And That's Why We Drink - Listener Stories: Vol. 61

Episode Date: November 1, 2021

Happy November! We're kicking off Christine's maternity leave with our first special guest host: Allison! This month Em and Allison read your creepy stories together and rehash the last time they were... on the podcast together for an iconic flirt session Christine had to edit down. Tune in for a sweet and spooky Día de los Muertos story, a phone call murder confession and a terrifying home invasion that involves more poop than we'd like... and that's why we drink!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 okay everyone hi welcome to november it's november 1st this comes out and uh we have a special guest we've had eva on the show for a little bit now and i don't know if we've had our other uh special guests come on after eva yet but we had our other special guest come on after Eva yet but we have a third special guest depending on what order you're listening to this in. She has been on the show before back in episode 23 so it's been a while and we've got the Stinky Witch in the house. Hello. I'm a little out of practice. Welcome, Allison. How are you? How are you doing today? Happy November 1st. Thank you. Yeah. Ask me how I'm doing. Like it's the first time we've spoken today. I'm doing well. Thank you. How are you?
Starting point is 00:00:59 You know. Do I? I actually don't think that I've asked you how you are today. Oh, that's, well, I'm stressed because our room is a mess and I know how you feel about that. You can't tell from this perspective. I put the camera on. Intentionally, if we were to move our bodies, if Allison moved her body, you would see some of the stuff that gives Allison some strife in our relationship. So we'll see what happens. I might do a little shimmy shake, you know, who knows.
Starting point is 00:01:30 If you're watching this on YouTube, leave a comment below because Allison tried very hard with her makeup today. She looks so pretty. So please make her feel good. And today we are doing some listener stories for those of you who are brand new. We put out a personal listener story on the first of every month where you can submit your own ghost and true crime stories to us. And since it's November 1st, I imagine this has some Halloween theme to it since Halloween was yesterday. Do we know what we're doing for Halloween yet since we're recording in advance?
Starting point is 00:02:03 We do. Yeah. What are we doing? We're going to House of Spirits. Oh, yes. Which is sort of like half cocktail party, half haunted house. Yeah. Also, like, there's a pinch of full male frontal nudity.
Starting point is 00:02:21 I mean, there was last year, so we can only hope for this year. I was not prepared for that. It was actually the special treat you get after you have to go through like eight different rooms to get eight different drinks. And the ninth drink is like your prize after drinking the other eight. And there was like, you couldn't access that room until you had the other eight. And in that room, there was a naked man. It's very very odd they don't put that in their instagram app it's definitely the scariest part of the halloween attraction um anyway so thank you to eva who put these uh stories together for us uh apparently one of them she has warned me is pretty uh narcissistic for her it's apparently has something
Starting point is 00:03:01 to do with her which i don't know what that means, but I'm excited to find out what gives Eva's ego joy. And if you'd like to send in your own stories for the future first of the month episodes, you can do that on our website. So do you want to go first or me? Usually I go first, but you are the guest. Yeah, sure. I'll go first. Let me take a little sip of my drink first. Oh, tell people what you're drinking, Allison. You a you did this intentionally it's got a theme to it this is actually my second drink um the first one i told em about was a death in the gulf stream okay it was invented by ernest hemingway i learned is that not what this is this is not uh this is a gin and sin a gin and sin that's right that's fun i well the other one it was
Starting point is 00:03:48 it had death to it seemed right for and that's why we drink this one has sin to it so this one has sin and it matches you you got a whole orange theme going on a post halloween that's true style um all right well i guess this is your story because we made sure the font was a thousand percent just for you thank you so we usually read the the subject line first okay so uh the subject line for this one is i think my cousin walked my grandma into the afterlife like in coco oh that's sweet and it also says happy Dia de los Muertos. Perfect. And then I'm going to look away
Starting point is 00:04:29 so I'm not reading off the same screen and surprising myself with the story. So you scroll how you need to. Okay. So this was submitted by Alex who uses pronouns she, her. Thank you for normalizing pronouns. Ah, it's like you listen to the show, Allison. It is fun to be on this side of it and see what you're actually reading
Starting point is 00:04:48 um all right and uh oh oh okay so it starts with hello to baby leona i would also like to say hello to baby leona okay yeah we we have yet to say hello to her at the same time, have we? Yeah. Yeah, have you FaceTimed with the little baby at all yet? I have not. I've only done it once and she was sleeping and probably pooping, which couldn't be a more proud funcle. But she seems to be super low maintenance so far. So we know nothing else beyond that, except she's very cute. All right, so Alex says hello to baby Leona
Starting point is 00:05:23 and hello to all other animals and humans as well. Hello back to you. Love your podcast and thank you for making me laugh while I'm bored to death, no pun intended, at work. This story is sad, but I believe the ending really encompasses the true meaning of Dia de los Muertos. It's a day to celebrate your family that has passed on, but finding comfort in knowing that they're together waiting for you when it's your time
Starting point is 00:05:49 to leave this earth. That's nice. Okay, let's crack into it. Should I have let you say that? I wouldn't have known. I wasn't looking at the screen. You said it very nicely, Allison. Thank you. My grandmother has had pretty advanced Alzheimer's, and ever since I was little, I remember being really young, like even age four or five, and her asking me the same three questions over and over within a 10-minute time period. Whoa. However, she never forgot who everyone was and was still really good with names until she died.
Starting point is 00:06:24 This is important. Oh. okay. When my grandpa died when I was about 15, she couldn't remember that he passed away. So you can imagine how hard it was having to tell her over and over again that he passed away when she was looking for him. My cousin Miranda, who was four years older than me, I'm currently 25, had the absolute purest soul of anyone I have ever known to this day. She was the cousin who always took the time, even when she was a teenager, to come sit with my grandma just to spend time with her or go on long walks with my
Starting point is 00:06:57 grandpa. She adored them. Sadly, we lost my cousin tragically, and it really shook the whole family. Sadly, we lost my cousin tragically, and it really shook the whole family. With my grandma's Alzheimer's and how she never remembered my grandpa no longer being with us, it was the obvious decision not to tell her what happened to my cousin. Sure. That's terrible. One night, a couple years later, toward the end of my grandma's life, my brother's girlfriend had taken the shift to watch my grandma.
Starting point is 00:07:29 They were sitting in the living room that is pretty secluded from the rest of the house. And my brother's girlfriend said that she heard a loud bang from the back room that's past the kitchen. Obviously startled, my brother's girlfriend got up to see what it was until my grandma stopped her and said, don't worry, it's just my granddaughter, Miranda. Oh, that was sweet. My brother's girlfriend, obviously knowing my cousin passed away, was like, WTF? What a trooper. Can't believe she still stayed after that. Fast forward, I think a couple months later, my grandma is in her hospice bed. Couldn't say anything until my aunt my cousin's mom
Starting point is 00:08:06 said the day before she died she reached into the air and kept calling miranda miranda she passed away that night wow dia de los muertos is a day for family it is to remember not the way your family member died but to celebrate their life knowing that one day you will be with them again i like to think my cousin stuck around to keep my grandma company until she died because that is just so like miranda i love miranda she's fun she sounds so sweet so it's a peach and then alex says lol i imagine it just like in the movie coco where they walked across the beautiful orange bridge in the sky to join my grandpa where they could all be together again oh that's sweet that's so sweet sorry this was so long but thanks for anyone even reading this
Starting point is 00:08:57 i hope everything everyone has a nice day remembering their family members and honoring their spirits xoxo, that's nice. So sweet. Did you ever watch Coco? No. Oh, did I tell you about when I watched it? No,
Starting point is 00:09:13 I cried really hard in the theater. I feel like that seems to be the theme though. Everyone I've talked to about Coco. I mean, I'm not having like a thousand conversations a day about Coco, but anytime I have mentioned it, people just go, Oh, like just all have this real emotional
Starting point is 00:09:25 moment with it. So I think I cried at the beginning. I cried at the end. I cried a lot. And I also went with a friend who I like really didn't know that well. So it was really awkward that I was sobbing at the end. Who'd you go with? Natalia.
Starting point is 00:09:38 Wow. I know. I think I'm afraid. I mean, going into that movie, it sounds like I also have to be prepared to just be an emotional wreck for the rest of the day. It's really good, though. I'm sure it's great. I am just afraid of having, I have to be for sure in a mental space for that, a headspace to cry.
Starting point is 00:09:54 You have to be like ready for a good cry, but a heartwarming cry. Yeah. Yeah. I've heard the gist, I think, of the movie. We'll watch it together. Maybe we can do that for Halloween too. No? I'm not ready to be sobbing on Halloween.
Starting point is 00:10:09 Thank you. See, that's why I don't want to watch it either. I don't want to cry. Okay. Well, anyway, thank you so much, Alex, for that story. Thank you, Alex. Yes. Also loving your, um, just because I know you so well, which by the way, this is so
Starting point is 00:10:22 sweet because last time you were on here, I just had the biggest crush on you. I still do. I was going to say, I still have a big crush on you. But it was supposed to be secret. Except hundreds and hundreds and thousands of people were like, no, we knew. Should I put my arm around you? Okay, the last time. Like in the olden days?
Starting point is 00:10:38 Oh, Christine isn't here to stop us now, which was the fun part. Because the last time we recorded together when we just had crushes on each other uh allison was definitely tipsy yes yeah and kept putting her arm around me and i who can't read a single damn sign i was like oh wow she's that's a nice that's a nice friend there i was like not aware that she was trying to make the moves and poor christine had to sit across from us we were sitting like this last time yeah except we were sharing a mic yeah which is my excuse for putting my arm around right we had to be close all right yeah and uh oh poor christine
Starting point is 00:11:14 she's probably just rolling her eyes right now listening to this she's like i can't delete all this footage anymore like i could last time um but no last it was i now that i know you well though it's fun to hear you try to to read the stories because you've got your office voice your phone those are my phone voice yeah i love allison's phone voice it's very fun just because you go hello and then afterwards you're like okay moving on to story number two this is uh called the unknown college cryptid with the question mark so even we're even the writer's unsure here i'm serious this is from dominica dominic dominica dominica dominica okay that's you're probably more right than i am on that
Starting point is 00:12:04 dominica who uses she her pronouns that i got thank you for normalizing pronouns Domenica. Domenica. Okay. You're probably more right than I am on that. Domenica. Who uses she, her pronouns? That I got. Thank you for normalizing pronouns. And the story goes, greetings and salutations to Eva and Leona. Okay. I think this is Eva's ego story because it doesn't say hello to anyone else. I'm like, I know I'm not like a part of a normal part of the podcast, but I do feel
Starting point is 00:12:23 a little bit left out. Greetings and salutations to Eva and Leona only. Love your work. Love your guts. That's nice. Wish you loved my guts, but that's okay. I appreciate you anyway.
Starting point is 00:12:37 I have an unknown cryptid sighting that I still haven't been able to explain to this day. You're just looking at me. I'm trying not to read the story look over there what's wrong with you during my third year of college i lived in a two-floor apartment with my best friend and a girl whose guts i did in fact hate not a megan not a scorpio or a citrus fruit wow so you found the rare one who's left in the bedroom i shared with my best friend our beds were parallel and we put a dresser under the window between our beds to use as a shared nightstand.
Starting point is 00:13:09 Our campus is in the middle of the woods and my apartment was on the outer edges. So the parking lot for the dorms was surrounded by woods. This was a few years ago, I think during the fall of 2016. So the details may be a little rusty, but what i saw still baffles me i was sitting at it one day doing homework while people watching doing homework or people watching i feel like they're not the same thing you can do a little bit of both a little bit of this a little bit of that the second i people watch i am not doing homework let's just put it that way while looking outside i saw a creature i had never seen before when i told my friend i described it
Starting point is 00:13:46 as a cartoon halloween cat with its back impossibly arched like the one in our in our lobby we do have one of those in our lobby we there's there's some cat decor that our property man the property manager made the whole lobby look all halloween spooky. And there's a piece of cat decor where every time I see it, it looks like if it were a live cat, you would need to take it to a chiropractor. Its whole back is like half an M. I wouldn't describe it as a cryptid, though. No, that's just a cat with a problem. It just looks too much like a real cat. Every time I go, but not because it's a cat.
Starting point is 00:14:23 It's because its back is so it scares me. I like are you okay also i realized half an m is an n okay um a cartoon halloween cat with its back impossibly arched it was tan and on reflection looked like a greyhound but almost physically impossible with its back arched the way it was. There was no way it was a dog or a cat or a deer or anything. It was thin and long with four skinny legs and its eyes were huge and black. Hmm. It was in the road walking towards the woods and I remember it walking awkwardly. Well, it sounds like there's no other way to walk when that's your body shape.
Starting point is 00:15:05 I know. Like it was shuffling with its front two legs meeting its back two on every stride. With its front. It's like almost like in a running. Like don't animals run with their front, then their back, then their front, then their back? No? I think like the left front and the left back would like meet each other. There's too many legs.
Starting point is 00:15:28 I can never keep up. And then vice versa. With the movements. So many. When I first saw it, I really didn't question what I was seeing. What? Why? I certainly would have.
Starting point is 00:15:42 I mean, I guess if you're on a a college campus like you see a lot of weird things but that seems like one to notice i would at least double take yeah uh i remember watching it curiously not thinking much of it and only when it was closer to the trees did my brain realize it was seeing something completely foreign i hadn't bothered to grab my phone i couldn't have taken a quality picture anyway i stood up and watched it enter the woods completely baffled it was such a bizarre experience and i really can't explain it i've never heard of a cryptid like that here in northern new jersey that sounds like well it could be like a jersey devil situation maybe whatever it is it would be a fitting mascot for my alumnus what kind of school did you go to uh Thank you for this show and community.
Starting point is 00:16:28 Y'all were my first true crime and paranormal podcast and set the standard in my heart. If you're ever passing through, come stop by for lunch and a drink at the Haunted Vineyard. Oh, my gosh. Love y'all. Dominica. Dominica. Okay. I almost said Dominica again.
Starting point is 00:16:43 I knew it was wrong. XOXO, thank you so much. And I like the little heart. I want to know what her college mascot actually was, if that would be a fitting one. Like, was it so different from this animal that we should consider drastically changing it? I don't know. I can't think of a school that... What's the weirdest mascot you've heard of?
Starting point is 00:17:07 Probably the Syracuse Orange. Okay, well, that is a cryptid as far as I'm concerned. Walking, talking orange with eyes? No, that's supernatural. I do remember visiting the University of Richmond and the fact that the mascot was a spider and there were just spiders everywhere like really freaked me out. Oh, I think because I grew up next to it.
Starting point is 00:17:26 I'm fine with that. You know, it's weird as a Gamecock. Speaking of your area, that's weird. It's a rooster. It's weird. It's a weird name. It's a fighting rooster, I guess. But like for so many people in an arena just go screaming like, go cocks.
Starting point is 00:17:43 Like, come on. I think. Are they saying that? maybe they enjoy maybe it's kind of fun it's a little like naughty oh okay i like the idea of south carolina have doing something a little fruity so speaking of the syracuse orange i don't know i'm trying to tie it in please go tell your story i see the word naked and I'm already nervous about the next story okay um so let's see this one the subject is I scared the shit out of my naked stalker oh literally oh oh my I feel like we don't even need to read this story we know it's gonna happen there's twists and turns I'm already prepared for but like so it's your stalker who is naked
Starting point is 00:18:25 who is pooping and also you scared him it's like um wasn't pooping until they got scared okay sounds like i would that sounds like you have every right to be the scared one but let's see how the story goes all right so this is from jay who uses she her pronouns thank you for normalizing pronouns i thought i'd let you say it this time thank you all right um so jay says hi emin christine i mean allison right i've been listening to the podcast for about a year now and i figured it was time to share my story i've been having nightmares about it lately and i've only talked about it with people close to me i'm sorry it's I wonder if that's a purposeful pun. I feel like...
Starting point is 00:19:15 Let's pretend it is because that's creative writing right there. Okay. The story starts around June of 2017 when I was 19. My dad had just moved out of the house a few months before and our only large dog had recently passed away. Aww. That's sad. This is important because at the time
Starting point is 00:19:32 it was just me, my mom, and our Yorkie Trixie living in the house. Side note, I love the name Trixie for a Yorkie. I don't know why. It just seems so right. It's very fitting. Trixie feels like a petite little name. Yeah. I think it'd very fitting. Trixie feels like a petite little name. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:46 I think it'd be funny if Trixie could also be like a big ass like bull mastiff or something. It's like such a dainty name for such a big clunky animal, you know? All right. We lived in a nice middle class neighborhood where there was a little crime. Oh, sorry. There was little crime, not a little. Just one little crime at a time i was like oh sorry oh geez i'm just a mess um i'm just gonna start that sentence over
Starting point is 00:20:15 we lived in a nice middle-class neighborhood where there was little crime and people often left their doors unlocked my mom and I are super close and we were working our asses off to make ends meet. We weren't able to share this story on social media at the time because my mom's business was her only source of income and sharing it would have turned away potential clients. If we had been able to, this case would likely have been solved a lot sooner. I was up at around 4am on a Friday, which wasn't normal for me. I was sitting on my bed with Trixie texting my boyfriend that I was heading to bed. When I heard the back door close. I was certain I'd heard it but I didn't want to believe it. I feel like this happens to
Starting point is 00:20:59 me all the time. Whenever I'm home. home whenever i'm home alone i always hear like noises it's well like inside the apartment we live in an apartment so it could be anyone's door that's what i tell myself oh okay i sometimes hear a sound and then i just go no thank you and then i just keep going with whatever i'm up to but see your assumption is that it's a ghost and my assumption is that it's a murderer. Maybe not. Maybe I'm letting the robber know. I'm like, I said no.
Starting point is 00:21:29 In case you needed my. No, thank you. In case you were wondering, you had my consent on this. You don't. Okay. Okay. Jay was certain that she'd heard the door close, but didn't want to believe it. Then Trixie started to bark.
Starting point is 00:21:43 I saw how alert she was and felt a pit forming in my stomach I imagined someone waiting at the end of the hallway for me to poke my head out I texted my boyfriend that I'd heard something and he told me to call the cops but I had never done it before and I thought my mom would be upset if I called them over one noise this seems to be a theme yeah with your listener stories and with christine at all it's ever it's everyone is afraid to be a bother and then and then something really horrible happens i think i would probably think the exact same thing though i would do yeah i mean it's i think it's uh especially if you are not someone like a straight cishet man you know what i mean just to bring politics into this
Starting point is 00:22:26 but i'm sure bring it in well no i feel like we like anyone who was raised it you know female at all is like you know be submissive and and don't be a bother don't get in the way you know so yeah i i get it yeah um okay so let's see uh okay so jay's mom her room was across the hall so i mustered up my courage to open the door and bolted mom wasn't happy but she saw how scared i was and agreed to walk around the house with me it was actually pretty comical i grabbed a hammer and she grabbed a high heel okay sorry you're really fitting the trope here not making you're not helping yourself okay but i'm also having flashbacks to when i have also grabbed things that were not necessarily weapons to do this exact what's something you've grabbed
Starting point is 00:23:16 like a hairbrush or like i don't know a wine bottle but at least i guess that has a little bit of like oomph behind it i guess so, so I grabbed a hammer and she grabbed a high heel while we held hands and searched the house. My boyfriend texted his friends who live nearby to drive around the outside of the house. We found nothing, but the back door was unlocked. We sometimes forget to lock it, and I noticed the backyard motion light was on. My mom went back to sleep, and I tried to forget about it. Looking back, I realized I tried to forget about it. Looking back, I realized I must have just heard him leaving.
Starting point is 00:23:48 Woo. I hate that. I hate that too. I don't know why I hate that as much as him waltzing on in. Like, like, you think.
Starting point is 00:23:54 Well, because then that means that you would, you didn't hear him come in. Yeah. And he knew you were walking around looking for him too. Ugh. You know?
Starting point is 00:24:03 Yeah. Okay. The next day day i was sitting in the living room where the back door is located and noticed my parents wedding album sitting on the floor next to the tv it was super dusty and had fresh fingerprints on it i asked my mom if she had been looking at it but she was exhausted from work and passively said no i didn't want to keep bringing it up so i didn't mention anything further, but it gave me the creeps. Yeah, that they were,
Starting point is 00:24:29 I don't know why, it's just such an intimate, you would think if someone's breaking into your house, they're breaking into your house to just steal something and leave, but to take the moment and like, look at your family, like. It feels like way more personal. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:42 Like learning about your family or learning about the people that might be in the house two months later i would have the most terrifying night of my life oh geez it was a friday in august and after eight hours on my feet working at a pizza shop i was ready to get home and take a shower my mom was having a well-deserved night out with her friends so i had to walk home that night but it wasn't a long walk and I never felt scared in my neighborhood I know better than to have my face in my phone while I'm walking at night but I had a particularly rough shift and I wanted to look at cute animals oh that's relatable I only looked up from my phone about four houses down from my house I saw that the lights were on and I rolled my eyes at my mom's hypocrisy because she was always on me about turning out the
Starting point is 00:25:27 lights before I left. I got to the door and started unlocking it. I dropped my keys and I was already cringing at the thought of Trixie's impatient barking at me for taking so long, but it was strangely silent. No. Nope. No, thank you. Trixiesy now i really wish you were that bull mast if i was talking about finally my key turned i opened the door and i saw him oh i assume you don't mean tricksy i distinctly remember my brain thinking you're not supposed to be here the man i saw was bald with little wire glasses he seemed to be in his late 40s his nose was big and his eyes even bigger staring into mine with shock i remember how wrinkled his forehead got when he raised his eyebrows the whites of his eyes were huge the detail here is like disturbing the fact that you were able to memorize his face
Starting point is 00:26:26 that quickly i would he it would be a black mass as far as i'm concerned i wouldn't know anything i would have totally froze so congratulations on being able to like arguably sketch this man he had his back to me and was walking out of my bathroom 10 feet away wearing only a hoodie only a hoodie yikes okay so at least he's not 100 nude but the the part we don't care about was what was covered the the goods are still showing it seems i saw his pasty white cheeks peeking out under the bottom and i screamed i mean scream scream regardless, but like especially because of the pasty cheeks. I had never screamed a scream of deep and genuine fear before.
Starting point is 00:27:14 I discovered that day that I'm not someone who freezes in an emergency. I book it. Good for you. That's not me. I would be so useless. Allison hits people when she gets scared or yeah I'm a fight I'm a fight response not a flight response fun fact if it fits between the
Starting point is 00:27:32 two of us Allison saving both of our lives I'm doing nothing I couldn't feel my legs as I ran down the street I was so afraid to look back because that's when all the women in horror movies trip and die good thinking though honestly yes absolutely run as fast as you can do not look back yep you're that's what you do was he following me where do i go for help what where's tricksy oh girl where is tricksy that's what i've been asking no luckily at the end of the street my friend was sitting on their porch waiting for their girlfriend to come over they said hey jay how's it going it's like not well but i was already running past them to their door i was a stuttering mess someone's in my house please let me inside please i don't know where he went
Starting point is 00:28:17 we have to get inside their parents were home and we called the police together good thinking though yeah truly yeah get to safety the police checked out the house but it seemed that he ran out the back door when i ran out the front thankfully trixie was relaxing in the living room when they walked in jay chilling where the hell has trixie been is trixie like pals with this guy also but that does tell you like for this man to be so confidently walking around in your own home like taking his pants off like doing the shuffle from the bathroom to the bedroom because he left his pants somewhere else like that this is not his second time in your home like he has been coming and going especially for your dog to not even react yeah i don't like that i don't even walk from one room to the other
Starting point is 00:28:58 without my pants on okay and i live here well no comment no comment you are the only one of three that can say that rj and i love not wearing pants keep my pasty cheeks hidden away um so okay so trixie was fine. They brought me inside to look around for anything missing and had dogs search the outside to see where he might have gone. All of our valuables were there. However, when I walked into the bathroom, I noticed that our toothbrushes were lined up along the sink. Do you think he's brushing his teeth with your toothbrush?
Starting point is 00:29:40 It would be thrown away. That's for damn sure. If he touched the toothbrush at all, that's going in the garbage. Everything I own would go in the garbage at this point okay that's true i knew that i hadn't done that but thought that maybe my mom had when she was cleaning everything else seemed to be normal from what i could tell my mom got home as the cops were finishing up she was able to look around after they left and was freaked out about the toothbrushes and threw them away good she hadn't lined them up. The only thing she noticed missing was a pair of her dirty underwear.
Starting point is 00:30:09 Okay. Oh, no. The whole dresser would go in the fire, honestly. I'd be like, we're just going shopping. Okay, but also, like, I would not notice if a pair of my underwear went missing. Dirty underwear too? In the laundry? I'm like,
Starting point is 00:30:26 it's going to take me three weeks to figure that out. Honestly, I never know anymore. Like laundry is such an enigma to me. I couldn't tell you what's clean, what's dirty, what's missing. So there are shirts that I haven't seen in weeks.
Starting point is 00:30:41 And for all I know. Months even. Months. I don't know. I have so many clothes. It really is. If someone wanted to break into our house and only steal my shirts, you could probably get away with stealing like a hundred shirts and I wouldn't even know.
Starting point is 00:30:53 Yeah. Yeah. Agreed. Okay. Half of them are on the floor. I know, Allison. Your body's covering them up right now from the camera. Okay.
Starting point is 00:31:03 So back to the story. All I could think about that night as i tried to sleep was that he was walking out of the bathroom my plan was to walk straight there and hop into the shower what would have happened if i hadn't dropped my keys right walked in a few seconds before while he was in the bathroom right or a few seconds after when he had snuck into another room and waited while i took a shower oh god gross as horrible as it was Oh, God. Gross. As horrible as it was, I was so grateful that I saw him at the exact time I did.
Starting point is 00:31:31 The cops had found a smeared handprint on the glass of our back door where the man had pushed it open, but it wasn't clear enough for prints. They also found footprints on the AC unit near my mom's bedroom window where he had been standing and watching. I hate that. that no it's terrible absolutely not i took my best friend around the backyard the next day to show her everything they had found she paused um jay what is that shit oh here we go oh is that shit oh oh the poop right okay i forgot about the poop i looked where she was pointing there was a line of human shit going from the grass near the back door to the fence in my backyard a line yo i think she gave him explosives i think he couldn't keep it in and left a trail as he ran you know i mean
Starting point is 00:32:20 i mean the old diarrhea okay she didn't know what i'm talking about i got it okay okay but she says it was about four pieces and trust me they were not from any kind of animal that doesn't sound like it to me that sounds like purposeful like marking territory but like while walking i don't know this doesn't feel human walk i don't i don't know maybe it's just like one of those like large waddle steps but even then like what's the point it feels i mean i think it's fair for this person to think that they scared the poop out of them because you can't logically think like oh yeah they just chose to poop while walking away you know like it makes the next line is the man wasn't wearing pants anyway so i'm sure it just slipped out but truly like i mean easy
Starting point is 00:33:12 access easy exit you know it's gross i don't know what the reason i don't know what the reason is i would guess too that that we scared him because i can't think of a reason why someone would just start or maybe okay i'm sorry maybe like maybe the person was actually having like stomach problems and when they walked in because i mean he was coming out of the bathroom anyway maybe he was like already hurting and then when he got caught he was like he had to leave and he was like well i'm not done going to the bathroom he just kept going i'm trying to think of a logical story i can't think of one she scared the poop out of him or he already had a a bowel issue and like she scared him out of the bathroom and therefore all he had left was the outdoors. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:34:05 Maybe. I don't know. Let's go with you scared the poop out of him because it's a much better story. Agreed. Okay. It's still terrifying though, to be fair. Just the fucking worst. Okay.
Starting point is 00:34:17 So, obviously. Yes. She called the investigators back to take any evidence they could. Yes. She called the investigators back to take any evidence they could. Unfortunately, it just resulted in me standing over the logs with a cop saying, yep, that's from a human. All right, I'll add it to the file. Thank you, officer. Why are you standing over the logs? Can't you just stand near them? He said they couldn't collect evidence from it. What? Why? That's literal literal dna right i don't know
Starting point is 00:34:48 how collecting poop works i don't either okay uh a week later on sunday mom received a package in the mail it was a key chain that said you'll be in my heart forever oh she asked if my boyfriend had sent it hell no that, that's cheesy AF. Yikes. And when she looked on her Amazon account, she saw that it was ordered from her own account the previous Friday. So they were on her computer. Nobody else had access to her account. We had both been out of the house that Friday.
Starting point is 00:35:19 So that's interesting because my first thought was, oh, maybe this person got the hint and said like, it's time for me to not be coming back here anymore. So let me send you a parting gift. But they sent the gift from the house before getting caught, which means her account. Oh, from the,
Starting point is 00:35:35 well, I guess, I guess it could have been done from. Yeah. It could have like, if from a different log in to her account, they could have done it from somewhere else. I guess so.
Starting point is 00:35:43 Okay. How insulting though, to be like, here's a gift gift from me but i paid for it with your credit card i mean that's not the most insulting part of this obviously but sure it's still like just an extra kick in the crotch it's like also you have less money now i technically did rob you okay at this point my mom decided to get security cameras and an alarm system good at the time we could only afford indoor cameras but it would be enough to at least be able to check the house before we went in we had signs around the front of the house that said we had a security system and as the weather got colder i started to feel more safe in my house
Starting point is 00:36:22 i figured no one was pervy enough to hang around the windows in 15 degree weather with their cheeks out. But as summer approached, my anxiety worsened again. Oh yeah. In June of 2018, my friend sent me a girl's post on Facebook. She lived around the block from me and posted a vague message describing the man that I saw and saying to keep an eye out because there's something very scary, because something very scary happened tonight. Oh, so like now he's up to no good somewhere else nearby. I messaged her with my story and asked what happened.
Starting point is 00:36:56 She said she was sitting in the bathroom when she heard taps on the window. She looked up to see a man in the window. Oh my God. Her parents were home and I would lose my mind. And she screamed for her dad who ran out and yelled at him. He was fumbling with his pants before he hopped the fence and ran away. This guy needs to get it together with his fucking pants. Are you kidding me?
Starting point is 00:37:17 The police told her they couldn't do anything. Honestly, I was getting fed up with it. I was tired of having panic attacks if I heard a raccoon outside or being scared to take my laundry into the basement at night, I'm also scared of raccoons outside and taking my laundry into the basement at night. But like I have never had trauma, so I can't imagine how bad it must be.
Starting point is 00:37:35 Yeah, truly. As soon as it started to get dark in the evening, I would rush to close all the curtains so I wouldn't have to feel him watching me. I had nightmares about waking up to him watching me sleep and some dreams where I beat his ass, which were very therapeutic. Okay. Yeah. That's awesome.
Starting point is 00:37:52 I felt like this man had ruined my ability to feel safe at home and I was pissed. So I started to face my fears. I would walk into dark rooms, look out the windows at night, and I even took a self-defense course. Good. Wow. I still, the fact that it's all based in like consistent trauma is really just horrible. But my biggest test was to sleep alone in my house in the summer. My mom had left for five days around the 4th of July.
Starting point is 00:38:21 She had the only car between us, So I spent most of my time with my boyfriend. One night, my boyfriend was busy and I decided I would stay alone to show myself I could do it. My anxiety got worse and worse as the night drew on, but eventually I decided I needed to try to sleep. I was so angry at myself because no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't make myself turn the lights off. I don't blame you though though like do not feel bad about yourself at all i would never sleep with the lights on off again i thought jay come on it's been a year and nothing's happened to you you have literally scared the shit out of this man are you going to live the rest of your life sleeping with the lights on because of one creepy asshole i'd like to think he also wherever he is in the world at this point is having trouble
Starting point is 00:39:04 sleeping just because he remembers he pooped all over someone's property. Like out of embarrassment, I hope he wouldn't show his face again at the very least. Because logic isn't working. So I'd like to think he's at least ashamed enough that he wouldn't approach you. I don't know. I'm just hoping he doesn't come back in this story. I see we've got a whole other page left and I'm nervous. We'll see.
Starting point is 00:39:26 Unfortunately, I was a weenie. I slept with the the lights on that doesn't make you a weenie no just my not at all the next night was a friday and i just had a terrible feeling i told my boyfriend i couldn't sleep there we stopped by my house after work to let trixie out and then left to sleep at his place for the night an hour later i got a call from my mom. Did you trip the alarm? Are you fucking kidding me? Okay. No, I said. I'm not even home.
Starting point is 00:39:52 It says your bedroom window is open. For fuck's sake. So, okay, keep going. My stomach dropped. My mom said that the cops would be on their way and she would keep me updated. I was 25 minutes away from the house, so I stayed at my boyfriend's for the night and waited. The next day, we checked out the house. It had taken the police 20 minutes to get to my house, which is six minutes from the station. When they got there, they saw no signs of forced
Starting point is 00:40:17 entry and left. We weren't home to let them in, so they weren't able to see inside. When I arrived, I was able to see that someone had opened the window and climbed halfway in before hearing the alarm system and replaced the screen before leaving. I had had a bunch of photos and trinkets on my windowsill that were now strewn everywhere on my bed. When my mom watched the security footage, you could hear the window opening and see Trixie jump at the sound of my stuff clattering to the floor. The front garden was also trampled and it was visible that someone was trying to get into the windows on the front of the house. This window was right over the bed that I was sleeping in the night before. It set back all the work I had done on conquering my fears. I was going to say like you have every right to never be able to sleep well ever again.
Starting point is 00:41:14 Like, the fact that it took you a year to finally have the bravery and then the day that you would be there by yourself, which, like, it's not just, like, what are the odds? It feels like for a year this person for all we know was watching you the whole time waiting for you to be alone again. Like, who knows? It's really, really terrible. It's really disturbing. How messed up was this guy he climbed into a window that was clearly marked as having an alarm on it and was so desperate to get in that he was walking in front of the house where anyone could see him he's gone from sneaking around to knocking on windows and waiting to be seen did the thrill of being seen by me and not getting caught make
Starting point is 00:41:41 him push the boundaries more if i had been in the bed and it had taken the cops 20 minutes to get there, who knows what could have happened. Exactly. Especially for the police department to only be six minutes away. And isn't the average, I don't know if this is, someone chime in if I'm wrong, but I think like cops are supposed to be, are supposed to be timed to be able to get to your place within eight minutes or something. I don't know. I think that's the number. So 20 minutes, gross. gross yeah anything could have happened and like what are the odds that both times you were just like a hair away from having a real run-in with this guy of like like alone
Starting point is 00:42:16 alone dropping your keys and then he walked out of the bathroom and now you were supposed to be in that bed an hour before you left crazy sorry for the dogs if you can hear them everyone it's tricksy sorry that was silly allison the police finally started to take us seriously finally took freaking long enough over a year and set up a sketch artist appointment with me even though it had been a year since i had first seen him we produced a sketch that looked just like him it creeped me out to see the face again that had haunted me for so long i won't go into it but the detectives were extremely unhelpful after this honestly not shocking based on everything you've said in the
Starting point is 00:42:59 story so also like yeah for now that i'm saying that they were unhelpful i feel like i can get on a little tirade here but like for them to have shown up at your house, first of all, 20 minutes late. And then also for them to be like, well, we couldn't get in the house. It's like, uh, there's an open fucking window, bro. Like you can get in the house. Like he certainly did. Anyway, moving on. They were constantly mixing up my story. They thought I was a different witness and they stopped responding to calls. When I went in person to look into the case, and they stopped responding to calls. When I went in person to look into the case,
Starting point is 00:43:26 a detective told me it was closed. For fuck's sake. Truly. I was working and going to school full time, so eventually I gave up trying. Ultimately, the man was caught. Hey! Thank God, but like, wow,
Starting point is 00:43:39 took a million fucking years. Yeah, really. A woman in a neighborhood nearby called the police when he started knocking on her bedroom windows in the middle of the night. So like exactly what had happened to her neighbor. They just took this person more seriously or he left evidence behind? Like I don't, how come they took like the third person seriously and not her? When they showed up, he hopped in his car and led them on a chase before being caught in a parking lot.
Starting point is 00:44:02 So he like stuck around for 20 fricking minutes this time. Well, he was probably so cocky by this point of like, I can do whatever I want and they're not going to like catch me or I'm not going to get put away for it. So I might as well stick around anyway. And then that was his downfall. Well, it looks like he has been caught before because the next line is the man had previous convictions of home invasion, window peeping,
Starting point is 00:44:22 indecent exposure, resisting arrest, and domestic violence. Oh, there it is. His mugshot matches my sketch exactly. From what I could gather, he did one month in prison for evading police while on parole. He was not prosecuted for what he did to me or my neighbor nearby, and he's now free to rape on whoever he wants. What? Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:44:43 And also, like, so they, he had already been arrested before and you gave a perfect sketch and they weren't able to compare that yeah really like what's the point of a what's the point if you're not going to use it they should have been able to be like oh that guy's literally in our system okay and now okay okay okay okay so fucking bad for you i'm so mad for you um i know his name and face and there is a news article about him but i don't know if i can share them since he hasn't been charged with what he did to me he absolutely did not get the justice he deserves absolutely not at all and like i i'm not gonna legally encourage you to do anything specific, but I would certainly post those pictures.
Starting point is 00:45:27 I'm not saying you should, you're probably much more on the right and you know a lot more about this than I do. I would be posting that picture left and fucking right being like, this guy fucking did this to me. This is his name. If you live in my area, you better watch the fuck out. Oh, there would be posters up all over the neighborhood. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:42 And I would deal with the consequences later of like whether or not I should have done that because you know what he shouldn't have done anything he did and he got away with it. So anyway, the end, he ended on my end. Go ahead, Alison.
Starting point is 00:45:54 Sorry for the unhappy ending, but I hope you enjoyed my crazy story. We have moved out of that area. Oh, thank God. And are doing much better now. Keep up the great work guys. Stay spooky.
Starting point is 00:46:04 Alison, do you have any notes? Because I keep interrupting you just to say the same thing over and over again. It's just terrible. Like, it's just horrible that somebody can, like, intrude on your life like that. And there's nothing you can do about it. Like, the police aren't responsive. Like, it's just awful.
Starting point is 00:46:24 Yeah, I'm really glad you moved out of there. And by the way, I would. Like it's just awful. Yeah. I'm really glad you moved out of there. And I, by the way, I would still be paranoid if I moved, I'd be like, for all we know, he followed us like just out of fear,
Starting point is 00:46:33 out of sheer fear that he'd instilled over the years. So sorry, you're going through that. I think about this question sometimes this like, would you rather question, which is just really torturing myself. Okay. So let me ask you would you rather have somebody break into your home when you're not home or have somebody like mug you or assault you in person outside of your home maybe i mean wow it's a terrible fucking horrible really terrible would you rather
Starting point is 00:47:07 this is what you think about we are literally walking down the street like on a sunny day thinking this to myself and i was like i mean i obviously wrong with me obviously fucking neither and i don't want to pick one and then make that seem like it's less traumatic than the other but i think without any experience i would probably pick the thing happening outside so at least i still felt safe in my home but then i would be scared to be walking on the street every second like who's gonna be the one that turns around and does something you know what do you what would you pick um the same one okay and i i'm i was not physically harmed but i have been mugged and it was terrifying and like i was afraid of walking around on the street for a long time i mean you know that like i still get
Starting point is 00:47:52 scared walking outside at night yeah but the idea of somebody being like in my home like my safe space that's like yeah terrible because also terrible even after you got mugged you were able to go home and like hat like escape but like feel safe there but when someone breaks into the space you're supposed to feel safe and that's that's so violating in every word in every sense of the word so that's i can't believe you went through this both awful and the fact that what was the name of this person who wrote this on jay the fact that you're able to so openly, I don't know if you're talking about this all the time with people or not, but the fact that you were able to write all of this down and relive that to tell us, holy crap, I'm just so sorry you're going through that. You deserve a hug and a trophy and $1,000 all at once.
Starting point is 00:48:40 Yeah. And you've clearly done a lot of work to get through it. So good for you that's awesome wow terrible that that happened though but thank you for writing in i don't know yeah it was talk about an unhappy ending i don't know how to walk away from this except to just say that fucking sucks i'm sorry um and also to have a little sense of humor about it like with scaring the poop out of them i mean hell you scared the poop out of someone good for you yeah hell yeah okay we've got another story this is from krista he uses she her pronouns thank you for normalizing pronouns and the subject line is
Starting point is 00:49:16 random dude confessed murder to me whoa okay so here we go krista says hey there hello hi uh i'm still in freak out mode oh because so bear with me as this just happened last night that's fresh oh my god i like how they confess murder to you now you're about to confess that murder to us and like have has anyone called the police like but then again from jay's story doesn't sound like it's gonna be useful anyway so uh we can be the outcry witness. And now we're just paying it forward. Now thousands are going to hear this confession. Lovely.
Starting point is 00:49:51 Okay, let's crack into it. A little background first. My son and I travel a lot together. And we went to South Padre Island and stayed a week on the ocean. It was beautiful. And we went deep sea fishing. And while we were there we we went deep sea fishing while we were there and met a fisherman my son and him got along really well he sent me a picture of
Starting point is 00:50:11 the two of us so he then had my number he seemed nice enough and would send me pictures once in a while and that changed last night so you just met this guy on vacation and every now and then you just exchange pleasantries up until now. I feel like that happens. Yeah. Yeah. That's fine. That's great.
Starting point is 00:50:29 Yeah. He asked if he could call me. Oh, okay. Red flag. Red flag already. Someone's trying to call you on the phone. I don't care who it is. That's a red flag.
Starting point is 00:50:37 At the very least, a deep orange flag. Even when my mom is like, can I call you? I'm like, oh my God. My mom called me today and I went, oh, like what is about call you? I'm like, oh my God. My mom called me today and I went, oh, like what is about to happen? I was like, I'm so busy. Please, please make this quick. So something told me it was important to take the call. Well, let me tell you, this dude told me that his day had sucked. I asked why? And he said that his mom had to throw away some of his clothes. Okay, but Allison would love to throw away half my clothes. I'd be bummed too.
Starting point is 00:51:09 I was like, are you in your 30s? Like, what? Like, why? He said they were covered in blood. Okay. Look, if all of your clothes were covered in blood, like, yes, I would absolutely make you throw them away. Mostly because, like, why are they covered in blood you should probably get rid of the evidence they're about okay yeah thank you thank you for
Starting point is 00:51:28 knowing what i need to actually you should probably burn them don't throw them away oh okay now we know where allison's head goes nobody take that advice especially this guy um i said uh i asked oh well how did that happen and then he proceeded to tell me how his friends had killed a guy and his job was to dismember the body. Why? I have so many questions. The first one being, if this had happened to you, why would your first move be to call some person that you met on vacation weeks ago? Maybe he just needed to, maybe he felt that guilty and needed to vent to somebody and not really though because he started the phone call with oh i've had a bad day
Starting point is 00:52:12 my clothes got thrown out not oh i've had a bad day i dismembered a human i don't know maybe he felt maybe part of him felt guilty and he needed to talk about it to someone and he picked the person who would give a shit the least in theory or like the person least connected to him so he didn't feel like he was totally outing himself yeah because she doesn't know a lot of info about him anyway i guess i feel like you can do a lot with a phone number that's true yeah i don't know i don't know i don't know i also like this person was able to dismember a body so clearly we have different wavelengths we think on um okay he went into detail i learned everything and so much i did not want to know i would have been recording it all for a confession thousand percent i was just thinking like i can't believe you stayed on the phone for all of that information i mean maybe
Starting point is 00:53:00 yeah if you're recording it or i guess i don't know what i would maybe Maybe the smartest move is to act like you're, like, down with it. And, like, because if you hang up immediately. My first thought, if I killed somebody and then I reached out to somebody and they hung up immediately, my first thought would be, like, oh, no, that person's going to snitch on me. And, like, now, as the caller, I would be nervous because I clearly made it obvious that I was not okay with it. And, like, something was going to happen to him would I would act like I was totally fine with it get as much information as I could be ready to be that star witness you know yeah he went into detail I learned everything and so much I did not want to know while I was on the phone with him I called a friend from my son's phone so she could hear what was going on because who the fuck would believe
Starting point is 00:53:44 this was happening? She called the police for me and I got off the call with her and started recording what he was telling me. Good, good, good. So now I am in contact with a South Padre detective. I have sent him the recordings. They aren't sure if anything will come out but are hoping someone reports the man they killed and dismembered missing. While I'm kicking myself that this random dude had my number, I guess I should be thankful that he confessed to me?
Starting point is 00:54:08 I don't know. It is such a weird thing. I knew I had to write in to tell the world that this happened because I'm still in shock and horror. Thank you for all you do, and thank you for bringing creepy and crimey stories to us every week. You've gotten me through a lot of car drives, and my son loves to hear the spooks.
Starting point is 00:54:23 I love to hear the crimes. Stay safe and don't go deep sea fishing don't worry i won't they throw more than just fish into the ocean okay so hmm also like just like this is why introverts are like see don't make friends on vacation you might find yourself exactly why i don't make friends on vacation might end up in a sticky situation i would like to know how the conversation ended like like the phone call how did it end where she was like ah well anyway i got dinner on the stove i hope tomorrow's better yeah what or like what do you like was she like damn what do you think you're gonna do about that like like how did what were her responses to the
Starting point is 00:55:02 things he was saying because if she was trying to play it cool to get as much information as possible, super smart, but also understandable. If everything she said was like holding back throw up, like I'd be so grossed out. I don't know how I would love to know like how that both sides of that phone call went. Definitely. Thank you, Allison. Okay.
Starting point is 00:55:23 Here's another one. This is from nikki who uses she her pronouns thank you for normalizing pronouns nikki thanks nikki okay the subject line is between you and us oh i love when they end with a question mark because nobody's sure of the situation uh so it starts hi christine m ev, animal friends, and new ATWD baby. Love little baby. The little baby. My stories are short but terrifying for me. I'm sure that means they'll be terrifying for us as well.
Starting point is 00:55:57 I bought a house in December 2017, and the people we bought it from were young but kept referring to their grandfather. and the people we bought it from were young but kept referring to their grandfather. Colorado doesn't require you to disclose if someone is murdered or dies by suicide in the house. True. I had a weird feeling the grandpa died in the house or while he was living there
Starting point is 00:56:15 since it was the granddaughter selling it to us. Oh, okay. I didn't want to smudge it and piss him off, so I just told him thank you so much for letting me buy and live in this wonderful house. That's nice. It's very polite. And I also like that the seller was like, I'm going to give you the character.
Starting point is 00:56:35 Like if something goes on, I did have a grandfather at one point and then just kind of faded off into the darkness. Okay. Nikki says, I lived in the house for a little over a month before my roommate moved in and was terrified every single night, but assumed it was because I always lived with my parents and this was my first time living alone.
Starting point is 00:56:59 Right off the bat, I always heard weird noises in the house, but attributed it to being an old house and it makes weird creaking noises. Okay, but also every time, like I said, every time I'm alone, I'm like, what's that? Look, I think every person who has written in so far would agree with you that it's fair to be nervous. Also, Eva did not tell us that it seems like the theme so far is like creepy fucking people in your house. That seems to be like scary things that happen when you're alone at home. That's the overarching theme so far.
Starting point is 00:57:26 Happy Halloween, everyone. All right. In my bedroom, the closet doors were mirrors and my dresser on one of the other walls also had a mirror attached. I'm sure you know where this is going. I don't want to know where this is going, but we're going to find out.
Starting point is 00:57:40 I woke up one night sitting straight up looking at myself in the mirror and saw my mouth smiling in one of the no teeth creepy grins. See ya. See ya. I thought I was tripping and started moving my mouth all sorts of ways, but the creepy grin mirror reflection stayed the same. I also looked to the side in my dresser mirror and it was the same. I turned on the tv and covered my face
Starting point is 00:58:07 enough to not see the mirrors now i wish i would have taken a pic of myself to see if it was real selfie but first let me take a selfie hashtag mirror selfie safe to say i stayed up most of the night watching shows to distract me from my horror. Anyone who knows me knows I'm the biggest scaredy cat alive. I mean, I don't think it takes a scaredy cat to be scared of that situation. Yo, when your face is like not- Not doing what you're doing with it. Yeah. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:58:37 I don't know if that's like a doppelganger hiding in the mirror or if they're trying to give you like hallucinations or like i don't i don't like any of it i don't like any of it flash forward a few months i was having a nightmare and woke up and immediately had to check my surroundings the way my bed was situated in my room i could see out the door to the living room i saw a large male figure in my living room walking towards my kitchen no am i the only one who can't sleep with the door open like if the door is open i would like to know what this well if they can walk through the door it's like being under the covers though it's like okay you can't get me if
Starting point is 00:59:20 i'm under the covers yeah it's a nice like i'm sure there's like some like psychological you know you're faking yourself out feeling like you're more enclosed more safe than you actually are yeah yeah just the thought of like sleeping with an open door to the living room like gives me the creeps well you know what freaks me out is that it's so it's definitely getting more comfortable i would feel like you would the the situations would be reversed though where like you would see someone walking in a different room first and then later you would see see you would see something interacting with you in bed at night like I feel like it would get braver and braver and closer and closer but maybe but it could be like oh it's just me and my eyes are playing tricks on me to like oh there's literally somebody in my house. Yeah. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:06 Okay. So I saw a large male figure in my living room walking toward my kitchen. Obviously, like in the scary movies, my dumb ass had to get out of the bed to see if there was really a man in my house. My dumb ass would be under the covers going, I'm safe here. Yeah. I would be, I don't know what I'd be doing, but it would not be getting out of bed and looking around. would be uh i don't know what i'd be doing but it would not be getting out of bed and looking around um my childhood home was broken into and burglarized when i was young so i have an
Starting point is 01:00:30 extreme fear of that now well enough you're not alone apparently i walked through the house turned on all the lights checked the doors and windows and woke up my poor roommate because i was so scared luckily we recently sold the house and parted ways and I haven't had anything weird happen since. Oh, that's good. Okay. Oh, and that's it. Oh, that's it. Oh my God.
Starting point is 01:00:52 After proofreading that, I realized it was not as short as I said at the beginning of my email. Oops. It was pretty short. So very concise. Anyways, I cannot wait to see the live show in Denver in April 2022.
Starting point is 01:01:06 Love you all. Thanks for reading, Nikki. Nikki, you know who else is going to be at that Denver show? I think my mom is going to be at that show. Oh yeah? So you can, I don't know, say hi to her. I don't know. My nightmare is my mom at my live show. Maybe I'll be there too. Will you? I don't know, maybe. We're still going to go to Meow Wolf in Denver, right? At some point. If Denver is where my mom at my live show. Maybe I'll be there too. Will you? I don't know. Maybe. We're still going to go to Meow Wolf in Denver, right? At some point. If Denver is where my mom's supposed to go and you and I have plans to go to Meow Wolf and we have to take my mother to Meow Wolf.
Starting point is 01:01:33 Let's take Linda to Meow Wolf with us. My mom would love it. She loves a good selfie opportunity, which is all that Meow Wolf is. Okay. Well, fun fact, everyone. We just decided that we're taking my mom to Meow Wolf. Mom, if you're listening, get ready.
Starting point is 01:01:48 Pack your bags. And Nikki, thank you for your story. Have fun meeting my mom, and baby, we'll see you at Meow Wolf. Glad you got out of there. I'm glad you got out of there. So we got one more story to end it all on, I think. I want to make sure that that was the last one. Yes.
Starting point is 01:02:02 Okay, so we've got one more. And this is from Chelsea, who uses she, her pronouns. Thank you for normalizing pronouns, Chelsea. The subject line is my great grandmother predicted the gender of my baby through your podcast. More specifically, Eva from beyond the grave. I'm overwhelmed at this subject line. And I think this is where the Eva ego kicks in. It's got to be.
Starting point is 01:02:23 She saved it for last. She saved it for last. She's in for last, of course. So lo and behold, everyone's nice and scared and terrified in their own homes right now. And Eva gets a moment in the limelight. So let's kick it off. Hello, everyone, and especially Eva. Okay, Eva. Wow. Again, I'll try not to be offended. No, everyone raised your glasses to Eva anyway anyway because she really does do everything you deserve the credit i just it's i wonder how i wonder how you and a ghost conspired a gender reveal though i'm i'm curious to see how this goes i'm like not surprised but i'm also intrigued yeah i've heard
Starting point is 01:02:59 the story a million times in different ways i'm excited for a new version there's a synchronicity this is a synchronicity story for sure maybe a little paranormal i was extremely close to my great grandmother growing up and she passed away when i was 12 despite that i have always felt her presence with me from a music box she gifted my mother that would randomly play while sitting next to her picture to still smelling her perfume in the doorway of her house years after she passed a few weeks before i got pregnant i kept having dreams that i would be pregnant soon the last dream before i found out was my great-grandmother telling me i would have a baby girl oh this was around june 2019 i found out i was pregnant in july and told my husband that if
Starting point is 01:03:42 i was that if it was a girl oh if i was a girl i found out i was pregnant in july and told my husband that if I was that if it was a girl oh if I was a girl I found out I was pregnant in July and told my husband that if it was a girl I wanted to name her after my great-grandmother and it is the only name he wouldn't fight me on I told my family and we kept seeing her name everywhere I was also driving a ton for work pre-covid and was caught up on the podcast October came around and y'all did your halloween episode cue random anxiety attack while driving when eva decides to be louise belcher for halloween and christine said eva louise eva louise repeatedly that's when i absolutely knew that my child would be named after my great-grandmother eva louise what oh my? Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Wow. What are the odds? Okay. I found out
Starting point is 01:04:30 a few weeks later that I was indeed having a girl. I now have a beautiful and healthy 18 month old that refuses to respond to said name when doing questionable things. Thank you all for being amazing and congrats to the new baby,ine she's gorgeous wow eva really fun and eva it's her middle name's louise too i know she was dressed as louise belcher but her middle name is louise louise or louisa louise eva louise gross eva no um but uh anyway so now your baby shares first and middle name with eva that's so fun wow that's so fun i'm. That's so fun. I'm, you know, I'm, oh, nailed it. Oh, Eva just texted me saying that is my, her middle name. Perfect.
Starting point is 01:05:07 Okay. Super duper. Well, congratulations on your little baby, Eva. And thank you for writing in, Chelsea. It was very nice. It was a good way to end it because the other ones were really, really scary. So I'm glad this one was just a little spooky. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:23 What a fun, spooky story to end on and also i love that your great-grandmother from uh beyond was like i'm going to get that baby named after me no matter what i have to do and then worked through uh eva dressed as louise belcher and made sure that the name just got shouted at you in the car well grandma was also doing the work by like letting her know you know oh also eva's also named after her great grandmother eva by the way wait is that not the craziest eva your baby well thank you everybody for uh writing in and i hope everyone has a happy november there's only one more listener stories this year and then we're in 2022 very creepy creepy creepy uh i did i just blow your mind a little bit it's mind blown whoa well time time passes and uh i think miss allison
Starting point is 01:06:14 is going to be uh having that listeners episode with us too are you going to be on for that one i mean we'll see i mean probably yes but like if nobody addresses an email to me then like maybe not depending on how many comments uh on on youtube say that she's pretty i guess is what we'll get allison convinced to do or not i'd like to hear about my my big brain and my sharp wit as well and your so your phone voice your phone voice talk about my phone voice yeah all the good things and if you happen to be an eva whose great-grandmother is also named eva then welcome to the club there's apparently two sets of you out there there should be a whole club for eva louises
Starting point is 01:06:56 that'd be so fun i have it out of bing bada boom oh okay uh and that's why we drink yay

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