And That's Why We Drink - Listener Stories: Vol. 57

Episode Date: July 1, 2021

Hey ghosty pop, we simply can't do this right now! Join us for another rousing set of truly cursed stories sent in by you all. This month we hear from listeners about their haunted hospital elevators,... potentially possessed children and absolutely demonic tiny black shoes. We also pitch the new sitcom: Two and a Half Ghosts... and that's why we drink! Please consider supporting the companies that support us! Download the 5 star-rated puzzle game, Best Fiends FREE today on the App Store or Google Play!Go to and use code drink14 for up to 14 free meals plus free shipping!Explore your creativity at and get a one-month free trial of Premium Membership! Go to to take your quiz and save 20% on yourfirst order!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 ah that sound never gets old christine and now you can yell what you yelled a few minutes ago before we did this what is wrong with me everyone i i think a week i can sense uh gemini season is ending soon and all of the chaos is really just compounding within itself. Well, look at this shirt I subconsciously, not so subconsciously wore. It says Gemini season all over it. It was from a listener, actually. Yeah, at a live show, right? That's right.
Starting point is 00:00:36 No, no, no. They mailed it to our mailboxes. Oh, yes. And I took both of them. I was like, these are mine now. One is for the podcast department. One is for me. It's fun that they're twins of themselves that's right i think they didn't realize what they were doing but um i took advantage so hello and now it is july welcome yeah i just recently in the last
Starting point is 00:00:57 time we tried to record this i screamed it's july and we were in the middle of recording something else and i was like it was like it wasn't necessary it's not it's definitely mid-June don't it was not um appropriate and we had to start recording all over again it was fitting but it wasn't exactly correct but that's okay anyway welcome to our listeners episode our seventh of the year 7 out of 12 which is crazy uh so that means we're officially halfway done with 2021 okay that's really wild because the drag of 2020 obviously it was just like i don't we don't even need to go there but 2020 was such a drag and now like we're like okay we're moving on and suddenly it's like oh we're moving on like so fast yeah um and i'm like in a couple months i'm gonna be like in a totally different
Starting point is 00:01:41 life stage and space and i'm'm like, it's rocketing. A very different what? That's a broad, broad. Very different blank and put every word you could think of. And so I feel like I'm kind of like terrified, like rock, like rocketing toward, I don't know. I'm already getting. Being an adult officially.
Starting point is 00:01:59 Being a grown up. Having a human to care for. Again, like for like the fifth time in our friendship i'm so glad that you're doing something before me why do i do that like i have so much anxiety but i think i'm impatient that's the problem is i am maxi relaxy just chilling not feeling the need to do anything and you're like i'm having a baby and i was like whoa my friend i mean you that's me though like when i was moved to la and was broke broke beyond broke could barely pay rent and then adopted a dog by the way don't do that it was a huge mistake I mean I love you G but like
Starting point is 00:02:31 he knows it was the most stressful experience of my life and yes I do know that in a couple months I won't be saying that any longer but at the time it was the most stressful experience of my life and um I mean I did everything I was losing money at work because I was trying to pay for his daycare. And, you know, he got the king's treatment. Don't worry. But it was like, what was I thinking? I wasn't prepared for this. So this time I am more prepared.
Starting point is 00:02:56 Don't worry. I'm not going to do that to a child. But I'm just thinking like I'm always I'm just never I don't take a beat. I'm just no patient. Meanwhile, my beat like ended all that time ago and I just reverberate yeah I'm I'm just a carbon copy of the last 10 beats I think which I'm I am so happy to be just so stress-free I'm gonna I'm gonna um you will be the person I come to when I have a lot of questions one day that's what a lot of people are telling me I'm going to, you will be the person I come to when I have a lot of questions one day. That's what a lot of people are telling me.
Starting point is 00:03:25 I'm like, I can't promise I'll have any good answers. Your kid's going to be all dented and shitch from like being the practice kid for the whole group of friends. Well, listen, I was the practice kid in my mom's, you know, group and in her life. So I feel like this is what it is. What happens? Look, passing on the torch, passing on the torch. Well, then happy July.
Starting point is 00:03:47 You now officially have three months left of not officially being a mom. Oh, shudder. Yep. I just, Allison and I watched someone walk across the street with a stroller, like, yesterday. And both of us at the same time went, Christine's going to do that one day. I keep thinking that. Every time I see someone with a baby, I'm like, oh, my God, Blaze, that's going to be us. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:04:08 And he's like, yeah, that's a person with a baby. That's what it is. And I'm like, it's shocking to my system. Nice to know he has zero, 100% expectations are already met for him and like 0% shock at anything. He understands a stroller will be involved. I'm still kind of coming to grips with that well uh to those of you with babies uh i don't know i hope you're okay and also to those of you without babies i hope you're also doing okay we all we're all living different lives but we're still struggling and also it's about to be
Starting point is 00:04:41 cancer season i don't know if that it helps some of you geez um it's not going to be great for me because usually the tailspin of gemini season just becomes more and more chaos reason is to struggle for me i i struggle with it it's it's a lot um it's a lot but well good luck to all of us white knuckling it throughout cancer season we'll get it we'll get through it uh we love you any little crabby's out there we love you so welcome to your month your month finally uh it's rj's month also he's a cancer uh okay it makes a lot of sense with all of his swimming anyway uh why we have oh because he's a crab wouldn't that be pisces okay a couple water related ones uh we have six stories today for you so thank you eva for reading them thank you to the six people who wrote in uh thank you to everyone who wrote in
Starting point is 00:05:31 but for these six who are getting featured yes uh do you want to go first i think i went first last time sure i'm not positive but i'll still do it great um this is from rebecca uh rebecca i don't know your pronouns. Uh-oh. So we're going with the default they, them. We made sure to check. I don't think there are anywhere they say at the end of the email. Also, by the way, don't use my name.
Starting point is 00:05:54 I just looked at the bottom. So don't worry, everybody. Sorry about that. So Rebecca's subject line is actual backrooms story. Okay, okay, okay. I already hate it. So this is a doozy, so let's crack into it. I was just listening to an episode on the Backroom Series when I suddenly felt like I had experienced this in reality.
Starting point is 00:06:22 Uh-oh. Suddenly, I had a Jimmy Neutron like flashback that had my brain truly tried to suppress. Do you remember the Jimmy Neutron brain? Oh, absolutely. All the neurons. I had been volunteering in my local hospital when I was in high school. And since I don't like hospitals, blood, being sick, you know, things that make a hospital a hospital, I was usually placed at the front desk to help out. I love that you even picked that as a job, by the way. Wow, what a strange career choice.
Starting point is 00:06:54 One day I walk in and my placement was being covered. So I had to go to an actual floor and do rounds slash drop off food. Oh no. I get up there and they asked me to go to the laundry room and get fresh linens for a patient. I'd never been to the laundry room, but had an idea of where I was heading. I get to a double-doored elevator and I write it down. The elevator stops. I get off.
Starting point is 00:07:11 Only then I realize it let me out the wrong way. No worries. I'll just get back on. Nope. Because the door would not open for anything. I figured, okay, there has to be another elevator or stairs down this hallway please picture if you will a long corridor that has only track lighting above a few doors and
Starting point is 00:07:30 then turns to the right i mean that's exactly what i was already picturing yeah you didn't have to describe it we're there we're already there and also you're locked down there because the elevator won't help you cool cool cool i start walking down this hallway for what seems like eternity and realize i haven't even gotten to a turn yet. I continue on and begin to hear voices and whispers from behind some doors, but not enough to convince me anyone real was behind the voices. I continue down the hallway and the amount of doors doubles. The lights are starting to hurt my eyes and the voices seem to increase. You're literally, you've been walking for so long you're going insane that's what i'm hearing oh my god trying also if you did hear a
Starting point is 00:08:08 voice and it was an alive person i'd still be nervous i'd be like why are you down here by yourself unless you're doing something real shady behind this door that you can't apparently escape like yeah uh trying not to panic i decide to just turn around and go back down the hallway. That's when I see the elevator I had exited right behind me. What? What? What? Not down a never-ending hallway filled with doors, but right there. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:08:34 I press the button and the door opens right away. I step on and go back upstairs, and it felt like I'd been down there for about half an hour, but it had actually been two hours. So now you're losing fucking time. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. So that's even more wild. Absolutely not. Because if you said, oh, I felt like I was down there for a few minutes,
Starting point is 00:08:52 that would lend credence to the elevator was pretty close behind you. But if you felt like you were down there for a half hour, it was actually two hours, and still the elevator was right behind your back, something is very wrong. Ooh, I hate it um my supervisor had assumed i was pulled somewhere else so they sent someone down to do the laundry so wait someone else was also down there the whole time you never even noticed oh maybe she got on the wrong floor i think they were saying like since she was supposed to be doing the laundry or they i don't
Starting point is 00:09:22 know their pronouns since they were supposed to be doing the laundry or they, I don't know their pronouns, since they were supposed to be doing the laundry that they sent somebody else instead. Yeah. I, I just agreed that I was, or they just agreed I was pulled elsewhere. And so I finished my rounds and left. I really don't know what happened that day,
Starting point is 00:09:36 but I feel it's possible. It was a mixture of the back doors and back rooms theories. Yeah. It was possibly another space that also occupied the hospital also uh it's completely possible that my anxiety turned me around all i know is that seeing the elevator right there right away when i turned to go back was the most chilling yet calming sensation the whispers behind the doors were also incredibly surreal as were the lights they were almost too bright i have also i've always had strange occurrences around me
Starting point is 00:10:05 so i am no i am no stranger to oddities but this was my one brain this one my brain absolutely tried to hide from me and this was my one brain i think is love you all uh i met you both when you came to long island and we were we were the whole family that came to your show as a family bonding night i remember you can't wait to see you guys uh one day again we gave you so many hugs because there were so many of you um wowza um wowza wowza that is so creepy obviously like it just it's one of those weird glitches where you can't explain. Something's always off. Like, either you didn't actually move very far, but then why had it been two hours? Right.
Starting point is 00:10:52 Unless you, like, were, the only thing I can think of is, like, you were so sleepy you passed out and had a dream. Or, like, had some sort of narcolepsy or something. Yeah. Who knows? Oh, my God. The other thing, too, is actually this sounds like a great way to avoid doing any laundry or any like you just get pulled away to the back rooms and you
Starting point is 00:11:11 don't have to do it maybe something was doing you a favor and they're like you don't want to touch those linens we know we know yeah but like yeah going down there and just walking walking walking just to like turn around and like back basically back into the elevator like so it was behind you the whole time it almost like just makes reality like space and time feel fake which is so creepy like yeah yeah like the the thing i am most certain about is that those two things are like fixed and it's like oh mind. And that's the one thing humans depend on, and then never mind. Okay. Well, speaking of that, I have one called Nurse Ghost Story. So I guess we're on an unintentional medical theme, unless it was intentional.
Starting point is 00:11:56 I don't know. We'll find out. It was an intentional medical theme. This is from Bailey. Thank you, Bailey. Bailey says, hey, spooky friends. I'll keep the intro short, mostly because I'm a terrible writer. But thank you for being so fun to listen to and for being your awesome and authentic selves.
Starting point is 00:12:10 I go by she, her pronouns. Thank you for normalizing pronouns. I have two ghost stories for you. Thank you. I have two ghost stories for y'all. And I'm a terrible writer. So I apologize in advance. All right.
Starting point is 00:12:22 So I'm a nurse. And I work on a neuro unit at a hospital okay so maybe this was intentional we'll see meaning i work with mainly stroke victims brain and spinal surgeries traumatic brain injuries etc i also work nights which will literally suck the life out of you but that is besides the point so one night i was charting at my computer and out of the corner of my eye i saw someone leaning out of a room with a blue hospital gown on and if anyone works in a hospital you know or has been to the hospital me raising my hand uh you know exactly the shade of
Starting point is 00:12:49 worn out blue i'm talking about i look over and they're gone so i think maybe someone needs help or something and being the good and helpful nurse i am i walked down a few rooms where i saw the flash of blue gown not quietly on the door and peek my head in the room the room was completely dark and vacant with no one inside. This happened two more times that night where I was sitting to chart and I saw someone lean out of that same room, but every time they were gone by the time I looked over. All right, that was a small appetizer. So here's the big boy. Oh.
Starting point is 00:13:17 I think you're an excellent writer, Bailey. I don't know what you're talking about. Yeah, hang on a second. I think you're fooling yourself. That's beautiful. don't know what you're talking about. Yeah, what? Hang on a second. I think you're fooling yourself. That's beautiful. So to preface, my husband is a security guard at the hospital I work at, and he has access to cameras. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Okay. One night I had a patient who was on the unit because they kept having strokes. They wouldn't last too long, maybe 10
Starting point is 00:13:38 to 20 minutes, but they would happen at the same time each day. The day in question, the patient had not had their daily stroke their daily my daily stroke that sounds terrible that sounds like it was a good day then right yeah side note this is not normal and the doctors were trying to figure out what the fuck was going on with this weird phenomenon so i get on shift and i'm like cool maybe this is over awesome i'm so happy and relieved for my patient right so it seems like a positive. Yeah. Everything was going smoothly. Then I got a call that the patient needed a routine MRI done, so I took them down to the first floor to drop them off. On my way to the elevators, I saw someone walk into the farthest one to the right of me, and the doors closed.
Starting point is 00:14:15 I am very antisocial and have terrible social anxiety, so I waited about 15 seconds to push the button. Haha, been there. So I wouldn't have to get in the same elevator as them. push the button been there so i wouldn't have to get in the same elevator as them after i waited the appropriate amount of time probably 15 seconds long enough to avoid them but not long enough for them to get off the elevator i scanned my badge and pushed the buttons there are six elevators that could have opened but which opens the fucking elevator that i just saw someone walk into a few seconds ago as i walk up preparing my apology for making them wait that's the worst when you let them go and then you have a button and it opens and they're still there.
Starting point is 00:14:46 You're like, oh. Now I have to admit that I was avoiding you. You're like, we both know what was happening here, right? And now you're late. Busted. So awkward. So let's see. As I walk up preparing my apology for making them wait, I realize there is no one in the elevator.
Starting point is 00:15:02 The doors close and I instantly have a weird vibe. So I it to my unit get off the elevator from hell and continue on with my nursley duties you know saving lives and shit so about 30 minutes later i get a call from mri saying my patient is done and to come pick them up i was busy at the moment so i asked my tech certified nursing assistant for hospitals and people who are severely overworked and underpaid to run downstairs and grab them. Maybe five minutes later, I get a panicked call from said tech saying the patient is having another episode in the elevator on the way up and to meet them in the room.
Starting point is 00:15:35 So I sprint to my patient's room and sure enough, they're having their daily stroke episode, but it was almost all resolved by the time they were off the elevator. After I make sure the patient is okay, both physically and emotionally, I go talk with my tech. Tech told me everything was fine and dandy until they got on the elevator and the episode started. And once they got off the elevator, the symptoms started to subside. Curious, I asked which elevator they got on. And my tech said the farthest one to the right, the same elevator I took up.
Starting point is 00:16:04 It's like that person in there maybe is like a harbinger for something. And my text said the farthest one to the right, the same elevator I took up. It's like that person in there maybe is like a harbinger or something. Something bad, yeah. The patient was fine the rest of the night, but the next day I gave my husband the location and time and asked him to look back at the cameras and tell me if he saw anything. Oh, I already have chills. He said, before I come into view of the camera the elevator opens and closes it sorry the elevator opens and closes on its own then he sees me wait a little and get on that same elevator so nobody was on the elevator yeah yeah okay that's fucking balloon
Starting point is 00:16:38 attunes are you kidding me the other part weird part is that it opens and closes so like even there was nobody there but also nobody pushed the button or anything you know it's so much worse is like she she yeah she her had social anxiety with a ghost like like that guy was on the elevator and you were like oh and like he was not even there that's like that book the gift of fear where he tells you by gavin de beck where he tells you like trust your gut and sometimes if you're feeling like antisocial or you don't there is an example where he says like if you are getting on an elevator and you feel uncomfortable like listen to that feeling i'm like maybe that maybe it was your body being like i'm antisocial but like
Starting point is 00:17:18 reality your body was like don't get on that fucking elevator something is wrong yes something something with that if you had to be in an elevator also what would have happened if you got on the elevator what is that like what's that 20 second experience oh i know you end up in that fucking hallway in the basement oh right samantha what was her name i forget uh rebecca rebecca but no like it does make you think like in a world where like you know she got on the elevator it's like do you stand next to this thing for 30 whole seconds or was she gonna watch it like vanish in front of her was it gonna be something creepy was it gonna be levitating or would she like turn to get on the elevator and nobody was
Starting point is 00:17:52 in there you know okay that would have been the best option i think um okay let's see there's a little bit more here the elevator opens and closes on its own then he sees me wait a little and get on the same elevator it could all very well be a coincidence, but working in the medical field for a few years now, I know that it's rarely ever just a coincidence. Sorry for the long story, but thank you for all you do. Please, please remember to get vaccinated, wear a mask, wash your damn hands. People are dying
Starting point is 00:18:15 alone and families are losing loved ones. Without saying goodbye, we need to work together to end this. Thank you, Bailey. Amen. Amen and hallelujah. So, wow. Yikes. Chills. Gross. No thank you bailey amen amen and hallelujah so uh wow yikes chills gross no thank you okay that is i'm glad that uh bailey like avoided the situation but i am there i will always be curious like what would that right a bit look like so anyway i'm glad you're safe that's are there cameras on the elevator that That would have been interesting.
Starting point is 00:18:46 That would have been so interesting. Oh, I, I, hmm. It's probably been too long to check, but. I, oh my God, I just did something with my headphones. Honky talk. Yes, I can talk all day, actually. I can talk for the rest of my life if you want me to. I fucked something up on my headphones and now I can hear you on. Oh, there you are.
Starting point is 00:19:04 Heyo, it's me did you miss me um oh just like burst out of the closet like why are you screaming hello he was like and it's me it's me too it's me uh I was gonna say one more thing which was um that makes me think because it's cool that it's cool that Bailey had a connection to somebody who could like double check but it makes you think of all the times where you like see something weird and you can't double check it and you just write it off as like, Oh, it must've just been my imagination.
Starting point is 00:19:31 But like there's so many times where you probably could have had somebody, if you had footage or you had, you know, something to prove your weird feeling. Yeah. There's a lot of things I would like to look back on. I, it's one of those things where I imagine if you like end up at like the pearly gates and get to ask a question or something.
Starting point is 00:19:49 I have no idea what my one question would be. But one of them I would consider for sure is like how many times was I next to a ghost and just had no fucking clue? Or had a weird feeling. Or a demon. When was I near a demon? Yeah. How creepy. And then I mean I already forgot about the whole beginning of like there
Starting point is 00:20:05 was that room that kept having somebody lean out of it and nobody was in there like see ya that was its own thing wow that was only the appetizer that was the amuse bouche all right our next one is from alex, her pronouns. Thank you for normalizing pronouns. And the subject line is kids are scary. So that is, that is very on brand for this month. Yes. For this year. And it's lengthy. So I am afraid to read this much about a child, let alone your terrible experience of a child.
Starting point is 00:20:40 I'm going to sit here and absorb it, I guess. Okay. So Alex says, hello, Christine, M, Eva, and crew. My name is Alex. She, her pronouns. of a child i'm gonna sit here and absorb it i guess okay so alex says hello christine m eva and crew my name is alex she her pronouns and i'm a mom of two uh i'm wine loving and soon to be forensic psychologist let's be friends look forward to your podcast every week look i'm uh holding my krampus and mothman stuffies while also holding a little baby as well and a baby you've got the the trifecta from hell over there i think the three demons and me um me and my louie me and my three demons this is my i think somebody mailed me this this is from cryptid cryptid oh shoot cryptid something on etsy
Starting point is 00:21:20 cryptid cryptid oh cryptid well cryptid comfort shop is the one that i got you this one yeah okay this is something different i think i'll look it up later they're really by the way like you holding those three little demons in your arms it makes me think like someone should redo full house but it's all based in hell it's animated and it's just me and krampus and oh my god it's like two and a half men but two and a half demons you know two and a half demons actually works so well it works a little too well right now like really weird uh okay uh francis i look forward to your podcast every week i have considered writing this story into you several times, but always hesitate because of how long it is.
Starting point is 00:22:05 But now that Christine is expecting a little baby of her own, I feel like it is the perfect time to share, as this has to do with my firstborn daughter. And knowing you're all linked to the paranormal, I have a sneaking suspicion that Christine's new baby will say or do some goose cam worthy things. Yeah. I can't wait to call you every time that happens it's why i'm
Starting point is 00:22:26 already so fortunate you're on the other side of the country and like i did you a favor okay you did i was like i really wish i knew your kid but also no i don't like also you're gonna not regret yeah being removed you're right one day i'm gonna babysit the kid and they're gonna just like whisper the creepiest shit in the corner of the room and they're not even gonna look at me which is the worst part they're gonna be like point like looking at the corner over your shoulder i'm gonna be like christine you didn't tell me your kid knows latin i don't understand what's happening oh they don't that's weird they'll be just like levitating horizontally okay let's start with a little background to my family history i grew up close with my mom's side of the family and was lucky enough to have my great grandmother in my life until I was 18.
Starting point is 00:23:09 All of my life, we would go and visit her and she had quite the fantastical stories to share with me. It was rumored that her mother or my great-great-grandmother was considered a witch in her small town growing up. Wow, this is your ancestors one day talking about you. I'm so happy about this already i feel so connected to the story my great-grandmother seemed to inherit some abilities as well and she lived in an apartment on the 11th floor and swore that she saw her oldest son come to visit her one afternoon years ago he told her goodbye and then walked out of the window again from 11 stories up in the air oh dear later that day she received a phone call
Starting point is 00:23:45 letting her know that her son had passed away whoa oh shit uh she also had a dream of her sister laying in a casket and woke up the next day to find out her sister had passed away first of all talk about the amount of trauma this seriously that's dark and if you ever have a dream accidentally about something like that you must wake up in panic. Oh, yeah. A thousand percent. There were many other stories, but those two always stuck with me the most. My grandmother always also would tell me stories of seeing shadow people at the foot of her bed all the time as a little girl.
Starting point is 00:24:16 And then there was my mother who would claim to see reflections of people who were not actually there in the mirrors on several occasions. As for myself, i would get gut feelings about things but nothing as extreme as the rest of the women in my family tree until i became pregnant with my first daughter oh fuck fast forward to 2013 it was about three i was about three months pregnant and my husband and i had moved into our new home here in kentucky what is going on wait a second are we friends wait hang on it was it was a tell me if you recognize this place it was a split level house and on the upper level was a baby's nursery
Starting point is 00:24:51 have you been in this house christy oh i look around me wait a second it was midday and the sun was shining bright as i was upstairs painting the new nursery which was a cute mint green and white stripe accent wall i appreciate the gender neutrality and we also needed to know the colors i needed i certainly needed to know what you love a good green love a good green love green all of a sudden the doorbell started to ring over and over and over again i sent my brush down and went uh to answer the door wondering why someone would be ringing the doorbell so aggressively i pulled the door open and mid ring it stopped no no no one was at the door no i played it off as maybe a wiring issue with the doorbell but i had the gut feeling that something was very wrong and that someone was watching me as i had opened the door
Starting point is 00:25:37 shivers also like you're painting the nursery what an innocent thing to be doing while somebody just decides to harass you at that very moment the purest thing you can be doing yes exactly after this all was quiet and seemingly normal my baby stella was born in december of that year she was a happy smart loving baby and we enjoyed our new family and home so much fast forward again to when she was around a year and a half old she was an early talker and could communicate very well she nightly would walk to the front of the house and look out the window and point and say ghosty man outside oh forget about it forget about it oh no no no that's okay if i'm ever watching your kid and they say ghosty man outside i'm calling wag and they're coming to take care of the baby and i'm gonna go i'm gonna go somewhere else i'm gonna be like wait here until the mom
Starting point is 00:26:25 gets home here they're good here's their harness take them uh now i love a good horror movie occasionally when indulgence of ghost adventures episodes but i was shocked still that she knew the word ghosty as i normally would wait to watch those types of things until after she was in bed also like they don't usually say ghosty on the show so i feel can you imagine if bagel bites was like oh a ghosty honestly i can't and hey ghosty i simply can't do this right now hey ghosty pop stop em you are on fire today i'm not kidding uh we kept assuring her nothing was out there but she would get more adamant and more descriptive as time went on. She started patting my head and saying, ghosty man hat. I can't.
Starting point is 00:27:09 Stop. As if someone was out there wearing a hat. She would say, ghosty man, eat apples. We had an apple tree in our front yard. Oh, no. Also, now I know that there are ghosts that are like totally ripping off your own garden. Yeah, wait a second. That's like not their property.
Starting point is 00:27:28 If I plant some tomatoes, are they like just chomping away over there? And they're like letting me blame the deer or something? Honestly, all dead plants that I can't keep alive are now. It's now the problem of the ghosts, not me. It was actually the ghost who just injecting poison into the plant. That's why it died so quickly. It like bit all the leaves off or something. At this point, she was close to two and could walk very well.
Starting point is 00:27:50 I had gone out front to check the mailbox, and she came behind me. As I was about halfway down the driveway, she started screaming, Run, Mommy, run! Ghostie man, get you! No! This child is either a maniacal genius or like the creepiest baby alive like i i so more than anything this is literally this is the number one reason for birth control if you if someone out there is like oh i need to take my my pill but i'm like i'll wait five minutes
Starting point is 00:28:23 i'm sorry someone's child just screamed run mommy, mommy, run, ghosty man, get you. Pause the episode. So, like, go take your fucking pill. Pause the episode. I turned around to her, show her I was fine, and then watched as she got what I can only describe as shoved down. No. So something fucking yeeted this kid after, like called him out and she's been so nice to him just calling him ghosty guy i don't know she has been like really dishing his laundry like
Starting point is 00:28:52 really yeah really letting us know like he's eating our apples he's wearing a hat you're what's keeping an eye on this guy i saw her little back arch forward as if something had pushed her right at the center of her back. I ran and picked her up and said, fuck the mail and rushed back inside, locking the door. And then came the awful day. I was changing her in her room and she started thrashing around, screaming and crying. And she said, clear as day. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:29:22 What? What? Ghosty man inside me and pointed to her chest m what the fuck m hey someone wanted to win best creepiest listener story ever and they're winning the fuck again that gut feeling came rushing that this was more than i understood and could help her with and at this point everything had been outside and i started to piece things together that maybe the doorbell incident when i was pregnant had oh i can't even i'm like have such chills i'm so freaked out maybe the doorbell incident when i was pregnant and had just moved in was the ghosty man basically trying to get inside the house don't open your damn doors i'm telling you folks don't and since i guess since she had opened the door and like welcomed it in
Starting point is 00:30:10 in theory by opening the door while she was painting the nursery too like i mean also like don't spirits like when you're pregnant like don't spirits like flock to that new energy i think so or i think at least they there's a theory that you're more in tune or more vulnerable yeah like more open to that i don't know i i feel like this one is the like if you're pregnant like they can sense new energy and all of a sudden this thing would like like sense that there was a new baby on the property and like came flying into the house being like i'm gonna attach to that and then ever since the kid was born there was some sort of weird attachment they had it's like that story we read last month or maybe the month before where the writer said that there when their mom gave birth that was the last time they saw that like thing standing by the bed and then it like
Starting point is 00:30:56 got passed to the child the fact that it happened so rapidly like a full transaction had happened so anyway it was the man trying to get inside i was inside now and it was inside now and letting itself known let it be known to all of us at this point nothing was quiet again literally chairs were scooting across the floor cabinets were opening and closing toys in the playroom going off what sounded like a whip cracking at the foot of my bed in the middle of the night experiencing night terrors hearing a man's voice occasionally in the kitchen and there was that one night where my husband came home early from work and i was in the kitchen with my back to the stairs and my husband said who do you have here and i just saw
Starting point is 00:31:38 a man run up the stairs oh like who do you have here yeah like that yeah he really thought i was he really thought i was hiding a secret lover or something he checked the whole house and no one was there friends would come over lover who has a whip i almost wish that was happening oh my god probably it would at least be more manageable yeah uh friends would come over and witness and experience the same thing i was i was really terrified for my daughter but felt powerless. And despite my husband experiencing these things as well, he denied the possibility of something paranormal. I felt alone and scared to bits for my kid. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:14 When she was around three and a half, I was pregnant again. Oh, my God. Did you not learn from the last time? Oh, my goodness. Em told you. I was like, come on. Like, what? Now this is going to happen twice.
Starting point is 00:32:24 Okay. I told you. I was like, come on. Like, what? Now this is going to happen twice. Okay. When she was around three and a half, I was pregnant again with our second daughter, and we decided to move to a different town, and I was looking so forward to escaping the current house. Thinking that a new house would rid us of this bad energy or ghosty man, I was wrong. No. We moved into our new home, and almost immediately i started catching stella in corners of the house here it is having full conversations with nothing no it wasn't normal play type conversations either
Starting point is 00:32:52 like when kids play with dolls and voice both roles of the conversation it was her pausing then responding then pausing then responding i kept asking her about it and she would say that she was quote talking to her dead brother daniel stop it and by the way she had no dead brother of course not i am or there was one time when she had by the way like that's apparently very common for kids to like be like something if it's attached to a kid we'll say like oh i'm a relative and that way it's safe like don't worry we know each other or like i know you yeah we're not strangers you can feel safe with me oh my gosh horrible and there was one time she had set a chair facing a dark corner and when i questioned her she said she was playing high and seek with
Starting point is 00:33:39 them and that they like the dark this is so bad i'm literally living in a horror movie this kept going and going and she started to get irritable when i would ask her about it and that her conversation seemed to get more and more hostile i would hear her scream to them no i said i don't want to do that or things along those lines see this is that's scary. It starts off quote unquote innocent and then it like gets hostile. I would imagine the only thing a kid doesn't want to do is like maybe this thing was saying like hurt mommy, you know? Or like break things.
Starting point is 00:34:15 I've heard of like some being like break things so they get in trouble or like yeah, hurt somebody or break something or jump off a roof. There was one on one episode of this one of those cheesy paranormal shows where the kid was like i'm jumping off the roof the ghost told me to and i was like oh no that happened i think at amityville too oh yeah it might have been that now my second child was born and i was in the family room one night breastfeeding her like 1 a.m all of a sudden the entire house shook and i heard a thud from stella's room and i ran back to see what the hell was happening.
Starting point is 00:34:49 She was on the floor bawling and said that they had pushed her out of bed. Oh, no. At this point, I snapped. I have two babies to protect and felt like I was failing. If these things can physically hurt them, I had to intervene. I got online and started researching every ghost paranormal group close to me and I reached out to several and got a response back from one i believe it was the paranormal investigators of central kentucky okay so there you go there you have it if you're in kentucky there's uh there's one near me called i forget it's like the ohio valley paranormal that's up in northern kentucky so there's central northern i don't i can't help you if you're in southern but well central and northern covered
Starting point is 00:35:23 well p-i-c-k pick apparently they at least respond to your emails so okay good i received a phone call from their medium and her name was crystal we spoke for a bit on the phone she said something that shook me to my core she said your daughter is a very strong empath and she has been protecting your family this entire time this all stems from your grandmother's side oh my god it's so creepy how long this like goes through generations and things like that she had asked to come to my house to cleanse it in the name of god even if i was not a believer yo that's bad like that's how you know when it's like you don't even have to believe it doesn't matter yeah let me come here and do this god like god wants to fix this he doesn't even care that you don't
Starting point is 00:36:07 believe in him like he's like step aside i know that's supposed to be like a sin and everything but like you need all the help you can get uh and asked to be able to speak to my daughter and i agreed anything to help well my husband found out and called me crazy okay i don't know where you are in this relationship today but in this moment please tell me this man is not your husband anymore i hope whoa like in this in this fucking moment he's calling you crazy and your kids getting pushed around and shit i hope he's had like a a change in his opinion yeah i hope at least something yeah yeah that he came to understand this is more than in this moment i would have been like it's my kids or it's you pick like yeah it's my kids so uh let's see where were we he was calling you crazy you were telling them to get a divorce got it he was gaslighting yeah well someone's gaslighting
Starting point is 00:36:55 you and your kid's getting hurt so i have i let me take this moment to apologize to absolutely fucking no one on that one um she uh my husband was calling me crazy for agreeing to let a stranger come to the home i had to call crystal back and cancel our meeting uh she laughed when i called and said no worries those malicious spirits already know that you have reached out and almost had them banished and they will be quiet for a while so you will let them stay just know that while it may be quiet it will come back worse okay i hate that they're so aware that they can strategize how to stay in the home and how to keep you on your toes that's so bad oh my god that's i yeah the fact that they're like okay well maybe she'll ignore it and i mean it's literally a toxic relationship of like oh maybe i'll be good for now until
Starting point is 00:37:45 you forgive me. And then I'll come back and be even worse. Yeah. Okay. And also, side note, now that I know that the husband was calling you crazy for bringing a stranger in, that changes things a little bit. You kind of stopped in the mid-sentence. But yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:55 I mean, yeah. I was like, I guess I forgive him all of a sudden. Yeah, I would be very skeptical if Blaze was like, hey, I'm bringing some lady named Crystal over to, yeah, I'd be like, what are you doing? I get it. I get being like, don, I'm bringing some lady named Crystal over to, uh, yeah, I'd be like, what are you doing? I get it. I get being like, don't bring strangers over the house. Because I get that. This is a PSA, though. If you are with anybody who calls you crazy and means it, do not. Just, just walk away. Just walk away. Because someone out there is going to think, unless you are, uh, like Christine and like just bananas crazy you know then it's then unless it's in a in a in a loving
Starting point is 00:38:25 creative way yeah creative if you're creatively crazy then that's fine or unless you're really doing something harmful or hurtful and you maybe deserve to be called out but that's a difference oh my gosh this psa has gone everywhere oh it's all over this is a dumb psa where we get we shouldn't be giving relationship psa we're in no position here uh i also can't find where i was uh just something about malicious demons oh yes yes yes yes so they're just gonna be extra terrible after a while they will be quiet for a while so you'll let them stay yeah yeah okay sure enough though after that call things did quiet down a few months later i was home one night alone and i was sitting on my back porch and heard stella scream mommy great i went to run inside but realized she didn't she wasn't
Starting point is 00:39:12 even home okay so like no so now this thing is mimicking your kids and terrifying you that way great oh no i went to run inside but realized she wasn't even home whatever is in our house was mimicking her a month or so after that my husband was home by himself and he invited our neighbor over to watch football our neighbor heard stella scream for her from her bedroom daddy but stella wasn't home then either and my husband didn't hear it only our neighbor but see okay i was gonna say not to like defend this guy or whatever but just to say like we don't know because a lot of times when i uh see these stories happen it's almost like the the spirits or the entities like know how to split people apart and like damage relationships
Starting point is 00:39:56 that's true a lot of times you'll see them be like i heard nothing i saw nothing like the one person will be like i thought they were losing their minds or we had a gas leak because like i saw nothing or heard nothing so like sometimes i feel like they they gaslight you into like feeling like you're the only person who sees or hears it but i don't know that you're right if that's the case let i stand correct i'm just saying i watch too much tv is all i'm saying but anyway it's all terrible and i i oh it's just really very bad okay so um okay and it says it spooked him to bits so i am appreciating that like he's kind of like like on the side of this is creepy and he didn't hear it which is so creepy like the neighbor heard it which is like again
Starting point is 00:40:37 they're avoiding the husband at all costs okay i'm citing more as the story goes on i'm citing more and more with the husband i went from from zero to I'm at a 30 now. Maybe they know that the husband is the one who stopped the medium from coming. And like they want him to continue to like believe this is all phony or whatever. Anyway. I feel like this is that game where it's like, you know, you have like serial killer tendencies. If you can answer that question about the funeral have you ever seen that i don't think so where it's like the question is if you meet a cute
Starting point is 00:41:11 guy or a cute girl at your mom's funeral but then you don't get a chance to ask for their number what do you do to see them again and like a lot of people will say like oh you kill your dad or you kill someone else next you start but you'll see them at another funeral but it's supposed to be like some whatever the answer is like if you answer it that way then it suggests you have like homicidal tendencies all right everybody if you just answered that you better call your therapist or like manipulative tendencies i guess is probably a better word but my dumb ass was like journal about it and feel sad so okay i guess i'm not a serial killer i don't think so because you are like reading the tendencies of these these demons
Starting point is 00:41:50 here we are like oh well they're just like trying to like really cater to the husband right now because he's gonna keep the medium away i'm like i'm pretty sure you're half a demon maybe i just have uh okay tendencies okay you know what okay i'm holding two demons right now as a comfort, so you're probably onto something. And once my husband told me about it, I was extra freaked out because it was almost identical to my experience. Aside from that, there has been nothing. I'm waiting for the moment they decide to rear their ugly face again
Starting point is 00:42:21 and to mess with my babies. I also worry for my oldest and the responsibility she must be feeling to keep these spirits at again and to mess with my babies i also worry for my oldest and the responsibility she must be feeling to keep these spirits at bay and to protect us so sad too that it that she has to be the empath who like say like protects the family oh she's seven now and if you ask her about it she gets a strange glossed over look in her eye and will act like she has no idea what you're talking about damn i mean can you imagine the trauma for a seven-year-old no if i ever had any doubts in the existence of the paranormal before those are long gone there is much more out there than we know and can control sorry this was so long but this is our story and something we cannot share openly with a lot of people without judgment christine
Starting point is 00:42:58 best of luck with your little one yeah wait a second what a baby shower gift thank you just pay close attention if they start talking to a cursed church stairs or a state sale couch kids are scary sometimes especially when they see and talk to ghosty people love you all so much and wishing you all the best okay first of all alex i really thought this was gonna end with like the medium coming yes me too i thought there was a happy ending here i didn't know you're still living in this now i'm afraid we're setting it off again by reading the story i'm so sorry i'm so sorry that's so awful i thought that this was going to be like anyways the medium came and i thought crystal saved the day where's crystal what happened call crystal right now call crystal right now oh i had to call crystal back and cancel our meeting because the husband said no
Starting point is 00:43:44 okay tell your husband like this is maybe crystal is on to something just give it a shot from outside the house maybe well because crystal said that it would calm down for a bit and then ramp up so this is probably still that calm down period so i feel like it's so much worse i just got shivers shit that's so terrible the fact that that's happening to someone in real time okay i just made it worse i think we made it worse also i like wildly criticized your husband the whole time yeah kind of but you know whatever i thought he wasn't on your side i tried to be diplomatic here i tried to be diplomatic i ran with my emotions i ran with my emotions that was that was i know i'm the like uh impatient spontaneous one but i'm also very i was just ready
Starting point is 00:44:26 to fight for alex i was like your husband's calling you crazy what's going on well no yeah that that part's not great but i mean uh alex i'm so sorry and if there's an update can you call zach bagans like can he honestly that might be the honestly this sounds like one of those episodes on um id or whatever like where they go to family's houses like this sounds exactly like an episode also but like i wonder is he would he make it worse because he would but he could offer maybe maybe he knows people who can help yeah maybe i would just call crystal first i feel like i'd call crystal i'd call every church i would call the vatican i would i'm so crystal made the comment about your daughter being an empath i feel like I'd call Crystal. I'd call every church. I would call the Vatican. I would. I'm so sorry.
Starting point is 00:45:05 Crystal made the comment about your daughter being an empath. I feel like, I feel like she's onto something. I feel like that's a good place to start. And then she'll know what to do if it doesn't get better. Oof. Call PIC. Was it PIC or PAC?
Starting point is 00:45:17 Call PIC. They are the paranormal investigators of central Kentucky. Yeah. Whatever happened to them? Oh, they just had you. Also, I know I said we wanted to be friends,
Starting point is 00:45:24 but can we hang out at my house? Cause I feel like even though I have haunted stairs like your house sounds way scarier grab coffee sometime maybe on a third party yeah location uh the worst of that ghosty man inside me are you very very no matter where you go the the spirit is with you and then they moved and it came the fact that it came to the new house something needs to be done i have such crazy chills i'm so terrible i'm wow freaked out thoroughly i agree i don't even want to say thank you crystal like i mean thank you okay yeah i just i mean i'm glad you wrote all that out too because like what if like maybe if you need somebody to help you on like a show or something
Starting point is 00:46:10 you can send them this email and be like i wrote it out already here if somebody does know how to help alex uh i don't know reach out on one of our that's why we drink forums or something but all the forums we have well like like some sort of social media or i don't know no why don't you just use the form on our website and write like subject like helping uh-huh yeah yeah if someone can help i think alex is the person out of all the stories we've ever read i think alex needs the most help especially because it's like so ongoing yeah maybe you write like and children advice for alex or something like that yes all right well wishing you the the best luck and everybody can we all do a collective sending good energy yes uh
Starting point is 00:46:52 that would be amazing i'm doing it right now yeah okay oh okay well i have an email from katie uh and wow i hate the subject It's aliens drag me under the bed. I already mentally can barely keep us together now with the last story. I'm so scared. Oh, my God. Okay. Hello, Eva M. Oh, sorry. I should say this is from Katie.
Starting point is 00:47:16 She here. Thank you, Katie. Hello, Eva M. Christy, Gio, Junie, Mooney, Lemon, and everyone else in the That's Why We Drink family. I found you guys back in August of 2020, and i've been binging the podcast ever since i was listening to listener tales volume 30 and the story about the alien encounters uh one of the listeners had just caused a deeply buried memory of mine to surface see now we're just causing problems all over the place and we're like triggering unrecovered memories and like it's just i used to think that that power would be fun to hold yes
Starting point is 00:47:46 why did we think that we did i thought it would just be a fun quirky thing and now i'm like oh my god i now we feel like the power has overwhelmed us nailed it yeah okay um a deeply buried memory of mine to surface my memories are a bit fuzzy but i'm fairly sure this happened when i was around five years old my little sister had just been born a few months prior and my parents had left us with the neighbors so they could go on a date night they arrived to pick us up late enough that the sky was so dark it was black and i distinctly remember there were no stars that night which is probably why it was so jarring to see this fireball shooting across the sky so close that i yeah so close that i could see the yellow and orange flames on the outside of the ball.
Starting point is 00:48:26 My parents were holding my sister and I on the front lawn of my neighbors as we all stood outside saying goodbye. And I remember them all commenting on it. Okay, so everybody saw it. Okay. We got back home and my memory skips for a bit. But the next thing I remember is laying in my bed with an intense feeling of dread as I started out my open door into the hallway. After that, I must have fallen asleep. Oh as i started oh sorry it's even mentioned this really it's i think it's meant to be stared as i stared out my open door into the hallway after that i must have fallen asleep because
Starting point is 00:48:57 i opened my eyes to see a small figure standing in the doorway staring me down it was tiny maybe one to two feet tall oh i feel like you've talked about creatures that are really short remember probably that makes sense i remember we brought it up in the grasshopper another grasshopper were they grasshoppers oh the praying mantis praying mantis episode we brought it up again yeah yeah um it was tiny maybe one to two feet tall and a muddy grayish brown color with almost leathery looking skin it was hairless and i remember its eyes being big black orbs that took up basically its whole head i'm so grossed out this is for you kidding me okay i don't remember waking up the next morning but after that i
Starting point is 00:49:42 developed a habit of sleepwalking i would wake up all the time in the kitchen on the floor on the living room floor facing the tv and one of the most common places i would wake up was in our sunroom that had a massive fish tank i would wake up standing with my face pressed against the glass that's scary that's very scary if we're talking like just normal sleepwalking that's's already, like, really intense. But also, if it's aliens, then it makes sense with some of the other stories I've done. Like, even the praying mantis one where people, like, they, the people who were somehow awake and could experience it, they weren't even sleepwalking. They were just kind of getting floated out of bed and being. They weren't, like, in control.
Starting point is 00:50:22 Yeah. They were just kind of, and then they just kind of drop and wake up later in that spot but the worst place i would wake up which also happened a lot was under my bed see ya okay if i woke up under my bed at any point for any reason i think i would have an absolute i know i would have a panic attack i would have a conniption i would lose it i would lose it and not because i was under my bed, but because like, I know I didn't get under that. Because like how and why and holy shit. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:52 Sometimes I would be pressed up all the way under against the wall. Other times I would be halfway under my bed with my lower half under and my top half sticking out. Almost like something was dragging me by my feet under the bed oh my god this is so scary and every time i remember when i actually did see a clock it was always 3 or 3 30 a.m of course we moved out of that house and after we left i never had another episode of sleepwalking or at least i never woke up in any weird places now look i know i was five so the fireball and that image of the alien in my doorway could have been my imagination, but the fact that I started sleepwalking after that seems a little fishy to me. I've always also been very open to spirits,
Starting point is 00:51:35 and a lot of the women on my maternal side are sensitive in varying degrees, so it wouldn't surprise me if that somehow made me more susceptible to all kinds of experiences. I do have my fair share of ghost encounters and possibly a stalker slash murderer question mark, but that's a story for a different time. Anyway, thank you for everything you do. You've made this past year and a half of quarantine bearable,
Starting point is 00:51:54 and it feels like I'm hanging out with my friends. Every time I listen to an episode, I swing back and forth between team wine and milkshake, but I would say my lactose intolerant ass is more team milkshake. Oh, I didn't see that coming. Anyway, well, so are you, right? fits yeah it's the bow um anyways all my love to the nsv drink family and thank you m for introducing me to london fogs you are so welcome okay so you're so welcome fireball and
Starting point is 00:52:18 everybody saw it that wasn't a figment of your imagination and that night you saw or dreamed or saw an alien in your figure yeah like you woke up to like a little creature that same i don't know it almost like it knew that you saw it earlier or it was it felt like it could come it was more drawn to you versus everyone else that's witnessed something oh and then you're just waking up under your bed but also like not to be that person but like under the bed by the wall where it's like all dusty like that makes it even worse because then you have to like and like pat yourself off when you get up later and like so it's like scary and a little shameful gross yeah i mean as long as your bed looks like mine which is really dirty down there and dusty i don't know if maybe you have a roomba that cleans regularly uh uh caitlin but or if you
Starting point is 00:53:10 have depression uh and just don't clean under your bed correct and there's just cheeto dust down there which would happen just just you know just a thought oh wow that's awful just also the waking up with your face pressed against the like fish tank and stuff like imagine your eyes would be so alarmed to see like for that to be your first sight terrible how was your body even balancing that way on its own well no like standing like looking into the fish tank i guess but i feel like my knees would give out if i were sleeping no no sleepwalking. But then they wake up later?
Starting point is 00:53:47 Like that? They wake up while they're staring into the fish tank. You know, like when you sleepwalk and then suddenly you're like, I mean, I don't really sleepwalk, but like you'll wake up mid-sleepwalk. In a weird space. And be like, what am I doing? Or like you're like sleep eating or doing something. The fish tank one specifically, I thought that they were like, they had clearly walked to the fish tank and then they woke up later seeing that they had walked to the fish
Starting point is 00:54:08 tank because their face was like still pressed against the i think that's what i meant like they walk i sleepwalked to the fish tank and at some point while staring at it woke up and realized they were like just pressed against it so creepy yeah honestly that's like one of those things there's a tiktoker named i think her name is like selena spooky boo or whatever and she does those sleepwalking tiktoks and they are wild like they're hilarious but also like creepy so scary if it were a child doing all some of this stuff like talking to the corner and like yelling and like having conversation i mean i can't imagine like at what point there had to have been a few first times before it became funny for selena where like that's she just woke up terrified every time yeah where her partner was like um why are you screaming in
Starting point is 00:54:56 the living room yeah oh okay so sleepwalking is awful in my opinion i it just scares me and then also so does alien encounters and also being dragged under a bed. It's all that sounds really bad. In combination. No, thanks. This next story is from Megan. Oh, come on. Who has two redeeming qualities.
Starting point is 00:55:19 One, Megan says that her pronouns are she, her, hers. So she normalizes pronouns. And also she said ps sorry for all the megan's out there that ruins a good name uh okay so that's like all the scorpios that say to you and but i'm a good scorpio and you're like i'm like okay what's your name and then they say megan we've had a bunch of people at uh meet in greece be like hi i'm a megan and i'm a scorpio and i'm like what and i'm like i love and i'm a scorpio and i'm like what and i'm like i love you let's take a photo and i'll talk to you no no no uh there the subject
Starting point is 00:55:52 line is hundreds of tiny black shoes i hate what um goodbye megan says hi and that's why we're drinking crew so i have to admit that this is not my story but my father-in-law's and husband's story but it's too good not to share when my father-in-law was young he lived on an old farmstead in iowa far away from any other neighbors he and his family had all sorts of paranormal experiences in that house but this one stands out the most to me because my husband can vouch for it too my father-in-law and his siblings all remember and swear to this day that occasionally a small green man wearing shiny black shoes would come out of the cornfields and taunt them in the evenings. Oh, my God. Taunt them how?
Starting point is 00:56:31 Oh, he would climb into trees and throw things at them and then laugh. That's pretty taunting to me. When the children went in to tell the adults, the adults could not see him in the trees. Wow. went in to tell the adults they the adults could not see him in the trees wow so it's literally a little green goblin basically who's like hiding from adults and throwing things at you and laughing yeah it sounds like a leprechaun with the shiny shoes yeah oh doesn't it yeah okay uh years later my father-in-law took his family including my husband as a teenager to see the now abandoned farmstead to show them where he'd grown up the farmstead was in disarray and part of the attic
Starting point is 00:57:09 and roof had collapsed and when they peeked in the farmhouse they discovered hundreds of tiny black shoes shut the front door and run away forever oh my god what the fuck what on earth hundreds what the needless to say they all took off in a hurry and never went back to that place and it has since burned down hopefully taking the small green man with it oh wait so there was only one green man and he had hundreds of tiny shoes and were there hundreds of little green men either way it's so bad i wonder if it was just like his way final way of taunting them like i was real all along and like one pair of shoes wasn't creepy enough. I know I was just joking about like, don't call people crazy.
Starting point is 00:57:51 Christine, the way that you are just able to come up with the exact narrative that must have happened is out of this world. What is going on? I don't know. I just have a I just kind of get the vibe of the perpetrators of these horrible, creepy acts, which, again, maybe makes me part demon. I don't know. But you're at least part prankster, part demonic prankster.
Starting point is 00:58:12 I'm like, I know what would terrify everyone the most. I wonder how long those shoes had been sitting and wait for someone to come back. Or did they just conjure in that moment? That's a great point. Like Schrodinger's little black shoes. Like, were they there the whole time? Or was it just when you glanced in? Were they shiny shiny or were they a little buffed after all these years or were they dusty from all that sitting and waiting um also what gets me okay so there was i mean this is another podcast but our favorite show jim harold's campfire there are
Starting point is 00:58:40 um there was a story of a guy who talked about seeing a leprechaun when he was a little kid and um he would always i mean this is kind of a spoiler but it's from a really old episode but he would always say you know I saw this little leprechaun as a kid and he would come to my room and then he grew older and he was like oh that's ridiculous like nobody sees a leprechaun in their room and one time he was talking to his brother and he's like, yeah, I used to imagine this like little green leprechaun. And the brother goes, you saw him too? What on earth? Are you kidding? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:13 And then he described him and he was like, he was a little man and he wore green. like can perceptualize it or sorry conceptualize it as like it's some sort of entity but like it shows itself as a demon or a small alien or oh i don't know man so gross and then yeah it makes you wonder like oh were the two of you actually like lucky enough to see a real leprechaun or was it like oh this is actually a demon who was trying the same tricks on both of you when you were alone yeah or you he just happened to be green and you were like oh leprechauns are green or who knows yeah yeah oh gosh no wow well thanks megan for that i it would be even creepier if the husband and father in law when they were running away all of a sudden they heard some of the shoes upstairs start tapping like they were running after or they came out of the the trees like stop it he was taunting oh yeah if something started throwing things at you for one last time
Starting point is 01:00:08 on your way to the car it hits the windshield as you're leaving oh my god i wonder what kind of laugh it was i imagine like a creepy little prankster snicker of course it was like a little cackle yeah yeah for sure yikes megan yucko all right this is our last story um this is from kelsey she her thank you kelsey and the subject is guardian angel grandma connected during your listener episode what i feel like we're a little too close to these stories this this month this okay but the last few of these the last at least i don't know half of them we are really running the gamut between like the most terrifying thing in the world and also like a sweet reunion most comforting yeah yeah and also a leprechaun demon what was that sound did you hear that no was it me it might have been me something sounded like a
Starting point is 01:00:55 clap or something i hit my chest that might have been my acid reflux no well if you people if you hear anything in the back i did not make that sound i was very well if you're watching the youtube video maybe whoever's they conceive i don't know i don't know anyway maybe whoever's they conceive i don't know i don't know anyway uh yeah no it went from like oh here's like the scariest child possessing demon in the world and then also my grandma is here it's like what they keep us on our toes our little black-shoed toes of these listeners they do um okay so this is the story it's pretty short i love listening to your podcast i listen to it all day at work i was listening to your listeners episode about guardian angels while absent-mindedly counting change to help a co-worker break a 20 for my purse a few random
Starting point is 01:01:41 coins spilled out of my wallet onto the floor i finished getting my co-worker his change and bent up to pick i'm sorry a bet to pick up the money one of the coins caught my eye and i couldn't shake that something must be special about it my dad collects coins a hobby he picked up from his beloved grandmother i sent him a picture of the penny and he quickly replied that the penny was incredibly rare and valuable the only person in our family besides my dad who would have known the value of that coin was my great-grandma i take it as no coincidence that during your guardian angel episode my great-grandma a strong protector of her family would choose to show me the little treasure that had been sitting in my purse for so long also i should mention that the year of the coin is 1945 the same year
Starting point is 01:02:19 my great-grandma watched her son unite in the marriage that would give her my coin loving father oh that's the end of the story that's so sweet beautiful also i love that your guardian angel is also like giving you like prized collect some monetary value yeah like can my gammy show up with like a princess diana beanie baby or something like i'm confused to be fair you have to already own it maybe she'll just like toss it in the closet for you and be like here sell this on ebay oh my gosh well did you also hear speaking of ebay uh the princess diana and then also the the the beauty and the beast video did you know that also went for like five thousand dollars or something it was it was the ones remember the old like puffy
Starting point is 01:03:03 video cases for kids? Like the VHS ones? Yeah, but like, you know how there's the paper one, then there's like the book one. Yes, yes. Apparently that, as Beauty and the Beast, sold on eBay for like thousands and thousands of dollars. Uh-huh. I mean, I have that VHS. One of those in the puffy thing?
Starting point is 01:03:22 Like just a regular VHS holder? Like a plastic one? But with the mean i think all my vhs's are in those okay well then you're sitting on quite a load of money congratulations wait for real what i'm just i don't know what else i thought those were i just i can't imagine why that would be uncommon but yeah i guess i don know. Maybe it was a fluke and someone like really oversold it. Like, but. Okay. I mean, sure. I'll look into it.
Starting point is 01:03:51 I mean, maybe you're my guardian angel right now. And you're just telling me what I already know here. What I didn't know. I wish I was my own guardian angel and found a giant cash cow that I was sitting on. Anyway, I'm very glad that you were reconnected with your grandma. But what a cool story is in that like it was already in your purse and your grandma was like here drop it on the floor and like pointed it out to you you know it was like yeah she she like made you feel like no no this one you gotta ask about look at this one oh how cool is that wow what a round of stories we've had this week uh or this freaking roller coaster uh again so sorry to alex
Starting point is 01:04:27 uh about everything are you okay yep please follow up we're curious if like anything happens with yeah crystal or if they maybe leave you alone for good that would be great yeah and then thank you kelsey megan katie rebecca uh and who else bailey so thank you everyone for writing in if you would like to send in your own stories um you can do that at our website and that's why we have a submission form for you to put in um your own true crime paranormal personal stories and uh they'll go into the running for next month's uh listeners episode that's right every month i'm gonna real quick look online make sure i get the name of this right um my little crypt oh my god there are so many mothman cryptids on etsy maybe i should have uh well we'll put the name
Starting point is 01:05:16 of the shop in the show notes to make sure because it's cryptid something i know that um also uh shop and just to let you know currently currently the Beauty and the Beast cassette tape and the Puffy White Book case is running for $8,000 on eBay. What? Does it have to be new? It looks like it's in pretty great condition. Okay. I mean, ours is probably destroyed by now,
Starting point is 01:05:36 so it's probably not worth anything. But with all my luck, my mom's probably like, oh, I threw them in the literal trash. We'll see. Or she'll be like, oh, yeah, I already invested in that now i have a million dollars and oh listen i'll take that she can take me to lunch at least uh well thank you everyone and we will uh tell you some more spooky tales uh on august 1st when we'll be officially that's terrifying by the way eight out of 12 months uh through or almost through 2021 oh wait can i also sorry can i request i
Starting point is 01:06:05 know we haven't done this in a while can i request a theme yeah so one day i do want to do like creepy little kid stories but what about for now if we do like creepy like i don't know if this is too selfish of me but like creepy like pregnancy experiences or dreams or things that you are your own worst nightmare i know i know but like my mother-in-law talked about like how she saw her daughter in a dream before she was born uh that happened to deirdre's mom too yes exactly i don't know i love stories like that obviously we don't have to make the whole theme that but like if anybody has one of those i would love to hear it because nothing like that has really happened to me so you know i'd like to hear other people's should that be one that should that be one that we hold off on and do for your due date month well i was
Starting point is 01:06:49 thinking maybe later on we can do one of like creepy little kid like creepy babies or creepy the before and after yeah because i feel like creepy kid stories of like my friend the ghosty man are also just their own wild adventures but i don't know it'll give us a few months for alex to reach out again and let us know what's going on alex document what's happening and let us know well uh yeah no let's definitely do that then we'll do creepy pregnancies or creepy uh parent-child relationships i suppose and then uh come october november we'll do creepy baby stories yes oh my. I'm so excited. All right.
Starting point is 01:07:26 Well, thank you everybody for listening. And that's why we drink.

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