And That's Why We Drink - Listener Stories: Vol. 42

Episode Date: July 1, 2020

Get ready... because this July we just might be astral projecting to the Cheesecake Factory! Join us for some Goose-Cam inducing astral projection stories that range from sending childhood messages ab...out puppies to warding off faceless nightmare demons. We also learn about narcolepsy and sleepless hallucinations. And send us your synchronicity stories for August! And that's why we drink!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 okay uh hello welcome it is july fresh welcome it is july and we're in morning the june is over but yeah well it's only 11 months till the best month of the year. That's a great way to look at it. It's like only another like 330 days left. Like it's not that bad. Yeah, the glass is one twelfth full. Exactly, until Christina's 30. Also, it's cancer season. Yes, it is.
Starting point is 00:00:40 So happy cancer season. I love a good cancer. I think they're very wonderful people. They're very zazzy. They've got a lot of little chutzpah to them. They got a lot of zhuzh, as we said in the last episode. A lot of pizzazz. How do you spell zhuzh, by the way?
Starting point is 00:00:57 That's a toughie. I think I spell it with a Z somewhere in there. Z-H. Apparently, people spell it either J-O-O-S-H or it's Z-H-U-Z-H. That's what I do, yeah. I would have done the J one. Really? I wouldn't have even thought to put Z and H next to each other.
Starting point is 00:01:19 Because like instead of like shh, it's like zh. I mean, I guess J-O-O-S-H h is more joosh but i wouldn't know how to do it i wouldn't know anyway i was i had quite a crisis the other day trying to figure out how to spell it and i ended up having to google it but anyway and that's our update in the world of em and christine anyway welcome to july um stupid um and if you are new here welcome we uh do are doing our listeners episode where on the first of every month we tell your stories instead of telling our own stories woohoo for those of you who do want to submit your own stories one day um if you haven't done it yet you can there's a submission like entry form on and that's why we you can also send
Starting point is 00:02:04 them into and that's why we drink at gmail You can also send them into and that's why we drink at Gmail dot com. Just make sure you write listener story in the subject line so it's easier for Eva to find. So did we have a did we have a theme this time? We sometimes use themes. It was astral projection. Mm hmm. OK, because I am a loon and I wanted it to happen and I decided it. Well, I think I'm actually reading.
Starting point is 00:02:29 So Eva told me that there's a secret special one at the end. And I think I might actually be holding on to that one by accident. So I'm going to. You might what? I think I was holding the best one for last first. So we're going to put that one down and I'm going to pick a different one. Yeah. Eva's been doing a fun little secret story thing every week it's kind of hilarious she likes to do bonus ones which
Starting point is 00:02:50 like i like we know we don't they have nothing to do with the theme she's just like this one was too good so anyway let's start off with our first story this is from devon um and the subject line is listener story astral projection projection. So that makes sense. Yes. Okay. So Devin says, hi, X team,
Starting point is 00:03:11 M, Eva, puppers, G, Juniper, lemon, Skylar, Deb,
Starting point is 00:03:16 the web. Phew. My name is Devin and I use she, her pronouns. Thank you for normalizing pronouns, Devin. Y'all said you wanted astral projection stories. and I have a weird story that might be astral projection related.
Starting point is 00:03:29 So let's jump into it. Not even crack. Oh, just in the face of your own saying, your own idiom. So I've pretty much always been pretty sensitive. I've seen spirits, felt the energy of death before someone passes away. Oh, boy. I've gotten messages from animals and nature around me that's pretty interesting um premonitions the whole shebang
Starting point is 00:03:50 i've been with my partner b uh now for almost four years and we since we've been dating i opened her mind up to all these things and she has begun experiencing her own paranormal activity we realize a few years into dating though that she has a way of invading dreams with no control. Nope. I don't know about that. I have not heard of, like, three of your, like, paranormal powers. I've never heard of these before. Wait, which ones?
Starting point is 00:04:20 The communicating with animals. Oh, oh, oh. Things like that. I'm like, wow wow and also invading dreams i'm like that's one i've never that's a wild one look usually nowadays i'm like there's few things that shock us and like that that does um so one morning she turned to me and said she had a weird dream and i told her i had two and her dream she recalled walking around with some friends and family in a large crowd but somehow they got separated and she ended up wandering off and walking down a dark, isolated path.
Starting point is 00:04:50 She was completely lost, but out of nowhere, she saw me in the distance and she approached me. In her dream, I told her to turn around and how to get back to her family, ultimately guiding her back to where she was supposed to be. Well, this spooked me completely because I told her I had dreamed that I was standing alone in a dark area, completely alone, when she approached me, panicked because she seemed lost. Okay, the goose cam is alive and well. I don't remember anything in the dream being audible, but I know I grabbed her arm and I was pointing in the opposite direction,
Starting point is 00:05:24 trying to show her how to get back to only God knows where. Once she nodded to me, assuring that she knew where to go, my dream ended. So pretty much my partner is a weird dream jumper, and this happened one or two more times since. She's also invaded dreams of other people around her, and she has no idea how to control it. Sorry if this is long. I have plenty more stories where this has come from, but I will tell them another time. Thanks for the podcast. I hope you're staying safe. Hashtag team wine.
Starting point is 00:05:51 Love, Devin. Devin, that's bananas. Oh, my God. That's terrifying. That, okay. That makes me wonder, like, if you stay in a hotel, like, I wonder if it's proximity based. Like, if you're surrounding other sleepers, does she find out other people's dreams?
Starting point is 00:06:08 Or, like, at sleepovers, can she, like, manipulate, like, what other people dream? Or, like, would you have even had a dream unless she, like, almost called upon you because she needed help? Like, there's so many questions. Or what if you were in her dream? Like, she can. If this has only happened between the two of you. Oh, maybe it's only between the two of them. Maybe she was lost in her dream and then you appeared to give her directions.
Starting point is 00:06:33 I don't know. Or like, there's a lot that could be addressed here. Yeah, I'm like, maybe this as if like I have any sort of clue. I have like 10 different questions I need the answers to immediately and you're not here to answer any of them. And you probably don't know the answers. But my other question too is like, can you imagine if they break up and you can still have that power
Starting point is 00:06:52 of like getting into your dreams, you know? If you're like, depending on what type of person you are in a breakup, that could be a really manipulative gift. For sure. That could be like, so you don't forget about me or it could also be like-
Starting point is 00:07:04 She could be like, I'm lost. And then be like, oh that could be like so you don't forget about me or it could also she could be like i'm lost and then be like oh yeah it's that way like you know full well it's the other way right exactly it's like you're walking me right into like a river of fire i understand no that could boy that is interesting i imagine if you're doing it with your partner you've done it with your family or your best friends i imagine you have to like reach a certain level of trust so like i wonder if you can also like get your best friends to be like, bring me pizza tomorrow. Like you should really test out like writing notes in people's dreams for them to like have to say back to you later. Yeah, that'd be cool. Listen, someday I'll get into it, but that definitely is something in lucid dreaming too,
Starting point is 00:07:43 where people believe you can, at least the authors I've read, people believe you can plan to meet up with someone in a dream and then you can use like a special signal and then contact them the next day to be like, what was my special signal? Right. And they will have seen it in the dream, but I clearly haven't gotten there. You're the best person to know like if there's ever a crisis because you literally have like a secret meeting space that nobody else can get to. Yes. Yes, exactly. Just saying. Not that I want you in a crisis, but
Starting point is 00:08:14 like you're the perfect person to have in a crisis. So, anyway. Okay, so this email I have one here from Ren and this subject is astral projection listener story. Okay, that's pretty straightforward. Hey, my name is Ren.
Starting point is 00:08:30 She, her. Christine's request for an astral projection story is giving me the chance to share one of the strangest memories I have from when I was little, and I am crazy excited. Me too. Okay. When I was in fourth and fifth grade, I was super into paranormal stuff because my house was haunted with a poltergeist. I actually sent that story in before. I found an old Time Magazine book publication about ghosts and hauntings at a bookstore around this time and was hooked. I eventually found the rest of the series during used bookstore hunts with my mom,
Starting point is 00:08:58 and soon I was reading up on how to learn to do normal, kid-friendly things like astral project and test myself for psychic abilities. Of course. My grandmother was very ill at the time, so we used to drive from our little hometown to where she lived every weekend to visit her. On one of those weekends, my family surprised me with a trip to a local shelter to adopt a dog. Aww. That's so sweet.
Starting point is 00:09:19 Oh, puppy doggie. This was my first big pet, and i was completely over the moon i ended up adopting a half sharpay half jack russell terrier he he was a mess and he was perfect well now i'm gonna cry do we know his name i don't know yet i hope it's something sweet that night i was lying in bed with the puppy in a big box next to my bed, too wired to sleep. I decided to try to tell one of my friends about my new dog. Since this was before cell phones and the internet, I naturally decided I'd astral project into her room. Naturally.
Starting point is 00:09:58 Naturally. Totally logical, right? Except it happened. I focused for a while and suddenly felt myself lift out of my body and then i could see the highway we oh my god okay wow this just wow and what are you doing over there you look like you're having like a i'm ready i'm ready for my ted talk i'm ready for my ted talk i was divvying them up so we didn't get confused that's all and then i could see the highway we took to get to my grandmother's flying by underneath me really fast.
Starting point is 00:10:25 I saw my friend's roof and sank down into her bedroom, which was dark. She was asleep in bed. Bethany, I shout whispered. She sat up in bed after a second and stared over at me. Ren, what are you doing in my room? I told her I got a pup. I told her I got a puppy and I couldn't wait to see her and i'd tell her all about it on monday then like i was being pulled by a string i lifted up and drifted back to my grandmother's house then i saw myself sink back into my body and i was where i belonged again
Starting point is 00:10:58 i assumed it had been a really weird dream except that monday i was sitting in our usual seat on the bus and bethany boarded at her stop took one look at me and yelled down the aisle. You got a puppy. OK. Get out of here. Goodbye. OK. OK.
Starting point is 00:11:16 Yeah. She knew before I told her in person, which meant I actually was in her room that night i only had it happen that once and really don't recommend astral projecting instead of texting but it worked at the time and now i get to wonder how i did it for the rest of my life love y'all ren so that's super interesting for a lot of reasons but i always well first of all no wonder you never were able to do it again you probably freaked yourself out too much like without recognizing it without recognizing it of like oh i like literally like was able to do it again you probably freaked yourself out too much like without recognizing it without recognizing it of like oh i like literally like was able to do that and like probably maybe couldn't get back in the zone i was just gonna bet when you're a kid it's one of those things where you're like oh okay sure i can do this and then when you're older it's like yeah it seems way out of control i i always get really um i'm so confused in a fascinated way by astral projection because like, it's
Starting point is 00:12:07 a lot of times it gets meshed in with like meditation and dreaming. And so like, you never really know which one it is, but it's, I've never been able to do it. I'm very jealous of the people who can, my step-mom is really good at it. Um, I can't do it. I don't know. Have you done it before? Well, I think you probably could. Like, I think it's like one of those things you probably have to work on. I've never practiced it to be able to. My aunt does it all the freaky time.
Starting point is 00:12:36 Like, the number of stories of her just like appearing in people's houses and like knowing when they change the furniture or like. It's crazy. Like knowing. I mean, I told this story on Jim Harreld ages ago I think but like when my my uncle was in a prison camp um and then he got home right and he nobody like knew where he had been nobody knew how many like it had been years nobody knew uh that he had gotten home obviously and then the next that night my aunt had a dream where she saw him lying on the ground in his bedroom
Starting point is 00:13:05 instead of his bed. And so she called around and was like, what's going on? And she finally got a hold of him. And everyone found out he was back. And she's like, I had this weird dream that you were sleeping next to your bed. And he was like, oh, well, in the prison camp, there were no soft surfaces. So I'd been sleeping on concrete for years. So he's like, so I couldn't lay in bed because my back ached too badly. So I'd been sleeping on like concrete for years. So he's like,
Starting point is 00:13:29 so I couldn't lay in bed because my back ached too badly. So I slept on the floor next to my bed. And that just creeps me the hell out. Wow. But they're like, Oh, yeah, that happens all the time. And I'm like, I don't know if my I have these genes, but they haven't kicked in yet. So we'll see. Okay, we'll start igniting them because I need you to don't come creeping around me, by the way. You know, that's the first thing I would do. And you literally just asked me to start astral projecting. Where the hell else am I going to go? Okay. Cheesecake factory with you.
Starting point is 00:13:53 Okay. Wait a minute. Actually, how about I go to a factory and then on the East Coast while you're sleeping, you just meet me there and we'll have like a little date. And I just don't. Oh, that's perfect. Okay. That way I don't have to share my food and
Starting point is 00:14:05 also you, you're asleep. So like, I just, I can't eat it. I just can't stare at it. Exactly. You can watch me enjoy my, my solo date that you're infiltrating. You know what I'm saying? Have fun for me. I'm saying, okay. Who am I supposed to read next? Just tell me and then I can just grab it. Uh, Tammy. Tammy. Okay, cool. See, look how easy that was. Em looks like they're in like an old like PBS special where everything was still on paper and you're like trying to find your script. Yes.
Starting point is 00:14:36 Okay. So this is from Tammy. I really do feel like Mr. Rogers or something right now. It's kind of hilarious. I'm kind of loving it. Okay or something right now. I'm like, it's kind of hilarious. I'm kind of, kind of loving it. Okay. So anyway, this is from Tammy.
Starting point is 00:14:48 Um, Tammy's subject line is listener story, astral projection. I love the directness. Okay. I'm so into it. So Tammy says, hi,
Starting point is 00:14:56 Christine M geo and the rest of the, and that's why we drink family. Howdy from Texas. Howdy. I love you guys. I love your show. And I've always wanted an excuse to write you, but nothing spooky has ever happened to me. And then last week you asked for astral projection
Starting point is 00:15:09 stories. And I remembered a few from my grandma and other family members. Apparently when my grandma was a young girl, she was lying on her bed and suddenly felt herself float up. And she looked down and not only could she see herself lying on the bed, but she could see what each member of the family was doing in separate rooms of the house literally by the way it sounds like she's playing sims like she can just see every goddamn room chauncey's over here yes chauncey bliss um oh my god it's like the key though like you could literally know everything you could just like spy on everyone this is my dream absolutely um and also uh let's see um in separate rooms of the house the moment didn't last long but she'd never forgot it which by the way i wouldn't either if i
Starting point is 00:15:52 learned how to fucking fly um so i have one other story not exactly astral projection but in the same vein my great uncle was U2 pilot Francis Gary Powers. Um, and he was infamously shot down over Soviet territory in 1960. And my family only knew of the crash. My family only knew of the crash and thought he was dead. Oh, so they only knew of the crash. Okay. Got it. Oh, I see. Um, everyone that is except my great aunt, uh, she had always been the sensitive one in the family and for some reason she could just feel that he was alive um meaning sitting in a soviet prison uh francis knew his family this is so creepy because my uncle was literally in a soviet
Starting point is 00:16:37 oh a soviet prison i'm not making that up was his name francis gary power wait a minute okay maybe they were both like helping each other astral project elsewhere or like be open to it Not making that up. Was his name Francis Gary Powers? Wait a minute. Okay. Maybe they were both like helping each other astral project elsewhere or like be open to it. Oh my God, how creepy. Okay, woof. Francis knew his family must be thinking he was dead. He decided that if anyone could receive a telepathic message from him, it would be his sister. That's so cool. I guess if you're sitting there for like hours at a time, you're like, I guess I might as well try to telepathically talk to people.
Starting point is 00:17:06 Listen, if I'm stuck somewhere, I'm at least going to try. There's no reason to not, you know. Especially if you've got a new puppy or you're stuck in a war camp. I mean, there's so many options. What a range. So he set out to sending her thoughts and mental images. And sure enough, she picked up on them and tried to reassure her family that he was alive i don't know if any of them believed her but a few days later they received the news that francis was alive and being held in a soviet prison on charges of espionage
Starting point is 00:17:33 after the trial and prisoner swap depicted in the movie bridge of spies my brother was an extra in that uh yeah he's like we went to the movies and watched it and he was standing there in like a soldier's uniform and Tom Hanks walked past him. Did he play Carrie Francis, Gary powers? Now that would be an interesting twist. That would be the goddamn test. Also was Tom Hanks playing your brother. Wait a minute.
Starting point is 00:17:56 Okay. Anyway, Francis finally came home and the rest, as they say, is history. Thank you so much for your stories. I'm thrilled just to have had a chance to reach out to you. I feel like you're my friends.
Starting point is 00:18:06 Is that creepy? Love, Tammy. Who uses she, her pronouns? Thank you for normalizing pronouns, Tammy. Tammy, oh my goodness. Sorry I like sabotaged your story, but wow, that was really gave me goose cam there. I was like, this is really familiar.
Starting point is 00:18:20 A little eerie. That's so fascinating that you could sit there and try to send messages to someone who you know is sensitive. And, you know, I wonder if she was sitting there going, I'm trying to receive messages. I wonder if that helped, like, that they were both trying to contact each other. Let's both definitely make a pact now that, like, if one of us does go missing, the other one better start really practicing some astral projection shit. I'm just going to start meditating. Just to help the other one.
Starting point is 00:18:46 Like you don't know which way I'm going to get a message to you. I promise if you go missing, I'll start like learning the shit out of that just in case. Thank you. You're welcome. And I'll just spend my, I'm sure what will be ample and safe and healthy time trying to meditate back to you while I'm missing. In this ideal situation where one of us is in a pinch, we're not together. Where I've been like trapped under a, you know, a boulder with like a bunch of food and water and wine and I'm like perfectly happy, but you need to come find
Starting point is 00:19:16 me. That's exactly it. That sounds. That's exactly it. Got it. So this next one I have is from Sadie who uses she, her. Thank you for normalizing pronouns. Shady, not shady, Sadie, who uses she, her. Thank you for normalizing pronouns, Sadie. Not Shady, Sadie. Shady Sadie. Shady Sadie. My bad. The subject of this one is interesting.
Starting point is 00:19:38 It says sleepless in Seattle or small town Minnesota. Okay. Hey, Eva, and on the off chance that this gets read out loud, everyone else. Hello. Thank you for knowing your potential chances. I appreciate that. Christine asked for astral projection stories, so I figured I would share my experience with you. I'll be honest, this isn't paranormal, but it's the scariest experience I've ever had, which is why I'm writing in.
Starting point is 00:20:05 When I was 15, I was diagnosed with narcolepsy, a neurological disorder in which the brain has a difficult time regulating sleep signals and awake signals fascinating most people associate i know it's that's wild i don't know too much about it i don't either i've always wanted to this is weird i've always wanted to know someone with narcolepsy just to ask questions because i'm just well you might learn something i might learn something from shady sadie so shady sadie might be just your person most people associate narcolepsy with falling asleep randomly all the time e.g moulin rouge but oh i think about um uh rat race no did you ever watch rat race i haven't watched rat race in so long i gotta be honest oh my gosh he's uh mr bean you know he's like oh yes cocktail weenie and then he falls asleep while they're all looking for the
Starting point is 00:20:50 money anyway i watch that movie way too often as a child okay um most people but while sleep attacks are a symptom they are not the only symptom others include sleep paralysis, lucid dreaming, loss of muscle control, and ironically enough, insomnia. I know. When I was 19, I suffered a bout of insomnia. It started as just one night where I couldn't fall asleep, no big deal. I was in college. One night with sleep was not unusual. But the next night, I couldn't sleep either, nor the night after that, nor the night after that.
Starting point is 00:21:21 The longer I went without sleep, the more frantic I became and the harder it was for me to calm down enough to sleep this went on for five days i did the math and i figured i'd gone 102 hours without a single second of sleep oh my goodness shit this sounds like remember that russian sleep experiment you got me all scared about not sleeping i'm pretty sure she was one of the members of the russian sleep experience that's what it sounds like okay at about hour 98 i started properly freaking out i was convinced i was going to die i was hallucinating hyperventilating and couldn't move my body a couple of friends brought me to the hospital and called my parents when i got to the hospital someone had to lift me up to put me on the bed because i couldn't control my muscles as soon as i was on the bed, I fell through it.
Starting point is 00:22:05 I fell through the floor of the hospital. I kept falling. Goodbye. Oh my God. I'm getting, oh my God. I still remember the feeling. It felt so real.
Starting point is 00:22:13 It was like one of the drop rides at the fair. The kind where your tummy lurches and doesn't quite catch up with you until the ride stops. Only this didn't stop. I kept falling down faster and faster through the basement of the hospital different scenes passed by me as i continued to fall i saw my mom get the call that i was in the hospital i saw my sister at her own school across the state my arms are like freaking out right now i'm me too crazy goose camp too for sure i saw my own i saw my sister
Starting point is 00:22:43 at her own school across the state i saw saw my dad at work. I couldn't call out or move. My muscles were completely locked up. One of the nurses snapped me out of it and I was pulled back into the hospital room with a jolt. Throughout the next few hours, the same thing happened several more times. By that time, they had me hooked up to monitors and stuff. Every time I started falling, my heartbeat sped up drastically. I kept seeing different things every time I fell, though most of them moved so fast I couldn't make sense of what I was seeing. The whole experience in the hospital was a blur. I wasn't coherent at all. I couldn't move, and the nurses kept yelling at me, trying to make me tell them what drugs I had taken.
Starting point is 00:23:18 They became much nicer once my talk screen came back negative. Since I couldn't speak for myself, my parents weren't there and none of my friends had authorization to make medical decisions on my behalf i was stuck in medical limbo the doctors can monitor me but not treat me they kicked all my friends out of the room so i was alone hallucinating and stuck with strangers who thought i was tweaking out it took hours before my mom before my mom finally got there and the doctors could begin running tests it took a few hours after that until they gave me a sedative so I could finally sleep. I'm not sure if I actually astral projected or if my mind just came up with situations that I thought were happening.
Starting point is 00:23:52 I saw a lot of crazy stuff while I was falling but never confirmed any of it. However, to this day, I can still remember vividly how it felt to be conscious and awake but completely unable to move or speak. It was the worst thing I ever experienced and I would take a ghost any day anyway thanks for reading i love the podcast hope everyone is staying safe and healthy team wine wow wow that i bet you had the best sleep of your fucking life though after shady sadie i if you didn't you deserved it you deserve it if you if you ever got it go do it now wow but that's so frustrating because like they weren't sure what was wrong so they couldn't like sedate her because it's like they don't know at the time if she's on drugs or something and you can't just
Starting point is 00:24:33 like make her unconscious without knowing what's going on and like all she needed was to be put unconscious i guess wow yeah the one thing you need they couldn't help but oh my gosh my gosh. Sadie, I'm very, that's, that's honestly very terrifying. Like that really freaks me out. Really, really freaks me out. That answered a lot of my questions, to be honest. There you go. All right. Well, we all learned something.
Starting point is 00:24:54 So this is from Anonymous. No, no name. Yeah. No name. Not Anonymous, the group. Not the Anonymous. This is from Anonymous. Or maybe.
Starting point is 00:25:04 Maybe it is. And the title is, My boyfriend Ashel projected while I was awake beside him. Wow. Okay. Well, this random person goes by she, her pronouns. Thank you for normalizing pronouns. And the story goes,
Starting point is 00:25:18 Greetings booze who. Booze who? Booze. Boozers? Maybe it was an autocorrect to boozers. Maybe it's like booze? Boozers? Maybe it was actually. Maybe it's like an autocorrect to boozers. Maybe it's like boozhoo, like boozhoo. Like zhuzh.
Starting point is 00:25:30 Like zhuzh. Wait a minute. July. Okay. M. Christine, Eva, Pets, and Fruits. Oh, my name is Tia. Hi, Tia. Oh, I'm so dumb.
Starting point is 00:25:42 I didn't see that earlier. My name is Tia, and I am indigenous from a northern fly-in reserve called Sandy Lake, Ontario in Canada. Oh, my God. Hell yeah, Canada. You might remember this place from the Wendigo episode. Anyway, that's not related to the story, but I thought you might find that interesting. The story takes place about 2013, and it is about me having a real-life experience with my boyfriend, Ashle, projecting at the same time. The background is that me and my boyfriend moved to a small northern community in northern Saskatchewan called La Ronge.
Starting point is 00:26:17 La Ronge? La Ronge. My dad was working here at the time. My boyfriend wanted to gain experience in electrical work, which is what my dad did and his friend did for work. At the time, we just delivered our beautiful little girl, and she was three months when this happened. We were only there for three months before we moved back home to our home, Sandy Lake First Nation, and we lived with my dad's friends, so we shared one bedroom between me, my boyfriend and our three month old in his house. The room was small and our bed was in one corner and the daughters, our daughter's crib was at the foot of our bed and right beside and right side to her crib was an old bathroom that was not working anymore. Inside the bathroom was the homeowner's junk and it was full of old boxes and who knows what. It didn't have a door or light, so it was creepy to begin with. One night we were all tucked into bed, sound asleep,
Starting point is 00:27:12 and I slept on the outer edge to wake up to feed our baby and my partner slept against the wall. I woke up out of nowhere and with my heart pounding, I felt immediately in danger. Oh, that's not good. I didn't like that at all. Every hair on my body was standing up and I felt immediately in danger. Oh, that's not good. I didn't like that at all. Every hair on my body was standing up and I felt super scared to my core. I don't usually have these experiences and still haven't felt that kind of fear to this day. So this was completely out of character for me. I looked around, checked on my daughter who was sound asleep and tried to sleep again.
Starting point is 00:27:42 This fear would not leave me. I felt a presence in the creepy old bathroom of the house i just could not look or even open my eyes anymore and i was so overwhelmed with the fear so i decided to wake up my boyfriend as soon as i was about to wake him up he shot up out of bed sitting upward and stared at the same corner gasping goodbye nope okay goose cam is like on a total other level right now like the hair like spoiler alert eva literally in the email or in the text, I think earlier was like, hey, I just sent the stories for the recording. I was going to do them last night, but I got way too scared. So I had to do them today.
Starting point is 00:28:14 So like now I get it. The hairs on my arm right now are trying to rip themselves off my body. This is awful. Okay. It's like, it's a special wax self waxing. Just read a national projection story. You don't even need, what is it, like Veet or whatever? Just listen to our podcast.
Starting point is 00:28:30 We give you smooth skin. Let's see. Oh, yeah. He, okay, as soon as I was about to wake him up, he shot out out of bed sitting upward and stared at the same corner gasping. He told me that he thought he was the only one awake in his projection and i was still asleep next to him and he was seeing a long dark shadow figure with no face so no so he had had a projection or he had had a vision in his dream exactly what she had been feeling oh no he described it like slender man standing in the corner with his arms outstretched, and it was slowly creeping towards our bed.
Starting point is 00:29:08 He was dreaming this at the same time I was shaking beside him, fearing the creepy corner in the bathroom. I could not see anything. I was only feeling the fear and energy, but he was dreaming and actually seeing what I was feeling. He said it was coming closer and closer to us on the bed, and that's pretty much when he shot up and stared at the corner when it was getting way too close. We grabbed our baby in the crib and pretty much stayed up the rest of the night watching her sleep.
Starting point is 00:29:31 Whatever was bothering us went away after he woke up, but it still shook us to our core. It has never happened again, but there were a lot of negative things going on all around us at the time in that house. In our beliefs, negative invites the negatives, and hence the reason why we only stayed for three months. I hope you enjoyed my story of my boyfriend astral projecting and seeing what we were both feeling, but I could not see it. Thank God for him. Or thank goodness for me. Sorry for him. Yes. This is not the only time he's astral projected. He actually did it quite a bit at the beginning of our relationship. And he would wake up gasping and telling me that his nose was touching the ceiling. And he could see every detail of the wall right behind him.
Starting point is 00:30:14 Wow. Whatever was grabbing him was trying to make him go through the ceiling that night. So when his nose was touching the ceiling. He also described being pulled into the bed and through the floor by a negative being. Every time this happened, I would be there to wake him up because, um, uh, because when this would happen, he would groan and moan or yell in his sleep. So she would know he was being pulled into the floor or dragged into the ceiling. Okay. But like that just happened in the other story where she kept falling through the floor.
Starting point is 00:30:46 And she was like, am I hallucinating or is this a natural projection? I mean, well. Sounds like you're not the only one who's been dragged through a floor. I hate to make you not feel special anymore, Shady Sadie, but there's a few of you out there. It's probably a relief. Yeah, exactly. I also have a lot more creepy stories um from back home in sandy lake that maybe
Starting point is 00:31:05 i will share on the other listener stories um did you know we have a whole area called ghost point thank you for reading okay tia i didn't know that but now i'm gonna go look up ghost point so holy smokes i like the fact that like both of you dreamt it simultaneously thinking the other one was asleep i don't like that one bit oh no no i know i've told this one before but they're deirdre's um stepsister and stepmom have had um dreams together so again i don't know if that's astral projecting or being in the same dream but they had an experience like that where they both had the same dream but from different viewpoints where someone was breaking into the house and deirdre's stepsister
Starting point is 00:31:45 was sleeping but felt someone standing over her and then she felt she saw someone else come in and stab the guy and get rid of the guy that's broken in and then her stepmom said that she had the exact same dream where she heard someone break in and saw him go into julia's room and to protect her daughter stabbed him and he what the f so things like that always freak me out when like your brains can be that in sync it doesn't it's like something that you can't explain logically yeah even just by being unconscious like it just doesn't make sense like i and like going back to being a kid like selena and i would often have the same dreams but when we were kids it was just just like, oh, that's cool. And I think as we got older, it just was like, that's so creepy.
Starting point is 00:32:29 And, like, it stopped happening. But when we were little kids, we were like, we would dream about the same little girl all the time. Who now I'm like, who was that little girl? And we would describe her in our journals and then compare notes. It was really wild. But, like, we just thought it was so cool and fun. And now it's like oh god it really and then it makes you wonder like was that little girl making you you both have that dream together
Starting point is 00:32:49 like it could get really really weird okay well that was the thing is then we started really hating that girl because she was so scary and she would like in our dreams we were like there's like she's there's something wrong with her like it was so gross gross. Okay. And she had curly brown hair. It was like all we had the same description of her, but then she would always like stare at it. Goodbye. It was really gross. Okay. Well, anyway, I've luckily never been that in sync with anybody, but I am very terrified of the day that it happened.
Starting point is 00:33:17 So we'll just go to Cheesecake Factory and it'll all be okay. Give me cheesecake drunk and maybe something will happen. Who knows? Okay. This one is from amy she or pronouns like you so this is hi eva oh sorry it's called reoccurring haunted house dream hi eva m christine geo juni in big capitals and various other members of the haunted brigade you mean mean the boo-joo? The boo-joo. Yes, yes, yes. I've been a fan for a while.
Starting point is 00:33:51 I love listening to your podcast while I knit. I'm in my 30s, but I feel like a weird old cat lady most of the time. Oh, I love it so much. Hope to see you guys in November. I have a ticket to the New York show that got postponed, fingers crossed, and also on our end. I experienced something very recently that I believe falls within the theme and has been one of the creepiest dream related things that has ever happened to me when i was growing up my family and i would often take trips to visit my grandparents house in bath new york it's a small rural town and their house was big and very old my mom's family is huge so
Starting point is 00:34:20 it was always crowded with aunts and uncles and tons of cousins you think this would make it feel more warm and friendly, but there were always areas of the house that just never felt right to me. To make it worse, my grandmother loved collecting old dolls. Goodbye. And they were everywhere. In cases, on nightstands, in little doll rockers and cribs, giant dolls in the middle of stair landings.
Starting point is 00:34:44 What the ehhh? I hate that. the yeah me too the upstairs was the worst a long narrow hallway with bedroom doors on either side and at the end of the hall on the opposite side of the smaller staircase that everyone used was a giant winding staircase that no one used the bottom only led to a door out of the house a window facing the front lawn and the basement as a kid i always had the hardest time falling asleep anywhere in that house no matter how many cousins were sleeping near me i would have terrible nightmares i would hear creaks and taps and duck under the covers with my pulse racing trying to avoid eye contact with the dolls when my grandparents passed away years
Starting point is 00:35:20 ago the house was sold to a new family and i haven't been back there in decades i've had reoccurring dreams about this house as an adult over the years most of which involve me in the second story gliding into each room pulse racing feeling like i'm on a tour that i cannot stop or look away from and i'm convinced i'm going to find something terrifying in each room i enter it always ends with that awful staircase the most recent dream i had i glided all the way down the stairs and when i got to the landing i looked out the window and in the front lawn of the house was a group of people i didn't recognize standing there staring at me i'm gonna throw up none of this is fun i don't like this at all i lifted up a doll and started talking to them through the doll. Shut the fuck up.
Starting point is 00:36:06 I'm so scared. My lips weren't moving, but the dolls were. I can't remember what I said. And then I woke up in a sweat, completely terrified. Recently in a Zoom chat with my family, I told them about this dream. And then my brother and sister both came forward with similar dreams that they had had about the house over the years as well. My dad said, Amy, what if you were haunting the house now he meant it as a joke but it sent shivers down my spine and still does what if i am haunting the house in my sleep and those people i saw there
Starting point is 00:36:35 were the family that currently lives there okay i'm going to literally buy throw up like the others shit where you find out at the end of like they've been haunting the family the whole time not the other way around and that's spoilers that movie's been out since like 2004 if you didn't if you haven't seen it you didn't want to see it here okay he was dead the whole time i haven't i was never gonna see it we all know it it's a good it's one of my favorite scary movies it's very good i don't know if you will read this but if you do i hope it gave you the spookies well sure fucking did thanks a lot yes that's that's what we'll call it yeah hope you all stay creepy weird and safe during these unprecedented times i'll try not to haunt too many people in my sleep don't come for me any any of you lots of love from brooklyn amy oh my gosh amy that's
Starting point is 00:37:21 frightening and also now i'm scared that everyone's gonna astral project into our houses and scare the shit out of me you know what i never thought about is people who listen to our show could literally just astral project to us at any time well that's literally what i just thought of and i'm terrified now please respect our privacy oh my god that's terrifying but it sounds like a lot of these people aren't doing it on purpose that's true just don't think about us before you go to sleep okay you can come through my house all you all you want, but just like, please don't let me see you. Cause I'm going to be so scared. Oh, I'll lose my mind. Yeah. You can view whatever you want. Just like, don't bring your astral phone and take pictures. Just don't like, don't spread that around. Okay. So anyway, incriminating photos of M sleeping of me, like stuffing 20 oreos in my mouth at once yeah
Starting point is 00:38:05 i have plenty of those don't worry folks okay our final uh episode our final story our bonus story that eva likes to throw out every now and then this one apparently has nothing to do with astral projection but it is topical and that we have recently covered this so um this is from danielle and danielle uses she her pronouns thank you for normalizing pronouns danielle uh the topic is personal story submission i was at the anonymous protest against scientology okay but like we see the theme right like we see that every single bonus story eva has picked as a scientology story like in the last like six weeks oh story Eva has picked as a Scientology story like in the last like six weeks oh and she literally texted us that today she's like I'm sending another bonus Scientology story I just didn't
Starting point is 00:38:51 even think about the last the last six or like six months I haven't thought about it at all I know no that's like been the thing is that like every month now she's adding a Scientology bonus I see and I'm sure she has directly said. And I just fucking decided not to even process that information. It's probably because I said it and you just were like, OK, Christine. Look, I'm happy to be excited on camera in front of everybody. So anyway, this is apparently another Scientology. It didn't even cross my stupid mind. OK.
Starting point is 00:39:22 And also, for those of you who have not caught up to our current episodes, we are, if you listen to these, I don't order or whatever. I recently covered anonymous, the hacker group. And in that I was talking about some of their operations they've done. And one of them was operation chanology where Scientology Anonymous duped it out, apparently. So this is the story of that, apparently, from a first-person experience. Danielle says, hello, spooky friends. I'm listening to the last episode about Anonymous, and I got excited hearing about the February 10th protest against Scientology back in 2008 because I was there.
Starting point is 00:40:02 I had to double check because I was an angsty teen at the time and some of the specifics were hazy, but apparently my badass mom heard about Project Genology through a forum with old friends who were also ex-C-Org members. Oh my God. Oh, fuck. Okay, absolutely. So if you haven't, first of all, I'm going to do another shout out.
Starting point is 00:40:23 If you have not watched Leah Remini's docuseries about Scientology, please go do it. You will learn what a Sea Org member is. We've said it before and we'll say it again. It's one of the only shows Em and I have both like aggressively binged and been obsessed with. So besides like The Office. Yeah. And like I've rewatched it. It's just so fucking fascinating.
Starting point is 00:40:41 Okay. So she basically ex-Scientology members, just to make it simple um some backstory my mom was deeply involved in scientology so deep uh so deep that when she and some friends decided they wanted to leave the church they um the church tried to ruin their lives so So that's called, what's the, the, the fair play, the fair play thing that they do. Oh, I forgot I had a name. Yeah. It's called fair game. And basically the, the church tries to ruin your life, um, in protest of you leaving. Cause I think they have like a right to now that you've signed away, quote, signed away, quote unquote, your exactly life and possessions. So apparently my, my mom is still on their black
Starting point is 00:41:27 list and though she lost some belongings um and her then fiance who didn't leave with her she managed to leave relatively unharmed so when she found out they were going to meet up outside of a scientology building in la to protest she said fuck yeah fuck scientology we're going uh i can confirm that there were a lot of people there. I learned so much being among them. Many of the protesters had personal ties to the church and finally felt safe enough in the anonymity. I cannot ever say this word. Anonymity. Anonymity. My brain refuses to learn that word.
Starting point is 00:42:03 Anonymity. Exactly. There's a few words like that where I'm like, I'll just never get this one. Many of the protesters had personal ties to the church and finally felt safe enough in the anonymity of the protest to speak out against it. Some ex-members, like my mom, didn't want to be anonymous and had no problem showing their faces. They have lost jobs, homes, belongings, loved ones, and children to the church. Most protesters, though, they were in, most protesters, though, were in Guy Fawkes masks. My mom actually kept one of our masks on her mantle for a while to commemorate the day. Whoa, that's cool. The church did attempt to scare us. They took pictures of us and followed us to our cars, but nothing happened.
Starting point is 00:42:46 Now most people know what they are and what they've done. My mom and everyone who's had to rebuild their lives after the church are happy about that. And she has no problem with people who like Tom Cruise. My husband is one of them. Their first conversations about him was fun. And other famous Scientologists. But she'll always give her two cents about it. She won't watch any of their movies and she doesn't care how nice people say
Starting point is 00:43:09 they are. She is firm. Um, thank you for reading. My mom says, hi, love you too. Love your show.
Starting point is 00:43:15 Danielle. Wow. Wow. I like that. We have some ex Scientologists that listen to this show, but I remember that one where, where they said they had an addiction problem, and then they kept going back to the Scientology rehab program? That was last month.
Starting point is 00:43:36 That was June 1st. Now it's clicking real good. So that is just so fascinating to hear from people who are actually in it. You know what could be interesting? I know you say one day you want to cover Scientology. We've got enough people that are probably our ex-members. You could probably get personal accounts and all that, too, outside of the many others. I think, actually, I was thinking about this a few days ago, is like it will probably be
Starting point is 00:43:57 my first multi-parter. Yeah, for sure. Which seems wild because I've covered some really big ones. But I think that might be, just because of personal experience, I think might be like my first real multi-parter yeah send them in folks but I do have an actual request for next like a different request is that okay oh yeah yeah can I request um so I felt a little bit like there were some synchronicities in this episode where like the ice told a story about my uncle and then the person had a story about their uncle going to the same kind of. Right.
Starting point is 00:44:28 Things all kind of melded together. Yeah. I feel like a synchronistic episode would be very exciting. Oh, OK. Sure. Just in just anyone has. If there's any general stories, I thought that'd be cool to read. If anyone has synchronicities that have happened that you think are pretty bananas, let me know.
Starting point is 00:44:45 I would love to read about them. Some of my favorite paranormal podcast, Jim Harreld's paranormal podcast episodes are about synchronicities. I think it's like supes fascinating. I didn't even know this. Is that like an official word that they're called, synchronicities? Because I would have just called them weird ass coincidences. Yeah, that's pretty much what it is. But yeah, synchronicity, it's like there are like multiple belief systems around it and like people study it.
Starting point is 00:45:07 And they're like actual authors who've written about it. But yeah, it's basically like this idea. I mean, I don't know. I think some of it gets into quantum physics, which is just my jam. But yeah, I think synchronicities in general would be super fascinating. Just like things that were so are so wildly quote unquote coincidental that it seems like it was maybe something more. All right. You heard it here. Here. Heard it here first. Folks, what is wrong with me? Also looking forward to that. You heard it here wrong and you heard it here first. And then you heard it here again. And also looking forward to that one random Scientology story that I will be surprised by next month. You're the one who reads them too. I don't know why.
Starting point is 00:45:50 Anyway, thank you so much for listening. And I guess the next time we do this will be August. So I'll speak bananas. Oh my God. Yikes. Okay. Well, anyway, thank you. And send in your stories either in That's Why We or in that's why we drink at and make sure you put the theme and the phrase listener story in the subject line.
Starting point is 00:46:12 Yay. Thanks, everyone. We love you. And? That's. Why? We. Read your stories. Okay. I don't know. Good one. So clever. Bye.

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