And That's Why We Drink - Listener Stories: Vol. 8

Episode Date: October 2, 2017

It’s our eighth listener’s episode! I know we say this every month, but it’s one of our best yet. In this episode we read your crazy stories, including a death-filled visit to LA, relentless Get...tysburg ghosts, an aggressive poltergeist, and an encounter with our pal ZOZO! BUCKLE UP!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to our listeners episode. It's an eight, the eight one. Yowza. We've only got four left and we've been doing this for a year. That's insane. That's not even a whole hand. You know what I mean? No, I don't. A hand there's less than less than
Starting point is 00:00:27 five eight four left for the rest of the year oh i thought you were talking about the eight no eight is almost two hands that's what i was wondering about it's both hands if you don't count the thumbs this is barney we're gonna teach you how to use your fingers to count uh also this is where we read your crazy ass fucking stories this is also where we read off all the names of our donators except before we realized how many people would actually become donators we didn't realize that when we said we would read off all the names we didn't realize one day how many names we would have to read but this month we broke 200 donators you guys it's blowing our minds now everybody who's like not a donator is like i'm skipping all of this skip away but don't
Starting point is 00:01:20 because all these people deserve to be recognized but But don't because they do. And also, this is going to be a really fun presentation for you. Is it? Yes. We're going to scat. We're going to scat around and scooby-dooby-doo. Oh, God. Something I was not told about until this exact minute, by the way, guys. Me neither.
Starting point is 00:01:40 Let's go. Are we just rapid firing? Sure. This is Team Milkshake. Oh, this is our Patreon donators, in case you're wondering right okay uh these are all the two dollars two dollar team milkshake so this is you know we should do we should have some like good music in the background some like rapid fire like racing music oh my god i'm gonna put music in it okay okay ready i'm gonna put music in it so just. Okay, ready? I'm going to put music in it. So just do your thing and then I'll layer music under it later.
Starting point is 00:02:06 Okay, should I like, I'm just going to brace myself. So you have some intro music warming in right now. Definitely. Do whatever like feels right. I'm just going to go as fast as I can. Okay. Okay, so rev up the engines. Ready?
Starting point is 00:02:19 Rev, rev, rev. Aaron had Elizabeth, Allison, Emily, Alexandra, Lisa, Jessica, Andrea, Sue, Tamsin, Brandy, Lisa, Andrea, Kirky, Patricia, Aaron, Emily, Jerry, Derek, and Zach. Woo! That is team milkshake. Okay. Are you ready? Ready for team wine. Team wine.
Starting point is 00:02:35 Team wine. Team wine. Team wine's just fine. Team wine's the best of all of its kind. That was bad. Are you drunk? English is not my first language. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:02:45 Jim, Marissa, Emily, Serena, Julia Marie, Nick, Zach, Megan, Grim, Donald, Nikki, Heather, Jill, Andrea, Lynn, Nicolina, Brooke, Amanda, Katie, Jessica, Jess, Nikki, Shelby, Lauren, Adrienne, Lexus, Heather, Allison, Zoe, and Crystal. Woo! All right, let's do... Okay, so this is a back and forth. This is Team Sassy. Fuck.
Starting point is 00:03:10 The best team. All right, so the music better be hyped right now. This is hype music. I'm ready. Start there. Jodi. Megan. Kaylin.
Starting point is 00:03:18 Ashley. Amber. Amanda. Leah. Sumit. Bear. Jessica. Alyssa. Winter. Michelle. Justine. Vanessa. Kimberly. Melissa. Sydney. Alexandra. Last but not least. Emma. Rebecca. Jennifer. And Alexander Schieffer.
Starting point is 00:03:48 Last but not least. And now we got our $10 who get merch, who get t-shirts and some other. A whole pile of merch. A whole pile of merch. Oh my God. It's like mine. Thank you guys so much. It's like looking at this list, I can't believe how many people donate to us. It makes my heart so happy.
Starting point is 00:04:02 You guys are so fucking nice. I wish I could actually wrap so we could write you a cool rap we'll work on it we'll work on it we'll work on it i'm not saying it can't be done i'm just saying it'll be it'll be quite a task it will be and it needs some time but maybe for christmas or hanukkah or like easter i like a good hanukkah rap a hanukkah we'll sing them in eights. Eight at a time. Okay. $10 rewards. This is Team G.O.
Starting point is 00:04:28 Oh, baby G. Okay. Ready? Yes. Emily. Kevin. Dana. Andrew.
Starting point is 00:04:33 Lisa. Kimberly. Rochelle. Allison. Colin. Erica. Tanya. Sierra.
Starting point is 00:04:36 Megan. Paige. Mitchell. Sarah. Lakshya. Carrie. Rachel. Amy.
Starting point is 00:04:40 Bethany. Angela. Lisa. Jessica. Judah. Kate. Bronte. Sarah.
Starting point is 00:04:44 Jordan. Wendy. Noel. Carrie. Ryan. Amber. Kelsey. Ruby. Macy. Jess. Mana. Shannon. Emma. Thank you. I still got a Jeffrey, Kia, Jory, Griselda, Katie, Erin, Tiana, Ashen, Linda, Elise, Marisol, Rachel, Cece, Johnny, Renata. All right, so now I got our $25. $25 rewards. Guys. You guys. That's so nice. To use my catchphrase, listen.
Starting point is 00:05:37 The only, we don't know how we're going to repay you, but know one day when we're big and famous enough to have shows, you $25 rewards will especially be getting something out of us like at least a hug for sure you'll probably be sitting on stage with us or some shit you'll just sit on you'll just sit like on you know how like the cool teachers in the auditorium would sit and like have their legs sway like on the side of the on the of the stage they just sit on the stage with their legs swaying sure thing yeah whatever you have that if you went to school with me you don't know what i'm talking about oh sure yeah most of these chris selda and all them probably did yeah right um well either way maybe you can like watch geo for a few minutes or something oh yeah oh what if i just use this maybe maybe
Starting point is 00:06:18 if you're a 25 reward and we have a show one day we will like hand you a dog treat and you get to do a trick with geo we will give you a dog treat and you can take a picture with geo or something i mean what if i just use this as like a dog sitting so basically if you give us 25 on patreon we'll stick your fingers in peanut butter and then call geo over to you and you'll have a great time we'll cover you in gif and then you'll have to be thankful about it. And then you say thank you to us. Yes. While you pay us money.
Starting point is 00:06:49 Speaking of which, let's list the people who will one day be covered in Skippy because of us. Thank you already to Orion. Amanda. Linda. Blaze.
Starting point is 00:06:59 Tessa. Eric. Jennifer. Lisa. And Priscilla. You guys are the Everyone we've listed is the everyone everyone we've listed is the thank you so much thank you so much everyone just know how much we care about you like
Starting point is 00:07:11 we're very aware that you're the reason that we're able to keep doing this yes and there's more stuff coming i promise we're we're building and building and building so it'll only get better from here oh my gosh just the peanut butter costco-sized peanut butter on your hands is coming gosh geo's gonna have such a stomach ache and it's all because of you all right em you want to read some creepy stories from our listeners if i were christine i would say this listen yes that's accurate because i don't know what the hell i'm about to read all i know is christine read it a while ago and start it because she knew that she couldn't read it later she wants like basically because christine does all the fucking work for this podcast shut up she will read something that
Starting point is 00:07:55 she really likes and wants to forget and enjoy later as i read it to her so she'll star it and then wait like a month and then give it to me once she's forgotten the story. And she's like, I don't know what this is, but I know I'm going to have a fucking laugh. Let's crack into it. Let's.
Starting point is 00:08:13 This is from Madison and the title, the subject of the email is called LA is a real trip. That it is. Jinx. Here we go. Madison says, Hey, Em and Christine. Hello. that it is wow jinx here we go madison says hey em and christine hello at least i fake happiness christine damn oh i can't i'm a fan of your podcast and i wanted to check out some fun spots with my friend while visiting her in long beach we decided yesterday would be our la day and started off at
Starting point is 00:08:45 griffith park observatory hey where willie my service dog aww proceeded to eat and get swarmed by bees the second we hiked to the observatory fortunately no one was stung but he did eat one poor bee buddy poor babe our next stop was the museum of jurassic technology have you been there no but it's so cool. It's kind of creepy, though. My friend Patrick went recently for his birthday and said it was cool. I went when I lived... I used to live over there when I lived in Inglewood.
Starting point is 00:09:15 And it was pretty close. And it looked really cool. It's really neat. But it's super dark in there. Have you been? Literally, I'm telling you about it. I thought you said it looked really cool. I didn't know you like when i went there with my eyes it looked really cool oh you went with your eyes too it looked cool as a surrounding of mine i see but it was very dark but there were
Starting point is 00:09:34 all these exhibits of like they had a whole room on like old superstitions and so all the exhibits were different things that people used to believe in whoa that sounds right down our alley hi baby g did you want me for something my stinky boy baby baby baby okay um our next stop was the museum of jurassic technology i don't know if you've been there before but it's one creepy place yes we just discussed this yes it's a tiny spot that is dark with ominously lit exhibits i hated it the second we stepped in and even my service dog willie seemed immediately turned off with his tail tucked in between his legs and his ears back. It is, it looks really shady and dark. Oh no. It's not a well-lit place.
Starting point is 00:10:13 Between the random disembodied voices and chants from a cat's cradle exhibit to a strange demonic voiced movie about space travel, we were pretty spent after a few minutes. Willie practically hurled us down the stairs to escape poor baby once we were out megan and i still thought hey the museum of death may be less creepy than that place let's check that out and wouldn't you know it it was actually way less creepy feeling it was also surprisingly informative and gory which is true the museum of death is actually one of my favorite museums out here but i will say it's in and this is i'm totally jumping out of her story but the museum of death is one of the most educational places i've been to mainly well it had it had really good information but the
Starting point is 00:10:58 reason it was so educational is because it actually moved me because it's so fucking traumatizing what you would not like going there you like it you don't think so i like i didn't enjoy my time there because it was so like you have to have a really strong stomach like there's like there's a lot of you know it's a it's a lot to take in oh okay i didn't know it was that bad like they like one of the first things you walk into is um you're standing right next to one of the shirts from the kent state shooting with like blood all over it and it's like holy fuck and it's not framed it's just hanging right next to you that's the first room and it's just one of like a bunch of stuff in that one exhibit and every room gets
Starting point is 00:11:45 worse oh my god yeah like you really have to have like an iron gut for it but it's really educational because like it i mean you're definitely like taken out of your element and focused on some really dark shit so you do learn something sure sure i mean it does its job wow okay but i mean if that's the first thing you see and also one of the other first rooms which is actually really cool um it's a whole room where from ceiling to floor is uh a bunch of framed letters and drawings from different serial killers wow so like john wayne gacy they have like all of his drawings and like they have um scratches and writings that he did on like a KFC
Starting point is 00:12:26 menu and shit like that holy shit so I mean that stuff's really cool to be like right next to that stuff but then you walk into another room and like you're literally next to things like it's tragedy it's a lot yeah because it takes away the cool part
Starting point is 00:12:42 of true crime it puts you in the holy fuck part of true crime right it's like I can't believe like this is real it makes you feel like a dirt bag because you go in and you're like oh i'm gonna be entertained and then like one room and you're like this is not funny or fun no like someone some oh my god like someone's parents wept because of what i'm looking yeah you're like feeling the pain of it yeah okay okay on that note on that note it is less creepy i will say that that's good unfortunately la wasn't officially done shocking us oh boy on our way back to long beach a person committed suicide on the highway back and jumped off a bridge i'm sorry we didn't see it happen but we definitely saw the body we saw the body after
Starting point is 00:13:29 going to the museum of death wow that's um that's convenient that is like a 24-hour period you do not want to relive i've seen bodies before working at a hospital back home in minneapolis but this was definitely a new experience for me. Luckily, Megan lightened the mood by introducing me to the podcast my dad wrote a porno. Yes, it saves lives. It does. And we pass out on her couch when we got back. I've wanted to email you both prior to this to share my experiences with the paranormal and crime world. But this email is much too long. Another time. Thank you for sharing your podcast with the world. And thank you for unintentionally brightening my otherwise incredibly odd day in LA. I introduced my friend to your podcast this week and we listened to the episodes the whole
Starting point is 00:14:09 time we were traveling. Best, Madison, Megan, and Willie. The best. I just remember reading that and being like, oh, cool. I went to Museum of Death and then she's like, and then someone committed suicide and we saw their body. It was like, it's like, it just got more and more dark. It's like, oh, so we went to, you know, the observatory.
Starting point is 00:14:28 You know, I don't like hiking either. But then we go to the Museum of Jurassic Technology where it's super creepy. Then the Museum of Death. And then I witness a death. I also will say she posted a photo of Willie at House of Pies. Like, with her service dog in House of Pies.
Starting point is 00:14:42 And it was the sweetest thing I've ever seen. Baby, baby. Anyway, that was just one of my fun little. Fun. First visits to LA. If only everyone's trip to LA could be like that. It's just like, you know, it's a unique, fun, touristy city. All right.
Starting point is 00:14:58 I got one for you from Jennifer. It's called Growing Up with Gettysburg Ghosts. Love it. Which I feel like you'd appreciate. I would because I grew up with Fredericksburg Ghosts. Exactly. Same, pretty gnarly battles.
Starting point is 00:15:12 Same diff. Same diff. Hey guys, I'm a total fan of all things paranormal, true crime, and wine. Sorry, I'm no milkshakes for this lactose intolerant girl. So your podcast is something
Starting point is 00:15:23 my dreams are made of. I've been listening for a few months now and figured it was about time to share my own ghost story i grew up in a town four miles south of gettysburg pennsylvania the house we lived in was built in the late 1850s as the parsonage to the super old church across the street where my dad was a pastor at the time the mid 90s our family was just my dad my mom me and my younger sister when i was eight or so some stuff went down i was sleeping pretty soundly when something woke me up oh i realized my closet door was open something i don't allow to this day because my closet is always so disgustingly messy
Starting point is 00:15:58 so i sat up to turn on a light and see what was up. I saw this guy peek out and step out from my closet. No, you did not. He was all gray, had a funny looking mustache and was wearing some weird ass clothes with these big buttons. Dumbfounded, I watched this guy move his head from side to side. Then he slowly walked back into my closet and closed the door. Oh my God. Being an eight year old girl, I began screaming at the absolute top of my lungs until my parents came running i tried to explain what i saw but my parents were adamant that i just had a bad dream and needed a drink of water before going back to sleep if my child is ever like there's a man in my closet i'm like let's set the entire property on fire i know i feel
Starting point is 00:16:42 like i'd be that parent that's like i would either be the asshole that doesn't teach them to ignore that shit i'd be like oh that was a ghost good luck you found a ghost in your room in your closet at eight years old have fun sleeping in this bed until high school's over don't talk to me about it i want nothing to do with it or i would be the parent that was like oh no you just had a bad dream and then i would leave her room close the door look at my wife and be like oh my fucking fucking God, there's a demon. You'd be like, lock her door. Let her deal with it. I'd be like, we're not going to tell her. We're just going to put a fucking cross in there. We're just going to put some holy water in the closet. She's never going to know.
Starting point is 00:17:19 Yeah. I would set everything on fire. That's my only response. Right. Yeah. It's like, okay, we're moving. That's all I can think of. Also, um, wait, is there more to the story oh a lot okay let me just stop real quick um so i grew up in a very very we're like one of the top 10 haunted towns or something like that in virginia i don't know if it's in virginia or everywhere i'll have to look it up but uh i remember like my whole town used to be a battlefield for the Battle of Fredericksburg. And I remember being at my friend's house and her little sister being like, oh, yeah, well, what I was saying, like, well, how many people are spending the night? Or we were at a party.
Starting point is 00:17:56 How many people are going to spend the night? How many people are here? And when her little sister came in and was like, well, what about the soldier? He's also here. No. And in my head because we're in virginia right next to dc there's a lot of military people so i was like oh she's talking about a soldier like a razzi guy or something like someone that's just at the party
Starting point is 00:18:13 and she's like no the soldier that like is always in my room and i was like what are you talking about get the fuck out and she was she had to have been maybe six and she was like whenever i like go to bed like a soldier walks from one like through one wall says good night to me and then goes into my other wall and i was like how long has this been happening and she was like oh it's been happening since we moved in and i was like and you're not scared and she was like no he just says good night no and i was like okay one adorable two holy shit one adorable two set everything on fire and three i never went back into that house so anyway continue with your story this really feeds directly into the story right i'm just gonna put that out there okay uh being the bomb-ass 90s kid i was we all were obviously and certainly after watching harriet the spy a few too many times oh michelle trackenberg
Starting point is 00:19:02 hells to the yeah i decided to write everything down in my journal and try to take a picture of the guy the next night. Good girl, good girl. Good girl. I set my radio alarm clock to go off around two the following morning. Listen. She knew. What a badass.
Starting point is 00:19:16 I would have not. I'd have been like, nothing will disturb my slumber. Well, no, me neither. I'd be like, haunt me, ghost. I hope she's an investigative journalist now. well no me neither i'd be like haunt me ghost i hope she's an investigative journalist now and i sat up with my journal and disposable camera waiting for the guy to return he didn't i did the same thing every night for a week but still didn't see the guy again nothing happened again until maybe a week or two later that night i woke up to see my closet door
Starting point is 00:19:39 opening the same gray man walk through look around and then walk back in my closet again closing the door behind him instead of making any noise i just sat and watched an absolute horror this time i wrote down exactly what i saw in my little journal tall man but shorter than my dad wearing a jacket with big buttons down the front big belt buckle baseball cap that had a flat top really hairy mustache slash face the next night i camped out on my plastic inflatable chair do you remember those of do i remember those that was my jam 90 inflatable furniture was the shit it was so cool i used to have an inflatable um chair that also had an inflatable hasik but instead of it being like see-through plastic green like they all wear it had fur on it oh and it was like a velvet it was like you know that mermaid sequence now
Starting point is 00:20:29 yes that everyone touches it was that but green velvet so when you touched it it would turn into different shades of green and it was inflatable that was the peak of my interior decor borrow that for my house thanks um she camped out the next night i camped out my plastic the next night i camped out on my plastic inflatable chair beside my dresser determined to get a picture of this guy living in my closet this girl's fucking fearless what a badass sure enough i woke up to hear my closet door opening so i took a picture of the door wound the disposable camera and tried to take another. The camera malfunctioned after
Starting point is 00:21:08 the first photo. Of course. So I hightailed it into my sister's room thinking the gray man would come after me for taking his picture. Two weeks later my mom got a bunch of film developed. Oh no. Ten of my photos were just random ones of me and my friends at school and playing
Starting point is 00:21:24 outside. 11 were totally black. They were after the camera stopped working. And one was of my closet door. It was slightly ajar and in it you could see the hand, arm, and shoulder of a man. My mom, wanting to see what I was so excited to get developed, took the photos. She flipped through, stopping when she came to the one of my closet. Bewildered, she asked who was playing in my closet and why i would take a random photo of it finally i confessed that it
Starting point is 00:21:49 was a gray man that i had seen him again and again and tried to take a picture to show the police precious badass little girl oh my god i'm gonna show the police i'm gonna show the police you know what she took matters into her own hands. She was like, fuck adults. They're not helping. She was like, my mom and dad don't give a fuck, so I'm going to go straight to the police. Very Rugrats of her. She just took it on. Very impressive.
Starting point is 00:22:15 I tried to take a picture to show the police. I told her that I had written down exactly what he looked like and that I didn't want him to live in my closet anymore. that I had written down exactly what he looked like and that I didn't want him to live in my closet anymore. My mother completely freaked out by all this, asked me to get my journal and bring it to her so she could see what I had written. That night she sat down with me and my dad and asked me to talk to them about what I was seeing. I explained that I thought this gray guy was living in my closet and was probably going to murder us all and steal my beanie baby collection priorities since it was so dope well also it was the 90s so yeah that shit was priceless it was priceless if she had one of those princess die beanie babies like i mean no questions i mean she would be a rich woman
Starting point is 00:22:57 today it's like she's probably wealthy okay uh my beaniedle collection since it was so dope duh my my dad took a closer look at the photo and asked me a few more questions very calmly he explained that he thought it wasn't a person living in my closet but that there was a ghost in the house wow he's open very calm he's very uh open with his child who has inflatable furniture it's Oh no, it's just a ghost in your closet. Like, isn't that the age where you're supposed to be lying to your kids and saying that there aren't monsters under your bed. And he's like,
Starting point is 00:23:32 Oh no, there's just a monster under your bed. But I guess if your kid literally thinks there's like a man in their closet, maybe it's better to be like, it's not a real man, but you're right. I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:23:42 I don't know what I would do either. My kids better not see ghosts. But also, I would be taking that kid out for ice cream for the rest of her days. For sure. To be like, you are so fucking brave to think that someone is going to murder us. And so you keep your mouth shut so we don't get scared. And then you stay up and like. And Harriet the spy that shit.
Starting point is 00:24:01 You have a lockdown of your own. You write investigative notes. And then you take pictures until you get... For the police. For the police. Bless her. It's really amazing. I mean, I think really, to be totally honest, no offense, but I think she was just worried
Starting point is 00:24:16 about her Beanie Baby collection. Who wouldn't be? Who wouldn't be? I know if there was a Beanie Baby or a Tamagotchi or a Pokemon card within a ghost's grip, I'd be up all night, too. No. That is gold. 90s gold. A Game Boy Color.
Starting point is 00:24:32 Oh, no. Don't touch it. Especially if it had one of those little lights. A worm light. I had that, too. The worm light. Loved a good worm light. Okay.
Starting point is 00:24:42 Anyway. A ghost. He thought Anyway, a ghost. He thought it was a ghost. He pointed out that the hat I was describing was one often worn by Civil War soldiers, that the shoulder in the picture had badges and pins on it. So like in the photo there were badges. It's detailed enough that an adult is recognizing it. Had badges and pins on it like an officer would have and that
Starting point is 00:25:10 the mustache, which I describe pretty well as matching my uncle Bob's giant one, was a style worn back then. The only reason my uncle wore his mustache like that now is because he's a reenactor. Whoa. I know. Specifically, he's a Union Cavalry officer reenactor at gettysburg and he
Starting point is 00:25:26 styled his mutton chops after the photo he found of his officer holy shit here's where things get weird oh here it is get ready shoot i was waiting for things to get weird right everything seems so normal up until now yes everything's been so calm and normal common denominator am i right man my dad's a pastor meaning he went through years of seminary and religious training long before I was born. He's seen some crazy shit, which is another email or five altogether. Please send us all of those. All of those at once with your father narrating it. Yes, please.
Starting point is 00:25:58 In a video. Yeah. So he's dealt with some paranormal things like this before. It took him two or three days to get to pull all of these things together. But that weekend, my dad had our family perform a whole house blessing and sage ceremony. Good boy. Good boy. We walked through the house.
Starting point is 00:26:14 My dad sprinkling holy water while blessing the rooms. My mom anointing every doorway and window with oil while saying the Lord's Prayer. Me holding the smoldering stick of sage and standing in every corner. And my younger sister just following us like we were a parade of crazy people valid when we came to my bedroom my dad spent a few extra minutes in front of and even inside the closet talking to the spirit explaining that he was free to go and move on and then he was no longer stuck in that space or time we finished everything up my mom gave gave us Flintstone pushpops.
Starting point is 00:26:46 Why wouldn't you? How 90s can this fucking story get? I feel like I'm like. Is she about to talk about dunkaroos too? And she. I know. She's like, you can be like reverted. Then we played with slap bracelets.
Starting point is 00:26:59 And then our pogs came right out. Oh man. And then we went to bed. night nothing happened a week past nothing two months nothing the following summer maybe eight or nine months after all the craziness went down my sister was playing in the basement and ran upstairs to the kitchen to show my mom what she found what dun dun dun hold on to your kids, because my six-year-old sister came running up to my mom wearing a navy blue keppy hat, that slouchy kind of baseball cap with the flat top, saying that the man gave it to her while they were playing. I swear to God, I want to leave this house.
Starting point is 00:27:42 I want to run straight into a church. I'm sorry, she pulled it out of another realm she said the man gave it to me listen okay then it says in all caps what the what with a bunch of question exclamation my sister found a genuine this is on all capital letters by the way my sister found a genuine union soldier's hat in our basement and talked to the fucking ghost months after i saw him last my mom bugged out made my sister take the hat off and leave it on the desk in my dad's study later my dad and uncle were able to research the name they found inside the hat are you ready for this the soldier's name
Starting point is 00:28:24 was albertson he was part of a union scouting unit and he was injured in the battle of gettysburg he was shipped to a field hospital treated and later moved to a larger hospital near dc where he died from his injury turns out our family's house was used as a union field hospital immediately after the battle of gettysburg both sides were treated from our home the field behind our house that the church owns and never allowed anyone to build anything on it so we used it as a fucking kickball field was used to bury the dead and our living room was a surgery room oh my god my uncle found a bunch of photos of our house from that time and there was a second story balcony way back then want to know where the door to that balcony was originally located yep you guessed correctly my closet was originally the
Starting point is 00:29:09 doorway out to the balcony which apparently is where a number of hurt soldiers jumped to their deaths because they couldn't live with their injuries anymore we always had odd things happening in the house lights and radios would turn on doors and drawers would open and close we'd hear footsteps walking up and down the stairs uh honestly none of that ever bothered any of us if my mom couldn't find something in the kitchen she would take a moment and say okay boys where'd you put my whatever she was looking for then whatever it was she was looking for would show up either besides the sink or in the middle of the kitchen table so yeah i guess my sister and i grew up with ghosts we moved to pennsylvania when i was 13 and my sister was 11 but growing up in that old house gave us both the knowledge and respect for the unknown it was pretty damn cool if you ask either
Starting point is 00:29:54 of us jen from pennsylvania that is the best that is the best story I've ever heard. Isn't that fucking nuts? That was the best story we've ever said on this show. That's my favorite one that we've ever told. It just got weirder and weirder. I'm floored. Floored. Wow.
Starting point is 00:30:23 Floored. floored floored wow floored i that's the reason i wanted a paranormal podcast was so i could get some quality shit like that yes that is so and she was like i don't tell this often i was like really i would tell this i would have a megaphone velcro to my fucking pants and i would say it at every person that ever passed everyone would know how do you not have that oh if she has the picture of the arm and the leg and everything oh if you're listening it would be a crime for you to not send us that picture please for the love of god any any photos you have i mean i know it was any photos but if you have it. Oh, my God. Let us know. I have full chills. Wasn't that not fucking crazy?
Starting point is 00:31:09 Bravo. Bravo. Bravo. Bravo. Ready for the next one? There's more? There's more. It's like Christmas morning.
Starting point is 00:31:20 It is. And another present? This is the best part of this podcast. This is our favorite part for sure yes except for also the facebook live videos that's probably our new also favorite oh yes that's a new favorite october 8th guys october 7 days from right now october 8th a full week 3 p.m pacific standard join the facebook group to know when it is and ask us questions because we like hearing what you want to know about us. Yeah, we want to talk to you.
Starting point is 00:31:45 Yes. Yes, yes, yes. All right, Em, it's your turn. All right, guys. You ready, Christine? I'm so ready. Damaris writes to us. Hi, Damaris.
Starting point is 00:31:55 Damaris says, hello from Texas. Hello from California. Yeah, all right. We were close. I was doing the state thing. Hello from California. Well, she's on your side because she says, Team Christine drinking mimosas. I am on board with that.
Starting point is 00:32:12 Damera says, I lived in Florida when my children were born. 1995 was my daughter, Sarah, and 1997 was my son, Colin. I never even thought about spirits of the supernatural until my son was almost two. The terrible twos bring out the worst in you, don't they? Yeah. Bring ghosts and everything. As parents, we know all about that. Well, I am Gio's step parent.
Starting point is 00:32:34 So. Oh, right. By default, Gio's, he's, I know what it's like to raise a child. He is currently hitting his terrible twos. So it must be hard for you. Yeah, it's hard for us. I don't even live with him. And, you know, it takes a toll on me every day.
Starting point is 00:32:48 He started with the not Gio, but her son. Gio started seeing demons. Oh, my. He started waking me up at the exact same minute every single night. OK, immediately get rid of your child. I mean, there's no reason to have my literal And my literal next sentence was, just put him outside and no one will know. Just put him, just send him to an orphanage.
Starting point is 00:33:09 Just put him away. He would tell me the best he could to make them stop talking. Nope. I thought he was making up reasons to sleep in bed with me as toddlers do. So I sent him back to his bed for like a week before I got thoroughly spooked.
Starting point is 00:33:24 Because 1.38 a.m. on the dot for a month straight. Oh, no. That's not a thing. He's not just trying to like sleep in your bed, you know? Yeah. Unless he's like so smart and then it's like you got to hand it to him. Like for a two-year-old, like well done. He deserves to
Starting point is 00:33:45 sleep in your bed at that point yeah exactly so uh 1 38 a.m on the dot for a month straight yes i felt like a terrible mom when i realized he was really being woken up oh well you did what you could he would tell me that it was a man and a woman who were arguing. He said they were mad. And just as suddenly as it had appeared, it had stopped. It wasn't until we moved into another house that was just built where more activity started up. He was now nine. All right, let's get into it. As we were moving in, we carried all of his clothes hangers into his closet, put them on the pole and left to go get more things.
Starting point is 00:34:24 of his clothes hangers into his closet put them on the pole and left to go get more things upon coming back into the room the hangers were all clanging together as if someone ran their hand across them a month later he woke up in our hallway with his nightstand on his chest and he was yelling for help oh my god excuse the fuck out of me i'm sorry i'm more sorry he had a nightstand on his chest in the middle of the hallway, and he didn't even wake up for either of them to get moved. He was just, like, screaming for help. Like, he, like, I'm imagining what happened is he came to from sleeping. No!
Starting point is 00:35:00 With that thing on his chest. That's some real poltergeist shit. That's poltergeist. It's one thing for a poltergeist to move a nightstand into a hallway. It's another thing to move the child into the hallway and then put the nightstand on him. And then casually place furniture on it. That's a middle finger to you. No, that's fucking rude.
Starting point is 00:35:16 It's so rude. Oh my god. And I also, it's one of those things where I'm like, do you think the child got like, like vanished out of thin air and then, like, plopped into the hallway? Or do you think he got, like, dragged by some force? That's what I'm wondering. Or do you think he floated? Or do you think the nightstand was put on him and then they both got floated at the same time?
Starting point is 00:35:37 Or do you think he got dragged into the hallway by himself and then the nightstand got dragged onto him? That's kind of what I picture, is, like like he gets dragged in the hallway and then the nightstand gets no matter what. It's too creepy. It's awful. And then he wakes up and is screaming for help, which is also also makes me think they it definitely didn't want him to wake up because you would wake up if someone was dragging you then dragging you for sure out of bed.
Starting point is 00:36:00 You have to fall out of the bed for sure. Assuming he didn't float out of the bed and get gently laid down. You have to fall out of the bed. For sure. Assuming he didn't float out of the bed and get gently laid down. So he gets taken out of bed, dragged into a hall with a nightstand on him. Something didn't want him to wake up. Right.
Starting point is 00:36:15 Which means when he woke up screaming for help, something wanted him to wake up. It was like, now you can wake up. It's so creepy. So bad. When we would be downstairs watching TV, we heard loud banging on the floor above us, which was his room. No one was ever home but the three of us. Another time, we were all in the kitchen of our very new house, and the oven's inside pane of glass shattered into a million pieces right in front of us. It just exploded.
Starting point is 00:36:41 It wasn't on, hadn't been on all day, and it wasn't even the exterior sheet of the glass or the interior apparently ovens have a sheet in between the two what the fuck and it was just the middle one that just went what the fuck i don't have time for that at all no thanks one day my daughter and i were in the kitchen talking and the cordless phone flew up and off of its cradle and slid across the counter and turned on. Nope. No, it didn't. No, it didn't. No, it didn't. I won't be able to sleep tonight. Thank you. At this age, I started noticing orbs in many of our photos. He was always in every picture. When he was 10, we moved to Texas and only two things have happened here since 2008.
Starting point is 00:37:23 My daughter was asleep in her room. It was the middle of the night. She heard something hit the floor, but was half asleep, but was half asleep. So didn't investigate when she did get up. She saw her jackets that were hung on a hook on the back of the door on the floor.
Starting point is 00:37:37 Now, when she picked them up to put them back on the hook, the hook was now upside down, but still 100% glued to the door shut so the hook itself had totally turned upside down but was stuck against the door as if it could have never moved and would have never moved and could not be fixed uh-uh And could not be fixed. Uh-uh.
Starting point is 00:38:04 Wow. Wait, what the fuck? Like, the hook is just, like, has always been upside down for as long as they know. It's just, like, screwed in, but... It's screwed in upside down. 180. But, like, adhesed. I don't think it's a screw thing. I think it was just, like, a...
Starting point is 00:38:17 No thanks. Built into the door, but was now presenting itself as if it were always upside down. No thank you. We couldn't believe our eyes i don't i don't blame you uh it was a huge hook too like two inches wide where it attaches to another surface so it was not a little thing it took it took me a steak knife to cut the adhesive from the door it was getting dull from the adhesive and i needed a new one. We were so freaked out. Oh my God. So it literally was stuck upside down all of a sudden.
Starting point is 00:38:49 That's fucked up. Again, did it just vanish out of nowhere and then pop back into our world upside down? How does that work? It couldn't just get physically pulled off and put back on if it was that hard. The last thing that has happened, happened twice. We have two ceramic crosses. Thank God you have crosses, first of all. Of course, they're ceramic crosses.
Starting point is 00:39:10 Here we go. Here we go. Buckle up. One for you, one for me. Buckle up. We have two ceramic crosses that hang above our TV in the living room. One morning, we woke up to find them
Starting point is 00:39:21 laying perfectly on the floor, face down, exactly spaced how they had been on the wall. So it's not like they fell and clanged together like they were perfectly placed. That is some demon shit right there. It's poltergeist demon shit. Oh, I have such crazy chills right now. Me too.
Starting point is 00:39:36 Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God. They did not fall because they are delicate and would have broken because they're ceramic. Right. Sure. They had to get lifted off and gently placed down. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:39:53 This happened one more time months after the first time. The nail still perfectly in the wall, the TV not out of place, and was directly below them, and the crosses in flawless condition. Oh, my God. So, like, if it fell, it would have also hit the TV on the way down. Right. One more thing happened to me. I was home alone and I made myself a cup of tea. It was so hot.
Starting point is 00:40:08 I set it on my desk. I sat on a couch right in front of it. When I sat and looked at the desk, the cup was not where I had put it. Just as I was thinking, um, it's on the edge. It knocked over and poured out on the floor. The strangest part was that the next day I heard news that my grandmother had died the morning this happened. Sorry this is so long.
Starting point is 00:40:28 Love your show. Damaris. Holy mother of God. I'm sweating. One last one? One last one. All right. So this is called Bong Ripping Sage.
Starting point is 00:40:47 Perfect. And Creepy Crawly Things. All righty from ally hi ally hi emma christine here's my submission for listener episode as someone very wise once said let's crack into it oh she called me wise i know how does that feel feels good and kind of like a lie but whatever i feel like you're living a lie i am a lie okay so i grew up in a very lds household in utah oh my latter-day saints yep for anyone who doesn't know so all spirit slash ghost talk was totally banned my entire life when i got into high school and had more independence i was super interested in the paranormal, probably because I literally never heard anything about it growing up. Right. I dove into it with a friggin vengeance.
Starting point is 00:41:30 Don't we all? A friggin vengeance. My entire life, I've always felt like there was someone with me, like I've never truly been alone. It used to really freak me out. But over the years, I've gotten used to it, except for the days when my cat is being extra spiritually in tuned. Over the years, I've gotten used to it, except for the days when my cat is being extra spiritually in tuned, an extra spiritually in tuned freak and stares over my left shoulder all day. Yuck. I always feel like whatever it is, it's behind my left shoulder.
Starting point is 00:41:54 So anyways, when I was 17, I met a girl who I very quickly became close with because she was just as interested in the paranormal as I was. We started reading all the horror stories all the reddits etc eventually we became super curious and we spent an entire weekend reading the necronomicon in the starbucks of a barnes and noble that's a pretty good uh memory to have with someone do you know what that is uh i'm imagining it's about death because necro necronomicon not about to spend 70 on a book that could literally kill me okay if you don't know what the book is it's pretty much like an encyclopedia of demons
Starting point is 00:42:32 oh oh fuck oh no okay maybe not like the best like memory yeah you're like what a even thinking about the book freaks me the fuck out after we read it we decided to get a ouija board oh jesus christ they're little baby christine i'm pretty sure she's me in high school maybe that's why she thinks i'm wise oh my we would be friends oh no oh wow oh my after we read it we decided to get a ouija board. Long story short, we did get in contact with Zozo. Oh, no. Again, saying the name literally makes the hair on my neck stand up. And the dickhead, a.k.a. Zozo, told my friend she was going to die on December 23rd, 2016.
Starting point is 00:43:19 Did she? She asked how, and he said by a car crash. Oh, fuck. She asked if she didn't get into the car that day, what would happen? And he said, fire. Okay, so that was it. I let her do her thing with the board, however you get rid of it, and we went on our way. A few nights later, some weird shit started happening.
Starting point is 00:43:42 Like I said earlier, my parents were really religious, so I never brought any of the stuff into their house. Good girl. At least you're safe at home. Oh, my God. Or is she? Based on your eyes. But that didn't stop the weird things from happening in my house like I thought it would. Over the course of a few weeks, I couldn't sleep.
Starting point is 00:43:55 I was having really bad nightmares, etc., etc., the usual. Okay, but shit got real when my little sister moved into the basement. One night, I heard her FaceTiming her best friend in the middle middle of the night they were laughing and giggling and being pretty annoying so i was yelling at her for my room to stop they wouldn't stop so finally i went into her room to tell her to stop being so loud and dead ass she was asleep like no faking it nothing oh my god she was without a doubt asleep and had been for a while. I have no idea who I was hearing. A few mornings later, she was being super weird towards me. And she told me that she had walked past my room the night before and that I was sitting straight up in my bed, eyes open.
Starting point is 00:44:35 She tried to say hi to me and it was like I couldn't see or hear her. I have no recollection of this, but I never sleepwalk. Oh my God. I know. Oh my God. We're fine fine oh my god no one time when i was eight i slept walked and peed in the pantry more on that later if you're interested in that story i am m's really interested i'm all about it but other than that i've never slept walked so that was fucking creepy okay but here goes the creepy PPP is part ever. One night I was
Starting point is 00:45:06 going to sleep and was just on my phone trying to fall asleep. I heard my sister, Sarah say, Allie, what are you doing? Stop. And she just started freaking out, telling me to stop and get out. I was literally like, what the fuck I'm in my room. So I walked into her room and she started screaming. As soon as she saw me, me she was hysterical so i asked her what was wrong and she said why the fuck were you crawling into my room i'm sorry no what the fuck and at that point i was like okay i'm gonna go bong rip some sage and cry for the rest of my life i want that to be my if if I could be reincarnated, that would be my senior year quote for sure.
Starting point is 00:45:48 I'm going to go bong some sage and cry for the rest of my life. AKA preparing for college. Cause that's exactly what happened. Preparing for life. But yeah, her sister saw her crawling into her room. No ma'am. The next day we staged the basement and that was really it. I moved out
Starting point is 00:46:06 of my parents' house a few days later for unrelated reasons. My sister said nothing else had happened in the house. It's weird because I don't think whatever it was disappeared because of some sage, but I more think that I realized I needed to stop giving it energy. I still pretty much always feel like something is with me, but again, it never does anything, and I'm only really freaked out by it when I'm home alone. It really is so weird that I had those experiences for a few weeks, and then they went away for seemingly no reason. It could have been my brain making things up because I was raised that the paranormal was evil and that I was doing something that was bad, but that wouldn't explain the crawling into my sister's room. Either way, it's weird as fuck and scary as fuck and i still won't go into my parents basement anymore good call good girl but you guys are amazing and
Starting point is 00:46:52 hilarious and kind and pretty much you break all la stereotypes except for the one about being a broke intern well yeah i feel like all across amer, that's all of us. Anyway, she goes, um, please don't be offended by that. No, I've no, listen as a really wealthy and successful person. Yeah. Right. I'm highly offended. You know, I think we just don't fit the LA stereotype because we moved here after living somewhere else for 25 years. Yeah, exactly. And we were like, okay, now we'll try LA. We're in LA and we're like, what this place yeah everyone's like do you want some kale juice and we're like no we do not we're like why are we here help we have no money we can't even buy the kale juice is 12 oh help me uh it's amazing it helps me get through the hard days at work love you both
Starting point is 00:47:41 forever and love geo itty bitty baby he's such a bitty baby he's such a good boy even more listen i was in the hospital when i wrote this email and i will tell you my brother was my brother spent my god bless my brother he was in my hospital room for like 90 of the time that was there and uh he was sitting in a chair over there and i was reading emails because blaze hacked the hospital email and or hospital wi-fi and gave me the password because he's an angel good boy good boy so i was reading uh podcast emails and i read this one and when it said what were you doing crawling into my room i just i couldn't even control myself i went and i let out this like
Starting point is 00:48:23 insane gasp and my brother goes what what's wrong and i went thinking you were like dying in your hospital bed yes and i went she crawled into her sister's room and he goes what the fuck and i wrote her an email and i was like ally this is the first time i've ever like verbally like made some sort of vehement reaction out loud. I, like, almost threw my IV pole across the room. But anyway, that story creeped me the fuck out. It's too much. This was the best listeners episode we've had ever. You guys, you're sending us great fucking stories.
Starting point is 00:48:58 They're such good stories. And it's awful because those were four, but I have, like, a thousand in our inbox that I want to get to. We have so many. You guys are sending so many stories. So like, we're so grateful. Even if we run out of murders and ghosts, like at least the number of emails we get from you guys, we can just keep talking about your stories. Well, you'll know when I've ran out of ghost stories, when I'm emailing you guys asking permission to use it as my story. Like, hey, remember that time your sister was possessed?
Starting point is 00:49:24 Can I just like make that my story? Exactly. So give me as many details as possible. I got to fill an hour. Guys, thank you so much. We love you guys so much. If you want to send in your own stories, you can do it. And that's why we drink at
Starting point is 00:49:39 You can also reach out to us on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, but don't send your listener stories there. Some of you have been trying to get real slick. I mean, you can, but I won't read them on the air. People have been sending me their listener stories or their ghost stories through Instagram and Twitter. And nice try, Sneaky Snakes. We told you. And that's why we drink at
Starting point is 00:50:02 I will never see them because Em will never send them to me. So send them to me, and that's why we drink at i will never see them because i will never send them to me so send them to me and that's why i drink if you send me your personal story i will read it and i will say wow that's cool you should send it to and that's why we drink exactly exactly so but we still love you we don't mean to yell you no and that's why we drink and that's why we drink bye guys bye

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