And That's Why We Drink - Listener Stories: Vol. 7

Episode Date: September 1, 2017

Can you believe it's month seven of us reading your craziest ghost and hometown murder stories?! To be honest, we can't either. And that's why we drink! ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The point of this podcast is drinking. Well, yeah. Well, that is true. All right. Are we recording? Yeah. Is that what you need to do when we're recording? We can sing the Gio song.
Starting point is 00:00:13 Baby, baby, Gio, Gio, Gio. Hey, guess what? What? You know how we almost fucked up? How? Because we haven't done the names yet. Oh, hi. We're going to say your names now.
Starting point is 00:00:23 Oh. names yet oh hi we're gonna say your names now so first off before we get into our stories we're going to thank all of our beautiful brilliant smart and wonderful Patreon supporters. Right, right, Em? Thank you so much. You mean so much to us. You really have no idea. Like, all the merch, the entire store, having a P.O. box. Oh.
Starting point is 00:00:59 I mean. We have a P.O. box. That's not, that didn't just show up. It's like Zoom had a P.O. box. Oh. Come on and zoom in. Yeah's not, that didn't just show up. It's like Zoom had a PO box. Oh. Come on and zoom in. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But we could not do.
Starting point is 00:01:10 Hey, hey. Oh, oh. I'm sorry, I wasn't done. I'm done now. Like, we could not, we really could not do anything that we're doing and things that have yet to, like, actually appear, like, things that are, like, very under the radar, like, that will soon surface you'll understand later on when you see like some of the weird shit we're doing geo's involved we keep saying that and
Starting point is 00:01:31 people are probably like there's probably nothing you guys are fucking hustling us but it's true shit is happening it's going to be good and we could not do it without your guys's help thank you so thank you all right all right all right all right let's start at the 25 dollar dollar bills like the holy crap holy crap people like us this much why don't you start okay adam m eric skull jen bell lisa g emily with an ie classic kevin priscilla h, let's move to our $10 dollar bills. That's... Let me... I'm going to stop saying... Dollar, dollar.
Starting point is 00:02:08 Let's change that. $10 dollar, make you holla. I'm making that a pattern. I don't like it. Okay. So, Andrew P. D. Jessica T.
Starting point is 00:02:16 Mana. Shannon. Emma F. Dana S. Emma J. Mary M. Rebecca W. Callie J.
Starting point is 00:02:23 Nick V. Alexa C. Rocco. Aaron from Canada. Crystal. Mary M. Rebecca W. Callie J. Nick V. Alexa C. Rocco. Erin from Canada. Crystal. Danny K. Molly T. Paige.
Starting point is 00:02:31 Kirby. Anna L. Wendy from Canada. Chelsea J. Tessa. Chelsea C. Michelle Cohn. Sarah W.
Starting point is 00:02:39 Sam K. Kirsten and Theron. Katie W. Jessica V. Jay. Erica Jane. Sierra. Maddie T. Rachel. Lindsay S. k kirsten and theron katie w jessica v j erica jane sierra maddie t rachel lindsey s darth jen sue mary caroline h christy britney caleb andrea aaron f anonymous michelle b jordan b amber ashley and her bf hunter danny b hill Holt. At hilarious124 on Twitter.
Starting point is 00:03:05 Elena. Hunter. Molly F. Casey Dew. Erica. Christine, my name twin. Karen Kiesling. Julia W.
Starting point is 00:03:13 Martha. Laura from Iceland. Dobby. Jeffrey, who is the one who live tweets all our episodes. Love him. Kia. Jory. Griselda.
Starting point is 00:03:22 Sarah C. Katie B. Erin M. Tiana. Ashton blaze linda elise aka flighted chemist melissa m marisol rachel b cc miss johnny be good amber renata thank you thank you peeps we love you uh now we got our five dollars sassy level rewards. God damn it. All right, $5. Jodi. Jessica in Jersey and her sister Adrienne.
Starting point is 00:03:50 Alyssa S. Winter H. Amber L. Michelle A. Justine. Vanessa. Kimberly. Melissa C.
Starting point is 00:03:56 Sydney K. Alexandra. Morgan M. KCT. Abigail. Jackie G. Allie Boole. Bole?
Starting point is 00:04:04 Booley? Allie Boole. Allie Boole. Bole? Booley? Allie Boole. Allie Boole. Allie R. Emma W. Baby YouTuber Joss Hoskey. Camille. Sarah L. Mariah M. Stephanie N. Kim S. Danny N. Brittany M. Danielle. Rebecca M. Hillbilly Horror Stories.
Starting point is 00:04:19 Eric S. Dana P. Louise C. Chelsea A. Coral B. Wynema. Rebecca J. Jennifer M. Chelsea A. Coral B. Wynema. Rebecca J. Jennifer M. And Alex Christine's brother. That's him. Okay, now we're on to Team Wine.
Starting point is 00:04:34 Oh, these are my peeps. Okay. Let me take the computer this way. Yeah, take the reins. Here we go. We got some Jill S. Andrea Lynn. Stephanie P. Bear.
Starting point is 00:04:44 Nicolina. Brooke. Amanda. Katie. Jessica. Emily, Jess, Nikki, Shelby, Deviant Women Podcast, Adrienne, Wilson Wants Belly Rubs on Instagram, Sassy Chick, Heather, Al Pal, Zoe, and Crystal Nicole. Now we got our team milkshake. We've got Mr. Sheever, who low-key probably hates me because I say the F word way too often and you don't know what slag pots are i'm sorry uh elizabeth allison b alexandra brandy lisa h andrea kirky's uh patricia crime crazy podcast emily m jerry derrick tamsin from australia and zachary yay and then we have two other people who are donating as well. Jessica E. and Lainey from True Crime Fan Club Podcast. So thank you guys so much!
Starting point is 00:05:32 We love you all beyond. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. Thank you. Want to hear some stories? Yes, please. Let's go. Who first, me? Whoever you want.
Starting point is 00:05:43 Me. Okay. I know you. You want to go first i mean only child we all know that i'm the uh superstar of the show sure so it's rough because you're the only child and i'm the oldest child so it's like i feel like there's still tension of like but there's also like that gemini air of understanding that we both kind of hate each other on some right in some root there's like an understanding but there's also like a it you know what it is it's a mutual hatred right it's it's more that it's a it's a foundation of respect but overall loathing as well mostly degradation which is a word i made up several episodes ago that we're still not over
Starting point is 00:06:26 all right this is an email from ann thanks ann it says hi i'm in christine hey i'm only on episode seven so keep that in mind for context in case things have changed since you recorded that one literally nothing has changed nothing has changed we have not grown as people oh no we have not developed we've only aged no we've aged but we've not developed any positive character traits no nothing good has happened since then but thank you for your optimism she then says my friend's mother pat hi pat had a run-in with richard ramirez the night stalker oh no no oh no when she was a teenager she and her friend were driving around near santa cruz trying to find a beach but they had a run-in with richard ramirez the night stalker oh no no oh no when she was a teenager
Starting point is 00:07:05 she and her friend were driving around near santa cruz trying to find a beach but they got lost in a neighborhood nearby and if you're familiar with the area those back roads are super deserted at night so they immediately noticed a car following them oh my god at first they thought the driver wanted to pass so they pulled over but then he stopped and gestured for pat to roll down the window no thank you nope she did and he basically asked if everything was okay and then offered to show them the way to the beach well pat understandably thought this was creepy good for her and so she said no but then her friend insisted uh she agreed to follow the driver so she eventually gave in then once they rolled up their window her friend said to turn around immediately and get away Oh, okay, so she was, like, playing dumb.
Starting point is 00:07:48 Smart girl. Okay, good call. Or dude, or whoever. Oh, God. Shit. Oh, no. Which is how you know he was bad news. Yes.
Starting point is 00:08:12 And literally the very next day, they saw the guy's face in the newspaper and it was an announcement that the Night Stalker had been in the area. Shut the fuck up. So obviously they freaked out. Holy shit. Holy shit. Another interesting fact. Pat had a dream a couple nights before all this happened, and she remembered waking up absolutely terrified. In the dream, she was driving in a neighborhood at night near the ocean, and this huge panther, which was bigger than her car, was chasing her.
Starting point is 00:08:37 She says it was one of the most horrific nightmares she's ever had. Yowza. Oh my god. That's fucked up. That's fucked up. and it would make sense why he would pull them over too because he was trying to find couples yes and it was a guy because it said he saw a gun yeah and the guy was like no no like yeah let's follow him and the second she rolled up the window he's like get out of here you know it's times like that where she should be so thankful that she had gas in her car because imagine if you're on empty and all of a sudden you have to outrun.
Starting point is 00:09:06 Oh, God. That would freak me out, too. Every time I'm running low on gas, my first thought is, what if I need to outrun a serial killer? Which is kind of fucked up, but it's actually a genuine thought. A little bit. I probably need a psychiatrist. I do have a few questions for you guys if you have time to address them at some point. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:09:24 We're really busy right now. Yeah. Well, we're going to do it. Do you think there are more good spirits or bad spirits? Personally, I'd like to think that if the person who died was good, then they'd be good in their afterlife as well, which is why I'd actually find it comforting to live in a haunted house. I could blame all unidentified sounds on a ghost instead of worrying that someone might have broken in, which I worry about constantly, even though it always turns out to be the cat. Fair point, fair point, fair point.
Starting point is 00:09:51 I don't know, what do you think? I feel like you're the expert on spirits. Okay, just because I have a podcast about this does not mean I'm an expert. Hey, you're a paranormal investigator by trade. I feel like you'd know more about spirits than I do. investigator by trade i feel like you'd know more about spirits than i do uh i would i would like to think on her level that if you died a good person then you stay a good spirit sure that's what i would think but do you think those spirits like stay on earth i feel like a lot of times it's like a tumultuous energy that i feel like if i mean like i'm not here to like suggest a belief
Starting point is 00:10:23 let's pretend there's a heaven. Sure. And I would imagine if you're a good spirit, then you go to heaven. And then if you're a bad spirit, I would imagine this is some level of purgatory because it's not great here. Sure. So maybe that's why when things are haunted, it's usually scarier or bad because the majority of spirits here would be ones that didn't go to heaven there's like a negativity or there's like a a lot of times they say um there's like unfinished business or like something hasn't resolved right for them to like move on you know i don't know i would like to i would love this idea where if it if there's a ghost in your house
Starting point is 00:11:00 it's a good person i do too but also like just because they're good doesn't mean they're not annoying like i would get i'd be the person who got a ghost that was like a really good hearted person but also nosy as shit and like always in my face just like oh or like someone who's just like you're a good person you just really want attention so you're just gonna like keep turning off the lights and i'm like that's not great i'm like i was gonna wear those earrings tonight to dinner right but thank you for stealing them. Thank you for putting them in the driveway. I needed, I was wondering where I should keep them.
Starting point is 00:11:29 Yeah. They were pretty expensive, but thanks anyway. Right. Question number two. Was the dog from episode two. I think that was the one. What was episode two? Robert Durst and the Whaley house.
Starting point is 00:11:40 Whaley house. Was the dog from episode two. No. Okay. After the family moved out of the haunted house she's talking about Amityville I'm talking about the dog that kept trying to kill itself that part really disturbed me so if I know that the dog turned out okay
Starting point is 00:11:58 I'd feel much better that was episode 4 I used to know the answer to this the dog's name was harry uh so i can tell you the dog's name uh i think the dog turned out fine i don't think the dog ended up actually getting hurt in the movies they kill the dog but he ended up being fine in the actual i feel like it survived in the actual story i feel like yes in real life i'm pretty sure he's fine but the the dog trying to hang himself was a real occurring thing that happened and um in the and now they're adults but the people the people who live there who were children at the time had very vivid dreams every
Starting point is 00:12:41 night that the dog successfully killed itself. And then sometimes would have dreams where they killed the dog or would have dreams where the dog killed them or they killed themselves. And the dog like watched or assisted, like they, there was a lot of nightmares surrounding them and the dog and one of them dying. The thought of like me having a dream where Gio dies, let alone me like killing Gio.
Starting point is 00:13:04 Or Gio trying to kill you. It was always some version of someone dying and the other person assisting or, like, enjoying seeing it happen. It was, like, really fucked up. Just the thought of that. It was like being possessed in your sleep where, like, you're happily watching it go down. Makes me want to. It was fucked up. Jump off a bridge.
Starting point is 00:13:20 But no, Harry in real life, I'm pretty sure it was fine. Number three, what's the weirdest thing you've ever had to drink? And then the letter ends with, loving the podcast and tell your moms I say hello. Hey, Renata. Hey, Linda. P.S. I drink because of stupid inventions like those toilets that flush by themselves, but never at the right time.
Starting point is 00:13:41 Yeah. Well, that's true. That kind of thing makes me want to order a boba milk tea and slurp angrily all day, Anne. What's the weirdest thing you've drank? Okay, one time Blaze ordered silkworm larva soup, and I drank that. Voluntarily?
Starting point is 00:14:00 I was like, I guess I might as well try it if it's on the table. What the hell? I'd be like blaze enjoy your mud hey em do you know how disgusting it was probably tasted like larva silkworms it tasted like dead insects yeah well there you go what was the grossest thing you ever drank uh the weirdest thing I've ever drank was something I probably accidentally drank so like i like if i were like curdled milk and i didn't know it was curdled or like um when i was 11 the grossest thing i've ever drank which is like one of the reasons why i don't drink uh i drink a full water bottle full of straight vodka oh my god by accident
Starting point is 00:14:40 because i thought it was water and it was a really hot day so i just chugged it and then i realized my throat was on fire and i just vomited for the rest of the day and then blacked out and woke up at home so i had like a real rager in sixth grade at one point and it was totally by accident um i couldn't even do that today let alone at age 11 it was a good time you have a story i do thank you man thanks Okay, my story is from Meredith. Wait, before Meredith goes, can I make a disclaimer? Sure. I like when people ask us questions at the end of letters. It's kind of fun, right?
Starting point is 00:15:13 It is fun. Keep doing that, guys. It's fun stuff. Ask us some questions. Okay, so this email is from Meredith. Subject, I'm definitely on Team Milkshake, but made out of Halo Top. Okay, so you're linda is what you are got it yeah like if you're team milkshake but it's halo top but i thought it was like a combination
Starting point is 00:15:31 of both of us okay because like i eat halo top every day and you're team milkshake so it's kind of like a car so like she's like team everyone gets together we can share her okay okay meredith here we go i'm sorry but i had to pause the podcast to send you this because i can't think type and listen at the same time same same my story is a hometown hometown crime slash murder that happened right after midnight the morning of june 5th 2013 in traverse city michigan an acquaintance of mine kelly was riding her bike home a few miles from work like she did every night when she was a block away from home a dark colored suv drove up behind Oh, shit. Fuck! the vehicle and was left on the road a neighbor ran out to be with her while the ambulance and police showed up she died later at the hospital with her husband by her side fuck tens of thousands of tips came in but to this day the case remains unsolved a year before the accident a pregnant
Starting point is 00:16:34 woman was hit while riding her bicycle on the same street and another woman was hit on the same street in 2015 shit so it's like like intentional i don't know maybe both survived some people tried to blame kelly what what's wrong with you what's wrong with you those are those people don't listen to those podcasts because they're douchebags fucking idiot but she had the proper lighting and safety gear on so the person would have definitely seen her we're a huge tourist town our population grows from 10 000 to over 100 000 during the week of july 4th lord so cops believe it's someone from out of town that did it which i imagine makes it hard to like find the person right yeah because they're not even around it breaks my heart
Starting point is 00:17:15 to lose such a beloved woman in the community in such a sad way especially since it is unsolved but hopefully one day someone will come forward so that is my crime story oh and my grandma's house was burned down by arson with her and my dog in it but my dog led her to safety my grandma was legally blind almost deaf and couldn't smell oh wow that dog is a true hero most of the house was still standing after the first fire the first fire but three days later the jerkwad came back and set it on fire again in three separate places holy crap okay i'm done wait but but did the grandma make it out did the dog make it out the second time i read her an email being like what happened and she basically said from what i remember i don't have it printed out
Starting point is 00:18:05 but from what i remember she said i guess the grocer lived across the street and had been like a target of violence for a while so they think maybe that they were targeting the grocer's house and like got the wrong house by accident what a fucking idiot yeah also what is the guy that runs the grocery store doing to piss you off that bad? I don't know. Okay, I'm done. I promise. You guys rock.
Starting point is 00:18:32 Thanks for making an awesome podcast, Meredith. All right. Thanks, Meredith. You did it. Okay, so this is from Gable. Hi. And the subject is Sullivan's UFO. And I appreciate the professionalism here of deer, and that's why we drink hosts.
Starting point is 00:18:48 That's us. That is us. We are the hosts. Wow. Hosts with the most. Yes. Here is a little story from my adolescence that I hope you enjoy. I intend to.
Starting point is 00:19:01 UFO, I'm excited. I grew up in a small southern town in Sandersville, Georgia. It's right smack in the middle of the state, and it's probably everything you'd expect from such. Very rural, very southern, very isolated, but I grew up with some cool people regardless. One of them was a friend I had since we were in third grade. I came from a small family,
Starting point is 00:19:19 so I was sort of assimilated into his and he into mine. Anyway, every summer his family would go to their beach house a few hours away on an island off of Charleston, South Carolina. Sullivan's Island is famous because of its proximity to the historic Fort Sumter. Which is about a mile and some change southeast. Sullivan's has its own fame due to its own activity during the Civil War and a lesser known fact, it was the home of the famous master of the macabre Edgar Allan Poe. Hey!
Starting point is 00:19:56 It was the summer of 98 so we should have been around 13 years old. We spent a week there, I think, and this was right around night three. my friend had just obtained a new video camera which would eventually become his career hey foreshadowing he took it everywhere with uh uh with us that week and we even filmed a horror movie at battery jasper and a few abandoned bunkers while we were there we would like to see that we would like you to send
Starting point is 00:20:22 a copy of that in immediately right now he didn't know how to edit yet so it all had to be done in one shot we would really like this video i want it even more now very high-end stuff anyway i had brought along an army tent that my uncle had brought back from vietnam and we wanted to spend the night outside that's a problem nope i sense it not good idea i had set up the tent in the backyard facing the ocean charleston harbor which has a naval base associated with it was just to our right and to the southwest of our location damn all right triangulating like i do it was approaching about 2 30 a.m when i noticed over the harbor what looked to be an aircraft of some kind oh no
Starting point is 00:21:05 i didn't think much of it went back to our conversation several minutes passed uh when i glanced over and the aircraft hadn't moved nope again other than raising an eyebrow i really didn't pay much mind and this is where things get funky funky oh i'm sorry on the next page monkey oh funky monkey start to get funky monkey oh sorry we didn't mean to uh let you down on that one things get funky keep you hanging monkey uh now that i was a bit suspicious i checked back a couple minutes later and again no movement it was at this point that i brought to my friend friend's attention. Hey, do you see that? I said. He replied that he did, and we both paused our conversation and stared. Now, ellipses, stick with me, because what happens next is something we've never really been able to explain.
Starting point is 00:21:57 Dun, dun, dun. The craft seemed to have noticed us. Well, to better put it, it noticed that we noticed it oh god that's worse it started to move it quickly within a few seconds traveled across the harbor and nearly placed itself right above us nope no no nope it was probably several hundred yards in the air and right at the water's edge needless to say we had ringside seats ringside seats what's up like when you're at a boxing match and you see i'm used to i'm not used to boxing in the action boxing terms it then proceeded to sit still for a moment before it broke off into several other lights no because
Starting point is 00:22:38 all we ever saw were lights so i guess it was one big light and then just turned to like a little web of lights okay once it broke apart it it seemed to reform into an even larger craft. At that point, it changed colors and it was a series of green, red, white, and maybe blue lights. If the lights had in fact reformed into a larger mass, then it would have easily quadrupled in size. Oh my God. Holy shit. And there's nowhere to run when it's got an aerial view of you the thought of that it's like 100 yards above you that's like the moment i need an invisibility
Starting point is 00:23:10 cloak i'm like no that's when i want to bury myself in the ground yeah uh just like stay on your tippy toes and like ballet twirl until you drill yourself into the ground going to china now the closest thing i can think to compare it to would be the craft from the film close encounters of the third kind just the shape and the colors uh they would twinkle and change colors but the outer light seemed to remain the same color even if they would uniformly change throughout the process whoa the whole thing from the moment uh it hovered near us probably lasted maybe 30 seconds but i'll never forget it the way it operated was almost as if we were the only two watching and it was putting on a private show. Once it was done, it collected back into a single light and shot off into the abyss of the night sky faster than anything I'd ever seen or had knowledge of.
Starting point is 00:23:58 So it just went pew! In one light? Yeah, it just like condensed into one light and then ricocheted out. What the fuck at the time i enjoyed reading and learning about military history and had a more common knowledge of military aircraft with that said i was no expert by any means but i knew enough to recognize that nothing could have moved like that not even close after it disappeared nearly as quickly as it came my friend and i sat in silence and we stared off into the night sky with bated breath uh we slowly turned to each other it was dark but i could see
Starting point is 00:24:31 the whites of his eyes as we basically were speechless until one of us said what the fuck dude uh at 13 too uh the next day i remember i was telling my friend to hurry up and grab the camera in case it came back he bolted inside and we sat out there till daybreak and the mysterious object never returned we've told the story to for nearly two decades about our strange night on the island i do not speculate as to what the object was it's common knowledge among the paranormal community that ufos tend to show up near military marks true yeah again i can't speculate as to what that may mean but considering the proximity of the base to us that night it follows suit maybe it was a secret military craft maybe it was extraterrestrials uh trying to get
Starting point is 00:25:16 closer trying to get a closer look at our goods who the fuck knows all i know is that whatever it was it surprised the hot shit out of my friend and i to the point of it being burned into our minds forever take the story for what you will but as far as my accounts and my friends this is what happened and to this day is the only ufo experience either of us have ever had terrestrially michael gable the go gobs. Marinel. Marinel? Shit. The gobs. The gobs. That just sounds like a fucking nightmare.
Starting point is 00:25:51 I just love UFO stories. We'll have to talk about it another time, but I actually know someone who swears this day he was abducted and remembers every bit of it. What? Who? Well, here's the thing that does not pan out in his story he remembers like through and through everything that happened how old he was all of it and he doesn't remember the he doesn't remember exactly what happened but he remembers being on a table and being prodded and he remembers what they looked like it was like a full exact what
Starting point is 00:26:21 you would imagine like a bright white light beams you up right he got um probed and prodded and shit and he remembers like being up there for months like living amongst them and trying to talk to them and shit like that i'm sorry what i know and then when they were done with him he remembers like blacking out and then all of a sudden like waking up. But when he like when he came to on Earth, it was the exact spot in the exact same time period that they had abducted him months earlier. Oh, so that's like no time had passed. But he remembers like who is this person? He's my aunt's friend. But here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:27:00 He always said, I don't know what they did to me they would always like like basically like knock me out for whatever procedure they did but whatever they did to me they made sure that when the world ends i know what to do i'm sorry what yeah i know what does that mean he was all i ever got out of him was i don't what to do, but something instinctually is supposed to, like, what, I'm, like, one of the chosen ones, and when the world ends and the apocalypse happens, something inside me will, like, trigger and I'll know how to survive it because of what they did. Because they probed him? But, here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:27:39 He died, like, five years ago. Shut up! So, like. Oh, he's dead? So, like, if the apocalypse happened like we for sure did not get raptured you know what i'm saying like oh so we're in maybe he yeah i was like maybe he maybe the world did end and maybe he figured out how to get out of here and we're stuck oh shit oh yeah oh that is five years ago oh shit oh no maybe the rapture fuck i'm sorry
Starting point is 00:28:03 to everyone listening we're all stuck here 12 12 let's get the ouija board and chat no christine no no i'm trying so hard tell a story okay this is from amanda hi amanda uh the subject is child ghosts and doorknob jugglers oh all right although i think maybe it means jigglers based really story yeah we'll see okay hey guys well here goes my last month i was gonna write you about my salem experience but recent events makes that look like a weak-ass ghost story oh the past month at my house has been a wicked crazy train ride uh oh that's for sure massachusetts right there yeah well wicked crazy wicked crazy wicked crazy especially since she was about to tell about salem oh yeah uh i'm a rational human human being
Starting point is 00:28:53 until this month perfect any creek noise or odd sound or shadow i could probably explain away because my house is old i live in new england surprise uh april could go either way this morning was no different it was 5 30 a.m on a thursday morning i asked google what's the temperature outside and it tells me 35 degrees i grab my jacket car keys and go outside to start my car as i'm walking my car i feel uneasy and like i'm being watched i shrugged it off as being tired i walked back into my house to grab my tea and some shitty zoo membership flyer and begin to read the rubbish being offered as i'm reading this nonsense the doorknob suddenly turns and
Starting point is 00:29:32 wiggles i sat there like a stupid asshole for probably a good 30 seconds i shot up out of my chair run to the door and lock the deadbolt i dodge upstairs to my sleeping husband and tell him someone is fucking jiggling the doorknob my husband gets up and goes outside looks around and sees nothing i look and there were no footprints on the steps i was holding my daughter who's not one just yet she's waving and laughing and pointing to a tree outside i can't see anything my son tells me oh there's a man in the car oh what the fuck once fuck? Once again, I'm panicked. I tell my husband and he looks. There's nothing.
Starting point is 00:30:08 I'm thinking, great. This is great. I have nothing to explain away. My work day was me reviewing the morning in my head. The more I thought about it, the more of a wackadoodle I think I am. Let's backtrack. One night I'm laying in bed. I have a four-year-old that will get into bed with me sometimes. I'm half awake and half asleep, and I swear I feel my son get into bed with me. I feel the covers go off and a small little body climb in. Oh, no. well he thought he heard my son at the top of the steps and poked his head out from under the covers and saw what he thought was our son he got out of bed turned the light on and my son wasn't there
Starting point is 00:30:48 in fact he was in his bed fast asleep freaked out my husband came back into bed and turned the tv on my husband and i were on the couch watching a tv show and we heard the gate upstairs open shut and footsteps coming down the stairs thinking it was our son we both go what's up john we get no response we look up the stairs and no john we go upstairs and he's sound asleep this kid sleeps a fucking lot i like him he sounds like me and he has a doppelganger that's just like running around maybe it's a little astral projection just running around a lot to do but i'm also really tired it's like i'll get to it in some way besides my name being called feeling watched and sometimes our friend that lives with us will hear a woman screaming oh okay i hear music sometimes in the basement i'm wigged out i'm having weird paranormal experiences at work too i walked through the famous freetown woods at bridgewater
Starting point is 00:31:44 triangle and had what felt like icicles brushing my face when it was 75 degrees out yeah uh i went to a medium i felt like a nut job because i was seeing things feeling things and was scared she started to tell me before i even sit down that my house is haunted by two little kids who might be slaves oh shit a woman and two men who may or may not be farmers i sat down in my chair she starts to tell me that i'm sensitive you bet your ass yeah when five of them are in my house you don't look for quote you don't look for the paranormal the paranormal looks for you oh crap wonderful so i take it in my brother that passed away at 14 was there i guess and she starts naming off some of my family that passed away and that are with me.
Starting point is 00:32:27 I got my answers, but maybe not the answers I was wanting to hear. I tell her about the Freetown Woods in my experience, and she tells me, oh, that was the dead. Wonderful. Okay. Casual. My son tells me about a man in his room that scares him. He talks to people that aren't there, and he tells me that the upstairs is creepy. He has to sleep with all the lights on when I'm not up there in bed with him. My daughter waves, laughs, and points to things outside the window, and my two dogs are always tracking something out there.
Starting point is 00:32:57 I've never made more trips to the Packy, which, in case anyone's not from Boston, that means liquor store. I'm going to be doing research on my house in the land uh my trip to salem was also a good time i couldn't get warm it was 85 degrees in our room and it was freezing cold in there i had something knocking on my door at 3 a.m i told one of the workers about the experience and she tells me about a little boy that haunts the inn i was also informed about the spirit boards that are just kept in the rooms for fun oh good so where christine wants to die apparently where i want to live and i and i wtf i also had issues with some of the stores i'd get a very heavy feeling and have to leave one store was selling the used boards as
Starting point is 00:33:40 well no then she says i'm saging my flunking house good stay sassy and classy amanda aka panda butt 30 oh that's panda butt we missed you panda butt we were wondering what happened to you but also like holy shit i hope the medium said that like all five of those were good people because if your son is scared of someone i mean mean, I hope he's just scared of... He can't sleep at night? That sounds like he's not a good one. I mean, it's not that he's a bad one, but I mean, if he's intimidating your child, it doesn't sound like he's like 100% happy. Sage your flunkin' house.
Starting point is 00:34:18 Sage your house. Please sage your house. Okay, we each have one more story. So this is from W. Hi, W. And the subject is hometown serial killer and a ghost oh good a little bit of both of our podcasts both worlds uh this one says i was in eighth ninth grade when this happened and i remember being absolutely shocked it also has a paranormal twist at the end my favorite hey hey so a guy, hey. So, a guy, Paul Dennis Reed, stopped at a Baskin Robbins in my hometown in Clarksville, Tennessee, one night in 1997. At closing, and kidnapped the two young women working.
Starting point is 00:34:56 What? What? So it's not, like, buddy system, you're not even safe. When you're old enough to be working there and two two two grown employees were not safe enough holy fuck you know that means gunpoint you know the fuck it means gunpoint i have chills he took them to a local park where i regularly walked until pretty recently and slit their throats holy shit oh my god they were discovered the next day angela holmes was 21 with a baby and a husband oh no who was in school to be a nurse with a 4.0 no so a good girl god fucking damn it the other was
Starting point is 00:35:34 michelle mace 16 who wanted to be a writer this was the third and last time he'd robbed a fast food store and killed the employees he's known as the fast food killer. What the fuck? The first was at a Captain D's in Nashville and he killed a 16 year old girl and a 25 year old man. Even the men aren't safe. Like, I know that's like a fucked up thing to say, but like, you would think with serial killers, they have like a type and it's like they go for a certain type.
Starting point is 00:36:03 Next, he robbed a McDonald's close to the captain d's and killed a 17 year old girl and a 23 and 27 year old man so two men two grown men you would think that 17 year old girl would be safe you'd think three employees grown ass employees working in a restaurant i like what did he have like what did he he must have just come in and instead of wanting to rob he just wanted to kill them he also stabbed another man 17 times but he pretended to be dead and survived it was his third day at work shut the fuck up imagine your third fucking day at work and this shit happens to you i hope the state paid him how did you even have to pretend to be dead after 17 stabs like i would just be i'm not mentally thinking i'm gonna pretend to be dead i
Starting point is 00:36:50 would be thinking i'm closing my eyes because i'm about to die you should watch i survived people get stabbed like a hundred times i don't wanna i don't wanna people keep writing in shit like i decided to lay down pretend i wasn't breathing i. I'm like, wait. Or you just weren't. You were still breathing though? 17 times. Holy shit. He was caught a few months after the Baskin Robbins murders because he went to a former manager of his at Shoney's and threatened him
Starting point is 00:37:16 before running away after the man managed to call the police. He was arrested and sentenced to death but died in prison in 2013. I hope he got stabbed more than 17 times. On to the paranormal part. So several several years ago i had a co-worker who was in her late 30s and really nice and honest but not technologically competent which is important for later not just like a fact which is important always yeah she showed me a picture on her cell phone taken of a relative at dunbar cave state park where the girls were murdered oh no there were Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:37:47 There were three people clear in the picture. Her aunt, cousin, and his aide, and a semi-transparent girl standing near them. Oh, no. Fuck. Was she wearing a Baskin-Robbins costume? Oh, my God. Oh, my God. She said no one else was there when the photo was taken i don't think
Starting point is 00:38:06 she would make it up or could manipulate the photo herself since no one else to my knowledge has died there i think it's one of the girls he murdered she sent me the pic and promised not to share it but i ended up deleting it after a few weeks because it was giving me the creeps and i was getting obsessed with this case another co-worker also saw it and ended up deleting it after a few weeks because it was giving me the creeps and I was getting obsessed with this case. Another co-worker also saw it and ended up seriously obsessed with the case and eventually had to seek help from someone with a paranormal background to break her attachment. Oh my god. Yusuf was like leeching onto her. Yikes, after the photo.
Starting point is 00:38:38 Fucking A. It was starting to have a negative effect on her life. But she's fine now. Yay. Jesus Christ. to have a negative effect on her life but she's fine now yay jesus and then christ i don't really feel comfortable walking there can't imagine why so i was glad they made a nice new walking trail where no one has been murdered that was kind side note i went to church camp and then after church camp there's an emoji of like the side it's like a shady side i have like i went to church camp side eye after the murders and one of the guys from my church went to school
Starting point is 00:39:12 with michelle and ended up being comforted by an attractive girl there because she was because he was so upset about her murder oh for fuck's sake. Like, comforted sexually? Yeah, it sounds like he was being a fuckboy. Summer camp. I mean, you know, church camp. Oh, you know how church camp is. You know what they do at church camp. You know. In addition to the Baskin-Robbins murders in 1997, a Taco Bell was also the location of multiple murders in 1994. What?
Starting point is 00:39:42 Three employees... Holy shit, I don't even want to fucking read this. Oh, that's like nervous laughing. It's not fucking funny. Read it. Three employees were shot execution style. And the manager was shot twice. All and all died.
Starting point is 00:39:59 All of them died. What the fuck? A former employee, Courtney Matthews, hid in the ceiling until closing and shot everyone before taking three thousand dollars there it is again with only fucking three thousand dollars to shoot four people i'm sorry you hid in the ceiling all day he's serving life without parole so that's two separate restaurant murders in my hometown within three years girl do not get a job also at wendy's don't get a job anywhere now if you don't have a job just fucking don't get one lock your doors and stay inside shit forever also uh the person says they go by
Starting point is 00:40:39 w i don't want my name out there because i have a psycho stalker and i don't fucking blame you especially if you come from this goddamn hometown. Get out of there. It sounds like nothing good is happening there. Fuck. It's awful. That fucked me up. Just tell me something else. So, here we go.
Starting point is 00:40:57 This is a short one. This is from Sean. Subject is ghost slash spirit story. Sorry, I totally slipped my story into your dms before i got to the ep about sending to your email so i thought i would comply with your demands jesus christ i'm so sorry we we're so demanding we're so demanding god wink face title goodbye pop oh shit september 9 2010 my father passed away at 10 10 p.m at holy cross hospital in granada hills california r.i.p i just want to like yeah we're both doing
Starting point is 00:41:35 the cross for you my mother and i drove home in silence on the way home i was pulled over by a sheriff deputy for a headlight out he could tell mom and i had been crying and after letting him know our current emotional state he let us go when mom and i arrived home we walked into the house and i went straight to my room in my room i have an og ipod sitting on an ipod alarm clock dock i never used remember those like i oh i remember i remember you remember an i home hell yeah what happened with your i-home oh i dropped it on my face do you know about that yeah i know about that oh shit i'm dating your college roommate that's right you can't get away from me anymore right i got a black eye dropped it right on your fucking face i was trying to read the serial number well upside down we did it wrong i did it wrong okay in my room i have an
Starting point is 00:42:29 og ipod sitting on an ipod alarm clock dock i never use at the exact moment i flipped my light switch on approximately 3 a.m the ipod on the dock began to play a song at high volume i walked over to it and tried to turn the volume down but there was no evidence the ipod was actually playing i pushed stop on the ipod but nothing was happening because it was in the lock position eventually i had to pull the ipod off of the dock for the song to stop playing the song was three doors down when i'm gone which happens to be my favorite band but that song did not exist What? Aww. What's the SCV? SCV. to communicate with me. Aww. It was a gift from him to me as a happy birthday gift.
Starting point is 00:43:27 Sean in the SCV. What's the SCV? SCV. Santa Clarita Valley? Maybe. Did I invent that? Is that a thing? I feel like it's not.
Starting point is 00:43:35 I feel like that's right. You feel like it's not a thing or you feel like it's right? I feel like that is a thing. Oh. I'm Googling it. God, I'm good. That's so cool. Also, that's really nice that's sean in the spv ps it has been so hard to choose a team so i chose team hashtag wine shake
Starting point is 00:43:55 though i must say i have a wine collection of over 200 bottles okay come on okay that's fair just get on my side yeah sean get with the winning team apparently i love your podcast i'm almost completely caught up as i type this out keep up the good work and keep us laughing oh that's awesome that's creepy that the ipod was playing when it wasn't on or that the song had yet to exist on that it's like oh actually uh there's no reason it should ever be there it It doesn't exist. That's horrifying. Anyway, thanks for listening to our listener ep, guys.
Starting point is 00:44:30 Thank you guys so much for just doing this and listening to us. And I cannot believe that we've been doing this for seven fucking months now. Month seven. So I guess you have a whole month now to send in your stories you can reach us at and that's why we drink at thank you for everything thank you for literally everything for everything everything you're the only people we care about really um when does this come out september september 1st dude we've only got three more of this this year When does this come out?
Starting point is 00:45:01 September. September 1st, dude. We've only got three more of this this year. Okay. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done it. I'm sorry. You know how I get the hives.
Starting point is 00:45:12 I know. I have the hives now as well. We're so cute. Thanks for joining us today. Be on the lookout because episode 31 comes out actually in one day one day so tomorrow you get a whole new treat i'm wrong oh she's wrong two days and the day after tomorrow you will have one whole treat on your podcast feed how could it be how many days are in august who knows who's to say oh not me not me not me uh two days from now episode 31 will come out so uh labor day weekend happy labor day and get your stories in all of the above is why we drink all the above is what we drink for sure yeah yeah yeah all right
Starting point is 00:45:59 are we in agreement on that we're in agreement a thousand percent yeah good that's all i need and that's why we drink and that's why we drink bye guys bye

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