And That's Why We Drink - Listener Stories: Vol. 44

Episode Date: September 1, 2020

Happy October! Wait, we mean September... right? Time might be all in our minds at this point but your listener stories sure are real! Thank you to everyone who sent in their spooky real life stories ...this month - from almost getting kidnapped outside the library to the ghost of an arson victim and a grandma who was smart enough to say no to the Manson Family, we've got some wild stories for you this month. Whatever month it may be... and that's why we drink!Please consider supporting the companies that support us! Visit and join the over 1,000,000 people taking charge of their mental health with the help of an experienced professional. Plus, get 10% off your first month! Get a powerful skincare treatment made for YOU today! Go to for a free 30-day trial, justpay for shipping and handling!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 where are we what time is it is this september's listener episode yeah i think so sure yeah happy september it's almost fall and if it's october happy second september oh well it's not october i think we'd be prepared for halloween month well actually i don't we'd be prepared. I think we'd expect to be prepared and then wouldn't be. I was saying, yeah, because I thought you were saying like, we're not prepared enough that we would be two months in advance on this. And I was like, yeah, that's true. There's also that. Yeah. Anyway, welcome to our listeners episode for September. This is where we read the stories that you send to us on our website. And that's where we And Eva picks them out. So we don't know them ahead of time.
Starting point is 00:00:46 And we put this episode out on the first of every month, our listeners' episode. So if you are new here and you're listening backwards and this is your first one, welcome to listeners' episodes. Some month in 2020 that we're not really sure anymore. It could be March still. I'm not really sure. I certainly hope not because it feels like it's been eight years since March. Oh, before we start, can I just give a little shout out? Because CK has been, he's back at it with Mersin Monsters.
Starting point is 00:01:10 I saw your sweatshirt. Yeah. And I, with Finn and CK on it. And I feel like we haven't given him a shout out in a while. And Mersin Monsters did Bermuda Triangle recently, which was really creepy and one of my favorite topics. So I just want to give him a little shout out. And there, his merch is very comfortable.
Starting point is 00:01:25 And we love CK. And also, in case people are wondering, on the back of your sweatshirt is also a big ass thing of popcorn. Yeah, that's right. That's what drew my attention. Yeah. I love it. I didn't even realize.
Starting point is 00:01:35 Like, I knew it was there, but then I put it on today and looked in a mirror and was like, whoa. There it is. Anyway, so check them out, And by them, I mean CK and his dog, Finn. Yes, the OG fan of him. That's why we drink. Yeah, he even does Patreon.
Starting point is 00:01:48 Actually, he does bonus listener stories on our Patreon. So he's a gem. Anyway, I feel like we don't give him enough shout outs anymore. So we'll just make it a thing at the end where we say, and that's why we love CK. Support CK so much, always, forever. Anyway, here are some of your listener stories uh handpicked by eva herself that's right and uh so we'll all get shocked together a lot of gasping a lot of gasping from both parties i think so uh i'll do the first one because that's what i always like
Starting point is 00:02:17 to go first that's true uh christine this one is called charles manson tried to pick up my grandma oh my gosh and this is is from Kate who goes by she her. Thank you for normalizing pronouns Kate. Kate says hello M Christine and Eva and hello to all furry companions. My name is Kate and I have a chilling story to share with you today. So let's get into it. Real wasted opportunity to say let's crack into it. That's okay. Wow. Strike one. Strike one Kate. No lemon reference which strike one and a half hurtful wow to only one of us so yeah there's the petrified fruit while i know uh while i now live in atlanta georgia my whole family and i are originally all from california in the late 60s my grandpa was in
Starting point is 00:02:57 a popular local band in la and my grandma was a local model and was mainly along for the ride with my grandpa's band sounds Wow, rock stars. Yeah. They like to say that they were just, quote, young hippies living the rock and roll life but still showered. Okay, that's an important caveat. The perfect hybrid, I'd say. Being in their early 20s, they attended a lot of house parties and went to many clubs. And one summer night, my grandmother decided to go to a house party in Hollywood.
Starting point is 00:03:29 And she says that as soon as she got there she knew the vibe was off but she decided to shrug it off grab a drink and try to enjoy the night and all through the night strange young women kept approaching her oh my god ignoring the concept of personal space completely and kept inviting her to spend time on the ranch they lived on so they were like recruiting at this party don't go back to anyone's ranch ever. Nope. That's my rule. Unless it's like, you know,
Starting point is 00:03:48 Captain America's ranch and I'm like, okay. I guess. If I die, at least it's by Captain America. That's the one, one exception. My grandma politely declined
Starting point is 00:03:58 as the whole thing felt odd and later that night she was approached by a greasy looking man who was very creepy and a master manipulator. He tried to flatter my grandma and kept trying to get her to join his group ew that's pretty also like direct we're not even trying to do like the love bombing at this point yeah it's not even like let's get to let's get to like each other meet our community and see how
Starting point is 00:04:20 at peace and why don't you just like come check it out it's like join my crew join me my greasy group my greasy group um luckily my grandma's a very smart woman and was able to shake him off and leave the party safely she thought the whole ordeal was very strange but didn't think anything much after that until a few years later she saw the man's face again the newspaper and realized the man she had met was the notorious serial killer charles manson whose mo was to recruit girls and give them horrible criminal assignments as well as he himself doing them as well i've always been interested in true crime and i'm a very careful person but ever since i was told this story i've been especially paranoid thank you for always providing me with a laugh when i'm driving, showering generally existing. I love your show and I hope to see you all on tour one day.
Starting point is 00:05:07 We hope to be on tour again. I like how she insists that she also showers again at the end. She's like, I listen when I'm showering. Did you get that? To be clear, we're still a clean family. We're still showering to this day, actually. It's pretty incredible. Okay.
Starting point is 00:05:23 I have a story for you, Em. This one is called My Almost Kidnapping. Cool. And it is by Hollis. He, him pronouns. Thank you for normalizing pronouns, Hollis. Yes. Hi, y'all.
Starting point is 00:05:33 To jump right into it, nobody's cracking into it today, which is a little bit off-putting. Wow, we're just jumping. Yeah. Just jumping and falling and tumbling down the stairs. Just somersaulting right into it. To jump right into it, I was almost kidnapped when I was around 11 over the summer between 6th and 7th grade my mom had dropped me off at the library while she went grocery shopping and i was going absolutely buck wild picking out books because i was a huge reader back in the day it's the mental illness and escapism isn't it
Starting point is 00:06:00 yeah i mean i can i can confirm that on my illness isn't it it's a tiktok i think is that what it is maybe it's meant to be i feel so dumb i'm not cool and hip enough for that i've seen it when it's like i just spent 200 at the grocery store and now i'm ordering postmates it's like it's meant to be okay that's definitely what it says because it says i n n i t in it yep yep well about halfway into the trip and probably 10 chosen books deep because that's how many I tended to get on any given trip, I realized I'd forgotten both my library card and shiny brand new cell phone. Absolutely absurd to think that I'd ever forgot my phone nowadays, but I wasn't used to carrying
Starting point is 00:06:37 it around yet. So I had no way to contact my mom to tell her to get my library card or just pick me up. So I had to wait for her. Instead of sitting down with one of the books I wanted to get and reading i put all the books back and proceeded to go into the main lobby that was past the little metal detector things that would go off if you dared to leave without checking a book checking out a book right so i had nothing to read while i waited i have no idea what my thought process was maybe i just didn't want to start a book and
Starting point is 00:07:00 not be able to finish when she came to pick me up but she probably had her card so i could have used it to check out my books who knows i was one weird ass kid nothing can explain my thought process but so there i was in the main lobby sitting next to the entrance doors just people watching as everyone came and went because there was literally nothing else for me to do except maybe go back inside and read a fucking book you absolute dumbass that was not me that was hollis speaking to himself to to be clear. Can you imagine if I was like, yeah, you dumb ass. Eventually, this one lady who looked to be in her mid 40s was leaving the library when she glances at me then does a double take before rushing over to me. Well,
Starting point is 00:07:37 I'd been watching her. I'd also been 80% spacing out. So her suddenly sitting next to me on the bench made me jump. She immediately put her hand on mine and told me she thought she'd come to the library that day to return some books but was wrong and i asked her what she meant in a very small spooked voice because i was 11 and didn't know you could tell adults to fuck off and to be fair i'm now 23 and still sometimes don't know i'm i'm 29 and i still don't know so don't worry also like like a little flare of the dramatics there where you sit down and say something cryptic like that, expecting them to be like, what do you mean? Exactly.
Starting point is 00:08:09 To be like, I thought I like imagine a stranger. Yeah. I thought I was coming to drop off some books, but I was wrong. Yeah. What are you gonna say? Oh, that's nice. Anyway, I'm glad you figured out what you were here for them. That's so lovely.
Starting point is 00:08:23 Thanks for holding my hand. What? So gross. I'm glad you figured out what you were here for then. Bye. That's so lovely. Thanks for holding my hand. What? So gross. But she proceeds to tell me that actually she was. Oh, dear Christ. Okay, here we go. She proceeds to tell me that actually she was sent by God to save me right now.
Starting point is 00:08:41 By from what? She kept calling me a lost soul. Told me I didn't have to live this way. I'm assuming that she meant, I don't know. Listen, I don't know these references. What? I'll teach you. What's AFAB?
Starting point is 00:08:56 AFAB. AFAB is assigned female at birth. Okay, good. That's what I thought. But then I was like, I. Sorry, I blanked too because I was, I was, I had my TikTok hat on and I was like,'m ready to teach you something cool and then afab about a cab all the time so now i'm just throwing okay afab is a way of saying like you know trans slash non-binary slash gender non-conforming slash etc right that was like you were born in a female assignment right okay makes sense um i just love all these asides in
Starting point is 00:09:24 this story okay i'm assuming that she meant i don't know like being an afab who wears v-necks with shorts and looks 15 when they're 11 who knows and that i absolutely needed to go to her church with her that was just down the street it'll be super quick i swear can you imagine being like it'll be super quick if you have to like like defend what you're suggesting yeah yeah like then you probably it's already maybe take an inward look because even you know it's shady if you're doing like a double you're excusing the behavior before it's even questioned yeah exactly i told her i was waiting for my mom which wasn't a good enough answer for her because this was my eternal soul we were talking about my afab soul
Starting point is 00:09:59 my little afab v-neck soul so she put her hand on my arm and said that her priest was wait oh for god's sake that her priest was waiting for us and my mom would understand this was important did i want to go to hell yes oh boy for again wearing a v-neck shirt in the summer or whatever i kind of freaked out over her putting her hand on me again so i jumped up and told her i had to leave before running into the bathroom to hide in the stalls which one what if you're afab which one like oh which bathroom then maybe the maybe just to get away from her i would i would say the employee bathroom hopefully oh staff bathroom yeah yeah i was like just get away from like because if you go into like a single
Starting point is 00:10:35 person bathroom hopefully so you can like lock it something with a lock yeah because i was afraid that this is now crawling under the stalls or something exactly this person's chasing okay actually we're about to get this answer so okay i'm glad i was on it i'm glad we asked immediately before you tell us because we insist on you said you said afab and then you said bathroom and then my brain by uh by habit is not like which one and there's someone chasing you i also said eternal soul and you don't seem to be hung up on that one i hear that a lot from the duggars got it got it got it got it got it okay let's see. Running into the bathroom to hide in the stalls.
Starting point is 00:11:11 Looking back, I kind of regret not going into the library where people were, but I'm not sure anyone would have helped. I ran into the handicapped stall, locked the door, and backed up against the wall before I heard the door open, and it was her. This is a monster, not a woman. This is horrifying. She followed me into the bathroom. She walked right up to the stall I was in. I could see her feet and asked me to go to her church again, insisting my mom would understand me leaving because I would be going with a trustworthy person to do something important. This was for my soul.
Starting point is 00:11:33 I had to. After a couple of minutes of me not responding, the stall door rattled like she was trying to open it. Oh, for God. Goodbye. And then she sighed before saying, if I change my mind, I could find her at the church down the street from the library. Parentheses.
Starting point is 00:11:46 There were literally three of those. So like, sure, not asking which one. And she left. I waited maybe five minutes after I heard her leave before coming out. And thankfully, she was actually gone. Maybe this person like, no wonder you don't read anymore. I'd be like, look, libraries are not my jam. I'm out of it.
Starting point is 00:12:03 Yeah, this is traumatizing enough. When my mom finally came and picked me up, I didn't tell her about what had happened because I was worried she wouldn't let me go to the library alone anymore. Priorities, yo. And while so you're looking for an excuse not to read, but I think he didn't take it that way. I would have just done it however I needed to. You're like, actually, I once heard a story about a person who was traumatized at a library. So that's why I don't read. Someone else has had a bad time
Starting point is 00:12:27 there and therefore I sympathize. Yeah, I had to actually experience hearing this story through hand. Okay. I was worried she wouldn't let me go to the library alone anymore. Priorities, yo. And while I've posted this story on Reddit, told my best friends and detailed it to my current therapist, I still haven't told her or anyone else in my family i'm just like that fun fact also i didn't realize that this traumatized me until i told my friends earlier this year and that it contributed to my religious trauma specifically until i told my therapist go to therapy everyone it really helps sorry if this was a little long and i hope you enjoyed it i spent a long time debating if i should send this in or a different story about my life like about my haunted house or high school kind of stalker
Starting point is 00:13:04 or a couple other things that have happened to me or my family. Thank you so much, Hollis. Wow. Thank God you did not go with that person. Thank God. And like it's you couldn't have blamed a child for going like what I mean. Like it's like I'm a I'm a church going woman and you need to come with me to protect. And your mom wants you to.
Starting point is 00:13:23 Yeah. Yeah. It's like that's frightening. So thank you all for that story. Sorry. I like butchered some of the commentary no no no i apologize uh okay so the next one i have is from bex who goes by they them thank you for normalizing pronouns bex uh hi everyone i emailed once before with the scariest experience i've ever had last week I was visiting with my brothers who were with me when this happened. And they told me additionally terrifying details that I had either repressed or simply forgotten. And what I thought the original story was, was that my
Starting point is 00:13:56 my mom on the verge of divorce and my dad took all three of the kids on a road trip to see new parts of the US and decide if we want to move to wyoming with her um coming from california the thought of moving to wyoming was terrifying enough and somewhere close to the yellowstone national park around two in the morning we decided to pull over to the side of the road so my mom could get some sleep we had been looking for a hotel but not having much money and needing to get on the road early my mom decided against spending money to sub for sub four hours um we were driving in the forest and i remember looking up through the back window into the night and in the and through the trees and suddenly i'm waking up we're moving again and i still see trees set against a pale blue morning sky i sit up look at
Starting point is 00:14:37 my brothers and ask why are we moving again and three shocked faces stare back at me as my brothers ask, you don't remember? What? Okay, my whole body just like goose-canned out. They then recounted that I had sat straight up 20 or 30 minutes after we had stopped at the woodsy pullout, and I had screamed, we have to get out of here. They're coming. They're coming. Okay, M, no.
Starting point is 00:15:09 Pointing and looking out the back window, I wouldn't stop screaming until we moved oh my god not one to get caught in some crazy and some crazy stuff my mom drove away and i had fallen back asleep i have absolutely no memory of this looking back i'd wondered if a guardian angel had woken me up and used me to get my family the heck out of there end of story or so I thought for the last 15 years, and turns out there were... Oh, that's already so scary. I didn't know there was more. Okay. Or so I thought for the last 15 years.
Starting point is 00:15:33 Turns out there were some other events that happened in this story. So my mom had seen a man dressed in an old-time black suit walking towards the car, not more than 30 feet away from us, approaching the back of the van. She saw him in the rear-view mirror, and moments before she saw him, my mom and older brothers
Starting point is 00:15:53 heard swing music starting to play all around us. Ew! This is like a time slip or something. I don't like this one. I don't like it either. One tiny bit. Wow.
Starting point is 00:16:02 My arms are bumpy. Mine too. I feel like my whole body is pain and pain my younger brother remembers seeing my mom's face as she stared out the black window where i had been screaming and pointing to as she watched the man in the suit approach our car my younger brother still dreams of swing music and creepy ass men in a dark forest and each revealed the swing music and each dream reveals the swing music and the man. Both details, my older brother confirmed with him about 10 years later. We hadn't spoken about it in a really long time.
Starting point is 00:16:30 And I still remember none of these details or screaming out that they were approaching us. It gives me serious heebie-jeebies to even type it out. Gonna go pray and ask the sassy tarot cards to bless my dreams um i'll send some vibes your way please p.s i recently came out some my family is gender fluid slash queer and using they them pro uh pronouns uh this show has helped me through and gave so much hope i learned about self-acceptance and self-love because of you your friendship gives me hope also attached as a pic of my dog i see it and uh she is 19 years old she looks like a spring chicken look at that happy puppy oh my gosh so sweet i don't know if we're allowed to show their face but there's there's the puppy dog oh my gosh so sweet
Starting point is 00:17:20 so sweet that's that's i'm just not gonna to lie. That is a creepy, creepy, creepy story. And I, I was already scared. I thought it was done. I thought that was it. I thought the missing detail was that they woke up and screamed. I mean, swing music. I've just never heard of anything more terrifying. That's like, if you could pick a creepy music.
Starting point is 00:17:40 If I time traveled to the 20s and all I heard was swing every second, I'd be like, who's killing me? And you know what's weird is that who's killing me now um who you know what's weird is like seeing the the guy walking in a suit and like why if you were in the middle of nowhere wyoming why would a person be walking around in a suit and why would they start up the music that like why they clearly had something in mind and the fact that multiple people saw it it wasn't like a dream you know what i mean no thank you no thank you um but also thank you for sending that in yikes yiker that was bex yeah yeah thank you bex okay that really gave me the creeps i hated that one so uh this is from abigail who's to say them pronouns. Thank you, Abigail. Hey, my wonderful, wonderful. And that's why we drink fam.
Starting point is 00:18:27 I'm here to beg for advice. Oh, don't look at us. We're not the people to help you beg. That's fine. We'll probably just beg alongside you for someone else. Because, well, I fucked up. My name is Abigail 22. And in May, I signed my very first lease to an apartment.
Starting point is 00:18:45 Oh. Okay. Well, carry on. Super exciting, right? Wrong. You may or may not have read about my listener story about my ghost cat saving my real cat. Oh my. Since then some hella spooky shit has started happening.
Starting point is 00:18:59 I've had sleep paralysis four times since I moved in, which has never happened to me before. Each time I'm laying in bed and see a man standing in my bedroom doorway just screaming just screaming just screaming just screaming just screaming on through screaming don't mind me being dramatic not at me but still scaring the hell out of me then my string lights that i have around my kitchen bar start falling while i was sleeping i work nights and sleep days but normally wake up after it's dark outside again it's always unsettling to wake up in a pitch black apartment when i know i turn my string lights on before bed ah since i've been having these things with a capital t happen i decided to do some research on the property which i should have done before i signed the one-year lease i learned learned that last year. Oh, God. What?
Starting point is 00:19:47 I learned that last year two little girls drowned in the pool. Okay. Tragic, but what really sent chills down my spine is that in 2012, a drug deal gone bad led to someone setting a building on fire, which killed a 20-year-old man on the third floor when the fireman couldn't reach him in time. Oh, shit. I started digging around doing my research and asking management and my maintenance men which unit the guy died in bet you can see where this is going mine he died in my bathtub from smoke inhalation after he woke up too late to get out then the wall collapsed and he was found in the rubble oh my god oh my god see okay this is um i don't have a bathtub in my apartment but anytime we've been to a hotel
Starting point is 00:20:27 with a bathtub i can't even think about getting in a bathtub i'm like enjoying a bath yeah even i always like we're gonna take a bath and you're like well there's probably dead i just think like someone has died in a hotel bathroom in some way and it could be the one that's it could be that one and i just you've googled that before remember yeah and remember yeah i mean you know i have and then i even like i had some weird um it really like got to me and at some point i started bringing flip-flops even wearing the shower because i was like they're like a dead body could have been here and like i know it's like they maybe replaced the entire goddamn tub and it's not the same thing but i just feel
Starting point is 00:21:03 like i can like their energy is still there. But the flip flops will stop it from. Well, I stayed in when I was in Vermont. I just don't want my flesh to touch a story that I'm not a part of. But like, okay. In Vermont, I stayed in this like motor lodge that had a hot tub in it that clearly was there since like the 60s or 70s. And I was like absolutely well there's probably scarier things that have happened in that than dying probably i was like
Starting point is 00:21:29 i don't even want to know the storylines for why that's the thing i don't want to touch with my body i did not no thank you i certainly thought about it and then i was like i probably should oh anyway bathtubs freak me out across the board especially in like hotels where like multiple people with multiple stories and like for whatever reason like in those early like 90s and 2000s horror movies it was always like in a bathtub someone drowned or like yeah like what lies beneath and she's in the bathtub i mean no thank you okay anyway um he died in my bathtub from smoke inhalation after he woke up too late to get out then the wall collapsed and he was found in the rubble since learning this i've been showering at my parents or boyfriend's place i don't blame you i don't yeah i don't
Starting point is 00:22:08 either and i'm terrified to sleep here alone what do i do oh see here we go this is where you beg for advice well m says leave which isn't helpful never take a bath again apparently continue having paranoia like me is this arson victim the reason my sleep paralysis is just a man screaming i didn't even put those two things together that was my thought too because i was like why would you be screaming at first i thought it was the girls had died and that really could that but the fire makes more sense in your doorway which makes me wonder do you think that he sees them and is like help me or do you think it's just like replaying like maybe in the doorway maybe he was at in the doorway freaking out that he was probably gonna die and that's like replaying like screaming in the doorway maybe he was at in the doorway freaking
Starting point is 00:22:45 out that he was probably gonna die and that's like the last like real like battle and also my wonder i wonder if like they're since their string lights come down and like turn off i wonder if it's like trying to get their attention i don't know it's so creepy though i yeah i i don't know how you do this but i would have someone come in and bless that space and like help that thing move on. Yes, maybe cleanse it, I guess. I think that's what our listeners would say. Yeah. To cleanse it.
Starting point is 00:23:11 Not by me. I don't know how to do that, but yeah. Oh, no, no. Like find someone who knows how to do it. Help them see the light and move on. Not our dumbasses. Anyway, okay. What do I do?
Starting point is 00:23:19 Is this arson victim the reason my sleep paralysis is just a man screaming? I still have eight months of this lease, by the way,'s quarantine so they're probably stuck at home you know what i mean is uh but i still have eight months on this lease left and i can't afford to leave i know i'm just a listener struggling you're not just a listener you're now you're not just you're now a character in my nightmares well also i wonder it'd be interesting it's not for this person but it for me uh as like someone who doesn't have to deal with this it would be interesting in theory to like sleep on the couch or like at a different angle where you see the doorway from a different position at some point and see if they're still facing inward at the bathroom or did they move
Starting point is 00:24:03 with you and also is the bathroom like attached to your room or is in a different part of the apartment because that wouldn't right change up why they're in your doorway because yeah if they're if they're following you and wherever you fall asleep you still experience them then maybe it's more for your attention to get your attention and let us know what happens right you're on the complete opposite side of the apartment oh boy oh boy okay um i know i'm just a listener struggling but my family doesn't believe in the paranormal my boyfriend says i'm overreacting and i'm at a complete loss throw the whole boyfriend away yeah yeah if you have time i'd love some advice i love the show thanks for giving me something other than my living situation to scare the shit out of me
Starting point is 00:24:37 abigail listen gotta call that priest listen i don't know what to do except that i would maybe find somebody who knows how to cleanse like like a real actual professional who knows how to do that tell your boyfriend you want to switch apartments yeah that's a great idea he doesn't care does he so have your boyfriend stay there for the time being and you can trade yeah i love that idea all right well thank you and also i'm very sorry you're going through that wolf uh i have to say this is from rachel um and rachel totally probably by accident does not normalize pronouns at least in this email so i'm gonna we're gonna assume they them until further notice just because i don't want to further notice until i don't want to i
Starting point is 00:25:17 don't want to rachel gets called out on air and also this could be an older email it's probably yeah there's probably it's i don't think it's actually like rachel's fault or anything um but i don't know your pronouns and so i don't want to lean one way or the other so i'd rather stay in it and even keel them an even neutral thing so anyway just falling down the stairs in a very neutral way we stumble on on through uh yeah there it is bingo so this one i hate the subject line already rachel you're really throwing me for a loop i found my babysitter was i found out my babysitter was murdered while watching a tv show with my mom oh no so many questions so many so much to unpack i thought
Starting point is 00:25:57 it was gonna say while watching a tv show with my babysitter and i was gonna be like oh it's all bad it's all bad uh hello fellow drink aficionados oh i love it uh i actually found out about this podcast through beach to sandy wait really i'm only on episode four right now and i'm obsessed that's so nice thank you i wanted to share this story uh what do you call them call them sandy years you know what we don't I don't think we have a name for them. For listeners, I mean. I'm trying to think of one. Beach Goers? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:26:31 Maybe we do and I'm just blanking. Yelpers? Yelp Elite status? I don't know. The one stars. The stars. I don't know. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:42 We say we'd give you six stars if we could to people who write in and stuff. The Sand Monsters. Okay. Yeah. Thank you, Sand Monster. That's your new pronoun. Sand Monster. Sand Monster Rachel.
Starting point is 00:26:54 So where are we? Who the hell knows? I don't even know what month it is. Who knows? Oh, I wanted to share this story that I thought you guys would be interested in because it's extremely creepy and baffles my family even to also see they're on episode four so they don't even properly know our pronouns probably at this point so probably who's to say what their pronouns are uh it actually it's sand monster so oh it's just you already said it yeah you decided i forgot when i was five which is back in the early 2000s my family lived in japan
Starting point is 00:27:25 for a few years i am the youngest of four with three older brothers my dad worked full-time at a university in tokyo my mom was a stay-at-home mom however she volunteered a lot so we needed babysitters every so often we had this babysitter for a few years who actually lived with us for a short time and she was from the states and just wanted to travel while she was young and was working for families as a live-in nanny or a part-time babysitter that's a pretty nice deal i remember her being very sweet and extremely kind-hearted um before we moved back to america she left us and we had never heard from her again oh oh we didn't think anything of it because she was just a young girl in her 20s and was a wandering soul say all the babysitters i've never heard from again i don't i have one who's actually
Starting point is 00:28:10 one of my very close friends now that's cool which is weird because i am the age she was when she used to babysit that's really trippy and now and then when i was a teenager i it was like a full circle because i babysat her kids oh that's nice yeah it's very sweet so sweet also see um flash forward 2017 my mom and i are huge crime tv show junkies hell yeah and i blame my obsession on her allowing me to watch csi and law and order at 10 years old yeah i can also thank linda for that i was gonna say always blame the mother that's what i do i mean obviously we're just gonna turn into our parents and we're gonna do do the same thing with our kids. Exactly. We were watching a TV show called Forensic Files. Ever heard of it, Christine? No. What is that? FF, I call it. We were about five minutes into the episode and
Starting point is 00:28:53 they were talking about a young woman who had gone missing in Japan in 2007. Okay, this is actually really creepy that it would be that spot on because there are a lot of episodes of Forensic Files out there. Obviously, our attention was grabbed and we watched intently as they described this woman and how she was moving family to family as a babysitter and a nanny then they started flashing photos of the woman and on our tv screen it flashed a photo of my family with her and no they saw themselves on tv which by the way like that's that can't be right like there's got to be like some consent form. You'd think so. Or maybe it was just blurred faces and they knew it was maybe they were like, that's my dress. Yeah. That's my that's those are my those are my Heelys and my light up shoes.
Starting point is 00:29:36 Wow, that is to see yourself on TV and forensic files is something you really hope to never experience. Exactly. Yeah. We had to pause the tv and rewind multiple times because we couldn't believe it the screaming that would ensue i would be getting facetimes left and right from you if you were oh my gosh why am i on forensic i would go on instagram live or something and be like i feel like i'm in a twilight zone well as it turns out my babysitter had gone missing a few years after she lived with us she had moved into her own apartment and soon after was just never heard from again and little did we know her next door neighbor had become obsessed with her and within her first month of living there abducted and murdered her oh my god i don't want to go into details about it but it was absolutely gruesome she was declared
Starting point is 00:30:17 missing for four years before forensic analysis uh forensic analysts discovered her killer to this day my family and i are so creeped out we're also flabbergasted that there were photos of us on tv but they and they never contacted us okay and they had never we'd never given photos of our family out with her in it to any how did they get those that's true ew that's my creepy story and that is why i drink cheers friends ps thanks for the podcast i'm on an eight hour drive today and slowly dying inside, but you two make it fun. Five stars. I don't know if that's to you or to you and Zandy or you and me.
Starting point is 00:30:50 Chef's kiss, Rachel. That's so sweet. Thank you, Sand Monster. So sweet. You're our favorite Sand Monster today. Wait, I love that. I love that ending. But oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:31:02 That's horrific. I'm sorry. That's just horrific. I don't even know how else to. That's awful. Do you remember seeing an episode episode no i and there are like hundreds of episodes i'm like i don't even think i would register that you know well now if you saw that episode at least you know in one of those family photos someone's like rachel and their pronouns are sand monster yeah that's right you'll be like wow there's a sand monster in forensic files specific i love it um
Starting point is 00:31:23 that's crazy i and to be missing for four years that's awful it's really bad it also makes me wonder like what was going on in that person's family life for four years no one contacted anyone or well it said that they were missing for four years oh right right so they knew they were missing that she was my head i had painted it out that like no one even knew no no it said she they were like looking for four years till somebody a forensic analyst yikes okay we're i'll have to go uh find that episode oh my gosh is this the last one oh this is going really sad fast i mean it is going really sad and sad it's not going awesome um okay um yeah if you're here for awesome, it's just not going to happen for you. I'm so sorry. Try again. Next.
Starting point is 00:32:06 I'll wait. This is an email from Shady Sadie. She, her pronouns. I love it. She, her, say Shady Sadie. Wow, that's a tongue twister. It's called, listener story, true crime just got a little too true for my taste. Oh, boy.
Starting point is 00:32:22 Did I ask for true crime? Is that what's happening? I must have because these we usually only get ghosty ones i don't know well that one was a ghosty with the fire and the guy in the the show who knows who knows anyway i'm into it whatever it is okay hello eva that's it okay first of all thank you so much for choosing my narcolepsy story a couple episodes ago do you remember that i remember the narcolepsy story a couple episodes ago. Do you remember that? Oh, I remember the narcolepsy story. It's because we were like, let's talk about narcolepsy ourselves for a while.
Starting point is 00:32:50 Okay. I couldn't believe it when I heard Christine read it. I didn't want to write again and clog up your inbox when I already got a story shared. This is a tooth timer. Have you ever had that? I don't know. Maybe. Probably not many.
Starting point is 00:33:03 Probably not many. But then I found something that completely shook my worldview, and I just have to tell someone about it. I'm from a very small town in rural Minnesota, and not a whole lot – I feel like I remember Shady Sadie now, because it's a very specific name. I don't remember Shady Sadie, but I'm impressed all over again. I think maybe we called her that. Oh.
Starting point is 00:33:20 I think maybe we said that. That? When I just take credit, I'm like, I invented that. If we did, I'm so impressed with us. I mean, you came up with Sand Monster, so. You know what? We're on a roll. Relay that to Zandy real quick.
Starting point is 00:33:31 Zandy, I like don't know if that's true. So just ignore me. Okay. I'm from a very small town in rural Minnesota and not a whole lot happens there. It's the kind of town where no one locks their doors and all those cliches. But back in 1986, a woman named Nancy Doherty was found dead in her home. She had been beaten, beaten assaulted and strangled she fought back so the police were able to collect dna from her murderer from underneath her fingernails that always freaks me out unfortunately didn't match
Starting point is 00:33:54 any dna in the criminal database at the time there were no leads and the case went cold almost immediately like all uncomfortable topics in small towns nobody brought it up and it was slowly forgotten about my family didn't move to town until 1996 so we weren't even aware of the murder Well, my mom works at a therapy center for the mentally and physically disabled. It is not an easy job. Because America cares so much about its disabled population, their funding is basically non-existent. So my mom and her co-workers are overworked and underpaid. Well, what a shock to my system yikes not um it takes a lot of compassion i bet strength and love to do what she does and
Starting point is 00:34:31 not very many people are able to do it well your mom sounds like a badass there's an extremely high turnover turnover rate because very few people are willing or able to give the clients the kind of support they need my mom has worked there for almost 20 years, and for the last 10 of those years, she had a partner named Mike. This is when the music starts. Mike was amazing at his job. He was kind, he was patient, and he was competent. The clients all loved him, and he was great with them.
Starting point is 00:34:58 He and I worked on the center's float for the fourth of july parade every year since 2011 he would always buy us root beer and help me fundraise for all of my school trips i was like a pillar of the community it sounds like a hashtag pillar to killer oh poc is what pillar of community we needed a new acronym for that oh that's not gonna work that's not gonna work anymore pillar of the community i guess we should just spell it out yeah the community um he and i right he yeah i even used to babysit his children before i left for college a real pillar so i guess yeah sounds like a real pillar from pillar to killer a few months ago one of mike's family members
Starting point is 00:35:35 submitted dna to one of those genealogy websites oh boy i bet you can see where this is going through that sample they were able to figure out that it was mike's blood underneath nancy doherty's fingernails oh well pillar to killer am i right like big time big time he was arrested and taken into custody three days ago holy holy hell no wonder this is shady sadie this email is from august 15th so this is like really recent like it's literally like seven days ago so this week yeah holy shit are you like our new reporter are you gonna like shady shady shady ground yeah reporting live from the streets of small town minnesota okay it was mike's blood underneath nancy's fingernails he was arrested and taken into custody three days ago this has absolutely shaken my perception of reality i'm still reeling
Starting point is 00:36:23 and cannot make sense of it mike's honestly one of the nicest people i know and to think he's even capable of murder is beyond my suspension of disbelief my mom is absolutely devastated i guess some people really aren't what they seem anyways thanks for reading stay safe team wine you know it's always shocking to me that let's let's say i i'm a pillar of the community no you are certainly sure i say it also is a killer right correct you invented the phrase pillar to killer no no no no no no no only a pillar would come up with that phrase no but like if i if i had murdered someone yeah maybe it's because like i'm like too like my anxious or emotional or empathetic i imagine to be a killer like you're you're probably to be like not on the same wavelength as i am yeah i think it depends on the scenario but it
Starting point is 00:37:11 sounds like this was pretty cold-blooded murder yeah if i if i did something like that and then even if i got away with it like my paranoia would eat me alive like i couldn't be a pillar of the community and so happy and kind and everyone knows me as this friendly person i would be like known as like the very tense jumpy person who was like the one who's always like scared every time like yeah and then later when i got caught people be like that makes sense like people would probably call in and be like there's something to check out there yeah there's someone is very skittish and i'm working on the parade float is really questionable exactly so i in like a very sick way i'm always like kind of impressed and intrigued by like
Starting point is 00:37:52 how serial killers can just do that but i guess they also have a different yeah i feel like obviously we have no room to make any diagnoses but like if you think about um people who have sociopathic and psychopathic tendencies and can just like put it up, they don't care. Just like compartmentalize. And just know what people want and what people are looking for in a pillar of the community and work on and babysit my kids. And I mean, can you imagine being the kid or the wife who literally had no idea?
Starting point is 00:38:18 I mean, if Shady Sadie had no idea and worked so closely with this person and then like, I imagine his family doesn't know right like until now it's got to be i want and that is a whole like could be its own drama television series because it's like what if like his his partner knew something was a little off but didn't know what and then you find out like a whole like groundbreaking news like that well and even with the gold state killer there's all that guilt associated like if you watch the hbo document i should have known like how did i not see it right or like so i mean and obviously that guilt is you know not anybody's not your fault but it's just wild i think about it very often i'm like what if allison is a serial killer yeah i think
Starting point is 00:38:59 about it too often but i think i think about it enough for someone who has a true crime we both live with her so hopefully not because i think if if she were a serial killer we'd both be in big trouble so i would be surprised but i also would be like i thought about it enough times where like i at this point i should have guessed to be clear allison's not a serial killer i don't think i don't think it's also nice to know that i don't have the lack of emotional capacity to be a serial killer. Oh, yeah. Everything else goes wrong in my life is like, at least I'm not a serial killer. We'd be the worst murderers because we would be like, am I have a secret?
Starting point is 00:39:37 If I ever did anything, I would just turn myself in. I have way too much guilt. You and I would have to tell each other because we can't keep secret. Oh, absolutely. We would tell each other immediately. Absolutely. Anyway, this sucks. Anyway, sorry, sorry sadie i'm so sorry shady sadie it's really scary and that must just turn your like you said like beyond your suspension of disbelief also imagine your paranoia about now everybody you know how do you trust anybody like that guy
Starting point is 00:39:58 seems great shatter your trust yeah yikes okay i'm not surprised three days into that information you needed to reach out to somebody yeah and i'm glad you did and um i'm glad that you may be one of our first two furs ever and if there was one before i'm sorry i probably already yelled about that before but as you can see we don't even remember who invented shady sadie uh i'm gonna take the credit yeah probably just you i've just determined that it's, even though like nobody gave me any sort of inkling that it was. We're going to get a third email being like, it's just simply, it was me. I created that.
Starting point is 00:40:31 Yeah. Yeah. It was me. Sand monster. Sadie. The sand monster. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:40:34 Anyway, thank you for listening to us ramble and rant. Thank you listeners for sending in your own stories and making our lives wonderfully simple and that we just get to enjoy your stories. And be creeped out by your surprises. If you would like to send in your own stories, you can do that on our website and that's why you You can email us,
Starting point is 00:40:55 but it's definitely much easier to do it through the website. There's a submission form and everything. It makes everything very clean and easy for you. That's right. And other than that, we tune into our regular programming. Yeah, every Sunday.
Starting point is 00:41:07 The Lord's Day, as I like to say. The day of rest. The day of the Sabbath. Anyway, thanks, everybody. And we'll see you next time. And that's why we drink.

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