And That's Why We Drink - Listener Stories: Vol. 9

Episode Date: November 2, 2017

Welcome to listener stories, Halloween edition! We share an extra story or two before thanking our lovely Patreon "donators." And that's why we drink! ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 we're back world we're back and we are late so i apologize yeah but happy late halloween if you want to check out our halloween stuff we put, we put an audio episode on Patreon and we also created this amazing Halloween adventure video. So look that up on YouTube. It's a link in my bio on my Instagram. Okay. It's probably all over our social media too. Anyway, are we just diving in? Is that what's happening? I do want to say one thing before we get started and that is that I am really sorry that I'm behind on shipping stuff. We're getting so many orders, and we had to get a new order of t-shirts in, and I just have like hundreds of labels to print. So I'm really sorry. Everything is coming. I didn't forget about you.
Starting point is 00:01:00 If you're a patron on Patreon, your stuff is coming too it's just it's it's been a mess things take a while over here when it's not us it's us waiting on shipping and it's just me trying to do it all by myself like a dummy oh and it's all christine's fault right i forgot well it's just because like i'm the only one doing it so it's like oh what that's a side eye at me no it's not i'm saying you're like well i'm over here doing it by myself i'm just saying it takes a lot longer because it's just me like printing stuff and writing it down hashtag we need an intern i mean seriously we're working on it so anyway that's all usually we say all of our patreon donors names uh at the beginning but there's just so many of you guys that now we
Starting point is 00:01:44 are going to be doing this at the end kind of like a credit roll at the beginning but there's just so many of you guys that now we are going to be doing this at the end kind of like a credit roll at the end of a movie yeah it'll be fun and that gives us more time to like say everyone's name and not rush through it or anything like that yes because we've instead of there's only we can only say your name so fast yes and we're already doing a lightning speed so we will give us a break and your names will come after all of the great stories. And since it's our closest to Halloween listeners episode, we are going to do more stories than usual. We're not too many more, but we got a couple extras in there. A couple extra good ones.
Starting point is 00:02:18 So anyway, who would like to start? I guess you start. All right. So this is from Danielle. Hi, Danielle. Danielle says, hi, guys. All right. So here's my story for you.
Starting point is 00:02:32 I was born five months after my great grandmother passed away. My grief stricken grandmother always liked to say that her mother sent me to cheer her up. Oh, my great grandmother had a very uncommon name. Shrilda. Whoa. All right. her up oh my great-grandmother had a very uncommon name uh shrilda whoa all right and no one in the family ever called her by her name everyone just called her mom when i was around four we had gone out shopping and my grandmother had brought me a new baby doll i was sitting on the floor playing with my mom uh sitting in the chair nearby while grandma made some coffee as she was heading back into the room carrying two cups of coffee, my mom asked, so what are you going to name your new baby?
Starting point is 00:03:09 Without skipping a beat, I said, Shrilda. Oh my God. My grandmother dropped both mugs of coffee and leaned against the wall, very nearly fainting. My mother, being married into the family and not knowing what my great-grandmother's name had been, asked me where I got such a name. I pointed to the corner of the room where there was a rocking chair and said, that lady over there said it. She's really nice and she plays with me a lot. At that moment, my grandmother rushed over to me and began asking me questions about the woman
Starting point is 00:03:39 when I described exactly what she looked like, as well as her deep Southern accent and the fact that she sang me the same lullaby that she sang to my grandma when she was little i still believe my great grandma shilda is my guardian angel that's not why i drink i drink because the world is fucked have a nice day danielle have a nice day whoa i got chill i got goosebumps that's a good one my um cousin had that same experience with my grandpa when she was little. She used to point at a rocking horse and say, I made that. And then she'd say, yeah, I made it for Leah.
Starting point is 00:04:10 And her name was Leah. Whoa. And she never, I think she died. My grandpa died when she was like really like a baby, baby, baby. Yeah. Wouldn't remember him at all. But it was like he was talking through her about the rocking horse because he made the rocking horse for her. So anyway.
Starting point is 00:04:29 Trippy. Good story, Danielle. Thank you, Danielle. You got one for me? I do. This one, the subject is hey, howdy. Hey, howdy. From Nathan.
Starting point is 00:04:41 Hey, Nathan. Howdy, Nathan. Dear Em and Christine. Hey, guys. Howdy, Nathan. Dear Em and Christine. Hey, guys. My name is Nathan. I'm a student living in South Kakalaki. Oh, me too. Is that a real place?
Starting point is 00:04:51 No. I only just recently started binging the podcast, but it's super great. Hashtag team milkshake yo. Yo. I really enjoy dark stories, but I'm glad I can find a podcast that adds a nice amount of levity to the dark tales, not to mention there's a good dog in it. He is a good dog. Sometimes.
Starting point is 00:05:09 All right. Every now and then. He has his moments. Yeah, yeah, yeah. My story is a tad strange. So I've always been a massive skeptic, which is strange because I have my own personal ghost. Oh. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:21 Just one of those. How does that happen that you're... Okay. Anyway. Ever since my mother got pregnant with me, weird stuff would happen around the house. First off, pictures of my parents would slowly come off the hooks on the walls and slowly slide down. Ew, slowly?
Starting point is 00:05:35 Oh, no. Oh, my God. Oh, no. That's defying gravity. That's a demon. Oh, no. Pictures of my dad, who grew up in the house and said that nothing like this would happen before would tilt face down while my mom's would tilt face up. Shut the fuck up.
Starting point is 00:05:50 That is so creepy. No. I don't like that. That's a firm pass. Uh-oh. Alarm clocks would get unplugged and my dad would wake up to see them sitting neatly on the table with the cord wrapped around them carefully. Oh, that is wild that gives me that gave me that gave me chills my mom was a very spiritual person and this was north carolina in 95 so she blamed the events on her moving in with my dad before
Starting point is 00:06:17 they got married of course right catholic guilt is that why you have a ghost in your house because you haven't married blaze yet oh maybe that's it sorry troll hole or basement girl or what do you call her i i don't call her anything i don't want her to know about me you called her basement girl and then you said see i know it's a girl and i was like stop talking that's true although i will say that i one day that that whatever's in the cellar is gonna come up to you and be like you call me a troll hole i didn't do that that was a listener i forget her name i'm gonna find it and tell you so sorry girl it wasn't my fault i promise geo's sorry too look it's pissing off geo so we can't record that's what we get from troll girl stop calling her that how's nathan doing okay let's see what nathan's up to but after I was born the events
Starting point is 00:07:08 continued and I would do strange things around the house first off I would talk to someone that wasn't there I called him Bob and he was my imaginary friend but I would only respond to him and conversations were always one-sided in his favor I could also perfectly describe him as I got older I dropped talking to, and I myself started acting strange. I started talking in my sleep, then I started walking around, then I would start doing daily activities like getting dressed for school or brushing my teeth all while asleep, all the while accommodating for someone named Bob,
Starting point is 00:07:36 making two bowls of cereal, setting out two pairs of pants, etc. My parents told me that they would repeatedly wake up in the darkest time of the night to see a 12-year-old me standing at the edge of their bed and staring at them, eyes wide open, remaining completely silent until I was told to go back to bed, which I did slowly and quietly, walking backwards and never breaking eye contact.
Starting point is 00:07:58 Oh my god. Oh my god. I don't like that. Oh my god. Eventually, my younger sister started to talk to Bob too. Oh no. And when my family would take pictures of me, there would sometimes be some kid a little bit older than me in the picture as well.
Starting point is 00:08:15 He looked exactly as how I had described my imaginary friend and would seem to age at the same rate as me. Oh no. Naturally, me nor my family told anyone about this and it started to slow down once I got into high school I'm 22 now but I recently learned something As it turns out A couple that had been close to my family for years I called them my aunt and uncle
Starting point is 00:08:33 Apparently had gotten pregnant a few months before my parents did They sadly lost the child But they had already named him His name was Bob Oh no Dun dun dun Thanks for hearing me out guys I hope you liked my story
Starting point is 00:08:47 I've looked into every possible option as to why this happened to me but the coincidences line up too perfectly for me to remain skeptical I still talk in my sleep and sleepwalk but now I lock my door at night so I don't leave my room and start driving around
Starting point is 00:09:00 fair woke up in my car once oh my hope you enjoyed and I hope y'all Have a great day Nathan Jesus Christ Nathan Ay
Starting point is 00:09:08 Bob You know It's interesting that Even if the baby Wasn't born The ghost still aged Right It was like a friend
Starting point is 00:09:18 Yeah It like kept up Creepy Spiritually Super weird Anyway Are you ready for An email titled Dad in trunk i'm not because i need
Starting point is 00:09:27 some wine hold on here it is i'm ready when you are i got my wine you're ready for dad in trunk oh okay no yes i guess okay you already forgot the email the the subject line? Dad in trunk. Right. Let's just see what happens. Let's just see what happens. It says, hey. Hey. That's all it says. Really? No.
Starting point is 00:09:51 So I just recently started listening to you and I'm hooked. Listen. I have, I think, a doozy. Oh my. So in 2006, I was hanging out with some friends. A guy I graduated high school with was driving us in his dad's car. We already know where this is going based on that subject line. His dad's car.
Starting point is 00:10:09 Interesting. We just ran around and he bought some stuff for my friends, offered to buy one friend an expensive dog with his dad's credit card. Red flag number one. Red flag one, but also I would have taken that offer. But also, did they accept? He had told us his dad was out of town to Nigeria. Well, fast forward a few days later, and I get a call from a friend to turn the news on.
Starting point is 00:10:33 Our friend was arrested for murdering his father. He stuffed him in a freezer, but he had the body in the trunk of the car we were all in as well. Yeah, I still get the chills. Ugh! Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android android because i don't know who actually sent this in oh it doesn't have a name oh crystal oh hi crystal crystal i hope you're not friends with them anymore wait so the dad was in the trunk of the car yeah and oh oh my god that's so fucked up i know even to be around someone who murders their dad and go shopping
Starting point is 00:11:04 with that person is enough but to be in the car where like the dead body that's fucked, that's a fucked up. I know. Even to be around someone who murders their dad and go shopping with that person is enough. But to be in the car where like the dead body, that's fucked up. That's super fucked up. Imagine if you went over a speed bump and you heard something in the trunk and there's like, oh no, that's just like my gym bag. It's like, ah, that's the other, uh, nevermind. All right. We'll end it there.
Starting point is 00:11:23 Do you have a story for me? I was going to say the me about buying dogs with your dad's credit card but i mean obviously if i die right now i would be offended if you didn't take my credit card and buy a dog so i would rack up i hope that was the one thing he didn't die in vain over at least he was looking over his son being like so get that kid you did one thing right yeah okay let's see this is from alissa hey alissa sorry to be resending this i'm such a dweeb and forgot to put a subject and don't want this to go to spam or something oh what a fucking dweeb listen if i ever met a dweeb this is is the one the one well we've met her the one one dweeb. Through the radio waves. Okay, so I'm going to read two of Alyssa's stories that I really liked.
Starting point is 00:12:07 Cool. Okay. Hey, guys. My name is Alyssa. I've recently found your podcast and love it. I have a couple stories for you guys. So once a friend of mine had offered to check on someone's cats for them while they were gone for a couple of days.
Starting point is 00:12:19 She had to go by twice a day to feed them and give them some attention. And the first day she had to do it, I happened to be hanging out with so we went out to their house which was in the boonies by the way at least 20 minutes from the nearest neighbor and took care of everything no problem we left and came back about five or six hours later to take care of them the second time however this time when we showed up things were freaky the cat food that had been in a bin with a twist lid so the cats couldn't get into it was tipped over and spilled everywhere a radio was turned on and blaring music and the whole house was absolutely askew nope we spent all of a minute taking in the scene before hightailing it the hell out of there and driving 10 minutes up the road before calling her dad we waited for him and once he got there
Starting point is 00:12:59 we all went back into the house together when we got there it was all perfect no cat food spilled no radio on and the house was just as we saw it the first time oh my isn't that creepy that is way creepy it's like way creepier than just having this spilled and the mess everywhere oh my god if i were that dad i'd be like get in the car get in the car i'm so glad that the girls that the girl didn't have to go alone because she you know what I mean like the boat they both I wonder I wonder if someone was in the house with them and heard them saying why is it so messy and then cleaned up or like if that guy happened to run out and then they showed up and saw a messy place and then he came back and cleaned up after they left or was it a ghost i assumed it was supernatural but i don't know i mean i pray
Starting point is 00:13:47 it's supernatural instead of someone breaking in but also what kind of ghost is messy and then clean within the same hour but it sounds almost like a weird like glitch you know what i mean yeah yeah but at the same time like what kind of robber comes in it's like oh no they're worried that i'm that's fair that's fair i see my report's fair. And what kind of robber pours cat food? Well, my thought was it was one of those people that when you install a video camera and then you see someone living in your attic and sneaking food when you're out of town.
Starting point is 00:14:13 Oh my. That's weirdly frequent. That's terrifying. Maybe check your attic. Stop it. Or your cellar. Stop it. Okay. But why would he just pour cat food on the floor? He might have made a mess and felt bad and didn't want to get caught. I don't know. It's a ghost.
Starting point is 00:14:28 Honestly, it's a ghost. Who knows? When in doubt, sage it out. My second story is when my family moved into our new house. After about two weeks, I had accidentally locked myself out and went to get the spare key. However, when I lifted the rock, we had it hidden under. There was a note saying, I have a thing for blondes. Oh, fuck that. And no key. However, when I lifted the rock, we had it hidden under. There was a note saying,
Starting point is 00:14:52 I have a thing for blondes. Oh, fuck that. And no key. Now, both my sister and I have blonde hair, which obviously made the note pretty creepy. At the time, though, I brushed it off as one of my friends or brother who had moved out at this time, messing around with us and just left for school early. Oh, no. Oh, my God. When I brought it up with my few friends who had been to our new house, they all swore they didn't know where the key even was and hadn't left the note. My brother said the same thing, and he honestly hadn't been to the new house yet and had no idea where the key was hidden. Oh, my God. I told my parents that night, who promptly called the police and changed all the locks.
Starting point is 00:15:19 Thank God. Nothing has ever happened, but it still gives me chills thinking about it. God. I've always had a thing for blondes that is... And then taking the spare key. That's the creepiest thing I've ever heard. Anyway. Also, what's even creepier is, like, it's almost an everything happens for a reason kind of thing,
Starting point is 00:15:39 that she needed the spare key, because what if she had her key on her, went inside, and they didn't know for weeks that that guy had a key that's such a good point you know what i mean well how long did he have the key oh yeah how long might that note been there oh now i have the chills okay god i have lots of other creepy stories but i will leave it at this for now i hope you enjoy them and again i love you guys also i have to say i'm both a wine and milkshake drinker. Wish you both the best and hope to hear this on a podcast someday. Aw, like today. Like maybe today.
Starting point is 00:16:09 Okay. All right, I got one for you. Got it. Go. This guy's name is John. Hi, John. John says, hi, guys. I'm a huge fan and can't decide whose team I would be on, so I'm definitely team wine
Starting point is 00:16:21 shake. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Many are. We get that a lot. I feel like team wine shake and team geo are pretty synonymous with each other. For sure. When you can't decide, you just go with the fluffy thing. And we're just kind of losing out. Honestly, I would love to help you guys out. But as I am
Starting point is 00:16:36 only a military on a military pension, I don't get much. So I thought I would send you a story and said, Oh, well, thank you for your service. Thank you for your service and also your story. And we way appreciate that. So don't even worry. Alrighty. He then says, I hadn't long gotten home from a deployment to Afghanistan and was struggling to get back into the home life. Some nights I would sleep on the couch and I was having problems with sleeping in the same bed as my wife after spending the last nine months sleeping in a bed by myself. On this particular night, we had put the kids to bed and i had tried going to bed but couldn't sleep i decided to get up and go and get a blanket from the linen closet and get some sleep on the couch
Starting point is 00:17:13 as it was dark i grabbed what i thought was a blanket and when i got to the couch found it was actually a pillow topper for a mattress i thought that was going to go in a very different direction. I grabbed a demonic dog. I grabbed a ghost. I didn't really want to get back up. And so I just laid down and used it to keep warm anyway, as it was the middle of the winter. Not long after I had a conversation with what I thought was my wife, she asked if I wanted a proper blanket. I said, no, it would be fine. And she should go go back to bed i awoke in the morning being covered in a proper blanket and the pillow topper was folded up and placed on the other couch when my wife got up i thanked my wife for getting me a blanket last night but inquired to what she was wearing when she got it for me as it was a long oh as it was an old-timey long nightgown oh
Starting point is 00:18:02 my god she laughed at me and said she didn't get up as it was too bloody cold to get out of bed we bantered back and forth about getting about her getting up and she thought that i was just playing with her as we had other odd things happen in the house before a few weeks later my parents came for a visit and we had a couple of drinks and i ended up telling them the story my mother laughed and said that, and said that we had a visit from my great grandmother. As when I was a kid, my dad was in the army and spent a bit of time away from home. Whenever my father was away,
Starting point is 00:18:32 a lady in an old timey nightgown will walk down the hallway and check on us and then walk back. This would only ever happen when my dad was away. Anyways, love the podcast. Keep up the good work and go team wine shake, which is geo i guess it literally says that whoa john you and i are one i have goosebumps from that story i have
Starting point is 00:18:53 goosebumps from the geo part oh my god no but also that's pretty wild and it's that's pretty sweet that it's just like the the title of the email is just a caring grandma oh but it's true like she's only there when she knows that people need her. And it, that's really sweet. His dad would be in the away. She would check on people and go up and down the hall and make sure everyone was covered warmly. Damn grandpa.
Starting point is 00:19:15 Why don't you go up and down the hall? Actually, that's, that's a lie. He goes up and down the hall on my childhood home every night. Does he put blankets on you? He does not. So,
Starting point is 00:19:24 you know, step your game up grandpa all right give me one so this is a special one is it yes because i received this email and i was blown away by the story this is uh let's see august 9th it was a long time ago okay and then within a few weeks i was listening to my favorite murder uh a mini-sode and karen read the same story oh oh on the mini-sode so this is the same story same story and i thought oh my god because it's such a perfectly beautiful story so i i want to share it on here too um just so people can hear it yeah all right this is from kate
Starting point is 00:20:06 and the subject is beach day with my dead dad okay heartwarming already hi christine m baby g and all the other precious animals everywhere oh first of all i promise this isn't a weekend at bernie's situation okay good secondly i your podcast. M creeps me out on a weekly basis. You're welcome. And I'm pretty sure I'm not alone in my old ass apartment. Another story for another day. And what about me? What do I do? Nothing. She's here for me. Fine. I'm worthless. Here's my ghost story. Sorry to disappoint, but it's not a scary one. My dad died when I was 16 years old. We were incredibly close and I was a total daddy's girl. Losing him was really hard.
Starting point is 00:20:51 Every year on his birthday, I try to do something nice to remember and celebrate him by doing some of his favorite things. Drink martinis, watch old westerns, go outside, eat apple pie, etc. Sounds like a good man. Sounds like a great time. A few years ago, I was feeling especially bummed out on his birthday, just missing him a lot. So I decided to get out of town. I was living in Green Bay at the time and found myself in Manitowoc. Do you recognize that town?
Starting point is 00:21:12 No. It's from Making a Murderer. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. I was driving down some side road by the lake where I found the tiniest little beach completely separate from everyone and everything. The quote unquote beach was maybe 30 feet by 20 feet. I'm not a geometrist. It was small. All right. There were two chairs on the beach, so I decided to pull over and sit in one of the chairs and just watch the lake.
Starting point is 00:21:35 There was absolutely no one around. Perfect because I knew I needed to ugly cry and I didn't want anyone to see. When I sat down, I immediately started crying, but then I suddenly felt totally fine. I felt comforted and safe, a complete 180. After an hour of watching the waves, I got up to leave the beach. On my way out, I saw clear as day, my name written in the sand, Kate. It was at least three feet tall. I know I would have seen this on my way in because it took up most of the beach. Also, no one spells their name like me. Most people spell it with a K.
Starting point is 00:22:10 I knew my dad was with me, but this was just the slap in the face I needed to know he hasn't totally left me. Sometimes it's terrifying to know we're not alone, but it's good to know that people we've loved are also hanging around. That's awesome. Do you want to see the photo? Yeah. It's awesome. Do you want to see the photo? Yeah. It's wild. So that's the photo she sent of how big the letters were. And this was the beach. So it was like just that. And then when she turned around to leave. Yeah. It's like, it's definitely a small beach. Like you can't miss it. And it's absolute, like it's written in the bubble lettering. It's not just like someone drew it,
Starting point is 00:22:44 like wrote it with a stick. It's like someone designed. C-A-T-E of all things. And it's an obvious C-A-T-E. It's not like. That's crazy. The only thing that'd be weirder is if it was definitely her dad's handwriting or something like that, but also bubble lettering is no one's handwriting. Unless you're a seventh grade me who thinks that. Unless your dad's handwriting is bubble lettering, but you know, but that's awesome.
Starting point is 00:23:09 That's really, really sweet. That's very heartwarming i like that yeah that's a good one made karen cry on the on my favorite murder oh p.s christine check out 19 crimes banished you won't be sorry oh girl what is it i'm on it all right well i guess we'll find out no 19 crimes like the wine oh the, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Did you know that now with 19 crimes wine, you can hold your phone up to it? Only an iPhone 10, though. Oh. But if you hold your phone up to, like your camera up to the faces of them, they'll talk and tell you their story.
Starting point is 00:23:37 Isn't that crazy? That's wild. Blaze was like, oh, because I was asking about the difference between the 8 and the 10, because he just got an 8. And I'm like, why would anyone need the 10? And he was like, oh, well, actually, the 10's like with the 19 crimes bottles, you can hold them up. And I was like, okay, that's what I need now. Yeah, all of a sudden, Christine's only reason for an iPhone 10 would be that it makes your wine talk back to you.
Starting point is 00:23:57 I'm like, definitely worth an extra $400. But yeah, it's actually really fucking cool. That's awesome. So, all right. I got one left. Oh, no, only one left. But it's actually really fucking cool that's awesome so all right i got one left oh no only one left but it's a it's a long one okay okay good it's good i'm ready this is from brit oh thanks brit well don't thank her yet we don't know what it's about all right um greetings brit yeah what's up brit brit says hey says, hey guys, in all caps. Hey.
Starting point is 00:24:29 Britt Gomez here, sending you good vibes from Houston, Texas. My hometown is Desert Hot Springs, which is a speck of dust next to Palm Springs, California. I was just there. I've been there before. It's where I saw my first roadrunner. I didn't know that was a real animal. How cool. And I saw something standing in the road, and I was with my mom and Tom, and I was like, Tom, I think I that was a real animal. How cool. And I saw something standing in the road and I was with my mom and Tom and I was like,
Starting point is 00:24:49 Tom, I think I just discovered a new animal. And he was like, that's a fucking roadrunner. I think I just discovered a new animal. I was convinced. I was like, this thing is like a peacock without all the feathers. That's hysterical. Um, all right. And Palm Springs is where I've experienced most of my activity. Interesting. I was just there like three days ago. I didn't experience anything.'ve experienced most of my activity. Interesting.
Starting point is 00:25:07 I was just there like three days ago. I didn't experience anything. Kristen, you're too busy with writers. I did get a sunburn and got a cold sore because of it. So I experienced that. Interesting. We've had, we've had about the same level of fun, I think, in Palm Springs. You discovered a new species. I didn't apparently. Got shot down. There is so much I want to tell you, but today I'll just give you my favorite one. And then she even puts in asterisks, Christine's voice. Listen.
Starting point is 00:25:35 I think everyone can agree that listen is going to have to be our next t-shirt. Listen. Listen. I say it so often now. I said it at work today. I was like, listen. And the guy I was with was like, listen. And I was like, oh, no. it at work today. I was like, listen. And the guy I was with was like, listen. I was like, oh no. People in the real world are noticing it too. Being of Native
Starting point is 00:25:51 American descent, my mother and father have always been connected to spiritual things. So growing up, I've been taught to not be afraid of visitors. Oh my. Four years ago, my 19 year old brother passed away in my hometown and I've moved back home temporarily for all the reasons one might expect. Oh, I'm sorry. My brother Tristan was truly an old soul and courageous and at the same time was a pain in the ass when it came to borrowing our things when we were growing up. Our tweezers, hairbrushes, belts, seriously, nothing was safe, and he rarely returned these items to their homes. hairbrushes belts seriously nothing was safe and he rarely returned these items to their homes so upon coming home to california my things started going missing like my hairbrush that disappeared and then turned up in his closet high up on the shelves hours later oh my god that just
Starting point is 00:26:35 gave me chills as well as my earring that flew off my ear and got lost in the car when months later i went to the airport to return to texas my mom says he was begging me to stay home and didn't want me to leave oh that's really sweet that's sad so here's the best part there is an old ass hotel in my hometown called desert hot spring spa and hotel where people come from all over the world to sit in one of the many hot spring fed outdoor hot tubs that seat up to 30 people and more oh cool that's bougie and i love it can i go there well i've grown up coming here since childhood and to calm my nerves my littlest brother julian and i stayed here for a few nights
Starting point is 00:27:16 around midnight we went downstairs to get into a hot spring tub and as we were alone a haggard jamaican man with crazy long dreads appeared from nowhere, singing a nice song and decided to beeline it straight to us and sat in our tub. Mind you, there were plenty to choose from for privacy and he came straight to us. Oh boy. Not long after him joining us, he began talking to us and he started saying things that to this day make my body tingle. He turned to me in mid sing song and said
Starting point is 00:27:45 the king boy says you are all right and don't forget you are a queen which made me cry because tristan used to call me queen and we always called him a king of boys what that's wild that just gave me goosebumps then he started to sing songs my brother would play or sing all the time and it was almost as if this man was speaking to us but the words were my brother's words coming to soothe our broken hearts fast forward to the next morning when we were checking out we saw the man walking in the lobby and we ran straight to him to say hello this man had no jamaican accent anymore what he seemed alarmed confused that we knew him and it was as if the previous night never existed. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:28:26 I got extreme chills, and my little brother and I decided it really was Tristan coming to speak to us and let us know he is fine and we can rest with easy hearts. I know that this isn't the most exciting and spooky story you usually get. You're wrong. Wrong. But I thought you might enjoy a lighthearted one this time. I am a massive fan and forced my husband to put the TV on mute and listen to your episodes with me when a new one airs that's so sweet thank you for everything you do i laugh in hysterics in public and look crazy as fuck with headphones and i don't even care p.s remember that earring that flew off my ear in the car at the airport
Starting point is 00:28:59 when i was going back to texas yes well two months later when i came back to california to visit my family the earring was sitting on the seat of my mother's car when she picked me up from the airport that day. No, she gasped, started crying and said she spent a month looking for it for me every day and couldn't believe it was right there waiting for me as if he was happy. I was home. Oh my God. Mad, mad love Brit. XOXO. Look at my arm. I know I've got it too my arm i know i've got it too all over i've got it too that's crazy what that's crazy the hell that story all these stories gets me good gives me chills man i'm like brava guys and your little ghosties hanging out with you so many ghosties i know i like how even the skeptic is like i have a personal ghost i know it's fine i'm a skeptic but also casper's
Starting point is 00:29:51 my best friend all right all right guys well i hope you enjoyed the extra stories happy halloween um what's the opposite of eve fortnight morn morn yeah a fortnight is two weeks i know boxing day for halloween oh my all right well happy post halloween okay also this is also we're coming up on like all saints day and deal with de la suerte and all that so okay happy holidays we're still in the spirits. Happy spooky holidays. Yes, there's a lot of spookiness going on still. Thank you for everything. And we are going to try now to roll credits. Keyword try.
Starting point is 00:30:35 Try, try, try. And try again. Here is Team Milkshake. Okay, Team Milkshake, represent. Thank you in advance to all of my milkshake drinkers. Yep. Mr. Schieffer. milkshake represent thank you in advance to all of my milkshake drinkers yep uh mr sheifer that one kicks me in the gut every time i'm like daddy what a fuck you i always if it helps in real life my mom is absolutely team wine oh is she on wait she's on team that's rude she's on team
Starting point is 00:31:02 milkshake i mean in real life she would absolutely share wine with you before sharing milkshake with me. Actually, I don't know. They're both her favorite food. Okay. Baron Hard. Thank you. As always.
Starting point is 00:31:12 My dad. My stepmom, Elizabeth. Thank you. Thank you. Allison, Emily, Lauren, Alexandra, Anita, the bang strain. What? The bang strain. I don't know what you do with that.
Starting point is 00:31:29 Okay. All right. Just say it, I guess. Lail? No, that's an I. So like eel? Yale. Iale?
Starting point is 00:31:39 Iale. Why? Okay, tea and milkshake. Come on, guys. I know I'm the more sober one, but I can't read great either. Listen, at least you're not calling someone Marlon like the fucking fish. I probably am. If your name is I-A-E-L, please tell me how to pronounce your name for the future.
Starting point is 00:31:54 I-L. Sure. Sarah, Caroline, Laura, Bobby, Danny, Sam, Lisa, Carly, Shayla, Bonnie, Samantha, Bianca, Fiona, Lisa, Jessica, Andrea, Sue, Tamsin, Brandy, Lisa, Andrea, Kirkeys, Patricia, Erin, Emily, Gary or Jerry. How do you spell it? G-E-R-R-Y. Jerry. Jerry, Derek, Zach.
Starting point is 00:32:20 All right. Thanks, guys. Yay. All right. That's Team Milkshake. Now the the real luscious out there give me god damn i know there's a lot of us holy crap we're taking over i'll tell you what oh my god okay where are we okay so this is oh so jim donates, Jim and Marissa both donate more, but they're on team wine.
Starting point is 00:32:47 Okay. But I guess my dad did that too. Okay. Specifically decided he wanted to be on team milkshake. Yes, he did, but donate more than $2. So he was like,
Starting point is 00:32:56 but I want you to know that I don't, I want to look in your eyes and let you know that I'm deceiving you. And I don't want to support your drinking habits. Yes, I get it. Dad. Okay. So we to support your drinking habits. Yes, I get it dead. Okay. So we got Jim and Marissa who both, um, support us at a, at a higher level. So thank you guys. Okay. So let's see. Jim, Marissa, Maggie, Taylor, Emily, Aubrey, Christiana, Cara, Robin, Mike, Alison, Lori, Ashley, Africa, Stephanie on John, Ashley, Kathleen, Meg, Tracy, Sahara, Emily, Serena, Julia Marie.
Starting point is 00:33:27 Oh, Julia Marie, hi. I know you. Nick, Zach, Megan, Grim, Donald, Nikki, Heather, Jill, Andrea Lynn, Nicolina, Brooke, Amanda, Katie, Jessica, Jess, Nikki, Shelby, Lauren, Adrienne, Lexus, Heather, Allison, Zoe, and Crystal. Thanks, guys. I have a lot of pretty names on mine. I know. Sahara, Africa, Anjan. I have Bernhard.
Starting point is 00:33:54 You win. You win. Okay, so time for our $5 patrons. All right, thank you in advance to the fivers. Thank you to Jodi. Sydney, Emma, Jordan, Tiffany, Kyra, Claire, Ricky, Hannah, Linda. I thought it was my mom. I did too. Danielle, Brianna, Veronica, Steven, Catherine, Rebecca, Julie, Emily, another Emily, Shannon, Brett, Tara, Sarah, Josh, Stacy. Jocelyn. Megan.
Starting point is 00:34:25 Becca. Terry. Megan. Paula. Hope. Trini. Xavier. Xavier.
Starting point is 00:34:32 Xavier. Lori. Judith. Shamblefest. A current events comedy podcast, it says. Oh, hey. All right. Laura.
Starting point is 00:34:41 Megan. Kaylin. Ashley. Amber. Amanda. Leah. Sumit. Sumit. Yeah. Bear. Megan. Kaylin. Ashley. Amber. Amanda. Leah. Sumit. Bear. Jessica. Alyssa. Justine. Vanessa. Kimberly. Sydney. Melissa. Alexandra. Morgan. Allie. Another Allie. Emma. Justin. Camille. Sarah. Mariah. Stephanie. Kim. Danny. Brittany. Danielle, Jerry, Eric, Dana, Chelsea, Coral, Wynema, Rebecca, Jennifer, Samantha, and your brother Alex. Okay, now we're at the tens. All right, now we're moving to the tens who get a fun little Patreon package. Yay! And some people
Starting point is 00:35:20 have asked like, do I get one every month? And I was like, we wanted to make that happen. But like, that was the original plan. But also, no, it's too much. So we're working on getting you guys more stuff. But first, I just got to figure out the shipping situation. All right. But you do get when when you do sign up, you do get something for that. So yes, true.
Starting point is 00:35:40 Okay. Let's see. $10. 10 is Team Geo, right? 10 is Team Geo. Yay. Yay. We've got Karen. Okay. Let's see. $10. 10 is Team Geo, right? 10 is Team Geo. Yay. Yay. We've got Karen.
Starting point is 00:35:49 Katie. Dana. Andrew. John. Winter. Casey. Christine. Emily.
Starting point is 00:35:54 Oh. The head. Teresa. Teresa. Jesus. Sarah. Caitlin. Lauren.
Starting point is 00:36:01 Wendy. Jennifer. Samantha. Rose. Lauren. Erin. Michaela. Rebecca. Maddie, Justin, Angela, Chloe, Kyle, Kara, Caroline, Christy, Kelly, Stephen, Erica, Tina, Alexander, Angie, Lita, Courtney, Haley, Nicole, Christina, Mia, Brielle. Jackie. Shannon. Tara. Adriana. Allison.
Starting point is 00:36:27 Lauren. Miranda. Jamie. Janela. Janela. Janela. No, because it says Janela. Janela.
Starting point is 00:36:36 Janela. I think. Jenny Lee, maybe. Maybe. Sorry, girl. Tell me what's happening. Rachel. Morgan. Kayla. Melina. Emily. Taylor. Libby. Carrie, girl. Tell me what's happening. Rachel. Morgan.
Starting point is 00:36:45 Kayla. Melina. Emily. Taylor. Libby. Carrie. Michelle. Danielle.
Starting point is 00:36:51 Brandy. Laura. Ashlyn. Dawn. Heather. Haley. Kit. Kaden.
Starting point is 00:36:57 Nicole. Sarah. Chelsea. Sharice. Catherine. Shannon. Rosalie. Becky.
Starting point is 00:37:03 Jack. Laura. Jackie. Ooh. Danielle. Ina. Ina. Shannon. Rosalie. Becky. Jack. Laura. Jackie. Ooh. Danielle. Ina. Ina. Jesus.
Starting point is 00:37:09 Ina. No, I think it's Ina. Oh, I thought it was like Ida. I think it's Ina. Ina. I don't know. Velvet. What a cool name.
Starting point is 00:37:16 Wow. Elena. Alex. Ashley. Gabby. Sydney. Carrie. Jannie.
Starting point is 00:37:23 Abby. Kay. Tracy. Kirsten. Tammy. Amanda. Lauren. Justine. Justin. Justin with a Y. That's fun. Yeah, I don't know. Rayanne. Nicole. Rachel. Jordan. Lisa. Kimberly. Rochelle. Allison. Colin. Erica. Tanya. Sierra. Megan. Mitchell. Sarah. Lakshya. Carrie. Rachel. Amy. Bethany. Angela. Lisa. Jessica. Judah. Kate. Bronte. Sarah. Jordan. Wendy. Noelle. Carrie. Ryan. Amber. Kelsey. Ruby. Macy. Jessica. Manna. Manna? Manna. Manna. Shannon. Emma. Mary. Rebecca. Callie. Alexa. Rocco. Erin. Crystal. Danny. Molly. Kirby. Anna. Wendy. Chelsea. Chelsea. Michelle Theron Jessica Jay Jay Erica Sierra Maddie Lindsay Mary Caroline Christy Brittany
Starting point is 00:38:32 Caleb Andrea Erin Michelle Jordan Amber Ashley Hunter Danny Hillary Elena Hunter Molly Casey Elena, Hunter, Molly, Casey, Erica, Christine, Karen, Julia, Martha, Laura, Dobby, Jeffrey, Kia, Jory, Aaron, Tiana, Ashton, my mama, Linda. I almost said her name. Yeah, you did. My mama, Linda, Linda. I like that song though uh elise marisol rachel cc is that your sister yeah that's my sister and your friend cc and my friend cc johnny oh johnny be good and then your mama renata what was the song again your mama renata was it i don't even know what I just did. My mama Linda. My mama Renata. Bum, bum, bum, bum, bum. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:39:30 Thank you guys. Wow. Wow. Sorry. I'm sweating. That was a lot of words. I really didn't think the list was going to end. It was going on forever.
Starting point is 00:39:36 I was like, is it going to stop? Nope. Never. And that's why we drink. And that's why we drink. And also you guys are the fucking best for making us have to read all those. Yeah. What a small price to pay.
Starting point is 00:39:45 Amazing. Thank you. Thank you. All right. Our $25 patrons. Is anyone still here? No. Probably not.
Starting point is 00:39:53 Not me. Let's hope. Not you because we kicked him out. Okay. So we want to give a special shout out to a couple of people who are donating over the $25. Holy crap. Mark. So we just want to say a special thank you to a couple people who are donating over the $25 holy crap mark so we just want to say a special thank you to Julie F
Starting point is 00:40:08 and Orion yes so thank you guys for donating more than even the $25 which that's way way too generous thank you so much thank you we're gonna find a way to we'll find something we'll find a way to up our up our game a thousand percent okay so let's
Starting point is 00:40:24 go on with the 25 rewards samantha hannah antonia antonia antonia antonia chloe erin olivia allison abigail tristan uh taisha tiasha or taisha i think it's taisha right okay jamie drea desiree mio priscilla amanda blaze oh my hero who i also dressed up uh for as halloween you guys we have to post those photos it was epic uh tessa eric jennifer lisa emily kevin classic classic kevin i feel like we always know who's going to have a good month based on who gets to say Classic Kevin's name at the end. You know what? Yeah, you're right.
Starting point is 00:41:10 So I guess it's my turn. Well, I tried to say it with you, so can I come to it? One, two, three. Classic Kevin. We're going to have a great month. Okay, for sure. Anyway, so thank you guys. Those are the $25.
Starting point is 00:41:21 Also, you guys have some pretty bitchin' names. Yeah, okay. What's going on? How come my name is not great? Let's talk about Orion and, like... I like Taisha. I like the way she spelt it. Taisha.
Starting point is 00:41:33 We had a Sahara. Like, these are really fucking badass names. I think there was one named Africa. Yeah, Africa was... Damn! They're both team wine, in case you were wondering. Oh, wow. There's a Luxa.
Starting point is 00:41:43 There's just, like, really cool names.. Oh, wow. There's a Luxia. There's just like really cool names. Judah. Bronte. That's a good one. Got a couple of Wendy's, Ruby. I like Wendy bringing it back with Casper. It is. What a very Halloween thing to do.
Starting point is 00:41:54 Oh, I thought that was from Peter Pan. What's Casper? Casper and Wendy. They're both Wendy's. We were both right. We were just thinking of different things. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:42:03 Okay. Wendy's like Little Red Riding Hood, but Casper's best friend. Oh, I guess. Hilary Duff played her. Casper like the ghost? Yeah. Have you never seen Casper meets Wendy? No, I saw the original Casper's on VHS, but I don't know what you're talking about.
Starting point is 00:42:15 I think Wendy was her own show, and then it was supposed to be like a collab. Is it a ghost? No, it's a little girl witch in a red cape and hood. Oh. And she rides around. I think she was her own show. And then they were doing like a crossover movie where Casper meets Wendy. Oh, shit, man.
Starting point is 00:42:31 It was a good one, though. I didn't see that. And Hilary Duff was, you know, in her prime right before Lizzie McGuire hit the scene. Love me some Hilary Duff. Anyway, guys, thank you so much for everything you do. Thank you for this. These are our favorite episodes. They are.
Starting point is 00:42:43 We have so much fun. It means a lot. So thank you. Please keep sending your emails to us and that's why we drink at we have hundreds of stories so please don't despair if we didn't read yours we're still going through them it's just gonna take a while to to tell all of them and all the people i just listed your merch is coming we love you it really is and please don't be mad at christine if you're gonna be mad at anyone be mad at me because half my job is to just get the shirts to her and then shipping takes for fucking ever. And no, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:43:10 It's nobody's fault. It's just that we're a two person operation while we're both working full time now. So it's, it's, it's just, we'll find a way to not, you know, rip our hair out. It's an adventure. And that's why we drink. And that's why we drink. And that's my mom. What was it? And that's my we drink. And that's why we drink. And that's my mom. What was it?
Starting point is 00:43:26 And that's my mama, Renata. Why did we say each other's moms? I don't know. That was weird. Thank you, guys. And that's why we drink. And that's why we drink. Bye.

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