And That's Why We Drink - Listener Stories: Vol. 48

Episode Date: November 15, 2020

Happy Starch Season again! We're back with another bonus listeners episode and, wow, do we have a peeling you'll like this one... believe it or not, we actually did get potato themed stories as reques...ted. We're also super excited to share a turkey adjacent combo of stories involving an armed tricyclist, the panting of a bunch of ghost poodles, and a ransom note found in the floorboards of an old house. Thank you to everyone who sent in stories to help us get into that November mood. Could you peel a potato for all of eternity? Only if we could take breaks to eat those delicious god-apples... and that's why we drink! Please consider supporting the companies that support us! Daily Harvest makes it easy to eat clean, undeniably delicious food, no matter what your day brings. Keep it simple with Daily Harvest! Go to and enter promo code DRINK to get $25 off your first box! Right now, Embark has an exclusive offer on their Breed and Health Kit for our listeners this holiday season! Go to now to get the best deal of the year AND free shipping. Use Promo code DRINK to save $64 off your Embark Breed and Health Kit. Offer ends on 12/1.It’s simple: if you have a computer, Honey should be on it. It’s free and works with whatever browser you use. You can get Honey for free today at 10% off site-wide when you use promo code DRINK at That’s 10% everything—including White TRUFF VIP box and TRUFF Variety Pack. Just in time for the holidays!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 well i guess we're stuck doing these forever now surprise you're stuck with our bonus episodes slash i guess they're not bonus anymore they're just like the norm for now they're just holiday bonus 2.0 or 1.5 or it's like like 1.2 let's go let's go there how lion king came out with their like 1.5 like yes yes the prequel to the sequel or whatever it was that's kind of what i want this to be although it will never be that creative yeah but anyway no welcome we're trying welcome to a whole other listeners episode made by yours truly and also my um cohort right over there uh and mostly mostly eva and really but really are fully eva welcome to our voices rehearsing reciting everything that eva has done for many hours we're like eva's little puppets happily oh my god you
Starting point is 00:01:00 call kermit oh he's been in me all along. Anyway, basically what we're doing is we're doing, we got so many listener stories that we decided to do another listener episode throughout the month, like mid month to kind of, I don't know, get more of your stories out there. So I guess we have kind of a, I think Eva called it a comfy, cozy,
Starting point is 00:01:22 somewhat Thanksgiving-y, loosely themed episode? turkey turkey adjacent i like to call it turkey adjacent okay um so uh i guess let's just get it's probably getting cold where you are so okay christine it's been oh i thought you were i meant not you i know it's not cold where you are you're in los angeles i heard it but I heard it after I started talking but Christine it's actually been freezing here all week okay that's really weird because it's 75 degrees literally outside right now it's beautiful like it's been fully 75 out here it's been like windy and cold and like we like Allison and I we've been trying to do isolated dates where we go to like parks like a half an hour before they close because no one's there so you get like the whole park to yourself
Starting point is 00:02:06 and the freezing cold but it was freezing and we were like okay fuck this we're not doing that like like not a good try on like a date but it's been so cold like we I had to bring two sweatshirts for myself oh my I've been having a blast it was so weird because last week we had like a like a full-on freeze, like a frost. And all my plants died. Oh, not all my plants. But the two plants that I left outside died by accident. But now it's 75 degrees and like gorgeous.
Starting point is 00:02:32 And so I don't know. I think this might be the one week I can like hold above you. I'm having such a good time. Like I went, we all know I love my Iceland and fogs at Starbucks. And I got a hot london fog because it was too cold to drink ice on fuck it was anyway i'm having a blast and i'm just gonna be so mad when this little phase is over and la gets back to itself so anyway i'm fully enjoying this before we freeze to death again but um i bought my i bought my vitamin d lamp so we're good we're
Starting point is 00:03:02 good to go what is that a vitamin d lamp yeah the sun're good. We're good to go. What is that? A vitamin D lamp? Yeah. The sun, the sun lamps, like happy lamps. RJ has one of those because he wakes up at like 4am for fun. And so he has, it's his own way of making the sun rise with him because he wakes up before the sun. Oh, so gross.
Starting point is 00:03:19 I've seen, I've seen those ones that like are on timers. This one, you're just supposed to sit in front of it for 20 minutes every morning. Just stare at it and reflect on yourself. You'll see it on my Instagram. Don't worry. I can't wait.
Starting point is 00:03:30 Also, for those of you who are slightly late to the game, but maybe you follow us on Instagram, Christine has a little kitty cat now. Another kitty cat? Well, I announced it only to patrons so far. It's like a little sneak peek. But it'll be out by the time that this the this episode comes out it'll be public knowledge so if you are watching this on youtube and you see what looks like juniper but it's shadow walk by it's actually a totally different cat that peter pan broken in half okay yeah yeah yeah you're not losing it um i'm losing it because
Starting point is 00:04:00 i keep adding cats to my house so well okay well, okay. So this week or this episode, Eva suggested I go first, which is the first time that's ever happened. So I'm very excited. I'm shocked. It's a lot of pressure to follow in Em's footsteps. Em's fishy, floppy footsteps. I almost wore my fish flops today, but-
Starting point is 00:04:17 I know, I felt it in my bones. And then I thought, no, no, no, too much of that. But- Too much. I'm glad you finally learned. They'll be back the second i think that it's over it comes right back to life again so that's what i've learned over the years um so this first story i have is called a spooky starchy potato story oh hell yeah right down
Starting point is 00:04:37 our alley uh-huh um now this is from uh let's see ifa it's an irish name it's like the irish version of eva uh beautiful name uh who's a she her pronouns says she slash her slash irish folklore gal so you could call her by any of those talk about a pronoun oh my gosh i know she even gave me a pronunciation guide but i think i might still mess it up because for some reason these irish you know what the irish you know what the irish are bananas when it comes to their spelling and like throwing stuff in there i'm pretty sure they know that they're bananas when it comes to their spelling though like even they know it so you can't it has a pronunciation guide like for a reason right yeah so it says how we how we uh
Starting point is 00:05:20 how we uh tis ifa here from kiev on okay that's it i'm not gonna say this is why this is why eva gave this to you because maybe actually maybe we all know that i was gonna be such crap at this okay in the last sam hayne or halloween listener tales you mentioned that you hadn't heard a starchy paranormal story oh did we i think we did say something like that and yeah you said if it's about a potato oh my god wait a minute this oh my gosh eva literally literally went to the search bar and typed in potatoes also you all literally listened to us and went oh yeah i have one of those which is incredible that's like the most incredible part oh my god okay you mentioned you hadn't heard a starchy paranormal story, but on brand,
Starting point is 00:06:05 me being from Ireland and all, I have one. Excellent. I am very happy that I finally have a short but somewhat relevant story to contribute. This is a story that was passed down to me. Years ago in old Ireland, before we had the luxury of electricity, us Kevan people lived in what resembled stone-built cattle sheds. Down the road, a hen's race from where I live today lived in... I know. What is that level of... What's that metric system? A hen's race?
Starting point is 00:06:31 A hen's race is equivalent to about 4.5 meters, which is equivalent to a stone's throw. No. I'm just bullshitting. Oh, excuse me. I don't think it's an actual literal measurement. I think it's like a stone's throw. I think it is like a stone's throw.
Starting point is 00:06:48 You're right. Okay. You said it with such confidence. I was just like, oh. That's the thing. I say things with confidence and people believe me and I'm like 99% of the time I'm incorrect. You need to work on your I'm kidding eyes because you are too serious. I like it when you believe me.
Starting point is 00:07:02 It's more fun. Down the road, a hen's race for where i live today lived an old woman with her sons again on brand for ireland she died sitting at the table peeling potatoes or spuds as us irish call them oh my gosh she was waked and buried within a week as her sons came walking back to the house after the funeral they opened the door to find their beloved mother's ghost sitting at the table, still peeling away into the afterlife. Oh my God. That's eternity for you now.
Starting point is 00:07:28 Just healing heartwarming. You might think, but her sons didn't think so as they never entered the house again and went as far as to board up the windows to this day. If you drive by the windows are boarded up in the house and attached yard slash farm are like they were the day she died so yeah there she go sorry so yeah there you go and i guess there she goes with her potatoes uh i'm sure she died doing what she loved thanks in advance if you read this now i
Starting point is 00:07:56 want some cheesy potato gratin be careful preparing those fluffy god apples wow that was that was beautiful thank you oh my gosh so christine how are you peeling about that how are you feeling i'm scared now because i say that so often like what if i'm stuck peeling in the afterlife what if you're manifesting people who are actually peeling things like potatoes oh no then they have sharp objects around me at all times i don't love that idea wow um my question is if you're if for the rest of your life you're peeling potatoes are you at least taking little breaks to eat them or do you only have to look well i guess but they're raw right so like what if you don't even what if
Starting point is 00:08:35 you're creed bratton you won't know the difference this is true that's true that is true okay wow well thank you so much for that story here is round round two. I never do the even one, so I'm also excited. Ooh. This is called a fence jumper and a mashed potato. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. There's more than one of these. Okay.
Starting point is 00:08:54 This is from Devin, who uses she, her pronouns. Thank you for normalizing pronouns. And Devin says, hi, Eva, Christine M., and associated animals, petrified fruit. I always love when people get creative with their et al. Yeah, me too. It's always fun. I'm a lifelong true crime paranormal fan and also team wine. So when I discovered your podcast back in 2017, I was immediately hooked.
Starting point is 00:09:16 I'm from Vancouver Island and I was at your Vancouver live show. Oh my gosh, you saw me on stage in a onesie. Yeah, we all saw you. I saw me. I had to look in the mirror and think oh this is this is a day for me too far and i hope you all get a chance to come back when everything blows over i don't have many crime stories because i come from a pretty boring and safe part of the island bow and m mentioned a potato theme oh i guess i'm responsible for this
Starting point is 00:09:40 yeah well for once you can take the burden of being responsible. That's nice. Didn't you get didn't you pick a cheese episode? I did. I did. I think I said I want a cheese theme and poor Eva was like, okay, and it was like a long time ago. So she was like, I still don't know if they're being serious or not. And then I said, Eva, you're clearly too good at your job. Let's really challenge you. Yeah. When Em mentioned a potato theme, the first thought I had was finally i have something to contribute it's like you've been waiting and waiting in like the grocery aisle for us to mention your ghost story so uh to give a bit of a better picture as to what happened i live in a duplex in a pretty tightly built suburb of other duplexes everyone's yards uh were small and all
Starting point is 00:10:23 three sides of my background of my backyard were touching other backyards that were also often surrounded on all sides the street was on a hill so each duplex was built slightly lower as you went down the street this meant sometimes if you hopped a six foot fence it might actually be a 10 foot drop on the other side as was the case with my yard I think I was about 11 or 12 when this happened. I was sitting at an outdoor table with my mom and a friend of hers when we heard shouting coming from the neighbor's yard. Right when we all looked, this guy suddenly full on hops over the fence, like feet right up into his chest and completely clears the top,
Starting point is 00:10:59 only to drop 10 feet straight down onto the concrete. Oh, no. Thankfully, he totally ignored the three of us who were only a few feet away and tried to run back to the yard. But a combination of him being very obviously hurt or winded from the fall and my puppy named Joey, who was a very good and scary guard dog, slowed him down and he got stuck
Starting point is 00:11:22 because the only fence he could try for would have been another 10 foot climb. Oh, God. Before any of us could really process what happened, our backyard was suddenly swarmed with RCMP. Military police? Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Oh, the Mounties. Yes. Oh, my gosh.
Starting point is 00:11:40 Okay. I've never actually. Military police. I don't know. It's America over here. Okay. Who all had their guns out. Okay. I've never actually. Military police. I don't know. It's America over here. Okay. Who all had their guns out. Okay.
Starting point is 00:11:49 They tackled the guy and cuffed him without incident, thankfully. Turns out Hina's girlfriend had been leading the RCMP on a high-speed chase through town on his motorcycle. He crashed his bike pretty badly. The handlebars were basically pushed into the gas tank from what I saw. And he ditched his girlfriend, although I don't know if she was hurt or not, and took off running between the houses to try and lose the RCMP. I later heard from my dad that his helmet, which had been found in my neighbor's yard, had been lined with cocaine.
Starting point is 00:12:20 And as for the potato part, because that's where I'm looking. I guess that's kind of starchy. We had an old baked potato in the fridge that we had given to Joey to eat a few days before, but he had just taken it to the backyard and played with it instead. He never ended up eating it, and we hadn't gotten around to picking it up yet. So when the guy was tackled to the ground, they pushed his face right into this week old half rotten baked potato. Stop it. The most vivid memory I have of this entire incident is this guy's now
Starting point is 00:12:52 mashed potato covered face as they took him away. Thanks for reading. Even if this isn't, uh, if even if this isn't going to be read out loud, well, LOL, uh,
Starting point is 00:13:02 your podcast makes my commutes and chores much more enjoyable and i look forward to everything p.s i've attached a link to a picture of my sweet baby boy gosh okay uh um have you seen it eva just texted it to us no let me see can i can i i think i can probably show it okay look at joey oh this is in the geos trio group wow what a sweet babe i love that he just played with the potato instead of eating it i know meanwhile my dog like eats rocks and sneakers bars and like if you gave him anything it would be swallowed in like four seconds if you lined up a bunch of food items in front of geo and one of like there's like fried chicken and there's like peanut butter and there's like Cheez-Its and then there's like a little little vial with a skull and cross
Starting point is 00:13:51 bones on it and it says toxic poison he would gulp that one down in a heartbeat and he would just look me right in the eye that's exactly right he would that's that's him that's my boy oh my god monster anyway thank you devin for that devin what a story i cannot believe the feeling of like did they just say a potato story that must be just the wildest feeling yeah and like for you to have one like you said earlier to have one just immediately like ready to go of like oh yeah i guess this is my moment and yeah this is your moment that you weren't waiting for or expecting but we just thrust it upon you also i love i saw a text coming that said this is
Starting point is 00:14:30 the photo that goes along with the story and i really thought it was the guy with potato on his face that's what i was hoping for too i was expecting oh what a good joey boy okay time for story number three yes this is fun this is called the armed tricyclist oh my god okay oh this is from jenna who uses she slash they pronouns thank you jenna jenna says hey y'all i recently rediscovered the podcast after i started working as a dishwasher over the summer i remember having listened to the first episode within a couple weeks of it coming out when I was in high school, but I guess I didn't have to do dishes slash clean for two hours every day. So it only now came back into my life. Oh, yay. I think they're being nice to us, but I bet it was like they listened to the first episode and
Starting point is 00:15:17 we're like, I don't get it. And then like years later, we're like, I guess I'll try this again. They sound a lot more established now. Like maybe I'll give it a whirl. Other people say they're like, fine. So I guess I'll try this again. They're like, oh, they sound a lot more established now. Like, maybe I'll give it a whirl. Other people say they're like, fine. So I guess I'll try it. Yeah. I've been wanting to send in a listener's episode for a while now. I've had a few run-ins with ghosties and some super fun true crime stories, but I never thought I had any stories juicy enough.
Starting point is 00:15:37 That is until I remembered this incident involving an armed tricyclist that happened less than a year ago, basically on my street. Now, technically, I was at college while this happened. So this is kind of my dad's story shout out to gene okay gene okay gene what's up big g love big g uh so uh big gene jenna's about to swear so i just want to warn you get ready i don't know what the fuck kind of theme this would fit into i guess this one but let's get into it so flashback to november 2019 it's a normal thursday morning slash early afternoon and it's a little before thanksgiving break i got a call from my parents which is weird because they usually call later in the day i answer it and they immediately start asking me if i knew anything about what was going on. I, being a stressed college student whose only
Starting point is 00:16:25 thoughts were about organic chemistry and being gay, have no idea what they were talking about. I can relate to 50% of that from college. Except organic. What if it was just organic chemistry? You were like, I loved chemistry. That was just the best. That's all I thought about. It's so hard to get them to listen to me because all they think about is organic chemistry. All I do is like, it's just the worst. It's just, it's the cross I bear, you know? Yeah, that scientific cross, that scientific brain you have is incredible.
Starting point is 00:16:54 That's me. Have no idea what they're talking about. And they proceed to tell me that the high school and middle school were both put on lockdown. Both of those schools were on our street. And one of the ends of our road had been blocked off by a police barricade my then doormate whose father is a cop and then wrote a cab comes in and starts comes in and starts telling us what she knows from her dad about the situation a local police officer tries to pull over a car for some minor traffic violation at the intersection of my street and a major route on the east coast the car then speeds through the intersection hitting a random car that was minding its own
Starting point is 00:17:28 business oh my gosh the officers approach the crashed car and a man hops out of the back seat and fires at the officer multiple times oh i was gonna make a xenon joke at first of like just crashing into things she dropped her chai latte yeah never mind it got dark it got dark yeah yeah yeah the man then runs off into someone's backyard steals a tricycle and takes off oh no oh my gosh the officer wasn't injured but they also weren't able to catch him i guess because a massive manhunt begins in my town i'm talking our entire police force the other town's police force state police helicopters and fucking SWAT team oh my god police put our schools on lockdown because they're literally about a mile from where he was last seen and the town goes bonkers my dad being the dumb white man he is don't talk
Starting point is 00:18:14 about gene that way yeah come on unless maybe unless maybe you know him better than we do and maybe you're right but yeah i think that's probably none of my business to make that call uh my dad being the dumb white man he is like horror movie white people kind of dumb decides he wants to see what's going on so he decides he needs to stop at the wawa but not the one we always go to no he needs to stop at the sketchy one just down the road from where this all happened that we never go to okay but like i would have asked jean if i could ride with him i would have been like okay i call shotgun and would have been like i got my tricycle let's would have been like, I got my tricycle.
Starting point is 00:18:45 Let's go to the Wawa. I'm too into the juicy drama to it. Like not, it's like, this is, it's kind of like in the office when like the Scranton Strangler is doing the car chase down their road and they cancel everything. They're like, I have to be part of history.
Starting point is 00:18:58 That's how I feel. That's how I feel. Yeah, that's, Em and I would for sure be the people right in the middle of it. Like inserting ourselves where we don't belong. mean dumb white people but yeah exactly call me what you need to yeah i guess uh i'm not gonna deny it okay let's see my dad drives around the blockade and heads to the wawa but the entire parking lot of the wawa was filled with police
Starting point is 00:19:20 there are police helicopters overhead swat and police dogs the only cops that i trust says jenna that's pretty good that's good yeah my dad then parks at another business and then walks over and tries to see if they will let him into the wall for half and half a minute okay i love gene hang on a second gene's like you don't understand i need to have something to drink while i watch history happen in front of my eyes and it's only half and half that i will drink nothing else the officers of course do not and my dad leaves without half and half frowned face but he did tell me all about the cute police dogs for a while that's all we know
Starting point is 00:20:05 and we assume that he's probably hiding out in the woods around our house it would not be the first time criminals did so however as my roommate finds out hours later he in fact tricycled his way to the wawa my dad had stopped at called an uber threatened the driver with his gun and had them drive all the way to union station about an hour and a half away. Oh, my God. Can you imagine having a gun to your head for an hour? I mean, obviously not. But like, holy shit. For an hour. That's an eternity.
Starting point is 00:20:31 I can barely imagine being in a car for an hour at this rate. Right. During quarantine. Let alone a stranger like having you like armed, you know, or being armed and like telling you where to go. Did you know that everyone in my household drove for Uber at some point? Blaze, me and Alexander all drove for Uber at at different times i forgot you drove for uber yeah and i guess it was fleeting or yeah sorry it was pretty fleeting it was when i lived in glendale yeah um i don't think i've ever really asked you enough questions about that so we'll have to have a conversation it wasn't very interesting uh nobody held a gun
Starting point is 00:21:05 to my head otherwise you definitely would have heard about it excellent that's very good so i made it out alive um okay so for days all we know is that he was at union station which connects to several major train stations so really he could be anywhere a few days later we learned that the guy was arrested at penn station in new york city by.S. Marshals. Fun fact, my brother and I had just been at Penn Station to go to a hosier concert. How do you say that guy's name? I say hosier, but I'm sure I'm not right. I say that too, and then someone told me it was wrong. So I'm going to say a hosier concert.
Starting point is 00:21:37 Days before that, when the guy was arrested, we learned that he had had a warrant out for his arrest in Connecticut for kidnapping and attempted murder. Another fun fact, my brother lives in Connecticut, pretty close to where this dude was running from. So apparently this dude was on the run from police states away, driving with some buddy of his, and they just happened to pass through my town and mirror a lot of my family's movements. I don't know what happened to him since, but I'm happy he's no longer tricycling around my house. Oh my gosh. Oh, that got me. When this was all going down it was really hard to keep the severity severity of the matter in mind because this was the photo of him
Starting point is 00:22:11 circulating oh is this the one that the photo is oh wait here there's more on the back sorry okay i'm gonna leave a link for a news article in case you want more detail oh my god feel free to use any of the pictures as you wish oh my gosh okay i'm gonna show this um on the oh this is a picture creepy of the guy on the tricycle you know what's so okay the thing that makes it like either more or less ridiculous i haven't decided yet is that it's an adult tricycle i was thinking this whole time it was like a little tiny i did too like like like a clown tricycle like a clown too like like like a clown tricycle like a clown tricycle like a child tricycle but it's an adult three bike three-wheeled bike so
Starting point is 00:22:49 it's like a guy it's like a guy who has who wears tiva sandals that's his yeah that somebody stole which is not very nice kind of jealous he has this bike yeah why do i i want that um and then wait wait hold on sorry there's one more line here jenna says p. I just wanted to say, this is very important for you to listen up. I just wanted to say that as a student studying biochemistry and microbiology, I do support lemon and the associated fruits as long as they are being stored in a dry area. Sorry, Em. Don't worry. They're in a dry area, my closet.
Starting point is 00:23:20 Yeah, Los Angeles is like the driest place they could be stored. So I'm going to put out a little request right now. Oh, boy. Eva's like, no. No, no, no. This is specifically for people in the town that I went to college in. So I went to school in Newport News. I went to CNU.
Starting point is 00:23:36 If you're from the area, you know exactly what I'm talking about. There, when I went there, so I went there, and this story has to be from like 2013-ish, 2012-ish. If you're from the area and you were there around that time, you might know what I'm referring to when I say the bicycle gang. And I really need an update on where they are today because there was this group of kids. So CNU was on one of the main streets in town where like you could leave campus pretty quickly and get to like restaurants or blockbuster back back in the day or like the only two places you need to be or there was like um a few restaurants nearby and so me and a few of my
Starting point is 00:24:17 friends we would walk um to restaurants um you know pretty regularly and there was this group of like little kids like they they were we called them the bicycle gang because they didn't they were too young to drive cars like they literally were their own little like crew on a bicycle on bikes but they were like like we were nervous whenever we saw them we would like turn around like they were literally like little children who would try to like harass you like little rapscallions yeah like and i i'm i was convinced then and i'm convinced now that at least half of them are like currently incarcerated somewhere like they were they were terrible they
Starting point is 00:24:57 were scary they were like 12 years old and if you if like one of my friends saw like the bicycle gang you like wouldn't go to that area oh my. They were like they would come and sit next to you and like harass you while you're trying to eat your food in restaurants. They would like make scenes in public where like they like if they were adults, the police would have been called on them. They would try to. Children are so scary. I heard from other people in like my friend circles like they got they tried to get they tried to rob people and like were successful sometimes. Like they were little, little children criminals. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:25:28 And I was terrified of them. And I always wondered what happened to them. And they all rode their little bicycles up and down Warwick. If you know what I'm talking about. What if they're all just like accountants and like. I don't know. They were so scary. I was, I felt so violated and uncomfortable around them.
Starting point is 00:25:44 I bet you if any of them do happen to ever hear this they're gonna be so proud like that's all we ever wanted was to terrorize some they did it i mean to a point where adults would text each other and be like the bicycle gang's out like don't go to this and like we legitimately would not go out of here so if someone anyone has heard about these people and you know what we're talking about please give me an update because i'm so curious about how their lives turned out wow okay well you heard it here first folks anyway speaking of uh children in their own little squads my i just found out recently my grandma when she was 10 she was in a gang um yeah oh my i need to get more information before i tell you the whole story but apparently she like was like i i don't know it sounded violent so i'll oh i'll ask about it
Starting point is 00:26:35 another time okay anyway story number four um moving on this one is called the one time my dad found a 60 year old ransom note hidden underneath the floorboards fuck yes okay this is my jam let's go this is from oh my gosh this is from a sand monster this is from rachel oh hi who refers to themselves as sand monster rachel sand monster if you don't know what that is that's what i lovingly named the people who listen to beachy sandy i also don't think i ever told alexander that so he's probably like why does everyone say this to me it makes me so happy i really like i think it's such a great name i like it so anyway this is from a sand monster uh and rachel says well hi it's me rachel again so i guess rachel's written in before oh hi rachel or sand monster as you graciously nicknamed me oh so this is the og sand monster okay Okay. You're the reason we called.
Starting point is 00:27:25 Okay, I get it. I had just began your podcast when I sent in my last story, so I apologize for not sending my pronouns. She, her, but honestly, I think I prefer Sand Monster. Well, I do too. Oh, that's right. We said, oh, she didn't add her pronouns, so we're going to call her Sand Monster. That's how this all began.
Starting point is 00:27:43 Listen, you don't, don't give me your pronouns. I'm going to give you a name that you'll have to look by. So my life has been surrounded with true crime, creepy experiences, too many to share all at once. This one is from my dad when he was in his 20s. My parents had just gotten married and moved into their first house. It was an old house, maybe 100 years old at the time. Wow. So there were some creaky floorboards, walls peeling paint and so on my dad being
Starting point is 00:28:07 the handyman he is immediately began renovations he was rummaging around his closet floorboards trying to remove them he started feeling around underneath and he found a piece of paper he unfolded it and i kid you not my dad found a ransom note excuse me i just burped out of fear um a ransom note you found a ransom note stating that two hundred thousand dollars had to be dropped off at a certain time or else someone's son was going to die what which immediately once i if i were to see that and i'm holding it i would be like okay so someone died in this house like because the real like the ransom notes did not get delivered or maybe this is the house it got delivered to in which case someone who used to live here got abducted
Starting point is 00:28:49 and maybe died yeah and also if somebody hid it under the floorboards maybe they were like well i don't have 200 grand so i'm gonna hide this so no one accuses me of their death or something i don't want anyone to know that i had the exactly the intel immediately my dad reported it a few days later an fbi agent arrived a few days later by the way uh an fbi agent arrived at my dad's door to inform him he'd found a ransom note draft if you're from washington state which my family is you've heard the name okay fuck you guys what is it what is it what weyerhauser weyerhauser okay well that's if you're from washington state if you're from california like me you don't know what that is um what you may not know is that the chairman of this company inherited inherited it from his dad
Starting point is 00:29:36 and was once kidnapped and held for ransom in may of 1935 yeah i remember i actually weyerhauser i did this story at the Seattle live show. Oh, I don't remember that. I'm sorry. I know. No, I know. But I was like, this, this name sounds familiar. It was like a logging, like a timber and logging company. Well, the guy was kidnapped. Yeah. So anyway, so I think that so the Sand Monster's dad found his ransom. That's so crazy. And she probably doesn't even i mean she probably has no clue that i obviously covered it at the show in seattle that's a full circle right there that is so i so one of your one of your beach to sandy listeners and and that's why we drink listeners
Starting point is 00:30:15 helped you finish that story wow i wonder i'm curious if like if we have that i'm sure we have it somewhere or i probably have the notes if we never posted it maybe i'll cover it at some point maybe and then we can um we should star this and then we can yes sorry i almost like showed like the email um but we can yeah start this and then like add it to the notes okay anyway he was returned after the ransom was paid and a little over a month later the kidnapper named harman metz whaley was caught what my parents didn't know was that harman metz whaley had had at some point lived in that house that they were now living in that's crazy so 60 years after the kidnapping of george weyerhauser my dad found the ransom note in his floorboards that apparently was never mailed i swear bad luck
Starting point is 00:31:03 follows my family around and I have so many more stories to share with you both. Thank you for taking the time to listen. And I can't wait to see where your podcast goes. Love Sand Monster Rachel. Sand Monster Rachel. I can't I can't imagine living a life where like, you end up with the FBI on your doorstep just because you are renovating. You know, right? Like, yeah, just like, just like oh not again i have fbi my one of my friends in college was at a at a frat house at a party and people were drunk and one guy fell into the wall and oh yeah ended up i think i probably have mentioned this on the show
Starting point is 00:31:37 but it's such a cool story to me he fell through the wall and then the hole that the one spot that he fell which makes me feel like it's like divine in some way that of all the parts of the house you could have fallen into he fell into the one part where someone had hidden a bottle in the wall with like it was clearly people who used to be brothers of this fraternity like decades ago and so they i'm assuming had a party then and broke a hole into the wall and decided they were going to put pictures of themselves and notes and stuff in this bottle and leave it fingers crossed that some other drunk frat guy would one day break into that same part of the wall which is exactly what happened
Starting point is 00:32:14 and so they ended up taking pictures of all of it then putting it back in the bottle putting it back in the wall and then they put their own bottle next to it for future drunk people well you know i bet i bet the reason that it was that spot specifically is probably because it probably wasn't covered up as well. So like probably even just slight pressure like broke it without having to like smash through it. Probably either. You know, they probably bounced off all the,
Starting point is 00:32:36 I feel like drunk people bounce off walls all over the place. Yeah, left and right. They were bound to like ping pong into that specific spot eventually. Anyway. That's the coolest thing. I mean, that's really fucking cool. If you're at a frat party, there's probably a few bottles of old pictures in there. Yeah, you should punch holes in every wall just to find out.
Starting point is 00:32:53 Kyle, no. Kyle, be careful. Okay, anyway. Someone's going to have to pay for that. Okay, here we go. This is a story from Kira. uses she her pronouns thank you kira this is called ghost pups and murder parentheses not connected thankfully thank you for clarifying that for me okay kira says hi i'm christine eva geo juni lemon and the list goes on oh yeah now
Starting point is 00:33:21 and muniper or whatever we call it moon mooniper and what does your sister say uh june shine and mooniper precious i've got one of each paranormal and true crime so let's crack into it i'll start with the fun one when i was young and finally got my own room i have a twin brother i have other fun twin stories for another time have i ever requested twin stories i have but i want more twins we should do it we should do a reboot on that because i think we requested twins a long time ago we did i would love to have more twin stories i would sometimes feel a breeze on my face while i was trying to sleep as a young kid i justified this as maybe being my stuffed poo bear who i slept with every night i also had a stuffed poo bear that i slept with every night and i lost him and
Starting point is 00:34:00 it still traumatizes really yeah interesting i miss. Interesting. I miss him so much. Okay. Maybe being my stuffed poo bear who I slept with every night who might be breathing because kids can assign anything unsettling to something comforting. As I got older and knowing, unfortunately,
Starting point is 00:34:16 that my stuffed animals were not alive, it got to be concerning that I was feeling cool breezes on me even when my windows were closed and my fan was off. Whenever these breezes, more like breathing, started happening, I would hide under my covers until I could finally fall asleep. It wasn't until I went away to college and these breezes followed me that I started
Starting point is 00:34:36 thinking that it might be paranormal. Yeah, it took long enough. When I came home for Thanksgiving, I finally talked to my mom about it. my mom is very sensitive to paranormal activity and her grandma who was a witch told her that she had the gift which conveniently skips a generation as soon as i told her my mom said oh mr turner who lived here my childhood home used to have your bedroom and he adored his poodles that took a turn i'm sorry i don't didn't see it coming but okay sure but i love where we've ended up yeah uh it's true he adored his poodles so it's probably his dogs checking in on you that or it's mr turner deeply upset that someone is sleeping in his room so i chose to believe that it's some nice pups checking in on me when i'm going to sleep rather
Starting point is 00:35:20 than a dead old man but i guess we'll never know. Now that I've moved out of my parents' home officially, I haven't experienced anything like it in my new place, but it still happens whenever I visit home. Now for the not so fun one, true crime. I know, such a bummer. True crime is always the less fun. Now that I've warmed you up, time to really come crashing down. My family is a little messy in a lot of ways, but messiest of all is my little cousin's bio mom, who is now a murderer. Oh dear.
Starting point is 00:35:49 Oh my God. She has a lot of other issues beyond what I'll add here, but to get to the point while celebrating someone's birthday, she apparently got in a fight with her boyfriend or her boyfriend's sister, question mark, which resulted in her attacking her boyfriend with a bar stool. He was dead upon arrival of the paramedics, which resulted in the conclusion that the cause of death was by suffocation.
Starting point is 00:36:10 What? Okay. Whoa. I was expecting the bar stool to be the culprit. Blunt force trauma. I know. Usually where we'd be by now. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:20 My family's theories are that either she punctured his, oh God. Okay. That she either punctured his lung with the bar stool. Okay. Oh, this is bad. Why, Eva? I hate you. Or that she broke his neck at the C4.
Starting point is 00:36:35 Okay. Okay. I'm just going to get through it. Which prevented him from breathing. Either way, she is still pleading not guilty at her trial, regardless of the witnesses at this party who say she undoubtedly did this. So I suppose I will have to respond with an update post-trial. Hopefully this can be selected for a read. If not, I still adore you all and I'm glad that someone else could enjoy the story.
Starting point is 00:36:53 I love y'all and will gladly drink a glass of wine and a toast to this podcast. Lots of love, Kira. No wonder Eva's like, why don't you read this one, Christine? It's about spines and vertebrae. Well, thanks. Also, so sorry about your cousin's mom's boyfriend's sister or something. Yikes, that's really messy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:18 I'm like, my family's messy too. Okay, maybe not that messy. When you said my family's messy, I was like, join the club. And then you kept going and I went, oh, never should have known better but oh my uh anyway thank you for that and here's our our final story i think right oh you get to do the finale this yes yes i do i do sorry for a second i thought there was a bonus but no no no i'm the bonus the bonus is i get to read it the bonus was you all along it always was so this is called oh wow you're gonna fucking love this okay oh good slipped into a parallel dimension during the blue moon
Starting point is 00:37:51 oh there was in halloween on halloween okay okay i don't know maybe uh this is from theresa who goes by she her thank you for normalizing pronouns teresa um and it says hey eva yes always use eva first at this point eva m christine and co i love it okay cracking right into it this year on halloween it was a blue moon and things definitely got weird my girlfriend and i uh were finishing up the last few episodes of haunting of bligh manor and we took a break before the last episode to eat dinner and put on one of the seasons of rupaul's drag race this is just the queerest story i've ever heard yeah it's a good palate cleanser yeah i see she her my girlfriend rupaul i'm like oh my god so excited yeah yeah yeah okay so they're watching rupaul
Starting point is 00:38:40 my uh girlfriend took the dishes uh to the kitchen when we were done and i was still on the couch she came over kissed me on the forehead and said she was going to go to the grocery store to get some halloween candy before we watched the last episode of blind manor she leaves i was go uh i don't know exactly how long it was after she left but at some point i looked up and saw her walking into the bathroom and she's not there oh oh no she left she left the second i pictured it as she was on the toilet and saw her walking into the bathroom and i was like does anybody knock anymore okay now i get it no she was gone like she went to the grocery store and then a couple minutes later theresa sees her girlfriend walking into the bathroom no no no that's not good
Starting point is 00:39:21 that's no good oh my god the worst sentence we made eye contact why is that so scary i hate that i continue i have instant goose camp i continue watching rupaul and then after a few minutes thought it was weird she hadn't come out of the bathroom i called out to her asking her what she was doing and no reply i didn't think much about it but then as more uh minutes passed and she didn't appear i called out asking if she was okay still no response i got up and walked to the bathroom and she wasn't there she wasn't in her room or anywhere else in her small house i started to panic a little because how the hell does someone disappear into thin air as i start as i'm starting to walk more frantically through the house uh i hear a car door shut and realize I didn't look to see if her car was in the driveway.
Starting point is 00:40:08 But also how the hell did she leave the house without me knowing? She comes in the grocery. She comes in with grocery bags and then everything in my brain clicks together. I remember her telling me she was going to the store and I remember her leaving the house. My face clearly showed my confusion because she asked me what was wrong. I told her I had seen her go into the bathroom and then never come back out then i searched her house and had absolutely no recollection of her going to the store until i heard the car door so it's almost like it's almost like it put some sort of veil on her so she wouldn't freak out
Starting point is 00:40:40 it's like or like it's like her her um her own understanding went with her to the other dimension where right that one doesn't even exist in her brain anymore right right oh that's creepy she asked me if i was high and i definitely wasn't i asked her how long she was gone she said 20 minutes but the whole thing felt like an hour had gone by at least holy shit this whole thing shook me i tried i started to try and rationalize what happened in my head i have a seizure disorder where i have seizures that can manifest as a blackout so i lose a short period of time but only 15 seconds i haven't had a seizure in years but i also but also i know i didn't have one because i didn't miss a beat of rupaul i can't explain the complete
Starting point is 00:41:22 absence of memory of her going to the store or how i saw her walk into the bathroom when she had clearly already been gone or how the sound of her car door brought me back to the present but a part of me feels like maybe for a brief moment i slept into a parallel dimension it was too real to not be to me i feel i i totally forgot this was going to be about parallel dimensions because i thought of it as a ghost and you're seeing a doppelganger. Yeah, I thought doppelganger too. Yeah, that's what I thought. Then I think your theory of like a veil or something makes a lot of sense of like whatever it was took that memory out of your head.
Starting point is 00:41:56 I think that's the route I usually go because in the times where I have seen something, it really puts like this wave of calm on me so I can't freak out. seen something it really puts like this wave of calm on me so i can't freak out so it feels like there was this doppelganger who like wanted you to see them but also didn't want you to freak out until like later on the fact that you made eye contact gives me that's the worst that's the worst it's no good hope my story brings some chills because holy fuck i'm still shook love the podcast love following your tangents can totally relate relate. Also, congrats, Christine, on finally getting verified. Oh, thank you. And that's the last sentence of this episode, apparently. Don't worry. We'll find other sentences to throw in there before the episode is fully over.
Starting point is 00:42:35 Wow. Well, thank you. That was terrifying. And whether it's a doppelganger or a parallel universe, equally scary. It wasn't great for you. Yeah scary it wasn't great um for you it wasn't great and wasn't something i wanted to participate in right right right but eye contact especially whether i'm in this world or not i hate it so yeah uh yikes thank you guys for all of your wonderful stories thank you eva for reading them oh i have another request oh can we what about
Starting point is 00:43:00 full moon stories i don't think we've ever done a full moon story. Oh, that'd be fun. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I feel like that's kind of creepy. We're going to December. Days are getting darker and shorter. I'm down. That's a creepy full moon episode. Okay. Yay. There you go.
Starting point is 00:43:14 And thank you for everyone who submitted your stories. If you would like to submit your own story to be in the running for the next episode that comes out on the first of every month, you can go to and that's why you and we have a submission box there for you yeah well thanks everybody and we will see you in a much shorter time than usual in like two weeks okay well thank you and that's why we drink you

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