And That's Why We Drink - Listener Stories: Vol. 6

Episode Date: August 2, 2017

It's time for our sixth episode of listener stories!Ugh, everything is about YOU GUYS, isn't it?Jk, we love you all and thanks for doing such a good job of creeping us out! ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 It's time for the listeners episode. Your face looked like you hated yourself. Halfway through that. Like you knew it was not good. I couldn't stop. It was too late. The train had taken off. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:16 We're here for listener number six. Six. Yeah, because this is our half anniversary. Oh my fucking God. Happy six months. it's a it's this is our half anniversary oh my fucking god happy six months happy half a year wow like if we were dating we'd be like serious by now oh yeah yeah we would be having a steak dinner tonight why aren't we doing that because we had wine and milkshakes instead well that's a fair point and i'm just gonna have to accept it so also because you're a vegetarian apparently so you say i mean i don't eat pork or beef so i'm not a vegetarian but i but i don't eat pork we have a nice chicken steak chicken steak chicken fried steak okay that's not
Starting point is 00:00:56 bad except it's steak that's chicken fried chicken nuggets okay i'll take that okay um anyway we're here to tell your stories lucky you yeah lucky you this must be nice about you wish someone would talk about my stories god i wish someone would like let me talk maybe we should have we should start something like that where we just have microphones in our face and we just talk about stories you think i don't know if anyone would listen no probably not also like people wouldn't get us you know i feel like we're at a level where we're not really like accessible to the modern right person i mean people want they want to be us sometimes they want us sure it's a it's a fine line totally it's like a difficult thing for people we're just not relatable we're too we're too good
Starting point is 00:01:45 we're like up at a level that people don't understand or can achieve sure through sheer effort right it must be really hard honestly i feel bad for them i do too and that's why we do I'm ready to read some names. Thank you. Some several, several names because we have so many people willing to help us out with this podcast and it's blowing our minds. We're so grateful. There's so many of you. Like my heart just gets so excited and happy whenever I look at the list. So thank you guys.
Starting point is 00:02:28 It's a whopping group, I'd say. A whopping group. A whopping group. How are we reading this? All right. So I decided to create a new organization. Good for me. Good for you, Christine.
Starting point is 00:02:40 Really. So no one else is here to bullshit you. Yeah. Full of good decisions I am. So I made this little Excel sheet and I did not color code them this time. So let's celebrate that. Let's celebrate it. Actually, first, I feel like we should mention this person who I think we just didn't mention in the last.
Starting point is 00:02:59 I don't know how this happened, but Tamsin H. I realized you weren't in the list before, and i don't know if we forgot to mention you but but thank you tamsin she's in the ten dollar rewards and somehow we missed her i know i suck i know super thank you listen ten times in a row ten times um all right so do you want to get started here are we just like are we doing this in chunks are we doing this like the the turkey song just we can't like sing it if that's what you're suggesting not with that attitude well let's we could hardly sing the thanksgiving song right right that's that's a good point okay emily with an ie classic kevin andrew p sam k farron and his wife kirsten kirsten
Starting point is 00:03:41 kirsten i forgot god damn it i forgot to put a pronunciation. Katie W. Jessica V. J. Erica H. Ciara M. Maddie T. Rachel V. Lindsay S. Darth Jen. Sue S. Mary S. I like to tell myself everyone with the name S, it means Schultz. Schaefer. Oh, oh, okay. Awkward. Oh, okay. Awkward. Caroline H. Christy. Brittany P.
Starting point is 00:04:05 Caleb T. Andrea H. Erin F. Michelle B. Jordan B. Amber C. Ashley H. And her boyfriend, Hunter C., who are, she's on Team Milkshake and he's on Team Wine.
Starting point is 00:04:18 I'm going to say Danny B. Hillary H. Elena C. Hunter L. Molly. KCS. My girl, Tamsin. Tamsin. Erica H. Hunter L. Molly. KCS. My girl, Tamsin. Tamsin.
Starting point is 00:04:27 Erica H. Christine B. Karen K. Jessica and her sister, Adrienne. Adrienne? Adrienne. Julia W. That's not a person.
Starting point is 00:04:41 We also have an alien fan base. In case you didn't know. That was spelled with a silent J if you didn't know. That's good. Lara V. Dobby. Jeffrey S. Kia. My girl Hori.
Starting point is 00:05:00 Don't call her that. Joy. Grace V. Dee. Sarah C. Katie B. Erin M. Grace B. D. Sarah C. Katie B. Erin M. Tiana.
Starting point is 00:05:08 Ashton S. Blaze. Mrs. Schieffer. You mean Mr. Schieffer. Renee, my BFF. Is that my mom? That's your mom. Linda.
Starting point is 00:05:21 Elise, a.k.a. Flighted Chemist. Melissa M. Marisol. Rachel. That's your sister, I think my mom and my sister uh cc your friend my buddy miss johnny be good our pal amber you oh my homegirl renata renata lisa g in norway not the netherlands like i uh like you aggressively said last time okay now we're on five dollars oh p.s those were ten dollars just another another example of the fine organizational skills over here in the administration department of and that's why we're trying if anyone's looking
Starting point is 00:05:59 for an unpaid internship in which you will receive no money nor college credit but several things several things and also you get to pet my dog you just stop on by i'm not actually joking if anyone really needs an internship in la and shameless plug i'm desperate please help help me help my excel sheet okay she'll buy you wine well i can't promise that but she'll drink wine in front of you that's it okay uh jody so this is a five dollars yeah okay jody sydney k alexandra s morgan m crime girls podcast hey hey hey uh abigail h jackie g oh that's a cool one that is a cool one um ally b ally r oh emma w w i don't know why i said it like that. George W. Oh, Lord. Emma W. Justin H. Camille V. Vanessa C.
Starting point is 00:06:49 Sarah L. Mariah M. Stephanie M. Kim S. Danny M. Brittany M. Danielle. Rebecca M.
Starting point is 00:06:59 Hillbilly Horror Stories. Eric S. Dana. Molly T. Louise. Chelsea A. Coral. Y. Nima. Rebecca H. horror stories eric s dana molly t louise chelsea a coral y nema rebecca h jennifer m uh alexander my brother oh finally you got a family member in there i was collecting i had mrs blaze in there okay uh two dollar reward so this is team wine so i guess i'll read team wine real quick okay cool we got brooke p amanda b katie o jessica c emily r whose instagram is book dot happy uh jess uh whose pod
Starting point is 00:07:34 kiwi crimes comes out in july which is this month so it's probably out there now uh nikki shelby uh off the cuffs uh kink and bdM Podcast Hey girl. Hey hey. Deviant Women Podcast, Adrienne R Lexus's Dogs Instagram Wilson Wants Belly Rubs. Love it. Sassy Chick, Heather, Sarah B, Allison G, aka your girlfriend aka Al Pal, aka my roommate, aka
Starting point is 00:07:58 she's on Team Wine, so sucks for you. Zoe, Crystal Nicole, and that's it. It's your turn. Guess who's first in line on Team milkshake bernhard my fucking father thank you again i'll take your girlfriend you take my dad gladly good oh that's my stepmom oh my god so my dad and your stepmom are both on your team they're the first ones on there oh okay so uh her name is elizal shizzle what elizabeth schultz elizal shiddle well when uh she first became my stepmom i would call her shizzle. What? Elizabeth Schultz. Eliza Shiddle? Well, when she first became my stepmom, I would call her Shizzle.
Starting point is 00:08:29 Oh, that's cute. Yep. So, Elizal Shizzle. Allison B. Alexandra M. Molly B. Andy G. Work Kirk.
Starting point is 00:08:37 Oh, Kirk is... Kirk is donates now? Dude, he's donated for a while. We've already said his name on here. Thanks, Kirk. I just named him Work Kirk on here. Cool. Patricia F. Crazy. Nope. Every time. Every time. Every time. said his name thanks kirk i just named him work kirk on here cool patricia f crazy nope no every time every time every time crime crazy podcast there we go emily m jerry k derrick n zach e
Starting point is 00:08:53 jessica e and the true crime fan club high five we did it we did it uh i just want to say thanks guys we like truly a thousand percent mean it that we couldn't do this without your guys' support. We absolutely could not. Not even a little bit. So every dollar is making this happen. It's helping so much. It's the reason we're able to do everything that we have done and everything we're going to do, which your brains are going to explode when you find out all the cool stuff we've got planned.
Starting point is 00:09:22 So much crazy shit is going on so your your your donations are being put to very good use so thank you so much yes and you're getting more out of it don't worry like don't feel like this is going nowhere you're getting more out of it and it's coming it is okay so we are ready to share yes stories at least four of them at least i'm gonna start with one okay so this story is from maddie t maddie t maddie t she sent it on um email via email she the subject is ouija board shenanigans oh my god hey ladies first off i literally just binged the entire podcast this week and love you guys also pretty sure my corgs need to meet geo and bbffs which btdubs i grew up with corgis so my heart was warmed by that statement um anyway i've
Starting point is 00:10:14 always been interested in the paranormal when i was three my dad started me off with watching halloween fair and it's definitely a thing for my weird obsession with the macabre i have two ouija board stories for you. Since M won't let Christine live her life. That's true. That is amazing. I will not. That's where I become controlling in the relationship.
Starting point is 00:10:31 That is real. When I was 11, I babysat my dad's co-worker's kids during one summer. I grew up on an Air Force base, so everyone in the neighborhood was fairly close. The kids were 7 and 9, which I don't know why their parents thought they'd listen to me when i was only a few years older than them but whatever my sister happened to be there as well that day she was six at the time and i really have no idea why anyone put me in charge of all these kids and the nine-year-old wanted to play a new game her mother had bought her kid goes into the bedroom and whips out a ouija board oh my sister and i knew what it was right away parentheses thanks dad and i was a little iffy about playing it, but we did it anyway.
Starting point is 00:11:07 I figured if you could buy it at the toy store, it was probably fine. That's everyone's reasoning, right? We closed all the curtains but left the light we had on in the kitchen on because we weren't that crazy. Oh, right, yeah. And put our hands on the planchette. I began asking if anyone was there and if anyone wanted to talk to us. The planchette moved to yes. I asked what the spirit's name was and the planchette moved to no. Nope. No. would turn on and off by itself. I told my dad I did not want to babysit them after that. My second Ouija board story happened a year later when one of my best friends got one for her birthday.
Starting point is 00:11:49 No, I hope you're not friends with her anymore. We had heard rumors about an airman committing suicide in our neighborhood and she wanted to use the board to see if it was true. Given my last experience, I was super hesitant to take part, but she convinced me anyway. We had a sleepover at her house. We'll call her Jen. So me, her, and three of our other friends snuck out of the house at midnight and hung out in one of the
Starting point is 00:12:09 ditches near the base's gate okay that sounds like something i would do for the record it was super easy to sneak out of base housing back in the day and we were hooligans dark times those late 90s early 2000s so jen asked the board if anyone was there and wanted to talk to us nothing happened she asked again and the planchette moved to yes we all thought she was moving it she asked if the spirit was a soldier we got another yes then she asked if he killed himself the planchette moved to no before jen asked another question the planchette spelled out murder oh no our other friend we'll call her april freaked out and stood up she started crying uncontrollably and we saw a man running toward us no we all booked it back to jen's house leaving
Starting point is 00:12:51 the ouija board in the ditch i don't know if we saw a spirit or a real person but it turned me off of the paranormal for a few years good girl what's weird is that since these experiences have been a bit more sensitive to the paranormal i'll see shadows where there shouldn be. And if my husband and I are out hiking or exploring, as soon as I have butterflies in my stomach, we turn around. I've heard footsteps at friends' houses when there was no one else there. And this is why I drink. Hashtag team wine. You guys are awesome.
Starting point is 00:13:17 And keep up the... And then she sent another email. Whoops. Realized how messed up the last part was. Literally, the paranormal is why I drink and you guys are awesome. So meow. Smiley face. But yeah, so what if we played Ouija and a man just started sprinting at us?
Starting point is 00:13:35 Then I could be like, wow, I saw something real. No, Christine. I mean, she seems fine. But then I asked her like to clarify clarify like you saw the guy running towards you she goes oh yeah there was a man running towards us as a group like while we were sitting there oh no because i wanted to clarify oh no so that's fucked up well good glad that didn't happen to me anyway thanks maddie thanks for living that for us. I'm going to pass the story over to me. Pass the baton.
Starting point is 00:14:10 So this is from Scott. Hey, Scott. Scott has a story that I honestly can't tell you what it's about because I'm just picking it. Dun, dun, dun. Okay. And by that, she means I picked it. Christine picked it. So I know it's good she knows it's good but she also picked it so long ago she doesn't remember it so we're both
Starting point is 00:14:30 about to have a live reaction yeah i just start it and send it to you yep okay so scott says so this happened in 1995 in bosnia oh well that's were all there. Sure. We can all relate to that. Yeah, yeah. I was part of a task force hunting for war criminals. We picked some... Oh, my. Okay, that's a badass job. Wow. The hope was to capture, but if necessary, well, you get to the point. Oh.
Starting point is 00:14:57 Oh, okay. I can no longer relate to any of this. Our small covert team was in an area called... I'm going to fuck it up. Donja. Donja. Donna donna spell it don jay donja donya i don't know transmonica the nearest larger community to this would be gratikak okay i'm not sure what i'm gonna say don donya donya okay sure i'll accept it i'm not sure what donia transmonica is like now but at the time it was a virtual ghost town um severely damaged buildings abandoned streets stray dogs wandering aimlessly etc that's scary we had set up an observation
Starting point is 00:15:40 point in a small abandoned two-story farmhouse on a hill overlooking the small valley in which dona transmonica is located it was early morning maybe two to three a.m and it was a bright moonlit night and i was on watch looking out over the landscape i observed something maybe the size of a labrador dog moving near an outbuilding that was approximately 50 meters from the home we were in i noticed that the movement of this creature however was abnormal so i took a closer look as crazy as it sounds it appeared to be a really big spider what both in the way it moved as well as it's built it slowly moved toward the house we were in i was in a bit of a quandary did i wake my buddies and if it turned out to be nothing risk looking like an idiot and he said he was the youngest member of the team so he'd like right right right um and he said but on the other hand what if it
Starting point is 00:16:30 was a risk oh my god i considered my situation i was heavily armed um so i decided to deal with this encounter on my own the creature just like a spider uh would move up the wall and it was clear it was heading right toward me. Oh, God. I don't even know what to think about that. When the creature got about 20 feet away from me, I leaned out the window, aimed my weapon, and said, I don't know who you are, and I'm not afraid of you. In the pretense, he said, I was actually scared to death. Of course.
Starting point is 00:17:02 And he said, but if you don't leave now, I swear to God, I'll kill you. Being closer now, I could see the creature clearly. And it was about the size of the aforementioned dog. So a Labrador retriever. It looked like a spider, but the head was overly large and vaguely human. And the body seemed to be scaly. It tilted its head like dogs do when you talk to them. Paused for a moment with me aiming my weapon
Starting point is 00:17:25 the entire time then it seemed to grin at me turned and retraced its steps until it got behind a little outbuilding and i lost sight of it when i was relieved of watch and under the pre the pretense of answering the call of nature i went out toward the outbuilding looking for a burrow or nest but found nothing not sure what to make of this but thought you might enjoy the story literally what the fuck what the fuck is that that sounds like a tumblr post that sounds like some slender man shit it sounds like a no sleep yeah yeah it gives me the creeps what the hell so he was it was a scaly spider the size of a dog with a human head that grinned at him that grinned and understood him while he was in like a a ghost town war zone yeah the whole thing at 3 a.m in bosnia by himself the
Starting point is 00:18:15 whole thing of that freaks me that makes my stomach churn yeah that's if i saw that i would truly just think oh oh i don't this is where i die i would there's no saving myself there's no looking for help there's no kicking ass and making a cool story out of it absolutely i'd be like this is this is it this is how i go the fact that when he was like oh i don't know whether awake people i'd be like i would have woken i would have screamed bloody mile radius scream my lungs off oh anyway your turn all right next up we've got a story from jessica w hi jessica w hey christine and m i love y'all's show so much i work third shift and it makes my night go by so much faster by the way i work at a bourbon distillery in kentucky so i'm drinking kentucky straight bourbon not at work we don't judge no i wouldn't have judged i have a true crime story for
Starting point is 00:19:11 y'all i recently went house hunting for my very first house oh congrats congrats must be nice must be nice i fell in love with one house and happened to know the seller who was also the realtor so he met me at the house after i looked at it. He was going to sell me this great house for really cheap. How could I pass that up? Uh-oh. I know. As we were finishing up, he said, So I didn't want to tell you this yet because I didn't want you to have any preconceived notions about the house,
Starting point is 00:19:35 but someone was murdered here. I started laughing because this guy is someone that would totally joke about something like that. The house is a gorgeous house. Brand new hardwood floors, brand new windows and doors, brand new windows and doors brand new garage door brand new roof brand new everything pretty much and he was selling it to me way below asking price i asked him why everything was brand new the house itself is only four years old so it didn't make sense why everything would already need to be replaced he said the insurance company came in and had to fix everything after the murder. Oh, my God. That's like a brutal murder. Okay, is this guy being serious?
Starting point is 00:20:09 I decided to do a quick Google search. Turns out not only was it a murder, it was a murder-suicide. Oh, no. As the story goes, the murdered woman's family hadn't heard from her for a while, was beginning to get worried, and called the police to do a welfare check they get to the house and somehow determine the woman to be murdered and her husband inside the house SWAT team was called and I guess there was some kind of standoff between the police and the suspect the police entered the house through the garage and they as they entered the man shot himself so maybe I'm crazy but I went ahead and decided to buy the house what I was it
Starting point is 00:20:44 was such a good deal and it was basically a brand new house exclamation point i also took my dog there and she didn't go crazy so i don't think there was any bad mojo i guess that's a good test i think so i think that was that was a smart call to at least bring the animal and have the dog kind of sense i think so on moving day we were talking about how bad my new front yard looked it's got big ruts at the bottom of the yard that make it look pretty bad someone kind of jokingly said it looks like a big truck drove through it another google search later and we find a picture of my new house with police cars in front of it and a huge armored squat truck sitting in the front yard right where my yard is
Starting point is 00:21:19 fucked up with the ruts oh no it's crazy being that girl who lives in the murder house it's a great story to tell when friends come over i've lived in the house for a couple of months now and love it sorry m but no paranormal stories yet but if something happens i'll be sure to write back love you guys keep drinking i don't i mean good for her and sounds like she made a great deal but i don't think i could move somewhere that i knew a murder was i don't think i could do it i feel like people like die though more often and more in more places than we realize though yeah but if they like were aggressively violently sure sure I don't know I just I don't know if I could I would have a really hard time if it were like
Starting point is 00:21:57 on your brain yeah yeah that's fair I would probably do it and sage it or some shit. Oh, yeah. Oh, I could. I would do it if I thought about it long enough and then saged it 20 times and had every breed of dog in there all at one time and separately. Every breed. Every single. And babies. Sure. Bring in a dachshund.
Starting point is 00:22:19 Bring in a baby. Yeah. Bring in a lab. Bring in a baby. Yeah. A baby per animal. The Dalmatian comes next. Yeah. Yeah. Bring in a lab, bring in a baby. Yeah. A baby per animal. The Dalmatian comes next. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:26 Yeah. All right. That seems like a really like feasible plan. I mean, no, but that's how I would have to be able to, I wouldn't be able to wrap my head around it any other way. I mean, I wrote, I sent her an email back and said, if I were you, I'd probably have moved in too. It's hard to pass up a deal,
Starting point is 00:22:46 especially in a house these days. So, and then I said, but I'm definitely waiting for the inevitable ghost stories that come out of this place. Oh yeah. Yeah. So if we could get a true crime and a ghost story out of the same story,
Starting point is 00:22:58 that'd be pretty nice. If we could do a followup. Yeah. Yeah. Sorry. This is from Devin. Hey Devin. Devin says, hello friends, because you're obviously my best podcast buddies especially geo handsome boy oh well yeah he's a handsome boy baby boy
Starting point is 00:23:14 little baby stinky stinky boy um she says first off just know i love the podcast and if i wasn't unemployed because i decided to get my master's in creative writing, What? A.K.A. why I drink, you'd be getting all my money. Well, we get it. I have no money either. We studied television. We studied basically creative writing.
Starting point is 00:23:36 Sure, we get the struggle. You guys are amazing and I'm sorry I'm a creep who's also followed you on your personal Instagram accounts. Whoops. Aww. I don't judge that at all i'm gonna be honest we love that yeah i'm not against it we're not against it at all uh following our three stories my mother's told me about our family i love paranormal and true crime and i'm in the camp of i want to believe more than i believe but my mother doesn't bullshit so it's hard not to
Starting point is 00:24:03 feel like something's in our genes oh boy my grandmother was a badass woman who lived to almost 90 and lived alone for a long time in an apartment in massachusetts several miles away was the soldier's home where my grandfather was slowly dying of a number of ailments but mostly old age my mom and her brothers and sisters were getting uh really worried about him because the nurses reported that in the middle of the night he was sitting on the edge of his bed and having long conversations with no one they all assumed it was the beginning of the end but didn't want to tell my grandmother because of the catholic tendency to repress everything until it explodes which i get I am half my family's Catholic.
Starting point is 00:24:46 Cue my entire family. My mother went over to see her, determined to break the news to my grandmother, who was extremely close with her. Before she could tell her, my grandmother came out with something else. She told my mom she thought she was going insane because every night in the middle of the night, she saw my grandfather sitting on the edge of the bed, and they would have long conversations she said she knew they weren't
Starting point is 00:25:09 dreams but she was too scared to tell anyone about them because she didn't want them to put her in the hospital too after my mother told my grandmother about what the nurses had said they never spoke of it again what the fuck so they've been talking to each that's love my god that's so heartwarming how are and i don't even know how that would work but they were still finding ways to talk to each other they were probably soulmates that's some x-men shit my heart that's awesome that's really sweet that's love that's love if you can't communicate face to face without the face while you're in a home when they're somewhere else then that's not love apparently fuck you apparently we have a lot to live up to but wait there's more oh good she says then my mother
Starting point is 00:26:00 she only told me about two instances of something happening, but the way she said it, I have a feeling there's a few more times she didn't want to talk about. I'll have to pry her with wine. She's team wine all the way. Oh, we get that with our mothers. The first time she had a flash, as she called it, she was in the shower at my grandmother's apartment. She saw me, maybe two at the time, dressed in entirely different clothes and falling off a 14th floor balcony. maybe two at the time dressed in entirely different clothes and falling off a 14th floor balcony while trying to assure herself that she was just being crazy and paranoid about her first kid she rushed out of the shower and into the living room to find me and clothes she had seen in her flash
Starting point is 00:26:34 opening the door to the balcony which was usually locked no my grandmother had changed me after i had gotten food on myself and then fallen asleep so that's how she had the different clothes on that her mom saw oh my god the second flash oh yeah so she had a premonition of her falling from the balcony before she literally minutes before she did oh my god the second flash was maybe a year later my mother had dropped me off at preschool and as she was a stay-at-home mom when i was little had planned to go to a local beach to read nice it's a good job do it uh but on her way there she had a flash where she saw herself getting attacked and thrown into a trunk by a masked man she tried to tell herself she was being crazy but she still turned the car around and went home on the smart oh yeah good girl on the news that night
Starting point is 00:27:21 she saw a woman had been attacked at the same beach she was heading towards she's never given me the details about what happened to that poor woman oh my fucking can you imagine a flash i'm like what does that even mean like you have a vision a vision yeah i guess while you're driving wow wow jesus this is the shit this is how i believe yes exactly how do you not that's too. Like, you think people just make that up? No. But wait, there's more. Oh, good. Lastly, my mother told me a story about me.
Starting point is 00:27:51 It was the three whole generations. I'm so pumped for this. My grandfather died when I was four or five, and by that time, we had moved to California. After my mom got the call, she decided to tell me about my grandfather's death. She decided to not tell me about my grandfather's death until we flew back to Massachusetts, so I wasn't upset on the call. She decided to tell me about my grandfather's death. She decided to not tell me about my grandfather's death until we flew back to Massachusetts. So I wasn't upset on the plane. Good old Catholic repression at it again.
Starting point is 00:28:12 Amen. She said after she hung up the phone, she watched me play in the backyard and it looked like I was having an animated conversation with no one. Uh, she also saw me hugging the invisible person and seemingly listening intently when they talked i was kind of a weird kid who loved to read and play pretend so this wasn't entirely abnormal i came in a few minutes later and asked for a snack when my mom handed me my crackers i'm
Starting point is 00:28:37 assuming it was goldfish crackers because i want some right now uh i told her too by the way she wrote that so good girl me too i want that also uh i told her she didn't need to be sad anymore at first she assumed i was just being creepily perceptive because she wasn't crying or anything but when pressed i assured her that she didn't need to be sad because grandpa was happier where he was since he could play baseball again like i said i was a weird kid so my mom just tried to brush it off. But then my mother called my grandmother to make sure she was all right and on a whim told her about what I had said,
Starting point is 00:29:11 even though she knew my grandfather had never played or even seemed interested in baseball. My grandmother was quiet for a long moment before she told my mother something my mother had never heard before, that around World War II, my grandfather had been on an army baseball team i have no recollection of any of this even though i was old enough to remember what's weirdest to me is no one else in the family has had any experiences like this and out of the five siblings only my mother looks like my grandmother and out of dozens of cousins
Starting point is 00:29:38 and second cousins only i strongly resemble either of them something in the gene pool i swear there's a few more stories but i'll save them for another email this is way too long already super super sorry but also i hope you liked it even if you don't read it xo xo xo not gossip girl sorry devon and then she said p.s mostly to christine i mean i am team wine, but don't worry, Em. I love you, too. And then she said, weird connection. When you mentioned Lisa Lampanelli was Blaze's aunt, it jogged something in my memory. I don't know a ton about Lisa, but I could remember my godparents mentioning her.
Starting point is 00:30:18 I asked, and they said they've gone to a couple of dinners with Lisa Lampanelli's sister and are casual friends with her and her husband. So my quasi-adoptive parents might be friends with your fiance's parents congratulations by the way obviously the podcast friendship is meant to be and that's why we drink i love that i wrote her back and i was like you know nancy and brian that's awesome that's blazes aunt and uncle that's so sweet also what the fuck with those stories that's wild especially it it does add a little something that out of all of the giant family the only ones with experiences like this all happen to look alike have the same yeah exactly anyway thanks guys thanks guys your stories were on point today our next listeners episode will be in a whole month in september god which is wild crazy thanks
Starting point is 00:31:07 for taking us on this six month journey thank you it's been a rocking time you can send your stories at and that's why we drink at you can also submit them at our website and that's why we you can also just become friends with us on social media of atwwd podcast um so thanks guys for your stories send in more we're saving them all and hoping to use as many as we can on future episodes and um check out our merch at and that's we can go to our website or you can go to and that's what we and um that's all i have to say so and that's why we drink bye y'all

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