And That's Why We Drink - Listener Stories: Vol. 71

Episode Date: September 1, 2022

Welcome to Zesty Zeptember! It's officially fall, as far as we're concerned and we've got some spooky scandals to knock your witchy socks off. We love how many anonymous submissions we got about every...thing from supernaturally finding out about secret family members to government conspiracies that are so juicy you may want to listen to the episode quickly in case it mysteriously disappears. If our Instagrams go dark in the next couple days, it was because of this episode... and that's why we drink!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 okay we made it to september september 2022 oh it is september you can finally start saying it for the next 30 days it's a zesty september oh, spicy September. How are you? Uh, meh. I just woke up and I had a really odd dream. So, uh, what was it about? Everything was on fire. I'm the only person on the planet who asks what people's dreams are about. It really was that everything was on fire.
Starting point is 00:00:42 Uh, I think I had, it was an, it was supposed to be a dream where I was at a place that had a fireplace. But then I think part of my logic started kicking in. It was like, I don't have a fireplace. And then that shifted the dream into, oh, yeah, the whole apartment's on fire. That's when you got to start lucid dreaming where you go, wait, I don't have a fireplace. Oh, my gosh. i'm in a dream i always have the first thought where like logic doesn't make sense i i can't go from that doesn't make sense you have to lose dreaming i know you have to train yourself by doing this thing yeah i always just i always just go from that doesn't make sense to my brain shifting the dream so that it isn't a sensical situation.
Starting point is 00:01:27 I think that's normal. Yeah. So anyway, I just had a dream for like an hour that the whole place was on fire. But also I was about to take a shower, so I was naked. And I was like, oh, I can't even find clothes because everything's on fire. So it was like. I just need to take a shower, but everything's filled with smoke. I was like, I can't even leave my apartment without
Starting point is 00:01:45 clothes so now what do i do it was just like one of those situations so my head's a little little discombobulated right now but that's it how are you i'm great i'm glad you're here uh i finally got my remicade that i've been waiting for yeah it's fresh in your system right now oh yeah i don't feel great but that's okay and also they the nurse who stuck me really struggled and at one point she went while she put the needle into my arm why i literally couldn't look because i just you know me and my needles and so i was just like focusing on like counting my breaths and then I looked over and there was just blood everywhere everywhere and uh she was like oh man I thought I had it so I used the big needle and I was like I would have told you not to do that uh she's like I had it and then And then it rolled. Oh, my God. Like, I was going to throw up.
Starting point is 00:02:46 And so now my arm. I feel like that's why you asked me how my day was going first. Because. No, it wasn't even. Because I was going to tell you how I found this Princess Diana Beattie baby that's probably fraudulent. And then when I just thought about it, I was like, I guess I had other things happen today, too. Like, I spurted blood all over somebody. I was about to ask, too. I was going was gonna say how do you feel bad right now didn't you just get remicades you should feel
Starting point is 00:03:10 like tip top well it also makes me all ouchy for like a day or two after like it makes how like like what part of you hurts my joints get really achy and also um because it's like a biologic it's like meant also for rheumatoid arthritis so i don't know what is what it does but it makes my joints hurt and then it also kind of if i'm late on it my crones is like wow you're fighting me and then you know boy well if we're complaining about things my back is fucking killing me today so i'm sorry maybe it's because you dreamt you were on fire no it's because i fell asleep on the couch and i'm at an age now where i can't do that i guess no no you
Starting point is 00:03:50 got to be more careful i like naps on the couch but i don't like full sleeps on the couch and i had a full sleep on the couch oh no so then for the last hour of me being able to sleep before we recorded i tried to go to like the bed just to see if my back would stretch out, and it didn't. It wasn't enough time. Anyway, everyone's back hurts. Everything's on fire. You're squirting blood everywhere.
Starting point is 00:04:14 Good day. It's, as I said, a spicy September. It's a zesty September. Stop trying to take zesty and change it to spicy. I like spicy better. You can have zest. Zest and spice go well together. Spice? No.
Starting point is 00:04:28 Zesty. I'm the spice of the show and you're the zest. No? Okay. It's your job to do the zest. I told you you would burn it to the ground and here we are. Okay, how about this? We've got stories to read.
Starting point is 00:04:43 Oh, man. You know, I was really doing something with my zesty September and then I had to go muck it up. I'm going to go first because you keep saying good words. Eva warned us that these stories are really zesty. Yeah, well, I had requested spooky scandals and I guess people delivered. So I'm very excited. Thank you everybody for actually, I say actually listening to me, but you listen to me literally every month because you always do what I say. So thank you for once again, listening to me and, uh, sending in some spooky scandals. Does that work for you? Um, is that better?
Starting point is 00:05:21 Yeah. That makes me feel safe. okay good stop everyone's gonna quit the show okay this is from taylor she her and the title is spooky scandal how i found out about my brother oh boy oh my god okay usually like a paternity test will do or like looking to your left. I feel like that's what you do every now and then. I'm like, Oh yeah. Okay. Let's hear. Hi, Christine M lemon for, and human babies. My name is Taylor. She, her, and I have a scandal for you. When I was in high school, my mom would have a psychic party every winter where she would invite her aunts and her friends drink wine. My mom would drink beer and get psychic readings from our favorite psychic. Wait, okay.
Starting point is 00:06:10 It sounds like a good time. Why am I 31? I've never done this before or been invited to one. I feel like it's about time you get invited to one. I think that'll happen. Just who's going to invite me to one. I'm just now my feelings are hurt. There's a psychic out there whose little senses are tingling. who knows you want to be invited. So I sure hope so.
Starting point is 00:06:28 So apparently the psychic's name is Jeannie. Jeannie, are you listening? Are you listening through the ether? We want to be invited. And then Taylor says, how cute. One year I was getting read by Jeannie and she told me that when I'm 30. Okay. So now to clarify, Taylor is currently 25, but was 14 while being read. So Jeannie says when you're 30, Taylor, you will meet your brother. Taylor says I was so confused and my mom's jaw dropped. She had to tell me in front of everyone that my dad had a baby when he was 17 and he and his girlfriend at the time gave him up for adoption. I was so excited knowing I had a brother, my sister, not so much. We ended up finding him years later, but he didn't
Starting point is 00:07:12 want to meet us yet. And my dad didn't want any part of it. I'm excited to know that in five years, I may meet my brother. I'm sorry. This is so long, but this was a perfect subject for me. I've been listening to, uh, since 2019 and I saw your Boston show in March and absolutely loved it. Can't wait for your next tour and hope I'm able to meet you soon. Keep it spooky. Taylor. That's so what a fun thing to look forward to. I know. I like that like reassurance. Cause that first time you try to meet and they're like, no, thank you. And of course that probably makes your heart hurt, but then you're like, Hey, there's still hope that, you know, the psychic was right again and the reunion will happen. And if like 31 hits and you don't hear from him, maybe your mom has another secret and you were born at a different time.
Starting point is 00:07:53 Yeah. Another brother or something, you know? Oh yeah. You're not 30. Yeah. You're 30 yet. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Just wait like one more week. Yeah. Well that's fun that is fun what a fun little surprise but also your mom probably had a heart attack i wonder if genie knew she was about to like throw a fucking a-bomb into the family there i wonder how many glasses of wine had been had when genie was like fuck it i'm just gonna say it i wonder if genie was like to announce this means that she doesn't know but yes she has a brother so like yeah yeah you think there would have been that thought process behind it but genie can read the future but not the room so um wow and that's good genie if you're listening that can be your tagline i forgive you
Starting point is 00:08:38 for all your stupid forcing z's into things thank you see i always make i don't even care when you get back because i know i'll bounce back okay so very quickly so this is frankie who's a she her pronouns thank you for normalizing pronouns and the subject line is a caribbean do you say caribbean or caribbean caribbean i say caribbean okay and then sometimes when i'm feeling spicy i say caribbean oh see now all of a sudden someone's using spicy okay uh a caribbean spooky scandal with a dash of true crime so frankie says hey y'all let's crack into this one i never had the chance to meet my maternal grandmother is everyone just meeting people oh my god am i gonna meet somebody too are we all related to somebody? Maybe the last story that we read Eva found is someone who's a psychic. Maybe Jeannie wrote in who said you're about
Starting point is 00:09:30 to meet someone real cool. I thought it was going to be our long lost cousin or something. No, it might be. We might find out we are long lost cousins that now that would be a twist. Okay. Let's crack into this one. I've never had the chance to meet my maternal grandmother alta gracia what a name well that's one word yeah alta gracia but my mom has always told me stories about her growing up alta gracia has a brother who was dare i say the pillar of the community they stayed in a small town in the dominican republic and he was very active in the community events uh and popular and loved by all and was known to be among the wealthiest in the community okay alta gracia's brother he eventually got married and was
Starting point is 00:10:18 seemingly living the perfect life until he was murdered oh no i thought he was going to be the villain of this story the villain was his wife and her lover oh no it was of course for the money but his wife and her lover didn't hide their involvement too well and were caught shortly after the murder so you got to plan these things oh yeah everyone was understandably devastated because again pillar of the community in alta gracia my grandmother was known for being able to commune with spirits and it didn't take too long for her brother to come in uh one of her dreams i like that when he died he was like well i know exactly who's on speed dial yeah he's like thank god i've got connections you know yeah i'm gonna run a genie but you can run to altagracia in her dream he confessed that he had a secret
Starting point is 00:11:11 child on the other side of the island that nobody in the family knew about he would send money to help support his daughter and now that he was dead he was worried about her he then told altagracia how to find her and asked if she would come to the mom and his daughter into the family if she would well oh she would welcome the mom and his daughter into the family oh my god what shut up that's so cool the next day alta gracia followed his instructions and found them she explained what happened to her brother and brought them back with her she asked that they do a dna test just to be sure and the child was in fact her brother's daughter okay so like this is if you're a skeptic this is how you know like yeah like a lot of dna tests yeah yeah ghosts are real officially this is thank you to
Starting point is 00:11:57 altagracia's dreams um they were of course welcomed into the family i even had the chance to meet the mystery daughter whenever my mom and i visited the DR together several years ago. She was too young at the time to remember anything, but it was still cool to have met her because it sort of felt like a link to my grandmother. this theme was requested, thank you, Christine, to have the opportunity to share one of my family's stories. I'm sad that I never had the chance to meet my grandmother, but I believe that her abilities have passed a little to my mom and to me, which connects us all to each other. For all my life, my mom and I have had a strange shared wavelength with each other. For example, last month, my mom was back in the DR visiting family and I was in Tennessee where I currently live. I had just received bad news and was crying my eyes out when my mom called me. She said she felt something was wrong with me throughout my entire life. My mom has always
Starting point is 00:12:56 called when I have needed her and I have called her when she needed me. We have had other spooky experiences together and the spookiest at the Waverly Hills sanatorium. But that's for another day. Thank you guys for your wonderful podcast and never fails to bring joy and laughter to my life. And it is always my go-to for road trips. In fact, your new Atlas, a Honda road Atlas, you can get it in stores has inspired a road trip. My husband and I will be taking on labor labor day weekend. Can't wait to see you all in
Starting point is 00:13:26 Nashville in November. Okay. Think about how meta this is. Oh, sorry. Much love to both of you and all the NSYJ family. Thank you so, so much, Frankie. Okay. Here's the thing. Think about how meta this is because this comes out right before Labor Day. So Frankie, was it her husband yeah her husband can listen to this on their road trip I mean how fun is that Frankie if you're listening I hope you're having a great time on this road trip be careful watch the road watch the road with your eyes but listen to us with your ears and also um I just love that story I just I hear so many stories of like people's maternal grandparents. I know. Why is it always maternal? I don't know, but it seems to happen that way. Like, I guess if, if you want to get into the patriarchy, I'm sure that the men are taught to not
Starting point is 00:14:16 like be vulnerable and access their emotions and their feelings. I guess I would say, but my family who has this kind of gift is on my dad's side. So I guess that would be my paternal, but it is my grandmother. So it's maybe it's just people, grandmother, people that are allowed to access their feelings on either side. It's just interesting how that's like almost genetic sometimes. Yes, I would argue that it is genetic for sure. Yeah. But I don't. But we know nothing so good luck anyway thank you frankie uh let's see what we've got here this is from anonymous and it's called september spooky scandals with some dark themes so these are your warnings folks because i don't
Starting point is 00:14:59 know what it says okay let's crack into it. It says, hi, lemons. Oh, God. Yeah, that is pretty dark. That's pretty zesty. Deep, deep cut. It's pretty dark. Finally, the word zesty actually had a meaning in all of this. I was going to say it fit for once. You asked for some hush-hush family stories in the August Listener Stories episode, so I thought I would tell my dark family secret.
Starting point is 00:15:30 Now, this is the shit I am here for. This is how i wish every conversation in my life started i know it is it's literally m's dream i'm ready to tell you my dark family secret yes finally it's about time my great-grandmother passed away a few years ago and at her funeral one of my great-grandmother's family members who who is not directly related to me in any way, so I have no idea what to call them, mentioned my great-grandmother's sister. I had no idea that she had a sister, as she had never mentioned her, even when she lived with us for about five years. I started asking questions about it and learned the unpleasant history of my family. The story from the police is that Mary, my great-grandmother's sister, had a headache in the middle of the night when she was 16. She went down to the kitchen for some aspirin, didn't turn on any lights, and instead accidentally consumed enough rat poison to kill her.
Starting point is 00:16:18 Holy shit. Oh. My. God. Wow. You're right. Dark, dark, dark, dark. It gets darker. Already suspicious, but police never investigated further. I say accidentally in quotes because the day before she was caught kissing a female classmate. Oh, Mary. Oh no. Knowing how racist and homophobic my great grandmother was my whole family is suspicious
Starting point is 00:16:45 that something else went on that night oh no i thought this story was important to share regardless of whether you read it on the podcast wow oh god oh my god darker than i expected oh my god that's so so bad okay okay is there more i'm so glad you're the one reading this and not me. Good thing I chose to go first. This one, that was the end of it. Oh, oh, great. Okay. Whoa.
Starting point is 00:17:15 Here, I can make one up. Thank you so much for making such an illuminating podcast. I'm Team Milkshake and I love Em so much. Jeez. That was just so, thank you for that was so wow so did they do see hmm so i guess it's just a you'd they'll never know it's a rumor it's a um it's a theory but they'll never i guess have proof oh that's so sad that's tough wow rat poison yeah i feel like there could be something there too i feel like you'd if the rat poison is sitting next to the aspirin that's either very on purpose or people know to
Starting point is 00:17:50 turn on the lights you know yeah yeah it seems like kind of a convenient story uh in the middle of the night she just happened to eat rat poison yeah i don't don't know. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Very sad. Do you ever deal with rats at your place? I've never asked. Just because it's such an older building, I didn't know. Knock on wood, no. We don't even have knock on wood bugs, really, except for when you're here and that one green thing came inside.
Starting point is 00:18:19 That was a nightmare. Truly. I've never... I've seen one spider since I've lived here, which I feel really lucky about because it's such an old house that's nice yeah we have a spider in our room that refuses to die but he also refuses to get near us so i guess he's fine yeah that's his house now just like deb the web i actually just found a picture of skylar um on my phone off the sun to you i did too what yesterday literally yesterday i was going through my phone for some reason and i saw this picture i was like what is that dusty window and then i was like oh
Starting point is 00:18:51 my god that's skylar and up the web what in the world was going weird why didn't we i like that neither of us sent it i was like i gotta send that to m and then i never did i literally thought all of a sudden that's a Christine, and then I got distracted. Weird. Anyway, apparently he's thinking of us. His little tendrils were playing games in the cosmos. I miss Skylar. Okay, well, you think of Skylar while I tell this story.
Starting point is 00:19:19 Okay. This is from Jennifer, who uses she, her pronouns. Thank you for normalizing pronouns. And the subject is spooky family scandal. Wow. What? Why didn't we just make this the original theme all those years ago? I'm telling you, I'm on to something three years into this show. Or wait, how many years?
Starting point is 00:19:35 Five? Like almost six. I thought it was three. Whatever. We still feel young. We have fun. We have fun. You keep me young, folks.
Starting point is 00:19:44 Do you remember that time that uh some article called us an oldie but a goodie and i nearly fell over oh we almost expired we were like are you kidding me i think that gave me a real like tumultuous yeah it really hit me like oh yeah i was like oh shit so like we not relevant. Like a sock in the gut. It hurt. Yeah, it hurt. Not fresh. Not fresh and young anymore. I was like, I still think we're fun.
Starting point is 00:20:10 But then I guess that's what my mom says about us. I guess that's what old people say. I still feel like I'm new and fun. And like, the eyes are on me. Well, what do young people say? We can say that. Young people say. They say oldie but a goodie.
Starting point is 00:20:25 They say they say bussing. OK, we are old because that did not sound natural. I'm trying so hard. You mean buzzes in? No. OK, here's the spooky family scandal from Jennifer, who also mentioned that she's from New York City. So I guess we've got some New York pride in the house. All right.
Starting point is 00:20:45 Greetings. And that's why New York City. So I guess we've got some New York pride in the house. All right. Greetings, and that's why we drink family. I am a high school art teacher and started listening to you a few years ago when a student suggested your podcast. Ah, I love when teachers take student suggestions. That's amazing. Also, oldie but a goodie, but students listen to us? Also, honestly, I'm more impressed when teachers listen to us because if I had known in high school that one of my teachers would one day listen, you know what I mean like the dynamic is so weird like
Starting point is 00:21:08 I was always so intimidated by my teachers and I'm like and now people's teachers listen to this show that's so weird I also wonder like I feel like if I were a teacher I would not take a recommendation a student gave me unless I really depends on the student yeah maybe they're a really great artist or something you know how many times I was in a classroom when like a student would be like, hey, Mr. Wamsley, you got to go YouTube this show. It's called Two Girls, One Cup. And it's like, you know. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:21:34 Yeah. I feel like if a student ever recommended anything, I'd be like, this is a sick joke. Danger. Danger zone. It has to be a sick joke. They're mocking me. Maybe Jennifer is just like a cool teacher, you know. Danger. Danger zone. It has to be a sick joke. They're mocking me. Maybe Jennifer's just like a cool teacher, you know? Maybe.
Starting point is 00:21:48 Maybe it was like the teacher's pet who she like really trusted. That's true. I don't know. I don't know. I'm so glad you have a great dynamic. I would be scared. I love that. I would be scared, but I'm glad Jen doesn't have the fear.
Starting point is 00:21:57 Okay. Here we go with what you're... Thank you also to the student who suggested this. It's very sweet. Keeps me young. Keeps me young. sweet keeps me young keeps me young keeps me young uh jen says i've been listening ever since and i have a family story i'd like to share my family's side of the story is from a german colony my family's side of the
Starting point is 00:22:17 story sorry my father's side of the family thank you oh my father's side of the family is from a german colony in what is now slovenia slovenia my grandmother or oma was born in 1919 and her father was killed that same year and his name was it looks like lois with an a in front of it alois i know that alois but that's not the same so I don't know I'm going to say Aloys and just hope that I'm right his name was Aloys and he used to organize
Starting point is 00:22:53 hunting trips in nearby Austria for wealthy hunters on his last trip he was shot in the leg the rest of the party could hear his cries for help but were unable to find him in the thick forest oh god soon night fell and they had to call off the search oh no this is a horror show that's a true horror if all my friends well if all my friends were wealthy poachers i guess but
Starting point is 00:23:20 if all my friends went hunting with me and shot me in the leg and then well i can't imagine hearing the screams of someone you know and just just walking away i know but like what else can you do if it's nighttime in 1919 you know i know i know but it's still like i can't imagine that's scary uh okay soon night fell and they had to call off the search. They resumed the search the next morning and found his body. And he had tried to tourniquet himself but bled out. Oh no. They found a bouquet of lilies of the valley that he picked to bring home to his family next to him. What was not found on him, however, was his watch.
Starting point is 00:24:03 Huh? was not found on him however was his watch huh there was another hunter from the same village who apparently was known for being jealous of my great-grandfather oh oh yeah because who shot him in the leg we still don't know oh wait great point he was found with my great-grandfather's watch but could not explain why he had it later well he should have come up with at least an excuse he had plenty of time. My great-grandmother was convinced that this man killed my great-grandfather
Starting point is 00:24:29 and made it look like an accident, but the punishment for a false accusation was very high and she could not prove it was him. Sometime later, my great-grandfather's suspect killer
Starting point is 00:24:39 was up on a ladder inspecting his roof or something like that when he suddenly started screaming, I'm sorry, Alois. It wasn't me. I'm sorry, and fell off the ladder and broke his roof or something like that when he suddenly started screaming i'm sorry alois i'm it wasn't me i'm sorry and fell off the ladder and broke his neck what i'm sorry everyone in the village believed the ghost my great-grandfather came back and got his revenge on his killer literally just had to wait for him to climb a ladder i i like how a ghost is waiting for any
Starting point is 00:25:03 random moment he's like okay nice he's climbing they're like walking down the street it's like is there a piano nearby i can just cut the rope drop it anything like is there a wily coyote somewhere with an acme bomb maybe a cliff uh you know that's so now i just have another fear of ladders because now i'm just like honestly all the ghosts are watching me and if anyone's pissed this is their time well i guess just don't kill anyone and steal their watch you know then you should be okay i wonder if that means this killer saw him in person or just kind of knew it was him that's a great point i feel like it must have he must have seen him if he was like it wasn't me i swear i don't know i don't know i don't know that's a great question that's a that's
Starting point is 00:25:44 a wild tale good story jennifer this story comes from rubs they he she love it uh and the subject is family scandal or government conspiracy theory now i am excited for this one okay named rubs by the way rubs r-u-b-b-s fucking cool name i know i know it says hi y'all i've been listening almost constantly for a couple months since i work an almost 50 hour a week job and i just listened to the first 2021 listener stories episode so i'm almost caught up well i guess you only have 12 more of those, right? Oh, wait. Yeah. I mean, if we're going with just listener stories. That's not math, though, because the first of 2021
Starting point is 00:26:31 and now we're way past halfway through 2022. So I don't know the math. 18 more. You'll get there. Somewhere. Something like that. After that, though, I was compelled to listen to the most recent episode, which was the August listener stories where I heard your theme of spooky family scandals. While this isn't necessarily a family scandal, it is a government conspiracy involving my great grandpa. Hence my nickname and not my real name. You know, just in case. I love that. I also covered all the pronoun basics or pronoun.
Starting point is 00:27:02 I love a triple pronoun. Maybe an infinite pronoun because like you never know who it could be you know keep it in mysterious so okay so then they say so let's knuckle and buckle and crack into it the person who told me about this was my grandpa his son my grandpa was born and raised in hawaii which is important for the story this takes place before hawaii was a state and at the great-grandpa was going to be the governor of Hawaii once it was named a state. I feel like that may have ruined their anonymity. I was like, I feel like that's a limited number of people. I have every pronoun on earth, but my grandfather was almost the governor of Hawaii.
Starting point is 00:27:45 In this very specific timeframe. Oh, Lordy. Okay. This meant that he was present at a lot of events with political figures, and he maybe even knew the president at the time. I was told he was a popular choice since he was planning to implement ways to make oil less expensive to the locals. This, however, made him very unpopular to high up officials with a lot of money who had a hand in the oil industry. At one event, he apparently had a heart attack and dropped dead without warning. Now, this wouldn't be too inconspicuous for his family since there is a history of heart issues. But the weird part is the FBI agents promptly took his body and cremated it before even contacting the family yeah that's not good that's not not not good according to my
Starting point is 00:28:35 grandpa this is very strange and insulting since in hawaii it's common to view and mourn the person before cremation or burial i mean yeah absolutely yeah, absolutely. So too long didn't read my great grandpa was probably assassinated by the US government to protect overpriced oil. Thank you for giving me this place to share my grandpa's story. He passed away this past January of old age and I've been trying to tell more of them since he experienced so much in his life. This includes seeing the Japanese planes fly over his house on the way to Bonne Pearl Harbor, a Japanese sub that was beached and quickly blocked off by the government shortly beforehand, as well as working for the Manhattan Project.
Starting point is 00:29:12 Love y'all lots. And I will be writing in some of my many paranormal stories at a later date to really embrace the spookiness. Cheers. Whoa. What a potential true crime. Whoa. What a conspiracy theory indeed um i thank you for
Starting point is 00:29:29 that rubs and also i think we've got another conspiracy theory situation for our final story oh really oh yeah i think you're gonna like this one okay uh also anonymous could be rubs we don't know honestly how mysterious that we've had i love that we request scandals we've had three now anonymous folks right in or at least two anonymous one like semi-anonymous i i've been yeah well uh okay so this one is super anonymous because the name is remaining nameless whoa what who uses he him pronouns okay that narrows it down that's like at least a third or half of the group something like that uh and the name is an alien cover-up for scandalous september now this is what i'm talking about how did we not think to name september scandalous we kept doing
Starting point is 00:30:19 this zesty bit i said scandal we literally called it did we yes okay just don't even worry about that's where my brain was not in the room okay this is can you hear that by the way i don't think so okay good i don't know what's happening but it sounds like the old neighbors came back uh-oh i have a candle burning so i hear like the kind of crackling sound but i don't hear anything from you i think that's it might just be careful with fire. Maybe my dream was a premonition. Oh God. Keep your clothes on.
Starting point is 00:30:50 Look around. Uh oh. You don't know what's coming. Where are my pants? Okay. Here we go. Remaining nameless. Calls this an alien coverup for Scandal of September.
Starting point is 00:31:02 Hey crew. Probably mostly Eva. Yes. But a special sup to G September. Hey, crew. Probably mostly Eva, yes, but a special sup to Gio. Oh my gosh! I guarantee you he heard that somewhere in the house. A little chill went down his spine.
Starting point is 00:31:14 His little ear went up, you know. Okay. In your August listeners episode when y'all announced you were asking for scandals and hush-hush stories. I like that. I paused listening because I knew I had to submit this story about a potential alien cover-up. Okay.
Starting point is 00:31:30 I love when people pause our episodes to immediately fulfill their request. To contact us. Yes. Oh, to do what we say. Yes. They're like, if I don't do it now, I never will. So time to do my homework. Like eight years ago, I had gotten hired at a new job working for a major
Starting point is 00:31:47 airline based in the U.S. I was in the middle of the two-week training for this job when one day our instructor came into the training about 20 minutes late and he looked really shaken up. He and his girlfriend both worked for this airline, him as an instructor for new employees, and his girlfriend as a flight attendant so before the training started he was talking about how his girlfriend's flight from that morning had been abruptly canceled and we aren't talking about foul weather or mechanical malfunctions that morning all the while getting ready to board the flight all the flight attendants and pilots were taken off the plane and being told that the government needed to commandeer the plane for an emergency what if i hadn't seen pictures i would have thought it was fake and the government
Starting point is 00:32:31 has plenty of their own planes why would they need to take one from a commercial airline like southwest airlines or whatever right you know you know even the government though was like call anyone but spirit like they're like if it's not one of the big three we don't gonna be so sad if that is what ruins the anonymity because remaining nameless writes in like hey i work for spirit and they did want our airplane it's the ceo of spirit being like wait a minute hold on uh if i hadn't seen the pictures, I would have thought it was fake. The government has plenty of their own planes. But then our instructor passed around his phone showing some pictures his girlfriend had secretly taken from her pocket.
Starting point is 00:33:13 That's the stuff. Now the government knows that a flight attendant on that plane took pictures on her phone. Well, it doesn't say flight attendant. It just says they were employees, right? Or did it say they were flight attendants? Maybe. I don't remember anymore. Okay.
Starting point is 00:33:24 These pictures showed a weird mechanical pod a clear bubble thing what being being loaded onto the commercial airplane a weird clear bubble mechanical pod that sounds exactly like what xenon sits in i'm not kidding that's a weird mechanical clear bubble pod she fucking crashed who's got spilled her frappuccino and crashed into an airstrip they found a spilled mocha frap in there we're done we're done for extra whip oh my god surrounding the bubble were a few people in lab coats and then some folks in military uniforms that just gave me goose cam i gotta say the inside of the bubble someone something with some wires and tubes leading in and out of them that you could barely even see so there was something in it there was something in it with many wires and tubes leading in and
Starting point is 00:34:18 out of this clear mechanical bubble pod oh geez that's in the middle and the where if this episode is around for like i know a day and then all of a sudden it gets taken down or you never hear from us again i just want everyone to know that we got found out for um telling on the government honestly spirit airlines yeah if on september 2nd all of a sudden like our instagrams go dark or something just like check on us okay if this becomes the biggest um like conspiracy in the world if we just go fucking missing i need you to know it was because of this episode okay honestly i need to get the ad revenue from the boost in listens so you know just keep listening i'll come back oh yeah if allison all of a sudden wants the royalties uh sent into her bank account for this episode um we'll know what happened okay in the middle of passing around this phone to show
Starting point is 00:35:11 everyone our instructor got a text from his girlfriend saying that he needed to delete the pictures so someone was already checking their phones is that what that is i guess or or yeah i guess or maybe yeah she was like they know we have photos delete them yeah oh god can you imagine getting an anonymous text from someone as you're showing secret government pictures I just love the uh the immediate compulsion to show everybody the proof which is exactly what I am missing in most of these stories because usually it's like you know nobody saw the photo before it got deleted and I'm like thank god this person was like guys buckle up look what i have before it got erased but for her to be showing it's almost like someone was already looking on the back end of her
Starting point is 00:35:55 phone and saw that she had them opened up well didn't the girlfriend say we have to delete it no in the middle of passing around his phone one of our instructors got oh got a text from his girlfriend saying that he needed to delete the pictures because his girlfriend had been pulled aside and told she wasn't allowed to talk to anyone about the flight being commanded okay so the girlfriend got pulled aside and she got freaked out by that talk and told him and said like they know we have photos right yeah yeah so with no proof i say that it's either an alien cover-up or like a failed captain america super soldier secret or something like that uh sorry if it's too short on details i shared all i know minus names oh my god that i like
Starting point is 00:36:36 how they're like i'm so sorry my scandal like isn't juicy enough sorry that like i only talked about all the wires coming out of the mysterious being in a glass pod on the military uniforms as my spirit airways instructor was like fucking oh my god bragging showing off that's fucking crazy i also want to point out i we were joking about spirit and i was joking about southwest we have no idea what airline this is okay so don't sue us if you work for one of them don't sue us but also everything we just said is alleged so please don't kill us either also that also that uh wow what a tale if you are someone who knows someone who works for the government please keep this episode away from them in case they feel the need that they need to report it to a higher up i guess if you're a government if you don't tell we don't tell you know what i mean
Starting point is 00:37:24 i just have a lot of plans this winter and i don't necessarily have time to be missing right now yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah um so or be very just be very polite we we do thrive um we do respond well to conflict so if you just say take the episode down we will take it down oh we respond very um we don't respond well to conflict but we do respond um subserviently to conflict so we respond well as in we respond we do what you say yeah exactly okay well if you are one of the very few who gets to hear this episode congratulations you made it um thank you for this very super duper alleged story from remaining nameless as well as every other super duper anonymous story from all the other anonymous people who sent in stories this month. Yeah, I think this is the first time we've had half our submissions from anonymous users.
Starting point is 00:38:14 Maybe next time we get crazier and everyone decides to be anonymous. Send your anonymous stories. Send your darkest, most dramatic. It doesn't even need to be paranormal at this point. I just went into the family secrets. Oh, my God god i just want to do tea time all over again i have thought about just having a podcast where i just do tea time tuesday i mean it's not a bad idea i don't think it's a bad idea everyone write in on if you would actually listen to that because if so couldn't hurt honestly m you should do that really absolutely i have thought about it i just i don't know what
Starting point is 00:38:47 people would if people would go for it but until further notice i'll take a supernatural scandal any day so okay we'll take it thank you everybody uh for you know throwing this together and sending in all your stories and being feeling safe enough to tell them to us um under anonymous names and also publicly since it's a podcast but we appreciate you thank you do you have a request for next month wow uh i just feel like people knocked it out of the park on this one i don't even know what to to request you said something recently oh yeah i said a lot of things was it truckers oh yeah, yeah. Trucker stories. You said something because we just, I don't know if that episode comes out yet or not, but I do a story where I discuss truckers.
Starting point is 00:39:32 And I said, I wonder if any of our listeners, because I know so many truckers have some really wild tales from, you know, both paranormal and true crime. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, Eva says, I almost included a trucker story we do get them so okay let's do that hey all right all right all right well it sounds like one slot's already been filled for next month thank god one's already picked okay well if you happen to be a trucker or just on the road let's just make it a general drive road yeah if you catch something on the road or in the sky that's super spooky um if you happen to be
Starting point is 00:40:05 the owner of that mechanical bubble pod and you'd like to write in on your crash landing you're like it was a java chip not a mocha chip it was a high speed chase and they caught me real quick um yeah if you i guess we'll we'll see how that goes next month but we'll see it oh it's gonna be october it's to be official spooky season. Oh, hang on. That is spooky. Should we do a spooky one first? Do we do truckers in October?
Starting point is 00:40:30 I don't know. Maybe we have truckers start riding in and we just do like a general Halloween spooky. I don't know. I feel what should be the Halloween one. That's tough, huh? Maybe we do like, hmm. Maybe we just let people go a little crazy on their own or maybe we say like something that's happened on a halloween night something that's happened
Starting point is 00:40:52 hmm are we getting too specific i don't know i don't know if we're too specific or too too vague i have no idea let's just do halloween a general halloween and then if we don't get enough of those then we'll lean into the truckers. We'll be like Halloween for the first three and then also I drive a truck. If we get a lot of Halloween ones, though, we'll just make trucker November season. The next month. Okay, cool.
Starting point is 00:41:17 I'm sorry. You can also just send in your own fucking stories. You can just send in whatever you'd like. We're just being obnoxious and we will read them whether or not they say trucker or not. We're just being obnoxious and we will read them whether or not they say trucker or not we're just yeah yeah we're just being obnoxious don't feel like we're leaving you out if you don't drive a truck uh anybody can send in a story if you have a bicycle and that's it you know we're still we still know that's actually not allowed i'm not oh no no thank you a tricycle oh okay maybe tricycle that's fine if we didicycle stories, that would be a real slim pick.
Starting point is 00:41:47 It would just be the kid from The Shining and that's it. Okay. Well, if you happen to be Dani, write in. Happy September. Happy September. And that's why we drink.

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