And That's Why We Drink - Listener Stories: Vol. 76

Episode Date: February 1, 2023

Happy FebRuary, folks! We hope everything is still going well this year and you're enjoying February so far, however you celebrate. A mystery is afoot AF in this batch of listener stories. We hear fro...m folks who have stories for another day, cover their own creepy current family true crime and contemplate giving their number to a ghost in Gettysburg. And not to be outdone, we hear from someone whose boyfriend left them for a ghost. All while thoroughly creeping out Em and Christine for all the synchronicities related to episode 313 that we just recorded and comes out this coming week. Are we trauma bonded from a whole different lifetime? ...and that's why we drink!Join us on the road for our brand new On the Rocks tour!!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 happy february happy feb how do you say it i say the wrong way how do you say i don't i i'm sure i say it what's the wrong way i say february I say it. What's the wrong way? I say February. Yeah, I think that's technically the wrong way because of the silent R. So how do people say it? Are you supposed to say February? What? I don't know. Maybe that's the wrong way. No, it must be correct, but it sounds so weird.
Starting point is 00:00:41 At one point, it was probably pronounced February. And then people just were like, I'm not doing that. I mean, I say September, so whatever I say is probably incorrect let's be honest i think that's the only you can really fuck up unless you're like calling january january you know and i am a yun yulai you know who knows yeah well it's close to the german how many um months are also names june may april august i think anything can be a name if you really try i know but those four would not surprise me i think anything else would be like oh that's new hi i'm february hi i'm january oh you can call me january jones january isn't her name january oh yeah january there's an october there's someone named october yeah there's some october what
Starting point is 00:01:36 about blue october into the ocean i think in um hey arnold there he dated a girl named September or something. And I remember being like, that's crazy. That's crazy. That's on my favorite names list for my future baby. September. Anyway, happy February. February, however you say it and however you practice. I hope you have a great, great month.
Starting point is 00:02:04 We're now into the second month of this year hard to believe so far things are okay um or do you have any any opinions on how this year is going so far 2023 i gotta say we as we record this are only 19 days into the year so i feel like um i'm hoping everything's still good in February. I feel like it's, I feel like, you know, we're kind of slowly picking up steam here. And then February is really when our touring starts and all that good stuff. So I like to think we're getting a much needed rest and then we're going to, you know, all cylinders. All right. Okay. Well, that sounds fine by me. For those of you who have never been here before, welcome to our listeners episode where we put out a listeners episode on the first of every month where we read stories submitted by you of your personal true crime and paranormal experiences.
Starting point is 00:02:57 Usually we do a couple back and forths and lovely Eva is the one who finds these stories for us. So snaps for Eva. lovely Eva is the one who finds these stories for us. So snaps for Eva. And do we have a topic this year that we're at this month that we ran with? Cause I think we ended up kind of combining a few things. Yeah. You did hear Eva just tell us,
Starting point is 00:03:16 right. Or are you, or did you not hear her tell us? I heard the second half. I heard it cracks me up because Eva, before we record these, we'll be like okay so this is the theme and this is that and then m's like nodding and then in the episodes like do we have a theme well because i heard i heard eva say that some of it was hard to find
Starting point is 00:03:37 through an email so we ended up switching it up last minute i know so so initially we had said hey send in emails if you've ever written but but that's a story for another time. At the end of an email, then can you send in those stories? The ones that are like, you know how a lot of times at the end of an email it'll say, maybe someday I'll write in about the witch that haunted my dad's tea kettle. But that's a story for another time. Yeah. And we ended up not having a lot of them or. I think there weren't. She picked a few of those. And then there were also some Valentine's themes. Yes.
Starting point is 00:04:18 Okay. Perfect. Can I go first? I don't know why. Just like for some reason, the spirit moves me today. Oh, well. All right, then.
Starting point is 00:04:28 I'm not going to deny your spirit or the spirit. So this is from Philip. He, him, his. Thank you, Philip. It says, hey, M, Christine. Oh, well, the title is, the subject is, but that's a story for another time. Hey, M, Christine, Eva, and all the rest. My name is Philip, and I use he, him pronouns. But that's a story for another time. Hey, I'm Christine Eva and all the rest.
Starting point is 00:04:46 My name is Philip and I use he, him pronouns. I wanted to write in with a story in case the theme for next month's Listener Tales does end up being something like, but that's a story for another time. I wrote in about a year ago with a story about my classmate seeing a hand reach across my body over Zoom. Do you remember that? Yeah. It was like they were in acting class or something and they were doing like an acting thing over zoom during the pandemic they felt something kind of no like somebody else saw a hand coming across their screen isn't that horrible i remember that i don't remember much but i remember that about my classmates seeing a hand reach across my body
Starting point is 00:05:22 over zoom while my wife and i were finishing up grad school at Ohio University. Sorry. There's an episode that comes out that we just recorded but comes out February 5th. Right? Yeah. I mentioned it's about dorms. And now it makes sense that, of course would mention uh we just mentioned ohio university in the episode and so this is now about oh i love that what a weird little synchronicity what a
Starting point is 00:05:50 validating thing because i just talked about how it was haunted and yes you're getting some confirmation yes that is so weird okay anyway uh let's see while that's the only zoom related ghost experience i have it's certainly not my only ghost story because I grew up in an extremely haunted house next door to an even more haunted church. Everyone in my family has their own stories of ghostly encounters there, and I wanted to share what I'd consider to be my best for And That's Why We Drink. Thank you, Phillip. I love the theatrics of it. My dad served as a pastor at a Lutheran church in the middle of nowhere, Nebraska, when I was growing up. Being a PK, do you know what that is?
Starting point is 00:06:30 A preacher's kid? Yeah. Pastor's kid? It says preacher's kid. Yeah, I don't know that word, but fun. Being a PK meant going to church every Sunday, even when you didn't want to, and sitting through potlucks afterward, even when you'd rather be home playing video games. One Sunday, I finished my potluck lunch as quickly as I could and asked my mom if I could walk home. By walk home, I mean walk the maybe 20 yards from the church to the parsonage where we lived, and we lived in a safe town of
Starting point is 00:06:59 about a thousand people. So my mom said, sure, take off off i ran out the doors of the fellowship hall and into a completely normal sunny and not at all creepy sunday afternoon when i got to our front porch i ran up the steps the four steps opened the screen door and started to open the front door then it felt like i got pushed back by someone the devil he's this is his parsonage now i hope this makes sense but when i was opening my front door i had my head down and eyes focused on connecting hand to doorknob so i didn't know immediately what had pushed me back out onto the porch when i looked up i saw my older sister standing there in a white towel except that couldn't be true because i had just left her at the church oh god forget it the doppelganger's taking a shower it also couldn't be true because this figure standing in front of me
Starting point is 00:07:51 didn't have any facial features shut up i hate this like it was just like looks like a barbie doll that hasn't gotten painted yet? In a towel? My nightmare. My nightmare. Don't take off that towel. I don't want to know what's under there. Just a white form of what looked like an adult woman. Oh my God. It says, oh, I forgot to read.
Starting point is 00:08:17 It didn't have any facial features or any other features for that matter. Just a white form of what looked like an adult woman. When our eyes met, or i guess my eyes met with where her eyes should have been oh god i got this overwhelming feeling that she was not cool with me being there it was at that moment that i learned that i'm not a fight or flight kind of guy more of a calmly and quietly walk away and try to convince yourself that if you don't acknowledge it it isn't real aka the most mid Midwestern way to handle seeing a ghost. You know, I never thought about it, but that is how I react to things.
Starting point is 00:08:51 I just immediately get very quiet and very even keeled. Yeah. Everything's fine. Almost to a dissociative level. Well, I would argue far past a dissociative level. I'm an expert. I stepped back, let the screen door close, and walked back to the church. When my mom asked me why I came back, I told her I was still hungry and waited until the entire family was ready to go home together.
Starting point is 00:09:18 Matt, talk about dissociating. Truly. Natural. You're a natural. Not even trying to, like, get out immediately. Just kind of waiting for everyone else to pack their stuff up. I'm just going to eat another macaroni salad and see what happens. I'm already fine being here forever again.
Starting point is 00:09:33 We can stay. It's cool. We'll bring some jello home. Make it go down a little easier. It wasn't until years later when I was home visiting from college that I told my family about this featureless woman in white. I expected everyone to tell me I had imagined it or was mistaking a dream for a memory. But the whole family erupted in their own ghost stories. And we quickly discovered that we all had ghostly experiences in that house and that church, but didn't tell anyone for fear of sounding crazy. Because, again, Midwesternersers and i would also argue you know you're living in a church it's something people don't love to talk about you know what's wild though is i wonder if all of them were um like that day when he was being super patient and
Starting point is 00:10:16 waiting for everyone to pack their stuff up do you think all of them were being equally patient and just like all trying to like yeah they're like not one more bite of jello are you sure you sure you want to go home um let's see my mom and dad have a particularly creepy ass story involving the sunday school room but that's a story for another time that's so cute how you did that philip that's very sweet i hope this email finds you both well my wife and i love your show and have loved hearing your stories and seeing you grow your careers and it truly does feel like you're our friends i hope we can see you live sometime especially if m's mom is there philip philip you and your wife are my favorite i love love you. I want to be friends with you. I think Philip just pandered to everyone, including my mom. My gosh, Philip knows what he's doing. Well, thank you, Philip. And I hope that all of you maybe had a conversation with each other about maybe we
Starting point is 00:11:15 communicate more loudly that if we want to leave the room, we just all leave. Maybe we go to therapy and learn how to, I tried to learn how to not disassociate, but I find disassociating very comforting. Soassociating very comforting so i keep doing it but you know if you want it's a hard habit to break all right the next one is from shelby who's a she her hers pronouns thank you for normalizing pronouns shelby and the subject is ongoing oh shit oh no creepy creepy true crime slash grandparents story stop mystery is a foot a mystery is a foot stop this new line af exclamation point exclamation point stop okay hi pals thanks that was pretty succinct compared to other people who write the the laundry list of people i really like whenever there's one that's succinct and immediately just makes it super duper long. I was like, hey, pals, I like how this one's succinct
Starting point is 00:12:10 and not long like all the other ones. I'm going to make them long no matter what. So hi, pals. First time writer, huge fan, and current law student here. My first semester grades are released in two hours and I simply cannot focus. So I'm catching you up on my ongoing family true crime story instead. What a way to distract yourself.
Starting point is 00:12:27 Congrats on the A's. All A's. I know. I know it. I feel it in my bones. You did it. About a year ago, this woman who was my grandpa's gardener and unfortunately struggling with mental health and addiction issues, stole his credit cards and set his house on fire
Starting point is 00:12:41 while grandpa was asleep in the house. What? Strong start. set his house on fire while grandpa was asleep in the house what strong start and then went on a month-long arson spree across the city oh my god what uh and luckily he woke up when uh luckily he woke up when a window exploded from the heat and everyone was fine but still waking up to an exploding window full of fire holy shit eventually she allegedly killed a different old man who was asleep in his house when she set it on fire see article here wow um it literally says it's from q13 fox in case anyone wants to look it up and it's tacoma serial arsons
Starting point is 00:13:25 woman charged with murder 17 counts of arson jesus christ holy shit okay but wait there's more oh thank god shelby when she set the house on fire grandpa had a ring camera and they could see someone else was with her but they never identified the accomplice. Ever since her arrest, weird things have been happening. For context, his house and driveway are very off the beaten path, and you kind of have to know it's there to find it. Grandpa's girlfriend's bike was stolen four months ago from their yard, and after that, someone got into the detached garage and slid the extra garage door latches closed
Starting point is 00:14:05 uh and then after that their garage fridge and freezer were unplugged randomly this feels so creepy it's one of those times you almost hope it's a poltergeist because if it's someone coming to do just such subtle changes intentionally to fuck with you like little creepy things and hoping you'll notice like no okay well it's escalating okay how last night they woke up at 3 a.m and saw the furnished basement was a half foot deep with water what they couldn't figure out where it was coming from until they found a garden hose from their backyard turned on full What? What the F? So it definitely feels like the gardener was leaving a signature or something, right? I mean, I guess.
Starting point is 00:15:01 They are calling the detective on the arson case immediately because our intuition is screaming that it could be the accomplice seeking yeah because isn't the woman arrested yeah oh yeah so it's but that feels like a nod of like you know who who i am i'm involved in the gardener's plans plot what the f okay oh so but they don't know right no and then it ends with thanks love you bye so the accomplice what did it say seeking revenge they think it could be the accomplice seeking revenge that maybe garden lady is in jail but why would they what are they seeking revenge for oh that like like to carry on to the their hijinks i don't know jeez but why are they so obsessed with this house like that's so creepy isn't it that's what i'm
Starting point is 00:15:55 saying i feel like for it to be so intentional it feels like crazy making i don't think it's a coincidence definitely but i can't really put my finger on what i mean they did say that the person had mental health issues maybe both of them do and there's right that's true they have some sort of definitely but i can't really put my finger on what i mean they did say that the person had mental health issues maybe both of them do and there's right that's true they have some sort of grievance with this house yeah maybe that's a good maybe they used to live there or something i don't know and we don't know who the accomplice is right only they have footage from the ring camera but that's it man that is creepy now that's a humdinger what you should do is post that on tiktok that ring video someone will figure them out in five seconds yeah try and figure out who
Starting point is 00:16:31 the accomplice is we'll share it right can we do that yeah we'll share it oh my gosh we don't have a tiktok account but we'll make one we'll make one go follow our tiktok actually maybe we should have we should make a tiktok where we just post warnings for people or or we well megan our social media um creator manager person she uh she makes reels we could just put those on tiktok that's true uh okay so follow our tiktok atwwb podcast it probably doesn't have a blue check yet, but it probably does exist. So, you know, between my luck and Christine's luck, it will have a blue check every other day. So yeah, that's true. Some days it'll just vanish for no reason. That's when my day happens. Also, Megan's probably somewhere like, you signed me up to do what? I didn't sign up for a TikTok
Starting point is 00:17:24 account, but you know what? Let's do it. All right. Well, anyway, thank you, Shelby. Wow, Shelby, that's spooky. And honestly, like Em said, like little crazy making things. I mean, the hose is a bigger thing because that's like clearly. That feels like it's I mean, escalating is the perfect word.
Starting point is 00:17:43 But like little little crazy making things is like, did I do that? Did I do that? But this new hose thing is definitely like, you didn't mistake this. Intentional. Yeah. And also how creepy to know that someone like was prying your window open. Yeah. I can't.
Starting point is 00:17:59 I mean, there's nothing more violating than something happening to or in your home. Yeah. Especially since he already survived a fucking arson attack. Yeah. there's nothing more violating than something happening to or in your home. Yeah. Especially since he already survived a fucking arson attack. Yeah. It just feels like they like, it feels like a hit on him or something. Yeah. I don't like this.
Starting point is 00:18:14 I'm so sorry, Shelby. Yeah. Good luck. I'm glad your grandpa has a ring camera, ring doorbell. Yeah. Maybe he needs like 10 more.
Starting point is 00:18:24 He's like a whole surveillance station. On every corner of the house. And then post those on TikTok and then we'll find them. We'll find the culprit. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay. So, Em, I have a story for you. This is from Sam who uses they slash he pronouns.
Starting point is 00:18:40 Thank you, Sam. I love a double pronoun. This is called I heard a banshee in the Redacted Glenn. Okay. Redacted. Okay. Hello, Eva. First, last, and foremost, Em and Christine, fur babies, flesh babies, petrified fruit,
Starting point is 00:18:59 and spiders new and old. That's beautiful. That was beautiful. Beautiful, Sam. I would be remiss not to first of all say I am still making my way through the latest episode, but I keep having to pause to reroute my linear brain away from I know M means beast from X-Men,
Starting point is 00:19:15 not Banshee. Yeah. That's right. Well, we can't go back and change it now. I don't even know what any of this means, but. Remember I covered Banshees and I kept talking about one of the x-men who's big and blue yeah that's beast not banshee oh you called them banshee i kept saying they were banshee and i was i think as a sir with a b i was combining them in my head but i definitely meant beast the whole time wow i bet
Starting point is 00:19:41 so many people are mad no well you haven't even heard about it yet so it can't be that many oh i think most of us just two down go hmm cool superheroes i i don't know how many people are uh x-men involved but no that it's definitely beast and my brain was just putting a b word with so they're not even beast is not even a banshee no i mean there is an x-men banshee it's but beast is not banshee okay i'll got it okay so it says no shade i just keep being ejected bodily from the lore okay anyway on with the proverbial show i spent some time abroad working as a tour scribe managing social media for a funky little irish american tourism company it took this sounds like the plot of a romance novel or something it took me to some of the
Starting point is 00:20:32 most breathtaking places i've ever seen filled with both heartbreak and wonder look up for example the glenniff horseshoe okay while there i had the opportunity to visit the town of Sligo's very own Fairy Glen. And yes, they called it that. I'd been tasked by the tour company owner with taking beautiful pictures of rustic scenery, which meant hiking. Happily, sorry Em, through trails ensconced by twirling vines, trailing brambles, knee-deep in mud with on-again, off-again showers. By the way, this needs to be a Pulitzer. I told you it's one of those beach reads where you're like, I don't know, they go abroad to find themselves. Just saying, someone is an author and it is showing that's all the glen itself is lovely and eerie to stand in the heart of a past that looks
Starting point is 00:21:32 not unlike an enormous axe cleaved through voluminous stone covered in ivy and see the sun turn everything gold and emerald is beyond words there was a little wooden swing a fire pit and rags tied to trees for wishes and prayers. The rain picked up for a bit and Geraldine took out a vape. I'm taking bodily out of the lore, Sam. You're taking me bodily out of it. Geraldine took out a vape, very modern, to puff away a few times while we waited for it to let up. We'd heard a few sheep and some more rustling in the bushes but despite the feeling of not being entirely alone out there you'll feel that a lot in ireland i've found all seemed peaceful until we were about ready to head back we'd been talking about something entirely unrelated
Starting point is 00:22:21 when we heard it at last somewhere in the forest up over the slant of slate towering above us, there was a cry. A sound unlike anything I had ever heard in my life. It was utterly gut-wrenching anguish. Genderless, desperate. Had to be a keen. It carried for miles, it seemed like. It had to be a keen. It carried for miles, it seemed like. After looking at each other, Geraldine and I decided it was definitely time to head back up the way we'd come in. As we did so, however, the sound continued to follow us, moving first to the left of the woods, then to the right of us, back, then forward. All around us, the sound seemed to echo with no discernible source or exact direction it could have come from eventually we made it back out to the road where she had parked on a shoulder overlooking the craggy cliffs which dropped off toward the lower woods and onward to the sea
Starting point is 00:23:13 the instant we stepped out of the forest the noise stopped on a dime ew yuck so it's like you left its space or its radius yes and it just like shut off automatically yeah went to mute oh creepy turning to look at one another geraldine and i could only confirm as much as anyone can what we had speculated in whispers back there in the woods the banshee we drove back to the inn mostly in silence but to this day i've never heard anything like that again hopefully i never will can't say if anyone close to me passed following the sound but i am in fact a descendant of an o as you put it and o'shaughnessy okay this episode is creepily uh validating synchronistic because in the episode, remember we jokingly named someone Sean O'Shaughnessy. We did.
Starting point is 00:24:08 We were talking about the IRA. I totally forgot about that. No, you're yeah. That's very odd. That's very odd. And also this does, I will say this is validating for some of the research too,
Starting point is 00:24:18 because if the theory is that it only follows O's and N's, O's and Max, uh, I mean, Hey, O'Shaughnessy, that'll do it. Well, I have many more stories from ghosts to reapers to a black shuck to strange coincidences and true crime stories. But in the spirit of your wonderful podcast,
Starting point is 00:24:36 those are tales for another time. Love and light, Sam. Man, you all are just tickling my funny bone. Senses. Tickling my tickle spot. My aesthetic senses. I love it. My aesthetic sensibility.
Starting point is 00:24:52 Oh, my God. Okay. Christine. What? You're officially on to something, by the way, about what's the word you keep saying that this episode is? Oh, I don't know. Like O'Shaughnessy and oh synchronistic synchronistic my brain was shutting off um you're on to something because the next story is about gettysburg and we literally just talked about that in the last episode well i know she got some of them during the episode.
Starting point is 00:25:25 Eva, were those some of them you found? You're freaking me out. I can't tell. I kind of like the mystery. Maybe it really is all just by accident. That's creepy. We literally talked about. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:25:40 Okay. She said some of these she looked up. Damn, I was getting really i was getting freaked creeped out there okay well this one is from another sam but instead of they he pronouns we've got she they pronouns listen this is spicy love a double pronoun thank you for normalizing pronoun sam and the subject is a very handsome getettysburg ghost. I think Sam is into a little spirit. Okay. Sam's got a crush.
Starting point is 00:26:12 All right. This is the story. Hi, Eva M., an America's infamous hercene shifter. Aw. That got me. Okay. You've killed M. Thanks a lot, Sam.
Starting point is 00:26:24 The hercene shifter is at it again last halloween i thought it would be a great idea to take a solo trip to gettysburg uh to really embrace the spooky season at one of the most haunted battlefields in the u.s i spent the day touring the battlefields admiring the monuments and enjoying the ambience of the historic small town i love an ambiance of a small historic town. Can we go there? I want to go there. Have you never been to Gettysburg?
Starting point is 00:26:48 I've never been. Oh, I think you would actually like it a lot. I think I would. I've always wanted to. Okay. We could, that could be our next, and that's why we drink retreat. And that's why we retreat.
Starting point is 00:26:57 Okay. We'll do it there. We've already talked about this. I think I came up with something very clever. Eva, remind me what I said. I'm sure it was hilarious. Eva, go back to the minutes of every single sentence we've ever listen i'm sure i told her to write it down so it has to be somewhere she just stopped writing things down years ago i think
Starting point is 00:27:14 okay it was a really great relaxing day and i decided to spice things up by signing up for a midnight ghost tour midnight ghost tour that means it ends at like one or two in the morning you brave soul spooky it was halloween so it would literally be a crime if i didn't sign up for a ghost that's true you could be arrested good point after waiting hours for midnight to roll around the tour turned out to be a complete dud oh boo nothing spooky happened a baby cried the entire time and and I was cold and tired. Who had their baby out at midnight for a ghost tour? Go to bed.
Starting point is 00:27:48 That would probably be me. That would be you. Defeated, I walked back to my car around 1 a.m., and to exit the parking lot, I had to drive through this dark alley. As I was pulling through, I noticed a man standing in the middle of the lane. Oh, jeez. As I got closer closer i noticed he wasn't moving to get out of my way and i would have to hit him he wasn't he wasn't going to i can't stop well if if i kept driving i'd have to hit him he wasn't going to move so i had to slowly
Starting point is 00:28:18 swerve around him and i was able to get a closer look at him and he was all caps handsome the end what a tale late late 20s over six feet tall pretty face then I realized he was wearing a civil war uniform and never acknowledged my existence oh no okay but what color was the uniform that's important uh i thought maybe he's a sexy reenactor but he wasn't moving even after i almost ran over his handsome ass so his ass was nice too yeah good to know he was just a solid figure standing in the direction of the battlefield no phone no cigarette no movement and as i drove around him i got the courage to look in my rearview mirror and he disappeared that day was the day that i considered giving my number to a ghost thanks for reading and i love you all sam sam i love that you were having like a hot girl summer moment um like you were like you know what here's a stranger at 1 in a dark alley happy halloween to me trick or treat
Starting point is 00:29:26 baby trick or treat or treat here's the thing that ghost hunt was a dud so but hey was it really if it ends with getting something out of it getting that spooky smolder you know what i'm saying oh those hot cross buns you know okay well sam, I'm sorry that you should have at least suggested the number and just see what happened. You should have at least dropped a post out the window and seen if he knew what to do with it. I know. But also, yeah, he really wasn't budging.
Starting point is 00:29:58 If he really was from the Civil War and he saw your car and he wasn't responding, he was not going to respond to a phone number. He wouldn't have noticed it either. Probably not. That is very scary though i bet i bet a lot of that happens and i bet people think they're reenactors you know yeah oh truly i would probably assume that i would too there's a lot of people who think like oh i thought it was i was at a museum of an old house and i thought maybe someone was just a tour guide but i mean hey you with thomas whaley right yes exactly i thought it was a reenactor for sure. Yep.
Starting point is 00:30:26 All right. Well, thank you, Sam. Thank you so much. All right. So this one is called My Boyfriend Left Me for a Ghost. Was it the Civil War reenactor? How hot was he? How hot were his buns?
Starting point is 00:30:38 Tell us that. This guy was so hot that everyone is just falling over themselves for him. I mean, I'm in love with him. I haven't even seen him. I've just, I need you to know. I'm in love with him. I'm pretty even seen him. I've just, I need you to know. I'm in love with him. I'm pretty sure that was Captain America. Hang on a second.
Starting point is 00:30:49 This is from Amanda. She, her, hers, who also says cancer, sun, Gemini, moon, Virgo rising. Oh, lovely. Subject is my boyfriend left me for a ghost. Hi, Eva M, Christine and Gio. First off, I need to say I'm a huge fan of your show. Like Christine, I am a Catholic school survivor who used to freak out the school librarian by
Starting point is 00:31:09 checking out the only two ghost slash superstition books they had on a weekly basis. Oh my God, I used to do that too. How to train your kids to be psyched or how am I psychic for kids or whatever? I used to check that out all the time. Written by Chip Coffey. I know. Aww. As you may have guessed, I've always had an interest in the occult, but never experienced anything until my freshman year of college. I went to a small haunted ass college in Long Island to study theater. My friend's dorm room had the most activity of all of our freshman year. The lights would constantly turn off and on. the bathroom door would open on its own and a few times his alarm clock went off even when it was unplugged hey you said that wait eva there's
Starting point is 00:31:53 no way you wrote something that specific into the search bar this is freaking me out that literally was something i just said in the last episode about a college hang on what college was it i don't know this one says long island oh no i didn't talk about long island well apparently it's happening at colleges across the nation so okay eva said she didn't but it but she found it and it weirdly fit me and my friends quickly learned that there were unmarked graves from the civil war oh god behind the dorms in the woods. Terrible. My boyfriend at the time was trying to strengthen his clairvoyancy.
Starting point is 00:32:28 Oh no. So naturally, we all gathered our friends to go into the woods. I started to get an unpleasant feeling the further we went, and like I was being watched, but we kept going. When we finally got there, it didn't take long for my boyfriend to all of a sudden faint. Okay. Oh, shit. After a few moments, he came to and said we all needed to leave.
Starting point is 00:32:52 We all ran. That's challenging. If someone passed out and then eyes wide open goes, we need to leave. Oh, my God. I'm so far out of that room. And then wants to run immediately after they've passed out. Like something must be bad. Right. Especially if it if m ever says run oh boy i'll crawl on all fours but you run i'll catch up with you after a few moments he came to and said we all needed to
Starting point is 00:33:17 leave we all ran away and of course my dumb ass 18 year old self chose to wear flip-flops during our adventure in the woods and immediately lost one while running that i did not go back for now we were all back in my boyfriend's room there were maybe eight of us one of my friends with big piercing blue eyes started to act a little differently he pulled me to the side and started talking to me as if he were another person and i swear there was a change in his piercing blue eyes. He kept telling me that I was a fool for thinking I could trust
Starting point is 00:33:49 my boyfriend and that we would be ending soon. Being the overly non-confrontational human I was, especially at that point in life, I made an excuse to join the rest of our friends
Starting point is 00:34:00 and walked away. I still felt his eyes on me the whole time. By the next day, everything was back to normal. Fast forward a few weeks later where we discovered our music practice rooms used to be a barn that they had converted. They were open 24-7 for students to practice their songs and or instruments whenever they wanted. My boyfriend and another one of our friends decided to go very late
Starting point is 00:34:22 at night, only for them to come back and tell us there was a young girl, somewhere between 16 and 18, in old-time clothing staring at them in the mirror. Oh, no. And she seemed to be very attached to my boyfriend. For weeks after, he seemed to be drawn to going back to the same practice room to see her. Yeah, there's something wild going on there. I'm scared.
Starting point is 00:34:46 As he continued to go, he started to learn more about her and apparently himself from a past life. Oh no. The ghost girl's name was Annabelle and he was the reincarnation of her past love. If I'm remembering correctly,
Starting point is 00:35:02 his name was Edward. They were to have gotten married when he came back from the war but he had died in battle i noticed him being distant and when i brought it up he came clean and told me the whole story oh i forgot to mention his dorm room windows looked out to the practice rooms which of course he had wide open as he told me she doesn't like that we're together and she's actually watching us right now. Oh my God. The anxiety was real, although I wasn't fully sure if he was telling me the truth or not. We broke up that night.
Starting point is 00:35:36 I will just say he did not stay single through our time at college, and it seems like Annabelle never scared any of his other girlfriends away, so I don't know how plausible his story was. But either way, it took me a damn long time to go back into those practice rooms i have other ghost stories from my college years that i'd love to share but being how this was my first haunting ever i felt this was the one i needed to write love you guys it's also the most dramatic love triangle oh my come up with talk about an elevated love triangle it's like take the average love triangle and fucking turn it up a notch also like hide this story from like stephanie
Starting point is 00:36:11 meyer because she truly might write a story about how a guy is in love with someone who's dead and someone who's a word hmm this is sounding familiar hang on a second uh but no that actually what talk about like so what he's gonna break up with you to be with a ghost like what's the situation there i don't yeah it sounds like maybe like he got he couldn't break up with her with the ghost in the mirror yeah he couldn't break up with the ghost and be like um yeah that was another time, my friend. I'm sorry I died. I don't know what to tell you. They were true loves. I know. There are actually times where I feel I'm very team reincarnation and I'm very team soul connections and knowing people and going into new lives together. And there are a lot of times where I'll look at somebody in my life that I know I've had multiple lives with. And I'm like, so were we supposed to meet up here and fall in love?
Starting point is 00:37:08 And that's not happening. Like, what's the situation? Like, did we do it? Yeah. Did we do it? Like,
Starting point is 00:37:14 what's the situation? It's not been that memorable. I don't know. Was I good? I don't know. But I think about that stuff all the time where like, I think like I, I think Alison and I knew each other in another life, but I think that this is our first time dating or in love. I don't, I don't feel like this is like a, you know, from, from lives past, we keep finding each other.
Starting point is 00:37:39 I feel like there's someone else in this world that I was in love with in a past life. And then when we like me died, maybe, I don't know someone, but then when we, we died and we decided like, Oh, how's the next life going to go? I think we were like, maybe we need a break, you know, maybe we find something new going. So I want to see other people. I wonder if it hurts as much in the celestial realm. I wonder, but, uh, no, I, I definitely definitely think that you find you keep finding the same people if they're supposed to help teach you something or whatever i agree so that would be
Starting point is 00:38:12 wild though if you knew who the person was you used to be in love with and also you they're still dead and talking you in a mirror that's beyond that part that's beyond i love how offensive would that be though if your partner was like i love you but like you're not the one i have a deep soul connection with from a past life you just don't fit the bill you can never be that person for me that's true yeah i mean i guess i mean i did just say that about allison but i uh but no i think and also allison does not believe in reincarnation so that's that's by the way is a red flag to me though like oh yeah we definitely did not meet up in a past life for some reason you thought this would be a fun prank from the celestial realm you were like watch this
Starting point is 00:38:55 i think you're new here i think i think we're a new dynamic but there are other people where like i mean i've you know i've met people and I never had a romantic interest in them, but immediately like had some sort of bond that you just can't explain. And I feel like maybe that's because we were in love in a past life or maybe like we went on like some crazy adventure or they were part of like a traumatic event in my past history, something. We're trauma bonded. You don't know this about us, but we're trauma bonded already. Trauma bonded into a whole other lifetime. god can't imagine i mean that's talk about bringing baggage with you i know celestial baggage anyway i love a good reincarnation story and uh star crossed lovers finding each other but that's a wild one and especially since he was okay with breaking up with you for her but not and then just
Starting point is 00:39:45 dating other people yeah really leaned into it i appreciate his um commitment to the narrative i guess craft let's end on another high this is from olivia who's she her pronouns thank you for normalizing pronouns olivia and the subject line is a lonely attic boy from a college you've never heard of. Okay. Watch it be like, I don't know. What's one of the ones we talked about? I'm trying to remember.
Starting point is 00:40:14 I don't know. Yeah. I feel like we're going to find out really quick though. Yeah. So our, our, our future episode about haunted dorms, I feel like, uh, each of these stories has given you a nod into something i talk about in that episode so get ready all right hi i'm christine baby geo and eva i've been listening to your podcast for the past three years and let me just say it has really helped me get through
Starting point is 00:40:34 some rough times one of my best friends introduced me to it and every time i listen to you guys it makes me feel so comforted well for the most part most part. Okay. Ow. Okay, you didn't need to say that, but all right. That part could have been deleted and it would have hurt my feelings less. No, I'm just kidding. I am a microbiology and biochem PhD student. Okay, we get it. You have- LOL, same.
Starting point is 00:40:58 Significantly more important things than this podcast. And when I listen in lab when there's no one else there it can get a little creepy but nevertheless this podcast brings me joy entertainment and makes me feel less alone in the world the story i'm about to describe is a bit of a doozy surrounded by legend 1800s bad parenting and paranoid college students oh it is a rough translation of the stories I was told and the things I experienced while attending the smallest college you have never ever heard of in Indiana.
Starting point is 00:41:32 Stop. We just talked about Indiana. I swear to God if it's... Does it say the name? It's not the one I was talking about in the show. Eva, I just know exactly what buzzwords you were searching. Eva, you are scaring me. Come on. Indiana? Eva. Okay. it's called hanover college okay feel free to use the actual name i think i know that well maybe there's other
Starting point is 00:41:52 hanover college look at eva she just texted us he he he what a little monster she also texted us the eyes emoji um i know of i know of hanover college but i also live in Ohio. So like I probably know. Mike Pence went there. Cool. Cool, cool, cool. Great. How did you know that? Oh, you looked it up?
Starting point is 00:42:11 I just Googled it. I just know a lot about Mike Pence. In our after chat that has yet to come out, we were talking about how you have some like weird trivia knowledge. Yeah, I wish. I'm so glad it's not about mike pence i promise eva just texted us this is what happens when i pick stories while you're still recording okay so this is a monster these are like four synchronicities but i still love them all the same i truly i thought every single one of them was just it it was just fate or something intervention and and her name is eva yeah i was gonna say yeah
Starting point is 00:42:47 talk about fate eva so uh microbiology and biochem phd student and when listening in lab i can get a little creepy but nevertheless the podcast brings me joy the story i'm about to describe 1800 oh right indiana of course it's called hanover college apparently where mike pence went um and it was established in 1827 and has a lot more history than i thought uh when i first stepped foot as a bright-eyed bushy-tailed freshman so many years ago the first semester i had heard a few rumors about the locations of some places on campus, such as a big place called The Rock, where a woman supposedly fell to her death and where students would hang out and definitely not go to do drugs. Oh, sure. No.
Starting point is 00:43:35 We had one of those, too, on my campus. A wink. My second semester. Was it the bowling alley? Oh, wait. It was not the bowling alley. You guys, I'm sorry. You haven't heard that episode yet. I thought I was was making a fun call back but it's a call forward you'll understand
Starting point is 00:43:50 like hollywood video mri video wink yeah my second semester my friend and i decided to switch rooms and live with each other rather than the people we were currently living with good call because my first semester I lived with my ex. That was a bad call. Oh, woof. Bad call, bad call. Rather than taking up a room in the same old stinky dorm though, they moved us to an older, stinkier dorm room in the middle of campus.
Starting point is 00:44:18 We grabbed all our things and moved into the old attic space and I loved how cozy it was and quickly made it home while my roommate was a bit more apprehensive and did not spend much time in there alone about a month later i would understand why i am a pretty social person so i usually had people over and it wasn't until my roommate left for a weekend that i began to get less cozy in our little attic oh no for a bit more context the attic has three rooms and only two were occupied. The other room has two girls that played sports and had away games quite often. So I was pretty much alone in this attic. One night I was there alone, probably studying or
Starting point is 00:44:57 binge watching Bob's Burgers, and I noticed that the door was open. I was kind of confused because I always shut it and they are the older, heavier doors. I was kind of confused because I always shut it, and they are the older, heavier doors. I shrugged it off and closed it, and then hopped in my bed that faced the door. At some point, I fell asleep and then woke up suddenly, like I'd been shocked by a jolt of electricity a few hours later, a few hours later to find the door wide open.
Starting point is 00:45:23 I know that I had shut and locked that damn door and at this point i was not having insomnia uh and which says i am now i am now yeah same so this whole thing was very unusual i thought it might be my roommate so i got out of bed using every brave cell in my body and walked toward the door. The hallway lights were normally on, but for some reason that night it was pitch black. I grabbed my phone flashlight and ran down the hall to the bathroom. I'm not sure why I did this. I just didn't want to be in that room anymore. The bathroom at the end of the hall has one stall with a big window.
Starting point is 00:45:59 I never understood why they put windows in bathrooms, but go off, I guess. I locked myself in the bathroom stall and put my face in my hands to get a grip. I sat there like that for a few minutes and then got up to head back to my room. But not before I looked in the bathroom window to see a fucking old man's face staring right back at me. What? I took off back toward the room, definitely stubbing my toe on the doorframe, slammed the door and climbed back under my covers until morning. Which, by the way, like that could have been a ghost. It could have been a intruder.
Starting point is 00:46:34 Well, third floor bathroom, though. Oh, I didn't even put that together. Yeah. Ew. So that was. Or not third floor attic, whatever that means in that scenario. Didn't even think about it. third floor attic whatever that means in that scenario didn't even think about it this instance happened a few more times when i was alone minus the man's face because anytime i saw the door
Starting point is 00:46:51 open i stayed in bed and minded my own damn business yeah i would too one of the students a few years my senior was an absolute slut for the dark history of the college that was that would have been me putting on like a prezzy or something remember those prezzies like like i have a lot to share with you i remember when prezzies came out and my teacher's brains exploded they were like these are the coolest things i've ever seen i was just talking to someone about that about how funny it was because it had such a blip it was such a blip but people were like this is the future of it was like when betamax came out and they were like this is our future and then it just didn't happen usually if you say this is the future it's probably not it's probably like put your stock in something else yeah it's more subtle than that um yeah anyway uh it was
Starting point is 00:47:40 an absolute slut for the dark history of the college and put on a haunted Hanover tour every Halloween. Shut the fuck up. That's a small business. That's fun. I hope that's people paid for tickets. Not to be such millennial, but that is a girl boss is last. One very cool night. I joined this tour. Very, very cool. By the way, you should definitely do more episodes on haunted colleges. See Eva and maybe give a a small a shout out to the small dying liberal arts school okay there were tales of suicide adultery and one really interesting one about an unsolved murder in the admin building as he passed the building as i as he passed the building i lived in he got super quiet and began telling us the tale of a lonely boy whose father hid him away because of a disability.
Starting point is 00:48:27 Oh, so this friend was not a girl boss, but a boy boss. A boy boss. I am sorry. Oh, you know what? Anyone can be a girl boss with that kind of energy. Yeah. Well, let's say boy boss just in case that's what makes them feel safe. feel safe the father was one of the first presidents of the college and had to maintain a certain superior presence that was apparently diminished by having a son who was not neurotypical
Starting point is 00:48:50 yikes so he did what any good father would do and locked him in the attic come on the details are a little fuzzy but while he was in the care of his father, he remained hidden away in the space of the building. It was a super lonely existence, and according to the tour guide, his spirit may still be hanging around. It was rumored that he had paid closer attention to female college students who lived in these rooms and just simply wanted a friend. Oh, my God. And it was the attic room. Mm-hmm. Where she lived.
Starting point is 00:49:24 Oh, my God. I took this tour a few years after I had moved out of that room, but instantly felt a pang of guilt for the boy, turned old man by the time he passed, who may have just wanted a friend and was opening the door to invite me to come play. I still think about him sometimes and hope his spirit will one day find rest and friends in the beautiful afterlife he deserves. Oh, I'm going to cry. That's really sad. I was pretty good friends with my roommate, but not the type of friend to swap ghost stories yet. And she was already a very easily frightened person. So I did not want to add to it. Years later, and what prompted me to write this, she posted something on her social media about haunted attics and asked and I asked her what she meant by this. She posted something on her social media about haunted attics and asked,
Starting point is 00:50:04 and I asked her what she meant by this. She said, and I quote that tiny ass room we lived in was haunted for real. And I asked her to give me some details. And lo and behold, while I was gone either partying or spending time at another, another friend's residence. And she was alone. She had experienced nearly the exact same thing I had.
Starting point is 00:50:22 I still wonder how many people who lived in this attic both before and after us experienced the same sensation and if any of them befriended the lonely boy in the attic that's sad love olivia also team milkshake oh we never get a team milkshake thank you for being one of my rider dies ol. But also, what if someone who listens to this podcast lives in that attic right now and they're like, oh, that's I remember you were talking about a room at Ohio University in the upcoming episode. And I said, like, imagine them sitting there like 418, you said, or whatever it was like 428. 428. Oh, God, that must be a chilling, but probably validating if you've experienced that. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:08 Yeah. But anyway, thank you, Olivia. Thank you. And thank you, everyone who wrote in stories this month. And, you know, thank you, Eva, for selecting them. Thank you, Eva. Apparently on the fly, but you really nailed it because you were freaking us out. But yeah, thank you, everybody.
Starting point is 00:51:23 I hope that some of these inspire you to uh write in your own ghost stories your own true crime stories can we get more i know we've already done this theme but can we get more synchronicities because they're my favorite and i just yeah considering they've been on our mind this episode maybe we can get some more synchronicity stories if you guys synchronicity march i like that synchronicity march it rolls off the tongue all right so we'll see you in march of those synchronicity stories folks and on the horn and hopefully uh you enjoy uh episode 313 that comes out one day when we talk about some of the things that we mentioned here and things make more sense for you because it really freaked us out
Starting point is 00:52:03 listening to this episode after just or doing this episode after just recording that. Yeah. But anyway, thank you, everyone. Please send in your stories. You can send them in at our website. And yeah, happy February. I hope it goes very well for everybody. And that's all I'm going to wish because this is the year of me not manifesting.
Starting point is 00:52:21 Thank you. And then jinxing the entire thing. I'm just going to say happy February. Happy February. That way we cover both our bases. And one day, a zippy September. I can't wait for that. And that's why we drink.

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