate because we had great success earlier but now they weren't working one friend who was with us is a medium and told us that there was a spirit that wanted uh to talk to me through her and not the
Starting point is 00:05:41 rods oh yikes oh god he told her that he followed me into the woods because i reminded him of his wife back home and that he showed himself when i asked because he felt like i was his soulmate wow so you were a ghost soulmate i have goose cam wow i do too big time i really didn't know what to say so i just asked him a bunch of questions. I learned that his name is Steven. I think that he likes strawberry ice cream. Precious. I was like, I think he does. I can't be sure. I truly believe in soulmates, but this event really confused me because I am so in love with my husband, and I was always 100% sure that he was my soulmate.
Starting point is 00:06:19 But now I have this ghost who's telling me that we are soulmates, and I'm still pretty sure that my husband is my soulmate for many reasons. Maybe because he's alive. That helps. But I still think about Steven every once in a while. I have attached the picture of my ghostly soulmate. Stay spooky, funny, and weird.
Starting point is 00:06:36 My friends PS, if I can find a traveling companion, I'll see you in Philly. PSS. When I was uploading the picture to this email, I noticed that the photo was taken at 12 17 17 is my lucky number so that's very weird to me damn okay i will say my personal belief which nobody has to well okay first of all side note maybe that spirit was confused or lost still and
Starting point is 00:07:01 like thought you were the wife you know right like you could have just looked like his soul right he could have been wrong or like confused or but also interesting that maybe we have different soulmates in different realms that's what i was gonna say because i feel i've learned in my spiritual journey here we go one of the theories is that are that we are like not one whole between every life like you can kind of split you can kind of one hole between every life like you can kind of split you can kind of um be multiple in multiple places like your soul is more malleable than you think maybe is what i've learned along the way so perhaps this is a different layer of soulmate who knows i'm yeah i'm also a large believer that soulmate doesn't mean romance exactly twin flame yeah we, you know, you can be a soulmate to someone in a platonic way, too, where you're just soul ties are meant to be.
Starting point is 00:07:50 Yeah, we were meant to be, Christine. And I think I also very much believe that we have soulmates that follow us in each life. Agreed. And maybe it's a different relationship next time. Like maybe next time you're my shitty kid. I sure hope so, because i will put you through hell maybe you did in the last time and i was like i hope we're best friends in the next life just to piss you off and then we this happened that would explain a lot actually so i think
Starting point is 00:08:14 soulmates can mean many things i agree and maybe that was actually your soulmate in another life who's still waiting for you so you can go into the next life or maybe that's your husband in the past and he's he's still there somehow spiritually even your old husband just hanging out with his strawberry ice cream waiting for you to find him again does your husband like strawberry ice cream maybe who's to say thank you courtney for your story thank you i'm gonna put my glass on like i'm an old person hold on let me put on my readers it's too dark in here i can't see my bifocals somebody turn on a goddamn light my parents i swear to god they're like the second they walk in somewhere they're like you can't see anything i'm like okay calm down first of all okay um this one is from ellie she her uh subject is
Starting point is 00:09:01 a twofer a love story and a badass grandparent from the beyond the grave love a good badass grandparent from beyond the grave so yeah that was last month sorry geo's dreaming scared the shit out of me sorry look at his little paws doing a little wiggle waggle okay sorry he is i love my baby i hope he's just running through a big old meadow right now full of bacon and french fries i missed him when we were touring anyway um so this week last month's theme was grandparents badass grandparents so this is a combo deal love it hi eva christine m and all and all other members of the podcast family from geo to skylar wow oh my god wow this is the first address to skylar what a range for those of you who don't know who skylar is, buckle up. It's our cool friend.
Starting point is 00:09:45 It's a spider that we refuse to let go of, apparently. Then she lives with Deb, the web. My name is Ellie Sheher and I've been thinking about sending you all this story for literally years. Whoops. Anyways, I missed the badass grandparents theme last month, but when you asked for love stories for February, I knew my time had come. So here's a badass grandparent love story from beyond the grave my grandmother is my hero she essentially raised five amazing human beings on her own and later in life met my grandpa when he wasn't able to care for himself anymore in his old age she worked hard to keep him at home until he died grandpa passed away when i was in high school my entire family lives all over the country but we
Starting point is 00:10:22 met up in new jersey to support gram and say goodbye to grandpa see now you're always making me cry in these recent ones it's my own themes and then i just make myself cry next time your theme should be like something additionally heartbreaking like no like i don't know i can't yeah you tell me what i don't know how to get into the sad element okay on the On the day of the funeral, I heard a scream upstairs. Oh, jeez. I ran up and found Graham sitting on her bed holding her wedding ring. None of us knew this, but she lost the ring a year or so beforehand. She didn't tell anyone because she knew it would only make Grandpa sad, and she wanted to spare him any stress. When Graham was getting ready for the funeral, she turned around and her ring was placed in the middle of her dresser wow
Starting point is 00:11:06 goose cam goose cam we asked everyone at the house and no one was upstairs that morning gram knows it was her husband giving her back her ring to wear when she said goodbye he was like i fucking know you lost this he was like hold on a second that wasn't i don't know if that was entirely kind of him he was like you son of a gun like That wasn't, I don't know if that was entirely kind of him. He was like, you son of a gun. Like you're telling me you're going to act like you didn't lose. Just to spare my feelings. Well, here I found it. You better fucking wear this.
Starting point is 00:11:35 It was behind the toilet the whole time. Don't you forget it now that I'm gone. We asked everyone at the house and no one was upstairs that morning. Graham knows it was her husband giving her back her ring to wear when she said goodbye. She still swears he checks up on her once in a while. I believe it with my whole heart. Short but sweet. Can't wait to meet you both when you come to Maine on my birthday.
Starting point is 00:11:53 Birthday, Ellie. I'm so excited. You don't need to read this out loud. Oh. I just want to make sure. But I like M better. I know, Ellie. I know.
Starting point is 00:12:01 Damn it. I know. But since I lived in Portland, here are some recommendations. Maps Bar, Burger Bar, Rose Foods, and Macworth Island. better i know ellie i know i know but since i lived in portland here's some recommendations maps bar burger bar rose foods and mackworth island good to know okay and it says the description so we'll go over this later okay yeah we'll we'll map it out all right oh my gosh oh heavy heavily populated with dogs well that's the priority we'll be there um thank you ellie that story gave me some little teary eyes that was precious and also i like your grandpa's calling her out from beyond the grave that's so good that's so good it's also so like love story but like like not sappy like like yeah sweet and like precious sweet and like funny um
Starting point is 00:12:39 so this next one is from oh my god i'm gonna have to like put everyone on do not disturb my father decided that this is the moment he wants to tell me all about here my dad uh what does he want to tell you about he wants to tell me all about how he built something for super bowl okay wow for super bowl great i don't care not right now give me a second um okay anyway that's what my father's currently up to he's like i did something for super bowl like great it's january does he mean like for to watch it at his house or like for the no he's he my dad's a tinkerer by nature so he probably just patched something together through something together and i'm sure it's like the coolest thing on earth but
Starting point is 00:13:22 but not like for the actual super bowl no he just he built it and now he's going to probably put it on display for super bowl oh i thought you meant like they hired him to put something oh no no he he's a mountain man he literally lives in the woods he doesn't have a cell phone he has one cricket or whatever he has a jitterbug uh no he uh yeah apparently that's what's going on i'm just teasing okay um he also has readers just so you know with his bifocals don't we all though you probably built something for super bowl with his readers okay uh anyway this is leah leah uses she her pronouns thank you for normalizing pronouns leah leah um leah's uh subject line is personal story submission i appreciate the the definiteness uh uh february's listeners topic wow you're really into it intuition made me fall in love
Starting point is 00:14:14 at dominoes oh this is a movie waiting to happen i already love whatever's about to happen too okay um so leah says y'all asked for love stories and i'd love to tell you mine look at leah okay god damn this isn't true crime but i feel like it's borderline paranormal maybe my guardian angel decided to touch down for once and lead me in the right direction i like how she says for once it's like for once mine touches down every five goddamn minutes to make sure i'm still breathing mine must be right like i don't know how else i'm still alive. And her name is Eva when I'm napping. It is true. It is Eva, yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:47 Eva has checked me when I'm sleeping to make sure I'm breathing too many times. She literally checks to see if Em's pulse is still there. When I sleep, I look like I'm dead. Like slumped over. Like, I mean, it's not even a joke. Like completely catatonic slumped over. Eva multiple times now has been like, I wasn't sure. I wasn't sure.
Starting point is 00:15:03 Okay. Sorry. Sorry, Leah. When I was 17, I worked at Domino's Pizza in my small town just south of San Antonio. I was most definitely not a popular type, always nerdy, and even though I dated and had friends, I wasn't exactly outgoing. Cut to me working one day and my hard ass regional manager walks in and declares he's going to work my shift with me.
Starting point is 00:15:22 Fucking great. I did not love working with my overbearing 50 year old creepy regional manager we got uh busy for dinner and i was at the counter when a gaggle of guys walked in i like how gaggle is being used for guys this time it was fun um i walk in all right i knew i went to school with all of them except one who caught me totally off guard there was this strange instant connection i felt with him like someone just slapped me across the face with a realization that i had to go i had to get to know the guy oh my god who will call b okay i took the order from
Starting point is 00:15:56 one of the other guys in the group and put it under b's name but b never approached the counter i had to go uh to help make the orders but the whole time i schemed about how i could possibly get to know him in such a brief interaction with my regional manager looming over my shoulder the whole time i finally decided the best route was to write my phone number on his pizza box slick mind you i had never done anything so bold like this in my life because I was not a daring person. So I was sweating. Yeah. And felt I was going to pass out the whole time. My mind was blank as I worked.
Starting point is 00:16:31 And the whole thing that kept running through my thoughts was, if you don't do this, you're going to regret it for the rest of your life. Whoa. Intense. It's only a little bit of pressure on a 17-year-old. It was such a weird thing to think, but it was so overwhelming and consuming that i felt like there was no way that i could deny it i made a point to keep my manager away while i cut the pizza and slyly wrote down my name and pizza number and my phone number my pizza number is m has a very specific every number whatever whatever the number is that's mine uh while i wrote my name and phone number on the box and a text me.
Starting point is 00:17:06 I gave it to him. He smiled and that he smiled a smile that made me want to die. And he left. Oh, I waited all night with no indication that he was going to reach out. And I felt so stupid until about nine o'clock that night when I got a text saying this is B. I almost threw away the box without seeing your number. That was pretty awesome. My husband always has been so clueless so it's our husband i was like wait wait you are married okay this month we'll have known each other for exactly
Starting point is 00:17:32 10 years and been married for eight we have two beautiful boys together and two old dogs named indiana jones and jasmine and if it hadn't been for some kind of higher power or spiritual intuition i would have never had this amazing life that we built together, and I would have indeed regretted it. I have a few stories of my, quote, imaginary friend named Abigail who lived in the light of my grandmother's house, but for another day since I have droned on. Y'all are probably on tour now. Yes. So I'll wish you all the luck in the world. I bought a ticket for the San Antonio show with a meet and greet, i'm getting dragged to florida to see my in-laws during that time
Starting point is 00:18:07 so i guess your husband isn't perfect yeah um so consider it a donation to the cause instead lots of love leah we do appreciate the ticket purchase though thank you so much thanks leah wow i i wow i feel like that happened to me so many times in high school i was like that's my soulmate right right i was like such a frigging teenager. Did you ever have any gut feelings like that? I did. Okay. Cool.
Starting point is 00:18:34 Let me put all my readers. No, I did. I, I don't, you know, I'm, I'm weird about talking about things,
Starting point is 00:18:43 but yeah. Well, we have a podcast i know i know well i did see blaze and i didn't even know that my friends knew him but i was like well i'm gonna talk to that person and then i was trying to figure out how and then from behind me my friend came was like oh this is my friend blaze and i was like that's the guy i was trying to find in the bar so i did it was one of those like really lame like i saw him across the room and was like that one i want that one that's the one um yeah so that was kind of my only as far as with blaze and i was on a tinder date so like i shouldn't have been shouldn't have been doing that but look at me always the rebel look at you what can i say next let's see number four soulmates for okay i'm sorry i keep taking my glasses off because i
Starting point is 00:19:29 think i'm cooler without them soulmates per christine's request by tatiana hello christine and eva and for babies my name is tatiana she her and per christine's request i thought i would write in my own paranormal experience with my soulmate. As you guys were probably asking for couples or some romantic love stories, my own take of my soulmate is my sister. See, that's exactly what we meant. So sweet. I love that. I am convinced that that's the truth.
Starting point is 00:19:55 Oh, yeah. That in different lifetimes. I don't. There's really no other option in my mind. I agree. So we're right. So we're right. Is my sister.
Starting point is 00:20:03 That's just sweet. Due to the fact that our souls have always traveled into the same lives together oh i love stories like this due to having several past life progressions and conversations with our own spirit guides we have learned that we have always been sisters in all of our past lives that's adorable i learned that my mother was my child in a past life vice for now we switched the same thing of like, uh-huh. I don't know how.
Starting point is 00:20:27 I know that my mom and I have always been in the same... We've always been in the same lives together. Isn't that weird how you just like know that? Yeah. I don't know how she was related. I think in one life we were probably best friends
Starting point is 00:20:40 is a gut feeling I have. Yeah. Oh, I could see that. Because these days she's too fucking open with all of her opinions with me i think she learned that in a past life and she has not broken the habit yet she likes she likes giving me every opinion every little detail yes yeah my mom and i both had the same like have had similar dreams where we're in egypt and i'm the child
Starting point is 00:21:01 and she's or no sorry she's the child and i'm the mom and she's, or no, sorry. She's the child and I'm the mom. And we've both had those dreams. Like before I even knew she had the dreams, I was having them. That's weird. It's really weird. I feel like Deirdre and I are also regularly in each other's other lives. I'm pretty sure we've killed each other many times. I'm pretty sure we're both the reasons that we moved on to next lives. And now live across the country. I love it.
Starting point is 00:21:28 Okay. moved on to next lives and now live across the country i love it um okay for example in one of our past lives we were living in the era when witches became a huge thing we're living in the air in the era in the era i was like we were on brooms i was like were you a witch in the era in this life my sister was stoned to death due to being accused of practicing witchcraft at the time one of our friend's babies was was stoned to death due to being accused of practicing witchcraft. At the time, one of our friend's babies was having some health issues, and due to the fact that my sister and I were more spiritually connected, she asked my sister for help in healing her baby. My sister did what she could to help save the baby, but of course, it did not work. Angry, our friend accused her of cursing her child and claimed she was a witch to the rest
Starting point is 00:22:00 of the town. Me, terrified of meeting the same fate as her, stayed quiet. Oh, dear. Oh, boy. This life caused her to hold a lot of resentment towards me can you blame her in our current life which was something we had to work on when we were younger oh my god wow okay in each of our past lives we have always been spiritually connected which is probably why some creepy paranormal stuff happens when we both are around main reason we don't live together anymore oh my god usually imagine if you have to like look there's too much spooky stuff going on i need you to move out by the end of the month i know we're saving on rent but like it's not worth
Starting point is 00:22:33 it it's not worth it usually when a ghost wants to be heard it'll start by appearing in my dreams and then move on and show itself to my sister well that sucks for your sister she's like come on like she knows it's coming at least she's like oh no i had a dream one of our scariest encounters was when a woman showed up in my dream in this dream she had me in our own apartment she had me in our own apartment as i began to walk into my room i saw this dead tree right up front of my window as i stepped into the room i saw a man hang himself from one of the branches terrified i ran out of the room and as i turned back the man was gone confused i walked back into my room and the same thing happened again all i saw was his legs swinging back and forth back and forth outside my window i eventually built up the
Starting point is 00:23:15 courage and made my way to the window as i got closer i began to see this pale woman with a long white dress kneeling on top of the branch the man was hanging from her long brown hair was parted down the middle covering most of her face like samara from the ring honestly though as i looked her in the eyes she gave me this disturbing evil grin then out of nowhere i was pushed awake that same morning my sister not even knowing what i've just experienced woke up in sleep paralysis she said that when she woke up she noticed her entire body was frozen solid as she laid on her back she looked over her right shoulder and a pale woman with a long white dress was kneeling next to her and she had long brown hair that was parted down the middle and as she began to look in her eyes she gave her this disturbing evil grin as she slowly reached her
Starting point is 00:23:57 hand over my sister's chest and began to hold her down oh my god this woman bugged us for about a week before we were finally able to make her pass oh god can you imagine like something clinging to both of you like that like you're both in the same house and they're like oh i can attach myself to both of these people souls i wonder if i mean it must then feel like oh i can get twice as powerful yeah in the same amount of time they can both see me or like sense me yeah all we can do is listen to what these people want us to know and hope that at the end of it we can help them move on sorry for such a long story i have so many of these but tried to pick the shortest one my sister may not be the stereotypical soulmate but without her i wouldn't be the person i am today hopefully our souls continue to move on together because she's honestly the best sister
Starting point is 00:24:43 anyone could ask for i mean what else can you expect out of a gemini wow that is not something i added i swear it's in the email i believe you we'll both be at your live tour in dc and we're both so excited thanks for being awesome tatiana uh do me a favor at the dc one please clap additionally loudly yep like extra loud than you would at any other show because apparently uh like half of my graduating class from high school is gonna be there my nightmare also my parents are gonna be there so like waking sleep paralysis like your whole class graduating class it's literally the nightmare of like being on stage and like everyone in your high school graduating class is laughing at you and your pants are down or something they just might come off you don't we told you there's a new format to
Starting point is 00:25:28 the show we told you you don't know what to expect so um but yeah please make me look really cool because i was not cool in high school and i need them to kind of like wish that they were still friends with me i'm in that same boat cincinnati so just do it please god help me yeah i would like them to think i'm very cool now that'd be super appreciated please pretty please can't you tell how cool we are can't you tell when we beg to be seen as cool um that's why we started this podcast actually i was like christine you're not cool by far and she was like you're not cool either but maybe we can throw something together i'm like you're a little cooler than me so maybe i can latch on why our friendship works well is because both of us think we're a little cooler than the other. I don't think I'm cooler than you whatsoever.
Starting point is 00:26:06 Right. I think you're cooler than me. Oh, I see. Okay. We don't think we're smarter than the other. Because we're not, clearly. No, I think you're cooler than me and I think you think I'm cooler than you. Oh, for sure.
Starting point is 00:26:16 Even though you're a crazy person. Okay. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. The next one. This is from Erica. She, her pronoun. Thank you for normalizing front of erica
Starting point is 00:26:25 i have a lot of she hers in the room tonight a lot of she hers hanging out so this uh erica's title is valentine's story autopsy edition whoa guys everyone in high school doesn't think i'm cool but like let me read stories about autopsy valentine this will work nothing else did so we've stood here where it's like our last resort so uh erica says just go straight into it so i volunteered at a morgue and i volunteered at a morgue in lansing michigan for several months during college as one does yes uh-huh uh i assisted in many interesting cases during my short time there but one case in particular stands out one sunny morning in 2013 then just a doughy eyed 20 year old great uh walked into a morgue at sparrow hospital in lansing michigan to hear the autopsy reports for the day
Starting point is 00:27:19 on the docket was an elderly man who had been the unfortunate victim of a car accident the previous night typically autopsies are only conducted on individuals whose death have been a suspicious or of an unknown case so why would we autopsy an individual who so obviously died as a result of a car accident good question what about his death was so suspicious to warrant an autopsy well it wasn't the circumstance of his death so much that warranted an autopsy but of his life the man on our table had been married to none other than carol ann fugate america's youngest female serial killer so there's a story for you yeah i was gonna say i don't even know that person carol ann fugate fugate how do you it? F-U-G-A-T-E. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:28:05 Cool. Fugate. Okay. America's youngest female serial killer. Let me tell you a little about her. Oh, Christine, here are your notes. Oh, never mind. You do it. And now for the, and that's why we drank, true crime portion.
Starting point is 00:28:15 Yeah. Erica and I will read this for you. Yay. In 1958, at the age of 15, Carol Ann and her then 18-year-old boyfriend, Charles Starkweather, went on a killing spree that would cross several states, beginning with Charles murdering Carol Ann's mother, stepfather, and baby half-sister. Oh, my God. This spree would end up claiming six more lives. August Meyer. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:28:40 And his dog. C. Lauer and Clara Ward. I'm sorry. And their dog gee what the fuck is wrong with these people christine is not going to cover this story got it uh meryl collison robert jensen and carol king they were both eventually arrested for these murders and starkweather being of adult age was sentenced to death by electrocution oof carol ann maintained her innocence in the murders claiming that she was held hostage by starkweather throughout the killing spree. And to this day, her defense attorney swears by her innocence.
Starting point is 00:29:11 Despite her defense attorney's best efforts, however, Carol Ann was convicted and sentenced to life in prison, but was released after 17 years of good behavior. After being released, Carol Ann moved to Lansing, Michigan and lived a quiet life as a janitorial assistant and medical tech at the local hospital. Oh, my God. Eventually remarrying in 2007 at the age of 64 to a man named Frederick Clare. And this is where I come in. Carol had also been in the car when the tragic accident took her husband's life, and she was in critical condition. We had to conduct an autopsy on her husband, however, for two reasons. One, his wife was an ex-serial killer.
Starting point is 00:29:49 That's a good one. And two, the report given to us by the police stated that there were pills found on the body implying a poisoning by his wife. As I was undressing the elderly gentleman to prepare him for the autopsy, I discovered the aforementioned pills stuck down the front of his shirt. As I searched through his pockets, standard procedure, I was not robbing him. autopsy i discovered the aforementioned pills stuck down the front of his shirt as i searched through his pockets standard procedure i was not robbing him uh that was my first thought you thief i found the source of these pills an empty tic-tac box oh shut up turns out those pills all over
Starting point is 00:30:17 frederick's shirt were actually tic-tacs that he was likely downing while driving along the highway before losing control of the vehicle carol ann had not in fact poisoned him and was again innocent carol ann recovered from her injuries though reports are scarce on her condition i like to think that carol was truly innocent all along and was living a quite happy simple life with her new husband only to have him tragically taken from her in a car accident anyways happy valentine's day, Erica. Holy shit. Thank you, kind of, Erica.
Starting point is 00:30:46 Holy shit, that is a wild story. It's bananas. It's Tic Tacs. And then you found the Tic Tacs. That's crazy. Thank you for cracking the code. You found the Tic Tacs.
Starting point is 00:30:57 The pills. Mm-hmm. Oh, that's really sad, though. Mm. Yeah, it is.
Starting point is 00:31:02 Okay, so this last one that we have our last story all right so this is from molly and it's called a haunted house sensitive nephew and one personal story yay hello eva christine m geo and junie i absolutely love your podcast to the point that i have about 10 podcasts in my list to listen to but instead i am re-listening to yours from the beginning instead of catching up on the others thank you oh that means a lot let's crack into it first there were a lot of marriages and divorces in my family amen oh i thought we were gonna both say same oh hey mood oh damn next time um so close
Starting point is 00:31:41 though uh hence me having eight siblings but being an only child this sounds very familiar i'm wait i do have eight siblings and i'm an only child i'm telling you wait did i write this you email me stop emailing me you weirdo i keep telling you about me hoping maybe we can like start the friendship over oh soulmates i will try to keep things simple for you to follow thank you you know us very well my sibling's mother lives in a haunted house. Actually, the whole cul-de-sac is haunted. I always thought I wasn't comfortable there because anxiety, but it wasn't just that. There have been many things that have happened in the house.
Starting point is 00:32:14 There have been phantom smells of cigarette smoke and old lady perfume. Classic. Huh. If you sleep with your head on the side of the house, you will have nightmares. Your head on the side of the house? Yeah, I would have nightmares, too. nightmares too if you fall asleep standing up outside against the home then you're in a nightmare um it says sorry if you sleep with your head on one side of the house i i mean sure but your body's in the other side of the house maybe i hope that's what she means i hope it's funny my sister and niece lived there
Starting point is 00:32:47 for a bit and my niece was always screaming yeah because her head was sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry because your head was upstairs if you sleep with you okay my sister and niece lived there for a bit my niece was always screaming and crying in her room but as soon as we would take her out she would be calmer other than that room she was a very happy baby my sister's cats were also super freaked out all the time there was one time that i saw one of them walking in the hallway and then stop abruptly and then jump back a couple of times and then run the other way afterwards i looked i looked at one of my sisters with a dumbfounded look on my face and she asked if i thought that looked like it was jumping away like someone was grabbing at them
Starting point is 00:33:21 it totally looked like that there are orbs and photos all the time inside outside still moving doesn't matter they are fucking everywhere the only experience that i had that i will never forget happened when i was about 10 my 13 year old sister and i were in the basement playing barbies when her mom went to the store to get groceries which was a whole big thing hashtag shopaholic and hoarder okay which is why it was strange when 15 minutes later we heard the garage door open and footsteps upstairs oh we went upstairs to see what was going on only to find no one home we then looked in the garage and it was closed we definitely heard the garage door open the door to inside the house open and then footsteps someone should have been
Starting point is 00:34:02 there that was the first time we experienced this but it wasn't my sister's last and my other siblings frequently heard footsteps on the stairs with no one going up or down no thank you i hate that there's a house across the street that can keep that can't keep a homeowner for more than a year that's not a good sign talking with neighbors they all have strange things that happen but this particular house is extra haunted gross now on to my nephew and his connection to this house the nephew is about six years old now and has always been sensitive to the supernatural okay every house he has lived in he has talked about these other children that are around oh my god no house is safe apparently are they seeking him out because they know he can see them
Starting point is 00:34:40 and will play with them i have no idea but it's more than imaginary friends anyway at the haunted house that my siblings somehow grew up and survived in all of the nieces and nephews were Ugh. Okay. My sister asked who he was talking about, and he said Caitlin, which happens to be my oldest niece's name. Oh, okay. My sister was confused because Caitlin was playing nicely by herself. She's a couple older than the other kids. My sister asked him what he meant since she was sitting to the side and hasn't talked to him for a while. That's when he said, no, not that Caitlin, the one who lives on the roof. Oh! He has talked about her a couple more times since then and apparently she is real needy
Starting point is 00:35:27 she's real needy yikes i hate that apparently she is real needy and he doesn't like her but she told him that the other kids can't see her so he is her only friend you know no biggie once my sibling's brother moved out things calmed down but now that he's back around more often things have amped back up he's an angry, so I think he feeds the presence in the house. Thanks for taking the time to read my story. I lived in a different house that was haunted, but I only have stories from others since we moved out when I was two, so I don't remember. Keep things spooky. I love it, Molly.
Starting point is 00:35:59 Great. Thank you, Molly. Em hates you now. Ew. There's a PS. Okay. This next part you don't have to read on the podcast but i will anyway i guess i wanted you to hear about how your podcast kind of helped
Starting point is 00:36:10 me find the love of my life oh so sweet my partner heather they them and i have known each other for four years before we started dating we kind of worked together and were casual friends then one day i asked friends on facebook for recommendations for podcasts heather recommended yours i was immediately hooked anyway i would text them often about different episodes and how much i loved it we ended up going to our local pride event that year and started hanging out more and more it got to the point that we were hanging out all weekend and every weekend then we added a couple of times during the week we were basically dating but they were my best friend and i fought it because i didn't want to lose that then we went to see
Starting point is 00:36:47 you live in detroit which i that was a fun show yeah that night we stayed up till 4 a.m drinking and talking which was a common occurrence we had our own beds and as we were falling asleep they told me they were cold and that i needed to go to their bed okay i was drinking so in my in my mind it was totally reasonable. And they didn't just want an excuse to cuddle, which is totally what they were doing. Well, I enjoyed it more than I wanted to admit. After that, something changed. We were just both ignoring the tension between us.
Starting point is 00:37:17 During this time, I realized I was probably in love with them. They were my home and comfort when I was struggling. Needless to say, about a month after we saw you live, we were together and I couldn't imagine my life without them. I'm sure we would have gotten together eventually, but I like to think that you helped us along the way. So thank you. I like to think that too. Me too. Give us the credit.
Starting point is 00:37:34 Give us all the credit. Wow. Congratulations on your blossoming love. I found an amazing, beautiful, and wonderful person who happens to be the love of my life and you and your podcast helped more than once. So sweet. I am sorry this is basically a novel but i needed to thank you you are welcome molly thank you that's so sweet that is a soulmate story so sweet oh so sweet oh look just like little look at his little head everything's so sweet little oh sorry i'm stretching i thought you were trying to tickle my armpit i was like i was like we're not that close no no it's like me and allison aren't that close uh thank you everyone who sent in your stories you um talk about like the next thing should be like things about how great we
Starting point is 00:38:17 are and how much we helped you no i'm just kidding wait a minute just let that be the theme where you just you just say nice things i'm just kidding the theme should be if you went to high school with me oh god no say nice things about me oh god no because can you tell i'm a gemini no no okay i'm like that like creepy little poltergeist who lives on the roof i'm just needy hey i know ew no not that caitlin that caitlin that caitlin how come every ghost has to be needy why can't there just be a ghost that's like chill is how like probably is that's walter he's like please leave me alone like i live on the roof because i don't want to be near you right not because i always just want to like find you maybe that should be the theme like chill as fuck ghosts oh that's a good idea but
Starting point is 00:38:57 my theme this time guys okay okay okay and then next time can i put this one down in the in the annals so that we have it for next time? Yeah. Past life stories. Oh, I like that. So you're either or. So, oh, either or. Or we could do yours first. And then.
Starting point is 00:39:11 Yeah. Just if you have either of those, send them in. Yeah. Ghosts. They're just fucking dope. And you're like, chill ghost. We hope you always are in our house because you're so damn cool. So cool.
Starting point is 00:39:24 We know maybe like he, she or they know they're cool, too. Oh, yeah. They're like a crack open, a nice cold bud light. A ghost that knows they're a homie. If you've got a story like that. I love it. And also if you have a past life story, I guess. Yes. Maybe if the ghost that is the homie is you in a future life talking to its past.
Starting point is 00:39:38 Actually, only that. OK, we're never going to have an episode next month. I hope everyone has a great February. Yeah. Happy Valentine's Day. Ruary. We're going to be in sacramento on valentine's day yes we are romantic christine's my little valentine yay yay and so will everyone there i know you guys are all our valentines and we love you and we can't wait to see you buy tickets to our shows please and that's why we drink

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