And That's Why We Drink - Listener Stories: Vol. 4

Episode Date: June 1, 2017

Grab your drink and lock your doors. Volume 4 is here! In this month’s listeners episode, we thank all of our lovely patrons and read some of your best stories yet. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey guys. Hi. It's our birthday month. It's our birthday is in two days and three and three for you. Thanks for ignoring mine. Mine's sooner. All right. This is our listeners episode number. Why do I why do I even ask? You look at me like four. Is it four? Yes. No, it's five. It's four. You sure? No. Okay. Welcome to our listeners episode where we don't know how to do anything. Hello, it's before number 10. It is.
Starting point is 00:00:39 That is true. Before we get into the stories, we wanted to our patreon donators uh christine has a handy dandy spreadsheet because there's just so many of you these days thank you so much it's color-coded it is color-coded she made sure to even show me which colors i'm allowed to say she's like these are the ones you list these are the ones i list i have a problem she's keeping us organized much better than me so oh man okay hi everybody so let's crack into it let's crack into it there it is there it is okay we should have a jingle for like and now your shout outs and then you and then i go and then you go let's crack into it oh that would be fun
Starting point is 00:01:19 okay let's do it ready go let's crack into it. Wait, what did I say? No, you started with, and now. Oh. Fuck, I forgot what I was supposed to say. And now for the shoutouts. Let's crack into it. That's good. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:33 Okay. Professional. Yeah. It sounded like an adult did it. Yeah. Yeah. Who would have thought? Not me.
Starting point is 00:01:40 I don't know any adults. Let's start listing names. All right. Do you have the document open? No. Oh, should I? Oh, I thought you were going to names. All right. Do you have the document open? No. Oh, should I? Oh, I thought you were going to read off your document. You want to read off mine?
Starting point is 00:01:49 Well, now I know. Now I want to feel independent of you. Okay, fine. I love your music. Okay, we're back. Hi. I found the spreadsheet. I lost it, but then I found it again.
Starting point is 00:02:02 Okay, so who's on Tea Milkshake? Okay. I lost it, but then I found it again. Okay, so who's on Team Milkshake? Okay, it's Zach E., Jerry K., Emily M., and Crime Crazy Podcast, who are Aaron and Jordan. Hey, Aaron and Jordan. And then there seems to be a lot more Team Wine people out there. My people.
Starting point is 00:02:24 We've got Katie W., Zoe, Crystal Nicole, Al Pal, who's my college roommate. She requested that she go by Al Pal, which is what I aggressively called her in college. She's also the one in Tanzania. Oh, good. She got away from you. Yep. Sarah B. Heather.
Starting point is 00:02:35 Molly. Sassy chick. Alexis, who wants to shout out her dog, Wilson Wants Belly Rubs on Instagram. Aw. I know. Gio's friends with Wilson on Instagram. Really? Uh-huh.
Starting point is 00:02:47 Aww. Adrienne, we've got the Deviant Women podcast, which sounds right down my alley. And as of today, the Off the Cuffs, a kink and BDSM podcast. Something I'm learning about right now with the rest of you. We are branching out. Wow. Surprise. Look at us having an interesting connection so into it so off the cuffs is team wine not gonna complain no i don't blame them thank you guys
Starting point is 00:03:13 yeah they seem like they talk about some things that require wine okay so let's go to the five dollar shout outs so So we've got Erica. We have Rebecca H. Alexander, my brother. Jennifer M. Wynema. Coral. Chelsea A. Hillbilly Horror Stories, our best buddies.
Starting point is 00:03:34 Hey, hey. Hi, Kentucky. James H. Louise. Molly. Dana. And Jay. Hey, girl.
Starting point is 00:03:44 Hey, hey. All right. Now we got got our ten dollars they're the ones that get everything they just get all the merch they get the merch and the blooper reel and god honestly god bless them because i don't know why they're willing to put up with as much as god they need so much attention i know it's like what what is wrong with you i kind of judged them like what okay okay you start maui jen whose uh name means mouthy jen from old german yes my pal casey j miss johnny be good amber you my girl renata hey hey lisa g who i believe is in norway one of my best friends cc uh baron hart who happens to be my father marisol rachel b who's my sister oh man oh man so much love uh melissa m uh elise aka flighted chemist oh my mama bear linda hi linda uh okay this is my friend renee she said she would
Starting point is 00:04:44 donate five dollars every time i said the following and i'm gonna bite my tongue and just fucking say it renee and harry styles love is real and thank you too for showing us that move on get away from it if i say it do we get an additional five dollars let's just say it 10 times to see what happens okay uh also thank you to blaze hi blaze uh thank you to classic kevin uh thank you to ash and s we got jessica who wants a shout out to her sister adrienne who told her about the podcast uh my high school buddy tiana we've got aaron m katie b sarah c d grace v and jory woolette woolette jory yeah jory jory hashtag horry okay jory uh kia jeffrey s dobby and lara yay thank you all for donating i can't believe you pay to listen to us talk you guys are my angels i need you guys to know every single one of you and every tier that christine will text me at two in the morning sometimes being like
Starting point is 00:05:48 can you believe that people actually like us enough to do this and i agree with her i don't know why i'm usually crying i don't know why she gets a little wine drunk i think i get a little cry a little wine emotional but we have had many conversations about how we don't understand why you guys are so nice to us but thank you thank you thank you you're our angels we love you so much anyway now we've got some stories to tell you also since we're on the patreons real quick i do want to say i hope the ten dollar uh donators uh enjoyed their first yes real set of merch. Yes. I tried very hard. More stuff is coming to eventually in the future. It's just... We're working on it.
Starting point is 00:06:29 We're trying very hard to make this a regular professional thing. And it's very hard when we don't know what we're doing. People... My mom, like, scolded me. She was like, you don't know how you're shipping. Like, you don't know how to ship correctly. I was like, well, no, I obviously don't. I mean, thank you for helping me.
Starting point is 00:06:44 Yeah, this is a first time for all of us. We're trying... A lot of people have been tweeting at us like, why don't you how to ship correctly i was like well no i obviously don't i mean thank you for helping yeah this is the first time for all of us we're trying a lot of people have been tweeting at us like why don't you use and i'm like we're trying okay this is we're learning all about someone tweeted why don't they sponsor you i was like i don't know why don't they question why don't everyone reach out to right now oh my god yeah everyone tweet them and be like hello they'll have to notice they need so much help and also thank you to everyone who has been posting pictures of themselves with the merch it has made us so happy my mom called me crying about it oh yeah she's like these people care about you i was like oh i'm sorry you're so glad you're so surprised the people care about me but
Starting point is 00:07:22 okay no but thank you guys so much every time we saw every single picture that you guys posted and tagged us in on like twitter and all that we definitely screenshotted sent each other pictures oh yeah right about it it's so many tears it's so nice of you guys to beautiful be so supportive we love you so much anyway on to your really fucked up story now let's talk about horrible things okay who wants to go first i'll go first okay why not that's the first for you i know it's the first to go first i'm feeling really uh empowered maybe from that fourth glass of wine you just drank yeah really lucid i was gonna say empowered but also lucid okay okay is it paranormal or true crime it is both oh surprise that's a new one hi ladies my name is emily hi emily hey i'm from indiana
Starting point is 00:08:09 hi indiana i'm a little ashamed of how excited i was when i heard of your podcast and found out i shared a name with m i'm also team m as i'm currently only 20 and enjoy me a milkshake but i see lots of wine in my future wink face i appreciate you pretending that you're not drinking alcohol can't wait for you to join can't wait for you to be able to legally do it welcome you can Lots of wine in my future wink face. I appreciate you pretending that you're not drinking alcohol. Can't wait for you to join me. Can't wait for you to be able to legally do it. So you can brag about it and then drink with Christine. So you can share this with your parents and they won't be like, wait, what? I love the podcast.
Starting point is 00:08:35 Listen to it every Sunday morning. Sorry, I ruined that yesterday when I didn't submit it until 1155 p.m. Perfect. Sorry. So my story involves ghosts and true crime um i live on a farm which i already alarms me love that yep uh there's cornfield surrounding our house okay well indiana great the house that i live on was one of the first houses built in our community in our county in the early 1900s there are two houses on the property the first was built
Starting point is 00:09:06 in 1895 and the second in 1901 across the property ran two roads at the time both were very crude dirt roads and have long been replaced and are no longer there at the corner of these roads an elderly couple had built a house and from what i understand they sometimes offered room and board to travelers but were farmers by trade if you followed the road to the west on what is now my neighbor's property there was a trading post for travelers and indians to trade furs and buy goods interesting in the mid to late 1800s it is said that the owners of the trading post will call them joe and bill what okay what we're having some disagreements about the business one day joe walked into the old couple's house they were less than a half a mile apart and asked to borrow a shovel parentheses what kind of trading post doesn't have a shovel good point okay fair no one ever saw bill again oh no it
Starting point is 00:09:55 is said that no one really liked bill and accepted without question joe's stories story that he had gone out of town on a business trip i don't believe him nope it is still unknown if joe's stories story that he had gone out of town on a business trip i don't believe him nope it is still unknown if joe murdered bill or not parentheses he did okay way to make the call okay yeah be assertive for the rest of us okay emily thank you um a few years later a rumor was started that the old man hid all of the couple's money behind a loose stone in the stone fireplace one night three men who had been lodging there for a few days stabbed the old man to death hung his wife in the corn crib and ransacked the house the couple was found a few days later and the men were never caught no one knows if they found the money or if there was even any money
Starting point is 00:10:36 to be found oh my these are just a few things that document that are documented happening on the property there's also an old cemetery um at the neighbor south of our property to add to the creep factor my grandparents bought the property off a couple in the 40s and i've lived in the newer house most of my life the first 18 months of my life we lived here with my grandparents my father remodeled the older home my mother would all the time walk into my room to find me laughing and giggling in my crib reaching up at nothing no yep nope yep my siblings and i were homeschooled and i would often stay with my grandparents while my parents worked during the day my grandma had an office lamp sitting on a desk in her dining room every time i would walk
Starting point is 00:11:13 into the into the living room from the dining room that lamp and only that lamp would fall every single time and only when i walked in in the kitchen the cabinets would still randomly open and they still do to the point my grandma tied all of the cabinets shut with string they open more frequently when people are fighting or allowed the way our kitchen is set up is if you're sitting at the head of the table the refrigerator or freezer is right behind you multiple times it has opened and smacked different people in the back of the head oh sounds like a petty, a petty, petty fridge. Yes, it sounds like me as it goes.
Starting point is 00:11:47 Yeah. Excuse me? Crack. I don't agree with your commentary. The thing that creeps me out the most goes on upstairs. The house is very old and hard to heat. With that said, we don't use the upstairs anymore, and most of the stuff was cleaned out of it when my grandma died.
Starting point is 00:12:02 There's one upstairs window that I see every day when I park my car. I have always, even since I was little, felt like there was a woman watching me from that window. It is never threatening, and you always get more of a welcome home vibe from her. I have never seen her, just felt her, but my roommate had a buddy over who was very sensitive, and without knowing anything about the house, said he saw a woman standing in that window watching them outside. Oh, cool. that he saw a woman standing in that window watching them outside oh cool lights will come on and off randomly by themselves and quote her window will just randomly be opened for days at a time and the next time you look at it it'll be shut again and when i say open i don't mean cracked
Starting point is 00:12:34 it will be half to three quarters of the way open it's the only window in the house that does it my roommate alan is followed by something else he constantly feels watched by a man when he's in the house and alone and catches glimpses of the man standing in the kitchen doorway watching him watch tv in the next room he also commonly sees him standing on the porch watching alan work in the barn when the staring inside the house house gets unbearable alan will walk outside and when he turns around he can see the man watching him through the back door oh no i know oh no i've never experienced this and the man has never done any harm i think my family has lived here for so long that whoever this man is
Starting point is 00:13:09 he's just very protective of us and is confused as to why alan is there he's like nice try alan what are you doing alan perfect the most recent and traumatic event for us took place in the house on december, 2016. Most of my family and Alan had left to go to my brother's military school graduation. When we returned, we found my father, who was terminally ill with cancer at the time, had a stroke in the dining room. He died 12 days later, Christmas Eve, after we pulled him off life support. Though he didn't die in the house, we still feel him all the time. Alan and my dad were close due to sharing lots of interests, and Alan having a very strained relationship with his own father was very close to him.
Starting point is 00:13:50 Alan swears that when he's up late at night, he can feel my dad sitting in the recliner next to him just like they used to do. My dad chewed tobacco his entire life. Anyone who's been around someone who chews knows the distinct sound when they spit into their spitter. When I'm alone in the house, I can hear that noise constantly from the chair that my dad used to sit in. It's kind of comforting to know he still comes and hangs out with us sometimes.
Starting point is 00:14:10 As I wrap up, I'd like to point out that my mother and her siblings grew up in this house. When I ask my mom if she thinks this house is haunted, she never gives a straight answer. She just says, well, whatever it is has never hurt us, which is pretty much how my mom responds to anything. Exactly. That's how i always
Starting point is 00:14:25 feel in my childhood home well it's like if it wanted to hurt me it would have by now yeah we're fine yeah i would ask my grandparents but sadly both of them have passed on as well and i guess it's possible that they are ghosts here too sorry this was so long i love listening to you guys keep up the great work emily oh that's a good story emily that's very nice wow i like when that guy was confused about why the friend was alan yeah god damn it alan perfect well thank you for that thanks thanks emily so this is from johnny who is one of our patreon donors thanks johnny and it's short but sweet um she says in october 2016 my mom moved us into her boyfriend's house he had inherited from his grandparents must be nice uh oh my god my sister and i shared the room that had belonged to his grandparents since they had been unable to take
Starting point is 00:15:21 their belongings with them when they died all the furniture in the room was also his grandparents. Hmm. Not something I would be happy about. Must be nice. No, it must not be the greatest. Just to use your quote. That winter, I ended up getting insanely sick with pneumonia. That sucks. Hmm.
Starting point is 00:15:34 For three days, I had never left that bed. Hmm. Parentheses, I'm sure I smelled amazing. Oh, girl. Yikes. You smelled great. It's fine. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:43 Oh, yeah. I bet you smelled great it's fine yeah oh yeah i bet i bet you smelled a hundred percent one night i woke up to see a man standing right by the side of my bed leaning over me he had a cigar in his hand though he wasn't smoking it he was wearing a zoot suit oh shit so riot riot and an old-fashioned felt hat He also had a pocket watch. He just sat there watching me, probably wondering what the fuck that smell was. Oh no!
Starting point is 00:16:10 Perfect. I screamed, naturally. Oh, sure. My sister, who was asleep next to me, jumped out of bed and turned on the light. Even with the light on, I could still see the man. Fuck that. Oh no.
Starting point is 00:16:22 That's not what I want to play with. No. I don't remember the days following the night. From what I've heard, my fever was pretty high. To this day, the image of that guy is seared into my brain. Oh, shit. A few months later, we were spring cleaning the house. They were hoarders.
Starting point is 00:16:35 Okay. Nice to know. Oh, good. And stumbled across a picture of the boyfriend's grandparents tucked away at the bottom of the closet. And the guy who was watching me was my boyfriend's grandfather. No. That's an awesome story. Oh, shit. It was the guy in the photo short and sweet yeah jesus christ
Starting point is 00:16:49 yikes he was in a zoot suit you know what if you're gonna die and you have to have like a forever ghost outfit why not totally i would wear a zoot suit in my afterlife i had a similar experience happen to me when i was little johnny, where I found my grandfather sitting on my bed. Was he in a zoot suit? No, he was in a polo. So grandfatherly. I know. Just hanging out in a polo and khakis.
Starting point is 00:17:14 In a polo. And probably loafers. Boat shoes. I know. Fun fact, though, when he died, he only had one leg. They had amputated one of his legs. Really? And when I saw him, he had both his legs sitting on the bed on the bed with me i was just in a okay to be myself i was just in a
Starting point is 00:17:30 meetup about like your uh loved ones and spirit guides who've passed and they tend to come back the way like in a healthy version of themselves right yeah and how they would want to want to be seen well my grandpa had been seen a million like non-stop my grandpa has been seen in my house and everyone who has seen him has said that he had both legs. One of my cousin actually spent the night too one time and in the middle of the night saw him climbing up the stairs. Wow. And she like didn't even realize at the time that whether or not he had both legs because she just was seeing my dead grandpa climbing up the stairs. And at the end we were like, you know what?
Starting point is 00:18:02 He was climbing the stairs. He must have had both legs. So good for him. All right. That's my story from johnny which was awesome thanks johnny i have a story from heather hi heather hi heather this is what it says this is what happened what happened was you guys made it perfectly clear we should email our stories you're sure right we did thank you for listening to us sorry heather i like how i was like yeah we did and i'm like i'm so sorry if we hurt your feelings i'm sorry if we were being too strong-willed but i'm like and you listened didn't you i'm gonna need you when i'm a parent i'm gonna be like i'm sorry i hurt your feelings and you're gonna be like you
Starting point is 00:18:35 listen here well earlier geo was making a lot of noise and christine was like can you please stop that and i was like you better shut that shit down. Right the fuck down. It just goes to show what kind of parents we'll be. So we'll be a good match someday. Okay. I have four ghost stories to tell. These all happened to my mom and this is her story.
Starting point is 00:18:54 Dun dun. Dun dun. Parentheses. Parentheses. Like lawn order. LOL. Oh, dun dun. Dun dun.
Starting point is 00:19:01 Gotcha. Wrong kind of dun dun. Okay. Dun dun. And then she sent, this is funny, remember this she's at second story and i was like huh so i wrote back like thank you for your stories was there a first story because it started at second story and she goes yep i'm dumb lol here's the missing first story same okay gotcha here we go first story my mom worked in a nursing home on the graybeard shift when i was little on her way to work one night she was running late
Starting point is 00:19:29 and speeding as she came over a hill with a blind spot she saw a flash of light and slowed down good thing because a car was stalled in the road sideways with its lights off sounds like a guardian angel to me oh yeah second story an old woman my mom was taken care of on one of her shifts was dying she suddenly became frantic and began yelling can't you see him he's he's sitting on a car in the parking lot it's the devil don't let don't let him take me oh she died shortly after yeah how am i supposed to save you oh no the scariest part of that is if i saw the devil and i was like christine help me it'd be like i can't to be honest bye if i knew how to i would but we're just gonna watch you go now what i know he's sitting on a car in the parking lot it's terrifying i don't know how to help you sorry okay go ahead third story an old
Starting point is 00:20:16 man who my mom said was very hard to get along with died one night right when he died every door down the corridor slammed shut yeesh Yeesh. Fourth and final story. When my mom was a young girl, her uncle died in a car wreck. What was odd is they found him crumpled up in the passenger side floorboard. What? I know. Many believed there was foul play, but nothing was ever proven. Shortly after he died, she stayed with her cousin, the daughter of said uncle.
Starting point is 00:20:41 Yeah, so his daughter. Okay. That night, my mom woke up to see him standing at the end of the bed staring at them he walked over to a hook on the wall and took a tie off the hook then disappeared down the hall still gives me goosebumps still has the fashion sense yep he got the style bug he wanted to bring that tie with him to the other side if you could go back for one last thing what would you get geo? Geo. Okay, that's not fair, because I would have already gotten him. No.
Starting point is 00:21:07 Okay. Fine. You can have half of him, and I'll have the other half. I get the one with the face. My box of wine. Okay, that's fair. Well, that's fine. I'll take his tail.
Starting point is 00:21:16 I like his tail. Aw, but I want his face, because he's so snuggly. Okay. So that's Heather's ghost stories. Thank you, Heather. Thank you, Heatherather for all four stories creepy creepy i have one last one this is from katie hi katie she says hi christine who will share with em yeah you know it thank you for knowing who is really behind the scenes
Starting point is 00:21:38 she wrote love you both and the podcast thanks it's amazing on its own plus a great post breakup distraction hey you're welcome fuck him or her yeah fuck whoever they are we are clearly better than them yeah date us date us instead she said also tweeted mess oh also dmd before and totally fangirled so hard when you mess that was also christine that makes me fangirl when people say they fangirl i'm like if you guys are fangirling that are like our shows podcast right reaches out to you what you're fangirling about is christine reaching out oh man you guys i'm blushing anyway my sort of odd story i myself don't totally understand this is something i've only shared with five to six people in my life.
Starting point is 00:22:26 Well, you're about to share a lot with people. Welcome to thousands of people knowing your story. I've had three experiences with this, quote, entity. Oh, no. The first time was when I was 14 or 15. My dad was military, and after finally coming out of my shell and making friends, I knew we would move from Florida to New Mexico that summer. I was under stress, and it was late at night when I was in bed staring out my window. I was on the second floor at the time in the suburb, so it didn't seem weird for me to have the window open. Plus, I really enjoyed
Starting point is 00:22:55 seeing the stars and meditating on the day or what have you. Okay, having a window, I'm already nervous. I was already asleep, but woke up and tried star zoning to fall back asleep. What's that? I guess stargazing, but really intensely. Oh, no. It had to be after midnight. This wasn't odd since I've always had trouble sleeping, and I never gave it a second thought, but I knew I was awake. I turned toward the other side of my room, and there was a man.
Starting point is 00:23:21 Oh. I'm an only child. My parents were the only other people in the house, and this sure as hell wasn't my dad. Oh. but again, it was a dark room. Could only tell it wasn't dark brown or black. The light from outside my window reflected on his eyeglasses. They were big, stereotypical nerdy glasses. And the part that got my attention was that his hands were reaching toward my neck. Oh my god! What?
Starting point is 00:23:57 I did the only thing I could think of. I threw my comforter over my head and shook. I didn't move for what felt like 30 minutes, and probably much less time than that in reality. I couldn't even cry, just begged my arm to turn on the bedside light again it felt like a while but i finally grew the courage to turn the light on still shaking and when i looked there was nothing once i calmed down i figured the shadows of the room were just messing with me and i freaked out except i remembered those fucking glasses and the reflection in them ew the glasses are so creepy yeah it's pretty this is pretty creepy the nerd glasses it was
Starting point is 00:24:26 about five years later before i experienced him again i have to say experience because i didn't see him i was 19 had a kid at 17 um with huge tensions with my parents and living with a piece of shit who stole half my ps3 games when she moved out uh fuck you and needless to say uh stressed and had trouble even getting out of bed when i didn't have to one day while in bed i had an experience i was very similar and may have been sleep paralysis i was awake but had a huge pressure on my chest and neck and i couldn't move for five to ten minutes it was horrible i was sure it was him mr crew cut oh mr crew cut not mr nerd i was about to say what about the glasses all i know for sure was that my ass was out of that bed oh fair god god god my last experience
Starting point is 00:25:10 was within that year and this one i did see him but i was dreaming so he's just showing up left and right in a whole lot of different places like don't forget about me he was trying to choke me again and again i was in a depra in a depressed place and i didn't want anything except to like i just didn't want to leave my room oh been there girl yeah in the dream uh he was after me and trying to choke me we were in the bedroom i fell asleep in nothing weird or changed um just like it felt like a normal dream just my normal room i tried to crawl across my bed to get away from him and he grabbed my legs and yanked toward him jesus then i woke up and the part that makes me question the paranormal was
Starting point is 00:25:50 how i woke up i was on the side of the bed like normal but twisted a perfect 90 degree with my legs tucked toward my body toes touching the edge of the mattress it just seemed not normal i've had plenty of bad dreams throughout my life especially as a kid but i've always woke up with my head toward the pillows yikes waking have you ever woken up on the like the other side of the bed yeah it's so creepy i just always assumed i had like a wild night of dreaming a wild night i was like wow i must have like really like gone gone to crazy town all right i have no idea if uh the dream is just an odd case of sleep paralysis one friend i told was convinced it was a demon due to the aggression it shows the rest
Starting point is 00:26:33 i've shared was stuck with polite that's interesting kind of comments so he has always been violent i'm still not sure if i'd say he was evil mainly because he always comes at points in life where i let depression get the better of me he sort of comes off as you better get your ass out or i'll make you like a like a weirdly helpful demon that's a nice way to like my dad but like a new demon like get out of bed i haven't seen him since but i know but i now have no tv in my room and use my bed only for sleeping even after the aforementioned breakup i had two mope in bed days after work and have been keeping busy until bedtime probably why i'm emailing you both so late would still love a message back with input i know m used to do paranormal investigations and has had experiences
Starting point is 00:27:15 too have you ever heard of anything like this again uh love you both and please keep the podcast coming oh i had a. I had a, I've had some sleep paralysis, but nothing that was like worth mentioning in my life. Yeah. But I have a lot of friends who have had some really wild sleep paralysis that just does not seem fun at all.
Starting point is 00:27:34 It's crazy. Yeah. That sounds pretty gnarly. Ugh. Anyway, that was my last story. That's a good one. Thank you guys for sending in your-
Starting point is 00:27:43 Don't I have one more? Do you? Oh, maybe not. I thought we did for sending in your... Don't I have one more? Do you? Oh, maybe not. I thought we did two and two. Because didn't I start? Yeah. Oh, then you're second. Yeah, okay.
Starting point is 00:27:51 So that's it, right? Yeah. Jeez, that always feels so fast. I know, it does. Thank you guys so much for listening and submitting your stories. We have many more to go through. And we're getting so many every day. And they're so good.
Starting point is 00:28:05 We'll take anything from anything at all. Anything at all is really the moral of the story. But also like anything from UFO to stalkers, conspiracy theories, ghosts, anything. Kidnapping. Yeah. We love it all. Well, we're scared of it all. That's what we talk about.
Starting point is 00:28:22 Exactly. We drink about it all. We need more reasons to drink. Thank you, guys. We appreciate everything that you're doing for us. We hope you keep following us on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook. If you are a Patreon member, you also get to follow us in our super secret, not so secret Facebook group where we can speak to you directly.
Starting point is 00:28:43 We can do, you you know send each other pictures we do little like polls and stuff bitch about serial killers yeah we just bitch about them because honestly they're fucking rude yeah like it's like fine like i get that ted bunny is really attractive like ted bundy love him to death when a thing, but he's kind of a jerk. Yeah, like, I'm totally with you. Okay, good. I mean, like, sure, he's hot, but... Did you guys hear Zac Efron is going to play Ted Bundy? Yes.
Starting point is 00:29:14 I'm into it. I'm into it, too. He's a good actor. I think he'll do it well. I think he doesn't strike me as someone who's actually really interested in serial killers, though, so I wonder how much research he's going have to do for it interesting i i do kind of see him though as someone who's pretty like well he's so charming and good looking for the most part that like of course you wouldn't expect it from him which is probably why but i also do feel like there's like
Starting point is 00:29:38 a certain depth to him as a person that he might yeah i think he'll try very knowledgeable about it like i don't think he's a shallow like no i think he'll try very hard to make the character yeah i'm excited for it so anyway we can all go on a field trip to see zac efron and that's about it over here we love you all very much and the next uh listeners episode will be july so holy crap please send in your stories to and that's why we drink at guys we're like halfway through 2017 already holy moly holy moly and with that uh and that's why we drink and that's why we drink and that's what we're doing and that's why that's why we drink and that's why we drink that's why we drink and that's why we drink and that's why we drink bye say bye bye

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