And That's Why We Drink - Listener Stories: Vol. 56

Episode Date: June 1, 2021

Welcome to Gemini Season and Listener Stories: Vol. 56, boozers and shakers! We're building up the birthday energy and reading all your creepy stories. This month we run quite the gamut with some conn...ections to recent topics, unusual hauntings and birthday themed stories. Thank you for giving us the gift of goose-cam! And that's why we drink! Please consider supporting the companies that support us! Download the 5 star-rated puzzle game, Best Fiends FREE today on the App Store or Google Play!Go to and use code drink12 for 12 free meals, includingfree shipping!Go to and use promo code ATWWD to get $20 off, with a minimum purchase of $100!Explore your creativity at and get a free trial of Premium Membership!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Happy birthday, it's your birthday, happy, happy birthday to you. Christine's only going to do that for 45 minutes and then we will get into our stories. Well, what about mine? You're not going to sing for me for 45 minutes? I'll tell you the one that my mom always does um it's maybe other people have heard it i she's the only person i've heard it from but it when when she is long gone this will still be the song that haunts my nightmares every birthday ready oh no okay kings and queens and princes who want to wish the best to you so what do you say what do you say what do you say happy birthday to you no i know it's so much it sounds like i'm at a like at an outdoor restaurant and waiters are singing to me and it already gives me so much anxiety it sounds like
Starting point is 00:00:56 everyone's in costume i can't deal with it actually my mother has been in many a costume while singing this to me also just to be clear but kings and queens and what princes too not the princesses they know better they know better they're like i am not at the chucky cheese they're they're on twitter upstairs they haven't come downstairs to greet the family yet so uh anyway happy birthday um happy three oh thank you i uh i feel pretty pretty old now and i can't even drink so as you should but next year i think i'm gonna do a a a redo like like a like a 30th do-over since this year i don't really get to party it's gonna rain on my parade i get it that's fine excuse me okay i don't get a parade okay because it's my 30th no you have a little baby who's gonna parade right out of you in a couple
Starting point is 00:01:44 months i know i'm praying to my kidneys but that's about it okay so i want to do i want to have a birthday party for my 30th i don't think it's going to happen so next year if you're promising me next year for your birthday which will be the same weekend as my birthday that there's a reason to celebrate then that's good enough for me okay you told me you have a thing with linda and princesses and kings and whatever so i i figure you already have plans to be clear like you i've already demanded that you attend remember but nobody's coming here for me so i'm just saying i'm gonna have to do a redo i will yes i've asked you a million times don't say that if you don't mean it don't tell me you're showing
Starting point is 00:02:19 i've never been invited to your 31st birthday party to be no this year i said nobody's here for my 30th so i gotta i gotta plan ahead for next year redo a redo what are you what are you doing for your birthday nothing that's what i'm trying to tell you i don't have any plans nobody's here i'm kind of just chilling i just had a baby shower like a week or two ago so i'm just kind of like chilling feel like wouldn't blaze i feel like blaze will surprise you with something i mean we might go to dinner but i don't think like there's not really anybody partying right now very much like i mean like my mom's here that's about it i say one of the things that i'm really grateful for is when i started dating alice and i really reamed it into her head that like we can't have a birthday together that doesn't go are you having a big party easy
Starting point is 00:03:02 because i haven't been invited so i don't know what what the plan is all i know is that i've been told every weekend of june i'm booked oh so apparently she's got a bunch of things planned but i don't know what they are okay well i'm excited to hear it but for me too i'm also terrified we remember the desert surprise lest we forget so i remember i don't know if you've ever let me talk about it on the show, but I remember very clearly. No comment. Let's just say maybe you're celebrating your 31st alone next year if I don't make it out of this one. Okay.
Starting point is 00:03:33 Well, we'll see. We'll see. Anyway, that's enough about us. Not really. But welcome to our birthday episode. It's June. I think this is actually my month to go first because you went first last month, right? Sure.
Starting point is 00:03:45 That checks out. You're also turning 30. So, you know, we should respect the elderly. Yeah, exactly. See, you're going to give me so much shit this year that like I figure I might as well just be kind to myself and plan a party for next year. You see, I'll do it in a different week. I'll do it like, I don't know, end of June. You can have the whole month to yourself next year and then I'll just do like one day at the end so I don't rain on your parade you can have all of June and I'll
Starting point is 00:04:08 just make July like a second chance at it all a redemption month redemption month oh okay we're taking over happy Gemini season all right take it away this email was sent in by Hannah uses she her pronouns thank you Hannahannah the subject is birthday gift goose cam um eva also said there was a nice theme of people sending in stories for our birthdays which is so sweet nice so i know this is the subject it says oh it's not a subject that was a subject hi eva i'm christine and all furry animals as well as petrified fruit i know that it is your birthday month so i'm hoping to give the gift of goose cam. That's so sweet. My name is Hannah, and I want to tell you some of my most noteworthy spooky things that have happened to me in my life. I've been wanting to send in these
Starting point is 00:04:53 stories for a while, but every time I went to type them out, weird things started happening in my apartment. But I'm happy I'm finally getting to it, so let's crack into it. Okay. So to set up the first story i grew up on a farm that had three houses on it mine my great-grandpa's and the family farmhouse that nobody lived in one day when i was about six i left my house and went to go take care of some animals on the farm when i was walking across the barn lot i saw a man looking into a birdhouse that was over by the old farmhouse i thought it was strange but my dad who's a farmer always had people out working on equipment so i just assumed that's what it was. I went into the barn, took care of the animals,
Starting point is 00:05:28 and when I came back out, the man was still over by the birdhouse. So I waved, and he waved back. When he did, I noticed that his thumb was missing. I brushed it off and went back to my house. Shortly after, my grandpa came and picked me up, and I asked, I'm sorry, my grandma came and picked me up, and I asked her who was working on equipment for my dad. She drove out there and nobody was there. A couple months later, I was looking through pictures with my mom and I came across the man in a photo. I asked my mom who it was and she told me it was my great uncle who died in the old farmhouse about a month after I was born. I, okay, I'm digging it. I'm digging it so so far i asked if he was missing his thumb and my mom looked at me with confusion and replied yes come to find out he had lost his thumb in a farming
Starting point is 00:06:13 accident and buried it in a box somewhere on the farm so wait a minute so the thumb is haunting the barn the haunted thumb the The haunted little digit, as you will. Don't ask me why. All I have to say is yikes. My great uncle still hangs around the farm and specifically likes to spook us in our home. My second story happened in college. My grandmother, the person I was closest to in my family, passed away unexpectedly in her sleep on vacation during my freshman year a few months later i had a dream that she came to talk to me she passed away the day after my
Starting point is 00:06:49 birthday but since i was a freshman in college i was already out partying when she called and i never answered or returned her phone call oh i always had so much regret not talking to her in this dream she told me she was happy i was living my life and was not mad i didn't answer her that Oh my god. Let's just say I couldn't keep myself together for like a week. Well, I can't keep myself together for like a week well i can't keep myself together right now i'm just telling my story my final story happened the last time i tried to type these other two stories out oh god okay well type quickly girl i know i was like i'm glad it's i'm glad it's here i feel like you've proven that you're okay i was sitting in my
Starting point is 00:07:41 apartment typing these out shortly after starting to type my dog started barking and growling at my laundry closet I thought it was weird but she has severe small dog complex so I just assumed she was getting mad about someone being in the hallway of my apartment building next thing I know she yelps and goes sliding into my bedroom like something pushed her that's awful okay oh my gosh she came running back to me and was shaking so i stopped typing a few days later i woke up to a large bang when i got up and opened my bedroom door the baking sheets that i had stacked kind of like nesting dolls the largest on the bottom and decreasing in size to the top one on top of my fridge were on the ground in a single file line in a trail all the way back to my bedroom
Starting point is 00:08:26 no i hope you took a photo of that just like for your own sanity to like i hope you're lying i hope that the story isn't true i hope you're full of shit wow i have such an actual goose cam right you gave us the gift of goose cam oh thank you gift i it's a gift i'd like to return i hope it wasn't on clearance oh no returns all right uh if they were in a single file that's horrible they were in a single file line in a trail all the way to my bedroom if they just would have fallen off they should have a been just next to the fridge and b been kind of stacked still don't worry i had the apartment cleansed and moved shortly after thank you for reading i apologize for sending so many stories but i
Starting point is 00:09:12 hope i gave you goose kim with at least one if you have any questions or would like a picture of my dog feel free to reach out to my email what a nice little extra added sentence there thank you i love that because most people are like, here's 85 pictures of my dog. And she's like, let me know. This person was like, do you need emotional support after that? Here's my dog. Yeah. I was like, I want to see a picture of the baking sheets.
Starting point is 00:09:35 And you're not offering that. Also, look, here's Junie. This is why I'm sitting up right now, by the way. Aw, little kitty cat. He took the entire little sofa. So I have to, I can't lounge today checks out juni seems like the alpha of the group oh that's entirely true yes uh yikes well i'm sorry that happened to you but also i'm glad it didn't happen to me so let's just so let's keep it on your side of things let's uh this is from beep uh i don't see pronouns anywhere this was
Starting point is 00:10:10 that's what we're gonna call you um beep story is titled unabomber cabin stories oh yeah eva also said that some of them were related to our recent topics i've been seeing i feel like some synchronicities have popped up and since you've mentioned the unabomber i've seen and heard about the unabomber like 10 times oh no really weird anyway that's not a good thing to have synchronicity about no you're correct it's something i have now been very on edge over and i don't know why. Okay.
Starting point is 00:10:46 Beep. Says, hello, and that's why we drink, folks. I finished listening to your story about the Unabomber and had sudden flashbacks about when I used to work at the Newseum. I love the Newseum. Sorry. It's like my favorite place. I paused thinking something might be said. Might come out of my face. Yes, it did.
Starting point is 00:11:05 Very lovely. I apologize. And we had his actual real life cabin on display. Whoa. Well, I missed that. That is an exhibit I would have liked to see. Yeah, that exhibit was not on display when I was there. I don't know if you all visited the museum when you lived in the area, but in my opinion,
Starting point is 00:11:24 it was one of the best museums in D.C. Unfortunately, it closed a couple years ago, right when we most needed a museum about the free press and the First Amendment. But I digress. I think I donated like $15 and they were like, this will not keep us open. Thank you, a hero. I was like, I'm already still paying my journalism debt back to my college. I have $15 to my name. The cabin was super bare bones, just a couple shelves built into one of the walls, an open door and like one window.
Starting point is 00:11:54 There was a very disgusting long dark stain across one wall, which I found out was where his bed used to be. Oh my God. He bathed so little and was so dirty that his body created a permanent black stain on the wall he slept against no no no no no i wasn't working there at the time that the cabin was brought in but some of my more seasoned co-workers told me that you could still smell the body odor if you stuck your head inside oh my gosh that is such an employee story though like stick your head in the unibomber bed and you won't you won't you also but also like that's so haunting in a different way yes because it's kind of i always forget what that like i don't
Starting point is 00:12:40 know if it's really a psychological effect or a theory i don't know what it's called but the the question of like would you wear a murderer shirt and it's really a psychological effect or a theory. I don't know what it's called. But the question of like, would you wear a murderer shirt? And it's like, would you wear it? Because it's just a shirt, but like you've associated it with so much bad energy. Yeah. It's almost like a ghost haunting, but it's a real person. It's like you can just smell. Which is almost worse.
Starting point is 00:13:00 Like, do you want to go into this space and actually breathe in their body smell, which is still etched into this building? That's horrifying. Well, and that reminds me. Well, it reminds me of stone tape theory of like the energy like stays where it's been. Maybe that's what I'm thinking of. Yeah, I think we've talked about it briefly. But yeah, it's like the idea that like I learned it from Zach.
Starting point is 00:13:21 So fun fact. But he told me it means that when uh that like physical objects like retain energy that's been so that makes sense yeah like that a murder well and if you think about his museum like the whole yeah the whole like idea that all these things are gathered under one roof and i'll i have i have something to add to this after i finish the story but we're about to get way too far into a tangent. I don't want to be disrespectful to some of your story. But hang on a second, because I'm with you.
Starting point is 00:13:51 So, yeah, you could smell the body odor still inside. Horrible. The museum would also host frequent after-hours events where the guests are pretty much free to roam the museum with very little supervision. And these events almost always involved copious amounts of alcohol, and the cabin was in an exhibit tucked away in the back corner so allowed for a very good amount of privacy and shenanigans oh no there were stories on more than one occasion of guests getting caught having sex inside the cabin as well as at least one account of literal human poop found inside the cabin the next morning oh my god i feel like desecrating an already bad energy space is like not good for you it's probably not healthy for
Starting point is 00:14:32 you no no no it's also a biohazard apparently it's also really gross who knows what else went on in there that just never got reported or people didn't get caught but visitor service is a true nightmare profession uh so later on they also added a virtual reality experience where you could troll the bomb squad robot to search the cabin and you could pick up and examine evidence that they found during the search that is so badass yeah i've never even seen that damn anyways none of this is actually true crime but i thought you might get a kick out i thought she was gonna say none of or they were gonna say i know this is true this is true i was like you are a little sneaky bastard anyways none of this is actually true crime but i thought you might get a kick out of some of the behind the scenes hot goss you know i love a good hot oh yeah i doubt
Starting point is 00:15:17 anyone would care that i'm sharing this because the new zeum is closed now and none of it is a secret but just in case i'd rather go anonymous if you just ever decide to read it so we literally just gave their name every time we said their name can we just do a oh for god's sake that is a real pain in premiere and i'm so sorry eva put in the thing i think that somebody was anonymous oh yep this a heads up second story would like to remain anonymous wow and i just went this whole time and oh emothy okay well i'll just i'm so sorry oh my god i'll figure it out i mean i don't i know how to do it on that audacity maybe i can just blur put a block over our mouths or something okay i'll figure it out it does end with have a balloonatoons day and it sounds like you're about to have a balloonatoons
Starting point is 00:16:02 experience editing this story i jinxed myself because i was sitting here going this is so i love editing listeners episodes because like i don't really need to edit anything they're just like just chatting except for big stop saying it i'm gonna have to change it um okay so the thing i was going to talk about though is that um the would you wear a murderer, even though it's just a shirt and like, realistically has nothing bad affiliated with it. So I was going to wait until we had our normal episode. I can just only bring it up briefly right now. But I went to the Lizzie Borden house recently. And that was the weirdest experience because I was literally sleeping in a murderer's house
Starting point is 00:16:45 and it was like yeah it was just a grander scope of like would you wear a murderer shirt it was like where you sleep in a murderer's house and like the weird part too was that like it was an overnight stay where they gave us no fucking supervision to be clear like we could let's just put it this way and part of me the only reason i didn't do it is because of karma and it would have come back and bit me in the ass that's the only reason i did not do this like it was totally against my morals all this i was like i don't care i'm gonna do it we found a newspaper down there that was not framed it was not being preserved it wasn't in plastic or a ziploc or anything it was just lying out like and like you could have just taken it if you wanted to but it was i'm pretty sure the newspaper that came to lizzie bourne's house about her own murder
Starting point is 00:17:28 shut the fuck up it was i took pictures that i'll send you but it's literally the one from 1892 and it was probably the one that that came to her house and she was reading about her own murder in the paper and it was just like folded up and just like left on a table and no one there were so many articles and pieces of paper and documents like that up and just like left on a table and no one there were so many articles and pieces of paper and documents like that where i was like i could literally just put this in my fucking backpack and walk away with it and like have something that should be in a museum oh my god but it was so weird that i was like holding a newspaper where i have convinced myself i'm like lizzie bourne's hands have also touched this and like right after like 24 hours after she had killed
Starting point is 00:18:02 people and it was just in my hands and i was just in my pajamas barefoot like i was just like facetiming me yeah i was trying to facetime christine because i was like you need to look at it was just so weird because in a place where it should have absolutely been roped off everything should have been behind glass you shouldn't be able to interact with it i was literally just flipping through an old newspaper in my pajamas and like they even told us if you want to sleep on the couch where like lizzie borden's dad was murdered oh no and i was like first of all that i didn't do but i was like the fact that i was just walking around in the house alone because everyone else had gone to bed that was on the store i was totally by myself i was like if i
Starting point is 00:18:37 wanted to i could just like take a nap on the couch where he died and read his newspaper it was such a wild feeling so how trippy i just wanted i don't know what this turned into i think i just wanted to talk about it well no but it's the same idea and i wonder i mean we know where lizzie bourne's house i wonder what they did with the ted kaczynski cabin once it left the museum like i wonder yeah where'd it go i feel like zach should have it right like i feel like that's the only sensible option he could have sounds like he could have also taken that away slap by slat and no one would have known yeah you're right he probably could have gotten it for free yeah um wow um wow that's anyway wild stuff i did also hear from the
Starting point is 00:19:15 people who work there i'll we have to talk about this on the yeah we will sunday episode too but i just just to give you a little taste of the experience on the tour. She the tour guide, she was like, Oh, yeah, I was the tour guide. That was also if you ever watched the episode, I was the one that led Zach Bagans through here. And I was like, Oh, my God. And then without being I always said was, I would like to know more about that. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. And she did say she was like, Well, the episode may look like they were a lot braver than they were but before 2 a.m all of them had ran out of the basement and never came back so fun fact oh my goodness hot goss indeed and apparently the people who have
Starting point is 00:19:57 the lizzie bourne house right now we're about to switch hands so by the time this comes out if like i mean she's not gonna get fired because I said information like she's already they're already losing their job. So I just say whatever I want. It's too late. It's too late. Also, I will talk more about that in the next episode, too. There's a lot to cover. But I wanted to just say, like, in terms of going into like a cabin and smelling the body
Starting point is 00:20:18 odor, it was like it reminded me of going down in their basement where she hid the the murder weapon. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And I was just sitting literally right by the their basement where she hid the the murder weapon yeah yeah yeah yeah and i was just sitting literally right by the little bricks where she like stuffed the hatchet into and just reading the newspaper she probably got at the house how horrific it was really an odd experience does eva know you went there or is she sitting over there going wait what i think she knows okay i haven't talked about it with her but i i think eva if you don't know here it is i mean i only knew because you texted me about it oh my gosh hmm i don't know i did post about it on instagram for a hot
Starting point is 00:20:53 second like just one picture you did oh i missed that clearly i think we're not friends on instagram christine let's i'm literally delete to on instagram every single week it's driving me up the wall no i don't you okay you know it's not me like we've talked about this a million times it's also not me look x teen shiefer look following like just said we're not friends on instagram why would you say that then no i'm i i i'm some things i've noticed for like three weeks now that you're not looking at my stories and i assumed there was a reason okay i thought you just stopped posting stories because yours always came up first before everybody else is going on i don't know i wait what it says follow i don't know am i on like your hidden list or something whatever you're all my close friends i don't anyway
Starting point is 00:21:34 story number three we'll save this for the birthday episode we'll have this argument on the birthday episode okay story number three this is from carolyn sorry okay okay this is from what it's my turn oh okay sorry you're right let me close out sorry i was trying what is wrong with me i don't know man all right uh this is from carolyn it's called the time my parents almost turned in my uncle as the unibomber what oh my gosh okay carolyn says hey cool cats kittens puppies and the new edition of a new adorable parasite aka a baby yeah a lot of people keep messaging me like congrats on the fetus and i'm like can you stop saying it in the world's creepiest way ever thank you my personal favorite is hellion and your bellion that's that's very good that's very good
Starting point is 00:22:25 that was i think the first time the next day after i found out i texted you asking about that and then you didn't respond to it at all so i took it as oh you didn't like it so i won't do it again but in my head i still call it your little hellion i like that all of a sudden your reaction is you don't like this i guess i'll stop as if that has ever stopped any of us in the past this time it's about a baby though so i felt like i needed to actually be respectful i don't remember i don't know why i didn't respond probably because you'd blocked me again on something that's gotta be it so carolyn says let's crack into the noodles all the way to the top story i'll get into the gushy stuff later i love i love that
Starting point is 00:23:00 saving the gushy stuff for last thank you my uncle b has a genius level iq he has multiple doctorates and the kind of detached that is creepy as hell in fact he left his family by gathering them in the living room one morning announcing he no longer wanted to be a husband and father and promptly moving to the trailer in their driveway and pretending none of them existed. Why wouldn't you go further than the yard? Why go somewhere else? Oh my God. So when they released the profiled sketch of the Unabomber, which looked too much like B for comfort,
Starting point is 00:23:35 my parents were freaked. They were just about to call the FBI to report B as a possible suspect when Ted was caught breathing a sigh, which remember when I was telling that story and his own brother was like, I really hope this is a false alarm. Yeah. So you don't even think about all the people who, for them, it was a false alarm. And they, can you imagine finding out that like your brother or somebody was like,
Starting point is 00:23:56 oh, I was like, I had the FBI on speed dial. I thought you were him. Sorry, my dad. That's a late 3 a.m. conversation once you've bonded again. Years later. Years later. Oh, yikes. Okay. him sorry my dad that's that's a late 3 a.m conversation once you've bonded again years later years later oh yikes okay uh breathing a sigh of relief they were later discussing the incident with b i mean catching a bomber is big news and b also lived in montana oh well that'll add to it as well when b revealed that he knew ted holy shit so they didn't even know he knew
Starting point is 00:24:23 ted okay wow this is blowing my mind he was the friend of a friend and they'd had coffee a few times neat that's what i still wait for the day i hear that b is caught as an actual serial killer but so far no news but i will 1000 not be surprised if or when it happens and i will also write in that story asap thank you lovely humans for all you do you've helped me through the pandemic and much more and even turned me on to using better help after many failed attempts to find the right fit for a therapy that just gave me a little goose cam too i'm so proud of you both for how hard you've worked and how far you've come
Starting point is 00:24:57 stay safe stay strong and stay awesome carolyn wow that's so nice it is nice i cannot believe about the first part was terrible but i cannot believe that i mean and then to find out to almost report him and then not even knowing that he had coffee with ted and then just are you kidding me yikes yikes hmm i don't like it okay so here's the next story this is from jules who uses she her pronouns thank you for normalizing pronouns and the subject line is my grandma was almost a richard ramirez victim oh i just like almost choked to death sorry so uh hey guys babes and non-binary days first and foremost emothy i am a scorpio so let's get that out of the way. It didn't have to be in the way. I didn't know.
Starting point is 00:25:46 It's a Scorpio. It has to be in the context of the story. Classic Scorpio, inserting yourself into the narrative like that. I mean, it feels a little like a Gemini move, and maybe that's why I feel threatened, but okay. It's because it's Gemini season, and they knew it. They knew what they were doing. Uh-huh. Yes.
Starting point is 00:26:02 This is related to Christine's latest two-parter on richard ramirez my mom and i were listening to another podcast episode about uh about richard big rick you know and my mom just casually says you know your grandma was almost his last victim right and i screamed what and i called my grandma before i could even finish his name she gasps and says yep that happened so my grandma gasped like she forgot oh yeah she probably went oh yes i remember it i remember it unfortunately too fondly um so my grandma was walking with her friends and she was suddenly grabbed from the back and a guy held up a knife to her oh my god wow that's terrible already of course she threw in the fact that he smelled horrid oh my gosh they're all
Starting point is 00:26:51 smelling really gross yeah they are so i mean that's why i drink can you take a lucky guess of who the fuck this was it was richard ramirez could have been ted to be fair yeah at this point i'm not too sure i didn't have a clear answer or uncle b at this point could be me and christine i don't know yeah who knows um he told me not to scream and her friends and told her friends to get lost so they ran but before that my grandma yelled at them to get help and she punched him in the dick yes yes grandma she got away and went to get help hoping he was still on the floor in pain from getting hit in the jewels but of course he was gone when it hit the news that he got caught by the mob of locals she was ecstatic and when she saw the news that he died she said
Starting point is 00:27:36 good that's what he gets for doing what he did to those people hope y'all like this little ditty and remember to stay safe until everyone to get vaccinated. Love y'all. How traumatizing. Yeah. First of all, loving that the French just booked it. Also that, like get lost. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:54 You got it. I love that the grandma was like, I've instructed them to get help since they just ran away. If my last words, like he had a knife to her back and said, don't speak. But she still spoke to say um while you're on your way ditching me can you at least call the police hey guys before you head out oh my goodness i'm so glad she had the chance to punch him in his also i wonder how grandma explained that so then i punched him in the dick like i wonder what her phrasing was right in the little dicky ramirez maybe right in the dicky ramirez wow what a what a crazy story
Starting point is 00:28:27 um well thank you thank god it was not an actual victim she was not an actual victim i mean she was a victim but not you know yes hope thank god it only went that far right exactly wowza yes okay so let's see what i have for you um oh what the heck my computer decided it's done i'm hanging out with me today oh me too actually so i'll see you why does everyone do this to me okay this is from alissa she her thank you lissa and the subject is spooky tale to celebrate our june 4th birthdays okay wait a minute our as in the two of you june 4th birthdays. Okay. Wait a minute. Our as in the two of you June 4th,
Starting point is 00:29:11 aka I'm not included and I... Well, you were born on the wrong day. That's not our problem. You're right. Did you know that I was born at 12, 12 a.m.? So I was very close actually to having the same birthday as you. 12 minutes behind. Wow.
Starting point is 00:29:21 And also I like the 12, 12. I like the... Yeah. That's fun. I thought that was fun i was very close i was born at 1 24 p.m so i was uh just a little late but you know that's what i do okay hi all i've been listening to your podcast for years and i've finally gotten around to sending over one of my stories a true testament of my ability to procrastinate see i was late 12 12 a.m It sounds like a June 4th problem. I'm not even going to deny that. You're 100% right.
Starting point is 00:30:00 That's correct. All of our being all the important people. Yes. It's our birth month i feel important again thank you good to celebrate i'd love to share a spooky story with you guys i've had tons of paranormal experiences throughout my life as one of the houses i grew up in was built on the site of town hangings when they were a thing of course and my other childhood home was on a graveyard well well we have a lot in common alissa this is
Starting point is 00:30:26 sounding i'm pretty sure she's about to say that she has a mom named bernada and like she shares a podcast with me like this is actually i'm always crazy four four fours journal from 2002 oh my god it's rice pudding nine oh no okay uh i grew up on a blah blah uh our childhood home was on a graveyard with grades as old as a revolutionary war that being said this story is still the one that chills me to my core it was move-in day for my freshman year of college and i lived on the top floor of a dorm with no elevator no ac and my arms felt like soggy noodles that's m's nightmare by the way no elevator no ac truly the uh any situation where there's no air conditioning just sign me out i'm no sign me out and also you have to walk up all the stairs to the top floor forget about it get out of town
Starting point is 00:31:19 absolutely not unless there's a million dollars and elizabeth olsen at the top of those stairs not a fat chance you just gotta get another cardboard in Elizabeth Olsen at the top of those stairs. Not a fat chance. You just got to get another cardboard cutout, put it at the top of the stairs. So to motivate you. You heard it here first, everyone. My birthday's next week. So. Okay.
Starting point is 00:31:36 So my roommates, my two roommates and I awkwardly introduced ourselves, unpacked our stuff and fell asleep as we were all pooped from the move. I woke up in my top. unpacked our stuff and fell asleep as we were all pooped from the move. I woke up in my top. I woke up in my top bunk, of course, to someone screaming as if they were royally pissed off at someone. I remember being so tired and so annoyed that one of my roommates was up and making so much noise. I looked down to see what the commotion was about. And there was an old haggard woman standing in the middle of our room screaming profanities at my roommate in the bunk underneath me okay absolutely not that i just got goose cam again that is traumatizing no matter what's about
Starting point is 00:32:10 to happen that moment is traumatizing correct as i look over the edge the old woman stopped talking looked up and stared at me before continuing to shout at my sleeping roommate i was so tired and also so nervous that these two girls i had just met would think i'm insane for waking them up over this oh wait they were still sleeping oh what oh i literally just read the sentence continuing to shout at my sleeping roommate it didn't even phase me i'll like okay so they're not even interact. They have done nothing to cause the screaming. Okay, now the goose cam is here. And they don't even notice it. The goose cam is here. Yes, it has arrived.
Starting point is 00:32:51 Also, blech. Have you ever had goose cam so intensely that your arms hurt when you bend them? It hurts. I was about to say, like, your body actually physically hurts. Yeah. Also, the fact that this woman was screaming and they didn't notice but then looked up at you like notice that you were noticing her no thank you noticing you noticing me no no uh looked up and stared at me before continuing to shout at my sleeping roommate
Starting point is 00:33:19 i was so tired and also nervous that these two girls I had just met would think I'm insane for waking them up over this, so I just went right back to sleep. I really tried shaking this scenario off as sleep paralysis or pure exhaustion or being in a new space, so I decided not to bring this up to my roommate. Flash forward a couple weeks, this roommate and I become incredibly close, still are to this day. We lived in the community service wing of our dorm building, meaning once or twice a month we would volunteer around our town at nursing homes daycares for underprivileged children animal shelters etc one day our resident advisor ra let us know the next opportunity would be christmas caroling at a nursery nurse this is nursery home i'm assuming that means nursing home yes not positive though my roommate turned to me and was like nope i cannot do that confused i was like why not that sounds like so
Starting point is 00:34:10 much fun she tells me she has always had a profound fear of old women and she has no idea why oh my god oh my god what they just really terrify her christine m when i say i almost fainted when she told me this this is a gemini indeed i love it can you imagine if she woke up and then saw the old lady yelling at her oh and and was like well this is the epitome of all my fears yes exactly yeah like imagine waking up from a nightmare and then your actual fear is happening and right in front but don't it don't but that i'm assuming it's her fear is because of that experience that she's had it before, maybe? I think so too, but I think it'd be a double whammy if all of you woke up and she was there
Starting point is 00:34:52 again. Your first night in the new dorm. Yeah, I agree. She's followed you, like you thought you'd get away from it. Like I'm imagining this person brought this old woman with her. Yeah, that's what it sounds like. Also, I mean, it must just be like subconscious at this point that you know this woman is screaming at you in your sleep but you just don't remember it i don't know gosh that's so sad but also like talk about a vivid dream like
Starting point is 00:35:12 yeah or a vivid reality that you're not really paying attention to truly can't make this shit up i had an internal struggle in that moment whether or not i should confirm to her why she may have that irrational fear okay you gotta tell her and i ended up letting her know what i had seen the night of our move-in turns out our dorm was one of two buildings oh so it was not her turned out our dorm was one of two buildings on campus that were supposedly haunted and a lot of other people had spooky encounters as well or i don't know i think this is about seven years ago and i still get chills when i think about it. Anyway, I hope you guys have a wonderful, wonderful birth month.
Starting point is 00:35:48 You too, Alyssa. And I'll have wine on our birthdays to celebrate, Christine. Lots of love, Alyssa. Wow. Okay. So I don't know if it was. But she must have brought this lady with her, right? I would imagine it was like already like an energy charged space.
Starting point is 00:36:01 Or that. Whatever was attached to the roommate came with her. charged space or that whatever is was attached to the roommate came with her or like she like just all of the older women's spirits can like smell her fear and her like time yeah i don't know she's pissed them all off in some form or life yeah okay this one is from julia who goes who's a she her pronouns thank you for normalizing pronouns and the uh subject line is glow in the dark toe i like half of this sentence you love half of the sentence i hate half of the sentence as well okay so it says hello m eva christine uh it just says baby so i'm thinking it meant to say baby geo or baby g but just i think it probably means my baby oh right you've got a baby now i
Starting point is 00:36:46 keep forgetting i think i'm assuming i mean maybe not no you're probably right it's so easy to forget that you have a baby when i just don't see your belly ever you know well yeah there's not much to see yet i'll show it to you later look every time i know you probably think about having a baby all the time now, but I don't. So when I see a baby phrase, I'm like, oh, the dog. Well, I kind of thought baby G was happening as well. Yeah. Maybe.
Starting point is 00:37:13 I think either one makes sense. Either. Hello, M, Eva, Christine, baby. And then it says furry pals. So I've had my answer revealed to me. And lemon. Another furry pal. So I've had my answer revealed to me. And lemon. Another furry pal. Another baby.
Starting point is 00:37:28 My name is Julia and I speak from Brazil. So pardon my English. In Brazil, we have a religion called Esperitismo, which closely translates to spiritualism. Basically, we are Christians who also believe in an afterlife, reincarnation, and obviously spirits. So this explanation will be needed later in the story. This is so absurd, I don't even know how to say this, so I'll just spill it. One night, my dad woke up with his big toe glowing. It sounds like such a dad experience.
Starting point is 00:38:00 I don't know how. I don't know why I was drinking water. But it would only happen to him. It would only happen to him it would only happen to you and every other dad on the planet that's about it it's true at the time i was around seven and i slept in a small bed in the same bedroom as my parents i woke up and my dad was sitting on the bed staring down at a light on his foot i called out to him but he wouldn't reply so i woke up my mom who asked him if he was feeling all right without a word my dad put his leg up on the bed his toe was glowing like literally glowing as if
Starting point is 00:38:30 there was a lamp inside of his flesh the fuck after about 10 minutes my dad grew bored of the situation and fell back asleep again this is m it really could only happen to me or a 40-year-old man. It's nowhere in between. Fell back asleep not too long after that. His toe stopped glowing. Oh, my gosh. I don't even know how to process that. I don't either. What on earth?
Starting point is 00:38:55 Now my mother is a medium. She does what you guys call automatic writing. We call it psychographia. Psychographia? call it sick psychographia psychographia uh they're like you call it a really basic term and we call it a fancy fancy word that we can't even pronounce we call it a word that's worth its merit um every week she takes part of a in a reunion with other mediums in the centro esperita like the church but for the religion i mentioned earlier um where they talk to lost spirits and sometimes help pass along messages in a reunion after the glowing toe incident there came in a young boy who was a ghost who called himself a magician's apprentice
Starting point is 00:39:36 he was stuck around because he liked doing magic tricks to scare people around him i'm stuck i just can't stop doing magic tricks i just the the colored flags just keep coming out of my sleeve there's so many doves i don't know what to do i'll cross over when they all finally leave that's so sad um he mentioned he got frustrated with his last magic trick because it didn't go so well and he had to make a man's toe glow. But the man didn't even care. Wait. Stop it. What? Let me say that again.
Starting point is 00:40:14 He mentioned that he got frustrated with his last magic trick. When it didn't go so well. Because he had made a man's toe glow. But the man didn't give a shit. What on earth? So good to know that a little boy spirit can make your body glow from the inside just in case you're wondering what they're capable of just for fun not for any reason not for any spiritual reason just like for fun literally casper the friendly ghost just being like wow i can do and then like you're not even caring and totally i love that that's not even
Starting point is 00:40:41 yeah and like you don't even care that's so sad it's like dad come on also i just feel like in real life if you're into magic like that's not really a trick you learn so it's just so random that after you die you're like yeah i know the ultimate trick this one's really gonna get them folks just your toe and then it didn't work uh i don't know i've honestly if i had done that if i were a spirit and i made someone's toe glow and they didn't care i'd be like okay all five of your toes are gonna glow now yeah yeah oh your foot's gonna glow now oh never mind now that one's gonna stop and the other foot's gonna glow i mean honestly like but you're that would be so offended i'd be so mad i don't know any other
Starting point is 00:41:17 details since my mother isn't really allowed to talk about what happens in these meetings but it just amuses me to this day and i kind of wish it happened to me they say mediums attract spirits which i guess is true because many other weird things have happened in my house but those are for another day thanks for the amazing podcast lots of love from brazil julia holy shit what a story what a tale what a good story i mean honestly if i were if if i were to have to go through a haunting, I would want it to be a little boy, like, magician wannabe who, like, you know, made my feet glow. That'd be super awesome. I feel like that's, like, you can't make that shit up. Like, it's so random.
Starting point is 00:41:56 It's so random. It's the most random. It's wild. That made me really happy. I feel like that we need. I like those stories where it's it's like harmless. Yeah. Just so strange.
Starting point is 00:42:07 Also, I don't know, like creepy, but also kind of cute. I have no feelings of being threatened at the same time. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:42:18 Glow in the dark toe. I mean, that really is an M story. I feel like that would happen to you. I'm shocked it hasn't. Honestly, it might now honestly maybe that boy in the other dimension was like okay finally an audience member who will appreciate my trip yeah if that's as bad as it's gonna get if that's as intense as the haunting's gonna be haunt me like it's better than a polter grope right like oh definitely
Starting point is 00:42:39 i've been there have a glow toe you know okay all right so this is our bonus story and this is from our pal shady sadie who clearly has some fun shady has made quite a mark on us because uh this is like their third time writing in i think so that's that seems to be correct yes but apparently like eva has read the stories not knowing who they were from all three times and they were always shady sadie so that's kind of odd and also shady sadie has sent us some really wonderful gifts in the past yeah shady sadie you were a gem and a half you were on top of it and the and that's why we're drinking so and we're not trying to insinuate oh you're writing all these stories and they're not they're like two like they're they're they're true stories i'm assuming they're just like you must have an interesting life is what i'm trying
Starting point is 00:43:28 to say you must really uh have run the gamut in another world so yeah yeah in this one too in this one as well yeah okay i like how juni looks like he's holding up for dear fucking life juni literally just grabbed the bell he said buckle up for Shady Sadie. He's like, not again. Oh, my God. Okay. Shady Sadie. She heard.
Starting point is 00:43:51 Thank you, Sadie. Subject, I'm not a serial killer and back to the future. Food share. Okay. I'm interested. I thought that might get your attention. It did. Happy birthday to Em and Christine and Alyssa.
Starting point is 00:44:10 So since it is a very special episode, I wanted to tell you a story that is not true crime or paranormal, but I think Em would really appreciate. Though it does involve a true crime and paranormal movie, so I guess it kind of counts. Back when I was in college, a horror movie called I'm Not a Serial Killer was being shot in my town. It's so comforting when a movie industry thinks we need a small town that looks like it would produce a troubled teen with homicidal tendencies and then they visit your town and say, perfect. That'll do. This is exactly what we were looking for. Anyways, in a town of roughly 8,000 people, something like a movie being filmed is a fairly big deal maybe in la they can block off entire streets for filming but when that's the only street you can take to get to your apartment it gets pretty annoying particularly when it
Starting point is 00:44:49 happens several days in a row even in la it gets particularly annoying i wouldn't worry it's extremely annoying um it's and also like it at least there was some flair of like it being in your small town like hollywood oh right right true but in LA it's like this happens every not like and it's like a commercial it's not even like oh they're filming a horror movie it's like they're filming another like all state commercial remember the Honda commercial they filmed on the house next to you on my street and they like put fake snow and we were like what is going on they like had a huge snow machine it was crazy I couldn't park for two whole recording sessions I had to walk all the way to Christine's house you had to like park on my lawn actually you should have parked on my lawn
Starting point is 00:45:28 you had to park far away that was awful they'll tow your car okay this is not about complaining i'm sorry but it is annoying we feel you is what we're trying to say so one day i was headed home when one of the cursed roadblocks popped up and i got stranded on the opposite side of town from my bed that's a nightmare that's a nightmare at least Em got stranded from me not from their bed that would have been so much worse you'd still be hearing about it yeah Em would never have stopped thoroughly annoyed I parked and went to a bar to wait it out fair point I sat down next to a very kind elderly man and ordered some fries and a drink then proceeded to bitch uh and she says it's the midwest bitching to strangers at bars is one of our regional hobbies can confirm that
Starting point is 00:46:11 it's a good time uh the man was a very good sport about it we spoke for about half an hour i shared my fries with him sorry i love shady sadie gosh thinking about the pre-covid world where i just casually shared food with a random guy at a bar is weird put your hands on my food please here eat it he admitted he was in town for the movie and i apologized for complaining about it he laughed and said it was okay we talked about a few other things then the filming on the street wrapped up and both of us wait so he's there for the movie, and he's waiting for the filming? He's hiding out in a bar, eating french fries, waiting for it to end? Maybe he just wasn't in the scene and had to duck out somewhere.
Starting point is 00:46:52 Okay, fair. I have an idea that he's the director, and he's just hiding from everybody, but that's probably not true. The filming on the street wrapped up, both of us got up to leave. He paid for my drink and fries for me, and I asked him what part of town he was playing nope that's not what it says and i asked him what part he was playing before he left and he replied mr crowley ew that sounds creepy i don't even know what it is assuming that it was just a small extra bit i said cool then the movie came out and a group of us went to watch it together i realized realized that Mr. Crowley was one of the main characters. Oh, cool.
Starting point is 00:47:28 I thought I ate fries with one of the main characters. Then the credits rolled and I read the actor's name. Mr. Crowley was played by Christopher Lloyd. Oh, my God. Who paid for my fries was Doc Brown. When I tell you I would have vomited out of excitement like and i would have had the he would know me as the worst fan experience of his life because i would have collapsed to the ground and you would not you don't share your food that wouldn't that
Starting point is 00:47:57 part i would have been like take the goddamn restaurant i'll pay i'll buy one of everything whatever you want wow i love that Shady Say is like oh cool I hate this movie that's playing I hate it so much this movie is eh I guess but also doc Dr. Emmett Brown is literally uh eating fries with me I just want to go to my bed oh my god I love that he had to admit he was there for the movie this is amazing I don't know how I didn't see that I somehow didn't see that coming yeah we heard back to the future earlier and i completely forgot it you said french fries and i just went in the other direction totally forgot i'm like he's the director of the film like i don't know where i'm making shit like that up okay mr crowley was played by
Starting point is 00:48:37 christopher lloyd the old man who paid for my fries was doc brown that's it that's the end of that story like i said no hebes or jibes but I figured Em would get a kick out of it. Happy birthday to, yes, I did too. Happy birthday to Em and Christine and Eva. Thank you for, for always reading our stories. Team cheap beer and crappy fries. I'm telling you, Sadie has just like such a fascinating array of stories. That also checks out now because I was like, Shady Sadie has already written in with a different true crime and a different paranormal story. And now like, i'm pretty sure those were the two stories but also like i was like is there more but that makes sense that has nothing to do with true crime it's just like a wild fun fact that's also tangential to our podcast wow what a cool
Starting point is 00:49:17 anecdote though like that is the ultimate anecdote like party story i don't i've never i've only met leah thompson from back to the future but that was it but she was very lovely wow and i i didn't meet her like organically i met her at a back to the future like convention so oh well it it was kind of expected i'd run into somebody but i've never gone to like accidentally eat fries with marty mcfly are you kidding me i would i mean you would have known who it was that's the wild part is that she just didn't even know i wouldn't have known either yeah i wouldn't have been able to keep uh like a normal conversation going i would have been like projectile vomited all over i've been like
Starting point is 00:49:53 so anyway what do you do like oh my god uh wow what a story well that is a very exciting array of tales for our birthday month. Listener stories. Thank you, everybody. And our official birthday isn't even yet. So I think we're not in the birthday spirit yet because we've got over a week until either of us turn anything. We're still in our 20s. We're still in our 20s. We're still in our 20s.
Starting point is 00:50:20 So close. And so next week when the new episode comes out, or I guess when the new episode comes out or I guess whenever the next episode comes out I forget the days but we will talk about our birthdays probably a lot more in the next couple they're like oh thank god there's more this is just taste you by now
Starting point is 00:50:38 you know how this goes so if you hate it just come back in like four episodes you know all right that's why we drink

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