And That's Why We Drink - Listener Stories: Vol. 52

Episode Date: February 1, 2021

Happy February! We've got DJ Love and DJ Cupid in the house... but we rewound live radio so we're actually not sure those are the final names we're going with. This month we've got quite the smorgasbo...rd of mind-bending tales, some involving love, some obsession, maybe even a little Bigfoot spoken word poetry in the mix. Definitely make sure you listen to the very end for an especially mind-blowing story. We'll give you a hint, it involves Zak Bagans! It was just a real dealer's choice this month and Eva was the dealer. Our main takeaways are: A love emergency is still an emergency and also we might have rashes on our souls... and that's why we drink! Get your tickets to our new virtual live show here! And submit your scariest experiences to for your chance to be featured! Please consider supporting the companies that support us! Go to for a free 30-day trial, just pay for shipping and handling!Go to and use DRINK for 20% off your first box!Step up your cooking game now and head over to for 20% off your first order!Go to and use code DRINK for 20% Flex Disc Starter Kits—or 10% off your first Flex Cup—PLUS free U.S. shipping!This podcast is sponsored by BetterHelp and And That’s Why We Drink listeners get 10% off their first month at $75 off your first order at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 hello and welcome to the month of love we're your djs master love and mr love i'm wait hold on can you rewind we're gonna say master love and m and. Can you rewind? I thought you were going to say Master Love and M. And M. Can you rewind on live radio? Because I want to say this instead. Yeah, I can do it. Wait, wait, wait. There you go. Welcome.
Starting point is 00:00:35 Welcome to the month of love. I'm your DJ, the broad of broadcasting. Wink. I'm DJ Cupid in the house I don't know how many takes do we get because I need a lot more
Starting point is 00:00:57 I feel like Cupid in that like I do you you look like Cupid thank you cause I'm cute I don't wear pants you like you because I'm I'm cute. I don't wear pants, you know, chubby baby, chubby baby. I'm just having a good time. I mean, so you're always naked flying around. It's like stop throwing things at people. As long as the quarantine has been going on, I have been at least 50 percent naked the whole time because thighs out.
Starting point is 00:01:21 I mean, I think we all have been thighs out. I don't remember the last time i wore pants i mean i really um i used to wear joggers pants give or take depending on who you're talking to because some people don't think joggers not in my house you didn't well i used to like only wear like sweatpants joggers and i'd be like oh i wear jeans on fancy days and now i don't even wear fucking anything jeans and now or pathetic i can't even picture jeans anymore i haven't put on jeans in years i think if i put jeans on i would have a rash from like i was about to the denim would probably hurt your skin like i think it must be and i have all these like shoes where i'm like why would why did i wear shoes like now i just wear like giant boots if i have to go outside
Starting point is 00:02:03 to walk geo we're just reverting back to like cavemen time where it is less shoes less less pants like just staying in our caves fuzzy on my skin anyway welcome to and that's why we drink this is our listeners episode where we read uh stories that you send in to us um that are your own personal true crime or ghost stories and eva said that these are about love question mark they're love adjacent some adjacent summer love some some maybe are hate i don't know it's it's yeah well who knows it's a close it's a the circle is i don't know it's a circle i mean the deal it's a circle dealer's choice and the dealer was Eva.
Starting point is 00:02:46 So I don't really know what these stories are going to look like. But I've heard that love is an aspect sometimes, which. I've heard that love is a rhombus. Oh, hmm. We should go back. We should reach out to Songfinch again and see if they could write us a love song to each other about a rhombus. Oh, my God. I love Songfinch.
Starting point is 00:03:04 Wow. Where are they? I don't know know they were like our first sponsor ever they should we should get them to write us a love ballad can you write me a song the love rhombus the love rhombus okay you know how it's like the rhombus of love shut up tmtm eva write that down um because remember that time when we were talking about love triangle and i said more like a love rhombus and then like nobody cared about it well i want to care about it again just like you forced everyone to care about xenon i want everyone to care about my love rhombus idea you know what and forcing everyone to love xenon really worked so it did i think i think i think you're onto something in terms of a formula of just forcing
Starting point is 00:03:43 i first forced everyone to like Lemon, except you. I'm still working on that. You will never. Someday. At this point, it's like, just stop trying. Like, at some point, you know it's just not going to happen. It's getting almost embarrassing, I would say. Lemon's embarrassed, and he's a fucking lemon.
Starting point is 00:03:59 So, like, just give it up. There's always got to be one hater in the room. I happen to be in this situation. You happen to be the only one in the room, and you're a hater. So, got give it up. There's always got to be one hater in the room. I happen to be in this situation. You happen to be the only one in the room and you're a hater. So, got it. Okay. Well. Just naked and full of hatred.
Starting point is 00:04:12 It's. Pantsless and full. No pants, but lots of hate. So, I'm going to start because Eva said I'm allowed to start today. Mom said I can go first finally uh something good is happening on your end i i'm appreciating wow ouch finally something good has happened to you christine you can finally go first on the episode how does it feel we threw you a bone oh my god man i'm feeling saucy today i admit i admit in terms of uh the lizards episode because i always
Starting point is 00:04:46 go first and you always want to go first so i'm i'm happy you actually go first in literally every episode that's true ever so i'm happy that you're finally getting your moment after like thank you four years or whatever you seem thrilled i'll learn from the master finally excuse me it's the broad we changed Remember, we rewound really quickly. The broad broadcast. D.C. Cupid's about to go to school. Wah, wah, wah. Oh, this is bad.
Starting point is 00:05:12 This is bad. This is getting worse. Okay. I'm just going to read this. It says, post-Valentine's Day attempted murder? And this is from Jess. She uses she, her pronouns. Thank you, Jess.
Starting point is 00:05:23 It says, hi, everyone. I recently found your podcast oh dear sorry you're in for a world of hurt my apologies uh my bad uh i must have been living under a rock i guess probably a safe and go back to your rock quickly go back patrick star it's too late for the rest of us but you can go back uh i love your dynamics so much i just wanted to submit one of my true crime stories this This happened while I was a sophomore in high school. There was this cute early 2000s goth girl on my bus. Wait, is that me?
Starting point is 00:05:50 Oh my gosh. I wasn't cute. I was. Oh my God. Was her name Christine? Was she like screaming about Fall Out Boy or something? Drive over me with a bus or whatever the hell. Like I used to sing in my journal or write in my journal.
Starting point is 00:06:01 My poetry. Wow. That was. I should do a podcast just reading my poetry. It's actually so bad. No one would sponsor that though. Even Songfinch would be like, no thanks. write in my journal uh my poetry wow that was i should do a podcast just reading my poetry it's actually so bad um no one would sponsor that though even songfinch would be like no thank you it would be fun as if we held like actually actually tm tm tm if anyone is out there and thinks this is a good idea let us know we should do like a uh like a spoken word poetry slam but
Starting point is 00:06:20 that exists no no no no but as we should have people as like a listener's episode we should have them send in spoken word as if they are different like like cryptids or ghosts or something oh oh i thought we were going a different route what like wait what i look i don't know i didn't take talking about okay mt mt mt i'm undoing the tm you can have it you guys take it i don't get it i'm a little delayed on my adhd meds right now but i'm thinking like what if like mothman wrote spoken word i would like to know what that looks like or if like bigfoot had like spoken word i think people should submit their own it would be like okay are you happy now are you satisfied okay but for for our march listener episode it should be that but for like an hour long just that one
Starting point is 00:07:03 yeah that'll definitely get people in our dynamic one person who's listening to this is interested in what i have to say and you let me know if you want to send something in there's one person in every room that is interested in m's idea and it's m alone in a room it's a fucking story and go back under your rock okay uh i thought you were gonna say a poetry thing you were wrong or was i right no i was wrong um okay sorry there was this cute i was not cute so this is not me there's this cute early 2000s goth girl on my bus and i didn't know her outside the bus however every morning she talked about her college boyfriend oh definitely not me she was 15 at the time.
Starting point is 00:07:46 It's like, yikes. It's actually, you couldn't get farther from me if you tried. She was 15 at the time and how cool he was with his massive knife collection. Oh, I'm glad this is a new Christine. Oh God. I was like, I thought I was jealous. No longer. No longer.
Starting point is 00:08:03 Not sure why this was cool, but to each their own as the months went on she didn't talk about him as much until this particular february on february 11th she told her bus friends that she broke up with him over a.i.m and he was not taking it well the next day she told the same friends that he started calling her every hour till she answered showed up at her window the night before and actually freaked her out she told him that if he didn't leave her alone she'd have to call the police february 13th she said the ex showed up again and her mom called the police by the time they got there he had left the police said they couldn't do anything because he hadn't physically done anything yet and there was no physical proof of him harassing her the multiple phone calls didn't count i guess and he never texted or
Starting point is 00:08:41 messaged her now it's valentine's day and goth girl has a new man and seemed happy i assumed her ex issues were dealt with i was very wrong on february 15th we had finished the school day and we were all being dropped off at our normal bus stops she gets off the bus the bus closes the doors and is getting ready to leave when we all hear a blood curdling scream i look out my left side window and see her fugly creepy ass ex with his arm around her neck brandishing some giant hunting knife oh my god the bus went completely silent somehow my shocked brain kicked in and dialed 9-1-1 before the rest of the scene unfolded as i'm trying to give the address of where we're at, Goth Girl's mother shows up in heels and goes running towards them like a badass Barbie.
Starting point is 00:09:30 He threw Goth Girl to the ground and went after her mother, which caught her off guard. She also fell back and he stabbed her twice. Okay, what the fuck is going on here? Oh my god. what is going on here oh my god while all of this is happening the bus driver tells us to calm down and we have to wait until the police arrive before he can drive off her friends on the bus were screaming to be let out so they could help and thankfully the driver ignored them the ex went back to the goth girl and oh my god okay this is way worse than i thought okay before you say it let's all remember that like so what the bus driver has done
Starting point is 00:10:05 has locked everybody inside a four-walled window where they're just watching this happen to their friend and they can't- Yeah, but what is he gonna do? Let them off and get attacked? No, I get it. I get it.
Starting point is 00:10:16 No, I'm not blaming him. I'm saying like these poor children, like there's no shielding yourself from that. No, there's no curtains on the bus. I don't think you've got nothing but windows and waiting for the cops and to be her friend like her friends are watching this okay so it's like really bad so just okay uh her friends on the bus were screaming to be let out so they could help and thankfully the driver ignored them the ex went back to the
Starting point is 00:10:40 goth girl and cut her throat stabbed both of her legs a few times, and then started cutting her hair with the same knife. He must have realized what he just did or had a moment of clarity or something because he took off running to a nearby house before the police arrived. Luckily, they locked their doors and he couldn't hide in the house. He tried to throw the knife away in some bushes like the smart guy he clearly was. I mean, come on, there's tons of witnesses watching him throw the knife around this time is when the police and paramedics showed up the bus started driving off and we're all screaming for him to stay he didn't listen to us and he continued to
Starting point is 00:11:13 drop us all off at home i had my mom take me back to give a statement i had to give a recorded testimony since i was the first person to call and i had a quote perfect view of the scene her mom ended up suffering from a collapsed lung and oh thank god goth girl had a quote perfect view of the scene her mom ended up suffering from a collapsed lung and oh thank god goth girl had a superficial cut on her throat and legs but nothing life-threatening oh my god you scared me jess jeez i thought this i thought this girl's throat had been i thought both of them were gone gone oh my gosh the new paragraph oh sorry this new paragraph equals time jump after he he was... Thank you. Actually, that's very polite.
Starting point is 00:11:49 After he was found guilty, he only served 14 months because he was a minor, and Goth Girl started dating him again. Oh my god. Can you imagine the parents finding out? The mom? Being like, I still can't breathe because my lung is collapsed? Oh my god. I will never understand this. Thanks for taking the time to read my story. Team Milkshake, Jess. Okay. Wooess okay woof can you imagine like first of all mom coming in heels like a fucking
Starting point is 00:12:11 badass to like kick his ass and then getting stabbed in the lung oh my god wow thank god they survived oh my god wow i can't imagine being the parent being like oh yeah she's dating him again oh yeah he's coming over for family game night like especially when you're 15 and like so angsty already and you're like what's the big deal he just stabbed you in the lung like you're fine now right like the poor the poor mom the poor girl the poor bus girl for sure the the bus driver really should have just kept everyone on that bus locked the door and drove them straight to therapy because like can you imagine all of those taking a detour if i were that bus driver i'd be like i know exactly where everyone needs to go i'm actually amazed like that's a fucking badass bus driver because i'm sure they don't teach you that in
Starting point is 00:12:57 bus driver school i mean maybe they do like lockdown procedure but like i doubt it maybe but also like i feel bad for the bus driver too where like he was watching someone get hurt and like knew it was better he couldn't do anything for the greater good to not get off the bus and help it's so terrible i understand oh geez sorry my watch just said i'm not sure i don't understand either to be honest me neither siri what the hell wow you're acting real fucking special all of a sudden like you are the only one who's confused as if we're supposed to explain it to you get over it um anyway get over yourself um so yeah anyway wow also i like how this person the writer uh just said that they just started listening to our show which means there's a chance that they just started listening to episode one and four years later we'll find out that we read their story they'll be like well that's a weird
Starting point is 00:13:41 story oh wait this sounds familiar yeah um well thank you jess your turn em thank you and also hope you got that therapy that you desperately need right not clearly not because you're listening to our show which as we all know uh we're all a bunch of troubled folk uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh that's us what bonds us together we should all just actually this podcast is just a waiting list for our carpool where we all go to therapy together i was gonna say group therapy are you guys in i'm in i'm in i've been in i've been waiting we can go to olive garden afterward i'm sorry cheesecake factory what's wrong with me i was gonna say that was really blasphemous and i apologize that was honestly the most fucking i'm actually on this podcast i'm actually acting out a little bit and i want
Starting point is 00:14:20 to apologize are you embarrassed you should be i'm really embarrassed we'll talk about it later i'm gonna hang my head in shame over cheesecake uh so this is from pocket ninja oh hell yeah which i respect right away uh the uh why can't i think of the word the subject this thank you the subject line for this email is a paranormal and true crime love story for the ages maybe i love that all of these end in question marks which now makes sense why eva said maybe the fact that even the writers themselves are like you fucking decide eva this is on you dealer's choice as m said earlier dealer's choice okay so this goes dear and that's why we drink crew hello and thank you for reading my story i love your show you are all hilarious adorable and have gotten me through so many tedious days
Starting point is 00:15:09 i've fallen a little behind okay wow fucking rude um on the podcast since i joined the navy oh okay okay okay emma you let you walked me right into that one you had the advantage of reading ahead and you walked me right into it we both know i didn't have the advantage of reading ahead and you walked me right into it we both know i didn't have the advantage of reading i heard it come out of my mouth and i saw your eyes roll sorry i read as slowly as i speak and comprehend so thank you uh okay i've fallen a little behind on the podcast since i joined the navy and i'm currently rushing to catch up so sad i miss all the halloween stuff but i'm back at it with valentine's day approaching and i decided to interview my parents and submit their love story i'm ready i'm ready i'm ready that is precious and because of my genius spoken word idea earlier
Starting point is 00:15:56 i'm gonna pretend that this person's parents are bigfoot and mothman okay you keep speaking ahead and then if we find out something like really upsetting you're gonna seem like a real asshole so what am i gonna find out like and then my we find out something, like, really upsetting, you're going to seem like a real asshole. What am I going to find out? Like, and then my father said, now, wait a minute, Mothman. You're going to find out that they were, like, in the Navy, and you just, like, called them Bigfoot or something. I don't know. Okay, well, my parents are both Indian and were born and raised in central India. My baba, or my father, had immigrated to the united states with the oh i'm
Starting point is 00:16:26 sorry i'm sorry sometimes when i have too much like m exposure i get i don't get to i don't get to complain yeah sometimes when m's alone in a room my body just kind of like reacts as if it's physically ill uh bodily it's just a complete refusal of acknowledgement as i like to say yeah it's sort of like a rash but inside my whole body and outside my whole body it's like a rash on your soul you know yes so my baba or my father had immigrated to the united states with the rest of his family but returned in october 1987 to marry a beautiful lady and his family that his family had picked out for him with the formalities concluded my father went back to the u.s to prepare his house for his bride while she waited
Starting point is 00:17:10 for her papers and made her farewells farewells to her family a month later she and her brothers were on their way to visit family when their cab driver who was later found to be drunk, had a head-on collision with a big rig. Oh, fuck. Baba's wife was sitting in the middle seat and died instantly. No! Her brothers survived, and I can't imagine the survivor's guilt her brothers experienced. I mean, truly, that's just fucking terrible.
Starting point is 00:17:38 Seriously. That's so terrible. Especially as she had switched seats with one of them to make him more comfortable. Ugh. What? That's the fucking worst you know that poor brother is just like beating himself up if i if if i didn't switch seats if i didn't mind being uncomfy she'd be here that's so sad understandably my baba fell apart he experienced a lot of grief and anger and because mental health is a taboo subject in my family nobody thought to get him counseling not so sad he also somehow managed to convince himself that it was somehow his fault for not being there and swore he would never marry
Starting point is 00:18:16 again wow oh my gosh however after six months and no improvement in his emotional health his in-laws ordered him to remarry again in the hopes that the responsibility would force him to get his act together baba felt duty bound to oblige them by returning to india but didn't like any of the woman his family introduced him to meanwhile my mom was living and working in my dad's hometown where she'd settled after obtaining a law degree. Okay, mom. Oh, casual. She had just broken up with her fiance of many years because she found out he was cheating with his boss's daughter. Ew, dad.
Starting point is 00:18:58 Tea time Tuesday. With his boss's daughter, that his family was complicit in the deception and this was the reason he hadn't come from his work in malaysia for five years ew five years five fucking years good night okay yikes well sounds like your mom with the law degree ended up making it out pretty pretty snaz. Dodged a bullet, I guess. Mom decided men were trash. Okay. And was never going to get married.
Starting point is 00:19:30 Instead, she decided to run for city council. Okay, mom. What should I do? I don't want to get married. I like how if I didn't get married, I'd be like, I guess I could do this crossword puzzle from 2002. And she's like, I'm going to run for city council. Like, that's the difference here my mom was very unusual in ways that a lot of people at the time in her part of India found India found unattractive she wore pants she didn't cover her hair she was
Starting point is 00:19:55 educated she was running for public office sounds like she was what I call a trendsetter uh her family accepted that she was a spinster at this point and for the most part left her alone wow i wonder like how many wonderful things you have to do for your family to just be used to the disappointment yeah just like pants again all right success left and right uh one day she was hanging out with her friends on their porch and when a local hindu astrologist approached them and asked her friend who she was he abruptly turned to my mom and asked how many kids do you have my mother was offended and hot my mother was offended and said are you crazy i'm not married and the astrologer just looked at her and said she would be very soon and that she was going to go overseas.
Starting point is 00:20:46 My mother again called him crazy, cussed him out and essentially told him to fuck off. A few weeks later, on March 15th, mom got a call from an aunt saying there was an emergency and she needed to come right away. Mom left her place looking like a hot mess, hopped on a bus and was sent on a wild goose chase around town that ended up at her uncle's house nobody was there except baba who was waiting for her on the porch what what nobody was there except baba who was waiting for her on the porch baba had been expecting to begin the trip back to the u.s that night but deferred it because one of his aunt's friends recommended he meet my mom oh i don't like that they called it an emergency and center on a as dj cupid i would let you know a love emergency is still an emergency okay all right all right red alert i'm pretty sure if like in another world you hadn't met blaze and i just ran into him i'd be like
Starting point is 00:21:41 christine get your ass here it's an emergency and then be like i'm an astrologer and i'd be like bullshit what are you talking about i'm cupid get over here i've got something to tell you um well let me see i've been expecting my mom they talked for hours while they waited for the people who lived there to show up and found that their lives had been strangely intertwined since childhood mom found out that baba was the kid from school. Her cousin was always telling stories about this. Of course, meant that she already knew some of my dad's most embarrassing moments growing up since my dad was bullied a lot. And she knew all of the mean nicknames.
Starting point is 00:22:17 I have them. And she still calls them. Yeah. Now I know all of the music. And now I use them every day uh i have a mental image of her saying so your silent fart stop empathy don't empathy me the pocket ninja i wasn't gonna out anyone until pocket ninja saidan just said it was okay. So anyway, by the way, can you imagine like this hot, like super badass public office and comes up to you in pants and is like, oh, you're silent.
Starting point is 00:22:54 I mean, I would literally fall on the floor and be like, just just marry me. Take me. Goodbye. I'd be like, take me away. They liked each other immediately for many reasons, namely that they uh had an impression of the other being trustworthy and honest and because after being with a cheater for so many years my mom loved that my dad was just an open book who wore his heart on his sleeve later that evening the ruse was revealed and the next morning my mom agreed to marry my dad wow oh my god it's love they were married on march 19th 1988 and are still going strong 32 years later they
Starting point is 00:23:26 have three kids a house in california and love animals and as a side note my mom inquired after the astrologer after the wedding took place and took baba to meet him she brought the seer a gift and apologized and he apparently had a great sense of humor about the whole situation thank you for reading my story i know it was long but it was condensed as much as I could. I hope you have a lovely Valentine's Day and get to spread a lot of your love and joy to your partners, friends, family, and pets. Lots of love and respect, Pocket Ninja.
Starting point is 00:23:54 Pocket Ninja, I would read a book, a book series about your family. This is beautiful. What a story. I like how the astrologer was like, yeah, I knew I was right, but thank you for your weird apology. Thanks for my present. I already knew this was like in the stars also like what a weird way to start is like
Starting point is 00:24:10 how many children do you have anyway you're about to get married tomorrow bye it's like wait truly but no like truly like what a weird way to enter the conversation if you already know something's gonna happen oh boy anyway okay so i have a story oh my god it's the shortest one i've ever seen on the show literally ever it's called it's from brianna and it's called my mom contact contacted me through y'all's show oh wait a minute this might be this might be a tea time tuesday person so i'm prepared for that in this writing because someone someone said something like this during a tea time Tuesday. And I was like, Oh my God,
Starting point is 00:24:46 please email us. I feel like I remember seeing that. Yeah. So maybe person, maybe not. They didn't mention it. I don't think, but maybe there's just,
Starting point is 00:24:53 maybe there's multiple moms coming through. Maybe there's a lot of ghosts listening to our show and being like, my fucking grandkids got to hear about this. But I love that. It's moms. I love that. It's like moms are like, Oh God.
Starting point is 00:25:04 Okay. I need to step in here there's a lot of problematic things happening um yes so this is from brianne it says hello eva and christine and all furry friends my mom and i are both huge fans of the show but sadly she passed on january 19th 2021 oh my god oh my gosh, like. That's eight days ago. Oh my gosh. When we were recording this. I am so sorry. Oh my gosh. My dear. Oh my gosh.
Starting point is 00:25:29 Goodness gracious. Okay. I'm. Okay. Wow. I'm sorry. Well, this episode is dedicated to your mom. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:37 Well, let's see what mom has to say first. Mom might be like, no, thank you. Unless mom comes to her Ouija board and says, never listen to this show again. We'll find out okay my mom and i are both huge fans of your show but sadly she passed january 19 2021 she wasn't a huge believer in ghosts but still enjoyed m's ghost stories nonetheless while listening to your newest episode on the 24th off my speaker in my kitchen the speaker started acting up almost like there was some sort of interference i disconnected my phone and tried again and i still got the same thing someone else's voice came over the speaker oh my god i'm freaking out i have like a goose cam right now i don't know if anyone can see
Starting point is 00:26:14 i can see it in high def oh my god uh wow shivers okay uh i disconnected my phone tried again and i still got the same thing someone else's voice came over the speaker and it said hey kid i'm okay and then went back to normal and started acting like nothing happened i can't help but think it was my mom telling me she was okay and she was enjoying y'all's show with me one last time thanks for reading this love you lots brianna what one last time so she's not even gonna hear this one where we're talking about her what are you oh she's gonna come back for this she's gonna come back mom wherever you are we're talking to you specifically i hope
Starting point is 00:26:55 you're doing okay oh my god oh my gosh that's so crazy i don't know what else to say that's and also that happened January 24th. That was three days ago. That was three days ago. That's spooky. Oh, I'm so happy that you got that experience. That's eerie, but it's very, very lovely. It's very lovely.
Starting point is 00:27:19 Love that it was probably while Em and I were talking about how Em interrupts me. And then it's like, mom's like, hang on. I'm going to interrupt both of them. Well, well they're one of their stupid tangents let me just take a moment to like say something with a little more uh meat to it what a story though that you heard an entire sentence come out of this i mean that's incredible yeah that's weird because usually you would think like oh i just heard like some weird little static or yeah but also um that's really nice that's beautiful well Brianna I'm so sorry so so sorry for your loss and thank you for still listening I mean the fact that you and your mom sound like a lovely duo the fact that that happened
Starting point is 00:27:58 three days ago and like you're still probably in like wild grief and you were like I've got it right and that's why we drink I mean i know thank you for including us in your story also oh my gosh please if you were looking for like a reason to go buy like the biggest carton of ice cream and like just snuggle under a blanket right now please go do that this is your sign yes this is your sign i wish someone would give me a sign like that sometimes so please just go like take a fucking break you deserve it thank you brianna wow uh okay well your turn a fact to follow but um here is uh story number four and it is this is also warming i think i'm hoping um because it at least is titled pets listeners stories oh god that makes me nervous but hopefully it could
Starting point is 00:28:45 be really really good though okay it could not i'm ruined i'm prepared i'm prepared um and this is from let's see i don't know if there's a name at the end of this one i don't know if that was on purpose or not but maybe someone doesn't want to be mentioned but uh this it says pets listener stories and it says uh hi eva and co my name okay is Shelly I was like em look at the first line but I was like em knows to do that I I like to scroll down to the bottom first because sometimes it'll say like anonymous and I'm like yeah yeah yeah because otherwise they'll say like my name is Shelly but please don't use my name in the in the Hi, Eva and Co.
Starting point is 00:29:25 My name is Shelly, and I use she, her pronouns. Thank you for normalizing pronouns. Thank you, Shelly. I wanted to tell the story about my little boss man, or boss for short. And let's crack into it. My boyfriend and I have just come home from the gym, and we saw a precious little sandy boy, which was his color, next to our gate. We pulled
Starting point is 00:29:49 into our garage, got out of the car, closed the car and garage doors and he was still there. No sudden movements we made. I crouched down and he came right up. I gave him a few pets and thought he would be on his way, but I was wrong wrong he followed us up the steps
Starting point is 00:30:07 into our home he rolled around sat on our laps purred and loved us okay i was like we don't know what animal this is okay it's a cat that's what i'm assuming and then his eyes turned red and he had fangs and bit us no i'm just kidding i was like wait what wait so it's a cat i think it's a cat okay i was like this could be a raccoon. This could be, I don't know what. I'm going to say it again. Could be Mothman. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:30:30 It couldn't though. Could. You don't know. You weren't there. I'm just saying. I also wasn't there. So it balances out. Purrden loved us.
Starting point is 00:30:40 We let him out an hour later as we didn't know whose cat this was. Okay, I was wrong. It was a Mothman. But we were very sad in doing it. Every night for two weeks after that, he would come in and hang out with us. But every night since day one, he would come in, chill on the couch, sleep in our bed, and act like he owned the place. Hence the name Mothman. After we let him out, he didn't leave.
Starting point is 00:31:03 He stayed on our porch and either slept or meowed on our porch until we let him back in oh when we let him outside at night our porch light would flicker the whole time and when he was in it was completely fine we thought he we had to change the bulb and i found myself rushing home on my lunch breaks just to see and feed him he was always waiting on the steps waiting to come in and snuggle he was always left out in the cold and rain always getting in fights and coming to me scratched up oh baby just let him inside oh my god baby i mean i get it that like there are a lot of like where i grew up like there was like a neighborhood animal where like you didn't want to necessarily well if there's an outdoor cat it's really hard to keep them indoors if they're already an outdoor cat when i first started this and thought it was a dog at first me too i i know
Starting point is 00:31:49 that there's like like where i grew up there was like our neighbors had a dog that was just like always going from house to house and you would pet and play with them and they would they would they would go home at night but like i mean it was just like it was just a dog that went around we were like we were like in like a cul-de-sac basically so like no one was coming it's not like it was like a busy street where like the dog could get hurt oh you mean the tiger that was tiger yeah for the weekend it was actually a tiger suit you could just unzip and the dog would come out it was just like a whole outfit oh that's um interesting but the but there was a dog that just walked around all the time and you just knew it was like i'm not gonna say the neighbor's the but there was a dog that just walked around all the time and
Starting point is 00:32:25 you just knew it was like i'm not gonna say the neighbor's name but you knew whose dog it was and you're just like oh yeah there's that dog so i i was thinking at first with this cat it was like maybe they didn't want to take the cat in because maybe it was a neighbor's cat that just kind of wandered during the day yeah i get it but at the same time i'd be like if this cat is hanging out during in the rain and the cold and scratched up as i'd be like, I would take it as a sign is like this. This is where they feel safest. But anyway, we grew a connection on the very first night and we would get visibly sad letting him out. And when we would let him in, he would do this little high pitched meowing that would show if he was very excited.
Starting point is 00:33:00 I came home after some errands on a weekend and he waited for us and he was scratched up his tail looked like something bit into it or got caught I couldn't stand the look of it we went out and bought everything to make sure he had his permanent home a few moments later I saw or a few months later I saw a psychic for the first time and she had known about boss without mention boss came into our lives on June 16th just a few days before my birthday and before the worst year of my life began as she picked this up uh oh i as she picked like boss up mentally i was like what as she picked boss up uh said your life took a turn but one to two weeks before this you had a cat come into your lives my guardian had manifested into a cat and came
Starting point is 00:33:48 to me as my protector he is always at my feet always excited to snuggle and rushes to the door to see me he knows his name and is totally sassy when I use my mom voice on him and with the eyes when I use my mom voice on him with the eyes and the little meow he does
Starting point is 00:34:04 he has made a full recovery and he is our little chunky boy when I use my mom voice on him with the eyes and the little meow he does. He has made a full recovery and he is our little chunky boy. He will go up to everyone that comes into our home and shower them with lap snuggles and love. We recently got him a little brother and they play, play, play, then sleep and back to it. I thank him for showing up and coming into our lives right when we needed him because he saved me from so much that I've dealt with this year. And'm sorry that this is long for reading but p.s last christmas i said i'll see you in person one day as everything was pushed uh my boyfriend made that come true
Starting point is 00:34:34 as my anniversary present this year and i'll be seeing you when the tour comes back yay enjoy some pictures of boss and benson can you bring boss yeah can the cat come can you just actually see him maybe boss can just have like his own chair that'd be really sweet oh maybe this thing can be on my lap during the show each of us will hold one of the cats yeah yeah yeah that is so sweet and i totally believe that pets do come into our lives for certain reasons i always forget the name but like an anima or an animus or something but it's supposed to be like one of your protectors coming down in animal form and and it would make sense too because like every time he was outside the lights would flicker
Starting point is 00:35:13 but then when he wasn't near the lights they would be fine it was almost like the lights flickered yeah it was uh oh i missed that how did i miss that where did i where i don't know why i missed that he sat on our porch and when we let him inside at night, our porch light would flicker the whole time. But when he was inside, it was completely fine. So we thought we had to change the bulb. So it's almost like his energy was absorbing the energy from the light bulb when he was around it. Yeah. Man.
Starting point is 00:35:41 That's super creepy. But cool. I can't believe that. And the psychic was like, oh, yeah, don't worry. I know all all about the cat it's like a cat just showed up literally two weeks ago uh it's it's a cool story this is our last story of uh the february listeners episodes but um the listener february listeners episode you said it right oh okay own it my brain my brain wasn't sure i'm like you said it right everyone's like no they didn't actually i've been doing a thing recently where i've been noticing i
Starting point is 00:36:10 don't know if a stutter or a stammer is the right thing but i'm like i'm repeating things that already like the word already got finished out of my mouth it's not like i only got halfway there and felt the need to correct it it's a medication it's a medication thing? I don't know. I don't know what that would be called. I've been noticing that I'll say like if I were to say my name is M. It's like Porky Pig. I'll be like my name is M. It's very weird. It does sound like Porky Pig. My name, my name, my name. That's all folks. Okay. I'll say that after this story when it actually is. I'm going to hang out. Can you tell me before you do it?
Starting point is 00:36:47 I'd like to be gone when that happens. Thank you. No, I need everyone to be involved. So this one is called, you're going to love it, Miss Allison. Miss Allison, Miss Christine. Yes! I'm going to text Al and say,
Starting point is 00:36:59 I'm taking over. I'm used to only talking to Miss Allison, but Miss Christine's in front of me. You're going to like this one zach bagans and and how my that's just the first half of this zach bagans and how my grandmother ended up as an exhibit in his haunted museum what is your grandma ptd also because if so we have a bone to pick with you can you imagine being fucking eva and like you read these stories and then just like keep it on the side and not even tell us about them oh yeah the eva's the thank god we didn't we asked in our interviews what is your zodiac sign speaking of
Starting point is 00:37:38 zodiac or like because and then when eva said pisces we were like we can work with that because if we had another gemini in the mix like like, they would be like, guess what? Don't tell Em or, like, don't say this. I would literally be in the group chapping. Like, I know you're supposed to act surprised when the episode comes out, but this is what this one's called. Yeah. Yeah. I want to tell all of them to you before you read them.
Starting point is 00:37:58 Act surprised. I just imagine Eva, like, has to call home or, like, talk to her cats about all the crazy stories. Just be like, guess what? Talk to her cats. Be like, guess what? Guess what is about to go down okay can you imagine being eva's neighbor and hearing like shadow guess who cracked the zodiac cipher i'm pretty sure she only has cats like what is she who is she talking to oh my gosh that's hysterical oh my i can't imagine yes zodiac cipher says and like little do they know it's real okay the fbi approved it so you can just calm down thank you okay well this is let me make sure that i can say their name this is from miranda who goes by she
Starting point is 00:38:38 her thank you for normalizing pronouns miranda and miranda says hi eva thank you for putting eva first because she deserves it always uh hi Eva and Christine Juniper Geo and Moonshine oh I love the podcast and have been listening for about a year now I love your listener stories episodes and I thought maybe given your Zach Bagans obsession cough Christine obsession how dare you more like uh hmm really intense one-sided love but yeah once it's i would call it a an unrequited fascination and interest that i really wish were requited can we put it that way nail on the head yeah love is a strong word i wouldn't go that far did you hear me nail on the nail on the head oh i didn't even notice weird so maybe i just don't even realize it
Starting point is 00:39:26 i certainly and i think you've always done that i think i have too and it's just i'm i'm sensing a little clarity i think i'm just noticing interesting because your medication i'm just aware of how fucking annoying i've always been um okay maybe you've read too many itunes reviews where people are like saying rude things about us. Everyone's like fucking Porky Pig and the Zach Bagans lover is all the way over here. Ouch, that's harsh even for you. My feelings. Okay. Given your Zach Bagans unrequited fascination something.
Starting point is 00:40:01 That I wish were required, yes. You might be interested in hearing about how i got a stop it now i'm angry i already know i'm mad and jealous about whatever it is you are i see your fucking face and i'm just laughing like that that like schadenfreude face of like and christine's gonna be pissed i can't see eva right now but she's laughing too um fuck you what does it say read it to me you might be interested in hearing put a stake in my heart go ahead you might be interested in hearing about how i got a personal call from zach bagans out of the blue actually i'm not interested so i'm gonna go and you can talk to m
Starting point is 00:40:40 just kidding i i will never stop thinking about this and i will never think of anything we're gonna do a little role play real quick okay pretend you're miranda okay ring ring ring ring ring ring oh i don't have phone anxiety because i'm amanda okay usually i would just silence my phone but okay uh hello this is miranda hello why are you laughing hello hang up click click stop calling me zach i told you to stop calling me this is an unrequited relationship i don't love you the way you love me oh christine oh sorry this is a role play that i imagine in my own head you really put yourself into the miranda zach uh couplet there it's called a love rhombus oh right my god okay
Starting point is 00:41:31 you may be interested in hearing about how i got a personal call from zach bagans out of the blue one day regarding an email i sent his museum about my late grandmother a supreme spooky lady l whose last name i shall not disclose for family privacy okay but we knew the name is l or maybe not maybe it's a double uh spelled like e l l e just the letter l oh okay just i think it's for family privacy but also we should get that other person with all the ciphers to help us out there here's a letter it's l can you tell us exactly what this means there's a cipher within a cipher. God, the FBI is going to lock us up.
Starting point is 00:42:07 I want to be like, OK, so their name starts with an L, but also that's like a one twenty sixth of a chance. Can you? That also means that Zach Bagans reads the emails. Fun fact. Or that he has a team who at least forwards him the interesting one. So we have a chance. If we make it interesting enough.
Starting point is 00:42:23 Maybe he has an Eva who's like, all right, you got to see this one. All of a sudden, we'll it interesting enough because maybe he has an eva who's like all right you gotta see this one all of a sudden we'll be everyone we know will be blocked on twitter the second an email gets on all of a sudden we won't have a twitter twitter will be like you and donald trump are no longer on this platform you've gone too far when i was about 17 i like many of us fancied myself a writer or a blogger. Oh, LOL. Live journal. Hello. Rice Pudding 9.
Starting point is 00:42:47 Zanga. Zanga. I kept my terrible online blogs that I now have no ability to delete because I cannot remember the passwords. It's the worst. All of our problems. Try like black butterfly glitter or something. I feel like.
Starting point is 00:43:00 Tell me you're a millennial without telling me you're a millennial. Yeah, I can't log into. I can't delete all the shame on the internet. Yeah. I stupidly wrote a post about my grandmother, Elle, with far too much personal info included for the internet. Am I about to find out that Zach Bagans read someone's fucking live journal? And well, that's probably why he actually blocks me.
Starting point is 00:43:22 Now it's making a lot more sense. There it is. Elle was always a fascinating mystery to me. I never got to meet her, but her stories were the stuff of family legend. That's how I'd like to go, by the way. I want my own grandchildren to not. I love that you and I both know we're not going to go that way. Our grandchildren are going to be like, God, they always wanted to be the stuff of legend.
Starting point is 00:43:42 They were obsessed with it, and yet they weren't. They were Gemini's the end. Everyone still talks about Elle when I see them at family events. She was the life of the party. Always a center of attention. Even now in death. She was raised in a very traditional Jewish family in Baltimore. With a prodigal piano player.
Starting point is 00:44:00 And incredible. Was a prodigal. Am I saying that right? I feel like I've said it too many times. Yeah, like a prodigy. Prodigal. It's one of those words I just said too many times. It doesn't feel real anymore.
Starting point is 00:44:10 She was raised in a very traditional Jewish family in Baltimore, was a prodigal piano player and incredible visual artist. She went to Juilliard for concert piano. Okay. And many other prestigious universities. But I'm honestly not sure how much of what i know about her is even true wow she really is like lore maybe that's what the l stands for um she is the mythical creature in my mind she was friends with muhammad ali this i have
Starting point is 00:44:39 photographic evidence of married multiple very wealthy jewish men my grandfather and her second husband who i affectionately have called uncle jay throughout my life she was always pulling off insane stunts that garnered the attention of everyone in her life or just strangers nearby she thrived as a center of attention she kidnapped my dad when he was about 10 years old jetted off to europe then egypt for months he had to be kidnapped back by the u.s government long story oh my god and then i was born and then when i was born she was just becoming so erratic and scary that i wasn't really allowed to know her oh my god it took a turn woof my parents didn't trust her and she was after all an egregious narcissist i should really write a book
Starting point is 00:45:22 of all the insane stories i've heard. Yes, you should. I will read it. Zach will too, apparently. I'll read it and then I'll tell Em all about it. Thank you. I appreciate it. If it has pictures, we're in good shape. Oh, that's true.
Starting point is 00:45:35 We should, or sorry, we knew she was very into various new age movements and practices, but didn't know what that all entailed. I mean, she did meet uncle Jay by reading his palm and declaring them soulmates. That's the show that I should have done with Alison. That would have been. You didn't need to do that with Alison.
Starting point is 00:45:55 You need to do that with your superhero, whatever obsession. The second that I meet an Avenger, I'm just going to look them in the eyes and be like, we're meant to be. And then they'll call security. No, you're going gonna touch their hand and you're gonna be like put in prison forever for a second i thought you said i'll i'll be put in and i was like that's right i'll be fucking melted on the ground yeah i will be i'll be quaking in my boots gross uh so okay met uncle
Starting point is 00:46:22 jay by reading his palm and declaring them soulmates he introduced her he introduced her to his parents that night after she told them this in their palm reading he is also a bit eccentric okay that's clear well yeah um so i stupidly wrote about her in this blog post all those years ago including that i am her only female descendant in the post which is still true whoa then about five years ago i started receiving all these strange emails and messages from people around the internet asking me about her ghost talking machines holy shit m we know who this is i just dropped my phone and my whole body erupted in like sweat pricks whoa and i are obsessed with this story has been trying to figure
Starting point is 00:47:08 remember we literally sat there and went i literally called the museum and they won't tell us any information about this this is like i tried to cover this after after christine's bachelorette party i have been trying to get more and more information and a few months later i said m i really wish you would cover that one and i was like trust me i've tried because i was like m i have a request and i was like trust me i fucking tried so i googled it thinking i could find anything you know little did we know we should have just checked live journal whoa okay i have full-blown goose camp me too i'm freaking out just like to be i'm completely using my platform here but if you could email us and tell us what that full story is i won't even report it if you don't want me to we won't even report it we've just wanted to i just have to
Starting point is 00:47:50 know because the only time i ever heard any information about it was on the tour and then i called back to get more information they were like oh we're only going to talk about it if you're on the tour but also on the tour you can't like take notes or anything so like i've only heard about it one time and i don't even remember all the details i just remember being so fucking chilled em and i got em and i got like like that was one of the few things from that museum that like haunts me that room that was and i remember being like waiting for em to cover it and being like that's gonna be my favorite episode and then i was like i can't i've tried wow no so we sometimes em and i bring it up because every time we talk about the museum we're like remember that one room that's that scary secret room this is it this is when i tell
Starting point is 00:48:28 you i am freaking out i like i don't know if you can see it again but like it's i also don't think eva knew that if eva did it you told her even didn't know this is real fucking weird for this to have happened but i think eva must have known for this to be the last story eva was with us on that trip no i know but i don't know if she knew like that we've tried to figure out this story for so long i'm this is so i've tried googling it and i was like i don't even know what to put in the search challenge okay well okay okay okay it makes sense now why they wouldn't give us information totally makes sense yeah okay so that is killing you know what's so crazy about that is like the the and that's why we drink part of it is that we went and that story was the one that chilled us.
Starting point is 00:49:08 And a descendant of that story listens to our show. That's so cool. I'm so scared. So cool. In a story where I said, I wonder if any more moms are going to come through and talk to us through the podcast. That is the,
Starting point is 00:49:20 that's like such an honor. I was like, wow. Like I am someone related to that story listen to our show whoa i'm like fan growing right now this is really bonk like em and i had one of those weird moments that's very rare where our eyes went like i don't know i don't even know how to describe it i didn't even finish the sentence okay hang on sorry wow okay i just freaked out okay also since you apparently can't delete
Starting point is 00:49:45 this because you don't know the password can you just send us the link so we can read your blog post please okay we won't say anything we won't say anything uh then about five years ago i started receiving all of the strange emails from people around the internet asking me about her ghost talking machines that they saw in the museum or just asking for more information on her life color me confused as someone who had never really taken much interest in the paranormal or known much about my grandmother's life spirit work i assume she meant she i assumed they meant they had questions about some artwork of hers in some museum but came to understand that l had machines she used to contact spirits and these devices that were now in the haunted museum in las vegas okay so okay
Starting point is 00:50:32 well now i feel bad that we like literally begged for you to tell us the story when apparently even you didn't know it and also and like we are the people who are now bothering you on live journal so sorry about that also like first of all you already gave us so much more information we would have ever gotten from the zach bagans museum that like they're uh like the hand reading with uncle jay and like palm reading um but okay so okay when i started getting these strange messages i reached out to the haunted museum in vegas once i realized so wait zach bagans himself tells you the fucking story is that what this is about to be i'm gonna scream okay this is the wildest shit ever if you still want to keep your family's privacy and not tell us that story can you please god at least tell us what the experience of talking to zach on a phone was like that is the other thing yeah you don't have to
Starting point is 00:51:20 tell us christine has her anxiety hood on right now now and i put my thumbs in the thumb holes i'm going back to my goth my pretend goth years my teenage self from hiding in my sweatshirt when i started getting these messages i reached out to the haunted museum in vegas once i realized their exhibit was uh where this was all stemming from when i sent the museum a general email telling them who i was and i was asking for more info on her exhibit items i got a personal email from zach with a phone number asking me to call him i pray to god that's his real phone number it's probably not it's probably the museum's number but still i for whatever reason was too spooked and didn't call him for years me neither i wouldn't have either i would have called instantaneously i know
Starting point is 00:52:00 you would have i would have just been like before. Before I fucking chicken out, I got to do it now. But about three months ago, this is so good. Oh my God, it's so new. I like just got chills again because I feel like the last time I went to LA for Halloween, you and I had another conversation about this fucking story, which was literally three months ago to the day almost. About three months ago when I was, of course, deep into your podcast and uncovered Zach Bagan as a gift for Christine. To me!
Starting point is 00:52:29 It made me recall that email sitting in my inbox. Oh my God, did I? Hang on. Hang on, this is getting really bananas. This is so meta. So wait, the story we've been obsessed with, we manifested this, Christine. You and I sat at a slumber party with ourselves only
Starting point is 00:52:43 and we're like, I remember that because you and I were watching quarantine, Zach Bagans quarantine. And we were like, I wish we knew about that fucking room. Oh, my God. We literally said at some point, I mean, we were obsessed with this storyline. And now someone who listens to our show, who happens to be related to that story, listened to us talking about zach bagans and full circle spoke to zach bagans because we reminded them and this whole story and so now we get the
Starting point is 00:53:12 story that we wanted okay i'm sorry i made it about me but i am overwhelmed um okay uh okay three months ago i m covered zach Baines as a gift for Christine. It made me recall that email sitting in my inbox at the bottom, collecting dust. I emailed Zach back finally, and almost immediately got a call from a Vegas number. I didn't know. I knew it must be him,
Starting point is 00:53:35 but I'm a high school art teacher and was in class. I answered anyway and told Zach I'd have to call him back. That's right. That is how you do it. How stupid. The man is busy and it took months to get another call. Oh my gosh. Today, Bagel Bites gave me a call back.
Starting point is 00:53:52 After a few texts back and forth. Shut up. Which means this may not be a company phone. This may be a real... Tell me he has like a Motorola or something. Do you have Zach Bagans' fucking phone number? Yes, we've determined this already dummy i i it's hard to believe can you get this number what does his memoji look like
Starting point is 00:54:12 because i imagine it looks ridiculous how many social media profiles did him being in your contacts connect you to and does he have secret ones we don't know about does he have a secret snapchat or something that you can only find as a friend of his now i gotta know now they're not gonna tell us anything we've ruined it today bagel bites called me back after a few texts back and forth over the months talking about how we would connect again soon but never quite got the chance he of course ignored my note in the email saying to call me anytime after three because i'd be teaching but i took a call sounds about right but i took his call anyway in the middle of my class because i didn't want to miss it and have to wait months longer to get any info turns out my grandmother was building spirit contacting equipment with the help of professional engineers writing her
Starting point is 00:54:54 own formulas for spirit intentions zach bagans at one point referred to them as spells okay and according to him uh she was doing work he had never seen before anywhere else he told me he bought a lot of her belongings on ebay and spoke to a realtor for the family who filled him in a little bit on what had happened she was found unrest yep this is the person yes oh i just got chills again oh my god the story scares me so much she was found unresponsive in her home surrounded by these machines when she died like truly surrounded like there are in the museum there's and the scary thing about the exhibit is like they set it up with a mannequin to look like when she died it's like so chilling i also have like like black and white like crime scene photos of like her literally surrounded by equipment and when i say surrounded i mean like like in a circle around her while she's on the carpet or in the in a chair or
Starting point is 00:55:49 something like it was like on a couch yeah it was like it was like oh it wasn't like she was in an office it was like the mannequin is seared into my brain forever like i was so freaked out also to find out that your grandma is like on exhibit as a mannequin like that must be pretty tough also because they make that whole room so like not necessarily interactive but like they put they have like speakers in the corners that make it like on display they have speakers in the corners playing what the sounds of those equipment sounded like so you can oh it was so you feel like you're walking in on her like dead in her room while the equipment is going off and you can hear all the the signals and the the static
Starting point is 00:56:25 and everything it's so scary it's real eerie she okay um she was found unresponsive in her home surrounded by these machines and she died i remember this incident from my childhood my parents had to take me to a friend's house to stay the night while they rushed off to baltimore we're still not sure what killed her. When my parents went to her house, they found hexes plastered all over her windows, crazy ingredients for various potions she'd concocted and all manner of other paranormal paraphernalia. Zach Bagans mentioned that she had many books on the occult,
Starting point is 00:56:59 even a satanic Bible and had personal journals detailing her own work that mentioned that she had quote been to the seventh hell. Oh, whatever that meant. He believes that she was working on some really dark stuff and may have been summoning demons. He mentioned many other researchers. Do you hear these fucking neighbors of mine?
Starting point is 00:57:20 Is that what that is? Cause I was like, it's the demons. No. Yeah. His name's Trey songs. Are you kidding me? And every time we call them and ask what's like we'll call them and be like hey you're being loud what are you doing up there they say mopping get over here okay you're mopping with the wrong end of the mop you're mopping with a couch um uh okay let me okay let me just say
Starting point is 00:57:43 that again then because i need a process zach bagans mentioned that she had many books on the occult even a satanic bible and had personal journals detailing her own work that mentioned she had been to the seventh hell he believes she was working on some really dark stuff and may have been summoning demons he mentioned many other researchers who had worked with similar concepts but mysteriously each of those people or couples he'd mentioned had died, either murders or suicides. With all that in mind, I'm content to let this ghost lie for now. Zach mentioned potentially creating a documentary or movie about her,
Starting point is 00:58:17 but I told him I'd have to hear more and talk about it with my family first. I know this was a hella long listener story, but I knew I had to share it as soon as I heard Zach's voice on the phone that day. That you thought of us, aw. I love your podcast, Don't Ever Stop. Thank you for your friendship and how you include us, your listeners in it.
Starting point is 00:58:36 Yours in ghostly goodness, Miranda. Miranda, you have a legacy. Talk about a ghostly good. I am beside myself. This was written from beyond. I think when Em said the machines, I feel like my body collapsed in on itself. We talk about this. Like, I think about this pretty regularly.
Starting point is 00:58:58 Like, at least once a month, I think about that exhibit. It's almost like it scared me so bad. Your relative shoved Zach Bagans into your face and was like em and christine care about this one oh my gosh that's so wild that's also i'm so sorry we made that so long like miranda's like oh sorry that was so long i'm like no no we're sorry that was so long but it sounds like miranda didn't know that that we know no i don't think we've ever talked about it on the show i think miranda's mind is gonna be blown when you realize how important we've been looking for you we've been we've no we've literally been like how in looking i thought we gave up because m was like i literally called
Starting point is 00:59:36 the museum and they were like no which is like we thought that was the end of the road because how else are you supposed to figure it out did you whisper to him on the phone that like there's a podcast that talks about him did you accidentally call him bagel bites oh my god oh is that why we've been like blocked by the ftc on every single wow okay what a story to end on thank you miranda i don't think you realize what you did there um well you do now and you probably regret it so i apologize that we've just put you on blast like that but i you really you really hit a hit a nerve there i think wow okay i'm so sorry about this by the way these fucking they're mopping i don't hear anything m i didn't know you're talking to me i don't hear anything oh good okay phew because they're really pissed me off well uh what a great way to end this with
Starting point is 01:00:23 that story um thank you for all of your story submissions and you will see another one from us in march we put one out on the first of every month so you can submit your stories through our website and that's where you we have a submission form for you to send all of your personal true crime and paranormal stories also is it too early for us to announce a live show i i don't know i don't know no let's just say it we're doing a live show yay yay okay we'll get more information soon i guess but we are doing a live show we are doing a live show and it's february 26th so basically if you lasted all the way to the end you get a special surprise which is more of us in the next we'll we'll talk about it in future episodes to
Starting point is 01:01:02 catch you up but if you are listening we are doing another live show that will also be listener stories. Virtual live show, to be clear. Virtual live show, yes. As much as we've begged the universe. Anyway, we'll give you more information on that when we can. But thank you so much for listening. And we appreciate you. And happy February.
Starting point is 01:01:20 We're already a 12th done with 2021. Oh, fuck. Okay. Well, thanks. Thanks. I'm signing off. It's the broad broadcasting and DJ Cupid. And that's why we drink.

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