And That's Why We Drink - Listener Stories: Vol. 55

Episode Date: May 1, 2021

We're back with some traditional (and extremely creepy) listener ghost stories this month, boozers and shakers! Tune in to Listener Stories: Vol. 55 for a terrifying paranormal tunnel, some wild sympt...oms of exorcisms and to top it all off a ghost that's just super disappointed in you, potentially for playing hoop and stick. Christine also shares a terrifying tale of her own involving lightning and a ghost that traveled with her to a condo... and that's why we drink! Please consider supporting the companies that support us! Check out all the amazing shoes, bags and masks available right now at podcast is sponsored by BetterHelp and And That’s Why We Drink listeners get 10% off their first month at to and use code drink12 for 12 free meals, including free shipping!Explore your creativity at and get a free trial of Premium Membership!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello and welcome to our May listener episode. It's only one month away from our birthday month and I know you all are gearing up for a special birthday extravaganza that you're all planning for us. Yeah, yeah, big fat party one for for me, one for Christy, and then one afterwards on the 5th so we can have a collective And then a big combo party. Yes. And we're expecting something grand from you all. It's my 30th, by the way, Amethy. So, you know, it's a big one.
Starting point is 00:00:36 That's big for you. I forgot. I know you forgot, but I'm telling you now. Ooh. That was. I'm old. Ooh. I didn't like that. That's okay. at least it's not me next year there's
Starting point is 00:00:48 gonna be tears there's gonna be tears well I'm very glad that I my COVID because a lot of my friends had their COVID birthday be their 30th and I felt kind of bad because they were home alone so at least my 29th was you know in the COVID pandemic and now 30 at least I'll be able to like go leave the house you know hopefully fingers crossed yeah although it is it is wild like one day if my kids are like what what did you do when you were 28 I'd be like literally by all of being 28 I was inside honestly they'll never ask because that's all they'll hear about from us like they're never gonna ask what we did in 2020 like they're to know because it's all we're going to complain about. The last time my mom saw me was like for my 27th birthday.
Starting point is 00:01:28 Oh my God. So she's been properly screaming at me to like go visit as soon as I'm all vaccinated, which hasn't happened yet. So also I do want to, before I forget, sorry to disrupt the fact that it's our birthday and we're about to not stop screaming about it. So appreciate this moment. But if you are listening to this on the day this comes out, May 1st, there are still five days left for us in the webbies. So please go do that.
Starting point is 00:01:55 This is like such a big deal. And I am itching to see if we get if we win. So, yeah, it would be it would be splendid. uh if we get if we win so yeah it would be it would be splendid so if you have a minute go to slash atwwd vote it's really easy um and then you just have to confirm your email afterward and the vote is in so we really appreciate if you could uh help i appreciate if you keep us at 69 which we've been steady i think our listeners have like caught on that that's the new plan and we've been steady at 69 for a while now. So I appreciate that. I think everyone's getting like their significant others to vote just to keep us at that number. Just got to keep us even please. That's all I
Starting point is 00:02:34 ask for. So yeah, but I mean, Eva, so last month, we did our Terry carnation episode the month before was like Mothman, like slam poetry centric. so this it feels like we forever since we've done one of these and eva said she's haunted now because the story she picked were just you know she just picked like the best one she could find and they were all apparently creepy stuff so i guess after not having to read scary stories for two months they really uh you get confident all of a sudden yeah i feel like you start having night terrors or something you're not used to it anymore so according to eva who's a ringing endorsement for how scary these are because she has to read them at night alone in her house yeah
Starting point is 00:03:16 she said she feels haunted now if that's any indication of how this is gonna go she said she's haunted um and she said anyone can start and i think for posterity's sake you should begin since you usually do okay keep it you know back to our roots i i appreciate i love a good root so i love when i'm your shadow it makes life easier on me the pressure is off you know okay yeah look be my shadow i'm peter pan here we're gonna i'm gonna stitch our little toes together later. You're trying to lose me. Oh wait, am I trying to lose you?
Starting point is 00:03:48 I forget how Peter Pan goes. I think we lost each other and then we were rekindled. Oh no, the, yeah, the shadow's trying to get away from me. Oh, that sounds about right. Okay, I'll see you later. Checks out. Okay, so this is from, this is from Leah who goes, who's a she, her pronouns.
Starting point is 00:04:03 Thank you for normalizing pronouns. And the subject line is the story of me being haunted for most of my life. This is from Leah, who's a she, her pronouns. Thank you for normalizing pronouns. And the subject line is the story of me being haunted for most of my life. Cute. Excellent. This says, hey there, Christine M and friends. I've been looving your show. I've been loving your show for a while now.
Starting point is 00:04:27 And it for sure gave me life since the pandemic started. I've been wanting to write in for a while, but honestly, I really didn't know where to start about my whole experience with ghosts. So I'll be sharing my ghost attachment from childhood into adulthood. Yikes. So sorry in advance. This is a long one, but I want to make sure I don't miss anything. When I was a young child, i would hear voices in other rooms my mom worked from home a lot and yes sometimes she would be on the phone in the other room however there's a difference from a phone conversation and a whole group of people laughing and carrying on not nowadays because we're on zoom most of the time
Starting point is 00:04:59 but back then yes that you know excellent point from now on when i think there's a party in the other room it could just be a Zoom party without me. Allison's in a meeting. Yeah. Don't worry about it. But back then, that was not really a thing. So...
Starting point is 00:05:12 Can confirm. Yikes. My parents would blame it on neighbors possibly talking or a radio outside, and they blamed it on my imagination. Can you imagine blaming actual noise on your imagination? Also, like, the radio. It's both your imagination and the radio working in tandem right it's just you thinking really hard until the radio just blurted
Starting point is 00:05:32 on well thinking back at it now it doesn't seem that way when i was in the fifth grade our house was struck by lightning and burnt to the ground oh god wow that took a turn that's when it became more active i believe whatever was in our home followed us. We stayed in a condo while our house was rebuilt and things started to be more apparent. Wait, this happened to me. Come again? This is like the same story. When I was in, I think it was eighth grade, though, our house burned down because it got
Starting point is 00:05:58 struck by lightning and it was super haunted and we had to live in a condo for a while and that condo was haunted af and i was pretty sure whatever ghost mr uh what's his name again i haven't talked about him a long time at my dad's house um mr chatfield like followed us to the condo so this is very familiar to me anyway four years of a friendship i never knew your condo your house burned down by lightning that sounds like oh i didn't i feel like it's something i talk about a lot so i try to shut up about it because i feel like it's kind of all i talk about but um that's like okay seconds ago before we started recording christine was like i didn't know you like outlet malls and i was like i no i didn't say that i said i didn't know you like spending a
Starting point is 00:06:36 whole day shopping that's what i said i like out of course i can i can i i know that that is something that you would appreciate but fun fact I love a good shopping spree. I love a good shopping spree. If any of my friends were like, hey, I need to go get some pants, I'd be like, it's about Well, what the hell? We never went shopping together. I don't know. I think because-
Starting point is 00:06:55 Maybe it's because we were broke as hell. That might be it. But also, I feel the same way that you feel about your lightning house story, where I'm like, I never shut up about it to most people. So I guess with you, I just tried to keep it quiet. Or maybe we just thought we assumed the other knew it already. You know, I feel like that happens a lot where I'm like, oh, well, you knew that. So I never told you.
Starting point is 00:07:13 But I guess you knew my house got caught by lightning. It was actually pretty wild because I was I was I thought I've told the story. But how did you get out of the house? So it was like really wild. I swear to God, it was like some sort of divine intervention. So I wasn't... So every week I had to spend two nights a week with my dad, like spend the night, two nights a week.
Starting point is 00:07:35 And I was never allowed to like go do stuff that day because it was like my dad's day. And I just like begged him to let me go to Renee's house. And I begged my stepmom and they were like absolutely not like literally had never let me go stay somewhere but I was for whatever reason I was like you don't understand I need to not be here tonight and I pitched such a fit like I don't know it wasn't something that I'd ever done before but I pitched such a fit that finally they gave up and they were like whatever and they were so pissed at me and like basically kicked me out
Starting point is 00:08:03 we're like fine go to Renee's house see if we care so I went to Renee's house and I was like oh my god they're gonna kill me tomorrow but whatever and then the next morning my son was like I'm picking you up at 8 a.m on a Saturday as like punishment I guess and so I was like so it you know the next morning I woke up at like 11 a.m and I was like oh my god they forgot to pick me up this is amazing cereal and like I don't have to go like sit and get yelled at by my dad so I was like oh my god they forgot to pick me up this is amazing we can eat cereal and like I don't have to go like sit and get yelled at by my dad so I was like so happy and then a few hours later I was like okay now I'm actually like think they left me and finally my stepmom calls and she's there's like all this ruckus and she's like did you hear and I was like hear what she's like we had a huge
Starting point is 00:08:38 fire last night and I was like what and it turns out my room had completely burned like to the ground. And firefighters came and like talked to us. And I don't know, fire safety. I don't know what. But they came and talked to me and they were like, yeah, you would have died of smoke inhalation within like minutes. And I was like, oh, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool. And the whole second story of our house just burned to a crisp. So I just happened to be out of there that day. Thank God.
Starting point is 00:09:04 So my room was bye-bye. And we lived in a condo for a while jeez anyway it was pretty wild um it was pretty it was the only night ever in my life that my dad and stepmom let me stay somewhere else so totally crap maybe oh my god okay well anyway sorry to like totally derail leah but uh we just had two listener stories in one i guess it's just we have a similar experience in that regard and i always felt bad that mr chatfield because of my bedroom was the room he died in and i was like oh god he probably didn't like that it burned down if anything i would say that he sensed something was going to happen in his room and he got you out of there he was a very nice ghost yeah he's
Starting point is 00:09:43 a very gentle ghost maybe that's true he found my retainer that one time look he's really looking out for you and ever if he were still around today he'd be helping you find your social security card on the ground in a bar well maybe that's what he did maybe he sent you my guardian angel to go pick it up off the sticky floor i'm just the live walking mr chatfield so pick up all the things you drop out of your purse in public okay let's try this again with leah so leah was saying that there's a her parents used to blame a lot of noises all over the house for you know one thing or another but never ghosts and then when she was uh and then
Starting point is 00:10:16 she realized that things started getting worse and they moved to their condo after their house caught on fire a la christine um okay when we we stayed in a condo for a while when our house was being rebuilt and things started to feel more apparent i would be in front of a mirror getting ready for school and i would see a dark figure out the corner of my eye constantly one day when i was home alone i saw a dark figure sprint down the hall uh-uh absolute sprint no uh that means it can absolutely catch up to me because i'm not gonna no one else is sprinting in this house after things started escalating to see uh after things started escalating to seeing figures i yelled out for whatever it was to leave me alone i guess it worked for the time being because nothing happened for a while until we moved back to our old house
Starting point is 00:11:02 one night i was falling asleep and i felt a presence next to me i opened my eyes and i saw a large hand of a man right over my face okay that's immediately i screamed and my large folding fan wall piece flew off the wall about five feet to my left hitting my desk oh no my dad blamed it on being my own on it being my own hand despite are you sure you weren't holding your own hand over your face oh my god despite me telling him it was a band's hand like okay sure but how do you explain something nailed to a wall being flung across the room can you imagine that is some shit i would do though wake up and be like there's a hand and blaze you're literally holding your hand to be fair i have i have freaked myself out with my own hand before because sometimes i sleep like this like oh yeah then you wake up with
Starting point is 00:11:53 it yeah yeah and then i'm like um okay so maybe dad was right in some regard not for you leah but for us my dad would have been correct yeah well that's when my worst nightmares started happening okay yikes i think one of the scariest times i was dead ass asleep and i dreamed something had come into my room in the dream this dark figure with no face came over and turned my lamp on and i was that means he knows technology i don't like that he has like an awareness technology of lamps yeah the really advanced technology they know how something works usually i like to think that they just kind of are floating there and unaware of things but if something's gonna walk over and turn on your lamp it's like it has intentions it has intentions yes
Starting point is 00:12:39 that's frightening uh okay so i was dead ass asleep i dreamed something came into my room in my dream this dark figure with no face came over and turned my lamp on and was looking at me and made me get up and look in the mirror with it behind me oh no that is intentional if i've ever heard it when i tried to wake myself up i realized i had sleep paralysis oh this always has happened since i was a child and i was trying to get out of it when i finally woke up i realized that my lamp had been turned on beside my bed and i nearly wet myself yeah this is when i learned when you tell other people your experiences they think you're nutso so i kept this between my best friend and myself i threw out the rest of my time growing
Starting point is 00:13:22 up in that house all through the all throughout the rest of the time growing up in that house. All throughout the rest of the time. I was like, I would throw out the rest of my time there too. Toss it in the trash. All throughout the rest of my time growing up in that house, I was constantly afraid of doing my makeup and mirrors because I was afraid of whatever it was. Fast forward to when I graduated and moved out. I moved into my new apartment,
Starting point is 00:13:42 and that's when I was able to see a full-grown man instead of a dark body apparition. He was tall and angry and had a large top hat oh oh it's a hat man it's always a hat man it's a hat man his new hobbies included banging our cabinets open and shut when i was trying to sleep and waiting at the end of the staircase when i started climbing the stairs to my room why would you do such a thing? Can you imagine like you're hanging out in your living room and you keep wanting to go upstairs to go to bed, but the creepy hat man is waiting at the bottom of the steps to like, so you have to pass it to go to your room.
Starting point is 00:14:15 Is he waiting at the top or the bottom? He's waiting at the bottom. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. That's bad. Also, is your window open? My window? No. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:27 Why is your curtain moving? Oh, because the vent is diagonal don't worry god i was like there's movement in the background no it's it exactly hits where the fan is blowing it's like weirdly started suddenly swaying oh god before i before i learned like how like this apartment works and i was learning all the sounds and stuff i would see that thing move all the time and piss my pants it's not good uh let me double check that i said that right too his new hobbies include banging our cabinets and waiting at the end of the staircase when i started climbing the stairs to my room but i think that she means like at the end like at the top like waiting for you to which is even worse because halfway up you're kind of like oh my god i have to either turn around stairs and now you're and this thing sprints you're in trouble
Starting point is 00:15:09 um i moved on with it and tried to put it out of my mind and block it for a while until my roommates had one of our family meetings there were four of us living there at the time and they brought up the fact that weird things had been happening to them one particular roommate said he didn't believe in ghosts but told me he'd been seeing a black figure in his mirror and hearing noises and footsteps downstairs at night when we either weren't home or upstairs in bed the other two said that they had been noticing the weird mirror thing as well but not but had not seen an apparition just felt like someone was staring at them while they were getting ready typically in the hallway thanks this was when i was like oh damn this is very
Starting point is 00:15:50 much real and i and i brought and i brought this ghost with me from my childhood home one day i was think of like the vacation your parents had though of like oh yeah why are you sleeping so well nowadays yeah one day i was talking with some co-workers about my haunted apartment and one of them said he could help uh everyone thought this guy at work was a bit odd because he bragged about collecting ghosts and was practicing being a medium zach collecting them collecting ghosts that's very zach um but honestly i was like whatever helps the situation i'm all in so when he came over that week the first thing out of his mouth was oh my god i definitely feel a presence here and it's very unhappy oh my god how much do you want for this ghost i'm adding it to my collection i gotta
Starting point is 00:16:34 have him i choose you uh he brought me a candle and some sort of broom with him and made me sit with him in my room where the ghost man mainly messed with me. He told me to hold a picture of it in my head and close my eyes as he lit the candle. He went around the house in a sweeping motion and covered every inch of the house and returned back to me. He told me that what that candle finished burning would go with him and leave us alone. I realized almost immediately after the candle was completely burnt out later that day that i almost felt lighter as a person i waited a week or so and
Starting point is 00:17:10 talked with my roommates and they all agreed that nothing strange had happened since he'd come over and done that ritual i'm forever grateful that for that awesome thing he did for us and it really means the world that i haven't had to deal with that negative presence since then again sorry this was so long but i wanted to share the full story. Thank you. That's why I drink. That's why I drink as well. Holy cannoli.
Starting point is 00:17:31 Hatman stuff freaks me out. Yeah. Yeah. I'm not about that. No, me neither. It reminds me also when like she had that dream where the lamp turned on and then she woke up and the lamp was really on. Deirdre used to have dreams like that where she had some sort of sleep paralysis and she thought she was either she was having sleep
Starting point is 00:17:47 paralysis and her eyes were open and she was seeing all this or she was like dreaming she was seeing what was actually going on while she was unconscious and she would feel something really evil in her room and see her own like doorknob rattling and then it would like bust open and she would feel someone walk in and stare at her while she was sleeping. And when she'd wake up, the door was open. Yeah, I don't like that at all. Because it's almost like, see, you thought it was a dream, but. You thought you were safe. It's like a horror movie.
Starting point is 00:18:14 Anyway, thank you, Leah. And also, sorry, Leah. And also, no, thank you. All right. All right. This next one is from Jazwill. Oh, that's a nice name. That's a super cool name. Jazwill Grace, who uses she, her pronouns. Thank you. So let's see. This is called perhaps dark entities can be inherited. That's not good news.
Starting point is 00:18:37 Good night. That's not good news. I just discovered your podcast and I really, really love to contribute one of the many stories I have experienced. It has been a wonder why I have experienced a lot of the things a normal person shouldn't experience. I either have a very imaginative mind to experience these occurrences or perhaps this is an innate gift inherited from my mother's genes. Is that possible? Maybe. Let me tell you of a story of a creature I've encountered. This encounter started when I was a kid. I remembered I was eight when I finally moved into my own room from my parents' bedroom. As a kid, I finally felt the
Starting point is 00:19:09 sense of independence and took pride to prove that I'm finally mature. But this is where I met the monster that has haunted me for many years. It was perhaps my first week in my own room when I first realized that perhaps I'm not alone. In the darkness, I saw a a dark hairy figure staring at me it has been like this for several nights i am unable to sleep sometimes i see him peering outside the window on bad days i can see him at the edge of my bed just standing there staring and waiting but as i grew older i see this dark figure less and less but at that time i could actually sense an ominous feeling prior to actually seeing the figure the feeling was like all air was gone and i could feel heaviness in my body and boom the bastard is there you can say i can preempt it
Starting point is 00:19:51 ew like it was almost like that alien thing you're terrified of if you're thinking about it it'll show yes oh and i and i like how on bad days it would come inside just to make matters really just to stand like really close to the bed like i'll look at your window on good days but when you're really when you're not feeling it i'm gonna be up on your bed so i think what you meant was like when it was extra bad it was actually that close like i think she meant it was bad because the day was bad but it could be either way like oh you got you got a d in english well guess what i'm gonna do make it worse? I guess in theory it was like, which came first? Because if it's on your bed, you are going to have a worse day. I think that's kind of what she meant.
Starting point is 00:20:30 But I mean, either way, I think it would work and makes total sense. Either way. On a bad day, it would stand next to my bed. I thought it could like sense like, uh-oh, it's Monday. The Monday blues. Not another Monday. Just a case of the mondays i'll pop up on your pillow just your hairy friend is here oh man years passed and i'm already a college student one day my mom out of the blue tells me and my sister her stories from when she
Starting point is 00:20:58 was a teenager she told me of her wild adventures and of course some ghost stories it was then that she told us that when she was young she was haunted by this dark figure she met when she went to my grandpa's farm in the province the quack doctor albulario as we call it here in the philippines albulario i hope i'm saying that right said that a capre has attached itself to my mom there were ritual rituals done to protect her from the creature and for some time she was not able to see this figure the figure she described was the same figure i had met when i was eight years old the creepy part was i asked when was the last time she saw the figure her reply the last time i saw the figure was at the edge of my hospital bed when i got out from the surgery
Starting point is 00:21:42 she had had a c-section operation when i gave birth to you first of all it watched your birth and then it attached to you like the next generation this is a bad day because you're having a surgery and i'm gonna stand directly over your bed you're in labor that's like a real rough day like i'm for sure gonna be there rsvp yes oh my god that's a horrifying the last time i saw it was at the first of all that's the worst place to see it as you kind of said but so then the last time you ever see it is at the second your child comes onto the earth oh no the last time the last time you saw it was the first time i saw your kid and said i've moved on to better things i wonder if the newborn saw it like saw it was the first time I saw your kid and said, I've moved on to better things. I wonder if the newborn saw it, like saw it at the edge of the bed.
Starting point is 00:22:27 Imagine how. Are you my mommy? It's like that Dr. Seuss book, Are You My Mother? Yes. And just like looking at like a bulldozer and a dog and everything. And now also like this weird cop ray movie. Are you my mother? Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:22:42 So she says, creepy, right? Yes. are you my mother oh no um so she says creepy right yes after my mom told her story my sister came to me and confessed that she too had had similar experiences with what my mom had experienced my mom's stories and my sister's confession proved that i was not a crazy kid turned adult p.s in the philippines there are multiple accounts of women experiencing these creatures getting attached to them to the point they are sexually assaulted oh my god no but i've never heard an account in which this creature is passed on to another generation oh i have a goose cam i hate that hope you like my story i've told these a hundred times and hope i can hear this on your podcast i'm team milkshake m should try the ube slash taro or
Starting point is 00:23:21 avocado milkshake it's the bomb i'll try ube but i'm not trying um avocado that i've had an avocado smoothie and that was already pretty gross i don't want you wouldn't i don't think you'd like ube either then oh really why i don't know consistency it's just a similar kind of different like it's a different i don't know i i love i loved it koreatown so that's kind of i ate ube ice cream all the time but i just in my head it's not something you'd be super into but maybe it is maybe i'm i don't know you like outlet malls maybe you love ube i don't know i'm just like a basic bitch at the end of the day i just want to go to the outlets and shop and have some ube
Starting point is 00:23:56 so i'm like i want like every topping ever and you're like i just want a vanilla milkshake can you like not make it complicated i i i'll i'll try it but here's the thing the way i like to try things is usually i hope other people order and i take a bite you to taste it and make a face and yeah yeah um i do like taro i had a taro uh bubble tea the other day one of the best things i've ever drank drunk drunk in my life oh what is what is taro um it's i think it's a root uh let me google it to make sure yes it's a starchy root vegetable listen i don't know why it's so good but it was speaking of starchy roots i recently fell in love with jicama like oh really like to an like to a point
Starting point is 00:24:41 where like i think allison's where i'm eating like a jicama a day. Like I. Oh my God. How do you eat it? Like what? How do you make it? How do you prepare it? So I've been having fun with it. So I'm so glad you asked.
Starting point is 00:24:54 It's so fun. So cute. So, okay. So, well, I usually I'm just just doing it because I like fell in love with it. I'm like, like fruit, fruit carts out here and they always have it. And I usually, usually for a fruit cart, I would just get, like, watermelon and mango or, like, pineapple, and that's it. I don't get, like, the whole shebang. But then one of them threw in jicama one day, and I was like, oh, this is something I can fuck with. And I hadn't had it since my ISS days because Renee used to eat jicama all the time.
Starting point is 00:25:23 And so I remember eating it then being like, this is really good. But then I forgot what it was called and I never touched it again. And then I saw it on the fruit carts and I was like, okay, this is going to be my new thing. So I have now been getting a lot of jicama since our apartment. And I've been doing like-
Starting point is 00:25:36 It's very healthy, I think. It's very good. The way that Renee used to describe it to me was, if you like the feeling of raw potato in your mouth, but it tastes like a sugar snap pea, you'll like jicama. Uh-huh. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:46 Actually, that's so excellent, Renee. What a comparison. It's perfect. It's perfect. And so I've been cutting them up like french fry size because that's like what I saw in the fruit cart. But I recently peeled one and then just like ate it like a bowl. Wow.
Starting point is 00:26:01 You're really into it, huh? I just wanted to see what it would be like. And it was beyond excellent. Are you one of those weird people that eats a tomato like an apple yeah of course oh i thought so yeah i can't deal with that that was my that was actually like just eating like a raw tomato was my go-to snack all through school i mean i loved it like i will slice up an entire tomato put salt on and eat it but i can't fathom eating it like why it's less i don't know because i've never i mean i cut up the whole like i eat the whole tomato but i just the thought of biting into it something is so weird like i've never it's like when people eat a kiwi without
Starting point is 00:26:36 appealing it and i'm like you eat the furry part like that's that's trash that's trash but no that's how most countries do it like we're we're the weirdos, apparently. Whatever. I'm happy to be a weirdo in that case. But no, I mean, the only difference is, like, the shape you're eating it in. I know. Like, logically, I know that doesn't make sense. It's just, like, mentally, there's a block there for me.
Starting point is 00:27:00 I just, I don't know. But I love tomato. Tomato with salt is my jam. Anyway, this is so not what anybody came here for I'm so sorry guess what fruit and vegetable I like to eat oh my god I'm so boring I'm so sorry everyone okay it's not you it's here it's I just talked about jicama like it was no one's business um so here we go uh this is from sharon uh and sharon uses well we don't know sharon's pronouns uh-oh uh they it says let's call me sharon so i'm thinking this is also let's call me
Starting point is 00:27:36 sharon i'm thinking they're anonymous so and it also it starts with just hello lemon okay this is this is a chap i can get behind i think actually since it's anonymous i'm pretty sure this is lemon i'm pretty sure lemon didn't know how to create a fake pseudonym and it was just like this is me sharon okay hi sharon so it says hello lemon i'm a night shift patrol officer for a scientific company i don't want to disclose any personal information information because i could get fired for releasing it oh okay one night i was doing surveillance around the grounds and i see a hovering ball of light that came out of nowhere i watched in awe unblinking it took my breath away i'm gonna assume you're at area 51 i know
Starting point is 00:28:20 that's probably not true but i'm just for my for my own imagination, I want this to be Area 51. We're building out a world for you, Sharon. It was a dull yellow light hovering four feet off the ground above a road. The light starts to expand to about three feet. As I came out of my trance of surprise, I took my night vision binoculars and looked closer at it the dull yellow light turned into a three-dimensional tunnel hovering above the ground and i could see a light shining through from within the opening wormhole wormhole that's a wormhole you just did that episode god damn it it's all the synchronicities really freak me out it is really uh i could see a light shining through from within the opening. So there was another end.
Starting point is 00:29:05 Yeah. On the other side of the opening was the normal background, and I could see what was supposed to be behind this floating tunnel. Slowly, a humanoid-looking creature crept out on its elbows. From the tunnel. Good night and goodbye, cruel world world i am exiting this mortal plane i'm not interested in being here anymore goodbye if you're exiting the mortal uh world i have a suggestion you could take the tunnel up crawling out on my elbow via elbow crawling off this mortal coil on
Starting point is 00:29:40 my elbows i'll see you next time goodbye a large around eight foot tall black creature no no no no a head no neck a torso arms and legs and obviously elbows we can't forget the elbows just elbows no other joints just two elbows the creature grabbed the edges of the tunnel and pulled itself through it stepped onto the ground stood up and ran into the dark night after the after the creatures disappeared the tunnel got smaller and smaller collapsing in on itself and then faded away i stood there for at least five minutes after the portal had disappeared trying to comprehend what just happened i haven't seen this creature since whoa okay sharon this is like when a spider gets loose in your room and you don't see it anymore and you're like now it's
Starting point is 00:30:31 gonna like be here somewhere near me that's what i would feel like if i never saw the creature exit the mortal coil i'd be like oh no those elbows are coming for me i think i sure would like to see you enter that tunnel again i I sure would like to open that back up. Do you mind? Do you mind exiting? And also, I have to believe it out of originality. Like, no one shoots for the elbow storyline, you know? That's creepy, dude. Also, I've never thought, because you think like a UFO, like a beam of light or something,
Starting point is 00:31:00 but you don't ever think of like an inflatable tunnel just popping out and people can grab the edges of it like to sense that there's like an awareness of this cavity you're in and you can climb out you can climb in and out i mean that really does go with your wormhole i was gonna say your theory about wormholes as if like you were now i am steven hawking but you know what i mean uh the uh the wormhole point of like parallel dimensions or how cryptids might be able to enter and exit. It's terrible. Or aliens. I mean, it's all terrible. It's all terrible.
Starting point is 00:31:31 If every single story about aliens is true for like more or less like if the general understanding of like, oh, beam of light or this tunnel theory or crash landing. If all of them are true, I don't like how many options there are no for these and also how many options we don't have like we don't have access to any of those options and they do i would there's no way to defend yourself and how many options might be invisible that we don't even know exists like these are just a handful of the ones we get to witness sometimes glimpsed right oh okay anyway thank you what the hell it's also creepy that it was at a scientific facility. Like, who knows what scientific facility they were or what they were working on. She's probably like cat food.
Starting point is 00:32:11 It wasn't interesting. But you never know. Maybe it was something really crazy. It was Purina, actually. That's actually Cincinnati P&G. So that's, I think, Purina. think Purina so I would think the only places I can think of that are fresher scientific facilities are area 51 or uh like the Pasadena place ah yes yes yes I forget what it's called but it's in Pasadena and it's where allegedly uh project pegasus happened with all the time travel
Starting point is 00:32:37 creepy yeah I feel like those are like those scientific areas are ripe for uh creepiness to happen at the edges like very stranger things esque anyway yikes all right well thanks sharon for that um okay let's see also i could if i'm wrong about the cat food don't yell at me i don't know i don't know i'm not a scientist or it was it was actually just rabbit food so it might have been something completely different okay let's see this is from oh hey this is from megan is it from me again yeah it's a me again god damn it okay but megan says sorry so i mean at least she's self-aware you just pronounce a megan with awareness thank you this is the the first step to recovery. To acknowledge your existence. Okay. This is from Megan. Megan says, Hello, spooky gang. I'd list everyone's names and titles, but it's 5.50am and I'm not quite together enough to remember all that right now. 5.50? What are you doing? First of all, if you're up at 5.50, that means you have somewhere
Starting point is 00:33:43 to be, which means aren't you late? Like you shouldn't have to write. You don't have time to write this. Or it's an Amethy move and she just stayed up that late, which is also entirely possible. That's fair. Or you woke up early just to write this, which I'll also judge you for. No, that doesn't make any sense. I have a feeling it's like staying up late because...
Starting point is 00:34:01 Fingers crossed. Yeah, probably. That would be more our brand. All right. Long time listener here i found you after you'd published four episodes oh so you were you you're allowed your grandfathered in megan because we yelled at megan's after that point so you didn't even we kind of bullied you after you'd already been part of the circle uh-huh yep oops for that i apologize i just had the creepiest experience and had to share with you all right away because you're the only group of people who will understand how spooky this is i live in colorado and i just fled my abusive marriage of almost 11 years wow congratulations
Starting point is 00:34:36 good job we're very proud of you very proud i'm living alone for the first time in my life and renting a little guest house from a nice older lady that my dad knows that's precious my ex has been volatile and while not exactly directly threatening made concerning enough comments that i've taken precautions to ensure he doesn't know my new address i even have my mail forwarding to my parents house for now so the address doesn't show up on my divorce documents only a handful of close friends and family and my company management even know i'm renting my own place it's been a month to the day yesterday since i moved in it's in a quiet mountainy part of town the guest house is a bit down the drive from the main house and fairly far from the street so i almost never see anyone or get much traffic at all outside the amazon delivery person who at least at my house arrives every day i don't know about you guys but for me personally christine talking that's my most frequent visitor uh or my landlord landlord
Starting point is 00:35:30 walking her dog the house is older built in the 60s and my landlord's dad built it so there's a lot of family history here she grew up here and her kids grew up here her husband passed away last summer so her kids and she are glad to have someone younger close by in case she needs help with anything it was a win-win situation for me to move in and it's been amazing so far anyways last night it snowed about an inch okay maybe this is why she's up at 6 a.m we'll see the story starts last night last night it snowed about an inch yes it's late april sister i'm with you it's fucking terrible and my three cats and i were snuggled into bed soundly by 10 this morning around 5 30 okay here we are man we need to just
Starting point is 00:36:12 shut our mouths man and just let people talk look you and reddit have said it all we do really need to just shut up everybody's like just stop talking oh my, my God. This morning around 530, I woke up and heard my front door lock unlatch. Goodbye. It's a push button lock. That's not good. Not common for residential places, but I digress. I heard it unspring, which is a very distinct sound, as you know. So I'm picturing like the ones in like bathrooms where you push the button in.
Starting point is 00:36:42 I'm thinking so, too. It's not a very strong lock, I would think, for door i woke up in her and she likes push button lock not coming i heard it on spring which is a very distinct sound as you know two of my cats jumped off the bed and i fully woke up to hear what sounded exactly like wet boots walking around on the linoleum oh my god the entire house has linoleum flooring. Pausing, then walking around again. My other old cat was still sitting next to me but in a crouch and staring at my bedroom door, which faces the front door. Oh my god. I didn't see anything and normally my two younger cats hide under the bed when someone else comes over,
Starting point is 00:37:17 but they were just sitting at the bedroom door staring into the living room and at the front door. But I continued to hear the boots walking around and pausing for a solid minute i decided it wasn't going to help me not get murdered laying in bed so i jumped out of bed clicked on the light and said hello in what i hoped was a very confident and irritated tone hold on let me try that again hello yeah okay now i sound like i'm trying to like audition for seinfeld and it's not working you sound like me when I'm like not paying attention and you just want us to order food. You're like, hello. Tell me what the fuck you want to eat.
Starting point is 00:37:49 Just want a pizza. It sounds like Eva, you know, when Eva is like frustrated. I know you guys aren't going to believe it. Sometimes Eva gets annoyed about things. It's hard to believe. But sometimes she does because she spends a lot of time with us. But like we'll be talking about something and she'll go, hello. And it's honestly one of the funniest things I've ever heard in my life i love when eva gets fired up
Starting point is 00:38:08 it's so fun with like a u a hello you nailed it though that's exactly how she says it cracks me up because then i always laugh and then i feel bad because i'm like she's like annoyed about something but it makes me laugh oh you nailed it though that's exactly how she says it wow i'm gonna start calling you randomly and be like can you do the eva voice it's like it's like the time when i called out the eek spelled ek and now we like can't unsee oh it's so it you did it perfectly oh thank you at least i won't be on seinfeld but if anyone needs me to play eva can you say hello like she like this person then like megan hello wait you want
Starting point is 00:38:47 me to say it like eva or like this say it like read the sentence again but say it like eva okay well i'm trying to picture all the cats so i'm already in character okay hang on boots walk around i don't know i feel like eva would just call us and be like, are you at my house? Please get out. This is not what I need right now. Em climbed in through the patio. I can't. The fence is too tall. He climbed in. Who am I kidding?
Starting point is 00:39:15 Oh, boy. Okay. Let's see. Staring out the door, Boots walking around pausing, shouted hello in what I hoped was a very confident and irritated tone. I didn't see anyone, but the door, which I had definitely locked the day before, my God. Oh, God. open the door and look outside to see if there were footprints in the snow there were none oh my god anyway you have to walk down a little stone path to get to my front door or hop the fence and none of the snow had been disturbed sure i could have misremembered locking the door and simply
Starting point is 00:39:57 hearing things playing tricks on my mind but i'm very glad there is snow everywhere outside or i wouldn't be totally certain someone wasn't just in my house truly i know that would be very frightening uh i know the sounds of the house well enough by now to know what i heard wasn't a usual sound and i know i heard boots squeaking and footsteps and the cats did too which by the way always freaks me out because they're not you know they don't have i don't think the imagination that we do to trick ourselves into writing truly things so i don't know what that was all about but trick ourselves into writing truly things so I don't know what that was all about but I'm gonna go get some sage slash mud sticks from the local metaphysical shop ASAP today anyways if you end up happening to read this thanks for reading I
Starting point is 00:40:34 hope you all are having a fantastic day and I can't wait to live shows in person or a thing again mucho love to you all Megan sorry uh first of all now so we'll bookend this conversation where I was judging her being up at 550 to now me being like I love how with like 20 minutes after something happened she was like I got an email and that's why we honestly like primo listener like just respect you more and be so more thankful for you and in the beginning you were probably like wow they're dissing me hard without even having any information and you were right i've already gone through enough can't you see my name is megan i've been through a lot no but truly uh wow and and also thank god no but i mean thank god the snow was there to actually prove to you
Starting point is 00:41:22 really that physically at least there was nobody there you should ask if uh maybe you don't feel comfortable but if you do you should ask if they ever hear like the husband who died or somebody walking around you know i'd be like this is really awkward but has someone died in the place i'm staying because something's going on the husband died last summer oh right right so i just i wonder if anybody has like heard that before or you know be like well homeboy's still here well he's busy i guess his shoes are wet he needs help first of all get a welcome mat not you megan like the guy um very rude wow all right this is from hayley hayley i don't know your pronouns and this is a perfect example of why we should normalize pronouns. So I would know how to refer to you.
Starting point is 00:42:06 I'm going to call you Big H. All right. This is the subject line. The man who is disappointed and watches me sleep. Uh-oh. That sounds like Blaze probably every now and then. Please stop snoring. You can't.
Starting point is 00:42:20 You keep waking me up. And I'm so disappointed. All right. Big H says, hi, Em and Christine. can't you keep waking me up and i'm so disappointed uh all right uh big h says hi m and christine i recently started listening to your podcast from the very beginning and i just haven't yelled normalized pronouns at you yet so i'm sorry we're shaming you you don't know any you don't know any better because we didn't know any better yet either so you're you're in the clear so far you're in the clear uh i just finished listener episode 13 i love your podcast and it helps me get through my long days as an insurance agent i'm only 18 oh and i'm on team
Starting point is 00:42:51 milkshake but i do enjoy a nice communion wine every sunday i am not a huge believer in the paranormal but i do have a story that you might like also i appreciate I appreciate that, Haley, in case you're wondering, we're reading this in 2021. So if you're on episode 13, you may not hear this for a while. Well, listener episode 13 would have been in 2018. So yeah, 20, geez, that's three years ago now. You've got a while, my friend. Oh my god. I can't say for sure if this was or is paranormal but i will say it only happens at my dad's house and never my mom's this started happening two years ago i would turn i would turn out my light and roll to my side and go to bed and then as i was laying with my eyes closed i'd hear someone come into my room walk over to my bed lean over and then whisper i am disappointed
Starting point is 00:43:47 dad mom god who is it oh no what on earth okay i'm putting the pieces together because they said communion wine so uh they're probably catholic and that is just that's just a normal thing that happens to catholics is we just have this guilt that builds in our minds so i get it hayley you're not alone that you know it is interesting that it only happens at your dad's i'm just gonna say the person with a more masculine voice um is saying i'm disappointed in the corner also yes catholic so maybe it is jesus christ himself it could be god big old g
Starting point is 00:44:37 he's up there and he's disappointed in all of us h christ h standing for Haley. So let's figure out what happens now. Sure, sure, sure, sure, sure. I would roll over. I'm sorry, I can't get over it. Like, that's just the funniest ghost. It's the wildest thing I've ever heard. Can you imagine if you were only haunted by someone who just is so disappointed with you? It's like worse.
Starting point is 00:45:02 It's like, I'm not mad. I'm disappointed. It's like, it's like i'm not mad i'm disappointed it's like it's actually somehow worse like i'd rather have a demon be like i'm gonna scratch your eyes out because at least that i know what to do with but disappointed like it's on me now it's it's like i don't even want it like i'd rather haunt someone else like we're both stuck in this yeah i don't want to be here as much as you know i'm not proud i don't get to go to like the ghost bar later and like brag about what's happening here
Starting point is 00:45:30 this isn't fun for me oh all right i would roll over to face the person who i thought was my dad and there would be a oh shit there would be a man dressed in some old-timey decorated military uniform oh my god oh my god just beyond awful uh i would freak out and jump back against my wall but by the time i got my bearings he'd be gone oh wow the first few times i thought maybe it was a night terror but it continues to happen and this happened almost every night for two months and it got to the point where i couldn't sleep i didn't want to sleep anymore um of course why i mean you're filled with shame after two months nothing's good enough nothing's good enough uh at one point there was even a lady in an old maid uniform that uh when i was awake would enter my room and walk across the room and then exit through my wall oh fuck
Starting point is 00:46:22 i told my mom about it and she told me to pray okay catholic catholic i started praying about it and the man went away about one year went by before i had my biggest encounter oh i hate that because it's like you prayed and it went away and then what is it just building more energy like if i'm gonna pray and it's just gonna make it build more energy i don't want to do that. I don't know. I don't know. Oh, my gosh. I was asleep. And at about 3 a.m., of course, I woke up to someone walking in the room.
Starting point is 00:47:01 I sat up and peered over my bed to see a boy sitting on my floor playing with some sort of stick toy. That's fun. He was. Maybe it's hoop and stick. I was that's fun he was maybe it's hoop and stick i was just thinking first i thought lincoln logs but hoop and stick well i guess you can't play it with hoop and stick on the floor wait that doesn't really make especially by yourself alone maybe it's like the stick with the ball in the cup oh that's fun yeah a lot of stick games out there pick up sticks pick up sticks that's for sure that's many sticks um by the way have i never mind we'll get into that later okay tell me later we talk about hoop and
Starting point is 00:47:32 sticking up we don't need to add i sat up and peered over my bed to see a boy sitting on the floor playing with some sort of sick toy he was only wearing a leather flap which goes along with these old spirits he was only wearing a leather flap which goes along with these old spirits he was only wearing a leather flap which goes along with these old spirits usually oh so like maybe it matched like the aesthetic or time period of the other one they all went shopping the same day and got matching outfits they went to the outlet mall and uh the the whatever leather flaps were 50 off apparently prehistoric outfit store i don't know what it would be called usually they disappear before i get to say anything or take a second look but this time he stayed i asked him
Starting point is 00:48:14 why he was in my room and why he was bothering my family i told him i was scared and he needed to leave me alone he looked at me almost like he was processing what i had said he grabbed his things and crawled under my bed oh sorry that was loud oh my god i remember jumping down trying to see one more time see him one more time but since the day i haven't seen or heard anything hopefully this made sense but i've been wanting to share for a while also i can't comment on anything present day from you guys as i'm only on episode oh only on episode 53 now well no because it was listener 13 right right right so 2018 christine i hope your 30 day no wine went well i'm sure it did not but thank you and m i can't wait to hear about your clown days well wait this is adorable this is adorable. This is precious.
Starting point is 00:49:05 It's like that movie with Sandra Bullock in the mailbox. You're just like writing to each other from different time periods. Yeah. The Lake House. Was that what it was called? Yeah. Or wait, no. Isn't that a horror movie?
Starting point is 00:49:19 Something like that. Someone in the past would stick letters in the mailbox for someone in the future and they would write to each other. This is precious. Also, hello, Gio and Blaze from Haley. Yeah, they're still here. Don't worry. They're still here. They're still kicking. Wow. So let's keep in mind that apparently there is a portal under your bed and that's how these things have spirits have been climbing out. Okay, well, now that you say that, we're all going to keep it in mind.
Starting point is 00:49:44 Geez, that's terrifying can you imagine looking a baby dead in the eyes a little boy dead in the eyes and saying you scare me and so he grabs his things and he grabs his sticks crawls under the bed it sounds like a little tarzan with his leather flap and stick toy thinking because if it's like a military man an old lady i'm just trying to picture this leather flap situation. I mean, Tarzan had a leather flap, right? Yeah, I think so. Look, it's really uncomfortable that like it, first of all, this spirit or whatever
Starting point is 00:50:15 understood you. And then actually, thank God was nice enough to leave. But truly just crawled under your bed and you just never saw him again. Didn't leave through the proper exit i would argue but no but then also like apparently you had to tell this one you were scared for it to leave but like would you have had to tell the military man you didn't like being shamed like what where is the line here because that's a good point he had no problem coming out and just talking trash to you yeah i wonder if like she just felt more or they i don't know the pronouns but big h i wonder if big h just poor hayley's like i wasn't there yet oh my god uh i wonder if hayley
Starting point is 00:50:51 didn't realize uh or didn't feel comfortable as talking to the man especially because it happened when they were sleeping also they were a kid and like a grown that's what i mean yeah like like maybe it was like oh i see a kid this is my chance to like say something and by the way they're across the room i guess not like hovering over your face which would be a lot more intimidating i also guess realistically like the man could have been saying he was disappointed in himself for how the war ended i guess well i assumed it was the child's room and the dad was kept saying that to the little boy and the little boy that was his room in the past or something and he was playing in his room.
Starting point is 00:51:27 Didn't even cross my mind. Wow. Wow. Maybe. I don't know, but you know, it sounds like a parent would say to a child, not from personal experience. That's some goose cam right there.
Starting point is 00:51:40 But yeah, no, it sounds like a scary man talking to his son in the stereotypical movie sense you know well now that makes me feel bad for the little boy too because he just wanted a friend and like the dad's like i'm disappointed he's like i already only play with sticks and i only have a leather skirt i don't even own a t-shirt or anything i'm disappointed too like do better like get a bike get me a friend so I don't have to throw the hoop and stick myself and go catch it. All right.
Starting point is 00:52:09 Thank you, Big H. We appreciate you. That was great. And I love that you're behind and you're going to catch up and be like, wait, what? And then we're going to be three years ahead. And who knows? It'll be really chaotic, but I can't wait. All right.
Starting point is 00:52:21 So let's see. Is this the last one? This is the second to last. This is your last one. Oh, oh, my last. Wait, no, you went first. Yeah, but Let's see. Is this the last one? This is the second to last. This is your last one. Oh, oh, my last. Wait, no, you went first. Yeah, but there's seven. Oh, oh, oh, sorry.
Starting point is 00:52:30 I always forget that, that there's an extra. Okay. Eva did a bonus one this time around. I literally don't know how to count anything. Okay. This is from, okay, let's see. Oh, Jay. They, them pronouns.
Starting point is 00:52:42 Thank you, Jay. So it says, hello,'m christine and all of and that's why we drink family my name is jay they them the one good thing out of the disgusting mess called the year 2020 was that i discovered and binge listened to all the episodes during quarantine oh thank you uh so thank you so much for your amazing podcast i decided it's time to share with y'all about some of the things i saw as an assistant to a Christian pastor who sometimes performs exorcisms. Get out of here. Oh, my goodness.
Starting point is 00:53:09 Sometimes during prayer or worship, some people will start manifesting or showing outward signs of possession in the form of guttural screaming, deep laughter. So this is like when, I guess, when you see like speaking tongues sort of is what my guess is. Yeah. But I don't know. Oh, well, finished. Yeah, maybe. maybe oh are you reading ahead i i only have it open so i don't accidentally click on mine but i i just glanced and saw different languages to do that to you and then one day you found out i was reading along with
Starting point is 00:53:35 you and you got so mad that you made me shut the computer i promise i'm not reading along no no i don't think you are but i just was like oh my god i just remembered the time that i did that and then i finally because i would be like i hadn't gotten to the good part yet and you'd go and i'd be like no what would happen is i would say it says it is not his or i would like correct you as you spoke it was like really fucking rude like i was being a real asshole well now no one knows how bad of a reader i am at least that's nice no no it was just me being like it's because also i picked the story so i think i already knew them anyway so right right back way back when i was already prepared okay anyway uh
Starting point is 00:54:12 let's see sorry so deep laughter contorting faces speaking different languages of course there are those who fake it for attention and those who are convinced they're possessed but it's either their hypochondria or an actual illness and And then there's a third category. This is where it gets interesting. And the reason exorcism movies don't get to me anymore. Oh, these are now listed in bullet form, by the way, like a,
Starting point is 00:54:33 like a list. Okay, let's go first on the list. I've seen a scrawny 13 year old girl throw a full grown grown man. Like he's a rag doll while growling. She is mine and i am taking her tonight oh my goodness god okay oh my god tell me that was the only bullet the end no there are unfortunately quite a few more uh next up a 68 year old woman crawling straight for the exit
Starting point is 00:55:01 on all fours expertly weaving through the many people chairs and tables with her eyes closed are you fucking kidding me are you fucking kidding what is going on who why are we not making a documentary about this shit why are so many people crawling in these stories we have elbows elbow alien we've got that little kid under the bed we've got this this woman with her eyes are closed and yet she's just weaving through everybody oh my god oh my god okay a young woman calmly predicting the exact moment the fuses would blow and the lights were going to go out fun fact one of our counselors later told us how he saw that woman's leg being pulled by something while she was laying down oh no the middle-aged man mimicking my words as i was saying them to him
Starting point is 00:55:47 as if we were both reading the same script at the same time oh my god i have like goose came on my neck i don't like this you know being a baby is hard enough you did not have to go through that shit like this is too much this is too much in the house of the lord of all things oh well maybe maybe i don't know maybe uh i don't know i'm glad you got out of there for many reasons but well maybe i don't know that they did maybe they still work there if you have seen these things and you chose to stay there this that is not my fault we don't approve of your life choices oh my god okay a woman whose neck would inflate and deflate as if she were a frog okay good night oh like i can't already i can't figure out which one i hate more agreed like which one i would
Starting point is 00:56:34 least like to see i can't decide uh a young girl who wouldn't let me touch her forehead or arms because the touch burned her and she would recoil and dodge every time even though her eyes were closed and even once dodged while i was behind her meaning there was no way she could see me coming also i love that they were just like let me try and get her from behind grabbing her arms actively try to like just like touch her forehead specifically the forehead oh boy okay have you ever seen those people who seem to just flop or fall over when someone prays for them? I've seen at least five people who didn't fall but instead ended up completely diagonal. I'm saying Michael Jackson during smooth criminal levels of diagonal.
Starting point is 00:57:15 And no amount of pushing or pulling will help until they decide they're done. Okay. Good night. I was just listening to Jim Harrell's Campfire and a woman called in and said she was at a sleepover and her friend kept saying like, I know how to talk to spirits or something. And she was like really freaked out. And the girl said, watch, and like was able to like lean her body all the way forward and then like snapped out of it and like fell basically. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:57:38 It was like the same story. And I'd never heard that before, but it sounds really similar. That is horrific. It's horrific. I've never heard that before but it sounds really similar that is horrific it's horrific i've never heard that before and now i swear to god if i ever see that in my life i will i don't know that really sounds like a horror movie that like it's like similar to crawling like something unnatural that like adults aren't supposed to be doing it's so unnatural oh my god okay just keep going i want
Starting point is 00:58:01 i want out of this i want to crawl away like everyone else. On your elbows. Let's see. Lots of vomiting. It's almost always air. Like, no matter whether they just ate or not, it's always spit and air. Okay, yucky. Okay. A man who seemed to have eyes behind the eyes.
Starting point is 00:58:17 What? Excuse me? As in a second set of irises behind his own. Ew. Do you live in, like, a nuclear reactor because i feel like like the frog are you from chernobyl is that what you feel does well the i mean that's also creepy because if you're looking in their in their eyes which are the windows to the soul you can see someone else invading your soul no thank you um and this is the last one of the bullets m so don't
Starting point is 00:58:44 worry okay it says the most disgusting smells you can imagine suddenly appearing as soon as the demon begins to manifest oh my god so and now it says moral of the story please in chair uh it says just know that when you open a door you don't get to decide which entity comes through don't mess with weed okay well no you don't need to call me out jay all right don't mess with weed okay well no you don't need to call me out jay all right don't mess with weed awards if you don't know what you're doing don't mess with witchcraft if you don't know what you're doing don't let anger or resentment fester in your heart don't make deals with shady creatures that one i'll follow okay resentment i don't know i can't
Starting point is 00:59:20 guarantee that i've been with a lot of feelings yeah 13 was a tough year yeah i'm carrying it well into the decades well i'll work on it uh the thing's already too long oh no this thing's already too long but i just want to say thank you for your time and effort and for all the laughs and scared you are the scares you are the highlight of my week wow jay wow you are the highlight of my night terrors that will start as of tonight so thank you jay oh my gosh jay i hope that you are not having your own night terrors that will start as of tonight so thank you jay that oh my gosh jay i hope that you are not having your own night terrors but i guess you're not scared of horror movies anymore so there's that bonus jay can you write in again and please let us know how you sleep at night like
Starting point is 00:59:54 what the yeah how do you sleep at night literally and then go like and then just like clock out and be like oh i gotta go grab mcdonald's we're running late and i don't have time to make dinner tonight like how do you gotta go walk the dog real quick I mean how do you be like oh anyway can I take the day off tomorrow I have to go like take it like see my mom like how do you just make other things normal after any shadow out of the corner of my eye I'd be like it's a woman with a frog neck crawling through the chairs like I would I would like build my imagination out of control if this were my day to day you've got to just like accept that you're going to be surrounded by demons all the time right i don't know i would i get or i guess if you're if you're
Starting point is 01:00:30 working at a place that gets rid of them maybe you feel safe like i guess i you know how to how to protect yourself maybe i don't know i'm at a loss for words to be completely honest with you i don't have an answer yikes thank you jay um this is from ashley who goes with who has sheer pronouns thank you for normalizing pronouns uh ashley's subject line is a cemetery manager and ghosts who slam doors oh i love cemetery stories this says hi eva christine m and all various furry and fruity spooky friends oh i was looking for my first ever podcast to listen to this past december and then that's why a drink jumped out at me i know i'm late to this whole podcast thing it took me three months of binging but i'm finally caught up wow you're not even that late you're ahead of the game it sounds like yeah it sounds like you're
Starting point is 01:01:19 right on time uh i've always had a love of all things spooky and weird i currently manage two cemeteries in two small towns in ontario oh my god she's canadian oh my god i have done or helped with almost every job at a cemetery from cutting grass to helping with burials selling plots to arranging graveside services my office is located on the larger of the two cemeteries where i mainly work alone because of where we are located and because Canadian winters, we don't do any burials in the winter. That means we store the bodies over the winter in the storage vault located under my office. Oh, sure. That checks out. That checks out. I'm often asked if it bothers me to have the bodies there while I work.
Starting point is 01:02:03 My response is always, as long as they stay quiet i don't have a problem with them and 99 of the time they do stay quiet oh yeah in my 11 years working at the cemeteries i have had only one paranormal type of experience it's always where you most expect it nothing fucking happens it blows my mind like yeah so wild at the time there was a radio in my office, but never listened to it. When I returned from lunch one day, the radio was on. Let me remind you, I work alone in the office, and I was the only one with keys. And just to make it a little weirder, the radio was playing the station I had just been listening to in the car.
Starting point is 01:02:38 Oh. That is weird. That's really weird. I don't like that because it means it followed you. It knew it had seen you in a car away from.'s like trying to like predict what you want to listen to or yeah it's creepy when i was driving back to our i was listening to in the car when i was driving back to work i walked up to the radio and reached out to shut it off and boop it turned itself off before i could touch it they were like fine you don't like it geez i'll turn it off it's like why
Starting point is 01:03:03 are you approaching i thought we were having fun in that car. You didn't know, but we were. We were dancing. It was great. This happened over the winter when I had some people in the winter vault. My only explanation is someone in the vault was unhappy that they had to wait until spring to be buried and decide to let me know they were there. I wonder what song it was.
Starting point is 01:03:24 Yeah, I really wonder if there was symbolism in it. I don't know. to be buried and decide to let me know they were there i wonder what song it was yeah i always wonder if there was symbolism in it i don't know she's probably like it was katie perry there was not symbolism don't worry about it but it was something really like grungy like really angsty um i personally believe cemeteries are not as haunted as people believe they are way more there are way more places someone would have an attachment to than just the place where their body or ashes are buried i always think that because i'm like i get that they're spooky but like what are they hanging around there for unless you're like going to visit or if anything they were put to rest there that's what i'm thinking or like why would if you had a problem on earth
Starting point is 01:03:56 like you didn't spend your time i would assume at the cemetery unless you had family there or something you don't have memories attached to it that your soul would want to visit your family or your friends probably aren't there 24-7. I've never been creeped out by, okay, I guess I literally grew up in one, but I've never really been creeped out by cemeteries because I'm like, they're not here. I think they're like, I don't know, where they grew up or somewhere more important to them. When you were a kid, did you ever just like walk around the cemetery at night and not be freaked out?
Starting point is 01:04:22 Oh, all the time. Yeah. We also had a black cat that would go in there. was hilarious because he would just like my god scare the crap out of people i mean it was like our cat but they would like see him walk from behind a gravestone and people would freak out so we spent a lot of time just watching him kind of scare the neighbors but there's someone in cincinnati who like has local lore about your cemetery about like it's like there was this teenage girl who would drag her Ouija board in there and then her stepdad would make her throw it away and she kept doing it yeah that's me so there are way more places someone would have an attachment than just the place
Starting point is 01:04:53 where their body or ashes are buried and the living do way weirder things at a cemetery than the dead see Christine with like one like I fully admit to that yes uh I've had many other ghostly experiences outside of the cemetery and i'll quickly share one more story with you before leaving the rest for another time trying not to word vomit all the spooky things at once so this email ends up being at least mildly coherent i appreciate that thank you um one of my childhood homes was 100 haunted doors would swing open and shut by themselves all the time mainly at night and i once locked my bedroom door to try to stop the door from opening i watched as my door unlocked itself turning the knob and flung itself open again i get chills just thinking about it another
Starting point is 01:05:36 time at this house i had a bunch of books i had borrowed from the town library about ghost spiritualism mediums and the occult and i had put them on my bed, the center of my bed, not near the edge. And while I was sitting across the room alone, the books flew off my bed and into the door. I guess the ghost didn't like that I was trying to research them. I don't like that it like flew into the door, almost like the door is where all this energy is happening. Yes, yes. It like sucked it over or like yeah draw drew attention
Starting point is 01:06:05 to it thanks for taking the time to read this even if it doesn't make it on the episode sending lemony citrus blessings positive owl hoots and whale noises your way you really are caught up you are caught up stay awesome ashley ashley wow what a story i mean the radio is spooky the continuity of like walking into your office in the same song is playing on a radio you've never touched is not good for me it's not feeling good for me no um i mean it does make sense that occasionally maybe a spirit is like unhappy with the way they're not being put to rest like i feel like that makes sense if you're in a holding phase or something yeah it also makes sense to me that like they were probably
Starting point is 01:06:43 just bored and you were the only person leaving the ground and so they just followed you out of sheer boredom and heard the song and just wanted to keep rocking out with you they were like why did you turn that off yeah it could it could be a good time yeah and then you turned it off again by the way which i feel like they probably didn't appreciate wow what a tale these were good eva i know that you're haunted now but it was worth it in my opinion wow well uh that's that's all we got that's that's all she wrote and that's all she read and by she i mean eva that's all they read that's all we read that's all h h bomb no what did you call them h big h big h oh yikes okay wrong wrong name uh thank you everyone who listened if you would like to submit your own stories you can do that on our website and that's why we at the contact the contact tab and uh yeah uh
Starting point is 01:07:31 please send them in we do a listeners episode at the first of every month uh and that's why we will be really insane at our next listeners episode because it will be the day before

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