And That's Why We Drink - Listener Stories: Vol. 67

Episode Date: May 1, 2022

Stop, drop and roll, everyone, it's almost our birthdays! We've all got a month to prepare. Today we're reading your stories of tarot card coincidences in our favorite mountain city, not-quite-psychic... dreams, and a terrifying home invasion tale. Not to mention a Ghost Adventures plug at an EDM concert. We've also got some primo Coffey content... and that's why we drink!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 it's gonna be may i don't know why i decided to insert myself good job thank you uh wow only one month left for everyone to uh prepare tuck and cover tuck and cover duck and cover duck and cover tuck and roll and cover yeah uh-huh yeah stop drop and roll stop drop and roll our birthdays are coming it it's gotta be my birthday may it's may it's a very special time it's the start of gemini season start of warm weather patio drinking uh oh patio drinking yeah m's and my birthdays all the good things are coming your way everybody oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah yeah uh yeah happy may may day uh and i i hope wherever you are you are having something spooky go on in your life but in a fun way like in a fun way an easy fun way not like in an easy breezy ghost yeah easy breezy
Starting point is 00:01:13 haunting i brought this it's a la croix oh la cola i love the cola flavor i might be the only one on the planet i'm not sure but i have to buy it on like Amazon or something. Cause I can't find it in the store. Can you do the crack into the microphone? Yeah. Yeah. I'm going to do a little less crack into it, baby. Oh yeah. There's that sizzle. Uh, that made it, that was like one of those like oddly satisfying moments, which by the way, I went to, um, I went to the dentist a couple of days ago and somehow we got on the topic. And by we, I mean, her hands were in my mouth. So you, you tell me how we got on this topic. And you were having a heart condition. Oh yeah, that was rough, but we were bonding her and I, she, and it ended up somehow oddly satisfying came up. And then she started
Starting point is 00:02:02 talking about how much she loves Dr. Pimple popper. And I was like, Oh yeah, that's your stuff. This is my kind. This is my kind of dentist office. Yeah. Uh, so anyway, I love a good,
Starting point is 00:02:12 I hope everyone's popping their pimples. I hope everyone's getting haunted a little bit. It's a good may. Be gentle on your skin though. I don't want you to hurt yourself. Just a gentle popping. You know what I mean? Gross.
Starting point is 00:02:23 Just a little satisfying. Okay. Anyway, Christine changed the topic. Why don't you say something fun? Say something fun. I know you're going to say. Say the thing. Camping is intense. No, say the thing that I know you want to talk about. Oh, yeah. You forgot for a second. I forgot. This is what I do. And I feel like I can't figure it out. And I feel like nobody really understands this about me. And I wish they would.
Starting point is 00:02:52 And I wish somebody would explain my behavior to myself. But I guess it's just disassociation. You wouldn't listen. You wouldn't listen. I wouldn't listen. I would disassociate much like I do when really exciting things happen to me. Much like I do when Chip coffee tags me in an instagram post and I said oh okay and then I closed instagram I said enough instagram for today and I closed it and I didn't think about it again until em was like hey I have something to tell you and I was
Starting point is 00:03:18 like oh I already know and you were like how excited were you and i was like oh i didn't i haven't let it go into my mind yet like i don't think you said you turned off instagram for the day as if you were like obviously something silly is happening on the internet because this could something this could not be true wait a second but we had another big thing like the day before 24 hours earlier 48 hours earlier bagel bites bagel bites shared m's story without even realizing what happened it makes me it makes me pretty confident that he somehow we have skated by this whole time he does not know who we are i kind of love that for us because it means we are so much more powerful than we thought oh okay hey i'll take it i mean i know it seems like oh we're
Starting point is 00:04:03 nobodies because like he doesn't, he clearly shared our post. He had no idea. Like he, he clearly doesn't know that we talk about it way an uncomfortable amount. Um, cause he'd probably avoid us, but it also means that we can continue to keep talking about him an uncomfortable amount without repercussions. And I feel like that's a really powerful thing. You know, what about, you know what about uh what about I mean you gotta tell me now that you've really marinated on it you gotta tell me about Mr. Mr. Coffee okay what do you I basically did you write to him I didn't yet I'm planning it um I commented and I made Blaze read the comment like three times before I posted it and it's it's not it's not
Starting point is 00:04:39 anything weird it's just like but I made I had to the, it's very weird. It's not weird. It's not weird because Blaze triple facted for you. It's not weird, except I made it weird. So anyway, I just made everyone look at your story that you made because it cracked me up and I felt like it summed up the experience. Em shared Chip Coffey's post, which by the way says that uh his friend informed him that christine and m talked about him on their uh and that's where you drink podcast thanks for the shout out and i just loved reading the comments because people it was so fun people saying like oh i've been looking for a new podcast or like oh i started kindred spirits because christine talked about it and
Starting point is 00:05:20 like it was just so cool to see like a little crossover forming. And some people who were like, whoa, like my favorite psychic medium and my favorite podcast combined. Oh, that's nice. So it was very cool. But then Em shared the post and wrote, if you felt a chill in the air today, here's why. Everybody wish Christine's spirit safe travels as it leaves her body and never returns. And I was like, that's I think what disassociating feels like.
Starting point is 00:05:44 So I felt like you really hit the nail on the head with that one I I knew the second first of all I wasn't going to post anything I was going to let you be the inaugural poster but when you seemed to be very not phased by it I was like I'm going to help you out here I was like I think you need to know that people are very excited about this for you I just don't know how like I also like what what kind of ringing endorsement must he have heard about us to post on his permanent feed? You know what I mean? He has a blue check. So like he he clearly like cares about what he's posting. So it was an honor that he posted our logo. And it's not just like, I'll post it on the story and it'll never be seen in 24
Starting point is 00:06:21 hours. Like he's it's there to be seen after it was there to be seen next week. You can see it again next week. It was, I'm going to see it again next week. Cause I saved it. Cause you printed it out and it got frame bridge to like give you a ceiling to floor sized copy. Yeah. So I don't know what it is about me, except that the second anything kind of becomes like, um, emotionally a lot, I get into overload and I just shut down completely and so I don't even let things come into my head I'm just like and then I just fully never experience them and I've had some things in my past that my therapist keeps being like you have to like acknowledge and experience that and I'm like I'd rather not like that well I'm talking the same
Starting point is 00:06:59 thing happens to me though I feel so bad because when Allison tries really hard if anyone tries really hard to throw me a surprise my reaction is always the most piss poor attitude because though I just shut down like I don't look excited because which is terrible because you're the one who wants all these surprises and then you're like I want this and I on the inside I'm stoked that there's a surprise but I think it's probably like a trauma response of like, I'm gonna, I need to process what's happening before I let myself know how to react. And like, which is like so unhealthy. Yeah. And you've surprised me with things and then you're like, well, you don't seem to like it very much. And I'm like, okay, now that you're telling me this, I feel like you should understand.
Starting point is 00:07:41 Well, now as I'm saying it, I'm also realizing that that's probably what's happening to you too. But even like Allison, like, uh, anytime she surprised me, I just like am immediately quiet. And then she's like, are you not having fun?
Starting point is 00:07:53 Was this a bad call? And I'm like, no, I just need to, I just need to think it through. I just, life changes freak me out. But no,
Starting point is 00:08:01 I totally understand why you would feel that way. Honestly, if an Avenger ever tagged me in something, I wouldn't, I would probably just turn off my phone and shut off for the day. You're like, that's enough internet for today. I feel like this can't be real. So it's why let myself get my hopes up that it is real. Cause it's just a mean prank, obviously. Well, I'm here to tell you it is real and Chip Coffee has heard your name before and heard our podcasts of our podcast at least and tagged about us. And you deserve the recognition because you have said very lovely things about Chip Coffee.
Starting point is 00:08:31 I'm a big fan. Chip Coffee said very lovely things about you. It means very, very much. And I don't want anyone to confuse my disassociating with not caring. It's just that I care so much. You're so in shock. That I just shut down. My nervous system is like,
Starting point is 00:08:45 no, thank you. Not today. Um, but no, I'm very, very honored. It's a, it's a wonderful feeling. I'm a huge fan of his and I am probably, and a couple of people have sent me DMS being like, Oh, he was also in this series and this series. So I got some more content, some coffee content. I was thought for a second, you were going to say people were trying to be really nice and let me know where else he's been on TV, but I've seen it all. I have it. I'm trying to play it cool, you know? So, well, you know what, if on day one of, of may chip coffee is tagging you and stuff, I think it's going to be a either completely downhill from here or it's going to be a great, it's either a good start or like a good start to a rough time and it you know whatever i'll take it
Starting point is 00:09:29 oh well anyway welcome to our uh may listeners episode for those of you who are new here we put out an episode on the first of every month where we do a uh where you can submit your own personal true crime and paranormal stories and we we read them back to you. And interesting, I feel like I haven't done a listeners episode in a long time. I feel like it's been like, I feel like someone, something happened last month. I feel like I didn't get the invite. It's weird.
Starting point is 00:10:00 I feel like it was like our best episode yet. It went viral. Everybody loved it you know that's crazy that's so weird that you wouldn't be there I mean it's the silliest that you know did you listen to it I did and y'all were very funny we didn't know what we were doing the problem was Blaze was supposed to be on it and then like last minute we were like wait someone has to get geo from daycare and watch the baby so i was like i guess we'll do it it was like very like literally within minutes of starting we were like i guess we just do this together well originally we were trying to bring back the uh um we were trying to bring back that one april fools from forever ago
Starting point is 00:10:44 where we got like allison and zandy and blaze but allison's out of the country and then we were trying to bring back that one April Fool's from forever ago where we got like Alison and Zandy and Blaze, but Alison's out of the country. And then we were like, okay, maybe it could be Blaze and Zandy because people love them when they stepped in for you during maternity leave. And then everyone was just dropping like flies. And so I guess I had to step up to the plate,
Starting point is 00:10:59 you know, I guess I also didn't even know that that's what was happening because Christine texted me later. It was like, it got handled, but not how you think. I was like, don't worry about it. But also it's not what you think it is. So I was like, I was like, so who, what happened? And Christine was like, you'll find out.
Starting point is 00:11:19 I really was like, just wait a minute. I don't know. Someone will, someone will tag you. There were a couple of people who literally tweeted before they got, they got they were like oh my god you uploaded to the wrong feed a couple people did and then quickly that's how you started the episode you're like it'd be really terrible if that happened I know and some people actually fell for it which cracked me up well hey that's an April Fool's trick gone well as far as I'm concerned. I had a good time, you know. Well, I guess we should get into these spooky stories. And I mean, I was I got nothing to say. I can't beat Chip Coffey, to be
Starting point is 00:11:52 honest. So honestly, nobody can. And I am just thankful that you're so supportive of my excitement and emotional well-being that you as far as I'm concerned, he's going to carry you off into the sunset one day. So I'm just trying to enjoy my time with you until i don't ever see you again by the way i will let you know if something ever happens where you cross into the into another realm before i do i will contact chip coffee specifically so he'll probably be there first he'll be like this ghost on the other she won't leave me the fuck alone and is demanding that I speak with you. I feel like I'll be like knocking on Chip's brain. Like, hello.
Starting point is 00:12:31 I feel like Chip coffee is going to DM me and be like, um, we don't know each other, but something real powerful is going on over here. Um, all right. Well, from a range of like Chip coffee to Zach Bagans, I'll definitely start with Chip coffee to come find you. I think I would, I would start there. Okay, fair enough. Okay, so here is our first story.
Starting point is 00:12:54 This is from Jenny, who uses she, her pronouns. Thank you for normalizing pronouns, Jenny. And the story is called Tarot Card Coincidence. Oh, okay. I'm loving this. And Jenny says, Hi, I'm Christine, and that's why we drink crew. I'm Jenny, and I've been a fan for a couple of years,
Starting point is 00:13:12 binge listening to catch up, and I started late 2020. I always found the listener stories to be so interesting and often spooky, but I never had anything like that happen to me, which I suppose is a good thing, if anything. I agree. I think no trouble is good. No news is good news, yeah. There it is. had anything like that happen to me which i suppose is a good thing if anything i agree i think no trouble is no news is good news yeah there it is but i listened to your new podcast rituals congrats by the way oh by the way uh we also have another podcast called rituals exclusively
Starting point is 00:13:37 on spotify please go check it out uh i listened to your new podcast rituals the episode on tarot and it reminded me of a tarot story of my own. Christine loves the tarot episode of Rituals. I do. It's my favorite. I've been quite interested in tarot, but to a similar level that you both had described, of not knowing all the cards' meanings, but liking it sort of vibes. Anyway, this happened October 2021. At the time, I had been studying my butt off to prepare for a certification exam, I needed to qualify. I needed to be qualified for to work at my dad's company.
Starting point is 00:14:09 Uh, I was unemployed and he was relocating and restarting up a business and needed a new employee. I have been out of college for a while and getting back into the groove of studying was rough to say the least. I was in the thick of it and stressed as hell because I wanted to pass the exam so I wouldn't have to pay the retake fees. Also such bullshit that you have to pay to take a test. Well, in the United States, baby, you can pay for everything. You have to pay, right? Everything costs something. Wait till you get a cold. You're going to be bummed out. The exam was December, so I had a little bit of time but before this whole exam prepping happened back in the summer i had planned a trip to colorado and that's where i had graduated from
Starting point is 00:14:52 university go bears and i wanted to visit my best friends and that just happened to be in october so fast forward i'm in colorado and my friend and i are walking around pearl street in boulder and if you don't know we were literally just there and if you don't by the way i got recognized by two very lovely people on pearl street in boulder and they were they were they what did they do how did you how did they how did they approach you well there was one in a toy store and there were well there were two people in a toy store who came and said hi they were sisters and one of them it was their birthday oh and then one of them climbed through a bush because i was sitting down having a beer with eva and rachel and uh she like all of a sudden i heard a noise from behind me in the shrubbery and she was like
Starting point is 00:15:39 hello and she'd climbed through a bush um see i see, I, I got recognized. I was sitting on a bench eating, um, something really disgusting. What was it? Like, it was like really, it was like really messy and sticky. And I, I had to have looked like a crazy person. Oh, it was, um, a caramel apple and like, it's literally worse than I could have imagined. And so I was like, like, like sloshing through it. And, uh, I was looking around and I saw these two girls sitting on the bench next to me or at the next bench over. And I was like, oh man, they have ice cream. Like I kind of want ice cream after this.
Starting point is 00:16:14 And so I was like, I'm going to go ask them where they were, where they got the ice cream from. And then before I ever even asked, apparently they had been following me and they waited and then they chose us at that bench and I guess they were waiting until I finished my caramel apple to come say hi and so as I went to go throw my apple away they were they were like oh we've just we've just been wanting to say hi for so long and I was like I wanted to ask you where to get ice cream so let's both do each other a favor.
Starting point is 00:16:45 Tip for tat. Anyway, that was my experience on Pearl Street. Okay, you were like, what did they do? And I was like, I don't know. Did they like throw an ice at you? I know if it was the same two people who like followed you around and sat on a bench. Oh, maybe. They were in the toy store. But I also want to say Pearl Street was one of, that was like, so I went with even her
Starting point is 00:17:04 girlfriend to get like beers and stuff. And it was like one of the first times I've been just like out and about like post-COVID in like a totally quote unquote normal like area. And it and just like shopping around and like having a beer. And it was it was a magic. It was magical. So, yes, I went to an oxygen bar there. That was fun that we should have. I should have stepped into that. But that was fun that we should have i should
Starting point is 00:17:25 have stepped into that but that was a good time we had fun um pearl street pearl street okay so fast forward i'm in colorado and my friends and i are walking around pearl street in boulder and if you don't know pearl street is like the hub of the town everyone goes there to shop the weird shops need the touristy food a classic and with all classic shopping areas like this are people with little tables offering card readings i missed that me too well my friend and i were taking a break and discussing where we were going where we were going to go next and i had noticed a lady with a small table and a little sign but i couldn't read it from where i was sitting as we were about to leave i tell my friend that i want to see what that little table is.
Starting point is 00:18:08 Getting closer, lo and behold, a person offering card readings. Oh, I thought it was going to be me eating a caramel apple, and I was like, don't get any closer. Good one, Christine. I had always been curious but never wanted to pay the $10 or whatever, but for some reason I was compelled to sit down and get a reading. It was simple, shuffle the cards and pull one. So I sat there shuffling the cards and then a card falls out the person tells me that they that usually that's a sign and i knew it was as well so i picked that card up and flipping it over i get the phoenix right i don't know what deck the person was using but i had never seen a card like that the number associated
Starting point is 00:18:45 with it was 42 i immediately like right like a pencil all right like right aid r-i-t-e oh oh oh right like a ritual interestingly enough okay uh-huh like right aid yeah like right um okay flipping it over i get the phoenix right and the number associated with it is 42 i was i immediately thought of the meaning of life being 42 and i had a nice chuckle to myself the card's description is intuition ritual rite of passage a mile marker or significant event in one's own personal history and writing and i and i had goose cam i had been thinking about my exam this whole time and worried about it so seeing the card was like a reassuring sign that i would make it and pass fast forward to the day of the exam and yes i did pass but by two points oh my god talk about a close call fast forward again i'm eating lunch at
Starting point is 00:19:48 my new job listening to this episode about tarot and this realization hits me like a ton of bricks that i the card i chose was the phoenix the company i work for is phoenix tech thanks for reading my story i hope it interesting. Keep up all the wonderful work you do and have a lovely day. Okay. It's kind of funny too because you mentioned the word ritual as part of that card's meaning. And you mentioned our rituals tarot episode. I feel like there's a lot of crossover. A lot of layers here.
Starting point is 00:20:19 Yeah, a lot of layers. I love a lasagna story. A lot of layers. Obviously, all the Pearl Street stuff we decided to insert from our end. So yes, well, I love that too. Yeah. What a lot of meaning. I like that story a lot. Okay, so the next one I have for you is from Erica. She her. Thank you, Erica. It says Hello, all. I've been a fan of your show for a few years now. Oh, should I read the title? Sorry. It's called Random Ghost Adventures Experience at a Concert. Hey, okay.
Starting point is 00:20:50 Okay. I've been a fan of your show for a few years now, and I feel like y'all might appreciate this little strange synchronicity that happened at a concert recently. So another little synchronicity. I watch your episodes every Sunday when they drop and have noticed that Ghost Adventures and Zach Bagans have been mentioned a lot lately. As I pull up my Zach Bagans blanket that I'm currently under. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:21:11 I feel like so far you've said nothing new, my friend. Yes, exactly. Same old, same old. We also talk a lot about Leona, lemons, sandwiches. Zach Bagans is always top of the list. All of it. Okay. Notice that Ghost Adventures of Zach Bagans have been mentioned a lot lately.
Starting point is 00:21:32 It's kind of funny because my nephew used to be obsessed with Zach Bagans as a kid. Literally requested the Zach Bagans spiky haircut as a small child and everything. That's adorable. But other than that, experience nearly a decade ago and hearing y'all talk about the show slash roast zb rightfully so for the orphan tears bit yikes yeah the orphan tears falling from the sky oh yeah yeah where he's like yeah yeah he's like reminds me of orphan tears like he deserves a little bit of roasting for that i'm sorry so thank you erica for for acknowledging that um, so I don't really hear or see much about ghost adventures. So you can imagine my surprise when I'm at an EDM show in Detroit,
Starting point is 00:22:09 just dancing and having a good old time, when one of the DJs, Boogie T, grabs the mic in the middle of, this sounds like a weird dream so far, but okay. One of the DJs, Boogie T, grabs the mic in the middle of a set and yells, shout out to Zach Bagans. Boogie T. Hang on. Wait, hang on. I think, Chrissy, I think you're laughing because you've been outed as a DJ. It's like marshmallow, but I'm Boogie T and I have like a big booger on my head.
Starting point is 00:22:42 Okay. Sorry. This is my alter ego. Boogie T. Shout out to zach bagans check out ghost adventures dropping every thursday on discovery plus what the hell wait can we wait can we hire boogie tea to do that at concerts for us just be like check out that's why we drink every sunday then he said something about how much he loves the show and went right into a very wubby dubstep song i'm paraphrasing of course because i can't remember exactly what he said something about how much he loves the show and went right into a very wubby dubstep song. I'm paraphrasing, of course, because I can't remember exactly what he said,
Starting point is 00:23:09 but it was abundantly clear that he's a big fan of Mr. Bagel Bites. Laughing emoji. I couldn't tell if the song he played after it was a remix of ZB's or not. Oh, it might have been because ZB does his... It was that stupid Immortal Portal song, wasn't it? Oh, so probably he was like shout out to zach played his song that makes so much sense we're piecing it together if i could get it you're so smart if i could get a dubstep version of immortal portal i'd lose my already like edm
Starting point is 00:23:37 isn't it already it's like headbanging it feels more metal oh it's not okay i don't know that it feels metal i feel like that's it certainly doesn't feel dubsteppy it's not okay i don't know that it feels metal i feel like that's it certainly doesn't feel dubsteppy it doesn't okay i mean clearly i haven't it's hardcore it's very like headbangy oh okay i'll uh re-listen for research purposes obviously yeah right right i couldn't tell if the song he played after it was a remix of zb's or not because even though i listened to edm it's still hard to differentiate songs sometimes anyway it was random af and made me chuckle i hope you get i got a little kick out of it too y'all are the best erica i like how like listeners episodes have just turned into like i had an encounter with zach bagans and that's it we just eat it up we eat it up if there was ever
Starting point is 00:24:23 if if i could make a request one time and it doesn't have to be like next month or anything, but once we have gathered enough stories, I'd love for there to be an episode where there's no ghost or true crime talk. It's just people's like personal experiences running into Zach Bagans. We are flying too close to the sun, my friend. Okay, nevermind. I don't mean that. I don't mean that.
Starting point is 00:24:41 He reposts you and now we're like, let's push it even further. Okay, but if you also have personal experiences of chip coffee, we could totally do a whole episode on that. Cause I'm sure he would just walk up to you with his scarf and tell you when and how you die, but compliment you at the same time. You don't even notice. I would just be,
Starting point is 00:24:58 I would be into it. I think. I think I would be too. All right. Well, thank you Erica for letting me know that there's a different remix to a song that I already secretly listen to in the car all the time. Okay.
Starting point is 00:25:10 It's Electronica. It's not heavy metal. Electronica. I don't know the differences. Sorry. So like EDM, I would say, right? Okay. Someone's going to email us.
Starting point is 00:25:18 I just said I don't know. I know, but I feel like someone's going to message us and be like, that's not right. Electronic dance music is what EDM stands for. I will say it was not dubstep. It did not feel like.'s going to message us and be like, that's not right. Electronic dance music is what you would say. It was not dubstep. It did not feel like it probably is not dubstep. Yeah. Uh, if there is a dubstep though, version of it, I'll take it. All right.
Starting point is 00:25:34 The next person is, uh, let me make sure that I always feel like I always say the person's name and then later it's like, please don't say my name, my name. Uh, well, it says's name and then later it's like please don't say my name my name uh well it says preferred name and pronouns not quite a psychic oh okay and pronouns i know i'm like mystery what are the pronouns she her oh okay so not quite a psychic says firstly, hello to all members of the, and that's where we drink family. You are loved by many more people than you could ever know. Wait a minute. So nice.
Starting point is 00:26:13 And then we do a little bit of a dip here with a trigger warning. So, uh, for gun violence and then also eds. Um, if that is your thing, eating disorder. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:24 If you're edms, uh, that's, Hey, CDs, if that is your thing. Eating disorder? Yeah. EDM? EDMs. Hey, if you have a trigger against EDM music, you do whatever you need to do. Maybe turn this off. Don't listen to Zach Bagans, for sure. Don't. Definitely don't. So let's crack into it.
Starting point is 00:26:44 About 10 years ago, when I was in high school, I spent all my time at a dance studio. And we just started the new season. And one of my friends, let's call her C, missed the first week of class, which was weird. I texted her and she said she would be back the next week. She never came back and I didn't hear from her anymore that year. What? Whoa. But this entire time I was having dreams where uh, where she was laying in a hospital, just skin and bone connected to tubes and wires. Oh my God. Every time I had that dream,
Starting point is 00:27:13 she would get a little better and a little healthier. And the next year she came back to dance and told me that she was in rehab for an eating disorder. Oh. and i had another dream like this just the other night which is what prompted me to write in i dreamt i was in a car i looked over and there was a man with a gun pointed at my head i woke up as he fired it when i woke up it was 3 30 a.m oh god i had trouble sleeping after that and after a few hours i got the urge to look up some local news, and there was a story about a woman who was shot in the head by a guy while driving on a strip of the highway very close to my place. What?
Starting point is 00:27:55 The crime took place at 3.30 a.m. that night. No. The woman survived and is in recovery. Thank God. But these dreams are quite prophetic because they don't tell the future, but they're certainly creepy. It's weird because, sorry, that was the end of it. Thank you so much.
Starting point is 00:28:10 Not quite. They are prophetic or they are not prophetic. They aren't quite prophetic because they don't tell the future, but I, it's still, yeah, it's weird because it feels like this person's getting visions of the present just in different areas. Sort of like your consciousness went into somebody else's experience like while they're having it like an astral jumping or something and also what a decision for your subconscious to make
Starting point is 00:28:35 like hmm whose body should i jump into how about this one the one yeah about to get shot like what happens that your that your consciousness like goes into that person's for a minute. I wonder like what draws that. I don't know. And I would, I don't know if this person is dealing with it, but I feel like I would be 100% racking my brain of like, why am I like, what am I supposed to do with this information? Right. If it's happening right now. Was it random?
Starting point is 00:29:02 Was it like. It's not even like you can prevent it even if you knew who the person was or the place like you just like get like you just have to see this happening in real time and then that's the end of it that's so weird that's so weird trippy i mean i do yeah wow i would be freaked out by every dream i had at that point yeah what does it mean any scary dream i'd be like i just watched and through someone's eyes that happened to them oh that's terrible that is fascinating thank you for writing in about it i'm sorry you're dealing with that hopefully i honestly okay so here's the
Starting point is 00:29:35 thing christine just learned about um slack the app about like where people and christine won't stop talking about it she's like so obsessed with this like organization group chat i haven't even i haven't even downloaded it yet like i'm obsessed with it i haven't even used it yet but apparently there's like it's like discord but for work so there's like a bunch of people who can like you can add channels and groups and like all talk to each other i'm surprised there isn't like and then that's why we drink channel yet where people who are dealing with the shit can find each other like where it's like hey i'm dealing with it too like you're not oh i'm sure there are dreams if there is can someone let me know about it i i don't know about it but i feel like we should make it if it doesn't exist
Starting point is 00:30:19 i'd love to make it because i feel like people should certainly be able to use us for support that's more of a discord thing because we don't want everybody in our our slack being like oh like seeing all our calendar events you'd be so bored like immediately and then also being like i had another dream tonight where someone might may or may not have gotten severely hurt so um no but if there's a discord or something like that please let us know because i would love to be in the know or promote it or whatever it is well there's definitely a beach to sanding discord where people also discuss and that's why we drink so i know that exists already i'm in that one but we don't have our i mean unless somebody else made
Starting point is 00:30:55 a discord we don't have one um or maybe there's a patreon one i don't know there's it there's an m discord but uh there's not and that's why we drink one. What? Like you have a discord. Like I have, like when I was doing this, doing my, doing my streaming before RJ took the computers. There was like a whole in the divorce. There was no, there was like a whole, I didn't name them. They named themselves, but it's a group called M's bitches. Oh, I forgot about that. They all, I don't know. I don't know them. They named themselves, but it's a group called M's bitches. Oh, I forgot about that. They all,
Starting point is 00:31:27 I don't know. I don't know what they talk about. Maybe me, maybe, I don't know, but I am a part of it. I just haven't looked in there for a while. I hope everyone's doing okay.
Starting point is 00:31:36 I don't want to be part of that. Don't invite me. That's fine. You were not, you know what? Now you certainly will not be, don't worry. Only true fans.
Starting point is 00:31:48 Anyway. Well, I'm certainly not a true fan i never claimed to be okay i know i know well thank you um not quite a psychic even though i would argue you're very much something's going on i was gonna say maybe also i mean this is not my place to tell you but like one suggestion just take it or leave it but like it sounds like you're able to um astral project without even trying yeah i wonder how you learn to control that yeah i wonder if that's something you can learn to kind of like yeah control but i don't know just a thought well you'd be able to ask and answer these kinds of things in a discord i would say i know the answer actually it's lucid dreaming you can learn to to harness that kind of thing during lucid dreaming um and it sounds like you're already a step ahead of everybody um so yeah okay so this is from reed p who uses they them
Starting point is 00:32:41 pronouns thank you reed subject mom found her watch comma i found my paranoia colon a break-in story powerful title i live in south central kentucky hey yo i live in northern kentucky but i see you i live in south central kentucky my mother decided at that time she was going to take my brother age nine and myself age 12 on a day trip an hour and a half away from our home to get back to school clothes in Lexington, mainly as a treat since my parents just got over their really nasty divorce. Anyway, we left about 8 a.m. and didn't get back until 9 p.m. When we pulled into the driveway, we noticed our front door was wide open. Someone had broken into our home. Mainly worried about
Starting point is 00:33:21 what was taken, we all dashed into the house there was paper scattered everywhere clothes thrown about jewelry boxes were emptied and small electronics were gone we called the police station and they said they were going to send someone over in the morning to investigate so we locked the door cleaned up a bit and went to sleep since we were all exhausted and all of us are pretty deep sleepers anyway morning came i was the first to wake up as usual but to the knocking at my front door so i went to go unlock the door but it wasn't locked anymore i brushed it off oh i don't like that i don't like that i don't like that you brushed it off either i know i mean you're 12 so i guess we can't fault you but i brushed it off let the cop inside and asked him to have a
Starting point is 00:33:59 seat while i woke up my mom what a polite 12 year old i know about two months later we get a call saying they had found the men who robbed our house and they were searching their home for our stolen belongings so later that day we went to the police station to collect my mom's laptop our playstation and a couple other odds and ends my mom noticed her grandmother's mickey mouse watch wasn't in the box the officer handed her she asked the officer to see if they could ask the man if he had pawned or sold the watch since it's something she couldn't replace. The officer looked at my mom and told her he would keep an eye out, but he had something more important to tell her.
Starting point is 00:34:32 Oh, God. What? He said that one of the men that robbed our house had confessed and specifically about our house. She looked at the officer with a strange face and I squeezed my mom's hand. He took a sharp breath and said, one of the men we have in custody. That's where I was afraid this was going. Oh, no. His partner was going back to their home to empty the car of your belongings. My eyes widened. Quote,
Starting point is 00:34:59 Oh, my God. Fallen asleep? Is that what you're about to say? Yes. In a matter of fact, he states that he hid under the bed in your daughter's room until you all had fallen asleep. Is that what you're about to say? Yes. Oh, my God. That's fucking worst nightmare. I mean, thank God they only wanted to rob the house. I know. Right?
Starting point is 00:35:20 Yeah. That could have been even worse than it already is. When I think about my OCD and my compulsion to check under the bed. And then I think, but what if, what would I do if I actually saw someone? I don't know. Yeah. Well, I would, I would freeze for sure. I'm, I am not fight or flight. I would probably do the chip coffee thing and I would go, okay, that's enough for me today. And just like go to bed. I think I would just totally disassociate. I honestly don't know what i would do i can't even
Starting point is 00:35:45 and also like talk about talk about truly justified paranoia especially like absolutely oh my god that's oh my god okay uh he hid under the bed oh my fucking god he hid under the bed in your daughter's room until you all had fallen asleep that night and then he exited out the front door around 3 a.m he waited all the way until 3 a.m oh my god out of like to make sure everyone was asleep i don't know this sent me into my first panic attack i was shocked and horrified then i remembered the lock i started crying and realized that he could have very okay also i feel like not to you know boss around a cop okay but i feel like he could have probably told your mother this separately and then let her decide when to tell you, not tell the 12-year-old, hey, there was this guy under your guys' bed all night. Whatever.
Starting point is 00:36:36 So then I remembered the lock. I started crying and realized that he could have very easily massacred my entire family, that while I slept that night, a 40- 40 year old man hid directly under me next to a box of Barbies. I hadn't played with in about six years. So I never checked under my bed. Honestly, I couldn't even remember when the last time I was actually under my bed. After they got me calm, my mom took us back home and I grabbed a flashlight and looked under my bed.
Starting point is 00:37:00 I had to know where he was, but when I shined the flashlight, I noticed a metallic gleam. It was my great-grandmother's watch. Oh my god. Holy shit. Whoa. Whoa.
Starting point is 00:37:16 Whoa. That's a... That's a... That's a doozy. That's a heavy one. Yeah. That's a heavy one. Read.
Starting point is 00:37:24 I'm sorry. Honestly, like, fully justified paranoia for the rest of your life. I nightmare. This is like, I feel like you would certainly only need beds now that are completely lying on the floor. One. Yeah. Yeah. Two, I would be a lot, I would be so paranoid about locking every single door for the rest of time or any hiding spot. I'd always be wary of. I,
Starting point is 00:37:46 I, Oh my God. I can't even imagine. That would be so scary. So scary. Um, that's all I got. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:37:55 I have nothing else to say, except I just feel bad. That's terrible. That's awful. And I also wonder like how, like when, when people had clearly broken in, like why wasn't there like a more thorough scanning of the house?
Starting point is 00:38:10 Like they called the cops before, right? When like someone, when they thought someone broke in. But they said they called the cops and then the cops said, we'll, we'll come check it out in the morning. Cause it was nighttime. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. Right. And I assume the parents or whoever, or the mom said, you know, like, oh, they left, they
Starting point is 00:38:25 took our stuff. We'll lock up and see you in the morning to write a report or whatever. I feel like if I saw a window open, I would just be like, well, that's when I, that would be when I had my Christine moment of just shutting down. If I just saw the window open, I'd be like, okay, well I'm going to window open. Cause when they first saw that, like there was a window open in the house and that think the door the door the front door was open oh the front door was open yeah in that moment i would have been like okay well i'm just not gonna go back in that house like goodbye goodbye house it's been a fun time i'm getting a hotel for the night goodbye barbies a cop can
Starting point is 00:39:00 close that door for me i'm done yeah. Yeah. Wow. That's just awful. I'm just, that's so terrible. What a story. Here is one from Nicole and Nicole uses she, her pronouns.
Starting point is 00:39:15 Thank you for normalizing pronouns, Nicole. This story is called Bobby Mackey's shortest ghost tour. Ooh, that's right near me. It is right near you. I feel like you i feel like in in the hersing shifter episode when i interviewed um blaze about the shifter he said oh well bobby
Starting point is 00:39:36 mackie's is pretty nearby where the shifter was born so you tell me maybe it's just a portal and and the anomaly kind of slithered out i forgot about that okay hi and that's why we drink family humans babies petrified fruit animals etc etc i have several stories that i've been wanting to sit down and submit since i started listening to you three years ago but always found a reason not to until now i just recently had the scariest paranormal experience and i knew this is the one i had to share my best friend and i were planning a 10 day long ghost tour wow you you and your friends sound so fucking fun by the way committed i mean i'm like em and i could barely plan 10 days of anything but that sounds like just down our alley 10 days of snacks is as far as we've gotten
Starting point is 00:40:19 my best friend and i were planning a 10-day long ghost tour that was partially inspired by the podcast stops include the mcraven house and bobby mackie's music world in april of 2020 oh so fresh into covid well obviously it did not happen thank you covid and fast forward to april of 2022 and we finally decided to take a quick trip to wilder kentucky to visit bob visit Bobby Mackey's for both a show on Saturday and a ghost tour on Sunday. Fun. My roommate and I are both very sensitive to the paranormal. Like I mentioned, I have a million stories I could share. So we fully anticipated having experiences. And during the show on Saturday, I felt nothing. I was honestly surprised, but not necessarily disappointed. I feel like that's how I feel about ghosts too.'m like i'm shocked i didn't experience a haunting today but also i'm not gonna complain so relieved my roommate experienced a draft that when we switched seats i did not feel but that was it
Starting point is 00:41:14 on sunday after some of the best damn drinks i ever had shout out to taylor at old kentucky bourbon bar okay i don't know where that is we made it and it's a bourbon bar so blaze might be into it too uh old kentucky bourbon bar well is it old or old old old oh oh my god it's in covington where you and i went on that with was eva with us at that point we went on our little jaunt uh a jaunt our jaunt we went through and do a couple stuff we went on our little jaunt uh a jaunt remember our jaunt we went through and do a couple stuff we went to the the oddities store and yeah yeah okay well hey go ask for taylor next time you're there i'm all about it we made it to our paranormal tour at bobby mackie's that night and from the minute we walked in i felt uneasy the tour consisted of me my roommate a couple and the tour guide jan and they have
Starting point is 00:42:07 they have to lock you in the building because they've had issues with people just walking in before holy the tour started in the main bar where jan was explaining where the room of faces and the well room were in relation to where we were. In the moment, I had already decided at the very least, I'm not going into the room of faces. I'm already deciding that. I don't even know what that is anymore. If I even go into the basement at all, fair enough. I tried to pray, which usually brings me comfort in those moments,
Starting point is 00:42:40 but I could not form a coherent thought in my head. Ew, I don't like that. I don't like that it's like, praying for you i controlled your mind oh which then makes me fear every other ghost that if they know that they can just turn it off at any moment anytime i have gotten scared they were able to one hear my thoughts and two they let me think I had the free will of thinking for myself. I hate that. That's very deep. Thank you. Well, that's me. Old deep M. Old Kentucky. Old Kentucky bourbon bar and old deep M. I could not form a coherent thought in my head. I continued to feel a growing sense of unease. And as we moved
Starting point is 00:43:25 further into the room, Jan pointed her flashlight to the area where my roommate felt the draft from and said, a lot of people see shadows over there. That's when I decided that when we leave the building to go to the storm cellar doors to the basement, I was going to leave. I like how like Nicole's already has an escape plan crowded out. Like, okay, so there's that door. I'm gone. Good for you. The tour guide had us move to the stage area where we sat so we can, so she can give us history of the venue.
Starting point is 00:43:54 At this point I can hear her talking, but it doesn't sound right. I see shadow figures lining the walls and I heard a growl come from the green room. However, the real panic did not set in until I felt a hand on my back. Goodbye. See ya. I waited. At least I thought until Jan was done talking and said, may I ask a question?
Starting point is 00:44:15 When Jan said yes, I asked, has anyone ever left the tour early before? And she said yes. And then asked, why are you going to bail? So, which I immediately burst into tears which was really abnormal for me and i felt like something was squeezing my heart and my throat
Starting point is 00:44:32 from the inside i kept repeat i kept repeating i can't breathe i need to get out of here over and over until jan walked us out of the building she then said normally people leave before going into the basement but i've never had anyone bail this early before oh i responded by saying that whatever is inside is pure evil and she needs to be extra safe tonight oh dear god when we got in the car my roommate said she felt something pressing on her neck when we think we think whatever it was was standing behind us pressing on my back with one hand and pinching her neck with the other. I have never felt fear like I did in that place. My roommate then said she knew it must be bad because I interrupted our tour guide mid sentence to ask to leave.
Starting point is 00:45:16 I was confused because I made sure to wait until she was done speaking. I told the roommate the last thing I heard, which was right before the growl. And she said the tour guide talked for a solid five minutes after that. Oh no. So she heard a growl and then it like halted her ability to notice anything. All in all, I lasted 10 minutes into a two hour ghost tour. I was not,
Starting point is 00:45:41 it was not my first tour and I have a pretty high scare threshold, but I never want to set foot in that building again. And I'm truly concerned about the spiritual safety of all who work there. Anyway, thanks for being awesome and bringing the world your podcast. I would be lying if I said I wasn't secretly hoping to run into Christine at one of the many bourbon bars we went to. Oh, you're not here anymore, huh? Well, well, much much there's more oh much love to you all nicole and then a ps okay ps i went to your pittsburgh show on march 17th
Starting point is 00:46:14 and i saw a strange mist circling m at the beginning of the show after a while the mist went away so who knows but be safe out there um n, Nicole, I will let you know, we can debunk this. Um, there have been a few venues where, when we send in like in advance and we like tell them like, Hey, this is what we want the show to look like. These are the color lights we want up. Some people have heard, Oh, we want the stage to look spooky. And there's been like two or three venues that have said like, Oh, well we have like a fog machine, like a haze machine.
Starting point is 00:46:46 If you wanted us to turn that on. And we've tried it one time and then we like I couldn't breathe on stage because it was like hitting me in the face. It's not cute. But the time you're referring to, I think this was Pittsburgh. And then there was another location, too, where they started the haze like in the middle of the show i just want to tell from eva's perspective because eva said uh you know if you read this ps out loud like just know in advance so eva was sitting backstage and watching and was like what is that and they were like oh we turned on the fog machine and she was like please turn it off and so they turned
Starting point is 00:47:21 but it was on for like a minute or like less than which is why it probably looks like oh a mist and then it disappeared because they were like we were like cut the cut the fog because we've tried it and it just doesn't work well and m made a good point like it looks almost like smoke and we don't want it it looks like a fire yeah we're not trying to get that energy going in a crowded theater if you understand so uh yeah so i i hate to we hate to rain on your parade but i think that was probably the fog machine because pittsburgh specifically accidentally turned it on yeah yeah so but that's so funny one thing we can't explain though is we have had gone we've gone to a few shows where people have gone up to christine
Starting point is 00:48:00 afterwards and said like i saw a solid black human shaped mass behind you. Those we can't explain with haze. So, yeah, that one, I unfortunately was not part of the rider or the advance, as far as I know, unless he was playing some cruel joke, which I don't think she is. But I do think I do think those sightings were when were when I was feeling like I was having some weird attachment or curse or something? And so that gave me extra freaky vibes. I remember being like, cool. So there is something watching me because I felt like there was and then someone's like, oh, there's this really creepy shape behind you. Yep. Anyway, okay. Well, thank you so much. That sounds terrible. Is it weird that I'm like scared to live 10 minutes away from you?
Starting point is 00:48:48 I do wonder like how far the average ghost walks to other locations. Or do they float? Like, I don't know. Or just appear? Like, I wonder how easy it would be for something to just kind of stumble into into your house you were there when i discovered my least favorite building i've ever encountered and i yeah this day i i walked past it earlier today factory or the bread factory or something like a printing factory uh it's an old printing factory and i don't know what it is but like it turns my stomach and it's right near where bobby mackie's is and i feel like every time i take a walk with
Starting point is 00:49:23 the baby and she falls asleep and i just wander i just end up on that corner and i'm like all the things that i don't want to be thinking about right in front of my face ew i don't like that that was also the building where a man for no reason at all was dressed head to toe as batman and he was just circling the block it was a very odd part of town. And the tour guide was like, listen, I do this tour like every other night. And this is very strange. I don't know why Batman's here. What an odd part of town. And I was also nine months pregnant.
Starting point is 00:49:54 I was like, what am I doing? What am I doing here? Well, before you get into the last story, I accidentally clicked it. And I see the general theme of what's going on here. So can I do a PSA first? Sure. Um, the summer is coming up and I don't know if anyone remembers from last year, but last year, I think it was July. We had our inaugural cryptid poetry slam. Yeah, we did. And we did say it would be come an annual thing so um we have not announced anything
Starting point is 00:50:26 yet but we are in the very very early stages of prepping that um where it was a poetry slam and auction a live auction a live auction and spooky stories oh yeah stories and let's just say i think this is gonna be this is this is a good one to start warming everyone up to. I'm so sad you skipped ahead because I was going to do a whole introduction. But I guess that's what, I guess that's what. Okay. It's my own fault. I totally did it.
Starting point is 00:50:58 Oh, well. Okay. So this is what I have for you. This was. Sorry. No, it's fine. I'm glad you mentioned it because now we can really lean into it. I think Eva clearly is kicking things off here.
Starting point is 00:51:09 So yeah, dust off your leather bound, your vegan leather bound journals and get to writing because we have some, we have requests, okay, for more of this kind of stuff. This is from Trish, who uses she, her pronouns. Thank you, Trish. And the subject is a haunting slam poetry entry. She says, Hey, y'all, I'm Trish, who uses she, her pronouns. Thank you, Trish. And the subject is a haunting slam poetry entry. She says, hey, y'all, I'm Trish. Not sure if you still do these as I've made it to June 2021. Congrats, Christine.
Starting point is 00:51:34 One day I will revel you with stories of my youth and include the paranormal, aliens and true crime. But today I have a slam poetry entry. I wouldn't say it's good necessarily, but I enjoyed it. And I hope you do too we'll be the judge of that trish it's gonna be great it's gonna be good it's gonna be me okay you ready m yeah yeah i don't have my jazzy jazzy piano music ready but that's okay i love your jazzy piano music i can't wait till we can do that again. Okay. Fear and sorrow fuel her. Never ending money.
Starting point is 00:52:07 Never ceasing work. It is never enough. It never ends. Fear may fuel them. Never ending confusion. Never ceasing work. Is this enough? Will it ever end?
Starting point is 00:52:17 Whoa. Inciting fear is their fuel. Never ending sorrow. Never ceasing work. It will never be enough. She will never fool them. Sorrow is inside of me. Deep in my roots. Never ceasing work. It's been more than enough. What? Oh. That is gone. I can rest. I am Winchester House.
Starting point is 00:52:53 What? That was good. I was like, where is this going? I was trying to think of cryptids where I was like, never ceasing. I'm so glad I didn't skip ahead on the, because that just got me right at the end. I got goose cam there. She says, I hope you enjoyed this even just a tad bit and hope to see y'all in Nashville soon. Much love, Trish whoa i like that a lot i love that never cease i was like what could this i was like i i'm rack racking my head here trying to think of what this could mean and now it totally makes sense i was thinking like is this about the hersene shifter or something and i'm like i'm not i'm too lazy for this to be about me. I mean, I know that last year we seemed to get quite a lot of Mothmans and Bigfoot poetry at our Cryptid Slam. Yep.
Starting point is 00:53:32 I have a feeling at least someone is going to insert a shifter. A shifter! Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. That would be so fun. Well, I, anyway, that has kicked the season off, I think. So everyone, what did you say? Get your vegan leather bound journals out. Dust them off, baby.
Starting point is 00:53:50 Cause we are getting into Gemini season. Chip coffee is on board. Zach Bagans is accidentally involved now too, as usual. We're having a good time per usual. And listen, I'm feeling good about life. You know, I'm telling you, this is going to be a good time per usual. And listen, I'm feeling good about life, you know? I'm telling you, this is going to be a good month for us. I feel it in my bones. That's what we said about 2020.
Starting point is 00:54:11 So let's not put any sort of never mind. Okay. Well, we'll see how it goes. It's going to be fine. And that's why we drink.

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