And That's Why We Drink - Listener Stories: Vol. 40

Episode Date: May 1, 2020

Happy May, boozers and shakers! Get ready to white knuckle and buckle because it's the last month before Gemini season starts and we're already trying to figure out how to send gift-giving drones to e...ach other. These last few months might have looked an awful lot like our own homes but that doesn't mean we can't spike our dopamine levels with some spooky stories! We've got a "date from Nopesville", a Scientology encounter and some haunted elevators and dorm rooms. And be sure to stay til the very end for a bonus story that just might involve a haunting and our favorite citrus... and that's why we drink!Please consider supporting the companies that support us! Visit or text drink to 500-500

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Starting point is 00:00:00 All right. We are recording. We're recording. All right. Hello, everyone, and welcome. It is May. It's gonna be May. I was waiting for it. i was hoping you'd do that for me thank you hello to the fifth month of 2020 and the third month of corona um so far 2020 is looking it's looking like the inside of my house is what it's looking like um welcome to the pre-month before our birthday month most importantly oh yes the last the last listeners episode before gemini season hey i can't wait um i'm very excited and i don't know how we're gonna do presents this year but i imagine we'll do like some sort of online date where we open each other's stuff or something yeah Yeah, I know. I feel like I need to learn how to use a drone or something.
Starting point is 00:01:06 I don't know. We'll see. Last night I bought your first present of the birthday extravaganza. I'm very excited about it. Em, I bought your first present last night too. I'm not even making that up. I wonder if it's the same thing because I saw it and I was like, this is some shit Christine will
Starting point is 00:01:21 absolutely buy me. I told Blaze, I said, how much you want to bet Em and I get each other the same fucking thing so we'll see i'm pretty i'm pretty sure it's i already know what you got and i love it i love it i love it this is so oh god eva's probably like listening to this going, okay, we get it. Anyway, well, Eva picked some beautiful stories that you all have written into us. And by beautiful, hopefully they're creepy and scary. And we'll find out. We didn't have a theme this time, did we? I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:01:59 Unless we find out that we did. Okay, yeah. That's the way I love it. I don't mind surprising myself. First of all, how are you? How are you doing on this fine almost May day? It is very hot. How are you doing? Oh, I forgot. Are you just like sweating right now? I sure am. I had to turn off the little window unit because I got to record. And so I am sweating. It's probably not as warm as it used to be because I'm not there to add to the fire of hotness level, you know?
Starting point is 00:02:32 Right. You just like come trailblazing through. That's true. It's basically a refrigerator in there right now. It's like smoking. Well, good. I just wanted to check on you. Oh, thanks. um well good i just wanted to check on you well thanks i uh okay so my first story is uh from
Starting point is 00:02:48 someone named emily and emily's title is the date from nopesville oh so emily says hello all who dwell in the podcast studio house as permanent residents and or guests oh my goodness that's you trailblazing through uh and thank you eva for reading my email i appreciate you greatly happy monday your podcast brightens my days i travel quite a bit for work sometimes up to nine hours driving one way so i'm grateful to have you both in my ears as i drive into nothingness and over mountain passes oh oh my god is this like the new robert frost i'm pretty sure that we're the road less traveled um i knew it now sometimes i can't sleep at night in my hotel after listening to you but that's a sacrifice i'm willing to keep i'm willing to make to keep me entertained while i'm driving and that's why i drink hashtag team wine. So here's her story.
Starting point is 00:03:45 I was in my first year teaching and had recently broken up with my longtime college boyfriend. I was trying to move on. And I also wanted to be a little scandalous in my life since I had been a quote, good young lady all my life. I also had to be a little secretive about it since I was teaching in a small rural town where everybody knows everybody and everybody stopped by my house anytime that a new vehicle was over. Oh, my goodness. Oh, God. That sounds like a nightmare. Sounds like Fredericksburg.
Starting point is 00:04:15 My dad came to change out vehicles with me once to get my car serviced back home and six different families showed up to my house to see who was over. Oh, my goodness. It's my dad i love that so like all rebellious 23 year olds i got a tinder and life was good on tinder swiping left and swiping right um i had talked to a few guys but nothing had come of it and uh but then one afternoon i got this odd message that someone had super liked me, which meant that we which mean which meant that we matched no matter what. And he sent me a message. And as I looked through the profile, there wasn't any close up pictures of him, which I thought was odd. He had he had one where he was driving a motocross bike, one with him standing with two younger girls at a sunset and then just some random racing photos. standing with two younger girls at a sunset and then just some random racing photos and i immediately was not interested but i decided to be nice and at least message him for a while since
Starting point is 00:05:09 he used his super like on me uh we talked for a few days nothing important or amazing happened it was all surface level and that was about as far as i wanted to go then it was the weekend so i that meant that i spent a day going to the nearest city for a lunch at a chain restaurant, a.k.a. Olive Garden. Retail therapy, grocery shopping, and green tea from Starbucks. All right. That sounds like a good day to me. Once I was in the city, I got a message from Racing Man. And I asked what I was doing this weekend.
Starting point is 00:05:43 I messaged him that I was in the city for the day and he quickly responded that he was in the city and wanted to meet up. I was hesitant, but I knew that he would persist and I hadn't gotten the confidence to say no quite yet. So I agreed to meet him, but at the busiest, but at the busiest Starbucks in the city.
Starting point is 00:05:58 So I guess in case anyone, in case she got smart and for more tea and for more green tea, wait a minute. That's the real thing. Also, i said this in an instagram live recently but let me take this moment to ask anyone listening if you work at starbucks can you dm me and let me know if there's a possibility to ask in the future for a a london fog frappuccino because i i brought it up in instagram live and i don't know if a lot of starbucks employees were there to hear me say it but someone on the live asked what my dream like starbucks drink would be it was an ice london fog frap and i don't know if that's possible so before
Starting point is 00:06:39 i look like an idiot someone let me know if i can ask for it all right and also it's different from a from the green tea frap because Em doesn't like the matcha, right? Right. Yeah. London Fog. I don't want people to be like that exists already. Oh, good point. Good point. Yeah. I don't like what exists currently. So please don't suggest any of those. Serious inquiries only. Right. Exactly. I then sent a message to my best friend and sister to let them know i was going on a coffee date with someone and i told them that if i didn't text back within two hours to call me and then if i didn't answer to call the local police i also oh my god that's
Starting point is 00:07:16 smart it's not a good vibe i'm sorry scared yeah if you're that hesitant well i guess it's it's fair especially in like a small town like you don't know who you're meeting up with. No, it's very smart. No, you're totally right. I also sent them a picture of his Tinder profile so that they had some kind of lead of who kidnapped me and the address of the Starbucks. Smart, smart, smart, smart. All of this prep work should have totally told me that I probably shouldn't go out with him. But I didn't listen to that gut feeling which was bad
Starting point is 00:07:45 um about an hour later we met in the starbucks parking lot and we went inside i ordered my unsweetened ice cream tea and he began to pay he suddenly stepped in and said to me what is with you women first of all first of all no i haven't even finished the sentence but those like five words are enough for you to leave now my like hackles are up you women oh my goodness okay what is it with you women and thinking that you have to pay for things you were on a date with me i will pay for it okay so you had me in the first half but okay um i get it trying to be a gentleman but also women can pay for things i was taken back by that it was like a four dollar drink i can handle that even on a teacher's salary i brushed it off and i found a table on the patio of the starbucks that had about 10 other people on it
Starting point is 00:08:36 we sat together and shared some more surface level information about ourselves he shared with me that he was retired military um past state patrol officer and a past police officer in the area i told him i was a high school teacher he then asked where i lived since i didn't get to the city very often i told him the name of the town and his face turned white and he immediately looked down i made a comment yeah uh-oh i made a comment about how the town i lived in had some trouble with their police department in the past year or so. And I mentioned that a cop had actually shot a local resident in the back multiple times as he was walking into his mother's house. Oh, my God. He became smaller and smaller in the chair across from me.
Starting point is 00:09:17 And I said, am I did I say something wrong? And he said, that kid that shot the kid in the back, that cop is me. The kid that shot the kid? The cop that shot the kid in the back that cop is me the kid that shot the kid the cop that shot the kid in the back was me and he said oh my god he said i start the trial for his murder in the next few months holy shit i was stunned i was on a freaking date with a murderer i had read and read about that case and felt that based on the information that the media released that this cop was definitely guilty of second degree murder at least. As my mind was racing and I'm sure my face looked absolutely horrified, I tried to keep my cool and continue to listen to him as he lied and complained about the situation.
Starting point is 00:09:58 After about 10 more minutes of him talking about all the ins and outs of the ordeal i pretended to get a phone call from my mom i stepped away from the table and thought on my feet about what excuse i would need to leave so i came up with the excuse that my parents had come down to have dinner in the city that i lived in and i needed to get home uh he didn't put up a fight and walked away to our cars i started my car and drove away did not follow me and after getting out of town i called my best friend and cried and about my date with the murderer uh it was just my luck like this always happens to me uh this is what you get for being too nice a few days later he messaged me but i never messaged back and unmatched with him a few months go by and the trial for the murder
Starting point is 00:10:42 began i tried not to look at any of the information coming out, but eventually it was inevitable that I would get some kind of info. And I read an article that he was found guilty of second degree murder and would be sentenced later that month. I sent the article to my best friend and sister. We all chatted about how I literally went on a date with a murderer. And I learned quite a bit from this one. Trust your instincts to be rude when you don't feel comfortable or don't want to do something. And three, get rid of Tinder.
Starting point is 00:11:08 Okay. Oh, my fucking God, dude. Yikes. Yeah. That's so true, though. I know it's my favorite murderous quote, but fuck politeness, you know? Fuck politeness, dude. MFM.
Starting point is 00:11:20 MFM. MFM. Oh, my God. Okay. Wow. Well, thank you so much um was it Emily yes thank you Emily for signing it in I'm glad you're safe I'm glad you met up in a public place yeah very smart yeah thank you for sharing you did all the right things you did all right so this next one is from Emma yay Emma lots of M's going on I know okay we got the subject true crime that awkward time my mom thought my dad was the hillside strangler i'm sorry what the fuck okay i'm assuming i'm absolutely assuming right now that they're married maybe not the case but i
Starting point is 00:12:04 like to think immediately going into this that they're married maybe not the case but i like to think immediately going into this that they're married and finding out years into their marriage that she might be married to a the juiciest anyway let's go let's go okay let's go let's go it says hello and that's why we drink family i'm emma one of your cool teen listeners oh my gosh a teen listens to us. The youths. I'm suddenly so nervous. Okay. And then she says, JK, I'm not very cool, but I am a teen who loves your podcast. That means you're really cool. That's all I needed to hear.
Starting point is 00:12:36 I get nervous all the time. I'm like, do the youths even like us? And now I'm like, oh my goodness. It seems like a couple of them do. So thanks, Emma. I feel like a top dog. That's what cool teens say, right, Em? Yeah, in their 80s. Okay, maybe you're the hillside sprinkler.
Starting point is 00:12:53 All right. Anyway, since it's Corona time, as us TikTokers say, I got bored and decided to send this story. Let's crack into it. Picture it. Los Angeles, 1977. I'm already there i know i love it so much so much uh wool my parents had recently met and my dad was taking my mom on a date they got takeout and went to a
Starting point is 00:13:18 hill in my dad's janky old car because my dad wanted to show something to my mom oh boy goodbye it's a corpse they got out of the car and walked up the hill a little bit keep in mind that it's autumn meaning that it's pitch fucking black outside by 6 p.m then my dad turned around looked my mom in the eye and said this is where the hillside strangler's most recent victim was found why why why did your mom keep dating him well i'm sorry but like i'm sure everything was meant to be and that's why you're here and blah blah but if i went on a beginner's date with someone and they said well they're still in like the midst of trying to impress me and they're like
Starting point is 00:13:56 let me take you to a murder site but i feel like that's exactly what i would do like i'd be like hey look i have something cool to show you this is where ted bundy lived i don't know i feel like that's some shit i would pull okay i'm not gonna lie though when we were in vermont i definitely went to the place where ted bundy was born or like ted bundy's original house tell me that i found it as i was like in an uber on the way to somewhere else and i was like are you shitting me this is right god it's like a it's like a corporate building now it's like it's not there anymore but it was it was either the hospital he was born in or his childhood home i have to re-look it up but ew i you you literally just made me eat my fucking words because see and now look how impressed everyone is let's say i'm dressed definitely oh my gosh okay so then emma says um romantic right anyway
Starting point is 00:14:47 let's just say it was a few weeks before they went out again turns out my dad at the time was just a slightly awkward tv news reporter who had reported from the scene of the crime and for some reason decided that would be a cute date spot anyway they've been happily married for 18 years now which i think is totally noodles because if i my mom, I would have been so out of there after that date. Right. Sorry, that was so long. I love it wasn't it was like three sentences. Emma, don't apologize.
Starting point is 00:15:16 I love your show so much and hope to see you live sometime after the virus clears up. Thanks for making social distancing more bearable. Stay spooky. Stay healthy, Emma. Oh, my God. I love that story. Short and sweet. Short and sweet. thanks for making social distancing more bearable stay spooky stay healthy emma oh my god i love that story short and sweet short and sweet and also like she's not wrong of like i i would have also been way out there like that's something you at least say on like a 10th date like after you kind of like once they've sank their claws in you and they're too afraid to leave like they love you
Starting point is 00:15:42 a little already or you say it with a lot of context. Like, listen, I'm a TV news reporter. I know this sounds really, really, really bad. But guess what? I'm just trying to give you a very memorable date. And it worked. It sure did. 18 years later. Oh, yeah. Well, thank you, Emma. I appreciate it. Thank you, Emma. oh yeah yeah well thank you emma i appreciate it thank you emma i'd also tell your dad he's a hopeless romantic um so uh okay my story my next story is from k who uses she her pronouns thank you for normalizing pronouns k oh emma did too i didn't say it i don't want emma to feel left out thank you for normalizing pronouns everybody who does so. So Kay's title is, oh, Christine's going to fucking love this one.
Starting point is 00:16:28 What? My Encounter with Scientology. Oh, boy. I'm buckled. I'm knuckled and buckled. Let's go. Aren't we all? Okay.
Starting point is 00:16:36 Also, very much looking forward to the day you decide to cover Scientology. I know that's a- I can't wait. I know it's a tall order, but I'm looking forward to it. It's coming. It's coming. So Kay says, I don't know if this would count for a true crime story. But at the time I went to the local church of Scientology. Okay. Yes, it does to me. Yes, yes. Crime, crime, crime. Definitely true. Also, hopefully true. I never went. I never knew what Scientology was about until I was in college and taking
Starting point is 00:17:07 a class about cults and religions. For the class, you had to write a paper about a religion and I chose sociology because I thought it would be interesting. Part sociology. Scientology. Sorry. I was like, wait a second. I'm so confused.
Starting point is 00:17:21 Okay. Got it. Got it. Sorry. I should have assumed that. No sense. Okay. Part of the assignment involved having to interview someone from their religion.
Starting point is 00:17:29 So I did some, why can't I fucking read today? So I did some- I did some religion. I did some religion about sociology, you know. So I did some research on it by going to the website, watching and reading about it. I also watched the Leah Remini show, which by the way is amazing if you haven't. Oh, I love that show.
Starting point is 00:17:49 I know we've both watched it. Yeah, y'all. It's amazing. It's so good. It's good. And sad. Like I did a puzzle. It's sad.
Starting point is 00:17:56 Yeah, I did a puzzle and drink wine and watch that show. And it was like the best weekend of my life. So highly recommend. It was one of those shows where I would play it, like, calm down before you react. I would play it while I was driving. I would, like, leave the phone, like, on the floor, but, like, the audio would come through. So it felt like I was listening to a podcast. Ooh.
Starting point is 00:18:15 Which I, like, obviously do not watch TV while you fucking drive. But if you, like, I was able to plug the cord into my phone phone and like, you know, drive and listen to it at the same time. And it still was really good. I just couldn't get enough of it. Like I couldn't wait to get home and watch it. So I'd have to play it through my radio. Oh, so good. Anyway, please don't drive and watch Leah Remini, but also please go watch Leah Remini.
Starting point is 00:18:40 Go drive and listen to Leah Remini. Listen very intently. So I watched the Leah Remini show about how bad scientology is so i wrote up a list of questions and asked everyone uh i i asked around if anyone i knew happened to be a scientologist that's a good way to just get on the ground and uh grassroots just yeah exactly only to find out my grandmother was a scientologist in her young adult years she refused to talk to me about it saying it was horrible and i should pick a different topic okay wow i don't listen i don't listen very well so i thought it would be best to go to the church itself and i did just that this is where my somewhat true crime starts so i drove
Starting point is 00:19:24 to the church when i had some free time when i got there i walked up to a receptionist and started asking some questions she said that she would find someone to answer my questions and led me to a room where she told me to wait i waited in the room for about an hour and no one came so i just got up to go out and ask again but when i tried to open the door it was locked oh i started forcibly knocking on the door when all of a sudden the door opened it was the same lady i talked to before she told me to sit back down and she would answer my questions so we sat down and she started being very rude not really answering my questions and then she grabbed my notebook from me yanking my
Starting point is 00:20:01 hand and hurting my wrist she read through my notebook saying i obviously needed to continue my education because i wasn't very intelligent oh my god at that point i was done i grabbed my notebook and said i was leaving but when i went to leave another person physically blocked the door so i couldn't leave they were saying uh that they could help me in my education in my life i shit you not i actually had to threaten to call the police before they let me leave oh my god so like they were saying if you stay if you stay we'll like help enlighten you no thank you uh it was a very scary experience for me and i will never go back i should have listened to my grandma but i learned the hard way anyway that's my kind of true crime story love you guys wow i don't like that that's so scary dude i did not like that a little bit at
Starting point is 00:20:52 all i for me like a true crime story like even if it's one percent just scary it counts yeah exactly and obviously that is very illegal to be holding you there and inside a cult building. Yeah, that's really awful. I went to a Scientology Center in DC, but I will save that story for the day I cover Scientology. But fortunately, I did not have to call the police, thankfully. So I'm glad you are safe and not indoctrinated. You know, yes, thank you for getting getting away we're very proud of you all right this next one is from alexandra she hear pronouns okay thank you for normalizing pronouns thank you this says my college roommate was a ghost oh boy okay so back we've had a lot of true crime today that's cool i feel like we i'm usually doing yeah okay time for a ghosty story so back in 2012 i was just starting my freshman year of college anyone who has lived in a dorm knows that the prospect of sharing a room for a year with a total stranger can be exciting and terrifying all at the same time. Yes. Yeah, you guys should know my roommate. Ugh,
Starting point is 00:22:06 just kidding. It was Allison. I love you. So, so gross. So gross. She sounds I just had to meet her and date her for myself to find out. And now you call her stinky. So now she's my roommate. Listen, I gotta tell you, you were right the whole time. JK, I was very lucky. Love you out, pal. Okay. That first day I met my roommate and was lucky that we hit it off immediately. Thankfully, we had really awesome dorms at my school where we had a full suite. There were two rooms with two people each. We also had our own bathroom and living room. It was nice, but there were always corners and shadows, and that is extremely relevant to how the story unfolds.
Starting point is 00:22:41 So one day, not too far into into the semester my roommate told me something along the lines of hey so i have a ghost okay okay i can only imagine my response was confusion she went on to explain that her whole life she had this ghost that follows her he never did anything just kind of lurked in the shadows all those little corners and rooms in the dorm he loved hanging out there i kind of brushed it off like whatever. That's an interesting thing to tell someone you just met. But okay. But that isn't interesting.
Starting point is 00:23:12 To be fair. To be fair. Both of us would have done that in college. At least I would have. And been like oh by the way my room's haunted. By the way I've been here for five minutes. And welcome to being my roommate. You would have been like let me go show you where Ted Bundy was born.
Starting point is 00:23:24 And then I'll tell you all about my ghost in the corner oh my god okay but then it got strange i would wake up and see things out of the corner of my eye only to later have her say he was in the bathroom or she saw him in the closet that morning at night i would fall asleep with the feeling that someone was there but it all came to a head one night when a friend visited my roommate was gone for the weekend and my friend from high school visited my roommate said it was totally cool if she slept in her bed since she wouldn't be there the next morning my friend woke up and told me something really weird happened she had woken up in the middle of the night to what felt like someone aggressively grabbing her
Starting point is 00:23:58 chest oh oh no she went back to sleep after but it had justifiably freaked her out when my roommate came back i told her the story thinking she would be like weird dream or something right she said oh yeah he didn't like that someone else was in my bed he does that sometimes oh okay uh and then she says oh okay cool cool cool so now this goes which is also how you and i would react cool cool cool cool cool i'd this goes cool cool cool which is also how you and i would react cool cool cool cool i'd be like cool i need to i need to run away now for the rest of my life so now this goes living in my dorm was territorial too awesome weird things happen for the next couple months i would still see shadows i would occasionally find pieces of a baby doll in my bed oh my god okay
Starting point is 00:24:42 night oh fuck absolutely not oh my god even after i threw them away i have no idea if this is related or just one of my roommates playing a prank but it happened when my roommate wasn't there so not writing it off nothing big happened again and my roommate moved out halfway through the year leaving me with the bedroom to myself for the rest of the semester as soon as she left i never got those weird feelings or saw those shadows out of the corner of my eye again. You never know what you're going to get in a college roommate. I was lucky enough to get a paranormal two for one deal, I suppose.
Starting point is 00:25:12 Thank you for bringing some humor to the world, especially now you're making my work from home hours truly more bearable. Team wine, because wine is actually my career. Ooh. So I kind of have to, though I will never say no to a milkshake. Oh my gosh, Alexandra. Yeah, I mean, I guess everyone that goes to college, like someone is bound to be roomed with someone who's like attached to things or like more inclined to that stuff. was a freshman there was um a ghost in not in my room but i had again it was me and my roommate and then two other people and all four of us shared a bathroom yeah so we could in theory walk into
Starting point is 00:25:52 the other person's room they had a ghost that a few times they came into my room through the bathroom they would like knock on the bathroom door and like ask to sleep in our room oh my gosh oh no but that was i mean i was lucky it wasn't in my room i was like you go you stay over there yeah i was gonna say i'd just be like i'm sleeping sorry i don't hear you but i mean even what what bothers me about that too is like okay yeah she was up front about having a ghost but then when the friend came and stayed in her bed she was she wasn't like by the way maybe your friend shouldn't sleep in my bed because sometimes my ghost gropes people a poster girl i don't know poltergrope poltergrope holy shit you're right she got poltergrope in there well also like it's weird because it makes
Starting point is 00:26:37 it feel like the ghost is like thinks she's his girlfriend like yeah it feels like why are you why are you territorial of someone else lying in her bed maybe she was like yeah it feels like why are you why are you territorial of someone else lying in her bed maybe she was like feeding into it like you know into the attachment like yeah partners oh yucko also like how how spiritually uh aligned are you that you are able to see things like see things like in your closet and like like seeing literally manifesting like old baby doll parts oh god that part's awful even after you throw them away they keep appearing that's just disgusting vomitous my next story is uh from sierra who uses she pronouns. Thank you for normalizing pronouns. And Sierra's subject line is my university's haunted elevator.
Starting point is 00:27:28 So Sierra says, I wanted to write in and tell you lovely human beings about an extremely terrifying experience I had in my alma mater, the University of Mount Union and Alliance in Ohio. Yay. It is currently the pandemic and my graduation has been canceled. So I'm just calling myself an alumni at this point. Hell yeah. You know what?
Starting point is 00:27:48 In my eyes, you graduated early. Good for you. Early. Yeah, exactly. In the middle of the University of Mount Union. Wow. Do they really just say the whole thing all the time? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:27:59 I've only ever heard of it as Mount Union. Yeah. Okay. I don't know if it was like since it's U-M-U-A, it'd be like U-M-U-A. Okay. Never mind. Yeah as the Mount Union. Yeah. Okay. I don't know if it was like, since it's U-M-U-A, be like, Amua. Okay. Nevermind. Yeah. That's it.
Starting point is 00:28:09 That's the one. Amua. Amua. Okay. In the middle of the Mount Union stands the old building, Chapman Hall. Okay. Okay. So rumors and strange occurrences and possible suicides have always surrounded Chapman, and most students tend to feel uncomfortable when in the building.
Starting point is 00:28:29 Both the education and history departments were located in the building, and lucky for me, I was a history and an education major. Oh my god. Oh boy. So I spent a lot of time in Chapman Hall, and I often called it my second home. Chapman Hall and I often called it my second home. During my sophomore year, Mount Union hired a psychic and a paranormal investigator to do a reading in the basement and I was one of the students lucky enough to tag along and witness their work. After endless conversations with at least 20 to 30 spirits, the psychic quit the investigation because, quote, something extremely evil and unwelcoming has arrived oh firm pass i don't like no i feel like like after 20 to 30 spirits you like kind of get comfortable in your in like
Starting point is 00:29:14 your space and then all of a sudden you find out never mind you should have been on edge the whole time yep she made everyone leave the area and we finished the investigation elsewhere on campus because chapman became too spiritually dangerous and i nearly peed my pants and I never looked at Chapman the same way again. Yikes. Oh my god. Flash forward to my senior year, I finally felt comfortable to ask the chair of the history department about her beliefs in the paranormal and whether or not she had experiences in
Starting point is 00:29:39 Chapman. She was a total believer and advocated that the Chapman elevator was the most haunted. She confessed how she believes a little boy lives in the elevator and admits that she has seen him on multiple occasions oh no no this is me in charge of a goddamn department at a college by the way just like telling people all of the ghosts they live in the elevator well there is one uh gosh i'm not gonna remember their name now but i always regretted at my school there was a class that one professor taught called like devils demons and magic or something whoa i i was told back then like when i like my friends who knew that i was
Starting point is 00:30:17 doing like ghost tours and stuff like that they were like oh you should go talk to this professor because she's like a wild believer and we'll tell you like some of her wildest shit. I never got to talk to her. So if someone goes to CNU and knows what professor I'm talking about, let me know so I can email her. So anyway, that's my biggest regret of CNU is not taking her class. Okay. So this department chair sees a little boy in the elevator. Oh, boy.
Starting point is 00:30:42 That's when I knew I had to hold my own investigation and get a get my own little pieces of evidence before i graduated i told my sorority little who also listens to and that's why we drink and we grabbed our iphone recorders at min snuck into chapman we went to the basement got onto the elevator and pressed the highest button so we would have the longest recording session possible once the doors began to close on us they opened back up as if something or one got onto the elevator with us no no no we began to freak out because the energy changed like we were not alone on this elevator it began going up so we both quieted ourselves so our iphones could record in silence once the elevator stopped the doors opened and closed almost immediately as if it didn't want us to leave oh my god i have chills right now goose cam yes i don't like that
Starting point is 00:31:31 we sprinted out of the elevator and down the stairs as fast as our weakened knees could run and once we got outside we listened to both of our recordings and miraculously both of our iphones caught a faint male voice saying i'm sorry while we were on the elevator like the spirit was apologizing about scaring us and my knees still get weak when I think about that building and I've never felt comfortable entering that place again I'm sorry for the long story but it haunts my thoughts every once in a while thank you for reading and stay happy and healthy Sierra oh my gosh goose cam oh i total goose cam and also that almost makes me feel better that you know at least the spirit there didn't want to scare you that's the best kind
Starting point is 00:32:11 of spirit you could possibly have i'm gonna be honest when i heard i'm sorry i thought it was like the doors were closing and it was like i'm sorry i have to do this that's what i but i'm also you know okay probably wrong no no it sounded sinister my head, but maybe it was a nice ghost. But oh, boy. I really can't get rid of these chills. Okay. Anyway, it's like all over my body. That freaked me out so bad.
Starting point is 00:32:35 I don't even know why that freaked me out so bad. But I'm like freaked out. Yeah. I feel like we've heard a lot of other like in comparison like wild stories. But that one was just so simple. And like you're alone in a building a whole building and the elevator and it won't open and you're getting close oh god yeah okay goose cam goose cam okay um let's see i have another one here this is from
Starting point is 00:32:57 carson he him oh great thank you for normalizing pronouns carson okay carson says a doppelganger in the mirror and my grandfather, the Green Beret. Hi, Eva, Christine, and Em. I wanted to share two short stories about some paranormal events I've experienced in the past couple years. One involving a doppelganger in the mirror. Good night. And the other about my grandfather in Arlington Cemetery. First story.
Starting point is 00:33:21 One night a few years ago, my fiancee, now wife, was sleeping over at my place. My bedroom at the time had a bathroom en suite, but with the sink part connected to the main area and no wall in between. I got up in the middle of the night and went over to the sink to get some water. I bent down to scoop some water from the faucet into my mouth, and as I leaned back up, I gave a sleepy but definitely awake appraisal of myself in the mirror. The moon was particularly bright that night, so I could easily see myself in the blue light of the reflection. I was still in bed. I'm so sorry absolutely not this is like the worst it's the middle of the day i don't even know why i'm so scared wow the chills are back again i know as soon as the mirror me fixed its gaze toward the bed my fiance began making groaning noises and tossing around
Starting point is 00:34:25 oh my fucking god i immediately snapped my gaze away from the mirror and rushed over to the bed to make sure my fiance was all right i shook her awake asking if she was all right to which she stared up at me completely freaked out as to why i was waking her up in the middle of the night i explained what happened but she said everything was fine so i left it at that and we went back to sleep fortunately i've never had an experience like this again but it still makes me think twice before i look at myself in the mirror in the middle of the night oh my freaking god that is horrid my hair my arms my hair on my arms and like is like on it like all the way directly directly straight up that's why i i regret uh talking about how hot i was and complaining
Starting point is 00:35:07 i'm just like wow okay second story as i was growing up my grandfather lived across the street from me and the two of us were always very close he was a decorated green beret before he retired and though he was somewhat reserved the two of us got along really well and always had a special connection my grandfather used to work in the shop garage at our family's farm, and he would always take care of our vehicles whenever they needed the oil changed or other maintenance done. I think it was his quiet way of showing us grandchildren that he loved us. When my grandfather passed away a few years ago, we decided to have him buried in Arlington National Cemetery to honor his years of service and the incredible sacrifices he made as a
Starting point is 00:35:43 Green Beret. Though I now live in the greater D.C. area, I've sadly only been to visit my grandfather's to honor his years of service and the incredible sacrifices he made as a green beret though i now live in the greater dc area i've sadly only been to visit my grandfather's grave a handful of times in the past few years a few months ago i was downtown running errands and i figured i'd go visit my grandfather's grave though arlington national cemetery is only open to the general public on foot if you have a family member buried there you receive a special pass that enables you to drive into the cemetery directly to your family member's grave site. Aw.
Starting point is 00:36:08 Aw, that is nice. I flashed my pass to the soldiers guarding the entrance, proceeded to drive to my grandfather's grave, and spent a few minutes at his tombstone, paying my respects and remembering the fond memories I had of him. When I was ready to leave, I got in my car and pressed the ignition ignition but nothing happened other than the dead battery light coming on after a few more temps I got attempts I got out of my car and popped the hood to see if there was a problem I had driven stopped and started my car several times that morning at it and had never had any previous issues with my car a maintenance crew drove by and stopped to see what was going on I asked if they could help jump start my car and I grabbed the jumper cables out of my trunk we tried for a few minutes to no avail before the maintenance crew said they had to leave to continue their work bye a few a few minutes later a pickup truck drove up and the
Starting point is 00:36:55 people inside asked if i needed help they graciously pulled up and grabbed a pair of jumper cables from their vehicle and proceeded to attempt to jump start my car again nothing happened defeated i had to call a tow truck to come get me in my vehicle side note it is super embarrassing to be towed from a peaceful orderly cemetery especially a military cemetery with burials taking place when i got to the auto shop the mechanics inspected my car and eventually told me they couldn't find anything wrong with it they said it started right up no problem i like to think that this was my grandfather's way of checking in on me maybe like he was playing a trick on me or sending me a not so subtle reminder to please take care of my vehicle that sounds like a grandpa
Starting point is 00:37:35 thing to do doesn't it like well next time you'll think twice oh yeah thanks so much for continuing to do this podcast my wife and i love listening to it every week. And it's been a welcome reprieve from this pandemic and all the craziness in the world. Cheers, Carson. Wow. I love that. I love it. It always helped you with your cars and then was like, now I'm going to have some fun in the afterlife. Well, it sounds like if your dad were to pass on before you and then you hear like EVPs later of like, have you changed your oil?
Starting point is 00:38:07 Yes, exactly. That tire looks a little flat. Put some air in that tire. I love it. Oh, that's sweet. Well, thank you, Carson. Thank you, Carson. We do have one bonus story this time.
Starting point is 00:38:23 Usually Eva gives us six stories stories but this time around i guess there was one that was just too juicy and eva was like we gotta read it so okay here we go this is from this is from sam she her pronouns thank you for normalizing pronouns and uh sam's story is haunted lemons well fuck me oh juicy juicy indeed em you called it eva you shouldn't have made me why would you you she knew i was going to be the one to read this too i know she put this in a Fuck me. Oh, juicy. Juicy indeed. You called it. Eva, you shouldn't have made me. Why would you? She knew I was going to be the one to read this too. I know.
Starting point is 00:38:50 She put this in a specific order. It's evil. Okay. Oh my God. I'm so excited. Okay. Hello. Evil is lemon.
Starting point is 00:39:02 Hello, spooky friends, furry friends, and fruit friends, and spider friends, though I have a crippling case of arachnophobia. Oh. I hope you're all staying safe during quarantine i'm a long time listener and april's stories uh inspired me to write my own fun fact linda and i share birthdays she's a legend oh well thank you i will pass on the info oh she heard it she heard it don't worry she felt it in her bones anyway i've wanted to share it for a while now so So I'm shooting my shot. I'll try to give you the spark notes rundown of what happened. The story starts in 1992, aka the greatest year because I was I was born that at that time. Oh, yes, that's what they call it. That's exactly it. So the story starts in the year of 1992. with my mom and my grandmother. My grandmother, Dolly, had just lost her battle with breast cancer, and my mom was taking time off of work to regroup.
Starting point is 00:39:51 It was two months before her wedding, so she was also trying to finish up planning as well. Jesus, that's a lot of life events. She needed a break, though, obviously, and some friends had come to check in on her, and my mom explained to them how much she missed dolly and how she wished she could talk to her brilliantly one of her friends suggested a seance now where i would be like nah my mom thought it sounded like a great idea so my mom and her friend sat in our dining room and started their seance and my mom's friend who was leading it asked for dolly to show them a sign that she was there the dining room opens up to the living room and in the living room dolly had a little
Starting point is 00:40:29 lemon tree i can already tell this is going to be christine just doing seances next to my lemon tree instead of planning for my wedding or whatever it's just like i need a break christine if you go before me and i ask for a sign there's going to be like some fucking lemon is going to roll into my house like a Chef Boyardee commercial. It's just going to. I'm just going to be like, how did you get in here? But you'll know. And then eventually it'll be like a Hogwarts scene where they just start coming down my chimneys and like trying to break into my house. I can't wait.
Starting point is 00:41:02 Okay, so Dolly had a little lemon tree. So did Christine. When she finished asking for a sign, there was a pause. And shortly after, a lemon plopped off the tree and rolled into the living room. Well, there we fucking go. There we go. Instead of being like, okay, thanks, we're good. They asked for another sign.
Starting point is 00:41:21 And then they proceeded to hear movement upstairs in the attic. And we were the only people in the house. Goodbye. They paused and heard noise again. So as you do, they all started to make their way up the stairs to investigate. They moved up slowly and waited to see if they could hear anything. And just as they were about to make their next move, they heard a thud causing them to panic and topple down the stairs. As they got off the floor the
Starting point is 00:41:45 phone rang and my mom slowly went to answer it and only got static but as she looked up she saw general hospital playing on the tv and stopped in her tracks to derail this real quick every day dolly would call my mom at one o'clock as soon as just general hospital started to ask what was happening even though the show literally just started to ask what was happening even though the show literally just started to ask what was happening i love that my mom checked the time and it was one o'clock and then the phone the phone ring again static again my mom finally spoke mom is that you and at that moment another lemon dropped from the tree and rolled onto the floor holy shit the goose cam is fucking wild over here guys i know it is crazy holy crap okay so lemon drops on the floor they hear noise
Starting point is 00:42:34 upstairs then when they hear the noise for at its loudest point the phone rings and general hospital is on the tv which is what their routine was she asks mom is that you lemon drops again my mom explained to me that the whole thing was startling but somehow comforting that her mom reached out to her to let her know she's still there you can tell that she's still around especially around my grandfather they were married for years and he didn't remarry after she passed i can tell she's always keeping an eye out on us to make sure we're okay. Apparently I had a full blown conversation with her when I was three and she helped save my grandfather and my mom from a few accidents.
Starting point is 00:43:13 But those are stories from another day. I hope I didn't drone on too long and I hope you enjoyed the citrusy tale. Thanks for the scares and laughs, Sam. Oh my God. Oh my God. Wow. Wow. Those were Oh my god. Wow. Those were all pretty bananas. Yeah, lemons, but yeah, close enough.
Starting point is 00:43:32 Wowza, though. That's like, with the general hospital thing, made me almost cry. That one fucked me up. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yikes. Well, I love that. That was, you're right, that was a juicy one. Thank you, Eva, for inserting I love that. That was you're right. That was a juicy one. Thank you, Eva, for inserting a bonus up a bonus story. Yeah, definitely extra goose cam action.
Starting point is 00:43:50 There was a lot of goose camp today, huh? Yeah, yeah, I don't not gonna sit here and pretend like I hated it. It gave me some adrenaline after sitting in my apartment for 43 days. I know we're like spicing things up here. Like my dopamine levels have spiked. What's going on? Eva knows exactly what to do. Oh boy. Well, thank you everyone. Well, thank you guys so much for, for tuning into, uh, our May month listeners episode. Uh, hopefully this gave you something to freak out about and want to turn your lights on. i guess so and i don't know what to uh request for our our birthday month i don't know maybe just your favorite birthdays in general birthday
Starting point is 00:44:33 birthday story yeah that could be fun birthday theme anything it could be birthday adjacent too if it's like cake themed or present themed oh my. You know where my mind is. Yes, I do. Yeah. I suggest some sort of party celebration, gift, present, cake theme of spooky stories. Sure. I like that very much.
Starting point is 00:44:56 I approve. So if you have a story that has something to do with, I don't know, our birthdays, I guess, send it our way too. And that's why we drink at And Eva will read through those for us. Yes. And definitely put in the subject line that it's like what the theme is. So it's just easier for Christine to find.
Starting point is 00:45:18 I was like, I'm not finding it. But yeah. Make it easy on Eva. Awesome. Well, I mean, that's all I got. Yeah, stay healthy and happy and safe and clean. And good luck to you until we talk to you in a couple days, because we're going to record another episode pretty soon.
Starting point is 00:45:36 All right, we'll see you guys soon. And? Oh, I tried to one-up you there. You usually start it. I'm sorry. No, no, you do it. I liked i liked it okay and that's why we drink yay okay see the yay it's hard not to do told you right you're right you're right all right bye everyone

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