And That's Why We Drink - Listener Stories: Vol. 45

Episode Date: October 1, 2020

Happy spooky season, everyone!! We've got some WILD, seasonal tales for you today from your very own scary experiences... join us for a soaking wet seance, a distastefully hung ghost decoration paired... with a possessed doll and some video evidence from a badass Canadian liquor store haunting. Christine also serenades us with a now traditional, "Halloween-time is here"... and that's why we drink!Please consider supporting the companies that support us! Go to Thrive Join today and you’llget a FREE gift of your choosing, up to $24 dollars in value.Make getting dressed the easiest part of your routine at 20% off your first order when you use code DRINK at checkout.Special offer for ATWWD listeners: get 10% off your first month at Right now, just for our listeners, go to use promo code BWDRINK at check out for 20% off your first box.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 hey hi welcome to uh october 1st spooky seasons officially begun we're talking about sunshine it's halloween time i meant to do this at the beginning but i got stuck talking about sunshine again um i meant to say halloween is here i totally forgot about that i think my biggest fear is that i'm going to forget to do it around the holidays do you remind yourself like sporadically throughout the whole year like i better fucking remember to do that like still email me about certain things that i've said in the past like remind me around christmas time and I got a bunch of emails recently that were like I know it's July but I was like I'm not gonna remember you need to tell me in December I'm very excited for every November basically and
Starting point is 00:00:54 December and post Christmas episodes I'm like gearing up with my halloween rendition so if you like that i love it more i gave me it gave me the right chills you know good oh oh oh god yeah um also that's up for you to decide what i mean by that take it for what you will i also lit a beautiful autumnal candle um it's called falling leaves i love when christine says autumnal because i can't say it also autumnal like like sir tumness that didn't help what are you talking about sir tumness okay i can't do this you can't is that is that a children's book emothy it's too early for this and by early i mean it's five o'clock here what is it i have it from the lion the witch and the wardrobe oh i never watched that it was played
Starting point is 00:01:45 by uh i don't know renee was weirdly obsessed with him and it became like sounds like a children's book about someone who's hungry like who's like a like a royal like sir tumness and his tummy am i wrong yes you are he has i am sir Thomas. That's actually what I'm trying to get to. His race is fawn. He's like a half human, half deer, I think. Sure. A fawn is a deer, right? And I guess.
Starting point is 00:02:14 I can't believe. I'm like, I'm just. It's James McAvoy. Oh, I thought he was like a centaur or something. Yeah, he looks kind of like that. He's just like a really graceful one can i if i send you this does it show up probably not it's probably just like i have my phone next to me if you text me oh okay good i'll do that um i'm sending it to our group chat because i can't
Starting point is 00:02:35 find the time to find your text only so he was gonna he was gonna be like what is going on that's sir thomas did you get oh oh that's wait i'm sorry wait didn't you say that he's autumnal he's wearing a scarf no is he holding a big tamale he's a special package well okay i mean it literally i'm not kidding is that a big ass tamale no i literally think it's just a special package i'm still hooked on sir just always being hungry listen renee was like obsessed with him and it became a problem in our friendship so it's just stuck in my brain also ev hearted the image so I think we're all in a good place okay well someone um can you please photoshop my face on this but also make this
Starting point is 00:03:31 package a tamale because that's the certain time I want to be send it to Renee and make her feel really just distraught about her childhood anyway you said a tom knoll and that really took us for a ride so let's avoid talking about seasons. Let's do it. Let's talk instead about the scary, scary Halloween stories Eva picked out for us today. Let's. I'm very excited about these. So, by the way, snaps for Eva across the globe. Let's all do a little drink for Eva for picking these.
Starting point is 00:03:57 Across the globe. Holding hands across America. We're all holding hands. So, yeah, apparently there's not a theme to this. The theme is just general spooky so i'm very excited but eva said she was very excited about this the series of stories in particular so i'm ready i'm especially stoked because uh i go first and the first phrase that i see i mean this definitely has a lot of what we say buzz buzzwords buzzwords it has the m buzzwords yeah i read the
Starting point is 00:04:25 first sentence and i was like oh i'm i'm in so uh this is from uh danielle okay danielle goes by uh uses she her pronouns thank you for normalizing pronouns and uh the title to this is toronto film industry haunting so i'm ready to go it really is like a combination of all of your personality traits in one well get ready for this the first sentence is I'm a prop master in Toronto Canada and I was like see ya how you doing you're like me too now I guess I guess I'm that now I'm moving in and for those of you who don't know what a prop master is is the person who handles all the props on movie sets um okay i'm a prop master in toronto canada i've been listening for years and i'm so excited to write in for the first time this is a bit of
Starting point is 00:05:16 a ghost story as well as a really funny coincidence oh love a good coincidence a few years ago i was working on a film that was filming in hamilton ontario about 45 minutes away from toronto we were filming in a 200 year old wine cellar oh hell yeah buzzword for christine i've always been terrified of ghosts but i have never had a personal experience and thought that when i did i wouldn't be able to handle how scared i was and when i first walked into this building i instantly knew it was haunted but didn't feel and when i first walked into this building i instantly knew it was haunted but didn't feel scared or any negative energy um this building was one story above the ground but had three levels of basements that sounds like oh you're i mean that's a haunted
Starting point is 00:05:56 mansion right there oh my it's like oh we have four floors three of them are basements all haunted though three of them are basements 75 of our my God. 75% of our house basements. 100% of our house ghosts. Is it just like underground, like 80,000 leagues under the ground? I suppose. I don't know. Maybe we find out more about that. Hang on.
Starting point is 00:06:15 Basements. Okay. I was the only one in the building for the first few hours, and I had to prep it for filming. I had to board up some windows to make it even creepier than it already was. Yikes. Great. filming i had to board up some windows to make it even creepier than it already was yikes great so i had a couple basic tools with me in a room that was probably uh a room that was probably 12 by 12
Starting point is 00:06:30 feet um side note it was october which gets pretty damn cold in ontario so i had a winter coat on and the first thing i noticed most in this room was that while i was working there would be some cold spots where i could see my breath like it was negative 40 celsius wow holy shit um but two feet over in the same lighting and with uh and without the temperature changing I could I couldn't see it so there's like massive cold spots um the next thing that happened throughout the day was specifically to my tape measure I would set it down on a table turn around and do some work and come back to find it across the room on a stool or another surface okay well no thank you moving objects is another thing that creeps me the hell out it freaks me out because it's like okay so you're strong enough i don't even the worst part is i've i never know is it being picked up and
Starting point is 00:07:19 levitating or is it teleporting but see my thought is worse which is which which is worse because you're right because it's like you never see it happen well i guess sometimes you do but typically like if it disappears you never see it happen so it's like maybe it literally just poof yeah appears somewhere else which is so creepy i feel like that makes it creepier because i feel like if it's getting lifted and levitating then i'm like okay it's at least still in this physical world yes yes like the physics match up i feel like then it becomes quantumating then i'm like okay it's at least still in this physical world yes yes like the physics match up i feel like then it becomes quantum related and i'm like we're getting into some heavy shit if it if all of a sudden it teleports then that proves that like this is
Starting point is 00:07:53 not the only like string theory is real and so are ghosts also like oh no and it's unraveling yes and it oh no let's see uh okay so then the next thing uh was extra unsettling oh great um i would walk into a small room and it would be it would absolutely reek of ammonia like a hundred cats had just used it as a litter box wolf i mean meow meow um i would walk into the same room a few minutes later and the smell would be totally gone and you would find it in a different room. Ew. I hate that. The next creepy thing happened in cells that were made from a previous movie on the bottom
Starting point is 00:08:35 basement level. So there was already an old movie set of a jail in here too. Super. There was one light bulb we for some reason could not control in any way shape or form it would just turn off for an hour then turn on for a bit there was no pattern or flicker like it was just a poorly connected wire um the way it turned on and off was very deliberate it seemed and finally on the second last day of filming um i was walking down these stairs and i'm assuming uh that i'm assuming were built when the whole building was so like 200 year old
Starting point is 00:09:05 stairs I was five stairs from the bottom and carrying some props and suddenly the stair broke out from under me and I fell down the rest of the stairs oh no everyone was convinced it was a ghost but in that moment I didn't feel any malicious energy nothing touched touched me or pushed me I think it very well could have just been uh the assembly a very old set of stairs but then again I also like to pretend that like no a ghost pushed you through stairs um yeah yeah I'm like no I get it because I'm so clumsy I fall down the stairs all the time but I wish I could use a ghost as an excuse I would love to like just accidentally trip and be like oh the ghosts again come on all the I mean we probably kind of already do that maybe we should just commit full force just be dedicated to our lives um I was excited to have my first paranormal experience
Starting point is 00:09:51 and thrilled it wasn't going to keep me awake for months but I'm also happy to not have another well amen to that uh unrelated to this particular story I was driving home late uh late at night from Hamilton it's where we film most most of the Ontario film and TV. While I was listening to the episode about the Poltergeist curse, and when you talked about the 2013 reboot and mentioned the director's accommodations and how they became haunted, that was in Hamilton. I was absolutely horrified for the rest of my drive home.
Starting point is 00:10:20 Thank you for keeping things spooky. I'm so excited to finally be able to write in from Danielle. That's so cool very fun that's like that is very halloweeny of like a haunted movie set that is cursed you know what i mean yeah like literally i've never heard of a three basement home that's like yeah that's scary also like if you are a ghost that's the bougiest flex in the whole world. It's like that sweet life of ghosts and poltergeists or whatever. I don't know. You live in a haunted mansion with one basement?
Starting point is 00:10:53 Okay. Well, we know who's better here. You know? Remind me not to come over to your place. Right. Also, think of all the stairs. That is a lot of work out. The scariest part of it all.
Starting point is 00:11:04 Okay. Got some nice glutes anyway um thank you danielle ghosts with glutes wait a minute oh that's our new workout tape tm tm tm okay this was sent in by kiana okay who's is she her pronouns thank you kiana first of all hello it's called death creepy dolls and a distasteful ghost oh okay okay okay let's go let's crack into it let's do it we haven't said that in a while first of all hello spooky pals pups and petrified fruits i am aggressively team lemocado btw okay and that's a hashtag the case here lemocado you know lemocado i have nothing to say i've been wanting to write in for a long time as i have extensive experience
Starting point is 00:11:55 with the paranormal and now seemed like as good a time as any this story has a bit of both true crime and paranormal activity which i know y'all love so So let's crack into it. I was a junior in high school back in 2012, living in Tempe, Arizona. We lived in a town home near ASU. My dad had been back from the hospital for maybe two days. His only kidney had started to fail, but they were able to get it working again. My mom received a phone call from a neighbor saying she saw our house on the news and there was a dead guy out front. What? Oh my God. What? My mom worked at my high school. So she was able to find me and my best friend quickly sign us out and take us straight home. Wait, don't go home. There's a dead guy out front.
Starting point is 00:12:33 I would be, I would be anywhere else. My mom rushed upstairs to find my dad passed out in bed. Oh, they thought maybe it was their dad. Like maybe it wasn't a dead body. It was just their dad. No laying in the grass. No, no. Maybe they, because, because their dad was sick.
Starting point is 00:12:50 And so maybe they didn't identify. Like maybe the man wasn't identified on the news. Everyone's probably like, duh, what the hell are you thinking? Yes. I got it. I see. Yeah. We're caught up.
Starting point is 00:13:00 I thought your dad was just laying in the lawn for fun, I guess. Until the news showed it sounds like a dad thing to do to like lie on to lie on the sidewalk and be like i'm tanning in my jeans like you know you get it you're gonna be the world's coolest dad oh my god don't mind funko lamb they're just uh justning in their jeans. Tanning in my flannel and my jeans. I can't with this. Okay. Okay, I get it now.
Starting point is 00:13:29 So we thought it was, that's why I said don't go home. I thought it was like a stranger that was, you know what I mean? I gotcha. Sorry. So my mom rushed upstairs to find my dad passed out in bed from the meds he was on, but thankfully alive. While my friend and I, being the morbid weirdos we are open the front window and push our faces up to the screen to see the dead body they had taken the body already but we watched them clean up oh god blood and chunks of brain oh my god what
Starting point is 00:13:56 happened in your yard we later found out what happened in our yard perfect two guys one being the next door neighbor were fighting over the same girl so the other guy showed up with a gun at my neighbor's house shot said neighbor who ran through the house to the back door before collapsing then killed himself on the front porch just mere steps from my front door oh holy crap unfortunately the old lady next door on the other side passed away around the same time as well. So now we're at three deaths. And that's when my dolls got weird.
Starting point is 00:14:31 Okay. Wait a second. Oh, no. Act two. Okay. Act two. Hang on. I wasn't prepared for that.
Starting point is 00:14:38 Okay. The denouement of the story. The chef's kiss, if you will. Uh-huh. I'd collected porcelain doll well that's your first mistake um i'd collected porcelain doll since roughly age four and had a waist-high bookshelf filled with them at this point the bookshelf was right next to my bed and i would arrange every doll to face at a 45 degree angle away from my bed every night before i went to sleep i liked them all uniform but i
Starting point is 00:15:06 also didn't want them watching me sleep you know i mean like yeah right i guess i get it i mean we're already light years further into this than i would be which is not owning them to begin with but i suppose you could angle them however you want yes okay oh okay let's see after the murder suicide next door one particular doll a dark-haired bride that was on the edge closest to my bed would move i did oh my god i did just all of them before bed then wake up the next morning to see her facing me with one foot forward like she was trying to step off the edge of the bookshelf i literally have like crazy goose camp from this this is so good night like especially if you do this every night you've arranged them a certain way and then all of a
Starting point is 00:15:56 sudden one starts turning around yeah like if anything you would you know your dolls better than most if you're like yeah putting them in a very specific way and then they're like like they're kicking one is like defying you yeah okay let's see um i'm a big believer of the paranormal but i try to be logical first about any experience so i asked my parents and my two brothers uh sorry so i asked my parents and my two brothers about it none of them had touched the dolls because they knew i would straight beat up anyone who did i was very protective over them since a lot of them were given to be my to me by my great grandma before she passed away so they were the only things i had left from her and now i'm an asshole again
Starting point is 00:16:39 i'm like i keep i keep being like don't go home there's a dead guy and then it's like oh it maybe is my dad and i'm like shit now the dolls i mean if we ever's a dead guy and then it's like oh it maybe is my dad and i'm like shit now the dolls i mean if we ever have a spinoff show it should just be called like step one open mouth two and yeah three apologize profusely uh and then drink i guess and then four don't be shocked when it happens again yeah then start it all over again repeat the process i still didn't quite believe someone wasn't messing with me but that one doll unfailingly would be facing me every morning my nightmares which i've had since i was a kid started coming back during this time and i started
Starting point is 00:17:15 seeing shadow people more often i got in my own head about it and freaked myself out even more so i decided to pack up all the dolls thinking it was all connected somehow good call yeah it's 2020 now and i haven't touched that box since i recently brought it up to my mom again and she swears that no one was moving that doll there was too much weird shit happening all the same time for it to be anything but paranormal and a little side note about the neighbors that moved in after the murder suicide it was october of the same year and the new neighbors were out decorating for halloween when my mom and I started our nightly walk. When we returned home, they had hung a large ghost over their front door right above where the body was found. We weren't sure if they were aware of the suicide that had taken place there half a year before, but we were too uncomfortable to bring it up to them.
Starting point is 00:18:00 So the distastefully hung ghost stayed out. Oh, my. Oh, it says oh well oops it says if this happens to get picked for the september listener stories it's my birthday month so happy belated yeah we're reading this in september technically so maybe your birthday's today for all we know happy birthday uh you guys are the greatest keep making killer episodes and happy spooky season. Wow. I'm like, I'm like that too. And then can you imagine coming home and they're like, look at our cute ghost. It's hanging right above this weird stain on the front porch.
Starting point is 00:18:35 It's like, oh, maybe they don't know. Oh, great. Well, thank you. Also, keep those dolls in that box and never. never yeah don't ever open that or send it to zb he probably knows what to don't send it to us actually actually send it to zb before you send it yeah okay thank you kiana um so this next story is from jesslyn she her pronouns thank you for normalizing pronouns and the uh subject line is bootlegging ghosts in a liquor store. Oh, there's these are my buzzwords. There's Christine in the afterlife.
Starting point is 00:19:10 OK, so this is what it says. Hello there. I have recently started listening to the podcast and figured you guys would enjoy my ghostly experience the most especially with halloween right around the corner since i was a kid i've always had paranormal experiences from dreaming about my grandfather's death the night he died to a possible alien abduction but never anything i could prove to people until 2018 oh my goodness and also by the way in the subject line i don't think we're there so there's a link that we can look at later um but no eva linked the video and once said she wants to put it okay in the in if we can if if they give us permission she said we should put
Starting point is 00:20:00 it in the um okay cool but in the subject line it does say that there's video with this so that's probably what the proof what she means by proof okay okay cool well then we'll ask eva's gonna ask to see if they'll uh let us put it in the oh eva just texted the story or the video thank you eva perfect i think i kind of hate that you moved sir tumness out of the screen i was kind of looking at that um but i guess thanks for the link. Christine was just pretending Sir Tumnus was telling her all these stories. Instead of you. I just put his face over you and just like let you talk. Okay.
Starting point is 00:20:33 So listen to Sir Tumnus. Okay. Okay. I was previously working in a liquor store in a very small suburban city in central Alberta. Oh, another Canadian. Oh, my God. Wait, I think there was a theme that was growing here eva um the city has quite a bit of history but most notably it was built for as a fur trading and police fort in the 1800s um my work was built around 100 yards in
Starting point is 00:20:58 front of where the remains of the fort and jail used to stand in the historic downtown wow oh no when i started working there as a young 19 year old with no friends i would have to close by myself and always got the most eerie feeling when the store was empty i swore i'd see uh i swear i'd see shadow figures behind the shelves and the occasional sound of someone lightly walking but i would rationalize it as my imagination playing tricks on me because i was nervous about being alone fair fast forward a couple years i was now managing the liquor store okay and i would have to open it by myself the shadow figures and noises never stopped just because it
Starting point is 00:21:37 was daylight and things actually started to get a bit more active possibly because the assistant manager and i were now acknowledging that they were there aha so being more open to it okay gotcha giving them power giving them that energy so uh she would tell me i the assistant manager she would tell me about the man she saw walking behind the shelves of our warehouse but when she went back there to tell him that this was for staff only no one was there or the voices that she heard having a whispered conversation to each other before the store was open i would tell her about the shadows of feet walking by my office door so you can like see shadows of something that's there. That's very not okay. And the smell of rotten meat that would come and go.
Starting point is 00:22:27 Aha. Very demonic. And the store alarms being triggered almost nightly by nothing. Yes, you're right. This sounds demonic. Yeah. I always had a strong feeling that one of the ghosts haunting my workplace was Florence Lissandro. Sure, me too.
Starting point is 00:22:44 Yeah. That's what I think too miss flow as they say she was a local bootlegger during prohibition and only and the only woman to be hanged for murder in alberta what that's a pretty juicy ghost it is and also i like that name florence and i i don't know if anyone else likes that name but I think it's a cool name I like Lissandro that's a pretty fun name that's also a cool name uh I so I even printed out a picture of her to hang in the office to see if that would affect the activity that's pretty smart that's such a great idea that's a great idea wait em let's talk about uh let's talk about ourselves for a minute can I put a picture of the people who you please
Starting point is 00:23:25 you can do whatever you want in your own house but do not put it in the apartment that we share rent on well we don't know who died there we know who died in here and in my house so do whatever you want on the other side of the country christine enjoy um okay one day in september i was but also by the way like this really that was such a genius move it was so smart that's so smart i love that maybe that's why i don't ever see my grandpa he's like where the fuck is the picture of me he's like i'm waiting for my oil portraits above the mantle it probably wouldn't hurt okay one day in september i was on my lunch break and killing time by reading dear david which is an episode that we've covered hell yeah um and that creepy online story by adam ellis the story sent shivers up my spine and i was
Starting point is 00:24:10 fully invested in it when i thought i heard the plastic tupperware lid of my lunch scrape across the desk yeah as always i brushed it off as my imagination trying to scare me because i was reading a scary story and which by the, it is a very scary story. And if you're invested in reading it, you will get creeped out. It will, like, it really will, like, get in your head, right? It'll mess with you. It convinced me there were, like, things in the ceiling. And, oh, my God. When I told my assistant manager a few days later, she said,
Starting point is 00:24:38 well, did you check the cameras? Ooh! Genius. This is, like, the ghost hunting duo we need yeah i'm like wait these are people are smart very wise i completely forgot about the camera setup in the office because it was mainly used by head office to spy on the staff lol um sure enough when i checked back you could see the back lid move up the desk and my head whip around to look at it oh my gosh so you can you can i think that's the video that
Starting point is 00:25:06 we're gonna is this where i watch it right now sure i'll watch it too okay let's watch it together okay i'm gonna click on it okay i'm clicking it i'm turning my volume down so i don't accidentally okay okay here we go oh my god oh no holy shit wow okay so that for sure moved no no no no no okay that is so creepy that okay well yeah it's a ghost that's a ghost we'll put that in our youtube video if uh if she agrees if jess agrees to that yes jesslyn okay and also if she agrees uh her username is f underscore ck okay ay so if if and if for those of you who are just uh listening uh through audio right now basically it's exactly what we just so it's a camera showing the an angle of her at her desk and her tupperware is pretty much right in the center of the shot
Starting point is 00:26:12 and you can see it scoot up up the counter by itself and she like whips her head around at the exact moment that she would have heard it okay i i think it's also creepy because i always you know how we always talk about like how much energy does it take for a ghost to like do something and i wonder if like oh a tepperware lid is really light and like maybe it it had enough force to move it a little bit right to get her attention well then i think of like that the earlier story we talked about with the tape measure like you know moving around it's like okay well if it's not moving interdimensionally which is pick a lane if it's not moving likedimensionally, which is. Pick a lane. If it's not moving like through different worlds, which is. Right.
Starting point is 00:26:48 A totally different type of fear. If it's just being picked up and moved, then it's like, how strong was that spirit that it could lift? That's a heavy ass tape measure versus a Tupperware lid. That's a, like versus like moving a Tupperware. Or maybe it's because when you're not looking. Maybe. I don't know. Because I feel like when things get moved really far, it's because when you're not looking maybe i don't know because i feel like when things get moved really far it's usually when you're not looking right but like you don't you
Starting point is 00:27:09 typically see it fly across the entire house to another room over time it's like you know you're going to the gym and you're working out and gaining muscle like i wonder if over time you get stronger and therefore your energy is able to lift heavier things but also it seems like in the video that jesslyn sent us it looked like because it was so close like they wanted her attention like yeah it was right next to her yeah they like they could have moved anything in that room and they picked the thing right next to her okay it's like it was standing behind her okay it really was it's like it was standing like standing at her shoulder and just kind of went boop. Like just boop. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:46 Oh, yeah, yeah. Okay. And imagine that happening as you're reading Dear David. Yeah. It's actually a really good point. Goodbye. And I'm with her. I would have convinced myself it was just in my head to like spare my sanity, I think. To this day, it's not something anyone, it's not something I've shown to anyone that I've
Starting point is 00:28:03 been able to, that's been able to explain it sorry the sentence was a little weird there um but has never been able to show it to anyone and that has been able to give her an explanation it has been sitting in the same spot for almost an hour or it had been sitting in the same spot for almost an hour before it moved and nothing i put there ever did it again it's it's it still gives me goosebumps when i watch it um and since that incident nothing as dramatic has happened besides the usual shadows and sounds but we did notice that they were more active in september which is when florence was murdered by the police in 1922 wow we also um we did also have a delivery driver ask if the place was haunted because
Starting point is 00:28:40 he had seen a figure crouching in the back corner when he was unloading no thank you see ya okay bye that's horrifying um in march i actually lost my job so i don't have any more work ghost stories unfortunately i'm now waiting to go back to university in january and trying to find a job i can do from home in the meantime all while binge listening to and that's why we drink and watching ghost adventures um thanks for the weekly reminder that it's Sunday and making me feel like I'm not so alone in my apartment sorry if this was a little long but I wanted to include as much as I could no perfect this was great wow that was cool and creepy oh my goodness Jesslyn thank you so much for that and for horrifying me yeah how frightening um okay great so uh i have a story here this is from destiny uh he's a she her
Starting point is 00:29:37 pronouns thank you destiny and it is called secret mexican oh boy brujeria oh is that right i don't know how to say that where is it um no because it's this the accent is on the eye brujeria maybe yeah i don't know we english is not your first language and spanish is none of my languages spanish is certainly not my any language okay hey there i'm christine eva sweet baby geo handsome juniper and anyone else i might be forgetting at the moment i'm about to catch up nope i'm just about caught up with the podcast and since i have some actual downtime from studying i wanted to refer all the way back to i think listeners episode 17 where m said something about a secret exorcism it reminded me of something that i witnessed happen when i was about seven so here
Starting point is 00:30:26 we go what did you experience oh no to start off i come from a household filled with family members who believe heavily in white witchcraft and spiritual healing okay some of us are more clairvoyant than others without even realizing it this can come with the territory of spirits attaching to you sometimes unknowingly well that is exactly what happened to my uncle oh no my uncle is actually one of those that tries to not believe in things like this because the world just makes better sense that way one day he was at a cemetery visiting some family members who have long departed from this world rest in peace and decided to snap some pictures with a disposable camera for the following years he would have constant back pains that no type of therapy could fix and upon getting actual scans they'd be normal my grandma ma being the very catholic
Starting point is 00:31:10 but spiritual woman she is decided it was time to make a secret visit to a thank you for the pronunciation guide curand curandero curandero okay curandero i can't roll my r's very well i don't know okay it's hard when there's multiple rolled r's in one word i just wanted i just wanted to be in on the fun that's all got it i hope you had fun it was a blast curandero which is a spiritual healer that can also help lift curses similar to a witch upon arriving to the shop she meets with the healer and only gives this person my uncle's name without any other type of knowledge the healer then told my ma that there was a spirit that has been attached to my uncle's body which is what was causing all his back pains the only way to help my uncle was by secretly
Starting point is 00:31:54 cleansing his spirit because he would just brush it off and tell ma she was crazy if she ever went up to him okay but that's like i mean imagine if like all the bullshit that we try imagine like blaze like something attaching to bla Blaze or something attaching to Allison. I mean, Allison and Blaze are pretty much on the same level of like either believing it and not wanting to admit it or not believing it. They're like meh about it. Yeah. And imagine like for all the shit we do, something attaches to one of them. And it's like, okay, well, they're not.
Starting point is 00:32:23 We have to like secretly cleanse them. Now what do right exactly exactly well interestingly like when I took Reiki courses like you can't do that unless someone's accepting it right that's what I thought like you have to be open to it right but I wonder if that's different like depending because that was Reiki I don't know if that's I mean I'm sure that's a completely different um thing but yeah i definitely learned like don't try and like like blaze has to say sure which is exactly what he'd say he would not say yes i accept this he would not say yes please yeah christina whatever you know if that's what you want oh okay sorry anyway um so with that info from the curandero ma went to work at and did what we call a oh my gosh this is bad a barita de huevo a barita de huevo which is an egg cleanse to get wow i heard huevo and i went me too
Starting point is 00:33:18 oh my god okay uh a barita de huevo which is an egg cleanse to get rid of all the negative energy attached to a person she recited a special prayer in a whisper while my uncle was asleep cracked the egg into a cup of water and would place the egg under his bed she would do this for approximately three nights or until the egg didn't appear cooked or turn white on the outside overnight all without his knowledge huh um i feel like you would just smell rotten eggs eventually wouldn't you i think you just do one at a time and then take it out and then do another one the next night i see until it's not like cooked oh yeah yeah okay sorry yeah i think uh all after all was said and done after a week my uncle finally noticed that his back wasn't
Starting point is 00:34:03 hurting anymore without realizing why it didn't hurt anymore. Only my mom, my mom, my uncle, and me knew and have been the only ones to know about for about 18 years. Hopefully he does not listen to this show. I know, yikes. And since then, my uncle has never had to step foot into a doctor's office for his back again. To add, probably about a year after Ma did that cleansing, we ended up getting a whole bunch of film from disposable cameras developed one of those being the camera my uncle took pictures with from that roll of film there was one photo that looked like he took a picture of himself in a mirror and there was someone in the picture but we couldn't make
Starting point is 00:34:38 out who because the picture was blurry goodbye holy crap my uncle said he didn't remember ever taking that picture from years ago because he was one outside so like the mirror doesn't make much sense and two he was alone so my ma mom and uncle sorry so my ma mom and aunt decided that maybe the person in the picture is a spirit that stayed clinging on to my uncle for so long anyway thanks for listening and i can't wait to see if this ever pops up in a listener's episode it sure will if i can find the picture i'll try and send it one day love does hopefully you're not in the car with your uncle and when the story comes out and then all of a sudden he'll look you like what the fuck did you do he'd be like that sounds like such a familiar
Starting point is 00:35:20 story yeah i wonder why it's not about us don't worry um but yeah if you ever find that photo does uh send it to us and we'll like i don't know put it on with this episode with the with the tupperware also i want to learn more about egg cleansing because if all i need to do to correct my ancient back is throw an egg under my bed and let's do it okay um so the next this next one's from elizabeth who uses she, her pronouns. Thank you for normalizing pronouns, Elizabeth. And the subject is a seance story. Ooh.
Starting point is 00:35:51 Hi, y'all. I just discovered your podcast, and I've been listening nearly nonstop for the past several days. Yay, Team Wine. Oh, yay. The story I have to tell is actually my dad's story, so I probably won't get every detail right, but it's so spooky I have to share. tell is actually my dad's story so i probably won't get every detail right but it's so spooky i have to share when my dad was a young teenager in the late 60s he went one afternoon with one of his good friends i'll call him tim to a girl's house i'll call her lisa who already had one of her girlfriends there so they're going over to lisa's house who has a friend over um one detail
Starting point is 00:36:22 to keep in mind is that tim was a super super blonde boy all right okay i will remember this uh after running out of ideas for stuff to do one of the one of them suggests they have a seance okay that person's name was christine yeah you misspelled christine right right lisa's pronounced christine actually um so they sit in a circle in the living room and my dad sitting directly across from his blonde friend and the two girls across from each other um after attempting to contact many famous dead people lisa suggests that they try to contact her uncle so they proceed to start talking to him and lisa's mom has been in the kitchen this whole time and comes over at this point to ask what they are doing so that woman's name is renata she's like not again christine give me my candles back and
Starting point is 00:37:11 turn the lights on she doesn't even go here she just knocks on doors and asks to have seances um so lisa tells her that they're having a stance to try to bring back uncle paul her mom's brother lisa's mom begins to reminisce and start telling the kids about her brother and after a while my dad feels the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end he looks up at tim but tim is no longer there oh shit instead it is a grown man with dark wet hair dripping down the front of his face my dad and lisa both start screaming because she had seen the same thing they quickly turn on all the lights and describe what they had seen and lisa both start screaming because she had seen the same thing they quickly turn on all the lights and describe what they had seen and lisa's mom tells them how her brother had really
Starting point is 00:37:51 died apparently he'd gotten into some really bad trouble with gambling debt and they found him beaten to death in a bathtub full of water holy shit my dad says he's never been more scared in his life he says for years afterward he would get that same sensation he got before he saw uncle paul and would just turn it off for fear of what he might see one thing to note is that my dad may be the most skeptical person on the planet so hearing this from him makes it so much more chilling and then at the end it says cheers cheers indeed holy but yeah like i hadn't even thought of that like what if you think about it for too long and like almost manifest it back manifest it
Starting point is 00:38:31 can you imagine every time you get that feeling and you're like the last time i got this feeling i looked up and like saw a dead man it also makes you close your eyes it also makes me wonder like was he seeing like so lisa's mom was talking about her brother maybe it was like her last memory and he saw that image or is it like is after you die when you're a ghost is that how you look still like why don't you look like that instead of peaceful and happy well maybe that's maybe they can manifest a show like a a message or you know like i feel like a lot of times you hear when ghosts die by some traumatic event that replays or that is like cemented into the world i don't know so many options anyway so so many fun options so many ways we could go about this but it was uh very
Starting point is 00:39:19 creepy nonetheless so thank you for that oh thank you who was that again that was elizabeth thank you elizabeth that was spooky we got one more story i got one more story for you um oh my gosh this talk about a buzzword okay i saw the uh i saw the subject line i was like i'm sure eva strategically placed this so christine would read it oh she certainly did it's called it's from Amy it's called Amy in Seattle and the subject is I live in the haunted death cab for cutie house Em was asking earlier like what other music did you listen to in high school death cab I listened to a lot of death cab I still do literally like when we started I don't know where where they're gonna start the episode but we were
Starting point is 00:40:06 literally in the middle of talking about our favorite oh that's right yeah because then we were talking about hello goodbye and like yeah how yeah full circle wow circle one time i don't know if i've ever said this on this show but one time i was really being really emo and listening on my like um ipod uh to death cab for cutie and my dad walked in and was like oh what are you listening to and i said death cab for cutie and he's like you shouldn't listen to this and i was like why and he's like a name like death camp graffiti can't be very good music and i was like death camp graffiti and he was like isn't that what you said and i was like yeah let's go with death camp graffiti the only story i have like that is uh i it's not even totally like that but it brought
Starting point is 00:40:45 back this memory for me that um back in the day guys if you wanted to learn a song you would look up the lyrics and then print them out at least that's what i to z a to z and so when i i was i was like 13 and i printed out lyrics to like whatever the newest i think it was drop it like it's oxy some like snoop dog song that was really popular and I guess I had left a copy of the lyrics in the printer so my mom found them and she was like what are you what are you typing what are why are you typing and she thought I was 13 and I wrote the lyrics for Drop It Like It's Hot by Snoop Dogg which if you read it it is very explicit about a lot of doing drugs and uh oh my gosh i remember getting screamed at like just screamed
Starting point is 00:41:33 that she was you imagine she's like this poetry that you're writing is so inappropriate i think that was the first time i ever i mean the phrase wasn't out there yet but whatever the the 2005 version of okay boomer was um i i remember feeling that for the first time and i just took it i didn't even try to explain myself because i was like i don't know how to explain this to her though do you think she still thinks that you wrote some weird over sexualized like into club poem that like i don't know i wonder i wonder and like the funniest part that was most of her uh like screaming at me was that she was like you shouldn't be talking about you know pot like this and I was and in hindsight
Starting point is 00:42:12 now that I'm an adult I'm like she was the biggest stoner I'd ever met that's probably why she recognized all the euphemisms it was like em I know what this says and you were like I don't know what it says I mean I feel like I printed those out and I was like, what does this mean? And then now I'm like, oh God. Anyway, I apparently was the ghostwriter for Snoop Dogg in 2005. So, um, wow. That's actually a beautiful tale. I know.
Starting point is 00:42:33 Thank you. Put that in your memoir. Um, so I, uh, I'm reading this about Death Cab for Cutie House. Okay. This is from Amy in Seattle who says, says dear atwwd family i am a few months behind and realize you will have already covered synchronistic stories but i wanted to send this one in anyway i love synchronistic stories i'm down send them all day long because it is noodles all the way to the top i think christine will find it particularly delightful
Starting point is 00:43:00 okay my name is amy she her thank you and i moved from california to seattle in the mid-2000s i had a few cds in my car oh my gosh transatlanticism i had that cd in my car as well amy uh in my car for the long drive and when i played on repeat was transatlanticism by death cat for cutie figured it was appropriate for a seattle relocation and i am a big fan fast forward to 2014 and i am a newlywed my husband and i stumbled across a cute brick house for sale in ballard seattle that was out of our price range we made the offer anyway and it was surprisingly accepted while we were away on vacation while we were gone my in-laws walked around the property and the neighbors greeted them to tell them it was the
Starting point is 00:43:40 former home of ben gibbard lead singer i can't do this this is actually giving me a lot of anxiety lead singer of death cab for cute did i ever tell you how i got kicked out of a music festival for trying to propose to ben gibbard so you didn't tell me but i feel like when i heard that i spiritually already knew i like tried to climb the fence and i was like they were like you can't behave this way you know that's the same kind of like chaotic energy that i still get from you anytime i see you drunk carrying a purse where like it's just like everything around you is just slowly falling to bits and there's other people you don't know being like you can't do that you can't do that you have to you have to keep your social security card on you ma'am is
Starting point is 00:44:22 this your credit card anyway point being um don't climb and then and then when we started having a podcast and had live shows i was like oh my god if someone tried to like climb in here and propose to me i would like for sure call security immediately so i was like i don't blame him for rejecting my advances you know i don't i don't blame him either but i do like that like it's i only knew you as an adult. And so it's fun to see the, like, when I see you do things, like, just, like, throw your license, like, on the floor and then intentionally walk away from it. I like knowing, like, oh, this didn't just show up out of nowhere. Like, this was lifelong. It's a longstanding.
Starting point is 00:45:01 Just like that ghost you were talking about. I just build the energy up and up and up. And, like, it just gets worse. Just the really impulsive decisions to do things that will make great stories one day. Like it's just always been with you. I think that's why we're friends though. I feel like that energy pairs well with one another. I mean, I'm like, I'm poking fun at you, but like, God, let's not delve into my childhood
Starting point is 00:45:19 because you'll understand a lot of things. I mean, I've read your poetry about, like, thongs and whatever. I'm like, I don't want to know much more about what you were up to. But I do feel like the universe waited to introduce us as friends until after we had known each other for several years to be like, this is too much, too soon. You know, like, let's wait. If we knew each other when we were both climbing fences
Starting point is 00:45:41 to get into festivals, we would have just met in prison, I no you're right like you were totally right it would have been like way we would have just been each other's worst enablers because we had no concept of the law yet the law no uh certainly not um now we're just like let's just eat cheesecake like that's as far as our chaotic energy takes us let's eat so much cheesecake it's illegal that's our version that's our new chaos yes oh god okay sorry uh amy that i keep derailing your story so ben gibbard lived in this lived in this house and i'm freaking out who did we have tickets to see play live when we returned from vacation you guessed it shut up fucking death cap stars were aligned i was thrilled and we named the house narrow stairs as he lived here during the recording of that album i love that this is the most i can't
Starting point is 00:46:32 even deal with this this is like my dream this is like my fan fiction that i wrote in high school you know i also love that they're they named the house i love when houses have names i do too and especially when it has such like a perfect combo like narrow stairs it's just great it's perfect uh it doesn't need my explanation okay uh built in 1930 it really does have some very narrow weird stairs we have found notes from ben and a guitar pick in the house and we still get his junk mail i'm freaking out right now five uneventful years passed in the house until one night in may 2019 i was having trouble sleeping so i left my husband in our room upstairs and slept in the guest room on the main floor
Starting point is 00:47:09 as i was lying awake on the bed at 2 a.m i heard very clearly the sound of feet coming down the stairs pausing at the bottom then turning to go into my office the wood floors clearly creaked and i could hear the sound of bare feet on the floor. Sorry, I tried to look up for dramatic effect and then I immediately lost my place. I mean, this is dramatic. So very dramatic. My heart is racing. And Amy says, my heart was racing.
Starting point is 00:47:38 I called out nothing. No answer. I ran upstairs to see my husband and cat asleep in our bed. There was no one else there. I went back to the guest room on the main floor, and as I tried to fall asleep, I even more clearly heard slow creaking footsteps walk from the office, turn, and go back upstairs. I yelled to my husband to knock it off, got up to investigate, and again, there was nothing. No one.
Starting point is 00:48:02 I was completely shaken at this point. At that point, I wanted to ask the previous owner if the house has a history but i had lost her contact info the owner prior to her was mr death cab and he's not exactly taking calls from randos yeah i could have told you that i tried many times and he wasn't interested uh i gathered i wonder if some of that fan that junk mail is just like me writing fan mail you know back in 2005 that would be like okay whoever you are and if you're still in that house and you're still looking at his junk mail make sure the return address isn't from like i'm always crazy 444 oh my god uh yikes can you imagine getting fan mail from someone called i'm always crazy we would be like uh now we're really in trouble okay
Starting point is 00:48:48 oh my god okay i figured we would never know so the very next day it's warm and we decide to walk to get ice cream at our local shop as we walk by the pizza joint my husband says to me you know who he walked just sorry you know who he just walked by standing outside? That's Ben Gibbard. I looked and it was true. And at that moment, my husband knew without a doubt what I was about to do. Well, we all know what you're about to do. Can you imagine if it's like, and then we went home at the end.
Starting point is 00:49:19 Okay, good move. I walked straight up to Ben and like a total weirdo. I said, excuse me, Mr. Gibbard, but I live in your old house. Was it haunted when you lived there? Of course he was taken aback. But when he realized I wasn't going to just be a creepy fangirl and truly wanted to know, he laughed and said he never had had any experiences. He even stuck out his hand and said, hi, I'm Ben.
Starting point is 00:49:43 And then she says, um, we know you goof. Hi, AT&T is still trying to give you that promotional card. So I know too. Don't tell me your name's Ben. I know way too much about you. Right. I know all of your rewards numbers. However, at the table of his friends and family, a woman said, oh, you live in the old house
Starting point is 00:50:03 here in Ballard. I hated that house. I always heard you live in the old house in here in ballard i hated that house i always heard creaking in the hallway near the stairs we froze we had not mentioned anything about what i heard where i heard it in the house nothing i looked at her incredulously and said yes that's it that's exactly what we heard cue the goose cam indeed everything has been quiet in the house since then and i want to say for the record mr death cab is a really kind and friendly person but of all people i could have run into the very next day after hearing the footsteps i ran into him wild keep up the great work and the sweet sweet content you are much appreciated amy in seattle i this story is getting me good this
Starting point is 00:50:39 like rivals the one where they met fallout boy like i'm i'm like in a place in a place in my head right now now i just need to find like one more alt band and you'll have your trifecta like someone who like ran into like did a ghost tour with panic at the disco or something okay don't even you're getting me a little too riled up um oh my gosh well thank you amy and thank you everybody for your stories these were a trip uh obviously we had a good time i think yeah we did thank you Amy and thank you everybody for your stories these were a trip uh obviously we had a good time I think yeah we did thank you so much and I hope everyone's having uh is gearing up for the spooky season next time you hear our listeners episodes from us it'll be uh it'll be Halloween day number two if you know what I'm saying it's yes I know what you're saying
Starting point is 00:51:20 it'll be the morning after it'll be the morning with a u after a week hang on okay hang on anyway i can't wait to see you on october 32nd uh when you hear the next round of stories thank you so much if you uh are if this is your first time hearing these we put these out on the first of every month and if you would like to submit your own story you can do that through our website um that we have a submission box there for you. And if you've ever met Sir Tumnus, let me know because I need a trifecta here. Thank you. Wait a minute.
Starting point is 00:51:50 If you had Death Cab and Sir Tumnus, what kind of weird Kremit baby would they have? Oh, my God. A tamale. A giant tamale. Okay. Well, thanks, everybody. And that's why we drink the end is in 29 days okay 29 30 days 29 i don't know okay bye

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